TITE MOKyiXG ' OREGOXIAy. TTEDyESDAY. MAY 21, 191t. ' ' ' ' i CHAIN BAG SUPPLY Shortage Is Figured Out by Some Dealers. IF CROP IS LARGE ONE Market I Ilrra and Higher Price Ma j Prevail later Other Trad er BelleTe Stork Will Be Ample for All Needs. The r:o fce market la firm and IB soma quarters it la believed Pflcfl wl!l have to aba a material advance before tha aeaaoa Hneee. Thla view la baal on tha aTallabla apply ot a and tba prospeeta for a btc crop. An-ardlac to a lwl dealer, tha tmporta l.ca to data have ban SI.too.OuO bars. there la ar carry ever tram laat Tear of o.0.onO. tha Su Qveatla supply la placed at 5.000.000. aad tha Walla Walla au;ply at S.SO0.00U. Thia. ucapt for a few black atrlpaa here aad aa tha Sonad. la all ha f'.nda available for tae eosuu crop. Ha piacaa tha requlre nrnil thla yaar at art OCOOOl baaed oa tha prseeat crop outlook, aa last year 6S.OOO.OOO baas wara ut This flsmrea oat a material ahortaca. hlca cannot ba made up ss It la too lata now to brta mora baca from Cal catta. Cm tha other hand. It la pointed oot by other dealer that there ara enouih bacs ta s:ht oa tha faclflc Coast for all pro kabla aoxla. oni-se tha crop should b a bumper onai and evea then tha fmrmera would aa donbt ba ablo to worry throuah annio way. Thara haa ntitr yt born ona actual d-flol.niy of Jrecn oo tha Coast, thouah in some yaars. particularly la X there were (rata tmr that tha farmers would not bo ablo to n.-k all of their wheat. Tha crop that year wea a re aoa aad a ahort-a of bats was flaurrd aat before harvest, yet tha aatlra crop waa marketed without loom. cAiJroKMiA nor inor uhih bad. I,i Aro HoldiaaP Owt tar tS to testis. California hep irovtrf ara boidina? tha comma crop at 11 to IO rants. Accordlas to advice received yesterday. Richardson offered 22 centa for Henoott bat found ao aellera A t'alif.imla dealer wrota aa followa: Tha yarda la thla etala ara la bad aMapo. A fourth to a third of tha hop Vv nt mada their appearance, and from l to io per cat of all tha hopa ara dead. We had aa 1-I--U U later until about prunlna tlrr.. and ln thera were two aiontha of c.n.I W'.ntry weather which aoured tha aap and killed tha roots. Under tha moat faror iMt condition. I cannot ava that wa will a.tva mora than last year crop " lnda m.ll a'leire quoted ll" raclflca at l-'O to I30 shilllncs and r'. a at to ar. ehlllines. . Th.ra were Wiio ta lloo ewt of Eas'tsh hopa of poor quality oa tha mar ket. Tha K-nt:eh nheerver of "r It said of tha Kncliah crops: Tha bop plants ara matins creat proC reea. aad tym. ta now general m all districts. Tho youasT shoots appear to bo fairly strong and healthy, buf would baneflt by sealal ahowera" 'Ircular of tha London bop trade fol lowa: Wild. Noma ar.d Co.: Thara haa been a fair demand durln tha swl and aa alronat eompteta clearance of the few remiinln lota at 11 hopa. tldr da;r ap meettns wttb e..ma Inulrr snd a manr pld Ta. - tt a he r.-'ht.y f.un.l iri-hAS-ra. Manser anJ ll-nle : Mkl ara now la a .rr narrow comp sa In.l-eJ. and any buai aeaa doaa la oa ttl viura W. H. an.l II. La Mr: Tia trarta noted la oar laat conllnura and tha market la rary flria for all description! of hofa. HOOD IVr. BEBKIKS ARE IN MABUBT rian-, twr tha rallforala resit Is About fcauVd. Tho strawberry .market was Arm lltll y-atarday becauaa of tha liht supply. Ths rt Hood lllrars of tha a.-ao arrived and ald at l.3 per crata. A laresr supply from that s--tt.n Is dua today Southara orexon bctrlra brouxht from $2 to tl .VK Califorala berries auld at SUSS to i This wek may sea tha lat of tha California aerrtea If weather conditions do not ehsnca In that stale. Charrteo aro coml alon m small ouantlttea and ara quoted at tl.la ty J par box. . Tha first car of California red onions was rereltai and put oa sale at S3 ss. Another rar naa out from Btorkt.m for Iortland yesterday. A car of IlermaJa onions also arrived. A shipment of tall asp-iraa-us arrHed by steamer. ivas were ateady at is cents a pound. Ileana were In la.