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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1911)
23 TITE MOItXIXO OREGOXIAX. FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1911. HOPS AT A QUARTER Julius Wolf Pays 25 Cents on New Crop Contract. M1SHLER THE SELLER Market 1 Lifted Three Ont by Thle Peal KoU Xd Hcary Buyer ot ItO for E port to London. TH mrW f.,r 1011 Ottio hop w 4 vacvd lo 21 tnti yast.rdav. when Jelin Wolf, of Smart n. of?-rd that prlc to A. J iwhW, of Mlabier A Grloti. "ot Aoxora. f ia -o . ponniU and ta offer waa e c p '. I. Tftt dM lifted to prlro of eootrecta a f-il: thir rnt and puts th Or.o irir kt abov parity with aar Mkr marttot. Condition ar wa otrons. how. that bnr a in otar Mctlin can counted on to cos up to ta Orfo pric la the aar future, i ZxalM In Oi aiata ut la California bar Ba i ana j cwi ' . vpk. but could Bad BO tak.ra. It waa p.ala to ej that th mark would aooo raaca, II raeta. aa growora won! J not tako 1. o Jar. WolT .:tloa In Sarins' the qoartar cars.' bo eald prematura. It at Int.rwatln to not that since 20 cnte in iitand and paid for Oroaoa contracts aa alar thrr h Wt no balaoo don an th fitur crop; though ther B.rer a dar that buyer .r not nloo to oloo la. Tn market baa tbu ahoara a clear Vela of 3 cr.ll oo actual tranaactU-ia. la Calif-Tram aorao buatne waa dono at tho 21 and 3-c.rtt ton. la. , Th d.rnnd f.r apot hop for Hwral day baa e atronc. A f.atur yet.rUv tho taaulry Irum lb Eaat.rn trailo t-r 1'JlOs. t-.ral ualrr had order around S3 eante and they could ha cleaned np tb romalntnr aupplr tnetantijr. but th ,rowr would aot ll unler 13 cents. Ther ar air IJd bal of laat year crop lft. and Oi talc of tr. ar tussle. Kata . In tho paai too or thro dar. baa bought or uo bale of lava hopo at prlc -a ranclna- frona 13 to IS roata AU of Mr. N.ur purchase will (o to Kn'-o. It la aa tntorvattnc tact that until th d.mand for l!o dVlopd yoatar dar. Cnclaad baa baa t ot atoadr buyor f apot bop. Thar la now la Loadoa or a th war. obi oixouo baloa of old hop f vartoti cro'tha. coaaiatlar prlnclpaMT ot th rul H .rat holdlnc of lava Or.n and to blr .oooicaniont Herman K:nbr r . .nr nl or from California. Th Ens Uau " .uilrn -tn to bo turtlfTlne th.m a4.ei. jlnl th laovltablo ahortag tbl .ar. which It la tlmatd win run froaa 10ivimh to coo cat., and. th.rofor. th l.n:n mark.t continue atrong and kroa for k'l'ltttnal auppltaa, aittiut of th American d'a'.rr and br.-r la th aU.t haa bra auu!lnf. Vn Itt tn.r b.-a nthbtlna ytrdy. Ih.y bad n-an no at all tn th mark.t. bt wlihataadinc th almost complrt axhauatlna of ato. k anj tho fact that lb new crop la fur t.ionth dlstaat. If any of thra bavo a'Hw.d aupptlaa ft ran low and must rpnlh now. thoy will And thra!v up imlr.ft It. c"rmplainta of tho ba-kwardn.a of tho Orvcon rrnp ar an.rnl. t'nloa th weather a bccom.a mar farorabl fir plant growtn. aaclmate of th prohab! yield will bar to b r.led downward. Similar con dltlnna preatt la California. A latter r otvod frnra tfaata Tp-aa yatrday aald th yard In Sonurna Countjr ar in a pcrllou conditio a. ACTUS DEMAND tOR Mil UNO. HHUT Wlae.Haa U Mrld, at M Crat Other klad Ar Mo. Th desnaad for BAllllnaT wheal wa th f.tar of tn local arala market. Blu atia waa. threfor. flrmly hld and offer ad.r ft ont wr aot oonallerwd by altera Not macb atla;loa waa paid lo tb othor arttlo. ' l1! and barley aold at former prlroa Webty forrlid whet ahlpmanta. aa re ported by th Merrhanta Kxchanar. wr: l.aet wk. !-! yr ArriH!na I te.eo : :.. . !.;.' Inua l.;.o t. ; l.caJ receipt tn car wer reported by th Merchant' Kvrbanc aa followe: ai heal Bar! riour Oat liar Vna 91 T 19 1 II .' ...... -1 M 1 11 . 11 Tt-.di...iay ... II Th.irwlae ..... II T.r a. . . laiii t.t data.lMil 1 ear ag : I i .... T 1 4 11.; :s: tb.) nrRRT rum am otiix high laarbward Siana Kiapaaolbl for Scarcity of Ocvvoa nalt. Th b-kwar Jawi of th trwberTy a oa bep th prlc of or.goa fruit at a hrgh teeel. About elat rra!va of ll.iod KlTer VerrW cam ta yetrrilay and vtd at 94.TS 0)S per era:. South era urevoa bcrrt brought Th utff.renc la th prlco f lluud Ktv.r and 2k.athera Orego borne ab.rwa tho dirf.reuiro la th Quality aad . ot tho fruit. waa only a limited quantity of Calif rTT brri availablo. Jal.a nld at llltf 1 u ant toi:ar at lt.;i$I.l per rat. vi'.eherr.a hav v-um ploatlful ant ar c-h.aper at lu cata a pound. I an.l bear.a w.r la strong deiaaad aad nrtner. th tatter advaaclng to If en ta. Th aaparaaa market waa taady. AnotJor r of lortda plneapplaa la oa tho war to ro.