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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1911)
PROGRAMME FOB SANE 4TH READY Committee Arranges Long Sport Card for Boys and Girls With Prizes. CUT FARES ARE EXPECTED Railroad Official Fall to Answer Request to Reduce) Rales That Country lr Inxlte City Folk on Holiday. ' After consideration of detail, th committee named by Mayor Simon to arrange a "an programm for th ourtn of July calibration this year reported lt work nearly complete yes terday. Tlwrt will ba flva band con certs, two oa tha Wet Sid and three ca tha East Sid, and athletic mi at tha playgrounda la the afternoon fw which prises will ha offered. At cool a salute will b fired by Battary ji. Captain Welch commanding. Tha only dtacouraxlnc report at tha seeslnn of tha rommliiM waa made r-y Oeorire B Cellars on behalf of Judaa t.atsns. chairman of tha transportation committee- Juris Oaten wrot to tha various railroad official, asking them to (tv a low rata to polnta In tha country near Portland. To date, nnna I-.a replied. Thera will ba another meeting of tha full committee. h"W mr. next Thursday afternoon, when It la believed, thera wlil p aom re plteo to present. It aaa desired to oo Kln low ratea that city peopla would be encouraged to set out Into tha rural district for tha day. Cone-ert land Granted. T commute appropriated $ for tand concert Chairman Fleischner. ef tha music commute, recommended t-ul these concerta be held from e-Ylock until & In the afternoon, and that, they ha at lh City Park and the J.orth faraway on tha Vest Hide and in Sellwootl. I'enlnaula and Ilolladay larks on the Last I'M. The r'lulir j r band and the police band will play and three other banda wl'l b nre Chairman Cellar of the commute en games, recommended the following chetul. which waa adopted: :.,ye 1 P. at. events: ottetacl race, eer-ra-e. polate ra.-. threa-IecseU race. p eitmbm. relay race. f-nsr men In team. . founds, aeilwoad. North Ferk. Columbia. a insula. Maay rrbea t a. Thee erenta ara opened to tea croups of ats. Soya un.ter feet Inches In the r -.1 aronp. aos aetaeea 4 feet larhe mn-i feet a Inchea tn the seennd. This v.. II require aa nrst p:ce prlaea. 4C second pla-a priaea and third place prues. Field meet tiroun-l. Meileood. events: It a Jam, pole vault. IW-tH dash. : - v ant sMh. 4v-vara dash. V mil. 1 mil. U-ife. abet. flAs over 4 feet 4 techee to compete tn these evente. which will require eicht Nrst prises, eurht aecoad p;ec pruiea and etj'it thlra place prues. Kaseball .penle of Poetlaad PuMIe 'laroun4 Leeeue. CJrminde: Columbia rrh. .rth Tark. Peninsula and Hev.ntn rei. fuys onner 4 teet 4 tncbee aad bora aver 4 feet 4 Inctiee. risrtntund rutrtB. ftellaood. rtn Park. Peninsula. Columbia. Vova un- Slrle I P. M. .North Park. Co limbta. Sella. d. tlroohlvn. Peninsula. y. vents: P.a ra.-e. relay ra-- It girls la leejn. 4 rd dssh. obstacle race, cllrab ang tnrtlnej ladder. Vh s will require 44 nest place prises. ' .