Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 29, 1911, Page 14, Image 14

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Short Ballot League of Ore
gen Is Formed to Fight
Election Evil.
The purchase price) was 112, 00. f I J. OOO
of which was covered by the els;ht
acre ranch ofbwJ toy Mr. Clepp in the
Belmont district, on which Mr. John
son will make tali home. '
These and a ntynber of other deala
Involving1 smaller tract will bring; the
total t tha week's business to almost
IT. .000.
Organisation to Wue Campaign foe
Aim Lona-rr Initiative Peti
tion 1'rre! Vote "No"
If Tuialed. AJlM-d.
Convinced that a short ballot la
necessary to correct evils and that Im
provements In connection with the In
itiative and referendum should he
adopt' 1 to m. Ve the Oregon system
work perfectly, the Short Jtaliot League
of Orf.rn wee formed yesterday at the
CoramT'UI CI n-
tteo Selling was chosen president and
J. M. Ambro.e. secretary. Mr- oelllnar
I pretll.-rt of the State S.nate and
Mr. Ambro.e is a member of the lwff
Jlouse of the Legislature from Multno
mah County.
The obje. t of the leattue I" to an
nounce proparnmla for revision of
the Oregon ba!!'t laws, which mem
bers of the league say should be
changed and shortrned. Another meet
Ins; will be held June 14 to begin a
campaign to obtain a rhange In the
ballot laws either through an initiative
measure or by enactment by the Leala-
Mt'ire. The s-xlety Is formed on lines
o'ltllned by Colonel Koosevelt and
M'ootiruw Wilson. Governor of New
tllson Ilra.l- similar Ilody.
Governor Wilson Is president of the
Fhort Ballot Organisation, a National
society, which has been In existence
for more than a year. It has for Its
obe,-t the weeding out of needless elec
tion of official when appointment of
them would serve better. It is also sug
gested by members of the society that
M. percentage of signatures required
for petitions tiled to submit an Initia
tive measure should be made more than
10 per cent of tne total vote as at pres
ent, a measure to place on the ballot
would have to be not only popsrtar. hut
one that has already secured Intelli
gent consideration by the people.
I am heartily In favor of a shorter
ballot." said Senator Selling. -It Is
what w need. 1 have with me the
eample ballot for my vote at the com
ing city election. It contains many
name and 14 Legislative measures. Not
only are the names of some of the men
unfartlllar to me but I am sure that
many of the measure, which It Is de
sired to have become law. are not fully
understood by me. I am going to spend
a good portion of a day to post myself
thoroughly. Then I doubt If I shall be
f'H.y Informed to act with Intelligence.
Vrat I am In favor of Is this a shorter
ballot and a larger percentage of names
for submitting an Initiative measure to
the people. I'nlcss some action similar
to this Is taken It will brln the Oregon
system Into disrepute."
Vote) "So" I I rgrd.
lasagne members declared that they
Relieved attention should be called to
the faults of the present system and
that voters should be warned to vote
"no on aM measures not fully under
stood by them aa an Intelligent vote
was necessary and an unintelligent vote
mlrhl work great harm.
The principles of the league as an
nounced are In part:
"Keen member believes In the Initia
tive and referendum, the recall, state
ment No. 1. the direct election of Uni
ted States Senators, the direct primary,
the corrupt practice act and the com
mission form of government.
"The b.llot should not be Incum
bered with great numbers of measure.
Only questions of general public lm-portnn'-e
should be presented under the
Initiative. Every proposed measure
should be read most carefully and con
sidered by every voter. No voter should
become a party to making a measure a
jaw unless he has actually made h'm
s. If familiar with each and all of Its
provisions. In rase of doubt It Is al
wav, safe to vote 'no.' If a proposed
measure has merit it will stsnd the
test cf time and be presented attain.
