Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 27, 1911, Page 15, Image 15

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    ' - - . . - 15
roil stt-T.
THT. WHEr.I.tKl?.
Car. Park t d Taylor ft
Cor. T.nta end . eta.
W a!Tn Ple-eare.
Forms'!. comp rt.. . S end "r"0'"
ipwiiMau: b-.i. imss n.w end stricter
medr.; rvlc. hri -:..
5TLKVtajri;n J-rm .jn.--ri.-n:. rammer
r. :.. Ti-. Morton. W umgtoa end
Kmc A loll
I gu la Port id. loeet. Klf
CltolrMt Bat.
r"' r"ie. FOWVAN CO.
E. 1: 1 nd Ilr Ms. 1- ITS.
rori KtM-A n. C room n : "
a t. .-.d. K!'H. for .n:ist or ds.-.-r.
Ir.qur. J K.1...V Ei'LtaH
tw.-n. 3 .n 1 J or c.1 pewn. il i:n 171.
to ft r. : - c-
rTt'vT i.r :it. !!; r-m-i''. '
rlnMU, ! as -... "! 1 -i
lr furo.h..l. Ji- 4i Mooigom
rry ...
1 V FLATS D...T -iirnj.r.'l. v.ry '
r . r u: ..ui. :..-r.;tf;
.r..tur Key at :o. T.k. I car
T .
T W n- rrol.rn - M'l or., ""
t,-r'..n.-l. Hi. Ml r-.- O'.nJJ.
. r.n l.iU H'" N'r
31 Iv tm N..:in
!7 LOR rr :?. 4 lrr. tn
n4 AM- f.
Tvjii Kf.r- W.-rr. :
n h l, khi rorM.
f't. fnr-
,oir Hit. nn..rn. c.-n
fHRm,r:-R'""lC ut.!j:a:i''.i fit.
KOOU ft. ch.rfui. r covnli-.
'.'lit. Z-
r..n -r 2 ! una i
x i. i monrr,: . Vy-t!i.
t. rtV V rr froiu U. .-'i.
oa il jrn.vja !' :k. c r : n"
Jli sKKEf:i..N-J r om. v-r thine
ilo m. .k:;ic tl; 9; l ' 91-ir-T.tti
on Urn fufft.'.l loom .ia
r o: tbM ar n ou'. r tuA, io
(.xxl comni unity. I'a.'ft ti. w-7it
hooMktp.rx tooa-. fr UuaJrj.
tv. anj S"JW .srn(on. Ilk U cf
i-iotti. 91 V- r w- , LvtJ
H -1 t.
3 AND S-r-Hitu li:'.tr, r--ii p rr'.jr frnuhd.
('OlU.T. LJ
rwu: tn h-t. tth. jr. ruD-tm-MtiM"
Knu U I'rHmt mil.
3TWV furniri.-l. two lrp.r Dt tr
hou. fcpim r."'mi. with pj.n:ry. .l oon-ain-.
pUnir rot- r.i rariloo. on
b.--c from lr i-14:M-rr. .
TWO m-'y furnish.-. houWm,lr.9 rotn
in pr.-f v, inoi-ru. i- 3tn N.
hv-vpLnc rvom. nv!rn ctiwr alnc-
III: H n t Vi fJ-. it r t. . 1 -1 r s . 1 r r. h r
in. tow. fn-ntinc on Mornn. ii 51 or
f T H n' ISI KI 1: . k.-:ir.C rocm. plra.ant
f :at r-ni. f r-nn 4- up. 1C '3 I nioO
1 houf'pmi
v It h r Tt coll
ar.! T.trt t'r- t.
;K. ror.:u rf. r r.i hot wMr
:. runtuuc UT. Mm t-. corner
r-vxn. i:w rf n..'.l ri. i'b'aT r-rw. 1
c4h r. n i t.a f :r; -n r.d I h ,
1 r t'i p""
pt. 2. 1
P ktt a. :i ir . II - . -tc.
Kris; t.. r-. W ,.j,ririn
.v Ut furn-.J h'uk-' ii"i" r.Hm, in
r r',n ! -rt I'ih rio- in. t
.SM. wIklr- dtnanc. WtaUr mU
9- KiKiiJ fr-at 'tlt. roni i' frniflhrtl
t r fc.-up- TJ -a. -l
w'. .'r'nt h'ukfr,r,f r K-rtt trt :.
b , pnua. 1st thy:n blot:.
..;:?. M-rrt-t. ; fc
In rot:ct. rrire. air.k. lath. aF-ra:
XW'i furn.;.' I houMli'-?ln ro. na I b. vk
k r rtt t.
1 : t.T f"
9-Ri OM hou-kplfc I' month.
9 i.Ui.iT hrtkr-i ns roiiit.. wit bin waik
!rc t,, N.
fwo ntcriy fur-iairU h us--ftptrr room
jJiCiC. c h--mkfrr prt-ta
dw :..-it. w: ii -i-. M.tin ."o-r.
CT TILlf.l.T lo-.t -!. lrr, ronVrnient;
9T- ni un - - ' in ,
TRONT 'cot furn!h'd hu"k Tina, atao
lire h'-,i- -ci''r.i
4. T-::-.r.'IL
ft'l?MSHE bo'ik'prf romn. moJr
-i2J )t-3 ;k. JMorn-. I, car.
T:vU. wUir.i d:r.-. 3tT U: at.
jjx-.i f-.-k';'n. nt:tj Iraii.l,
eft-Hi-, f-Jl K-rt -t
tWO Uv fr.-rit r- 'nut ft houkwU-9i
-0 ! Kn'- :rr. ihl. h"iM, Iia. con
tfrUr.t, 91. Iaqu!; n Hail l.
cv3T- -nr. r,atn-L'.--. w
VrUvi a ..;r.;U-l Hat ot h.-iia. fTa'B
ird ba.aa luca'tna. for rrat r ihw.
1 It wr rfli. d-t. . J. KJnr
Ca : Lnlrmc; 1 b:df. iarahaU ftj.
a ir;;.
T-KvA'W modern hyui. ..t b r1 otdJ.
10 ntnu.M frooi !.: fX.w. I - "O -a-..
a;anc trrr., TT" t.r. i Ir--trrst
Tr t Cx. 2 ; -?v J lord of Trad.
JOCW T-rom bw, K. filth and Pr o(t;
9 ii pr rii.:.v IUa t..d Co.. al
rvi of Tral b:.J
Fir "RENT d-rcm cott. 1: rfv, !.
b.vxa, Irwin 1'bk'n caiy 9d. Kj Bt
d .r. , ,
HOI bK tf ram n.1 TT5 Irr ln- bt.
2-M and Htl A4y at. ala
:t. - I'r'-it at..
, m.nui w. to
t. C-tra a;.
,itr f c ty.
t) !:.- RAPT
K--f Ik:
f ir-1 d
T-r-r- bo-. ;ti r! a-
a -I Iran. . m I i prt;y
Kr-.-r. a I'-K ?::.
9.KO"M hc:. 0 rial. Bar A'tria
!-: ni Hi Pr n. n:r.. In ) ..ra 3i
V aatii ana at. i'hrnt XuTa r.
CVOD"KN 9-rooiT ho a. & Uiw. M'aar.
Fhona A
9-KC'"1 ctt . " Tacc-rt at. Ky 6T4
T"rt at ; rt 1 13 W-VC cr
7" R Ov' l r- ".rn 'r.r.!"na. fTl Ka.'y
at.. Vt ii'J. pnna S..f-4 140.
mr"lfrTlrii:nroa hovaa. 9--Hx -
II. O 1o.
end Uuuc. b.riul n bams. d:?P"
wV iui..-i urr. a-uo.. ..
iu. furr,i. The nt. wl
7.nlW .ad ready fur occtpency Jan.
r-rt J'-" .
" rianik-TplC H.
