' rUE MORNING OREGOXIAX. SATURDAY. BIA'Y t, 1911. - ' " V FLURRY IN WHEAT Sound Miners Are Paying Higher Prices. NOT MUCH STOCK IS LEFT niurtrm I In Sharp Demand ami Fred V heat AN 6eIU at a Good Adranr-r Offering on Vo- ral Markets SmalL tcnfhr flurry la th. wheat au hea .rrui-ic tl Par Bound C-1-. Wt' wss sold at Seattl. ye.t ec5y at ' cme and dub whMI at Mi eenta Th local wh.at market ra etrong. but thar wee tr-'.lm trading her, a ther aura pralca Ty bo of .r1r. c. The Sound miller. ewm ta have found tfiat there la not mora wh.at left n th country and they are bow trying ta get nI of Rinwb to supply their MKll during i. nxtlntlw of th. season. It will n tar, month it bf.r. aw wh.at ran bo ground, titer. -la .rllB to bo a g.neral clean no. OnM mea wha hav. n through ruttn WuMuio. S tho war-house la Walla Walla. Cotrabla, Whtlmen and Fr.ns.IlB cmnlln aro practically empty and that not om T5o.0 bushel remain In th Bl Fiend wirttoiiKa reta aro still, filrly firm, bat borr de claro they caa gel sufficient supplies la tb Valley to carry thm throorh. A few sale, of barley aro reported at correal price TM pmpoB of tho California baT mar- kit Bra given In a SaB Franrl.ro irau in ter aa follow.: Tho San Francisco Her awdaUoa baa loot compiled atallv.lca of th. emownt of bar oa hand la district ending tnetr bar to tbo faa Francisco mar ket, wbtcjl (bow a total tosnaco of 103. CO ton. Thla la op m. what larger than u anticipated, and win ae doubt maka op tnr root part cf tba shortage of the proaoBt crop, tf tboro ba any. Local receipts. In cars, vrer. reporteel hf tho Merchant J Exchange aa f.iUowa: Wbl Barter Flour Oats Hay XifiliT . . T'Ktaf .. v..lni.lay Tim clay . Friday .... 11 21 1 1 11 12 11. II 5 T Sic li 1.'. 1 1 Tear a:o 4 Na. to dal.. . 1 1 Tear ao HAT MfMI KITr.R BMR1M ARE avPr.rUOH. Fruit roanparrd mta Shlpamit rrlTd Froaa Kraneneb-au Tl.o eup.rt.trUy of Hood Blv rtrawborrlro wa ma1. plain yeatrrdajr whea tho supplr that arrived la tho forenoon was compared with a .Mpm.at of K.nnewlrk berrlea that w e n: In by tho Yakima Valley Fruit A. Ull.m. Tho Il'VjJ Hirer fruit TO cf Ia-t. .. Jnu-y. perfectly matured and tha P.-k rnuld not haro hn ImproTed apoa. H-i-.ra readily paid i a rrnlo for them. The Kenr.ewhka were offered at M.30 a rrate. but wero hard to more. BOtwtthetand ln trie a.-arrlty of other kind a. Nerly all th. ralifomula berrleo that were received wre lllara and they brought X Borne to. al b. rre from the Oreoa City aectiea bate ml- th!r Brpiran-a. Famy lemons wa til a-ll at a box next week. The preeent price le $6 30. Tba California market baa ndrnnred M cents a boa. There was a fair supply of California, cher ries yesterday. They were quoted firm at tl per 1-pound bos and IS J ITS cents per pound, bulk. Two cars of Flat Lulch rabbets bare bees mads up fnr Portland. The local market Is bare of caDbaae. A car of Texas new po tato was received yesterday. arrrr obxt.ox Bom are ix dfmaxd. Holders Aak rrlrew That Bwyera TU1 Nat let Pay. Tr.ere waa In ymlry oa the market yesterday for lata hope, but without sol lore at tha price offered. Tbera waa also a demand for eld. No on t trying- ta get contracts at lha lat.ry prevmlltsc .ptices. aa the Wolf trane aetlca f Thursday at IS rente has made It Impossible to In 'crest crvtwers at a lower g-ore. A California were, said the Sonoma and Meadocjno crop are looking Terr bad. There waa Inqutrr 'r lata Callfornlaa. but grow ers are boldtag for 2 j reata raejitry gtoc.tpta Are Large. The poultry market ta kept In a weak con dittos by the lll-eral arrtTSta Ilea, were quote.! at cents and Springs at 27 1 , cepta The .eg markat waa slow, but Arm at the eld price. flatter and cheese were en charged. BUukk cleawiaga. Pank crvartnse of the Northwestern cities yesterday mete aa (oju.r "eir'nre. PalaneeeL porf.nd A .JI.iiht-1 ..-ji4 att'e l..'-3-r 2"' Ct't T.oma ."7'e. I 2t o..-. Ppohaoe . . - 2ii si l"Vi rOsTTLAMr. MARaUCT. fleak n,Me. Fi ed. Ft. Vlltif-Trara. price. Illoeetem. clah.e: Kuea.au. he. Valley. a; aO-told. P a.FTT Cbolro feed, tl It l.r rtrrr- l;r n. -5u'-A per ton: atk. : rs. artrta. t.'V.-. rw..ea ear- F It - I'.t.n'a per barrel: igMa. li t.: eioorta II valley. ItHi .r-v t 3. wt l wh.at. M la DKX Whole. -".. rra ked. $4 per to. Al So. I while. tJViv per toe. tra ll AY lierotfcr. k-ae'ecn utftoa. Jte. t. r:i l.tfM uiied. 