-n4 place prise and SO third place srlel : TO I M. cjroonov. North Park. Co lumbia, aetlwood. ttrooklvn. Pentasula. Kveats t'lavaround baseball, beeaethall 3 1 P. M li-nsntl. .urtk Park. Tenia. aula. Events Kola dsncee. MARRIAGE FEES PROBED (.rand Jury Inquire Into Right of Jadfe to lie Lain Money. right of mag tat rate to retain mar riage feea was made the subject of an Investigation r th grand Jury yes terday, wlto Circuit Jaidg Gantenbein tyfor th Inqutsttnr aa a witnesa. home thousands of dollars, accepted by the circuit and county Judges and tha Justice of tha peace, are said to ba at acake. Kor several dars pa the Jury has dona little but Ingulre Into lh admin istration of the various departments af th county government and several email loopholes have been closed at Ita aus;get!on. tteglnning with tha ei ieetion of lh right of County Clerk Xlrlils to retain naturalisation fees, as Is authorised to do by Federal statute, the jurv has turned It atten tion tn ether little perquisite enjoyed lr ofricera who. the statute sirs, shall receive nothing but their lar!e. Among thee they encountered the mar riage gratuity, and learned. It Is said, that suma of conelderable magnitude were retained ry some of th Judges from this source. Conflict ef opinion exist a to th meaning of th atatute: whether It Is Intended to forbid tha officials to touch any money aside from their stipends, or whether It means that thee shall re ceive nothing further from the treasury. The latter view la the one taken by tha Interested official and th District At torney la non-committal. PERSONALMENTI0N. M. rvhartxciilld. of Eugene, la at trie Bower. Via. H. F. Gerry, of Hood ftlvr. la at th Howers. Jhn T. Ray. of I-ewlston. Idaho, la at the Portland TV. 1. Flodgatt. of Kysaa. Or 1 at the I: i-perlaj- j. Mailer, attorney of klcji'navlll. la ht til Per kin. O. A. lo be! I. Corf rrrrchant, U at va Imperial. J. M. Kawklna. a merchant of Al bany, la at tha ursgon. c.. J. Oesallng. a Hood r.Ivr fruit grower, la at tea Portland J. U Lawrenc. of Bend. Or. I kmony the late arrival at th Bower. Charles R. Hurly. of Tacoma, recla tared at th Bower yeaterday. r. A. Toung. merchast of Albany, ar rived at tha Portland yesterday. Mrs. J. If. Tentpleton. manager or a JTinevia hotoL la at ta i'erklaa O 1. Ixasrmsn. of Helena. Kont arrtwd at ta Bowara yesterday. Joaeph Gag-noa. a Medford lumber Hun. Is registered at tha Oregon. Mrs. K. te Chamber, cf Rainier. 1 at the Portland whll on a visit tn th city. A. V. Howell, a ploner resident of Bend, registered at th Imperial ea- leruav. Ir. J. tV. Ingram, of C.vo Bay. waa a mora th arrivals at th Perkins yes tsnio. R. W. Rodger, a land operator of futh-r'tn. Or. r-ltrd at th Terkln evetrr..raV. F. O. Jewett arrived In Portland from Burn yesterday. H l at th I-erkina. Mr. E. f. Cooper, of 'Whit Salmon. TVastL. I at the Imperial while making; a vult In Portland. L. O. Wilson, a coal operator of Iwi County. Washington. 1 at th Oregon. Mr. WUaoa'a headquarter ara at Con trail. Roy Bronson. late with Ma Dill at th Bungalow, passed yesterday ta Portland oa hi war to Loa Angel, where ha ha accepted a alx weeks' engagement In Block. A. R. Maujer, associate editor of Power, th largest technical journal In th United States, la In Portland. Mr. Maujer will remain here a week to gather material for a erie of articles. He will tour th tat to Investigate watar power condltlona. FORT STEVENS. Or, May 15. (Spe cial.) w. c. Jacob. First Lieutenant Coast Artillery Corp, who ha been tatloned at Fort Bteven for th past two year, ba been ordered to Weat Point Military Academy, aa Inatructor In French and Spanish and assistant athletic Instructor. CHICAGO. May 2S. Spclal.) Ore gon people registered at Chicago hotels today are: From Portland At tha Con erres a. J. II. Vogt. At th Great Northern. Mrs. Charles H. Green, At th Laaalle, R. 6. Chapman. From Ashjanrl At th Great North era. Mr. and Mr. U Iltlty. LJlllam Hil ts'. Carl HJIty. Mr. aad Mrs. Charles J. Brady. NEW TORK. Uay Special J Th following perarm from the Paclfle Northwest ara registered at New Xork hotels: From Portland At tha Longarre. 