BEAVER IS TARDY Powerful Passenger Steamer Delayed by Gale. GEORGE ELDER RAMS DOCK Thrte Stanchion and Wire Ncltlns; Alone- Rati Torn Away by Col lision With Willamette Iron Jb Strol WharTce. For ths first time, iinr bln placed ra the run a year . when de layed when she tank the Sella, tha b1 steamer Bear. of trie ran Francisco Portland SteamsMp fontpany. waa ovrr II (-.mrs la t In rearttna- the Co lumbia River yrstrrday. w due at dyiir:t to cross In. but did not enter th river until dark. A wlreluss ntnaia received yesterday was to the efr,-ct that aha would arrive ahput oVlcxk last rlcnt. ar.1 In or.lrr tnat he wKI !" no time In dliw-haralne- she la to be at her tV' 0'ritt ,hl m"rnlna The t-ir!lne of the heaver offers the bent Illustration of tle force of the Mow that haa len on for tlie p.t f-w diys. a she and the steamer lear are the most powerful pa.-r,-r vels operatlna out of Portia-,,!. When the B.avr made hr reorJ trip to Port Ltn I earlr In J l'r she steam, d In t .e fetr of a northlr. and d-sptte Its s-vrlty reeled orf octeen H and IS snots an hour. She burked Into the head . In a manner that left no dml.t that rouid w-atr-r that sort of a blow at all times, but lur p-rfuroame on this rve occasioned surprise. The ateamer ,;eo. W. KM-r alsnalli'd her arrival In po" yesterday morning. 34 hmira behind arhe.lule. by collltiln with the d.-k of the !lanirtte Iron at ttfel Works ahlle ba.-kln Into " her berth. Three devk stanchion and about . feet of wtrenrttliia; alone her rail were lorn away. Hep-lrs will be made .. she may .-t away on schedule to- Tha tearur Northland, arriving yes terday, was over T houra maalns; the voyase from the llolden Gate, and her officers report havlr.K encountered weath er that aa unusually boisterous for thl anon. Last evenings report of condi tion, at the mouth of the Columbia (.Y the velocity of the nr,h"e'' " if mllr. an hour, which, while nr. classed as . sale. Indlratre that the- blow had considerable strength. TIIIKKS LOAHS AT BtXFAST Hark Mlml Complet raMest Pass ace Front Coast This Season. Meyer. Wilson Co. Testerdar added the French ahlp Thiers to the Ut of vessels bound for Portland from F.uropa and she will be placed on the berth at Belfast to load general cargo. The vessel haa not been taken for new crop loading, but negotiations will no doubt be entered Into aoon for that purpoee. The Thlera wa a member ot the present wnon'i grain fleet, hav ing cleared for tha I'nlted Kingdom Iecember '. , , . The German bark Miami haa been given credit by tha Coaat marine fra ternity of having completed the smart et passage of the season, when aha arrived at Falmouth May 1 from Port, land, making the run In 10S daya. That time eaceeda the beet paaaaRea from any Pacific Coaet port elnce July t. The record In llo wae 1IT daya. made by tha French bark La R.xhejacquellne. thouKh the German bar Frieda aalled from the Columbia River to Dunaenesa In 1' daya. Tha Mlml waa ordered to St. Naaalre to d acharce. while tha Itrlttjti ateamer Strathnrna. carryln one of the five laret icraln carajoea dispatched thla seaaon. waa ordered from St. Vincent to Xaplea to uwload. MAX OM.Y mSENGAGF.O SHIP Lumber Ienkr. Ilrfnsr to Take Tonnaxe Offered at IKarh Hale. One veasel remalnins dlsenaaaed on the Pacinc Coast attesta the acrambla belna; made ftr lumber tonnage, the Idle carrier betnr the French bark Mas. waitlna; on Puaet Sound for bus iness llrr ownera ask so hlith frelarht for I'nlted Klnadorn loadlnsr. beatde In ltln on short lencths or a prohibi tive bonus for porta, that lum ber exoortera say she cannot be profit ably tlaed under present market con dition. The Mas waa offered freely yesterday Tut no encouraaement was aiven her, ownera There are vessel due to arrive, prloclpatlr steamer, that will ba avail able for July loadtna: and Fall esporta should be brisk, but so far Portland Yam'en behind PuK-t Sound In lum ber business. No move has been made bv the rrsu'nr oriental line to raise the lumber tariff on the strenuth of Increased rate asked by ateamer and ealllnc vessel owners, and offerlnas of lea than carso lota continue brisk, but It la eapected that with the decrease In wheat and our shipments In the Summer montVs the Trans-Pacific Frelaht