TTTE MrniNTXG OKEOOXIAX. SATURDAY, lAY 27, 1911. 16 IMPORTS ARE BIG Customs-House Receipts Dis close Healthy Increase. LARGE WHEAT CROP SURE Exports Are Fa-pe-cled to Be Vctj lira, .AlLbouch Crowrn Are , Of Opinion That Sl Mill Be Quite Late. Proaresslv commercial'i'BS fr fet-rd In th report at th Cut tom ln when business closed --trds-r afternoon. tl-.e entries of for elan (CM for th dajr br!na:lna the total to Sim !nr July 1. 11. a rail over tha ma period laat year of :! entrtes and ovrr tha corresponding ses sion ltt l- of S3 entries. -. tren tiiu-irt- It mUUl I ars-ned that aUlpment for the present year war numerous In small consignments be cause) of lmtortatlona nrinc mart via r-iist f'i-ni and Han Francisco, and aome by way of Near York, cumin overland hr rail, the fart receipt haa alio aaft-d. la an Indisputable evidence f s-rowth. Receipt for th year end Ina" June to. 1J10. wer 7:o.(WO. and for the present year they will exceed Smaller Importations of ftunny fckf for tha shipment of rraln la" reported r-r tha prrsenl vear. but that doea Hot mean th receipts of bait aro less, for purciiaees of irnnnlcs hare been fceary at j-un I'ranclsro fr local use arvd It I s.ild that with those on t way. anal nck to b drawn from San Francisco ther will b an abundance for th 1511 wheat export Lai advl-es from th wheat belts continue to forecast a lara" wheat crop. thoua"h soma growers ar of the opin ion that til season will be late. A steamer waa offered yesterday for aarly loadinc and as September was pacified soma exportera expressed tha opinion that It was too early fir Uni ted Klncdom business, th movement to tidewater not being antlripatod to reach heavy proportions by that time. Th fact owners of th steamer asked a rat of lis 3d. served to elicit com ment and nee.llesa to say ther were no takers at that fla-ure. Quotations I on saiiine tonnas: were given at front td. to is 3d. and possibly Js- Et j.orfara aay thai Is Jd might be paid If they wera rrant'd th option of barley, but ratea cited by owners abov that war not attractive. IIXn.V 1IOMK ASRS I-IrtNSE Itaslnesa to He Conducted for Profit I ndrr New Law. Affairs relating to th enforcement of th new sailor boardinc-hous act took a new turn yesterday when Jack t'rant and James White, proprietors of tha Pallors' Home and who hav been la th business of supplying sea meu to ships for years, made applica tion to th State Pallor Hoarding iloua Commission for licenses to act a shippinsr masters. Qeora-e A Wlsarhausen was appointed In that rapacity Thursday and It Is not im probable that others will seek tha sam prtvlleire. Orsnt Whit hav closed th Sailors' Horn to homeless tars and If licenses ar (ranted them wUl con duct their business th sam as others, de-pen din r on secnrlnc aallors and piscina them aboard veasela Im mediately. Instead of houaina them and tnaalna tha delivery at one time. 'As soon as sailor Is signed th re sponsibility of th ahlpyina- master ends, but If a vessel Is In berth ther fa nothing to prevent the sailor from deserting unless th ship's officers maintain a watch. t'nder th former condition when crew was shipped from th Sailors Horn a watchman accompanied them and precautions wer taken to Insure their beina aboard when the vessel sailed, Cnder th law masters of ves sels ar prevented from eoIlcltlna aallors personally and must obtain them throuch a ' licensed ahipptns; master. except for American Vessels. wsiii;tox nrivt; rkhtted Ttrduord rasaenjrer Until Will Avoid Wire leas Requirement. In ref.ttlnc the steamer TVashlnKton. which Is i.rhareTlna in port the first carsro since he was bouarht by the Olson Itahony Interests, her new owners have escaped complying with Oovarnment resrulatlone effective July 1. that will foro all steamers carry ing passenpers and a crew numberlnc Id to hav wireless Installed when op ermtln't to ports too miles distant, for th Washington's passeni-er list has been limited to persons and with her crew of : 3 the total Is only 4 persons one less than the number that would make the law apply. The Washington has carried about ten additions! passenxers customarily. tut the adlltlonal revenue has been sacrificed to avoid rarrytne; wireless operator and Installing" the necessary equipment. The Olson A Mabonv In terests will equip th steamer Xom Ctty with th aerocram system, as