.We believe the alarm sounded by
Colonel Itoosevelt and (lovernor Wood
row Wilson la timely. We feel that the
only real danger now for the Initiative
and referendum lies m the over use of
E. C. Benedict, or New York, and
Guests, Are Keported Safe.
less message received here today says
the yacht Virginia, belonging to a New
Tork banker. E. C Benedict, went
ashore at 7:10 this morning. Ave miles
north of Jutlaa Key light, which Is
about 120 miles west of Havana. AU
FK i
r-'e t
V !
-v T
ii a
Stew- f
Mrs. Margaret Pearl Swaaaer
Mrs. Margaret Pearl Swander,
wife of the Iter. C. F. Swander.
of At East Yamhill street, who
died Thursday at the Good
Samaritan Hospital. was
member of the pioneer
art family, who came to
gon In list, settling at Carlton.
Mrs. Swander was born In Carl
ton July 23, lso. and waa sdu-
rated there. She became the
wife of Rev. C. V. Swander July
S3. ISOt. In Forest Grove, the
couple coming shortly afterward
to Portland, where they have
since lived. Mrs. Swander died
following aa operation for goitre.
Ministers and members of the
Christian Church within a radius
of ed miles attended the Impres
sive funeral held at the Central
Christian Church Saturday. The
Key. J. F. Ghormley preached the
funeral sermon. Flowers were a
conspicuous tribute to the re
spect and affection of the friends
of Mrs. Swander. Interment was
In Rtvervlew Cemetery.
were reported safe. It Is expected the
boat will get off at high tide.
It la said that Mr. Benedict's son and
n party of friends on the yacht.
They have been cruising In Caribbean
NEW TORK. May 58 Commodore E.
C. Benedict, who is a New York broker,
sailed from here In the steam yacht
Virginia. April fi. for a two months'
cruise up the Amazon River. His
guests are:
Colgate Hoyt. James McCutcheon.
Harry Home Shelley. Ir. F. Montgom
ery Smith. Harry K. Robinson. Lamont
V. Pomtnlck and Edward Beers.
The Virginia Is a steel yacht 200 feet
over all. 1S feet water line, ! feet
beam and 14 feet draught, and Is
equipped with a wireless outfit.
Commodore Benedict chartered the
boat from the estate of Isaae Steam
because It suited hltn better than his
own yacht, the Oneida. In which he has
cruised many thousands of miles.
Juartrt of lUuVrs at hk-ago Col
lide; One IcaJ. Two Hurt.
CHICAGO. May U. Speeding at 0
tnlles an hour, four motorcycle rldors
collided In front of the grandstand at
the Hawthorne race track this after
noon. One rider was killed and three
ether were Injured, one perhaps fatally.
The dead:
Harry Nixon. Da) ton. Ohio.
The Injured:
Paul J. 1' Alley. Indianapolis. '
S. Hinkiey. Aurora. Ills.
Frank Hert, Spr.ngheld. Mass.
The accident occurred on the second
, lap of a 10-mile race, the opening event
ef a three-day meeting. Hert waa trail
ing the leader. W. J. Turner, when his
machine ski. Id' I snd crashed Into the
fence. Ma m. Bailey and Hinkiey were
following in tliat order, but were go
ing at such speed trey were unable to
Stow down.
Nixon's machine ran into the fence
and his body was burled J" feet la tiie
air. He died from Internal Injuries
while being taken to t:-e hospital.
Bailey suffered a fractured skull, and
Internal Injuries and probably will c'e.
Yllnkley's collar bone as broken and
Hert was bruised.
Transfers, of On-hard Land Worth
$7 4,000 Made In Week.
KVip RIVER. Or. Mi" 2i.-4Spe-clal
Many . homeeeekers have eome
t. Hood Kiver recently. The majority
of tuem are retiring from city business
life and are peeking orchard locations.
Activity In real estate continue. W.
S. Karris purchased. through the
aeency of v. S. Nichol. the 40-acre
ranch cf V. E. Harbison, south of
iM.lLot 1 ::.. Thirty acres of the
ranch are set to commercial orchard. Haingsman bortght from
John Kadlifle. of tne Franklin dis
trict. It seres fjr itii.
