' K RantaJ rpt. anJ f Faatmat- Toa ui ea tira motT by co- nierrf -xt rn?l a4 .ii;' -t bur-aa. thlr-4 tor; ri' b.u:r fr.; we k tn tou-a wtta .; tna T.:ar.t beua- and at la t:i t-t wf cry; r tn -mbia-i .bre f -I ti. raal .at nan la taa city. Kaotai. third floor. i.roi kiM t-h. baa:na.-t. brand furr.-. w sr.dow aba!. " tni -ctri,- ;:.-.t -5 Ke.: b't. 0;Da aud Gro-sr. rent rbon Ma. a . 144. stand a r ca.l t-at 1 l. TWO narwlr fln'aiiad "niodera hJu- aad . iaii .md Ii arrtn at a. Caor .cat-on ar.4 cr.ep at and 1 -0 Mala 4-A ULS. asd f op rnt. nbi furu.anad. AViN TKIBT CM PANT. rr mp nf city fr Strrt. . A-roorn boms on Fast Tarr.hill il fla rorar Ijt. in eh"n- ri'ii-t d .atrl -t. f T rrrit. part : T f rn ia he.. j pr moot a. W u'.ira aecurtUae Cx. 414 paM;rg bMg. 6I K. WASHINOTOS. near 19th. T-roorn ?- tea i t r a w modern real n . C I-um-rcrr. room i. Ltttr.&rtuLa bid-. Mars?. ail 712. TV e hva t'inipi' -f fc "-.. ft' a ad business l-KAtiM, fir r-nt or .. Visit our rent! d; t. F. J. r.---rbr : Lum&rmrb i bid. a.arria,i i. a tr.;. TO l,K,!K A mdrn- l'V-r-ia partial. fumaaed hu. ;are truur.j (for ni.-h onr rara. I-a:rr garage. Choic riibThool Tatir 11-3. .NEW. modern 7-romd bona, dealrabl location, bl yard. 7 ilm'.a. "t noJm. b-n rnmfirtM, can b Friday or S'ur-! r. ti nt Su&di); wf chtAp. Mii-ry v. A kODFKN" room haun. walk::: dHURt to cntr c;t r. bi. k f-om Ku: Ankny cr. rhw.r r ill fcit-h-a rrmw Oin. furn-h--ii. p ao. yarJ. nthU, wA.kin I'.ntimi. i c;-kl". auita niy: 3 fc'Iro"mt, l'nua A 1 1 iy ttatr'3. nt.r rurnnn.a. t-'"T porrn. view, r..-lJ e -ut;--. -'fia-- GINt EMt fr th buramr; will rxnl our j.fp.im ir:mnt. c-.riii:t'-:y f-irnUii. to deiray. prty. ILoti Marlj:il'-,A 1. Iff V mxtrn hu. h ntiortn'y frjr r Hawthorn; iwoii i x atloa. bi yara. rrt ' - Iniu ro '4,1 -: R KENT ut!it'ly furnihl -room iiom. ron?A J"-' '- HrX-BrHvM frn!hod h-u. SW Eat :h at. cor. tfcavr. Inqu'.r on proiniHi. IftoMiI f irniiM" b u fjf rrat; taka hnnnr Ma or t i T'r rar. iWlm 'Dt. yl KNl.-lt:i 5 r"m how. Irin(tn, Xvr rnt for M ma:ha. I'hona .aasv:T. Srt i:ast rtuf. laro yard. a criln. tajt "llaar" fr Hal ruralcar for Ft.t, poll at cot a!l my mal fimd an.l roh riy famttur bra-a b .r lb at'k-r-taa ma t tr . tha vtt b-t f avorytairt. nc o: montb . r j iat tha carvota ia &-rtKru ?Ut. at U nra"'rriry. cr. I'rk . AK ALE iart-.l oak bufft. a-d fnUh nitrrwr. colonial a.rt nwr- tri o avttotta; Icok.M. cany flniaa. 4 aactiona. tola ji-m 'J aa bow at a ry low prU-a. CaiJ M l-ald aa.. flat I. riNR farnttra. li--b carr-:a; wa.ktn tan- riwmt. rnt omr. jI"rty un.u'ht ch-rn. iurr.a. n". f'nf-. j.iur p(lc, yitur tvrwi. I cat. --j Millrt. 4 HVISIUN' of tnn-lrn T room hu. furna-. alvtr:::y. r-rni cJ a In. ry clalra&i. a rniru. I iti: rhfia f r cair. tf takva (j lick. jr. 4a J 30 R'KVM and ta-rncnt on Klandwra t.. wail rrni."iJ. ni a yard, 'man r-nt; wrytbai A L. I-A. aajy term. ilroai a COI.PFV oak farnitura ft-nvrn a(rtmt. Bar a eari!na. wa.kint -I iurjcf . prrt ly now. Apt i. t t . l"HNWKINOS of rom. imw fjrn!:uri; g oi a:1iOorhood; corner t-ua; raon abla. SJJ lata at corner llark-U Jr R rooma" and tnc;o--d mltr ir.g for hull a, ar'n. --.' r-r. - Vain -''.'7. aveninc. "bargair. f R furnlt-ira of flt-rooa AT Sat rant lid a-d all ouu.aa aunny nwa v famltara, 12-roora bnaa, must a:i at on.w. kw-at rnt la city. bi lucoma; trnA :tJ3-n t- rt'KN ITl'KE bouakrln rinm. bt of i.rationa. Iaal3 city. laaiht.!. ron HALE Boa wall prtnc. Inc!aa Coon, t. tron. on tf- r. it. H. hi.-a rout. ownrr. fcl. E. Honwell. aT 6 Waabinctoa at.. L Ania, CaL ioMC nno iota for aa'a aT below tb mar ket prtca, A:andr viuur- Son, . r. , 0IK itrt ltn m Mra ettaca for r-nt from II-i f-r lh a.-?on. Alaa- andar iiuort en. teatda ur, ' Marw. JTOK RENT 1M lt at., nmr corner Tim hi!U a.enant ator. fii:l baa-'mcat. -4 f'ior brt.-k bMU'in a.vtor. rcaaoaab'a r-n!. V it. VVcwdaard. Vain lv 3d au TU K KKXT i.na atora In nw brl- k butld tnK t comr HujvU an-1 I nion ac r.ni xr ran.: L.ndli: y io.-at-d f r any Una x bua!naa Kaat JtamiMo and I nton urta lrua.. jyR RENT or lva. rwl atora, nar Front and Madlaon ata.. rwoiblt rnu A l. lurraU C. 20U loK-ay Uu., Sd and fctris at ra-ca. , TOR KENT Stora on rrowtna: blnaa traat; pianty of cuatoxnera to draw trom, I bona Wain 64 ft ilnon location c n Ei'. S!-)1. pro:n!- nat ;nc It H Wabb. T.M I.wJ.a b.dar M.u-ni; t ..". aiUnAL atora at raat and Madlaun-aU brtuaa. $20 to acrordlnc to aia In iuira ST 1 liawthoroa aa llVaV-j '7ri 'r for at..ra tn biulsfsa d:atrlct- ft'lNC brtck cr. ator. Uat Utb ac-i Haw thorn a. Appiy l7oi:aat lith. cor Yam bill. iroRaWor rnton am hill near 4ta. Call Ilay CUT Market. , afToKE fJf'racL Thona Eat 1 " Office. offices ron i;e.t. Sll to T W. We: ROHAN rs SaViNiH A TKL'ST CO M PAN T. fet n B loratloa for dmtlat or phyalelan oa hUst Sida; rhap rant ta pro;er paruaa. iTCAKOAR. PATES A LUVRUV. aul laon nv XXT caryta!--. attorney or rallab'.a raaU tiat man to anar aulta nf rotn la Ta..n bUU. : rafaraacca exchanaad. A. U4. Or an iaA. froRAUr-r-arnitur o PT:-a irrit U. .rr.hlnn tlrat.-Iaaa muat r aold at voca a-; Lumnar J:cbana b:2. TOR" RENT iWakroom "lnr!r furnlabaji oxrtra. aa of bvta pbonoav bio. K 1 Orra 'niaiv lit location m tha ett for U1W or t;mn t txi.or'.ng: low rant. !oc laaaa. or rrtlair pB.-na Main TJil. FOUR rood-atad officaa. rrKd !bt and van ttiacjoo. at Dar anonix ai lttJ aiorrt aon at . FiR RENT Fumiahad or nnfwrnlabad cor ar aui of t w o rooma In front part of Jg:OiT eaatraily !"atd oicoa, al!-alcbi aia ator mhi.1 it w at i and bidav. r Jaa I: or. 8t& as J aaftioaton 1E4IKAJ1.R OFFICES. MASri!E3TER Ht.V'i, tTH T . Btr. TAKK AM O Mv. RAILWAY C XV H A X't T. P L3 a TO IA. WITI rwlid laraa briok atroctura to yar rnwirom-nta: tra-kaaa. vtar nar. baat advrttatBC location in cttT: low tnairaaoa: aerate lbc toui:diaaa caa ftm.a rvfrtcara Uoa aawdad. u HX Orasoniaa. I waawaaia pricaa. a i ratura aa-r.a day; raeavata faatnara Ff-:a.i ri KNiri KK r--ra fiat. --. oJ aa 4IS A 4 - -t- ioauuer Rraoct faaw Ataua' TA4 A 1a7 Lo I A yai;ow bull pup. two wnua finpw at ef nark, wrt a blaca hama. a:al-atu2lad; anwara to cam of "Ca aar." anIar ratura to t. StA at. N and rcia rawaxi XjOST A aTId rhaia with rrI roaa. In Noa H Il d-T.rt or c vr I'ortnd Acad tr.f. Main or A SToc jiawara IXJST OA 4th at-, an E.r! watrn. aa a;ral W. E. a. aad a nt!taaa a pa tara tn froat caaa. Eat LOST fwwaa Eaat 2tk and K1?, aa, ?tiT, ao.a pla, aooTaalr. Ratura 714 E. Barnatda at- fA-p". nirnrftT4 -Mcll '04."" Ro- "o d pin. anjrraTad "M:M 'M." tora Oraconiaa c"ict. FOT"vr A para rental nrrr m-iy. . . I i T nrxnn'ao. To IdT.; IT. -m . urn e - fJFFO RTTTN m CAVA HAS Uraaat and rlchaat pWlro Urith roiimbta arar tian tha ' cf aihirxoo. Oron and Idaho