Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 26, 1911, Page 21, Image 21

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    row rext.
Ma Boom la private rmUx.
LROC, na.r f-imUhi'd front room. d!n!r.c
x.m. kunn-.t. gas rin. Plw!em. i-
I in, to rnnMi rr.mrrt-i cruris w;that
cniMrta; l-cant ;x'i cu CU morning.
&3 llmoBt stL. cor. :MiVI&-
fr-ROOit boa, wl:h ba.n l b"
brand ftra tf-t
nr.d e-ctrle l-guim, MVi
i.Mm i.4 rrt i0. Phomm
141 u-ldj cell East ut
WO newly fln!ah4 m1era
houses w"1
roomi rp-tiiy. lt:h mmd -."'J
Thoiea uoti aua - ' ,j
rr iMih. Kir-WMf I.ea-:j Co..
yODCFN -r-om torn m I"vi
Z- nam eorn-r lot. In ch;-i"e . t
Mr moolA.
f pa! -in bd fe
rn- h-e ft rofrtr(t l' ho-rse flats
mn4 busing l-o:i..B. for rant r Wi
VMt Vjr r-rUi d-pl- K. Jl"2VL ?
Co.. Umtfratai bdg. Mmjanm.l V
A 42 J 7
-. -K X 'M mI'm bungalow. bt mnd .ur. UshM. VrtM?!
r Minnt. 3 b.o.k suta of A.berta C-r.
PM Virnnn ave.
KOOM mcxlvrn houM, 614 East l'-tU -
b!. l!rok:n and Himn :-: on :.
b.--h f r"rn 2 jt per uo. J.--
. m:nai from roa-.fTice l-' r:
bm'ance larm. frov:aut Ir ument
PI E. W KKlf I.VSTO.V r-sienc.
. L Btmfirir, room 3 Lumcrm-rie
J.K .V I-rm tiooM, E. llrh and P r ascot t:
$ per nionlh. n-nd. Kemd A Co.. Ala
i 1 of Tratie b.d;.
. R R EST room rott.. 1US t-.arf i-:d.
block from Union mre car. I Id V-'f n
d ;or. .
yK KL NT -room cottsge. g mnd gas
range. 3 East uth. tor. WOiDton. ii
: 4. E ,
M'H toC of runm tn b:!i. TT irvinff. -t-2
! i tut 4ta. At-i4jr lJ tttn MU Ma-O
-r..rn h w!ti !" yr4.
f arnthi.
v-HOOM bona. rw- H- Slat, n r A.b'r
ariiA. i W month. l:iMiir & w at. Chnat rp.r.
rtot 1
Mjib 131 r A SI 'II.
VincHN rtva-rtm hu f-r rant, f
ta; furutcura f r
cor. 44ih as 4 E- Vamhi.l.
aI; caxJco.
4V W a. wit! lurca:a, a, eias-iritity. attic
loq Mir 110 1 at.
A"MODE'tV l-rwm h 'i". Cnm r,fw, Vat
9 Ida.
KaiNT M--"larn -ro"rn bouaa. furn..-.
K-7 H E- i;th. fc-'t-rnjou, A T.
TrO)4 cot.Aa. tcrt t. Ky
T at.; rant 115 V -W car
' ROOM-4 m !arm oarni" ". fr"l KaiiJ
t YVaat b.Ja. fftona Milwood lt4X
1 1.
1 K REN T 4 r"vn bA.
$14 M nl-i
J.2 Markat.
XaAREv m-iro.
6 -room bur. cm low; I-1-
I vmUBf Ha
itT bom. S-n.a ctt.ka. cl'4tj
araa. ia-trtcity. mM. itrci ta..
gwid b!. Iath. ftr., v-r l ?i in rom-
ptt; bt rr arvi--' In th ntv. ti.-
t.ta atmcthliif ti.rf.-rrnt; mtutt nulv.
W. E- Mcircr. K. h. bet. hai ruon
rifj Main. M-i'int Tt'r
A a-RftM houa. parttAlty fum.h'l. a.k-
fna" dia'an. to inur f citv. ua '.o c
from far. in; choir ruv.
AV B 1WA K, 47.
J,2 Ttira dairAb;a. er l-na, llcht. n-w-
ly tiata1. nliy furnlahf-i. lar.- r:..t.
pjfrh. .m ,r:.iij.t: r up .
fKVKS rvom. f orntatiaO. mil moirn c n
niaoc-a. lrvtatua i;trlrt; rafrncw
Thona KaM I'-i-
ar4A-4'i W NT.R'H naw dr- hoi: of
rma. cln. f urn J. jiun-v vmxU.
CkJ BIrflii'OrhuJ. JE-at u
fry bmotlfuI IornttMl rtHrn. N"b Hill
dtatrlct. Inc iajN; ah. b:uca
3j. 3"3 UorllDgar bU-C. b
-KckM molrn hoo. hinitiora-'T f nr
Btabi. nar li t 'h-rna ; s-l I-Ai:oa, bi
y jrd rn tJ I n'4 -j :-: .l-V1---.7-.-
r-H H ENT iUautif uMy furn-ira S-room vt s.J"; i'U"noA T'.:V.
IX-KiMiI furatahtf1 hntiaa. 0 F-t l:h at.
X.. cor. Shaver, lagu.rt on pr.-nairi,
iR"'OMurnlihrrliiuo fr rnt; taka
tijtinyatda or Ml. Tatwr car. Uotmont.
VINk 7-ro-m r?id''B4-'. fuiiuaa-J ccnii'te,
piano, fruit, rx-x. 'loa E t -'-J-
jri"R.NI.-tiEl -rvn hoa. Irtncton. for
rnt f"T la HTontha. P,r K-t 4- t7.
1RVI VlTON Com plat y f irnih! r'rn
rottac. lrc yjrtt. on eara.i. East
R!NOlOX 4 oni.:.-ti :y furr.iaiir.1 J-rotl
rti. lrtf ar.l. ri cur. in. ;at J".nI.
lltMfM fur ltst I uniltart lor
WIt.C at coat mil my rnwilt fumU
emit matt tuthicAnr furniture. bra.a bl.
aiIK-fljaa m ittn .l, th vry beat
n( vo ih in, new oiia mon t f to, .
f'iat tha carta In b-ruotn flit, at 344
Slint.m?ry. cr. Turk
f unuittinff ff m-.l-rr;. ci.nn uppr
at.tny Ha:, pon-ftca. nri.4-a, an ani
attu-. twar parte b K . 3 r nia p .y
r-nt . wry cbap for tX StUtla 3-Ml.
ill!! U
Furnltura f i rnm bus; rrnt HV
for tA 1X3 n t JuJa tha furu.tura by lit
prf c.
HH.H-H RK.U.TT CO.. 20I Atd?r U
FINK fiwiiitura. tU h carrt: A klr. d.a-tan-.
i rrn. rnt 1 i; c-rnT. prtr
ui;; bt: cSrra. p:j:iia, rf- a,
y ;ur p nca, your ttnnj. L. Mc t. . m
Furntttiro of 3-r.m h tia. iniodirc
pnbt piaao f r $). rrnt $11 To aj
pra'iata tiila yu wni to i-unin tim.
It ilHE A LT r t'O.. : v4 AM -rit.
R"Ki!S and nw Ja ba.a-Tn n t. wit f:ir
iatid an4 cirpt-J tbrouiliou',: turn,
b aa tn nt. Die i-i an n-v.' a.l r-aiti .
ry aaay tariuA. X na
JMVK-lHoM, btntiljw f-r rnt atI furnl
tura for aa -a, ci.p If itn at n'. caH
aa.l ar it. 4 e Sbtft UK car.
hua rn- g-r M. m
W-KCKM hmaa. f.TT0; rant rM.
tn. S-j Norta llth at.. nr lrTlnton. v a..
Vm A. . ivi'onor.
t-.m -r aad coi
a. I by Jun 1.
fiaa. rrt- muat a
aooo labor .'3-4.
J C RN I fl ' R E Tf Sr.r7a m
al -h4D If tAXa at ob.
"5 ETtre:t.
A Si-
SIi' HJU buai:.w tT rr. t " J f:rn:tur
fa amia ; a. a axe Ala. Koona S Van r.;a
Fl KMi'HINOS of rocmi: raar fornitura:
footl mair '.br-ocd : cornr b "ui ; rAoil
ad la. y& 13:b t.. rcruar 3kiikt.
