TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN. FRIDAY, 3IAY 26, 1911. RIVER RISE HALTS Willamette Falling, Dock Dan ger Over, Is Forecast. CLIMB IS IMPROBABLE ool 'Weather Clieck Warmth la Mountains and Stream May Re main Steady Columbia s Mace Not rcrllon. 1 - rarr of an Immediate rt la th TVilljinette suflVlont to submerge mora than tin lower deck of Ash-street dock, which has ben under water for several r!as. Is rant. This forecast was mad hj the Weather Bureau yesterday. The stream Is fallinc at all points and there 1 not th slightest Indication that It will cllnib In tha next few day a. At Jtrtind yesterday tha sauce read 14 fet. In-ii.atln a fall of two-tenths of a fort la 54 hours. Tha rain of the last week, thoush beay at time, an 4nch of precipitation balna receive! Wednesday, has tiad no perceptible effect on the freshrt. ay re pni front K:irne. liarrlsbura. Aibany. Salem and Wllronvlile. where a fall baa been noted In the last 14 hours. A tie cool weather of the last few days l:as checked hiaher temperatures In the mountains. It Is thouartit that the Wil lamette will not show a rapid fa'.l and the river may remain stationary at times unless there la a sudden and continued warm wave. The Columbia also shows lesa tend ency to Increa.-e Its flow, though sliaht rises were reported yesterday at Ken aewlck and The littles. As the amount of snow retnalntnsr In the mountains la about normal for this season. It Is ar-a-ued by those familiar with freshets of the past that there Is no reason to fear a disastrous rise. At most local docks the water Is within two feet of the lower deck, and whll river steamers float much higher ahova their loedlnar bertha than cua lynary. no difficulty la experienced In handling freight. (OOPIK ASKS roii KOMC CITV 3farlne Parade Will Include About 7 & Decorated Vraaela. J. tv. Ransom, general aitent of tha Fan Francisco lor t land Steamship t'ompany. has received a communica tion from Secretary tiooper. of the Portland Motor-Hoat "lub. who haa charts of the Ki Festival marine parade June . when UI oregonns will be escorted up stream and make Ma offlclnl entry Into the city at tha foot of Stark street, asking that the popular steamer Hose City be placed at the disposal of tha festival otflriala and their guests on that occasion so that she can act as flagship of tha fleet and lead the column through tha harbor. Mr. Ransom will forward tha request to General Manager Hchwerln, at fan Francisco, and an answer Is expected pv the time of the return of tha Koee City June I. when she will remain In port until Juna ?. To prepare the vessel for the oc casion will mean the loss of about half a day. as It Is planned to steam her to l.mnton. where Invited ituesta will go aboard and she will then take position at the head of tha column. An abundance of rosea will be provided to deck the ship In the festival flower, and preparations will be made Im mediately on the receipt of Mr. (M-awerln's sanction. Hecaus tha steamer Is named In honor of the an nual festival and Is generally rated tha most popular vessel sailing from Port l.ind. tha committee deems her acquisi tion one of the most attractive features of the marine exercises, for It will ba the first time that a deepwater vessel has participated. Mr. Cooper haa se cured entrlea of about 7t vessels, prin cipally motor-boata. fw the parade and It promises t he the largest fleet that haa formed the king's escort since the Inception of tha Rosa Festi val Innovation. AVISSCIIAVMIX IS APPOINTED fceatnea Will lie Furnished locally by Shipping Master. relormenta In tha sailor boarding house situation are looked for aoon aa a, conee.iuence of the action yesterday by the State tailor lloarillnithouse Com mission In appointing George A. Wlss chaosen shipping master. The office! was created through an amendment to the Pallor Boardlnghouse act. passed at the last session of the Legislature, and limlta the shipping msster to a fee of $1 for each sailor furnished. The measure Is aimed at boardlng houses that have been maintained for years locally, the one remaining being under the management of the White at Grant Interests. It has been their cus tom to Induce seamen to make the Sail ors' Home their headquarters, and when a esel required men to ship them pro viding each with clothing and necee alttea for the voyage. In return they have been paid one month s advance of waxes, amounting to and the addi tional fee. under