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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1911)
13 TTTG SIORNiyO OHEGOXIA, TITESDAT, 3IAT 30, 19l. " r3! VTW TOP AT. GRAND AuctionSale Of Lara. C.IIeeiloa f Star. Ori. tmmi Aetlejaw. Ik Old Virginia Antique Furniture Co. Or BALTIMORE. JIARTllSDi At 209 Fourth Street ..EAR TAYLOR. TMi collection "-omprt... r-"f-Tr..r. of th. CMypnd4t. Sheraton. Hprwh.ll.. Dutch Lul XV. XVI and ro.onll periods, old :n Ksh rrttel nj sjrandfAtn.r hal Cl-K. b.t.f ;tid pUi, old bromaa. (in china, rut arias, ate. runmmox Monday. Toeoday and TVedneeliy. May la. 2d and 11. ItLR starts Th'iraday. Juna 1. at 10 J A. M. and at 1.34 P. M. J. t. Wis,, Artlaar. Le Noir & Co. export unities of this kin.l sure rut. ChotL-e piec of insiiie, ia eom xroprty. In the rapidly (rroficij section. Ia the district here valur sr board to nniier go a. marvelous inereae. It is a c!aa investment, con .idtiEsr of hr.rii-rl.-is4 apartments. New brick huiMin?. Rnt to the best e!as of people, with iraarjin teed lease. Tenaut keep building ia repair. Income from start. No delay or worries in building. Price for an immediate sale $110,000. TERMS. This L property with a bi$ and assured future, for it ad joins the heart of the. retail bui cess district- Only two blocks from where there is now beirt erected a modern 12-story truild izg. Investigate. Le Noir & Co. Chamber of Commerce, Ground Floor. B New, Beautiful Addition West Side; Sloping U Southern Hill. I Portland's Finest R L, Residence District 15 Minutes From the)' Heart of City, N The Best Investment in Portland WESTIDLvCa- ttUHiON PLUG. 5" MADISON riABSrt 960. A A7A7. e an Offer Thaf s All We Want Ob -v-r) dOry farm, two ml!, fromrl .t.tton. en ml! te boat landinc: bans 84871 feet, tu.l concrete basement, watar plr.8 Into baxa and bouse: cream toqtt. tl,-r.on. stood n.tjrhborhood, baartrc orchard, auto road. Thll plac. wlil a o!d m a week, anj bofora sell ing w wart an offer from yoj. whatn. r too want It a a Urn or aa u laTratznrcc. IT MUST BE SOLD And It will par rou to Investigate, rtraS Stata Baak. Creek. Or. Holladay's Extraordinary Bargain Tea-room hotis on corner lot, walk faj distance, Ilonie is well built and modem in every way; has living-room, library, kitchen, full ce TEnt "basement and hot-water heat: four bedrooms. dreir.r-rooni, batS and sl.'epir.i; porch; second fl.ior, maid's r.xm, two store -rooms, attic. valu-s lot at $d0C0; ho.i cost $7000. Will sacrifice several thou sand fcr immediate sa!.. HER CHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY l- 'JsiK&m - Yon can never know the true condition of the title to your property without investigating OUR ABSTRACTS Tall It All. irsotVK. PlIO-fF nplial b.blaal frr akatrant w .re par, ata-saber rma -. at Tllla Meaw MORTGAGE LOANS tse rate, aa. . . . .-a Irmi ta aoiti aswelal rale, aad I arwb. larau aa laia loiaa ea I rii lar Ptrata laaaata A. H. BIRRELL CO. Mai to jfclLAy Btac aa asa sisra. KTW TOD AT. GOOD MORNING! At what hour will you be ready to go out to GL1SANSTREET ONE-HALF ACHES Telephone u at any hour to day and we will be pleased to take you out ia our automobile. Eemember, that the beautiful surroundings of this tract are not to be equaled in or about Portland. If vou see this prop erty you will "buy, as the prices are within the reach of all. By ceupvinjr one of these tracts you are stiil in Portland snd only 20 minutes from thj business centre. Prices $600 to $700 per tract. Terms $69 or $70 down. Bal ance $12 to $14 per month. HAH 8 THOMPSON Real Estate Dept. Chamber of Commerce. Prive Exchange 20. A2050. BARGAIN FOR SALE Model Theater a X. Third MraaC Money to Loan O IMPROVKD FARMS A.XD CITT PHOPEBTr. I LHM.K T HATES. APPLY ROBERT LIVINGSTONE SWH MUi-firt Balldlag. PORTLAND HEIGHTS SNAP N!na and one-halt acres, close In, or chard, houan. floa view, aultabla for bvautlful home; tlO.OOO. tarma. No ajcenta. A O 142. Orrsonlan. MORTGAGE LOANS CCtf JOHN E. CRONAN, HOJ J JO sa i.aMix nids. lis rTAT waltm !.. William 0. SIS Falllna bide Brubakar A Saaadlct. SUS klclCa' bids, at S4S. Ckrptn Itarto. rJ cunr Cmnaarra, Caea. S. SL A Ca SOS Csrbatt bide Jaanlax At Co.. Mala IM. IO Onrailta ral.MKItlOSES COW U. P, SIS commar- aiai Clak bids. Tb Oma Raai Batata da.. Orand aad btiltaaiaab at. (Holladar Aedltloak. H. E- THOMP0! CO.. lor. 4tk aad Oak eta. REAL ESTATE. rr Sala Lata. CHEAP LOT. CLOSE IN. Zaat 2 -J atraal. nrar Frankfort atraat, ana bloa to car. SOxXM Xaati facias aaat; prlca tarma. OOUIVVHI A WtKPRIOJC. 24J Stark Svraal. U4.I.P-S ADDITIOX. Baastrful m!!nn alta. SMIJt. naa block frun llawtoma ara. Caoica nlah brbo4. iu all i n urai iU HI. Oraor.taa. Tll.llMlX'K BCA"H T chaloa lota ad j .!aia tailmaJ and aea; pnra for both liiO: wlil ail rar aqullr of 110. prral valua of lo'a adjotnir.c 10 aa'-b. T-la-pAoaa P tvsl ar addraaa 1 HA Oraaalan. ' is-Tora. Or abeat two doaa la that aa aut aail: Siakiea a&d SOtb. bo a e&ah ofTr. HtHClUMi SAVINGS A TRUST CO. IS TTR taentb- bora Bfc-a-laol lot Tiar io.l Se car. c::t watar. atraat araUxl. I nalaaorbood; aa caab payment ra iV; Sl E TA P t HOP. Ml TH tHD ST. CITT LOT. S'Dntnut. front carlioa. lo frntt trona. Mpltaanurra aod kinca. viaw of nouata.r a ifl Coturabla Blvr: aaa trrma. 'IQC llord of Trada li:da. ift'.T omti marta-aaa an ray Hood Rlrar ranch, will a.-ri&ca ana trvias'.oll lot. 1.'&10. fr Slaou. na.f caab. Addrraa Ail 14-f. Ortuniaa. UkiiK -at aar Raw City Para, ea-noat ti.i Brmd.i atraota. Uull Sua wa;ar. $;CU. bo aganta; no coauaiaaloaa. Owaar. SOI -fti Foard cf Trada. ""VS7ANOrlAR LOT. rtBLASD. ISTi ;b doaa. S roontMy. fr.r.:inc ua two atraota. far b;rVf to car. Frad W. Gar. man. 3. "J Iiurn.d. X. wt A -TJA CHOtrc bulldicc lota. SOrliV) with city watar. an food carnna; I40. noth'n d-wn 110 par month. Tnjuira for Mr. Laocard. S4 4;b a;.. Colnmbia Trml Co. " PORTLAND KElrtHTS. Lota, all prtra Caa Bull bomcwaakara or taraln buntara. Main 111. BROOKE. A S.S3S. PITS lot w!tb caxnrnt baaamant. 