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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1911)
THE MOHXIXG OREGOXIA2T. FRIDAY, MAT 26, 1911. 24 Our Teachers' Travel Contest Is Talk of All Portland Secure Votes With All Purchases of '25c and Above All Credit Purchases Made Today and the Rest of the Month Go On Your June Account, Payable July 1 The Biggest Friday Surprise .We Have Ever Announce Ow Great 1 2 th Anemia! Jii VT-T7"X? W See Additional Details on Page 1 1 ke of 8 TWs Mormn gat m K- 42 gar. ii Practically Every White Article at a Pronounced Saving in Price Hi IT'S needless to tell Portland the meaning of our (jreat J une White Days ! Jb or ten years we ve been making this the monster, annual White Event, when practically everything in white merchandise may be had at greatest savings of the year. ' ' "When the doors open at 8 this morning, you'll find The Big Store transformed into a veritable snow bank of white! Undermuslins, Embroideries, Linens, White Wash Goods, Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, Men's White Shirts, Lace Curtains, Shirtwaists, lovely Lingerie Dresses, Infants' Wear, etc., all at com manding savings. Of course, you H be among the crowds today! . World of Lace and Embroidery Bargains COMING in the Sixth-street entrance this morning, you H find table after table of beautiful Embroideries and Laces of every description at savings of one-third to a full half for the Great June White Days! We can only give a fraction of the items here. 3 Lots of Embroideries 85c to SI Val. Laces Tbe Dozen Yards, 50c Flo French and German . Round Mean Val. Lacea tn edges and Insertion. H to 114 Inches wide. For trimming muslin wwr, waists, etc Worth 5c to II for 12- (Jft raxd bolt. SUC Bakr Irian and Teniae Atl- vera pure white, for yokea and sleeves; grade. 2.08l 15-50 grade. j gy Mtllfltt arm' Stripe of Eaabmldei745 - Inch h a n d fome f lounclnjra in moat elabo. rate baby Irish patterns, for llnKerle (towns. Strips of 4i yards, worth f 20 1 ff 7C and 22 at. O 1 0. O Over S000 yards of c r I a p, new Swiss, Cambric and Nain sook Edges and Insertions, H to 3 Inches wide: also floune Ings, to 18 Inches, In dozens of beautiful eyelet, filet and bllndstltch patterns: 13 to SS Embroderlea 10c 30o 85c Embrolderlea I5c ' SSe to 7Se Embroideries 25c. Embroidery Match Bwiss. Nainsook and Cambric, Including; edges and Insertions, 1 to 9 Inches and 12 to 27-lnch f louncings. Daintiest eyelet and floral designs; 85c to $1.50 grades. 69 I 30c to 60c og grades daOC French Val. I .aces strong double-thread grades; edges and Insertions to match; 25c laces, 19 16c laces Wt Baby Irish Embroid'r's Remarkable savings on love ly Baby Irish Embroideries, suitable for graduation gowns, etc Flouncings. IS to 27-lnch. fcdges, 3 to 8-lnch. Band. to 4 inch. S1.2S to f 2 Baby Irish QQ Embrolderlea 27 O C a to Bibr (1 in Irlah Embroideries... wlli These White Days' Specials m the Basement wV HA IT French Round-Thread Val. Laces Edges and Insertions, to 114 inches wide. Worth 30c to 60c for r P 12-yard bolt. White Days DC Cotton Torchon and Barman Laces Edges and Insertions to match, to z mcnos wiae. Kegular 5c O to 8c grades, in Basement, yd. jC Swiss and Cambric Embroideries Edges and Insertions, to 4 inches wide. Regular 8c, 10c and up top 15c grades, in Basement, yardJ3C Fine Linen Sets at One-Fourth Off MEIER A FRANK'S, FIRST FLOOR. ORDER BT MAIL. ' TTTFi finest makes of Irish, Scotch, Austrian and Bohemian Linens, reduced for Great June White Days, beginning this morning. Special lot of John S. Brown's scalloped Cloths, size 2x24 and 212x2Vfc yards, with Napkins to match (napkins not scalloped). . Regularly J, fSff $10 to $18.. durine these Great June White Days are priced at just Vil fSr Webb's "Dew-Bleached" Lin-. en Hack Towels Great shipment just received. Special for June White Days, 29c to $3.15. - $1.S5 AH - Linen Damask 72 "inch, heavy and snow white bleached, yard, $1. $1 Bleached Irian Linen Dam aak 68-inch, splendid qnality. June White Days, yard, 75. 65c Half-Bleached Damask 64-inch, firm and strong. June White Days, yard. 500. Mercerized Table Damask 53 inch, heavy and in many dainty patterns, yard, 350. Scotch Damask Cloths 2,4i 21-i-vard size, heavy and durable. Regularly $7.50, at $5.63. Large Kapkins to match, $7.50 grade, dozen, $5.63. $10 and S12 Madeira Luncheon Doilies 14-inch, beautifully em- broidered. June White Days, dozen, $3. 