Ilr.rl de Hedlr.g has disposed of hie
tract of :i acres In the tk Grove
district to A. . Ha.lam for jJ"0.
Cut of tne largeet deale made re
cency la city realty waa the sale last
week ef the business block oa Oak
street by J. R- Johnson to C D. CI pp. !
nitullthlc Award Made to Extent or
CHEHALIS. Wash.. May . IS. (spe
cial.) The Chehalls Cty Council
awarded paving contracts aggregating
157.710 to the Warren Construction
Company. The streets to be Improved
are a portion of Chehalls avenue. North
street. Prlndle street and Center street
with bltulllhlc A mile and a quarter
of East Market street Is to be paved
with Warrrnlte It feet In width. A
resolution by Councilman Fechtner was
passed providing that a clause be In
serted In all public contracts In effect
that In hiring working men home la
borers be given preference.
Harrison A Pepin were granted a per
mit to erect a corrugated Iron structure
near the depot on Market atreet. 34x50
feet In else. This action of the Council
may cause further dissension, as the lot
Is within the fire limit. - .
A new street grader is here on exhi
bition, and the Council Is considering
the purchase of se-m tu: h 1 n e for flushing
the paved streets. Other tmportsnt
matters disposed of related to opening
Washington avenue, and the laying of a
new spur that will reach a number of
warehouses on the west of the N. P.
main line.
One Thousand Dollars a Day in Taxes
Is approximately what we are paying now. This is more than
double the amount paid by any other company in Multnomah
County. . h
If you are interested in the EXTENSIONS and IMPROVE
MENTS which this wonderfully growirig city demands, this ad
vertisement will have food for reflection for you. Study carefully.
During the past five years many millions of dollars have been
invested to extend and improve the public utilities operated by
thiscompany. Of these vast sums, 99 per cent has been contri
buted by Eastern investors.
These millions of money invested with a faith in the com-munit-,
and with financial courage unparalleled, represent tre-,
mendous confidence in Portland.
" Np man can borrow the full value of the cost of his home.
He can borrow approximately 50 per cent of its cost. The same
principle holds true of all loans, large or small. By the opera
tion of. this company's Bond Mortgage, it canvborrow 75 per Cent
of the cost of its Betterments, its Improvements, its Extensions.
That is for every FOUR Dollars expended for such purposes, it
can borrow three dollare the other dollar mus.t come out of the
earnings. v -
It follows, therefore, that every dollar of added taxation will
prevent FOUR dollars' worth of EXTENSIONS.
An ordinance to be voted upon on June 5th proposes the
additional burden of a 3 per cent tax on the gross light and power
revenues of this company. ' . - ,
Portland Railway, Light & Power Co.
Blooms Will Be at Best
Festival Week.
San lYanrlsoo Foreigner Select
rromliient Place for Suicide.
SAN FRANCIsSOOMey it. When the
great Are crept up Telegraph Kill. It
left a dead tree standing on the highest
bit of ground In San Francisco. Skip
pers coming Into the bay sight "
tree with their glasses. The fire left a
oaed limb standini out straight from
the tree.
Francisco Lulgl Cap! del Cabnsa. pin
ing for his native land, hanged himself
to the llmh this morning. He hanged
himself with a red sash, which he had
brought from Tuscany.
A little produce boat from Half Uoog
bay came wheeling up through the tog
in the early ornlng. As the boat
nearej Fort Point the fog lifted. It
was then that the skipper sighted the
tree through his glasses and saw Fran
cisco hanging to the limb. The har
bor police were notified.
Andrea GlovannL a countryman of
Francisco's, said the man wss despond
ent because he could Dot go home.
Opening Next Monday to Be Deals;,
nated Also as "Homecoming;
Day" Largest Somber of Vis
itors on Itecord Expected.