com b!r4. Mini of acraa of tba f!naa t agri cultural land f -r nra-omptloa ort"n' .' ba mit !n tlmbar. roai and mlnaral iM Fort Oorva ta tha oraphfal ana atraf-cic commercial e-ntr of tnle w .rr.v.rm and la on tha Una of tba r T-jnk Factf:c tranacontlnanta! na 1 other raiiroada chartarad r buil'Jlna: Fort ;-rr- im at tha junction of 11 niMcab! waterwaya. A'-I railroa1a " run to Fort C.Kra la ordar to rt rt"n aouth. eaat or want throuch ntfrJ -0 Northern Hrltth Columbia. IIIKMO-Xl will b ar-nt In next f:v yaara In rail road battdtnc alona. Wa ra Joint ownara nl moim aata of tbla townalta. Writ quickly for nU information. Natural K-anurrt 4acnrtty Company, lim ited. M Graavilta atraot Vancoavar. H. -Fortiand at.a all-ltor. Richard OJ. 4-: 1'Ua-Farso b.da.. Portland. MarahaU Am appoint!:- areata Jn Oraaon and Port l.ia4 fT a-ia Fort Oaorca town lota and farm, lamia; literal conun!il n to J" partiaa l.ichard Otea, AvI Val-Faro b.3. bat. 1 and P. M FOR" SALE Nw bote!, two-atory bulMlnv. room.. b.-rrootn. barter ahop. dSnlns roorn. ate: mwl-m tn every re.pec t ; not yet lurntahd; owncra bava many off era to .-aa but prefer to all to firat-ctaaa hotal k . . t t. inrifMl In arowiDE town . ' . t i ramrr.L AddrtSS WOt I.I yoa Inreat t.Mxo to $l 1c! and taka office pontion In an eatabllahed Portland corporation, provided you ware i (..vtm.nc would ba aacnred and you would mak a ubatantlal profit . If a- and you havt ability, taka tha time t- thoroughly iaTetiaia. AM 1W. tro- H'mtn. Or.iVEItT iunrh counter and livinar rooma. f:n-at lVt Mdo location, rent ; ood leaaa. aood clean atock and furniture f & rooma: evar thtn sea; ciearlttK II month, price, flood. Ackley Land to l.o otb au GliVlV and warebouaa propaUlon clearinc :.-aj year; lht la jn.slttvely ona of tho beat, anfeat money-ma Inr butnaca that we tava handled for ame tlma; price Iio ih- opn f'r tnvratiaatlon. CAKLANU HARji-Nto. m ath at- VtXaiabnahedJeweiry"8tore. aood coun ty aeat town Eastern Oraicon; arood run -f repair work; apiendid open ma: for op lomairtat. fi-ca bare; elaa -ah will han- 'a Kaf nf NkKinl for BalilUa!. V . O. a; on Inn. v'oratand. FoaaU. Or. liirlATKIt. tea in etata. dolor, aood buai Cow. rn for aeiuna;. wo a nwm. town of .: averythtna: up to date aeara 3T'- $4 9ZoJ caaa. baL mortsaaa; real anap. acawer q-ilck. II. J. HlU. Koaaburs, HAKKWAStK. Implement, paint atock. ln T.ice alS.'O. cash, ba.ance terma. New N rthertl v.ailfornia town with o aawmli.a irihutary. bo fartory. blc ranch tra le. Addrrma AV '-'5. Oregon lan. RKSTAt RA.NT Dal.y aIea $.1o. cheap rent, lone It-aae; on of tha cifannl p.acea in Portland, worth W0; owner haa other buaineaa and must aeil; $lw0, terma. Call loth at. FlCTVRSf THEaTEK Oa account of poor b-alth. t wtil a-il my naw. we!1-.ocate-l tnea-ep at k r art afn : or might trade f ,r aoni-thlne wood.- C 4CL 7th at. S. E. Tabor li4. WAN r R l -Partner In caah buaineaa: owner haa a pla-ea and can t depend on hired be p; yoj muat b aailwfled with f-o week ly to atart in with. Particular, room 63 l.'imbv KTchnnga. 1 HAVE Oregon arnry for beat auto tru.- and motor car ma le; buVr.ee arrow. Irs; mora capital needed. ronaerhip i t rir.'it panj ; bank relerence. A LU Cn'econlAn. . YOL'NG MAN. STRANGER Mtke car-ful tnvoat Igat Jon at e-rpoaaa af aeaer before yon taveat money in aay propjeUioa. Adviaory IMpaxuaaat X. ai, C- A. , HAVE ruaranteed large body em 1 era n re wi-h n.one ; hava land for them; need to complete whole tranaat tton; above aim lnveted will return in five montha el.vXiL Fuil pariirulars H 117. Oregonlaa. MOvrsonnTKR theaters. We have THP.KK good o-a. ail money-mak-ra. IlOi-'. FJUC0 and -M. i.l.L A GLHTIN. 11 Lumbttrmena bldjT. FOR BAL13 At a bargain, fine cljrar at and. nott n. fruit, aoda fountalu. etc; good tra.t-; vary cheap rvnt. Apply 1-7 ta N fith at., near i;:inn at. i'LANi.N'l MILL Haa opening: for Bfady man to tend off ire. etc.. can depentl on good aalary and aoara of profit. Call Sao? Mark at. MEAT MARKET. Rent f?Y loi. laaaa. good trade; fine location; lort. HALL A tL STTN. H Lumbermrna bldg. lit li-l'Kit win'i partner with IToO or caan f-T iui;dtrg purpoaea; money fullr . . urea, w ill double your money In W d A P I ore aor tan. RFTAVUKNT and lunch counter partner waited, will ray you - weekly and board; - required. Room 6 3 Lumber Kxchar.fa. COX FECTIONERT. Rent $2T.. five living-rooms, trada over tu ' beat buv In Portland ; Ill'O. HALL A GL'STl.V. 611 Lumbtrmtnl bldg. WAN TK t UeflaMe partner pay 1 n g 1 i c h t' nianuraiurlnj: buaineaa. well eataMIld; n-uat invrxt 30u. investigate. Inquire 4 17 Fent-'n b!d iTrfxL US TATE HI'S IX ESS FOR S ALE. 4:j-atat;i5hd real eatate buaineaa. on a ray: T iM. my.ixK baa la; owners wisn ut raura Oregon :aa. COt'NTRT hotel; bet hotel In town; atrictly modern; n-year taaaw, iuai .ir e-w tuo e-r-iH; tuke ba!f In real aetata. baL Civah. bee owner at t"i H:h at., near Stark. CASH GROCERY. Corner on Vaahington at.. lease, trade ;.o. will arand lnv.etigntlon ; IMK). HALL A Gl'STIX. oil Luinbrnienabldie. 1K ou want to saii your buaineaa T tx yoa want a partner? Call and aeo. or wrtte me. W. Lawrence. 311 Lum ber Exchange bids. Hoth phones. HAL F Interest In aa old-eatabMahed buai neaa, do in a good buaineaa For full pr ttcx.iara call Kinney A S:ampher. Lumber Finance bld.. rooma 31-MX GENERAL STORE. riot to por'.ia&d. no competition; rent tl.V laae. S1rt'. , a HALL A GLSVLV. 6ll Lumbermen bldg. t5lKVINO forstoauy u:aa tn aoltd buai neaa. Thla will pay fli'S month salary, aiao profit and money K-nred with bank ro fe r e n c-a. I 'art t c ulara 34 Ji HStark at. t COUNTRY hotel, bast hotel tn town, strictly modem, ft-year lease; can eaay clear 300 mo; I-500; take bnlf tn real eat ate, baL. cash. Se qwnnr at toS loth at., near Starlc POi"L and biiUard hali. cheap tf taken at onra, a good racntf maicer : alao lunc h rom and barbwr ah op. llhS Union ave.. N SOLID bu-tineaa want a rartrer to keep plain accounts and act aa treasurer; aalary llAO monthly and pioma cuaxanteed. FaxUo u ,axa. room &23 Lumtr Exchange. A FINE paying rvataurant wtth lodging houaa above, on a main thoroucMare near depot, for a.le at a sacrmce; cheap rent. Y 1!V Oreron.an. FtR SALE H Interest in rood -par in a; c' canine and dyeicg establishment, on North 16th and Overton eta. I'hoaa Mam 3 4!d. KAKHt.Ka lfol are lcn-kinc f r a bar gain in a b"p coma et my price. o3 E. arr.i.aijt. WANT partner having about have good buaineaa. will pay i't. experience not nec eaary. Inquire oo Buchanan bid. if A R H E R"S H i P f o r a7 i; a oo4 p a y t n r ahop; leavinc city; & chalra and baths. is X. :h a-- FOR HALE CHEAP or will rent nicely lur n -w.. roffea house In good locaUua. H North Jd at. piR SALE Lys works w h delivery wag as: cood reaaoD on. do;r.g a itwu f .r a 1 1 1 nc- Oajl SI Grand ave. WANTED Toungr man trad- I nion anop. Ma:)'!?;'! av. S chalra M K T M ARK F-T Good location; yeare eetaMiabed trade: mut tuns at oaoe; cash or trade. AL 131. Or-g on tan. 1 IN 1 NO AND IN fTCaT RIAL. TtXTKA, Te.ephone and ether won ! a boucht aad eo d. Fletcher Ine. Co., 3o Abingtoa. WANT party with 4 for ftrat-clae In veetment 6 per erai. on aame. Address 1' A. I., lieitlmore Hotel, city. Cl.F.ANIN'1 al dy-ing- worka ood location. a r--s:n. i-i an mx. seam Ikb S 11 !UL marehartdlae atora ia apend.d country to a. OaU wkj fttark at. WANT to h-ar from enargeUc young man who baa t$oo to anno to lnveat In a solid wr-n-rv-r t 1 nrnnAltlon that Will 0y cpttor.aliy larce retuma Thie la no fake schema, and only want to hear from re m, ona ble man of character who la look- In ana war: eg arrange for immediate) ln- ermanent buaineaa ihwuui.