-tland. ok(itoi cMt r.-r: oiTrtr ixi ii.i.mxu Bat apply la X let rqwal I tbo 1. anaaeL Th make of ch.e ta ahowtr.g a sra'toal lacr. aea. btet produ. i:oa haa not et caught ap wlla th demand, and th market rw. raeea to dixpUr a ery firm tone. Tb arrival br tN laal two boot werw dl. po. 1 of a faat ae unt.aL Th but.r market bold ateady wltb fh utpot of ti crtr rra:nerlra abnut equal to Im.1 rvuutrem.nta. j f'gga wer nrm yeatoT'lay without charge t la prK. I Th poultry maikrt waa well euppltrd and rather w.ak- Bank t IcaHag. F.nk of tt Noethoee'.ern cltle ywrir w.r a folio. Clearing, r.alanr. J-o-'-d II ! lM'1 t J 1 1 1 t 1 1 4 ' Ta - -oa - Tll.l.-l . -.7 i aov kaa i; :i J : I PORTLAND MLtRXirTS. lrwh. floor. fee-L Fae. A Jf T T-ack trr-e! B.aelrn, .Ac; ehir. .JrAc; KuuUt. tec. aUey. aec; o.fM. Oc. H A H ! a I "h -vie feed, t - 1. 34. :LL.-n rt-ira. :ifi per fo; nlu..:-r. 11: ehorta l-3-otf roi.ed bar lev . .' ;..ow FLi'I It V.len'a. f I 3 por barrel: atralghl. 4 !; assort M : V.I ley. t.i graham. 14 V. wholo wheat. 14 Tu. CORN AX hot. t-. crs-ked. lit per loo. OA la No. 1 whit. I-V.M per to a. -.AT IreietM. aeleea a. fa t. ltlllllt-'. 'ht mKed. tlt):: beery 1174 4 ls.3: alfalfa. ti13: -sar. Ill" .-oo. grala aaj. t-3-3 14.4 IqwiUM aow tflta THOfii mi IT Orange 11 9 t so par boa: Ca.;foxi grapofruit. t'olaO-. baaaaaa ttylSa por penal; umo. app.. If Pr pound, lemon. ILMtyl; u.tirea, tl T por poa. fKAValt FKLir arawborrl, Orexaa, j 23 I cratei fallfornla. tl.ioei.ts per crate, gooeaoorrte. Ifjio por pound; ap ple. I '- 9 1 per box. VEGKTIBLIS Aaparaca. 119 9T box: bean. ltc: calbaga ' Pr hindrodweicht: cucumbor. l.b0 93.2S Pr doaea: eggpat. lae pour.dl garilc. per potlC'l. lettoca. aSe por doaani hothoue feltuco. i :;l TJ p- r boxi peaa. BSC p-r pound! pepper. aotVSSc por pound: ru tehe. 15c per doien: rhubarb, ltlllt P poucd: tomato.a. -.?.". V - MCK VE-iKTAHl-Ei New carrot. $-. per eacki turnipe. t - J . beeta. I - POrTfl. Oregon and Eaa'.rn. per bundrod; B.w potato. Mt Pr bur.drrd. UNION! Crretal wax. Jllow. ItlS; red. ta.. Dairy aad Coaaary it Pri-TRT Una lile; broiler. lc: duck, yownx. Jic; ge. nominal: tur k. K. dr.aaed. choice. 3-c t-.XJrt Ore..n ranca. candled. Ila por dt-n- ca.a count. 2K per daen. ll'TTEK-Vily creamery antra. 1 ana 1 pxaad prlata. la boa". m Pr pound; Mo than boa lota, cartuua aad delivery extra. CULi.SE PuU cream. Iwiaa, laa par la. I Young America. Ito. " ruHK-raacr, ta01e pe pound. VLAL Fancy. aatlo- por pound. UAalS ! to to pound, ictii.c; a to Cracortea. Drlel Franta. Etc rr.iED rBi iT. appi.. i:t:ic per pnUJJ. rurranta. llSc: aprlcota. lll'iOlc. Uatr. packaaea. IS per pound; aga. bn.K. wmt. or t;atk. by -t. trrac: -a. !.-; I Ji: ii-im. ic; to-lia. t-2; -. fcjc tfrnrmae. lc HALMON-olumbla Blr. 1-poond tal.a. t'J lO per doaen; 2-pound tall. I IOund flata. I- Ol Alaaka junk, a-pouud 'ao)Fl t-"k Roaated. ta drama. t3 0lo por pound. . NUTS Walnut. lTHIa per pound; Br. ill nine. Mai?! nlbrta. lo : almonde. llc; pea-ana. lc: cocoanut. tMctfll per doi-ni rn-etnuta. lic per pound; hickory nuta. laluc; per pound. noser Cboic. A.IJ per care; (trained. Vc per pound. SALT )ranulatd. tit Pr Ion; bair xround. looe. IVJO pr tun: to. t per ton. BBaN bma.l whit. Wc: larg. whit. c; Urn. So: pink. c: red Mexi can. It S . bayou, dc KICK No. 1 Japan. C1 cheaper grade. HXfU; South. m head. fatlTc; Im t ort.d ImeprlaL. tbc; Imported extra No. I. ITsc 1GAR Pry granulated, fruit and berry, ti yellow l. p-iei-rr.1. ttvl. Terma oo remittance within I daye, de duct c per pound: If later than 13 daa and within 30 daje. deduct c por pound, alan: augnr. loot Idc por pound. Ilfa. Wol aad UldVa. ftOrS l.ll contract JJc per pound: ltlt crop. :.v: le "op. lSeJUSc. olrte. lot MOHAIR thoic. 37e pr pound. WtXL Enel.rn Or.gon. SUlao per pound, ar-rordlng to ahDnkage. Valley. 1-1 lie per pound. rEl.TH Ury. r: eatted. eountry pelt, ilrlr II per pound! lamb pelt. 33c H IDE. Salted hide. 7-e VT pound: anted calf, lie: aalted blp. 7,c: ealted ataga. tl)t: gr.n hide, lo lea: dry hldexv' 17c: dry' calf. 17lc: dry lldlJc C.A.-AKA KAHK rer pound. 3c. ;KA1N BAUS Wheat. 