1' ZO: beaey ed. 1 1 KJ ltX: alfaira. etU: rle lAMaU.e: grata bay. tlX4IAlV ear. Vegefabtee bom! Fmtta TROfii FKfirrl Orange ff VO per . a-'m: Callforala grapefruit. Jtflo. renanea. per pound, piae- aprla 4u7c per pund. lemons. f4(f4.50; ta'-eerm. tl T3 per boa. FKl-ll FKlir Ki rawberr'ea. OregoB. 2:.w mi.. Calf enla. tllSVl per erat.. ceelrrte iir'e per pounj; ap p:. tl r-r , rS.rrlf tl rr Wa. VttiliHULt - tjreiJV tlwl pe b- m beane l;S -. ib ' Pr li ift.tred.oiM: ru.imheoa t1''?2 25 per d wn; eev rl- 1' Pund. s.rttc. It'OlSe per rrun.1 !e-u.-e. ac p. r d.iaen: hotn -t:e leniice. t!.:ilTl P'r bos. pe a e pec peuad. ptper. aociac- per p-ur.d: rad Bthea lr per doren; rhubarb, 1 S 0 -c per p.tr.t tomr.' f.'T Jl.'l A."TC VE-itrAi'l.f N'w carro-a iS per e. k : tjrrtr.. 1..: oeea. . - - For a rot vrea.u ana tA rrn. 91. If. pvtatoea. tle4e?t per per hundred kur.l-ed OblONa frrsfal I.... red. lie. wax. till; yellrw. IYin.im Hens l.rllSr: h.-oilera 13 arri.c. dacaa. yeiung. lit: aoeaiaai; Ur'4A rtv; drweed. crwi-'e. c. B Jirl Orvgo ranch. caadLd. Its Bar d.'--n e.ee .o.icl. ic ree doeen. Bl TTIK City ereamery exira. t sad t-p-iuad pr ots. Is hoxea ie per po-nd : lea liar tJ lo'a cart me and d.'lery li'l CHlkjUt FuU ereaaa. twuva 11a par la.. Tecr.c Aacertca. 1 - FOR It Fancy. H lOa per peeard. TUw raacT. atf lev- per pua. BAM lu ta SO peunUa. It 4 l"c. U is PrWd rrwxta. It". PRIED FHVITS APP'ee IJairSe per poni. rurraaia. lle: apebrota ll-etllec: dates, packaeea lSe P pnsd - . bu k. wttte er t'a.k. by utk II 1 Ti. 12-la. sc; la-lia. 10-ls, ae; ItUlOX-OxhnsUa Rrear. l poarnd tala. t3.lv par doxen: -pound tal a, t;.5: 1- pound flats, t-eO. Alaska piak. 1-pouud tails. 11 ;.v COFFU Raasta. la druma, 1380 par Pound. MT8 Walnnla ' 1TH 0 lAe per pound: Hraxll jiutx. Itwlnc: filbert a. lao: aemonoa. It also: peacans. lao: cewurA pocatl per Aouta- lMi.ia ne noundt hleJLOry auta. ftyluc; par pound. UO.VF.r Choice, - Pr ear; strained. Sk per pound. iALT i.ranu.ated. $U per ton: half ground. loti. 4 30 per ton: 00s, per ton. IttANS small white, mc; larre white. v,c; Uma. ,c; pink. 6-o: red llexl car.s. Cac: bayou, ac RICE .So. 1 Japan. :: cheaper gradea, tll. Southern head. irsV'c; Im ported Ioseprlal, ci tmportcd extra No. 1, tT-c El"tJAnV-Iry rranulated. fmit and berry, t '..: yellow D. .7l): powdered. t.0S. Terms oa remittance, within 16 dara, de djfl l,r per pound: If later than li days and wtthia 30 dajs. deduct io por pound. kt.pl sugar, leulle per poaxd. ' Hop. Wool and nidea. JTOrH I'll contraota tse per pound: UK crop. ::c: i& arwp. HiitVic: olda loo. ktOHAlR t'holc. 3TWtt per pound. uul. Eastern Oregon. lUtfltw yr poaCud. according to anr.naa.. tnii r lAr per pound. Fr.'UTS Dry. r: salted, coontry pelts. e3cH per pound; lamb pella. iic. IflPlid aalted bides. IHc por 'pouna; salted ca:f. 12c: sailed kip. Trt': suited Mark tat; green hides. Ic.leas: dry hides, lie. tlry calf. KbIv: dry stass. lltjlc V CAHCARA- HAHK Per pound. ORALS BAGS Wheat. (lvo: oats, alii. FTerlalorta. HAMS 10 to 20 pounds. l9T7c; 13 to UMtr. skinned, lac; picnics, HVia: cottage roil. lc. CitOKVD MEATS Beef tongue. c: dried beet aeta dim: outside, none; In .idea H-V: ktiucklea c. KACUN Fancy. 2--: standard. S4c; Tholes Sic; t lh 1C. UUt HALT tll'Htu 1 tegular short clear, dry salt. USir; smoked, line, backs, light, salt, loc: smoked. Hit: backs, heavy, salt, 13V: smoked. llac; exporta. salt. IS01 smoked. 14 He. LAitU Kelt! rendered. tierce. llKc: tur.a. He; choice, tier re a. 9c; tuhs. loc; tura. 11c: choice, tierces. pc; tuhs, lic; shortening, tierces, 8 Scl. tubs, 6e. Otis. Olle Pare raw. la barrels, a, bcrtled. In barrela, fl.ol: raw, la-caaea, ILrt; polled. In cases. l.ol. Tl'KI'alNTINal Caee. B;: wood barrela Jljc: Iron barrels. ;ic; 10-cas lota Kic. - OA2flelNK Motor gaeoline. Iron barrel, IV; . case. r.-. bd gaaoitne. Iron barrels, 2-; rase, XAeC. COAL, oflc Ordinary test, rases. 100 lpc; bulk, la tarkx S': rJiit teet. I'to. STOCK SUPPLY LARGER AM. MXES REPRESKXTKD IX R-tXTEIPTS .T YARD. Cattlo Market Is Quoted at a. IaOwcr Level With Top Stccra Held -v at 96.50. ThTt wa tm koo4 tmppiy of ttck at th Tarda yaatrrdar. nearly 340 head arrtvlrr Amocf tha roceipta wen l loads of Colo rado cattla and ettrht loads of Nebraka hoes, all c'oatraot deliveries. Tba libaral run of cattle lately has r ultd In pat tine th markat at a lover lveL Th top on atrs yt-sterd-iy was Acurd to b Only a fw odda ar.d ends of catti wera movtl yeatrriay, all the otTarlng-s brlnflnc th uniform price Ot 15. 