Fiureau may restore the lum ber rate, which was cut to IT a thous and feet In the Sprlnsr. SMVGGI Fits' HAVE COI XCIL King or SO Faeh Merit Swap New of llojers to Are "Easy." Fo!!owtne an epos made Monday, a hen F. W. Ilatriton was asked to es-r-Iain to orflclala at the Custom-House tie of an alW-ired "rlnK" of 39 men who are "workinc Portland In the ctilee of seamen anil eelltrg so-called siiiuicsled suitings, cra-tains. al.ks and other irooda at residences. It has been reported that the systm Is so complete that tha men encied In the vocation meet at an appointed rendejvous regu larly and plan their future campalcn. It la reported that the scheme haa reached such a stare of proficiency that, like tha Order af Hobo wio learn whether a certain house will provide mea.s through creases' marked on tha sa-.e or fence by the previous caller, they know that certain housewives are sus ceptible of flattery a,id are wllllns; pur chasers of 'barca'na In so-called emur Cled cood. which are. In fact, manufac tured in tha I'nlted flutes and sold at San FraiK-lsco to the Coast "trade." I'nlees s; actually arnusKled are found the Government will take r!o steps toward proeecutlmr. but other meana of yreventlnc further misrepresentation may t adopted. Barge Ladd Slnka With Kock. In the heavy blow of Thursday It waa f.ond Impracticable to tow the bars lJd arroe to Fort Ptevena. and he was anchored off tha Hanthorn cannery property, where eh sank In elsht feel cf water with 1" tona of Jetiy rock aboard. The h-jll la to be pumped out and It h thought that the barge can be raised without the removal of cargo. Dresifre to Work on Coqullle. iiBnnt:i.n. Or, May Si tSiw- clal.) Tha dredger Oregon w-lll be moved from Coo Bay to tha Coqullle Hlver June . Captain Cornwall haa been awarded the contract for towlnsr. He will receive !50 for the work and wl'.l use bta tug- Gleaner and tha tug KJyhlam. of Bandon. Tha dredger haa been making a channel 18 feet deep In Coos Bay and after working thla Sum mer In the Coqullle River will ba re turned to Coos Bay In the Fall. Buoys Ilemoved on Riser. Commander EUlcott haa announced the following change In navigation alda In the seventeenth llshthouse district: Co lumbia and Willamette rivers Tha fol loming spar buoy removed May 1 and 1 will be replaced as soon aa present freshet subsides: Carr Slough. I. Hunter Shoal, i. Martin Island, t- M art In Island. . Henrlcl Croselr.e. S. Herirlcl Crwaslng. I. Henri. I Croaslng. i Coon Island Channel. 8. f. & G. Charts. HU. Ust of buoys, etc.. Pacific Coaat. 1'X pp . . 7Z. Belllngham Bay. Washington Bound Starr Rock Buoy. S, red. M-clasa nun. heretofore reported out of position, re placed May IT. x Marine Ordinance Chanfred. A special meeting of the Public Dock Commission waa held yesterday for the purpose of changing the wording of TEAMEK ISTFfJJOf&SCa tsaa Arrive. Jta-ne. From. bate Ceo. W. Elder. .Sao l)leo... In p-rl Ort.rle H"nakn V'n K'.amath Sen Krar.clsce in port yonhland Sen Francisco in port X-b v -r . '!") ly Hr-skw.itsr. ...""' Hse IT l.oldrn (.ere. . . Tliiaiaook . . . . Msjr Sue H. ktsaore 1 ilUmuo. . . Msv A init ..r.nMii. . ... wv Roanoke u lieo. .. Mr i . Mm p. am May Anvil lv - Slrethlyon . Hnr.cki nl Ivir.e 1 sn4Ciiv Ma t'Uni....JuiiQ 3 KlverslJe Uaiboa June -4 -1 "I eked sled ta Depart. Kilt For. ..r,,,. Ceo. vr. Elder. .n l'leo tT I Orterle Manikins: M -J KlameEh .en KranrtsciMsr - Northland !n KrenrUco Nsr Itreskwaler -f Hv May -4 ti itA'B late. .. Tillamook. ... May Beaver an Pedro.... ay A.iAa.-e.. Kureka. . . . . - Mr Anvil Pendon Msy tfue H- Elmore T lliam&ok-. . Mar 3 UmiHIh Fin lilrEO..:.Ma)r 31 Bear ban Pedre. ... June 2 Jto City ...... Pan perfro. ... June 7 PtralhJyrtn Hmrkonf. . . .June lo hlvoraide Balooa June 19 s I J- t a city ordinance which provided that ships must "moor In the harbor." thus giving forth the Impression that the ship or boat was at anchor in the har bor limits. To avoid till construction the ordinance waa changed so as to permit tha Harbormaster to use his dis cretion In allowing boat to berth at the docks. KelloRE's Hull Found Sound. When planking waa removed from the hull of the steamer Joseph Kellogg, at Supples yards. It 'Was found that the f rami were ao