'ic; oata a.3oj. )( Md 10 to pound. It 3 lie; It to lt.'.l.-. aklnaod. lac; picnic. 11 he; coital roll. 13 -c. SMolvED M CATS Deaf tonfu. -V; dried l.f eela. none; outaidea, none; ta li. 1... rjr; knucblea. c HACON fancy. :; gtandaxil. 24c: Choice. Hii-: Knglleh. 1-. UHT SALT CI BKI K.gular ahort clear, dry aalt. Use: emoked. USr; backa light. H l. Jjc: amoked. lfc; backa. heavy, aalt. l'.-i-c: amoked. 13c; nportx, lt. 13c; smoked. 144c LAKO Keltl rnd.rd. tierce. ll4c: tut-a. lie; cbotc. tlcrcea. te; tuba. 10 Vc; tuba. 11c: choice, tierce. Ie; tub, loc; sbortenlnc. tierce. fcSc; tub. ttaO. Oil. LINKKRD OILr Pur raw. In barrel. !.; boiled. Id barrel. 11. Ol; raw. la caao. tl AH: boM.d. In caaea. II. Od. TCHHENTINE Caae. tec: wood barrela. ijur; iron barrela. 7lec; lu-caa lota, hoc tiAhOLtlNE liolur gaaoltn. Iron brrls. 13c; tint. --r : td geaollaa Iroa barrela. S.c; r. 33 a. COAL. OIL ordinary teat, caaea Itfflpc; bulk, la tank. Se: high teet. 3dc. BLUESTEM IS STRONG KATTLE DEALERS BID PRICE IP TO CEXTS. Oilier Varieties Are Not In Demand. Local Crcanirry IJuller Sell Idc Well. ' rAITIJC. Waah, Mar ."pdaL Blu-ei'm wheat waa atronger today and d-aler bid th prlc up to cent and a na-cent quotatloa reported. Other ra- rietl.a of wheat wero aot In demaad. Barley roa.d bo obtained today cheaper than at any time In elx weka, A amall lot changed bande at t.-7.a Aficr June a. th Mtat Oralo Inrpoctor will weigh and Inepect all tb grain and hay that arrives at Beattla. The d.mand Por local craam.ry butter h tncr.a.-d t aa atnt that Eaxtern but ter le mooting a ery poor aala. Handler of Kaetern butter r rutting price. Th cheea market wa eael.r. 1-rice bar ba haUe-l a lilt' In order to enbl dealer t cla ua. fifteen ents ht aow about th lop val rctpt wer eo heavy that 1- - ente la rw tn out.i'. quotation. Poultry rc-.lpt w.r alo he y. lyia carload of Florida potato and twa of T-x red arrived today. Th florldaa will not bo ld but will be fortdcd to Ala.h. Loulalaaa and Tea potatoe wer held at IS to 4 conta. A car of Florida p.neappl arrtvod and war quoted at to to to-la. The berry market dragged. Jfor than crate arrived thi evening for to morrow IraJ. Th aupp'y of totnatoe woe h.avy. A carload of llteelselppl toma to, a la due to rrtt tho latter part of in o.k or th nret part of a. at week. Out tde of the shipping department trad oa Vk cetera avenae louay wa not very bruk. mODVCtt AT AS rit-icico. Qwotalbaaa Carroat ha thw Bax CUy Jtaro beta aAN VR ANt'lO'O. May 53 Tb follow ing proeuc price wero current today: V-e.tobtc "ucumb.ra ei'iaoc; garlle. 10liS. gre.n la. tl oo I J; atnng beaaa Htlnc. a.paragua. ftors tt.3v; tofua to.. tI 3443. int. lveloc. Huttw 'ancy 3-S&- :ga rjtor. SO c; tn.y ranch. Sa. rv.-e Tounc America. 13atl34c. trtl. .n Nomlival. Mil. .tula Kiia t:8-lo. mld-IMcr. a ) Fruit Apple. choice. 1 T T S ; commoa. 11.13; tlevlcan llmcv. f.A.f3(; f'alrrora.a Vamona. choice, tile; common, tLoO; or aoa.a. navel. tl.-J- Har Wheat. 111114.11 per ton; who I. ar I oa'S, l"li. allalfa. t.l!. Saltnaa Burtoanka. I: 1101; Or Hec.ipte Kiour, evto quart. r a.ka; wheol. 'o3 centa.a; pari. r. 10 -Mhi cental: oats. :it3 rent.: potatoe. I-JOO saraa; bran. 13 sack, bay. too ton. Metal Markot. NEW TOR K. May -3. atandard cor. p-r dull Foot. May. Juno. July and August. tl7St;l?r. londoa quiet. HpoA. i.l; u turea. til l:s Id. Laa copper. li.:it t' ivC: eltrolvtlc. 11.11 H t? l-.l Sc; caai Ir.c. 11 ITS OliUSC Tin -lull rpot and May. 4x.74t4Mri Juno. 43 4ill.oc: London quiet; spot, .ill OS! futUrr-S. (Ill ". Ij..! dull. 4ltr4.;0e New Turk: 4.:i 4 r-c l-:t St Louia. London, tit la Id. ,-ilt.r dull, i.c Now Turk: a.14 4a:i nut at. Lorn London. 1:4 laa Antimony dull l ookaoa a IllUf. Iron Cleveland a arrant. 