8. W. Hundley: at th Broadway Central, J. M. Pougho: at tha Navarre. Ml E. Clifton: at the Brealin. J. Shemanakl. Frum Seattle At tha Grand. IL B. Usman: at th Bev111. Mr. and Mrs. L O. Shuey: at tha Ureslln. A. Shemanakl; at th Martinique, A. M. Maxim. From Belllnghain. Waah. At th Tork. If. N. Anderson.' From Hood River. Or. At th Grand. O. R. Gre4n. From Spokane. Wash. At tha Rector. W. N. Joyner. SHOOTING TO BE PROBED fltWK WAYSE MAY FACE SEC OM 1XDICTMKXT. (irand etnrf Will Consider Bobbery of ScIIwvxmI otorflre and Woandln; of Patrolman. Shooting of Patrolman Forenson. at the robbery of the Sell wood postofflc. over four year ago, will be considered by the grand Jury next week, with a view to th Indictment of Frank Wayne, one of tha ganr of robbers, who baa admitted In open court that he had a hand In tha affair. Th motlv for th belated action I that Wayne baa bees granted a new trial after having been convicted and sentenced to two years for th robbery of th Oresham bank oa January I. lo. Wayne waa convicted befora Judge Morrow recently, and upon motion being mad for a new trial It Waa granted. Prior to being placed on trial for tha Oresham affair. Wayne served a acntrnc at McNeil' Island for th robbery of the postofflca. An ag gregate of ten year lmprlaonment had been given him. but h secured pre mature releaaa upon the dlacovery that the trial court had not ordered that the aentance on four count should not run concurrently. H was released last Fall and was at once re-arrested on a atat charge for th Uresham rob bery. In a battle with tha robber at Sell ood. officer Sorenson was shot In the foot. He Identified Anderson, one of the gang, as the man who shot him. but as Wayne admit beln- present at the time, the state will endeavor to secure his Indictment aa a participant In the shooting. Thla case. If an In dictment Is returned, will be given the right of way over th second trial of the Greaharo case. PIONEERS WILL BE FETED 1100 F.xpoctrd to Attend Banquet Here on Juno SI. Preparation for th annual banquet June II to ba given by th Women' Auxiliary. In honor of th Portland Pioneer' Association, vers mad at a meeting of the auxiliary at th horn of th president. Mm C Si. CartwriBht. yesterday afternoon. It la estimated that U) pioneer will be entertained. For serving this army of pioneer 176 cakes. l"i doxen biscuit. 134 loavea of bread. JO pounds of small cakes, to pounds of sugar. IS hama. Si tongues. 44 veal loavea. ii salmon and 40 gal lons of salad are the estimated sup plies, and donation of the edible and cash are being received by tha com mit t re In charge. The officer of th auxiliary. Mrs. Cartwrlaht. president: Mra Joseph Mln- to. first vice-president: Mis Kate Hol man. aecond vice-prrstdent: Visa A. M. Cremen. secretary: Mis M. K. Taylor, treasurer, and Mra Benton Killen and Mr. l. P. Thompson, member -tf th board of directors, ara making; all ax rancementa. Aa In former year th pioneer will meet In the Maaonlo Templa for exer cises, afterwards parading through th downtown street In automobile to th Armory, where th woman of th auxi liary will serve the banquet at :J P. M. Th members of th different com mittees to take charge of table will be named at th next meeting of th auxiliary, with Mr. Cartwrlght. June 14. Resolution were adopted yesterday memorialising- tha death of Mra Ida