Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 27, 1911, Page 11, Image 11

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    ttte arcm:ayo cmEGoyrAy. Saturday, stay 27. 1911.
Credit Purchas.Made Today, Monday and Wednesday Go on June Account, Payable July First
TIhe Greater Olds, WorttmaivCBL' Rimig Store
Otmir HMh AmvTnvujisil "tonie WMfte Bays' Sale
2QQ.QOO Pieces MslieiUimdlerwear Low Price
. . s - f TJTV a . A'OTvfT)
Time for Buying Linens, S
, White Goods, Etc,
. . Trfc a
Women's White Suits, Waists, Uresses, Lie, jlow rnucu
AH Our Infants Wear Now at a Discount of 25 Per Cent
Every White Article Is Now Greatly Reduced
THp Premier White Sale is on at Portland's Largest and Best Store. Great preparations have been made for this event White merchandise of every d esjjg
Ln Zl bearing apparel and household effects are priced at a point where every shrewd buyer must be interested. A sale o f grea saving m"
uon, coia wca . ... r , .. ta. n m;,n tw r.nnrU ffpdnced. n All White Shoes Reduced.
White Underwear Reduced. aii wmte yetneoats neaucea. wmie uuatt" -
T,rL... DoHnr.H ah WhitA lrps Reduced. All White Curtains Reduced. White wasn woosKeouwu.
rw in ir: t u i a ft j ii : . . ii . z - , it
All White BlanKets Keduceu. wmte aeenwear neamcu.
Men's White Shirts Reduced.
All White Dresses Reduced.
All White Suits Reduced.
All White Hats Reduced.
All White Cloves Reduced.
All White Hosiery Reduced.
All Embroidery Reduced.
All White SilKs are Reduced.
White Millinery Reduced.
White HandK'ch'fs Reduced.
All Table Linens Reduced.
All White Towels Reduced.
All White Sheets Reduced.
Oregon State Equal
Suffrage Associati'ra
public urvrrEP to attend this session
Oar Publie Auditorinm will b occupied by Oregon Suf
fragettes, this evening. The programme will consist
of interesting short addresses by prominent people
Don 't fail to attend. Take elevator to the fourth Door.
10,000 Yards Fancy Ribbon & 25c Lunch, Basement
65c Values for 29c
Mum floor, ribbon section, a sale of 10,000
yards of all this season's newest" novelties
in fancy Ribbons. .Widths to 6 inches. The
lot comprises Persians, Dresdens, Romans,
stripes, checks and ombre effects in every
'imaginable shade and color combina- OQ.
tion. Values to 65c, special price
Men's 25c Socks at 11c
COTTON SOCKS Tery exceptional quality Cotton Hose
in black, tan and fancy color, absolutely fast; sizes are
from 9Va to 11V; splendid values np to 25c a pair, 11
offered during this sale at low price of only, pair
Una Lisle and Silk Socks in plain or fancy colors, bought
as a factory elean-up, at our own price. Jae27c
up to $1-00 a pair, offered special during sale, pair
SWT i '--.K li-" 9 I I S : ' Aw4 1. " - n k' I' "f T - - "rT ?C n bh i
-n 9
Today, From 11 A. M. to 2 P. M.
Boiled Beef Spanish
Mashed Potatoes
Bread and Butter
Lemon or Apple Pie
Tea, Cof.'ee, Milk or Buttermilk
Fresh Banana, our own make. Served
at the basement fountain.
White Pillow Slips Reduced.
vera ii.
Hs5 ffvrhij. irrnn jrvV-
Three-Coat Gray II Candies 1 300 Fine SilKWaistS
i ii
Enameled Ware
Two Car Loads on Sale
Extra special prices prevail on three-eoat gray Enamel, Ware.
Prior to the sharp advance in prices we placed our order for
two carloads Now yon may benefit by our far-sighted purchase.
45o seamless Covered Kettles, 4-o.nart siie. special at only 30
60c seamless Covered Kettles. 8-o.nart siie, special at only 40
60c DishpanaLl j-o,nart sue, at the special low price of. e-. 33?
127deep Pudding Pans. 2-ooaxt size, special at only, each, 8
l8T7BraTPan. 9y,x5y. special at low price, each, 12
13e Deep Pieplates, very special at the low price of. each, 9
40c Gem Pans, 8-hole size, specially priced at only, each, 27
75c grxy enameled Teakettles, No. 8 siae, special at, each, 5Q
20c Biscnit Pans, sixe HVaxTVt Inches, special at only 14
65cCof fee Pots, with covers. 3-qaart siie, priced special at 37
T3TaPot, 2 qpart size, specially priced at only, each. 2 Of
30c iTay enameled Graduated Measure, special at only, ea. 20
66c ITay enameled Water Pails. 10-quart, each at only 44
SoTstove Pans, seamless. 10Vix5V Inches, special at, ea 37t
3icColanders. for only 2GS-15c Pierced Ladles only 10
20c Prnit Jar PClers. very specially priced at only, each, 14
$1.35 Sauce Pans for Gas Stove, three in the set, special. OS
13c solid Soup Ladles, very special at low price of. each, 9
17e lipped Sauce Pans, special at the very low price, each. 12
37cHpped Preserving- Kettles, specially priced at, each. 25
33aTancy Cake Pans, tubed, specially priced at, each, 22
60c straijht covered Sanoe Pots, special for today, only 40
Order 1
On the bargain eircle, between the
two, elevators, main floor. Prices low.