she Is much larirer than th Washington and can carry several passengers. Tho McVormtck Interests have begun th Installation of wireless on their steamers In a. Union to th Klamath, which haa been so fitted etnc hr completion, and with only a month In which to comply with th law others wtil be busy meeting- th requirements. IirXTKIVS COVE VXSAE TLACE Officers of "Wrecked S liooncr Say Ves.M-1 a Priven on to Ilocks. alAn-niFlKl.P. Or.. May IC (Sp cll. A peculiar leatur of tb wreck of th g-asoiin achooner Washcalor on th Curry County Coast was tha fact trial ah was wrecked only a short distance north of where tb gasoline achooner sotoyme was burned a few years sro. Oaplain Peterson, master cf the Waehcalore. was also mas'.ar of tue Satoyom whan aha waa burned, and be and th craw at that time wr rescued by tha llfesavln orw from Eur-ka. Vs. M. Hlil. chief engineer of tha Wasacaior.. arrived In this city after comir.jr Wth t'-.e rest cf th crew to HitJcn. Vr. Hill ascribes the wreck tt two things. On Is thst h d.-ea "not regard Hunter's Cove as tha safe haven of refuge as Indicated oa tb pilot chart, and. second, that tha two 140 horsepowcr g-seoUne ng-tncs were not sufficient power for the Waaheajora. W hen a heavy northwest norm drova th vessel back. Captain Peterson ! elded to turn Into Hunter Cove.- He l.aj r-Tr been there before and the placw was found to be rough. Th wind clanged to th west and the anchor chain rs broken. Th engines wer started, but th vessel waa driven onto tu rocks. TU aahcalor sunk and la a total lata. It la BadantooJ, that th own or. I r. X Wendllna. of Baa Francisco. car- rW UO.oee Insurance on tha vessel, so tie Ion will not be e-reat. Mr. HI'.l says that tho crew vu fortunAte rn c-ttlnr onto th rock, otherwise they would an hr been loat. EVAN BREAKS OWS HECOKD One Lumber Cargo Ready for Orient ' and Ortcrlc Phlft. ' ' a. Farorabl conditions for stnwln lumber aboard, tha Rrltlah" schooner Iavid Evans, which waa an American vassal until a year mmn, have resulted In all previous records for hanOltns; carao on her belnsr broken, for her carsro measures l.ut.0O feet, which la 47.-o feet In excess of her last load. When th vessel was listed It was understood that ah would carry .". f -.-l. but In stawlnar material In her hold It Is said Ita previous capa city oh rxreeded by between IS. 000 and ll.ona feet. Th vessel will probably leav th harbor today, bound for - Kobe, wher th lumber will be delivered oa her owners' arsnunL che has been de layed allKhtly owtnaT to tha scarcity of sailors In th customary channels and last evenlna her crew waa two men short. Th Evans haa been sr. ti me th seas for ten year and la on TCAatES IXTWJXlCKWCaV Da to Arrive. Kama Ort.rl" Y Semite la.r Gn.a.n Oat. . A .ilir.. . . . . H. Elmofi Foaaeka. ..... tar. ........ Anvil. . , l-rat-3tr. ., fitrath!oo. . .. Koeecttr .... Oeo. w Elder. Riv.rslds Data In port la port In port Is port . Huaskong. ... . San Kranclsco . - Pl-. ... . Tillamook. .. t T1ltanrok. .. .San Dleco.. , S.n Paro. .. JiaDdon -"oo Ttay.... .ll'ngkcng. . . .fas fedre... .Ma Dt.go .Balboa la port M.v May "- Mar -s Mar -H Wsy IU .June 1 J S .June 4 .Jttoa a-cbedBled t Name. T"r. tMpart. Mm Cat-. .Tillamook.. ..Var ST fX Ort.rfc- ...llonckong Msy is y i Vl . Ran "'dm IttV I Tos.tnlt San rraaclsco 2Jay :s A. isn a Kureka May -J Anvil Jlandon lay -" So H. Blmersl l lamnok... M tO I". reakwatar.... rv !ia May 81 Fsanoke. ...... Fan Plrso .May St Tlaar fco PeOr. ... June Z Ho. City Fan Pedro. ...Jui T' Ceo. TV. Elder, .eaa Ileeo. ... Jun T f rathtron Jloi cmods. . . .June lo lllttoidt BaltMa .Jun IS e of the test-known J umber carriers on the Coaat. On the way to Portland from the Japanese coast, sh mad a fast voyage, completing th run In about ii days, and while not the record. It la almost steamer time as gauged from th speed of tramps. The Uritt.ih steamer Orterlc. which took lumber at Inman - poulsen's. finished la.