34x:e; ft fruit trara t'a;l or addrraa IX I. & 340 Ml at.. Kara Park atalloo. ML Scott car: tarma FOR SALE A baraaln: 4 lota, Wrat flda. 12 mlauira from bua.nsa cntar: Improv Bian:a al In and paid, must aall; a.h. H 1 Ornonlit. FOSE CITT PACK BARGAIN. Flna kultdlnt lou rl" t car, S02J. fASN A MIUilt'E. 432 Chamber Commrca B:d. ;3 S POWN. IS. MONTHLY, ftauwar Addition, ntht on 1:. F2d at., cloaa to 3dt. Hood Electric, rrad T . Ger man, izi Burna:da. Ht.a or A 2T7. iu t i-vra aa w. stark ana n-a sta.: rnrirne bul.dlng: bee: bur In the city. Empire J Pea. tv A Truat Co- Maraaall ItJ. 4-1, Y.on D C IRVINT.TON r ARK. lot 65l'.0O feet, floe 1 nation Sthv. half oaah. owner. Eben McKarnd. 410 Corbett Bide VOKtLtND Height. walking d.atanca. tesutlfu. alt f .v one or two bungaiowa. i:?0. Main 3.'3I A Q.Je. rtrovse ;j CASH bu full-alsed lot on W-W i-srllre: Just half of regular selling price, fall f.r irgin. Ms'.n 07'). ABARVaIN- FOR A FEW DATS. . Cor-er 7H. Alberta street. ItiO. HLUt'H RtlALTT Cp...:t'Alder at. i-OR SALE at sacrifice, lot on Dlvlalon at. near Lad J a Addition, by ownar. Must s. i L A KJ 44Orc u n . sn. B sell mv aciulty In corner lot In Rosa My Park cheap; no agents. P leS, ore. gontaa. . ilOSB CITT PARK lot. JO feet from Sandy road: S70O. Call 4a Chamber of Cam- rr. r 'e o . d g. OUT TO SELL ROS.-iMERB LOT In One part of tract for SIuO. aom tarma C ltd oresoulaa. A OREAT many flna lata. Irrlnirton. all prt.-ea East 73, G lSod; no aganta, W. II. Herdman- iTif-trTtEAFNET ST.. near f.i. I3S0: be- iaefl 1 carltces. ijavui tawia room s .umberman bldg- CUOICK lot Bear East S"th aad Taylor at a bargain, by ownar. Phone Tabor 1374. XVRrTLHClifT equity la 4 lota Ii30; bast bargain In tb addition. B 107T. FoVR n'ra lots In College place for gird. SLOCH REA1.TT CO- t04 Alder St. KILAL rSTATE. Far 6ale Lota. NEAR NEW MT. TABOR PARK. IvOxlOd. South lit. Tabor, naar Haaai nlr. Parrha.d for bcana. bat ownar kaa raft .-itr and wlahaa to dlapoaB of hlia taraata hr; pentad la barrtaa. fruit traaa and cardan truck; prlca balow maxkat; S.'.OO run. halaara on tarma ta auit por cnaaar. V Prl, Oraconlan. LOTS. 1100. , FICHT ON WE6T SIDB OPl.lNii. BETOND CITT TAR1C TH AND W. IAMHILL STS. Vaw add-on. tan mtnuta from bnai caaa cantar: oa bow Waahlncton-at. car lina: loia ftoiloo. aoma lariar. IMaO. aaay thaaa lota ara boaoUful boina a;:aa. Nulonal A Trual -K. - Wij.ilriTa it., room ia SPECIAL PRICE. .. Cornar Eaat Slat and UrookirB aueata. SOxl-a ft. b!n and atuhtly land. ooa aurroonOinca. r:atrlctad d:atrlct: prlca ra ducad fr,m lllud to a tor a tjulok aa.. aaay tarma. . GODDAKD A TTTPTDRICK. ACROSS PROM WALNUT PARK. Hulldlna lot at anap prtca of ISuO. only tbrra blocka from Cnlon aranuo. on Bw straal. balwaan AJbarta and KUiiniaworlb avanua. OODDARD A WTEDRICK. PORTLAND HErOHTS. - rn!l lot on tha lower H.-!r.hta, wltk tlna Bnobatructed uw; price IOO. on tarma to au:t; if buyer will build, a, money re quired. R. F. BRIAN. Mala Id6oj Chain, of Com. A 1 T. . . , , - . V. e. r til C lOfrxUi.,. corner Rodney and Golna;. notn .erd-aurtcd. cement waika In. aewer ana aat.r ronnecUona up to lot; prlca JW aaay term a. QollDARD A WrEPRICk. Z-i'd taxk CLOSB TO FIR LAND STATION. Nloe. airhlly lota, near Powell Ira". Oxlis feet; prlca It (10 down aad 10 bar monb at a per cent. liuDDARD VltnRICK. t3 Atark o trt'.-u lit VI NOT ON tlna reeidenre lot 8xlOO. E. Pth at., between Thomnaon and Tillamook. Cheap If taken now. Provident Invaatmant A Tru:ee Co.. lul-SOS Hoard of Trada b:d. Marerinll 473. A 102i o..t.i a j " TSxto feet, on corner Eaat SOth near Jtrt-erta etreet; atreet graued. cement walka on bo:h atreeta and b-mded. tarma. trOLDAP.l WIEUIUCK. 23 Stark etro-t. Si CASH WOODbTOCt CAHL1 X 4oxlrt lota, cur water piped to each National Realty A Truat Co.. a2eA Wailu -to,cc Tn lnnv A.VK- Monroa atroet. Juat eaat of Cnlon. Sox l-o reel; price 41bA only e-w - . ' cclle&t for Ba'a. , GODLiARD A WIEnnaCK. -44 ftark tstrevt PORTLAND HEIGHT BARGAIN. About as lota. IJi ft frontage Ilea beautifur : One eaat tine, treea; I-jOO, aaay t-rma; reduction for cash. MAIN S55L 1IROOKE. A SS39. lit V IN G T ON lot. 1X: SOxlOO. on rarline, near Stanton. McAlllater A Loeddemann, .l Eleotrlo bldk. for Hale Hon Hunts ON KAbX PATMSNTS. eix-room bouea. two atortea. all modern, eaat front, beautiful lot. many ahada tree, block front car; etreet Improvement paid; new. ready for occupancy; l0 caab, bal ance monthly paymanta. BUNOALOW. s rami, larre attle. flra- Elace. furnace, book caaaa. buffet. Dutch itchen. hardwood floora; eaat front, all atreet lmprovementa paid; half block from car: SSvO down, baianca on monthly pay znenta. fix room a two-et ore. atjnara honaa. joat bolnx completed: oak floora. fireplace. Dutch kitchen, buffet, all other modern conveniences; 100 feet from carllna; Saw caab, balaaoa monthly paymanta. We hae eeveral other honaea and bb aalowe which wlU be completed eooa; lot ba ahow them to you before you buy. PROVIDENT IXVETIirxT TRUSTEB COMPANT. ML JJ Hoard of Trafle Bide Marer.all 471. A 1IL portiIand heights home. Owner offora for aala aplendld now H''iita raaudence; atrlctly modern. large alrv and well-i:rhted bedrooma; alao a a. eeplng porrbee with dreaalng-rooma. mir ror dojra. living-room 2"S4. with l"" rep:aoe; dlntbg room IOiJO. heautirul.y paneled, laraa fireplace and bullet; large klicheii. paaa pantry, tiled alnk. cool cup- b, ard. etc; panr.ea bKiiard-room aa den. rthedrnl l,tmel and ruallo flreplaco: wine caiiar and frultroom; lovely ecrecned dm'nr porch and larice porch off from llv-lrg-room; S rompieta bathrooma. S loll eia. flea lavatorlea. hardwood e-ore, two woodlllta. wood, coal and clothea chute; roomy cloeeta. 