the law. was S30. though for sometime but 1-0 has been paid. The sailor boardlnghouae masters say that as tha new law exacts a license fee of i" annually for conducting a house and they are allowed but 110 for eah man In addition to tha advance and that must ba paid the 'shipping xcaater. It Is Impossible for them to continue In the business with the lim ited number of sailing vessels dis patched each year. They have not ap plied for a license and as no men are betas' kept at their establishment tney are on. following the business, saying that there Is not auffficlent business prospective now to warrant them pay ing tha license fee. . feT. KOX.VLD CLEARS TO JU.TCRX Evans ElnWhea and Orteric W1U Go Through Bridges Tomorrow. According to an outward manifest yes terdav. filed at the Custom-liouee. the British tramp St. Ronald will double back on her course before leaving the river for the Far East, as she was cleared with S.:5.K feet of lumber, valued at IJJ.SO. for Tlentsen and Shanghai, via Xalnraa. Portland ar.d Seattle. The ma terial waa loaded at St. Johns and L4nn ton and more la to be taken on at Ka lama. after which the St. Ronald will return to Linnton to finish and will call at Seattle to coal. The British schooner David Evans fin ished working lumber .it the Portland mill last evenlr.g and will start down as aoon as she secures a full crew. The ektpper haa been making strenuous ef forts to obtain men during the past few dava. but It wee reported yesterday that he lacked a full complement and as the board !r.g-houee haa no men he waa com palled to neaotlate for them personally. Tha British steamer Orteric. of the Bank line, which haa been working overtime, probably will take on the last of her lumber at Inmiii-PoxieD'i tomorrow and will shift at once to the Alhlna dock. proceeding from there to Martin's dock and then to Ka.'ama to work mora lum ber. As aoon aa tha DaviJ Evans leaves her berth the French bark Marechal da Oontaut. which la anchored la tha stream, will occupy it. BAYOCEAX TO BE LAUNCHED Gaeollne raaeenfer Yacht Will Be Christened Saturday. Stunts of a eurprlelng and entertain ing character are promlaed at the launching at I: P. M. tomorrow of tha gasoline passenger yacht Bayocean. at Supple's yards. The programme has been turned over to the Portland Ad Men's Club, and It Is assured that their participation will make tha occasion unique In the annals of marina christen ings In local waters. ........ Tom Richardson has been elected to the office of chairman, and on hta list of orators ara Mayor 8lmon and Captain gpejer. harbormaster. Mr. flupple. aa tha builder, has avinred deep pride In the construction, while Fred Ballln. her designer, is willing to (wager that tne wrocein - class of her own wneu m tlon. and to tha entire marine fraternity her launching and futura movements w'll be of deep Interest. Marine Xotea. in she ooenlnr of the Rose I Festival engineers of the harbor patrol tTXAHEB INTEIXIGKXCaV Pas e Arrive. Name. Frera. Orteric HoMkMf ....Jr. port Tosemlte San Kr.ncl.co In port Header ran p.dre. . . . In port Itr.ksHer....roos Her J" P0 OoM.n Gate. .. Tillamook.... - Sue H. Rimore Tiliamooa Vajf - A.llo-x-e Ei.ra - Koenoke Dleeo... J ay -J K.ar fan Ptdro.... MJ SJ nvll Jlanaon -J f-trathlvon Honxkcng June 1 Koa.otr saa fedre June J O.o. W. Elder.. San DIo J Kl.arslde BaJboa June caedaled ta Draart, reams. Tvr J??1- Jlre.Kwater Coo. Pa v r ; OolJen Cats... Tillamook J;r -J Orteric Honxkong....Mer -J B'arer Pan I'edro Jler -J Toeemlte mh rTSKura-j -- f.'jrms ' - " -- Jlandon May 30 tt rimin 1 H mn i"v stoanoke n Pleso. ... May at A. Anvil. Fear ft Gee. w. Kiaer..en w ..... - - ttrathlron Ilot-skocg June lO Kltemde Baiooa June IS service are overhauling the official Uunrh Elldft which will be In demand for oftlclal tripe. Though doing batter than usual tha steamer Golrien Gate will not make eight vovagea to Tillamook this month, aa aha ts due In today and will sail tomorrow on her seventh trip. 8he will leave again Juna 1- Coming from Otaru with a consign ment of the Japanese oak loca In addi tion to general cargo, the Oriental liner Ptrathlyon. Is looked for In the river be fore Monday. She will be dispatched with a large cargo of lumber. J. M. Switxer. wlrelese operator and freight clerk on the steamer Beaver, haa accepted a berth on the ateamer Break water as puraer. succeeding Herbert . m k.. nn to Ean Fran- claco to fill another position with the