-t evening and shifted to Alblna dock to work flour. She will icet away next week. Marine Notea. " 4 To b iteneraily overhauled and re painted, th gasoline launch Ilx haa been hauled out at Supple' yard. T load lumber for San Francisco, tha steamer Yosemlte left the harbor yes terday and will secure cargo at Rai nier. Cob! and 8t- Helena All that remalna of tha old Seamen's Mission, at Front and Flanders streets. Is the foundation, workman yesterday having- completed tearing down the bul.tllng". There waa yesterday recovered th body of John Amelia Romano. i years of age. who waa recently drowned In th Willamette below the Steel bridge, Relatives at Oakland wer notified. In tow of th tug" Melville, th barg Gerard C Tobey left up from Astoria yesterday afternoon and ah was met at Skamokawa by th steamer Ocklahanva. which will arrive with th bars; to day. Entriea yesterday at the Custom nous Included th steamers Asuncion. J. A Chauislor, Yosemlte and Wash ington, from th south. Th Chanslor cleared for Monterey and th Asuncion fur San Francisco. Captain A. R. Loomts will be In charg of the steamer O. K. Wentworth when ah resumes towing today, vie Captain F. O. Wagner. It Is expected that th steamer Vulcan will resum towing- early In th week. Attractive Invitation cards liave been Issued by the Portland Ad Men's (Jlun for the launching- at J o'clock this af ternoon of the gasoline passenger yacht Rayocean at Supples yards. The ad wrltera will have charg of th affair and ther will be several addresses. it was yesterday reported lhat th Herman bark Goldhek. which has ar rived at I.ourenco Marques, lost part of her deck load of lumber on the voyage and sustained damage to her rlngln(f while she was on the bar at that port four hours, but sustained no apparent harm. "While the steamer Washington .was en route to Portland there was a son bom to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ruck, th family being on the way to make Port land their home. The newcomer ar rived Wednesday morning after the Washington left th California coast astern, and ha will be named Washing ton Ruck. In honor of the steamer. Ca-tatn Ruct-.anan. superintendent of the OpciA River Transportation Corn i.anv aava that the steamer inland Um pire will carry a party of excursionists tomorrow from Pssco to White" Hlutfs. and that It will be th first outing of the kind on a sternwheeler in the his tory of t'pper Columbia River trafrtc Jun U th steamer Twin Cltlea will carry an excursion from Lewlston to the Grand Ronde. Movements of Veseola. TORTWND. May :. Arrived Steamer Olson a Mahoay. from Sa Francisco; sle.mer Colden Oat. " T1 'lm!'.; sramr Alliance, from Eureka and Coo Hay jiallfd ftramer Rreakwalar. for Coo j;y ..mer A.uncu-o. r r- r. . steamer J. A. Chaxslor. for Francisco: s-amr Kalrr.aven. f-T Port Ludlow; steamer Ye.loast.-B. t JT n Frsncjeco. Astoria. Of.. at Id. Condition at the mouth of th r at i P. at. smooth: wind. H miles, north: a alhr. cloudy. Sailed at 7 A. 34.. steamer Tho. L. Wand, for .-.itr Itend. Arrtvl at and left up at lo to A- steamer Alliance, from Eureka and C lmt. baJId at 10 A. St.. stanir J. B. Stets..o. I"r Abrdn; stamer K.'.nmath. tor Fan Kranrls.-o. Left up at 2 3o t. M.. harx Oarsld C. ToOey. Sailed at P. at.. . rnr Bmxsst-r. for Coos io rranclso. atay 3 Arrived at A. 34.. tram.r NchaUm. from i?olmtla River. Arr.ed at 1 I'. !. t.a-or Falcon, from lvrtlar.d. Sailed at 1 P. at., steamer Roan oke tor Portland: stoaroT Rear, for Port land called last DlsM. et-am.r Numl City asd Tama.rala. for Portland. iTareka. May Arrl ed Meamer !- sratcx from eso for Columbia Ri r. . '.ush!r.g. May S Arrived rrench bark atit.-h.l.t. frorn PortlacJ- Undan. star Arrtved Oermaa shtp Freda, froai Parrlajtd. Can rranclaco. May S4. Arrived Jteam ers WltUi. Kalcoa. from Astoria; Pvctan. Te"?l., from arars Harbor; City of Puefc a. I rum Victoria. Mmaolta. from llcnKkorc, Halted steamers Vtssouiian. for iionolulu. la- catt(e. l-ar. f r;: H-snoft. t. Avtona: Morrood. for tlraya Harbor: Osrttln.r City, for Port AmbuL .-altie. Mar Arrived (traiser Mav erick, from eaa Frj:clsc; U. C caMeaolp HaraaM. from Fortward; steam uuA.o, from taa FraB'-leow. aai:M teajrer Uov ernor. for Ssa KrsBclfro; S1amer Be.Eo rka and Maverick, tvr Tacoroa; temr l"r of Sur.K fur .-; eohuoaar Wills A. Holden. foe Tafma. Rarmcrd. Waal-. May il Arrtved aearoer t"armacd and steamer Carmel. flora a rraaciaco. loadtag for Souttkra fom'a. Aas.le. y I Arrived hooner W. H. J.wtt. from I'rar Harbor. tMilleu Anni M. Campbell. fr Aatona a Ttdea at Astarta aatarday. Itlgh. Low. j -X. ai.teia'e ! A. il.. T-0 root i.oa I', at.. -.