prewta. LOWX-T RATES IN TUB C1TT. HOST ELEGANTLY FCRNISHETA -NOB HP ' " APAJVIENTS. lata and VmhtU Sta. Th... ar. the ir-el elegantly i-.rnlh4 KtnvKi In Cor-.ijr.l a.l ro rn olonmc" f'" v" r sre-et. Eae ap.rt.nt ! Iurt!i"J ! tn. " .liberal, manner, wi'n Inn!,. Aminsi-r r.-t.'.a. massive c e: Htinti f.rnitur. lo n.w,t a,u st.c;J i!wnii"0 la directed la to. axtr...jr low rntea. Jfe n-h pel'., for th le. to ba ...-whir. In th. tltj. lnveet.gat. aad yo-'il le. coavmccd- Strictly modern and on lo date. Telephone ershe:i V1 Miff i--i-rif ax Af Ah rx fc,N IS. t:u Ho-t IietweeD .-Id end 53d 1.1.1-C.TKK. OiKK. t-i.Kr.n.Njron.;!iti A '1 m"Im MH"(i!iict. Mru t.jr to dele. M-t ttan!l furnH apart mnt Yi,UM m n- - of i-or-and. at rate try. 4 are cvn-nd-rwd ranao.c Tt r -J thrtt rwa apartments few anfurnihcd- y,n I f(u in prmntl tflnri you i-.U. l.'f'f'U S rik.ri. TliK J I MAN A." III'.H AT KTM AT MT I; V.- -N L LK u Ti:-- tr ' Ju. r Ti4K t tr A home-like ;saxW f 'irt".-l Z an.l 3 -rrn arr rt iti-ij rp rl-" u r r. ;i . r-.m. r"-tir -- ;. rt-ft furrtl lurp, t -t ad b- u..a. ittW th fcunn .tit---. 4'. "Jrtni-r l'I--r. t. ash li; stop ad 1 K H K NT "wia ii t moi-rn upir n. ith bi: ; f - tn a "lroi. pjrtrT : up- . r p..r- - t4 h r..1 Attonr tub l4r ri,.iiM(. rwom witfi k n I urnfi-. c- 1 Ht "! .- rai-r- im p'.f: g n4 tr rify ; i w t p--- Ir- tt.f 4' I Tiru: tl Mir ' to frnt n'M-f, i r''n: wn en pmu frtu v niifi r '-r f nn r I r"cnn ! "ift..lf. l!nt-l. :. Im only two vr1 ;!. r, tu rr.t". fi I f fu r ? . -i rrr m.. -i .n l 11 .. t'"n m-ir. i . m f e '' rrrr.t a n-1 iithr TjK- ?" -r "ru.too"" THE PKZHNIOR F. '-i tn II :ir.rT ..f t.i- .'I'. -WiffllQ ! T .r jt- w ..t -fli b'i'Ir i"--titrr. 1 F--T inr-; . Uns 'tit r-- tl-.f I.OtT M 1W ; KATE-". Twft, t nr an.l foiAr-rnoni prtmQ f'1 n' t'i turn. fur hu- kpin; f.;-- m rii :m. v ia. -lit fMi- A p RTVtTVTSL t..w rn!f. w:iug Uutaav, r!V M-'W MHV' '!', VNNTX. r . NKr. r" U- n t t: k j. ap.vk i w fts r. ;ti and ic A-w .t'-T rn rm'm h'lxl v.c . 2. S n4 ft . :i t . i .4 'po all tiav Ju ad a v. A r. tt .-i. t-.i . an,! K.nUra A f uuf urnuhrij a; artmvtit. Ill l: S-.K 'rT.f hi) irvlat at T"' p- -:.trir brkk. oir.4 Janvtrv l f .lrT!l nd nf ufnuf.! la tw. f ur rvid luur nb f v-p b- r . phM tn cH rrtnBt. :rt vtta:or. Tflm d a L'arta g fc h :l 'm bJT-t a nil ratine ( rn tN'i, pi't) of cl't roorm. If I r'.rf i lrtt,l : U f"-B,rt f fanihJ anj unfurnlah: remf r.i f iioiuv, prttta .fn n4. t: u. t-ra, prat r HWn4 for lf:viM.;To ri-ATS. i 'f i !.( f ta in I 'trir.a. I""l4 lrn-'. 4 lTft ruowt nJ ir a-Tni- K vr.f. furT.ah-!. Tu" f.ata wU b r..i,.hu itn4 TtUy tr ccv tuey Jun I. tn; J V. 1 aJ lira.v M. 13 V LvV. r U Ht of four nw furmsii'4 hou lvi' 'M (,a. hrr)i. arr c utn!no; r. t;, ! -r f at. i. Dttt t. Nriii corner ctiujr;r. M "I'f'.KN fU! f ronv n4 b-th. Ti3 - I'HUrLAM" (trie.!, i'-l l'V ort t . -a, b4tov' al KM.H '. i tAjT-ta V.x la rhtrc ('r borJ erit'.-o ! r 1 A. ?lt Kroy. laqutr 4 M6- r-M VLL. ro f-nih'-4 p i. rno.rn. oi x-ai-i. r lU r xa. or 4 ji n ftf;T rra-re-m ft i . bAt wtr. r IwbA ia4 tul airn. s-at irriu ruo:iA Jkppy r:t .- 141ft. iin 1 X4 T U K-rT-.jr. ,Nj;nu furiv-i A woiu ct. ii-w 4-rwm 2:h AH at. t 'ju T--r 4i4. ;j HaU t . N ntt IlANNfK AI'AIIT fKTa. M M' -i '.' rov rr h t .n a-a:t Tr ..-ar r1 in rua pit. VHU- U'.HT. . r. A V UVT. It r WATk-ifc. h aJ ph.o. JA i T R tiRVl- t f d;-ac. NKW -t' N".W r'l K-MTV tb' ana -i v'r. 4- t-'ajr ;.. nr 1 4tb at. a- vi. u Tr t am He: ri.t: jkiv- r' a -R 's0 a-i J unt .rr. . h.u it - r "Tt -"" f n ! w : ' Bll";:a v n.a-a. b t 41.02. rtiB&. t- I H.N iSl -" I bou-. rooca . 4- !) IJi tiiun'i; 3- ia- AlEy - S at. .N rtrt- "W cr from dit, Ato. 9f 6 TO til mtTit: faraw4 li ua P'r; a r:na. fr lanalry. bta, k UnB DaV. auwr f - JS b U Si r-1 T furnaned houaekeeptng-roonie. atao tr:- rooms, ttry central. 2-4 1 W aan tagta au t F" 'RMUr.r borreekewplnr rwmnav prlrmto bata iour 2od aArnaoa at. WUm boar. THR BBAVLR, I2ib aoa MarihalL far Dtahadl for bouakpina. vaa ransa. ) trtc lihia. hot atx. taih. laundry, traa; fti jxr moo-.b cp; ft eo p c. baat la tfca cil for Biocay; ahort diaiaaca trom Vcton Ipou Tka " or itl.-a. car r0 offaiafarmbHat:ia oo. H-rkvpU.8; Rmmm In Prtata r"Jy- CuilF 1 . F T KI . T "7 urn t hTH o ur k p 1 n c (l ; f tir lre. airy rm in pfite fni lly ; ailtn. p-rc!in t-ti. rnc. pfion. tsa ;awo 41 Third at- fl FVV bilF iThnuMlt'' " p too tn. p tr n t frw-.t rtx.m. frxm 4 0 up. 101 1 Laioa ., cur. iiaitiioat. TWO rompl'tflly firn:iieU houckapinf rnoma. rawlar kllrhn. with vry con- . 1 CH1 Kriitrr 1 T O Croahvat. J- HuuM front Qit. fompi'U'ljr furnlJhra . r V-.xmm krnlnr lafT riuM In. 14 litb u. crnr .'a ; m on. y -r--.-v a..i(a KtH ra riff. Dhonf, r!ar. . b-t I'wa.ii ; rtaQnoi; rvfiucd SiX Dtwly fVRl'hH bmiaokwpina ronma. rnt chap; m-d-rn. up to dit. 3S0 fcaal Ktrat NurtlFhona KtJ4"C t C6 THKKE fumlshrl bouaekeping rwma lo cof gaa rati-, alnk. bath. apiata r,;ni.-. c;oa in. !0 Klrat at. Tttu c:oly fomlbMl rootna fa prlvato family, modern. 4 C 30th Ffi-tr.f Kaat . TWO nlrly f'iroahel hous' w'i"C aj.ari rranta. Xlrat t.ovr. raavnatie. N. latll 31t MAIN PT. For t' ua k-ptnK. nlriy furnihd parlor lull, ciuaa in. rvaaonabla. AJuaa. . TWO nl-ly fumiahd honwk'pinc room, walking llitnrra 31 1 Muntcapury. Tun furniahU h-tta- fing rotiuii, wa:kln on car.ln-. 4.W Hall at. lit K Lt, niiji Iurnlhl Jv-k-plna' ru:tia. frwet, aa. 914 month. 6'.'- Front u 1 j TH. c.rnr !. largf. convenient 2 r -m bou-kptr running water. lltKKK t'urnfhd) houj-k-p(nB-rorn and to rnomi. M-J li Larrbv" at. cr ltalay. Jlt m M i n i y furnlahrJ t - p"pla aai p.tjrl. traiking ditan?. 147 l"tn at. TU'O furnl b u-krpt,g ftotr.i. U pr nm-rt h f-1 1 gr t. yi iln tJ.t. Trt.i nil buuMitt''i:nj; ro:na. llfht. phaua n.iith. Jiv -;u 7tb at. Fl RXIHMKP h'kring rooma. Try ra-a-Tur-i. Jrirtij- mn-iTs. 7'4 'orbtt at. 2 I:ini)ih at K. and CUotou ata i'hona 2 ( 'k.1. t furnihe-l b iiekaptng ruoma, owr fi-or. modern. t tL Hurnaide. CT.K ANTrnt-furnihrd"bu' k-ettn room; g a. plun : no t hi id re n. 4 Jivtrw 1 1. Hateaw T-BOOM morf'rn nnfum!ahed flat. 5 rxmt on anrni.) flor and 2 fmthed rooma in atil.