THE 3IORXIXG OREGONIAX, FRIDAY, MAY 2G. 1911. antozt Frirlnv Surnrise in Our History-June White Days-Begin Today See Additional DnTFWhite Days" on Back Pase-All Credit Purchases Made Today Goon June Account, PayaUjajzM To 35c White Hosiery, 1 9c 50c White Stationery at 28c RT F OR our Cireat lltli Annual June wmie uaj, ou i ,.t -a. sCuiTimprhv "Linen Stationery, ineliuline -"0 sheets of paper and envelopes to inaicn. Iure white. "While lot lasts. box L'S-. 25c Meadowbrook White Lawn Stationery for only 12 15c Dennison's White Crepe Paper Napkins, 100 for 8 50c Berlin's Fine White Correspondence Paper for w m 25 kvcnaQ-e-.wr iirim X- FHIVK'S. FIRST FLOOR. BY MAIL. Women's 35c White Lisle Hose Double garter proof tops all sizes. June White Days. 19c. Misses' and Children's 25c and 35c White Hose light Summer weight all sizes. Pair, 19c. Infants' 25c White Lisle Hose Seamless. June Whlla Tla-ra tnrlav. Tinjr. 19fc. Women's 50c and 65c White Silk lisle Hose at only 39 75c White Wash Veils, dots and fancy lace borders, 45 $1.50 Silk Chiffon Auto Veils, white and colors, at 9c I Inrmmmm 'm ftte(B--(bpeffit JEM WI Mftimtnini of Snowv Garments, Dainty and Durable, Here to Greet You This Morning! o rrtr- f C7 . ir -o. i i.i r v r li (I ..-;rjfit -er vj ,i ORDER BY MAIL. THE business we do every year during these Great June White Days is the wonder of all manufacturers! Last year's sale was hardly over when we began placing the orders for the monster event which begins on lfjL were Allowed to touch an order. Then we specified the materials-splendid MasonviUerus lins, En.Xle Muslinl Cambrics and other standard grades, even in the 73c Gowns! Not the gaudy sort of trimmings, but neat, artistic embroideries, durable linen and Val. laces, dainty tucks, etc. v ' ' . - When the sale opens at 8 this morning you'll find the broad, spacious Muslinwear Store piled high with mountams of snow? , well- 1 t A A 11 1 A sfi il,A made, servioeauie garmenxs at xue iurai pucra iuv uai. $7.50 Fancy White Petticoats for $3.15 f00 in a snecial Durchase to soil at this astonishing price surely thorell not be a one left by toniaht! Made of bfst quality Lawn with wide flounces of elaborate embroid ery and dainty lace insertion. All have separate, lace-edjred dust ruf fles. Actual White Petticoats, illustration above, e-edjrea ausi rui- $3:15 1000 Splendid $1.00 Gowns at, Each 73c Gowns of splendid, firm Mason ville Muslin think of it, for only 73c I Plain high and low-neck styles, trimmed in neat, durable linen lace. Cut full and lone and splendidly made. Our own best $1 Gowns you 11 never equal them elsewhere under $1.2o. While lot 1000 last for Great June White Daj-s, each only 73c All Lovely French Muslinwear Reduced For the Great June White Days, we include our entire stock of ex quisite hand-made and hand-embroidered French Undermuslins at phenomenal savings : French Gowns from 51.47 to $75 French Drawers, 1.47 to 810 French Chemises, 73 to 15 Combinations, from S3. 75 to 15 French Skirts from $1.98 to $35 Annual June Sale of $3.50 Corsets $2.19 TbPSA are a line of the finest $3.50 Corsets, made up especially for ns by a famous manufacturer, to sell dur ing the Great June White Days! Made of splendid quality Batiste and Coutil in three latest models with medium and high bust and long hips, Supporters iront and side; regular 3.50 Corsets, for jyiiii X! ust ana long nips. $2.19 The Gown Specials Women ' Gowns of famous Lonsdale Cambrics ami Mucins, Masonville Muslins and fine Nain .H.k, in downs of charmini? hieh, "V," round and square slipover stylos. Lotijr and short l,vo beautifully and durably triuamod: $1.60 Gowns. June Wait Day, each, only OS4 $1.75 and $1.85 Gowns, your choice for 81.22 $2.00 Oowna, June White Days price only SI. 39 $125 Gowns, June White Days price only S1.73 $2.50 and $i75 Gowns, jam choice for 81. 