HIGH' WHEAT BIOS Seattle Miller Runs Up Price of Bluestcm. DEMAND OTHERWISE LIGHT Grain Oficrlnca n the Loral Market Are Small Active Trade in Irh Frult.a Car of New Pof-ittn-e) Comlrmnrd. Tle b.-HIra en f wt.'ll pr.c-s tv ems of tha Seattle enillere la keening North wrltirg inffl market at a Bigs level. The demand e'teahere !a not keen and even In Itilf Quarter tne buying l not extensive, but tt te sufflcl-m to k-ep the BKrt la aa excited eon-ll'lotv. The operations of the fteattie mt::er are con Ined principally to blueetrra. l"r w'lich he nae la.d '" as BT irnit Ha la said to ba licaa'.Iy stocked with caeas Mnl u4 caa weil afford the luxury ol maklrt bl competitors par up foe tba grata they require. TMe lorr.l narkM wa alow. There wwe only -a Ucht Ir.julrr from California, uf fsrtrss were xery small ar.d prtcrs were seated Bir.irfriL OaC and barley war steady. The sup ply of the lirmff waa suffi'-teat for local rervo,trenaeats. Local r-ceip-s. In . wer f pirt'd by tha Merchan-. rTirri-ir-a as f-ll"s- V, ;.al li-artey l-iur Oata Hit M-r.da, :- 1' I? far ..... I". -. ee f due .It-.-, f-' '-- T-.r . .. !:s i-'" " j T"ie a. fe ahe.it ej.tlt:ea of tba Mer chants fci- f t:ow. Aiu-ricaa i..le Jw.'t''' i:o..r.eie. re.- a v.r M. V: :.!..... .i a .- j i. i "' -, jz i J.- 3. f- l 1 ; .-. i . - " ; " v oi. -' '-'- --.-T . j j. i -i : - ' s- J ir.a i. Ijti i-.;ul.-i I..""0 r t Q n-.nla r"-a . . r..t.f llr V War '1 n. .r,.,t ..:::.:. at .u-) l.!-". tt... .J '.-.h.;m t. .f.o-ir Ir ..1U , .i w-k r. l f r.l.na ar.lit! ri J." vr Mat .V 'l1' V , : ! " . .-an . ; SI. - 3- (.. , i........ 2 ::- :..-" t x ..,.- ' . . i ' f.l.StelVSO: aifalfa. ftlSl'S: ctoTar. :340olJ; sraia bar. u iJlt5- 'iftlaim aa4 Frwfta. TROP'TAi. KRU1TS Oraaa 13 9 I pr boa: t a.ifornla arapafruiu UtllSo- baaanaa. Btitc pr pound: ! ap-i' ts; :.' par eraia: lnna. KKF.fll KKLIT otrawbarrlra. Or.aoa. : o l prr crata: Ca:if'a:a. Lt0 3 tr crata; brrla C a Pr pound: ap-pl-a. :gl par boa; cbrrl.a. fi.t.tj' Pr box. VKETABLH Aaparaa-ua. P' doicn. braaa. ljv.c; cabbaca. hunar.dw.:nt: cucumbrra. ,l 1 fT do.a: .aidant. 13- r-.,.-iJ; ar;i.-. ,V, prr pjuao. latlura. ttiic p.r dox.a. not bouaa Uttaca. ll.ISOt.Ti p.r box. praa. HiO prr pourd; p-pprra. olic pr pound: ru tjh.a. use pr d"rn: rhobarb. It8: par Ai-K rlLir:TAB:.i:.i N.w carrota. $: 0 pr J'-K; tura.ua. :.: brrra H l'UIAIiK ur-ln a J h :aft-m. i per bundr.d. aaw potaiota. o.;o3.oO pr tUr.lo.v O-T'-al wax. 7H. r.d. la prr boztOrad. Oalrr a ad Cwoatrr Prawaoa, POCI.TKT ll'tia. ltITe: broll.ra. SSc; ducka. our.. iil. t. Borolnai. turkrra. 3 c. .l-.aje.i. choic -3c jCitij Otfioi ranch, canal, d, Ila par d -n. r-o . Mint. prr doxen. BLTTi.K tlt craaaiarr aai.-a. I aao -p-unJ priuta. la ro. -4: rrr pound: laa tr.an box Iota, rartoaa and dxiv.ry axtra. Hir.i.t ruu mam, twlaa. liJ par !'.. .K Am.riri. lc i'iKK Kaacjr. lullo par pound. . VEAL. Kanrjr. lojllc per raund. UAild 1U to 20 pound, lol.c; 11 rHatwa (raccrira. SALMON Colombia Klrar. 1 -poao talta. 13 1 per dox.n; ;-poun.l tal.a. -: 1-P-..nd f ata, i0; Aiaika pink, l-poaad ta;.v : . rorffct-Roaat.d. m drama. r3 O 4o prr TcTS-Walnula, 1TS1 PT poond; Itraxll nut. lolc: O.berta. lc: alrnond. KblK; p.acana 1: cocoanula. tOcull tl d.n: choinuta. lis. par pound; nlckory nti-. t Iwc; per pound. HuNE V l liolta. o.;i par cara; atralnad. Sac per pound. ULT liranalatad. 1 P-r too; balf-aro-ird. lxa. Kio per ton: aoa. o per ton. Ii Ar omall abit.. 4-jc; larxa wMta. ',c; tjma. nr; pink, oc; rd al.xl- Cir.. rte; ba KU. C. IIICE-No. 1 J"?""- c: chraprr craAra. : .,. 4. .v.; houuiern heaJ. i , jTo; Ira i..:: imeprtat. 4 V: Imported extra No. 1. . V I S c. b liAR Pry arannlated. fruit and brrry. fi..'