V KN IT V IiX b oca &tr- ot: : . b aa t i
l--atirr.a. a it t-f. JvJ
fOlt AT. Fomwall !pr1fica. pnilfli Can.
t. r r"V on K Y li. It. rut.
AJdrvaa ownar. K. C Hoall. a.7 WmI
aaAlBtoa m'--. 1 Anfclra. CaL
COiJ'iN oak frr..:-a ,';v-rv'
Mr i cri-n. a. p- 't ct.
IT maw. A.- V .tn at. .Null
rA'iU'VWntU. a or rworu! row
taaa AC for t fV.t-irr-- r. T .-
ptl -na V vq 4 -T A I
.-T .; w n i
i 1 I'r.
fara, f-T p !
F.:-4 PENT 1 1 a-ir ror T am -
hi:!. .Jir. f ..: b--:n-nt. 4 f: a.
ran. I il- Wooaa-Ti, 104 -d ac
lOR REXT Sin-a on r..wtr-r b-.: !-
a'raac- r ty raatomara to ra froo
pVaa -Am -54
j'V" h k N 7 "lUw.T n;. j.t: :a f r m. UM
r--.m. iniwi Xta and A. . - - at
r. riu ktouTe-. N . 7. F-.-at a:..
H-.r i4. a :1a: " Ju' l. Ayp y . -ler
. lK;p:i. K'b" bid--
FIN Eaion lotua 01 E 't . r!J-.::-AOt
coror. ii t-vr.Th t .
H Wtj 311 LawfA b d X-ra.-.-i 1
iV ritAL :ra a; a at tnd
artda a-1 - mc--rdl-e
a at.
a-ira 27 1 Hmwthorr.a a-a,
tTutl.- ..A lilfct-rv :j
Iin. t-t. Ar.atA l 1 I
. ap r- -hnaTal"J -"-
La -r :.-.
Uad-r:a"t--a fr mtnraa In bu-'r.a c!
W li. U t.3l Lw:a b:d M .r-". 1'T v.
FIE brick cr -tot-. E-t tlth ant
tl-.rna. Ap.y 1 Eaat Ya.Th.U
T:Re""f-"r-' r-nFoa A.h;:i t 4.I CaI
Ft Ay C.ty Ma.-krt.
HAWTHORNE and Union irtniw atoraA,
In nw brlrk baiMmic with f rontajto on
twth"rn ma; in ccntar Ea. but
Daa dUtrtct. ramaonr.blo rr:'- H.
rjmor-Jonea Co.. 2;3 Cominrnlml Club
bide raoBM btAia tw. a
TO 1eTaVe If or-oyaArawTt hTprl vtUr '
3 yaara rnor: baaaincnt. 3 .x. on out M
tha ir oat prom! nan t cornet In b city,
u'.'a .:a f raTurant, bil.imra tmU. ot&
Addrr S 1S7.
Off! oca.
$11 to 17
FlE location for d-ntlat or physician a
Kaat tid: chemp rant to proper pmrUem,
iA t, MAIL m a-a
ui Tfoa Bide-
For. KKNT i.Arr outaida offloo with ra
c;tloa room, phonre mnrt a:no4TPbar.
1' ' C.ambr of CoTr.rr.trca bldg.
HE.-T !o,-uon In tha rity f-r lAdtea or c-n
tnto'a tmilorir.e; low rr.:. lone
parfcu.i; .HIHt r? '1'n '-f-,
Fot'R rood-axi'-d offteea. ood Ubt mad Taa
n.ation. mt 400 pr rnoota. mt 1W Morri-
aon at.
FOt hiiNT Famuh4 T unfarniahad cor
r.r ui:a of two room a In front part of
Hdf. A;p!y rem POft.
PART of Tffir. with ua of tmblo. char.
I.I.OC'. nta. d.rctorT. Ilchl tc J
I.uinbVr:aaIt'il-il,-i 3
lar0VTc7ntra;ir Iorntd ffieam. atl-nlghl ala a-nrt-. 3 Swat.mad bide-. J"
tior. 5ta mni Wajhinrtoa
OrtTfE furaltura, two doaka. cblrm. type
writer, rufi. a monthly, i'lionm Woodlmwn
DEK In modern front offiea. CmU
U:7 AMnci'ti b:-!s.
i outar iftlf'. -ia of rrorpMoa
n..m mr..l hor.r. 317 ift. 4l4Von'- f
M 1 4i-r I laoroa.
FACTORY butldlnv iT-iT. on Woat Side.
it.od rrtrnrr; wi l r.nt for torm f ym:a
t-. r-"i-n'.tra partr. John V. ctnn.
' rhmu-rof i oroma-ca bide. Maid .
EXTIKB 21 and 3d flo.ra of Watama bid-tat
.:tthAji- r .rar 7th and Oak atA..
Jxiui f-t. 31 atory baa niApIo -AftCine
fl r without
21- 213 Cunmnt-I Clufr !'ldf..
j iionn u tin ?'-
i'mrk i- rrnU flor altrra. bmac man!
and 2d floor offK-rm In Nw MAjtIe Tha--t-
r b.d ; I vr I. .p- H- P Falmer
J.naa o.. Acn:a. Ill Commarclml
bi!c- I'honea Uma ''
V ANTKiCTo If Aaa rou;.U an: tab- fr
rA'-tilne ahopa, namr firm aiftru-u Owner,
iw Et lT-d.
FRI.riASE 3 uiifiirniwhr.l room !nelm
T au:t-a cnlrmt. I'hwiia M-':ha:l .
I'oi SP hra you can bu eouina bir
rt'.At-.raaaa r-taii mt whol pnr-a: wa
rios.ta mt:rMff n-l return mama duy
w a: i rnvit f 'rtana
rurtta Jln!r Factory. II. iatrar.
Front. runa Vl.-Ln 4T4. A
L"-: rit-'ta--n 413 E.i-ria ml. mnd l.'nlcn
a- Atid Stanton. niail black turi i-on-tTtlnlne
monay. lAUh krr and prrclou -,lu-a - m k'Take. Itwmrd If
rr mal to 413 Eurn t. or phono C
ik' tnhw young- man who pl kd up tha S10
C'-'.d pt on t na -st. car ThurfUy
mrnlnr t w til return to Mr.
Pcarv. Tr.4 VanrMv-r mrr., ha cmn oav
j n-l A c!ur cnKi',n'.
ForM Way on bnwn Uoraa wili har
raa; ownar can hmva iaii bT pmrinf
PI:ne and P&w.ff f" mnd adTrtllu.
1- Oorn-r-ll. E. Ptne.
ONE brown Iwri. c;lnK. With Tviilto a not
on froh3l And one whit a hind foot;
li31 limrnr.'.-i on when Ut afn. Puntiarjr
M k ir-im .. l'"". Eat 4"".
14 f A -rm-' br" h. on J-b. btwrn
S1 rk ard A;drr. or b-tw-n 1 -h and
f.t!i: reward It returned to Hotal llur
tJna. -
4)T Wh!t and yellow hlfr, 14, month
.'.!. PyivAa C-noa Hoad. lift ward. Ausuat
rST Oo'd pin, rnjc-ATad "McM '04." R-
tura,' rvgunlan emu
L:T 4d -mount bAck comb; rtfward .
i'Nnna Kait ft:.Vt.
bvsixfssi orroRTrxmgi
A-nt wmntM tn PmcIHe North wrmt.
I'acif.c Mutual X.lfe. 43 yaro old
T3 n-.llii. ui'ii. Wa lor-n moncr.
li. li. hVard, Mer TL3 bpmiaine oloe.
A 6. 10, 13 AND 23-cnt ftort t the bt
tui!ne-i on aarth. invMtmant contrldarau.
Tou caa atart with teaa money than ra
qulrad la othar Unaa. raturi-a mro la.rKr
arl oa could eoon bo Independent. ,-
t r t.t of Kw-atiuam mnd zov-rmc boo-t.
Ad-r-aa wr. 2w A Shaw. l- Stataoa
sattia. n.
FOR LEASE Pool And billiard parlor. coun-t.-ra.
ah-lvlne. taba and how caao
r-.v!v fr atock: Ln-afd l Orecon a Ir-ad-lnC
Slimmer reaort. cay rot; lupine
iu Altera lucludcO. In-iuira at -33
:.-.Mt ajtor 1 P. 31. Fht-na Mala 00. u or
WANTED A man of amperlnca mnd ona
a no will taka An Inter.: In mud tua mmn
mc'mrnt t a general clmuibmklne propo-
: ort la N piTt. Ore-eon. Add ream II.
