TiTE jrORXING OKEGOMAX, TUESDAY, MAY SO, 1911. 10 TARIFFS REDUCED BY OCEAN LINE New Rate Goes Into Effect Today Between Port land and Gotham. 10-CENT CUT IN SALMON 3fobalr AIm Itrdarrd to 40 Cents and Iry Hide Go Into Vomer Clarification, Ilclug Cat to 0 Ont .salnt 75 Cent. Important reduction In tariff an nounced ytrriay by tt. American- fieraiiaa 5!ram?h!p Company from pnrtian-1 to N.w York, which are ef-f-rlv. t.i-norrmr, rmti to draw vn gr.tter ln(- from the rail linr. 'hn f-llwr-l a rcrrnt cut on a wi thrmich uhlrh thr liD Kiver Trnirt M.n 'omrany h. hautrd f-m tiie t'ntumbu Kiv.r territory ap rrotirratrlr t. . poun!. All but a rnll irt:n row m trnj In b-m turn'l our ti the Amrrtcan-llawalUn I. K-nnr.'r. of the American-Hawaiian. y..tf-rlr received nuttr. of t'-e ne rat- . t'ie m-'t tnteretinc of . Mch In the tra-1 briwwn I'orUand an. I th. AtUntlr -anoari a re tl'itlin of 1 rent. n .rrrt loo poun.ls f ihI in crra or scoured. In com-rr-el r-il.... Kur th few werki t:i tariff tiaj ben S c-nt. The rata of cr, rcnti on wm In gra. packed tn aarkt remain. In frr. m rtnnrj Mlmon lh. rat. will bo 45 fru after t.imorrow. as compared with Si cen! charged during th. pack In? "win lat year. ICranitnt? the shipment of mohair the rumMtr ha. plced It In the same ll-t with X'I In Rrea.o and scoured. ,niprc.- in bale. It taking the 40 cent tariff. I'rr kule. will ilo so on a lower rl. f. ,r l..n. the rate belna- 0 cent... aoln-t IS centa that has applied In the lt. The 0n I:iver Trannportation Com Tany autnirld a reduction on wool rate., from the Interior early In th. n and a tariff waa complied In conjunction with the American-Hawaiian line. A. a re.ult the rail line lat considerable business detuned Ka.t and the rirer service eren an nounced Its Intention of paylnc the rallmad local rates In certain .ert'ons that wool could be delivered alone the river, anj hauled here to be turned over to the ocean steam. hip line. Kxtlmates of wool remaining In the country are a. high aa 10. 000. 00 pound, but a Urge ..hare of that Is contiEunus only to rail points and will be han.llrd that way. at least to Tort land. A strong bid Is betns- made for the bu.lness In the rlrer territory and a riarui made wherever wool Is of fered uurlhit the periodical sales days. r-rvr-uic pvk mntK jcne 10 Ilarrtman lleet Calls Vr JTrcqnrnt- ly at Golilrn (.ale. Tt t. weekly bulletin Issued by tVaterhou A Co.. covering the salllncs nf Andrew Weir steamer, the I'-unk I.lner Suvrrtc I shown on the way from Yokohama to ort;and via Vancouver. H. C. an Pucet Sound porta, having enrgo for every point usually vi!ted. ri.-te I due her Juno 1 and la to be f-Wlowrd hy the Kumerlc. whlrh waa I'H.Ur.g at M.krlla a hen lat reported, end 1.. due er:v In July. The Ortrrlc I. Ina'llnc at Ka! una and will get away tHi. auilirg via northern port. The Ii-erla allel front lUj;et Sound for the Jr'ar Kail M.v 4. In th operatliMi of the Portland A:ett fT'-et the Harrlman Interests are r-'t evincing urh a stronf dt.poeltlon t l.v. the ve..-: vrlt!i S.m Francisco rtrfo ar-.d have th-m call at the llolden llnt before reporting In the Columbia lilvrr. and lll the arrival f the rrrath!yon tMe week there will have l?ea thre-e carriers nnt direct. In tl e rase of the ltvcja. which Is due In Julv. she will steam via the CaV.for rlt harbor, a. she hna a cargo of sugar f -o-n tl'e rlllpr'n--. A the bulnea r-f the I'a'ir'.c l.urnNer at Manufacturing C.viipnnv I exj'nn.tin ard this season !: output ev.-vl. prevlo-i. showing, there 1 a lare qt:anrl:y of Jarane.e oak to be hrot:c.u fa the plant, and mlth the evepltjn of about tan f-jll cargoes i :; be trau.ported by the vessels cf the r-r-!nd ac Atet!r flee. so when thev carry lumber, order will be for a !:re.-t ) t. this cl!. Ku rt: twi i Tiiitu;ii mow xliah IlnaL. Mr-I llavtM-r After leaving Columbia Ilttrr. Ait.-lars ar hopeful that the last leg cf tha voyag of te ship Rfur. Wr.tch I. on the wav to CMgnlk Hay In tow of the tug Oollah. wl.l b devoid arctder.t and that eha will arrive to replave tie l.t ship Jahes Howes with fcr car lnta.-t. thought word has been revetveJ thai while on the nay from Che Columbia Kiver toward the north at heavy northwest Mow caused the eteel haa-sor to part when a short dis tance north cf the ."traits of Fuca. The Una was replaced with a mala aiaer. a It was assumed that tha wire had been lost, but tt waa later dis covered tralltrg ber.eain the ship, ard was. after bel::g sp.w-ed. pressed Into eT1r The Lformatlcn ram via I'uget found, a Captain rialVy. of the t'ig. eert word to his owners, the Pucet F.