-ffe supp!y and steak at T V 1 ' cants, prices liwer than ara quoted m the California markets. A ehlp ment of riorl.la celery came In. but It was of poor quality. A car of crystal wax anions and a car of Florida ptneapplea ara dua today. A car of n.irlda tomatoes w.ll arrive todxy or tomorrow. LOCAL WllttT OI I IIRIM.S ARB SMALL. ad la IJchl aad frlres Kboar Na Tha wheat market waa raher dull yester day. There waa a llarht Inquiry aad but small oftrrlnas. Trices sirs q-joted nn chaaae.L vats aero steady at tha old " Ical receipts. In cars, were reported by the Merchants tlcnsnxt as follows: Wheat Ilarlcy Vlour Oats Hay Mmriar l T. l 1 11 TllMD 51 i II ear aao I" - Sea. to uata ..111 -?.: tea.- ao ui al oa l ii :s tUeew Bar OoTeeeeJ at thrasa rrtrea. Tha esc sr.arket controuea nrm oa Oro g.aa. wni.-h aro a.areo. but the free effer kiss of cheap Laslera aetas lead ta unsettle tha market, rr'.i-ee ara unchanged roaltry arrtaU hara been heavier than asual an-t ma of tuar dealers fun 1 It d:"t.-lt to d p.tae of ail their chickens Tho butter and cheese markets, were) an. changed. v sk C Hank clearings of the North western clllea yesterday were aa folio . le.trl-.gs Bancea. T"ort'and twettle Ta.-eaa . Pfiaeae . ... I'..;: : :4 .-T .. .. i. : .. ioj i:mi . ... Tr.v V. t -a .;a . ... e.uv4 roRTLAr MAtim flram. rtowr. feedl rte. WHKAT Tf irk prtcee: B.iMitrn. 9 r;ab 4t;.-; Kuaeiea. sc. a.ley. toe; eo-foid. sw. HBLtr Cho.-e feed. I S 0 MX. 11 il.ln TK rtran, 4 H per tea; aiu.d .r c. tt: . snorts. Ivli -ti. rj el tar are .Mol'M rt...! K t ilea's. t per barrel: atra ante. iJ . esoorta. t : Valley. t-aj ratsm. Illu. wtw.ta wheat, 4 :a tOK w Whole. -. crakeA fte par task. UATa No. 1 white, l-le-usj per toa. HAT timelhr lastem Cresoa. Xa. L cf;-.. ixht uKed. '-: fceavy KLxed. IITHtloM: ai.-a.ra. . JU; clo ac. tLivv .!.. graia hay. li- 0 !. esTetabtea aoel eTralta. TRAPt.-vi. n;l lT Oransea f J 9 t o par boa. HI f.irta grapoTrult. t OJJo. tananaa. Illst per pound; piaa apoiea. 0: per pound, lasaoas, IJ.eee: ta: cert-ea. It t5 per b-'X. Kt-.rf rl IT !Tawbame. Oregon. 'ajs.e crate; Cauforala, i.ss0s aar crata: goose berrlaa. 1 9 lOo. par pound; ap B.eo. tlfrS per bog. VEGtTABLXS Asparaarus. 110- Pr box; beana. 7slwc; cabbage. II per hucdradwelght: turunbeti.I ll.Wfi.III Pr cV'San: egfp.ant. lie pound; gar.tc, lOfll-c pr pcand. : : u r. per doxen; hothouse lettuce. ll.Ssai.T3 per box; peas. S'ee per pound; peppers. Xt S&o per pound; rad ishes, lie per doxen: rhuharo. lab 0 -c per pound: toirstoee. I27ju3-j- HACK VE'lfrTAUI.KS New earrota. lit? per sack: urclia. I --j : beets. 92-2. POTATOta uregon and Eastern. J2--3 per hundred; new potatoes, fd-O0 Br hundred. ONIONS Crystal -wax. $LS: yellow. 13.1a: rod. natrr w POfLTRY Hens. lMr: broilers, IT4 9 lc; dm ks, young. ic. ge.ae. nominal; tur keys. i:; dreaaed. choice. -'tc. i;. jlii Oregon ranch, candied, xlo par doxen: case count. lsSwloo Par doaen. BUTTliK Oty creamery extra. 1 aad I pound prints, la hoxea. Xc per round: Isas than box lots, cartons aad delivery extra. CHEaiSE Fail cream, twlaa. ISa par ta. Tung America. Me. PORK Fancy. tlc per pound. VIA!, Fancy. 9lil0c Pr pound. HAalS 1U to Sv pounda. Italic; 32 te CoaTew aad seujar. NEW YORK. May 11. Coffee fulurea closed steady at net advance of 1 to " IS pvlnta b'ajea. S?.S0a baga stay and June. la.:oc July, lotto; August. i..'c: Bp tember. !