Pratt, a member of the board of direc tor of th auxiliary aad of Mra Charles Holmaa. POLICE PENSION URGED Publicity Expert developed In Cam paign for Ordinance). ' Publicity expert have developed In the Police Eepartraent In th cam paign of the officers for th passage of tha charter amendment providing for a police penaloa fund. A line of clever advertlalng matter baa been composed by eome genlua and 1 posted varloualy about tha station, being directed principally toward awakening the officers to a eenae of their duties to themselves. Across th parade room bang a broad banner, urging the patrolmen to Bt themaelvea to explain th measure to cltlaena In another placa la a Hat of -don t" addreed to th "knock ers," Ton"t think that you will ever become disabled." It eaya. "Tour wlf can work." A letter exposing on officer who 1 reported to hav told a cltlaen that th bill wa "no good." I posted on th door of th locker room. Th bill, which Is on th ballot to he voted upon next week, provide a retirement fund for officer over 0 who hav served year. A elmllar measure on behalf of the city firemen la being urged. 0! You Piano Buyers I . u ! I J J 1 i 4 L-uiif' "While you are calling on oxir -worthy competitors . who are offering PIANOS. FOR NOTHING WITHOUT ANY PROFIT, don't forget the LITTLE STORE, THAT DOESN'T SELL PIANOS FOR NOTHING, but DOES MAKE A LITTLE PROFIT, and w e want you to know it. "We nor you nor anyone else could live, pay rent and other expenses ivin; things away. The OLD ADAGE is worth recalling. That is: "YOU GET JUST ABOUT what you pay for in this world." So, if YOU BUY A PIANO for $100, that is all it is worth. "We sell direct from factory to home, thereby saving you the retail dealer's profit. Terms to suit our convenience. 4 Evidence of Real Estate Swin dles Growing. HAND OF WOMAN DETECTED Conveyances Recrntly Exposed Are Connected With Ical by Which Kant Side Groce-rs Were De frauded of Store. I.lnk by link. Deputy District Attor ney Pag Is connecting evidence upon which he expect to bs abl to show that a gigantic conspiracy for th fraudulent conveyance of real estate ha existed In Portland and that thou sand of dollars have been lost by in vestors through It. Another tep was taken yesterday, when the proeecutor was abl to show that tha frauds recently exposed are In train with tn complaint Issued on March 1 against J. F. Roth and George Sanborn. 'in which they wer accused of swindling a Brm of grocers out of their tore, Eanhorn appears in other trans action, and through him it is believed that th deal can bs led back to the of fice ef Harry Viereck. with whom h waa for a time assolcated. Grocer Are Swindled. J. A. Cobb and F. C. Dillingham wer tha proprietors of a grocery store on th East Side, which they traded to Roth for acreage In Josephine County. They found later that they had not ac quired title. When It was sought to arrest Roth he could not be found and Sanborn convinced the District Attor ney that be had acted merely as agent. A forged abstract, purporting to have been Issued by J. K. Hare, of Grant Pass, accompanied the deed. Roth transferred the grocery to James Pe ters, receiving for It a deed to lots In Cliffs. Wash. Finding that the deed to the Josephine County land was a forg-er-v. Cobb demanded restitution from NEW FRAUD 01 Peter and received a deed to the same lot previously transferred to Roth. A woman operator I believed to hare shown her hand In the most recent deal to com to light, one of which all the