-inl Toahoat Company, to forward Mm a new wire csNe. her.-re he learned that the broken i!r.e as trailing be neath the ship. The roure f the tug ar.d hr tow will V thro'.-gn the l-i.! channels to T'xons Vr.tran.-e ard then In the open sea t- C.l-.lk Hay Her e.-!y arrival , Is looked for. a a ts maaing gooa time with the aid of the t ig. as com pared with that r-e'.ed oT by the Jabeg liowr. whlcS sallrd r.frth. jLiicoTT ni:cKJVt:s ordkhs ax rKrarttncnt to Withdraw Offi cer ITom Uhlhouo ScrvU-o. Hear-Admlral R. F. Nicholson, chief of the Navy Hareau. has forwarded In structions from Vashmcton to Com mander J. M- Ulitcott. ln.pector of tr b.t.r.u-Ml'i Lighthouse IMatrlct. to hold hlmsolf In readiness for a com mand afloat when he Is relieved from score duty July 1. Under the reor ganisation plans of the Bureau of Laghthouae. civilians are to be ap pointed as inspectors and with tn de parture of Commander Klllco'.t there will be no additional naval officers as signed to the local territory In tha iitfhihoue branch. Commander ::i!cott Is to be commis sioned at Captain July 1. and. having erred la subordinate position possl fcla with that rank. Ji will ba assigned to the command of a battleship when I . - - I J n f. H..-.-U I MUl io sea- r ur fe iw v, . - or possibly two years he will be afloat and then given snore duty for about the same time. In five years he should be a Rear-Admiral, and If ordered sea a second time before) that appoint' ment arrive will have the distinc tion of having served twice as a cap tain, and by then may have one of the most modern terrors ot tne sea xnai five years' naval development will pro duce. Launch Building at Empire. MARSHFIEUX Or- Mar (Special CaDtaln John Bering, who for a Ion time has been operating gasoline sea eoine craft out of this harbor. I bulld- lne a new launch at Empire. It will be e feet long and will hava gaso'ln. nower. The boat Is of the seaworthy iroe. and CaDtaln Swing will use It twecn Coo Bay and other nearby porta. Marine Xotea. It Is expected that tha barge Am Turner will finish loading lumber i Si. Helens tomorrow and b towed to Astoria Thursday. To begin loading lumber the French bark Marechal de Contaat waa yester TZAstxm etxllige"cr Dee te Arrive. came. rress. Date Wa.ntnstrtn. . . .ean FVanrlactln pn Tm.pJ iaa rnndicala port je It. timer 1 ... la port .ar n Prdr..... la port ftearok. JO rlso... In Pr lir-ik.ater H. In port f.o d.n Hate. .. Ttliamook. ... May SO ! r.t h : vo.. .. .fl.'i:s. r. a. ...June I HMl'ltV ,...M3 law....JuM 3 C"x W. tld..."u l.so. ... June 4 A m-xc. . . .. .Vurtaa. ... .. June Anrtl JUnd n June T i....r n Plre.... Jun " Klverslie ballwa Juae caedsied te Depart, H Pee- .,r,' Orlrrle 1 lnafkoll(. . . . V ar " im II. tlamiu.r.t... V'T Hr.akat.r r. n May ai X..n.k flBliO....JIlt It W hlr.f-.oa. .. a rrancteco Jul. I Timj.H J . .. s.a Kr.nruc June 1 G-. Ja Uate. .. Ttllemooa. ... June 1 ri.r. ......... f.or.... June 3 Hn Clir 1 ua P.dr.... Jine 7 Cee. TV. Elder.. a llr(a.... June T A: in- f ur.k. June F tjihljoa Hut ckong....Juae lo Anll Jt.nrfm June ,...r .n Pdre....June II Jiltrrud ItalVoa Juoe IS day shifted from an anchorage In the stream to the dock of the Portland Lumber Company. Hecauae of Memorial day tha steam er Halley Gatsert will make a spec! excursion trio today, leaving Alder street dock at o'clock and proceed ing to the Cascade Locks, returning about 6:10 o'clock. To load for tha North the lighthouse tender Armerla Is due to sail from 8e attla for Portland tomorrow, she hav Ing reached Puget Sound laat week after having been In Alaskan waters during the Winter. Last of the coal testa that hava been conducted on the lighthouse tender Manxantta were yesterday completed on Puget Sound when South Wellington coal was used. The fuel was loaded at Boat Harbor and during tests last week Commander Klltcott. lighthouse Inspec tor, was aboard the vessel. Captain Hugh Groves, of the Port of Portland dredges, says that the cut at GUllland'a will be completed next week by the Portland and that sne will then shift to Postofflce Bar. The Columbia will complet the lower cut Inside swan Island about June 10 and then move to the upper end. Arrangements have been eompleted by local Knights of Pythias for the charter of the steamer T. J. Potter for an excursion to Astoria, the party tu It'll, the evening of June 19 and reach Portland the morning of June 22. The Summer schedule of the O.