-; ap.emltd lUal. Urge rooi". furoa. lawn In front atid rar. no children: 130 pr mnih i7 'a 'fi t. Phne fund ay and eventr.c. 4-i0 or daring bualnea b ura. Main J ui- IRVlNiTwN. Fine. larg. H-rnn. afrtctly modem hotiM for re nt ; .ar g corner Ic ( On CT .ne. rnt y. r now max ro, TC. 2-d and ltrca. Ir- 5. H'USK TO I .FT. 2!j,w s ruoni and La.n. C'loa In. on Eat Tf am MM. liAHTUAN' at THOMPSON. Ki ratate tp Onml"f of orimer e pMt 4aOL9aj4 and data fo r-nt eoma u ravened. M H t II A NTS AVlN.- TRUST COMPANY. Free reapaot city for Strangtm , b-R HM booaflf wttn batn. large baaernent. brand n w furr-:e. window ehadea. ! ar.l electrtf Wg-.t. Ji Kelly iL, bet. itb and (irotr. rent 940. 1'bona Main 1 aidaya call taat 141. MOPKRV houar"""'tn yrd. Bear If dladay a choi- d'ri. f. rlo- In. $4 rmt; Ae. I'hon Marshall or call P 4 f t c t . . afte m'-i ca. T-HvK4 modern boa. e!Nrt nelrhborhood. lo mtnutre from raan. ba'Ar.ce terma. Provident lave-itment 1 ruj; Cx. i'l-203 Hoard of Trade. T-ft x M h-u. ground 7.IO. noriheaat ...rner Z't and K. Wdiaoo ata rent 90. wn.r 4'J t'.rbett b!T- -!t'KM hue. 4V-3 M;ilrl ave.. r-nt .. Inquire at f,.:i Miait.;l a. r- r- rr a"r-. f r key. FtK ItKNT -room cottage. r-lern cn-venlence-a. low rent. 41 lb. (b it. ba tween 0kand line, NEW T-room houae. E. 11th and JTeacoti; S u p-fr month. Rad. Head A Co.. 314 i-ard Of Trade bldg. fclpRKNT ro.ra rot las a. larfield. t ;o. a from Colon ave car. He. Key next UOTi" f rooma and bath. 7T. Irving, bef oul and 74to. Apvljr 13 eta at. Main ft.-:, A l-KOOM modm cottajr. Frnt at., Brar Carut he ra at. It oitnutca walk to center of city. ic;.sjE 7 ron-.. bth. baacinent. furna-a and yard. 7il Kearney at.; rent $i H. K-reIl. .-th and tark,,l.u-r.bermera Md. H.rE 10 rirna. eholoo location. 1M Eaat l.'ib near Tan. bill rent 14.1. C. H. K ore 11. 5th and ttark. bermena bide 2 11' lSK ifTl" and $X 2 lTHarullton. Ma.n 4VM. PartrJ. SlX-KMniodern bouae, Inquire Sll 'teeland ave. ni--l-rn. t-room buiiga' l-o. Marr.i houa. 7 i;.U st.,f.. Inquire ; at. or phone Ul'n 4"-7t or A 3.7d K 'It RK NT -ro-m rot cage, land ave.. near Freemont. 714 Mary- rmmlohed. Mwo MT HOME, fc-rx-ra f-ituc. plain and neat( g. eA-trlcity. g-mng-. at.'el-rmnce. I ne. two "--d beda. bath, etc; avery thinir rompiete: b't car "rr1.-e In city: lne-tic.ite. e.'metritng dtfffrent: adult inrv W. F- Mc.-.rer. ?-3 KaJt 3'!h U between Salmon and Main. Ml Tabor car. TO A IM" I.T only Neaf iy furnlphcd houaa of aevan large plrsuant rooma and re rptin ball; I'-atio. all modern conveni ence. nl-eiy 1-M.ated. "m el 47th. Keuth Iithnrn ave. No dc. $" a month tnrii itr.g phono and water. Pbona Ta Wl. FcK HKNT Furnlhel hnuae In Irvington: A nxmia and bath, piano, ellverwivJ. bd and mMf linen, ele-tric light and gaa, TiA (''mkirnai t. t'tl or pborfe between o V M- an-1 A P. M. Phone C 177 k No m-il f hi id re n. FvR RENT for the Summer; f urn'-hr-l r--uea in cnvrnteut and drlrabi Weal S'd rficbborbovd. KcXcreacca. D 141 Oregonian. ft-KiM modern hnu. bandamely fur cUhrd. ner Hawthorne: ael lo-atun. b g yard, rent 9 lno,utraJ4 ylh.A 4T. Fl'KNtSHED homa for the Summer month. tt roini. t-irge fr n prvh and vard. Phone A 7T7.l.i'ra .Mreaa X 1 Oregoqian. 1't hM" hme for the Summer month a, 9 ptoint, large fr-nt porrn and yirL phone a 77 y or addr-raa X - HrraTonlan. .KmM funiahel house, walking; d'stance. Weat F''ie. J una I to Sept. X. Maraball rTi 21 4itla et. N 1 f t-T f umiehed fii-roum bouao In ae t t nelrbtwrnixxt two b..-k fr.m Haw- tnume ave. at r awn. 1 fl.a 7F l.T famished tlU private b:b- ii llaJiT ae. H-lltHa furnlhed hnuae. O0 Faat :h at. N cer. Shaker. Inquire on prcmut. Fl RM5"! l i-fom house. Cat on av.. N. InTJire 3: Mth. A FIKN.MK o-ro-m flat, r'1" cioaw in. 4tl Yamhill at. I'hne A ioir;HN -ro'-n furc!hed kouae. J rvlng- Heawea for Ken -I arwltar for halo. G-xi fumiehlrce of n-.odrrn. can uppr a.iny tS-t. Hrrhea. f", lawn an4 aric. ter prk b'ovke. 2 roma ry rent . very ctap tor cash. Main 2'1. a.-7 Mi:l at F1NV7 furnltu-e. rth rarpeta; wa king dis tance rvma. rent 2t3; corner. p:ty suii.tght: cberrtea. p urn. nee. parir. ra. i. jr o.-re. sour teraia. L. car. i Mc- M...en- jiEff a-rortrn Inr-ome flat, ptano. aewing ma- cMn. all ana piruwjf - im- ttLir rhMti for cjh or temia Call t.i l- aiotniBr. aTter 2 evening. i-1 .Hiu bouse, mod-rn: nlcelv fum:s"id; tr.-ote uvr ejipeaaea. ard. caeap. 411 Hmiiy: Fl RN IS H 1 NO of rooma: new furniture; g.Md B:inM'hxd; c'iir b'"e; reaaon aMe. .k: ; 1'h at . corner Market. l:i KFET dining- teb'e and chairs, folding he! aecTlonal book case, rorkera. a.l n 'rter sawed oak. y4 anecuver ave, J KK'4 h'"uae, modern; nicely furnished; income h over expcriaee. yard; cheap. 4!1 IWiJWIJ. b J"t RMT! Kl of 1 1 -room hous for aa:-. Dar Kith and Irvirg at, reaaonabto for asH Phone Male 11.14. Fl KNITT KE of 2-room fiat. Call 402 7th atreet. or phne Main 41v n'RMTt'RK of rooujjTf or aaJc. ood aa new. 5! 3lt et. (.room rottafe. Parr tf tro fot; Ie; rent reaaon abia. CaU 1 1 III' FOR RFT aell at coat ail my m!va furned oak and mahogany furnl tun, brmaa bel8. a;.-lb. ailk-floaa mattrraaea. tha very beat of averythttiit. new one month aio. or jtiare the carp ta in 5-room 11U t.19 M 'niromfry. cor. Park. lumaiif Rgaorta. rOH SALE Boa well Fprlnga. pouglaa Coun ty. Or'ion. on . P- B. H. tfhaata Tutml Ad1rra oira-T, K. E- Boawell. W aat Waablnffton iU Lo Anelea. CaL t SEASIDE COTTAGE. For rnt for th aAtn. -"0. wmpl-ta- ly furniahe-i S-rootn cuitatte nd baxn. oma nu- aha'la treea. Inqulr omaat 4k ZftUow, 317 iioard of Trada blda. FOR RENT at Seaview. Wnh!. my 7-rrxm tiummvr hoanv. completely furntnei. aiao nnt 4 -room cotlare. Addrcaa Alra. T. J. H oat, f -a vie w. V aa h. rmvlSHED. modern mtiacea for aeaaon. W hite . H. I're- rmeJiT iiaalde. Or., or phon Marshall M'i. VKItBcottaaT" Seaa1daT7or rent, well fiir nished; batu. to4Iet city water, fireplace. iVirictty. Phone Eaat 1H'. Aioraaw FOR KENT 104 let at., near corner Tam bill. elegant store, full basement. 