JUS liiAV C H. 1 -1 h"fttid" W mr a 1 U f 0J-
$15 r.r mmtft nt-: f 'o r &t ia
c.ty fr ir.n)r; ori d;-a- lrvm
. iw...' t or i;ti-c. cr
U ra: a;; 1 i2 i.
Jf-ROCV inc frt a"-- fiM.
P-ot AraI-AU ITbd r A 9tfT.
-i,uu bouaa with bata. larr ha mnt.
brand nw farr.-ca. wir.Jow anaaa,
-and aaa,trtr iitii. 3S hLl-Y . U
iiiotM .d Omr. far.t 9i- I bo"
!.. burltyi cail Kw 141.
TWO Eawiyr.ntar.ed "modern hjoara S n1t
par montri. - jir-Ahi''
Ke-fc.-.y Co,
5tltKN na-rootn houaa tr rant. $.9.
ra vaa: iurrutura If -la; arvian.
cr. 4ih E- YaJnblil.
ronridicd Hot
A -KtJ-I houaa. part-::y frriaia4, w
. 1 . . ... r.f. r nf lT. a O
Aau. n E.
prv.u indoni buTirm'ow. not ana
f-r a'eiric llcbi. -a. ph.:. full
,t. 3 biKka aoutA of Alberta, car.
fcEVtV rooaa. fucniatiad. ail modern on
vr.ieoc-a. dmr.ct; rdaraacca.
$4;, oVTNVH tw dup'.- houaa - of ix
itviir.i, rran. wl Jurnfr.d. p ap. ' 'd.
-ifvod nrjiirorhood. eJE-tinii.
9-KfOM tnwdro hout. banda r fur-bir.-d.
naar H-Hv:borno; awa.l iocalton. bi
ard. r-r.t 9. lao.i.ra I lith. A 4
?I"RV1.HE tam heated flat in
or oa-J f t chiirtran 10 and ln-
guira 4 Vwh. lTor
rol KENT l-fa-t.rxilljr rurnUhad 5
bm. ftVft j? "I-. rr.ona A TM.t.
0IX-RH?U rurulata houa. Eit :h at-
N.. cor. Hhavr. lnquira 00 prTu laea.
"l Ii 1 f H L" i "rortn houaa. 4-- L'nloo T-.
N. In-qjira ":w nth. A liJ.
lit v IN ilON r.mptt.y Jurnib-d -r--Mm
t r-. larjra .-!. nn carlln. Et 3lH.
C: K 1 irt rt-r nm f irni" -i houaa;
p ano. raiooat I rv Mn i''
1 1 oTaf-rlr t-f ml t ra far Aalo.
Wil l, tmii at eoat alt my maaalva fumed
, and ma.hi-ny furr.ttura. brai bed,
i -.. ! 1 k r . mat traa. tft w very beat
of --rythin. rw orta month ao. or
3 iat tha c-iri''a -rooia flat, at o4o
M-noniary. cr. Park.
f-irtv.sbin;a of mo1rn. cn uppar
n r.t. ixirrhfL I'raptara. iAWT and
a:.,'-; Drir prK t'cha; J
ri.l; Tt 7 y cbv p for casb.
".T M::i a:
I INK lurnttura. rich rarp-tj. waiklnc dia-tan-.
9 rora. rent 9'i; rorrar. pierty
aaniicht. eberrlea. piu-ns. rv: rtri e.
y '-ir pn-". jour teruia. L car. -0- Mc-
Xl,.l.u. " .
l-ItoM .-ua. but fuily f rn!sho;
a.i f'i.;; will a?U c--'P a arrouat of
; htvui for partlcuUra c-11 I'ark
:rert. .
iiK'i.Vr.S Mk furnliur flvf-wm apartment.
r.rar 2 carlirtv, w di'iaaca . per?;t-
!y a-w. A.t. i. ft. th at. North.
lit si aT-T7v k v a r-1 h t n ar and com
p:tt. rew 9-'"; mut aa;i by Jun 1.
rrwna li"r S 1 ".
KrK'I.-iITN"t! of rooni. r."W fuTnltura;
g vd ntchM.rfiod; cru-r boui; reaaoa-
al.. 8J 13ih a'... rotof Market.
Fl ;KN!Ti'HE f" iTr-orn f'.-t. Call 4il Ttb
aireat. or phon Mm 4i.
FT' I". N IT".' ItK 9-room at-artment. nearly
aw. a tir-TU "hJrLr-
-HtHM eott-. furniture for aala; rant
rot HAI.R Boawetl Pprlnca. Toortaa CowB
tr T-C"n. 00 J. K R. K- thr mut.
Adlrraa o-rBr. E. E- Iloaweli. iT W oa
Wasbloftua it. Lot Ansalea. CaL
i'OK J-K NT At Haide, near - r.lciim
Inn- -room moUl houa, furniahaU.
viw of o,-un; 1 block from board waik.
lhna A Z
EvK i;KT at b-:Ja. coroplata
1 faralthM houM .lacine ooaan. thraa
b.-ka aouth of M ora liotaL fbona A
UK IVIEW Wnntad. a T or -room,d rot
ta at SeavUw for tha Biimmer. Tel-ru-no
Mam 43T4. Ad ir-ea C2S Kvaratt at.
Ik I.
.t nr i:r wtttk- ruWtiL AO
' tor yifnirt X Or-yon an.
. Ptarw on 5th near Parking Hotel;
&.r-.o on d floor, vultabl for bil
liard room. ,
ii WTHKNE and I'nion a-nua atora.
In bow brlrk bulidln. with frontao on aa; In Tentar K-at Side bual
nraa d:criet. reaaoimble renta. H.
i'alm ar-Jon-a Co.. 213 Comrnen-lal Club
biie- l'honea Main b A
TOIrrAE" fo7- "yeara'wlth prlvllea: J
S year- mora; baacmcnt. x;x00. on one I
the moat prominent corner a In the city,
tuttnHc for retaurant. buUard hall, a to.
FvK KENT li4 tt t.. near corner Tin
ri ill. iR.nt acore. full baaemcnt. 4 floora,
bri-k I'uiiinir. aievntor. e:c; raaonab;a
rent. 1. Woodward, lv4 Sd at. TaL
Wain li'-V
FOR RENT Ktora on arowlnc bualneat
atreet; plenty of cuatom iera to draw from
1'bona Mln 6-4 Ml
FOVU STOrflKf. CTxK-i. Na 72 Front t
nrr lak. avikUar-ia July 1. Apply Chea
ter V. o!pb, Mobawk bldlT.
EV E!t Atorea- at aaat end Madlaon-au
brie. $20 to 1 40. accord lag- to a.aa Ia-
with li tng-ro.m above, on Mount
ltf. bet. Arlet and Iurelwoou;
Ji a p rrr. t. P hon T.iliof oT.w
IleaJquar'ra for atorea In buain- dl-trlcU
W. II. V ehb.alLwiJMB:!rj!lU1.
KINK brftkcor. ftore. Kast 11th and Hmw
thorna Apply ITS Eat lith, cor. Innblll
toTxjiliZ tr rent. Thona Eat 1S2.
911 to 9T
Mi. RCllA.N Trf
FINS lcx-atioa for dentlat or phyalclan oa
E-t SMe; rbeap Tnt to proper partie.
9ol Te n lld.
FOt H rood-aed officaa. o4 lUht and van
tl atlon. at I0O par moat-, at ltu Marrt
aon at. .
gi RENT FumtBhed or onfurnlhad cor
r-r auite of two roorr.a In front part of
I.c- .a bl'lc A;plr room tw.
il;H-C!-ASS ii-k room to rent In elrcant
autte at rl.-it.r. Apply Morton. U4
'hmber of cm rnorce.
