Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 24, 1911, Image 7

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Tull & Gibbs, Inc.
Just 33 Days More and Our Closing-Out Sale Comes
to an End. Thousands of Dollars' Worth of Furniture
Homefurnishings and Other Merchandise Yet to Be Sold
Meaning that the opportunities for saving money are yet liberally presented that the assortment and range of
Washcalore's Men Suffer
From Exposure on Rock
prices IS "Wlue enougn 10 enaDi 5a.i.isie.v;wiy BBiotwuu iu uo uuo.
"T.!"v"rH.Tiill & Gibbs. Inc.
Vr-I Break In Two and Sink, lu
CarfO Brine Total I.o and
ha I lor Thrown I poo Barren
ar Rne River.
BAVPOV. "r.. Mt IX fSperial
Th tug Klyhlam. which look the. Bafi
nn ltfesavma- crew to the rescue of the
aatlor who wrr. co m p 1 1 ed f desert
the gasoline lumber schooner Washra
lor. run. lav. returned bera today with
Captain C J. I'ttenun and the 1J mm
who constituted the Waahcalore's crew.
It had b feared that snren or tha
tars bad been lost In a small boat won
after the wrack, but ona by on thay
vara rescued.
The Washealore waa aeektnc shelter
Funday afternoon from a terrific storm
that swept the cat and In so doing
ran up under Kock Island, a small bara
reef about : by tee south of tha
mouth of Hocus River.
Tba awhor-chaJna parted and tha ve
I waa thrown upn a rock which
crushed ita bow. Itrallilnc that tha
rhoonor waa about to aick the men
etrtered their belona-lntrs and oma
food and took to two small boat.. Six
of tha man reached tha Inland without
difficulty, although they suffered con
siderably from cold arJ exposure, and taken off bt the. llfesaver., but It
was several bourn before tha other of
th crew were taken a.hora.
The Wa.hcalora broka In two and
sank. It carno being- a total loss.
Purina the storm tha tank ateamer
Arxll from San Kranrlsm ran arross
the rchooner and atood by all nlrht.
fla.hlnc th. first new by wireless, but
could do nothlna- to assist. Tha learn
er Oraca Lwllar also Mood by a while),
awaittna- tha arrival of the Ilfeyin
lu( from this place.
All of the Washralore's crew are
from tan Francisco.
Protective A.-eoi-lation. Continues
Officer at Content Ion.
THE DALJ.E3. Or, May tJ tpe
claD A atat convention of the Re
tail Liquor Uealers Mutual Social and
ITotectfr Association of Oree-on waa
held In thl city yesterday nnd today.
1 delegate being In attendance.
Astoria. Woodhurn. Palem. Medford.
Portland and The Pallea'belng repre
sented. Officer of th association present
were: President. Frank Huffman, of
Portland: vice-president. F. J. Schcld
nairer. of Astoria: secretary. C r.
Klder. of Portland; treasurer. A. ti.
Mae-era. of Salem.
Tha session were held at Hotel Tai
le and reaolutlon of Importance were
adopted In rearard to establishing a
beneficiary fund for Ita members. Five
resolutions regarding the trade for the
purpose of rellevtn the burden of
taxation wera adopted.
The offlcera serving- last year were
re-elected. The trustee elected were;
W. II. Bard, of Portland: Noma
Staples, of Astoria: W. Murphy, of St.
Paul. Edward Hopoe. of Portland, waa
chosen buslnesa manager.
The sessions closed with a banquet at
the Hotel Pallca tonight with covers
laid for J.
Murilrrvjn Serond Iegxee) Oiarirrd;
Itoorburc Hear Testimony Today.
RrtSFFt'Rrt. Or. Mav 13. (Special
The trial of Roy Mct-lallen. recently
Indlited by the grand Jury, charged
with the crime of murder In the second
)-ree. will be commenced before Judge
-oke. of Marst-field, la the Circuit Court
tomorrow. Owing to the publicity
given the affair at th time It occurred,
ti e attorney agreed that at least two
d-tr will be consumed tn selecting a
s uitable Jury.
Trie crime- for which M.-Clallen wa
indicted occurred In Rosrburg on the
evening of March 1J. when he "hot and
killed R. A M'xan. a former Roseburg
plumber. M-tlalen's attorneys will
pad self-defense. All Oouglas County
1. Interested In tha trial and It Is pre
dicted that the courtroom will be
rrowJed dally. It Is the hope of tha
attorneys to conclude the case by Sat
urday night.
NontlM-rn raoirio Uollevcd to Bo Be
hind t.raot r Koail.