Ilarrlman Interests. J P. Rogers, a banker of Falerri. has completed the hull of a cruising launch In which he expects to travel thin sea son from Portland to Ban Pedro and of ficers of the Custom-House. by whom all craft are measured, have been notified that the launch will ba brought here In tha next few days to hare tha engine Installed. Harbormaster Fpeler waa yesterday no tified that he had been elected an hon orary member of tha Portland Motor- . . r-i..k TKa .rfinn waa taken to oon- vey to the head of the waterfront police the appreciation or tna motorooai wi to nromota tha SUC- cess of local racea In arranging berths for visiting fleets ana keeping uie toui clear. Four ooaatwisa steamers yesterday cleared for outside porta to load lum ber, tha Kalrhaven going to Port Lud low, the J. R. Stetson to Aberdeen, the Shoshone to St. Helens snd tha Thomas U Wand to TVUlapa Harbor. The Wand. Bhoahone. Stetson and Falrhaven entered from San Francisco In general cargo and tha Breakwater, from Coos Bay. the lat ter clearing for tha return. Captain winkle, who waa here last aa master of the bar ire Amy Turner, now In . w.-kjw t.h&i riort veaterday as skipper of the steamer Wsahlngton. mak ing her first tnp unaer roe u.wu -. ki.h ' 1 .ha was recent- nony nas;. w " - ly added by purchase. Captain Petersen. formerly on tne ninini. .v.- areamar Thomaa L. Wand, now discharging at Couch street. Captain John Bermlngham. I nitea States Supervising Inspector of Steam Vessels. In the first district, reached Portland yesterday from Puget Bound and will remain until this evening, when he returns to San Francisco. Captain Bermlngham will visit local vessels and gain a more comprehensive InsUht Into the enforcement of rules that make the Willamette and Columbia rivers among the foremost waterways of the country aa regards lnfrequency of accidenta. Movements of Vesaelg. PORTUAND. May IJ. Arrived Steamer Asuncion, from tan Francisco: steamer J. A. Chanalor. from Monterey; ateainer I osem lie. from Ban Francisco: ateamer Washing ton, from fan Francisco. Sailed fteamer Klamath, for fan eTancHco: steamer North Una, tor San ITancisco; steamer J. B. Stet son, for Abardean. Astoria. Or, May Si Condition at the mouth of the river at S P. M smooth: wind, northsrsst. miles: weather, clear. Left up at e A M . steamer Vosbura. with barae Xebalsm. Arrived at :SO and left up at U A. M steamer Asuncion, from eao Fran cisco; steamer J. A. Chaoslor. from Mon terey, balled st 10 A. ateamsr Geo. W. Elder, for tan Diego and way ports. Arrived at W and left op at 11 A. M.. steamer Twmlta. from Kan Francisco. Arrived at 11 A. M. and left up at 1 H. M-. steamer Wsshlcrton. from fan Francisco. San Kranclsco. May Arrived Steamer Mable iJaJe. frtm Columbia Klver. Arrived at a A- M-. ateamer Roanoke, from ban Dleeo- areaiuer Koee Ciry. from Portland. -.s Bav. May -a. Sailed at 13 noon Steamer Alliance, for Portland. San Pedro. Mar ii. Arrived yesterday Steamer Shasta, from Portland. I'ort San Iaile Mar 53. Sailed yesterday Steamer Waehtenaw. for Portland. F. mouth. May in. Arrived French bark Burr on. from Portland. San Frar.cls.-o, May IS. Arrived Steam ers Rose I'lty. from Portland: Daisy Mltchsll. from WTl.apa llarSor: H-lene. from Orars Harbor; svhooner Mable Oaie, from Astoria. Sailed Steamer Atlaa, for Seattle, towing ba-xe Wj 1.1 Anseles, Vay 2 Arrived firays Harbor, from Will pa Harbor. Sailed ITesldent. tor Seattle; Sjita Harbara, for Oral! Harbor; Hornet, for Puxet Found: Strainearae. for Seattle: Lucy. f.r I'mpqua Klvar; Esther Buhne. for Coo,ullle River. Tides at Asterta Friday. llixn. Low. 11 a J A. M IS feet'5:i A. M -0 1 feet ll::g P. M - feet V. M it fact GolUt-ndale Kditor Takes Bride. VANCOUVER, Wash, May JS. Spe claL) Irving 8. Bath, editor of the Ooldendale rJentlneU formerly of Hllls boro and Cottage Grove, Or, and Mtas Mary Josephine Coffleld were married at noon today by Rev. Otis E. Gray, rector of St. Luke's Episcopal Church, at the home of the bride's sister. Mrs. C. A. Pike, at SOT West Eighth street. Miss Eunice Coffleld. of Portland, was maid of 'honor. Mr. and. Mrs. Bath left today for Vancouver. B. C, on their honeymoon trip, and will ba at home in UolJendalo J una IS. SHORT CROP FEARS Hot Weather Keeps Wheat Price on the Rise. BAD SOUTHWEST REPORTS Yield of Texas, Oklahoma and Southern Kansas Is Estimated at 15 Pcr Cent of Last Year'. CHICAGO. May IS. Hot weather kept wheat on the rise today. Threats