With bright and balmv weather, the
vino that always Is expected in May
and June In Portland, myriads of roses
nre now bursting out into nioom. ana
before the end of the week will be
looking their finest for the city's
greatest annual event, the Rose Fes
tival, which opens next Monday. All
apprehension as to the quantity 01
roses has neen ampeueu u.
rains ceased three days ago. followed
by warm days and nights. It Is con
ceded that there will not only be a
bounteous supply of roses, but that
the most perfect specimens ever grown
in Portland will be on display next
It Is announced by the management
of the festival that plans for the
week's programme have been com
pleted In detail. There Is a glowing
promise that the forthcoming festi
val will be attended by more Interest-
lng and daxzllng features than hither-
ven In Portland or In any other
In theland. Tha triumphal entry
the city of Rex Oregonus. King
the Festival, will mark the open
ing of the week's demonstration. De
parting from the established custom
of swooping down upon the city from
the myserlous clouds, the King this
year will emerge from the depths of
the Pacific board the royal yacht at
Astoria and glide up the river and
take possession of the municipality
from his position In the harbor. His
arrival will be attended by pomp and
parade surpassing in splendor the re
gal demonstrations of Old Venice.
Aside from the formal programme,
Monday will be designated as "Home
coming day." All native-born Port
land folk are expected to return and
remain all week. The important feat
ure of the festival will be the opening
of the twenty-second annual rose show
on Tuesday under the auspices of the
Portland Rose Society at the Armory.
Then will come the floral pageants,
which will surpass anything of the
kind ever given In the United States,
and will consist of Illuminated parades,
picturesque motor car said . horse
vehicle parades, fraternal demonstra
tions, a school children's parade and
aquatic events.
That Portland will attract the
largest number of visitors this year
Is the belief of railroad and h,otel men.
The railroads are placing extra equip
ment In readiness to take care of the
crowds which will flook to Portland
from every direction In the three
northwest states. Reservations In all
the leading hotels have been made and
some of the hotels are already seeking
other places to accommodate their
General Committee to Pot on Fin
ishing: Touches Tomorrow.
There will be a meeting of all East
Side Rose Festival committees tomor
row night In the rooms of the East
Side Business Men's Club, Grand ave
nue and Alder street, for the final re
ports on detailed arrangements for the
children's and military and fraternal
parades. General W. E. Flnzer, errand
marshal of the military and fraternal
parade, and Major Dunbar, who will be
In charge of the children's parade
when In motion, together with Robert
Krohn, who Is training the children,
will be present. The points to be de
cided will be lines of march, situation
of the grand and reviewing stands,
location of special electric lights on
Grand avenue, extent of decorations
for streets, prises to be given for both
events. Judges for awarding of prizes,
bands and their places, names of the
leaders of divisions and all other de
tails which go to make up the com
pleted programme.
H. E. Walter, chairman. Is arranging
with the Portland Railway, Light and
Power Company for the transportation
of children who take part In the pa
rade before and after the parade so
they will be taken care of. A change
from the plans of former years in the
children's parade is that the divisions
will form on Holiaday avenue between
Grand avenue and East Twelfth street
and march south. Special cars will be
provided for children living south of
Hawthorne avenue.
"We will make the rose shower,
which appears on the Rose Festival
programme for Friday morning, June
9, a success, and we shall make a rose
carpet for the streets of Portland,"
said M. H. Carter, of the Peninsula
Rosa Association, yesterday, aa he ex
plained that the details of the feature
had been worked out. The Peninsula
features are in the hands of a new set
of men, the former ones having: re
tired from the active participation in
the festivities this year.
"The details of the rose shower and
depot rose booths have all been com
pleted." continued Mr. Carter, "and if
we have the roses the plans will be
carried out. Children from the Penin
sula schools have agreed to collect
roses every morning, and these will be
collected by a special electric car
IVtrest Grove Has tile Plant.
FOREST GROVT. Or, May 3. (Spe
cial Kor the first time In Its history.
