INCIDENT. Off" errwry Employmot Iepart tnr.'1. Y. M. C. A. Yombx Tnr. oat cf work 'I- is it4i eaan im')-lf I pr fo,r Drial m p.oy mr t m!Urih!p I w l.I he on jr $i betwa me and Starva tion. Bit-rtrr if ru riy 3 for sp:a. m- fov-nm ai--KT.i. y J win he the Y. M. C. A.. v!!h m.: its resources, between ou iir.-i rvm::r n. What fc ppd1 lourr rr.A- took mm Ip. Inside ox two hours he found sal-sfactorT emp.oy w innt. Iufin April. ItS tails "r mea- I'J position f .rd. ! fia members. Fmpoyrn-nt or refund of membership lea e- secretary Employment Department. T. X. C. A. A strl.-tly yoynf m". prti.ce4 in rtxl estate tm!n. to taka ortr and tas31 with ha own capital an established real estate tujJaeti with a ft-st-elas c round floir cfrice. thoroughly qalrped and eontrel.lns exclusively tw of the Isrcest and beat o::ir.r proposi tions on tbo marku ATI yoo reed Is a " fT hundred dollars to moot current -pn-e; wo haa noth!r. j to sell jroa. bit e.?-r a chanco for larta earnlccs. Must haT first references. All repllea trlr!ycor;!.lT.tlaL AO 12P. Orgonlan. W XNTKl V-n with sa iM.ltr. are putticc n liie mrkt th lrct and m'e: t:c::jr c:oe--in r-'rirt-d suodivis.on -r eT ri la I'nrtlsnd. and a: a prlre !)( V. e went a fw m-n of etn-rUy and Rona-aty. who hve the p i:y an 1 tr.'-. in.. : tan to do an hor. st csa's jrk. If have th.- qua l!-s an I npQ for a atra jruforwarj prop ortion fr--n a cn:yjr.jr b:c euouarn to c-r- of oo and ;..-! cm oJ- r yu v-r r lnd-cn.nt amc-as. w- t.ouM piMi to :a k ou. .t )ou io :t. - P J A. M T. t fompAur. Thi.-U and M4i.nn Xf!.i:-t!!tf ma wntd M ta v" S. Va n.i t )-p. b'Ucn th a f i anl f-at b aa:. r n P'i P-P.-i" Mrihiy p II. t ''. AtI-iiM"fiai c.ti ptMfa bio. rd. c.cbtns ir and mjuai a:-otton ir. yr ran rtir- w(h .4 Pr r- f pay aoi Jrvt-- n b,rd ma and ir In a:i par:o at t!i A- p r a'- l" . Vr.n 'orr H-tjii Jff.i-o. lr' lofi t.:i . i w.aa itg ata., rortiit. -f- " "llEAt-TT rU.r-'MKN. n w.r i :t t m. : wtth a litch ra-t. ib.:i"n i.rmo. who ran l anl : a I i o'i ' '! r "an K-t ai:a.t of pr p- niakra oa a bas.a tht w it fjirsrtw a Ure ir. rm. nr t rr;!y untra u caa provo qualification by rvcvr.t rev vrl. Wa bavo t pprfiniry f-r Iho rul rr n. ba a- too ;)f t. s- tha kind- Ad-d.-w L MT. ttif 'Titan- . Tltt Jur -rintn:.'nt of tfml-l nf a prom inent Ka.wrn c n---rn t In tio city io rfjU a oftu- l-r liato of Orr a n a ;urg mn of prt: appran n -nrra. UU who cn t;-ialify. wi.I b iai-f a uijry of j ' w,r' or fuir nij'. r. tf aiart: fiko pl.oso nuru-h-f. AK MS. irr.-ntan. a n rl I V u r. c fnTti-ilc men who ara r I vtu aa lnad; jalo aalary and or williac to work h.ui fT mro mon-. Th l.irit ra:ty f.rm in 1'ortiand will t4k on a f-w i.-w titlramon and will d ot a.-tal attention lacliin them th buonrw from iho (round upt Adira L 1 1 l)r('ni4n. . rfAl.KH.M-AN'. . w Wa Teiulr t.i n-rtea of a blcn-fraflo a man nr amart ap:aran- o to r-pro-nt a t-irso rut ration ; wa Wl.l pay a .