4 f'oOja. l.n, k building, elevator, e Xv. ; wnb' ren'. U Woodward. M 2d - Tel. TiMin 1 STORE TO LET. ICS Grand ae. Rent reasonable. HARTMA.N THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce PM. ttjk RENT Store on ajrowin hualrresa atreei; plenty of cuitomtn to draw (rem. I'hcno Main fc49. - FoVirVfORIES. ?xYtk-.. No. 72 Front t.. near oaK. available Julv 1. App.y chea-t-r V. txvlph. Mohawk bldg. iV7liEatorellth and Hawthorne- will n.r.ii..n ifniw I- R. Falrchlld. 1 3 t I"th. SEVERAL, etonra at eaat end Madiaon-au brt.ige to 24). according to aiaa. in quire " Hawthorne ave- FT J f-r rent. P h o n e East 182 Office. Offices for rent. $11 to $rt7.V. me-rvhantV SAVi.N iS A TRUST COM PANT. TW nicely fumlahed-rooma can bo had n ppaiuing diuc. kmi e- v ' , rha.-.! tr i per cent of coaU Inquira 4I'4 bldg. FINE location for dentlat or phyaictan 00 at CAUGAK. PATES J-I Ei-T. 201 Teon Bldg. FOVR good aUed office. ood US and ven-. tiiauoa. gi ov p an at. - FOR KENT Furnlehf d or unfurnUhed cor ner auite or two rooms in l.ewi, bl d g. A pply room . 1II;H-CI-ASS desk room to rent in eiegans suite at elevator. APPiy aftJfT cantrally lorated offic. all-nlghl ala- a ; or aervire. a'a ruw - Itor. n ana tiiinmi kw ' . . . t. rvL-L'U'C I f-M" A T 1 1 I NT. MlINKli Hl'.lV...- 3.-.V, MOItRlS.iN ST. Mot r. K N. 1 r, I It . I i.r.A.-H'.Aui.M. 1 K S 1 R A U I . K o K F I ' ES. M A N C lib. TMt H Llii. TH ST.. UtT. STAKiw Bt'SrXKSS OrFORTTITlF.!. CAVAPV8 Innreat and rtcheet provln ti. rn.n.Ki. l.ra-ee than the State! of Washington. Oretton and Idaho com bined. Mdllona of acrea of th finest cultural land for pre-emption. Fortunea 10 be made In umber, coal and mineral Port i.eoraa la tho g-orrai-hica ana etrateg.c commercial center of hl vast rmnlr and la on the line of the Gran"! n- . un.AniiMntil and 1 1 other rallroade chartered or building. Fort Oeorre la at the Junction of 11 00 mll t navigable waterway. AH rallroade mu-1 run to Fort G-onte In order to r"t nortn. aoulh. eaat or weal through .rr",,r' Northern British Columbia. $1oV.ihK0 will ba spent in next ftva year In rail road building alone. Wa ar Joint owaera and ante agenta of this towneit. Writ quickly for all Information. Natural lieaourceg Security Company. IJm Ited. M3 Granville atreet. Vancouver. B. c Portland tale aollcltor. Ilichard 4 7 Wtula-Fatgo bldg Portland. Maxba4 Am appointing aarenta in Oreson and Port land for sale Fort ieorgo town lota ana farm lands: libera rominlwU to "in partlea. Kichard Obee, 47 Well-Fr bldg. bet. 1 and 2 P. M. MOVINO PICTURE THEATER W ran atart you n a moving plrtur business, on eaay terma. or sell you an establtahad theater, and furnlah you good location; wa have acveral fine locattona at Simmer renorta. during Summer inontna. W have largo etock of fiima and machines for rent or for a!e. Iar tt.-ulara. New York Film Exchange. 6-6 W aahir.gton. X REPKESENT well-ostabllahed roanufac luring concern of th East and am desir ous of the asstatanra of on or more par ties who have otficea in the city, to help promote a number of ealea ajrenciea in the t oast atates. P'g money for all con cerned, if fou can do your part. AU 144. Oreeonlan. WHOLESALE house with eetabitshed trado desires one more partner to represent us on the road: must bw an experienced trad ing salesman, who can inveat f-'iMMl to U-K) and fumlah satisfactory reference; do not take up our time unleea you mean bualnea. Addrcaa 8 141. Oregonun. OKoCfcKT STORE On of the beat, in on Fnt Side. Invoica about t-.. I.unc-i Counter, doing good buatn-as in Attoria. 2- City and country store to XChnoHTHWFfrr REALTY CO.. 61 1 ituara 01 ir.up. I HAVB a aooj mon.y-maklnit pr.'!olll"n t.T lb. foWow who l looking Ir auiur Ihlna to do. No Khfint. Invwrarnl In only. Thr- m.n took $!,.... out of Oklahoma In ! tlion rlx monlhu. lu l r.rtlruiara furnt.ned. Anawcr, A I 1U (j rr it o n 1 n 11. HARDWARE, fornltur. and Implom.nt bufl n' In a fal-mwln town In the w 11 Val!y. doinit riti- buMnm. Prlo. firludlna bulldlnna. I4.0"0. Will taka part Portland prprtv or aood farm lard. AQ-rtr.oncr.Jtix2L;!,lI-a!,i-Hl-Foil SALE Klnut groc.ry and mt mnr-k-t in rltr: ood liull.llna. loi l.oe. line .tock. two rl. on' yornit nor,... All . rhfip for caah. Call labor loJL U 14 Orffionlan. DANDT naat llttla r.taurant doler ood u.inrn. aafs i papl: ood reaona for Ulnr: cheap. If takrn at one; lour !. A.ldreaa 1i C KuaieU at. Phon. Kt II tnDWARE. Implement, paint atock. In votr. fli'. SiK ca.h. balnnca frma ,-. Northern traiifornia town with a .a.mllla trlnutary. boa factory, blc ranch tr.J. Addrr AV -3. uronlan. fOK HAUF: A irneral merrhandlM ator doltia a ood bu.ln.aa, Involca about IiKH.i. country placa. clean lUx-a. S caah. bal anr. trad, or term, an fowl acxmrlty. I'hon. voot'awn 1IH ops' X DSE. for aale, Inrolc about flk0; rent wllb 8 llvlm-rooma oyer ator S 1-3 month. CaU on or wrlta t box 34. K.rleCreeK. Or. TR'oVhaIR barber .hop. with bath, clrar land two pool tablca, complete. ood buaTnen; caah. I. B. 14 mchiand. ih. PVRTVF.R wanted: I want a rood man to Join ni. In ood bumncaa. clearln KW per monifl; -i - it. c. Whit. Toppenl.h. Waah. BEAVTT parlor, fully equipped. ''rI,. ll.hla llvlnc rooma. located. Thl. la a '" a' co' taru avin .ount ry.A 1 1 I Ort nor. laiu finKt'S of bark .lock In a crowlnc eouolry bark at m with p.ltlon aa ca-hlcr at 413 per mon'.U. Wrlta r. . Par ker. ratV.amet V'asJ TOR HAI.E Meat. Il.h and poultry market; lon lc...; p.vira liuBlnfat; Inveaiura'c; na nal If t.nkcn before June 1. 1111. A 1-. OrcKonlan. Ill II.DEll an: raxtner with . or l ra.n f-r bulidinV purpose; money fully secured- will doub'.e your money In U d.yf AB l'Jo. Oregotlan. HALT Intereat la aa old-ealabll.hcd bu.l ncM. dolna a aood bu.lneaa For full par ticular, call Kinney siamphcr. Lumbar Fxcbauco bM.. room. 431-li AND 1NU14TKIAL STOCKS. T.:chone and olb.r bont. boucht and j d. Fletcher Ine. Co.. Zii Ablnftoo. I'O WILL, put you In a bualneea that will "pay you ;.".-"3 week from alart. ParUc u.aia 4. !eiUnr bid.. 6tb acd Alder. FOR PALK Oniy preldbrlck p!ant oo Puaet found: tranport.tlon to all Sound cltlra: barcaln. Boa AV Orejjnlan. STOCKS" of merchandlae bought for caah: trli-f.y cocaduatlal. 8. Weatoa, 414 Id treet. MKAT market for aai cheap. $1-3. Must ac.l at once. Tt4 Minil y road. LETITtV ATE bn.'