Forest i;rov Is to have a tile factory
E. tlurner and Otis Rtsnr have purchased
the old Catching brickyard northwest of
town, and hsve Incorporated under the
name of the Forest lirore Brick at Tile
ComTny. The new owners axe recent
arrivals here, snd declare the Cay beds
available are the finest la this section
of Mecstern Oregon.
Dark days coma when the kidneys
are sick. A bad back makes you
miserable all the time. .
Tou awake tired, lame, and sore.
It Is a task to get dressed. It hurts
so to bend over. It Is agony to straight
en up again.
All day the dull, throbbing ache
keeps up, varied with stabs of piercing
pain when you twist or turn: whirling
dizzy spells, specks and spots sianctng
before the eyes, miserable headaches
and a dead-tired or languid feeling.
Tou hare no appetite for meals, can't
work, can't rest, and are annoyed with
too frequent urinatlqp. and a burning,
scalding pain In making passages.
At night the sufferer retires, hoping
for sleep that either does cot come, or
Is troubled and i fitful. Several times
during the night you awake With a
desire to urinate.
No wonder that so many people who
have bad backs get despondent and
nervous. They too often do not know
that It Is sick kidneys that cause It all.
Doan's Kidney Pills Will
Cure That Kidney
Tells J Story
1 fee! so Hred and ache all over"
There is prompt relief In using
Doan's Kidney Pills. A few doses wake
up he sluggish kidneys, drive out the
dangerous urine. Backache disappears
and continued treatment cures and
heals the weakened kidneys.
Doan's Kidney Pills are for the kid
neys only. For years and years they
have been curing backache and sick
kidneys. The success of Doan's has
brought out a host of Imitation kid
ney pills, some with very similar
names. . Be sure to get DOAN'S.
. Portland Testimony
Mrs. Isabella Brown, 114 E. Forty
seventh St., Portland. Oregon, says:1
"When I was afflicted with kidney '
trouble, Doan's Kidney Pills came to I
my aid and made me well. .They
stopped the aeries and pains In my
back and corrected the trouble' from
the kidney secretions. That happened
six years ago and since then I have
enjoyed good health, I recommend
Doan's Kidney PiUs highly to other
kidney sufferers." , -
iasssssjsa js i ssssssesswsswssspsssess
:---:-V Alt 1
Given in
Dr. A. a. Smith.
Indicated in the Worst Form of Blood Diseases,
Eruptions, Sores, Ulcers, Etc, Also in Threat
ened and Early Paralysis, Epilepsy,
Psoriasis, Etc
All other treatments for Ailments of the Blood have been slow, hap
hazard, and never positive, often bringing about conditions worse than
the original ailment. "60" acts Immediately. It is administered only
once, and the symptoms begin to disappear within 12 hours. Dr. Julius
L. Metzler, of the John D. Rockefejler Institute, says: "Only scientific
men can imagine what a marvelous discovery this is. It is beyond be
lief what It will do." "606" (also known as 8ALVARSAN) was discov
ered by Prof. Ehrlich, of Frank fort, A. .M.. physician to the German
Emperor, after six hundred and five other experiments hence given the i
name "606."
I have personally administered this new remedy and know Its power.
I have a full supply of "606" on hand, made In the German laboratories,
and Imported In the original tubes. I make all required blood teste, and
am thoroughly conversant with the technique of preparing and admin
istering the treatment, which I will gladly explain to all Interested.
A. G. SMITH, M. D.
2344 Morrison St-, Corner Second. Portland, Or.
unless cured.
of any specialist.
that stay cured.
A certain cure is what you want. This we will
glve you 'beyond doubt if your case is curable.
There is absolutely no patch work about our treat
ment, for soon after beginning It disagreeable
eymptoms disappear and the trouble never returns.
Our best reference Is our former patients, whom
we have cured and made happy.
If discouraged because you have failed with
others, call and see us. A -confidential chat, to
gether with a thorough personal examination, will
cost you nothing. If you take our treatment, you
may pay for it when satisfied, or when cured.
troubles, CONTRACTED ailments, PILES and all
RECTAL ailments.