93 $3.00 Gowns, Jane White Days price only $2.19 Oiher Gowns up to $18.00, all at reduced price. Combination Suits Women's dainty Corset Cover'and Drawer or Corset Cover and Short Skirt Combinations. Also Princess styles : $2.50 Combination Garments,.now $1.89 $3.00 Combination Garments for $1.97 $4 and $4.50 Combinations for $2.93 $5 to $6.50 Combinations now for $3.75 $5 and $6 Princess Slips now only $3.57 $8.50 and $10 Princess Slips, now $6.95 The Corset Covers Made of Longcloth, Nainsooks and Cambrics, neatly trimmein embroideries, Val. and lmen lace edgines. tucks, etc. Made with peplum skirt and fly-front, also blouse and tight-fitting styles: Regular 75c Corset Covers, now 43 Regular $1 Corset Covers now 73 $1.75 Corset Covers, sale at $1.27 Regular $2 Corset Covers, now $1.39 $2.50 and $2.75 Corset Covers, $1.93 White Underskirts All Underskirts made full length, with sep arate dust ruffles Of good quality Cambric and Lawn deep, elaborate flounces, trimmed in beautiful emboideries, clusters of tucks, headings and ribbons: $2.00 White Underskirts, at $1.43 $2.75 White Underskirts, $1.93 $1.75 White Underskirts, now $1.22 $100 White Underskirts, now $2.93 Up to $37.50 Underskirts, all reduced. The Drawer Specials 75c Masonville Muslin Drawers only 49 Regular. $1.25 Drawers, for only, pr. 87 Regular $2.00 Drawers, special price $1.33 Regular $2.50 Drawers, special price $1.73 The Children's Garments All Children's Muslinwear at June White Days' prices. ' Children's Gowns priced at 59 to $4.98 Children's Drawers, from 15 to $1.48 Corset Covers, priced from 78 to $1.98 Childs' Skirts, from 73 up to $9.98 ' . . ...ii i Sale Lingerie Waists for the June White Days OLEX, here is the annual Waist Sale youVe lMrnl to wait for! Not nust a few styles to choose from, but many of them so youll find in this a L f irnl.-t- Viora ViooTI U-!int- great group iue very sort ui. ikuoijvuuu.v ing at a price far below regular. choose from about 5 different models in lawn and batiste, lace and embroidery imm..i mnrlo with lnntr sleeves and high II I Mf """t . v ...... - C . . . . 1 1 k.H m neck. An espeially neat style as piciureu iicre, buhuu the front, rows of embroidery on either side. includes the new side-frill style of batiste with embroidery at front, hifh neck and lonsr sleeves. Also nlain lawn waist buttoning in the front and having the clever Bul garian roll collar. 0 you eet the popular Middie Blouse, ns shown here, in white, tan and Made with . clever sailor collar and cuffs piped in contrasting color and having front lace cord. Fine fitting, dashing little waists. are pretty, nicely .made waists of white allover batiste. One style as vhnu-n l)oro Ilitrh neck, buttonine .... . . I ...... lAnA vf 3 ' lanirth . . k d kb..l- navini tcii 1.11 inn hiiii 1 ir ili 11 L aii-cic kh. -a ju.... Ill 1 1 1 .. - '- . Those are unusually charming models, so pretty and becoming to the young or older women. the waists are unusually dainty and nicely made of fine quality lawn. Ma.1v fcifh -noot nd Ions sleeves and invisible frotit buttonine. with clusters or tiny tucks ana nanus of Irish criHihet lace in the front and finishing the sleeves. At 95q At $1.28 At $1.69 At $ 1 .89 At $2.22 Infants' Wear in Great June White Days THIS is indeed the time to get infants' neces sities, for practically everything in baby wear is ot'forod at a rv.Uu'lion in prioe. And we 'to surh a beautiful, splendid, full lino of infants' wear tor you to M-lrct from! AH Hand-Made Infanta' Wear, $7.50 to $50. 