Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 25, 1911, Page 23, Image 23

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Clip of 24,000 Pounds
Disposed Of.
r Quantity Will He Orfrrrd at
Pilot liork Sale Tomorrow.
.oori Frier Ar raid
for Oniarlo Wool.
th IUh pttDiie i 'o ay.
.1 T tlnakmi clln of h-.TT wool
Kl'iknny cup ww iiwb.
ir a sot pravot and tb bid
nty t?.fjus- pound of tb Cttnalac
-4t.xp Land C'tnpnr' clip rr
ad th fcldj i:t b roJ oa am
-n .f iMint Riv-'et Friday.
a xhm b!ddar, rallro4 men and wool-
s arrlvvd ft. E.-h from rtBd.r.oo
(h. fnunrl IhAt &:t but tbes
clip bad b-a :d or cftimd. tba
hAvtrc rvfoscj to bold for too .
tho buyr mtka rn ,nrod oa
P now on hand lonl"rnw. ino mm
,c kv-lr I'rl.Uv 111 ! iBTKCr t ?
t I'asdlatuB aad Echo combined. It
h.I. .. ISal fflifit of tbo fro'ri la
M-ciion bart disT-4 of taolr wool.
uyr roturnod lo paedlotoa tuts
1 S.
saa.oaa rwuMfe ioll a HH
iSK. Ido&o. Mar 1 Spal. ThO
-nprtant wo.4 aalo of tho Intrr-moua-:oixtry
thto yoar took placo at On
ba 2W.ak potiada of fiao quality
ao a-ilj at prv- race In c from
to 14 cnta pr pound. Tho bu'.k of
oo, aa purrhad by J. M- Jobnaoo.
-ntin l!:iowu. Jones at Iona.d. a
a hc. Tho pal orool-buj Tnc
a of Uoot' tr rprcaaiod tho
w:i aa oovoral of tho woolen
of tho Evat Tho prtcoo aocurvd aro
r tbaa axpoctod and ahoopmea aro
!tlc or tho proopt of probable
varvtnr prt.-o wr dtso to tho
cit la th wool. Twoaty thousAiid
a nt at 12 coata. O0.00 pooada at
nt UO.wo pounua at l.1 coots, aad
Bl 14 CCBCO.
ro at l.! atorod ta tho mrarvhonao at
-to v.oo po-nda of wol t.'iot u Bl
at tho price oTfd. It 1 b-ln bld
ttrf pno. aJthuh tho prtro paid
nlijr wr frua 1 to S c-ot hihr
h4 b'B mpi-td. Hundrvdo of
an 1 of pvunda r a:o otnc bold Bt
point a lo tho intvr-mouotata conn
Trod Uw
SoC Export Mara of
a Ad
o toro fourw of prtc to twinf much
itvd poa by wooicrowora and burr
bow thai tho Mania ta opoataa:. It la a
quvotma wit a (h axk matrro oot
o mountiiiM. Vry low pri'- wro
4 of o-for -rt tK C-tn. but th of-
ao w or : .r;r ttr and thia fact
da omo mr .-mcnl to ffrowora Tho
pl4 at th- rtrHt ata bowavor. bbto
coaailrah:y bwiuw thooo carrvat a rr
aad whvthwr thrrt wilt bo any farther
ar to lw (n. In dtortuotRS
proop'cio tho livtiua Ciimmmul Hui-
Vbtbr prK th Wt aro r:ty
4 anoc h b:bT iMi oa. bowtr.
-ardd by maay of tho trt dcai-
oa vory much f aa upra quastioa, for
dociaro that tho w M a bousht aow aro
4 ta bo oa tho tparh'-t t F:t aad
r at a tirao whra tho tariff aclfatioa
n4oubt!'y bo roatlnuvd by Onacrvoa.
At ton f :n( la tho t&tra ooaoioo. aa
a tnTlti:.
wou 4 m that th Nmocritt haro
ld that a frvo wool pruarramnio miht
Btoro an xb tho thy had aatiei-
4 u in tact tho tariff quoottoa aa
boa don. aad tho latat propooal oa
port of tbo lloao majority la un4ratood
a or cDta radactioo. with a aub-
nt topping; ct of I rat mcA auboo-
yar. om.i tho toriff autooaoticai;y
to Lat. itoni'ttn ho ttrmtd thia
amputa'ioa t ,n ti.-o aad cortaiaiy
tarmiBoioa-y la at lr ftch4. Tbo
fr. tht It h-ia uriorattoaab!y boos
cfd to about ail tho uacortaiaty aa
uat ef h-.l'ii bl thAt tt oucht to bo
t4 to aJ it and lo a:rti b out th
rt:ntj f r n or aia yvoxa mora la aay-
but &oo4 juUmnt,
wvni inpron!nt ma to bo apparc at
h a o4 of tho tr4, iti, oa
dro ( mhIo mi;:a aro ttlB In oc-
orvl ordr. but. aa a who., tho goods
hat lo fr from artl an J aooto la tho
ft'.lmtl tha amount of Ml mchtn"ry
h an nv n t oa fu .jr o pr c-ut. la thia
vi;oa, of court, th tncraooo ia aua-
r y throuMout tho coua:ry anuat bo
t iBio a fount mr.- aom In tho trado
,r th.c th at tuai y xrXAt of cloth aoid
yr will bo p to a aormal yo&r. ol-
atf thia aia.tvnt avoma to bo doubtad
arcBri thm a.
bay !Mpp(y w IU Aloo IW Lis at I Tbo
I'uaowpylro Koroit V
'bo atraBifovry vv'-r waa i:mit4 acaia
tarday and trio marht w a firm. Call
nta orria oold Bt $l to L ord tbo
4 iror;a riv4 brought ti ac
.- aa oa TwoUay. Tho morkot will bo
rt a-a tij. a only oo crax aro
to axrtvo from lali.'rnl. It will bo
:fc-r wa t-f"r ur oa brrica bffia
ram la K k4 u:n.