7 lota, driveway, garage, lovely native treea. everything that roaaea for atlrarilvenfae and comfort. A ex cluded location, beautiful aurroundlnga. Price only S1A."V Can arrange terma. HELNi! r. rHl'DliOMMK. Owner, aoej ypa;.r.g Li ilg. THAT VACANT I-OT. Wtrt N'T TI'IIN A Hi;KDEr INTO INCOME PttOPERTT? IT Voir OWN A LOT. WE WILL K1RNISH miS) MONET AND Itlll.p RESIDENCE OR FLATS. P'ANK PKCE IF WE IU-II.D. Ot"R RKP ITATinX TOUR PROTECTION. IT WILL PAT TO SEE 11 I R. It A IL.ET CO. INC CONTRACT IN'I AR' HITE'Ta. 314 AUINQTOX HLD. WALKING DISTANCE. fAiOO bouae for f.ov If aoid within two tmu: j... rash. Part lee going East; rooms, modern In ery detail: will ae.l furniture If wanted. Owner. S? E. lth aw J blocka north of Mt. Tabor carllna. SM.00 Daet tura S-room modem bungalow. So "KM?R RKALTT A TRUST CO.. 4? Teon bldg. Marshall 349 READ THIS l:S TKRM3. New modern ,-rooin bungalow; at least ?h' about this as It must go before una 1. I- 8. Metcalf. till Taon bldg Mamf-al! illt EAST WALKING DIaTANCB. flood comer houae. S rooms on first floor, fireplace: term; Hi: CM. 41S Falling b cs- S-ROOM modem bungalow, furnace, elec tric and raa tlcht. stationary tuba, on psvod a.reet. good acbool and car ma. phoneB lftlB; - ROOK CITT PARK New S-room bouaa, hardwood floors, fireplace veneer Penel mt. east front. !-'. -o0 cash. 411 B. at. N. Tabor S747. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Homes, all priors. Caa suit homeaeek ara or bargain hunters Main ML HRQQKE. A SMe NEW COTTAOE. S rooms, large attic, small storeroom, laundry trays. Ona plumbing; terms, 413 railing bl.lg- ""3H" ACRES. MONTAVTT.LA. LEASE. All ready for tha plow, good soil, 4 roora houa-. IIS Par month. Fred W. Gar man. i-V Uumalde. klaln or A S77o. FRACTIONAL lot. with bouae. on East 11th. near V aahlr.g-.on atreet; Income JJ-e per yaar: prua I-4U0. See owner, 32 , l&tb etreet. OWNER-inuit ell trlcily modern bunga low near Richmond Una at sacrifice: S-'oo down, balance easy terms. Key at 30 . 2 d t h. Telephone Woodlawn MODERN S-room bungalow. Just coroplet--d. within half a biock of car; can b bought for -0 down, balance S-D per month, gt'1-3 Board of Trade bMg. FOR 6Al.r? f i -room house, fractional IA est Slie lot: furnace, modern. 2 fireplaces; ftJO. 13 monthly: Sd down; no agents. C'3 Worcester b:dg. - 175. Good real estate 1 th best Invest ment. Call and ace what 173 will do. 503 TEON BLDO. S E ET hTSW E ST SIDE'S XAP'TODA T Modern 4-rooio home for only 11000; e.ny terms. 3K3 Guild su, near 134 and Thurman. FOR-PALE Most desirable land In eaay walking distance from center of city. In quit e C 14o. Orv gonian. , MODERN five-room bungalow; full cement bieement. walks, fireplace, flxturea, sbadea. Phone owner. Marshall . S-ROOM new btiTtralow on 13th. near Al brrta St.. at 4.tA with good tarma AJT 1 i '2. Orcgonla n. S HOLbrlS. 1200 down, $20 per month: on ha store snd barn; bargalua 31? UamU ton. 9wnk. - Main l0. $3 MONTHLY buys S-room bouse: bain. paneled d'.ning-room. cement basement; price 12150. Phone owner. East 274L WILL SELL our equity In modem S-room bouse and 2 lots, iealrtne; city; owner. 11 4th. Main HC7. NEW S-room house on TAslOO lot. In Glad stone: 2 blocks front Oregon City carllna C IIS. Oregonlan. FXJtTS and furniture for aa'.a by owner; "mult ell: a snap. (9300. Hi Ea4T Taylor. Ihona Eaat h0. J.POOSI houn In Fulton Park. Inculr Main TSod. a l-ROOM houae, Portland Height, lot 40X113. 10 fruit treea. Marshall 1864. KEAL rSTATB. For Palo Honaea. TWO 5-room bncgalowa, new, modern, rm- prortmenti ail in; nne, nicn-cue ' ' -eaat front, Roaemere, t b'ocka from carl V UuO caab wlU handle: 31iO. Thraa konaea la Ladd'a Addition, an modem and up to data; $6730 each. S-roem hooea, Mount Tabor, bunt ona year; Oreplaoa. fnmaoe. electric, llgnta. ahadea. paweled dining-room, built-in buf fet and book eaaea. Dutch kitchen, two lota flna Tiew of city: only S4400. JlOvO caab: Terr aaay monthly paymanta. S-room bungalow In Snnnyalda. raod-ra. lmprovementa all la; 43100, -eery eaay monthly paymaaUL Beautiful T-roora hotrea In IrrtnrtoTi: beamed and paneled dlnlngroom, bullt-m buffet and book eaaea, laraa Dutoh kitchen, beautiful fireplace, good furnace, lmprovementa all In; aaat front; ItiiO, IIUUO eaah. Wi have other beautiful htm era la all part, of the city, aoid on aaay monthly fiarmenta. We will ee'.l you a lot In Irv ngton, Roaa City park. Country Club Ad dition or Lawndala, and build you a house according to your own Ideaa and you caa pay for It on email monthly pay manta. Hare you seen our new addlUon. LoraJna Heights, on the Weat SldeT Leaa than two from the PoetotXlee. $47S up. In cluding cement walka, eurbe. graded atreeta and watar; building restriction. HOISINOTOft-COMTE CO-SI5-2T B. of T. M. 07SS. A 3TS7. HAVE TOU IIOOOT BIO SNAP. Two are. modern bunealowg near Haw thorne art. one wlil eell at 13100, tha other at S29O0; owner settling in Kaatern Oreeon wlrea to sell both for 34400 with S20vi cdsh, balance assume mortgage. Yon mint baea 19000 eaan or no uaa call ing; you can clean up 31400 on this In a very short time. This is one of th unorual windfall you may have looked for for a long lime. Portland-raciflc In vestment Co.. 413 Railway Exchange. Marshall 173. or Tabor 3943. 1330 CASH, encp rrrr pxTtK New house. 8 rooms and sieeplne; porch, oak floors, art and leaded-glass windows, mirror door. bookcases, large fireplsee. paneled dining-room, beamed ceiling, buf fet. Dutch kitchen, woodllft. cooler, built in Iron tug-board, full cement basement, laundry trays, furnace, hot-water colL house piped for gas; eaat front; lot 50x100. "1 block to car. Improvement In and pai a. S"J TEON BLDG. SUNNTSIDE: A beautiful 6-room house on E. 87th etreet. ona block from best car service In city, for 14'KlO. on very essy terma New. modem in every puu "'. ... ,i... o out. larae living' room, dining-room, reception hall. Dutch 1,1, o i.a.irooma and sleenlncr porch; cement basement and furnace, blrdaey maple floora l nis properly is a u-.