-. feet WHEAT IN PERIL Drouth in Southwest Is Grave .Menace. MARKET IS KEPT. STRONG Official Report rrom France Also BoJlish In News of Day Longm Sell for Profit Feature . , of Market. CHICAGO. May S- Peril from aV-fldent moisture and from tb alsxiing temperature threate-jed the wheat crop Southwest, and kept speculators la a bullish mood today. Closing pticca wr firm at last nlght'a levl to "c above. The end of tb day left corn Sc. to Se up.tnd oats at an advance of Htre to Src In provisions th out come varid from 33S gain to ShtC decline. Desplt that prlc chaaea for wheat were not of much width, trade was of an active sort, with th .feeling qutt nevertheless. Chorts and new Investors took tha lead in th boring.""- Loans' sold to realise profits. Aside from rfc druutb and hot waves South west, the market received a bullish Impuls throurb French official reporla of crop shorta-. Fhowera in th American Spring shut tIt. however, acted as an offset in favor of th bears. Another drag was th lark of any Improvement in the milling demand. Nevertheless a rally was unmis takably In progreas at tha close. July ranaed rrom a4Tc to . and finished at 8"i. with a Dec gain of a ahade. Covering by shorts in tha com crowd was on a hus stale. July, fluctuated between 3.1 Sc and 'ISc closing firm Se up at MS CsMVe. Cash grades were stronger. o. z yellow finished at 51S'3S". Th bulk In oats was attended by a lancer trad than has been witnessed for som time. High and low points for July were 36 Sc and Site with laat sales at 36c a rise of So compared with last night. Provlalons advanced with grain and be cause of a light run of bogs, but gradually sagged under liquidation- When th pit was cleared, pork declined THc to ISSe of the upward movement, but other products wer back to within a small fraction either wav from tha figtirea of -4 hours befors. Th leading future ranged as follows: V. 1 WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close." May I.',", 1 t . I .S9S July...... .n .sS -s"4 - K-pt...... ."S .ts -:s .S Uec. VMS .0 ,SS .0S CORN". May C4S .53 ' . July M. 14H ."!" .KV. fpt 54" .S4S .5S .US Use 15 S .&:s .s:s -t:s OATH. Mar t- ." -5 . July 14 .1S . -SS 4 Sept 33. IW .I'K Dm 4S -lVs .2T t 'MluSS PORK. July IS-00 15.10 14 15 147S LARD. July US', J?'j :! l.JJH ept (.40 1.14 t.3.T SHORT K1B3. July t02S 7H "7 TIT. S"t 00 t.o:s 7 5 7.14 Cash quotations war as foUoara; Flnar Barely steady. Ilye No. 5. 7c Rariey Feed or mixing. iS47uo; fair to choir malting, roctjll.t-i. Timothy seed .13.00. Cloci II 00. Pork Mesa, per barrel, t lt. 1S.JS. Lard p.r loo pounds. St JO. Sriort ribe tilde tlooael. t7.t7S99.94. Hide phort. clear tboxd. ts.ll S t Orala statistic: Total clearance of wheat and flour were equal to 447.404 bush. la Exports for the week, ss ahosra by Uradstreet'a wr equal to 2.444.044 bushels. 1'rlmary recetpu wer 413.0O bushels. compared with 17.000 lajfhela th corrveponding day a year aro. l:tlmatd receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 3-il car: corn, oil cars; oat, 141 oars; hoga, 04 hud. Dally movement Of produce: Receipts. Shipments. Flour barrel :l.loo 14.700 WbeaU bushels ....... S-1.100 1 700 rorn. bushels 474.000 tl-1.400 Cats, bushela ......... 43I.:-" Rye. buahele i.Ooe 1.000 barley, bushels 14.404 10.4OO Mlnneapalls Wheat Market. VrVSEAPOLIS. May 5. Wheat: Msy. Pnc: July. iistiv7e; oeptmbr. tlsc: 1 c.mber. SISc: .No. 1 hard, tl OO; No. 1 Northern. t7SvfVSe: No. 2 Northern. PftfJ psc: Jto. 3 wheat. tOfjvtic; No. 1 wheal, base CrwlB Markets f th Xorthwest. PEATTI.K. Mar ' .'. Wheat: Hluestem. 03 Sc: Fortyfod. e; club. 87rj Fife. H7c; lry. t-1 per ton- Car recipts up. to noon to Catarrh usually begins with irritated, inflamed membranes of the head, nose and throat, from which there is a constant and copious discharge of watery matter. Nature intends that these membranes shall be nourished by the blood, but waste matters and impurities deposited into these delicate parts, sets up inflammation and the discharge is a natural result. There is only one way to cure Catarrh, and that is to remove the cause by purifying the blood. 'Washes, sprays, inhalations, etc., do not reach the circulation, and therefore caa only afford temporary relief. S. S. S. cures Catarrh by cleansing the blood of all impure catarrhal matter, and at the same time building np the system by its unequalled tonic effects. In other words S. S. S. cures Catarrh by purifying the blood so that the mucous surfaces and linings of the body are supplied with healthy nourishment instead of being continually irritated from the catarrhal impurities.