Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 26, 1911, Page 10, Image 10

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    .10 TOWNS HAVE
; Addison Bennett Dsclares
Laidiaw and Sisters Are
Bound to Prosper.
' faml-t. Victims of Irrigation ProJ
! That I'alN, to Thrive fa
der w Enterprise Klne
Farms Dot Section.
CLXVE FALLS, Or.. May IS. Ptarf This will cover
iry trip from Pnd to this plf. '
. LaMIaw and Sisters, a Journey of about
'4S rr.lU.i. 17 of which were west of the
Ierhuts River.
Lr!rf I-nd the rusd lea Is nearly
'due north oa the est side of the river,
and throueh a rocky and broken coun
try. This ".and Is all undar the ditches
.of the oritral Orecon Irrigation Com-
'piny, but It doe t't mm possible to
estimate S per cent of It aa suscep
tio to cultivation, owinar to the lull
and ruckt Trtere are Juniper and
pines on a:! han-!s. and one larae ditch
l taken out a few miles below Hend
f..r tfie Irrlaitlna of lan'is nesr Red
mond. This is called the S alley
rtltch. and the lanls thereunder were
smonc the Brst sere(tilor.s of Carer
lands In thla section. The project was
a sort of nenthborljood enterprise, elht
promoters each taklnar 10 acres, and
the tlitch was constructed by them for
"their own lands. It was from tfca first
a well -manaK'd company, and has be"i
'successful In every way. Contrary to
iurh enterprises In areneraL they had
; a ditch carrylnsr more water than need
ed, and It now waters fully 1000 acres.
; About six miles north of Bend the
'road crosses tha Deschutes, the bride;
heme; a (rood one. Then down tha east
m.le about two jnl!es la tha lltti town
of Laidiaw.
Town Charted Incorrectly.
If yoo look on the map for Laidiaw
you will find It located east of tha river,
'on the Hill road. Just how tha map-
makers made such an error. I do not
know. But Laidiaw Is assuredly on
the west bank of the river, and Is ona
"of the prettiest townsltea In Oresron.
"The town Is on a bench about I0 feet
-above the river. This bench, as level
'as a floor, runs back nearly a mile
to the feothllls. and up and down tha
.river perhaps two miles.
- Laid. aw Is only a hamlet because of
a "busted" Irrigation enterprise. A
number of years aa-o W. A. Lald'aw
oraan!ed the Columbia Southern Irri
gation Company, and under the Carey
law 2A.O0O acres were set aside for
.watering by Its ditch. The waters
were to be taken from Tumalo Creek,
a stream which flows from tha east
.and enter the Deschutes about threa
miles south of Laidiaw. It was pur
posed to obtain the water for there
lanrfs by erravlty flow from this stream,
and the main canal and several miles
of lateral were constructed, and some
Kflflo or Tooo acres were actually water
ed. That was ail that rould be water
ed without a storajre reservoir. Just
how many extension of time that com
pany had. Just how many people were
forced to see their hopes of prosperity
dwindle and die. Just how the entire
affair was manaaed and mismanaged,
the court records and the files of the
State Land Board will dlvu!r.
Million Nmlcrt for Project.
'. Recentlv the company was reorsran-
lied a the Oreaon. Washlneton A
I laho Finance Company, with Alma T.
Kais as president and Otis R WriKht
as secretary-treasurer. Whether this
Is another nam for Mr. Laidiaw and
his company the people do not know.
It will take nearlv It POO.OOo to put
In a reservoir of ifrriclent capacity to
wat-r the lands and clean up the old
wreck. There Is a splendid and feas
IMe alte. coverlnc 17 acres, a few
miles to the southeast of Laidiaw.
The dam would be only 50 feet hich
and less than :n feet loner. A new
company would find at least '00 acrea
already watered with water rates ac
cruing to tha old company. S. It Is
an Involved tensile, and It may take
several years to work It out.
At Laid aw TV. r. lurnea. the barker,
called up or.e of his near nelahhors. a
'ranchman. J"hn Conch, and he
1-rouc'it In his machine and drove us
for 2 or 3 miles around the town.