.neaa clearing $:k" each price $Ui Inquire 111 4th it. Lr meat market .allied, atata location. A F 137. Ore.or.lan. EKSTAI RANT that I doing rood bualnaaa for 3"d. AK IwS. Oregonlan. , 13 jrOTiXTXG OREGOXTAX. MOXDAT, '3IAY 20, 1911. . BCSI18 nproRTTMnn. YAMHILI. COUNTY REALTY CO.. 410 Kothchlld bldg.. 4th and Waahlngtott atreeta. Portland. Wl hava farma from 10 to 840 acrea. hop yard., orchard! and orchard land, timber, ililngle mllla. hotel, and city property: wa locate timber claim, and home.t.adf: ilwai reliable. SAFE INVESTMENT. $12r0 Inveeted 3 yeara ago baa now ln crea...! to S'.mmi.ooii. A.k ua I NIO.V PECIRITV COMPANY. Beck Bulldlns. T'h and OaJt Streeta "COME TO THE PACIFIC WITH WARD." Agenta wanted In Pacific Northwelt. Pacific Mutual Life. 43 yeara old. 12 million, aascta. W loan money. H. H. Ward. Msr 712 Spalding bldg. REAL ESTATE BrSlNt.-t. 01d-e.tabll.hcd real estate b lie In era rar aale: cleared over Ilu.OOtl In the la.t two yc.ra: 3 finely equipped offlcea; up-to-date block booka, map., typewriter, aafe. etc. I'rlc. $Jnki; ownera wiah to retire. Ad dreaa AH 3, Oregoaian. PARTNER FOR BUILDING. Man capable of looking after nrr"1 men can buy half Intereet In paying buM ntn: will make $i('0 month: best of ret erenceai money, fully secured juO re quired. Room 815 Lumber Exchange OPFNINO for young man aa bookkeeper with established wholesale manufactur ing company: must have beat of references and twenty-dv. hundred to Invest in tna business. Full particulars given with per Sonal Interview. AC 131. Oregonlan. WORKING MA.VS HOTEL. A 2t-room hotel, funrtsned complete; will make lO0 per month cl'-ar. for 34'"'. ?ia) cosh, balance on -terms. Cull room 313 Lumber Exchange bids. CONFECTIONERY for .ale; average sales per month for 1U10 wre 33im; Invoic. 4t("0: will acli for $SM. For further In formation wrlto Blabcy Bros.. Cottage c, rove, i tr. . VOL'Sil MAN. STHANtlEK. Make careful Investigation at expense of mf'.Wr before you Invest money ln a.iy prupoatlion. Advisory Department, . M. C. A. HOTEL PARTNER. Half Interest In 43-room for sale at sar rltlce; a fin. plac for man and wife; very llttlo money sill handle lu Call room 313 Lumber Kxfhange bldg. . Ml'ST sell my half Interest, one largest bmt-paylng fuel business. in city; good salaried position; luveaucato at once. W IJC Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED young business man will In. vest large amount tn established business needing additional capital to Increase; state nature of business, P 130, Oregonlan. FVR SALE Confectionery and Ilpht gro cery, with six living-rooms; rent -.",; must be sold at once on account of health; price ITS'. O l.ln. Oregonian. HOTEL, restaurant. doing good business; reasons for selling; located near the do pat; S430. Woodle Laud Co., Estacada, or ; SALOON doinT big buslnesa will sell on ac count of health of ownar. C and c, 4il N. lh si. 3J BUYS half Interest In well-furnished restaurant and lunch counter, doing K-tod business. Apply 21 Grand ave- cor. Afh. DOCTOR or druggist, good location for I either or Dotn. pruggisu urneiiui. yji. BAIMAIN fn confectionery eiuipment. In quire at one, of AV l-y,Oiegonlan. too BUSINESS cards. 31.00; you must bring this ad. Roa. City Primary. 11)2 V. Third. CLEANING and dying works, splendid loca tion, a bargain 191 4th. Main MS7. SAIOON for sale. Trice. $1000. 54 0th at. North. A FINE little grocery for salo in good res idence aisinci. reov ..o. RKSTAURANT cheap. 4 years" lease, good buslnesa: must sell; terms. 200 rlrst. KfKMTNO-HOUSES. . HEAUUUARTKKS FOR ROOillNG HOUSES If yop want lo buy or sell, see us. as the bulk of 'the business goes tr.roush our office: oldest established buslnes. chance firm in city. Phonta A Main S774. -liARLANDft BARSNES. l!'l 41h St. wa.a. ..a T t. a t TV Cfm a, HOTELS ROOM INO-HOl'SES. APA3T- M E NT-HOUSES. REAL EPTATE AND EXCHANGES Phone Main 8560. A 347.i. 222-24 Failins bldg.. .td and Wash. MART K- LENT. Portland's "LEADING HOTEL BROKER" RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO.. Hotels. Hoomtnv-Houaes. Apart ment-Housea. We buy. sell and exchange. I'hona Main 7141. A 7JJ.. ltAI.I'H ACKLEY LAND CO.. 17U 5th St.. oppoalte Poatoffice, lO-ROOM bouse, well furnished, on Flanders carpeted throughout; furnace, basement, nice vard: 2'Jou. on easy terms. Marshall i . ivrinM-; nn Morrison: a SDlendid place. elegant furnlturo; party w ill exchange for qulro of L, J. Juatrn. 322 Falling bldg. nnuia a r, tr mi wh e.ot . -,,v roomlnr-house: rent 2"-": WH a.i-.v si!l iwr mo best location. 1074 4th, near Pantagea Theater, liy owner; muat be SOId at once; aicanesa. fi e THIS T.-t A BARGAIN. i..nuim rw.mlnc-houae. best location In Portland, for sals by owner at 171 West Pari st. ti.kfl Fi-. R K A I.E 2400. Roomlng-hous.. 12 rooms: all furnished. Call uavia bl.. vwr. aviu. TDnnxm or ciira rood furniture on 7th st- only J7i: ret partlculara at 'J 12 5th at. WANT good roomln-houje, 12 to 35 rooms; cash. Ar vrrso:.!". 16 ROOMS, h. k. lease. 231 Gth st. 1. at mt. --a FOtNI Where you can buy genuine hair LOST A N P FO CND ITiaUrew reuii - v "" ."11 " , ,i .... renovate niaurewei ai. "'- , -- j ni renovate f.-athers. P'-rv.'1 Curled l!alr Factory. Mct.1.F-tT tt" Frnrt. I'none Jiain -o. . a HLi'K and white English setter pup, A-1L'-.: - Anv Informatlnr noTify 411 Taylor, or call Marshall 12i rew aro. STRAYED-on. brown mar, weh. , aoout 11(K. wnne ico j p.. of saddle mark: sioui 1.1 --- ward. Call t ooaiawna Lost A gold locket, diamond, monogram p! R. Finder please return to l'4l Mor rison, corner -a. ' " iwt- Betae.n Fulton and Washington. purso with coin; reward; return to u- rnt;Tchaaed gold brooch with chain pend- -.Vu..e.l rail East 2406. l'ropo.als Invited. ROSE CUT ,. T th. Pealed proposals will be received at the office of Joseph Jacobberger and Alfred H smith. SOI Board of Trad, building. Portland. Oregon, uiiin mom j - for grading, excaeallon. concrete retaining wllla. a deWSlkfc etc.7a. called for in "peclncatlona and drawings for the Rose Olty P.rk school, which drawings may be obtained in theS office of the architects, proposal must be accompanied by a cer tlned check of 10 Pr cent of the bid. to .. forfeited as a fixed damage in case the