-W. K. N. with the same vessel will go Into effect June It. when she will leave .or Mrgler and continue In that , service until September. In yesterday's entries at the Custom- Koum were the steamer Washtenaw and Hear, from San Francisco: the at I lance, from Kureka and Coos Bay: British tramp St. Konald. from Kalama barge Gerard C Tobey. from San Fran cisco, and the rnsolln schooner Wll hclmlna. from Florence- The gasoline schooner Anvil cleared for Bandon and way ports, the Wlllielmtna for Taqulna, th steamer Alliance for Kureka and Coos Hay and the Washtenaw for San Francisco, Having heard about SO rases here yestrrday. Judge Byron Waite. United States General Appraiser, of New Tork. will depart tomorrow for San Francisco to hear mailers pending there Involv ing the admission ot goods Into the United States, varloua points affecting duties and as to how they shall be ap praised. Ixx-al Importers had before Judge Walte a number ot matters, some arresting sulphur, they contending that It was a crude product aa Imported from Japan and the Government hold ing that It was manufactured. Other features were of th kind raised con tinuously and Judge Wait said that In passing on them h had given no new decisions. Major J. F. Mclndo and Major J. J. Morrow, of this city, and Major C W. Kulx. of Sestt.e, ai of th Corps of l.nglneer. U. S. A- reached th city eterday from San Francisco after having Inspected th Humboldt Bay Jetty as th guest of Colonel John Hlddle. district engineer of the Pacific Coast. As th Northern officers have Jetllee tinder construction. Major Mor row at the mouth of the Sluslaw. Major Mclndo at th mouth of the Columbia and Major Kutx on Grays Harbor, th trip was mad to acquaint them with condl-is at Kureka, wher th two Jettlea at th mouLh of th bay ar to ba rebuilt, blda for which wer yesterday opened at San Fran cisco. MoTrtnfTiti of Vaala. roTt-AVT. May Arrived gtaamar Roavsoka. rro-n Kaa Piesa and war porta; a et,mr Tarn; y : a. I'ra hn "ran-ifcx; 9 mmT I4r.iwier. frm. Cooe tay; it'ira hia Norae from ctaa Frncte--a. J.d Steamer siantr-iaw. (cr tao Kranrlco; s:-err.rr AMao.-e. for Eurka , la Coo 1st: ae-'Jtr.e schooner Wllat.m.r, far Taqulna nd f:ua.aw; (asoltne acboooer Anvli. tut .Han don. Aatorta. Or.. Ma 79 T'oadit1'n at the rooa:r. of the river at 4 P. M-. smooth; win 1 n irth eit. -J4 mil', weather, c.aar. Fii at midnight, staamer T'aem(te, f.r Pero. A;rie4 at miilnlcht and left op at 3 J A. 34 eteamer lankr. f rvrn Kan ln aaJ war porta. Arrived 4m at 1 A J-, s-hoonera Irene aad Lavl4 Charts. Arred at and .eft bo at a 40 A. W.. a t ea m er 1 rea k a t er. from Coo Hay. A r- Kve 1 It ; and left us at 1 A. M.. tr timer Noma -"ltv. frm n anclao. tu.e.t at l.W P. acoooaeir Irene, for in Vtrw. htn ranc(co. Vir Arnred at 6 A. M. t earner NorthiMd; at T Av steamer Johan poulaeti. from Portland. Kai.ed at 12 Boon, eteamer Pa.cea. tor Portland. point Lotoa, Vay 29. Paeee.1 t A A. M.. ateamer Aaunlon. from Portland, for Port Harf-.rd; Prittah at earner Oewestrr. from H!orl. for portlaad. Monterey. May 21. Arrlred e?teamer J. A. Carl'r. from Portland. (!!. X- W.. VlT . Balled (khoontr Wm- N-'ttlnaham, for Portland. Antwerp. May I-i. Arrived Brltls ahlp Rcot;th it sirs, from Portland. Vat:;e. May 7. Arrived 6termer Fdlth, from Tacoma; steamer State of California, from Skagway: steamer Buckmao, from Ta coma. eteamer President, from Pan Fran f!o . ste&mer MlsaourLaa. from Saiina Crua failed t earner JefTeraon. for 8kacway; chooner S. T Alexander, for VakJileo; 17. tv H Marsacia. f r banta Crot Uamburs. May 2d. Arrived Taybor, from Fan Franc laco. dney. n. ft. W.. May ?. Arrived Belle cf cot. a ad. from Taxoaa. Tides H!S!V Iw. 1:40 A. faet't-44 A M...-l feet P. M .U4 fewtJ.AJ P. U....4lv4 taaa BIG RUN OF CATTLE Pens Well Filled With Califor nia Stock. SHEEP RECEIPTS HEAVY Nearly 6000 Head of All Kinds 1U ceWed at the Yards Choice Hogi Br I nil Pi me Over Last AVeckB Price. Tha week opened with the largest run of cattle tha North Portland yard has aeen In months. Thar wer 1673 head In the pens, of which about 60 loads came from California, ard tha remainder from Mon tana, Nebraska and Northwestern points. Kecelpta of sheep were also heavy. Tha only material change In prices on th large day's trading was In the hog market. The supply of pork material as to a. I and tha market waa firm. 8veral sale of choice hogs were made at S-5, an advance of a dime over Inst week'i price. Kteere sold from S5.SO to 50. and cows had a range of 3 to .." 