-at the price- McAllister A Lueddcmann. v-t r.iectnc Diag. JUST completed, an up-to-date S-room 2-story-and-attic house, aleeplng porch, glaaaed cona-rvatory. cedar cloaet, beam celling, hardwood floor, veneered panel walncotlng. solid bras hardware: corner lot, facing the eaat. sightly elevation. In Rosa City Park. Eaat 47th and Slsklyou. Tfcl was built for a home. Term to ulL Can owner. Tabor 22W or call 628 iifurr Quia. ti,'i vnn TA-AVT TO RITIL.D? v i,vp a SVFlf'IAI.TY Of DESIGN INO AND I1UILDINO 1-P-TO-DATE FLAT BUILDINGS AND HOUSES. WHEN 1 BUILD NO CHARGE FOR PLANS. I CAN SHOW TOU A BIO INCOME ON THE INVESTMENT. AND WILL, PIR MH TOU WITH PART OF THIS MON S Y WITH WHICH TO BUILD. Z. K. LOCKE. B29 HENHI WLUU. v-1.-u mA moHern residence In finest Irving- ton dlstrk-l. on East 20th street: six noma handsomely finished and very at tractively arranged; large living-room and dining-room, with beam celling, hard wood floors, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, three aleeplng rooms, cement basement and fur nace price reauceo to euwv. e balance easy. McAllister St Lueddsmann, 021 Electric blag. IF PARTICULAR. EES Tins S-ROOM BUNGALOW. JUST COM - PLETED; EAST CASH PAYMENT. i --.-. n .Bmnrprl rooma oak floor, veautlful buffet, fireplace, etc; all built in convenience that a ladj appreciates: WlU accept lot a part payment; owner o:i ground afternoons. Tnke Rore City Park car to 68th t walk norm block or phon Slain 4144 mornings. BEAUTIFUL RESILYENCE. Comer. lO minute from Poatofflce, Haw thorne car, T room, furnace, fireplace, ae lect neighborhood: Saooo. 31000 cash, bal- . . v ,,Mr r.nt' must sell. PROVIDENT INVESTMENT A TRUSTEE 1. Oil fA. 1 , S01-2AS Board of Trade Bids. Marahall 473. A 1022. Till" IS WORTH LOOKLNO INTO. Elcrant 7-room modem corner bouse. built 2 "j years, Ino location, on block from William ave,. near Going; sewer In, combination light fixtures, double floors, flreplaca f-ill cement basement and furnace; price only 31,",0. csh take this nice home. For particulars call room 12 Mulkey bldg.. or Main Joel. 8230 CASH. 113 MONTHLT. ROSE CITT PARK. T-room. den. solid oak floor, built-in buffatt and bookcases, furnace, mirror door, etc NATIONAL P.EALTT TRUST CO.. 320 Mi Wash. St.. room SIS Main S120. FINE INVESTMENT. t block with large, modern house; ad joins t lty rri on me am Blue, i M block from Whlngton t and overlook ing tha eliy: tha unoccupied ground will make an elegant apartment alts. 231 Washington at. WHT PAT RENT. W will sell you a borne and yon caa rar far It on aaay monthly payments: our nOUSeS I1U1IU1 i " 1 limiuwww, (imm ilnilDr. shades, ate. Provldsot In vestment A trustee Ox, 201-S03 Board at Trade. Owner. m von went a borne on tha East SldeT Wa hav some beautiful places, cheap and on aaay terma in irvington. jaureiaurst, ., cltv Park and other attractive dis trict. McAllister A Lueddemann, &21 Electrle bidg. a V IRVINGTON BEAUTY. Ttiet oomnleted. S-room modem house. with center ball, hardwood floors through out, handsome luuminsung tiaiurea au plcx shadca elegant locauon; 18000. AJ lei, oregonian. I50O DOWN. Just finished last week, elegant T-room bungalow In Rosamere. modem In every detail: lot lies high, has flr tree and 1 close to cr. a-none owner at taoor ava. S-R003C new bungalow, west of Piedmont and convenient to Jefferson High School, i "u,. i ,nt mnA ru k, f rr t from carlina la3S0. with only ISOO cash. AJ 144. Ora- geman. MR- Tou can buy a 7-room bouse with bath. gaa aiectno m ta-u. 7 ,i cloaer In than Ir-rlngton, for ISiOO; half . , . . I . . ,,C W m mt 7 1 1 a orth. FOR SAIB or rent, a furnished bona on Klrby ana veosier ui,. Jefferson High School; $140 per month rent or will ell on easy terma Inquire Caluj un.i troy park at. NEW ft-room, modern finish. 052 Ladd av., -00 fast to D cornerv12th and Hawthorne, with future bulnc value; toT.oa term. Phon East 6178. R. at, W Idney. o wner. BEAUTIFUL HOME. S room, large bllllard-room. fine) flnlab, oak- lot 73xlfO. cholveat location Irving ton.' Et 273. C lsdd. No agentk W. IL neromi GREATEST anap ever offered. 4 acre. ML rioott Una small houae. other Improve ments, worth S1400: your for 1300, half cash. Owner. 603 Teon bldg. 6-KOOM bungalow, lot 50x100, fine location. Thl 1 a rargatn: $2100. ea.y terma Phon C 212. or Woodlawn 8H29, morn ings. Bnalraea Property. ONE block on Thurman at. with large 2 tory building; thl property 1 easily worth $30,000: muet raise some money; will take 137.5X0; don't fall to look this up. Weitern Sec. Co.. 414 Spalding bldg. FOR SALE Flno apartment lte, 100x100. north of Montsomery. between 10th and 14ih rta: 335.0QO. F 442, Oregonlan. Acrcagr. ACRE TRACT. Multnomah Station, Oregon Electric 17 minutea out; cleared; alghiiy; easy terma F.H. Lewis. 8 Lewi bldg. FOR SALE by owner, 1 acre of land, fruit treea bouse, barn, on county road, near Council Crest carllna Inquire at ttod Front iu, before 3 P. M., any day; 332UO. ACREAGE and facm. from $12.30 per acre up: larxe and email tracts. Call Kinney a Stamphar. eai-2 Lumber Exchange bldg. SU ACP.E5. cheap: 8 mile, from town; flna black olL small house; been cultivated. Call E. S309. ; BL OWNER Small tracts near Oregon City cariin and on WU.amett Hlver. i. W. Meldrum. Meldrum tatlon. J00 ACRES untmproTSd fruit land, well watered: $23 acre. -JAV 11L Oregonlan. CITT acres, near Mount Tabor, 31700 and up. Fhon owner. East 3Sdu. REAL ESTATE. Acreage, ACREAGE!. 4000 acre In on body, platted fnto tract of one-halt to 20 acres each, with a complete and traveled road alonr each lotl om lot high and sightly. ome low; black garden land; others with running water: all of the very best of oil. no rock or gravel and only 40 minutea out on either electric or warn line. See tha orchards., berry patehee, garden and satisfied buyer on tat acreage and you aiU look no fur ther. Prtcea range from $125 to 8500 per acre, acordlnr to location and atata of Improvement. Payable in monthly lnstallmanta THB SHAW-FEAR COMPANT. 