C.RAXTS r A Or.. May I .Spe
cial. The Uranta Pasa Rogue River
I'.a!iroad. building from thl rlc to
the caves, seema to be fostered by th
Southern Paclrio, J. O. Klgg. a local
raplta.'l.t. wlio ha had busines deal
Incs with tn Southern Pacific h
j i.t returned from San Francisco. He
will ne ther deny nor affirm the rumor
that the Southern Pacltlc Company Is
barking the railroad to the raves.
Word haa been sent her by a man
named Donahue that th Harrtman of
ficial glv positive assurance that the
road will be built from here to Cres
cent City If trs people will subscribe
Roebarx Wants .tlval Train.
ROSKRl"RtJ. Or, Mxy 3. 4-pec'al
Ail arrangements were completed today
for. a special train to be chartered to
transport Roaeburg rtt srns to and from
t'.ie Rose Festival at Portland In June.
Partial cacvasa of the ton Indicates
that th required US tickets wl!l be sold
without difficulty. A rate of H for the
round trip baa been granted.
Lena Is to Sprinkle Street..
fiKRVAIS. Or, May SI. I Special. 1
The Ctty of Oervals haa placed an order
In Fort land for a task car of crude oil
for sprlnkilnr the streets. Farmers
near Gerrals ar interested and will
take a quantity of oil for the roada
near their home. S. H. Brown, a
farmer near Gervals. tried the oil last
ar. and Its M proved satisfactory.
Two knots Tied Across Line.
VANCorVER. Wash, May 3- tSpe
cial V-R. Newton, of New York City, and
Mlsa Stella Falk. of San Francisco, wer
married her today. The witness was
Vadellna Mxthews. J. K. Hawkins and
Miss Kila both of Portland. -wace
a. so nutlti her today.
-" j ;
. t
- V
S v
Widow and Brown Man Marry
. at Vancouver.
Portland "lilropodlt Acts as Wit
" di-ok and Meildlnit Pinner Is
Held at Local RetauranU
Flans Mjftcrloua.
VANTrirvT.R. T-ash May (Spe
cial A well-dressed woman, native of
Finland, and a subject of the Mikado
of Japan were united In marriage here
today by Judge G. I- Davis. J. Und
sey. of Portland, a chiropodist, was the
"cnpld" who acted as witness.
..- w-i.1-. fcA . I H she had been a
widow f.r nine years, was Mrs. Emelle
Uuome. and she gave nt
but those who saw her think she was at
41. ....
Sha was ell dressed in a wnne
- - - -i.t iilk rtettlcoat and
wore a light-weight tan-colored coat.
Her hat. which waa blue and small In
slse. matched well with her eyes.
Sne was a large woman and looked
more like a mother to the young Japa-
...1.4 Ote snld aha had
nese iiian
been In this country for the paat ten
years ana naa iraveiru BiUUv. - -deaL
She had first met her husband In
San Francisco.
The. Japanese waa jonn inagaKi.
- . . .1 n r I. n. n eitucacea
j ran oiu. m . -
In the mission schools In San t ran
clco and at present a resident of Seat,
tie. He wore a fine blue suit, with
white silk vest, white bow tie. a pair
of gold-rimmed spectacles and a smile
that would not nrusn on. ne ipvt.
. . . 1 1 k. . .1 -.1.1 that he
lairiy au r.' '
had reltalves In San Francisco who were
merchants. ne nu oeen ia u,.....
. l i . nrtilnni. and when
1 1' i nmiwii vi - -- -
a.ked what he Intended to do. after the
ceremony was performed, said that h
did not know, but that he would have
to talk It over with his wife, -now
that we are married."
Inagakl eeemed to have an abun
dance of money. Following the wed
ding by Judge Pavia. the couple drov
lit a restaurant in a ........
V n .mne to the CoiirthOUS
and had a wedding dinner. Both
eeme wen aaiis;ieu nr n...
but desired that too much publicity
not be given In the newspapers.
Th couple. It Is understood, attempt
ed In va'n' to get a license In Port
land yesterday.
th family forced open th door of his
room and discovered tha body In a sit
ting position on the bed. An empty
rifle, brseed between his knees and a
bullet wound In the forehead, furnished
evidence of the tragedy enacted.
The Coroner was summoned from
Roseburg, but deemed an Inquest un
necessary. The boy's parents can as
sign no motive for the act. -
Municipal League to Oppose Pro
posed Removal of University.
EL'GEXE. Or, May 13. (Special.)
On the evening of May JO the Municipal
League of this city will tender a ban
quet at the Motel Osburn to Its mem
bers, to the members of the local Uni
versity of Oregon Alumni Association,
and to the officers of the different
civic organisation. Governor West
will be the guest of honor.