V c f ;orid-a p.arai'ploa of ftn quality
d.atributod m th foraaooa. lhy wr
tod t: pr cratv.
aw pota;oa baa eln4 Bp wall.
n-.rc waa w:i atocaod with poaa.
tm n4 othr tru'.
car of tosca will arrtx o tbl
aor t.rwdro .Vr Nrtotd OaUa atrady
mm tUrU ; t Iraa.
tatd from in dsua4 ror muiina; wbaat,
i a m but lut. iX a.ooB la tao loval
mat j:r4y. Club and --fo.4 war
i art d :i4 i:.rouSoui th 4it prtcoa wr
or lr o a m.r.Ai.
a: wr itlr. wtlb th aupp.y oujfl
at for hkaI r-4 j.rmauta- A Utti boat
a oa .-n la OAfky. which 1 wurta at-
t D.ivk M IMU.
rv:p'-. la :ra, war rport4 by
Mrcr-a:a k,h- aa fo low:
U ?vi liar. ay K.oar Oata Hay
,ir I T 1 1
...... .-I 1 1-1 u
"iDfi y . U II
r ... i
a - U v 3B
or 1-T4 Iwl Hi -I
KECOX ft.-i.4a l PrLY I IHMltMiti
rwo Howld Bo ILixbor. waa for Wa ran
w MaflH.
aa. pt of Of a a
nd tb markat m oa
f (4 4 .'- cn:a f r cj
ar bow ry
oa a firm f'-otin-
rootit and X
ou;4 bo b-trhor
for trio hno of tr-. La tar a mar hat.
::pia of poultry. poiai:y boaa, baro
mm aa aacroaoa uua vooa, aad taia aaa
wakad th markot. Th domand for
tfpriBSB la al fttaa ka.
Utaaoad BMts continoo atowdy. with ra
cotpts and demand about aqual.
Tbo dairy prouco markot. waa foaturoleaa.
City eraamaroy buttr movd roadlly. Cboooo
was la lisbt aupply. .
Baak ClrOLrlnc.
P-rk clarln7 of tho Nortawootra elUa
Ht.l .,
Taroc.B ,
.i 44 ; -H 11.
. 1.472J 14
I oT.Twl fr.Oi
Otaaa. ITowr. Foodw Wa.
WHEAT- irark pr1o:
ac. ::ub. Rummd. MC oiay. WK.
HAKI.EV Cholc fod. I - O
aui ( lit; anort. t.rf-. ro..ed bar-, .iporta. II :
'cJ!S-"b.l -; cr.ckl. P
t,AIj s 1 still.. Pr toB-
may Timothy, fest.ra or.on. . 1.
i:?J7. : iiVm mlwi in:oi ;
iw pir bo.; cnfnt. rp.tru4t.
M1W: b.n.n. lS4c pr pound i; pin.
ppl.1. W;c pr pouno. l.mon.
lr.r.r:n-. II.TS p.r P"-
rimij FKL'IT 8trwbrrt omn
t.Vlo er.l. Vllforr.l. J f'
rt.; imiMnto. IrflOc P pound; p
p llvl p.r box. .F
bom. ti. Tiic; cob... W Pr
h4ndr4 ifit: tutu"-"". ''-""Y, loPl
d...n: lie pound: ,r',c-k'" 't?
r-r pcn.i. '-- !' u-n; holtwu.
.nun. 11:1:1 Pr box; p.
p.r pound, txppra. olSJ: pr pound. rd
un 15c ixr doin rtiub.rb. lttolo p
poutd: lonnlo'i. U'5tf J- ... .
bA. K VE.iKTAlH.ES N- rrf0'
pr uct; turnip.. li.i; b.t. - ,
HUlATOl-b 4jr.ou nd tn-rn.
pr hundrl; pollo J-Jl4 P'
biifidrd .
onions nrrtJ wx. :S; j.uow.
j.:i; rd.
tMlry .n C.1T rrlv
rori.TKr no broti.r th
;ve. du:k. younc. SS; Bominxi: tur
dr.i. cnolt.
fcKa OrtguB rucb. c.ntll.0, ll P
do- n. count. S'K pr iluun.
HLVTrUt Cil erm.rr .xirA. 1 "
pound print.. In H 4o PT pound: MM
tb.n tox lot, cxrtona ud d.llvcr Mtrm.
.llk-.U Full eraxin. t.UXs 1M PW U
Ivur.c Am.rlc. 1 c
I'oitK Kxncr. mIe pr pound. r.orr. Pr pound.
UAUS i lo 2" pound. 16tflc; 11 to
llnnrW. Urlrl rrll.. We.
PKIEO TRCIT Appl... 12t12Sc Per
pouud. currxntx. llHc; xprtrotx.
d.tx, pxck.-, l.e per pound: nx. bu.x..
..,.t. oir blxvX. by ck. To.-: -. -""U
I Ti; Jo; SO-li. lo-l. oc;
smymxs. lc .
SALMON Columbix Blr. 1-potind txllx,
12 p.r doa.n: 2-pound txllx. f J.W: 1
pound fixtx, i; Alxxk. pmx. 1-poua
OOI-VtxV HoxxtrA. In drum. 0: Pr
pound. . .
NL-TS Wxlnutx ITS 10 pr pound;! nuix 14ilr. t writ. !; xlmondx
p.x-xnx, lc: cocoxnut. POcwIl P"r
do-n: chr.tnut. l:V pr pound; blckorr
nut.. .I.1VC; pr pound.
HONBt Ch .lcx, a Ti per erx; sxTXlnod.
I1 pr pound.
salTt ruu:td. H Pr ton; hxlf
X round. Hu. & P-r ton: 60. pT tofc
h.tMl m.l wmt. e; lnw whit.