I can tel! you Is a splendid coun
try thereabouts. Already there are
many fine places, many prosperoua peo
ple. But to brlre; the country up to
w-at It should be will be Impossible
li-.lrss the ditch company Is reorgan
ised and capital obtained to complete
tha lrrtaatlon system, as the amount of
!nd r.ow t.ed up. exclusive of that
watered, amounts to over :3.000 acrea
Orrat Palrying Predicted.
The altitude of Laidiaw Is : feet.
Kit Just at the town the exposure Is
such that all sorts f vegetables and
Verries can be arrows, and many of the
hardy fruits, and on the bench lands
to trre west, northwest an 1 southwest
t-e soil is well adapted to cereals and
alfalfa, and In Unr there will be a
prosperous dairy Industry hereabouts.
There Is a !re amount of fine bulid-Insr-stcne
near the town, a red ma
terial railed tufa. The vault at the
t ar. a t built of this matenat- It Is
'ery eey tJ work when taken from
tk.e quarry, a saw or ax belnc fio tools
.used to dress it Hut It soon hardens,
and Is a ba itlful bulldlnsr material.
From 11.1. aw to S.'tft the distance
J miles, anj tirouh as fine a
our.try aa can be found In the Interior.
.Tie road le r'.ni;.t. I ran find no
iTds to explain the vaet dlfrerence
rverween the reads west of the rUer
and thoee east of It. for the difference
In faor cf those west la almost beond
Ve.ttf. From Laidiaw to platers, and
Troro the latter place to Cllne Kails.
There ar mny miles of Mahway equal
the paved streets of I'ortiand. And
these roads never itet muddy enough to
Interfere wlt" travel. And et the sur
munJIn; soli Is of the very best to
"be found la this country.
3300 Miles of KoaJ Tlx-re.
i Speavticc of roads reminds ma that
)here are over nil'rs of them to be
anaintalr.ed by the authorities of Crook
Veunty. It ts ene of the best Indorse
ments of an efficient county
I ever saw to find so many miles
f excellent roads aa there ax In this
T ie drive to F iters from Laidiaw
erava ma the srreateet shock of my en
tire trip, for I supposed Sisters was a
amiet close up under the Cascades.
In a section of scant population, at an
altitude far above the lull railway
towns. But the altitude Is around 3M
feet below Redmond. feet below
Lend, tha elevation being 774) feet,
nrt i i:j cuuj Ptr fir TI7I?XT WIT TTT7T ATTIVA nnrl hfr running little colt PRINCESS OF SUNNYBROOK
are the talk of the town among horse lovers. They will be on exhibition l daily m front ot the
Has Captured
Two Blue Ribbons from
the Hunt Club
First Prize, Two-Years, at
the Rose Show
Silver Cup at the Horse
This Outfit to be
Given Away on
August 15, 1911
?. . .- i .-: .r
a - r .if
A - . 1 n TTii i mrum . v...
iff. m 4' 7
stf"T ItlBllarf 11 "rV -'----sat
Hasn't captured any prizes
yet but has the same
opportunity as
her mother
Give Her Time
Full Details of Contest
at Either of Our Stores,
Third and Stark or a;
Third and Morrison Sts.
$15.00 OUR LEADERS SS.oo
320.00 i i Tur Tiiv-17 36.50
$25.00 ALL THE TIME 37.OO
about the same as Madras," a I recol
lect tha Madras altitude to do.
Tha country seen from me roaa is.
as a rule, at least 9S per cent of It be
ing susceptible to Irrigation and cul
tivation. There are some loose stones,
but no rocks' ledares. no hills and wind
rows of lava rook, as there are east of
the river. And always through the
plnea and Junipers, tha former being,
as a rule, fine for lumbering. Indeed,
there are two large mills close to the
road, both running and turning out
fine lumber.
Fine Farms Numerous.
There are many fine farms and much
land under Irrigation. After leaving
the lands under the old Columbia South
ern you reach those under ditches taken
out of Squaw Creek, which flowa along
Just to the south of Plsters. And many
fielda are being cleared, showing that
a lot of new settlers are coming in.