of a short yle.d in the Southwest helped give the bulla an advantage which they utilised to the limit. Throughout the day the wheat mar ket was dominated by fear that high tem peratures and lack of rain had wrought evil to tne crops In Texas. Oklahoma and South ern Kansas. Some of the nsuree for the probable output of the two first-mentioned stales ware sensational less than U3 per cent of the yield of the previous season. It srss thought to be not without signtfl-c-ance. however, that the initial demand came from speculatura who later were the best ellrra In advance. There waa also consid erable Investment buying, basad upon signs of the July delivery having passed under the control of the concentrated holdings in May. During the session, July ranged from 7'ic to SOSc and closed steady. lVtc net higher, at M1tS9it Srarclty of accepiancva from the country frightened corn ahorta. July fluctuated be tween ..-;. and 51S8MVC, closing steady at uXVsuMSc. with a net gain of l&mc Cash graoes were firm. No. 2 yellow finished II Mtt 64 Sc. Activity and bulxlng prices formed the rule for the oata crowd. High and lov lim lta for July turned out to be 3S473."c and 34Var. with last sales ltc up. at 3.Sc. The advance of provisions rested chiefly on the strength of grain. In the end. pork was blxher by I US to :2Vsc; lard. 5 to iSc and rlts Jl-SIW. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. May 1 t -9's -Vs July SS-v .S ?' Srtt I's's -;a -S Dec t .W, . .XJfc CORN-. May .Hi .st H .5i July : -. .5J V .6-'!, .US Sept S3. .5-s -53 ''H Dec (lis .Six -ilH i-,t OATS. May 54 S 5 .tS .S-H July 34S .3V -35 Srut H .34 .34 .i'v DSC...... .4 .aaii .eQ-vj MESS PORK. July 14 tS 14. si's ll.SIH 14.80 LARD. Juiv i ; :s .1TH -:: sept .s:t4 .a:H 2J'.s -s.3 SHORT RIBS. J.ity -7t 1 0 T.STH Sept T.eo 7.3 1 l.ain i ms Cash qootatlona were as follows: Flour iiulet. ' Re .So. i. He. Barley Feed or mixing. tiljIOc; fair to choice malting, sic nil. 01 Timothy aeed 113. Clover tl. Pork Mesa, per barrel. H5113.15. I .era Per 100 pounds, gs. IS. Snort rtbe Sides (loose). tT.JTfJt. Sldee Short, clear (boxed). tl.UHCI l. (M-ala etatlstlcs: Total clearances of wheat snd flour were equal to 37.040 bushels. Primary receipts were 331.004 bushels, compared with 117.000 b'ashels the corresponding day a year ago. Kstlroated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 2 ;i care: Cora. 444 care; oata ISO care; bogs. 14.000 head. Receipts. Shipments. flour, barrels 1.:S t.SOO Wheat, bushels Us.SOO 11.S00 Corn, bushels JM.400 N31.100 Oata bushels 433 00 lil.iOO Kye. bushels 0.00" l."00 Barley, bushels tLiOO 11.400 Grain at tsaa Frausdsos. SAM FRANCISCO. May S3. Wheat firm, barley steady. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping, 11.40 01.60 per rental. Brley Feed. 11.45 per cental: brewing. $147Slf'J Pr cental. Oats Bed. l.xOill,40 percental: white. nomlnaU; Mack. tl. 1.1(11.3: per cental. Call board aa.ea Barley December. H SCs per cental bid 11.3.1 asked; May. $1.43 per oeatal bid. ll.o asked. Killssies Crala Markete. LONDON. Mavy 2.V Carsoee firmer. Walla Walla for shipment at S.'.a d to 3 da. English oountry markets quiet. French country markets eaay- LIVEItPOOU May tS. Wheat May. as HSd: July. Ss lOVid: October, e esu. Weather clear. Minneapolis wheat Market. MINVTCAPOLI3. May It. Wheat May. 6ac; July. THo; September. P2H1 I"tc: Iecember. KHe; No. 1 hard. I1.0OH: No. 1 Northern. KSiiHSHc; No. 2 Northern. 50sCi No. wheat. 93g6Hc Duluth Flax Market. pi'LUTH. May S3. Flax on track and to arrive. May and July, l-ii; September, IL. October. S1.S. 1 Chicago Prodooa Market. CHICAGO. May 35. Butter Steady; err. merles. l31o: dairies. ISfriac. Esgs Steady; receipts. 19.11'S cases; at mark, cases Included. lSfeeisc; Orsta. ieu,e; prime firsts, 13c. Cheese Steady: daisies. im611o: twins 10(st?)Uae; Young Americas, llWttllnc; long horna. HVtill'yc. DOLLAR LINE HAS NEW SH1F? Eighth SteeuncT Completed Char ters for Portland Mode. e . BAN FRANCISCO. May 15. (Special.) Melville Dollar, of the Dollar Steam ship Company, will leave In a few days for Glasgow, Scotland, to accept the company's new steamer Robert Dollar, named after the aenlor member of the Orm. He will be accompanied by Captain R L Morton, formerly of tha M- 8. Dol lar, who will bring the new vessel to this coast. Tha acquisition of the Robert Dollar will give the Dollar company a fleet of eight steamers, four under British reg istry and three flying