'Tb sheaaxp ffnarket showed th most ac tivity. Wethers sold at $4 tf 4.60. ewe brouirht oitxed shep sold at 4.:3 and iamtrs at $.&. A few choice hoc an Id at fCTi. Kclpts yesterday wer 31 cattle, Z2 calvaas. 10 sherp and S41 hues. Shippers of tha stock wer C C. Clark. Arlincton. I car of cattla and cvlvea; Hen line Ohltncer. Nebraaka, cars of hou; -"-Jajne Commission Company. Lmcmotit. Cwlo.. 1 cars of cat lie: Norwood tftr Orerton, llarrlJburc. 2 cars of aheap; L. E. West, Oakland. S cars of sheep: I'MUlpl lt LarK. West Sclo. 1 car of cattle and .chives; A. It. Kurd, Carlton. 1 car of hoes, and, W. B. Kurts. The lalles. 4 cars of sheep. Th day's salee were as follow: Wlsht. prlc. 14 cwea 2'4 wethers 14 hHts tVK f calves 14 cows 7 cows ........ 4 Steers ....... 1 cw 1 bull hw;tvr 171 Wrtheni 144 Wether 177 yni.d sheep . IIS la.nts 2i lambs 91 IXtv ... $ . .. . .. ... i-i ... "k.i ... ul ... - 4 75 4 74 & VI) t.uo i.tt .0 t fc.OO fc 4. Ot 4 fcw 4.1 i 99 &4 .&0 Frtce current on the Tartoua r lasses of p tor it at the ortLnd Vnion Stuckyards were as fnliows: I'runt sraln-feal steera 4. ;5 $iM 1'rt.e bar-fed steers 4. 3iut 4.44 I'TWi.re ter .. 4 04 t 4.:$ Choice steer a......... tVOs) , Good t rhte steers........... 4-0 r air to s -od steers 7a 4.0 ramnwa steers .......... 3 Mj s ft.7e rritne co-i a t;.Hd to choice cwa ............ a i3 - 5 th) if A e3 47'b kV--0 4 5") 4 73 Vmr to cxh1 cows foor cow Choice betters sV.vs a. 71 Choice bulls ......a..... 4. To tjt tV3J io4 to choice butts. .......... . 4 i: J 4. Cb"Ue Uaht calves i.ua, t ;i i i-m1 ta cnu.ee 1 fht calve 4 7i ur 7 io rhl- heavy cal.e 4,00 1 (hotce stass bV;jf 4X-S Cvwvi to cnotc StaVJis ........... tk.2Zit -t Xbcee . Chfi-e hoss coa4 to choic hoc a ........ t'ttottre bee. a J , CotXellalttl .........w..a. lila. k hoS heep Chou-e ftprtntr l-rnbs C.od to cht. e pr.ujT lamb 'hota-e ye-vri'ns (p-Mvd to co.oe y-arllnss ... t'mir to meal .urn iari.iacs .., 4 SOC 7S 4 ! . 4,:a e.0 Qt 4.0 7.54 4 f i n.. 4 :s 4 -l 6.04 4 4.7J 4.eotuf 4.3 . 4 . i 4 74 i 4 o-t iho.ee r.K.l to ch.i t- ewee lair to medium ewee trt4 to t-Jwto heavy wetbSO.. 4 1 r 4. 75 t"d heavy wether Mii4 lo's . . . J IT 4 fO 4 "U a 4 oj Th 4eliowln aiaMatleva rDreeeni en. e hi maraet for be ditTereat rUfj-i of b or tee ii afters. -vtr beavv. tiw 4? io. drafter. 1jO to .7oo lb.. i::-4.li; draft at. 1 -.-0 to 14 'JO a. luv-g-; chaska, l-'JliO; plus. 9lO4d; drlvix.- b or see, fitl yp; s Id.e boreara. -v acd Bp. ntJcsaro UveettM-k Market. CHI'M'iO. kiay 54. Catt Receipts, es timated. Iv40; market. stead v to shad h her. Ileevee, la.l&06.JS: Teias steers. 14 44 Western eteere. e-V4t; stocker and feeders. fl.4(5.7S; caws seal heifer. $Z44tf S.7S; calves, lir'a T 7I rioffteKeca-Jpte. estimated. lUef,; market. IC-3 blher. LaiStt. T594 15. mixed. Ii.7 C4.1ie. h-avy. l-vta t: S ; rouch. K-it? i-Te; arood to Ch.'lce hea.r. 70O4.41'-; ptrs. VSO4.44 bo.k of sale, 45. ahee(-He.-elpts. estimated. l.0-0; mar kft. weak. .Native, II St tr t. 94 ; Western. 41.74 .;; yearltr.es. 14 74. 7S; lamb, na tive. $-T5v4,;, Western. li-TiljMg, prieel arrait at New York. NTVT TOBK. star . Evsporatfd apples, very emtw with stocks smaj. and ta f-w hstTits. spt. fancy to qut 1 st 14c; ca'.re. lisUSc: prim. 13 J 1314 c. Prunes. uiet and Arm on stna.l stork, but onJerione eaater on more liber! rfTrr tr. a.s fmm tbe Coeut. vuottioni rarre frim 10 14c for t "aiiC-vrnias up to -is and 11 (i 14 rents for Or sons from fcrs to 3a la.-hajv Arm. but demand ta still at rrs ent price, choice. S ? 4 9c; extra chotce, ric; fancy. 9Ur. ew York Oottee Market. NCtT YORK. Jtlav :s. 1 ottos tares c!"--4 today at a net loes of from to 21 points on tie o.d crop, but only two or three t- ints lower oa the later moo tha. Mar li 41. June 13 47. Jul IS. St. Aufutt 1 v. p'f-nl-r 11 tj. K-tobT 11 04. No vember 11 w. Lerembr 1J.41. January 11.40. M..-v-b 11-4. Spot cMM fjniet. 1 p-1nta lower. VC1-arpkt-.nda 14.44; mid -ffnlf. 14-.aV 8a.as. lv Imperta astd K11 TST.rr TOKK. V-.V 14 I rfar.1 arad 4rj skxIs at ll Tera for the we-kc endlnc vil ;H at Ii I' Imports of epie far IV tolar wer t.4.14 silver en'.l n ports of mer rtt Nfw !, were le port May : week ar.; Ksorts of specia for th week $l.t 0t silver sad iil9 ro.A. TWENTY CLIPS SOLD Over 600,000 Pounds of Wool "Moved at Pilot Rock. BEST PRICES' OF SEASON Bids Ragged From 1? 