Sisters Is but a small place, not owing
to tha country, but mostly to tha road
lands a difficulty now removed, for
these lands are now on the market at
reasonable prices, and many of the new
places mentioned atova are on recently
purchased road lands. But every other
section adjacent to Elsters has been held
by the road company, tha old Willam
ette Valley grant, and as they could
not be bought tha town haa only had
half of Its territory opened. What this
has meant to irrigation eaterprlees can
be Imagined.
The town Itself Is right la the plnea.
and as far aa the eye can reach In
any direction are more pines, with
cleared lands Intervening, with fine
farms, aside from the road lands, every
odd section for a strip f six miles In
width, reaching clear across tha county
ar.d then some!
Scenic Trip Afforded.
Just keep a lookout for this section.
Perhaps you would like to see It. Then
watt until about tha first of July and
go down to Lebanon and drive over the
Kintiara I'ass. a distance of 84 miles;
or go to Albany and drive over the
McKenila Pass. 110 mllea lther of
which la aa fine a acenlc trip aa can
be had In Oregon.
The town Is on the survey of the
Corvallls A Eastern Railway, now com
pleted from the Willamette Valley up
tha mountain as far as Detroit, about
65 miles from tha Slaters. Work waa
going forward on thla road when the
panic seized Mr. Ilarrtman. Grading
waa being done near Sisters, aa well aa
over the pass. When will work be
resumed? It surely will ba In tha near
Why la It that Mr. HIU, of tha Great
Northern, always vlslta Sisters when
he comes to Crook County, and drives
out, 20 mllea, to tha foot of tha moun
tains? Just watch for the construction work
to begin anew on this road and then
follow the rush to Sisters and the sur
rounding country.
From Slatere to Cllne Falla tha road
diverges from tha Laidiaw highway a
couple of miles to tha east and then
winds through a forest of pines and
Junipers, but not as good aa the coun
try along the Laidiaw road, at least
after getting a few miles from Sisters.
For a number of mllea tbera is no et
tlement whatever, but much of this
land waa strangled by the Columbia
Southern fiasco. And. by tha way. I
would be afraid to write what they say
about Mr. Laidiaw In these parts. It
may be that ha will read this. If so.
let him get tha Idea out of his head
that the people hero do not wish to see
him. for they do. Indeed, they are
very anxious to get a glimpse of him,
and they will accord him a rousing
-welcome" to these parts! They wlli
not again hang him in effigy not a
bit of It!
Many Newcomers Settle.
About eight mllea east of Sisters tha
road plunges down Into Deep Canyon,
a gorge about 400 feet deep, but sloping
up gradually on tha east side. And
hero I found quite a little colony of
horresteadera. One of them. R. M.
Hansen. Informed ma that the entire
M 'T -ii
township has been taken by home
steaders during tha past few months.
Some of the land Is rough and rocky,
but the location is by no means bad.
and the newcomera are making good
lm provementa.
From Deep Canyon to thla place,
about nine miles, the country Is very
rough, with no settlement until you
get within a couple ot miles of the
river. Then there are two rather nice
places and a large tract cleared and
under irrigation Just north of the town.
Cline Falls is a place of a dozen
houses, a store, hotel and feed barn. It
Ilea Just on the west bank of the
Deschutes and has suffered from the
same cause aa Laidiaw. The river
here haa a fall ot about 60 feet within
a distance ot 600 feet and one sheer fall
of 46 feet- The falls are now being
used to pump water for about S60 acres
of adjacent land, thus utilizing about
660 horsepower, but 20,000 could be de
veloped at a very small expense.
Pastor Invites Dallas Veterans.
DALLAS. Or- May 25. (Special.)
In response to an Invitation from Rev.
Edgar Miles, pastor of the Presbyterian
Church here, the veterans of the Civil
War and Spanish-American War will
attend Memorial services in that church
tha evening of May 23.
Klamath Bonds Vp Again.