-.oi aalary to iho rUtit man and taao lt'Hl ear f hHiu iKio't apply nt-a coc4er yur-:f a nrst-v:a ' man. App-y 01 H l'oard of Trado bid. MAN and wif on farm In Hood r.l-r Val I. y. nun mut b itd farmer and kint to t-m. h o a furn'.tura and board run h-i;. Write U. h K'J. box rout 1. H.Hd Ithcr. -r.. ctin.-: x-pri-nc. a;M of lmilr addr lot rpy. U k aalrmcn to a-ll prnf't-anarinff or rh" bntla. llt-olro nvitmni. h'.chly p.-oat-bi to invt.r. HtranIU emml pi in h-a: men mik blf mony. tviri bir cl M lawatiication. Apply witU rvrn-e. ttti mar.;r. Andrua bida . Uinnraplia, Minn. 1 want to n;e J or 4 good aleo-wtn- k( nt eaixrlene-d I will hetp l.rat' r mtract aud a atrirtly JrKitlniato pr.rotita to ail. Addraaa A 1-, Uro- I Tiqi. WANTED Salerno for aclulvo territory. ba oportunltif a. naJy pttton. rom p rta Una laklma Va:.ry grown fruit. ahd and ornm-ntal a: : weSt:y; ou:flt fra. ToppanlJh Nurrry CompAtij. Tuppeniab. Waao. tTaTnt: P '..odTVteTdT. .ber man a part. u li hi minu(At, liirtr.f buiio-. e- prtenco unnromrr. f owner will teaca u-j t h beam; wltl k uaran ta we- rom .14. V K want a few mlesm-n of rnl ability frr y-ort.and and aurroundlnr territory, aa n rlirnt for a permanent poaitlon wita an e;abi!hed firm of h!cu aiand in. sil mnfr. Oak au KEAlT ESTATB SALESMEN. Are j-u orntn ! iban l0f per vrt( if . coma In with ua and douMo cr arfi;nc w HI h- p yu to m gM. men :y. K K. tirocon.aa. jXMiTlJiND manuf-'ti;rtf wants 5 city Msmn; mut at. to ihw that jou rtn rr ! ica results. of Interview phono r-A-t 474. W X TKfv-SKV ERA!. CXI'K'lIF N C ED A R , !ltTK-.Tl KAU l.KAl uITMKN WOIU1N; l.tINud Ai'l'l,V KOOM . MtXRT iiLDvi. r.-K to rtaht or woman or K d ad treaa who unor:n'.a iwmn- Md. .v rran f.r r-al r't ;.'!. rr rrar.nt p-a:tioo: njt n -ment. l-raia:-ie. OOKIMX praa fe-ir. ri'W! la Al. a-'tno kaowt.!co of mfcl" .pnr t mlty tor adwr.cen.-rnt. Alt 10. Oro !in. i uMn 1ur( mar. J to M ars o:d aa" f oor amvoman. ,: P .:fV ( M rh-aco fr adaavomat. A3 v t joniAa, WANT to let smalt rtibMn centra-!. nl. mt 'Ttty rspo Me pa-tt-o .nidr-i. 311 Chamber owmrf b -. cXxt p?"wa;-mB of ir;wirc to call on o!r. men. Call UamoUlato.j CAKHIEI'.S H-y waate.1 for rnta la vuth lrwl a- b'y tr A:r l.rM;t WANTED A fir-e:ao ptarb-anr to o out of tn el-y two wahs. doo t appor I yo-a aro ot Hit f!u t Talor w vT'Tlt'ITOR!". somatMn awr to sX boat. ;rrs wn:exi: b'C monay to am Apply V- A-. T M-.awk b I .-l l'-'-:r at y circu:um. d pt.. Evn E X E il T V ' r D I' rot. I;.- ".it r'ara. I an . o r. - Hi ro1 RaTH r'ipo a-d poet-sit areata. af?r CwKrTh jisk ywsum b ig. NAS i4 baaa pr by to day. Maraaai! 