The special theme for discussion will
be the filing: of the referendum peti
tions on the university appropriations
and the threatened plan for the remov
al of the University from Eugene.
Surprise) Prove Boomerang.
VANCOUVER. Wash,. May S3. (Spe
cial. After traveling a thousand miles
from th Middle States, expecting to
visit relatives In this city and surprise
them. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eggert were
themselves surprised when they arrived
and learned that the couple they were
to have visited Is divorced and both
have left for parts unknown. They
knew that the couple lived here, and
had heard from them not many months
ago. but they said nothing In their let
ters about coming West. They Just got
on a train and came and when they be
gan to look for their relatives, they
did trot know what to think, but finally
they found some one who knew the
Prominent Pioneer Rancher Missing
Now for Month.
BOI-E. Idaho; May IJ. (Special.)
Mvaterv aurrounda the . disappearance
of Joseph M. Lmnagan. one of the
prominent pioneer ranchers or twin
Springs, located 40 miles from Boise.
A month missing now. the relatives are
worried over his failure to return and
fear that he either wandered away
during an attack of mental aberra
tion or has met foul plsy. They have
offered a liberal reward for advice lead
ing to his whereabouts.
Up nntll about April 1. Dunagan had
been at Joseph. r.. where he engsged
extensively In the handling of stock.
He went to the Twin Springs ranch
soon after this. Worry over the stock
that had been left at Joseph may have
resulted in his mysterious disappearance.
James Klngerly Found Dead In Red,
Ballet Hole In Horehead.
ROSEBURO. Or May il. (Special.)
James Klngerly. aged 1 year, com
mitted e-ulclde at th home of his
parent near Toncslla some time last
night. When he did not arise at the
n sai -1 time th' mornlns members of
Misses' One-Piece Dresses and
Two-Piece Sailor Suits Are Show
ing Half and Greater Reductions
The One-Piece Dresses in white wool serges. One-piece Sailor
Suits in navy blue serge.
i itTured Challis Dresses with Dutch necks and short sleeves.
Also one-piece Dresses in Shepherd Checks in black and white,
combined with smart touches of colored messaline and fancy braids.
The Two-Piece Sailor Suits in all-wool black serge with lace yokes.
Also in all-wool checked Panamas.
? Misses' Party Dresses in rnessalines, chiffons and crepe de e'nf-
$23.95 Dresses for io ft
fJo.OO and $27.50 Dresses for ssJc'tX
$4o.00 Dresses for cJ? nn
$3o.C0 Dresses for fcXD.W
Silk Petticoats Are Being
Disposed of at Half Price
In best quality taffeta silk in black, brown, green, garnet and stone.
A Few Klosfit Petticoats Yet to Be Disposed of. In best quality
Heatherbloom. The prices:
$1.05 Petticoats for 9S $20 Petticoats for 1.2a
$2.00 Petticoats for ....$1.00 $2.98 Petticoats for .,..1.49
A Few of the Hundreds of
Live Bargains Offered in
the BigBasement Dept.
15c Ilammer and Hatchet Ilandles for ,
40c Galvanized Coal Hods for...
25n Framed Mirrors, 9x12 inches, for
40c Earthenware Ice Jugs for
35c Hardwood Towel Rollers for
60c Buck Saws for
.1 TT tyy ...........
65c Collapsible Clothes Dryers for C
50c Traveling Telescope Baskets for ,
75c Hatchets for - -
75c Solid Oak Plate Racks for up
60c "Ho Co" Bottles, heat and cold retaining, tor XC
75c Ironing Boards for ""'sfr
$1.50 Mop Wringers for.. iX?
$1.50 Birch Bark Home Waste Baskets for tDr
$1.00 House Ladders for - -
$1.50 Cream and Sugar Sets in Colonial glassware for. .. .7&C
$l.fl0 Metal Hat and Coat Racks in oxidized finish for. ag
$ 50 Metal Hat and Coat Racks in oxidized finish for $1.2
Great Reductions All Through the Furniture
- Stock. These in
Buffets and China Cabinets
Proportionate Reductions on Every Piece of Furniture
in the Store.
Some of Our Closing-Out Prices in
Buffets in Golden and Famed Oak.
$25.00 Fumed Oak Buffet, now
for $16.75
$32.00 Oak Buffet in Early Ensr-
lish finish, "now $18.50
$18.00 Golden Oak Side Table with
mirror, now 12.00
$24.00 Golden Oak Buffet, now
for SI 7.75.