detail are nut yet In the possession of th prosecutor. Deed Traced to Woman. When Charles S. Klton was arrested recently for giving a false deed to Elsm thaw for lot In Milton. CaL, which proved to ba In a cemetery, he aald that tltl came from one Shield, a realdent of Vancouver, who appeared of record a having received them from the myi tarious Nelson, who appears at the bot tom of all th transaction. Now evi dence is found that Shield holds a deed for other property In San Diego. Cal.. said to b worth $000. and that it wa transferred to him by the woman, whom th officers believe to b an as sociate of Nelaon. Question ull exist whether Ena Nelson, held at the County Jail as the mainspring of all th transaction. 1 th John C. Nelson from whom all th deed originated. Six or more of tha lnteretd person went to the Jll yes terday with a view of Identifying him. but non of thra knew him. Circum stantial evidence, however, warrants the authorities In holding; him. An Interesting feature of the case la that Nelaon was found and turned over to Detective Maher, by Elton, on of th men accueed f being In the ewlndle. but who was released In the Municipal Court on Wednesday Lincoln Plan Extravaganza. Th Philolexlan Society of Lincoln High School hae completed plan for an xtravaganxa to be given at the echool ea June i. In honor of a com'ng annl- . ,, ..yl .... -i ...S.- versary of the society. Professor Rob ert Krohn has consented to direct tha various drill and dances which will ba Included In th performance. Th affair will be aomewhat upon tha order of a masque. Most of the line have been composed and arranged by the girl themselves. Th entire school has been Invited to attend. The date of the performance will be shortly be-, fore the Rose Festival, and It will be called "The War of the Roses." ROAD FUNDS SOLICITED Mr. Wemme to Add SO Cents to Every Dollar Raised. Determined to complete construction of a good highway between the Mult nomah County line and Mount Hood, tha Portland Automobile Club ha started a campaign to secure funds to carry on the work. B. D. Joseph, a good roads expert, has been appointed to conduct the campaign for the club and will begin an active canvas for funds today. More than $20,000 ha been expended already on this road. The money that ha been available was rained partly by public subscription, but much of It waa given by private individual. K. Henry Wemme ha been the largest contributor to the fund and in addi tion has given much personal atten tion to the project. The road was re paired under the direction of Mr. Wemme as far as Cherryville last year. To stimulate the campaign for funds, Mr. Wemme has agreed to give 60 cents for every W that is raised by Mr. Joseph amons; the business men and automobillsts In Portland. Members of the club believe that there is enough Interest In the project to cause a gen erous donation. It Is planned to re pair the road to the base of Mount Hoed this year, provided the club receives the financial support that It Is seeking. BANKS FULLY PROTECTED Decision Hold Maker of Ont-of-Town Check Liable. According to a decision by the United State Circuit Court of Appeal at Man Francisco yesterday banks will be fully protected when cashing checks or when accepting for credit paper from outside correspondents. The case that brought forth the de cision was that of the United States National Bank of Portland against the Amalgamated Sugar Company, which, after depositing a check with the Far mers A