PAllT of ofT'ea, with na of table. cha!rj
t'lone. mii. d!rw:t'ry. Itch: a, t- 22
uroixr Eachanca b:d. M-rhall ldl-KT-trai:y
located office. a'.l-tUfbt aia
ator ar i a. M Swat.aad -Ids- or aa
!;or. 6ta and Waartiogto
lr 51 R kltl.r. OFFI'rS. M ANCHESTER
1 1 l P ..Jfc T II ST- 11 ET. TAK KN DO A K.
OVriCE wkrM- bright, cheerfol offlce,
fn-.t of eiovaior. ilrnry tlg.
F A. 'TOUT bullltr.f Slxit. an Weat SMa.
ood e-rtter: wld rnt for term of y-ara
to re,-ir.atto party. John 9. WaaTnn.
i h-ir.b-r cf Commeroe bidf. Main 41,
C-VT1RB 2d and 3d lloora of Wamroa bide
at rorr r 7th and Oak ata.,
feet, 9d no baa maple dancing
flotir without jo.
. tr! ?l 1 Comaner-iir Club ItldC
Phoae U.n A 2V.
VASHi.t.T9N atra't froutaca. corn-r
1 -irx a: . itr-'nnd floor t-r-. baaemenl
aid t'l d-ar offir In Nw 5faJestio Th--t-r
b;'.tf ; 9- ar I awi H. P I'almer
J :; Co.. a "ota. 2'S C;am - r-l Ciub
t-loe. Ptiv'e Ma.n Stw. A 2-0-
:LL. tulld to r r.t for term of yrara, 3 to
auuLia 1 or jor.nma? now;
tiir a
low inatr
co c rn lent
ilott. AT Oreonlaru
For t se -37 unfnrnlhel rr-oma a:nala
or wit--. central- Phone Marehail 6X
I.Ojrr A NO 1X1XD.
4-T ;:ro Q overcoat on either W. Park
or Cla aJx ut Friday. Return ta
. K "Tatara. Cv4 Waal- au recelvo re
nnt '
Li'wta caineo "rooeh. on 1 -1 h. between
-..trk an J Alder, or between 1-th and
h- ra-ard if returned ta Hotel Bur
wyne. otT ;.id watch cHar;n. Thlneae citn; no
oxept to owner Ketura to 44d tiex
1 k b'.tfK. Reward.
Lt'ST A ruby a-jure a-t arcnt'a nr.. be
taeen 2ii and 2,4 on Raleiah at. Ka
ward If rtarr ed to .Vt ytMiuby at.
i,OS"l i-rtdAy Tnorr... amjU opn-fuca la
Piitrr wa'ch and pic; reward. 7u4
K r : t . ef-n 2-1 t and -C3.
lOT In V ashtr.rton bM.. aold watch;
return to rwn M Waanctott bide- and
revive reward.
pa.-tY taklr.r rrcn a!'k umhnea
Maaoc'.c Tcinpte May -t phone rt
La-T lre t'Iw o'd maa cat from 1
lnh N. Reward. Marvhail
i'aoca Main
THE MORMXG OKEGOMA. lllLKSUAi, jj-ax a... - ; n
"""M""M''" . ' , . ! 1 I T-cTwca nmrrTflBT. -
rtor-r Where yon can bay genuine hair
xnatrreseee retail at whoate pncea;
rnoate ma:treaae and return aame day:
Curled Hair Factory, H. Metxrer, 2-d-J-3 4
Front. Phone Main 474. Al.''.
COST MaV.nlc pinaat with small paarla.
Fnder p(aae phone East
rw 'ine-sji oproRTrymra.
Oocd general ato. k. 9T'jiM: lee 935 "00.
Good general atock. 912.O0O; aal-a
Sereral will trade for good frma.
Roth grocery and gneri Bto-ka in roaa -try
and cltv. from No tr J4w0.
OKI'S t 4 ZADOW. a
ST? Foarl f TTale Bldg.. 4th and Oak.
Baya nty new notions and confectionary
tore. Il cot ma 9-".
I ;..-
'Buys my tiaw notiona and cotfctlonery
store today. It coat m 9,-,0. Mut leave
at once on Important huiiam t"y
acent. 911 Lew la bM.. 4tn and Oak sta.
will aare tune and make MONTTT for
YOU. b!ect list of bargain In reel es
tate .
- 1 and
Fti!nea Ch areas.
0d Aider St.
Arerta wanted In Pacific Northwest.
Pacific Mutual Life, 43 years old.
23 millions assets. We loan money.
U. U. Ward. Ur 712 -palding bldg.
A 8. Irt. 15 AND 25 -cent flora Is the b t
business on erth. investment connldaren.
too can srart with mor than re
quired in other lines, rattfrns are
and ou could soon be Independent. Write
for lst of loratluna and SO-paga book.
Addraee Mr. Georsa A. SUaw. ti 6ltao
bidr.. Peatfle. Wnh. ----
. Well located bary. on West Side,
makinar n net pront of 910 to 19 Pr day,
t rie J-'tfoo
317 Heard of Trade j:d.Jihnn.l Oak.
DAMiV neat Uttlo restaurant doing good
buatneax. seat .0 people; gixd rea"na
for- aelllnc; cheap. If uk-n at once: Ion
lr9. -.v ldrcaa 46 - E. i;usaU sU Phone
HARDWARE. Implement, paint sto-k. In
voice 9ii,WO. Jmi u cah. balance trm.
New Ncrthcro Calkforn:a tov n with S
sawmills trthutary. box factory, big ranch
trade. Address AV 2o. ortnli
I WANT to buy half or whole IntereM. In
a fair-patng bttKin'-a: give full particu
lar, in Mni lot r of or rtn atteiltlott Will he
:d to it; deal with principal omy. al
rr g-nln
All new and fine, rent 9-o. 5 yenrsf
ee: tcade fa a month, no rom pelitton
Intoloe about 1 00. Hall ; Oust In. till
I.imlertrens bid.
FCI-I.V equipped cleaning and pr-lrg par
lors. In g -I Ea-t. tirtgvn town, doing
i 7S m. nthir- w'41 handle: cti
reason for selling. Wrtt C F. White.
on don.
r. '
WII.I. sell my haf Intereat in oatablinhed
automobile ho-lniS: h 91'J.OOO tnvcated,
will take 9'fc! ch. bs termB; po
sition axd aalarjr J.) a month Included.
Address M I'-'T. orego-mn.
FOR 6ALK A general mer-handlae store,
doing a good business. Invoice about t.
country plat-e. iisn stock. S caah. bal-an-e
tra 1t or terine on good security.
Phone Wocx'lawn 1143. '
FOR RENT A nicely furnished restaurant,
centrally locatct.
&2l Chamber of Comrotrc.
Piiore Main 6"J4.
ton 8A1.E Finest grocery and meat mar
ket in ctty; good building; lung lease; fine
stock, two rlrf. one young hor-e oJl goes
for S22 cash. Call Tabor Jj-1, or ad-dr-s
N 12. 'recm Ian.
PAHT.N Kit wanted; I want a good man ta
Join me In a good bualness, clearing SAOo
per month: 9l'wUO cah r.quirod. Address
IL C. V hlte. Toopentsb. W ash.
FOR SAI-E Orocery store In fine location;
stok and Ox Hires 4 It 00; will sell for
91:00. Must sU on account of sickness,
IZ 1J2, Oregonlan.
PARTNER wanted for a good, substantial
buaineaa proposition that will pay 91.J
a month from start: only a good, honest
mn considered: Call 41TBoard of Trade.
MEAT MARKET Excellent location, re
ceipts 9u day. reasons for selling. $7W)
handlca lay u Ira J0 Wasbington s.
room II. . .
FOR tfALE Moat. fls and poultry market;
long lease; business; InvesilK-te;
r smahle If taken before June 1. 1011.
A llitf. Oregonlan.
tUIlDEU wanta partner with 9T0t or St.Xj
cash fr building purposea; money fully
s ursd: will double your money In 1M
davs. AB 126. Oregorlan.