Se: Urn. Sc: pink. rrd M.xl-
cxnx. e1-; bxjrou. c
ki. k No. 1 J.pcn. t; cb'p- m
13 rj 4 i. Iioath.rn b.xd. Tc; lm
rortd Im.prtxl. 4C;rBiported .xtrm No. 1,
Tu !S.
.-1 i;AR Dry iruulurd. fruit nd brry.
II 40; y.Ilow l. I4.IO: powdend. 41.
T.raia on r.alttnr wltbin 1ft dxyx d
durt pr pound: If Ixtrr.thxn lft4r
xnd within SO d. deduct ve P' pound.
1. - i.niLi MunL
u.. .vm - r - w
Hop. HhI xod UIdw.
HOP loll Crtntrxrtx. 2?r p.r pound: 1910
er p. nomlnxi: crop. IK: Oiux.
u.mAiK-'hoic. 37w pr pound.
w Cx.l.rn Oregon. SStOMwO Pr
pouxd. rroruins to abrtnkx..; xllry. l.u
15.- p-r pound.
I'K'.Ta lri. xltd. country plt.
XV- a 1 1 p. r pund; Ixibk l.ltx.
ti 1 1.- s.-.trd bid.. 7se rcr pound:
xx:fd cxlf. 13e: xxll.d kip. TSC: xltod
luri, l'aa; xrn bin... 1C l.w; ary ni.x
iTr drr cxlf. i;ulv; dry .i.e.. lltflio.
f A !U ' AH A HAKK I'.r pound. Jc
ilB.VLV I!AO! Wh.xt. Hc; omt.
t-iii ;
ITAVS 10 to So pound. 103 ITc: 13 to; .mcn.d. lc; picnic. ile; cotixj.
ro.i. 1- - c.
UiikVd xIEATS Bf tonxu. He
dried bef etx. Bunt; out'lde. non: In
rule. .-; knuckl.. c.
HACWN Kncy. :'. rtxndxrd, 2c
eb .ieo. 2i.-: trcil.h, 1.
DI1T HALT tft'KKO Bexulxr xhort clear.
dr lt. 12nc: .mrkd. 13.c; bxcx ilxni.
X. U : .rnoxed. 1S; bx.k hexr. xwlt.
l.'St. smoked. HSc; .xportx, lt. 11c:
Btrakfl L 14 e.
I.AKD Kelt! rond.rwd. tlre. ll4o:
tu . He; choir, tl-rco. Pe: tub, 10St
luh 11c: ch"lco. tierce. Ci tub, lwc;
xhort.nin;. ti.rc. IHe; tub. It
. OUx.
LINSrJED Olle Pur rw. la bxmlx,
09r: boiled, la brr..x. l l: raw. la cam.
II 4. boid. In ce. II. oa,
TI RPKNTINi Cxe, dc: wood barr.!,
MSc. Ir.-n brrlx iW: l'-mm lot. .
liArOl.l.NK M"tnr fx.olm.. Iron barrel,
lSr; ree, -J.-; (WoUox Iron barrola,
;h.-; re. c.
I'O.IL tU ordinxry text, rxacx. 1919c;
balk, la txnhx. blaa tt. oic.
QootxtU. Carnal ta tb. Bay Clly Mar
ax. f.W rHANrl!0. May 14 Th follow
Ins produe. price w.r. current tody:
Vretb; Cucumber. 4u0c: xarllo.
lvUS: green pea. $t.O"o l.eO; . trlna;
bean.. 4't?.'; a.varaaua. .VK-irlLAo; luma-to-x
IliOuI. .-raPnt. lUtfl.'.c.
Hulter Fancy cremery.
I. eg more. SO Sc. fncy ranch. life.
1 haa. Young America. 1&A14SO.
Onl'.n. Nominal.
MllUtutt Brx. l:9:i; middling 111
Fruit ArP'.x cholc 11.:; com motx.
II. S5: Mesin Itmea, I-". 0 - J; rlirormx
Umona cbwlco. II W; common, H.4); or rav.1. l.?jbl.
Hmy Wheat. par ton; .but,
a ! oat.. :'il.v 'Kalta. I.'WU.
rtto o;ina Burbanka, 11.11 4JI; Or
Kevelpt. Klour. 41T4 qurt.r amcwa:
wheat, aio rentl.: bftrley. W.14v cent;.;
oata. &40 cent:: potat.vea. 142. aacka; bran,
So sack. bjr. ton.
Coffcw aad (ugar.
NF.W YORK. My :i. lolfe closed to.
dav acear at a.t ileclin of 1 to lt point
a.ea g:..',a bag ( iv. Iv.ivc: Jun and
Ju.. -) tK; Aug.. lO0c. Sept.. lO.Sic;
Oct.. Not.. lec.. Jan. nd Keb.. Iv.JTc: Mar.
and AuriU lulr.
-.pot coffee slteaily: Rto No. T. i:c: Pan
to. N'. 4. lie; mild co.'fe. dalL Cordova.
Xi ' l,c, numinaL
Haw lutar r.:eadr; Muovato. Ic: teat,
lift.-. eei:;r1fug.ii. ac. te.t 3.1h: molaaae.
jc tel 1.11c. ref.ned. Qul.t.
New Verk t'attaai Market.
N'KW Yl'KK. May :4. Cotton future
cU'trd traur. 13 putnt tow.r to I pointa
h ,T-er: May. 14-T4c: June. 14 Tic; July.
f.w. Augu.t. lel'c: nei trra&tr. lljc:
tct"har. 11 c; November. IJ-O.c; Iwcmber,
1J .:-; Januxrv. IJ..T. !pot. quiet. 1. point,
la-er.' mid-uplanda. 14..eC. astd-guX 14.2e;
aal.x 1'.
livtew rail Bt New .York.
Miff Yi'RK. Mar It. KrtpoeitH appla but t'm:a.f ar. .rr.a.1 ad iric
B v l.nn: oa lh. tAot. rac, 11:. enole.
l; L'ilC- prime. Utfltc.