Traders' National Bank at La Orande. stopped payment following- the failure of the La Grande Institution. Th Farmer A Trader' bank already had sent the check to the United State National and the Portland concern was unable to collect, as the account of tha La Orande bank waa too low to cover It. Th sugar oompany refused payment and suit waa started. The bank won In th local courts and th suit was taken to the appellate court upon appeal. POSTS PLAN MEMORIALS School Children to Help Decorate Graves of Veterans. A. J. fimlth Post of the Grand Army of the Republic and Blackmar Circle of the Ladle of th Grand Army, are com pleting arrangement for Memorial day exercises to be held In Milwaukle cem etery, between Scllwood and Milwaukle. Monday forenoon. Graves of the vet eran In the cemetery will be marked and decorated with flower by the school children. Members of the post and circle will march to th cemetery at A. M. with the school chllaren. The monument to the unidentified dead will be dedicated as the main feature of the ceremonies, which will consist of addresses and music. Ben Butler Post and Ben Butler Wo men's Relief Corps, of Sunnyside. have arranged for special exercise in the hall on East Thlrty-fourttt and East Yamhill streets Monday afternoon. This post and relief corps will ass'st In marking and decorating th graves In KODAKS We carry a full line. We do de veloping, printing and enlarging at lea than you can get It done elsewhere; do it right and have it ready -when w say we will. TRUNKS We hav a full and complete line of trunks, basswood or fiber. This line includes Steamer, Ward robe, Bureau and Dresser Trunks. All sizes and all styles. Many are priced specially low Friday and Saturday. Saturday Candy Again Saturday we put on sale our regular Saturday Candy, now well known and popular in OQfV Portland. Forty-cent boxea. AJf CLEAN TEETH Iae Sapoaol Tooth Powder. .... 19e Celluloid Tooth Brushes 19 2Se slse Arnica Tooth Soap 13i SI.OO eiTCOtkysaollae TOc 50c alse Lavonl 37 1 t a Lealeytlae Liquid. ......... 17 25c sis Brow a 'a Tooth Powder ,.17c SI.OO alse Llatertne 69t 1 plat Peroxide ef Hydrogen 19 lee Mentholyptlnev full pint. ..33 3Se lae Rnblfoam, 2 for 25 BOc also Pebeeco Tooth Paste... 28 loe alse Dental Flos 8 2Se Enthymol Tooth Paste "9 BOe slae Sosodont, large sla. . . .39 2.1c slae Lyen'a Tooth Powder, 2 for. 25 lae Lesley Dental Cream. pe rial at 11 BOe a lae Vravea' Tooth Powder... 21 Dentyne Chewing Gaaa S for...lO 2Se else Sheffield's Tooth Paste..l3 Vae Owl Alkaline Ellxer, pt..-33 20e alae Llaterated Tooth Pow der 15 2Se alae Paaturlne Tooth Paate..l5 SSe alae Sosodont Tooth Paste.15 CLEAN HOUSE 10e Sapollo 7 BOe Platt'a Chloride 37 Knll plat Ammonia............. T Borax, one ponad. ........... ., 7V FeJa Naphtha Soap 54 25c Petermaa Hoaca Pood.. .. . 19 2lie alae Electric Rat Paate....l9 Kalry Soap, six for 25 2Be alse Barkeeper' Friend. ... 19 Bet Rlaealt 13 2Se Kellog'e Ant Paste 19e 25e BrlUlantehlne 19 2Se alae Insect Powder 19 One pint Formaldehyde 39 Babbltt'a Lye. three for 25 J. at J. Sulphur Caadle, a for.. 25 Chloride of Lime, 1-Ib. can 7 Tanglefoot Fly Paper, S sheets 5 Polaoa Fly Paper, 2 aheeta.... 5 Inaect Powder Gau 8 Rough ea Rata 13 Japaneae Gold Paint. 19 Johssoss' Floor Wax. . 