contractor negiecta or refuse, to enter Into . contract and provide a proper bond for th. faithful periormanc. ui ' case contact is awarded to him. The risllt IS reserved to rcje-- " " (Signed) H. O. CAMPBELU i l Signed t tc 1. c i - -. Building committee, Scnool Board. Dlatrlct .... i,n.,n1 . h County. UrerOIL IS THE District Court of the Lnlted for the District of Oregon: In the matter if H. Fertlg. bankrupt The under lined will rexene i.d bid. at h of - vn, t i-.r.t .treet. room S. Portland. Oregon, up to li o'clock noon of Monuay. .7,-1 1911. for stock of merchandise belonging to this ealai. and located at -.1 Vront street. Portland. Oregon. tocK insists of genta- lurnoum. fns shoes, itc-. of the Inventory value of S.. j J 7 -1 . . SO ..ore niui hi , Centory value of 447. Terms, cash and doposit of in per cent of amount offered must accompany each bid and the right ... . I .... , an. and all btUS. said sale being made subject lo confirma tion by the court. Inventory and In spection of stock, may be had on app.lca tion. R- L. SABIN. Trustee. Dated Portland. Oregon. May 'Jo. 11UL IeaLeD bids will be received at 1 oSlca of the School Clerk. .02 blug. up to three 3 P. M.. on Thursday. June 1 lull for th. erection of tne addition to the Lents school building. Plans and spec ifications for same can te seen at the oitlce of the architect, room 4O0. Tilford building. Separata bids will be received as fol lows: First, glass and glasing. Second plumbing and drainage- Third, the bal ance of the work to be under one contract. A certified cheak for 10 per cent of the amount of the proposal must accompany each bid. The Board of Directors re- ' lrvJ the right to reject any and all blda. T j. jonks. architect. BIDS will be received by the undersigned until June 13 for the machinery, material svnd construction ot a large cannery; plana auid apeciflcatione furnished on application. C, Jj. WATERS, Spray. Or. 8PECIAI. WOTlCEa. Proposela la.tre. MULTNOMAH COUNTY COURTHOUSE -I. will K. received at the office of Whidden A Lewis, architects, 701 Corbett building. Portland Oregon, until 12 o'clock noon, of Saturday. Juno 24tn. 11(11. for the following work In the west wing o: new Courthouse, for the County of Multnomah. State of Oregon. The wrecking, .excavation and founda tion structural sleel and Iron work, gran ite, terra cotta. brick and concrete. Bed- lord slonewora. V .. -work, metal frames, grille, and "ashes, tile partitions, lathing and plastering, marble work, scagliola and floors carpen- , try and cabinet work, painting and finish i i nr-n a. mental iron. I together with aU auch other work aa may be called for In the specifications In con nection therewith. Plans and specifications may be obtained, at the office of the architects. .,, No proposal will be considered unlesa accompanied by a check payable to the order of the County Court of Multnomah County, certified by a responsible bank for an amount equal to 10 per cent of the aggregate proposal, and this check Is to be forfeited a. fixed and liqu ated dam ages in ca.e the bidder neglects or refuses to enter into contract acd to furnish a suitable bnnd for the faithful Performance of the said work. In the event tho contract i. awarded to him. Th. right is expressly reserved to reject any and all bids received. T. J. Cleeton County Judge: W. L. Lightner County Commissioner; D. V. Hart, County Com- niiBsioiiei. of P. E. Chase, bankrupt: The under signed will receive sealed blda at ma ofllce No. 7 First St.. room e. --.---. . Oregon, up to 1? o'clock .noon of Wedn- ertv belonging to said estate: a stock of mcrcliandise of the Inventory value of 3J938.71. consisting of the following lines. Jewelry. $14:11. S3; furniture. o39'"; paints, oils and glass. 77.v.; also a lot if store dxtures of the Inventory value of 314..20. all of said property being lo cated In the store of said bankrupt at Monmouth. Polk County. Oregon, also . 4 shares of stock in the Monmouth Creamery Company of the par value of 410 per s hare. An Inventory of the above property la on Hie at the office of the undersigned and the prop-rty may be inspected on appli cation tithe Western Realty Company at Monmouth. Bids may bo made for the said stock as a whole or for each 'ePfrate line of merchandise. Cash or a certified check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accompany each bid and the r.kht is reserved to reject any and all bids, sa.d salo being made aubject to conMrmat.oii bv the court. Dated at Portland. Oregon. .7- . - . . n , Chin Tnld.IL May -v. uii. x- - 7. V. S. ENGINEER office. 723 j Los Angeles. -i.. .-,-- pronosnle for dredging at Los Angelea Harbor. California, ill bo received here until 11 A. M.. June 28. 1911. J" pul.Ilcly opened. Information on appl canon. Cuaa. T. Leeds, 1st Lieut-, bnsi- aliscellaneoua. THE PHOENIX CAFE baa changed bands ana if anyone naa any uin. pl-asa call at once. 270 Third st. North. Mastoc'a Notice. NEITHER the undersigned consignees or master or tne uu tuh - , ; ; field. ' wl'l be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew of axe vcaaeL American Trading t-Q. GERMAN bark 1L Haakfeld Neither ia master nor unucisiMiru .i. --e for anv debta contracted by members ox the crew. DODWELL A CO. nxAxcuL 1100 INVESTED 15 years ago earned to date over $13,000. Write for booklet. San fran risco Home Builders. S71 Phelan blag San Francisco, Californla. WILL sell 50 share, of stock In local Insur ance company at aacrifice; stock now sell Ins 2t a share. AJ 120. OreKonian. , WANTED Installment mortgage. $lioO. for my choice apartment site. 310 Lumber Exchange. Money to Loan Real Kstate. REAL ESTATE LOANS. $1500 .;000 and $!0,0u0 at reasonable rates of Interest on good acceptable prop erty. JULIUS KKAE31LH, wo rm" " ON IMPROVED city property or for bulld Irg purposes; 3 to 6 years- time: liberal repayment pr'.vilegea; money advanced as building progresses. The Equilaole Sav Ac Loan Association. 240 Stark at. PLENTY of money to loan at and 7 Pr cent on real estate security. EDW. P. MALI. 104 Second st. . tjOO.OOO ON improved city or farm property: building or small loans at lowest prices: large loans a specialty. J. IL Mci.enxia Co.. 514-515-510 Gerllnger bldg. . LOANST MORTGAGE LOANS. 