thoroughly preserved after 11 years' service that nails holding the planking could not be removed and had to be broken. Carbolineum waa used when the hull waa built, and It Is said to have kept the material In perfect condition. Marine Notes. Drawing S feet of water, the Oriental liner Herculea left the harbor yester day, bound for Hongkong and way ports. With the usual assortment of general merchandise bound fur the East the Amorlcan - Hawaiian steamer Falcon sailed last night. Efforts are being; made to complete the overhauling of the steamer G. K. Wenlworth tomorrow so she can resume towing with the Hoeford fleet. Curtain John Bermlngham. of the Gov ernment steamboat Inspection service. Is due In the city tonight en route from Seattle to hla station at San Francisco. To begin loading lumber for the United t-1 I .w- Cr-wl K.rlr jilllll Hs Castries will be shifted from the stream In tha harbor down to Dlnnton today. It Is said that a contract will shortly be let by tha Portland Tug Barge Company for the construction of another tug more powerful than the Charles M. Greiner. which will be placed In service towing barges of rock and other material to Portland from Bonneville. For ehlpment to Atlantic Coast points th Open River Transportation Compay has delivered bales of wool to tha American-Hawaiian Steamship Company. balea coming from Arlington and lot bales from the Grand Ronde. above Lew Hun. It waa given out yesterday that If necessary two steamers will be oper ated on the Snake River to move the wool output. Bringing general cargo from Califor nia porta the steamera Northland. Geo. V. Klder. Vellowetone and Johan Poul sen yeaterday entered at the Custom Ilouse. The Northland cleared for San Francisco with T3 tons of wheat and l.. feet of lumber, the Elder for San IMevo and way ports, the Yellowstone for San Francisco with msXrtO feet of lumber, and the barge Amy Turner for the same harbor with feet. Frits Antonsen. first mate of tha steamer u H. Klmore. left that vessel shortly before she sailed yesterday for Tillamook Bay. under orders to proceed to Coo Bay and assume charge of the Tillamook, a new vessel being built for the rimore Interests that Is to be ready for operation June 1. Captain Basch has been signed on the Elmore as mate. A third vessel for the same Interests I being built that will be known aa Osu koea IL Movements) of Veseels. Haa Francisco. May J. Arrived Steamers Ttoqutam. Palsy Freeman. Temple E. Dorr, from Orays Harbor: Coaster, from Astoria: Massarhusatts. from Newport News: schoon era Mayflower, from Sluslaw; lassie Prion, from Coqullle: steamer Ttaor M.. from Nanatrua. sailed Steamers Queen, for Vic toria: Xlaak. for Hamburg: Nann Smith, for Coos Hay: Fair Oaka. for Orays Harbor. PORTLANP. May 23. Arrived Steamer Northt-mo. from Mn Francisco: fiermaa ship H. Hackfe'd. from Hono:ulu. Sailed Steamer Boas iMiy. for San Francisco and San Pedro: Norwegian steamer Hercules, for llonskoos and wiy ports ateam-r Sue H. Klmore. for Tlllamooa; steamer Falcon, for San FraDAteco: steamer Golden Gate, for Tll Immook. As'orta. May 23.- Condition at eh mouth of the river at S P. M-. smooth: wind, north west IS miles, weather, cloudy. Sailed at - o )f steamer Nehalem. for Sao Fran riaco. Arrived down si X and aalled at P. kl steamer Ross City, for San Francisco and Siva Pedro. Left up at 11 30 last nlsht. SermaTsMP H. Harkfeld Sailed at ID-O A XlT. schooner Lottie Bennett, for R- Francisco. May I-V-Arrlved at IS eoon steamer Ooteter. from Columbia Hlver. Too." May 2X f sed hlp K.Ui.;. la tow of mi Xatooetu from Astoria, for Lhig- 'Trindad May Passed Si earner Ol son a ytahony. with bars Gerald C. Tobey in tow. from ban Francisco, for Portland. San Pedro. May Arrived at noon, sieamer F. H. L.stt. from Portland. Falmouth. May SI. Arrived German ship Frieda, from Portliad. Seattle Ma 23 Arrived Steamer Gov ernor, from San Francisco: c. S. S Rush, t-om ban Francisco 1 ; st earner Princes. Ei. a. fT,m Vancouver. Sailed t. S. s. Man sanfta I-" a cruise; steamer M. e. P. ant. fr San Franclaro; steamer rvotphln. for Skareav; steamer City of rutba. tor San Fraaclsce. Tides at Aeterla Wednesday. " High. l.ow. Hi il feet S:3 A. M I T feet Sulr K. U. S-S teeUIiU P. M 1- sW