Jcnklr.a. ecratary Cwrumt:rcim. Club, Isaw-
II A li ihva II K. tmp-r.ent. paint stock. In--ioo
fri-'0. 1 5n rt?h. baianc t-rms.
Mt rui-m i.Bniiti.1- -
itvntlUi trtbutmry. b"X factory, bit rmnch
. 4. - a V , OreanlI
WiLl. a-:i my ha;f tutrt In aatAh3lsha4
aiiu-troh'.ta hurlBMi: hmva l-.0 inveata-.
wi.l tar.r $:nK cmsh. bmlmac tarma; p
atti..n od aa ary J .V m month lnciuded.
A d d r M 1-7. Ore ;on Imn
FOR HALE, or will trada for food rml aatata
m amaii d-partment atora. wall locate-1.
and cab fTAk t-niay. Addra W. tV.
1 nmm-r. ear a C"; ISaUoaai Bmak,
b Att I a k c v tty. 1 "J a b,
FOR PALE A enaral marohacdia ator-,
dvtrs a fd bu ;K 1 1. vole about ft).
a; o (ra 1- or trrin wa e aeturtty.
1 h r. "A - .''-wn 1
vt"rt s i.E twrt and mt m r-
kat tu UT; (ioJ bull line; lone l4Ae-; tin
atock. i) ri;a. on yoma hor-e all b'
f r 4-J a cas.1. ca.i labor .- or au
dreaa N ji, T.U.B. v
ii! kj t a bAraain. fin clear rand.
n.Mla. rrnti. fountaio. ale. ; co4
traie; very cheap rent. App.jr lU S
N "!. '-. n-ar i:ia3n a.
BV'ILDEK wmnia partner with 3To or ti
r.h .r tui.dir-c porpoaea; money t-iiv
M-urcu, U d-Jb.e yi.ur monay In Vvf
il t p. All 1 .. Orre ln- .
01d-rtab!:hed real Mtat bualneoa. on
a baa: eo-tt. wish to rattra.
T ii. irr-'o;n.
JaT;TN !'.lt wanted f-r a oo4. eubatant:Al
. b j:nrs pro;"-1! will pay qu 3L0
a oionth fro.n atart: only a 'xd, honeat
ban ror.-M .-, Ca.l 417 -Jvard of Trad.
jr "1 e M,y. rtitra ar. 1 stock of mUitnary
at Inventory prtra. Good l.-cation; reut
ra4 -.; : i r-.on M.i!.77i. A 4044. or
atr'a B l-'U t"Etnn.
Wii.L ?K.J, t-i furr.fii d part r-n; of a
department stor. Aa escl'nt op
p, r.t.piiy f -r a li men. AV liii, O.-e-goa
iFaLF tntert la an o:4-eala ted but
r'a -.( A t cd bua.r.ea Fr full par
ti a-a caTl K.iiaey A f 'Ampler, Lumuit
iwtmn b'.Jg.. rvma 3i:.
fimt A : rce. grocery, clgara Bed to
eor.fecti jner. BtaUor-ry blU no
t li.".f -rcomB; rent $i$ mnd teaa.
( . a ;oi s.:..
Kl-rAl UAN r. w-.I Io,a d. 2-rr Iea;
rnt S w..! a-a! 3" pcop'.a. $1) takes
t .l srrk
WATKl iJ'h or s-ntteman partner (th
$4 . tr fli.-ly J irar:.t j moving
l tura a. AJ 131. Ot .ciaa.
CI'l K.1. rifwrtT. and rv exy. With ;'t
.ng r low rent, la vole mhout $0A,
I -'; ftATA St. -
5T'K!i of meroh Aj-.dlse bo-iut for cash:
;rl-:'y conhdntta- a. tat an. 414 3d
w ho e interest
la cas.1 groory
b: Invoice, Call
ag : r-r day; -i:
ra:k a:.
khT"R or dmsrut. rood location for
e-t"r cr toTi. Drugg t. CoraeiluA, Or.
a I'J .tTa.r barber ahop, 334 Haw
thorne .., tf taa at obca
LVNCH count r. good location and bus!-earn.
3i F li:. OragcniAB.
ico'l'wSiS'ES tarda f 1 OO; you must briag
tls a-. Hoaa City Primary. 13H Third.
rt iTALT-Jlal rAje"t7mr.ap if taken be-
f -e '.st e June. 11 177 Orec-ihlan.
WANTED treaaurer for paMrg bu:nes;
- a'1 . ar'fwl r-';-ttrd 1. Or'f
ru d Ne independent;
t-attr than waea 34 th.
CANADA'S larrt and rlchaat P1
BrittBh Columbia lartrcr tnAn in
of UuhiRCon, Orecon ar.d Idaiio com
bnal. Mililona of Acres of th fineat ati
cultural land for pr-rnptloiv Fortunes to
ba mA(!e in timber, coal and mineral land.
Fort OAorr la tha cC"?1101 "
atratearlo commercial center of thla b
amplr and la on th lln of th orana
Trunk paclflo tranacontlnrntal and u
other rallroAAls chartered r buildlna. rorr
rr-rvo is at tha junction of 1100 tntlaa ot
r.avir-bU waterwnya AU rmllroada mnrt
run to Fort Ooora In order to at north,
suth. aat or wast through n "1
Northwm British Columbia. $100,000,000
will b apnt In next flva yaara in rail
road buil.nne mlonaw Wa ar Joint ownra
mnd mole atrents ot . thla to-ma
Writ quickly for mil lnformmtion.
Natural Rowrr-a Security Company, lim
ited. 343 Granvill atreat. Vancouver. B t
P'irtlmcd aal aa moli.?ltor. Itlcu-rxl
47 Wallm-Fmrio bide- Portland- limran-J
Am mppolntlnc mjr-t In Ore pron mnd Port
land for mala Fort Oeorjre, town lomiVf
farm laada; liberal commlaalon to
p-rtlea. Richard Ohce, 4V7 Wmilm-Fmrgm bat. t Ana a r. a.
Contectlonary. clnwnA town; evarytnine
new arid food $7i0.
Grocery atora, small clean atock maa
fixtures. $330. ,
t'ontcctionery, 5 llvlng-roomm, cmn mmkm
$?- m month: tllKO.
Mavinn-pictuxo tht-'aterm, S (ooa onem to
cele.-t fr.m.
oaeul stor. close to city. $1000.
Meat market, invoice $SOt. will mcll ror
ircery and lunch, G llvlnp-roome, xur
Jllshed, lemae. Cwod tra; $1000.
11 Lumber-nnn Bide.
WE hart clients that will riv rood bar
eain in trade for grocery s:ore; we aiso
have about .H worth of property to
trada Com and me us; w can match you
17 JtoarrJ ot Trade Bide.
8. Mr. 3Iorrow.
WOT"LD you Invest jrMoto$7oTooo cash
and taka offtc poittlun In an catabUshed
Portland corporation, provided you weT
shewn your investment would he secured
and you would mak a subetanttal profit?
If so. and you hav Ability, take the time
to thoroughly Investigate. ASC 120. Or-
Small buiineas. paying $rK net per
month; obl-catahllsl.od trlnesa, low
rutai. can b bought far Si0"O for three
day a oni v; not rooming - houao or apart
Plants. For further particulars, call 3o3
V n hl - Phuna Ta ir 1G7
WELL eatAailalied Jewelry store, good coun-
f repelr work: aplendI-Koienlne tor op
tometrlst, nnoe here; $1390 cnah will han
dle: bent of reasons for selling. W. .
Moretand. Froill. r.
Ol'ENINO for young man aa boikeepcr
with estaMished whfti-'i'aTe matmfactur
Irg company: munt hae heat of refvrcntes
and tw-.cty-rt e hundred to Inveat in til
buslneva. r"-ill elven with pcr-
a tia I ntarlw. AC 131. Ori- gonl an.
THEATER, beat la atate. dojnr; good bust
r.e. renaun fr aelKng. w tfe's health i
town of fi'VU; everything up to date; seats
3Itf; $0'v. $2."0 cr.ah, baL mortgage; real
snap; auawer quick, il. J. illtU KuMburf,
C-VPA V.l.lZ bank man, 13 year with on
institution, would join responsible parties
In organuinc National bank In good Agri
cult ur ul community; beat referencca Y
ir.J. Oregon ta a.