44 ad la LOB doa. locally Iroa wee qui. No 1 foun dry Moixnem. I13.7.al3 71: No. 1 North ern., N". I jtouthcrn and No. 1 aoutbera oft. t It 13.34. Prtew frail at Sew lark. XKAV Tilrl;. Mar 3 E aporated applea steady but toca mall and price arm. On pot fancy quotod at 13c; choice, llfatl 14 We: prime. Ug,llve. Prune Arm oa small auppllea but d wta id at of a qnlt Jobbing character; qao tatlon rang from to 14 Se for Cali fornia, aa to l-4 r-d ll.ttl tor Oro gon from I'4 lo ! P.aches Inn oa t?i mI1 ofrerlnx. tut demand t alow t hole IS Use; extra ekoKe. tatllCac; fancy. ilc Waol at Ha. Lowla- ST. l.OClrl. MT ol"l-oncliirrvi Tr-rrttorv and AYeera aaed-uma. II O-. fls ssodlunaa Italic; fine. ll13a STEEL SOLD FREELY Stock Market Under Pressure but Shows Much Strength. PRICE CUTS INFLUENCE American Beet Sugar Touches the Highest Point In Its History Price Generally Are Well Held. NEW YORK. Mar 53. Ktenti which fol lowtxt th action of th Rr public Iron Stl Compvnr yetrdy la rmductng trtc wr predomlnatlnc lartumcj todmy In th Mcuiitie markt. Trmdr wr confUMd mm to tha. x-rrniHiir o lh mor of tlft Kpbllt- Company, vbirta waa moan followad by action on tb part of othr In Ufpenodtrnt coarfrni and a ubal diary of th I nitt,4 Stat 8:1 orporaton. Indflnlt rpor:a of probtl furtber prlco-cutting oy teol and Iron producers and ty manufactur ra aJdfl to tha confu-ion. I Dl:d tfataa -?tac ibim wrv tha tarrl rf moat pcn:atlva marktnait. Tha atock old tn larr biorka to T7, durtnc tha firvt .hour, in which tma tranaactiona In tha atoctt actnatd mora tban ,har. or about - pr cant of total tranaactlona for tha prlid. Aft.r a daclln of a point, th atock ral 114 and ahowrd a dcrof atrtratth which waa urprtiinv to trader. Rfpub.le Iron Stl h1d at sllirntly t low yesterday' flsur and ijlom-hfflid f:t a point. K.avr wbr th )tt showed strength. Union Pacific and Heading; znovod only Iraction ally. American Iteet Sucar. which touched tn hiKbewt jxtlnt In Its history, showed Uta tlnrt brmiieaa. Th sal by tb Orecon-Washing ton Rail road tt Navtrrstton Company, a subsidiary of I'ntun Pa-IQc. of S ,S.o.ow 4 per cent bond to an International syndicate, waa announced. The April report of tha Atchlron toad ntcited much attention, oa account of tti large decrease In ope rm tine expenses, amount. nf- to 710.000. Although gross earn In gs felt off 17$ 00, th reduruon la x pnsea resulted In a gain of 31.OO0. Honds. irregutar. Total amies, par valu. 2. :.l.4ia. v ni t ed 6 tatea bonds wer un changed oa ralL CI.OSI.VO 8TOCK QUOTATIONS. Cinslng paies. loo S.H High. Iw. Hid. AIM Chal pf Atnal '"Up-r . . Arm AgrUuit . .. Am Heet Ho gar. American Cut. .. Am Car ft Tdy. Am Cotton IM... Am Hd A Lt pf Am Ic xSecurl. . Am Llnsel . . . Am Iocomottre. Am 8 met A IVaf do ..rajfomd.. Am aSteI fdy.. Am Sugsr Rcf. Am Tel Tel.. Am Tobacco pf Am Woolen Anaconda M Co Atchison do preferred. . At! Coast I.Hta. TUlt 4k Ohio .. H-Ihlehem S'eel Ilrook Hap Tran 2) 11! 7 h 604 r.s 4 -a, 12 4-0 r..Ma, 1.300 fi-U & 2S. ai 10 40 70 4 lll , 42 lliH H! in I 33 '4 a 112 103. 127 10 32 S TU" 2::2S. 30. 101 3- hi Ml 21 43 14IIH 122 114 33 55 144 i 14a 171a 30 i'.t"s SR 32 u no". 40 im ", 12s t l 139 la r,i 12:.!. 17", mi 3I 17. C7ii 10 147H 29 13(1 H .14". 6AV, M 1.1 ra 2 l 42 4 107 74 127 2.1 122 ioS 3 2ia S3 1U2 .13 1M 29 94 SI 2 . 21 It 41 TH iio" 14S14 1-NS 3 'Mr lin MOO 11 41 loOS J20 1.3 2t-0 .V)D 4rt 1121 H'4 1-7 H al' 40 11a. l'4 Km-. .niii.a rr. tiki Central Leather 3,A0 do preferred. Central of N J Che r Ohio . .. 1.100 Chicago A Alton Chi Ot West.. 100 do preferred.. 100 Chicago a N W CM t H I'aul. 7.300 C, C. C A St 1 Col Fuol a Iron 000 'ol A I? out hern. Consol Oss .... 700 Corn Prolucia ....... rel A Hudson DAR trrande d prelrr-4l .. "82 "is 'S2i 'ii , "ii s 41 43 r. "ii".' 'si" iioit iis" 's'i s' t CO 41 41 1I 11 Kilt, liSS 02 i::o isi IS", r-2 n 12 1M "ii" "ii "ii. "i." 4 V, 34 , rs lu, 10a 'to" 'so" l.ixt, ir. X4 .14 frllj .-. li ia- "-, a ii'iai," 4-'. 2 H 1USS ittJ "w 129H 127i iii'i luii li5 '22' "ir.'n' "si" lu- IMS 2W-, i'9', T 3 .-.;". us, rll ; 41 4J "fti" "ot 61', M'i ll-a HI'. 2 2" US , R4 2 . 27 . 2Ii 21. M M l-r.s 1-2. Ia 4". . 'ii'-i 'iii T.'.. . 77 11KS 119 47 -a 471 J1,, SI "t'h 61 r.n't M SI". i74H i7rl'" Distillers' 8ecar Erts do 1st pf do 2-1 pf . ... f!n Klectrlc ... Ct North pf ... Ot North Or . . Illinois Central. Intcrbor .Viet .. do preferred.. Inter Harv.ter. Inter ll.irlna pf. Int Paper ... Int Pomp low Central . K C Poathern do preferrtM-l.. Zaclede . I.OU! A Nash .. M inn 1 81 L .. M. B P A S S M AI. Kan Tex. do preferred.. Mo Facfnc Nnt Biscuit ... Nat Lead Mes N Ky 2 Pf. 50 2..1'H it to loO 1.0" "J J.3"0 1O0 l'H IW-O lu aV ' V.iui ""T"' b-k) li"0 '"r"'o " 4" lint .7"0 1"0 luu N Y Central . . . 7-0 N T. Ont A Wea Norfoik West 1.000 Nor! h Am .... Northern Pad .. ftOO I'scinc Mall InneylvT.ta 4. tno f'eajp'a ... u0 P, C C A Ht ta Ptttaburg Coal Prew-d 8 r .. 