Vrv rtrm. 9 if 14 to f.r Cxllfom'.x jp
to ;.J, and 11 014c for Oregon from
SO I -
reaches i-ile and f'rra, Cholca. I H 9
K. .air ch. ico. w Sc facy. Slvc
l alra Pre oca Market.
CIIIfA.0. Mir 54. Butter, ataadyt
Creaoerie 1-1'-; d.lrle 1 ' lt
f ((t:t.1y. rer-tp: 21.lo rxaea: at
mar a. ttM Inclu l-d. l;s)lS. ar:.
cVeevV wk: daia.. 1is11c: twins.
lox, 1 10.4c. .unc AanarLcax. HaOUlXc:
long horxx, lis g HSc
Ijoaadwpat wbad lxatoaw
INrHN. Max :t. Tb rtamanrf ara
a 1 rt--r at th mxI aa-:!on t W.a v Th
r"ari.icB ruv-'i U baJ. mainly
tnana--. CToo-votoda o-d at th March a-r-wMia
r-or cworiB woro a-ow at Uio
rv.a at docUaOa
Market Unsettled by
Price Changes.
Anions - Slrong Features Are
Weslcrn Vnlon, GenerI Elertrlc,
Beet Suear and Oilier Special
ties Bonds Arc Irregular.
NEW TORK. May 14. Varlou reports of
readjuatmanta of prlca dl.turbod .pcula
tlv aentlment and th atock markot today
wax fev.rnh and )o.t grouad. Announco
m.nt by tho chlrmn of th Republic Jron
4 Rtaal Compony tht th corporation would
disregard tha oo-caUad official prlcea. at
leat ao fax a Iron and taal bars ar con
cerned, on account of prlc cutting- by aom
of tha smaller com pan lex waa regarded ag
th posaibi forerunner of a mora general
movement. It ha been uggted. however,
that certala large manufacturers would co
operate to maintain prlcea of loins products
nd prevent a general reduction. This view to be taken by th executive head of
the -Intted stto Steel Corporation, In a
statement Laued today.
ptocks were under pressure during th
morning but Inter th mxritet recovered
slowly. After announcement of tho action
taken by th Republic Iron Steel Com
pany, price fell away to th lowest point
of the day. and at tb eloee there were
m an y of a point or more among the
market leaders.
Th loaaea war du to a large extent to
short selling, which' seemed , particularly
lxrr la United Stxtes SteeL
Homo specialties showed pronounced
strength. Both Western Vnlon and GeneraJ.
Klectrlc reached the highest figures in th
last two year American Beet Sugar was
strong and Underwood Typewriter roe ft
Juno disbursements of Interest and divi
dend ar estimated at !4. .82.000 as com
pared with H.:H9.00 la June of last year.
Bond were Irregular. Total sales, par
value. I2..U..O0O. United States bonds un
oftacurrd on ciL
Sal' High. Low. Bid.
AIMs Chal pf .. lio Ss 3"S. 5"S
Am Copp-r .. 17.5-a) J:, HT S ""
Am Agrlcult .. 4'N) &r.s .'''S
Am licet 12.7oO So' 4S "S
American Can 1.400 l-'S 12 12
Am Car tt Prty. Si-O Ad
Am Cotton Oil. 100 MS 4!'H AOVa
Am lid a I.t pf 3"0 -J4 s " S "4
Am lea Sccurl.. 1"0 J 12
Am Linseed ... 1"0 lis 11 S '11
Am locomotive : 42S -S ls
Am Smel a Ref 10.0V0 M '. TUS
do preferred.. 1O0 lo64 104 H1"!
Am ftel Frty 4.1
Am hucar Kef.. 4O0 120S l- l-'il
Am Tel a Tel.. l.O 14S 14' 14Si
Am Tobacco pf. 4-) lol 1U1S 1"!
Am Woolen 2"0 4S a M
Anaconda J4 Co " 4 S
AlchMon boo USix 112S H-S
do preferred ..... ..... 14
Atl Coast Line 127 t
Halt a Ohio ... l.HiO liMIS IMS 1IH1S
Bethlehem Steel 2n( J2-, 32S S2 S
Broik R Tran.. S..V.) vi 7" T5
Canadian Pac .. "0 1.13 13.1 S S"3
Central Leather S..1"0 31 3'S 3"
do preferred.. 2"0 102 H li 1"2
Central f N J Iv"
Chea a Ohio ... S.0U0 82 a 12 "2
Chicago a Alton ', "S
Chi ot West ... 1U0 21 21V 21S
do pref.rred.. 3S
Chicago a N W 2H 144 . 14S 14S
C. U I H Paul. I.OVO 1-4 S 123 12-11
C. C. C a St I 4
Col Pu.l a Iron too 34 13 V S3 s
Col a ftithern.
Consul lias .... BOO 143 143 1431
r,,rn Product . dod 13 S 13 13
T.1 a Huiltan 171
DAB '.rande SO1
do preferred.. 3oO K7 7 nds
ni.tlliers- hocur 37 3t 3
Kne 33'4 32S 32
dolsTpf.... MS .""S t'a
do 2d pf .... 2o 4t'S "S '
General tlec .. 3 i 12S 13S I'JOS,
Ct North pf ... tVoio 13oS 1-S 12S
Ct North Ore .. . ' SOS 61 1S
Illlnoia Central ..... 139
Interbor al.t .. 19 S 1 1
do preferred.. 4i 62 S "I 1
Inter llarveater. 4o0 127 126S 12d
Inter Marin pf. J'S
Int Paper 1"
lnt Pump 2"0 40 40 40
low Central .. 4"0 14H 1 li
K C Southern .. 200 81 S S
do prrf.rred.. 1" S ' S e. S
Url.d. Oa ... I.4'M 10S 1S 1"S
louls a Nxah .. 4"0 14S 17V 14.1s
Minn a St Loals 2 - 30 3"
xi. s p a s . H i:s l37H.l3.m
Mo. Kxn a Tex. 400 111. 4 S 34 S
do prxferr.d ''0
Mo Pcir..-t... 1S.S0 ol JO
Nat lllscoll 'J;
National Lead .. 2o 33 H M
Mex N Ry 2 pf 4 H 3HS n 2!H
N Y Central ... 2"0 l'"H 1"'
N Y. ont a W-es 1.. 43 s J JV
Norfolk a West J.4'0 l'V-S 1J 1S
North Am .... T,- a .3 i4
Northern Pa .. 1LJ 12S 12; J
nn!""-.: ,255
people's lias ... 600 lo 103 105S
Pltstburg Co.U X.30O 21 H !1 "
leased St Car. 1"1 33 S S3 S3
IMill Pal Car .. . 1J2S K'-i 1'
By Steel Sprln 2"0 -J 34 34
Kexdlng BS.IH.J 11 1 I-9-
RePubifc Stl L4.) 31 21.