A (iOOD buy Oonfcct lone ry and light gro
cerr, best location; rnt $-3; thre living
riitna In rar; will sell or xhans
clear vacant lois or acreage. What hav
youT owner. East 134.
WE have buer for ail kind of businc-a
proposltloiui; If you hav anytb ng to sell,
so us; w ran do you s'me rod.
417 Board of Trade.
FOR fiAXE Restaurant; owner Is non-resident
and 1 Uiaaatlatied with hired help;
will pay you at leant $33 weekly; no rea
sonable offer refuaed. oe my agent. a-J
Lumbor Exchange.
VlOVINO-I'ICTVRE ahow; town of 3000; now
and up to date. it wm pay you to so
ua about th la, If you are looking for a
pletur show, uioch Keauy to., ,a Ai
d i f st.
COM"ECTIO.Lllt for sale; average sales
per month for 1110 wer $S0; invotc
. $4X: wia all for ?-Iao. For further In
foraiation writ Bis bey Bros.. Cot tab
Orove. Or.
3fak careful Investigation at expanse
of ae.l"-r before you inveat money In may
propoattlon. ' Advisory eparunent, Y. M
C. A.
OPEN'INr for steady man In solid buinef;
will pay SI 15 month aalary, also profits
begirt ea; money avecuren wun oana reier-em--a
Particulars 24Vj Stark at.
$0O TO INVEST In legitimate business, fur-niahina-
noaltlon for energetic younr mar
ried man; beat references. D 1-7. Oro-
PARTXLTt with $1300 or will glv 1 per cent
for Uf of sam to Increase my poultry
boslneas; $73 per month fumranteed. X
$30 HUV3 dandy neat. hlgh-clas restau
rant (Ml acaia o C"H" umw a wun
business; rt-aaonabi rent, good leas. Call
.;! ritark at.
POOL, mnd billiard hall, cheap If taken at
once, a good monay maker; also lunch
room and barber shop. 1160H Union
are.. N. .,-,
A FINE paying restaurant with lodging
house above, on a main thoroughfare near
depot, for sale mi a aacruice; encap rent.
Y HO. uregonmn,
LIST vour buslnosa chance with the Coast
Pacl'r.o Realty lo. We hav inquiries for
nearly all kinds of business. 1 too ma 300-4
"harr.ber of Commerc bldg
x P E It I E NCE D youug business man will In
vest larg amount In established buetnsss
needing additional capital to Increase;
a ate nature of business. P 130, Oregoman,
WOL"TD Join responsible party In soma
lecltlmat business requiring small Invest
ment; references enchanted; state partlou
1 n ,-s. X 131. Orejonlan.
THE beat ladles' and cents' tailoring.
canlnc mnd press In ir shop In the city
thai $30 will buy U oo hurry. Call 270
Stark at.
PAJtTNER wanted uad to farm produce;
will pay IIS week salary mnd ahar proflta.
Cmil ZHH Stark it. '
BRBLR6 If yon mr locking f.-r m bar
gain In m ahop coma get my prlca S3J
Burnsid st.
1910 7-p SPENGER automobile, perfect or
4!er. good tires; nrth $luov. balance terms,
fall office. Oliitb.
FOR SALE CHEAP or will rent nicely fur
nished co .tee house In good, location. $3
North ?d at.
ONE-TI AX.F Interest tn manufacturing
b.!ini: :0 required. Look this up.
ltloch Realty Co.. 2 0 Alder st.
CAS. I tmcery with living-rooms. Jn splen
did district: Invoice $J0t will aacriXic.
Te.erhone mad other bon.'.a bought mad
to yiatcher Inv. Co.. .33 Abington,
HALF ir. teres t In brokers ff business sell
ing gr.t-edp useful articles only. Call
fciark st.
WANTKo Partner In small cash business to
detrr gooda; will pay you 2i weekly,
liooin ft: 3 Lumber Exchange,
TRANSFER JU'SINEW- Must aell beform
June 1. $ horsea. 3 wagons, bameas, eta.;
d..ifgoodJbu5tticsa m N 133. Oregonian.
xTl'RCHANDISE business can depend on
r.taruji io month; will stand lavestlga
t; on. Call :3Lig'irk I:
$.;. WILL put von In m business that will
pay you f-"-l"3 " from start. Partic
ulars, 4'i Selling bldg.. tb and Aldc-r
WANTpnr:y w!vh400 fr flrst-clas In
vestment e pt cent, on aame. Address
fi A. P.. Ttali.mnr Hotel, city.
FOR HALE Only pr-seed brick pant oa
1'xTcct Sound' transport stlon to mil Sound
ctus; bargsln. Horn AV lS. Oregonian.
$3-"0 TAKES meat riiarkt complete with
tools, register, etc.. or will traua
f.,r 'vant lot. Call '-70 Stark St.
CLEANING and prc:r.g shop. esUbllshed
4 year; good paing buinea4. K-avine
cltv. Inquire 7Jl'nioa ave. N-"rth.
PI T C It E show, sea t s J 7 0. leA.e, will pay
for itself in 6 months: cbBucs seldom of
f red. Ca 1 1 2 1 eta rk s it.
WANTED To buy a retail bakery or a
buildiug to start new. K 117, Oregonian.
cT:T3irNG"a-"dtireiiig works. Bood location
a bargAin. 13 4th at. M-n WOT.
W IT have anvthing you want la t!.e bi:lnei
ltna It'.vi Rvaity Co.. -04 Anler at.
X)R SALE ('.sr !nd. ch'Bp V'V'. owner
loicr to old country. Apply 4 $d at.
fil'lTENTlD lorntton. grocery and dellcatea
n. l'ho-e East 7v
KBSTAURANT Cheap, good trade. 4 years
l-aee: muat eell. terms. 204 lat
FOR ALE 1 J room lodging house, good
Incozne, location central: sell cheAp on
a -count ot sickneaa For InformAtlon
phore VB'O 12.1 after 10 A. M-
61 R WM h o t e 1 o nW afh. St.: s trlct'y m od -era:
going at a Oarcaln. nets $400 p-4
month. Inormation Man-hail 3-3.
' "$400 FOB "SALE $40.
Rooming-house. IX rooms: All fiirnlshed,
Cau 4-3 a Da is U cor, lOih.
V -ROOMS $323.
Well located, rett $20; 10 minute walk
to $d mnd Washington; cat busy.
23 ROOMS. $1030.
New furniture. 3 years leas at $100 per
mo.; West bid location.
30 ROOMS. $3300.
On of th. best-located mpartmant
' houses In the city; rent only $1"75; 10
years lease; will tak $1500 down, balanc
In property.
Butte t.lS Yeon tl-ig..
5th ana Aiaer ets.
Phone Main 8360. A 3473.
$2a-24 Failing bldg., 3d and Wash.
LARGE roomlng-houa oflWsih. St.. 65
room, hot and coia water, aie-m n-i. r
to dale throughout, big paying business;
owner must leav city; must sacrifice;
$2KH will handl this business If taken
now. Writ or eall on U. S. Cowlea. 64a Va
Wash. at.
Fifty rooms, modern, located In heart
of city, rent $200, clears $3o0 per month;
good lease, full all the time. Call mbout
It ml omce, Wmahington at-, room
210. -
LAST CHANCB 30 rooms, good lease: rent
$130; only H biocK irom ronnna no.c,
rjomi rent from 30c to $1 ; prlc for a
few days only $140V. H cash, balance un
incumbered realty; n mortgagee her.
Investigate. Phone Main 6278.
FOR BALE By owner, fin furniture of an
11-room house, full of high-class roomers
and boarders; splendid profit; fin loca
tion; easy walking distance; no mgenta
answer. Y 131, Oregonian.
3 S-room hotel, brick building. In a good
live town of 3000. 1 block from depot;
price $s.00. Including furniture.
FOR BALE Furniture and lease of 40-room
hotel la best town In th Wlllamett Val
ley; good reiuwas for eelllng. For par
ticulars lnqulr mt 30fl Washington sU,
Portland. Or.
TEN-ROOM rooming-house for sale: ml! good
furniture: splendid location; rooms always
full good paving propo.-ttlon; leaving city,
must sell. Inauira at B) 6th St.