2-0 Iti 1 1 I'vl Cmr H Hte HprtDg. T.oA Heading Kepublt Steel ., ,T"0 7""0 J"0 J.-...1 so o "SW l'U S.4'"l 1.2"") T""0 T,w 8-" i.-o too d- prrierTen. . Ro k Island CO do pra-ferred. . pt l A t r a rf t l ((ovthwest do preferred,. fTo vhetTleld -t-ou'hern Pao .. Southern PT . do preferred.. Tenn Copper . Tvai A J'aclOo Tol. tft I- Wea do preferred.. Unton Pacirtc .. do prelrrd.. r 1. H:ty ... r M HubtMf ... St M 11" 24 C1"4 3S 27 s 2"", .'hi 1M3V1 V4 -i T7t, 4IS 77 119". 47". KUV, 11" n fJ 72 1 4"-i 17 a C s tt-i i4a.sH da preferred.. 1 . ftah Copper .. 2.V V-'aro Chem 4.ro0 Wabash ... !' preferred.. We-Jtem Mi - -U7''0 Wr.ilng Kiec .. 7'-o Western I a lot. b)Q Wheel A L. F. L ,h Valley .. S ft--0 Total lea for the dar. 401.400 eheree. BONDS. NSnv innK. var 23 doaina qoota'dona: !.". ref. 2 re 1"VX. T. C. a. mi"iB oo coo-i . . .UWiS. pfflflo 3s. 4l".B V . e r-e I"1. No. Parlflr . . At coupon ...101 I nloB I'aciflc ealoiv. 1- ! n-w 4. rea.IUSln Is. Central 4a::".B do ronpin . . . 1 1 . Japaoea 4 (S , B D. A IU J. 4s. nu Stark at Booiom. BOSTON. "ay " Cloainc quotations Alio.i.a H Mohawk ?' i- -..r-r . ."! Con. ... 44 19 "i a "7 I at m-. S. 'viiroux Con Arlx.-n Cm. .. 1 7 . 'Mplaalnr MUara. Atlantic ....... l '.Vortri Hutle i S M. 14 S North lake... 10. 3.1 4:t"i Itntt v"oal!tl"t. 19", old Twmlnlon. A Anxon. :Sjl'nrrott to. C) i m faL ; llecla...47e aQuMirr 2 t enlentilal 12H Sliannon 1H CD. Ran. C. Oo. 2 Superior IJ"I K. Putt. CD. H. 12S --"ud Bo. Jjln.. 5"i Kranklln '"". ""P Pitta Cop. 1.1 c.ranbr Con. . . . l Tamarnc T Urxn I'innea. T U. 8. R R. U. 3'. I Kml: llVp-l U "O preferred .. 47 S Krr I-alca S Hah Con. 1.1 tak r.iyper.... 1.IS 'Winona La fall. Copper lolvna 110 Miami copper.. 20 roadltlo. at the Tr rosary. . WASHINIITON. May 2. At th berln nlnar of buslooe today tha oondltlon of th I'nli-d State TTwaeuTT til: W -rliirc balanc la Troasury o- ra JU.ltl.lll In bank and Phlllppln Treasury H.I:.s0 Total balanc In anral fund..... TI.I9S.117 Ordinary reclpl 2.24a. Ill Ordlnsry d:eburment 1.113. 014 Th deficit lo date tht fiscal Tear la $i:i.l. as acaint 9:a.ll&.l74 at thia tiro last year. The naaroa axclud Panama Canal and pablle dbt tranaactlona. , Money. garh. t'tr. Xr W TOKK. My 23. Money on rail ateady. .Cj2, per cent: rutins rat. 3: cloeinc bid. IS: offered at 2. Tim loins easy: dara. 2H Pr eent: 90 davs 3V vl P"r rant: aix months. Sv2".. prim, m.rrantll. paper, 9 Pr cent aaacaa oajr wua actual bual- ncaa In bankers: bills at S4.P440 for ftO dy bllla and at I4.S03O for demaad. Com mercial bllia. S4.KSH- Itar ail-er. Witt Mexican dollara, 45c. (;ovarnment bond steady; railroad bonds Irregular. LONDON. May 23. Bar silver, quiet at 24 v-16d per ounce. Money, Ifearl lor cant. -1 h rat of dlacount In th open market for ahort bills Is 2 5-16 J 2S per cent; uo for three months bills. 2 5-16U2H per cent. SAN' FRANCISCO. May 23. Sterling ex rbiK. AO dy. I4.S3H; sisbt. I4.S-,".; doc, 4.S2.. Transfers, talegraphlc 4 premium; slsht. 1 premium. CHICAGO. May 25. Kxchann on "N'oar Tork. 10 premium. CotTeo and Socar. NEW TORK, May 2S. CofTe. futures cloaed firm at a not ailvanc of S&13 points. Cloalng btda follow: May and June, 10.7Oc; July. 10.70c: August, 10.70c; September. lO.Soc; October and November. 10.43c; De cember. January and February, 10. Cue; March. 10.40c; April, 10.53c. Spot coffee, steady; Rio No. 7. 12c; "antos No. , lac MUd eeffaa, quiet; Cordova, 13 13c Raw surar. steady. Muscovado, .aa test. ft.3ttc: centrlfusal. .9C test. -36r; molaaacs sugar, .by test. 2.11c. Kellned. steady. N.W Tork Cotton Markot, NEW TORK. May 23. Cotton futures closed quiet at a net decline of 14 points In old crop and of 3 to 3 point on new crop position. May. 13.64c; Jun. 13.04c; July. 13.73c; Auguat. IS. 14c; September. lX&oc; October. 13-lle; November. 13.02c; Pecember, 13.03c; January, law?; March, la-llc. rpot deed quiet. 1t point lower. Mid nplanda. 