60o "The Snap" Chocolates, lb. 35
40o "Pistacio" Cream Caramels, 25
40e Fairy Mixture, hard, lb, 23
40o Butterscotch, squares, lb. 27
25c French Mixed Candy, lb. 18
25o broken Peanut Candy, lb. at 18
40e Nougat Chews, special, lb. 23
50e Assorted Chocolates, pound, 27
75c Sugared Almonds, the IK 37
30o Southern Firs, the pound at 15
30 Strawberry Drops, the lb. at 15 Ii
40o Chocolate-dipped Caramels, S7
40o Molasses Buttercups, only 27
30e Taffy Straws, special at, lb. 21
40c Toasted Rolls, the lb. only 27
30c Molasses Nut Sponge, lb. at 21
Men's $5 Shoes $3.85
Women's $4 Shoes at $2.69
Great anniversary sale of 2700 pairs of men's Ox
fords and Shoes which were delayed in shipment.
The very latest and most popular lasts in tans,
gunmetals and patents, blucher or but- CO DC
ton patterns, reg. $5.00 values, special, V''c-'
4000 PAIRS of women's Oxfords and Pumps, in a
big selection of leathers, mostly factory sam
ples, all well made and finished neatly, CO Q
regular values to $4-00 pair, special at V
S3.5Q Velvet Pumps $2.85
A beautiful line of women's Velvet Pumps with
turn soles, brown and black colors, CO QC
with instep straps; reg. $3.50 vala, V-IJ
BIO GIRLS' AND MISSES' Pumps in patent and
runmetal leathers, sizes 2 to 7; reg- CO 3Q
ular $050, $2.85; 11 to 2, $3 vala, P.J
37.5Q VaUies $2.98
Yon will need a new Waist for Decoration Day So we will
place on sale today a large variety of stylish models in
sIlKs, with high or Dutch necKs; short Kimono or fall length
sleeves, raffled fronts, sailor collars, etc Neat a qo
striped and checKed patterns Reg. $7.50 valaes
A Basket of Fine
Groceries $3
5QO Trimmed Hats
$3 to $6 Values $1
In the basement underpriee store today we offer your choice
of about 600 beautiful Trimmed Hats. Every one a prize. All
bought this season. A splendid range of shapes and color com
binationa, hats which were bought, to sell at Irom fjri
i to $6.00 each; an assortment to please all, each, f
12Vac Toilet Paper at 5c
25c Talcum Powder 6c'
Finest quality pure tissue Toilet Paper, 1000 C
sheets to the roll, full size sheets, 120 val, JV'
TALCUM POWDER Many odd makes in the
finest French, American and English pow-
ders, such as sell regularly at 15o to 25c, at
$1 Fancy Neckwear for 47c
$2 Fancy Neckwear for 98c
Today will be the day to buy your fancy Neck
wear for Decoration day and for the Rose Carni
val. Here's a lot of patterns and styles to supply
your every want. They must be seen to be ap
preciated. We price the $1.00 ones atQO.
47o and the $2.00 values on sale at only70
SAILOR COLLARS in satin, moire and striped
novelties. The newest fads, and CQ flfl
range of price all the way from 60c to v
Our surprise Baskets of fine Gro
ceries grow in popularity with each
sale. Just see what you get today.
Phone your order. Ex. 12, A 6233.
24 pounds of Cane Sugar, $1.00
1 can Sliced Peaches, price 15
1 package Seeded Raisins, 10 J
1 lb. high-grade roast Coffee, 40
1 package of Quaker Oats at 15
1 can of Minced Clams, reg. 15
1 package Soda Crackers at 10 $
1 can Monopole Pineapple, 25i
1 can solid pack Tomatoes, OC
1 can best Maine Corn, at
1 can Van Camp's Soup for 10J
1 pkg. Rarebit Macaroni for 10J
2 lbs. fancy Dried Apples at 25?
1 Market Basket, all ffO CC
articles guaranteed, for J,VV'
a 3
From 6 to 9;3Q P. M.