WILL, trade 180 merea. 3 million feet yel
low flr timber, for good "mnrnoi'"r
diamonds or automobile. Address L. a
ROOMLNO-HOt:SE. 11 rooms, best of furni
ture, ciears 70 abova rent; with 2 rooms
for own. ue; cash or terms. Owner. AJ
1T2. Or'gonlan.
FOR 6ALS Me-room hotel on Washington
e: beat location In city. 6-year lease;
If you want a bargain, look thla up. Ap
ply owner. B63i Wash, st.
Id-ROOM rooming-house; rent will
clear $125 per mo.; best location. lt74 4th,
near Pontages Theater, isy owner; must
be sold at once; aicknesa. Price $.hx
16 ROOMS, on Morrison: m splendid place,
elegant furniture; party will exchange for
hous and lot on East Side; rent $.o. In-
quire of L. J. Justeu. 823 Failing bide.
m.nnrWM mnM.rn tlaC besides larg mttlC
newly fumuhed; brings good Income; best
location; 'o-iii; terms. ft
SO-ROOM downtown rooming-house. 6 ye
lease; $t4t. H cash.
It LOCH REALTY CO., 200 Alder St.
APARTMENT-HOLfE for snlo; pa 10 per
cent on investment. i iirhmnau.
Vropoanls in Red.
Sealed proposals will b received; at in
n-f.n. nf uh'rian A architects. 701
Corbett building. Portland Oregon, untll
12 o'clock noon, of esturdmy. June 24th,
1IL for the following work In th west
wing of new courtnouse. ior vow
ox MUitnoinan. oiaia oi wisua.
The wrecking, excmvmtlon mnd toundm-
-Inn tniPt,iral ateel and Iron WOrk. gran.
...n-o onfii and concrete. Bed
ford "stonework, roofing and sheet metal
work, metal frames, grilles and sashes.
me partitions, mimus
ni.-Ki wnru aaeiioia and floors, carpen
try mnd cabinet work, painting and finish
. lng, glass mnd glasing. ornamental iron,
together with all such other work as may
be called for In the specifications in con
nuction therewith. w . , .
Plans mud apeclflcmtlons may b obtained
k- nftf nr tha architects.
No proposal wil b considered unless
mccompanied by m check payable to th
order ot tn v-ounty wun wi m mikywiu"
rn.mtv certifiea hT a resDonsible bauk.
for an amount equal to 10 per cent of th
mggregmte proposal, mnd this check Is to
be forfeited as fixed mnd liquidated dam
ages In co ae th bidder neglect or retuses
to enter Into contract and to furnish m
suitable bond for the faithful performance
. . . l. in .in. un tha eantract
VI iua vniii
la awarded to him. .J
Th right is expressly reserve Mo reject
any mna mil Dias receive. a.
County Judg; W. U Ughtner, County
Oommissloner; D. V. Hart. County Com
missioner. ......
SEALED proposals addressed to E. E. Wil
son, Sycretary of the Board of Regents,
Oregon Agricultural College. Corvallis. Or.,
w ill be received by th said Board of
Regents until 2 o'clock P. M;, June 3.
V.tiL for the furnishing of ail material
n.rf.,rmanra of all labor required
for the erection and completion of th
following Duiluings:
Horticultural building. t
Farm mechanics building.
Mechanic arts building.
. W .,! i'in P- hlllltlinC.
And for the Interior hnlshinr of the
Armory building, for th Agricultural Col
lg. iitat of Oregon. , m
All bids to be indorsed "Proposals In
(giving the nam of each building).
Said proposals td be opened upon tn
mbov oat oy a ia
All the worm anu raiicniu u,v
form to th plans and specifications there
- m inn. it i in i. at the Of'
fl;. of Corvalll.. 6r and of
th. archltfcu. Btnne, Hendrlcka, 400-5
HV.-ir old.. Portlnnd. Or. Each proposal
iiuit ta .companled by a cartltlcd check
of & pr cent of th. amount of bid a a
auaroito. that the ucc.ful bidder will
. - . Mntnt Birnrdlni to Said
plan, and .KeclncatlonJi. aid check to ba
mud. payab'.. to the Oregoa Agricultural
Coll.ce. . for nlr reMoa. tno bidder
fulla to CKCliU th. proper contract and
bond twulrtl within 10 day. after notl-
tl-aUon of th. acceptance 01 nia
.ul" certllled check will become forfeited
to th. Oreon Agncuiuri
Sealed "propoiU. will be received at the
ofllc. of Jo.eph Jacobberer and Alfred
il Smith, Sul Board of Trad. buUd InK.
Portland. Oregon, until noon Jun.j S. lttll.
or .radinit. eicavatlon. concxet. rttalnlnc
t u. .(ri.walka etc. a. called lor in
i.eclnratlona and drawing, for the ROM
cur Prk School, which drawing. nr'
obtained in to. otic, of th. architect..
Propoeal must be sreomv"""" -
tilled check of lO ior c.nt of
be forfeited as a Bxcd damage .In caaath.
a contract and provld. a proper bond for
the, faithful performance of J" work in
ca?i th. contract la awarded to him. Th.
right la reserved to reject ":
(Signed) IL. C CAMPBELL.
i. t AlRIN .
Building cummlttee. School Board. DUtrlot
Q. A. jqmLmn-
IN THS District Court of ha United Stale.
tor th. District ot Oregon: In th. matter
signed wilt r?er.-. aiedjbld , at hi. of
- fihi .r..t mom a. portiana,
,.V, to 12 o'clock noon ot Monday!
ilay i-!. 18U. for stock of roerchanu:e
belonging to thl. ..tat. and located at
5;i Front sireet. Portland. Oregon. Stock
consists of gents- furnishing goods, -lotb-1,,,.
shoe.. -.c of the inventory !
f.lXT - aiso store flxlures of th. in
ventory 'value of J-HT. Trms. cash i and
tlcpowt of 1U per cent of amount offered
mut accompany each bid and tho right
Is reaened to reject any aau
.aid aal. being maa. .uojeci to -..
... h. rA:irt inventory and in'
pectlon of .tock may b. had on appUca-
L'.ted Portland. Oregon. May 2u. I'.ni.
pttv ritr ritnviEW.
tda wanted for tho improvement of First
ana Bccona buwh.
Sealed bids will b received for th cut-
-n,i fii!n hv the vara, mna tn
..-n- k ir vnrrl oS Ktrst mnd Sec
ond street, respectively. In th city of
Fairvlew. Oregon. Bids must be mad
separately for each street, and a certified
check for ten per cent of th amount oC
each bid mm,: accompany sam. Bids will
be orenaa tn urax au w
tr-v, - ,-,.-! rMrv.i tn risrht to reject
in or ail bids. Ksttmates, etc.. can be
seen, and fuil paxttcaiars obtained rela
tn tha work, either from the mem
be re of th street committee or thm Re-
rU"- a. O. DOLPH.
Recorder. City ot Fairvl.w.
SEAL.ED Mil wlil be received at the offlc.
of the bebool Clwk. -M2 Tllford bldg.
up to three t P. U.. on Thursday. Jun.
1 loll, for the .rectlon of the audition to
til. Lenta school building. Plans and P
Inr.tlon, for Mm. can be seen at th.otllc
ot the architect, room UO. Tllford building,
ieparate bid. will be rerelved as fol
io: First, glass and glazing. Second.
, plumbing and dralni- Third, th. bal
ance of th. work to he under one contract.
A certified cheek for lo per cent of the
amount of the propoeal must accompany
each bid. The loard of Director, re-;
arvc th. right to reject any ana a.i oiaa.
MAY 26. IStV
Fropoaal. lOTlted.
IN THE District Court of th. United State.
for th. District of Oregon in uw
of P. E- Chase, bankrupt: The under
signed will receive sealed bid. at his
office No. T First St.. room . Portland.
Oregon, up to 12 o'clock noon of Wednes
day. May 31. 1911. for the following prop
erty belonging to said eatate; a stock or
merchandise of tbe Inventory value ot
J293S.71. consisting ot the following Unf":
ewelry. I1421.S3; furniture. 3639.S3.
palnta. oil. and glass, S77.0o: also a lot
of store tatures of the Inventory -raluo
e w.t .o .11 f uid nrooerty being lo
cated In the store of said bankrupt at ,
Monmouth, folk uouniy,
shares of stock In tho Monmoutn Creamery
Company ot th. par value of Sid per share.