Cmired inn One Varicose Veins, Piles, Fistula and Blood Poison M.ey Caaea Persaaaeatly Cared la Oae TREATMENT. Moat Tlme-SsrHag. Moat Natural. "Moat Safe. No Detention From Ueessatlea, Family or Hme. A Kadleal and Persaaaeat Care. I W III t.lve asolt to Aay Charity aa a (.uaraa- tee That Kverjr Mntruaeat la Thla Aaaonacesaeat lw Tree. I cure rapidly, painlesair and at small expense. I will demonstrate actual reaults In your case. I will give conclusive evidence of my merit which Is obtained and maintained bv ability. I Invite you to come to my office. I will explain mv treatment for Hernia. IHea, Varicose Velaa, eryoue. Blood. Kidney. Bladder aad Keetal All meals. I will give you free a physical examination. If necessary a microscopical and chemical analysis of secretions to determine existing pathological and bacteriological conditions. Every person should take advunti-ge of this opportunity to learn their true condition. Certainty of cure 'A thoroughWnvestlKatlon should be made by every ailing person as to the sr.clallst he consults. Dutv and destiny to self and those who depend upon you demand the best nieJical attention. I have the ability and can give you thla service. I have alwavs charged a very reasonable fee. so that my aervlces may be obtained by any man who sincerely deslree to be cured. I make no mislead ing statements or unbusinesslike propositions; neither do I desire to be par ticularly Independent, and I would like to have you for a patient. If .you will come to me on a strictly professional basis, and the Inducements that I offer, which ore mv ability, and thlrtv years' successful experience, Time-Saving Treatment and Guarantee of Cure of certain Aliments. One-Half the Fee Charged by Other Specialists I Am. for Men PRICES ALWAYS REASONABLE I will give the poorest man a chance, as well as the rich, to receive a cure af riin me at a small cost. THERE IS NO MAN TOO POOR TO GET MY BEST OPINION FREE. Call If In trouble. SEVENTEEN YEARS OF. SUC We Cure Nervous Exhaustion also known aa Nervous Dehility, Nervo-Vltal Debility. Xrurasthenln. etc. If you have any symptoms of this ailment, such aa loss ot energy or ambition, vitality, easily fatigued, dull, listless feeling, nervousness and other svmptvm. I WHnt you to be sure and call. I have given this' condition of men special study and I unhesitatingly sav tlna niv treatment Is not excelled by any other specialist. regar.Hess of w lint they may claim. I know what I -reive accomplished In even the most severe rases letters of indorsement are on file, and there Is no resson to believe that I cannot cure OTj also. REMEM BER, by calling you do not obligate yourself to take treatment T- Many Simple Cured for . . Cases Specific Blood Poison Cured in 1 Treatment BV PROF. F.HRI.ICIPS GREAT DISCOVERY ASD KLEtifKU TO MANKIND. "606" This discovery Is the greatest boon to sufferers from neirle Hlood polaoa ever discovered. It has been used surcessfullv in over J0."00 cases. It absolutely cures tn one treatment. No matter how long you have been af flicted. It works like magic. My experience with It per mits me to state positively that It is the greatest discov ery of the age and that all the symptoms of the dreaded disease. Including ulcers, eruptlr.ns. sores of all Rinds, dlsHPpear in- an Incredibly short time I am the ooljs. reliable specialist on the Coast using this preparation In a scientific manner. Consult me Free before going else- w nere, ana Itvi cuieu o" " 4 EXPERT MEDICAL EXAMINATION FREE, WHETHER YOU TJUUS Tiu.AJ.miJN i ua ay i. irx. pAy FEB T0 SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE. T?rT?TT MUSEUM FOR MEN ONLY IT SHOWS PLAINLY 17 R 17 17 FREE HEALTH AND DISEASE NO MINORS ALLOWED T IS-jC-jCa, WE TREAT ALL DISEASES COMMON TO MEN. f you cannot call. writ, for -fSr ' " ' ' THE OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE ?SS&Sr. CESS IN TREATING MEN We Cure Contracted Ailments Newly contracted rases quickly cured. AH burning, Itching, Inflammation aad discharge checked la 24 boars. -Maay eases eared In one week. VAe have a specific treatmeat for thla ailment. Bladder and Prostate Gland Ailments Burning- Pains. Tortures. Misery, Straining, Crys tltls Stone In the Bladder. Gravel, Blood, Mucous