3-8 to 14 ft-8 Onts and Vrrf 2 to S Cents Ci der Lt&st Tear'a Figures Two v Ixna of It 10 Wool Sold, I PE.VDI.ETOM. Or, May 2tV (Special.) Mora than OO.vOO pounds of woo wero soVd today at Pliot Rook, tho third puhllo saie so far this season, at ma avra price, ot 13 cents. Th bids ranrl from 12 S to 14S cents per pound and every on of th 30 clips oftred wnre soJd st th prices bid. Rune Brtthers. who topped tho market In Pen.Ji-ton Tuesday at 14 w cent, top-ved the market today at 14r cents, th hlKhast price paid for any F.uim Oregon clip this season. The larcest Individual clip sold was that of th Cunrtmirbam tiheep Land Com pany. 130.VW pounds, at 13 i cent. . Tit prloes paid tday were from two to three centa below those) paid for tb Sams clip last season. Two lots of wool held over trrjm Uat yar wer sold tody. I no st Co refused IAS cents for ll.h pounds last yaar and sold today for 12 cents. A- P. Warner refused 17 cents last year for 10.000 pound and sold todsy for 14 cents. Other clips sold today ware: Pst Dohcrty, 4AOi pounds, at 1 cents: C. Matthews. 30.ut-i. pounds, at 1UH cents; J. Winn, lIO.OuO pounds, nt 131-.; Owen H rot hers, 24.O"0 r-ucls, 12K; A Rust. 40.fHH pounds. 13: W. I'bapmtn. 1J.0K pounds. 124; F. Chapman, lfi.(KM pounds, : Jones & Campbell. Z0.- O. pounds. 13 Si; K. Warner. &0.0OO pounds. 1; P. Hou!t, 20 XK pounds. 14: Gfnrrs Ailams, 5.0H ptmnds. M. Edwards, 1 l.'-Ov pfiur.ds. US; J. Is", JO.uoO pounds. H; Thomas titbson. 12,jOO pounds, 1- ; liuci iJ roth era. 3U.O00) pounds, 13 Col. ftA.iKM pounds. 13 S- v MORE BlI r-H IS PONS IN OlI WOOL Rewolt of Onpllraf Orders licelTrw by tbs . MJUa. r.OSTON. slay VW, Th Commercial Bulletin will say at ths wool markat to morrow: ' As a pmhahl result of fMr duplicate or drs larfiely received by the dress good mllie. There has. been considerably more bnsinrss. althoiitch. this 1 not to say that tli wcoc has been "ven up to normal. Th trad Its been fairly well dlverellleO. both domestirs and forel.na sharlnf In th de mand. About COO.OOO pound each of fin staple and fine snd fine medium cloth Ins; territory were sold at hardenlns prices. Considerable ecoure! stork hns also moved. Klcere and pulled wools hav been dull but steady. .London Wool Sales. LOXDOX. May J. The third series of the wool auction snlea closed today with oiYerlnss of Tl'.-O bales. The demand was better snd prlc hardened a trifle , American buyers secured, several lots of crosj-brwU. Wool at Rt. Louie. FT. tOVIS. Mny 2. Vo,l t 'Ach an c4. Territory and Western mediums. 13 ' 17c; fin mediums. 3 :, fjr l.'c: flne. ll g 12c STOCKS NOT FOR SALE MARKET UISES ffHEf PRF.SS CTCE IS RKXAXED. Another Sale of Hnrrlman Issues in Euro I Iookpd For Bonds Arc linn. XFTW YORK. May St. Th. underlying etrengtM of the stock market, which bas beeo apparent throusrinut the week In spit r-f the untrpual presjure that was exorted. leel an aUvnncei la prices today when the pressure re!. red. Since the beginning of the week the aelllng movement has been cuitduct.d on a lart:. scale. Hear traders who attempted to cover found that. In spite of the week's heavy selling, th. supply of stocks was almost the smallest of the year. The volume of trade diminished considerably tolav. . Alvlrea from abroad intlmat. that con sldersble financing of an Important char- arter a 111 be taken up In London ana l'arls shortly. Jt la asaln reported that another output T Harrnaa Issue lasuva may soon be announced. The strength of AtcMsoa may hav. been a natural outgrowth of the lateet Paris dispatches, which assert that arrangements for li.tlrg.lhe .hares of that system on tha bourse have virtually been completed. It altor was refrtc1 tlisf application has been nade to list American Telephone A Telegraph In th. asm. market The April reports of lb. Harriman roada sr.o.erl the retrenchment policy, which was a. lopted generally early In the Sprlnir, has ben purautl otfectlvey by these compsnies. ilnas earnings of each road fell off about ITwO.vflO. hut decrease In nt were reduced by cits In expenses, wblca amounted to t;vi ioo f r I "ton CaclBo and ii.DUD for Southern l'aclflc Th. "oloradv A Southern converted a loses In gross .f l;ue.00u lni a gain In net of $14 wee hy reduclr.g expenaea by St.vOd. Ts movement of gold to China assumed larger rrroport Ions today. shipment ag gr. .-.tliix tl HS.r.ia. l;..nl. acre nrm. Total sales, psr value. t?.7ivuoo I'ntted eitate. bonds wer. uq. changed on caiL CLOeTXa STOCK QUOXATIOSR. , Closing Sale. ITIgb. Lw. 11 Id. AMIS Cral pf .. 31 3u 3i I Amai fopocr .. a,;uo BT H e; , cn Am Asrlcu.t 5s i. Am eiut Sugar . MX r.i . M A:nrl-an Cm .. 