An Inventory of the above property 1 on
111. at the ofllc. of the undersigned and
th. property may be Inspected on appli
cation to the -Western Rialty-Company at
Monmouth. Bids may be made for the
said stock as a whole or" for each separate
lln. of merchandise. Cash or a certlned
check for 10 per cent ot th. amount offered
must accompany each bid and the rlBht
Is reserved to reject any and all bids, said
sal. being made subject to confirmation
bv the court. Dated at Portland. Oregon.
May 10. ml. R- L. Sabln. Trustee.
LEIGHTOX Dye Works. 14 11th t-, or
Oscar Herman win not do reBiwiiwuio .v..
any bill, contracted by Forest E. Swain,
aa he la not Interested In the buslnesa al
tar May 25, at 12 M. .... ,
We can furnish you expert financial ad
vice on all matter, of buslnesa Union se
pi.v r-n -amtr Kidc 7th and Oak eta.
F. A. SWINDLE t CO., architect, and su
perintendent., .truotural engineer, oo.
us about th. planning of that new home
All of our design, are original, modern
and up-to-date. Call at 302 Mckay bldg.
1100 INVESTED 15 years ago earned to date
over ilo.ouo. write tor Dootieu oou ; -
Cisco Horn. Builders, 871 Phelaa bldg..
San Francisco, California.
WILL Mil 50 shares of stock In local Insur
ance company at aacrlllce; stoca now
lng taw a share. AJ 120r oregonian.
WHO want, a $2250 per cent p-y"?
mortgage on a 4aJ0 larm near ruitw.-.
uood aa wheat. At; 1-1. uregmiw". .
JUW Joan u 1J. - " - -
. 2a Stark St.
WANTED Installment mortgage. 1750, for
... . . qin Lumber
my cooice .yauiivub ...v. w -
$1000, 1."I0 AND t20o0 to loan at S per cent.
242 Stark Street.
PORTLAND Concrete Pile and Equipment
( m 1 1 ill shares, for gala. R 130.
WILL sell on. J14S5 nrat mortgag. for
13S5. N 120, Oregonian.
Money to Latan Ke.1 state.
$20,000 TO loan for o years at 0 per cent
Interest; .ecurlty muat be down town in
com. property. File application, today
Heal Estate Dept..
Chamber of Commerce.
WE are building for others, we will build
your home better and for les. money:
no charge for plana If money Is needed,
w. will furnish It. Talk to us about It.
303 Mcliay Bldgj
ON IMPROVED city property or for buiUI
irg purposes: 3 to 5 years- time; liberal
repayment prlvllegea: money advanced a.
building progresses. The Equltabl bay
ing. Loan Association. 240 Stark t.
$1300 $11000 and $10,000 at reasonable
rate, of Interest on good acceptable prop-
rtjrLIUS KRAEMEU, lQ Fifth St.
PLENTY af money to loan at 6 and 7 per
cent on real estate recurlty.
104 Second it.
$500 0O0 ON improved city or farm property:
building or small loans at lowest prices;
larg. loan, a specialty. J. H. McKeaa..
Co.. 314-015-510 Gcrllnger bldg.
C!4 to S per cent.
004 Chamber of Commerce.
FIRST and second mortgages and contrac..
purchased on farm and city property any
where m Oregon or Washington. E- X.
D.vereaux. Fenton bldg.. hi 0th at.
Lewis Building.
WE IAVE plenty of money to loan on
Pbrtland property In sums from $1000 to
$50 coo at lowest current ratea Morgan.
Flicdner A Boyce, 508-5OO Abington bldg.
$20 000 TO LOAN on Improved city real es
tate, first mortgage, at a per cent. Reas
onable brokerage. Parrlsh, WatkLus
Co.. 250 Alder st.
LOWEST RATES flOO to $10,000 to loan on
real estate, a 6. Nicklin. 35 Lafayette
bldg.. 6th and Washington sta. Main b523.
LOANS on chattel or collateral security; in
.tallment contracts, equities and notes pur
chased. J. D. Morris, Ajoara or -xraae
LOANS made on Improved city property;
r.m.4Baln . fnnri. Invested for lndl-
viduals. John feain. 505 Spalding Mifg.
MONEY to loan on improved real estat. or
for building purposes. Columbia Lit. 4s
Trust company, .a. pywumi umg.
$1000. $3500 TO loan on Portland Improved
property at 7 per cent. Apply to GoodseU
Bros., 4S3 Worcester bldg.
MONEY loaned without brokerage If -w.
build, current rates. L. H, Bailey Co:.
34 Abington bldg.
IMPROVED or unimproved property: .mall
building, loans, contracts and mortgage.
bought. W. IL Nunn. 448 Sherlock bldg.
MORTGAGE- loan, on well Improved farms.
A. H- BLrrell Co. 203 McKay bldg., 3d
and Stark.
g-MOOO TO LOAN. larg. loans a specialty,
"building loam", lowest ratea W. O. Beck,
MORTGAGE loan, on city property; lowest
rates. A. H. Birr.ll Co., 2o2 McKay bldg.
2d and Stark.
SMALL and LARGE amount, to LOAN
202 Board of -Trade bldg.
WILL loan $S00O or less, rsal ealalo .ecur
lty. 434 Chamber of Commerce.
State funds loaned. 6 per cent. W. E. Thom
as state agent. Multnomah Co.. 400 C. ofC.
Will loan$l0,OO0 or less, real estate security.
Farrlngton. 4LG Commercial Club bldg.
aiONEY. any amount. 6 to 6 per cent. Good
no 4tV&Seftx!ll 10Spald In Lgbldg
T ftivg on rear, personal, chattel or collat
eral security. C. VV. Pailett, 308-D FentJn.
RESIDENCES financed and built. A. C
twinn. B33 C. of C. bldg. Main S:05L
LOANS on .all kind, of .ecurity. w. A.
Hathaway, room 10, Washington bldg.
MONEY for good Inside loans, , 7, $7.
Carlock ft Muellhaapt, 1032 Cham, ot Com.
privaTB money loaned on real estate mort
gages. A. H. Mlley. R. 204. Gerllngor bldg.
.. ." . nu TRADE.
HJ Ji-im v
vmvATB MONEY $6000 to loan on Irrlng
..tnreal estate. East 2053.
uqY to loan on insld. Portland prop.a
ty. AT 32. Oregonian.
$500 OR lea. on good real estate security.
424 Chamber ot Commerce.
I HAVE, $2000 to loan on good realty
c url t y. 43. Worcester bldg.
5(0 $SOO. $17O0. $1500; slight expense.
Ward. Allsky bldg. Phone Main 732H.
550 TO loan by pxivat. party. Call 615
McKay bldg!
Mosey to Loaal n Chattel, and fealariea.
$ $$$$$$$$$
W. will furnish you, strictly confidential
and without delay, a loan in any amount,
on your auto, piano, furniture, livestock,
storage receipt and all kinds of securities;
on terms lo milt; also weekly or monthly
On Brat and second real estat. mortgage.
and contracts.
112 Hamilton Blag. Ill 3a. Main 2034.
!$$$$$$$$$ $
Women keeping hous. and others fur
nished without security; cheapest rates,
easiest paymenta C m. and get money
when you want it. and pay as you can.
Office, la all prlndral cities," D. M. Tol
man. 117 Lumter Exchange.
Oa rurnltura, pianos, atorag. receipts, .to.
Lowest ratea
3U7 spa-mng oms.
LOWEST RATES Loan, on all kind, of e
curlty chattel, or real estate: Union Loan
Co 35 Lafayette bldg., 6th and Wash, .ta
LOAN'S on diamonds and other securities.
Wm. Holl. room , Washington bldg.
MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewelry,
strictly confidential. 141V 3d. near Alder.
TOW rate.; we loan money on diamonds and
jewelry. Marx V Bloch, T Sd.
I TrvAv nir. I BrsiXESs dirbctOrt.
Money to Loan onjchattelsnd Salarjea
On salaries only. In amount, of from
i to 1100. at th. lowest possible ratea,
Buslnet. .trlctly confidential.
All w. require. 1 that yon b employed
on salary and you get the money Quickly,
wtlhuut mortgage. Indorser or other a
curuy. gTATB security CO.
30S Falling bldg..
for. Third and Washington Sta.