- H i;. Oregonlan. TOalB TO THE PACIFIC WITH WARD." Ag-enta wanted In Pac!3o Northwest Fac:cc Mutual Life. 43 yaara old. 22 mliJ!ons assets. We loan money. H. ii. Ward. atr 713 apaidln bldg. A . I. 15 AND 13-cent atora Is the beat bnrfneee on earth. Investment eonaiderexi. Too can start with leas money than re quired In other Ilnea. returns are larger and you could soon be Independent, w ri.e fir Hat of iocatlone and Soo-rage book. Adlreae Vr. George A. Shaw. 119 8tetson t:!f.. gratte. Wash. SALOON business, partner wanted 13-0 caah to buy n Interest, good lo cation, ions: lease, reaaonable rent: a eober. honest man, wiping to ab hla ehare of work; German preferred; rrences. Ad d ress AB 127. Oregonian. W A NTE D A man of experts n ce and one who will take an Intereat In and the man agement of a r-nerni clambaklng propo eticn in Newport. Oregon. Addrvaa M Jnklna. secretary Commercial Club, New-p-rt. Oregon, m WANTED A rustler a 1th 9H caah Jo Join me In beat real eatate proposition in thla atate. You will make at least ',M'fl In montha If you haven't the r-aah aae your t.me and xntue. AV o. Ore- lnln' FOR SALE, or will trade for good real estate a am all department atore. are: I located, and can make money. Addrae . Trimmer, care Continental National Bank. Fa It IakeClt y, ftan. . PARTNERSHIP Young" man with "00A, rlendld ofTire and business experience, desire position whero capital aad serv Icea will met with aatisfa'iory return; city or country- A 121. Oregonian. JXji; BALE J'aalr.g druc atore in small J'laho toa-nr (wod preacrlption trade; tin f armlnc community. In one of the beat Irrigated sections: good reason for sell ing. Addrena P. C, Reed, Notus. Idaho. WIS II IN O to eng-Tge-in other busnit'ss. fail ing health compela me to eel I at a sacri fice controlling interest In leading archi tectural firm, established 6 years. V 129, OrcRonlan. house. 11 rooms: best of furni ture; ciear i0 above rent: with 2 rooma for own us; caah or terms, owner, AJ Oregonian. pTl T 6"g a 1 1 or y wl th Rood aid e lines, lo cated in lauslneee center, cheap rent; am called away, so must sell at once. AJ 122. Oriuon win. HALF or whol lnterfst In flrat-clnsa gro cery doing $U0 per day. on principal atreet; reasonable rent; sell at Invoice. 'G htrkBt. RKLIAI1LE partner for grocery and hard ware buaineaa. Particular 417 Board of Trade. PARTNER wanted used to form produce; v.-ill pay over S 100 month: money accured. Particulara 24b ' Stark at. COFFEE HOI'S E and lunch room: 3"; man and wife can clear SloO month. 417 Board of Trade. MAIL order buaineaa doing 3tH per mo.; r.ipldlr Increasing; ltKV takes it today. Csll 276 Stark at. " GROCERY, "eonfectlona. ice cream, etc. on buav street; low r-nt. with living rooma; f.V-i takea IL Call 276 Stark au CAN?s;CTIONERTIca!" Vram and claar store- Tine location; good dally aalea; look Into this. Owner. Sua Washington at. $z:0 FOR a rvataurant in busy district; will aeat 3a people; low rent and 2 -year lease. Cat 2TH Stark at, IIO CERTIFICATE for $3S on Pacifio Northwest Development Co. W 127, Ore gonian. $2a HUTS a strictly cash grocery Jn fine location: low rent : no deliv-rinp: doing oO to $70 per day. Call 27u Stark aL FOR SALE Small transfer business. 3 wagons, 6 horaca. harness, etc; doing good bualness. A R ISO. Qrtigonlan- gjit6"'" WIL.L-handle one of the beat town site in Oregon; a snap. Address G 11 oregonian. NR VV S PAP E R man wants to Jol n p r . n t e r with some mpiial In newspaper projsct. Addrena T 12", Oreg nlan. BARBER shop for aaie. tn first-class hotel; r.r.e lenae and good business; owner leav ing city. D Oregonian. :ASII CKO'ERl nice living rooms: low rent, in choice ditrict; will Invoice $S0U Particulara S4ti4 Stark St. CONFECTIONERY. Rent fl3. lease, a nod trade; JTiSO. HALL A Gl-'bTlNT 611 Lumbermene bldg. MK.AT market for sale In thriving town, doing 4oM buslnvaa monthly, or will trade for property. O HI. Oregonian. DOCTOR or drugclat. good location for either or both. Druggist. Cornelius. Or. A SNAP 1-chalr barber shop, 354 Haw thorn ava.. If taken at once. LCNCH counter, good location and business, $30. F 117. Oregon!am K40 BUSfNESS ca7rdarS1.00; you must bring thla ad. Roaa City Printery. 12V, Third. WILL sell 7-year lea .-it. near WllUama s on building; Hut AE 12 a. Oregon tan. FOR SALE Meat market; anap If taken be fore !t of June. H 127, Oregonian. SHOE SHoP for sale. Will aland lnFpectlon. Call 5t7 Ollsan at. between 14th and 16th. REAL ESTATE dealer haa fine opening for a good live man. Call 417 Board of Trade. T""BUYS A-l ahoe repair ah op in woll b u t It u p dla tr let. Ca II 2 7 S tark at. 6AIXON for aaia. Price, $100a S4 6th at. North. HAVE cash buyers for movlng-plctur the ater. 4l4 Rothchlld bldg. MOVINO-PICTl'RE theater that Is making big money. Owner. B 127, Oregonian. ROOMiNG-HOTSF-S. $2.'.0 PROFIT FINE LEASE. 53 ROOM?, good corner brick. located for both permanent and transient business; Isrge. light rooms; furniture and carpeta much above average; rent only gllo, with lease 4 years; receipts fwO. expense only fl 00, Including rent, thua clearing 250 month. Tou will hunt aome to get a bet ter proposition than this for $44oV: 92750 handles it. or equal value in city real es tate. ELLIS. SMTTU & CO.. k Z2ii Washington U, Rooms 201-202. IWOUO CASH. BALANCE TERMS. .2-ROOM HOTEL. In th heart of the city. West Side dtstrlct; something out of tho ordinary; nothing to compare with thia In the city. Will make you 9A0 to $liH)0 per month; can be run on lsa money than anything shown of Ita kind. Good lease, reasonable rent. Ae to the earning power of thla ho tel, tliia la not idle talk, we can ahow you Extnslvo buaineaa Interests In the East requiring owner's tlm and attention reason for selling. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO., 519-20-21 Railway Exchange. SPECIAL BARGAIN. 1A TlOOaLS, near 12th and Jeffaraon; furnished fine; clean and good aa new; all In housekeeping; furnace, gas, nice bath; rent clears 5 month, no work to do. and nice home. What more do you want for ?S,v? s.f cash handle it. ELLIS. SMITH & CO., 426 H Washington St., Room 201-242. A RARE BARGAIN. 140-roona ' hotel In city of Spokane, Wash.; trmdern bnck building, beat of furnitur and carpets, hot and cold water and telephone In evervyoom, elevator sr vica; clearing over $t)0 a month, with fiv years' lens", low rent; good reasons for selllnr: $.'"H will handle. Addresa P. O. Box Portland. Or. THREE-YEAR lease on 2-room house, suit ed for boarding or rooming house; cheap rent; a rare opportunity; inveatlKate. Hexlrlck Winters, 45 Chamber of Com merce bldg. 15 ROOMS, on" Morrison: a splendldplac, elegant furniture; parry will exchange for houaa and lot on Fast Side: rent Jo0. In quire of L. J. Justen. S22 Failing bldg. Elxhf room. ren 121. Nob Hill, all house keeping, nice yard, owner 1 leaving city and h cut price to $2o0. Ralph Ackley Land Cow. 170 6th at. tl ROOMS, running water In all rooma, steam heat; will aell at a sacrifice; owner leaving citv. have other intereat. See cwnera. 7th at. &0 ROOMS, rent 173; 2 year lease; fin west location; clearing t.'tH) month. Too can't beat this: floo. term. Ralph Acs; ley Land Co.. 170 6th St. 1A ROOMS, 11th St.. close In; must be sold at onte; anap; price 7o0. "Inqulr at as ltVlh. near Stark. GOOD paving roomlng-boue, S160O; 33 rooms, bxlca building, good lea. ) rent- F.Fucn-22l v Morrison ai. 4-ROOM molem flat, beside large attic; newlv umiahed: brings good Immune; bt kx:tW; f.vO. terms. . lDth at. gKAP 13 rooma: fin location, cheap rent, mostly ail new fumitura. Owner, JW lS-BOOil APARTMENT. All arranged in S-room ipwtiLWt wlta b.th: new furnitur. .nd new bullalns; ,o.id leu, at 7S pr mo.; a.k tor pne tad Krua oo L&ci. pac APARTMENTS. All nw furnitur. and n.w bulldlns: B r'ari" !.. at 100 pr mo.: thla 1. a fin. wt 6:d. location, prlc with tarma ot $1000 caaa down. DOWNTOWN TRANSIENT HOCFE. SI room.: brick bulidln,: prominent cor ner: ,ood R-aae at low rent: onijr $1500 caab. rwiulrad to bur tola. It', a anap. Rmmtr th. aboT. tm only a PAR TIAL. LIST. If you want to buy a HO TEL, APARTMENT or ROOMINO-llOL-SE, ak to ... our COMPLETE LIST. 1'0 years in thu tuilnen anablf. u. to ,lv. you detalla on any hou.. in Portland. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO.. buita 61S Tron Bld, 6th and A.Uer Sta. EXTRA OOOD. 12 ROOMS, nice dwelling, near park and WJI,.in .ta; fumltur. all hardwood: bruKM-la and rlvt carpets: laxs yard: all larire. 11, ht room.: ca. and electric liehta. furnace, etc; receipt, from room. $lo7- total expen.e,. lnclutllnir rent, S' J. liavl'ng 3 food rooma for your own ue; pnn only $1100 caab. required $700. Don t delay. If you want a 32-room house, com. aee us. Beside, tba abov. . . hav. 7 others. all Brst class. ELLIS. SMITH CO.. Washington St.. Rooma PARTLY FCP.NTSHEO APARTMENT HOUSE. Thla Is on. of th, best constructed houses In tha city; contains .80 spart ments: finest West Slda district; strictly modern In .very way; private hatha and telephones In every apartment and tho price Is ONLT 11000. Did you ever hear of such a bartraln? Just think of It: we can sell you this house with only $1200 CASH down; this Is an opportunity seldom offered and wo would advise you to sea this at once. R. H. OOOPKTND CO.. 502-4 Hoard of Trad, Bldg. T.L Marshall stiS. A 1000. SPECIAL THIS WEEK. II ROOMS, close-in Washington-st. lo cation choice residence section, fiirnished In het ot VELVET and AXMINS-fBK car pets, beds, linen and draperies, all of tho ' VERY iiEST, and ALL NEW a few months ago; arranged for housekeeping; all filled with select class of roomers; clearing $03 over ALL EXPENSES. Own er stck.asd makes SPECIAL PRICE THIS WEEK: would take lot as part at actual value Xf $5tH; sell on terms, or big dis count for all cash. This is a SWELL little housekeeping place with BIO PROF ITS and no work to do. ELLIS. SMITH CO.. 326 V Washington St., Rooma 201-202. HUNT THE CITT OVER. TOU WILL NOT EQUAL THIS. 40 ROOMS, brick building, .team heat, hot and cold running water In every room, furnishings are extra good; location on, of the best: rent only $ioo. lease 4, years; receipts $i;00 a month- This place sold a year ago for ISSOO. but present owner has made other plans and this fine house la yours THIS WEEK for ONLY $3S00 cash. Including everything paid up. DON'T DELAY. ELLIS. SMITH "CO.. 328 y, Washington St., Rooms 201-202. THE PACIFIC REALTY CO... HOTELS ROOMING-HOUSES. APARTMENT-HOUSES. REAL ESTATE AND EXCHANGES Phon. Main St0. A 3475. $21-24 Falling bldg.. 3d and Wash. MARY E. LENT. Portland's "LEADING HOTEL BROKER LARGE roomlng-houso on Wash. St.. 65 rooms, hot and cold water, ateam heat, up to date throughout, big paying business; owner must lea v. city; must sacrifice; $::o0 will handla this business If taken now. Writ, or call on C. S. Cowlea,,64o is Wash. st. ROOMING-HOUSE. 18 rooms; rent only $30; long leas fin. location. West Side; clear. I7& mo.; a bargain for $000: have other good buys. GARLAND BARSNES. 191 4th St. 40 ROOMS, brick, steauv running water In rooma: clearing $2u0 month; 4 years' leas, and good furniture, everything goes for $30i0. Your own terms. Ralph Ackley Land Co.. 170 BthsL FOR SALE; Furnitur. and leas, of 40-room hotel In best town In th. Willamette Val ley; good reasons for selling. For par ticulars inquire at Sot Washington St., Portland Or. Hi-KCIAL soncia Proposal. Invited. MULTNOMAH COUNTY COURTHOUSE eW'aled proposals will b, received at th. office of Whldden & Lewis, architects. 701 Corbett building. Portland Oregon, until 12 o'clock noon, of Saturday, June 24th, 1!1L for th. following work In th. wast wing of new Courthouse, for tha County of Multnomah, Stat, of Oregon. Tho wrecking, excavation and founda tion, structural steel and Iron work, gran ite, terra cotta, brick and concrete, Bed ford stonework, roofing and sheet metal work, metal frames, grilles and sashes, tile partitions, lathing and plastering, marble work, scagliola and floors, carpen try and cabinet work, painting and finish ing, glass and glasing, ornamental Iron, together with all such other work as may be called for In tho specifications In con nection therewith, ' Plans and specifications may b, obtained at th. office of th. architects. N. proposal will be considered unless accompanied by a check payable to tho order of tho County Court of Multnomah County, certified by a responsible bapk. for an amount equal to 10 per cent of the aggregate proposal, and this check Is to be forfeited as fixed and liquidated dam ages in cae tho bidder neglects or refuses to enter into contract and to furnish a suitable bond for the faithful performance of the said work. In th, event th, contract Is awarded to him. The right Is expressly reserved to reject any and all bids received. T. J. Cleeton, Countv Judge; W. L. Llghtner. County Commissioner; D. V. Hart. County Com- miasloner. . IN THE District Court of the United States for th. District of Oregon In th. matter of P. E. Chase, bankrupt: Th, under signed will recelv. sealed bids at his oflice No. 7 First sL, room . Portland. Oregon, up to 12 o'clock noon of W ednea dav. May II. 191L for tho following prop erty belonging to said eatate; a atock of merchandise ot th. Inventory value of $JIJS.71.