1 - -"- , r TINART orgtna w a m good ttlsU :-r. J iutri-ri d t'.'g HElr V ArEl EM It B. W"v N rtlD ':!" fr gnera: t . "vrk ad rn-ta'.ng- f4Bti: of I wr Cal. m -ramrt i l-4 Nr-h. Te.ephona Ma.n --'- WAXTEI Hltra,d isr, Aoi Tat- rt i bten 1 and WNTET Espert-n-! f-B 1 r.k. wagea lev t m a. J &-arj ni. GIKt for reh'r and general housework. ;.i iisi.::;,. A T1D Competer.t gtr f e gen-ral ftoaork. aea 411 Hwi!j . t WASTED To tsuU'resees on coats aad irta J Ifarr a. , ''t! t AN TED A gari to aaaist (a housework sad App.yi-,1 t G"lRl7r.r ho as work. in fur.fy. no chll-lr-n. b w-nnrg. VrnH GIKi. to do ;tM housework; emit mornings Thurman t. A AN TEI- -ton r-?rt efc fr family of t; was'a I' r y1''' d WXED A g d i rl f r general bousw- work. 't 1 l'ra t- 7NTE"r;.r !a -'k ard " da f rascal husasAik. Cs4 Ms-a W4a WANTED TOCNO LADIES FOH TELE PHONE OPERATING. WITH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCE. APPXT THB PA CIFIC TELEPHONE A TELEGRAPH CXX. EAST ITU AND ANEENT STS WEST PARK AND ALDER. EAST S3TH AND BELMONT. OR KILLINGS WORTH AND MICH TO AN AVE. COOK and hefpffr. K3. 3 wa;:rs . ST week, with room and bard; faro advanced, laatrv fork, t'.'i wk ;:tl tor labelina;. 1 day. Nuns girl. --. K: if hen belpr. S-a. Chambermaid. $ wefk. MAXSK.VS EMPT. AOENCT. Si1 a "Waslu st. room 7. WANTED TODAT. OfTIro B-!r. I0 to $15. 4-ooks. I.U and $0. ! rh. run n rooks, houfokoepora and rtrls for seasrai bouaawoik; good wagca. PACIFIC EVPLOTMENT CO.. Ijidle m-pt. SviS Morrison. WANTE:--H'omn to do general housework for peat flT or six mourns. In small am W. at Klamath Falls; good waseg ani railroad I ur paid ; mut be neat. cl aa and g-od rook. Addrvaa and aend rafer-err- to p. i . box V. 3. Klamath KalU. or. OTHIJi WANTED. Arn'r ta1rd ractory '& & OraM aT. aad East Taytor sC MARKIED ladv. without Vhlldran. can havo threa rurnlhd houkepir.g rooms for n-tntr f- r r-w rcnti i.i romlnc hoie; ar.ap. fivt rent. Ar-ply A4 N. 2h "W" rar tre; on l!or-l..i to ;th( tlock r.orth. TR V-Flllt Oini-3 aro wanted at tbo :rater OMs. Wortman A Kmc "tor: rr.ut be bfiEht and ovr 1 jrrnrs of Appiy J,l,,A- M- aupfa. office. OH:I. fr rnera: housework and P1 caking. g'Md Itom. good wacra. Ca.I Vain - r rail after 2.30 1. M. lo-u-. ?' Karnry si. COVIET:TNT woman for gnral bousewbrk. ? tn fsml!; ro "hlldren. Take Haw tiorna car. ap;:y r. Elliot tv., Ladd Ad dition. I'all tf-ernoons. WA N T F O : d 'woman to kep houa for o.d n n. aged Z to o jears; wages 4d p-r month. g'Kvi born. Andreas P. M. i-irrart. tfeg n City. UKI;ifT gtrl with buanes training for per r.t potltlon as t-pwnier and bOvk-k-pr. I'. S- Laundry Co.. Grand ac. and E, Y&mhllt. UA .TEI-).rl f'r general housework ; must ba gtx.d co'k: n rat -class) wagaa to th right party: ti-.atl family. Apply VnloQ t. N. or pltona East 21 or C 1234. Gi r:if Trot.WlnsT and ho-j-work. 9 '': tnaid for rmiilrm and avcond ' work, M. CPA bftf!i Jlei and d. WANTKt Kxprf'ncril girl for secor.d work; vim f Ji pr month. Phono Mala 3 or A lf-t WANTElWorn'm cool;, siperlejicsd; no cthrr ned apply: Pr month; small fm!y. App.y mornings. Everatt s:. CliAilI.EKMAlD and waitress, country. .;o; r.-.n h he, p. hot-l and family cooks. M'w- Ladies' Agency. 314-3.