the American flag. Fixtures- today Included the schooner Annie M. Campbell, from tha Columbia River to Redondo. at the usual lumber rata of 14 50. and tha French bark La Punch. ;i0 tons, wheat from Puget Sound or Portland to the United King dom for October or December loading at STa d. Lumber arrivals today from the north amounted to 3.000.000 feet. Tha Red Stack tug Dauntless is ex pected to reach here tomorrow from" Port San Lula with the abandoned achooner W. H. Marston In tow. Great difficulty Is anticipated in getting the cement out of the waterlogged vessel's hold. A recent strenuous experience of this character took place on the barge Carondelet. which sprang a leak while bound out from the Golden Gate for Port land. The cement cargo was harder than concrete and had to be hewed and ground out. SXOCCM SUCCESSOR TO BIAIV Chances Made In Management of Oregon Drjdock Company's Plant. Changes have been made to govern the future management of the Oregon drydoclc through which Benjamin Slocum. formerly chief engineer for the Portland Railway. Light Power Company, has been appointed to exer cise supervision and will close all nego tiations for docking vessels, while de tails of lifting them and other work will be assigned to tha engineering tores, which in the past baa been TILE DR. G&EBX METHOD OF CURING MEN unrKEJT taat WOT A CEXT CHARGED I LOWEST PIUCES ' waleasa care st I amy a-esnauiax. A certain cure Is what yon want Tnla we win alve you beyond doubt If your case la curable. There Is absolutely no patch worlf about our tt tnent. for soon after beginning It ""Z"b' symptoms disappear and the trouble Our best reference Is our former patient, whom ws hsve cured and roads nappy. If dlacouraged because you have failed with others, call and see us. A confidential chat, to gether with a thorough personal examination, will cost yon nothing. If you take our treatment, you may pay for It when aatlafled. or when cured. VT ' IVesk. Ssvalleam, Saasriag. ancose Veins Ktte-. w-1'kr yi"; a-0 Clone Itagaast Pools of law pwre Blooev, Weak, Nervsea, Lew Vitality, Hernial wT'd.'nJonetrate that VARICOSE VEINS can be , a a a...e4Aasl anaPat ATI. HHHfl f 1 nlat.1 effects are ftT. duce. healthy circulation speedily roturns. and strength, soundness and robust heal til are soon restored. The complicated aliments or tness orj. Overcome. insrs aa aau 9t " ' tt We remove every obstruc tion, stop every waste, allay all Irritation and inflammation, reviiaaiae the weakened organa. and soon accomplish a safe, thorough and psr manent cure. Quacks reap a harvest ny pretend ing that every little rash, skin aruotlon or, pimple is a sign of blood test tens you wuiulw t The doctor may He. hut too teet King, uur irssi- uur essreeu fPf Bladder and Kidney ar? j pTSy J work about Blood Poison and "606 XT 1 PI l-l'i The eaase of Nerve-Vital I lYerVO-Vital UeOlllty aa Ita nil effect SIK the J - Bad other powers, la femllls blood poison. The Waasermann tnt vai, Hava eba ailment. a - tk. r la inra at mi. nffloa for tha asking. ment for thla ailment drives the poison out of the system and not Into it If you prefer the new German remedy of Dr. Ehrllch, known as "0t. we have It- The quacks want you to belleye It cures In a few minutes or a few days. It does not do anything of the kind. It should only be used under hospital conditions with the patient in bed for at least three davs. and then under constant obaervatlon. In complications affecting certain organs, especially the heart, it should not be used at all, and In many cases results have been very serious through carelessness. When we treat you there Is absolutely no danger and when we dis charge you aa cured the Wassermann blood taat will tell you your blood Is absolutely pure and free from ins aiimenu Tt,. eanis at Kens-Tilsl Debility, as well am tne psysicai, meiauu i familiar to ail afflicted 'I I .w.n.aM- ..n. ha .nanarstta We want all ailing men to know that our ANIMAL EXTRACT treat ment Is the Ideal remedy for NERVO-VITAL DEBILITY. It does not stimulate temporarily, but restores permanently. All disagreeable symptoms soon disappear, nerve energy le regained, aelf-respeot, self confidence anil self-control return, and the patient Is prepared for a new period of life. P-l -in . 