11 TIIE MOnXIXG SOREGOXIAN, MONDAY, MAY 29, 1911. FLUME GIVES WAY Workman Nearly Buried in Gravel From Sluice. POSITION IS PERILOUS Arldcnt on Operation That I Re dwing Goldsmith Hill My Re mit In IM-ath of Mao Who Suffer Bad Tall. ft. W. Ib-nlnc. a flume-walker m rl,.yei by tha Lewls-Wlley Hydraullo .rm.trwtlon Company that Is alulctn floidsmlth Hill, narrowly capKl wim Ms Ufa last nlirht. when a flume on which he waa walking r way and he fell with the wreck JO feet. He waa o Injured that he could not move and lay directly under the break in the flume, from which poured asteady stream of rrarel and water. He lay In this perilous position, the rreTct slowly burylns; him allre and his sui ferltm was augmented by the torrent of water which came with the rael and was stranKUns; him. Other workmen heard the crash when the flume fell and hastened to the assistance- of the Injured man. He was half smothered with rarel and narly drowned when fellow workmen pulled htm out. and also suffered bruises .bout the body and head, besides In ters! Injuries from the falL The Ked t"ros ambulance eonyeyen the inlured man to the Oood Samaritan Hospital, where doubt was expressed as to his recorery. LORIMER CASES TO FORE Method of Inquiry Kipfftcd to Be Voted on Today. WASHINGTON. May St. Inestla tlons of the steel and suasr trusts, and the expendlturea and method of gov ernment will occupy the committees of the House early this week. Mth the Democratic wool tariff bill promised for Friday, the House will hold no nlht sessions until then and Investigating committees will have opportunity to push Important Inquiries. The Irlmer case probably will come to a ote Monday as to the method to be adopted In maklna; another inrestl- m a special committee, and the Mar . ...h.titut.s lear- tin tin ana ahh ..- Ins; the Inquiry to me r-u . te. on prlTlleaea and alectlona are be- ,Uft the'llouse end of the Capitol there will be no general rally of the Demo crats until Thursday, when the wool tariff measure will come op before the Jemocratlc caucus. Thl 1 expected to be the beglnnlnsT of a hard flKhl on tha revision of the wool schedule. President Taft Is reported hopeful that a majority of the Senate can now be rallied to adopt the Canadian reci procity agreement aa It came from tha House. DAILY MTIOkomClftH r.rOelT. ?U: ST W." ?-"?ThJn.e "SuIT?. g f. . eon.: Intel '',,r. rj Sl In. ..-.: norms; J r,. l-a r rmlnfll slue '-P-"B,b'rfcJv " -4 r,n ule. P"lb! eue"Hn. 16 hurs. - "'"; Il"7 H.V-.n.-1-r .r-Uucd to sea level al & 1. jf. ..ve Inrhra. THB WEATHER. Ik' 9 ! sttste Weeiae STATION T'h - ..- ttot -iiry ft 1 . ....... I- -nvr lw U.-in ln'ut K-ifk H-f-n- j. k.o ,:'. . -. Ki ity.... Mar-aft fiId. . .. - . M.ntr.-avl N trln- . . T .rri H . . . N.-tr avtm. , J'h.wtiH t'rn (. rrt)airil K u r c - ...... i u ram-rto. . . . . t..u. t. rui It lk. haa I .. KrnoK'-o. . Sish tv.u. ,, T'- n T icurrA . . w;i. . . .vunttoo. . . . . ! T Tt 1 1 ....... . f:r 11 'lr iIar tKalntnc ,nou-ly i"I,.ujjr ;i".r I n t'loudy l'lr.r ,-!r.r .V SB N'K B J . S ej r. 2i 1 SB ' w p N W : K 1 SB 1 B I M Id i., 4 P !) H tH I J : V ! NE I N I ll IP l 10 0 i 1: l l 1 l.k p 1 J o pi 1 . np I mr 7- u-l.r l.pu.lr .l..u..y H'v.r .1 N V tp pp 2' 1 k ipt 4 l i I J I I't 4'iOudX i'!jr jil.tr U'ter t')r . J It! .1 7. I s 4vo! a O.UOl s WEATJIKR CONDITIONS. Ktfr ilwy ana cp. count eprM tola 1 h. rrnrral owr Oliforn mil a .... amrTtia sVVB Arv and vhi V:-) a tb outbvrn X ehrasia and KnrtlT nawf -rtttr prai aft WptrB rat pVft r.i;r wnrr : .... . .u......r- an rpstB-mrallv At nor and nrm rv bnofial. cool w.itwr r i r.w w ww 4 t(-,ri m North-Mil flUoml. urtfoR. WMi-m W Mhlngtus and oontrir. 1 litntii. ptTIPHa. , ar favorable for ncraltr fair ww..thr 3kiooiar la tat -'"ki. win tmnwd watbr la lntrH-r Wt-ra rw and rccr-or Wt-m Wahtntai. vd a- rill avrn.r thr C ifca faacada Mot.Miu. Wind -HI b .rtal. brt noty w-satvrly. FOKEOAefTll. rvrun.j and l4-nttir M yndmf fair d cor. ttn at nv- N f 1 6 lnda. irt(p n-Vdn.Ur fir. arr t oC ti.irt Nnrth-wt-rtr a iida. vvfAtRptfToit - m-o-Ut taxr. amr pat-ttaa. -M-mlav fair and warmar. fw AICTIO IULU TOO AT. ( r.kffi Atim Hoiit. 152 Ir t.: furaiturw. rm. t--. .tarr at 1 . M ar.l wi.t tunt.nwa anlU pail M lSa-r A Vr:L arttor. Atr! n aa; at Wl0'. 'mr d and lmrtiiL Sa- at 10 A- M. J. T. w. m. a ti.-ttn a MUTtXO MOTICKaV A aad A- M Jrf v4 tmtnu ni'-alta hta Jtaia ) a-air.. T W L ri and Huroalda, SL A. 4(ea. tailor wci-coma. OrdaT M J H RICHMOND. T al! mr'nn arrktr ti tn1 tnkiM o-f.-imnta. T.n -aj-a hrby lu4 t aitona tb MalTwfiar? f marbi it ar.h-. t b baid at TTitni. LarxC rnp;. sr , tav May i. SEAT SALE OPENS Wednesday, 10 A.M. Sherman, Gay & Co. for MARY GARDEN And her assisting artists, ARMORY Saturday Evening June 3 8:15. Price, both floors and balcony, $1-00, $1.50, $2.00, $3.00. ANNOCN-CliMEVT EXTRAOBWSAM. Seats Are Now Selling HEILIG .THEATER SUSSSS-" TONIGHT, riOHT E. H. Jl LIA SOTHERN & MARLOWE Arransemant of ptsys for this ensenn,: Tonleht. o"clo-k MACBETH T"...?.hrTAMIr;oFTilikEW "T7. ."".U,.'M: . 