. ..10W L. a..0. po-ueii. - ' Trma oa romlttancaw within li dara, dt du-t V,o par pound: If later than 14 dara and within 30 dara. deduct ,o per pound, atap'.a auar. li t) Ific pr pjund. lfopa. Waal aaat II Idea. ItnrS 1: I eetntracta. 3i par poun: cr-.rx r:c: i) crop, l.trlewc: olda lc ! H Al K t'bolca. alio per pound. WtHI. Ht.ietB Of..Mn. Ili UISC par p-'ut-l. a.-cor.litia to aarinkag., ai.ejr. 11:! lie PnT pound. I'E .TJ irr. or; aaltrd. eotsnrry palla, X,. , 1 1 par pound: Iamb plta, Soo. II HF. Salted bldf. It per pound: ::ed calf. IJc: aa.ted klo. l!,e; raited taaa. i: ren b.dca. to leaa; dry Mdea. i;c dr calf. IT.jltc: dry ataix. U J Uo. I t.-. hA BAKK Par pound, be. .HALS ilAud Wb.al. (Ht; oata. r, . ii.ii.i.H.r nc.i'w t 3ooO .r I a h ;im--nt. ti to data. T o il a e.-a .-na pelo. r...n, J i ; ! a.. a .-.Itlanada t:t J'4"." :t Jt .- i t: h .-.:.!-t , ft m . 4"' -' , .-.an porta ' ' 4i.-.. .... a . l"- :n I.' 4a.;orf..a 4 aia.. ow Total .KIT OT3.0WO o4.Jtl.0O m . tit rrri rortTons ir..TaaOTrr. MortWaHarral at ta-.lt lea Taka tha SaCxaar lata Tbrar Vwa llaaata. Oaetlnar word thAt ear of T.xaa Bear paw taroea lnr.ated wlrlt potato buca bad raaene-l l Ma e 'T. tl. M- Wili'aiaa.a. aai ra tjary of tha itt.ata rtoard of tlartleattura. and J, C Starub-rry. County Frail la-apae-tor. yeatrr t ay na.la aa tnT.a-.sx atlna aad fnd lntf tha fn-ta a r.prea.nle.1. cedasrrd tfta eontenla e: tlia ear deatrorast. la tba aft rna.a lb ear waa tak.n ta tha ooaathcra PacrTa car ab.-ira and tha Interior t-hnr auahly te-ame.l. Not only wera all tba boara kllle'l. but tha potatoaa wera alao roxfte.1. Tlia ear tama f- Tacla lk.. Tax, and araa ancinally billed to. baa Fran elaeea. Tlarav Inatead of deatrorlna tha po'atoaa. tha r.retxr..ea dlr.rtr-t tba hlp-. mant to oaktan I and friim tha latter plara tt araa aaat 1'ortlanl. Tha horticultural aathofitTaa hata wraely decided ta pat tha peata ant cf ax'rtenca. rather thaa allow tba car to ba aer.t aa to another ptara. atarrral rail ajro a Imllarly Infrated ear of Texaa p.'tato.-a arrt-. ed her and a Front -oerart eommtralon man un.lrrtiaolE to fumt caba tha exr Mmaaif. b'it wtaea tha pota toea wara a-'iTaanla dljplared aa tba atraat f'ir aula the buca wera found to ba fcllra. !rara ir.lamaon and FtanaSerry. by totally de-o.t-!Y tha eontrnta of tha reread ear. followed the proper conraa. I.r.MOX MIRRFT ill FTFRTTaTirRr. Laeaal ITtew wa Faary la AdVaracrw ta 94. tV ftrawben lira I Irak. Tba le-n.-n wark-t la boom In r all orar tha eo':ntrr. h-t ana In tha Kaat baa arnt prlcea aoartaa there and California Mrpera are aim at rta'ly adranclrc their eeHlr.e pe"- I"aney lemon, wera quoted up to 14. 3 in the loal market yeaterday. fha h-t wej.rh.r cr.a:ed a etrotur da. enaad for atraaberrtea aad tha recelpta arera entlreTy Ireufri'-lent. lalrra look for a plentiful a;rr-r when buatnraa ta ra aamed W'ednea.l ar morrl-r Orea.-a berrlea ro d at IJ 30 to 113'K II " d tt.aera brlr. tha ltter prtve California Doltara cleared ap earlr at 13. The frat era: of can'jloitpra arrived from rjrawlay an 1 w.-ra ouoted at tl9 a crata. -er Tork avl.vi &ot'-d the ele of a cmr .-f rai.f -n'a cherrlee al I'V-oaa. whlcb to tjta h xheet prtco a.er paid for tha nret Cal forula car. 1IAM.4 10 to 13 pouaii. KtrlTe: 13 to 14 pounde. liViUli'.c. 14 to 14 pound a. Ill, via.:: 14 to la pounda. liatlao. aainnal. lao. pK-nl -a. 11 Sn cottaxa ro;t. 12 Sc. uM;u XIIAI.' lieef toacuea. lo: d".d t C eeta, none; outaldea, aoaa; ln etd.eL - - . kauckleei c HACUN Fancy. 34--. ataadard. 24c; cbeicr. - : -: !: 1'h. lu-r. tllt 8A1.T CI llKtr Rerular abort cleara, dr. exit. 13 sr: ernoaeo. U:ic; ba.