1.4' 12 1 2 Am Car A Fdr. l.nnl Sv T.T. 'nr.H Am fotton Oil bri V-. A n h i a i.t pf :m J. :3s Am lie rcurl 22 Am Llnaeed ..... llll) Am Locomotive. iO 411 41 4t Am Kmel A Kef 6..hn "i1 do preferred.. 4u0 1'M.Ss 1004 liMt Am rite.; r,y 424 Am Kuar K-l.. i;it. 120U litit. Am Tel A Tel ., Is. I Us. UMi HaS Aril Tobacco pf. 1'.' I'M 1. lol S 1"! Am Woo.cn .... Si4 IIIs o.l Ar.aconda M Co H . 4 n 40 Atiliison It-xi 114i 112". II'H do preferred.. lt Jo4 104 1".1 Atl Coaet Line.. r-o lJe, J-JTH 1 27 l A Jho ... 01 1 "tl', lv irnl1, rlctblehem lteel J. Ml 3.1' o3;, K.'l Ilrok K Trao. Kou, . Ta T'.l f..na llaa Tae .. ;.Ti &n Sr.3 S.-.4 S Central Ia:hrr 1.4UO 1 AOS 3"1. i!o preferred ..... I'M Central of X J 21-4 t'h. s A Ohio ... 2. 2'. f'nlcaso A Allan .. "IS Chi lit West 21 do preferred 4.1 Chi' -v.o N W 147 ' C. M A St I'aul. O.HUO H3 1 Ui C. C. C t ft U M ' Col ruI A Iron. o gss 311 33 4 Col A Soathsra.. 30 .'o M Si M Consul I... 14.' a 14ft 144 Corn Pro'lu.-rs . 3' Hi IS 14. P.I A Hirteon.. ft IT" lTo 1hi. DAB ilnmit lie) 3'1 4 .i ilo preferred.. 1..1 T UTS "lt PUCKers" Securl J.I 37 36 S S'l Er.e .; xr..ia. 3: , do 1st rf So l. Mi's da 3.1 pf " ei'S "' "S C.-nra! Elec .. l.1-o 1.-14 141 t 1634 !t North pf ... .1" 11 129 ll1 C.t North Or .. 0uO 62 61 .tj rilnoie Central ls Int.rbor Met .. 200 lSi 18 4 1"4 do rrvferreiL. o2 Inter Harvester. 4n 124i 1" 1J Inter il.cir.. pf loo 174 17H 17H Ir.t Paper 114- Int Fump ton !S S i'" Iowa Centrsl ... i' .ti4 1 17S K C Kou'hern Too . 44 31- do rrelerred.. , . . . ...... T". lcled. Gil OA llHte. loan lot-.s. Iula A Nash. 1"0 14.14 UTS Miin A Ft L... lut 3i 29 . 8 P 9 B M l"1 13TH 17, 13T alo. Kan A Tex 1.100 S 3-4 do preferred. Mo r.cltlo l.anO HO. BO 494 Nat rtlacult .... aou 137 1360. lot Nat.en.l lad :', ilex N P.y a Pf (bio 314 S4 31 X T C-ntral ... '. 14 1CT4 1PT N Y. Ont A W -s 31-1 43 :" 2S Xor'olk A West 1.0OO loas 1W7 107V Vorth Am ..... 73 4 8,700 1H 12S 25 122 105 K 92 214 MS mm S3 4 15 30 884 624 42 4 814 68 4 AO 118 2S. 4 SS4 27 4 22 44 13 4 W' 7 41 77 a 119 47. ' 3S 14 7S 5.1 S T.-.4 814 4U 4.SO0 1224 2u0 lou V liM I00V "iii. 1914 8S4 1SS. 304 'ei' 4A 1.700 "100 :oo 4.4. K) . 100 ""'iiio 100 '"166 .Si6 2..-.00 400 1.0"0 300 (M-0 4o0 M.4.-0 l'K) 70 1.7UO H. 100 100 S.toO 1014 354 150 S 3vS oi' as 4 estt ?loM Sheffield aouthern Pa .. Southern Ry .. do preferred., Tenn Copper . . Texaa ft pac . .. ToLc St I. ft Waa do preferred.. Union PaclQc do preferred.. V 9 Realty ... V a Rubber ... U a Steel do preferred,, Utah Copper ... Va-Caro Chcm . Wabash do preferred, . Western Md Westing Klec .. Western Union. Wheel id, E..' Uchlgh Valley .. Total sales for 118S :4, C7 4 3S4 2S-s, s 51 hi. lo4 SH4 7 42 4 7144 1194 41.4 00 . 118 2-JS 67 SS 28 21H . 31 J3 44 . 7S4 N 414 77 a, 119 7 Us '7k" : 1 744 804 1.3U0 '"iio .3'J 14.000 12.IKIO 37 S 614 70S Mb . inn I7nti 17SH 178 4 the day, 802,700 shares. BONDS. NEW YORK. Mav 24. Closing quotations: TJ. S. ref. 2s reg.lo6s;x. X. C. n 84 e do coupon ...lou4,No. PacifloSs... .1 U. 8. 3s reg.,...10H. No. Pacific 4s... 09, !o coupon ...lOIV'I'nioa Paclflo 4..1014 U. S. Dw 4s re. 114, Wis. Central 4a. M,. do coupon . . .ll.VlJapaneee 4a bb D .A R. li. 4S... I3 I Stocks at Boston. BOSTON Hay 2V Closing quotations: Allouea 314jMohawlt 43 Amslg. Copper.. 67 Nevada Con. ... 194 A; Z. 1. ft Sin.. 3SSI.Nlpls.lng alines,. 10S Arlxona Com. .. 17 4 North Butte 834 B ft C C ft 3 M. 13 S North Lake 7S Putt Coalition, lupoid Dominion... 434 C'aL ft Arlxona. 0ViOsceola 104V Cal. ft IIecla...4T4 jQulncy 71'j Centennial ... 12 4 Bjs.hannon 114 Cop. Ran. C. Co, tl Superior ,i 8341- K. Butt Ca. iL 12Tvup ft. Boa Mln.. 0 Franklin 102rl pup ft Pitts Cop, 16 Olroux Con UViTamarack 30 c.ranby Con. ... 34 JU. a a ft. ft M. 3i Clreene Cananea. 7 do preferred .. 47 I. lioyxle (Cop.) 10 U tah Con '. 154 Kerr Lake 64 I th copper Co. 4S4 Lke Copper.... "7 W'lnona 84 . La Salle Copper 3HBlU'olTenne 110 Miami Copper... 201) ' Money, Kxrhange, Ptc NEW YORK. May 26. Money on call steady. 24.24 P-r cent: ruling rate, 2i elo.lng bid. 2S: orfnred at 24. , Time loans dull and steady; 60 days, 2H per cent: to daya, 2 7j 3; six months, 8'j 8 V per cenL 1'rlme mercantile paper, 80. per cent. Sterling exchange steady with actual business In bankeiV btMe at 84.H440 for 00 day bills and at 34o:to for demand. Commercial bills, $4.0.4. ( Il.tr sliver 53 4. Mexican dollars, 45c ' - - Oovernment bonds, steady railroad bonds Drm. LONDON. May 26. Bar silver. quiet, 24 9-10d per ounce. Money 14Q1 per cent. ' The rata of discount In tha open market for short bills Is 2' per cent; do. three months bills, 2 4U24 per cent.. PAN FRANCISCO. May 26, Sterling on London. 