2ow A'ri- iiLiEi WednnMlay Blsht. Mar XI v.:f KOMtO U VI UET Thnradmr nlsht. Jun. l ...... ...... ..MtBOUXT r VKNICR rrl!.T nlsht. June 2. - TWKI.JTn '" haturJar matin... Jun. S. .AO Ol J-J.V ij-i Saturday miht. Jun. a Prices, both venlnKS and matinees: Enllr. low.r floor t2; batconir. flr rows 1pO. B.xt row. II. t.Plltnrlns rows .Sc. last rows SOc. Enllr. s.Ucry ic. Curtain rls at and 1 e'cloch. BAKER -ri!reVss Mat. Todav Last Time Tonlsht. Tomsbt all week Vat. 4 . anil Bat Tb. .mlo.nt actor JOHN (kAI ItHJ;. eapport by th. Hak.r Th..ir Company tn -TR4t H E. BI AS olay.d by Rctpert Elpeo. Gral't of coli.s. plays. Ppe-lal Hummer prices i5c. oOe. SfaUn.es ZZc Mii ae.ta. Mm Nut wk "The Great rlvldfc" BUNGALOW T.A.r'.er. Mala 117 aad A n. Amateur alaat tnolsbt Matta.e erery day. X:4. Two .yrarns Tee formaaca. T.4.V 15. Tbe posu.sr A.TK1C Mt'SIi At. OOMEUV CO, In THIC HARVARD KfrTSOR." SotMns but laushtur and music. New rhnruua. -aatumrs. Ail th. favorlles: West end Va. k. Jane Vlrtrher sad the "'"'r: ITIrra. I-c. : v. iai. .--i v.. Conlret Friday Nlgr.t. a. at MArw A 10S V UJLXDlix VIUI DAY V THXATEB 1S-25-50-75 MoarUv. May T Jom-pi Hart's -A Mlaht tt. Terkl.k Beth." arrr-1 Taylor -: Helle Ada.r; Murmy and lann arww BM hrr.: iPiuM IL Callca, tkkora Jt. t .ralec pre lie. tie. SO, d ., IHMly Manned lie. Sic. 0e. HoUdey M !. MOI ITtree AHTAGES " VamAawIIIa. All this vrm Kttfa Th. Obertta Wprteea, Tkanaen-. lie 1-arU trtrmrdlnmrln: Hraeks and axiulo: IJeyd and MbJtehooee: The F.ar ll-k IM.motida: The Newasaaa, eary I n,,ulv r-rlcM. M.I. Daily- 9 7:3Q. S OO GRAND Week of May 29 ITnst.il fftkrw ". ft Barta aod Clark Th Vor;d M'eat r.-.-rtric and T-ni- pertm-ntsl M-rtro I i.lWAKi) AMllHH I YH-r Tho Klliaom l'hppvamma Grabam and KaodaU IsrasTaarope 1 30 any wi, 15c t,4lOlJt.K B.VU afatlnva T-vnr FT-rntoK trfortnnri T.alu and V-l; balcony. ltVc: lo-r floor. itVc: bo aaia. tvoc. OAKS PARK S? rhlllp ivls. Russian ltandmaster and Dl ret.r Oak. Tark liand. In f"rre Op.n-Alr l onc.rta. Aumrnlpl by Special rollouts and lirand tir wuart.t of M-irupohtan Opera .mpanv. New York: H-irdy H.ro NlaKaja Kali.: The Ostrich Kami: Auditorium Nor. to. a Miulrnl Comedy t'ompany. Admlaalon. lip ent.- children. J rents. I"ud-r Mx Yeara. Kr Take t'ara Klrst end A;d.r rtu-.eta. TT NKR-tl. XOT1CK. (HISTKA In this city. Joseph Oonrua. as"d year. Kuneral alll lake place from the parlors ot lb. Kaat SI. I. Fun.ra! Ul-r-clora 414 K.aat Ald-r etreet today tMiui' d)l. ilay IDth. 3 P M. Ti,TIt ITXIkAL CO, wAIUll AM IIpVIK; 1 11m i. ipi:ius. Mai. SISSi A 1IP7Z. Daacliit MrlJitee. Funeral w j l'tnA. ripMr Main 4S4. Ufrirw ef t.uaty Hwr. 3 v IIM V M MIS. Ill III M l.d'y .lteaua.4. I'Ik.. Walo 9.A lbv. "tiiH'AkiV-ItOlJI AN to.. liornU tHreet. n s- sa mt. Lady aebunL I'koM M. Ml. ..T stllrK runeral IHreetoea. e t'. a. UJa uasr. "c- r.- 94. d mm. rrli ravBiitNEa f .. -m irniiaaa. are. K..4 teas. C lass. Lady atteadaal. 1 f KC lt.l BdertaAerreor. ta.t Alder aad aasta. a-at 7u b lass, ledy lekrniL CLASSIFIED AD. RATES pealy psr aaadas?. OH ttaae Saaae ad le. m.i iratle Ulttea. . , . 11. Nat e IB". -p""" , - HU ala e awea L.i.ruU.e llil..t II 1 .ill I apx . saaaS aeeepsiueay SMI e lewa "iTaVora. eeaat as sew Bae e. praah ad- 1 1 1 il Hi 1 -- aw ad Mated tee leas taa. IM Uai - UW. aa pdverteea Is aet rua la eea emuae ie-M ibe e I'sae rle appu-w. o. .barne m aa aatwumwu tbe ckaxs sui ae me mumi a-asaBee W base aprpan4I ta tae paper. ," tbe f wtfe la aavcb Uae. la ew Sailer aU adeetaeee.la are rberseat ay aae..are eaay. 14 U tae barb. Tbe panose ratea aply ta aai nlisi.eaM Mfcir -ew TiM.y wad all SAM 1l.pj.1l1r. iwa esUa tbe tPNleelsIl SHaatMa. wealed. Male. BlipaaiMPae lewaasa. M neat, auaeaa. 11l.ie .aeainea, - 1 1 m aad swrl. tTl.ale .i.lWea, Iteeaoaeepla. slee-aa. rtl.ai. samillaa lbe rale e. I)aee rlaislflreilia as ree tba si 1 aeaieiSaTI" ef lyeAfweMp. Tbe paeipprtdi.e, tbe ae. iwtviar ta a saawciae te ellAwr . e ppruwe .111 be a-aeied e.ee tbe paaae. b-S Mil will be roeideeed Ibe follewtBa day. MIMIkt ipt pjdnlp-.iBle w4ll be pjmt"4 ..ee IS. essib . tbe ..Bin... epf tae aaysaeal t.H.k.ae aa .pjrti.eaa.ei la. W.ajpj.1 Wealed aad fer. , u - Mt.eetlMeae.le will set be psreepptp .ee tbe leiepbeava. PUrders t M. taeettiee Mly will be anciKed l-e "H p.ih. fpj. Heat, lualtar. fee saK" -U. Olip.neal BORX. FABER At EW nienweod are.. Vsy 27. 4:.rtrude May Fatxr. as. 1 year 0 daya dauthttr or Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Faber. Fun-ral notlee later. PIED. PATPAWANOC In this rlly. May Jia'l I'appawanou. 11 3 year.. 4 months. 14 days. Funeral notices will sppesr la Ist.r ljeue. JAOK50N In this city. Msr 3J. Mrs. Msr saret Jackson, pJS years, of pS.2 lnn are. Announcement of funeral later. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Of TICK C1TT It A II. Mala SOS. A TXSA BtTMAXS OFFICER. Serareaat Crate. Residence I E. J4tb, N. East 4J7. H. A. ixaaaslre, Kes. il Wasco St. W. tJ. tatea. Krs. 11 E. ltth. East 17U. Here. Ambulaaoa. A 6101; Pr. . -Mshta, Suadaya aad Holidays, A S10O: Ps. Es- 4: Trunk I, ' STW TODAT. GRAND AuctionSale Of tha L.rae Collect lo. ef Rare, Orl laaj Aatlqnea of the Old Virginia Antique Furniture Co. , OF BALTIMORE, MARYLAND, At 209 Fourth Street SEAR TAYLOR. This collection comprises many speci mens of the Chippendale. .Sheraton. Hnpplewhlte. Dutch ilarfraretre. Louts XV-XVI and colonial periods, old Eng lish mantel and grandfather hall clocks. Mieffleld plHte, old bronzes, fine china, cut glass, etc KAHIBITIOV Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday. May 29, 30 and SI. SALE starts Thursday, June 1. at 10:30 A. M. and at 2:20 P. M. J. T. WILHOX, Auctioneer. GL HALF-ACRES Our office will be closed Hay 30, except to keep and make appointments to show our HALF-ACHE TRAtTS Our automobiles will take you to proTxrty Decoration day if you call or telephone in advance. Real Estate Department Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Ex. 20, A 2050. Make an Offer That's All We Want On 0-acr dairy farm, two miles from station, one mile to boat landing;; barn Stx'S feet, full concrete basement, water piped Into barn and house; cream route, telephone. Rood neighborhood, hearing orchard, auto road. This place will be sold this week, and before sell ing we want an offer from you. wheth er you want It as a farm or as an Investment. - IT MUST BE SOLD And It will pay you to Investigate. Firat Mate flank, limbaa, Or. 1S on an investment of J.ViOO cash. East Side business corner, 100x100. located in rapidly developing locality. Business or apartment site corner, 90x100, near 5th and Washinpton, with 4 cottages. $3S,000; $10,000 cash, balance 6 per cent. HOISINGTOITCOM CO. 52.V7 Board of Trade Bid. Main 5738 A 5737 IDEAL COIXTBT HOME. IS acres adjoining corporate limits Bearerton. highly Improved, good build ings and water; 1-i apple trees, stand ard varieties, from which 825 boxes of apples were marketed last year; 376 etsnds S4-year-old grapes, all kinds of fruits, berries: every Inch of land under cultlvstlon and Ideal siiil. Council Crest and both mountains in view from front porch of house. Iand beautifully locateo and on two roads. Agents need not apply. Will exchange for Portland property. Thirty-one minutes electrtc ro.d from Portland; lie fare. Price ISvuO, terms. THE OXVXER, SO Featoa llulldlng, Portland, Or. WALNUT PARK Svf n - room hou-. new. modern. 4 rooms f )rt floor. 3 rooms ami bath jecond floor: full cement basement and furnare. gn and electric liKht. Of fered at a low price for quick sale. MKItCH VTJ ' 9 AVI TIIV9T COMPANY. BARGAIN FOR SALE Model Theater SS M. Third sitreeC Money to Loan OK 1HPHOVIII KtRMS AD CITV HKIIPKKTV. CtRRKXT HATE. APPLY ROBERT LIVINGSTONE SO Hrlla-Ksrss Balldl.g. PORTLAND HEIGHTS SNAP Nln and one-half acres, clone In. or chard, house, fin view, suitable for beautiful hnmf ; f2.iturt. terms. N at-nts. A U 143. Oregon. an. IS1 STREET MORTGAGE LOANS Cpf John e. zmk-no J JO Ma sidi.c Bids. JV NEW TODAY. IRVINGTON 9-room bungalow in the most desir able part of this exclusive home dis trict; living-room, library, dining room, two bedrooms and bath on first floor; billiard-room, shower bath and two bedrooms on second floor; hard wood floors; artistically decorated and arranged throughout. Reduced to $8500 for quick sale. " MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY RK VI. ESTATE PF ALFRS. Beck. William G.. tlZ Falllne bids. Ercbilir A Benedict. W2 UcKar bids. 31 Ma. CHrli A Berlow. tn Cfcarater Commerce. Cook. E. B. Co.. SOS Corbett bldr. J.nnlnm Co.. Mala 188. S08 Orerootaa. PALMER-JONES CO. H. P. 213 Commer cial Club bide. Tbe Oreron Heal Eststs eo.. Grand aee. aad ICiltnomab St. (Holladar Addition. If. . IHDMPeoK CO.. cor. 4th aad Oak sis. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. NEAR NEW SIT. TABOR PARK. 1VOX100. Sooth Mt. Tabor near Reaerrotr. Pnrrhaifd for home, but osrner has left city and slihti to dispose ot his In terests here; planted In berrlea, fruit trees and garden truck; price below market; .'.uo cash, balance on terms to suit pur chaser. V 9& Oreg-onian. LOTS. 100. RIGHT OX WEST SIDE CARLINE. BEYOND CITY PARK. 3IITH AND W. YAMHILL STS. New addition, ten minutes from busi ness center: on new "Washlngton-st. car line: lots 00x100. some larger. 'J5U, easy payments: these lots are beautiful npine siiea. National Realty & Trust Co., S-ois Waaliinston it.. room 5 1 ft. . PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Full lot on the lower HetKhts, with fine unobstructed view; price $;i0. on terms to suit; If buyer will build, no money re quired. R. P. BRYAN. . . Main 10C3 503 Cham, ot Com. A la.. lOOxlDO STEPHENS ADD. Nice quarter block on East 0th end Lincoln sta.; price (i0O0, with street work paid; part ra.h. ORISSI A ZADOW. SIT Board of Trade Mdg . 4th ar d Oak. IRVINUTON Fine residence lot uOxluO. E. sth St.. between Thompson and Tillamook. Cheap If taken now. Provident Investment A Trustee Co., 201-203 Board of Trads bids. Marshall 47a. A 1022. 3 CASH WOODSTOCK .. CARLINE. 