do preferred.. 03 JJ S ''3
RKk CO. tVOOO 13 S- .
do preferred.. M f.3 (, t.3
lUHPlpI S00 45 42 41
"i tre'f: -SO. ii 5
iijjj ih
Ji'r.'rrwi: s? !?
Tenn Copper . ? r.s SsS
sAa'ri 3 i Sj?
do pref- rred.. :" S 3S
Union Pacific .. 4B.2... IMS l2j 1
do preferred.. " U'S J'S i' S
I $ iVJb.rr :.: .h. 4i 4iv 41
! Steel ....1S1.400 7lS 7"S
!. 1ll:. 1II. 110
an -A- -.ul ar 47
Total le for th. dxy. 6V1.40O sham.
SFW YORK. Mxv 24 Closing quotations:
rt i." ref "a reg. IOOS N'. Y. C. gn SSx. fc.1
C Joupoa .7.U3 No. Paclflo 3s... 71
r- a. 3s reg lol No. Pacific 4s... J9'
Lao "upon ... lol I nlon Pacific 4101
C. "'- 4' reg.lUS WIs. Central 43B
do coupon ...lHS.JPnc 4 .. boB
D. a R. O. ts. . . 2Sl
at Boaloa.
Amalg. Copper..
A. Z U "m. .
Artxon Corn. ..
B a C C S M.
piitte Coalition.
...i a Arizona.
Clolng quotations
Miami copper.
27 Nevada Con. ..
17iNlpl.alng Mine.
0 jNorth Butt....
US North Lke. ...
.0 I, l, I nomlnloa..
4H 4
S 'riBceol 10
Call a llecla...4
70 'I'arrott ts. a t 12s
US Wulncy ..4 IS
Cop. It an. Oj
K Butt CP. L
iilroux Con
Ornby Con. . . .
Green cnnea.
I. Royal (Cop-
Kerr Lke
Lxk Coppor. . . .
La Sll Copper
fin S uhannoa
12 Superior
towlSun A Bo if In.
S3 S
sup a puts vwp. i".
11SS Txmxrxck 33
:U. 8. S..R. a af. '
14 1 do prefererd . . 47
e t'tah con. 13
17 !W!non ........ 7
Iftlwolvarln 110
Moavry, Kxrnaagw. t-ta.
VKW Yi'ltK. May 24.-Olouy 011 call,
str' SS4J2-. per cent: ruling rale. S:
elo'ins b.3 2: ofterl at IV
T'me Ktns dull: demand not strong, but
fumis rot being oraed on m.rk.t : d.y.
per cent; V0 !, 2t3: l
m ."r - h li 1 IV
Prim mercxntll pper. 3S Pr
sterling exchng stdy. actual
bu nes in b.r.kerr- Mil. at 14 S440 for SO
dav.. and at I4.S.M0 t or d.mand.
.-..mmerclal l iila I4.S3 .
Bar sliver 33c
Mxlcan dollars 43c
Bonds Government steady, railroad Ir
regular. axV rRAN-nSCO. Mar !4. Sterling on
London. 60 day. 14 MS : do sight, 14.36.
Draft eight, lc: telegraph. 4c.
CHICAGO. May 14. Exchange oa Now
Tor, li premium.
i.onpon. My 24. Bar sileer. steady at
24 Sd per ounc.
Mon.y. 1S1 r cent.
Tb rat of discount la tha pa saarkot
i-t.ii nnoer ... if..'-' .
Va-Caro Chera . .100 5 5
'So'Vr.feVrii:. "ji" 'ITS S7
Western Md ... . J
.e l-IMi I 3a) i4S 3 ' -
Western Cmon . 2,3.x 84 S X JJ
Wheel a L E. Li i-i" v-I
Leh gh Valley .. R SCO 1 . ! 1
for short bills is 1 per cen!; do tnre
months' bill. 2 per ccnu
CovMllttoa of tho Treasury.
WASHINGTON. May 14. At tha beginning
of business today th condition of tbo Uni
ted States trsxaury was:
Working balance id traasury of- ...,.
In bsmks snd Phlilpplns treasury j
Total bxlxnce In general fund .. 5 ;y'-:;
Ordinary receipts yeaterdxy war . J.510. in
ordinary disbursements . 1.0oS.3
The deficit to date this fiscal year Is
It 'KM IS against l,73l.30l at thU Urns
Isat year. - , .
Theae figure excluds Panama Canal ana
public debt transaction.
Metal Markets.
NKW TORK. star 24. .Standard copper,
quiet: spot. Mxy. June, July xnd August.
11. S0T 12c; London, dull; spot. 0d: futures.
i.V. lis 3d. Arrlvxlx reported xt New
York todxy. 700 ton Custom-house returns
show exports of 21.048 tons so far this
month. Local dealers report a firmer tone
In th copper market. I-xke, 12.25 a l-.rOc:
elrctroirelc. 12.12 S 12 ST Sc; casting. 1L-
ITlndui'l7,iCSpot. 44.1044.7Sc; May. 44
44.30c; June. 43.50 e 44. iOc: July. 42.50t43c;
Augu.t. 41.2341.75c; London, oaay; spot.
