Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 24, 1911, Page 22, Image 22

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    .-- ' - - Tire aroitxnro oREnoxiAy.l wedxespat. 3IAT 24. 1911. -
Have Yon Seen the Unique "Jeff and Mutt" Window on Fifth Street-"Jeff and Mutt" Statuettes Are on Sale Here at $1.00 the Pair
Special Demonstration This Week of Gossard Front-Lace CorsetsJjnCharge of Factory Expert-Women's Shoes Shined in Basement
1 1
I eacoers
' Contest Is Gaining in Interest Every Minute!
THE voting is becoming so heavy tnat we ve almost
decided to establish another booth at some conven
ient point on one of the upper floors of the store!
. Many teachers are making the mistake of not letting
their friends know they have entered. the contest. Just
think! the expense of one of these trips to London or
Paris is about half the usual teacher's salary for a year.
In filling out the ballots, be sure you have the contest
ant's name spelled correctly and the right school given.
"We advise out-of-town customers, when ordering by
mail, to. give the name of contestant they wish to vote
for and we will fill out the ballot. .
Highest Contestants to 1 P.M.Tuesday
nirkliuon. Mlna X., Sliattuok
Furtrr, MIm F. (i.. Falling
llrczlr. Mia. Slanda. I)avl
Kof m. MIm Anns, Laid. ......
Bingham, Mm. 1.. Couch .
DoUraff, MIm Ormcr, Ladd
(hinre, Mis. Winifred. Falling.
xc .. 1 1, w x,iH Vva ImAA
Barnta,' Mla CaroUo. Lincoln Hib. .109.750
Monk, Mif Marsmt, Chapman lH,8--5
Murphy. Ml Cora, Highland 5.2jn
Catlln. Mlaa Blanche. Hawthorn. K52.1O0
Blark. Mra. I -aura E.. Pnlnula. . . . . .SSI.S2A
Taubenhrhnrr, Mlaa Mabel. Sri I wood. .848, 080
Brad. Mrs. Anna, Ockley Gram.. S0U1S
. .. .6Jll,75
... .BO 1.000
.. . .321.000
Bushnrll. Mrs. Jrnnlp. Irrtnrton 418,475
Thayer, Mlaa Harriett, Momavilla. . . .Siw,'i;s
Dolan. Mian Mary. Ulrnroe 2Sl.:0
f'haney, Mrs., Sunnj-side 241,775
Mlkla, Mlaa VlTian, Hawthorne 2 IK), 7-5
Jennings. Mis. Bronte, Harmony 801.700
Carter. Mlaa Irene. Milwaukle 282.950
;lt, -Mi Freda, Yamhill 273.025
Webb. MIm Nora W.. I nlon ... 202.475
Coaper. Mlaa M.. Salem 1K4.425
Badollet. Mlaa Dora. Astoria High 114.700
Thompson, Mias Geneva. Htintinjcton. .114,150
Oatronder, Mlaa Margaret, Central, St.
Johna 91.725
I.lllr, Mia. Jennie. Oreeon City 40.025
'lckeraon, Mlaa A., bprlngfleld . 24,55
W Never .M Pimig TalM
Two Carloads Just Unloaded! Over 75 StylesFor Two Days Only--
At Sensationally Reduced Prices
This $14 Solid
Oak Table, $9.48
Think of buying a handsome
Solid Oak Extension Dining
Table, fitted with patent Jock,
for only $9.4S! Exactly as il
lustrated above, 6-foot size,
with 42-inch round top, and
heavy pedestal. Golden or
Karlv English finish. Just 50
of these $14 Din- tQ A Q
ing Tables.2 days DZ,HO
This $16.00 Oak
Table at $11.79
Xote the handsome, massive
lines of this design. Pedestal
claw-foot Extension Dining
Tables, pictured above, 6-foot
size, with 42-inch round top
Beautifully finished in either
golden or Early English fit
ted with patent lock. Just 36
of these $16 (Ji 1 -TQ
Tables, 2 days Oil-
This $16.00 Oak
Table at $11.98
Exact reproduction above of
this elegant 6-foot square ped
estal, round-top Solid Oak Din
ing Tables, finished in hand
some gulden or' Early English.
Every Table fitted with the
patent lock, for holding leaves
together, just 33 of these
beautiful $16 d-,f QQ
Tables, 2 days D 1 l.tO
This $16.75 Oak
Table at $12.24
One of the handsomest de
signs of the over 75 different
styles of Dining Tables, sensa
tionally reduced for this sale !
Beautiful Solid . Oak Tables,
6-foot size with 42-inch round
top. Massive pedestal fitted
with patent lock. Positive
$16.75 Tables, waxed golden or
Early English (tjl n Qf
2 days only D 1 ftrT
foot Table $12.84
.Just about ordinary whole
sale cost on this handsome
Solid Oak Claw-Foot Pedestal
Dining Table, as illustrated
above. In waxed golden . or
Early English finish; 6-foot
size with 42-inch round top.