and sll Kidney and Bladder Ailments which you do not care to trust to the family doctor. I am a specialist, and am prepared to give you quick relief and a speedy cure.. "Old Chronic Cases" Cured If you have an old case that has been hanging on for weeks or months, and which medicine from doc tors and druggists can't seem to cure right, there Is some reason. I have a scientific cure, and will cure you quickly and cheaply. Don't let any ailment drag you down and weaken you. $5 CQn BY SHORT Sharp Buying Sends May Wheat Up 21-2 Cents. HIGHEST IN MONTHS Good Crop rrospects In America and Europe Cause Weak Opening, but IVelajed Purx-liaslng Starts Xptur'n. CHICAGO. May St. Unexpected cover Inc by a la re a operator, who had been a short seller of wheat, proved of s;raater In fluence today than all other cauaes attect Inc the market. May delivery sold the hl.hest In months and cloaed near tha top prices of the session. :u,o above last nlsht. Other months finished Ho to c up. Corn scored a net sain of V.C to lt:C oats ,c to SC snd provisions mc to 1THC. In the wheat pit orterlnss were llaht most of the day hot they Increased as the final hour approached. Nevertheless, the premium of the current option ruse to ',c over July a decidedly unusual difference, further more, the tone at the end was firm all around. In sharp couuast the start of trad -Ins had been altogether In favor of the txara. barrlns c rise for May. The weak tias was due to almost Ideal conditions for the srosrlns crop, both Winter and Pprlua. and because of an Improved outlook for the yield In rountries across the Atlantic hen delayed bu) ln besan. however, and the fact developed that purchastne waa not at all an eaar exploit, everythlna else was lost aisht of. July ranged from t He to Sc. and closed o up. at S-- May varied between S,c and e. with last sales at c. a net sain of !4c The chief factors strenjrtnenlns corn were better Kastern and export demand, coupled with Hehtoeee of sales frome the country. May shorts stampeded and at the end of the eastern that month waa 101Hr higher. July fluctuated from 11 Ho to Hit closlns , t 4c up at SStac Cash grades were stronger. No. 1 yallow finished at S39 Reports of damage In Central and North Texaa had been a bullish effect on oats Julv reached as Its limits Hc and 13 S tt25Sc. with latest tradea 31c a net ad vance of a ti Sc. With packing Interests snd exporters fur nishing a moderately good demand, pro vlalons were firm. The outcome was a general advance, pork "4 to Hiic lard lk,c to loc and rlhs 7 4c to Inc. May July Sept LeC May July Sept Dec. .. May July Dec. July. Sept. July. . Sept. . r!in atatlatlca: Total clearances of whest and flour were equal to 4tl.00 bushels Primary receipts were 44VOO0 bushels compared with 201. 00 bushels the corresponding day a year sro. The world's visible supply, as shown be Brauslreel'a. Increased g.0Sd.iOe bushela. Estimated receipts tor tomorpew; .Wheat. WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. .s;s -4 iS $ .874 .TH -"4 .4 .K84 .STS .c4 S54 -SS4 -S -i .t4 ' COH.V. 5! .514 .Slw ."'I's .5: .S:S .51W s .HIV .6S4 -2S .is .l) .51 W .i0 .il OATS. .Jl ..H4 .33K .844 ..U4 .S4 , .JJ4 .33", .34 4 -Si -34 4 -34T MESS PORK. 14.15 14.SS 14.40 14.C4 Wi 14.:o 14.074 LARD. 1.05 H.1S t.OS 8. IS (124 -2i .li4 .224 SHORT RIBS. T.m 7.S74 7.S74 7.724 7.S5 7.724 724 7."4 7.S24 774 ". 7 02 4 7.07 4 7.02 4 7.0S 40 cars: corn. 428 cars; oats, SOS cart: hogs. 38,000 head. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrel 14.700 20.600 Wheat, bushels 149.000 J; "0 Corn, bushela 444.0O0 ;si'?"J Oats, bushels 473.000 32.000 Rye. bushela 7.000 1.000 Barjey. bushels 74.U0O 14.000 Changes In Available Supplies. NEW YORK. May 21. Special csble and telegraphic communications by Bradstreet s show the following changes In evallsble up pllea, as compared with previous accounts: Bushela Wheat, rnlted States, esst of the Rockies, decreased 1 ,', , Canada, decreased 1.241.0OO Total United States and Canada. decreased 1.436.000 Afloat for and In Europe.' de- . creased Total American and European sup- ply. increased S.036.000 Corn. I nlted Ststes and Canada, decreased 1.090.000 Oats, rnlted States snd Canada. In- creased 108.000 Grain at Han Francisco. SAV FRANCISCO. May 13. Wheat Firm. Barley Steady. Spot quotations , Wheat Shipping. $1.40 1.50 per cental. Barley Feed. 11.45 per cental; brewing. Il.474tjt.524 per cental. . ,., Oats Red. $L3O01.4O per cental; white, nominal: Mack. l.S7tjrl.Si4 per cental. Call board sales Wheat No tradlnf. .... , . Barley December. 