4203 5s; futures 41SU 13
. .1..11 A an., a Uw Vew YorK. and
4:0u4 23 Kt St. Louis London, 13 2s Od.
Spelter dull. 3.33 l 3.40c New York snd
8.2"n3.25 Et SL Iouls. London. 24 10..
Antimony, dull; Cookson's. i50c
Iron, Cleveland warrant 4ii. 10 Sd in Lon
don. Locally the Iron market wxs bxrely
steady, with quotations lower for Southern
grade. No. 1 foundry Northern. 115.23
14.7S; No. 1 Northern. No. 1 Southern, and
No. 1 Southern soft, 113913-50.
Receipt for the tJy Are Not HeaYj-,
Fancy Stock Hogs
Bring: 97.50.
There were no special features In the trad
ing at th stock ysrds yesterday. The buy
ing was well distributed among the cattle.
srteep ana iiok , . . - .
the main, showed a steady trend. Becelpts
About six losds of steers wera sold at
prices ranging irora , w
Wether brought ewes 4.2S. lambs
14.. 0. and mixed eneep ..ev.
A lod or lancy tocx nogs 7;'
17.30 nd ordinary stock brought I4.&0 nd
i.i.n ve.ierrfar war 27 cattle, HO
abeep snd Sin 'hogx
Shippers were: 1. u. nwiiur. . .
. . 1 u i- .. . J . -1 ', ,- 1 car of
heen: F. Z. Ferguson. Amity. 1 car of cattle
. a t. liv.ruin. Itrownsvllle. 1 car
' . 1 1 - t -T p.ttnn. Hal-
01 came, anee" , , ,
sey. 1 car of sheep and hogs, and L. E. W est,
Oakland. 4 cara of sheep.
The day sales wr as follows:
101 calve
1 stag
I 4 hogs
71 bogs
17 hogs
10 hoax .............
145 lambs
21 steers
1 bull
M steers -
50 steers
10 sters ........-
12 sheep
87 mixed sheep .....
II mixed Sheep
..4 ewes .............
171 wethers
101 Ismbs
24 Ismbs
1 horse, drafter
is. sa
C. 10
6 50
4 25
.. 9T
.. 1510
.. 932
.. 11T2
.. 1131
.. 101
.. 119
.. 113
.. !9
1 nor... K.-- J,". ... ,
Price current on ; -
stock at th Portland Union stockyards
were a follows:
Prim, grain-fed stera 'I'to
Price hy-fed steers S ??,?!;?
Choice ter. iti
Good to cholc. steers 00 4.30
Fsir to good steers l '.;Z ?!
common stra 30rt 5.TI
Prime cows an.12 I "3
Good to cholc cow S.Oo'Ot 5.-5
Fair to good cow 4. .3 6"0
Poor cows rSiJ! i -i
Choice h-ifers in
Choice bulls - J-?J
Good to choice bol 4.20 4.
Choice light calves T.ioui J-OJ
nood to choice light calvea 7.30 d 7.71
' s sou a 00
Choice hesry calves
Good to cholcs hesrvy calves...
Choice stags
Good to choice .stags
. a-OOfl 3.34)
C.759 6.23
5.23 a 6.73
rhoicVTor. -709 exs
Good to cholc hogs 5 fS2 S ;
r-hoice h.svy .................. 6.009 6.0U
' , 6.004J .u
SSf ":::.:.:...:; .a
C&lZTprtn l.mb. , e.7Sa 7.00
o,Kd to choice Sprln lambs.... &.oo 6-75
Cholc rllngs -3 ?
Good to cholc. yesrllrigs 6.00 5.-S
Fair to medium yearling ? !f?
Cholc. w J-ayg) 4..S
Good to choice ewes 4.W 4.0O
Fair t medium ewe S. 101 4.00
Good to cholc. heavy wethers.. 4.50 , BOO
Old heavy wethers l 15s
allied lots 4.0o BOO
Tb following quotxtlons represent prlae
SB this msrk.t for th different ! J'
hersee: Di.fters. extr beavv. 3oOO:00;
drafter. 1400 to 1700 lb. 1 150 ft 350; draft
er 12O0 to 1400 rk. 110" 41210: chunks.
I9OS150: plugs, IlO40: drMng horses, 4.3
and up; ssddls horses. 140 and up.
Chicago Livestock Market.
CHICAGO. May 24. Cattle Receipts es
timated at IU.0O".- market weak to loo
lower. Beeves. .3.10,0 35; Texsa steers.
I4otl3.53; Western steers. I4.S0 5. .
itockers snd f-ed-ra, I3.05.75- cows snd
heifer. 12.4045.75: clve. 55.3.
Hon Receipts estimated at 32.0O0: mar
ket shade lower. Light. 13.60 V a; mixed.
360rf.VB2H; heavy. !5.7r. 5.82 S :
1'. 35 xs) 53 : good to choice heavy. !.... f
S's-S; PIS. 15.356 3.00; bu;k of sxle. lo.ij
5'lJI?; Receipts estimated at 20.000; mar
ket .lowTlOc lower. Native. 33.3o u 5; W e.t
"rn. IS.73C3: yearllnga, 4 7.-.4. .V.0: lmbs,
n.tlv. 14.75 tt 7: We.tern. 3....u8 7.2o.
MORALIZED. So Outlet In British Columbia for
the Surplus Butter and Eggs
Are Firmer.
SEATTLE. Wash.. May 24. (Special.)
The strawberry market was demorallxed. Re
ceipts were not sbnormslly heavy for this
time of the year, but the demand was light.