-ka, llxnt. alt. loc: moked. lilt; ba. ka. beary. ealt. 13Se: em o had. llat. uporta, aalt. loci ail"L 14c. l.AKD KetOa rendered, tlerera. llol ti:'.. He; choice, tlercea. a,c; tuba loc; tuea. Itc: choice, tlerca. ae; tuba, lvo; bort.nlr.a. tlereea e: tub. SaC LEMONS AT HIGH PRICE SKATTI-K QrOTATlOV GOFS TO $.76 ITU liOX. I'Ulnff InM ITirv iur?n-efi cm-r on t !owf f..r hv h4 er v b I rTfrr-Cff tn aa rf f -rt to .rait tf!h-r r"" irv Pnint of EH I 'll ri' 1 tanounirmtnt an tm r:!'rvt i ap:! TT.r ar All I- mi ttt. on t:; t.r.4 jl.. .- t.t p.-i. bus tr:T- i t d.ffr b p?' -i -- : tK trokr prio- f-r tj.. . . rt. h.'' tr out for II Vi. :. for II '. aa.i :! ".-r f -r SI v-V IrTl4r Are .dTncrd With a Strooc . Pcmand Smalt Trade SEATLE. May -!. plal lofmjni Ju-r j-h1 60 cnu ftcala tdr. mavJwinv a ftdrftntr of ll.it pr bos In tb ;( 4 hour. Th bt lemon, will b t UMfllTt tontuorrov. Th l4-r-T d-rnftA(l ry atrontr. DI tt,r ftold as hlf- 4 Knnwlt fcj an! local at 1S to l 5. TnalghM r-r-ii.ta will tf l:r.t and lr lv-ok f.T hihr price tomorrow. Forty cria! of ruyaliiip rtxl rvprrTl4jt bav p-a oon tr.'aMl fr T ft Kro. V. I-. dr. A utratcht carload of t";.forn;a red onlona r-rT-ei an4 w.rt q joteal at 1 rr aclc ChrrriM moved ilot; at $1 43U.aV. Tl. drmantl for diry jar-Mucw w exr-t-ttooa.iy '"tlv, V-MK rev'eipta wero h--r. I i..-ra espaMTt ft-ite-rt. rcn ajTt.n from sow on o bo poor. Iwalra are acln dre-w-tr poultry In ordr to kp atocka cleaned up. White oata were quoted at Z$ to tha craia waa offered below tJ.at quotation. ITona.se of the brc-t oata crop over rair4 It. the Northweat la CTmrooncina: to oxert ft bearish Ir.fluenco on pr;c--. ,.x;i! leraMo old hay la a.o offfrrd. T.i city hay buainoM t tfw Pi!a on Jo t rrvra en t a-jpp.ie f -r the lbillrp& d urine com:nc yo--r will yrvXllf bo a-iei for about July 1L l ROUlCX AT AX lRaiNri?CO. Quolatloevf Carrmt In tbo Un Oty Mar ket a. PAN F..AVTS0. iiay -Tt T?.o fllow Ir rrrttiu pn cm were curr-nt ttlAy: . Ui:umtcra. 4" a CO-; cartla, lie; ren en. 1 ,r1..V; utrtre b'ar.-. 2 j aTrau. 1 C; loruatoca. -e i 1 .'J: cfp.at.t, lo j lo Itu:tr Mn r Ti-j.:ti. ry. Ctje. Kirn-M-r. fA"cy rnnch. Slo. t iir-M Yut. Atuvrlcaa, 13 l.c. - .. r. Sotturai. i; a'.uSt lirau. 9H-r j !.; mMdMnyt, j-fjit App. cholca. .:-; rcmmcs, $ !. -i. van rrr--. " 'i o ; fa t torn la ru..rv4V (iioic. I.' '. con-.tnoa, ia; i-r-au. :-. - -- Ha- -u h-;. MU'HM jt ton; wheat and uti, $i'i1J: ;f'.:. tJ 7 1 1 l-otittf i sa'inaa Hujbai.ka, al S; Oro ffora. I- .'Oa-T - ". !:.-.;-; nr. ti.5 q.i..r--r aarka: W"iat. 'J(rft c'Ptla; tarlev. renia.a; o caJi :-. b--a:v. 4u aacka; pota'.oca 4.-0 aa. ka. . t r. OLD WOOL IN DEMAND I AKt.f ll .MOVKMKNT I THE HOSTOX .MAKKKT. Vlfttk Market f4 Clekkew. Te t it jo a" m t h .e Jr-fia-d out f trie p.;Jitry c-a-k't. T.-i"- hr):y ay alTRiC'l ' - ' 'f'-'' -'ib an! hena wavfe o.'?eire-l aa Uw aa I cir.-:a Th-re waa inrt r..;i.ry r-r lf b-.l-r, b-il Vu);i w .u.1 t pey T - i'o!l T nrrt ja fi.-n at le: wek a pr1 tt-r -r. 1 c.-. w r a:--jf ar.4 ua- r- c: j -lay llwtvak trieiavHwc a-ir la n.t: iai;tra c: a - aa I ") i '-- pA'anc-a. - - r 1. i ; v 9 l"a.a.. Orwlw, Flwftr, Fee4. n cT-elX R-uu b--l .; evr-f-aw PArr.tr- :-e feetf. If -I V. '.alittV. LlrVlf . J. rja.e-S l4f- t - k . . .tfaii itti r earr4: r .- .a i -i. ea-irta. J ti Vwy, . XT- ix. I- W -la J I'Oi: :S .- a. e-. r-a k-X e-W pf to cat 1 t, W pr la-rta. .1 ,y VmoL. ('rrt Cifl -t. Ka. tt. Inquiry I Chlrfly for Territory C.raS- and Values Art. Hold In 4- Mrarir. ltO-T-"V. Vat A b-rttar drmand f'-r a.;4 -.alta rep"rt7d. till al.te hoMrf ua4v. Th tnjairy run to trrtry at. -.-It rT.rr aa tv nearby f'.eoea. and ft f t.aaa'e tranaav-t .t a ba.a been ctori. W'.th te cTT.Anl -'-p Ohio f.e.-4-a t'mltfM. ft few aa, .4 a ht a beon cnaT.mn.at4 at 24o fr tua-Tr-b.e.-k4. while w abed de'.aino brtrca ; f t,y cnta T-rr'ory ta?lra U ftt io to ST.- cc'ured. Wh!ie Montana In original ba'-e baa -eo trnafrTed at MS eonta Krort in-ta t! -n eat tnJ: at rootmned r-a. nc la a.t aeet!na w'th r '-' ftrerirc fr rn 14 to It centa a-4-ord:n to Ux-a. ;.iri l-il e1 wool ftxd ! :au proa-lucta are duiU Te teaJi-a; otatlotva rft&4T ft foliowa rr -a red Teaaa. ', It moB?b. 4IJ 4V: ra, f ta I notrtha. 