37 BOe alae Phenyl Dlalnfectant. .39 2Se alse sheep Dip 19 CLEAN ZR 25e Owl Straw Hat Cleaner. .. .15 S5e Todeo ( leaning. Fluid 19 Fear ass. Pipe Clay 5 One pound French Chalk 7 Japaneae Cleaning Cosnp 17 ..inn morn I There is no organization on the Pacific Coast that fills as many prescriptions as THE OWL UNCHALLENGED ! intra compan vT WnyTdo you suppose? We fill so many that our drugs are always fresh, pure and Tstrong-they havfto bTh. Mml8 buslZ. mSces it a money-saving proposition to employ the .est pre SCTlptlon clerks we can find. Theurigain, leading physicians recommend our store on that account. All of which helps lis ORIGINAL CUTI2ATE DRUGGISTS Tih. and WASHINGTON STS. ORTLrAND, ORE. Lone Fir Cemetery for the general ex ercises Monday afternoon, but will hold their own exercises in this ball at the same hour the Lone Fir exercises are held, for the reason many of its mem bers cannot bear the fatigue of stand ing through the long exercises in the cemetery. There will be patriotic talks and songs and a special feature will ba a banquet. Pendleton Postal Bank Opens Soon. PEN'PLBTON'. Or.. May tS. fSpe- WHY SOCIETY WOMEN HAVE PRETTY FACES .11 r . n mn manv of us admire the beauUful complexion of society women and wonder why." writes Mae Martyo. authority on beauty matters, in the Boston Post. "Their good looks and pretty faces are generally the re sult of the greatest care and precau tion In using beautifying preparations. The day 1 passed when powder finds favor with the knowing ones. It has been found to clog up the pores snd cause rough, sallow complexions. If instead of powder women generally would use a simple. Inexpensive lotion made by dissolving four ounces spur max In one-half pint hot water with two teaspoon! uls glycerine added, the matter of beautiful, charming faces would - soon come to be a common thing. This lotion clears and beautifies the skin as no other preparation will. It does not show like powder or rub off so easily and for taking away that shlnv, oily, sallow look U unequaled." Adv. "Clean Up!" That is the seasonable word. The Owl Drug Co. is ready with the cleaner most any kind you want. We name some of them at Special Cut Rate Prices for Friday and Saturday. Read all the way through. It will pay you. CLEAN BLOOD 1 alae Burton's Blood Syrup... 73 91 slse PlnkhaaB' Blood Purl- fler. . 75 1 also Prruna. 60 TJae Owl Beef, Iroa aad Wine.. 59 Use Owl Herb Tea 17 1 slae Gads'! Peptomaagoa. .. .75 TJae Owl 80L Iron aad Manga- neae. ...65 BOe California Syrup of Figs... 29 91 slae Hood's Saraaparllla 69 75c alse Green' August Flower-60 91.75 alae S. 9. 9 SI. 14 92.00 slae Saceu Alteran. .. .(1.39 lOe alae Harlem oil, alx for.... .25 91 Itexall Saraaparllla. ...65 CLEAN NAILS 25e alse Roaallae ...15 TJae Owl Nail Lustre... 15 loe Emery Boarda. ........... . 5 25c Nail Brnahes. 19 BOe Haraiaeh Nail Enamel 33 2T Owl Nail Add 19 25e Lusterlte Nail Brick 17 25e Nail Flies. 19 25c Pray Emery Boarda. .....19 25e Luaterite Cuticle Ice....... 17 Pearl Nail Cleaner 9 Manic are Sticks, alx Tor 5 60e Manicure Sclaaor. ....... .-39 nr r i XT your LLEiiill LIVER Burton Liver Tab I eta 13 Beecham' Liver Pllla.... 15 Sehenek'n Pill. 17 Chamberlain' Pill...... 17 Ayer' Trills 15 Hodri'e Pllla ..15 Cutlcura P"l "JS Plerce'a PeUets., J Klng'a New Life Pllla. 17 Pinkham'a Pllla. ..17 Caacaret 7C B a r t o n'a Kidney aad Liver Remedy 69 CLEAN CLOTHES Tod co Cleaning Fluid 19 Japaneae Cleaning Comp. 17 6Ue Whisk Brooms. 33 8 OSS. Turpentine. ... e.. . 7 75e Cloth Brush 49C One pint Beasine. ...... 7 Wool Soap 7 CLEAN SCALP 75e Louden Rum and ftulalne.,.59 BOe Burton's Scalp Tonle. ..... .30 25c Lee'a Egg Tar Soap 17 BOc Smlth'a Pomade e..39 lae Owl Shampoo 19 BOc Caplllaria 29 75c Hlrautia .60 91.UO Herplcide .......57 25c Lawrence Tar Soap. ...... .11 Boc Hay's Hair Health 33 BOe t'anthrox. 