-conslstlng of the following lines: Jewelry. 11421.113; furniture. I639.S3; paints, oils and glass, $877.05; also a lot of store fixtures of the Inventory value of $143.20, all of said property being lo cated la the store of said bankrupt at Monmouth, Polk County. Oregon; also 4 hares of stock In th, Monmouth Creamery Company of tho par value of $10 per share. Au Inventory of tha above property la on file at tho office of tho undersigned and the property may be Inspted on appli cation to tha Western Realty Company at Monmouth. Bids may ba mad. for th. said stock as a whole or for each separata line of merchandise. Cash or a certified check for 10 per cent of the amount offered ....ntnn.n v Mrh hirt and the rlftht Is reserved to reject any and all bids, said J sale being made auDject to conunu.uuu by tho court. Dated at Portland, Oregon. May 10. lflL R. L. Sab In. Trustee. IN THE District Court of the United States for th. District of Oregon: In th. matter of H. C. Fertlg. bankrupt Tho under signed will receive sealed bids at his of fice. No. T First street, room 8, Portland, Oregon, up to 12 o'clock noon of Monday, May -0, 1111, for stock of merchandise belonging to thla estate and located at 271 Front street. Portland, Oregon. Stock .consists of genta fumlshlns; goods, cloth Ing. shoes, etc, of the Inventory value of $.'137.27; also store fixtures of the In ventory value of $447. Terms, ca&h and deposit of 10 per cent of amount offered must accompany each bid and tha right la reserved to reject any and all bids, said sale being made subject to confirma tion by tho court. Inventory and In spection of stock may b had on applica tion. R. L. SAJ3IN, Trustee, Dated Portland, Oregon. May 20. 101L SEALED bids will be received at the office of K. H. Thomas, School Clerk. 402 Til ford building, Portland, Oregon, until 9 p. M., June 1, 1911, for materials and labor necessary for Installing and com pleting nocesaary plumbing for additional fixture, in the lavatorlea of tho Montavilla school building. All to be dons in ac cordance with plans and specifications of Architect T. jT Jones, copies of, which may be obtained at hi. ofTice, 40O Tllford building. Cexufsed check for lo par cent of the amount of tho bid. payable to R. H. Thomas. School Clerk, must accompany each proposal. Board of Directors reserves th. right to rwjecl any aad all bids. K. Ii- Thomas. School Clark.. Dated Mar 19. 191L SEALED propoaai. will bo received by th. Stat. Board of Control. Olympia. until 10 o'clock A. M.. May 25. 1911. for floor and wall tiling rttilverrd and set at Stat. F.nlt.ntiary. Walla Walla. Sp.c:flcstlons will b. furnished on application. STATU BOARD OaT CONTROL, Olympia. Max is, uli. Proposals Invited. OFTICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMAS TER. 4SJ Arcade Annex. Seattle. Vash.. May 22. 1911. Sealed proposals In tripli cate for the construction of an electric lighting system at Fort Flagler. Washing ton, will be received In this office until 11 A. June 15. lll. and then publicly opened. A deposit of $5 will be required lor return of plans. Information, plans, specifications and proposala In blank will be furnished upon application to captain E. C. Long, Constructing Quartermaster. ' Miscellaneous. IX THE COUNTY COURT of tho State of Oregon for Multnomah Countjr In tha matter of the estate of Frank Herbert La throp. deceased. The undersigned, having been appointed by th. County Court of tho state of Oregon for Multnomah County, adminis tratrix of the estate of Frank Herbert Lathrop, deceased, notice Is hereby given to th. creditors and all persons having claims against said deceased to present them, verified as required by law. with in six months after the first publication of this notice to Louise Jenkins Lathrop. at the oCtlc. of James G. Wilson and B. F. Rlter. attorneys at la,w. 1105 Wells-largo bldg.. Portland. Or. Louise Jenkln. La throp. Administratrix of the estate of Frank Herbert Lathrop. deceased. Dated May 17. 1D11. Date of first tubllcation May 18, 1911: data of last publication Juno 8. 191L DISSOLUTION NOTICE Notice la hereby given tho stockholders of llto Combina tion Salt and Pepper shaker Co.. of Port land. Or., that a. meeting will be held at the office of tho president. Jersey st. and Chicago St.. St, Johns, May 27. 4:S0 P. M-, for the purpose of dissolving said corporation and winding up Its business and disposing of the aame. E. C'Hurl bert. secretary. I WILL not bo responsible for any debts contracted by my wife. Mrs. Fannie Krtz. J. G. ERTZ. I FINANCIAL. F. A. SWINGLE 4 CO., architects and su perintendents, structural engineers. Se. ua about the plannir of that new -home All Ot our designs ..re origin;., mowe, u and up-to-date. Call at 302 Mckay bldgv BUILDING company now organising, has opening for experienced contractor; good opportunity for right man; give refer ences and phone number. Address AJ 103. oregonian. $100 INVESTED 15 years ago earned to date over $15,000. .Write for booklet. San Fran cisco Homo Builders. 871 Phelan blug.. San Francisco, California. WILL sell 50 shares of stock in local Insur anco company at sacrifice: stock now 6,11. Ing $200 a share. AJ 120, Oregonian. WHO wants a $3250 8 per cent 3-year mortgage on a $451)0 farm near Portland? Good as wfceat. AE 1S4. Oregonian. $1000 TO loan at 8 per cent. GODDARr & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. WANTED---Installmeut mbrtgage, $1750, for my choice apartment site. 310 Lumber Exchange. , Money to Loan Real Estate. WE are building for others, we will build your home better and for less money; no charge for plana If money is needed. w will furnish It. Talk to us about It. OREGON CONSTRUCTION CO.. 303 McKay Bldg. BLOCK REALTY CO., 20S Alder St. ., REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS CHANCE TO LOAN. From $50 to $4000 at reasonable rate. uiocn rteaity to., ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes: 8 to 6 years' time: liberal repayment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. "The Equitable Sav ings & Loan Association. 