81.S5 bid. 11.30 asked; Stay. 31.454 per cental. Grain Mark eta of the Northwest. TACOM A. May 23. Wheat: Bluestem. P43.7c; fortyfoid. 87c; club. eo4&!oc; red Russian, 84c. , , Receipts: Wheat. 51 cars; barley, 1 car; rye. 1 cr; hay, la can. SEATTLE. May 23. Wheat: bluestem. BTx; fortyfoid. b74c; club, S7c; fife. 8ic; red Russian. 8c. Oats J0 per ton: barley. $28 per ton. Receipts up to noon: Wheat, 14 cars; oats, 4 cars: hay. 3 cars. Kurspeaa Grain Markets. LONDOJf. May 23. Cargoes easier: buy ers holding off; Walla Walla for shipment at 3.".s tw. English country markets easy, 14d to 3d lower. French country markets steady. LIVERPOOL. ' May 23. Wheat. July. 8s 8 4d; October, Cs 7Sd. Westher clesr. Minneapolis Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS. May 23. Wheat, May. P54- July. 84: September, 04 !Hl4ac; December, Hulic: No. 1 hard. P94c; v i Northern, 870 U8c; No. It Northern. Bitt 0 874c; No. S white. 824 0854c PRODUCE AT BAN FRANCISCO. quotations Current in the Bay City Msr keta. SAN FRANCISCO, May 23. The follow ing produce prices were current today: Vegetables Cucumbers, 40ft60c: garlic, 10U124C: green peas. $1.2."o 1.7.1; string leans ' 6,7 c; ssparagua. 608H-5O; toma toes. 8I.50S2: eggplant, initio. Futter Fancy creamery. 4c. Kccs Store. 204o: fancy ranch, 214c , h.ese Voung Americas. 1314 4c Onions NoniinaL Mtlietuffe Bran, $2Se2; middlings. $31 Fruit Apples, choice. " $2.25; common. $1 2S- Mexlcsn limes. $4.S0JS; Callfoinla lemons, choice, 1.5: common. $1.50; or anges navel. $1.25t. Hay Wheat, 111 t 14.50 per ton; wheat, and oats. $lfl 12: alfalfa. $911. Potatoes Salinas Burbanka. 2.tSO: Ore gon Burbanks. $iS02.75 Receipts Flour. 302 quarter sacks: wheat 3rt75 centals: barley. 11,780 centals; oats 223 centals: potatoea. 750 sacks, bran, 50 sicks; hay. 382 tona Metal Markets. . . NEW TORK. May 2S. Standard copper quiet, September. May. June, July and Au gust ll.5rl2e: London steady; spot, fii; futures. ." 12s d. Arrivals reported at Nw York today. 275 tona Custom-House returns show exports of 20,722 tons so far thla month. Lake copper, I2.25til2.374c: elartsnlytlc 1212-2Se; casting. 11.75 "Tlndull. Spot. 43 70S 44.70c: May. 4J.70 em 70c: May. 43. 5J 44.50c: June, 43.509 44 Wc; July. 42.60gi43.5Oc: August, 41.500 42 lie London itrong. Spot, i20J; futures. 1'jad dull. 4.404? 4.50c New York; 4.204J 4 -- Kast St. Louis. London. 13. Spelter dulL 3.3Stf5.45c New York: 5.25 ito 30c East St, Louts. London, 24 10a. Antimony dull. Cookson s. v 9.5c. Iron Cleveland warrants. 46s 10 4d In London. Locally Iron was quiet. No. 1 foundry Northern. No. 1 foundry Southern, snd No. 1 Southern soft, $16J6tlt.75j No. t foundry Nott&ora, 15 ft 15.50, Amazing Results Follow Their Use as. Qnant!t?ts of Herbs and Roota are Imported c. -(Ss ' c. e 4ksC l Gee f Gee Woivl Wo lCieniiBi louay hiiow iub "i" thounantls of plants and shrubs. Of that number onlv a few are used by the phy sicians of this country for medicinal pur poses. But the Chinese physicians have made greater research aJons those lines. For over a hundred years they have ap plied their time in collecting specimens of Roots. Herbs and Barks and carefully not- . Inn their action on the human system and compiling tne results 01 me numcruuu treated. During ail the while th informa tion was carefully guarded and handed down only through the families of the physicians. And In his laboratory at 12V First street, C. Gee Wo. formerly a physician of high standing in China, dispenses these Chinese preparations for the benefit of sick people. The most wonderful results are recorded from their use. He has on record numerous cases of complete cures. If you are sick, see him, talk to him, for the consultation is free. People out of town write for consultation Hank and circular. Inclose four cents in stamps. THE C -EE WO ( HLNKf-E MEDICINE CO. ltf-Vx lTt Ht.. lor. Morrison. . Fort land, Oregon. MEN