30 BOe nnnderlne. .....29 STc PaekeCa Tar Soap 14 BOe Seven Slaters' Shampoo. .. .39 lOe Wanoa' Shampoo Bag...... 7 lOe Fluff's Moquet 7 CLEAN r 25c Owl Kennel Soap .....15 25e Glover'a tor Soap.. 17 20e Kirk'a Dog Soap 13 25c Mirie Inaect Powder 19 BOe Todeo Mange Remedy. 33 25e Sprart'a Dog Soap 15 25c Rickeecker'a Dog Soap 19 BOe Glover's Mange Cure 35 REX ALL REMEDIES y0 AGENTS IX THIS VICINITY. clal.) Pendleton's postal savings bank will be opened for business June 12. This Is in accordance with Instructions Just received by Postmaster Brown. The local official has also been directed Summer Excursions to the East May IS. IT, 18, 19. 22, 22. 24. 25. 27. 28, IS. Jos 6, 1. B, 10. 12. 16. IT. 21. 52. ? 2fl. SO. July 1. 2. I, 4. 6, (. 19. 20. 26. 27, 28. August 8. 4. . 14. IS. IS. 17. 2L 22. 23, 28. 29. 20. September 1. 2. 4. S. . 7. CHICAGO AND RETTRW 72. SO ST. LOUIS AND RETITftJf . . 70.00 NEW YORK AND RETl'HJI. . . . 10S.5O BOSTON AND RETl'RN 8110.00 ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, DritTH, OMAHA. KANSAS CITY, ST. JOE AND RETURN S SO.OO Tickets allow fifteen (IS) days for going passage, final return limit October 81st. Go one way and return another if you wish, stopovers al lowed within limit in each direction. Ride on the ORIENTAL LIMITED, Through Standard and Tourist Sleepers Portland to Chicago, In seventy-two hours without change. Service and scenery unsurpassed. Tickets and sleeping-car reservation nir Ticket Office, 122 Third Street, Portland, or at Depot, Eleventh and Hoyt streets. H. 'DICKSON. C P. at T. A. iBmmii.n gray. a. G. F. P. A. CLEAN IS? White Almond Soap Box..... .19 BOe Char lea' Flesh Food. 27 25e Owl Violet Ammonia 20 25e Spanlaa Caatlle Soap. .. .. .19 25e Batuaaweet, two for 25 SSe BeaxolB and A 1 m a d Lo tion. 23 ' 2Se Eapey's Cream. .......... ..15 10c Waah Clothe, four for. ....25 15c Sea Salt, two for .....25 10o Sponges. . ................. 7 25e Frostilla. 13 50a Elcaya Cream .............35 BOe Sempre Glovlne .......... .29 25c Cold Cream Tubes..... a,.. 15 CLEAN X 25e Gilt Kdge Shoe Polish..... 19 25e Shlnola Outfits 19 Shlnola Polish 9 T. M. Blacking 9 25c Shoe Brushes .............19 Elite Shoe Dressing. . . ,.... .13 25c Quick White 19 Ruaact PolUh 9 CLEAN SS BOe Pompellan Cream .30 BOe Owl Skin Food. 43 SSe Glenn's Sulphur Soap 19 Fall Pound Theatrical Cream. .43 BOe Koameo Cream .......39 BOe Ingham's Cream. ......... .30 2Se Peara' Scented Soap.. .....12 BOe Malvlna Cream 3.3 SOe Bfeloroae Cream .......... .37 25c Reeve' Almond Cream. ...19 25e Woodbury' Facial Cream... 19 BOe Santlaeptle Lotion 30 25e Perfumed Greea Soap...... 19 XOe. Face Chamois 7 CLEAN YOUR SILVER Electro Silicon . ......... 7 Bon Ami 8 25c Chamois ....19 Best Whiting, one pound...... 7 Puts Pomade . . 9 CLEAN HANDS 25c Lesley Almond Meal... .....19 Sue Hind' Cream ............ .33 Lava Soap ................... 8 Skat. 8 Flaah. . 8 Feet's Mechanic Soap........ 8 Grandpa Tar Soap 8 Hand Sapollo 7 25e Hand Scrubs ..............19 25c Tincture Greea Soap v-19 CLEAN GLOVES Art Gum Full Pint Gasoline.... Todeo Cleaning Fluid. Full Pint Bensine.... 8 . 7 .19 . 7 to go ,to Olympia, Wash., to receive In structions relative to opening the new institution. Immediately upon his re turn he will complete arrangements for the openng. f- ,:!(nvqiitl:t.jWW:,XBl..'lt. :. . ZTs.K' i