OPENING for steady man In solid bu-tne-a;
will pay 91 26 month salary, also profits
bvxidva: monv secured with bank refer
ences, Pnrtlculnrs 24u Stark SU
old-established renl est sta business, on
a paying basis; owners wish to retire.
Y l. Oregonlan.
WILL tELL the furniture department of a
god department store. An excellent op
portunity for 2 llva man. AV 12d, Ore
gonlan. HALF Interest In an old-eatabllnhed busi
ness, doing a good business. For full par
ticulars call Kinney & b'impher, Lumber
Excbango bldg-. rooms 9l-o.12.
Ml'ST ssll at once: grocery, cigars and to
bacco, confectionery, stationary and no
tions; livinc-room; rent 91 and lea so.
Phone hell ood r3tf.
WOi'LD Join responsible party , lu soma
legitimate business -requiring small Invest
ment; reforeacf-s "Xchanged; state pa r t lea
la r-. X 121. Oregonlan.
Telephone and other bons bought and
so d- Fletcher Inv. Co.. 2.3 Ablngton.
TRANSFER BUSINESS Mnsb sol) before
June 1. 3 horses. 3 wagon. Jisrneaa. etc.;
doing good business. N 125. Oregonlan.
92". put you In a business thirt will
pay you 923-:i3 week from start. Partlc
u 11-0. 46 -elhng blag., 0th and Alder.
WANT party wlth4000for flrst-classTrn
vestment 8 per cent, on same. Address
H. A. Baltjmore -Htel. city.
Fort tALE Only pressed brick p!ar,t on
1'ugct Sound; transportation to all Sound
citi: bargain. Box, AV 129. Oreguni.n.
CI.EANINO and pressing shop. stahltnel
4 ari; good pytnc business, leaving
( 1 1 l nqtilre ."li. L'nlon av. N. rth.
WANTEU lady or gentleman partner with
9 4 MO. for finely equipped traveling tiiovlng
picture show. A J 11. OrtKonisn.
WANTEDA partner tthnalf Interest
In 'cleaning and dying business, or wtll
sell the whole thl(. U 4. Oregonlan.
fiTO'KS of merrhsndlss boucht for rash;
srr1cy coBhdeuUaL . 8. - Wcston. 414 2d
ltxtoo A.T" S'laxwn Springs' on ' Mt. II00H
Eictrtc I1T5. A small pa vm exit gts It.
w B- M c K nnay.3 1 0 R a;iwa yE x h a n g e.
IIaVE gnod location for home-made bakery
goods and dcllratessen ; down town; trans
fer point. Slain
&ALOON dolnc big burf.ess will a II on ac
count of he ithv of owner. C and C 40
N. th at.
FOR SALE H Interest In a paying meat.
tih and poultry market; Invesugta. A
131. Orgonlnn.
PARTNER wanted used to farm produce:
a ill pay 9-o w eck salary and sliar) of
profits. ParUeulara 24N Ptark SU
iK'CTOR or drugclst. sood location for
eliher or both. Lrurgist. Cornel. us, Or.
A SNAP J -chair barber shop. 914 Uaw
th orna ave.. If taken at once.
MEAT market for rent, extra good location,
atljoinlng grc ry. tsdstone sve.
lA'NClcountcr. g-o.1 bxufttlon anduslnexa
T llT. Oregonlan.
BARGAIN In confectloO'-rr equipment. In
quire at of AV 12. Orfgonlan.
WANTED Bakery In city; no agents.
Tamh.i: st.
fooBCS IN ESS cards. 910O; yon "must br'.ag
this m Rose City Prlatery. l'.O5 Third.
cUKAINoTand-dln works, si.lendid lo.a
t : o n. a ba r g a 1 n. 19 1 4: tu VI a ltiJH 47.
FOR SALE Meat market; snap if taken ba-
forr lt of Jure. H 127, Oregontan.
FoR RENT Double garage. Inquire 920
lith at., or phone A 1 1 t-
C-l ".All 8TAND. on busy corner 2-year lease,
9 ? Oo. e e e Th o m y s o ir22 S 1 hi rd.
HOME bakerv and d Heat -nen. Ilvtig-ronir.g;
Urft naonsble ofl-T. Owner 2 N. lith.
WAElVBakery la city; no agents. 24iv
amh:il st.
SATjOOS for aala. Price, 91W00. 94 th sU
North.. To buv plctura ihow from owner
fjr cah. AS 14, Oreco::lan.
CASH grocery: Invoices will sell Cheap
today. Call 24su t-t,irk st.
BAi.UKK s.x.p and batii for sale. 412 East
Morrison st.
WANTED To buy a rctsll bakery or a
but :4m g to start new. H 117. Oregonlan.
fX) RS A. I - E C fg n r stand, cheap rent, owner
going to eld country. Appiy 4 N. 3d st.
bPLENID lo-stloa". croc arys. and dalioatas
itc, pbona Cast TSJi.
Brnvtsa orPoaTTNiTi-g. .
CANADA'S largest and richest province Is
British Columbia larger than the states
. of Washington. Oregon and Idaho cora
Dined. Millions of acres of the finest agri
cultural land for pre-emption. Fort ones to
be made In timber, coal and mineral lands.
Fort Oeorge la the geographical , and
S4 rat-glc commercial center -of this V-St
empire and Is on the line of the 5r"
Trunk Pacific transcontinental and- 11
other railroads chartered or building. Fort
G-o rge Is at the Junction of 110O miles of
navigable waterway a All railroada must
run to Fort George In order to get north,
south, east or west through Central or
Northern British Columbia. IVX'.OOO.OOO
wHl be spent In neat Ova years in rail
road building .alone. Wa are Joint owners
and sole agents of this tot rasite.
. Write quickly for nil Information,
Natural Resources Security Company, lim
ited. M3 Granville street. Vancouver, B. C
Portland sales solicitor, Richard Olate.
4f7 Wells-Fargo bldg- Portland. MarsnaJJ
Am appointing agents In Oregon and Port
land for sale Fort Oeorge town lota and
farm lands; liberal commission to right
parties. Richard Oboe, 407 Wells-Fargo
bidg. bet. 1 and - P. M.
Email business, paying 9-tK) est par
month; old-established business, low
rental, can be bought for 91600 for three
days only; not rooming-house or apart
ments. For further particulars, call -03
Teon bidg. Phone Tabor 13 Tit.
OtPF-NLNO for young man as bookkeeper
with established wholesale manufactur
ing company; must faae best of references
and twaty-rVve hundred to Invest In the
business. Full particulars given with par
socaj interview. AC 1 9L Oregonlan.
CAPABLE bank man. 15 years with one
institution, would join responsible parties
In organising National bank in good agri
cultural community; beat references. T
A GOOD buy Confectionery and light gro
cery, best location; rent 925; three living
rooms in rear; will sell or exchange for
clear vacant lota or acreaga. What have
you? Owner, East loo4. ,
CONFECTIONERY for sale; average sales
per mouth for llli were 5uO; Invoice
94000; will sll for 9-000. Tor further In
formation wrllg B-tbcy Bros.. Cottage
Grrfve, Or ; .
Make careful Investigation at expense
of seller before you lnvust money In any
proposition.- Advisory Department, T. M.
on the dollar for my business; making good
money; about 3o0 cash wilt handle. 1015
I5oard of Trade bldg.
9&w TO INVEST In legitimate business, fur
nishing position for energetic young mar
ried man; best references. D 127, Ore
gonlan. F00L and billiard ha!C cheap If taken at
oru-e, a good money maker; also lunch
room and barber shop. , 1100b Union
ave.. N.
A FINE paying restaurant with lodging
house above, on a main thoroughfare near
depot for sale at a sacrifice; cheap rent.
Y 1 IX Oregonisn. ; .
iai0.-7-PASSENOER automoblla. perfect or
der, good tlrvs; cash 91000, balance terms.
Call office. b4 loth.
Phone Main 830. A S47-V
122-24 Falling bldg., .Td and Wash.