5t to 8 per cent. J. FRANK PORTER. P04 Chamber of Commerce. I13rxi, $2000. 34OO0, $4500. LARGER and different amounts pli:e-l: 2-1 years' ex perience. M. L. Thompson -o., nenry bldg. FIRST and second mortgagee and contracts purchased on farm and city property any where In - Oregon or Washington. E. L. Devereaux. Fenton bldg.. 4 Cth at. MORTGAGE LOANS Exclusively. EDWARD E. GOUDEY, Lewis Building. WE HAVE plenty of money to loan on Portland property in sums from .1000 to $30 000 at lowest current rales. Morgan, Flit-dner & Boyce. 508-506 Abington bldg. LOWEST RATES-MOO to 310.000 10 loan on real estate. C. S. Nicklin. 33 Lafayette bldg.. 6th and Washington sts.. Main 8529. LOANS off chattel or. collateral security; in stallment contracts, equities and notes pur- chafed. J- D. Morris, 1010 suura ot irduo- LOANS made on Improved city property; I-o commiMiou, uuu. Mdual.. John Baln.60o Spalding rldg. 110 000 TO $12,000 to loan on West Side realty. Sanford. Henley & Waite. 41S Spalding bidg. MONEY to loan on improved real estate or for buildinR purposes. Columbia Life At Trust Company. 916 Spalding bldg. q e x loaned without brokerage If we biiild. current rates. L. B. Bailey Co., J;l Ablnstonbldg SMALL and LARGE amounts to LOAN on REALTY. Ask Mr EASTON. 22 BOaru Qi naM oioij. IMPROVED or unimproved property: small building, loans, contracts and mortgages , bought. W. HNunn. 44 Sherlock bidg. tjb'OOO TO L()AN. large loans a specialty, building loans, lowest rates. ,W. G. Beck. bl2 Failing bldg. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rate.. A. H. Blrrell Co., 2U2 McKay bldg, 2d and Stark. MORTG GE LOANS AT REASONABLB RATES. F.H- LEWIS. 8 LEWIS BLDG PRIVATE MONEY $50,000 or portion, im proved city. Call72ti Chamof Com.bldg. MONEY loan city, suburban property, long or snurt "w". . , .. - State lunus loineu, 11" " ... " as state agent, Multnomah Co.. 400 C. of C. W'll loan $10,000 or less, real estate security. Farringlon. 416 Commercial Club bldg. iTnNEY any amount. 6 to 8 per cent, Good- "jioehJelta. 310 Spalding bldg. 8i00 TO loan on good real estate security. Anuly at 414 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND 7 PER CE..M. LEWIS I SALOMON. 233 STARK ST. MONEY to loan on good aecurtty on ahort Ume. w. Lawrence, 315 Lumber Exchange. tOANS on rea. personal, chattel or collat eral security. C W. Pallett. 3Q8-I) Fenton. inILlEN C ES financed and built. A. CC Furlong.W g- ot c- Maln -051- LOAN'S on all kinds of security. W. A. Hathaway, room 10. Washington bldg. MONEY lor good Inside loans. 6, 7. Carlock &. Mueilhaupt. 1032 Cham, of Com, dtai v xTH money loaned on real estate mort "ages. A. H. Mile), R. 2U4. Gerliuger bldg. PHONE TINDOLPH MALN 8304. J13 HO.VKU r iimjjc MONEY to loan on inside Portland proper ty- AT 32. Oregonlan. aolio OR less on good real estate security. ,-a eh.mhcr ot commerce. $5 ., tii loan by oTlvate parly. Call 615 McKay bldg- ja .i.wTiur.R and collateral loans. Henry C L prudhomme Co.. 906 Spalding bldg. Money to Loan oa Chattels and Salariee. MONEY loaned In amounts from $10 up on ail kinds of securities,, furniture pianos or any) personal property. Easy weekly or ntonlhly payments; low rates, confidential. Gray 4k Cunningham, 201 Rothchlld bldg., northwest corner 4th and Washington. " MONEY ADVANCED. On furniture, pianoa, storage receipts, etc. Lowest rates, HUTTON CREDIT COl, 307 Spalding bldg. LOWEST RATES Loan, on all kinds of se curity, chattela or real estate; Union Loan Co. 35 Lafayelte bldg.. 6th and Wash, sta LOANS on diamonds and other securities. Wm. Holl. room 9, Washington bldg. j-ONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewelry, strictly confidential 14m 8d. near Alder. LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds and Jewelry. Marx at Bloco. 74 3d. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel The Loan Oo. 414 eJxum bide 1 - I nrciVFfift DIRECTORY. x -- i Money " Loan en Chattels and Salaries. ' DO YOU NEED MONEY T We will furnish you. strictly confidential and without delay, a loan in any amount, on your auto, piano, furniture, livestock. Storage receipt and all kinds of securities: on terms to suit; alio weekly or monthly payment W)AN On first and second real estate mortgages tnS REALCESTATB 3 BROKERAGE CO. 312 Hamilton Bldg. 131 3d. Main 20s4. I i 3 3 . ' A W K naa mv.c. v On salaries only. In amounts of from Ji to 100. at the lowest possible rates. Buslnesa strictly confidential. Ail we require Is that you be employed on salary and you get the money quickly, without mortgage, indorse or other - CUr"y" STATE SECURITY CO., ..& Trailing hlriff.. Cor. ThirdandVashington Stfc MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Women keeping house and others -ur-nithed without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments. Ome and get money when you want It. and pay as you can. Offices In all prlndrai D. U. rol man. 317 Lumler Exchange. Loans Wanted. WANT $10,000 on security worth fCS.OOO: money to be used In further Improvement and clearing property: will pay 8 per cent semi-annual and reasonable expense: would like private money. J 131. Orego- nl WE can Invest your money at good rates of Interest; gilt-edged securities; Orst mort gages: long-term Investment. Provident Investment 4 Trustee Co, 20L 103 Board of trade oiug. WE can place loans from $2,100 to S8"-0.. strictly nieco-.i an day properly. F. E. BOWMAN & CO.. E. 22d and Brazen. E. 035. . -. ..n..n. . ,.i,,i vi.h.f resi dence property; completed and occupied by owner; will pay Pr. ctUt iQteres $duX. H lailj, ureganiaii. WANTED A loan for 5 years. $11,500, m . . . . i. -. . cm. vinlil fnr i.i. gOOa nail OlOCH, V. cpl o.uw ' O00. R 133. Oregonian 8 PER CENT TO PRIVATE PARTY. J 133. Oregonian. WANT tWO for 3 years at 8 per cent on nice East Side cottage and lot jvxiov Call 317 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED $1300 for 3 years on $4000 house and lot, Hawthorne ave. Apply 317 Board oc Trade diq& WANT $1K00 ON SPLENDID SECURITY. FINE HOME OCCUPIED BY OWNER. J 132. Oregonlan. 