Every Table fitted with patent
lock. Positive (tjl Q Q I
$17.50 Tables D 1 0T
This $20 Massive
OakTable $14.49
Over a fourth clipped off the
price on this beautiful, heavy
Solid Oak Dining, -Table, exact
ly as pictured above. Massive
pedestal, 44-inch round top and
6-foot extension. Finished in
waxed golden or Early Eng
lish: Regular $20 Tables, for
this extraordi- d 1 A AQk
nary gale only D A TTtJ
This $25 Hast
ings Table $l8.98
Elegant Solid Oak Hastings
Dining Tables, exactly as illus
trated, with 42-incb. round top
and 6-foot extension. Finished
in waxed golden, Early Eng
lish or fumed oak. Fitted with
famous Lyden Duo style locks
and removable top. Positive
$25 Tables, for$10QQ
two days only j) 1 O.IO
Make-Room" Rug Sale $22.50 Rugs at $14.85
mi wm
Roxbury Tapes- f f yf O
;s, 9xl2-ft Only , TT.
$20 Seamless
RugSj 9x1 2-foot
French Wilton Rugs
A. Kindred, the Carpet and Rug chief, is just back from a month's buying trip to New
York-and all tlA bic Eastern mill districts! His purchases will soon be coming in by the carload
and to make room for them, we offer these phenomenal savings for 2 days only!
The $22.50 Famous Roxbury Tapestry Rugs go at $14.85 about regular wholesale cost! Full 9xl2-foot size in over a
dozen handsome designs for dining-room, living-room, etc. ".. 1
try Rug
$18 Tap. Rugs, $11.75
Less than we. ourselves, can buy
these 9xl2-foot Tapestry Rugs at the
mill today! Excellent range of artistic
designs, suitable for most any room.
While lot of 30 lasts, -t - -f "Tg
these $13 Rugs only O X X O
The Wilton Rugs
High-grade 'Wilton Rugs in rich
shades of tan, brown, green also
plain 2-tone and Oriental designs.
$40 Wilton Rugs, 9x12, S31.85
$25 Wilton Rugs, 6x9 ft. S19.35
i Sumptuous French Wilton Rugs
with rich, silky high pile. Beautiful-
colorings for bedrooms and reception
rooms. The 9xl2-foot
size, regularly $61.50
The Kilmarnock Rugs
We have just 28 of these celebrated
Kilmarnock Scotch Rugs to sell special
for 2 days at $23.85. Full 9xl2-foot
size, in the handsome desiens for
which Kilmarnock are
famous, priced at only
Tapestry 1 Q 7C
t Size at tp 1 J i J
Lanark Scotch Rugs
Large assortment of fine Lanark
Scotch Rugs, 9xl2-foot size, in splen
did two-tone browns and greens.
$18 Lanark Rugs, 9x12 feet, $14.75
$17 Lanark Rugs, 9x10.6 ft. $13.25
Heavy Ingrain Rugs
Heavy weight Ingrain Rugs in a
wide range of beautiful patterns and
rich, cheerful colorings.
9xl2-foot" Ingrain- Rugs only $6.75
9xl0.6-foot Ingrain Rugs for $5.45
9xl2-ft. Pro-Brussels Rugs, $10.85
The Grocery
TIIKSK extra sjecials for
Wednesday only.
Quaker Corn Flakes, 3. 23c,- 9
Ivory Soap, toilet size, 4t
Copenhagen Butter, 2 lbs. 51c
Beechnut or Butternut Butter, 2
lbs. 52
Royal Banquet Butter, 2 lbs. 53t
Crescent Sardines, can 16o
Red Seal Lye, can Sc
Swift's Pride Cleanser, 4 for 23
19 lbs. Dry Granulated Sugar, $1
Little California Picnic Hams, at
per pound only 12.
New Books for 50c Each
OVER 5000 copies of new Copy
righted Fiction just received
to sell at 50e. 200 other titles to se
lect from. .
Coniston Winston Churchill.
That Printer of Udells Harold Bell
The Spoilers Rex Beaeh.
The Awakening of Helena Richie Mar
garet Deland.
Lin McLean Owen Wister.
Shepherd of the Hills Harold Bell Wright.
Cardigan Robert W. Chambers. .
At the Mercy of Tiberius Augusta Evans Wilson.
Wednesday Notion Day at the Big Store
Willimantic Thread, 7 Spools for 25c
A SAVING that'll bring women by the hundreds today!
Our famous Willimantic best 6-cord thread for ma
chine use. Black or white, all numbers. On p Cnrtrtlc
sale Wednesday only at this very low price 0JUU
25c "Dressmakers' Delight" Slart Gauges heavy base, i n
Extra special for Wednesday your choice at this low price
Treo Loops, for hose supporte:
set. 15.
25c V era-Best Hat Fasteners Two
on card for 15c1.