LARGE room in x-house on Wash. st.. 65
rooms. tt and cold water, steam heat, up
to data throughout, big paying business;
owner must leave city ; must sacrifice;
9'ooorwill handle this business If taken
now. write or call on U. S. Cowles. 40
North Cth St.
FOR -ALE By owner, fine fumltura of an
11 -room house, full of high-class roomers
and boarders; splendid profit; fine loca
tion; easy walking distance; no agents
answer. Y 131, Oregonlan.
FOR SALE Furniture and lease of 40-room
hotel in best town in the Wtllam-tte Val
ley; good reasons for selling. For par
ticulars Inquire at ttu5 Washington su.
Poruano, or.
FOR RENT A flrst-closg hotel, well fur
. nLshed. centrally located.
20 Chamber of Commerce.
Phone Main wb.
TEN-ROOM rooming-house for sale; all good
furniture-, splendid location; rooms always
full- good paving proposition; leaving city,
must. --- w- -
10 BOOMS, well furnished, near Morrison;
room In basement, yard and garden; must
go soon; price a00 on terms, Marshall
3. ' '
WILL trade 1C0 acres. 3 million feet yal
low fir timber, for good rooming-nouse,
diamonds or automoblla. Address L 125,
FOR, SALE W-room hotel on Washington
L. btst location in city. 5-year lease;
If you want a bargain, look this up, Ap-
piy owner, uuj " u.
ld-ROOM rooming-house; rent 9"0; will
clear 125 per mo.; best location. 107 4th,
near Vantages Theater. By owner; roust
be sola at once; aicneaa. rnta v.
15 ROOMS, on Morrison; a aplendld place,
elfgant furniture; party will exchange for
house and lot on East Side; rent 9oO. In-
quire or i J. justen. o--- r img
FOR SALE 12-room lodging house, good
Income, location central ; sell cheap on
account of sickness. 1 For Information
phone Main 9211 after 10 A. M.
STTvv 1 c ki tVion
Rooming-house, 13 rooms; all furnished,
Call ' avia mi.t "
9-ROOM modrn flat, besides large attic;
newly furnished; brings good income; best
location; 3.50: terms. 324 10th st.
proposals invited.
Sealed proposals will be received- at th
ofi'ice of Whidden & Lewis, architects, 701
Corbett building. Portland Oregon, until
12 o'clock noon, of Saturday, June 24th,
lull, for the following work In the west
wing of new Courthouse, for the County
of Multnomah. Slate of Oregon.
The wrecking, excavation and founda
tion, structural steel and iron work, gran
ite terra cotta, brick and concrete, Bed
ford stonework, roofing and sheet metal
work, metal rrames. gnues an--
tn. r.rf it mna. lathing and plastering.
marble work, scagllola and floors, carpen
try and cabinet wora. paimwiK
inr viaaa and claxina. ornamental iron.
together with all such other work as may
be called for In the specifications In con
nection thtrewlih. ;
Plans and specifications may ha Obtained
. v, A(r! . th rchtteta-
No proposal will be considered --less
accompaniea 07 "v --
order of tho County Court of Multnomah
County, certified by a responsible bank,
for an amount eqoal to 4i per cent of tho
aggregate proposal, and this chock is to
be forfeited as ftxed and liquidated dam
ages In case the bidder neglects or refuses
to enter into contiwct or. J to furalsh a
sultaale bond for the faithful performance
of the said work. In the event tha contract
Is awarded to him. ' .
The right is expressly reserved to reject
any and all bids received. T. J. Cleeton,
' County Judge; W. L. Ligbtner. County
Commissioner; IX V. Hart. County Com-
T tup niMtrict Court of the Untted States
for tue Dtstrlct of Oregon: In the matter
of ii- t.. erug. ou-i "i" - -
signed will receive sealed bid at his of-n-
e No, T First street, room 0. Portland,
Oregon, up to 12 o'clock noon of Monday,
May 2H. lLI. for stock of merchandise
w .-. 1.,-. t. f hi- aiute and located at
271 Front street, Portland, Oregon, Stock
conslsta of gents furmshin- goods, cloth
ing shous. etc, of the inventory value of
ventory value of 447. Terms, cash and
"dtpoall of 10 per cent of amount offered
mu-t accompany each bid and the right
U reserved to reject any and all bids,
said sale being made subject to confirma
tion by the court. inventory and in
spection of stock may be bad on applica
tion. B, L. SAbiN. Trustee.
Dated Portland. Oregon. May 2u. lflL
Bids wantetl for the improvement of First
and tfecona mreeis.
Scaled bids will be received for the cut
ting and filling by the yard, and th
.r ..iir. hr thA vard of First and Sec
ond straits, respectively. In tha city of
Falrview, Oregon. Bids must bo made
' aeparately for eacll street, and a certified
check for ten per cent of the amount of
each bid must accompany same, u-iam win
h nnrned the first day of June. 191L
Tha Council reserves the nght to reject
any or all bids. Estimates, etc., can bo
se?c. and full particulars obtained re la
tiv to th . ork. either from the mem
beta of tho street committee or tha Bo-
Recorder, Ci ty of Fairview.
6E.-LED bids will be received at the offlco
of tae ncnooi cierK, i-or vui
on to three (3 P. M.. on Thursday. Juu
1. lull, forthe erection of the addition to
the Lents school building. Finns and spec
ifications for same can be seen at thefflco
of the architect, room 4O0. Tilford building.
Separate bids -will be received as fol
lows: Firm. g:ss and gltxlng. Second,
plumbing nj drainage. Third, the bal
snce of the work to be under one contract,
A certified rhesk for 10 per cent of the
amount of the proposal must accompany
each bid. Tho Board of Directors re-
aerve- tho Tight to reject any and ail bids
T. J. JOKHS, axchJtecU
propoaala Invttod .
IN" THE District Court of the Lnited States
for the District of orvgon in m mt-
of P...C Chase, bankrupt: The under
signed will eecelve Dlds at nis
ofhee No. 7 First st,, room 8, Portland.
Oregon, up to 12 o'clock noon of Wednes
day, May 31. 1911. for tha following prop
erty belor.Riag to said est:e? a stock of
merchandise of the inventory value of
293.71. consisting of the following lines:
Jewelry. 9H-1.&3J- furniture, 963S.83;
paints, oils and g:ass. 9M7.a; also a lot
nf .rrtT flrtMmi of tb inventory value
of 3143.20. ail of said property being lo-
cated In the store or eaio oauruiv
Monmouth, Polk County. Oregon; also. 4
shares of stock in the Monrnoottt Creamery
Company of the par value of $10 per share.
An inventory of tho above property is on
.file at the office of the undersigned and
" the property may be inspected 00 appli
cation to the W estern Realty Company at
Monmouth. Bids may be made for the
said stock as a whole or for each separate
line of merchandise. Cash or a certified
check for 10 per centr-of-the amount offered
must accompany. each bid and the right
is reserved to reject any and all bids, said
sale being made subject to confirmation
by the court. Dated at Portland. Oregon.
May 20. 191L R. L. Sabln. Trustee.
Sealed proposals will be received tt the
office of Joseph Jacobberger -and Alfred
K. Smith, 801 Board of Trade building,
Portland. Oregon, untj noon June 5, mil,
for grading, excavation, concrete retaining
wills, sidewalks, etc.. as called for In
specifications and drawings for tho Rose
City Park School, which drawings may be
obtained In the office of the architects,
proposal must be accompanied by a cer
tified check of IO per cent of the bid. to
be forfeited as a fixed damage In case the
contractor neglects or refuses to enter into
s contract and provide a proper bond for
the faithful performance-. off the work in
case the contract is awarded to him. Tne
ricbt ia reserved to reject any or all bids.
(Signed B. C. CAMPBELL,
(Signed) R- U SABIN.
Building Committee, School Board. District
No. 1, Multnomah- County. Oregon.