-J Wah. KaNTFO XU-rinco. cap tia woman far ra- fcon-iM psi'.ioa. Viavi Co.. tu Uatft rh;J Mdg..4thandW as'ilagton. FI R-iT-CI.A?3 family rook, second girl, sarna n t: brat wages, fit. Louis Agency. SvJVs Washington st. Main WANTr'.I) "ilrl for gar.eral housework. Ap r: a;.T F- 4th s:. N-. Rooo Clly Park. Yak Kosw City I'ark car. WANTKP Exrerienced competent tcn osrapher; writ stating a.ary ex pact ad : pit rrfcren. es. AP 133. Orceonlan. ( Gir.l, for general housework and cooklnjr. a roo:n tungjlow; S In family; good wages. rhar.e East 10i BKVER AL neat-appearing ladles g!w all or part. time, big incomo to workers. Ap Py Mr. Akf. 411 Monawk bldg. WANTED Catabl young women to enter training school ror ours-. For particulars adira Htxjulam General Hospital. Hi.Ht:Vl LAl)ier AGENCY. 4Sbj Wsnmc-.oa st.. cor Tta, upstatra Phono Main 2991. ' MRS. HOWE'S LADIES AOENCT. iuda Waahlnrton at.. Room 314. Main K-od or A ':. COVl'ETENT girl for generaj housework. Ln small fa.-nllr; good wags. Apply morn log. 7tl Overton st. WANTED Experienced girl to do cooking ai'd housework. xd wage. Apply 7iJ 'landrr. WTEI-A competent cook, also second g:ri. Apply "J N. lth st. Phona Pacific Ma.n 3011; lioma A WANT Birl. to arslst llht housework and cars of two children; g.od home for rijrht g'.rl and fair wag.-s. PhonaMarshaIj 1P5. A EKUAP.I.E woman for general housework- plain cookina". small family, heavy washing given out. 321 lth st- cor. Clay. WANTEDGtrl"for-snernI housework; Ger man or I'nvMrh prvferrod; small family. Inquire 77a Wulmby. WANTED at onci A wet nuns. CI1 at 20 Wtsl Church St.. t. Johns car, iUverstda station. 1 block north. S west. WANTEDTiy'lsfof Juae. a fairly compe tent s'-ond girl with references. Phona Main .-J. W ANTED ilrl to fold papers. Apply Bheu- n e re i ow g . . 'i z ' GlL for general housework, family thrsw adults. CallbALovejoy at. SOt.ICITOP-s1. men or women. $2.50 day. , ui t i-fc loth an J Stark. WANTED Experienced wnltra at liotol C'-luiiU lo. V ancuuvsr. v aao. WANTEI Jrl for generml housework. &W Ht st vIKl for i rrral housework, small fam l.y. r.o tauntlry. 35 E. lCta N. WANTKt Ood rook. JM M or risen St. i r Et r wXTri aij ok female ANTED FTnergtlo man and famlly to tak charge of my fruit laxm at Hood luver. Addreaw owner. G 124. Pre go clan. MlSCFXIANEOrS. W ANTED Me and strong boys; etsa o learn a trade; t stud ant a, 12 . v-w contract Johe; baif work, study hair the time; auttmobtleo, olecirtcny. plumb ing inckUicg: fres oaisjiogua. Vnited Trado acaooi CaauaatiB C, leua Aags- Ua. sv.aoo POSITIOX for rraduataa last fl masi and women laamra baxbar trad la t wa. help to scurs poaltton; g ra du al ea earn trom U ta Us weakly: aapsrt tsetructors; to free: writ for csua lsruss. Motitor aystaca o( 4lisaraa A crta sth iu Port-aod. . PrTT-MONT ACTO PC HOC L. Wanted, energetic man to tAks coarwa In au.o r-palr work and driving; beat rq.t t'p1 s-.iorti ton EaciSd Coast. . us b'Coro enro. i&g tlKabrrr. Taks IM car. gt fc-T at E, sad M-wrtson. W