40x150 lots, city water piped to each. National Realty A Tru.t Co.. 326 Wash. , PORTLAND HEIGHTS BARGAIN. About 2V lots. 125 feet frontage, lies beautifully: fine ea.t view, trees; 25u0, essy terms: reduction for cash. MAIN 3a.M. HKOOKE. A 3S39. TILLAMOOK" IlEACVrTw o choice" lou sd Jolnlng railroad and ocean; price for both fZZO; will sell my equity of 110, present -. jt lota adjoining I2r0 each. Tele .ou B 2151 or sddress J 133, Oregonlan. LARGE near Rose City Park, eem.nt walks, sraded streets. BuU Rua water, no ssents; no cnmmlsslons. Ovbic 201 -20.1 Board of Trade. TRIANGULAR LOT. FIRLAND. 375. S10 down. 95 monthly, fronting on two streets, four blocks to car. Fred W. Ger man. a'J tfurnsiae, a. or a ia PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Homes, all prices Can suit homeseek ers or bargain hunters. Main 3501. BROOKE. A SS3U. CHOICE building lots. 30x100. with city water, on good carline; 4K; nothing down. $10 per month. Inquire for Mr. Leonard. 84 4th at., Columbia Trust Co. CHOICE quarter block, comer, head of eo-foot avenue. 1 block from Columbia Park. See owner, pou Spalding bldg., or phone cvenlnga. Tabor 21P41. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Lota all prices. Can suit liomcseekers or bargain hunters. Main 3551. BROOKE. A 3S3S. I105 $5 MOWN. S MONTHLY. Rallwav Addition, ncht on E. K2d St.. close to Mt. Hood Electric. Fred W. Ger man. 320 Burnstde. Main or A 2'Tu. PORTLAND HeiRhta. walking distance, beautiful site for one or two bungalows, II7MI. Main 1551. A SS39. Brooke FOR SALE at sacrifice, lot on Division St., near Ladd's Addition, by owner. Must sell. AK 144 Oregonlam KILLINGS WORTH and Boston. 100x100 corner, facing south and East, 25O0. East 3S00. ' IRVINGTON bargain; choice 75x100. east facing, near Knott St.; price 12750. in cloding all Improvements. Phone B 2704. WILL sell my equity In comer lot in Rose City Park cheap; no agents. P 138. Ore gonlan. A GREAT many One lots. Irvlnston. all prices. East 373. C 1S0; no agents. W. H. Herdman. 4"0x507KEARNEY ST.. near ::d. 13500; be tween 3 carllnca. David Lewis, room 3 Lumbermens bldg. lift MONTHLY buys comer lot Irvington park, east front. 603 Swetlnnd bldg. MY equity in lot In Rose City Park cheap. Phone East 401 S. CHOICE lot near East SOth and Taylor t a bargain, by owner. Phone Tabor 1326. For Sole Houses. liO.OO Down buys 5 -room modern bungalow. 5c CEMPiRF: REALTY TRCST CO.. 402 Yeon bldg. Marshall 84 WILL eU new modern 7 -room house. No. 4U1 Koselawn ave.. on very easy terms. Price 3.50; also H-room house. No. 4o7. at S3150; Imndy to car. church and school. Owner. 620 Chamber of Commerce. READ THIS 132.0 TERMS. New modern 7-room bungalow; at least Shone about this ss tt must go before una 1. U.S. Metcalf. 310 Teon bldg.. Marshall 2432. EASY WALKING DISTANCE. Good comer house, tt rooms on first floor, fireplace; terms; 14200. 415 Falling blilc. 8-ROOM modern bungalow, furnace, elec tric and gas light, stationary tubs, on pivad street, near good school and car line. I'hone B 1540. RORE CITY PARK New 8-room house, hardwood floors, nreplsce. veneer panel ing east front. 14.'.' H'; WJ0 cash. 411 E. 53d' St. N. Tabor 2747. NEW COTTAGE. 5 rooms, large attic, small storeroom, lsundry trsys, fine plumbing; term a 415 Fsilingbldg. 2Vu ACRISt;. MONT A VILLA. LEASE. All ready for the plow, good soil. 4 rnom house. 115 per month. Fred W. tier mRn. 32 Burnslde. Mln or A 2771. IF you want a snap for cash, you can get . modern cottage, comer lot. ' full base ment, near UL Scott car; 11150. Tabor 25JO. FRACTIONAL lot. with house, on East 11th. near Washington street; Income 24 per year; price 12400. See owner. 22 E. 15th street. I -5 MONTHLY buys 6-room house; bath, naneied dlnlng-roem. cement basement; price I215Q- Phone owner. East 2741. WILL SELL our equity In modern t-room house and 1 lots, leaving city; owners. lj 4th. Main 47. NEW 5-room house oa 75x100 lot. In Glad- stone; 2 blocks from Oregon City carline, C 1 lllOregonlan vw-MODERN -room house, on Broad- wav; easy walking distance: part - cash. Miller. 416 Chamber or I. ommcree. RKA17TIFI'L 6-room hou.e. I350O. terms is .ult- 6-room bungalow. 25uu. terms, phone Woodlswn 17f or 272Q. FT.ATS and furniture for sale by owner; must sell: a snsp. 500. 54a East Tay.or. Phone fcf--- 5-ROOM house In Fulton Park. Malr. "."HP. Inquire 4-ROoM cottar., all furnished. In Seaside town. I4IPQ. 3ip5 Graham ave. i-,o 4-KOOM house. Portland Heights, lot Ooxll.'.. 10 fruit trees. Marshall latiel. FOR SALE bargain. 4-room cottage, by owner. 1&S1 MuUnomh.t. XJT- 61at- LArRELHURST pqnlry la 4 lots. 1520; best bargala In the addition. B 1077. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Hoases. HOMES O.N EASY PAYMENTS. Six-room house, two stories, an modern, east front, beautiful lot. many shade trees, block from car; atreet Improvement paid, new, ready for occupancy; 60 cash, bal ance momhl) payments. BUNGALOW, I rooms large attic, re place, furnace, book cases, buffet. Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors; east front, ail street improvements pahi; half b'ock fr car; 5oo down, balance on monthly pay ments. . Six rooms, two-story. Moare bouse. .Just being completed: oak floors, fireplace Dutch kitchen, burfet, all other modern conveniences; 200 feet from carline, i.w. cash, balance monthly payments. We bare several other houses and bun galows which will be completed soon, lei us show them to you before you buy. PROVIDENT INVESTMENT TRUSTEE! COMPANY. I0L 101 Board of Trade Bids. Marshall 4i3. a iw-e PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME. Owner offers for sale splendid now Heights residence: strictly modern, 6 srE" alrv and well-lighted bedrooms: also sleeping porches with dressing-rooms, mir ror doors, living-room lx34, with laytr Breplace; dining-room 20x20, "'"""J paneiei-t, large nreplace and buffet, large kitchen, pass pantry, tiled sink, cool cup bcard. etc.; paneled bllllaxd-room and den. cathedral beamed and rustic Breplace. wine cellar and fruitroom: lovely screened dining porch and large porch oft from living-room; 2 complete bathrooms, s toil ets, five lavatories, hardwood floors, two woodllfts. wood, coal and clothes ehute. roomy closets, 2 lots, driveway. S8; lovely native trees, everything tnat nalV;" for attractiveness and comfort. A, . V eluded location, beautiful surroundings. . Price only 114.0)0. Can arrange terms. HENRY C. PRCDHOMMB. Owner, 906 Spalding Bldg. ir.A PICK ROSE CITY PARK. New house. 8 rooms and sleeping porcn. oak floors, art and leaded-glass wmdowa, mirror door, bookcases, large fireplace, paneled dining-room, beamed ceiling, bul fet, Dutch kitchen, woodlift, cooler, built in Ironing-board, full cement basement, laundry trays, furnace, hot-water coll. house piped for gas; east front; lot OOxloi". 1 block to car.J Improvements In ana paid. OUJ 1 C 1.1.1 J3I-.XJVX JUST completed, an up-to-date 8-room 2-story-and-attic house. sleeping porch, glassed conservatory, cedar closet, beam celling, hardwood floors, veneered panel wainscoting, solid brass hardware; corner lot. facing the east, sightly elevation. In Rose City Park. East 47th and Siskljou. This was built for a home. Terms to suit. Call owner. Tabor 22112 or call j. Henry bldg. . DO TOU WANT TO BUILD? T MAKE A SPECIALTY OF DESIGN ING AND BUILDING UP-TO-DATE FLAT BUILDINGS AND HOUSES. WHEN I BUILD NO CHARGE FOR PLANS. I CAN SHOW YOU A BIG INCOME ON THE INVESTMENT. AND WILL. FIN NISH -YOU WITH PART OF THE MONEY WITH WHICH TO BUILD. Z. K- LOClUi .. nc.it i pi." A NEW. two-story, modem. Improved house, for two families. 12 rooms, baths, pan tries and closets, full attic and basement, with meat market now in operation; one block south of Alberta street. Fine resi dence location and for business. Also adjoining lot if desired. A great snap for Investment. For sale by owner, on ac count of sickness. Call at the store. 1032 E 11th st. N. Phone Woodlawn 3201. lit V 1-M.J LJ- iojiu, ..w..'-". Modern colonial home. 12 rooms, oalt living-room, hall and music room, ma hogany dining-room with oak floor hot water heat, garage, billiard-room, in fact, evervthlnn that could be desired; one block from Broadway carline. Faces east. H. P. PALMEP.-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Ph ones M ain SG09. A 2653. ........ tt ,r C II". AAA 131.0 BUNGALOW ?300 Fine new, 5-room bungalow, just com pleted: gas and electric, china closet, bookcases, Dutch kitchen; on East 3th St.. south of Hawthorne. The only bun galow In that district that can be bought for 25i0; $300 cash, and 120 per month. - GRUSSI & ZADOW. S17 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and OaKr. BEAL 1 IF Ljl. jiasiiicici. Comer. 10 minutes from Postoffice. Haw thorne car. 7 rooms, furnace. Oreplace, se lect neighborhood; IG0U0. 11000 casn, bal- anre 7 per cent; must sell. PROVIDENT INVESTMENT It TRUSTEE COMPANY. 201-203 Board of Trade Bldg. Marshall 473. A 1Q22. 1250 CASH. Iir MONTHLY. ROSE CITY PARK. T-room. den, solid oak floors, built-in buffett and bookcases, furnace, mirror door, etc NATIONAL REALTY & TRUST CO.. S26H Wash. St.. room 516 Main 5129. SEASIDE COTTAGE. "IRVINGTON." one of the beautifully fur nished new beach hemes: on corner lot surrounded by trees: price 12200, terms H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main SHOT. A 2653. HIGHLAND BUNGALOW Nice new, 5-room buncalow. on Garfield ave.. near Dekum. handy to 2 fine car services; lot 40x100; price 12500; a snap; 1500 cash and 120 per month. GRUSSI .fc ZADOW. 31T Bijard of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. FINE INVESTMENT. H block with large, modern house; ad joins City Park on the east aide. 14 blocks from Washington St., and overlook ing the city: the unoccupied ground will make an elegant apartment site. 231 Washington St. WHY PAY KENT. "We WU1 sell you a home and you eaa pay for It on easy monthly payments; our houses Include furnace, fixtures, hardwood floors ttatiug. shades, etc. Provident In vestment ft Trustee CO- 201-303 Board of Trade. Owners. AN IRVINGTON BEAUTY. Just completed. 9-room modem house, with center hall, hardwood floors through out handsome Illuminating fixtures, du plex shades, elegant location; IS00O. " AJ 3 JO. uregoHitiii NEW 9-room. modem finish. 