20 PECENTOrT lafanU' nat 85c Dresses, as shown here, offered at only 69t Infanta $2.00 and $2.50 Dresses, offered at only, oach. SI. -19 InfanU plain Bishop Slip, as pictnred, offered at, each. 49r InfanU Hand-Made Skirts, rtgnlar $300 to $100. at SI. SO AJ1 other infants' wear pi ced on sale at pci al rl need p rioes. a. -w mm m r- m June White Bays Bring Scores of Great Lace Curtain Bargains MEIER FRANK'S THIRD FLOOR. ORDER BY SI AIL. OUR Lace Curtain "chief" has searched the country over for the most pow erful series of bargains we ever offered in these Annual June "White Daysl Today will find the. big third floor Lace Curtain Store filled with thousands of pairs of the most desirable Curtains at prices ringing with e conomy Read on 1 $2.50 Curtains at $1.69 Splendid White Net Curtains in 10 differ ent patterns, with plain hems or linen Cluny edges. Good quality French net,- 42-inches wide and 2'2 yards long. Our Q finest $2.50 Curtains offered at Ol.Ov To $4.75 Curtains $2.85 Exactly 20 hfindsome designs in White Net Curtains beautiful Renaissance braid effects Linen Cluny edges with tucked or plain net, Brussels and Irish Point Curtains Aft QC from best $1.50 and $4.75 lines OmiOJ $1.25 White Nottingham' Cur tains, 50 inches wide and 3 yards Ion;;, with elaborate floral QQp borders; five patterns, at $1.75 White Madras Weave Curtains Kilet, floral and scroll designs: also beautiful leaded glass effects; 20 pat- Off 1 Q ters to select from P1 $2 White Cable Net and Not tingham Curtains Plain, Point d 'Ksprit and figured centers with floral borders; 15 P1 OC patterns; sale price r JJ $2.25 and $2.50 Cable Net Cur tains White with plain centers and scroll or imitation Irish lace borders; fifteen pat- J1 Afl pair K w $4.65 To $7.50 Curtains $4.65 In this lot are 18 different patterns of ex quisite Irish Point, Brussels, Soutache braid effects and Cluny Curtains. All full 6ize. Ele gant $6.75, $7 and $7.50 grades, June White Days are selling at Imported Curt'ns Reduced Just 25 patterns in these finest grades of Brussels, Irish Point, Duchess Canterized and Marie Antoniette Imported Lace Curtains, reg ularly $20 to $50, June White Ann Cf Days, the pair, $12.50 to OJ.jU tcrn. sale at. $1.50 Nottingham Curtains 50 inches wide and 3 yards long, with floral and scroll de- QQ signs; 10 patterns, pair at Finest Domestic Lace Curtains, over 50 of newest designs in all novelty and staple weaves, 50 inches wide, 2Vi and 3 yards long. $5 and $5.50 grades, $3.85; $4.50 and $4.75 frrades for frO QC $3.35; $4.00 grades at Pi0J White Drapery Fabrics 15c Dotted, Striped and Figured Swisses 36 inches wide. 11 Jnne White Days, yard 25c White Swisses Plain and novelty cross-barred designs, 38 inches wide. Jnne White 1 Q Days price, the yard, only Ol 50c White Embroidered Swisses Dainty embroidered figures in center and border, with scalloped edges; 50 inches wide; OO sale price, the yard, only White French Net Made of best quality double-strength yarn. For June White Days, 50c grade, 54-inch, yard, 42c i. 75c grade, 72 ineh, yard, 64c; $1 grade, QAf 108-inch, the yard at only01 60c White Bungalow Nets Filet and block designs, OC- 45 inches wide, yard only''' 45c and 50c Swisses 45 inches wide, in dozens of beautiful dot ted and figured designs. The very finest grades at almost OC half regular price, yard''' $ 1 5 to $25 Lingerie Dresses $1 1.45 OVER 300 charming Lin-o-prift Dresses, of filmy 7 i Hatistes, JMuiis ana Aiiover jm broidery, elaborately trimmed in embroidery bands, beautiful laces, medallions, etc., is the extraordinary offering for the June WTiite Days, beginning at 8 this morning! Dutch neck effects or yokes of lace and high collars. Modish peas ant blouse models. Others have handsome panels of embroidery, edges in lace insertion, with flounces of lace and pin tucked bands. A special purchase of the loveliest sort of $15, $20 and $25 Lingerie Dresses, for the Great 11th Annual June White Days Sale, starts tod ay Lie uicau iiuiiua; $11.45