4 1 tf : ajaj FmiL ltJ Ca:-frnia NortHorn. 44 9 440; ho u tha rat, air-. Fail, f . 4o. (T-.oi, l.aatariw ! t pla 84 Fra. Cla7t:.l&. 41 4 Va..T. .Na S 44 7 ?. T-T:try. ro at ap. S'tyJ?: flaa w-.edl om aaf .. tj -' tt.ed:ufna 4 9 4 : ra r-Maod mtmtuxLg. -(J.o; tt.ree-e:Bhth bed. cerrrir a. 4afl.o. Quainar;oo4. co-Yabafiaj. 44 . Ju;)e4. ma fiai:e Coo ilMci o-fioxa. 4iC"- SHORTS A PIC Small Traders in May Rush to Cover. PRICE UP OVER 3 CENTS a AVbe?at Is Tlocelrcd at Chicago br Trainloads. bat Too Iate to De-IfTf-r on Contract Nar-Crop MonUis Aro Wk. CHICAGO. May 29. Violent upward laapa of tba May wheat price today reaulted from tha timidity of (mailer horta. A gTwuP of ahorta made Tlolent efforta to protect themaelrea with Tarylnr reaulta. J'w crop month a wera weak and doaed at a not loea of a,ttt to lo. Corn flnlahed with a de cline of Ho to 2V.O. Oata off etto to Ho and pronalona unchanged to TV.O doarn. May wheat held atubbornjy Dear tha top of tha eaatoa. final aalaa brine at ILOa. a Bet adranca of 3 .c. Bualneaa bad hardly becun before the prlca broke orar tha dol lar mark and at that time alraoet every rhanira meant woa to tha ahorta Tha altua tlon which tha trade faced waa that, al though wheat waa arrlelne; here In train loada. tha araln could by no e?oealbU!ty ba put In etore. graded and delivered In time to apply oo oontracta which explra May tl. The aampla tablea around tha pit wera loaded with tela aort of wheat )ut too lata and b..!ne; relnly offered at a aacrlflca of nearly Inc. a bushel from tha ficurra obtainable for cram actually tn atore. .The Hoard of Trade rulea prorlda for majclna contract wheat on railroad tracka In tha yanla hero dellvrraauo. but only when atoraxf room la filled up. July raneied from Raic to rOSO and cloaod 4. tj t.o down at ftnaaC Rainy weather and large conalcamenta made crop weak. May aolna at ona time So, o under tha cloaa of Satordaye price. July fluctuated between E2aC and Mtio and In the mi wax fi3Ttf.'3x a Bet decline of laslc Cah irradee wera weak; No. 2 yellow flmahed at 604 eb4c. tiood crop reporta turned oata downward. Jul. varied from ..o4o to 31 So and closed a. If So off at 15 Sc. Proa-pacts of a heavier run of hoca this week broucht about an easy frellna In pro vialnna. vhen tha pit waa cleared pork was c to THc lower; Lard unchanged to loo off. and rlba tha aama aa Saturday Bltfhu to Tac decllna. Tha lead 1 r. g ruturea raora aa follows: WHEAT Open. inch. I.ow. . .$ .', LUa t ..u . , .IJa .. Jla ., CORN". Vity Juir ept. Dee. .: .l.W Clo.e. II 01 .-a, . May .4 Jj.r .om .1-tlt. ...a. Jl L'eo. . . .;:a May .. .IS J'J.T .JS'4 -PL ..... .15 w leo. KSa .ni .(J .La .ft .M .t.t .33 .111 Jury .. Jnly Sept. July Sept. .35S .3ft, Jaw 14 I7H l.ll S.3. 7 IS !. .51 -US .t Oata .15S .Ija, .law MES3 PORK. lOt lt.5i 14.M I J.RD. .; 33V4 1 S.37H tl .3 8HORT RIPS. J7. .ItS .... 7li 7. t aah quotatioua arara aa ToLows: Flour, steady. No. 3 rj a. Me; fewd or mixing barley. to 700. Meaa pork, per barrel. I ln.0 U.IS. Ird. prr 100 pounda. IS.07S. Pnort rlba. aidea tlooeel. t7 "7vaal; gnort tliur aldee. Ibuxedl. . II W tf 35- Total clearance of wheat and flour wara ooal to ta.0 buabela Primary rocelpta were 444.SCO bnjhcla. compared with holiday tie correapondlng day a year ago. The via to. a supply of wheat In tha United tatoa Increoaad UOlt.soe buahela for tha week. Tha amount of bread. tuff on ocean paaaaga da craaard 1.M4.4U0 buahala. estimated reoalpta for tomorrow: Wheat. 444 cara; corn. 1456 cars; uala, 4S cara; hoge. 13.4D4 head. Kacelpta Hhlpmenta. Flour, barrel 14.400 Jl.loo Wheat, buahela. 