13.90c; mid-gulf. ItLlc Salca, 1010 bale. SALES OF CARRY OVER WITH LIGHT RECEIPTS, YARDS ARE CLEANED IP. Demand Is Active and Steady Prices Rule In the Cattle. Sheep and - Hog Market. Receipts of livestock were tight yester day, which sfTorded n opportunity to clean up tho carryover atock at the yards. Trsdlng was activ throughout th day. Th principal transaction In th cattlo market wa tb aj of a bunch of 127 steers at ltl.40. A few better ateera went at $0.60 and other brought from $3 to $d.20. Cowa rang from $3.25 to $.1.71. bulla from $4.10 to $4.23 and good calves went at $0.S3. Customary prlca wer paid for sheep, lamb and hogs. Racelpt for tb day were 4T cattle and 2$ hoga. Shippers of th atock wer P. O. Cloydt, Pomeroy, Wash.. 1 car of cattl and ho, and R. Erlckson, Welaer, 1 car of cattle and calve. Tb day sale wr aa follows: Weight. Prlc. IS ter 1W70 $.1.00 a steers ""0 .-(K M steers ll-Vi 13 7S steer 1100 6.20 127 steers 1149 6.40 10 steer 1175 6.00 2 (leer 945 6.00 cows ....1U!)3 ,5.73 4 cows 1132 6.25 10 cows , 10"'2 6.50 5 cow 130 5.73 4 calve ...................... 275 6.S3 1 calf 230 3.00 2 bulla I'-5"' -50 1 bull 130 5.00 1 bull 141U 6.25 25 Sheep 74 3.25 139 sheep T4 3.15 15 sheep 81 8.15. 41 I am be 64 8.60 rt lamb 66 6.50 12 lamb 82 .50 hogs 1 boj W 4 bog S2 65 28 hogs 215 a.3 jrlc.s current on tbo various classes of stock at tho Portland Union Stockyarda wero as follows: Prim grain-fed steer .$7.00 ft J, .23 Pnc hay-fed ateera 6.85 0 7.0J Cbolc ter 6.50 0 6-5$ Good to cnolco ters... ........ 6.000 6.50 Fair to good ters Common steers Prime cows Good to choice cows ......... Fair to good cow Poor cow Cholc heifer Cbolca bulla Good to cholc bulla Cholc light calve Good to choice light calvaa. . Cbolc heavy ealvea ......... Good to cholc heavy calva. Cholc stags Good to cholc stasa ........ Bos rjiolc hogs Good to cholc hog ........ Choir heavy Commoa ..... .. 6.75 V 6.00 .. 6.50 St 5-73 .. 5.75 o 6.23 .. 6. IK) -J 5.25 .. 4-75 it 5.00 .. 4.50 4.75 .. 5.5UW 5.71 .. 4.75 0 6.23 , . 4.25 4 4.7$ .. 7.75 d S.0 .. 7.50a T.7S .. 5 50 J 6.00 .. 6.00 a 3.6 .. 6.75? 6.23 .. S.25V 6.i5 .. 6.703 663 .. 6.50 9 6.70 .. 6. "0 0 6.50 .. f.000 6.0 .. T.00 0 7.25 block bog Bheep Cbolc Spring lamb Good to cholc spring lamb... ChoICO yearling Good to choice yearling Ktr to medium yearllnga Cholc wri Good to choic we .......... Fair to medium wa Good to choice heavy w-tbra. Old heavy wether ....f...... Xfiv.rl lota .................... Tb following quotation rciu , a this mrket for th diOerent clasaea ot Oiaftar. extra heavy. I3UO0M)O; drafter. 100 t 17O0 lb.. I150 350; draft ar. 1200 to- 1400 lba.. $1000250: chunks. $so$130; plugs. $10 0 40: driving bora. $7$ and ap; addl horeee. $ao and up. Chlcag Uveatork Market. CHICAGO. May 23. Cattle Receipts, ea tlmnted. 4500; market, steady. Beeves. $5.73 lrO.35; Texas steers. $4.tW5.55; Western steers. $4071.60; stockers and feeder, $3 90 0 5.73: cows and heifers. $2. 40 ii 5.70; calvea. $1,256 8.00. Hose Receipt, estimated. 20.0OA; market, gen.rally 6c higher: light, $5,630 4.or: mixed. $.VS5tr6: heavy. 15 1'itfS 87 4 : rough. $.1; good to oholco heavy, $3.60 4)3 1.7 4: pigs. $5.4035.93; bulk of sale. $.1 so & 5.93. th-.p Reoelpts, estimated. 16.0O0: mar ket siow snd gont-rallv steady. N.itlve, $3.50 : Weit.rn, 83.7nft5.2a: yearlings. $4.73 Ji .lBrt: lambs, natlv. $4,750 : strn. $5.75 0 7.25. Loodoa Wool Kale. IXD.VTJOV. May J. Th offerlnga at th wool auction aalfS today amounted to 11.0S4 ..1... principally croas-breds. Th horn trd. bought itesdlly and th Continent oc casionally at th recant lvL Medium grades wer frequently withdrawn, owing to th high limit of holders, -Hop at Now Tork. NEW TORK. May 23. Hop Firm. CHANGES DUE AT OREGON U RcfclgnMlons and Leaves of Absence Affect Petonnel at Eugene. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Or.. Eu rene. May 25. c?pecial. Several Im portant chaOKea In tha poraonnel of tlia faculty of tha University of Oregon will take place this year through resig nation and throuich the departure of some of the professors on leave of ab senoe. Dr. H. D. Sheldon, for a num ber of yeara bead of tbe Department of Eduration, haa resigned to accept a position In th"e chair of History of Education In Pittsburg; University. Be fore taking; up the work In hla new position he will spend a year In special work In Europe. He will study in Lelpslc for a time under Lampracht, and later in Manchester, Ensland, un der Michael K. Saddler. - Dr. Hugo W. Koehler will return next Fall and resume his position in the department of German, after a year'a leave of absence during which he has been atudylng; In Iielpalc Grenoble, and tha University of Paris. - Professor Q. F. Lussky, who