320O0 BUILDING loan, close in security, AC 14.1, tiregoniao. WANT $5000on close-in improved property. LET us place your money, cood mortgages. PERSONAL " - . . I .,1 ri.I Of V. J-Uo-"' r CoT.rKrrr.lshed With every tnerapeuiic aviv"."'-w : - most advanced men in Europe and Amir ... - u- never ODerate. We have something better. We use every lorm of massage and adjustment and me chanical body treatments, vibration, radia tion and heat. Bake ovens. X-Rays. static. cons, vioiei ngnis ana uni. M"- . High-frequency, ozone, sinusoidal, nellos. solar, giant and King lights. We a.e the only physicians on the Pacific coast usine; raoium to tre. y.iic.a. - be examined free and see our offices, we have been in Portland over . and treated thousands of patienta ana never had a death. We taite no contagious or Infectious dis eases, neither do we go out of the office to treat patients. We can CURE, do cure and hnv cureri thousands of so-called ... L.i j wriwki. In w.iIt.,a vnnrRe:f. We OCCUP7 the entire north half of the third floor of the itothcnnus niuir.- ur. v. a. Naturopath. TO FRANK HERMANN, a son of Frederick. Hermann and Dora Hermann, deceased, oz LeKay, Dodce Coupty. Wisconsin: It is for your interest to at once corraspono. with vour uncle. George Engel. Kekosltee Wis. P. O.. Mavville. Wis.. K. 3. or any one knowing of his whereabouts would confer a favor by notice to above address. HAIR. HAIR. Largest stoca in the city to be closed out at cost, convent, German and pure hair cut from one head on y; good switches for 95c and up; all fix tures for sale, large mirrors and wax fig ures, building torn down for Lipman Wolfe site. Grand Leader. 5th and Alder. UK. tU A, Vtrvil-r. Diseases of women and children, sur gery: chronlo and nervous diseases treated according to the latest methods: conllae meat cared for: consultation free. 814 Washington St. Main 3928. A 5607. STTroiSHRAINED NURSE Helslncfors graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach allmeuta. under physician's direc tions: baths, masseuse. No. 7 East lltn at., second door south from East Ankany carl in e. pnone cast zoo. x iqv SWEDISH medical gymnast and masseur. C. Holmstrom, digestive, nerve, sexual and chronic disorder, a specialty: only el en title masseur in this city. Offices i2-3 oregonian mag. FEB VET & HANEBUT. Leading wig and toupee maker,: finest stock of human hair goods: hairdresslng. manicuring, face and scalp treatments. 147 7th st. near Morrison. Phone Main 546. HELEN SORNS and J. E. Perry, magnetic healers, treat all chronic diseases. 2t; V. Russe'.l su Portland. Or. Phone C 212; hours from 7 A. M. to 6 P. M. . MEV Try S. 67tablets for debility from any cailse; price $1. any address; money returned If It fails. T. Pierce, 24-yi Mor rison st, BFAUTY PARLORS Facial massage, mani curine and scalp treatment a specialty. Private calls made. 422 Washington L, suite 21. MRS Stevens. 16 year, Portland's leading paimist and clairvoyant, has her late hook, "Palmistry .Made Easy." on sale at 343 "A Yamhill, corner Seventh Bt DR. A. A. AUSPLUND. Diseases of women and surgery. Exam Iration free, 302 Merchant Trust bldg.. 6th and Washington. Phone Main 4047. DRES suits lor rent. $1.50 month: keep your -lothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on. rips repaired. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark. T)R- WALKER. "specialist for men, quickly cures blood and skin ailments, kidney and bladder troubles and piles. Consultation free. 1S1 1st st Portland. tTr KETCHUMS OFFICE MOVED TO WOODLAWN. PHONE. WOODLAWN 767. . ' I OUT OF COMBINGS. Switch 95c: curls and puffs. 7oc Sani tary Beauty Parlors, 400 Dckum bldg. r "atiiES -"Lorena antiseptic -cones are sooth-' iug safe and sure;.l per box. Stipe Tay lor ' Drus Co.. 2S9 Morrison st. WE do everything In ladles' tailoring; suit, to your measure from $35 up. J. M. Ehrllch Cfcjjhoenlr bldg.. 5th and Oak. -vik5 SOPHIA B. SEIP. mental scientist, iiil'te 21-22 SS6VV Washington st,; public meeting Wednesday. 8 P. M. Mam b824. TTCkiEnZ NERVE TONIC TABLETS restore list vitality. 250 box: 6 boxes, L25. Stipe -v'"r I-Tiir Co.. 289 Morrison at. ww e conrtright, feature and skin special ist Bll9Swetland bldg. Main 5042. rai M OF FIGS Remedies for di. women. 532 Davis st- Main 0215. KtBB Will sacrifice everything II you don t return, jiaj v-" j Mm KS wrinkles, superfluous hair removed Mri M. D. Hill. 429 Flledner bldg. M 3413. BCSIXESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. ' MACKENZIE. BAIRD & CO.. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. AUDITOR 224 Worcester Block Main 7309. A 1449 Counsel and expert In all matter, per taining to municipal, commercial, factory ccst and industrial accounting. COLLlSi BEKKIDGE At THOMPSON. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. AUDITORS. ' Commercial. County and Municipal. Auditing, Investigating and Systematizing. U24 Worcester block. Phone Main 0507. Architects. xl- A- CARPENTER, architect and designer, i-emoveed to 1059 Chamber of Commerce. Asaayer id Analyst, Well. & Proebstel, mining engineers, chem- and assayera, 204 1 Washington. iloMANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory "".nd ore-testiog work. 186 Morrison at. Attorney a. A. E. COOPER. attorney-at-Iaw. General Tiractice, abstracts examined. Removed to 14-'4 to 1428 Yeon bldg. M. 873. A 207L Portlaid swimming baths, 107 4th Elegant plunge: steam, tub and shower baths. 23c. HILLS SANITARIUM Rheumatic treat ment, elegant plunge. 895 Front. M 451. Braea and Machine Work. RIPPERS iittAO-5 WVIUI-a 1 , 1 il.-VI r-timB I atad n-acblne work. Iv6 H. 5 th, Mai 27u3 J Civil Engineer. ORRIN E. STANLEY Railroad ana mum... UI,",L..2.:,. k.. or commerce. Mar. pal enguirci. shall 1.154. Chiropody. WILLIAM Estelle and Flossie Par'iorVIS.' Grl.ngeVbWg-a W. cor. 1 and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODY and Fed.curlng. Mrs. M. V' mil. room e-u r Chiropractic PlslclaB. cinOAC-TICTICK-NErr ard rememper DR. EVA MARSH nr.. ..u, c. .o. -.. Oregon. -- r Contractor. CARPENTER and contractor; Jobbing ana remodeling a specially: sign -o' Bliss. 