240 Stark St. PLENTY of money to loan at ft and T per cent on real estato security. ED W. P. MALL. 104 Second st- f $500,000 ON improved city or farm property, building or small loans at lowest prices; large loans a specialty. J. H. McKenxle Co.. 514-515-510 Gerlinger bldg. FIRST and second mortgages and contracts purchased on farm and clly property any where In Oregon or Washington. E. I Devereaux. Kenton bldg.. a4 0th St. MORTGAGE LOANS Exclusively. EDWARD E. COUDET, Lewis Building. . WE HAVE plenty of money to loan oa Portland property In aums from $1000 to pfSO.OOO at lowest current rates. Morgan, Flledner & Boyce. 5OS-506 Ablngton bldg. ' LOANS. MORTGAGE LOAN S. 64 to 8 per cent. J. FRANK PORTER. 904 Chamber of Commerce. $20,000 TO LOAN-on-improved city real es tate, first mortgage, at 0 per cent. Reas onable brokerage. Parrlsh, Watklns A Co.. 250 Alder at. LOWEST RATES $100 to $10,000 to loan on real estate. C S. Nicklin, 35 Lafayette bldg.. 6th and Washington sta. Main 8529. LOANS on chattel or collateral security; In stallment contracts, equities and notes pur chased. J. D. Morris. 1015 Board of Trade LOANS made on Improved city property; j.o commission : funds Invested for Indi viduals. John Bain. 505 Spalding Mdg. MONEY to loan on improved real .state or for building purposes. Columbia Life & Trust Company. 910 Spalding bldg. MON E Y loaned without brokerage If w, build, current rates. L. B. Bailey Co. 324 Ablngton bldg. IMPROVED or unimproved property; small building, loans, contracts and mortgages bought. W. H. Kunn. 448 Sherlock bldg. $"00 0OO TO LOAN, large loans a specialty, building loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck, 812 Falllng bidg. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates. A. U- Blrrell Co., 243 McKay b.ug, 2d and Stark. i MONEY to loan at reasonable rates In sum, from $500 up. Tho Lawrenca Co. 243 Al der St. SMALL and LARGE amounts to LOAJf on REALTY. Ask Mr. EASTON. 202 Board of Trade bldg. PRIVATE funds to loan or. approved realty security. Vanduya As Walton. 515 Cham ber Commerce. WILL loan $8000 or less, real estato secur ity. 434 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABL9 RATES. F. H. LEWIS, g LEWIS BLDG. State funds loaned, 6 per cent. W. E. Thom as state agent. Multnomah Co.. 400 C of C WliMoan $10,000 or less, real estate security. Farrlngton. 416 Commercial Club bldg. $20 00 AT 6 per cent, from 3 to 5 years; no commission. H lid, Oregonian. MONEY, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. Good. nouah At seltx. 310 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 1 PER CENT. LEWIS SALOMON. 23 STARK ST. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collat eral security. C. W. Pallet-. 308-9 Fenton. SEVERAL amounts to loan on real estate. S mlth-Wagoner Co., 311-312 Lewis bldg. RESIDENCES financed and built. A. C Furlong. 033 C of C. bldg. Main 0SL LOANS on all kinds of security. W. A. Hainaws-y. twiu m...... m.. um.. Vtltl lOr S"CnA w, ,, .7,. Carloclc & Muellhaupt, 1032 Cham, of Com. PRlVATI money loaned on real estate mort gages. A H. Miley. H. 204. Gerllnger bldg. PHONE TINDOLPH MAIN 304. ill Bo'aRP Pr" TRADE. PRIVATE MONEY $8000 to loan on Irving ton real estate. East 2053. . MONEY to loan on Inside Portland proper t y. AT 32. Oregonian. 8EBPRUDH.OMME. 908 Spalding bldg. Money to Loan on Chattels and Salaries. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ DO YOU NEED MONEY 7 W, will furnish you. strictly confidential and without delay, a loan In any amount, on your auto, piano, furniture, livestock, storage receipt and all kinds of securities; on terma to sulw also weekly or monthly payments.- BUY AND LOAN On flrat and soond real estate mortgage, and contracts. U S. REAL ESTATE ft BROKERAGE CO. 112 Hamilton Bldg. 131 3d. Main 2034. I t $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ WE HAVE MONEY TO "LOAN On salaries only, In amounts of from $3 to fluO. at th. lowest possible rates. Business strictly confidential. AH w. require Is that you bo employed on salary and you get the money quickly, without mortgage, lndoraer or other curity. STATE SECURITY CO 3C'a Failing bldg., Cor. Third and Washlngtan Sta, J.XONEY leaned In amounts from $10 up on all kinds of securities, furniture, pianos or any personal property. Easy weekly or monthly payments; low raxes, confidential. Gray sx Cunningham, 201 Rothchlld bldgu, northwest corner 4th and Washington. MONEY-ADVANCEIX Oa furniture, pianos, storage receipts, tc Lowest rates. HUTTON CREDIT CO- 307 Spalding bldg. LOWEST RATES Loans on all kinds of se curity, chattels or real estate; Union Loan Co.. 35 Lafayette bldg.. 6lh and Wash, sta MONEY loaned oa diamonds and Jewelry, UlcUy confidential. 14-ly. 3d. near Alder, Money to Long on Chattels and Sal-Vic MONEY FOR SALAKlfcTJ rturct. Women keeping house and others fur nished without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments. Cm. and get money when you want it. and pay as you can. Offices In all prtnclral clt.es. D. H. Tol msn. 317 Lumler Exchange. A LOAN for tho asking, salary or chattel. Tha Loan Co.. 414 Dekuta bldgj LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds and .av.lrc- u.rr A Rloch. 74 2d. LOANS oa diamonda and other securities. wm. rloil. room , v asim'st-un Loans Wanted- IF you have money to loan at 8 per cent on gilt-edge first mortgage. It will pay you to see us as we have a number of applications that are first-class. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St; WE can Invest your money at good rate, of Interest; gilt-edged securities; first mort- Tages; long-term Investment. Provident nvestment Ai Truste, Co. 30L $0$ Board of Trade bldg $1500 AND $1800 on new homes in re stricted residence districts, close to car lines: will pay 8 per cent and expenses; full Insurance, good title. G 120, Ore gonian. $3500 WANTED on beautiful high-class resi dence property: new. 8 rooms, completed and occupied by owner: will pay 8 per cent Interest for Immediate loan; value $5000. AL 134. Oregonian WANTED. -$S00 LOAN for client; real estate se curity. Apply at 701 Spalding bldg. Phones Main 1118, A 7023. , $3000 on Central Oregon townslto property. Money to be used for Improvements, vwii give 107). AV 91. Oregonian. WNT to sell $1200 contract on $3500 home, payable $30 monthly and Interest. 430 vv orceeter Diag $1500 WANTED from private party on fine home, jood neighborhood; will pay 7 per cent. Phone Woorilatvn 396. $1500 WANTED FROM PRIVATE PARTY. On fine home, good neighborhood; will pay l per cent. au iox, mc,uui. WANTE D Loan $1000. 