1 Piles, blind, MeeeUsac, ItebiaaT or pro tm ding lleS and KeCtal Pt-mla lleera, etc. ai a Our proven methods make hospital opera- tlorag unnecessary. In most oaaes no pain or detention from business. We guarantee tiuiolc relief and positive, permanent cures. A U' i J If What you want Is a core. Come to us and ret It. AtlllCtetl men Once under our treatment, you will quickly realize how simple a thing It Is to get well In the hands of a specialist who knows his business. Our cures add not only yeara to life, but life to years. Office hours, dally to 6. Evenings T to t Sundays 10 to 1 only. nn pnrrM rr 362 wtwinngton st aLIV. V3rVadJLJl VVJ. PORTLAND, OR. directed by Captain J. F. Blajn. who leaves tonight for Norfofk, Va. Mr. Slocum came here from Aber deen. Wash.. Wednesday to look over the plant and formally accept the position. He has been connected with a power concern In the north and tha fact that he has had experience at sea as an engineer and Is familiar with marine facilities for handling carriers to be repaired and overhauled fits him especially for the work. Since Its com pletion the Oregon drydock haa se cured most of the business coming; to the port and with the lifting of the tug Kdlth today there will have been gg vessels docked there. Even follow ing a cut of one-half In the ratea of the Port of Portland dock, the private concern has lifted all carriers with the exception of the steamer Dalles City, which has had her hogchalna ad justed, and the ateamer Alliance, which was lifted under the old rates. La Grande Chautauqua Assured. LA GRANDE. Or, May 15. (Special.) Preparations for La Grande's second cbautauqua are under way. The an nouncement of the directors a week ago that Interest waa Insufficient to warrant undertaking tha financial bur den resulted In strong protests and promises of funds. The assembly will v. h.u at T?lvi-alda Park Julv 4 to 11 and Uie attractions will be headed by ex-Governor naniey too um nent lecture bureau stars. This la the only assembly of Its kind east of tha Cascades. Von Pulil IMca of 'Wounds. DENVER, May tS. S. L. (Tony) Von Puhl. of St. Louis, who was shot three times by F. Harold Kenwood at the Brown Palace Hotel last night, follow ing a quarrel, died at St. Luke's Hos pital, shortly before noon today. A chargo of murder will not be placed earalnst Kenwood, who is In jail. Amazing Results Follow Their Use QTjanttt'f f Herb ami Root are Imported Annually. Gee 1 , Gee Wo Wo Worked Three Weeks in Last 10 Months 8. F. Robb, of Poplar Bluff, Mo. writes: I am a farmer of the Iron Mountains. I have had rheumatism for the last ten months. I purchased a pair of electropodes and have had great results from them. I have worked but three weeks in the last ten months and now I am working; on my farm every day and think I am getting well." John McArthur. of Bowlua. Minn, writes: "Enclosed pleasa find $ for which pleasa sand me three pairs of Electropodes. I have used two pair of your Electropodes now. When 1 began their nse I was not able to make a step without the aid of crutches, now I am able to get around nicely with a cane and believe another pair will com pletely oure me." Rheumatism, nervousness, neuralgia, backache, liver and kidney complaints are caused by excess urlo add. Medi cine can only temporarily counteract the effect, while electropodes remove the excess uric acid, and all other poi sons and impurities, from the system. The result Is prompt relief and a per manent cure. What Electropodes have done for others, they can do for you. Nothing Is so convincing as the actual test. Elec tropodes will convince you. Wear a pair SO days absolutely at our risk. Booklet upon request. At druggists or by mail, postpaid. ' If your druggist cannot furnish Electro podes, send us SI and we will see that you are supplied Immediately. State whether for man or woman. Western Electropode Company. 241 Los Angeles Street. Los Angeles, CaL Men and Women Cured Tb famous 8. K- Chan Chi ne Medlcin Company, with, their remedies, of herb and roots cur won derfully. It ha A NiV Buffer!- when rjf . i-a r. . : .n.i. Sure cure forr chronic, private ailments. 