76c Double-Thread Bath Towels Extra large and heavy. For; June White Days, each., 500. Hemstitched Sets Fine Linen Cloths and a dozen Napkins to match. ' Regularly $3 to $50 a set, V. OFF. White Goods, Sheetings and Muslins Linen Finished Sheets 1000 of the 81x90 size. Good, heavy seamless Sheets, regular- CC. ly 75c each, priced at, ea. LCiUi.4&0 HUH 93c MEIER at FRa.KH, FIHAT FLOOR. Men's S'l. 50 White Plaited Shirts at 93c OX SALE at S o'clock this morning for the Great June "White Davs, .W0 -Men s best $1.0 "White Plaited Shirts. Splendid quality Madras with all size plaits. Cuffs at- tached or separate all coat style. Priced at onlv Men's 25c Pure Linen Handkerchiefs at 17t Men's 20c Pure Linen Handkerchiefs at lO Men's 75c Strong Muslin Night Shirts at 490 Men's $1 Fall-Cut Muslin Night Shirts at Men's $1.50 Fine Muslin Night Shirts priced only 95 Men's $2.50 White Barred Madras Pajamas at 1.39 Men's White Mesh Shirts and Drawers, each only 250 Men's Fine Quality White Mesh Underwear, each 45 Men's $1 White Lisle Shirts and Drawers at only 59 Men's 50c Porous Mesh Shirts and Drawers for 390 Fine Longcloth 500 pieces, 36 . inches wide, 12-yard lengths, reg ularly $1.50, for June CI 1 f White days, length at v X a X W Fine 8hirtin( Madras 32 inches wide, regularly 35c OC. vard. spoeial now, only Whits Dotted Swiss 100 pieces, regularly -uc IK vard, now priced low, yd. Spreads, Sheets, Etc. Satin Bed Spreads 500 fall size $2 Spreads, spe- fl?1 Rfl cially priced at, each SJU Crochet Spreads 500 extra large size regular 1 C $1.75 Spreads, spec'l, P.aJvi Women's 50c to $ 1 Neck- I wear, for White Days, 39c 39ct MEIER FRANK'S, FIRST FLOOR. ORDER BT MAIU . OVER 4000 pieces of the season's most exquisite conceits in Neckwear, selling ordinarily for 50c to $1! . Point de Venise Yokes, Chemisettes, Collars, Coat Seta Also Lace-trimmed Jabots, Babats, Cascades, Stocks and dainty silk novelties. At 8 o'clock this morning, for the Great June White Days Women's 26c Collars Turnover style, of em- "1 ? broidered pique, specially priced at only, each OC Women's SI to $2 Long White Silk Gloves 16-button, mousquetaire style, with guaranteed double fin- 'JCkg ger-tips. All sizes, 5 to 7y2. The pair only 5C 20c White Taffeta Eibbons Over S000 yards 5-inch . all-silk White Ribbons, J n , for bows, sashes, etc. The yard only XxC 6000 Women's Handkerchiefs Sheer linen and lawn in checks, crossbars, embroidered in itials, etc., with y8 and 4-inch hem- 1 A stitched hems. Regular 20c grades, ea, XtC Embroidered Initial Handkerchiefs, ToSlKnitUnd'rwWc 4 mmmNP June White Days, beginning this morning ff vttzSi at 8. bring forth this astonish- " ' V1 ' ishing lot of Women's Knit . . rlfefi PtVwL Underwear. Fine ribbed Fancv 3imAH.T;jV3l,l. ' Colored Wash Goods Vests, Union Suits and Lace- yPlwili Fine Woven Voiles 100 pieces Trimmed Umbrella Pants, in all k &!&Mir frlx$ in stripes and checks. 1 O U regular and extra sizes. Vests 'imfl 7rHf II T TO- - ,.A -f M. A. II 1 11 t J Mi I . X 1 J. J IMS I C Ble ,d,u ,5; iTA Printed Foulards 50 pieces in yokes. Pants and Union Suits PlMi 3 JVmW I cae of the 36-inch Q desiens. Regular- in. L Vn nA nW X J&Y AWM 5;Tcaric,-OB. ly aic'. yard, at only ,eneth. Reg. 85c WW? JlW Bleached Cambric-One Silk Md Cotton Novelties-100 to $1 gar-A 7,- M K tnV. thfvdlOc piece, in plain and fancy -I O mentsf at 4C f MM mmm ' . 1PIP WW $1.50 to $2.50 White Oxfords 79c ABOUT 800 pairs of Women's White Canvas Oxfords in plain or blucher lace styles. Light extension and turned soles. Lots are slightly broken, but mostly all sizes. Regular .$1.50 to $2.50 grades, for June White Days, 8 o'clock this 7Qr . mnmincr fhfl nr. SV4 Men's White Duck Blucher Oxfords, $2.19, $1.7D and $1.29. Women's White Canvas Ankle-Strap Pumps and Blucher Oxfords, $2.19 and $1.79. 25c White Liquid Shoe Cleaner, 90. The White Dress Goods $1.50 White Storm Serge, 54-inch, for $1.21 81.75 Whits Storm Serge, 52-inch, for $1.39 S2.00 Chevron White Serge, 54-inch, $1.79 50c White Wool Batiste, 36-inch, for 420 65c Whits Storm Serge, 36-inch, for 490 S1.25 White Storm Serge, 44-in for 930 $2.25 Heavy Whits Serge, 66-inch, for $1.97 $2.50 White Basket Cheviot, 56-inch, $2.19 60c to $1.50 Whits Jap Silks, 49c to $1.27 75c to $1.50 Whits Messalines, 49c to $1.29 75c to $1 White Taffeta Silks, at 59c to 790 75c to $2 White Silk Satins, 63c to $1,79 $1.25 to $3.60 White Orepes, 98c to $2.97 ALL WHITE SILKS AT SPECIAL PRICES. ALL WHITE DRESS GOODS REDUCED.