(: October. lO.SSe: November. IS lac; January. ls.c; Fobraarr, 10.41o; alarch and April. Itxtlo. Spot coffee stsady. Rio, No. T. lie; Santos No. 4. lie Mild ooreo quiet, Cordova. llfJl&C Kaw augar firm. Muscovado, of teat. S.34C; centrifugal, ft teat. 1 tsc; molasses, (t test, lllc lledned steady. SMALLER RUN OF STOCK TRADE LES3 ACTnK AT NORTH POIlTL.XD YAKDS. frtrrr lUn;e In Price From $5.75 to $.60 and Sheep Bring Former Quotations. Tie-r was a amailrr ran of stock t th ynrd y-tr,Jjr thn on Uandtv. and trad vm therafo of mUr -o.um. Hi-vrs tid at a ram of 15.73 to I1. about 12 loada tln disposed of. Thero jraa but lltti otiior butirMM In th cattl lln The hug market mm Ptady. China fat ia bnnslr.i J7. Weihrra aold at H-T-. wvi at $4 2i and lamb at 16 . Two loala of feeder ihes-p aotd at 1 2. .". liecaipta yeatenlay were cattla. S calrca, shew-p and 92 hogs. 8htppra were; C ilorton. Oalt. rat. 1 cars ot cattl. J. . i'eltun. noteburv. 2 eara of hc-p. J. K. Slow. Anaconda. Mont.. 3 oars of cattle: II. H. Mcyun. Anaconda. Mnt.. S cart of cattl-; a. K. Ford. Can to. i. 1 car of atieep and tiica; Q. 1. Hur-dic-t. Albany. 1 car of cattle; C. H Vflim 4k ita, Iebansui. 1 car of aheep ; Norwood A 0ertun. Harrlabury. 3 cars of aheep, and If. W. 8troa. .Uoru, 1 car of cattl. sheep and botra, lb day's sale war aa followa: Welfht. rrlc. I.t wethers . 1 1- 9- Hi DOflf . a a a a a a a . . a . a a s.4 U " laruha i' 3' I.tl .' atrer ...................... I'll Umbs K Lid e o 4 .3 G 73 . a .10 23 1 a. io tl - A .3 &.U"f . t e 3 4. vo 4.M 1 afes-rs tera ..lim . .H'7'. a . a a 1'MiU . .lu.' a. H-.J .. a alfNl .. Wl ..lO-ta! . . 61 a . HJ a. 1-3 ra 1 imm . .............. s?3 ateeTB ........... 1-' at-rs 13 alers 1 t r 17 ste-TS V tHi-era 2t etoers 1 Owa ..........ea.a j hewp I A ititop '.H f.fnlff ah r p. .. -. I4t ir aheep1 . .... .. is 1 lamoa ............. 7 Unios tV-1 bs, China fata... I'ricea current on th etrx-fc at tho J'ortlaod wrr a follows: iTlrao it ram -fed a terra . iTu e ba) fed steers. . Choice steers . . .' ........ i3 H .'m T7 2.3.1 ........ o S. ."U 7ft . aWI lu-i .oi -nrioua ciaaae of I'nJoa Stockyards 7.0o$7.C3 .: tj 7-O0 6.CXJ b o.N3 .. ... e oo j tto a.3- o 3-73 ft 73 v -3 ..... ft-'M'ij 6.3 4 7:. gi 5 u- 4 3" 4.73 ..... V3J V 71 .73tf 23 4 4.73 7.73 a a. 04 S.ood tj rholc Steers... Kair to good ateora Common ateers ........ Prime coa Oood to e no ice cows ... frur to C'-od Cons ..... Hoor co a l bote betfrrs .......... Choi co bulia liv.od to ct.olco bolls.... .-hlca U-h cala. t;ood to vhole Jisnt caivea. .... T io Cboic bay calves A 30 J .00 OotaHl to v huUa bear cal .... a.w9 Choic ataaa 0.7:. gi OoHt to cbolc Btac ... ........ &.3ij 6.74 Hon- Tboics boss ft70 9 C.cxxl to cholc boss 3 tjt 70 Choice beavy o .30 Common &.0j .C B;o:a boas I.vmj 7. -.3 bueep Cbo.c prtn lambs 6.7S9 TOO ;od to rh-v binn( (lambs. . . . A.0u 6 7S Cholc yearilngs Vv ft.&O tiood to choir ys-aDInr fi.Ouj 6 3 Ka.r to medium year.uiss ...... 4 75 J s.oO ChoHra t 4.73 lioad to choice wes 4.W f 4.30 r'air to medium ews S.73y 4 vO Good to cboue havr wethers.. 4 3 UO lld heavy wethers 4 iK 4 30 M:xd lota 4W 6.O0 Th toliowtnc ojaotations roproaant priae n this market for tho different classes of bres: Ii after, extra heavy. L'.oa00; drafters. 14J0 o.17ui .ba. l.'e0Q330; draft ers, 1.X to 14UO Iba. liHti3d; chunks, 130; pluca. I0iat40: driving horses, ii sad Ui; saddle horaea. 9k and up. t bkwf Ureatock Market. rHICAUO. Mty ?3. Cattle Receipts es tlmatrd at !-; market, ateady. Bcv-i, 3. 10 .. Tsxas tra. 94 tto 0 B 60; West era iitrrt, $. t"H &.. sttvkers and ferdera. $ J t 3. 7 j , rowi and heifers. 44Uf 3.13; calve. 737 -:3, Hoii Hereipta estimated at l?.nfn: mar ket, weak to 3c lower. I.lnht. 7vi. rt li); mixed. $: ;Utf4(M; heavy. 3.4. Jfi 1; rouch. $: 43tf 3.70. oxt to cboU hoA v. $3 . VO. pi. $3.40w3e. bu;k of .alrs, 3.M) u 3 3. haapr.ecrlpta estimated at 1.W: mar ket, stron. Native. $.Tu3. Western. 3 75 ty 3 lu: ye-arilnsa. $4 73i.7.": lambs, nattva. W 4.73i 7.1V. Western. 