5 on good offer ings. Baits and ca.ves brought firmer prices. Tha ehei market mas active with sales at IS.SO to 1 1.25. Good Jamba brought $4.50. Kclpts for Sunday and Monday 1;2 cattle, 12 calves. 312 bogs and 30;3 he p. Among tha ah:ppra "re tha S. ft C Company, nine cars of cattle from Norfolk. Neb.; El E. "Wlllaxd. Exeter, CaL. seven cara rf cattle; A. R- Pord. McMlnnvllIe, one car of bogs; K. O. Smith. Huntington, one car of cattle; p. Beaurtola. Joseph, two cars of shep; F. Itckerson, Veier. one car of cattle; A. L. Hainea. North Powder, one car of horses; J. W. Moran. Anaronda, Mont., eight car of cattle; William Mont gomery. Anaconda. Mnu. two cars of cat tle; x. 8. KohJer, nanlko. two cars ot sheep; J. 8. Flint, Junction City, three cars of cattle. snep and hogs; 8. M. Wren, GrtdUy, CaJ.. two cars of aheep; J. C Rey nolds. Rooerelt. Wih., fire cara of cat tle; K. E. Wlllard Vlsalta, Oal., four cars of cattle: Robinson Brothers. Merced, Cat.. 3 cars bf cattle; J. A. Robinson, Merced, seven cars of cattle; J. W. Hunt, Merced. Is cars of cattle; A. K. Kent Drain, two cara of ahe-p, and L. E. West, Rose burg. two cara of aheep. Tha day's sales were aa follows: Welaht. Price. " eep. . ..... ..... ....... sheep 10.1 4. -J 6 ..Ml 4. MO 2 :.o 2..V) 2 50 J.IH) B M) iif lambs f.5 SO mixed sheep sheen tTj 11 aheep 37 aheep . lamus ............. ....... . 2 bulla 1410 4 ho.-a 113 CI steers 311 ho,, I -.I boa 270 6..10 6.50 4.00 4.T3 4.t.l S0 0.7S R10 S.OO a. ;,o 4.113 3.O0 3.25 7.9 4.4HI 5 23 R 7 3.115 2. SO 4.O0 n.M a. as 10 6 113 i-J lambs 11 UZ tnixei sheep ............... I'll 1 bull 12SO I calf ............... 2M coas . llOi 4 cow-j H 1010 2 com . . ...... hi J i lamba ... 14 lavn.be . .. ..... 1.10 wthers ..... 6.". I M ST. S5 MUJ f-7J 104 J ........ M'l U l.V'l ... nor. ......lii IS ihCfD .e... l.l a.oep .. 141 aheep ... a steers ...... 1 cow 14 Oul .. 2 cowa .. lo cowa .... 1 cowa ..... 3 bulla ......a..... M ete-rs .M....... 2't ate-irs H. 30 cowa. ... .... 4 calvea -.. B calves I'M ..'-0 1 bull 14 S bulls 1 -i 7 ti 4 en ho it a ..... -!, 6-;. 1 hog 4LH 0.VU Prices current on tha aiioua c of stock at the Portland L'nioa fituckyarda ro aa followa: Prime cram-fed Steers 14.3 e $.0 Pric hay-(d aceera t.2j t.50 noice eteera & s.ra Choice eieera S-Sl Good to choice atira e.ooj a.a Kair to good steers. ......... . 5.75 ti Prime cows C.75 S.i'3 Good to choice cowa ............ o.ui'i 6 5 to sood cowa ............. . n sou Poor cowa 4.Jn 4.75 Choice htf-ra ft.&o B 75 Cl.o.o bulaa 4-739 HI (lood to choice bulla............ 4.29 4. 74 holco llarht calvce 7.: Ood to choice Hifht calves ..... 4 75 7.00 hole heavy caea b.vvtf holco at A.73S Uood to choice staa ........... 0.7V Moas Chotco h";s O SOjj- U.S5 Ouod to cauica hoes ........... 4.jy t.rw ire heavy o.uwtr - ommon i.iof 4.uu t.x-k hues 7.00 Choio caprine Iambs 551 4.64 xvod to choice bprms lamos.... .uwj tea -riinca oti tod to c-hoica earllnre ....... 4.tdts 4.7i air to m evil l. m yearuuss 4. r j hole ewea 4.W0 t 4.15 d to choice ewea J. . 4.0) 'air to medium ewee 3.0V I ,i iwd to cliok heavy wainers. . u" M heavy wethers I J VQ Juiid lots 4 imp 6 ui The toliowin ouoianons rvprtiini prieaa i this market for the different cm of ree: Di afters, estra naav v. jww uv. rafiera. to 17uO Ibav. I liO J 3iO; draft- l;0O to 140O iba. liHt .oO; ch ucka. vaio; clues. 4IOU40: driving horses. 4e aad up; aaddie horaea, $40 and up. Chirac Xelwetock Market. CKTCAOO. May 29. Cattle Rerelpts. es timated. S3.0O0; market, alow, steady. BeaTcs. tl&waio; Texas eteera. $4 OO Q y&Z; TV est ers steers. $4.6O0&4O; stockers aad feed ers. 4eA-to f i-T.; cows aad heifers, $2.4UO 6.7S: calve. 1 2itf 7.75. Kog-s Kecelpta, estimated. S4,ovr market, slow. He hi. (Hj)d.to: mtxed. ow4i&: heavy. i,rMtfooTH; rottch. Aa.60u.VbO, sood to choice heavy. -0; ; pica 0.6vtt CIS; balk of sales. $0 6 10. Sheep Receipts eat (mated. SR.OrtO; mar ket, weak. Native. $3 Vtf4 (0; tVcstsro. $A 75 Cjs.ltf; year Unas. $4 7..0i; lamba $.7Ztt a, tVeatcra. -.;iC7.1. Dried nlt at New York. NEW TORK. May 29. Evaporated arPl-. firm, with stovks small and in fw hand. tn the erot. fany are quoted at lie; choice, 1J l-jc: prima. lStiSc. 