We can furnish you expert financial ad
vice on all matters of business, imon se
curity Co.. Beck bldg.. 7th and Oak sts.
F. A. SWINGLE A CO.. architects and su
perintendents, structural engineers. Bee
Us about the planning of that new home
All of oar designs axe original, modern.
and up-to-date. jau at 00-. jiwj "'"p1
1100 INVESTED 15 years ago earned to date
tr. (Uklt v '-!, rn Konkir-t. Ran Fran
cisco Home" Builders. 871 Phelan bldgJ
San Francisco, California. ,
WILL sell 0 s lures of stock in local I n su r -a
nee company at acrlflce;.stock now seli
lng 9hm a share. AJ 120. Oregonlan.
WHO wants a 3-C50 8 per cent S--fJ
mortgage on a farm near Portland 7
Good as wh eat. AZ 124, Oregonlan . -
WANTED Installment mortgage, al
my choice aparun-nt site.
310 Lumber
$1000, IWO AND 92t00 to loan at S per cent,
43 Stark Street.
Money to Loan Ileal Kstate.
WE are building for others, wo wui ouu
your home better and for less money;
no charge for plans. If money Is needed,
we will furnish It. Talk to us about It.
303 Mcl-ay Bldg.
ON IMPROVED city property cr r bulld
Irg purposes; 8 to 6 years' time; liberal
repayment privileges; money advanced as
building progresses. The Equitable av A Loan Association. 240 Stark st.
- $1500, 9v0and 910,M0 at reasonable
rates of lnterft on good acceptable prop-
rtjrj-CLICS KBAEMER, 90 Fifth SL
PLENTY of money to loan at 6 and T per
cent on real estate security.
104 Second st.
9500 0fl ON improved city or farm property:
building or small loans at lowest prices;
large loans a specialty. J. H. McKenxlo
Co.. 514-515-510 Gerlinger bldg.
0V to 8 per cent.
004 Chamber of Commerce.
FIRST and second mortgages and contracts
purchased oa farm and city property any
where In Oregon or Washington. E- I
Devereaux . Fenton bldg.. 84 0th st.
WE HAVE plenty of money to loan on
Portland property In sums from $1000 to
150 000 at lowest current ratea Morgan,
p lieu ner at nvs-yvw -.-
LOWEST RATES flOO to $10,000 to loan on
real estate. C. B. Nlcklin. 35 Lafayette
bid,., 6th and Washington ets., Main 8521.
LOANS on chattel or collateral security; ln
. stallment contracts, equities and notes pur
chased. J. D. Morris. 1015 Board -of Trade
MONEY to loan on improved real aetata or
for building purposes. Columbia Lit. St
Trust Company. Kltt Spalding bldg.
$1000. $356oTO loan on Portland Improved
property at 7 per cent. Apply to Goodsell
Bros.. 4U3 Worcester bldg.
MONEY loaned without -brokerage if w.
build, current rates. B. Bailay Co,
324 Ablngton bldg.
IMPROVED or unimproved property: small
building, loans, contracts and mortgages
bought. W. H. Nuna. 448 Sherlock bldg.
MORTGAGE loans on well Improved farms.
A. H. IllrreU Co., 22 McKay bldg., 3d
ana dii.
$200 000 T0LOAN. large loans a specialty,
building loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck,
iKs.ilin bldg. -,
MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest
rates. A. K. BlrreU Co, 2(12 McKay bldg,
2d and Stark.
SMALL and LARGE amounts to LOAN
202 Board of Trade bldg. -
$10 000 TO 112.000 lo loan on West Side
realty. Sanford. Henley Wajle, 41t
Spalding bidg.
WILL loan $sotK or leas, real estate secur
ity. 434 Chamber of Commerce.
Etats funds loaned, 6 per- cenL W. E. Thom
as state agent. Multnomah Co.. 40O C of C
anil loan$10,000 or less, real estate security,
rarnngton, 410 Commercial Club bldg.
MONI5Y any amount. 0 to 8 per cent. Good,
nough & Seltz. 310 Spalding bldg.
LOANS on reax, personal, "chattel or collat.
eral security. C. W. Pallett. 308-8 Fenton.
RESIDENCES financed and built. A. C.
Furlong. C33 C of C. bldg. Main 2051.
LOANS on all kinds of security. W. A.
Hathaway, room 10, Washington bldg.
MONEY for good Inside loans, 6, 7, 8.
Carlock & Muellhaupt, 1032 Cham, of Com.
PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort
gages. A. H. Miley. R. 204. Gerlinger bldg.
PRIVATE MONEY $6000 to loan on Irvtng
ton real estate. Eajt 2033.
MOSEY to loan on Inside Portland proper
ty. AT 32. Oregonlan.
$500 OR less on good real estate security.
424 Chamber of Commerce.
$5u0 $00. $1700, $13oo; slight expense.
Ward. Allsky bldg. phone Main 7326.
$550 TO loan by private parly. Call ttl
McKay bldgj
Money to Loan on chattels and balaxles.
$ 1 1 i f
We will furnish you, strictly cnfidentlsj
and withcut delay, a loan In any amount,
on your auto, piano, furniture, livestock,
storage receipt and all kinds of securities;
on terms to suit; also weekly or monthly
On fli-st and second real estate mortgages
and contracts.
ill Hamilton Bldg. 131 3d. Main I0S4.
$ $I$$tI$$
wh have money to loan
On salaries only, In- amounts of from
15 to $loO, "at the lowest possible rates.
Boslnes, strictly confidential.
AH we require Is that yon be employed
on salary and you get the money quickly,
without mortgage, lndarsar or other se
308 Falling bldg..
Cor. Third and Washington Eta .
Womn keeping house and o.thers far
Dished without security; cheapest rates,
easiest payments. Cme and get money
when you want it, and pay as you can.
Offices In all prlnclral cities. D. H. Tol
msn. 317 Lumter Exchange.
LOWEST RATES Loans on all kinds of se
curity, chattels or real estate; Union Loan
Co. 35 Laayette bldg.. fllh and Wash. sts.
LOANS on diamonds and other securities,
Wm. HoII. room 9, Washington bldg.
MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewelry,
strictly confidential.. 141V 8d. near Aider.
I -LOW rateaj we loan money on diamond, and
jewelry. Marx Bioch 74- 3d,
M on cyjo Loan en C ha 1 1 eis an dSa larlee.
, jt- . - en-n 1 A on on
MONEY loaned la amounts rrom iv up
-i". --.. nf anuritlM. furniture. Dianas
'any personal property. Easy weekly or
mA.ntniY payments; low rates, confidential.
Gray & CunninKham, 201 Rothchild bldg.,
. northwest corner 4th nd Waghmgton.
On furniture, pianos, storage receipt., ato.
Lowest rates. w
A LOAJ- for the asking, salary or chatteL
The Loan Co.. 414 Dekuxn bids-
f Loans Want en.
1, n home worth
WANT 1000. years, -n. -
. r .r - 111 e Hinr onii COStB.
no, commission. AH 9o, Oreonian.
WANTED-32000 first mortgage building
loan on very desirable corner lot,
verieigh Heights; will hava 34o00 valua
tion when completed: private party; no
agents. Address V JoJ. regom-u
WE can- Invest your money at good paies of
interest; gilt-edged securities; first mrt-
gages; long-term Investment. . Pro1
Investment & Truatea Co- 30L 30$ Board
of Trade Mdg. ;
WANT $10,000 on security worth -s-';
money to be used -in further improvenient
and clearing property; will nay 8 P
annual and reasonable expefTsa: would: U-e
private money. a jo,
WANTED 11500. I20M. $200. . t3W)0. on
gooi residenca property. 8 per cent in'";
est. 3 yeai-s. . J. H. Tipton Co.. 110S
WANTED To borrow 52100, S per cent In
terest, (double valuation) farm rnortgaeo
security. Apply Braehn Timber Co., JiD
tneriocK DLti
$1.-00 WANTED on timber claim ""h
fiO.OOO: will pay 10 per cent. AT
M0 WANTED on ntortsage loan on J2000
timber claim In Northern California. Call
at room i..,o xeon
. " ' ivp nMTC:
WANT $1000 for 3 years at 8 per cent on
nli-e Kast Sid. cottage and lot uOxlW.