ANTED Interview with an N.:.oug men. not st!s f.d with tue:r pratt!ous and futur pro-p-T. Wa hav e-TOstnias; now. Ition A 15- AarrU S:i. ;IUN KEEEai 2t3 Maxuaai Mdg. a n 7 i: D-Mor tn millinery s bvi. take ieaaons now; pre par for Fall e-a'8. l-xattooa and poaitions secured : lateac mhois taught, old bats made over. ra:e tlmmel to oruer; bring them. Mabo ovr Pbvp. sTSVlder. Mara&alt 143. KaTlaVa "m a I ip.cierajrclrk-car-rra. rust jnh j use. Internal rwvanua a agitations) rywhera Free book oa to :rsea Pacific a lata fccJtooL McEay bldg.. lNrtiaad. Or. ST::n HiKAi'HKrJ to Jo;a day acd niabt c Aaea for srectsl wrk la modern busl ceaa o ::-. 6th aaU W eatuag'.on. poslUoaa wr.'n oii.ptr.t. . PI IV ATE I BOoK KEKPINC. PHORT lt TYPEWRITING. I' EK ON AL AT- TEN . ION. H He.mont. cor. Idth. E. 144. i,H'Ai oVKICK International Corrwapond toe fccfcools. 23i Aider iu. opal UU I yt i.zafof fraa catalogue- LF.ARNa4tomnbi:e dnvtrg ar.4 repairing; ac.aal practiv-al rapeneac; day or vaa lta WasMtgton st room 413. MAKBmonef writing n,frt."or'1 rfcJfr ra ra b.g P' - ir bklet tells how. n'.ted Prewa 8 nd!cat. Pan Francisco, r 1 1 Al E PcVol" SliOHTH.VNO and TTFR WRITING. 33 mo, 14th St. Mala 33. LAT CURTAINS laundorsd. Tabor 243. C W- RKil'iRK voung men to tearh moving p"i rt ure epotatlng. Lae mmle. .t3J Qak t. U uois-AMdvlAllWW 1 4aa4 baa AMATEURS! AMATEURS! AMATEt KS. I HE ROBERTSON SCHOOL OF DRA MATIC ART. CLIFFORD ROBERTSON OF LONDON AND NEW TORE, DIKECTOIL ACTOR AND COACH. W prepar you for tho drama, miwlca! comedy and vaudovll!, PpeclaJ courses ln slocution. toIcs culture, stag dancing, dram a lie art. practical aiage training and the art of making up. VAUDEVILLE ACTS WRITTEN. R E- II EARNED AND BOOKEX ON COAST TIME. Special attention given to ama teur performances, etc We place our students when competent. THE LARGEST ND ONLY LEGITIMATE SCHOOL FOR PHACtJcaL oTAGB TRAINING IN THE CITY. Open evenings and Sunday P. M. Pultes 814 and Msrqutm building. Secretary office. SqQl MEN AND BOYS TO LEARN AUTOMO BILE REPAIRING and drlvinc. plumbing, brickiaylng. electrical trade, civil en gineering, surveying, la most practical way. Our students earn S3-S3 a day; po sit Ions secured; satisfaction trusrsnteed; catalogue free. National School of Trades. 110 W. 7th. Los Angeles. VAUDEVILLE acts wanted; good oppor tunity. Can you do anything T If not. I can teach you and book you on good time; professional dancing, singing and stag training:, any line: terms, part down, bal ance when booked. See Prof. Wheelaa. Foresters Bail. SLh floor Marquam bldg. Msin siJS. WTCATION WANTED MAlA Book keepers and Clerks. TOUNO man. best references In Portland, desires permanent position ln line of ad vertising, accounting, bookkeeping: will make your business hla own and work lit tle harder than anyone else; good sppear ance. capable, honest; not broke and never been discharged. AT 134. Or goal an. A MIDDLE-AGED married man. who