102 Fourth St. Main 33. A S500. . TH ACRES FOR $1200 H CASH BREAK LOOSE from city and be your own boaa Tve done It after 30 lavery. and wife and I am going to hav the time of our live with our chlcKens, fruit and gtblea Only waited 6 acres, but had to buy 80. so will eU bal ance to congenial naurhbom. No lm provementa but fine, great treea. Ilk a park, with living mountain itream lur nlaMng pure wat.r for home and irri gauon, making poaslble lntanalve fmit, berry and vegetable culture. Cordwood enough to almo.t pay for tract; lumber for building cheap. practically right on plendld auto road: now 4 mile from o. W. P.. but will be only lil to ew5 Hood Rna Btora church. .chooL Va mlla. Rlchaat of solL Write me .."i"- " ready to buy. No agenta AG 138. Ora- gonian ACKEAJb. $23 to $70 per wre: 340 acrea subdivided into 130 tract of 3, 5. 10. 20. $o to 100 acre each; beat fruit and gar dan land, deep oll. fine water, bo rook I cn hour- ride from Portland, rail and river transportation: town and school la center of tract; good roade In front of every tract, your chance to Ket an Ideal money-making home. Theae tracts sell oa igbt to practical peopla Call and make an early selection. McFARLAND INVESTMENT CO. -alo Corbett Bldz. CONGENIAL neighbor wanted. Fruit land. beautirui ecemo iuiluu.,. ;:ir.. mountalna boaUng. fishing, near electric at Dnaer 1 anrT Am IlTl-" line, on ouur num ' u prOVinX tU SkC. -DBS iUI Wu a.w.a.-e " genial neighbors on remcvinlriij acreaf Will 1 AV-"-Vcr n, an ideal location for permanent or mr homo, taia 1 your opportunity. o better land in Oregon. For lurther par - . t-t 1ST Orfsrar.lB.Tu UCUIB.I3 r.UUrcaa vn la--., a-a LUUIV V J. From Portland'a vi-yvpoints and you wl.I Know wny revi wl. vujt- - . - tin Vailt-y land to any other. It Is close facIUUes and a fine black aoll that will row anything. W ofter imail tracta PACrFIC N. W. DEVELOPMENT CO. 4US Couch bldg.. 4th, near Wain. St. TEN acres, best sediment oll. sometime cauea ueav.cuu, . - : ----- vated; levot. inicaij ".utu .... . a,,j. church, achool, store, near electno carllna; good county roafi. R. F. D., phone, eic; very hT. ban acreage; e-v y.i . . -- - ance per cent, or will sell 5 acre am terma Call, phone or write ua Do It now. J. W. Hefferlln Realty Co. 203a, Corbett CHICKEN and rrult reecho near Portland; walking distance to good town; runnnlag water, beat soil, freo wood, splendid trull district: view of Columbia River and snow peaka; 2 acres $250; 8 acres $300, 18 acres $300, 20 acre $600; 10 par oe cash, easy payjnonta i ilAN -I M'FAilLAND REALTY OO ICS if eon Bldg.. Portland. . ryONTBTJY UNTIL YOU EES our) $37.80 an acre land; beat redshot otl; no rock; run ning water. ome timber, school, mall, telephone and good roads; two hour from Portland. Your choice of 90 ten-acre tracts for $375. Don't delay. Palmer. 612 t-oucn plug. . . ..... . T I T T.I rT-T On to 10-acr tract. Juat what you want for country homea We have with or without buildings Improved or unim proved on carllne and within auto driving distance from Portland. Telephone 636 or 61.1. First btato Bank. Greiliam, Or. . T , -. - -T- uit.E. nun Nearly 5 acres on the car line, all cleared and platted; 100 per cent profit sure. Price $4500; $2500 cash. Thl Is a snap, bee us today. wui-co- a r.omcR 420 Lumbermen' bltig. yrii,n. imo v, . i.,. 80 acrea 13 cleared. 12 under the plow, abundance of spring water, deep rich soil, good barn, houae. mile from chool. one mllo from depot; $2200, terma L. 18, oregonlan. Very bet andy loam, allghtly rolling, fruit tree bearing, living stream, all In cultivation. 4 blork to achool. close to electric itatlon. 80 minute from Port land; terma x, -lev, o. ONLY $376 FOR 10 ACRES Best garden land, on email creek, no rock, can all bo cultivated; near school and county roada Can ahow you In hours any day. Beat buy near Portland. $12 Couch bldg. 109 4th at. . ' IDEAL SUBURBAN ACREAGE. If you want a big snap In something desirable, with maple ahada springs and running water, come out and see it to day. B, Hagamann, e mllo aoutbeast of Milwaukee. SXL ACREsrabout 2 acre cleared, 2-room house, mil from station in thickly eu tied, highly Improved locality and only 40 minutes' ride from city; $2000. terms. AJ 144, Oregonlan. ONE acre, all cleared, only 40, minutea out, the very beat of soli. In thickly settled community, facing on carllna, at $5O0, $50 cash and' $3 and Interest each month. AJ 143 oregonlan. . - . 1 J 8, 3 AND 10-acre traota cloa In. good electrlo car service. $100 to $250 per acre; big valuea easy terma J. W. Heffeslln Realty Co.. 2H3 Corbett bldg.. both phones. Bomeatemaa, ADVANTAGES OF OREGON 100-page book gives amount of Government land open to homestead. In each county In the States of Oregon and Washington, and deecrtptloa at same; gives homestead, deaart. timber, stona coal and mineral law; two map cf Oregon in colora 21x28. ahowlng R. H. In operation, on showing all proposed R, R. and electrlo llnea including astem and Central Oregon. Zoo each, or three 60a Map of Washington In colora 21x28, 2Ua Mama, Runey A Co.. Hamilton bldg. TWO homestead or timber claim adjoin ing. 7.0O0.O00 beautiful, large, old-growth fir on each: $700 each for rellnqulshmenta - - TT V. . ,,-..).