CURED $5 Is Our Fee . . ... ueves Vvlv eon BrfiLuu . . tracted and chronic cases cured. AU burning. Itching- and Inflammation topped in 24 hours. Cures effected la even days. Consultation free. If un able to call. wrte for list of questloni. Office Hours - A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. Pacific Ccrast Medical Co. WASHINGTON STREET, Corner . First. Portland. Or. nrso rnonxn. Chinese doctor. Btroworiase biuj., 18? H First street, ronm 11 and 225 Alder st. Chines and Herb Cures RhAuma- tlsm. Consumption. Dropsy. Catarrh, stomach. Lung, Liver and Kidney Troubles. All Chronic ailments of men and wo men. Examination free. Drugstore. Flanders St. -afJwfcsa ' -Cm 1 a- fijae--i, y Boot Medlcln .Cancer, L. T. -YEE & SONS The Old. Reliable Chinese j Doctor spent lifetime study of E Umrm . Ti H r.s.i,rrti in China: i was r ranted diploma by the 1 Kmperor; sniaranieee cure allmeDta of men and women I .. v whea others fait. II yoa sm ' fer. call or write to TEE lT Mifsaaa fnt. Cos. Alder. Cortland Or. I' - I " A. A a Cured in Five Days Varicose Veins, Hernia, Blood .Poison No Detention From Occupation, Kamlly or Home no severe operations, . Many cases permanently cured in one treatment, most time-saving, most nat ural, most safe, a radical, and permanent cure. x give my word and will cith you to other medical au- ' thorities that this is a FACT. I Ail CERTAINLY PRE PARED TO CURE BY EXPERI ENCE AND EQITFMENT. WHICH ARE THE KEYSTONES TO SUC CESS. I HAVE THE BEST EQUIPPED MEDICAL OFFICE ON THE COAST. I WILL GIVE $500 TO ANY CHARITY AS GUARAN- TEE THAT EVERY STATEMENT I N TH I S ANNOUNCEMENT I 3 TRUE. 1 Invite you to come to my of fice. I will explain to you my treatment for Varicose Veins, Hernia, Nervous Debility, Blood Poison, Piles, Fistula. Bladder, Kidney. Prostatic and all Men's Ailments, and arive you FREE a physical examination: if necessary a microecoelcal and chemical analysis of eecretlons, to deter mine pathological and bacterio logical conditions. Every person should take advantage of this op portunity to learn their true con dition. A permanent cure is what you want. VARICOSE VEINS Impair vitality. I dally demon strata that varicose veins can bs cured In nearly all cases by one treatment. In such a satisfactory way that the vital parts are pre ss rved and strengthened, pain ceases, swelling; subsides, a healthy circulation Is j-aptdly re established, instead of The depress ing conditions. I guarantee you a cure to stay cured r refund tha money. HERNIA (HITTTRE) Disregard of existing hernia haa cost many lives. The smallest hernias are the most dangerous to life because of the increased liability to strangulation. I cura rupture in selected cases with per fect eafetv and entail no suffer ing, and do not detain you from occupation, under guarantee. Many casea cured to stay cured In one treatment. SOS " FOR LOOD POISON. I use Professor- Ehrlich's won derful new discovery, " 606," in cases of Specific Blood Poison. It cures In one treatment, and is the, greatest- marvel of medical science. Thle new remedy has been successfully used in thou sands of cases. Let me explain it to you. witrTTmv nrTARANTEE Dr. Smith's written guarantee means , cnr; or no pay for services. I guarantee to cure cer tarn ailments or r .iu u -9 A AU to s I. aa. ounuaya. a. a. w Dr. A. G. Smlttt. I am the only specialist in Port land who does not advertise a fic titious name or photograph. I publish my true photograph, correct name, personally 'conduct my office. I am the most success ful and reliable, as medical cre dentials and press records prove. I make this statement so that yoa Kill know you consult a true spe cialist, who sees and treats pa tients personally. I possess skill nd experience, acquired in such a gray that no other can share, and ihould not he classed with medical companies. It is Impossible for a medical company to attend col lege. Companies have no diplomas or license to practice medicine in Oregon or any other state. Medi cal companies usually are named after a doctor. A portrait, whose personality and identity are in definite, is selected and published as the legitimate specialist of the office. Hired substitutes, ordinary doctors with questionable ability, give consultation, examination -and treatment. Office hours Dr. A. G. Smith 234 Morrison Street Corner Second PORTLAND, OR. THE DR. GREEN METHOD OF CURING-MEN A CENT CHARGED vjnlese cured QUICKEST CURBS that ataar cured. LOWEST PRICES of any specialist. 