3 73t7a0. FIRST ALFALFA CUniNG MILL BK ON SEATTLE SIAHKKT IV THUFE VZEKS. Kurclxr J-hlpmonia May lie Brought From raliromla I lorries, ricnll ful and PrkT. lrr. PKATTt-K. Wash.. May : J ' Special.! AKalfa growers In ths e-unnside dl.trlct x p! to comm-nc cutting In about two at4's. A llttls alfalfa haa tcn cut al ready but aone of It will be en!ii d. Peai era expect ta nave new aira:fa wlthlo tnrea weeks. There le a good demand for alfalfa and several shipments mar vet ba made fr.at the fonts. Healara expect new lira olhv will aa available wlthla an weeka The first greea corn of the season reached Western avenue todav. It waa quoted at (I oar dosea. Louisiana shippers ara offer- -efen com bere) but as ret none has oven s.Mi'ped to thla market, hothouse tometoe. .rare In liberal Lo. 1 supply an.t lower at as centa per pound Tba berry supplr was large. This arter neon Ua price of Kennewlcks was cut to J 7 J tn order to Clean up. tSreea peas were weaker at About tha tu on old potatoee v ranged frum 4 ti centa was $.4 i cents. ranrr app'es aro practloaily off h max- 'riecent receipts of Teal bar. teea ao heavr that II centa la now the extrem. oula.de Visotat)oo on the very oeev stoca. AtMut tne oair i.-.. .-...- In the receipts of local ranch eggs. Seat tle Jobbers hara sot parchaaed as manr Ca.tern eggs for storage account this ysar aa usuaX t hsesa waa mora freely offered by Oregon makers. Seilera aaked ls cants for twins. Considerable abeee. will s. sairped north next wees. Ialtith Flax Market. rn.rrn Mar 2t.--Fiax on track, to ar r.ve. and Mar. JulJ. ex.. September. t2. ectobar. !- Hope ad e TOIII. May Btsadj-. OFFER FOUR CLIPS Only Two Disposed of atjirst Pendleton Sale."' PRICES, 101-8 and U1-8c Several Large Lota of Wool Change Hands at Private Sale at 10 to y 1 4 Ont.e Grower Are Feel ing More Encouraged. PENDLETON. Or.. May II. (Special.) With only four clips offered and bat two of three sold, ths first pabllo wool sales of tha Oregon aeasnn was held here today. Lees then JOS.000 pounds was bid on by tha buyers present and loss than S0.000 pounds chsnxed hands. Jonas, representing ths Victoria Mills Company, of Providence. R. I., secured tha Johnson Peterson clip of 4.00 pounds at lv ta centa. Jonaa also tied with Angell. of tha Hallowell. Jonea A Donald Company, on a bid of 14 cents for ths 10.000-poond clip of Rug Bros. Ths first clip sold was fins wool and ths second medium, r . Jo. Connelly refused a bid of tt cents for II. 00s pounds, announcing insS his prlc waa Is centa J. K. Smith ex Sons refused a bid of 10 i centa for tha 100.000 pounda of their Barnhart clip and refused to put up their Pilot Rock clip of another 1 OO.oeo ror sale. Ths Barnhart clip last year brought 14 Sc. Prices offered todsy generally wera only about' 1H cents below those offered last year for ths earns clips, and as a result ths growers, as a whole, are feeling greatly eocouraxed. In addition t the public sal "a. the sale of the lo-ooO-pound clip of Stnythe Pros., of Arlington, waa announced today.- having been made privately. Tha coarse part of the cl.p was purchased by Hallowd, Jones jt Donald at 14 ccnls. while The Dalles Scouring Mli:s took ths ' fine wool at 10 cents. Private soles st good prices are also re ported as having been made at Heppner Monday. The Ileemeer clip of 10.000 pounds, snd the Huslck clip of 10.0 pounds were purchased by Hallowell. Jonea Donald at 13 and 1J centa recpestlvely. Both clips were of medium grade. Ths next public sals It to be held at E,-ho tomorrow, but as nearly sll of ths toA.000 pounds now at that point hava either been sold or consigned, thera only remains ahout lao.aoo pounds to be soliL Thla consists of the clips of the Cunning ham Kheep A Land Company and of John Kilkenny. WOOL UI YING BY MTLL8 LIGHT. lacawtalaty Rctrarrilng the Tariff Checks Orerratiosia. BOSTON. May 23. Interest In tha wool market centers In the Weat. where tha wool market la active. Purchase, of Utah and Wyoming storks have bevn made at about which Is approximately the price patd Imsi year. Tha landed cost clean Is esti mated at 4o to rtoc The movement to tha mills of old stack Is very light, although s-me demand is reported In Ohio quarter fleeces. I' n'erralnty regarding congreaelonal action Is Influencing buere. Scoured bualei Texas fine, rj months. 