-. AQ1 altf atarquara um. . om- GOOD homestead and relinquishment ta Josephine County. Heavily covered with timber. P. E. Gumm. 823 Chamber of Commerca BRITISH Columbia land pre-emption, homesteads, coast districla Call In circu lar? oiTai-pllcatlon. A. B. HaU A Co, OU noincniiu wma. For sale Fruit Land HOOD RIVEB $450 per acre wlllVoy one of tha best 20-acre orchard In th well-known Hood Rive? viler If taken AT ONCE: NEAR LY ALL In atandard varletlea of apple: a rood part in full bearing; alao amall family orchard; good houae. barn, out bulldlng. team. Implement and tool. In spring water In the house; biggest bargain ever offered: produced almost 1S0O boxes of apples season 1910, and more In sight this year. If you reauy want a place In the Hood River Valley where you can have a beautiful homo and be come Independent raising apple tavestl gate. this without delay; $3800 cash, bal- nca j v terms. DEVLIN A FIREBAUGH. u7 Yeon Bldg. FOR SALE An Improved SO-acre fruit farm In the White Salmon Valley, only 75 mile, from Portland; thl ranch I highly im proved and 1 fine Summer and Winter horn: will ell the Improved 40 acres or the entire tract: eplendld 6-room bouaa with large living-room, bathroom, flre c'ace, etc; ample water aupply for do mestic use and irrigation If desired; a bargain for right party; only $4Ot0 cash required. Address owner, AT 148. Orego I. lau- REGAIN your health and accumulate wealth growing apple In th famous Hood Illver-M osier distrtet. on our new B'aa. A amall cash payment will start you right. Call or write tor beautiful free booklet. HOOD RIVER ORCHArLO LAND COMPANY. 907 Yeon bld. For Sale) Farm SNAP A tine farm It mile from depot, tool Improvement alock. crop a to. 4t 4a.4f ST 11 1 f If KINNEY A BTAMFHER, LV8 1-32 Linbr. Sl P'dg, FOR 8AIE Fin levl wheat farm of S30 acre in Morrow County, all In Fall wheat. Only 4 mile to railroad. -$25 per acra. In cluding all crop. Kaay terxna. T. H. L4t t ; e halt,. Forest Grove, Or. RANCH. 0 acres, witn buildings. IS xntlea from Portland, near electric line: bargain for all cash, by owner. 1S2 Morrison ft. FOR bargain! .ntt -purpose farm lands sit uated In Linn and Benton Counties, call eg. or write J. V. Pipe, Albany. Oregon. 40 AC HE 3. half Improved, for sale by own- er. Car Couch bldg elevator. .1 REAL ESTATE. For Sale- Farms. 100 ACRES, nearly all tn cultivation, new nine-room nouse, cost aowo. .7 and outbuildings, fruit trees, etc Adjoin station, good town; railroad through the land and electtio line aurvared. American wire fence, good schoola An Ideal home near Portland; prica only $130 per acre. Terma low Interest. Adjoining land In young fruit treea. selling for $350 per acre In ten-acre tracts. Same can bo done with thla Thl I a great bargain to farm or subdivide. T. in fiTVIVMKTZ A CO.. 217 Ablngton bldg.. 106 Vi Third t. S3 ACRES, deep, black olL H cleared, bal ance In pasture ana timuo . v. Htcr. level, close to chool. chi-rch, store, etc; thickly' settled neighborhood, near electric carllne; a very desirable close-in auburban property at the special low price of 8125 per acre, or will sell half for $130 per acre: good, reasonable terma Cau phone or write ua today. j. w, HEFFERLIN REALTY COv. ZU3 Corbett Diqg."ioe:J IS ACRES, In cultivation, finest of soil. large bouse, extra large . , buildlnts. 1"4 cre In bearing orcharo. ?lenty of small fruit. 1 mil from Houlton, 7 mil from Portland, on railroad; price 3J00O, term $1000 cash, balance easy terma, long time; Immediate possession; must aell by Friday. Thl advertisement win not appear again. Writ or phon it. u. wiKon. ytouiton. uregon. citiu ivTCVn AO a T,VTrTtTTSED. 20 acrea all fenced. 4 acre cleared; ISO fruit treea about SO bearing: -acre In. berries; 7-room house; small bam; 20O cords of wood on place; good soli: land lays well: place Is on main county road 2 miles south of Kalama. Thla la a snap. Prlca, $2000; $1000 cash. TAYLOR A IMTJS. Kalama, Wash. 40 ACRES, Hood River Valley, on east side, 6 acrea bearing, 24 acres from 1 to 4-year-old, all standard, balance good fruit land; food buildings and complete outfit: price .10.000; win accept Portland property from $5000 to $10,000, balance terma W. . Farria, Hood River. Or. CHOICE VALLEY RANCH. 132 acre near town. A-l location. 83 acrea cleared, balance pasture and tim ber. '-Contalna 70 acres best timothy hay bottom land. House, two barns, and good orchard- Price, including crop S5 per acre. A bargain, phone owner. East B240. FOR SAU3 Fine wheat farm of 1000 acres tn Gilliam County. Oregon. 415 acres in wheat. Good buildings and good water. 4 miles to railroad. $25 per acre Includ ing all tha crop. On easy terms from the owner. T. H. Lalttiehaies. Forast Grove, Or. FARM FOR SALE 400 acrea choice wheat land 9 miles from Burna, Or., all fenced, fartially improved. 50 or 60 acres grain; ots of Implements; a splendid place and good buy on easv terms. Call on W. G. Howell. 1210 Teon bldg., Portland, A. ATRKARE ON ELECTRIC LINES. We have some fine bargains In 5, W and 16-acre tracts along ML Hood, O. W. P and other electric lines. If you want a small farm, see McAllister & Lueddemaon, i21 Electric bldg. 640 ACRES good land for trees, vines or alfalfa; price $40 per acre, easy ternia. Inquire J. N. Lelghton. Escalon. Cl. 61 ACRES with buildings, 45 miles from Portland : fS W0, A V 112, Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE. I HAVE 2 excellent farms to trade for un incumbered rooming-house. Improved prop erty or first real estate mortgages. Will -pay cash, dilterence, F 143, Oregonlan. WANTED To exchange 10 acres of com mercial aiple orchard In famous Hood River district for unincumbered property of equal value in Portland, Address own er. AB 137, Oregonlan. WILL exchange four choice lots at Tilla mook Beach for other property, automo bile, diamonds or anything of value; value of lots, $175 each. Address J 133. Ore gonlan, FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Lots and acreage at Carth&ge Mo., value $65,000. all or part. L. E. Stein met, owner, 217 Ablngton bldg.. 106H Third sL 18 ROOMS. dining-room seat 40 men, kitchen all equipped; rent $40; will take vacant lot part payment; price $350. HIGLE-Y fe BISHOP. 