552 Ladd ave., "00 feet to & carlines, corner 12th and Hawthorne, with future business value; 10500. terms. Phone East 5178. R, M. Wldney, owner. irTl T-T-T 1TT-T. WO-MT. 9 rooms, large billiard-room, fine finish, oak lot 75xloo. choicest location Irving ton.' East 273. C ISCti. No agents. W. H. Hero-man. 5-ROOM bungalow, lot 50x100. fine location. This Is a bargain: 2100, easj- terms. Phone C 2120. or Woodlawn 3229, morn ings. OWNER must sell strictly modern bunga low near Richmond line at sacrifice: $200 down, balance easy terms. Key at 520 E. 2Cth. Telephone Woodlawn 20o3. FOR SALE Six-room house, fractional West Side lot: furnace, modern. 2 fireplaces; 14250. 125 monthly; I5O0 down; no agents. 623 Worcester bldg. $75.' Good real estate Is the best Invest ment. Call and see what 175 will do. 503 YEON BLDG. MODERN five-room bungalow: full cement basement, walks, fireplace, fixtures, shades. PboDe owner, Marshall 1590. . S HOUSES 200 down. 20 per month: one has store and bam; bargains- 817 Hamil ton, swank. Main 4190. SNAP new 3-room house and two full lots, on waverly-Woodstock carline; price 1375. 242 5th st. FOR SALE at sacrifice, lot on Division St., nesr Ladd Addition, by owner; must sell. AIpL 144. Oregonlan. Business Property. OREGON CITY. Best business comer In Oregon City for sale, consisting or nearly two lots and buildings, corner of 7th and Main sts., and Is limsed by the L- Adams Department Store, paying about 7 per cent on the price asked, which is $40,000. This la a good buy and well worth your Investiga tion. See me SDout this. J. L. Swafford. corner Sth end Main sta. Oregon City. Ot, ONE block on Thurman st- with large 3 story building; this property Is easily worth ISO. 000; must raise some money: will take 137,500; don't fail to look this up. Western Sec Co.. 414 Spalding bldg. Acreage YOU WILL LIKE OUR One to JO-acre tracts, just what you want for country homes. We have with or without buildings Improved or unim proved on carline and within auto driving distance from Portland. Telephone 630 or 631. First State Bank. Greshsm. Or. EIGHT seres, cleared, 1H acres potatoes, on Lewis River, Cowlltx County. Wash.: $1000- and 40 acres unimproved near , Ysqulna; $600. Allison. 428 Lumber Ex chsnge. I HAVE a piece of acreage at Beaverton that I will sell for cash, cheap; worth 1350 per acre, will take much less. Come and make me an offer. Owner, 4u5 Spalding bldg. Phone Main 5632- 1. 2. 3. 5 AND 10-acre tracts, close In. good electric car service. $100 to $2."0 per acre; big values, easy terms. J. W. Hefleriln Realty Co.. 23 Corbett bldg.. both phones. TUALATIN VALLEY SNAP 26 li afres. near Beaverton, for quick sale, at $160 per acre. Easy terms. Address owner, AS 14-4. Oregonlan. REAL ESTATE. Acreage- 5 ACRES GARDEN LAND $200 down $5 a month. S acres rich black land. 1 acre In apple orchard, balance In clover. This choice piece of land lies right near the carline and on a wide graded county . road, only 40 minutes ride from the city limits, olose to stores and schooL Under woven wire fence. Excellent drainage, no rock or gravel, all rich black mellow garden soil, which you can plow any time of year. $1000 $200 down. $5 a month. 6 per cent interest. RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO. JT0 Fifth St.. Opposite Postoffice. . 10 ACRES 2 ACRES IN FRUIT $400 down $10 a month This Is a fine 10-acres tract. 3 blocks off the carline. within 40 minutes' ride of the city limits of Portland, all the fin est of rich - black garden land. This tract lies right on the county road and Is all enclosed In woven wire fence. The In come from the garden truck will pay for It in 2 years and the fruit thereafter will make a permanent income for life. This Is the equal of Hood River for fruit. Yesterday a Hood River orchardist bought 10 acres ad joining. The climate is mild and schools, stores and station are all within Vi mile. Price $2000 $400 cash, bal ance $10 a month. Interest 6 per cent. RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO. 170 Fifth st. Opposite Postoffice. 17 ACRES ON ELECTRIC NEVER-FAILING STREAM $600 CASH This 17-acre ranch, right by the electric line, with a never failing stream for one boundary, Is an especially good layout for a hog ranch, poultry farm or dairy. It has 9 acres cleared and in a high state of cultiva tion; soil is a rich, dark loam just the kind for gardening; 35 acres all In potatoes just across the road wlil show you what this land will do: 1 acre beaverdam, balance first-class timber, lies on main county road, close to school, store and station, 3 miles from town of SOOO. less than 1 hour's ride from Portland, with many trains daily. Adjoining land Is planted to fruit. Go with us and see how it thrives drainage Is all right too much cannot t-e said for quality of land. Price $3000 only $600 cash, balance small monthly payments to suit. RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO. 170 Fifth St.. Opposite Postoffice. 