$33.00 Fumed Oak Buffet, now
for $25.00
$46.00 Golden Oak Buffet, now
for $33.50
$56.00 Golden Oak Buffet, now
for $42.50
$67.00 Golden Oak Buffet, now
$54.00 Fumed Oak Buffet, now......
$57.00 Fumed Oak Buffet, now..
$82.00 Fumed Oak Buffet, now
$79.00 large Fumed Oak Buffet, now
$79.00 large Golden Oak Buffet, now
$115.00 large Colonial Buffet, in golden oak, now
Some Closing-Out Prices in China Cahinets in Golden and Fnmed Oak.
S21.00 Golden Oak China Cabinet, now..... $12.50
2fif0 Golden Oak China Cabinet, now...... 519.75
$31.00 Golden Oak China Cabinet, now....
$36.00 Golden Oak China Cabinet, now....
$38.00 Golden Oak China Cabinet, now....
$46.00 Fumed Oak China Cabinet, now....
$3450 Fumed Oak China Cabinet, now....
$45.00 Fumed Oak China Cabinet, now....
$77.00 Fumed Oak China Cabinet, now....
$72.00 Fumed Oak China Cabinet, now
a at $2Satri
BRASS BEDS A Splendid Line of New Patterns
Closing Out at Prices Far Below Their Former Prices.
Was Never Priced So Low as Here Right Now. A
Good Showing of Pieces for the Library and Living
Room, Many From the Shops of L. & J. G. Stickley
and Other Well-Known Makers.
Are Being Disposed Of Quickly at Their Very Low Prices. A
Splendid Line of the Latest Models to Choose From.
Greater Savings Than Those Offered Here in
Carpets, Rugs, Linoleum and Matting
Were" Never Before Known in Portland
Hartford Brussels Carpet; was selling for 90c yard; now 60
Smith's Heavy Brussels Carpet; was selling for $Uo yard; now....; "-7nS.
Smith's Axminster Carpet; was selling for $1.50 yard; now............... ...3J..W
Ri,Uw Ta-flll Bodv Brussels Carpet; was .selling for $1.8o yard; now..... $l.a.a
Closing-Out Prices on Linoleum
62 Square Yard for Printed Linoleum that sells regularly for
lJDO Square Yard 'for Staines' Imported Inlaid Linoleum that
sells regularly for $1.50 yard. , .
jj5LX5 Square Yard for best Domestic Inlaid Linoleum that selU
regularly for $1.85 yard. - 1 .
No Estra Charge for Laying.
Hartford Bussora Axminster Carpet; was selling for $1.80 yardj
Heavy Wilton Velvet Carpet; was selling for $2.00 yard; now. $1.25
Bigflow Axminster Carpet; was selling for $2.00 yard; now. .$l.iip
Smith's Savonuiere Aiminster Carpet; was selling for $2.00 yardj
now l.-o
No Extra Charge for Sewing or Laying.
$14.85 for 9x12 ft. Heavy Velvet Rugs that were $27.50.
S18 75 for 9x12 ft. Smith's Extra Axminster Rugs that were 5JJ.00.
All Other Rugs Are Being uiosea uu at rropuniuuawj uum,uUu
Two Clark Shows to Unite.
VAXmCVEB. Wash.. May a Spe
cial. Tha second annual Poultry Show
will b held thla Fall In conjunction
with the second annual Harvest Show,
according to plans of officers of tha
i 'lark County I'oultry Association. Miller
Purvis, of Wendell, Idaho, will he judee.
Another show will be held In December,
to which the poultry raisers of both
Washington and Oregon will be Invited.
There were more than 00 birds an ex
hibition last December, and It I ex
pected that thera will be 1W0 or more
this rear.
Farm Nimn KcjtlMorril.
ALBANY", Or.. May 23. Speclal.
Tha names of six I.lnn County farms
hava already been registered under the
new law which went Into effect Sat
urday. They are: Sunrlae Poultry
Tarda, W. E. Baker, of Albany: Fern I
wood, will onmea. 01 iiarnouui g ,
Aehburn Farm. J. M. Dlckaon, of
Shed-Is: Mountain View. Mrs. AUce
Penson. of Crawfordsvllle; Eda-ewood
Farm, 3. O. Belts, of Harrlaburir: Tha
Oaks Farm. F. J. Ienney. of Jeffer
son. ,
Sir. Robert MeXean Dies.