132 THIRD ST. FINE 10-acre orchard Joining best residence section of Sunny side, Washington, to trade for Portland property, bpaiaing. si? ao lngton, B. TRADE Fine wheat ranch in Idaho for Portland lots or house and lot ; if you want a good, home phone owner, Sellwood $15,000 IMPROVED Inside property. East tSiae, large lot, exenange ior residence, rooming-house or aDartxnents to $7000: easy terms on balanoe. AE 140, Oregonlan. WK have houses. lots, farms, acreage, busl ness chances, rooming-houses or anything else you may want to trade for. Garland 4. jjarsnes, ii atn st, it or. SALE or trade for farm 75 -room ho tel, best in progressive country town, 3 railroads, long lease, near aepot. inquire 417 Fenton bldg. BEAUTIFUL 14-cre tract, on carllne. all in cultivation, beautiful buildings. cash or trade, $8500. David Lewis, room 2 Lumbermens Diag. BEAUTIFUL 10-acre tract, all In cultiva tion, near electric carline; want home for It. David Lewis, room 3 Lumbermens bldg, itoitttt in Portland lot to trade for furni ture, piano, eto. tl2 B.tchanan bldg. Mala WILL trade a fine home worth $5000 for J l . n s-e.11 Mnwn OIK TnmKa Pt. change bldg. " SO ACRES In cultivation, part in frulL near carline, want oiose-in noma, uavia jewis, room t Lumbermeni bldg. FOR SALE or trade, sawmill and 80 acres fine timber, close to ranroaa; very cneap. 405 Oregonlan bldg. M. 5009. CENTURY CAMERA. 5 by 7, to be ex changed for serviceable second-hand type writer. Phone Tabor 2768. CORNER lot, .room house; East 10th sL; for close-in acreage or farm; value $6000; mortgage $1100. Phone Taber 2675. PINE claim for vacant lots, SL Johns line preferred, AL 141. Oregonlan. FOB SALE TIMBER LAND. " TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C J. M'CRACKEN. SQl McKay Bldg. TEN timber claims, yellow pine, open lor entry. Particulars write at once. D. C Brichoux, La Grande, Oregom WANTED RHAL ESTATE. WANTED Modern hoTise, Sunnyslde dis trict; will make first payment with, choice apartment site, balance monthly. Phone Main 2292. WANTED Belle Crest lot, as part, for new furnished cottage, balance monthly; will pay itself ouL C 2068, owner. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER lands wanted. C J. McCracken, sot Mots-ay Diag. EQUITY in Portland restricted lot to trade in on cheap lot. 512 Buchanan bldg. FOB 8 AXE. Horse. Vehicles and Harness, LIVERY BUSINESS. $3500 buys the best livery business In the county. We can show you what we are doing In one of the best suburbs of Port land. Don't answer unless you have J25tX or near that. Tou will make the balance out of the business In the next six months. Address AV 131. Oregonlan. TWO of the best-bred stallions on the Coast: one a Jet black pacer, the other a trotter; both blue rib bo a winners. If you want a nne roaa norse or a race norse, come and see these fine fellows. It will cost you nothing to look at them; will ex change for cheaper stock. 484 East Stark. FOR SALE One fine team young, well matched blacks, weighing 2700 pounds ; four fine young horses, weighing $1500 pounds each; one fine team, weighing' 2300. 226" Russell sL FOR SALE Cheap, good driving horse and almost new rubber-tired runabout and harness. 2615 68th it S. E. end of Haw thorne carllne; walk 1 block west and 2 b locks south. RESTAURANT Five minutes wail from Union Depot and business center; will sell or trade for ranch, horses and dump wagons; will give or take dilterence. AK a., uregonian. FOR HI RE H orses, wa gon s an d bu s I ness rigs, by day, week or month; $4 15tb su North. Phone Main 120. Lawless barn. Ask for Mr. Evans., 29 HEAD good ybung draft horses for sale; 1400-1600 lbs; also a good driving team with or without buggy said harness at 17th sxs Siskiyou. $243 BUYS 2400-pound pair mares with good breeching harness and new farm wagon. 351 Second. Main S06L FOR SALE Danfiy little riding pony for small child; afraid of nothing; a perfect pet. Phone Eaat 858. ' PASTURE for horses, near Portland. Appijf 339 Sherlock oiag. fnone wain iiu. GOOD work mules for sale, 12 head, call on or address A. E. Moretz. Grass Valley. Or. POLE road war on used two months. Main 6S76. Easf&WL FOR SALS. Horses, Vehicle, aad Harness. J AUCTION sal of horses, mules, buggies, wagons and harness, Tuesday. Juna 6. a 2 P. M. We will hold our opening a. on the above date and on every Tuesday thereafter. For our opening al w havet about 100 head promised of all clasae of business horsea We sell strictly on oonv miaslon and every animal sold will t. represented exactly as he I to sound Bess, working qualities, etc We will al low 24 hours trial on all stock sold, with, a guarantee and- If not found to be aa represented, your money will be refunded. If you hav any stock for sale, we wlil be glad to aell It fur you. If you r In the market to buy. attend thl aala and we will guarantee you satisfaction. MURPHY UOKSU 4k MULE.COs, Auctioneer , Hawthorne Aveuue Stables, , 420 Hawthorne Ave. 1 ' Phones East 2, B 1368, 1 1 TEAM dapple gry mare nd bay geld ing, tige driver $350; 1 bay team, well matched, weight 2SOO. price $375: 1 team black and sorrel, weight 2D00. price 8550; 1 team bay mare and sorrel gelding, fine delivery team, weiKht 450, $450; X pan black mare weipht 2200 lba. 4 year old well broke: $323, Every horse guaranteed a represented or money back. Spokane Sale Barn. East Eighth, and Haw thorne avo, MUST sell at once, 1 heavy wagons. I?4 and a 14, ona l-sprlng wagon, 1 fine rubber tired phaeton. 1 high-grade rubber-tired) top buggy, 3 sets of nearly new work, harness. 5 head of .horses; wlU aall vary, cheap. 484 East Stark at. Planus. Organs ana Musical Instruments. FISCHER upright piano for rent or sai cheap, pnone M ar nan aua , Automobile. SECOND-HAND CARS. CHALMERS 1910 SO, 5 pus., M H. P, fully equipped. $1150. J PEERLESS 1909. T pass fully, equipped: good buy. $2500. . MAXWELL 3 cyL. 5 pass.; for qulcM sale. $45. - CADILLAC 1010. B pass, fully eQulppeda, real bargain. $1300. ; REO 2 cyl., 5 pass.; top. $400. 