Hoars Dally, to St Evenings, 7 to 8; Sundays, 10 to 1.
t l isislss.' sliiss
which will run over the St. Johns rail
way. We shall need all the roses the
Peninsula can supply for the rose
shower and the two depots and ask
that the Peninsula people be as liberal
as possible."
The financial part Is coming along
fairly well, although the committee re
ports a shortage of money to meet ex
penses. The queen contest and addi
tional subscriptions are expected to
make up what is required.
There will be a general meeting oi
the association Tuesday night In
Firemen's hall, North Alblna, and all
members are requested to be present.
night In the Presbyterian Church and
six graduates were awarded diplomas.
The class consisted of the Misses Ruth
Bale, Ethel Clare. Chloe Ne'fl, Gussie
Welgardt and Charles Stuart. Instead
of the graduates reading their essays
as has been the rule, an address was
delivered by Dr. E. O. Sisson, head of
the department of education of the Uni
versity of Washington. The annual
alumni banquet was served in the
church basement after the exercises.
Six Graduate at South Bend.
SOUTH BEND, Wash., May 28. (Spe
clal.) Commencement exercises of he
South Bend Hieh School were held to-
Sold ly J1 dealers. Price So cents. rosrni-Hiuowi Co, BaffMo, N.Y.. Proprietor.
1 PfWIwbT3
The experience of Motherhood is 3
trying one to most women and marks
distinctly an epoch in their lives. Hot
one woman in a non
dred is prepared or
understands now to
mroDerlveare forher.
selfT Of course near
ly every woman now
adays nas me aica j
treatment at tha
time of child-birth,
but many approach
the experience with
an organism unfitted for the trial of
strength, and when the strain is over
her system has received a shock from
which it is hard to recover. Follow
ing right upon this comes the nervous
strain of caring for the child, and a
distinct change in the mother results.
There is nothing more charming than
a happy and healthy mother of chil
dren, and indeed child-birth under right
conditions need be no hazard to health
or beauty. The nnexnlainable thing is
that, with all the evidence of shattered
nerves and broken health resulting
from aa unprepared condition, women
will persist in going blindly to the triaL
It isn't as though the experience
came upon them unawares. They have
ample time in which to prepare, but
they, for the most part, trust to chance
and pay the penalty.
In many homes once childless there
are now children because of the fact
that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound makes women normals
healthy, and strong.
Any -woman who would like
special advice In regard to this
matter is cordially invited to
write to Mrs. Pink ham at Lynn,
Mass. Her letter will be Held in
strict confidences
The grapevine was Introduced ' Into the
Canaries in the fifteenth century from Creto.
and wine making Is one of the oldest In
dustries In the Island. Canary wines are
known the world over and are highly es
teemed. Competition with Madeira has
lessened the export trade, but the industry
may again become the most Important of
Is Our Fee
SPECIAL JILHEIrril Newly con
tracted and chronlo cases cured.. All
burning. Itching and inflammation
stopped in i hours. Cures effected la
seven days. Consultation free. If ua
able to calk write for list of questions.
Office Hours A. M. to 8 P. at
Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only.
Pacific Coast Medical Co,
Corner first Portland, On
Dr. Lindsay
If you are worried
about a special ail
ment, orcanlc weak-
liees or any mala all- t
munt or blood nils, wf, .
T nana . . M . C. Cr;",
faith In mv own skill EjiCS
that I will prove my ability before I ask
one cent, xou don t need money to De
fin my treatment. TOU MAY PA
Dr. Lindsay
The Old Reliable Specialist.
Corner Alder and Second streets. En
trance 12tVx becona street, romana,
Or. Office hours A. M. to P. M.
bundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M.
The Old. Reliable Chinese
Doctor spent lifetime study ot
herbs and research in China;
was granted diploma by tbe
Emperors guarantees cure all
ailments of men and women
when others fail. If you sai
ler, rill w wnio KI ijui
First. Cor. Alder. Portland. Oc,
a f .i.'iiiffi fret