14.300 I'.irn. buahela. ..46400 Oata. buahols............4a3.000 ftae. buahela 1.040 liarlry. bushels ....... I.SOO isi.oio to7.70 4S.000 11.304 Orala at Ma Fraartara. ft AS rnA.vclsoo. May IP. Wheat Finn. Itarl. y citradr. r'r"l quotatlona: Wh.at rihlpplnr. f!.ox. per caniaL Tariey Feed. fl.S6uU.4u per cental; brew ing. 11.42S U147S Per cental. i.nta K.d. fl.Xa?140 prr cental: white, nominal: black, tl.liti 1-3-j pefj cental. all board alea: Wheal No tending-. Jiarlcy Iwcemh.r. 1L3 par cental: May, fl.35 per cental bid. V.rala MarVrta af tba Northwrat. TACOMA. May . Wheat niuegtem. 4 fllroc- fortyfotd. Abo; club. Stfl'b7c: red Hua stan. He Receipts, wheat 3d cars; barley. 1 car; bar, 4 cars. PEATTT.K. War St. w neat niuraiern. !-.t,c; fortjfold. Sc; club. MIvtTV5C; Flfa, - . - - - . I W 1 nmtm t U i;i Pa p.T 'ton; barlty, t-T per ton. Car re ceiota up to noon: Wheat -ti earn, bay f cars, corn 1 car. oata 1 car. F uro p ra a Grata Markets. lyONPON. May 2V. Cargoes Cjuiet. Walla W-:ia for ahlpment at 3.'.a 110. Fngilah country markets, quiet; French country markets, quiet. LtlERPOOU May 39. Ooae: Wheat Mar. C load: July, da lvd; October. 8a 1 i.d. Weather, clear. MlnnropoUa hrat Markrt. MlNXKAI"OL.I.a. Mr Wheat May. c. July. !.- n-jt,c: grptember. 14 aiialVc: lecember, sitae: No. 1 hard, pl.o; No 1 Northern. PdV. 6 HS'aOl No. 3 North ern, p.. xt'r. SIEELUlR"PfiES50RE MAKKKT KTOXECTS CN SETTLE fEXT OF MET.VI. TRADE. Other Mock Are Not AfrccfaSil Ta eiffes and Spoclnltlcs Are Strong;. Gold Goes to Canada. NEW TORK. May 2.--UiiccrtilnUy aa to tha outcoma of tha preaont eondttioaa In tha atcel and Iron trad and aa to tha dcclaloa by tha Supremo Court tn tha American To bacco caaw bald tha atock markt ta oaack today. Tba market znorad alowly and a'urrtahTy and tha amount of boalneao fell o.t to araall proportion a. ,wi f tha day ffmad to conflnn tha be.trf that raluctlon of vteel prlca had not at.mulatetl bualceea. At IMttaburff tt waa aaul conaumera wera not Mtuned. Chlcaao a-r.t word that tha bualneaa of tha W eatorn at-el companiea waa no bettor. Thera w-aro r porta of further prtco roduotlona by va rious rooreroa. lUo4airat priwauro waa directed araln at Tnlt1 f?atea H tel at tha open) na: of tha nuirket by tradora who aought to mak cap ital of prrarnt proapect. The atotit ftvt way nearly a p.tnt. but the attack did not lead to ar.y appreclab.o amount of liquida tion nor did It cauaw material heavtneaa in t general market. imoiif tha raainvaula tha fact flea and Kro wera eapeclally a.rotia. Chanea iNWhar wro for the moat part without airnincane. tha ohkac faina of th day be in by tha ape eialtlaa. iTanadiaa Paaiifta advanoed ta "iS'4. ft klh raoord. Tha aieotrio group of v.ocka au4 I'lttaburf Coal prafanwd dia piayed marked atrengah. akjaer.ean Tobao c oommoa ad-raaael mow thaa a point a am tha curb. Tka oat flow af gold to Canada CwHitteoeo. aa la to bo caperted tn viw of tha h:gh ra;7 for inonwy ok tain able in the lminum and tho a.meat low record R a ura pravail ir.g la New . ork a ooliaterai loana, Thera waa foromrdett to Caaajla from tMa aentar to-iey $ZW oi4.- Tho bond marke. waa trraguiai. Total Bonds Investments TimberLands NEUHAUSEN & CO. 701-2-3-5 Lewis Bid. Portland Oregon area, par ralue. f2.009.ooa United Btatca bonus wera unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK JUOTA.TIONa Cloalne; Bales. Hlgn. IX) w. l.S"0 33 S SI ti.ovj :7 7 1.0C0 55 Si 6 7.100 63 W t,3oi ion 2ial 8u0 KM) ano 8..1"0 1U0 A II la Chal pf .. Anial Copper .. ra Agrlcult .. Am Beet Sugar. American Can.. Am Car Fdy. Am Cotton Oil.. Am lid 4V Lt pf Am Ice becurl.. Am iunseed .......... Am locomotive. Am Sinel 4k lUf 4.000 do preferred.. 100 Am Fteol Fdy Am fugar Kef. 400 Am Tei 4e Tel. . SOO Am Tobacco PC 3"0 Am Woolen . . .. Anaconda M Co. Atchison do preferred.. Atl Coast l.lnc. Bait tt Ohio .. Hethlchrm Hteel Hrook R Tran.. 1.00O Canadian Pac .. 