MONET loaned In amounts from 310 up on
ail kinds of securities, furniture, pianos or
any personal property. Easy weekly or
mvnthly payments: low rates, confidential.
Gray 4 Cunningham, 201 Rothchild bldg,
northwest corner lh and Washington.
A LOAN for th. asking, .alary or chattel.
The Loan Oo 41 Dekum bldg.
Loans Wantea.
WANT lilOOO. 3 years, on horn, worth
$4i00; n-tll pay S per cent and cost., but
no commission. AH 85, Oregonian.
IF you have money to loan at 8 per cent
on gilt-edge first mortgage. It will pay
you to see us aa wo have a number or
applications that are flrst-clasa.
243 Stark St ,
WANTED $2000 first mortgag. building
loan on very desirable corner lot. y a
Verlelgh Helshts; will havo $4300 valua
tion when completed: private party; no
agents.ddresa V 133. Oregonian.
$3000 WANTED on a new home In Irving-
ton; lot liVilw; ail streei iuiv'""'"-"
In; property worth $7800-.. will pay 7 per
cent quarterly and expense to private
party. . no. uiesuiiutu
WE can Invest your money at goodratea of
interest: gilt-edged securities; first mort
gages: long-term Investment. Pjovld.nt
Investment 4 Trustee Co.. 101. 103 Board
ox i raue oiug.
$1300 AND J1S00 on new homes In re
stricted residence districts, close to car
lines: will pay 8 per cent and expense.,
full Insurance, good title. O 1.0. ore
$3500 on DeauLiiui iie-
dence. property; new, 8 ooma. comploted
anrt occunled by owner; will pay 8 per
cent Interest for Immediate loan: value
g30PO. At, 154. urfKmiia.'
WANTED 31500. $2000 J2500, " 5000 . on
gooa resiaeiico iiiu.ji " nrt
est. 3 years. J. H. Tipton Co., 1108
t-paiaing oiog
$S00 LOAN for client; real estate se
curity. Apply at 701 Spalding bldg.
Phone. Main 1110. A 70S3.
$500 WANTED on mortgage loan .on i-g
timber claim In Northern California. Call
at room, 1-t'jj icon umt,.
WANT $1000 for 3 years at 8 per cent on
nice East Side cottage and lot 50X1OU.
Call 317 rtoarj ot i.auo "--o
$2500 WANTED. 7 per cent, on West Side
rth $::3.000: principals. AB
UO, onsttumii.
LET u. plac. your money, g J.0mf1i's
rei.rHni:r ' - --.
WANTED $1000 for East Side business ln
vestment. 8 135, Oregonian.
WE HAVE the finest equipped private of
. OceV on the Pacino Cost. furnished with
every therapeutic appliance used by tn.
most advanced men In Europe and - Amer
iom of massag. and adjustment and me
chanical body treatments, v."--. Matlc.
tlon and heat. Bake ovens X-Ras,
cons, violet iignts anu U1L'- ,V,
High-frequency, ozone. nu,tokJ?ell0-5i
solar, giant and King 1'ghta . We , a. .
the only physicians oa m i
using radium to treat patients. Com. and
be examined free ana se. our """- ; -Jiav.
bn ta. Portland over fl,. r.
ana treaieu uiou,iiu"
never had a aeatn. -
We take no contaglou. or n'ec.t'on,f,1?;
eases, neither do we go out of the ollic.
to treat patients. We can CUKE, do cure
and have cured thousands or
"Incurables" and nervous wrecks, in-
... - u'a i"r-(MlDV tn.
vestiate ior youi.o,.. - , .
entire north half ot the third floor of th.
Rothchilds bldg. Dr. W. E. Mallory.
TO FRANK HERMANN, a son of Frederick
Hermann and Dora Hermann, deceased ot
-Lesiay, Dodge county, ttistuucm. -
Ior your Interest to at once correspona
with your uncle. George Engei.
Wla P. O.. Mayville. Wis.. R. 3. or any
. , . aKn,,r. would
noV" "?,".rr address.
wain HATH stock in th city to
be closed out at cost, convent, German
and pure hair cut irom one nenu
good switches for 80c ana up; a
tures for sale, large mirrors and wax ng
ures, building torn down for Llpman
Wolfe site. Grand Leader. 5th and Alder.
nn AT.TrE a GRIFF.
.1..... nrnrnan artri ehlltlren. SUr-
rery; chronio mnd nervous diseases treated
according to the latest methods; coauaa-
znsnt cared for; consultation frem
Washington st.
slain a vwt.
graduate: rheumatism, nervous and stom
ach ailmeuts, unaer pnysiciiA"-
tions; baths, mmsseuse. No. 7 East ntn
l . a Vosf AalCAIlT
il. secuua oour bouiu iiiu
.. ..i v-. . nan -r IVA'J
canine, roona g,tva$, ,w,
SWEDISH medical gymnast mnd masseur, C.
ilolni strom, aigeauve, uet-vw.
chronic disorders m specimlty ; only
title masseur in this city. OfUc-t uU2-3
uregonian oiag.
Leading wig and toupe makers; finest
x i - he), .nrwli- halrdrauinV.
manicuring, face and scalp treatments. 147
7th st., near torrso" f"u - -J"
HELEN SORN3 and J, E. Perry, mttnetlfl
heaiers, ireat a -7;
hours from 7A. M. to O P. M.
T,r.,r-Tv part)RS Facial massage, man!
curing and scalp treatment a. specialty.
Private calls made. A22 V Washington St..
suite 21.
Diseases of women and surgery. Exam
.ration free. 802 Merchant Trust bldg.
Cth and wasningmnu
DRES3 suits ior rent. $LQ0 month; keep
your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons
sewed on. rips repaired. Prompt calls and
deliveries, uniqu- a aim nn
-5 nni.kT.H. -medalist for men. auicklv
cures blood and skin ailments, kidney and
bladder trouiia aim iiij. v.uuaimwuu
f re e. 1 o l as L -
ji 1 tt riw rnMBiNQS.
Switch. 90c; curls mnd pufTs, 75c Sani'
tary Beauty Parlors. 40O Dekum bldg.
enp hi n. SEIP. mental scientist.
Suit 21-2- S86H Washington st.; public
ouu-o -a. o t -vt Main fiR?
aneewng s-A"-t -
t" a tiTES Lorens antiseptic cones are sooth-
inc safe and sure; l por box. Stipe Tay
lor uruc y-v-
Morrison st.
WE do' "every thing In ladles' tailoring; suits
rt your iiit:-i . " - - " - f " .
Khrilch Co.. Phoenix bldg.. 6th and Oak.
lost vitality. 25o box; 6 boxes. $L2S. Stipe
Taylor Drug .-. j...
MME. Courtrlght, . teatur. and akin o.p4Wll-
1S 0Tca-.. r . . - r
BALM OF FIGS Remedies for disease at
women, o w "
13CALP treatments, roomg 6 mnd 7, 346H
Aiuer, nn- i- .
uoi.ES wrinkles, superfluous hair removed,
Mrs. M. D. H1U. W FUedner bldg. M
Bt'SIXSS directory.
Account a ta.
2-4 Worcester Block.
jattlU au. an. -sj-xiv.
Counsel and expert In mil matters per
taining to municipal, commercial, factory
ceil a. iioi '"'" na ...-.
rv.r.imcrri;ii County and Municluai.
Auditing. Investigating and Systematizing.
v urceiiw b;i-- jt uuu wm.
COMPETENT arohltecturh.1 draughtsman
will take residence work outside offic
hours; beat reierences; prices very reason'
W. A. CAJtPENTER, architect and designer.
removeeu iu $i .. vuiinucma.
Assay er an d Analyst.
tt-.i'i proebstel, mining engineers, chem
and ore-teBiing wuts. i awn u u
TiTctlce. ab 3 tract examined. Removed to
?.TT i ji-.'A von hid a. il- S7. a tt
Baths mad Swinuniog.
Portlard Swimming baths, 167 4th Elegant
plunge; itemu. -- -- -
HILLS SANITARIUM Rheumatic treat
menu e.egant piunge. i5 FronC M 401
Brass mad Machine Work.
HARPER'S BRASS W O RK S B rass casting
and. inachin work. 10 N. fith. Main 27u.
WILLIAM Estelle and Flossl Deveav. th
only soienunc cniropouista iu i a wj-.
Parlors 30 Gcrlinger bids-, S. W. cor. -d
and Alder. Phone Main 130L
CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. TX
111, room e-w r iuucr uiu. m
Chiropractic Physician.