1'runea. firm, wtth small stocks, but trade fe cut huvtna ahead, owing to more favor able reports from the Coaat and abnce of eiprt ',Tr:rif1. qu -ta' intl rarg fr-m ? J Contagious Blood Poison usually begins with a tiny sore or pimple as the only outvrard evidence of its presence. But in a short while iu many symptoms begin to make their unwelcome appearance. The mouth and throat ulcerate, itching rashes appear on the body, the hair comes out easily, brown splotches appear on the limbs, etc. So highly contagious is the dis ease that it is sometimes communicated from one person to another by the use of the same toilet articles or handling the clothes of an infected person. S. S. S. has been curing Contagious Blood Poison for more than forty years. It goes right down into the circulation, and removes every particle of the poison. While curing the disease S. S. S. adds richness and nourishing powers to the blood, and a person who is cured by the use of S. S. S. will find that every portion of the system has been benefited by the treatment. S. S. S. cures so perfectly that there is never any return of the old symptoms ; it drives the poison completely out by purifying the blood, which is the only Bafe and sure way to treat the disease. Write for our Home Treatment Boole and any medical advice you may desire, free. S. S. S. is for sale at drug stores. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO- ATLANTA. CJL 14 9c for CaJtfomlu op to S0-40i aal 11 8 4c for Oregon. Fe&che. dull, bat flrra; choice. SH09c; xtra choice, CtVCi fancy. 81 10c Met ml Markets. N'EW TORK. Mar -ft- Standard copper, dull. Spot for May. June. July and August. 1-c, London, steady; spot. 55; fu tures. 05 12s tfd. Custtom-houae returns show exports of copper so far this month of 113. tons. L.ake eopper. 1 2. 23 0.2.50c; elec trolytic. 12.1.H91H& Tin. dull: -pot and May. 4.T906 4 4-05c; June, 4a.T5 9 44.5c; July, 42 j 42.&uc; Au gust, 4l.fi 41. 5 London, easy; spot, t03; futures, fls 10. Lead. dull. 4.404.50- New York: 4.10& 4'c East St. Louis. London. 18 10a 3d. spelter, dull, fi.S5j5.40 New Tork; 6.25c Fast St. Louis. London, 24 10a. Antimony. Cookaon's. 5Uj9.50. Iron Cleveland warrants. 4ftc 1 In London Locally the market waa quiet; No. 1 foundry Northern. $15.26; No. 2 Northern, No. 1 Southern and No. 1 Southern soft. $158 13--. Coffee and Flusrar. N'EW TORK. Mar 29. Coffee futures rloai steady at a net advance ot 5 to 10 polnta Pules, i4v0 beta June. 10.0c; July. 10.70c: Auauat. lu..te; September. lOMc: October, 10.43c: November, 1039c; December. January and February, 10.S7c; Mrch. ia3sc; April. 10.39c Spot coffee, quiet; No. T Rio, ll'ic; Jfo. 4 fanloe. 1.1c. ud coffee, quiet; Cordova, 13 t )3r.AomlnaL Raa suyar. steady, aluscovado, .69 test. 8.3c; centrifugal. .b teat. S.Srtc: molasses suskr. .alt tost. 3.11c Relined. quiet. Chlrar rrodoe Market. CHICAGO. Miy 29. Butter Steady; creameries. l23c; dalalea. 10e30c. Ksa steady; recwlpte, 21.3.11 cases; at rr.rk. ri.es included, 1:31111,1; Hrata. 14o; prime llrars. 13c. Clirvse Steady; daisies. llHeilVc: twins. lOHemSc; Your.it Americas, Ilka HSic; lon noma. llUwllc Klsla Butter Market. EIJIS. 111.. May UK Butter, Inn, output. Joo.?vo pound. !Jci Mops at Loodoa. LIVERPOOL. May 29. Hops at London Pacific Coaat. t3 :.a Gd. BALLOT PLACE DENIED STHEET-VACATIOX ORHIXAXCES CAX'T BK RKI'ERRED. Judge Gantcnbcln lloids Action Is of Judiciary .Nature and Petition for Writ Falls. Ordinances providincr for street va cations are of a Judicial nature, and therefore are cot Mubject to reference to a vote of the people of the city, ac coram to a ruling of Presiding Judg uantonbeln yesterday. This decision was plvco In actine on a petition for writ of mandamus to comoel the Citv AUQJtor to place on the ballot the ref erendum petition involving the vaca tion of Adams and Orecon streets for the approach of the new steel bridtre. un request of the Oresron-w.ashiner ton Railroad & Navigation ComDam for the vacation of the streets, the City Council passed an ordinance vacating them. Following this a petition was circulated and signed by 4000 voters, requesting the question to be placed on the ballot at the coming' election. As me ballots had already been printed. City Auditor Barbur refused to place the petition on the ballot, and Attorney John Jcffery, on behalf of the petitioners, filed a petition yes torday for a writ of mandamus to force Mr. Barbur to act. To the petition the City Attorney filed a demurrer later and this was argued Just before the court closed for the afternoon. Deputy City Attorney Tomlinson ap peared for. the city. He argued that In accordance with the previous ruling of the Mate feupreme Court, the act of va eating & street was not a legislative act, but was of Judicial nature, and therefore was not subject to a