Dollar, did not sell above Il.Bo and the
beat Kennewlcka old down to 33. 23. with
13 50 about theop. Today was holiday
t' Vancouver all with that outlet cloxed.
stocks piled up locxlly. Tomorrow's re
ceipts ar eotpectJd to b th heaviest of the
"(.vJ potatoes wer in hevy-supply. Cll
fornl new potatoes are arriving more free
ly and the price !ias been cut to meet thxt
plxced on Loulslmx xnd Texxs stock. Mexi
can Sweet potatoes were offered at 10 cents.
Rhubarb was x drug on the mxrket- Aspara'
srus is commencing to sccumulate again.
Receipts of small broilers were excessive.
Uv hen were mors plentiful. Largs broil
ers wore sesre.
Th butter market wa somewhat firmer.
Handlers of Eastern butter declar the price
of local creameries Is too low. The egg
mkt wxs firmer. Vexl xrrivxls were
heavy Mors pork Is srrlvlng than usual
and 11 cents is the very outside Price
Orsla markets were unchanged and dull.
The first boat orders from Alaska for ham
and bacon are 23 per cant lrger than last
i.rmlu Market of tho Northwest.
TACOM A. May 24. Wheat: Bluestem. 4
B3c; lortyfold. 7c; club. S3boc; red
Russian. 84c.
Receipt: Whet. 14 cars; hay. 1 car.
SEATTLE. May 24. Wheat: Bluestem,
v,c; fortyfold. !c; club. 87c: f-3. 87c: red
RU..IS.B. boc. Oats. 1-0.50 per ton: barley,
127 50 per ton.
Receipts op to Boon: Wheat. 8 cxrs: hay.
j cars; osta, S cxrs; corn. 1 cxr; barl.y,
1 ear.
Minneapolis JVhext Market.,
MINNEAPOLIS. May 24- Wheat
May 4Tsc: July. MHtl September, 00 O
auSc: December. eXiSc-
rash: No. 1 hard. fc- No. 1 Northern.
paV7 No. 1 Northern. 3l6Sc; No. I
but.' postmsc.
Irnluth Flax Market-Pl-UUTH.
May 24. flax on track and to
arrtve. 12 57: Mav. 12.34; July. 2.i. nomi
nal; September. HsVa
May Wheat Lifted Two Cents
on Covering.
Break at Minneapolis Causes a Weak
Closing at Chicago Crop Ad
Ticcs Are Mainly Bullish.
Foreign Markets Firm.
CHICAGO. Msy 24. May wheat today
rose to within c of th dollar mark- Ner
vous covering ot about 400.000 bushels on
orders said to have com largely from St.
Louis shorts, put up tha price nearly 2o
a bushel to 09 c Tho dose, howover, was
easy, at a net gain of lo. A break tn tb
market at Minneapolis bsd a good deal
V do with causing, aa easy feeling hero dur
ing the last part of the day. The reason
wss an unconfirmed report that a consider
able amount of bard Winter wheat was to
bo shipped up there from Chicago. Pre
vious to this episode, the bulls appeared
to have the market hero at their mercy. Th
My strength hsd Induced considerable buy
ing of other month Tho foreign exchanges
were firm and there were report of crop
losses in Kansas snd Nebraska and of - a
probable extremely short yield in ums
l.oma an Texas. Proflt-taktnr thought and
the news from Minneapolis led to a rather
sharp setback. Between the evening and
the .in. i.iIt nuiiid from 87 tt 87 Ta c to
hkgyboc. with last sales xt 87jjliSc a net
loss of S c Th May option proved
more stubborn, final sales bslng at Sbo, a
full cent advance. '
Exnort calls . for deferred Shipments
strengthened corn. July fluctuated between
B2So snd 53c, closing HO up. at tn u"'
named figures, Csxh grades wer firm. No.
2 y ellow closed 53 6 640-
Damnge reports from tho Southwest gave
osts quite a bit of nnnness lnaepenaent w
other grains. High and low points for July
turned out to be 341j and 34 a 34 Sc. with
the clcse Sc net higher, at S4SC
A healthy cash demand hardened tho mar
ket for provisions. Tho outsome for pork
was a rise ot 2Sc to 12Stf 15c but tn lard
and ribs tha advance did not reach above
a nickel.
Tho leading futures ranged as follows:
Open. High. Low. Close.
May 98 .99 .98 99
July SS'a .89 .87 .88
Sept , .87 .87 .86? .87
Deo. tn .89 .81 18
Msy .13 .63 -51 .63
July 62 .53 .52 '.62
Sept 53 .51 .53 .53
Dec 51 .51 .3114
May . J4 .14 .14 1414
July .341 .34 .34 .34
Sept 34 .34 .13 .83
Dec 35 .35 .35 .
July 14.17 14.77 14.47 14.77
July 8.17 8 20 1.17 I.17H
Sept 1.27 1.37 1.21
July 7.S5 7.90 7.85 7.17
Sept 7.80 7.85 7.80 7.82
Cash quotations were as follows:
.Flour Steady.
In., Vo ! SKi
Barley Feed or mixing. 63IOc; fair to
choice malting, vuc'tf.i.vx.
Timothy Seed 112.00.
Clover I14.U0.
Pork Mesa, per bsrreL 114.74011.
1 a,-H I'.r 100 nounds. 8&10.
Short ribs Sides (loose! I7.!5iB7-I":
short clear sides tboxed), 38.001.12.
Total clearances of wheat snd flour were
equal to 127,000 bushels. Primary receipts
were 420.000 bushels, compared with 379,000
bushels ths corresponding day a year ago.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
201 cars: corn. 411 cars; oata 10 cars; hogs,
25.000 head. ,
Receipt Shipments.
Flour, barrels 21.100 18.200
Wheat, bushels 100.000 ?,--00
CornTbushels 410.000 243,400
Vf..- OU.""Li. ' 413.O00 381.600
,..' bushels I.OOO 1.000
Barley, bushels .....