L ai l pit irio a rooi "
WANTED $1500 for S years on 4000 housa
and lot. Hawthorne ave. Apply 81. lioara
oi irauB uiub.
J 13-, uirfsiiia".
LET as place your money. KOOd rnortKage.;
references. P. H- Lewia Lewi, bid,.
WANTED $1000 for East Side business In
vestment. 3 185. Oregonlan.
WE HAVE the finest equipped P"'e !"h
flee? on tha Pacific Coast, furnished with
, every therapeutic appliance used by tne
most advanced men in Etropa and im'
lea. We use no drugs, we never operate,
i enm.,.inv hetter. Wa use every
form of massage and adjustment and me-.
chanlcal body treatmeni.. ;7t7
tlon and heat. Bake ovens. X-Kas, static,
cells, violet lights and ultra viole. rays.
High-frequency, ozone, sinusoidal, nelios,
solar, i-iant and King Iw", er
the only physician, on the P',fll,Coa;
using radium to treat patients, coma and
be-examined free and sea our offices, jv.
Iiava been In Portland over five, years
and treated thousands of patients ana
never had a fleath. ...
We take no contagious or Infectious ais.
eases, neither do we go out of the oreico
to treat patients. We can CURE, do cure
and have cured thousands of so-cliea
"Incurables" and nervous wrecks. in
vestigate for yourself. We occupy th.
entire north halt of th, third floor of the
Rothchilds Lldtf. Dr. W. E. Mail.ry,
Modern electric treatment for nervcils
debility, enlarged glands, rectal, enronm
blood and skin diseases. Consultation
free. W. 1. Howard. M. D.. 304-0 kKoiH-
child bldg., 4th and Washington.
TO FRANK HERMANN, a son of Frederick
Hermann and Dora Hermann, deceased, I
Ltkiy, Dodge County Wisconsin: It is
for your Interest to at once correspond
with your uncle. George Engel. Kekoskee,
Wis. P. O., Mayvlile. Wit, R. 3. or any
one knowing of his .whereabouts would
confer a favor by notice to above address.
HAIR. HAIR. Largest stock In tha city to
ba closed out at cost, convent. German
and pure hair cut from one head, only;
good switches for 95o and up; all fix
ture, for sale, large mirrora and wax fig
ures, building torn down for Llpman
Wolfe site. Grand Leader, Cth and Alder.
Diseases of woman and children, -surgery;
chronic and nervous diseases treated
according to the latest methods; confine
xnant cared for; consultation free.
315 Washington SU
Main SU28. A 5607. '
graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom
ach ailments, under physician's direc
tions; baths, masseuse.' No. 7 East llta
at., second door south from East Ankeny
carllue. Phone East 260. B 1803.
ci-rtitt-u and mUieilT. C
Holmstrom. digestive, nerve, sexual and
chronic disorders a specialty; only scien
tific masseur In this city. Offices 302-3
Oregonian bldg.
Leading wig and toupee makers; finest
.atock of human hair goods; halrdrasslng.
manicuring, lace and scalp treatment. 147
Ith at,, near Morrison. Phone Main 546.
HELEN SORNS and J. E. Perry, magnetic
heaiers, treat all chronic diseases. -u ft
Kussa.l st, Portland, Or. Phone 0 ai2. ;
' hours from 7 A. IL to 6 P. M.
BE tUTl PARLORS Facial massage, mani
curing and scalp treatment a specialty.
Private call, made. 422 Washington st.,
sulfa 2L ,
MRS Stevens, 16 years Portland's leading
palmist and clairvoyant, has her lata
book "Palmistry Made Easy," on sale at
843 amnill, corner cnniim o-
- Diseases of women and surgery. Exam
ination free. 302 Merchant Trust bldg.
6th and Washington. Phone Main 404T.
DKESS suits tor rent. $L50 month; keep
vour clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons
ewed on. rips reraired. Prompt calls and
deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co, 808 Stark.
DR. WALKER, specialist for men. quickly
cures blood and skin ailments, kidney and
bladder troubles and piles. Consultation
tree. 1 M i-s , o i J in -'pi u-
o-,(n, MSe- curls and nuifs. 75c. Sani
tary Itea'utvParlora, 400 Dekum bldg.
MRS SOPHIA B. SEIP. mental scientist.
Suite 21-22 3S64 Washington St.; publio
meeting Wednesday, a P. M. Main 6S24.
fTDiES--Loreni antiseptic cones are sooth
lu, safe and sure; $1 per box. Stipe Tay
lor Dru -o.. -oo v.....-
WE do "everything in ladles- tailoring: suits
to vour measure from - $3 up. J. M.
t:hrncn -o. j-m". "--n-. "... -
lost vitality. 25c box: 6 boxes. $1.25. SUpe
i?" . -j 289 Morrison st.
mme. Courtright, feature and skin speclal
808 Swetia nd bldg. Main 5042.
taat u Off FIGS Remedies for disease, ot
11 K-i-i Davis at- Mala 8215.
6CAX.P treatments, --rooms 0 and 7. 346 ii
Alder. Hotel ElwelL
RttbE Will sacrifice everything if yoi
-pmrn. May God forgive you. G.
MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed,
Mrs. M. D. Hill. 42 Flledner bidg. M 34
224 Worcester Block.
Maln A 1449.
Counsel and expert In ail matters per
taiiilnc to xnunlcipal, commercial, factory
cost and industrial accounting.
Commercial, bounty ana municipal.
Auditing. Investigating and Systematizing.
324 v orceetar diocic rnone maiu ooof.
rjiipETENT architectural draughtsman
WUI lf. i tail. --ui-" V.,iq
. . in.. r,rar,nM- nrleA. -j .mi
ale. AD' 13-. Oregonlan.
-or a CAJtPENTER, architect and designer,
removeed to 1039 Chamber of Commerce.
Aaeayer ud Analyst.
Weils A Proebstel. mining engineers, chem
ists and assayers. 2o4i Washington.
end ora-tesUng work, lap Morrison su
A. E. COOPER, attomey-at-law. General
practice, abstracts examined. Removed tu
1424 to 1428 Yeon bldg. M. 873. A 217L
. But the and Swimming;.
Portlatd Swimming baths, 107 4th -Elegant
plunge; steam, tub and shower baths. 23a.
HILLS SANITARIUM Rheumatic treat
meat, elegant plunge. 6U5 Front. M 45L
Civil Engineer.
ORRIN E. STANLEY Railroad and munici
pal engineer. Chftmbfta-o .Ccrameroac Mar
snaU 1554.
I "
WILLIAM Estello and Flossie DevenT. the
only scieminc cairoyw . ""w -r
Parlors 802 Gerlinger bldg.. S. W. ccr. Jt
and Alder. Phone Main 130L
CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs.
1 1 1 i l. room .-O y .lcm.c m.. 4
Chiropractic Physician.
5r KYA M ARSH, first lady chiro. Or. m J
Oregon. 223 Fhcdner blcg. Hours to Q--
and wrnenow viumm. mB. .-
TBrass and Mailne Work.
ana niainm. - "--
Contractors. '
CARPENTER and contractor; Jobbing ancJ .
40-, - smsi.-i iltv- icn work. CX. I.