- Then the inflamed membranes heal, the discharge is checked, head noises cease, the stomach is toned np, and the throat is no longer clogged with mucus. - Boole on Catarrh and any medical advice desired, free. S. S. S. is for sale at drug stores. ' HIE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO ATLANTA, GA. Today Eilers Music House should sell more than 20 pianos. This concern never has been and ney er will be undersold. In this closing-out sale of the East Side piano stocK, we are selling the choicest of hig'h-g'rade instruments, some of them not even shop-worn, at reductions simply unprecedented. " Good pianos are to be had for less than half the price usually asKed by "roundabout dealers" and branch-house concerns. . ' - Nor is it necessary to pay all cash. Pay a little each month or each weeK, and secure one of the fine pianos offered at $185, $137, $85 or a fine player-piano, $365, $285, etc., or one of the numer ous Baby Grands at corresponding' reductions. Eilers Music House sells ChicKerings, Sphmers, Kimballs and other highest g'rade pianos. Deal ers in the Autopiano, and all maKes of Talking Machines. ( Now in the new building', corner Seventh and Alder streets. day: Wheat 8 cars, barley cars, hay S cars, oats 1 car. TACOMA. May W. Wheat: Blnestem. M ejswc; fortvfold. 87c: club. fi(lWc; red Russian, t4c Reoaipta, wheat 3 car a. hay 2 cara. Grain at Haa Frsaeisr. SAN FRANCISCO, May S. Wheat Firm. Iterley r"ay. tpot Quotations. . v.h,,hlpplng. t1.40t.0 per cental. Harlev peed. IL42S per cental; brew Ins. 11.47S 1 :' per cental. ,.v Oats Bed. I1.3u1.44 per cental: black, fl.13nl.3JS per cental. , . - Call board sale Wheat No trading. rtarley December. $1.33 S per .cental. May. I.. 43 per cental. . - F.oropeaa tirala Marketa InSDON. May 20- Carsoee. quiet but steady. Walla Walla for ahlpment at S3 trd. Ensiled country markets easy. J S 4 Id low r; rencb country markets (holiday). LIVERPOOL, May 2. Wheat. May. "a; July. 0s 10Sd: October, as 81kd. Weathsr. cloudy. ' Iuluth Flax Market. PTTLITH. Hif 2V Flax on track and to arrive. i22S; May. S "f- "-"" 4 " ?. S asked: September, 1. M; October. tl.ii asked. IMPROVEMENT 111 TRADE BCSIXESS IS BETTER, BUT 'PROGRESS IS SLOW. 3Iore. Acliv Baying at Retail Canses Broader Purchasing in the Primary Markets. NEW TORIC. May M. Oun'l review to morrow will say: Th. ,.. .(tti.tlon. aa a whole, pre sents elements of Improvement and while the increas In actual transactions is now and In some places not dtscarnlbl. an ad vance has been made. store acuve jtti.u u;uih - - - - -companled by brodr purchaaing In th primary marseia tor l livery of cotton goods for converting and manufacturing purposes. v. . . ..... .uh.iI.ii .hoar. Imnrove- ment and a larger volume of Fall orders ar received from traveling salesmen. Leather markets Improve and sole leather IS in gooa oemano. . a .oui - con tin ue hlghar. . GOOD WEATHKK HELPS RETAIL TRADE. Bustaeea Improve Slowly, but In aa Irreg ular Aar. New YORK. May 24. Bfadetreetfs to- Trade improves slowly, but In sn Irregu lar way. The retail trad. In consequence of continued gooa weatnr. " but the turnover Is below that anticipated, i) . . 1 1 I. r! i v. than at th 1. time last season. Collections range from about slow to fair. Huslness failures In the United States for t. - ,nin. w.v were !2S. against ; last week: tUO In the like Week of lsio. :os In ISO. !41 In 1408 and 145 In 107. Business failures In Canada for the week numtter J. wnicn compan- f for laat week, and 14 for the llks period la 1?tVheat. Including flour, exports Worn the Vnlted States and Canada for th week end ing May 14 atrgrcgaieu , ., .k" against 1.340.104 last week and 1.(94.144 this week last year. Corn exports for the week are T34 44 bushels, scamst 3.2B4 last week and 4a. 144 la 110. Banlt Clearings. ' NEW YORK. May 28. Bradstreefa bank clesrings report for the week ending May 25 shows an asarexate of $3.04S."1.000. aa axslnst 3.l30.3ut".0oo last week and 2.8Z7. D43.UOO In' the corresponding wk last year. Inc. New York 1.T1.:!2.000 .12 ) Chicago Boston ..,...... ... Phllsdelphla (St- Loula Kansae City Pittsburg fan Francisco ........... lialtlroor ............... Cincinnati ............. Minneapolis ............. Cleveland ............... New orlaana ............ Detroit -. Omaha ................. Los Anreles I.nulsvlll Mllwaukl Port land . ...... ........ c'eatll 252.OM!.000 1 147.4s3.0l'O la.4.V.0O0 ST.S 3.0 67.720.000 "La 4..&.-U.O00 8.3 .4H2.00O r.3 41.8'2.000 34 31.0-4S.OOO ISO B.t 18 181.00O 1J.714.UO0 22.742.0lX N lH.12.00O ".8 s.0 47.4 9.4 13.211.O0O 12.612.000 11.2 12.613.000 . 1 6 11.47S.OOO T.l 11A4S.0O 28.3 lO 4Q8.O0O 1. 8.8-tO.OOO eja.g .7W.000 20.3 8.SOT.OOO ei.j 8.337.00O sil.8 8.418,0(10 4.T 6,79.l-00 "4.0 T.lb7.iK0 8 7.1B2.000 e .a 0.400.000 U.3 8.2.".ooO S2 7.153.00O 87.1 8.84O.O0O 4. 4 S1U.OOO 1S 0 6.03I.OOO 7.8 4.122.0OO "21.4 4.S83.00O 23.0 3.HS3.000 S17.1 St. Paul -- Atlanta PufTalo D.nvr Indianapolis providence Richmond Washington. D. C Ht. Joseph port Wurtb ..-..... - Memphis . . . . Halt I.ak City ..!.. Columbus Albany Tacoma ...... Favannah -ipokane. Wash MDSTHE SYSTEM OF CATARRH air filurder Hair Svta and Pufli are Surely Unxs deria; tbo Glorioui Hair of American Women. i-r. '-e-;r , - Bwlssco, the great discovery quick ly stops falling hair and dandruff, with the first few applications and starts a new growth of hair at once. J he change In the hair and scalp con ition H strikingly noticeable In a few days time. You don't have to alt around and wait Indefinitely for re sults. You can refrain the youthful color of your hair quickly with, 43wlssco with out dyeing; or staining". Prove It free by sending 10 cents to help pay postage and packing to Bwlssco Hair Remedy Company, 3642 P. O. Square, Cincinnati. Ohio. 8 wis sco is sold by druggists and drug departments everywhere at 50 cents and J1.00 a bottle. For sale and recommended in Port land by THE OWL DRUG CO. Toledo Oakland. Cal Sacramento, Cel.... Helena Houston Galveston ...... 4.R48.OO0 12.1 2,842,000 10.3 1.208.0UO 18.1 834.000 .1 21.6K4.0UO S10.2 12.btt3.0UO 7.1 irecrcase. Chicago Produce Market. CHICAGO. May 2. Butter Finn; CrirS, u&iritT. auv'i. Kggt Easy: receipts, 12.470 cases; at mark, cases Included. 1212bc; firsts, 14c; prime firsts. 15c. ... Chaess Steady; daisies, ll'i611c; twins. 124 6 12c; Young Americas, 1114 611Hc; long horns. ll"46Hfec. Salem and Eugene High to Jleet. SALEM, Or., May 29. (Special.) Members of the Salem High School track team 'eft tonight for Eugene where) they meet the Eugene high school team tomorrow. Members of the Salem team are: Kaiser, Small and Mc Ldren, In tho dashes and relay; Byrd, Hinges. Hamel and Savage. In the long runs; Lafky. Smith and Klefer. In the hurdles and 4-jmps, and Vincent for the shotput and discus throwlnir Worked -Three Weeks in Last 10 Months 8. F. Hobb, of Poplar Bluff. Mo, writes: "I am a farmer of the Iron Mountains. I have had rheumatism for the last ten months. I purchased a pair of electropodes and have had great results from them. I have worked but three weeks In the last ten months and now I am working on my farm every day and think I am getting well." John McArthur, of Bowlus, Minn, writes: "Enclosed please find $3 for which please send me three pairs of Electropodes. I have used two pair of your Electropodea now. When I began their use I waa not able to make a atep without the aid of crutches, now I am able to get around nicely with a cane and believe another pair will com pletely cure me." Rheumatism, nervousness, neuralgia, backache, liver and kidney complaints are caused by excess uric acid. Medi cine can only temporarily counteract the effect, while electropodes remove the excess uric acid, and all other poi sons' and impurities, from the system. The result Is prompt relief and a per manent cure.. "What Electropodes have - done for others, they can do for you. Nothing Is so convincing as the actual test. Elec tropodea will convince you. Wear a pair 30 days absolutely at our risk. Booklet upon request. . At druggists or by mall, postpaid. If your druggist cannot furnish Electro podea, send us $1 and we will see that you .are supplied Immediately. State whether tor man or woman. Western Electropode Company, 241 Los-Angeles Street. Los Angeles, Cal. - MEN CORED SS Is Our Fee SPECIAL AILMENTS Newly con tracted and chronic cases cured. All burning. Itching and Inflammation stopped in 24 hours. Cures effected la seven days. Consultation free. If un able to call, write for list of questions. Office Hours A. M. to 8 P. M, Sunday. 