4dO-4oc; fine. 6 to t months, 43it 14c. I'aMfwrnla Northern. 47fl4Sc: Middle County. 40U !-; Southern. 4;!'-. Oregon K.iKtern No. 1 atapla. 54tT33cl Eastern clothing. 4Hti.',0c, Territory', fine stnpl-. j.". O "oc fine medi um staple. S3 V : fine clothing. 4Q3ik: flna medium rlothlng. 4."47c: half blood combing. Bi2r; t hree-ei k hthe blood comb ing. 4n,iw: quarter Mood combing. 4ot4bc 1'ull.d extra, 31.33c: fine. 4.s900c; A sut-crs, 4.1 tl c. London Wool Sales, ' LONDON. Mav 23. The wool auction snlee today amounted to 44.930 bales. Bid ding was active st stes.ly prices. croes breds were In good demand and Victorian greasy lambs realised la id. Faulty me rinos were Blow and la buyers" favor. Amer icans bought a few lots of cross. breds. Wa nt St. Louis. ST. LOUIS, Mav 23. Wool Uachangrd. Territory and Western mediums. 13w17c; tine mediums. 13trlSo: fine. 11 a 12c REACTION III STOCKS JUURXT closes fikm after RATHER AVE.VK SESSIOX. Amalgamated Copper the Strongest of the Active List 11111 Shares Are In Demand. . NEW TORK. May 23. In ths stock mar ket today the most aggressive operations In ths shspe of selling movements were directed sxalnst the market leedt'ra, particularly l ulled States Steel, and after an earlv de cline, followed by a rally, an unmistakable reactionary tendency developed. Trading was almost the lightest in a week until ths final hour. Prlcea of many active Issues de clined a pomt or more, but a rally was ef fected shortly before the close, and a largs psrt of the dsv's losses were recovered. Todey'e reaction may reasonably ba attri buted to ths professional traders, many of whom have taken profits on the rise which followed hs Standard Oil decision, and now argue that technical conditions favor a halt. Ama'aimated Copper waa tha etrongest of the a Ave seocka The demsnd for this issue, presumably, was bssed In largs part on ths Improved condition of the copper metal market. American smelting also wag In good demsnd. 1 he Bill stocks showed further strength today, aa did Weatern Union, which haa come Into demand of late. The fertlllxer ahares made some recovery from their pre vious wcaknesa Tims money wss easy today, ruling at rates, which prevailed last week. Kates for tlo and to da) a accommodations wera cut V per cent. Bonds were Irregular, with a decline of H In i nltrd Slate 4a Total sales, par value. 3.(W4."'. CEOSINO STOCK QUOTATION'S, Closing fairs. . High. Low. Bid. Allts Chal pf ' Amal Copper .. 24.2W S . Am Agrirult .. 2i0 ." ,1x . f1 am lt.-et Sueur. l.e"d 41. 4SW Amsrican Cin -Am Cr ft F ly.. Am Cotton OH. Am IN ft I.t pf Am Ice atecuii.. Am Linseed . . . 124 SKI. 231, 22 Uw, 42 a l.i oo mi's !ui S.6O0 fiV". 4Us 3u0 22 ipH Am l-ocomotlve. a.o Am Smel ft Ret l.ouO 42 i ls 4214 eOa . . .a . 43 si 120 ms lo.s 112 14 H2V S13 3il 1U3 'S2k tl. do prcterreil.. Am Steel Krty .. Am Sugar f.. Am Ti ft Tel.. Am Tobacco pf. Am Wooien . . .. Anaronda M Co At--hlea do preferred.. Atl Coasv l.lne l'a:t ft t'hio . .. Bethlehem Steel lirook R Tran.. t'anatllaa Pac .. Central Leather do nrefrrr.d. . . Jim 43 1J 1W a li'l "4 33. 4.t 113 1. in;t4, 12S 2 a 234 3oa 112 2-s2 h2 .Jt 44 141 124 4 .14 33 14.1 13', 1T21. 30 e.n ; 'S3a IK"a 40 ICO i:is. "2-a l:i !! K3'a, 12T 17 l"s 40 3.1 20O 3MI l.Hiey pod ' V ioo S,J"0 1"0 4" 4'KI 1 3"l o.'.-i-O I.."-. "J 3.4 K 1 '- lin'v 1 us -a H-4 lt liait, X.1 234 S'S lu-i. 'm" 2O0 r.nir.l of N J. . . . Ches ft Ohio . .. 