W L. BUCKNER. contractor. Jobbing, of-
O X." fit'.. T U 11171
nee buiu Btur. -cuiuh. o -j -
5SS1- A 7ti0J. Woodlawn 662. - i
ROBERT WAKEFIELD, general contractor,
414 Wells-Fargo b'Ug. Main 6S0. ;
rOKTLAND Collection Agency al7 AUskx :
bldg. All debts collected. A .317. m-
LESSON- 25c: 4 lessons for 51; waits, two-
J step, three-step, stago dancing, etc.; ;
every morning, mteraoon ana eve, -Wal
W.nson's School; oldest and only rec
ognized academy for correct dancing.
XStiLa Wash. sc. bet. W. Park and 10th sis.
Den tUts.
ALVEOLAR TEETH where bridge work I
Impossible: docs away entirely wiin pi-
bridRework: we cure pyorrhea (loose
teeth) absolutely- terms to r-l'ablo ptop'1
Alveolar Dental Co.. Abintm bldg. 1Q ad .
TilE old reliable Union Painless Dentist,
1st &n4 Morrison sts.
Dog and Horse HospitaL
Dr. Brown. D. V. S., olfice 1?JN- 11th sU
Main 4uS3; res. 32. 5440. Hospital 80 1-ttw
Klectric Ale tor Hoapltiil
East 117. Motors sold, rented, repaired.
Engines Gas anil Steam.
ROBER Machinery t:o.. Coast agts. Seabury
steam ens tuts and boilers, gasoline en-
gine. E. Morrison st. Phona E. 61,
Fans and lilowers.
st. Dust collecting and ventiiating sy
temi (Phones C 1115, ii.
feed istorc.
SUGLEa & MISNER, hay, grain, feed, ce
nieat, shingUs. -04 Grand ave. K. 4a . j
Landscape CiarUeners.
C. H. -IEBELS, landscape gardener and
nursery man. Pas moved to IiftO Ota.
S.llwood 1107. v '
LAND-CAPE GARDENER wants contracts
for grading. S. Palmer, bSt Lmaulla
ave. Phone Bellwood 74.
Ltaiiier aud PindUi;s.
CHA& L. MA-TICK, & CO., . 4 Front. Leatnee
of every description, taps, infra, finding t
J. A, BTKOW-HUDOE LEA'f tiilii CO. E-.
tablished lad. latf Front st-
E. K. SCOTT, SelUng . bldg.
Diseases of the Rectum.
Emil Thielhorn. violin teacher, pupil SevcUs
l00 Marquani. A 41G0. Marshall 16-.0.
Osteopathic Physicians.
DR. LEKOY SMITH, graduate lUrkvilla, ;
Mo., class or lils; posi-grauuaLt j.-v$t
under Dr. A. T. Still, founder of the- sc
nf Selline bldE. M. 1887, A lt-. .
Dr. 1 B. Northrup, 4 10-10-17 Dekum bldg-,:
Nervous aud Cnronio Diseases.
Phone ottice M. -4'J, -13., East or B 1023.
paperinc nnd Xiuting.
TINTING, painting, paper hanging; neat.
ciean worK. mono ooj.
Pain t s. Oils end O
COAST-MADE paint and -Tarnish Is best (
gn9nt(d to the Coast clim-te. BASb- ,
H L E 1 ER PAINT CO., lltl Second st.
RASMUSSIiN & CO.. jobbers, paints, oils, j
glass, sash and doors. -Cor. d and Taylor,-
Patent Attorneys.
PATENTS procured' by J. K- Mock, attorns y '
at law, ittia ui w. a, , .-.
let free. 71J iioarQ or lraaa piug
U. AZS'D FOREIGN rAThis ia procurea ay.
09 Chamber oi Commerce bldg.
r. c WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat
enis. lnXtlU-ei-ent cauies. Dfckuin bids.
the barber Asphalt Paving Company. 0a-
Bus Electric blt-. Oscar liuLjer, Portland. :
WARREN Construction Co. Street paving
UNCLE M-EBS-Collateral Bank, 40 year
in Portland. , 71 0th su Main U10.
oltice near -4th and lork sts. M. 3480.
" 209 2d SU Main aoo-i. A 20 QL - ,
COFFKi' PLUMBING Cu.,1 sanit-r plumb
era. " 493 Ulisan. -Main t4S7.
Jiubber cs camps.
ALSO seals, eteuciis, ciiaice stationery, eta, (
Cunninanam - a,v,.
Ktttf Weavers,
old carpei-i colonial rag rugs, itast aSS'J
Z, ,..w i3 Union ave.. nr. E. Morrison-
WORKS. Home products, faptory prici,
2IiTv terms; second-hand safes cheap, 1
Srooms 00 Third st. Factory Kentou. ,
,. . 1.. lOQ Vri at Knfe.
- at factory pesjsecund-puud safes.
becond-Hiind Goods.
U.P nay tne ftib"cal prmus tor second-hand,
JJmgandnoes. . jAJUOOaij n. bui.
" ' aliwrae..jBank and allow lixtures.
th- i-Ul'Ii ili'G. CO.. brancu Grand Kp
las &nowce Co., stli and Hoy R. Lutk'
.ho'wcasea in stock; prompt delivery. Sales
Jit-eni-M. Winter Luinb.r Co. .
M.HSHAL MFG. CO., 4th and Couch; new, .
tecnd-imnd. Min 2703. Cabinet work. .
picturtuue St. Lawrence Route. ..
WetKiy baiiiiius From " -
Eoiendid Scenery, slioilcst passuse. low rates,
B Any local agent or
ALLEN & CO.. 1"' N. Dearborn St Chicago. .
- storage and Transfer.
p O PICK Transfer 4i Storage Co., of- ,
fices and commodious- 4-story unck ware
house, with separate iron rooms and fire
proof vaults for valuables N. W. cor 2d
knd Pine sts. Pianos and furniture nfjved ,
"a nacked for shipping. Special rates,
made on goods in our through cars to ail
doinestiu and foreign points. Mala aid.
A lliWO.
c-ufc-i.- STORAGE FREE.
All household fjoous go Into brlcK.
-aTehousa free for tne Urat So days and
Tt the lowest rates thereafter; moving and
Dackins none by experts. Van Horn ros
ter Co. Both phones.
General transtcrriiig and storage, safes.
' nianos and furniture moved and packed
lor shipment. s;-6a Front st, Telopnon.
Mam o- " A -
tji'LGON IRA.NSFbH CO., established 17
'Iradiier and forwa-'Uiug agents storage
olnce 310'rluyt st.. between 5tit and otn.
i-noncs Main oa. A 11UJ.
" Taxidermist.
MOOSE, elk heaus, fur Work. F. B. Flniey,
24 J Col'-imbia. A 1&-I3.
WE are the exchange for the largest type
writer concern on this Coast; investigate)
all makes, ell prices. Tne Typewriter Ex
change, 25a Washington st.
Ti'PE WRITERS, all maites, $20 to $60. fully
Eua-anteed. easy payments, rentais, $9 y.t
iiontru Pacihc Stationery .printing ee,
203 2d st. '
w rebuilt, second-hand rentals, at out
rates. P. D. C. Co.. 2ol Stark. M. 1407.
Vacuum Cleaning,
riRPETS cleaned on floor $1 per hour;
rates to large nouses. B 1650, East 1105.
Wood and Coal.
DRY BLOCK WOOD, n.ixed with smaller
wood :;.D0 per load d-livcred any place
In t"'e city. Portland Wrecking Co., 105
107 "ilth st. North. Main 87. A ai3fl-
i?i-HNIDa FUEL CO. Wholesale and
4-ft. sawed fir and hardwood. Office
"j Jards at 125 E. 7th st. Phone Eait
724. B 2777. a
KFOHER3 WOOD CO. Sawed 4-ft. cord
wood lid slabwood. th and Ollsan. M. ;
Main 100: A 1109. ,
NATIONAL FUEL CO.. cosl and wood.
Marshall 9C0. 3-7 Water tu
WeU Drilling.
DRILLING weils a specialty; priced reason-,
able. Call Main 1346 or write Miliar, 4s
. e-U 1U Mart on su Portland.