baa taken Dr. Koehler'a place here during; the past year will return to Wisconsin to take up a pro fessorsijp In the department of Ger man in that University. Profaasor Gustav W. Buchen will also go to Wlnconsln on a year' leave of absence and win bold a position there In tho department of oratory and de bate. Ua baa bean aa lm true tor la da 6.78 S 7.00 6.00 i 6.7 5.26 J 5.50 6.000 6.25 4.75 6.00 4-SO0 4.73 4.V0 o 4-50 8.75 if 4.00 4.50s 5.00 4.OO0 4.50 4.00 0 6.00 Bonds ' Investments TimberLands NEUHAUSEN & CO 701-2-3-t-S Lewi BUg. Portland Oregon bate at Oregon for two years, and flar ing both years has put out the debat ing team that has carried off the cham--plonshlp of the Pacific Coast. During hla absence, his place will be filled by Professor J. Johnson, of the University of Wisconsin. Dr. Sheldon's successor In the depart ment of education has not yet been chosen. Homo for Forest Guard Rising. PENDLETON. Or, May 25. (Special.) Government employes of the Uma tilla Indian reservation agency are building a cabin and other buildings at Parker's Wells for the use of the for est guard on the Umatilla reservation. The guard will no longer be compelled to make his home in a tent, as hi cabin headquartera are so centrally lo cated that he can return to it regu larly on his tours of the forest. The forest guard on the reservation haa been maintained for the paet two Sum mers, and in that time not a fire haa been allowed to gain any headway. Several blaiea were detected and quenched In time. West Selects Doctor Delegates. SALEM. Or., May S5. (Special.) Governor West has appolntel the fol lowing delegates to represent Oregon at a meeting of the Mutual Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuber culosia to be held In Denver June 19 to June 21. H. P. Belknap. Prlnevllle; W. P. Chisholm, Gold Hill; Calvin S. White, Portland; P. H. Fitzgerald, Salem; H. C. Randall, Nehalem; Fred H. Thompson, Stay ton; O. J. Goffln. Moro. Ail of the delegates are physicians. Germany rerrrarltabl proiperity is J!aJri revaled by statistics showing that 1.5O0.O00 foreign work-men are employed In th coun. try.' There ar approximately 800.000 for eigners holding Industrial places, and 700. 000 who are agriculturists. Th Importa tion of thea foreigners is necessary, owing to the lack of German labor. MORE BITUUTHIC "WHYS" "I have taken particular notice of the bitttlithio pavement on Spring Grove avenue, and I think it is the best pavement ever put down in Cincinnati." G. Schacht, president Schacht Mfg. Co., Cincin nati. : THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY - Constructs Asphalt and other Bitn enlnous Pavements. 605-608 Electrto bldg. Portland. Or. Oskar Huber, Manager. TRAVELERS' CUHBv Travelers' Checks sand Letters of Credit Drafts on "Foreign Countries. Money Orders. Cable and Telegraphic Transfer of Money Payable Throughout the World. American Express Co. - Seventh and Stark Streets. Th Turlst Highway and Scania Bout ta Europe via Tb St, tkwrraee Bler. th Shortoat Ocean Passage. Less than Four Day at Sea, by th ' -EMPRESSES OF THE ATLANTIC. WMkly .allinga Montreal. Quabee. ta Uver pocL First cabin. K0; aecond cabin, J5J.35. one -class cabin (called second cabin). J'-60; third cabin. $30 and 31-25. Ak local agents, F. R. Johnson. G. A.. 1 Third St.. or J. i. rotate.. T. P. A, 09 First Ave, Eeattla . . . . HONOLULU $110 r FIRST CLASS ROOtD TRIP The most delightful spot on enure world tour for your vacation. Delightful sea bath Irak at the famoua beach ot Waliiiki. Tha splendid tiS. Sierra 110.000 tons displace ment) makes tho round trip In lo day, and one can visit on a sids trip tho living vol cano of Kilauea which Is tremendously ac tive and see tor himself tbo process of world creation. No other j-ip compares with this for th marvelous and wcnderful In nature. Visit th Islands now, whll. you can do It eo easily and ouickly and whi-e t. volcano IS active. Prompt attention to telegrama for bertha Sailings: Jun 10. July 1. July II. Aug. 12. etc r.t Market btreet. gaa r rancbjc. COOS BAY LINE 8TEAMXB BBEAKWATEB . Sail from Alnaworth Dock- Portland, 9 A. m! La7l. 6. 11. IS. 21. 