30-ACRE FARM ALL. IN CULTIVATION NOW IN CROP RIGHT AT ELECTRIC STATION $3500 $1000 CASH This is 30 acres of deep rich, mellow soli, no rock or gravel, RIGHT UP AGAINST THE STATION, at present planted to oats, which will go 1800 bushels this year. Not a foot cf waste land. Fix in your mind the richest garden land you ever saw that's what we are offering you in this 80-acre farm. It Is on the market for a few davs. If you are interested come right In and get us show it to you- $1000 cash handles it 5 years on the balance at 6 per cent. RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO. 170 Fifth St.. Opposite Postoffice. 42-ACRE FARM 10 HEAD JERSEY COWS $3700 TERMS This 42-acre farm in the Wil lamette Valley has lO acres in s high state of cultivation. 10 acres of good timber, 22 acres in seeded stump pasture, which can be easily cleared, 10 head of first-class Jersey cows, mak ing $100 a month, full-blooded Jersey bull, horse, buggy, milk cans. etc. This is the finest of bottom land with running water through it, on county road and 1 mile from good railroad town. With this farm at this price goes a lease paid up for one year on an adjoining 60 acres with a good 5-room house, bam and other outbuildings. Price for everything $3700 Terms. RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO. 170 Fifth St.. Opposite Postoffice. 4-ROOM HOUSE ON 50x100 FT. LOT $1850 TERMS TO SUIT A -well built 4-room cottage on a fine sightly 60x100 foot lot with a fine lot and many rose bushes. All fenced. Alley in rear, A fine garden is Just com-" lng in nicely with lettuce. onions, and radishes tor the table. This Is a snap for a home, on sraded street, close to carline. Price only $1350 Terms to suit. The owner Is leaving for Eu rope and offers this at a sacri fice. RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO. 170 Fifth St., Opposite Postoffice. ACRE TRACT. Multnomah Station. Oregon Electric. 17 minutes out; cleared; sightly; easy terms. F. a. J,ewis, a jewi. umg. ACREAGE and farms, from $12.50 per fjerw ud: large and small tracts. Call Kinney jg BUmituw. ' " " - CITT acres, near Mount Tabor, $1700 and up. Phone owner. East 360. REAL ESTATE. ACREAGE. 4000 acres In one body, platted into tracts of one-half to 20 acres each, with a complete and traveled road along each lot: some lots high and sightly, some low: hiack garden land: others with running water: all of the very best of soil, no rock or gravel and only 40 minutes out on either electric or steam line. See the orchards, berry pafches. gardens and satisfied buyers on this acreage and you will look no fur ther. ' Prices range from $125 to $500 per acre, acording to location and state of improvement. Payable in monthly installments. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, . 102 Fourth St. Main 35. SO ACRES ON ELECTRIC LINE. 40 acres cleared and In a high state of cultivation, right on the main county road, close to elec tric and steam lines. 40 acres in good timber. We will sell the cultivated land fer $200 an acre and the timbered land for $125 an acre, 10 per cent down and the balance 10 per cent a year. We will cut this into any size pieces you desire, all In cultivation, or part in cultiva tion, part in timber. This is fine garden land and la below the prevailing prices. RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO. 170 Fifth Street. Opposite Postoffice. WEBSTER ACRES. IDEAL POULTRY RANCHES, TRUCK FARMS. BERRY AND GARDEN TRACTS. SUBURBAN HOMES. 1 TO 5-ACR-E TRACTS JUST OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS. Opening prices, $:i50 to $550 per acre. Terms. 10 per cent cash, balance very easy monthly payments. If you are in the market for a nice 1 to 5-acre tract, just at the gateway of the City of Portland, do not fall to look over these matchless tracts. For fullest particulars call at office or send name ana address for literature. J. O EUIOD, OWNER. 51S-51S Corbett BldE-i Portland, Or. . 714 ACRES FOR $1200 H CASH. BREAK LOOSE from city and be your own boss. I've done it after 30 years of slavery, and wife and I am going to have the time of our lives with our chickens, fruit and vegetables. Only wanted 5 aorea, but had to buy 3, so will sell bal ance to congenial neighbors. No im provements, but fine, great trees, like a park, with living mountain stream fur nishing pure water for home and irri gation, making possible Intensive fruit, berry and vegetable culture. Cordwood enough to almost pay for tract; lumber for building cheap. Practically right on splendid auto road; now 4 miles from o. W. P., but will be ogly Hi to new Mt. tt , ti Cto-e ehlirch. SChOOl. mll6. Richest o'f soil. Write me at once if ready to buy. No agents. AG lob. Ore gonlan. GARDEN Spi1 HOMES. . HOMES. 2 3 and 5-acre tracts, ready for plant ing, adjoining Hilisboro, county seat ot Washington County; 50 brief minutes from Portland. Ride by rail throush the tracts. In five years Portland will Jlave 500 000 population and these acres will be worth what similar acres are worth ad joining cities like Omaha, Kansas City in Chicago viz., $3000 per acre, and St be bought. Our prices. $200 to $S00. Liberal terms. Come out to Hilisboro of fice or call at Washington County Land Company. 