vote of the people. In -addition to decisions of the Supreme Court bearing on this fea ture of the case. It was also recalled that Judge Cleland made a similar ruling from the Circuit bench in a case now on appeal to the Supreme Court. Judge Gan ten bain said the ruling would not affect the riht of the peo ple to pass a law preventing the vaca tion of streots along the waterfront. The railroad company will now be permitted to continue the construction of its bridge, and use the streets va cated for that purpose. Attorney Jef- fery said signers of the petition did not aim to prevent the construction of the bridge, but they wanted title to re main with the city, while the company enjoyed uso of the streets. .VPPELI FA I LIT RE PREDICTED But Throe Days Left, Supremo Court May Discard Vacation Case. SALEM. Or.. May 29. (Special.) If petition for a peremptory writ of man da in us is brought In the Supreme Court at the Instance of M. O. Collins against City Auditor Barbur, of Portland, to compel that official to place a refer endum petition on the ballot that the people of Portland may vote as to whelr.er Adams and Oregon streets should be vacated. It Is probable that such a move will result in failure. This Is true because of the probable Inability of the court to pass on the question before the ballots are printed for the election to be held June 6. Three days this week the courtroom will be In use by students who will take examination for admission to the bar. The court will probably assume the attitude that the petition was filed with the City Auditor In March last year and as a result the petitioners have been renting for a cumber of months when It would have been possl ble for them to have brought the case Into the higher court. Aa a result the court will probably not fflve the ques tion hearing; In time for final de cision before time for printing- of the ballot. - Nottingham Bringing Coal. Merchants' Exchange reports of yes terday contained the s&lllns; from New castle. X. 9. W., of the, schooner "Wil liam Nottingham, which was chartered for coal to Fort land. She has not been fixed for outward loading, but will prob ably be again sent south with lumber. Others of the flet-t to sail from New castle f"r this harbor soon are the CURES o BLOOD POISON Afflictei With Rheumatism Past Fifteen Years Read what Thoa. Condon, of East Las Vegas. New Mexico, says about Elec- tropodes: "When In Des Moines. Iowa. la December, 1910, I purchased a pair of your ELECTRO PODES, and have worn them continuously since. I had been afflicted with aclatlo rheumatism for the past fifteen years and never tried a remedy that I derived so much benefit from In the same length of time." Mr. Doe Wilson, of Bakersfleld. Calif. writes: "Thanks to Electropodea, I am sixty years of age but feeling; twenty years younger and perfectly frea from Inflammatory rheumatism of long standing." Chaa. E. Lathrop, of Omaha, Nebras ka, writes: "I have had another won derful experience with your ELECT RO PODKS. Have neglected wearing any of late, and consequently have had quite a bit of Rheumatism, so thought I would try them again. Have been wearing a pair only twenty-four hours. and find the pain all gone." Rheumatism, Nervousness and all kindred complaints are the result of excess uric acid in the system. The only remedy is to remove the cause. Electropodes will do it. They elimin ate, through the large pores of the feet, all poisons and impurities from the en tire system, strengthen the nerves, pro mote circulation and aid each organ to perform its functions properly. What electropodes have done for others they will do for you. Nothing is so convincing as the actual test. Electropodes will convince you. Wear a pair 30 days absolutely at our risk. Booklets upon request. At druggists, or by mall, postpaid. If your druggist cannot furnish Elec tropodes send us $1.00, and we will see that you are supplied immediately. State whether for man or woman. Western Electropode Co., 241 Los Angeles St., Los Angeles, Calif. Kirkcudbrightshire, Edouard Ernest Legouve and Rene. DetalUe, Part of Large Fine Remitted. SALEM, Or., May 29. (Special.) Gov ernor West today remitted 250 on the fine of Thomas Holman, of Tillamook County, who was fined J1000 for con tributing to th. delinquency of a minor. From Thin to Plump- Girls The expresssions of happiness and gratitude or several ot nis young iaay patients lor wnom ne prescrioea tne recently successful flesh forming prod uct, known as three grain