1 A certain cure Is what you want. This we will give you beyond doubt If your case is curable. There is absolutely no patch work about . our tr eat ment. for soon after beginning it disagreeable symptoms disappear and the trouble never returns. Our best reference is our former patients, whom we have cured and made happy. If discouraged because you have failed with others, call and see us. A confidential chat, to gether with a thorough personal examination, will iost you nothing. If you take our treatment, you may pay for It when satisfied, or when cured. t . ir . Weak, Swollen, Sagging, VariCOSe VeinS Knotted. Wormy Jlke Vetaa, Clotted Staanant Poola of Im pure Blood, Weak, Nervous, Low Vitality, Mental D We'deTrTonstrata that VARICOSE VEINS can be j, ,i . ......fnai nnnrntinn. Beneficial effects mrnVdlate Pain quickly ceases, enlarged veins rapidly re duc" healthy "relation speeaily returns, and strength, soundness and robust health are soon restored. n1 a . a ir. 1 Tha complicated aliments of these organs Bladder and KldneV are rapidly overcome. There is no guess Ulauut' J Work about it. We remove every obstruc tion, stop every waste, allay all irritation and inflammation, revitalize the weakened organs, and soon accomplish a safe, thorough and per manent cure. ri 1 r 1 itrneff Quacks reap a harvest by pretend- BlOOd TOlSOn and OUb me that every little 'ash skin eruption or pimple is a sign 01 blood poison. The Wassermann blood test tells you whether or not you have tha ailment. The doctor may lie, but the test never docs. The test is yours at our office for the Wn-Z ment for this ailment drives the poison icut of the system and not lnto It If you prefer the new German remedy of Dr. Ehrllch, known as 606." we have it. The Quacks want you to believe it cures in a few minutes or a few days. It does not do anything of the kind It should only be used under hospital conditions with the patient in bed for at least three days, and then under constant observation. In complications affecting certain organs, especially the heart, it should not be used at all, and in many cases results have been very serious through carelessness. When we treat you there is absolutely no danger and when we dis charge you as cured the Wassermann blood teat will tell you your blood Is absolutely pure and free from the ailment. I If. 1 T fL,l,j. The cause of Nervo-VHal Debility, aa well IN erVO-Vital lebllltV evil effect upon the physical, mental lnutriKiu J and other powers, la familiar to all afflicted men The irmptomj need not be enumerated. We want all ailing men to know that our ANIMAL EXTRACT treat ment is the Ideal remedy for NERVO-VITAL DEBILITY. It does not stimulate temporarily, but restores permanently. All disagreeable svmptoms soon disappear, nerve energy is regained, self-respect, self confidence and self-control return, and the patient Is prepared for a new period of life. P.l J n 1 I Plies, blind, bleeding, Itchlua" or protruding-1 lies and Keetal Fisrma n, etc. v , . , --a, 1 Our proven methods make hospital opera tions unnecessary. In most cases no pain or detention from business. We guarantee yalck relief and positive, permanent cures. tn' . 1 What you want Is a cure. Come to us and get It AffllCted Men Once under our treatment, you will quickly realize how simple a thing it is to get well in the hands of a specialist who knows his business. Our cures add not only years to life, but Hfe to years. Office hours, dally 9 to 5. Evenings 7 to 8. Sundays 10 to 1 only. HD PDCCM iT 362 Washington St LatV. LlKl-I-iN KJ PORTLAND, OR. VARICOSE VEINS CURED IN FIVE DAYS WW Cure Heart Lungs, Nervous Debility, Blood and Skin Diseases, Rheumatism, Disease, Diseases of the Liver Disorders, files, FUhila and All Diseases of Men il Advertise What I Do, and Do What I Advertise. iW$10 EXAMINATION GIVEN VKKHj ax a PHYSICIAN WHO HAS BEEN 30 YEAES A SPECIALIST. COME AND CONSULT US FREE OF ALL CHARGE. DR. LINDSAY THE OLD RELIABLE SPECIALIST.