822t4 Stark. Phone Main 8017. W. I- BUCKNER. contractor, joooing, , m- flce ana store seinns. . 'a ut" BSS1. A 7t)U ooaiawn go ROBERT WAKEFIELD, general contractor. Collections rORTLAND Collection S17 Allskr bldg. All aeDts coiiecieu. ". Dancing. LESSONS 2.1c: 4 lessons for $1: wait, two. . i . . . J.nntnff RICl Step, mree-srep. pihbd -. -- - every morning, afternoon and eve., rrou Wal Wlllson s School: oldest and only rec onircd academy for correct J anoint. SS014 Wash. St.. bet. W. Park and 10th sts. Dentists. ALVEOLAR TEETH where bridge work In . 1.-,-. j ..Hnti cpltn Dlates. brldcework: we cure pyorrhea ;"." teeth) absolutely: terms to reliable P'-'"0''; Alveolnr Dental Co.. Ablngton bldg. 10 ag THE old an4 reliable Union Palnlesa Dentists. 1st Morrison Doc and Horse HopltaL Dr Brown. D. V. S-. office 129 N- ?"n.V Main 40S6; res. E. 5440. Hospital w ' j;lecWcMctorJljJSjltaJ- WALKER-MACKENZIE Electric VLt' Jast 117. aiotors soiu. ic" ,r Engines fiae ana Steam. ROBER Machinery Co.. Coast agts. Saburj steam encincs and boilers. Easollne en gine. 2S1-2X3 E. Morrison st. Pfcone t- 0'- Fans and Blowers.- NORTHWEST BLOWPIPE CO.. 500 Lorlnsj st. Dust collecting and ventilating sy tcms. Phones C 1115. E. 8280. . Feed Store. Z1GLER & MISNER. hay. grain, feed, ce ment, shingles. 2114 Grand ave. E. 48 Landscape Gardeners. G. H. SIEBELS. landscape gardener ana nursery man. baa moved to 5 80 n. otn. fceuwooq iibi Leather and Findings CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO.. 74 Front, Leather of every description, taps, mfra linaing. J. A. PTROWBIUDGE LEATHER CO. li tabllEhed 1S.18. 1S9 Frontat; Medical. DR. E. K. SCOTT. 922 Selling bldg. Diseases of the Rectum. Musical. Emll Thlelhorn. violin teacher pupil Sevclk. 1100 Marquam. a iu". Osteopathic Physicians. DR. LEROY SMITH, graduate B.tra:viiie. Mo., class of 1S9S; post-graduate. lS" under Dr. A. T Still, founder of the JC ence.' 1122 Selling bldg. M. 1987. A 188a. Dr R. B. Northrup. 4 10-16-17 Dekum bldg.. N&rvoufl and Chronic Diseases. Phone office M. :iJ0Res.. East or B m-a. Papering .nd Tiuling. TINTING, painting, paper hanging; neat. clean work. Phone East S.8. Paints. Oils and Glass. COAST-MADE paint and Tarnish Is besd adapted to the Coast climate. BASo HUETER PAINT CO.. 191 Second st. RASMUSSEN 4r CO.. Jobbers, piijts. oils. sashand doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor, Patent Attorneya. PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, attorney, at law. late of U. S. Patent Ortice. Boolt f., 710 Hoard of Trade bldg. IT S, AND FOREIGN PATENTS procured by; ' r, U1RTI 409 Chamber' of Commerce bldg. r VRIGHT. domestic ana loreigu p.-R- V- . tia nekum blilit- ents. miiiiincmg"! Paving:. THE Barber Asphalt Paving P"- 60S iiieciric uma- - WARREN ConstrucUon Co.-Street r siuewaifc.. ..m . - -? A'awnproaera. UNCLE MYERS Collateral Bank. 40 year l. Portland. 71 6th st- Main 910. Pipe. POHTI-AND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and P S7ce near 24th and York sta. M. 3489. Plumbers. FOX CO. PLUMBERS. Main 2001. A 200L 109 2d St. COFFEY PLUMBING CO.. sanitary plumb! ... l .93 Glisan. Main 8487. Bubber Stamp. Vcso seals, stencils, choice stationery. eto. Cunningham a. .1 tm' ..v.. Hug Weavers. vnRTHWESJ Rbtii WORKS Rugs trat-i Ola carpeta. colonial rag rugs. East 3540, B 1280 153 Union ave.. nr. E. Morrison, Safea. DAr-irrtC COAST SAFE AND VA-ULTl p vvriRKS Home products, factory price. ia?y rm.T second-hand safe. cheap, ffiom. 60 Third st. Factotjr Kenton. SnioiR SAFE CO. 108 2d at. Safe T7ooeynrices: second-hand safes. Mecond-Hand Goods. rz .ho niunest prices for second-hand Uowcases, Bank ana Bliow juttuxea, "-re.fc- i-ijil-E Mrvi. CO.. brancn Grand Rap. Xta snowcise Co., 6th and MoyL R. Lutica, manatjer. H H B1RDSALL, 208 HAMILTON BLOCK. .hoVcaaea In .lock: prompt deUvaty. naiad neenL. il- v''-t'i ...BiHAL MFG. CO.. 4th End Couch: new) Ma "cond-hand. Main 2703. Cabinet work. titeamshipa. ALLEN LlN(jue gu Lawrcnce Route. Weekly Sailings From f Spienuld scenery. . ALLEN si r-o.. 127 N Dearborn St.. Chicago. Kloraire and Transfer. r, PTCK Transfer & Storage Co.. of. flees and commodious 4-atory brick ware. keT.ii. with separate Iron rooms and fire. Scoot vaults for valuables N. W. oor 2J ?mi Pine ata. Pianos and furniture n-jvea lit pScked for shipping. Special ratea made on goods In our through car- to all gomestl" lad toreigu poinia. Main 590. A 19DU. . ", FREE STORAGE FREE. Al" household goods go into brlc warehouse free for the first 30 days and T. the lowest rates thereafter; moving an 4 Jacking done by experts. Van Hora Trans. ter LU OLSUiN-rtwj- ii. t-i. General transferring and storage, aafea. ;,(,, .aa lurniture moved and packed for shipment- 87-89 Front su -Telepnoaai Main 347 or A 2247. ufti-GoN XriANcFKR CO.. established 1S7U T:ranaier and forwarding agents storaga oinco 310 Hoyt sc.. between 5th and 61a. 0 s Main av A m) Taxidermist. MOOSE, elk heads, fur work. F. B. Finley, 4 ,j Columbia. A 184 3. " Typewriter,. . K" are the exchange for the largest type writer co.-cern on this Coast; Investigates -Ul makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex. "nanne. 287 . Washington t. TVPE V. K1TEKS, all makes. 20 to $80. fully auaranteed. easy payments, rentals. $3 fl month. Facitic Suauonery Priatln it. -Ui -o - NEW. rebuilt. second ahand rentals, a Stark. M. . eu. 1407. ratea tr. D. c. Co.. 231 Vacuum Cleauxing. c - RPET3 cleaned on floor $1 per hour; ""-r.I nooses. B 16.10. East llu.l- Wood and Coal. ViTv ri ncK WOOD, n.ixed with smaller Dod fVW per load delivered any place ,,T', -i.y. Portland Wrecking Co.. 105. 107 11th st. North. Main 37. A 3736. uhrnsTdE FUEL CO. Wrtolesale and re Vill 4-ft aawed fir and hardwood. Office id yard' at 125 7th at. Phone Efc 7-a B 2777. bet HERS WOOD CO. Sawed 4-ft. cord wJod and slibwood. 9th and Gllaan. M. STo " 8351.A2415, CENTRAL WOOD YARD Wood and coaU: Main 1806: A 110- COAL ALBINA FUbi. CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. S3D ST WOOD NATIONAL FUEL CO.. coal " Marshall 960. 387 Water SL and wood. j'MD-rUUna DRILLING wells a ,peclaJty; priced n:aaon. able Call Main 1346 or write Miller vYtat. Ib3 HiutiMi at. Portland.