60 days, 14 844; do. .sight. -l 664. llrafts Sight, par; do. telegraph, 8c. CHICAGO, May 2t. Exchange on New Tbrk. lc premoum. Conditio of the Treasury. WASHINO'i'O.V, May :. At the begln nling of bualneis toduy. the condition of the I'ntted States treasury was: Working balanos In treasury ofTlces tl.433.43J In banks and public treasury.... 34.MS;656 Total balanc in general fund... 80.S17.C44 Ordinary receipts yentwrday 2. 301. 736 Ordinary disbursements 1,229. 37C Surplus to date this hscal year... 748. 5Zt Lietlclt at this time last year 14.6Sli.S7t These figures exclude Panama Canal and publlo debt transactions. 1 "' Metal Market. NEW YORK, May is. Standard copper dull. Spot, May. June, July and August, II. 70312c London firm, spot 54 15s; fu tures. 463 7s d. Arrivals reported In New York today, 700 tona Custom-House return show exports of r2,oOO tons so far this month. Lake copper. 12.2." -jf 12.00c; electro lytic, 12.124 ei2-3'c, and casting. 11.874 a 12.124c. Tin dull; spot. 43.70"f44.5lc: May, 43.509 44.30c; June. 43.60O44.30c: July, 42.30ty43c; August. 40.ftO941.5uc. London spot firm. Lead dull; 4.4UO4.50C New York and 4.20 j4.2.ic Ku St. Louis. London, 24 In. Speller dull. 8.30 a 5-4.KJ Now York and 5. 20 o 5.25c East St. Louis. London, 24 10s. Antimony quiet. Iron, Cleveland warrants, 4Cs 8d In Lon don. Locally Iron waa quiet; No. 1 foun dry. Northern, 815.25 0 15 7.1; No. 2 Northern, Nc 1 Southern and No. 1 Southern soft, 8I5 013.50. Coffee and Sugar. , NEW YORK. May 28, Coffe futures closed steady not five points lower to three point higher. Sslce, 40.760 bag. May and June, 10.70c; July. 10.T9c; August, 10.72c; September. 10.60c; October, 10.30c; Novem ber, 10.49c; December. January and Febru ary, 10.47o: March and April. 10.48c Spot coffee steady; No. 7 Rio. 12c; San. toa No. 4, 13c. Mild coffee quiet; Cordova, 13 -if 15C jtaw sugar steady. Muscovado, 8t test, 8.30c; centrifugal, 96 test, 3.86c; molaasea, 69 test. 3.11c Refined quiet. BERRY SUPPLY LIGHT HIGHER PRICES OBTAIXED IX THE SEATTLE. MARKET. Eastern Washington Fruit Doc Not Reach the Sound Heavy Ar rivals of Broilers. 5EATTIK, Waih.. May I. (Pperfal.) LtMiion vmnr-M. Si and 75 cents per lox t.xjRV. Th Ixrat lemon wer quoted U Tb berry mrk-t wu much tlffer. Flor in o!d a high 13 and Kennewlck as hiKh a 60. Th supply wu llsht. Spo kan clt-t-atXl up this market last night, pa vine 6 cnt more than Seattle d.lr could obtain for the barrios her. Montana, Iflnho and British Columbia are rettlnr th bulk of the Kan torn Waahlnartstn brr1ta. Frw-paratlon are now belatr made to di-po- of the bulk of the Vaihon berry crop In Middle Western markets. Asparagus as lower today, the best ell tng In -win quarters as low as $1 a box. The f-avture of the poultry market was the heavy receipt of Spring- chK-kens. Th markt was swamped with small broiler. In all probability th country price wM be rut next week. Ere rrrelpt wer 1!s;trer trm nearby points, but heavier from Ofcon points. Chee was barely steady. Th butter market was active. Barley wns quoted BO cent lower a pram at $-. Oats on th other hand wer hish a,t :.&. Wheat was unchanited. Nw alfalfa is expected to reach Scattl th first week In Juue. PRODUCE AT SAX TTLASCISCO. QuoUatloa Current la the feey City Mar kets. SAN FRANCISCO. May 26 Th follow tnr produce prices were current today: Veretable CucumNera, 4060r; farlle. 10 & 1 He: rreen peas, 00c 'o ItM; strine bv-ans. 2s.V; aspararus. iVv -:t $L.bo; toma toes, 1.00fi2: ."rftpint. ioM3c Hutter Kancy creamery. S.'c. jrgw9 ir;trre. 20c; fancy ranch. 22c Chfaounit Americas, 13tfl3c, Onionr Nominal. J Mlllstuff Bran. 282S.50; mldJUnr. j 3.V Fruit -Apple, eholc. IS.?5; common, tl 25: M'xtna ltmes, $35.00; California lemons, choice, 3.S; common, $1-50;, or ararea. navel, $l,2ift3. Hay Wheat. 11114 5 per ton; wheat, and oats. H"5 13: alfalfa, (dll. potatoes Salinas Bur&anks, i:.t9S: Or- Recelpts Flour. SeT.' quarter sarks; wheat. H4i0 centals: barley. lM.fc'3 centals; oats. 2320; potatoes, 2tt7S sacks; hay. 4US tons. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Conatrurta Asphalt and other Blto mlnous Pavements. 