2."0 Chicago Alton loO Chi Gt Wsat da preferred Chicago ft N W C M ft st Paul. 9,100 C. C. C ft St L. Col Fuel ft Iron 700 Col ft Southern. ..... - Consul ;s 00 Corn Products 124 4i 140.' 124.1 itiwi Del ft Hu.lson .. D ft K !rande ir neefrrred.. ::v. DlstUiers" Becur f"0 fcrta 1',0 do 1st pf .... saw do -d pf 0-n Electric ... J.Scsv Gt JCorth pf ... T.S"0 r.t North ore . . cj .17 33 ti Boa. ifH l.i a 3 , fit, r,4 12T4 "ii" 3ti S'si 50 ian li'O's 2a .12. 1-tl 'si'" ta Illinois central. Interbor Met .. d. a-eferred.. Int.r Harvester. i w 2. ve SoO Inter Manns Int Paper Lew Int Pump w c aou'h.rn - do ai el erred.. ' 1D Iowa Central .Z Laclede Gas ... Loula ss Nash .. Minn a 9t L . . M. S P a: S 3 M Mo. Kan 4 Tex. do preferred.. Mo Pacltlo .... Nat Biscuit .... at Lead - . . . . lln N Ity 2 pt JJ Y Central N T. Ont at Wn Norfolk A West North Am ..... Northern Pac .. Pacific Mill . Pennsylvania ... People's Gas . .. P. C C ft St L.. Pittsburg Coal. Preaaed S Car.. Pull Pal Car . . Ry Steel Spring Reading 174 loos 147 32 137H 34 07 MM 130 J.1i so 10s 43 10? 4 73 129 26 122H ll'5 U3 21 S3 1R2 S44 It: J 4 Sl .9.114 32 04 42 Sl 67 Bl 119 2U '4 67 37 274 21 SO 14 V4 94 : 7S4 ' 41 4 e79H 119 47 PSH 1A SS 81 4i 179 S.ooo'iodli HWH 3u0 143-. USH ""toe fis"1. ixiii 2.2'H) 3oVs l.M- UTt, 6ia 4,eIO iOht 4'a 2sj 1.17 lli 7.10 !M S.'."4 t'0 81 W s,li 700 1U9 luS l.0 lu?e Ivs "lY.ioo ii9 iisi. 2lU SoS 4.3'K fX) lost losta li"J 4i t4a l.luo il 21 S 2iK Srt s 3 'a 2oO lfl'J'si 16-- l.X 3.1 3.1 8S.3IIO 1; 1M WO 31V 31 B"0 93 i 7.SO0 33 k 32 2"0 64 H 64 1 2U0 42). 42t Republic steel .. ao prvi.rrtu. . Rock Island Co. do preferred.. St L aV S F 2 pf Bt L Southwest. do preferred.. Sloes Sheffield .. Southern Pac .. Southern Ry . . do preferred.. Tenn Copper . .. Texas ft Pac . Tol. St L ft Wes 9no S.300 l.ooo 2H l 3K 11" 211 7 3S 27 21. rn lS4fs '42 it SOS llt' 47W, .1(1 . 1 3S SIV. lis. "4 29 V, r.7 37 27-i 21 .11 "4 1SS4 SM4 'tis 7H lli 46 "4 ' r.-s im 37', 79 Va do preferred.. Union racinc- . do preferred. 45.7"0 2.700 U S Realty V B Rubber ... 2.1no U 8 Steel 178.41)0 do preferred,. 4O0. Utah Copper ... S.SoO Va-Caro Chem Wabaah do preferred. Western Union ,!)0 8HO 400 10.4UO Wheel ft L K . . - Lehigh Valley .. 5.100 179 178 Total sales for the day. 633.T00 shares. BONDS. NEW YORK. May 23. Closing quotations: U 8. ref 2 reg.loOH N T C f'--- J? coun 100 North Pac If o 3s. 71 n S. Ss res 101'North Pacific 4s. 94 vto coupo!5::::loiunion p.dfto 4..101 U. 8. new 4S reg-lMSiWiscon. Cent 4s. 93 do coupon 114SJnpanesa 4s . S !4 D. ft R- O. 4S... 92l Money. Exchange, Etc NEW YORK, May 23. Money on call, steady, thiili per cent; ruling rate. 2 per cent; closing bid, e per cent; offered at 2 per cent. Time loans easy on falling off of demand: 00 days. 2 2 per cent; 80 days. 2; six months. 3. Prime mercantile paper. SHC4 per cent. Sterling exchange etcady. with actual bus Ineas In bankers" bills st 4.S4.10 for 60 day bills and at 4.&t;40 for demand. Commercial bills. 4.83. Bar silver. !3c Mexican dollars, 43c Government bonds, .easy; railroad bonds. Irregular. t LONDON, afay 23. Bar silver. 24d per ounce. Money. 11 percent. The rata of discount In ths open market for short bills la 2 per cent; three months" bill. 2 Ber cent. , SAX FRANCISCO. May 24. Sterling on London. 0O days; 4.W,: sight. 4.bd. Drafts, sight lc; telegrsph. 4c. ' Condition at th. Treasury. WASHINGTON, May IS. At the beginning of business today the condition of ths Unit ed States Treasury was: Working balance In Treasury of Bees :o.SI.R40 In banks and Philippine Treasury. S3.217.036 Total balance In general fund.... S0.10j.507 Ordinary recelpta yesterday Ordinary disbursements 1.0O.J.3-1 Deficit to date this fiscal year... 2.0.i:.45 Deficit laat year 1..47.00S Theee figures exclude Panama Canal and public debt transactions. C hicago Produce Market. CHICAGO. Msy 23, Butter. steady. Creameries, 16'd21c: dairlee. Ifi1I9c KKga Mteadv; recelpta. 