41Q Lumbermens bldg. CONGENIAL neighbors wanted. Fruit land, beautiful scenic surroundings, rivers, mountains, boating, fishing, near electrio line, one hour from Portland. Am im proving 40 acres for own home; want con itenia1 neighbors on remaining acreage; will sell 1 to 10-acre tracts. If you want an ideal location for permanent or Sum mer home, this Is your opportunity. No better land in Oregon. For further par ticulars address owner. H 137. Oregonlan. ACREAG. $23 to $70 per acre; 240O acrw. subdivided Into ISO tracts of 2-, 5, 10, 20. $0 to 100 acres each; best tTrult and gar den land, deep soil, fine water, no rockt one hour's ride from Portland, rail anl river transportation; town and school la center of tract; good roads In front ofi svery tract. Your chance to get an ideal money-making home. These tracts seU u tight to practical people. Call and inake an early selection. McFARLAND INVESTMENT COW .10 Corbett Bldg. TEN acres, best sediment soil, sometimes called beaverdam, all cleared and cultivated- level. thickly settled neighbor hood, church, school, store, near electric carline; good county road, R. F. D., tele phone, etc; very desirable close-In subur ban acreage; $250 per acre, 14 cash, bal ance 6 per cent, or will sell 5 acres same terms. Call, phone or write us. Do it now. J. W. Hetferlin Realty Co., 203 Coroett bldg. Both phones. pCHICKEN and fruit ranches near Portland; walking distance to good town: runnnlns water, best soil, free wood, splendid fruit district ; view of Columbia River aai snow peaks; 2 acres $250; 3 acres $300, 1 acres $500, 20 acres $800; 10 per seat cash, easy payments. FRANK IfFABLAND REALTY CO. 809 Yeon Bldg.. Portland. . DON'T BUY UNTIL YOU SEE our $37.50 an acre land; best redshot soil; no rock; run ning water, some timber, school, mail, telephone and good roads: two hours from Portland. Your choice of 90 ten-acre tracts for $375. Don't delay. Palmer, 512 Coucn oiug. Will sell 3-passeni;er. 4-eylinder 30 horsepower automobile on easy terms to any responsible person; easy terms; price aou. . . . . . .... mi, OWNER Small tracts near Oregon 7.1... ...u. and on Willamette River. J. w Meiarum, atauium a.t.... 200 a r-TTT3 iminmrnved fruit land, well watered; $25 acre. AV 111, Oregonian, Homesteads. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON 100-page rives amount of Government land open is homestead. In each county In tha States ot Oregon and Washington, and description ef same: gives homestead, desert, timber, stone, coal and mineral laws; two maoe of Oregon In colors. 21x28. showing R. R. In operation, one showing all proposed R, R, and electric lines. Including Eastern an Central Oregon. 200 each, or three 60a, Map of Washington In colors. 21x28. .ill a. Klmmo. Runey & Co.. Hamilton bldg. BRITISH Columbia lands, pre-emption, homesteads, coast districts. Call in circu lars on application. A. B. Hall & Co.. 802 Kotncniia oiag. For sule Fruit Lands. HOOD RIVER SNAP. $450 per acre will buy one of the best 20-acre orchards in the well-known Hood River Valley if taken AT ONCE: NEAR LY ALL in standard varieties of apples; a good part in full bearing; also small family orchard; good house, barn, out buildings, team, implements and tools; fine spring water in the house; blggeBt bargain ever offered; produced almost 1800 boxes of apples season 1910, and more In sight this year. It you really want a place in the Hood River Valley where you can have a beautiful home and be come Independent raising apples, investi gate this wltheut delay; $3b00 cash, bal ance easy terms. DEVLIN b FIREBAUGH. 907 Yeon Bldg. REGAIN your bealta and accumulate wealth growing apples In the famous Hood Hiver-Mosier district, on our new Dlan. A small cash payment will start sou right. Call or write for beautlfuj free booklet. HOOD RIVER ORCHAKJ) LAND COMPANY. 907 Yeon bids. Tor Sale Farms. FOR SALE Fine wheat farm of 1000 acres in Gilliam County. Oregon, 415 acres In wheat. Good buildings and good water, 4 miles to railroad, $25 per acre includ ing all the crop. On easy terms from the owner. T. II- Llttlehalea, Forest Grove. Or. FARM FOR SALE 400 acres choice wheal land 9 miles from Burns, Or., all fenced, partially improved. 50 or 60 acres grain: lots of implements; a splendid place and good buy on easy terms. Call on W. G, Howell. 1210 Yeon bldg.. Portland. Or. tv.p a fine farm li miles from depot. tools, improvements, stock, crops, etc "KINNEY ft STAMPHER. 31-32 Lmbr. Ex. BMg. FOR SALE Fine level wheat farm of 330 acres in Morrow County, all in Fall wheat Only 4 miiea to Tailroa-d. $25 per aora, in cluding all crop. Easy terras T. K. Lalt tlehales. Forest Grove. Or. RAVCH, 60 acre, with buildings, 18 miles from Portland, near electric line; bargain, jor all cash, by owner. 1.2 Morrison at. FOR bargains in ali-purpose farm lands sit uated in Linn and Benton Counties, call -on or write J. V. Pipe, Albany, Oregon, 6