hypo-nu-clane tablets, is related by a physician In one of the medical publications and It comes as a surprise to the ordinary layman to learn the heart throbs of distress which seems to effect so many young people who are abnormally thin. Also to know that the weight can be so readily Increased by the use, regularly for several months, of this peculiarly named preparation, now ob tainable of the best physicians and apothecary shops in sealed packages with complete instructions lor sell- r c mini wtrnt Ion. Stops a headache or acute pain quick ly. Blackburn's Paln-Away-Pills. Try tnem. MEN CURED Is Our Fee SPECIAL. A I L.M ENTH Ne wlv con tracted and chronlo cases cured. All burning. Itching and Inflammation stopped in J 4 hours. Cures effected in seven days, consultation tree, n un able to call, wrtte for list of questions. Office Hours A. M. to a P. at, Sunday. II) A. 11. to 1 P. M. only. Pacific Coast Medical Co. 224H WASHINGTON STREET, Corner First. Portland, o Men and Women Cured Thm famoui S. K. Chan Chi nes Medicine Company, with their remedies, of herbs and roots cur won- derfully. It has cured many V suite othei ITerers wnen . other remedies I failed. .nr.. rnr for chronic, private ailments. nervousness. blood poison. rneumatism, asthma, pneumonia, kidney, throat and lunc troubles, consumption. stomach disorders j nd other diseases 01 mnus. nemoaici i himi.it. N-O OPERATION. Consultation free. Examination for laoiea fcy Mr & K. Chan Call or writ 10 Th B. K. Cban, imnese neaicinc SU6. Morrison iU Portland. Ores; on. S. H. W.4I JING CO. Original Chinese herb and root medicines. EEM0VXD TO 211 ALDER ST. Above 0. W. P. Waiting Station. Corner First and Alder. Portland, Or. L. T. YEE & SONS The Old. KeUabI CMnese Doctor spent lifetime study of herbs and research In China; was granted diploma by the fe- ' Emperori guarantees cur all i 'C4. if ailment, of men and women , f when others fail. If yoa ai- M fer. call or write to YEE "",1'4 SONS' MEDICIXE CO.. 14SH east? M First. Cor. Alder. Portland, Or. Bin? Chong Chinese Doctor Mad of Chines herbs rid root medicine cures all kinds diseases of the heart, lunca. liver, stomach, kid- i ney. blood troubles of man an d woman when others fall. If you suffer, call or write to 2254 Aider st.. up stairs, atric room U, i'ort ianL Oraaon. t'H - Est ;iSBLAD,HDEBi! :;L5aJ4&FTj RbITbtsiI In : ; : V J 7 & a BP V24 Hours ; : VSi!. T Each Cap- I , . " sole bears the MIDYl , "-imm- name- yJ . J7emoa o counterfeit ' Cured in -5 . :, - "1 Dr. A. G. 8 milk. Z am the only specialist in Port land who does not advertise a fic titious name or photograph. I publish my true photograph, correct name, personally conduct my office. I am the most success ful and reliable, as medical cre dentials and press records prove. I make this statement so that yon will know you consult a true spe cialist, who sees and treats pa tients personally. I possess skill and experience, acquired in such a ray that no other can share, and ihould not be classed with medical companies. It is Impossible for a medical company to attend col lege. Companies have no diplomas or license to practice medicine in Oregon or any other sfcite. Medi cal companies usually lire named after a doctor. A portrait, whose personality and identity are in definite, is selected find published as the legitimate specialist of' the office. Hired substitutes, ordinary doctors with questionable ability, give consultation, examination and treatment. WRITTEN GUARANTEE Dr. Smiths' written guarantee means our er no pay for services. I guarantee to cure certain ailments or refund every dollar you have paid me for my services. My services cost you nothing unless I cure your Varicos Veins, Hernia, Piles, Fistula. Blood Poison, or any ailment I guarantee to cure. My terms are reasonable and no more than yoa ax able and willing to pay for benefits. Offloe bornra-- A. M. to P. K. Sundays. 