10 A- M, to 1 P. M. only. Pacific Coast Medical Co. XZtt WASHINGTON STREET, - Corsrr First. Psrtlauid, Or. Dr. Lindsay RELIABLE , EDUCATED . EXPERIENCED CONSULT HE FRT.B If you are worried about, a special ail ment, organlo weak ness or any male ali ment or blood ali ment. I hav so moan V; fafth In mv own skill 4a that I will prove my ability before I ask one cent. You don't need money to be gin my treatment. YOU MAT PAY MB AFTER I CURE YOU. Dr. Lindsay The Old Reliable Specialist Corner Alder and Second streets. En trance 12846 Second street. Portland, Or. Office hours A. M. to ( P. M. Sundays. 10 A. M. to I P. M. L. T. TEE & SONS The Old. Bellatble Cbinc Doctor spent lifetime Btudr of hmttm ud reetarcfa In China; uttf crutetil diploma bj the Emperor; gnmrmatvm cure all tUimeaU of -men tad women whea others tail. It yoa uf fer. call or write to YEE SON'S MSDICDCE CO.. liS- rst. Cor. Aldfr. rortia-Kt. Or. ml Cured in ;' ". : t Dr. A. O. Ssaltk. Z am the only specialist In Port land who does not advertise a fic titious name or photograph. I publish my true photograph, correct name, personally conduct my office. I am the most success ful and reliable, as medical cre dentials and press records prove. I make this statement so that yon rill know yon consult a true spe cialist, who sees and treats pa tients personally.' I possess skill ind experience, actraired in such a way that no other can share, and ihould not be classed with medical companies. It is impossible for a medical company to attend col lege. Companies have no diplomas or license to practice medicine in Oregon or any other state. Medi cal companies usually are named after a doctor. A portrait, whose personality and identity . are In definite, is selected and published as the legitimate specialist of the office. Hired substitutes, ordinary doctors with questionable ability, give consultation, examination and treatment. lil-irMiirtiir WRITTEN GUARANTEE 0r. Smith's WTltten guarantee means a cure or no pay for services. I guarantee to cure cer" "-i18?'" J every collar you have paid me for my services. My services cost you nothing unless I cure your Varicos. Veins. Hernia. Piles, Fistula, Blood Poisonfor anv ailment l guarantee to cure. My terms are reasonable, and no more than you are able and willing; to pay for benefits. Office hours A. IS. to P. M. Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. Dr. A. G. Smith Danger Liirks in Neglect SECURE THE SERVXCE3 OB" "THE FOREMOST SPECIALISTS" HOEST TREATJLKXrPrOSrnY& RESTJITS YOU s5. My Fee in Many Cases CURED IN FIVE DAYS VARICOSE VEINS OBSTRUCTIONS PILES FISTULA . No Detention' from ' Business or Home. -No Berere Operations. Manr Cases Tfaorou"hlj Oured In One Treatment. I ha-re Proof for Ktbtj Statemeitt I -Make. Examination and Consultation Free r Miirl vn munntl WHATDVEB TOR' CONSULTATION. EXAMINATION ANii rctFiarBMMs. andtou 5av othiq to pat roa exxpt SATISI-ACTOHT TREATMENT. . Medlolne furnished from my own laboratory. uo xo 4sj.per " " lot call, write for particular. Many oases ar curable at home. Hours I A M. eaonot to t V. Sundays ju' u. . ST. LOUIS MEDICAL CO. tSOH YA-aTTTI.T. ST.. COR. SECOND ST. " PORTLAND, OK. f f BrwtrJ GeUasssI X M m c.i i . . k - a IK safe and simple remedy for " a rsscUns, Cateii, Heyrescr sl tlZ l-i i I Infiainmatleas, Irritations, elosr I VrJ I .tlons o ALL moooas mambrmncs I ' I or llolnes of tha no., throat, I f""j I ttfrfT"11 or otbr orcaos. -. , 1 -VSV AT DHUOtllSTS at Wky neiiiut ftmrmV wmmmm V. V TrwtlM with MAh bora. I I V OHiaUdoorquss 1" ' .TW Esaa (Jeaieil Cs. S. H. WAI JING CO. Original Chinese herb and root medicines. EEM0VED TO ' 211 ALDEE ST. Above 0. W. P. Waiting Station. Corner First and Alder., Portland. Ox. Five Days Varicose Veins, Hernia, Blood Poison Xs Detention From Ocenpatloa, . ' Family or Home NO SEVERE OPERATIONS, MAItT CASES PERMANENTLY CURED IN 0NE TREATMENT. MOST TIME -SA VIVO, MOST NAT URAL, MOST SAFE. A RADICAL AND PERMANENT CURE.