1 year, 10 per cent Interest., good chattel security. Address 11 11 PS oreKuiimii. WANTED $1300 at 8 per cent. 3 years, $0000 security. O. L. Chapel, 308 Ab lngton Diag. WANT LOAN OF $5000 ON CLOSE-IN Improved property; 7 per cent to prlvat. party. ioo. c.e.un.".. WANTED $1000 for 3 years at 8 per cent on nice East Side cottage and lot 60x100. Call Sll noara m iJftw u.n.. LET us place your money, good mortgages; references. F. H. Lewis. 3 Lewis b.dg. WANTED$500d building loan; property at -Laureinurst. - $12 500 FROM owner, 5 years ample, central realty security. AJ 125. Oregonian. J1300 8 per cent from private party, on new nome. ks ioo. wio,um. SEE PRUDHOMME, 908 Spalding bldg. PERSONAL. WE HAVE the finest equipped private of fices on the Pacific Coast, furnished wltn every therapeutic appliance used by tn. most advanced men in Europe and Amer ica. We use no drugs, we never operate. We have something better. We use every form of massage and adjustment and me chanical body treatments, vibration, radia tion and heat. Bake ovens. X-Rays, static, colls, violet lights and ultra violet w"-High-frequency, ozone. sinusoldaL hellos, solar, giant and King lights. W are the only physicians on the Pacific coast using radium to treat patlenta Come and be examined free and see our office vve lave been In Portland over Ave year, and treated thousands of patlenta ana never had a death. ... -, We take no contagious or Infectious dis eases, neither do we go out of the office to treat patients. We can CURE, do cure end have cured thousands of so-called "Incurables" and nervous wrecks. In vestigate for yourself. we occupy tn. entire north half of th, third floor of the Rothchilds bldg. Dr. W. E. Mallory. Naturopath. v - TO FRANK HERMANN, a son of Frederick Hermann and Dora, Hermann., deceased, ul LeKay, JDodge County. Wisconsin: It is for your' Interest to at one. correspond with your uncle, George Engel, KeUoskes, Wis. P. O.. Mayvllle, Wis., R. 3. or any one knowing of his whereabouts 'fou"1 confer a favor by notice to above addresa HAIR. HAIR. Largest stock In the city to be closed out at cost, convent, German and pure hair cut from one head only; good switches for 95c and up; all fix tures for sale, large mirrors and wax fig ures, building torn down for Lipman Wolfe site. Grand Leader. 5th and Alder. DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and children, sur gery; chronic and nervous diseases treated according to the latest methods; connu znent cared for; consultation free. 815 H Washington st. Main S928. A 5607. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helslngfors graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments, under physicians direc tions; baths, masseuse. No. 7 East lltn St., second door south from East Ankony carllne. Phone East 2C0. B 1S03. . SWEDISH medical gymnast and masseur, C. Bolmstrom. digestive, nerve, sexual and chronic disorders a specialty; only scien tific masseur In this city. Offices Hili-3 Oregonian bldg. . FEBVET & HANEBUT. Leading wig and toupee makers: finest tock of human hair goods: hairdresslng, ' manicuring, face and scalp treatments. 147 7th sc. near Morrison. Phone Main 546. HELEN SORN3 and J. E. Perry, magnetic healers, treat all chronic diseases. 207 Vi Russell sc. Portland, Or. Phone C 2127; hours from 7A. M. to ft P. M. BEAUTY PARLORS Facial massage, mani curing and scalp treatment a specialty. Private call, made. 422 Vi Washington ,U suite 2L . DR. A. A. AUSPLUND. Diseases of women and surgery. Exam IraUon free. 302 Merchant Trust bldg., 6th and Washington. Phone Main 4047. DRESS" suits for rent, $1.50 month; keep your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on. rips repaired. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark. MRS. Stevens, 18 years Portland's lead- ing palmist and clairvoyant, has her late book, "Palmistry Made Easy." on sale at S43Vs Yamhill, corner Seventh St. DR. WALKER, specialist for men, quickly cures blood and akin aliments, kidney and bladder troubles and 1 plies. . Conaultation free. 181 1st sc. Portland. LADIES Lorenx antiseptic cones are sooth ing, cafe and sure. Stipe Taylor Drug Co., 2S9' Morrison st. DR KETCHUM8 OFFICE MOVED TO WOODLAWN. PHONE. WOODLAWX 767. . OUT OF COMBINGS. Switch. 95c: curls and puffs, 75c Sani tary BeautyParlors. 400 Dckum bldg. mrs" SOPHIA B. SEIP. mental scientist. Suite 21-22 88S14 Washington st,; publia meeting Wednesaay, 8 P. M. Main 6824. WE do everything in ladies' tailoring; suits to vour measure from $35 up. J. M. LORENZ NERVE TONIC TABLETS restore lost vitality. 250 box; boxes, $L25. blip. Taylor Drug Co- 289 Morrison at. WANTED Someone to adopt a baby, best wiT -iw-o. rooulred. Call East 4795. UME. Courtrlght, feature and skin speclal "72, una Kwetland bldg. Main 6012. nii u OF FIGS Remedies for disease, of m. n.vi. at. Main 9215. SCALP treatments, rooma 6 and 7, 346 Vi Ai.ie. Motel Elwell. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed, Mrs. M. D. HlU. 429 Flledner bldg. M 8473. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountant. MACKENZIE. BAIRD Ai CO., FTJBLIO ACCOUNTANTS. AUDITORS. 224 Worcester. Block. Main 7369. A 1449. Counsel and expert In all matters per taining to municipal, commercial, factory cost ana muu.iK.ai aewwuuu.. COLLIS. E'eRkIDGE & THOMPSON. PUBlrlC ACCOUNTANTS. AUDITORS. Commercial. County and Municipal. Auditing. Investigating and Systematizing. 324 W orcester block. Phone Main 6567. Architects. M. A- CARPENTER, architect and designer, removed to lo30 Chamber of Commerce. Aiufer and Analyst. Wells & Proebstel. mining engineers, chem ists and aasayers. 204 Washington. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. ISO Morrison st. Attorneys. I. E- COOPER, attorney-at-law. Genera practice, abstracts examined, nemoved to 1424 to 1428 Yeon b.dgsf. 873. A 2P7L Bath aad Portland Swimming baths, 167 4th Elegant plunge; steam. iu wu wo. HILLS SANITARIUM Rheumatic treM menL elegant piunge. $95 Front. M 43L Collections. rORTLAND Collection Agency 317 Allsky bldg. All debts collected. A 7317. M. 4222. " Brass and Machine Work. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting and. machine work, 104 N. eta. Mate 2702 Chiropody. WILLIAM Estelle and Flossie Devenv. the only scientific chiropodists In the city. Parlors 302 Gerllnger bldg.. S. W. cofi 2d. and Alder. Phono Main 1301. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 420 Flledner bldg. Main 34,3. rhirooructlo Physician. "CHI-FO-PR AC-TIC TICK-NER"; Sav it fast ?TTr T-.,- . x inSH first Isdv ehlro. Dr. Oregon. 