Grain at San Fiwnelsoo.
Firm. -
Harley Steady.
Spot quotations:
Wheat Shipping. 11. 4081.50 per cental.
Barler Feed. 81.43 per cental: brewing.
: 1.52 per centL
Oats Red. 81.306 1.40 per cental; whit,
nominal: black. 1.15(7 L32 par cental.
Call board sales:
Wheat No trading.
t Barley December, L33 par cental:
May, 11-47 per cental.
European Grain Markets,
LONDON. Msy 24. Cargoes quiet but
steady. Walla Walla for shipment at 85s
6d to 85s Bd. English country markets
weak. Od lower. French country mxrketa
LIVERPOOL May 24. Wheat
May. 6s 11 Sd; July. 6s 10 d: October. 6s
d. Weather clear.
"WHYS" i
' "I have taken particular
notice of the bitulithie
'pavement on Spring Grove
avenue, and I think it is
the best pavement ever
put down in Cincinnati."
G. Schacht, president
Schacht Mfg. Co., Cincin
Constructs Asphalt and other Bitu
minous Pavements. 605-608 Blectrlo
Bide, Portland. Or. Oskar iiuber.
TRAVF-LKRS" gild a-
law Rates. Schedule Tims.
IIS Railway Exchanga Bide
Portland. Or.
Jttajn8t7a. a.2x.
Eslls from Alnsworth Dock. Portland.
A. M, May 1. 6. 11. 16. 2L 26. 81. Juno
6 and every fiva day Freight received at
Alr.sworth Dock dally up to a P. M. Pas
senger fere, first-class. IIO: second-class.
87. including meal, and berth. Ticket of-fl-s
Alnsworth Dock. Phones Main 268
Main 170. A 1234
San Francisco, Los Angeles
and San Pedro Direct.
North Paclflo - a. Coa 8. 8L Roanoks
nd b. 8. Eidir sail every Wednesday ltf
Btely at 6 P. at. Ticket oic 111 Third
St.. near Ald.r.
alAKTIN f. BTCLET, Puseagw Ag,
W. It. SLUSStR, Frelabt Agsau.
JThwaas at. 181. A 1814.
these directors meet, deliberate
on the affairs of the bank, and
apply their careful business judg
ment to its transactions.
O. K. Wenfworth
Chaa. S. Russell
P. . Brumby
Dr K.A J Mackcasio
George G. Bin Bam
Lloyd J. Weatvirorth
Established 1859
Surplus and Undivided Profits
Tetter of eredit-draits and
able on all parts of the world.
Corner Washington
Merchants National Bank
Eatavbllabed 1880.
Second and Waxhlnsrton Street.
Capital and Surplus $350,000.00
Isilfred that the unexcelled facilities and thorough knowledge of local
Seditions acquired during our twenty-five years of banking experienca
wlll render relaUona, onca estabUshed. permanently agreeable and o,
tually beneXlclal.
R. L. DURHAM, President. M. Ia HOLBROOK. Vice-President.
C O. W. HOTT. Cashier,
a C CATCHINC3, Aast- Cashier. C. DETERING. Asst. Cashier.
First National Bank
Capital $1,500,000
Surplus 750,000
Oldest National Bank West of the
Rocky Mountains
J X IWill. X XiTtai
Prelght received
axlly at Oak-su dock
for The Dalles.
Hood River. Wh ts
EaJmon. Uir.xtlUx.
Kennewlck. Pasco.
, Richland. Hanford.
White Bluffs. Lewis
ton. Idaho, and u-
.... i.riiira nointS.
rnwT-txAss paskengkb mbvick.
- m . -w. attrlVT'T'C
ea.a.ww.M l.avM Portland Son.. Toes-
SgiTphone xtsin 20. A 84117.
Th Tourist Highway
aad Scenic Rout to urop
Th St, lawrens River,
th Shortest Ocean Fxssxga.
Lass than roar Days at Sea , -
Weekly sailings Montreal. Quebec, to
pooL First cabin. 190; second cabin, I5L-5,
one-class cabin (called second csbln). 147.50;
?nTrdbCln?Vo nd W" "S
xgxnts, F. B- Johnson. G. A.. 14J Third SU
" J. J. Foratar. T. P. A, 60S First Are,
Beattla. -
(Union Lbie of N. Z.
Direct through steamer, sailing frotn Ban
Francisco. Mxy 8L nd every M W'?"
lngton and bxek. 1st clxss. 1J94. Other rates
xiso low. Ths llaa ta Iales of th S.ulji Beaa.
For reservaxlon. see Coupon Rxllroxd Agents,
w address Oceante . 8. Ca 8 Fraaclsca.
J. 8. WBMltnf "TI
Geo. I McPhrrsosl '
John A. Kcatla
Robert Treat Piatt
B. G Crawford
... $1,000,000.00
travelers' checks issued, avail.
and Third Streets.
Canadian Service
Co.'s Office, 618 d Ave., seame; or .
W Stinger. 254 Wash.; A. D. Charl
ton. 850 Mor.; K. R. Johnson, 14S d;
E F iUlrd. 100 Sd: Vald. UdeU. 2.
JJ. 6th; 11. Dickson. 12Z 3d.
Cook's Summer
Vacation Tours
Fifty-eight Days $450. All Expenses
Included. Send for Free Booklet.
Tickets to ALASKA, Y0SEMITE and
689 Market Street, San Franciaco.
From Alnsworth Dock. Portland. 1 1 A.
SS. Beaver, Slay 8t Bear. 00110 2; Rose
from 'san Francisco. Northbound, lift:
SS. Bear, May 16; Rose City, 31; Beavor,
From San Pedro. Northbound. 11 M. :
SB? Rise City, May it Beaver. June 8 1
H?fi 'iSrnlthV C. T. A.. 148 Third 8t
JV?: Ransom. Agent. Alnwortl, Dock.
Phone: xlaia 40S. 2o A 1403.