5i,Ti-..a blood poison. rheumauuzn. S7m ""aeumoW kidney, thro., and lua, f,,Ki?i consumption. stomach disorders I7h rTeerseases of all kinds. Remedies K?iaa NO OPERATION. Oonsultstloa tAe lamination tor ladles by Mrs. a. 2 CVb. a.'CbaX'lne.. Medlcta. Ce, 2.5,; Hoxzihaa mt .Portlud, Orefoa Scientists today know the names of thousands of plants and shrubs. Of that number only a few are used by tha phy sicians of this country for medicinal pur poses. But the Chinese physicians have made treater research along; those lines. For over a hundred years they have ap plied their time in collectinx apecimens or Roots. Herbs snd Barks and carefully not lns their action on the human system ana comnlllnc the results of the numerous cases treated. Purlns eJI the while the Informa tion sl carefully guarded and handed down only through the famlllea of the physicians. And In his laboratory at 162 First street. C. Gee Wo, formerly a physician of nigra standing In China, dispenses these Chinese preparations for the benefit of sick people. TTie most wonderful results are recorded from their use. He has on record numerous eases of complete cures. Tf you are slojc. see him. talk to him. for the consultation Is free. People eut of town writs for consultation blank and circular. Inclose four oeata In stampa, THE C. OFF. WO CFTtNESE MF.nlCrVE CO. 182 Va Mrst St.. Coe. Morrlsoa. Portland, Orefron. jWould You Gain a Pound; a A Week for Three Moathaf aaaaaa Then begin taking regularly three train hypo-nuclane tablets, which are made from a health-germ of ordinary yeast and combined with hypophos phltes and an absorptive phosphorus. Physicians and chemists assert that this tablet is very largely used for In creasing the weight and Improving the nervous system because of its aid to digestion, assimilation and absorption. The food elements which go to make blood and solid tissue is retained when this treatment Is regularly used for several months. lVfost physicians and apothecary shops supply them In sealed Paln-Away-Fllla relieve headache and periodical . pains. All druggists sell them. MEN CURED SB tM Is Our Fee SPECIAL AlXMIUfTa Newly con tracted and chronic cases cured. All burning. Itching and Inflammation stopped In M hours. Cures effected In seven days. Consultation free. If un able to call, write for list of question-. Office Hours A. M. to P. . Sundays. U A. M. to 1 P. M. only. Pacific Coast Medical Co. tI4Vi WASHINGTON STREET, Csraer First, Portland. Or. Trias ; CATARRH-! BUVDDER j j ! V fit Bait 24 Hours ' a? J Each Cap- f . ' a,. " jsole bears the (M DY) eiaaaaaejssw name AsT ' a Julian Bfaxmfrfeit ' VIPL'CV Is a deceptive disease thdu MLinCI sands have it and don't know TDflllRI C it. If you want good results InuUfiLL you can make no mistake by using Dr. Kilmer's Swamp - Root, the great kidney remedy. At druggists in fifty-cent and one dollar sizes. Sample bottle by mill free, also pamphlet telling-you how to find out if you have kidney trouble. address Sr. Kilmer A Co., Bingham ton, K, T. . Var,.a,...V t .. ..v.i?t.' aasisaisasvSta r isr A aatifJsi.iiii.,.fl? Cured in Five Days Varicose Veins, Hernia, Blood Poison l lsetearloii FrosB Ocevpatloa, Kamlly or Home IfO SEVERS OPERATTONB. MANT CASES PERMANENTLY OURHD IN 0TB TREATMENT. MOST TXiTE-aAVINO, MOST NAT URAL, MOST SAFE, A RADICAL, AND PERMANENT CURB. I GIVE MT WORD AND WIL.I. CITE TOC TO OTHER MEDICAL, AU THORITIES THAT THIS IS A FACT. I AM CERTAINLY PRE PARED TO CURE BY EXPERI ENCE AND EQUIPMENT, WHICH ARE THE KEYSTONES TO SUC CESS. I HAVE THE BEST EQUIPPED MEDICAL, OFFICE ON THE COAST. I WILL GIVE 500 TO ANY CHARITY AS GUARAN TEE THAT EVERY STATEMENT IN THIS ANNOUNCEMENT 13 TRUE. I Invite you, to come to my of fice. I will explain to you my treatment for Varicose Veins, Hernia. Nervous Debility, Blood Poison. Piles, Fistula. Bladder. Kidney. Prostatic and all Men's Ailments, and give you FREE a physical examination; if necessary . a microscopical and chemical analysis of secretions, to deter mine pathological and bacterio logical conditions. Every person should take advantage of this op- Sortunlty to learn their true con Itlon. A permanent cure is what you want. VARICOSE VEIJI9 Impair vitality. I dally demon strate that varicose veins can ba cured In nearly all cases by one treatment. In such a satisfactory way that the vital parts are pre served and strengthened, pal a ceases, swelling subsides, a healthy circulation Is rapidly re established, instead of the depress ing conditions. I guarantee you a cure to stay cured or refund tha money. HERNIA UTipTTJRB) Disregard of existing hernia haa cost many lives. The smallest hernias are the most dangerous to life, because of the Increased liability to strangulation. I cure rupture In selected cases with per fect eafetv and entail no suffer ing, and do not detain you from occupation, under guarantee. Many cases cured to stay cured in ona treatment. a AOS " FOR BLOOD POISOl. I use Professor Ehrllc'i's