Sale Men's Shirts
$1.25 Values 49c
From 6 to 9:30 P. M. today, thrifty fellows will gather
in the main aisle for these good Shirts. We have the
sale in the evening so all can come. They are made of
good quality madras and percale, in select patterns;
all sizes, cuffs attached. Regular $1.25 values, .Qf
offered special for the evening sale at only, each"7
Men's 25c Socks 11c
Reg'. $2 Pajamas 98c
6 to 9:30 P. M-, main floor. A sale of men's Hose in
fancy patterns or plain; blue, black and tan, fast col
ors; all sizes in the lot Regular values up to 1 "I
25e, special the y2-dozen box, 65c, or single pair -PAJAMAS,
made of medium weight outing flannel,
neat striped patterns, in all sizes; our best regu- QQp
lar $150 and $2.00 values, special price, the suit
S3 50 Rid Gloves 98c
6 to 9 :30 P. M. today, on main floor. A Sale of wom
en's high-grade real Kid Gloves in the 12-button length;
blacks, browns, reds, plums and other shades. A splen
did make which we are going to discontinue handling.
To effect a permanent and speedy clean-up weQ52f
price these $3.50 values for the evening sale at '0'
$2 Rid Gloves at 59c
6 to 9:30 P. M. today. A sale of 100 pairs of wom
en's Kid Gloves in the one and two-clasp styles; blaok
and all colors; sizes 53A to 7; our best regular CQ
$1.50 to $2.00 values, special for this sale, pair'''
25c Toilet Soap at 6c
85c Castile Soap 29c
6 to 9:30 P. M. today. A sale of 50 different makes
and as many different odors of high-grade, first quality
Toilet Soaps. Our regular stock sellers to 25o aC.
cake, offered special for the evening sale at, each
CASTILE SOAP, the finest quality imported Turkish
pure Olive Oil Castile Soap, in three-pound bars. OQp
Regular 85c a bar, special evening price, only"'
$1 Bulb Syringes for 39c
From 6 to 9:30 P. M. today, in the drug sundry store. A
white vulcanize
75c Face Powder 19c
6 to 9 :30 P. M. A sale of Face Powders, all good stand
ard brands, made by the leading French and American
manufacturers; the lot comprises such odors as peau
d'Espagne. violet, violet de Parme., royal heliotrope,
velvola, Elcftya, sanitol, and many others. The boxes
are slightly damaged, but the contents are per- 1 Q.
feet. Values to 75c, special evening price only
PERFUMES 25 different odors of French, English
and American makes, which sell regular at 50o 1 Q
to $L0Q an ounce; special evening price, ounce ''
sale of ladies' Bulb Syringes, made of heavy ? Q
:ed rubber; regular $1.00 values at -''
$5,00 Qfj on All Men's Stalls Sold at$2Q.OO aid Up
S Great wpcigds
Men's $1.25 Shirts at 55c
Men's $1.50 Shirts at 89c
Now, men I Get ready for Decoration
Day, and yon are getting ready for the
big Rose Show, "just like the women,"
you naturally want to appear at your best.
Here's a line of shirts made of fine qual
ity percales, in fast colors and neat pat
terns; cut full in the body, perfectly
sized, with euffs attached. An unusually
good assortment to choose from. C C
Our regular values to $1-25, only ''-
COAT-STYLE SHIRTS Cuffs attached; percales. CI Q C II
woven madras, Haitian cords, eta.; values to $2J0 V X --
In the men corner for today we will
feature a lot of Shirts which any store
would be proud to own as $L50 values.
They are the popular coat styles with
euffs attached. The materials are import
ed ginghams and percales, woven madras,
eta. The patterns are all new, and have
been earefully chosen. Made by one of
America's leading manufacturers. QQ.
Regular $L50 Shirts, at only, ea."''
SWEATEES Coat styles; $3-50 and S4.0Q values, at SI.Oj
SUSPENDEES Leather ends; 60o values, three pairs $1.00
1.50 Co op eg Under w'
Odd Lots S1.50 Underw'r 69
A gale of "Cooper fs" Spring needle Underwear. Very high-class merchandise," sold all oyer
the country at $1.50. One of the most popular and best wearing lines on the market
always gives satdsf action; all fit perfectly. Fellows who like good underwear and q q
who know a bargain when they see it, will lay in a supply of. these garments at only JOC
A lot of odds and ends and short lines of Underwear, Union Suits, Shirts and Drawers, all sizes and
most every wanted style; come in plain white and colors. Thes6 are our regular values to gQ
$L50 each. Take advantage of opportunity this week to buy these garments at only, each V'-
Men's $3.5Q Pajamas Now $1.65
Menfs Pajamas. Lot 1 comprises those made of
madras and percale materials. They are well made,
correctly sized and neat fitting; nicely trimmed
with silk loops. Our regular $3.50 val- C 1 fiC
ues, offered special for today at only VvJJ
Lot 2 A big assortment of fine grade silk and
linen materials, in blues, pink, tan, lavender, white
and cream; all sizes in this lot, and very remark
able $450 values. Offered special for CO 9C
this sale at the low price of only, ea. P --