5c Gem PinsFull-count' papers, in
all sizes. 3J. " '
25c Shell Hair Pins Dozen to the
box. 10.
10c Large Jet Pins 100 to
tube, 54.
10c pabinet, Hair Pins Assorted
size. 5S " '
6c Long Black Jet Pins Fmr
for 3?.
35c Large Pad Belt Supporters
Heavy, new elastic, 19.-
Basement House Furnishing Specials
35c Dust Pan Brushes Of medium
size, niaiio of imported gray -bristle
and having convenient handle, as
hon above. Sjw:al ,or27c
Wednesday at the low price
65c Sb.06 Bra she Well made of
imported bristles. II. is handle. daub-
er and bru-h. hon xa CO.
illustration. Special at only JaiC
15e Wooden Boiling Pins Mnde as
!iowa abovp. and in ttandard ize.
The pool hard wood rolling 1 f
pins speeially prired at only VC
Swallow" Ply Catckera The
j marb-us'd fly papir; ronen
: iently rulled on a spool; each
Special 99c
iet a ftronfr. sturdy
Mop Ladder, built of
durable, seasoned wood,
exactly as shown above,
well braced to stand
firmly. Regular $1.20
Ladder. Slu-QQp
rial Wednesday'71
This Xo. 2 Food.
Chopper, exactly
as shown above,
has four keen cut- .
ting knives. Chops
all kinds of meats,
and v e g e t a bles,
eto., raw or cooked.
Our rejrular $1..V)
size. On special
' fr I
35c Can Wesco
Sweeping Com
pound for 23c
J The sanitary
Sweeping Compound
f-'jfor rut's, carpets
and floors; bright
ens as well as
cleans. Makes the
sweeping task easy.
Put np in 5-pound
tins. Retrular 35c
size. Special 00
sale at only"5"''
Men Everywhere
Are Now Talking of
HERE'S always been an
idea with men that
New Yorkers could dress smarter
and have a better opportunity to
select apparel that was up-to-the-minute
in style, than men in any
other part of the country.
Gotham Shirts, Underwear and
negligee wear, bring to
men from Maine to Cali
fornia, the styles of
Broadway and Fifth ave
nue, practically as quick
as New Yorkers them
selves receive them.
The Big Store is fea
turing "Gotham Week"
our Morrison - street
windows and "The Men's
Wear Store" are filled
with displays- of new Gotham
Shirts, Underwear, Soft Collars,
etc., for Summer wear. And for
three hours each day the demon
strator will be in the windows,
showing the merits of various
Gotham lines.
Gotham Negligee and Semi-Dress Shirts $1.00, $1.50, $2. $2.50,
$3, $3.50, $4, $4.50, $5 and $6. - , "'- ' : .
Gotham Athletic Union Suits $1, $1.50 $2, $3, $4 and $5.
Gotham Athletic Shirts and Drawers 50c, 75c,-$1, $1.50, $2,
$2.50, $3.50 and $4. .
Gotham Pajamas $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3 and up to $12.
Gotham Soft Collars--the original style, 25c and 50c.
B 1 S
30c and 35c Draperies for 19c
TWO big center-aisle tables filled with desirable Drapery Fab
rics today. Overv40 splendid patterns for your choosing
Romanian Cloth it dark grounds; Linen Taffiitas in natural grounds with neat
floral designs in pink, blue and yellow; Art Tickings in white and cream
grounds with artistic figures and stripes.
You're sure to find in this lot just the drapery fabric you desire. Q
idths 32 to 36 in. Splendid 30c and 35c Dj-apery Fabrics, today, yd X C
$20 Acorn Gas Ranges, $16.95
xjtfErV'E just received a complete line of all the new models in
W the old, reliable Acorn Stoves and Ranges.
This Acorn Gas Eange has a 16x16 -oveo,
two side shelves, three full-size
burners, one large giant burner, and one
simmer burner. Oven is heated by two
long, independent burners, controlled
by independent valves.
Don't make a mistake and get an ordin
arily made Gas Range.' Come in and see
jthis "Acorn" model a name that is synon
ymous with the highest perfection yet at
tained in stove-building. They are periectiy
constructed in every particular. Specialized
for Wednesday only.
Regular ' $20 Range
installed, your home
particular. oicutaucu
1 V7JV
$15 Hammo-Port for $9.75
AN ARTISTIC, comfortable Couch Hammock
or Davenport, which secures to you all the
luxury of the drawing-room with all the pleasure of the open air.
Made exactly as pictured above, with upholstered mattress of
sanitary cotton felt and leather hand tufted ; hardwood frames,
with non-sagging springs ; the valance, as illustrated, is hand
stenciled in pleasing designs. Pockets for books and other
conveniences are also included. 1
Hammo-Port comes in green, khaki or a good shade of tan
army duck. See them Wednesday at Meier a, g.
& Frank's, the exclusive Portland agents. 2l W
Special at the very low price of only, each '