27.914 cases: at mark, case. Included, 12. 13c; firsts. 14c: prime firsts. 1.1c. Cheese Steady; daisies. 12812HC; twins. llallc; Young America, 12 412c; long horns, 12'12c New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK. May 23. Cotton futures rloaed barely ateady. 1 to 13 points lower. May. 13R4c; June. 13 R.1c: July. l.4c; Au gust. 13.4oc: September. 13.64c; October, 13.10c; November. 13.07c; December, 13.09c; Jsnusry, 13-Ofn;; March. 13.14c Spot closed quiet. M Id-uplands, 1S.10C; do. Qulf. 1633c Kales. 1SO0 bales. Dried Fruit at New York. -NEW YORK. May 11. Evaporated apples quiet and firm. Choice fancy, loo; choice, lSQ14e; price, l.ltflJHc Prunes firm but steady at the high prices asked. Itlltit for CalUornlas up to 30-40s and 11. 14c for Oregona for 80s to 30a Peaches firm, offerings small: trading dull. Choice. S3c; extra choice. ec fancy. SHVloc Bonds Investments TimberLands NEUHAUSEN CO. 701-2-3-4-5 leawin Bldg. r'ortlaiicl , Oregon MORE . , BITULITHIC "WHYS" . "I believe bitu litloic pavement to be the most satis- factory of all pave ments, not only for automobile traffic, but for riding or driving." M. L. Blakeney, Dallas, Texas. THE BARBER .4SPHALT PAVING COMPANY Constructs Asphalt and other Bltn mtnous Pavements. S05-S08 Klectrto bide. Portland. Or. Oskar iiubsr. Manager. Connect! ot Prince Rupert with S. S. " PRINCE ALBERT" for Queen Charlotte Ixlands and-local points. OTE Sunday ale.mer as far Prise. Raipert .Bly, nH "J . , (.HAND TRINK RAILWAY SYSTEM (Double-Track Route) four trains dally, no "xci fare, to all point. East, via Niagara Fall .Standard and Tour st Sleepers. Dining- Car., .ervlngr meal, a-la carte. clob brkfaat. Kor ticket, and reservation, apply to local Railway Ticket Agents or J. H. Buriii Srai isent, irat Arenue and Yaaler Way, Seattle. Wauinton. LUMBERMENS INi.AX.l0 iN-A I . B.A.N K TRAVtLI KS' GtTDE. LONDON-PARIS-HAMBURG CVd June 1. lO A. M.ftAmerlka June 8 t lEatrlca ...Juno aPrea Grant June 10 tKlta-Carlton a la Carte Restaurant. tSecond Cabin only. TWIIJ call at Boulogne, Call at Plymouth and Cherbourg. C.IBI-A-.T.-R. AIAilEBS, N'APLES, GENOA. 8. S. MOIIKE June S, 11 A. M. gS. S. UATAVIA Jan" sl I Will not call at Algiers. , f'KI ISr TO TUT. TOP OF THE YVORTJ3 NORWAY, NORTH CAPE. RPITZBERUKN. ICELAND AND NOKTIIEKN CAPITALS BY JULXIlirKNT CRL'ISIN'O STEAMEKB. ,'KOM HAMKCRli IN JUNE. JULY AN AUGLST. Bend for Booklet. Hamburg-American Line, ISO Powell St., Sao I ranclsco. C'al. Korthern Pac.. O.-W. R. N.. BnrUngton and other 1C R. office. In Portland. Os. OPEN RIVEB TKANSPORTATlONCa Freight received dally at Oak-sL. dock lor T l e Dalles. Hood River. White Salmon, Umatilla. Ker.nealek. Pasco. Richland, Hantord. White Blufta Lewis ton. Idsho. snd ln i.nnHllit nolnta nRST-CLASS PASSENGER 8EBVICK. FARE SO CIilNi& TO HOOD RIVEK. 1VHITB BALM ON. XHB DALLES, Steamer leaves Portland San.. Tuea. Thurs.. 7 A. M. Returning leaves The Dalles Moiu. Wed. FrL. 1 A. 11. arrlvins at Port land about 5 P. M. same day. W Buchanan, Supt-! W. 8. SmaUtvoOd. Gil Mgr. Phones Main 2D60. A 30Ji. mmm mum STtEAMSHPS . The Tourist Highway and Scenlo Route to i-urope via Ths St. Lawrence River, the Shortest Ocean Passaga. Less than Four Days at Sea by the -EMPRESSES OF THE ATLANTIC. Weekly sailings Montreal. Quebec, to "Ter pocL First cabin. 90; second cabin. l-25. one-class cabin (called second cabin). ". third cabin. 30 and W1.25. Ask local scents. F. R. Johnson, G. A.. 142 Third St.. of J. J. Forster. T. P. A, 609 First Ave, Seattle. . HONOLULU $110 FIRST CLASS ROUND TRIP The most delightful apot on entire world tour for your vacation h':!?'"a. ""i?, lnc at the famous beach of WalkikL la splendid SS. Sierra UO.000 tons displace ment) makes th. round trip In 14 days, snd one can visit on a slds trip the living vol cano of Kllauea which la tremendously ac tive? and see for ' himself the process of wor d creation. No other a-lp compares with this for ths marvelous and wonderful hY nature. Visit the Island, now, while you can do It so easily and quickly and whlls tlegram.