- I GIVE MY WORD AND "WILL CITB YOU TO OTHER MEDICAL AU THORITIES THAT THIS IS A FACT. I AM CERTAINLY PRE PARED TO CURE BY EXPERI ENCE AND EQUIPMENT. WHICH ARE TUB KEYSTONES TO SUC CESS. I HAVE THE BEST EQUIPPED MEDICAL OFFICE ON THE COAST. I WILL GIVE $500 TO ANY CHARITY AS GUARAN TEE THAT EVERY STATEMENT IN THIS ANNOUNCEMENT IS TRUE. I Invite you to come to my of- . flee. I will explain to you my " treatment for Varicose Veins, Hernia, Nervous Debility. Blood -Poison, Piles, Fistula. B 1 a d d'e r. Kidney, Prostatic and all' Men's Ailments, and give you FREE a physical examination: If necessary a microscopical and chemical analysis of eecretlons, to deter mine pathological 'and b a c t e rlo- . logical condltlona. Every person should take advantag-e of this op- Sortunlty to learn their true con ltlon. A permanent cure la what you want. VARICOSE VEINS Impair vitality. I dally demon strate that varicose veins can be cured In nearly all oases by one treatment. In such a satisfactory way that the vital parts are pre ss r v e d and strengthened, pain ceases, swelling subsides, a healthy circulation Is rapidly re established. Instead of the depress ing conditions. I guarantee you a cure to stay cured 6r refund the money. HERNIA (Rl'Pn:RE) Disregard of ex latins hernia ha) cost many lives. The smallest hernias are the moat dangeroua to life, because of the Increased liability to strangulation. I cure rupture In selected cases with per. feet safety and entail no suffer ing, and do not detain you from occupation, under guarantee. Many cases cured to stay cured In one treatment. 606 " FOR BLOOD POISON. t use Professor Ehrtlch'a won derful new c.lscovery, 60," in cases of Specific Blooi Poison. It cures In oae treatmen.t and Is the greatest marvel of medical science. This new remedy has been successfully used In thou sands of cases. Let me explain Is to you. , 234 Morrison Street Corner Second PORTLAND, OR. My Claims Are Founded on Cures If you art weak, ailing' man, stop and think what you could accomplish If you wero strong and well what a aourca of happiness, good health, and robust stxanrth would ba to you. It takes more strength to be flick than well It takes more strength to 11 under the condltlona of Illness than It does when In health. All my life I have been studying this problem curing complaints of men restoring to strength weak, ailing men. I know that Z can quickly and aurely restore you to health. My Immense practice, my large medical offices are th reiult of cure eu re, certain. I can cure CAN PAY AFTER CURED INQUIRE Investigate for yourself. REMERBER, TT COSTS YOU NOTHING to have the opinion of the best. thorough,, painstaking EXAMINATION" given each and every person by me personally. WEAKNESS To amy man who is suffering from 'WEAKXftSS FUNCTION AX. DBCLaNB. or PROSTATIC DIS EASES let me ask you the question: Will you put your time against miner If I fail to cure. MY SERVICES COST YOU NOTHING. This remark able treatment you can only procure from MS. It consists of 21 TREATMENTS NO, MORE, NO l-ESS. Each and every treatment Is given by me. aa U I too valuable to Intrust to. an assistant. I can cure you and make you as well as you 'ever were In your life. I will tone up your sys tem, cleans the poison from your blood, give you s healthy color to your cheeks, a brightness to your eye. ao that In a very short time you would not know that you aver had a stick day In your Ufa. .ABSOLUTE CURES Tou ean'l afford to experiment - srltii your HEALTH AJTD STRENGTH. My long" years of experience as a SPECIALIST In diseases peculiar to men hav proved to m that 90 per cent of th men are suffering; from one or more of the followlnc corKUUona: VARICOSE) VEI"f8, -",.' DISORDER.", RtPTUREt Speclfls Blood Poison. Contracted Disorders. Eld. ney and Bladder TrouWass, Post ratio Disease, Piles, and ail Beflax Pelvic- Ailments. v HaIHa! He! He! That's the way to feel EVERY ONB does that takes a CASCARET BEFORE, whes "he looks at the fellow who didn't. For OVER-EATING and DRINKING nothing on Earth cleans you out as CASCARET, naturally easily, without that upset sick feeling. Don't neglect at bed time 9 P. M. or 4 A. M. 10 difference you II need it. 831 CASCARBTS toe a box for a week's " treatment, all druggists. Bigfrest seller in the world. Million boxes a month. BLG CnooNO. CHINESE DOCTOR. StrowDnaga Dias 1J First street, room IX and 225 "4 Alder st. Chinese Boot snd Herb Medicine. Cures Cancer. Rheuma tism. Consumption, Dropsy. Catarrh, ctomach. Luna. . Liver and Kidney Troubles. All Chronic ailments of men and wo men. Examinatlont fre. Drusstorsv ZSa Wsnrters at. I '4 .1- ' tL-- 7 rSh i