1 CADILLAC 1909, 5 pass.. 80 H. F.J fully equipped: rejralnted. $1000. BUICK 3 cyU 5 pass., fully equipped. $450. PIERCE 1910. 6 cyL, 30 H. P.. 5 pass. Al condition. $3000. BUICK Modol 10. 4 cyl. runabout with? top. $C0O- The owners of these cars have left thenj with us for sale, they having purchased! 1911 Pierce-Arrow or Cadillac cars. Ouf list of used cars Is continually changinA lt will oay you to Investigate. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. ! Main U70. A 4587. 21st and Washington, j SPEAKING OF SNAPS. , We have the following cars left with us. by owners who have purchased Packard. cnaimers uetroit 4U, . -paaseoK or. "J w mton bix, toy tonneao. Mai well runabout. VViira XCrti.l fi K -Tie. are.g.n u-ar We have sold all the seven-passengei Packard previously advertised, but hav) one ' Eighteen, 5-passenger for $2600. FRANK C. RIGGS, Packard Service Building, -23d and Washington St 1910 HUDSON roadster, J7!S. i Marwell. Jr., fully equipped, $378. ' 1910 Knox, 7-pass., fully equipped, t19b5 1910 Ileo touring, fully equipped, motor 4-cyllnder, SO iL-P, cost ,1600. Pried !75. - 1910 Maxwell runabout, fully epulpped motor 4-cyllnder, 22 H.-P.. cost tU60, Price $675. 1 CUSTOM HOUSE AUTO CO.. , 331 Everett St. " i WE have the following especially good buy,; in i Electrlo Cara ' - 1 Baker Victoria; latest model, shatf drive, nearly new, owner leaving town. , 1 Rauch Lang coupe, used for demons tratlng. - 1 Etudebaker. very low price. 1 FRANK C. RIGGS, Packard Sorvlco Bldgii 23d and Washington St THE BANNER APARTMENTS. Modern 2-room housekeeping suite very dfBlrable, 20, -4: these rates In clude EL.ECTKIC LIGHT, STEAM HEAT, HOT -WATER, bath and phones. JANITOR SERVICE; walklnK distance; NEW HOUSE, NEW FURNITURE. See them, and you will look no further. 4S9 Clay; St.. near 14th St. , MAKE 8300 A MONTH. Will sell 3-pasaenger, 4-cylinaer 80 horsepower automobile on easy terms to any responsible person; easy terms; prlca eo. ,u oiii .t. FLANDERS racy roadster, latest model. 2 passenger, equipped with glass front and top and chains, used very little and can not be told from new; cost $900; will CADILLAC with touring and delivery body, tires almost new, engine thoroughly over hauled, snap at $190. White Garage, 6tl and Madison. Call for Johnson. ALMOST new 7-pasflenger Wintbn, fully! equipped, cost 83560; owner leaving oltyl - 8'HOO. David Lewi room 8 Lumbermen. bldg. : 1&10 METZ runabout; fine condition; costs 23 cents day operation; tires like new; top. lamVbs. ohaln cheap for cash. 3 134, Oregonlan- . 5-TON Kissel Kar auto truck for sale, good as new. Can see car at garage at Daviat and Union ave. East Side. 1910 AUTOMOBILE In fine condition, used, but Httle;MvIll sell cheap or trade for un incumbered property. J 145. Oregonlan. FOR SALE! Four-seated, 6-cyllnder Pierce. Arrow roadster. Good as new. InQUlro Lang at Co., 1st and Ankeney. WANTED Party owning automobile to Jp.iJ me in a business enterprlsa Main 87G evening , AUTOMOBILES bought and sold. Call on write for bargain list. Custom-Hous Aula Co.. 831 Everett St. Main 1649. AUTO truck. $400; electric runabout. Sl23 both In good condition. A 1215. HAVE diamonds or cash for four-cylinded auto. Box lu2 Vancouver. Wn. IF Interested In motorcycle. 8100 cash, seal Allen. 124 16th; leaving city. 8190 For ale or trade, nearly new 5-H. P' Indian motorcycle. East 4155. . 20 H -P. RUNABOUT, fine condition.- $200. terms: no trade Phone East 4sl8. HUPMOBILE In good order. 8300 cash on rood security. 244 2d St. . FOR SALE! 1 Bulck truck; 1 Buick touring car: 1 Cadillac runabout. 60 N. 7th St. CHALMERS, 40 h. p.. 6-passenger car. cosf .,. ..I. malr, nffol. MS1B 7046- Blrne. boa, an1 Pet Store. PARROT Handsome, young, talking, taka reasonable oiler or exchange parlor or-, .an. Address 266 Knott. St.. city. Airedale Terriers Imported stud "Laddls Monarch." Laddlx Kennels. Estacada. Or Miscellaneon ' METN-B SUrTS. .-.. I ell 827.60 to $30 suit for S18.78J 822.SO to $25 sulta $14.75. No big profit? to pay for high rent and elaborate fixtures. No hot-air shota Square-deal poUoy Jimmy Dunn, 816 Oregonlan bldg., elva tor to third floor. FOR SALE. At a reasonable price If taken at one, two 100-horsepotver return tubular boiler In first -claaa condition; Juat the equipment for mill worst; complete with fittings and all equipment to install In your plant. Par tlcular at 201 Oregonlan bldg. . fcAFKH New and 2d-band: low price; easy, terms; safe opened, repaired and painted. PURCELL BAFB CO. and PORTLAND BAFE CO.. 85 Sth at. Mala 680. A 411a, BARGAINS for a lew days only: Remington No. 7, $23; Fox. No. 8. $36; Bllck. No. 3. $17.50: Bllck, No. 7. $26. The Northwest Typewriter Co., 90 8th L FOR SALS Showcase wallcasea counter General fixtures In atock and made to order at lowot price 2-t Grand av 8. FOR SALE Automatic card printing press; a bargalo. Woodard-Clarke Co., Wash. lngton and rourm bls. CHECK on Paciflo Northwest Development Co.; acreage. Phone Main 1778. Ask for Btenographer. FOR SALE Cedar pole and piling of all lzes. Please wTlte or Inqulr of J. M. Ayre Kelso,Washlngton. FOR SALE New lunch counter and ten stools. If sold today for half price SOth . . i Dkiaii aa TCi hn QfWlfl ana jiawuiurue. a- iiuo j.a.Ma TUGBOAT for sale. Steamer tug Agnes. 65 12T good condition. Inquire Supple ahip- aro. SAFES, 1 large, 1 medltim, at bargain, AP 73. Oregonlan. ROLL-TOP desk and chair, bargain. Mar .0.11 oju 7i OrRaTonlan bids:. NEV7 view camera and learn, 6x7, one&n V,-,. Morlro. Untpl Contractors' equipment by United Engineer ing 4t Construction Co.. 711 Lewis bldg. WANTED MISCELLANXOTTS. WANTED Second-hand automobiles of all. makes. Portland Auto Exr-hanga. lltUI streeL irra i io.o