"CHI-EO-PRAC-IIO TICK-NEIi"; Sar t f ast
and ramemDer o.unioia la v w.ou.
DR. EVA MAKfH. first lady chlro. Br. la
CARPENTER and contractor; Jobbing aflil
remodelinp a speciaitv; sign wortc u. jt.
Bliss, Smrk. Pbone Main 9017.
W. I BUCKNER. contractor. Jobbing, of
flc mnd stor sotting, a jn otn iu ati
BSS1. A Woodlawn 662.
ROBERT WAKEFIELD, general contractor.
PORTLAND Collection Agency 317 Allsky.
bldg. Ail debts collected. A .31.. m, e-.
LESSONS 25c; 4 lessons for l; waits, two-
step, tnree-step, stage aancin, ,5
every morning, afternoon and eve., Prof.
Wal Willson's School; oldest and only rec
ognized academy for correct dancing.
8!6r Wash. St., bet. W. Park and 10th sta;
ALVEOLAR TEETH where bridge work is
impossible; does away entirely wun pi.-c.
bridgework; we cure pyorrhea (loo
teeth) absolutely; terms to reliable people.
Alveolar Dental Co.. Abington bide - aa
THE old reliable Union Painless Dentist,
1st and Morrison sta
Dos; mnd. Horse Hospital.
Dr. Brown. D. V. S., office 1-0 N. iV?.1?1
Main 40S6; rea E. 54-10. Hospital
Klectrlc Mctor Hospital
East 117. Motors sold, rented, repair-.
ROBER Machinery Co.. Coast agts. Seabury,
steam encines and boiltrs. gasoline J'
gipe. 2Sl-sa E. Morrison st. Fbona L. 0i.
Fans and Blowers. -
st. Dust collecting and ventilating
tema Phones C 1115. E. S2SD.
Feed Store.
ZIGLER & MISNER. hay. grain, feed, C
meat, shlngiea. -Ji Grana ave. aa
Landscape Gardeners.
G. H. SIEBELS, landscape gardener mad
nursery man. hjia uua to uou m. o-
Sell wood lliiTj
LANDSCAPE GARDENER wants contrmctm
Ior grading. S. Palmer, 4a ciuliii
ave. Phone Sell wood 7-4.
leather and Findings.
CHAS. L MAS TICK & CO.. 74 Front. Leathe"
of every description, taps, mtra. iinamga.
mousneq iaja. loa x mu - .
DR. E. K. SCOTT. 922 Selling bldaV
slAac.Ai nt t n . l' ..-tlim
Emll Thielhorn., violin teacher, pupil Sevcc,
tfuu AartjUtiiu. a gAj. ,,
Osteopathic Physician-.
DR. LEROY SMITH, graduate Klrkvllle.
jd.O., Class Ul lOja , jAiai-t,iouM.
under Dr. A. T. Still, founder of th sca
ence. 1123 Selling bldg. M. 19S7. A lSSo,
Dr. R. B. Northrup, 410-16-17 Dekum bldg-.
Phone oftice M. 341). Res.. East or B 102
papering and Tinting.
TINTING, painting, paper hanging; neat.
Clean wot xv. rnu'i" w
Paints, Oils and Glass.
COAST-MADE paint and varnUh Is best
HUETER PAINT CO.. 101 Second st.
RASMUSSEN & CO:. Jobbers, paints, oils,
, .t,$ ,isf.i-i r!ir. -'d u nd Taylor.
Patent Attorneys.
PATEN IS procured by J. K. Mock, attorney,
at law, late of U. S. Patent Office. Book
let tree. 719 Board or 'iraae oias.
jjm s. a x't. FOREIGN PATENTS procured by
409 Chamoer of Commerce bldg-.
R. C WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat
ents, lnl..nSJ"eL tO-J:a. WV JWp-mA. wma.
THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company. 605
BOa h-ieciric pig. voi-q m.-a, a.
WARREN Construction Co. Street paving.
s. iqiiviaiitg a.-ivA v-t " .
UNCLE MYERS Collateral -Bank. 40 yemrm
In Portland. 71 6th sL Main tflQ.
oCico pear 24th and York sts. M. 34S-
209 d St. Main 2A)1, A 200L
OFFEX" PLUMBING CO., sanitary piumbi
k,U ,, iiSun. -.Tain K4S7.
Rubber fsiampa.
Ti SO seals, stencils, choice stationery, etc
Cunningham's, 2JI Stark. Mala 107.
Kmc Weavera
orthwEtTSus wokks Rugs rrcas
old. carpets, colonial rag rugs. East 35b,
12oU. 1&3 Union ave.. nr. E. alorriaoa.
WORKS. Home products, factory prices.
",, terms; second-hand sates cheap.
Salesrooms 60 Th Ird st. Factory Kentou.
fSifMOSLER SAFE CO, 108 2d st. SaXes
VT factory prices; socond-haad sates.
becond-lland Goods.
kjw r,ay tna nignest prices Ior second-haati
jhmgand. snoes. A aiu. 53 n. GUv,
uoh-cases, itank and Show Fixtures.
Vw LljiaB Miti. CO.. brancn Grand Kap
.na showcase Co.. Bin and Hoju Hi Lulaa,
no'weases In stock; prompt oeUvsrr. bale.
agentTk Winter Lumber Co.
vi x usHAL MFQ. CO., 4th and Couch; new.
and second-hand. Main a70H. Cabinet work.
FictuLcsQue St. Lawrence Routa,
Weekly tjaillnss From
Snlendid Scenery, shortest passage, low rates.
Bff Any lucal agent or
at.t.-f.m A CO- 1- Kearborn St.. Chicago.
Storage and Transfer.
75 ptCE. Transfer & Storage Co, ot-
is and commodious 4-story brick ware.
,,Tuse. with separate Iron rooms and fu-e-priM"
vaults l5r valuables N W. cor 2d
ind Pine sts. Flanos and furniture mjved
rSS packed for snipping. Special rate,
made on goods in our tnrough cars to all
Somestio and foreign points. Main 6Uu,
A. -lyu.
1.- v liTnHAC.E FREE.
AM Household goods go Into brick
warehouse free for the nrat 80 day. and
at the lowest rates thereafter; moving and
Sicking done by experts. Van Eon 'irsna-?-
1-0. Uoth phones.
aeneral transterring and storage, safes,
-isjius and turnlture moved anu packed
r-, .... Front at. Telui.iin
ior . --
Main o4 or A ikt.
UKEtiON TKANii'ER CO, established IsIOl
i rausfer and forwarding agents storag.
- ofnee J10 Hoyt st, between 5th and Iu, ,
fnones Main UK, A Una.
MOOSE, elk heads, fur work. F. B. Flnley.
..j Columbia. A lblJ.
" Typewriters.
-U.-K are the excaauge for the largest type
writer coacern on this Coast; Investlgat.;
.11 makes, all prices. Toe Typewriter Hx
caange, 2sT H Washington St.
TYPEWRITERS, all makes, SO to i60, fully
euaranteed. easy pajmenis, rentals, 13 p.r
montn. racinc stationery A Printing ca,
203 2d St.
"KEW rebuilt, second-hand rentals, at cut
rates. P. D. C. Co, 231 Stark. M. 140r.
Vacuum Cleaning.
r- a RPETS cleaned on floor 51 per hour;
rates to large nouses. B 1050, East llua.
Wood aud Coal.
DRV BLOCK WOOD, mixed wllh smaller
Vood tJ.'JU per load dAvtred any plac.
tn the city. I'ortland Wrecking Co, 10S-
107 Uth St. North. Main 3f. A 373U.
J,.v5mij FUEL CO. Wholesale and rev-
a!l - sawed fir and hardwood. Offlc.
ind yards at E- h at. Phon. East
T24. B 2777. ,
Kfr-HERS WOOD CO. Sawed -ft- cord
od aid slabwood. 9th and GOsan. M.'
6309. M. 630L A 241S.
CENTRAL WOOD YARD Wood and coal.
Main 1608; A 1106.
y-"riiW RRAXC1I E. 33D ST. WOOD
NATIONAL FUEL CO, coal and wood.
Marshall Q0O. SS7 Water st.
Well XlrUling.
DRILL1NQ wells a specialty; priced mason- j
abU , Call Main 134.or wrlto JalUar iu Morrison st, Portland