31. Jon. and vry flv. dsya. Freight received at Ainsworth Dock dally np to P. M. Pie aer.ger fare, nrst-clats. $10: aecond-olas. T. nidudlng meal and berth. Ticket tf Bro Alnaworth Dock. Phone Mala 6 Main 170. A 1234. ' San Francisco; Los Angeles and San Pedro Direct. Norm Peiao S. S. Co.' B. S. Roaaekt and a. S. Eldir a all vry Wednday alter nately at O P. ii- Ticket oaic lil Third t.. near Alder. MARXXX J. MM'I . reauror Aaraaas. W. tl- ILbu rrwifli m Arkanas M Ulri. A Ml. STEAiSWS a LUIVIBERWiENS N ATI O N A lT"t3 A N K EVE R Y W these directors- meet, deliberate on the affairs of the bank, and apply their careful business judg ment to its transactions, O. K. Weatrrorta Causa. S. Bn ell P. S. Brumby Dr K A J Mackeanda George G, BlauEkaaa Lloyd J. .Weattwertav ON 5TH CKITED 8TATE3 DEPOBITART. Merchants Established 1880. . Second and WaabloKton Street. PORTI.AJliD, OREGON. Capital and Surplus $350,000.00 "The Merchants National Bank solicits the business and cordially In vite the accounts of Individuals, Firms and Corporations, feeling assured that the unexcelled facilities and thorough knowledge of local conditions acquired during our twenty-five years of banking experience will render relations, once established, permanently agreeable and mu tually beneficial. B. Jj. DURHAM, President. M. I HOLBROOK. Vice-President, CO. W. HOYT. Cashier, a C CATCHING. Asst. Cashier. C. DETERINO. Asst. CasMer. First National Bant - Capital $1,500,000 , Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Bank West of the Rocky Mountains Bank Notice Security Savings and Trust Company Corbett Building, Fifth and Morrison Streets Capital and Surplus $950,000 Invites Accounts of Merchants, Individuals and-Savings nnnnectlnrr at Prince Ruoert with Charlotte Islands and local points. JVOTK Snndar eteamer as for smi Prince Rnpert only, until June lltn. ORA-iD TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM (Double-Track Route) four trains daily, no excess fare, to all points East, via Niagara Falls. Standard and Tourist Sleepers, Dining; Cars, serving meals a-la carte, and club breakfast. For tickets and reservations apply to local Railway Ticket Agents or J. H. Burgls. general age at. First Avenue and Yesler Way, Seattle, Washington. TRAVKI.FRS' GUIDE. LONDON PARIS HAMBURG CleveJ'd.June 1.10A.M.I tAmerlka June 8 ISFatrici Juu 3Pres. Grant.. Jun 10 fRltx-Carlum a la Cart Restaurant. tSecond Cabin only, Calls at Plymouth and cherboor. Will call at Bouloprr e. . GIBRALTAR. ALGIERS, KAM.ES, GENOA S. 8. MOLTKC June 3, 11 A. 31. S. 6. BATA1A I will not call at Alffiera. AROUND TWO CRl'ISES By the Hteamship "CLEVELAND" 17.000 Tona) Th firat to leav New Torlt Oct. 21. 1011. The aecond to leave San Fran ciaco Feb. 0. 1912. T . I J K Duration 110 Day COST $650 Including All Kesary Expenee Aboard and THE WORLD OS AN Ocean Liner Aanoret. jeo Powell St., Ban EYanclaoo, Cal., Northern PaciDa. O.-W. R- A N , Burllnerton and other at- rt. O !l l . r. in rvi unuu. NEW YORK PORTLAND REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE. XAttr Rates. I Schedule Time. AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN S. S. CO. lit Railway Exchange Bids. -Portland, Or lialall7a. K Jr EV Wneelew '"J Geo. Z KcFl-eraasK. John A, Keadnjt !1 Bobert Treat Piatt FVCa-CravrleB:dl JJ AT STARK National Bank North Coast Tourist Routs "Norway of America.' " STEAMSHIPS ' 'Prince Rupert" and "Prince George. Victoria, ' Vancouver, Prince Rupert, Stewart and Queen Charlotte Islands. -Leave Seattle, Wn, Sundays and Wednesdays 12:00 o'clock Midnight. a S. "PPJNCE ALBERT " for Queen TRAVELERS' GCTDK. OFEM KIVEB TRANSPORTATION CO. slKJ.lN.ltAL lrrlbt received dally at Oak-it. dock lor Tbl D a 1 I e a. Hood River, White Salmon. Umatilla. lck. Paaco. Richland, Hanford. White Bluff. I-ewla-ton. Idaho, and ln t.rmedlate DOlnta FIRST-CLAf'S PASSEXGER SERVIC14. FARE 50 CENTS TO HOOD IUVEK. WHITE 8ALMO-4. THE DAELE9. Bteamer lav Portland San., Tne.. Thim7 A M. Raturnlh, leave. The Dall Hon.. W.d. FrL. 7 A. M . arrlvlna HW land about S P. M. ami day. W S. BuciBan7 6apt.l W. & SmaUwood. Ga'l MtrTSaa iiia 2960. A 8527. SAIf I-RAXCISCO PORTLAST SS. CO. From Ainsworth Dock. Portland. I A. M.: 83. Beaver. May M; Bear, June i Rose SomJSan Franclaoo. Northbonnd. 12 M.: SS. Bear. May 2; Rose City, 81; Beaver, From 8an Pedro, Northbound, 13 St. : 68. Roae City, My 8J Bear, Juna Jj; ' 5-ci. sS?th, C. T. A., 1 Third Bt. I 3 w. Kauom, A sent, AtnawOTth Ioea- " rhenot Mala UU 6i- A 10