(Special.) A special election has been
called for Klamath Falla to vote on
the Issuance of bonds for $30,000 for
the purchase of a site and the construc
tion of a City Hall. Bonds for J2500
to purchase sites for the dumping of
the city's garbage are also to be voted
on. The City Hall and garbage sites
were voted at a sneclal election last
rxiO.V, Or, M.iy 25. (Special) A delegation of 30 citizens of
Trlon. on horseback, this week completed a novel advertising cam
paicn for the Vnion S:ock Show, to take place June 1. 2 and I. The
trip covered the towns of Cove, Imbler. Elgin. Summervllle. Island
Cty La Grande and H.n Lake, and intervening territory, and occu
pied two day a A four-horse team of Shetland ponies hitched to a light
aagnn accompanied the rarty. The advertisers were:
George W. Benson. Will Vogel. Robert Wlthycombe, George A. Sci
blrd Harry Coorer. W. B. Gassett. Ralph Hutchinson. John Spain.
Wtll'ls I'hllllp-s. G. W. Delay. C B. Oral. J. H. Chase, W. J. Townley,
J A. Bcnscn, Guy Church. Herbert Hall. B. J. F.rsland H.
j' Lucas. Will McCurrey. M. S. .Levy. J. W. Spencer. Harvey Duke,
I-ester Hempe- Frank Bidwcll. H. E. Porrrgaux. William Wilson. Frank
Wlttman. Stanley Shaw. Bcnse Cochran. Harry Wolfe and Leonard
,nVne ride covered practically 100 mllea and took from Monday
morning until Tuesday evening. The party was preceded by a buglnr
on a charger, who heralded the approach of the riders at every stop
ping place.
Every woman's heart responds to
the charm and sweetness of a baby's
voice,, because nature intended her
for motherhood. But even the
loving nature of a mother shrinks
from the ordeal because such a time
is regarded as a period of suffering
and danger. v omen who use
Mother's Friend are saved much
discomfort and sufferintt, and their
systems, being thoroughly prepared
by this great remedy, are in a
healthy condition to meet the time
with the least possible suffering
and danger. Mother's Friend is
recommended only for the relief
and comfort of expectant mothers;
it is in no sense a remedy for vari
ous ills, but its many j-ears of suc
cess, and the thousands of endorse
ments received from women who
have used it are a guarantee of the
benefit to be derived from its use.
This remedy does not accomplish
wonders but simply assists nature
to perfect its' work. Mother's
Friend allays nausea, prevents cak
ing of ' the 9
breasts, and in TjfO I IP b!K
every way con- x ,,r j
tributes to Kpfpnfl
strong, healthy
motherhood. Mother's Friend is
sold at drug stores. Write for our
fre book for expectant mothers.
Allan!: Ga. ,
year, but through a technicality the
bonds could not be sold.
Clatsop Association Elects.
ASTORIA, Or, May 25. (Special.)
The Clatsop County Sunday School As-
soclatlon closed Its Seventh Annual
Convention last night after a success
ful session. Officers to serve during
the ensuing year were elected as fol
lows: President. Rev. W. S. Gilbert, first
vice-president. G. G. Harris. second
vice-president. Mrs. J. E. Ferguson, sec-
retary-treasurer. Mrs. P. J. Brlx; super
intendent of elementary work. Mrs. N.
B. Fetig-; teacher training. Prof. J. G.
Imel: home department, Mrs. Hodges;
superintendent of adult class. Rev. D.
W. Thurston; advanced division. Rev.
G. Tt- Cromley.
r -
' Can You Get Hot
Water When
You Want It
Can you get hot water at the turn of the faucet when there are
no fires in the house, without waiting, or without lighting any heat
ing device?
Can you always get hot water, even though there has been an un
usual call upon the supply by other members' of the family?
Can jrou get all the hot water you want the first thing in the
morning, or late at night?
If not, you are missing one of the modern conveniences easily
available in every home.
The Automatic Gas "Water Heater will give you an unlimited
supply of hot water at any time, day or night.
It requires no attention you do not have to light it or put it out.
All you do is turn the faucet, and hot water flows.
In Summer, time the convenience of the Auto
matic Gas Water Heater is emphasized a little hot
wafer is wanted the Automatic Heater supplies it
without a fire in the kitchen to overheat the house.
The best idea of an Automatic Gas Water Heater
may be had from an actual demonstration.
Call at our salesroom and see the Automatic
Heater in operation.
Portland Gas & Coke Company