won derful new discovery, " 0s. in cases of Specific Blood Poison. It curee In one treatment, and Is the greatest marvel of medical science. Thia new remedy has been successfully n a e d In thoue ands of cases. Let me explain it to yon. WRITTEN OCARAirreE-Dr. Brntth's wrttter grantee mr- a cur. nothing tinleis I cure'your Vari cos-Veins. Hernia. Plies Istuhv Blood Dr. A. O. Smltk. I am the only specialist In Port land who does not advertise a fic titious name or photograph. I publish my true photograph, correct name, personally conduct my office. I am the most success ful and reliable, as medical cre dentials and press records prove. I make this statement so that you arOl know yon consult a true spe cialist, who sees and treats pa tients personally. I possess skill tnd experience, acquired in such a ray that no other can share, and ihould not be classed with medical companies. It is impossible for a medical company to attend col lege. Companies have no diplomas or license to practice medicine in Oregon or any other state. Medi cal companies usually are named after a doctor. A portrait, whose personality and identity are in definite, is selected and published as the legitimate specialist of' the office. Eiretf. substitutes, ordinal y doctors with questionable ability, give consultation, examination . and treatment. UTTB Sofia services. My services cost you d .,, .iim.nt I guarantee to cure. My terms are reasonaoia and no' more than you are able and willing to pay for benefits. Office hours A. M. to S P. M. Sunday. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. Dr. A. G. Smith 234 Morrison Street Corner Second PORTLAND, OR. aik X CURED IN FIVE DAYS Varicose .Veins Piles, Fistula & Enlarged Glands Expert Examination Free 17 Tears of Success In Treating Men Cures Guaranteed or No Pay Masr Caaes Fermaneatly Cured la OWE TUBATMBST. most -nme-Xevlna. Moat Natural. Most Safe. e Detention from Occupation, Fam I1t or Home. A P l'-el and Persnaneut Curr. I Will Give 500 to Any Charltr aa a Guarantee That Every statemeat la This Announcement la - . .. j, -Ma . -,.M avnanaa T will demonstrate actual results In your case. I will glva conclusive evidence of my merit which Is obtained and maintained by ability. I Invite you to to my office. I will explain my treatment for Hernia, Plies, Fistula, Vari cose Veins, Pelvic, Kervoaa, Blood, Kidney and Bladder Diseases. I will a-lve you free a physical examination; if necessary, a microscopical ana chemical analysis of secretions to determine existing pathological and bactorlological conditions. Every person should take advantage of this opportunity to learn their true condition. Certainty of cure la what you want. . . . A thorough Investigation should be made by every ailing; person as to the specialist he consults. Duty and destiny to self and tlose who de pend upon you demand the beat medical attention. I have the ability and can give you this service. X have always charged a very reasonable fee, o that my services may be obtained by any man who sincerely de sires to be cured. I make no misleading- statements or unbusinesslike roposltions; neither do I desire to be particularly Independent, and I would like to have you for a patient, ft you will come to me on a strictly professional baa la. and the inducements that I offer, whloh ara toy aollfty and 80 yeaeT successful experience, time-aavlng- treatment and guarantee of cure of certain diseases. WE CtTHIU BT MEW SCnSHTtKIO METHODS "WHICH CA-tlVOT FA IX, BLOOD AND N KIW A1XMENTP, JTERVE WEAKNESS, VARICOSE OR Ko"-TEX. "IS T OBTRl,CXl'0S, S O R ESELCB SWOLLEN GLANDS, PILES. KTDKEV AKD BLADDER TROUBLES AAD ALL DIS EASES COMMON TO A1EN. We are permanently located. Incorporated and licensed under the laws of Oregon. - MEN. tf IN TROUBLE, OONSTTLT TJS TODAT. If yon cannot ealL write for free book alidself -examination blank. Many caaas ourott at noma. Kours 1 A. M. to P. M. Sundays. It to 12. OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE M1H MORRISON ST, BET. FOURTH AND FIFTH, PORTLAND, OB. VARICOSE VEINS CURED IN FIVE DAYS In. Nervous Debility, Blood L11T6 and Skin Diseases, RheumatLsm, Heart Disease, Diseases of the Lungs, Liver Disorders, Piles, Fistula and All Diseases of Men ,1 Advertise What I Do, and Do "What I Advertise. $10 EXAMINATION GIVEN FREE BY 'A PHYSICIAN WHO HAS BEEN 30 YEAKS A SiriiUlXilo r. COME AND CONSULT US FEEE OF ALL CHARGE. DR. LINDSAY THE OLD RELIABLE SPECIALIST.