1 A. M. to 1 R St Dr. A. G. Smith CURED IN Varicose Veins Piles, Fistula & Enlarged Glands Expert Examination Free 17 Tears of Success In Treating Hen Cures Guaranteed or No Fay Many Case Permaaexitly Cared la ONE TREATMENT. Moat Tlrae Savlna;. Mot Natural. Mo.t Safe. N. Detention from Occupation, Fam ily or Hem. A Radical and Permanent Care. I Will Qlv. SS00 ts Any Charity a a GoaraBte That Brary Sxatemeat tm TUa aasonaeemeat I Tram. I our rapidly, painlessly and at email expense. I will demonstrate actual results in your caae. X will glv conclusive evidence of my merit which is obtained and maintained by ab'lity. I Invite you to come to my office. I will explain my treatment for Hernia, piles, Flarnla, Varl ee Vein, Pelvic, Kervaoa), Bload. Kidney and Bladder Diaeases. I will give you free a physical examination: if necessary, a microscopical and chemical analysis of secretions to determine existing pathological and bactorlological condition. Every person should take advantage of this opportunity to learn their tru condition. Certainty of our la what yoa want. A thorough investigation obould be mad by every alHna; person aa to the specialist he consults. Duty and destiny to sell and those who de pend upon you demand tit bast medical attention. I have the ability and can give you this service. I 'have always charged a very reasonable fee. o that my services may be. obtained by any man who stnoerely de sire to be oured. I make no misleading- statements or unbusinesslike prepositions; neither do I desire to be particularly Independent, and I would like to hav you for a patient, if you will oome to me on a strictly professional basis, and the Inducement that I offer, which ar my ability and 10 years' successful xparleoo, tlma-savlnc treatment and guarantee of cur of certain die so, XV K CURB BY NEW SCIHNTiriO METHODS WHICH CANNOT FAIL BLOOD AND SKIM AlXMEMfTS, SEBVB WHAK2VJBS0. VARICOSE! OR KNOTTED VEINS, OBSTRUCTIONS, SORBS, ULCERS, SWOLIEJ OLASD5, PTLBS, KIDNEY A-XD RLADDBH TROUBLES AMD ALX. DIS RASBS OOMMON TO MKJT. We are permanently located, incorporated and Koanaad under tb law of Oregon. KEX, IV IS TROUBLE, OOrTSUXT US TODAT. If yon cannot call, writ for free book aad self-examination blank. Many na.es asre4 a noma. Hour A. It. to I P. IS. Bundaya. 19 to li. OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE 281 v MORBJSOIf ST, BET. FOURTH A2TD FIFTH. PORTLAJTD, OR, VARICOSE VEINS CURED IN FIVE DAYS I Cure Heart Disease, Diseases of the Lungs, Liver Disorders, Piles, -a Picif-iila nnrl T Advprtisa What p$10 EXAMINATION GIVEN FREE BY A PHYSICIAN WHO HAS BEEN . 30 YEARS A SPECIALIST. COME AND CONSULT TJS FREE OF ALL CHARGE. DR. LINDSAY THE OLD RELIABLE SPECIALIST. Corner Alder and Second streets. Entrance 1184 Second street, Portland. Or. Offic hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. Five Days Varicose Veins, Hernia. Blood Poison 2Co Detention From Oeevpatl. Family or Home HQ SEVERE OPERATIONAL MAXT OA 8KB PERMANENTLY CURBD IN ONE TREATMENT. MOST TliTS-HAVINO, MOST NAT URAL. MOST 6AFB. A RADICAL, AND PERMANENT CURB. I GrVE MY WORD AND WILL CITE YOU TO OTHER MEDICAL AU THORITIES THAT THIS 19 A FACT. I AM CERTAINLY PRE PARED TO CURE BY EXPERI ENCB AND EQUIPMENT. WHICH ARE THE KEYSTONES TO SUC CESS. I HAVE THE BB8T EQUIPPED MEDICAL OFFICE ON THE COAST. I WILL GIVE 500 TO ANY CHARITY AS GUARAN TEE THAT EVERY STATEMENT IN THIS ANNOUNCEMENT 13 TRUE. I lavit. you to come to mf of fice. I will explain to you my treatment for Varicose Veins, Hernia, Nervous Debility, Blood Poison. Piles, Fistula, Bladder. Kidney. Prostatic and all Men's Ailments, and give you FREE a physical examination; If necessary a microscopical and o hem leal analysis of secretions, to deter mine pathological and baeterlo loajrical conditions. Every person should take advantage of this op portunity to learn their true con dition. A permanent cure is what you want. VARICOSE VEINS impair vitality. I dally demon strate that varicose veins can b cured In nearly all cases by on. treatment. In such a satisfactory way that the vital parts are pre ss r v e d and strengthened, p a i a ceases, swelling; subsides, a healthy circulation la rapidly re established, instead of the depress Ing conditions. I guarantee you a cure to stay cured or refund th money. HER "VIA (RrPTTRE) Disregard ot existing hernia ha cost many live. The smallest hernias are tha most dangerous to life, because of the increased liability to strangulation. I cur ruptur in selected cases with per fect safety and entail no suffer ing, and do not detain you from occupation, under guarantee. Many cases cured to stay cured In on treatment. eoa " FOR BLOOD POISON. I us Professor Ehrlich's won derful new discovery, " 800," in eases of Speclfla Blood Poison. It cures in .ne treatment, and is th greatest marvel of medical science. This new remedy has been successfully n s e d In thou ands of case. Xt m explain IX to you. 2344 Morrison Street Corner Second PORTLAND, OR. FIVE DAYS Nervous Debility, Blood and Skin Diseases, Rheumatism, All DieAasea of Men T Tin. and T)n What I Advertise.