2-'.i Kliedner bldg. Hours to 6. Contractors CARPENTER and contractor; Jobbing and re'nodeling a specialty; sign work. O. P. Bliss, 3224 Stark. Phono Main 9017. W L. BUCKNER. contractor. Jobbing, of fice and store sotting. 8 N. Sth sc Main 5&S1. A 7602- Woodlawn Beg. t LATHING contractor, wood or metal; guar anteed. E. A. Rowell. Phone Woodlawn 1177. , ROBERT WAKEFIELD, general contractor. 414 Wells-Farga bldg. Main 5S0. Wood and Coal. CENTRAL WOOD YARD Wood and coaL Main 1606; A 1106. NATIONAL FUEL Co.. coal and wood. Marshall 960. 313 Water sC COAL ALBINA FULL, CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. 33DST WOOD WOOD Dry 4-ft, sawed to order. M 4596. COAL A 4547. Prompt dellv. Near & Farr. Wood and CoaL DRY BLOCK WOOD, mixed with smaller wood. $3.90 per load delivired any place In the city. Portland Wrecking Co.. 105 10T 11th sL North. Main 87. A 3736. BURNSIDE FUEL CO. Wholesale and re tail. 4-fc sawed fir and hardwood. Office and yards at 125 E. 7th st. Phono East 724. B 2777. - SEGHERS WOOD CO. Sawed 4-ft. cord wood and slabwood, 9th and Glisan. M. 6359. M. 8351. A' 2413. . Dancing;. LESSONS 25c; 4 lessons for $1: waits, two step, three-step, stage dancing. etc.; every morning, afternoon and eve.. Prof. Wal Willaon s School; oldest and only rec ognised academy for correct dancing. SiVi Wash, sl, beC W. Park and 10th ate. Dentists. ALVEOLAR TEETH where bridge work 1 Impossible: does away entirely with plates, brldgework; we cure pyorrhea 0cr teeth) absolutely: terms to reliable peotfle Alveolar Dental Co., Ablngton bldg. 106 3a THE old reliable Union Paialesa Dentists, 1st and Morrison sts. Dog and Horse Hospital Dr. Brown. D. V. S., office 129N. 11th it. Main 40S6; res. E. 5440. Hospital 80 12th. lUectrlc Motor "Hospital. WALKER-MACKENZIE . Elecrrio Works, East 117, Motors sold, rented, repaired. Engines Gas ana Steam. KORER Machinery Co.. Coast agts. Seabury steam engines and boilers, gasoline en glne. 281-2S3 E. Morrison st. Pr one E. 615. Fans and Blowers. NORTHWEST BLOWPIPE CO.. 500 Lorlng sc Dust collecting and ventilating sys tema Phones C 1115. E. 3289. Feed Store. ZIGLER & MISNER, hay, grain, feed, ce ment, shingles. 2U4 Grand ave. E. 4S2. Lanuscape Gardeners. G. H. SIEBELS, landscape gardener and nursery man. has moved to 5S6 E. 8th. Sellwood 1107. . . Leather and Findings. CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO.. 74 Front. Leather of every description, taps, mfrs. findings. J. A. STROWBR1DGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1858. 1S9 Front su SledicaL DR. K. SCOTT, 922 Selling bids. Diseases of the Rectum. Emll Thielhorn, violin teacher, pupil Sevclk. 900 Marquam. A 4160. Marshall 1U29. Osteopathic Physicians. DR. LEROY SMITH, graduate Klrkville, Mo., class of lass; post-graduate. 1907. under Dr. A. T. Still, founder of tho sci ence. 1122 Selling bldg. M. l8i. A 1D85. Dr. R. B. Northrup. 415-16-17 Dekum bldg.. Nervous and Chronic Diseases. Phone oflica M. 349, Res., East or B 1028. Papering wnd Tinting. TINTING, painting, paper hanging; neat. ciem wo. i. ktiwj.p Paints, Oils and Glass. COAST-MADE paint and . varnish Is best adapted to the Coast- climate. BASS HUEXKR PAINT CO.. 191 Second st. RAS.MUSSEN sr CO., Jobbers, paints, oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured by J. K Mock, attorney at law. late of XI. S. Patent Office. Book- lel free. 719 joarq ot iraac piug. U. S. AND FOREIGN PATENTS procured by O. O. MARTIN, 409 Chamber of Commerce bldg. R. C WRIGHT, 'domestio and foreign pat enta. lnfilngeiiient ca3es. 6(M Dekum bldg. Pa vina;. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company. 60a 6US Electrlc bldg. Oscar Huber. Portland- WARREN Construction Co. Street paving, sidewalks and crosswalks. 317 Beck bldg. Pawnbrokers. ' JJNCLE MYERS Collateral Bank. 40 year. In r'oruanq. .i om ai. Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sta. M. 3439. FOX t CO.. PLUMBERS. Main 2001. A 200L 209 2d SC COFFEY PLUMBING CO., sanitary plumb ers. 493 Glisan. Main S4S7. Rubber bramps. ALSO seals, stencils, choice stationery, etc, Cunningham's, 231 Stark. Mala 14U7. Rug Weavers. NORTHWES'I KUG WORKS Rugs rrotn old carpeta, colonial rag rugs. Eadt 359. ' B 1280. 153 Union ave.. nr. E. Morrison. Safes. PACIFIC COAST SAFE AND VAULT WORKS. Home products, factory prices, eaiv terms; second-hand safes cheap. Salesrooms 60 Third sc Factory Kentou. THE MOSLER SAFE CO., 108 2d SC Safes factory nrices; second-hand safes. Second-Hand Goods. wit nay tne nignest prices for second-hand clothing and shoes. A 319U. 53 hi N. ath. SUov.caea,Bank and Show Fixtures. THE LU'IKE Hi. CO.. branch Grand Rap los Showcase Co.. 6th and Hoyc R. Lutke, las i manager. R H B1RDSALL, 208 HAMILTON BLDG showcases In stock; prompt delivery, sales teem. M. WlnterJimlgrCo. ' MARSHAL MFG. CO.. 4th and Couch; new nd second-hand. Main 2703. Cabinet work. ' bteanisliips. Picturesque SC Lawrence Route. Weekly Sailings From MONTREAL to LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW. LONDON and HAVRE. FRANCE. Eolanuid Scenery, shortest passage, low rates. " Any local agent or tt TtM A. CO.. 127 N Dearborn SC, Chicago, ' ' Storage, Ltc s 5 PICK Transfer & Storage Co.. vJ- ilces and commodious 4-story Drick ware house, with separate Iron rooms and lire proof vaults for valuables, N. W. cor. 22d ind Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved ind packed for shipping. Special rate, made on goods In our through cars to all domestic and foreign points. Main 596, Storage and Transfer. FREE STORAGE FREE. All household gooos go into brick warehouse free for the first 30 days and at the kuvest rates thereafter; moving and sacking done by exports. Van Horn Urans- ler Co. Both phones. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transferring and storage, safes, pianos and furniture moved anu packed lor snipmenc 87.-S9 Front su Xeicpuuo Main 54. or A 224,7. Oregon TRANSFER CO., established 1S7U. Transfer and forwarding agents storage oface 310 Hoyt sc, between 3th aad eio, pnones Main ti9, A 1109. Taxidermist. MOOSE, elk heads, fur work. F. B. Finley, 3i49 Columbia. A 1843. ' Typewriters. WE" are the exenange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast; investigate; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter JKx cnange, 287 V, Washington sc TYPE WRITERS, all makes. $20 to $60, fully atiaranteed. easy payments, rentals, $1 .r montn. paclno stationery & Printing ..a 203 2d sC NEW", rebuilt, second-hand rentals, at cut ratea P. D. C. Co.. 231 Stark. M. 140?. Vacuum Cleaning. CARPETS cleaned on floor 11 per hour; rates to large houses. H 16.0. East 1105. Well Drilling. DRILLING wells a specialty; priced reason able. Call Main 1346 or write Millar As west. XtU Morrlwn u. Portland. ii