12.1"" Central Leather 1.4"0 do preferred.. 1U0 Central of N J Ches 4 Ohio . . 600 Chicago A Alton Chi Ut West Chicago 4 .V W M lit Paul. r. c. c a ft la Col Fuel At Iron Col a Southern. Conaol Gaa . Corn Producca Del A Hudson .. D a R Grande.. do preferred.. Dlatillers necur Erlo do let pf .... do 2d pf .... Oen F.l.-ctrlc ... Gt North pf ... lit North Ore .. Illinois Central, lnterbor Met .. do preferred.. Inter Harveatcr Inter Marina pf lnt Paper .. . Iowa Central ... K C Bouthern do preferred.. Laclede Caa . . . Louie a Naah -Minn a 8t L. .. M. aj P a 8 8 M Mo. Kan a Tex do preferred.. Mo Purine Nat Blacull ... National Lead .. MaX N Ry 1 Pf f"aJ N T Central . . . lt'O N Y. Ont a Wea 1"0 Norfolk a Weat North Am .. Northern Pao .. Pacltlc Mall . ... Pennsylvania ... People's Gs i . tj u a pi a Pittsburg Coal. 1.300 Preaaed 3 Car.. luO Pull Pal Car l:y Steel oprlns; Heading 29.!1 itepubllc Steal r.xO do preferred.. 1(0 Rock Island Co f.ooO do preferred.. ...... St L a 8 F 3 Pf 700 8t L. Southwell. ...... do preferred.. ...... Sloaa bhelTleld Southern Pac .. Houthem Ky do preferred.. Tenn Copper ... Texas a Pac . . ToL bt L a Wes ao preierreu.. Vnlon pacino on ci si sow louii iio'ui US, loiVs S3 I, 411 114w 104 56 e4 20 la 80 loo'! iioH lass luia, :!3U, 000 106H loot. r.u 23C 31 4 7944 S301 30 S 1U2H 62 SIM two 24 Ml ) 20 700 .3iiO UK) 2(a) 3oO .KM) S.4D0 4.100 1.4'M) 7. a) 1.4tM) luo 2TM ia) 2u0 "ii'io 1O0 OKI 3U0 600 QUO "0 SOU l.SoO 'iioo T,70 loo do preferred.. V Realty ... i; H Rubber . . . U H bteel da preferred.. Ttnh Copper Va-Caro Cbam. Wabaah do preferred.. Woetern Md ... Westing Kleo .. Western Union . Wheel a L E .. Lehigh Valley 2.30 0"0 lolM) l.KI U0 Sft.400 300 4"0 63. 6. K) l.i HM) S.VK) 1.3"0 3O0 l.K) 8"0 10.2O0 2.UU0 11 It 60 8HV 14 15 1701. 31 87 8 U3w r,2S 41 : 121' 'w 82 Si r-21 12 V 17 ie 84Va lUlio, 1WH S4Vj so 14 81 H la 42 1U8 .. ii 28 121 H "iiuj Sow ir.s sn hi PS "iiw 114, 20 w 87 Va 22 6o a 184 fos,' 41 w. 78S 111 "a ! 00 Mi 87 81H 70 82 7S'4 123 . C 81 4 Wa 145U 13 17014 81 87 SI", 8.(i 60". 4" 1V44 1211 S 82 !4 R24 12.H 17 Vt 'iai, 137 34 H "inai 136 'a, 1071a i: vi 28 121 105 Va "22 hi Sow l.'-s 8U 0.1 S214 li"4 2"w 7 St Si? 22S oo H 1S3S '79" 41 'In! nua lH 37 Sa 81 77 4 81 Bid. 32 u, 67 S 68 SoT, 118 63 61 23H 201. 10 i 40 isovj 10H 42 120SI H8T4 101 33 40 113 103 127 V. 108 S2 b" 287 80S ll2 2f-4 t-2i 81 "a 82 1474 12:114 80 3314 54 . 145 "a, 15 St 170 8i 7'4 36 38 61 Va 41V, 187 121V 61 130 ish 51 w 123 V 17S llVi in 34 h'a loo Si 1471, 2U 13HH 84 S 88 14 5" Vj 13.1 hi 5314 81 107 hi 42V 107 74 si 12H14 2o 1214 10314 02 22 85 18114 8,1 1MV 80 14 94 32 V 631, 42 V 81 4 8 14 411 V lisle 29 87 '4 314 27 00 r.c.14 1S4'4 9414 7I 41V 74V 118 V 4H V 80 16V 87 V 81 71 82 its a 900 Total sales for tha day. 2 (-3. 700 shares. BONDS. NEW TORK. May 10. Closing qoott U. 6. ref. 2a reglOOVJN. Y. C O SV-- SV do coupon ... 100 V North Pacific Sa. 71V TT. 8. 3a rog....l01 ViN'orth Paclflo s. 100 V do coupon 101V,t.'nlon Paolflo 4a.lOJV TJ. 8. new 4a tel.lHS.Wli Central as. . 3 V do coupon ...114S Japaneea 4a ....8SVB D. a R. O. 4S..92VB1 ' Kaatrrn Mining; 8 rooks. BOSTON May 29. Closing quotatlona: Allourg 31 Miami Coppar.. 20. Amalgamated .. 67V. Mohawk 45 Am. Zinc a Xd. Ssv Nevada Con 19 Arlx Com 17V Nlplrslng Mines. 10 Atlantlo 6 North Butte 34J. Boa Cop Mg... 15 North Lake .... 7e Butta Coalition .19 Old Dominion .. 44 Calumet a Aria. 6V Osceola 10 Cal a Hecla 483 ;Parrot 12 v-enlennlal I2H yuincy. ofld 0 Cop Kanga Con. 63V '.Shannon East P.utt. Cop. 12 V.Superior .... -)3 Fmnklln WS Superior a Bos.. 64 GIroux Con 6Vfuperlor a Pltta.118 Oranby Con 8S Tamarack. 36 Greena Can ...71-161 U S. Smel . 36 t.i- oot-.i 1..U1IT H Smelttfd.... 