GRANTS PASS. Or- May ti. (Spe
cial.! Mra. Robert McLean, wife of
Rev. Mr. McLean pastor of Bethany
Presbyterian Church, died today. She ;
had been a resident of the city several j
years and was widely known In Port-
land and the East. Bealde her hus- j
band, she Is survived by three sons. Roy
McLean of Woodvllle. Rev. N. McLean, I
pastor of the Anaoei t-resoyienan
Church, Portland, and Pr. Edward Mc
Lean, medical student In New York, and
on daughter. Christine.
S v
GcrvaJa to Drain Streets.
GERVAIS, Or.. May 13 -(Special.)
The Oervals City Council haa placed
an order for a carload of drain tile
with a Salem company, and the tile
will be used to drain the surface water
on the streets, and. If the schema
proves to be what Is expected, in an
other year thare will not be an open
ditch In town.
Hobow Hound Hood RWcr.
.HOOD RIVER, Or, May SJ. (Spe
cial.) Hobos in the last week have
appeared In this city In swsrms. The
through eastbound passene-er trains,
maktna: Hood River "their first stop, al
waya drop a number of tramps and the
trains sjolns; west always clear the
trains of such paasenicers. to prevent
takin them Into Portland. Sunday
nicht waa a record one for NlRht
Watduuaa Hickox. ie Invaded Ui
Junitles." alonir the riverfront, and
made a haul of S3 tramps to whom
he aald -sklddoo." The city authori
ties, wno make the tramps leave town
when they arrest them, aay that It Is
a difficult task to prevent the com
munity from uecomlnB Infested with
vaprsnts. '
Brownsville Man Kills Self With
Shotgun Near Brotlver's Home.
t . '
BROWNSVILLE. Or.. May S3. (Spe
cial.) Jerry Olson. 37 years years old.
committed aulcide here Sunday night by
shooting himself through the heart
with a shotgun, near his brother's
He left a letter telling; where his
body would be found, but gave no rea
son for taking; his life. Despondency
over ill health and domestic troubles
were found by the Coroner's Jury to
have been the cause of suicide.
Olson is survived by his widow and
children at Canton, Kansas. He came
here last Fall.
h Air
Sclo Principal Is Weatherman.
SCIO. Or.. May 23. (Special.) At the
opening- of school last September. Profes
sor L. L. Gooding:, principal of the Scio
High School, was appointed local fore
cast display man by the United States
Weather Bureau, and the daily weather
forecast was displayed by means of flags
on top of the high school building. The
forecasts were received by telephone
from Portland via Albany, and Sc'o by
that means received the forecasts over
13 hours before they could reach here by
mall. The service has become popular
and arrangements will likely be made to
continue It after close of school.
I Ktit and simple remedy h
I flritsli Cafarra, Her
IT Uif .am.t1mv irritations, Wse-
I V f. I llnlnes of ths . aros,
I CJ I jiiiii l' or otbor orssna. .
l-il AT oauootsTS t
IfCiOW ' ntnr fm vlf aasaaaaassm
V TissUss wltt ss bottle I I
ec Dialled oarsqoesk . J
VTWlwas Osaka! Ca, 7. I
X ta rsasli,
Uricsol cares by removing the CAUSE which is an excess
.of uric acid in the blood. ' ' .
Uricsot assists in the proper digestion of food, thaspre-
venting the formation of uric acid, and it dissolves the uric add.'
Uricsot does- not disarrange the stomach, bat on the
t contrary, strengthens its functions. . It can be taken indefinitely '
with no Ut effects.
deposits in the joints,
where they have accum
itjlated for years. it
A Glutei i man Cured.
Ill 11. OS-. Boa. 4. 1902.
UrVsol Chadcmi Co Los Ancefa. Cl
for the beoefit of tofferfac mtraaaltr. I audiu to
sme that I xifierea screrelr vita similar lad Sdrfc
kaeamaassi iot svs years. Lhirinjt mis da I tried s
Tsrietr of o-calle4 remedies, ai well a the srescrlp
rieos of several psniclsss, wfaicfc saorded m verr
UoU. U ssr relief. Tke pais la arr baefc. kips sod
kss war ssosisloc sad almost unbearable. 1 eaeU
Audlr walk sad tfaooslul woaid beealic Babaa.
doa all barisara. v
Ameadef raise adrhed raa a trr URICSOL.
wUcs I did rclsctsour, sad rreatlr s arr suprise
oae botde cared me soaad and welL I ekeerfaUr
tit"" ' it to all who aser ra I did. It is also a
eerr see Tonic It increase the apperin. akb dices
don and anelr bo Ida ap toe searral aeaUa.
Tea caa CM this If pea think best. .
Very mur.
311 Aobata Aes.
For Sale and Recommended by
'.- , ' THE OWL DRUG CO-