-" "b. iS July 1. July gSllt 7S Market Btreet. Sa.t lYancUco. NEW YORK PORTLAND REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE. Lov Kates. - Schedule Tim. AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN S. S. CO. Z1S Railway Exchange Bids;. .- Portland. Or. Ma.ln837S. - - A 89.1. O.-W. R. & N. Astoria Route. STEAMER HARVEST QUEEN Leaves Portland dally except Saturday at 8 00 P.-M. from Ash Street Dock. Makes ail way landlnga Arrives at Astoria at 6 00 IT M. Leaves Astoria dally, except iunda at 7:00 A. M. Arrive. Portland at 6 0O P. M. Makes direct coorectlon wltn steamer Nahcotta for Megler Ilwaco Long Beach and all. points oa the Ilwaco Division. COOS BAY LINE STEAMER BREAKWATER ' Balls from Alnsworth Dock. Portland, A. M.. May. 1. 6. 11. 16. 21, 28, 31. June t and every flvs days. Freight received at Alnsworth Dock dally tip to 6 P. M. Pas senger fare, flrst-claas. $10: second-class. 7. including meals and berth. Ticket at Ce Alnsworth Dock. Phones Mala 2ba Msln 170. A 1234. San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Pedro Direct. . North Pacldo B. S. Co's a. g. Roaooks and 8. S. Eli) it sail svery Wednesday altar, nately at P.. M. Ticket office 142 Third St.. near Alder. UAJcriN J- BTGLET, Passenger A gems. Vs. K- 8LISSER, Freight AgeaU. I' banc. al. 1314. A Mia. 8AX FRANCISCO PORTLAND 69. CO. From Alnsworth Dock. Portland. 9 A. M. : SS. Beaver, May 28 ; Beavr, June X; Rose City, June 7. v From ban Francisco. Northbound, 12 M.: SS. Bear, May M; Hose City, 81; Beaver, From San Pe'dro. Northbound, 1! M. : -SS. Hose City. May S; Beaiver. Jun. S H0. 'smith. C. T. A., 14 Third St. ' J W'. Ranaom. Agent. Alnsworth Dock. Ill ones: Main 40 i. 26: A llflt. North Coast Tourist Route "Norway of America." STEAMSHIPS "Prince Rupert" and "Prince George." Victoria, Vancouver, Prince Rupert, Stewart and Queen Charlotte Islands. Leave Seattle,' Wn, Sundays and Wednesdays 12:00 o'clock Midnight. is located in the center of the office building district. Thus it serves the convenience of business men who have offices in this quarter. ON THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON Capital and Surplus, $1,830,000.00 TRAVELERS' CHEQUES Issued in Denominations of $10.$20.$50,$100 vrhieh identify the holders and are accepted at .full face value by banks and hotels throughout the United States and in all foreign countries. These afford the best means for carrying funds -while traveling. First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 750,000 . Oldest National Bank West of tho Rocky Mountains. Bank Notice Security Savings and Trust Company Corbett Building, Fifth and Morrison Streets I- Capital and Surplus $950,000 Invites Accounts of Merchants, Individuals and Savings The Canadian Bank of Commerce Iacorporated 1867. Head Office Toroato,, Canada. New York, 16 Exchange Place. London. 2 Lombard Street. Over two hundred other branches in Canada and the United State.. Every care taken of collection.. Drafts on all foreign countries and. principal cities In United States and Canada bought and sold, and a general banking business transacted. Interest allowed on Time and Special Deposits. . PORTLAND BRANCH, SECOND AND STARK STREETS. T. C MALPAS, Manager. We are in the market ; .- , to supply, all $50,000 Oregon Water Power & Rail Away Company- 6 Bonds Offers of the same in any amount invited. ". x " " i V - Morris' Brothers Railway Exchange Building Portland, Oregon FIFTH AT STARK for, and will buy, subject or any part of