4i V Kerr Lake: 6VL'tnn Con .15 Laka Copper ... 8. V,l Inn -op . . . . La Salle Cop.... 32 I Winona asked Wolverine ... ..148 .. 8 ..110 Money, Exchange. F.tc NEW TORK. May 29. Close Prima mer cantile paper. SSdl per cent. Sterling exchange easy, with actual busl ne.s in bankers' bills at 84.S440 for 80-day bills and at 4.8ooO n 4.SC35 for demand. Commercial bills. f4.S3V. Bar silver. 53V. Mexican dollars. 45. Government bonds steady; railroads Ir- "SloScV on calt steady. 2iJ! P'r cent; ruling rate. 2"i; closlng'bld. 2V: offered at 2Xa Time lo.tne dull and steady. Sixty days. 2Vi2V: (XI days. 2V63; six months. 30 V per cent. LONDON. May 20. Bar allver. steady at 2 3 2 V d per ounce. Money. 1 per cent. The rate of discount In tha open market for short bills la 2 1-18 per cent: do for three months' bills. 2 1-1 Pr cent. S4X FRANCISCO. May 29. Sterling on London. Co dxys. f4.S4V: do sight. 4.b6. Drafts, sight, par; telegraph, 3c rowdlrlna af tba Treasury. TT a. ciin v;t.V. May y At the herln- MORE I BITUUTHIC "WHYS" I 'Bitulithia has enough elasticity eombinod n-ith smoothness and if also rontrh enough to prevent sladddirirf of Butomobiles, which 18 tho objection to apbalt paTement." 'W. K. llenderson, Henderson Iron Works & Supply Co, FrtHaport, La- FIFTH ANNIVERSARY DEPOSITS MAY 28, 1906 (At the Cloaro of tho f9 Q CS 1 Qt 1st Dayw Btialnrwa) X J lOO A. 04" DEPOSITS MAY 27, 1911 (At the Clowe of the Ctt O CS'TO O Q CtH VcaVa BoJllneaaa) tpOjO X saajCr st-afaaaaiO La a a LUMBERMENS t On mfta at stark nlng of buslnesa today, tn. condition ot tha United Statea Treasury s: Working balanca in Treasur, of- In bska'and'Traasury........... -""oT Total balance in general fund... 81,908.067 Ordinary recelpta yesterday Ti''-l Ordinary dlsburaements oaSnll Burpiua to data this fiscal year.. M?.0" DenrJt at this time last year. .. ..14.80-0b0 These figures exclude Panama Canal and pubUo debt transactions. Wool a, fit. xVonla. BT tiOTJIA May 29. Wool Unchanged Territory and Western mediums, 13rlol line m.diurn, 133 15c; fine, 110120. Travelers' Cheques of tha American Express Co. The Ideal Form of Traveling; Credit for Foreign Travel. Home TJae. Mototing;. U-"VIVERSALLT ACCEPTED. I. oral Office Seweatli and gtarat gfa. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Constructs Asphalt and other Blto mlnoue Pavement. fOS-608 Electrlo bide. Portland. Or. Oskar UnbtA Manag-ar. TRAVELERS' GCTDE. Or B1TXB IRTATIOCa aj A aaaaSeta. a aa-aaej Freight received dally at Oak -XL. dock for The Dalles. Kood River, White Salmon. Umatilla. Kennewlck. PfafJ. Richland. Hanford. White Bluff Lewie ton. Idaho, and In-. il li lermeiiai. FIRST-CLASS FAS SENG KB BKBVIC1S. - . a: wa. T-r FARE. 50 Lliwio TO HOOD RIVEK. WHITE SAX.M0N. llli a UALI.Lo. Bteamer leaves Portland Sun, To. Thura. 7 A. M- Returning leaves The Dalles Mon., Wed. Ftt. TA M. arriving at Port land about 5 P. M. aame day. ".-Jt! Buchanan. Supt-t W. 8. omaUwoOd. Onl klgr. Pbonsa Main 2960. X S527. , AMERICAN WHITE STAB BED STAB ATLANTIC TRANSPORT WHITE STAB DOMINION Cxjaadiaa Bawvlca Co- sOWIca, 619 tdAve., SeatUet or O. W. Btlnger. lea i -toiu 245 Mor.i F. R. Johnson, 142 Sdi VS r. Balrd. 10t Sd: Vald. Udell. St N. 6th: II. Dickson. 122 3d. STEAMSMOPS and Bcenla Route to Kurope via Tha St. Lawrence Rlaer. the Shortest Ocean Paasaga. Leaa than Four Days at Sea by the -EMPRESSES OF THE ATLANTIC." Weekly sailings Montreal. Quebec, to Liver pooL First cabin. $90; second cabin. f5L25. ona-claaa cabin (called second cabin), aj-ou. third cabin. f30 and WL25. Art local agents, F. R- Johnson, a. A-. 143 Third SU or J. J. Forstar. T. P. A, 609 First Ave, Seattle. JAPAN Cook's Summer Vacation Tours Fifty-eight Days $450. All Expenses Included. Send for Free Booklet. Tickets to ALASKA, Y0SEMITE and YELLOWSTONE. TH0S. cook: & SON 689 Market Street, San Francisco. SAJf FRANCISCO PORTLANT) 8S. CO. Tom Alnsworth Dock, Portland. A. M; BS. Bear. Jane t Boee City. June 7i Beaver. From Pan Francisco. Northbomnd. 