40&-60S Kctrlo bid-. Portland. Or. Oskar xlubar, . ManaTtr. Norther Pac. Pac.inc Mall Pennsylvania People's Gas . .. P. C C A St L Plttsbarg Coal. Pressed S Car.. Pull Pal Car . . Ry Steel EprlntT RexdLng . Republic Steel.. do preferred.. Rock Island Co. Bt L, A a F 2 pf St L. Southwest. do riref erred IIS FRUIT CROP ABROAD Big Yields Promised in Euro . pean Countries. v- PROSPECTS IN ' AMERICA Northwestern Fruit Exchange Has) Favorable Re porta From tho Eastern and Middle Vfest " ern States. To Korthwestern Prolt Exchange has Is sued tha following crop bulletin: la our last bulletin oovertng the fruit crop outlook for 1911 we promised 'tto have a report eonoemlng European fruit crops, "which follows. Th. Information set forth In this report la gleaned from various au thentic source and confirmed by an Eng lish operator who recently paid us A visit. O. will be remembered that fruit crops In England last year were exceedingly light. In fact, for a largo portion of tha aeasoa there waa virtually a fruit famine in Eng land. Thla year conditions appear to ba reversed. Weather condition have been extremely favorable and tha season la suf ficiently far advanced to obviate any par ticular danger. ' Apples and pears are look ing extremely well and the plums will b. unusually abundant- These same condi tions exist for the most part In the princi pal producing countries on the Continent. In France all sorts of fruits promise a big yield except aprlcota. Holland la a considerable producer of ap ples and the present prospects are for tha largest crop on record. Bastera Crop Re-ports. All In all. conditions In practically all of the. app!e-raislng- states east of the Missis sippi Klver are very flattering indeed. New York Btate continues to report a very fin. showing for Fall fruit and Greenings. Tha consensus of opinion seems to be that Bald win, have bloomed Irregularly and will b. a little shy. The Hudson Btver counties are due for a big crop this year and It looks aa though they are going to hav. It. West Virginia. Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania hav. excellent showings, aa have also Michigan and Illinois. It Is a little early aa yet to say anything concern ing the New England btatea. However, they have had a very heavy bloom. The Im portance of Maine as an aple-growlng state is beg'nnlng generally to be reoognised and the Indications are that In the future It will become very prominent. Apples are grown commercially In practically all of tha New England Btate and ther. ha been a con siderable revival of Interest among tha growers. New orchards are being set out and old orchards cleaned up and cared for In better shape. rtah, Colorado and Middle Weet. Ttah expects to ship a record-breaking crop this year. Official estimate place the prospective increase over 1910 at 200 cara The apple crop is expected to be slightly larger than last year and the peach crop very much larger. Colorado will hav a very large crop. Western Slope operator are revising their estimates upward.' C. 1 Oliver, secretary of the American Apple Congress, reports that Colorado will ship more apples thla year than two years aso and figure that about 600O care of apples will be shipped from th. Western Elope this year, and that th. Eastern Slope will ship 2000 cars, mak ing in ll about 8000 cars of apples from th state. The Colorado peach crop hav ing been damaged by weather, will be Hunter than last year, but It la expected to run TOO to 10OO cars. We hav a letter from C. TX Whistler, of Medford. Or vice-president of the Rogus Klver Fruit and Produce Association, one one of the best-known fruit experta In Ore gon, from which we quote aa follows: "Crop and fruit prospects for Iowa are th best In years for this time of the year. The Colo-, rado apple crop la big." Pacific Northwest. i Conditions seem unchanged, in th. main. We hav. a letter from Mr. Malboeuf, our secetary. who Is visiting the Walla Walla-Mllton-Freewater section, and who writes from Walla Walla under yesterday's date stating that that aectlon waa visited last night by th. most severe rain, lightning and hall storm ho haa ever witnessed. The. storm waa in progreas aa he wrote, so that the estimate of the damage Is Impossible, although h. stated that th. situation waa rather alarming. Bbpa at Sew Tork. NEW YORK. May 26. Hops steady. MORE BITUUTHIC "WHYS" "I have watched all tha different pavements in Chatham, and also in oth er cities, and it is my hon est opinion that bitulithio beats them all." J- T. CKeefe, Chatham, On tario. ' TBAVBIEBS CrlPE. JAPAN Cook's Summer Vacation Tours Fifty-eight Days $450. All Expenses Included. Send for Free Booklet Tickets to ALASKA. Y0SEMITE and YELLOWSTONE. . TH0S. COOS & SON 689 Market Street, San Francisco, COOS BAY LINE STEAMER BREAKW-tTEB Balis from Ainaworth Dock. Portland. A. M, May 1. & 11. 1ft. 21. 28. St. Jun. S and every Ave daya Freight received at Alnsworth Dock dally np to P. M. Psa aenger fare, first-class, $10: second-class, ST. Including meslsand berth. Ticket of B'. Alnsworth Dock. Phones Mala aea Main 110. A 122. - San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Pedro Direct. North Pacific a a Co-'s a a Roeno. and B. a Kid w sail svary Wednesday aiteft saiely at a P. M. Ticket office 131 Third St.. n.sr Alder. ILaKll.M J. HIG1.EX", Psssengar As SB, nt. a. M-l'siiER. Freight Aaant. l'booe. M. 181. A 1S1- SAV FBAJfCISCO PORTLAXD 69. CO. From Alnsworth Dock. Portland. A. M. : SS. Beaver. May 28; Bear, Jon 2; Bos City. Jun T. . From San Francisco. Northbound, 12 M.: SS. Bear, May 2S; Boss City. 1; Bearer, Jun. ft. From Ssn Pedro, Northbound, 12 M.: as. Rom City. May i; Beaver, Jus I; Bear, June a . . . II. O. Smith. C. T. A. 141 Thnrd . J. W. Ransom. Agent, Alnsworth Dock. Phone: Main tot. taHl A It. STEAMER ANVIL tana from Albert!' Dock, No. 1, Monday, May l. 1 P.-it., -for Tillamook; Bay, Newport, Florence and Bandon. Ticket office 128 Third t Phones ASS,Maln !. - Dock phones A 1902. Main 161. LUMBERMEN N AT I O IM A L BANK E V E R Y W E E K these directors meet, deliberate on "the affairs of the bank, and apply their careful business judg ment to its transactions 8. K. Weatwartfc - Chaa a Russell P. S. Brumby Dr K A T Slackens! Geerjr 0 Bingham Lloyd J, Wentwortn ON 5TH THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK . PORTLAND. OREGON . ; Capital and Surplus, $1,830,000.00 ; TRAVELERS' CHEQUES ' " . ' Issued in Denominations of ; $10, $20, $50, $100 which identify the holders and are accepted at full face value by bants and hotels throughout the United States and in all foreign countries. These afford the best means for. carrying funds while traveling.. LADD & TILTON BANK Established 1859. - Capital . . . : ....... .$1,000,000.00 ' Surplus and Undivided Profits 700,000.00 . Letters of credit, drafts and travelers checks issued, avail - able on all parts of the world. Corner Washing-ton First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 750,000 ... . Oldest National Bank West of tho Rocky Mountaius TBAVIBS GUIDE. ESM5I3M1133S AMEBICAN . WHITE STAB ' BED STAB ATLANTIC TBANSP0BT WHITE STAB DOMINION Canadian Serric . . i i. ... H ... MeatI le . nr tl W. Stinger, ZZ Waah.t A. D. Chart ton. 24 J Met.; F. R. Johnson, 143 d: F F. Balrd. 10 ad: Vaid. Udell, ti X. t hi H Plcksoa. 1 ! NEW YORK PORTLAND REGtTLAR FREIGHT SERVICE). Lovr Hates. Schedule Tims. AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN S. S. CO. SIS Rail way Excban- Bids, fortland. Or. Main SKS. -A SMI. NEW ZEALAND AND" AUSTRALIA (Union Una of N. Z- VIA TAHITI AJ.D WElXXSGTOJt " Direct through steamers, sailing fromBan Francisco. May 81, and every 28 daya Well Ington and back. 1st class. .lit- Other rates aiso low. Tha Una to I .le of th Sooth Sea. For reservations se. Coupon Railroad Agenta, r aidreas Oocant B. S. Ce San yrs-ncisoo. J. EV Waeeleat "rr,"9! Geo. X. KcThersoal ' Joka A, Keating ', Robert Tet Piatt E3. O, OrawforS jj AT STARK and Third Street. TBAVEIBS GUIDE. OPEN RIVE it TRANSPORT ATIOf CO. &1K.J.IN.IHAL, Freight received dally at Oak-st. dock for The Dalles. Hood River. White Salmon. Umatilla. Ker.nealck. Pasco, Richland. Hanford. White Blnlfs, Lewis ton. Idaho, and In teemertlate nolr.ta. ITBST-CULSS PASSXSGKB SKRVICK. FARE 50 CENTS Try HOOD B1VEB. WHITJ SAJLMON, THE OAIXKS. Steamer leaves Portland Sun.. Tuea. Thurs.. T A. M. Returning leaves The Dalles Mon.. Wed.. FrI.. 1 A- M., arriving at Port land about 5 P. M. same aay. W a. Buchanan, Supt.j W. S. BmaUwoOd. Onl Mgr. Phones Main 8960. A 627. Th. Tourist Highway -ri nd Bcenle Root, to Europe via I j Tha St. Lawrence Rlvr. j th Shortest Ocean Passage. Lesa than Four Days at Sea by the , -EMPRESSES OF THE ATteANTrC." Weekly sailings Montreal. Qnahae. to I-tver. ! pocL First cabin. 90; second cabin. S1.35r. one-elass cabin (called aeoond cabin). WI.M: , third cabin. 30 and 31.2B. Ask local agents. F. R- Johnson, O. A., 1 Third BW J or . J. Kuala. X. P, A, 60t Finrt Av. Seattle. . 8TEAM8H1IP3