12 M-: 68. Koae City. May Sli Beaver, Jane S Bear. 'June If. . From Pin Pedro. Northbound, U M. STv Beaver, Jtme t Bear, Jane SI Boee City. xLGBmlth. C T. A. 14 ThUdSt. j W. Ransom, Airnnt, Alnremrth Boca. pbaweai Mala 4Q2, f6St A 140 f. HEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA (fnloa Use of N. Z-) VIA TAHITI AND W LLI.l.NGTON Dlreot through steamera. aalilng from Baa even eisco. May SI. and every 2S oeya. Well- In. ton and hack. 1st cJaaa. 204. Other raise jror reservations see Coupon Railroad A can La, er suldjwae Ooaauiie a. It. Ca, Can Fraaclaoc, NEW YORK PORTLAND RfcGtTLAJl FREIGHT SERVICE, Lot- Itatea, Bchedula Time. AiMEWCAN-HAWAIlAN S. S. CO, US Railway ExcbartsT Badt raf-ia0a via Mala tTTI. . UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY THE BANK 01? CALIFORNIA NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SAX FRA-XCISCOt Capital Paid ta...-$00,00Q Surplus arid Undivided Profits. ..twawlSTSa BRANCHES Portland, Seattle, Tacoma and Virginia City W bny and sell KorelgTi Exchange: lssna fJrafts and Cable Transfers, Commercial Cred ta and Travelera' Letters of Credit, available In all parta of the world; make collections on all points and conduct a general foreign and domestlo banking- business. ISTEBJEST PATD ON TIME AJTD SAVINGS DEPOSITS. PORTLAND OFFICE Northwest Corner Third and Stark Streets. . CHAMBER. OF COMMERCE BITXDIIVG. WatV A. MAO baEV Manager. J. T. BUBTOHAELL, Asst. Manager. Merchants National Ban PORTLAND, OREGON. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. Capital and Surplus $350,000.00 The policy of this Bank is to cultivate helpful business relations with its depositors, and to render at all times the service which their needs demand and which our equipment insures. Every courtesy con sistent with prudent banking is uniformly extended by this Bank to all depositors. LADD & TILTON BANK Established 1853 e-t Ann nnn Art a ..... a ..alv.artVaa .ipiUUUUUU.Ul ...w. 700,000.00 Letters of credit, drafts and travelers checks issued, avail, able on alLparts of the world. Canital .......... Surplus and Undivided Profits Corner Washington and Third Streets. First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Bank West ot the Rocky Mountains North Coast Tourist Route "Norway of America. STEAMSHIPS "Prince Rupert" and "Prince George." Victoria, . Vancouver, Prince Rupert, Stewart and Queen Charlotte Islands. Leave Seattle, Wn, Sundays and Wednesdays 12:00 o'Olock Midnight. - a t ....... .tar. a c ai pRTVfiK ALBERT" for Queen a-onneotiriB st rnuvo r" - - Charlotte Islands and local points. , -1rll KOTE Snnday ateaxner as far aa Prince Ilu pert o n I y, until June lltn. GRiXD TRl.VK RAILWAY SYSTEM (Double-Track Route) four trains ally7no excesaf all points East, via Niagara Falls. S tf?3"4 Tourist Sleepera, Dining Cars, serving meals a-la carta, and club breakrazt. PoVucietei and reaarvaUons apply to local Railway Ticket Agents or J. K. Bur??; geralgentfpirst ArtnZJ and Ye.ler Way, Seattle. Washington. San Francisco, Los .Angeles and San Pedro Direct ICerth paclflo B. B. co.'s 8. 8. Reaaeka and 8. B. aUdr sail every Wadaeaday alter. pataiy at B P. al. Sloket office 133 Tkird aaAilTLN J- HTOI.ET, Psssalagat Ag V. li. oXCh.'UiB, FrelKbt Ageaat. ibaatce awrMl. HXU. COOS BAY LINE STEAMEB BRKAiv WATER Balis from. Alnsworth DocJc Portland, 9 A. M. May 1. 6. IX. 18. SI. SO. L Juna t and every Bva daya Freight received at Alnswortb Dock dally up to I P. 11 Pas senger fare, flrst-claaa JIO; seecnd-ouvM. 1. including meals and berth. Ticket of- ne Ainsworxn iooa. 7aai.i.ee- aiaiia -aln 170a A 1234,