has been In Oregon more than 1 year and is thoroughly experienced In department store work, exceptionally good ahoeman. experienced tn buying and a good man. competent to take charge of any shoe department, wishes a position either as salts man or manager out of city; best ot WANTED Poeltion as bookkeeper, payroll clerk, collector or any other clerical po sition by young man with 7 years or office experience; no reajwmable salary will beref use d. AH123.Orconian. EXPERIENCED real estate sales manarer wants connection with good nrm; prefer svrresge proposition; now selling orchaxd tracts, references. C 127, Oregonlan. WILl AUDIT. OPEN. CLOSE OK WRITE uj books prepare balances and sratemsnts. fosta:i imumi. ouiingiisun. auditor. 411 Lewis bidg.. ajarsrall 717. EaTfeTuENTED lumber bookkseepcr In or out of tlty; reCerottcem. AD 1-2. Orego nlan. YOUNG- man atenographer would like few hours work arter 7:0 P. M. each even ing. Aft 133. Oregonlan. Mlecellaaroos. WANTED A position with a fJrat-cUsa rea. estate or loan company, or In an abstract c3loe. by a man 3U years old wh has had over ten ears" ejrlrncw In the abstract business and a large experience in examin ing titles and deals, am witting to prove ability br actual work before settling question of salary. Address AV 1A4. Oresa nlan. PR I NT ER Specially good on Job and a'd composition: rlty and country experience; absolutely reliable; teet oilier; union; lo cation Immaterial; would not ask lot transportation or consider you under obli gation to keep me unless work proved satisfactory In every respect; stale wagea. Add reas P. O. bog 2SS. San Francisco. WANTED Position aa auperlntendent of construction or distribution of water for Irrigation project: 20 years actual expr-lenr-. best of references. AB 122. ure- gonl. ffUTCHER. shop man. sober. competent, murru-d man tag 83); have some expe rience In groceries and general merchan will go anywhere. D 12V. Ore gnnisn. LET me keep your books, send out your monthly statements, do your collecting, etc. ; terms reasonable ; best of references furnished. A J 134. Ore con Ian. WANTED Employment villi a real estate firm, experienced, references; will work on commission: city property a specialty. Address AH 121. Oregonlan. SALESMAN. Eastern, desire local connec tion, either aa city or road representative; will consider only first-class connection. B 12. Oregonlan. CH AlfpFEUR dea:rca position with private family In city or country, expert repair man; no bad habits, careful driver. V 114. Oregonlan. POSITION wanted by young German as electrician helper or power-house oper ator; references. AR 131. Oregonlan. COLORED MAN wants or 4 offices to clean; first-class references. Phona A 4M1. POSITION wanted by married man; hav had IS years experience In shipping room. V 12. Oregonlan. TRANSIT man. levclman or topographer; best references. E. E. Martin. Wend ling. Or. WANTED Th management of an orchard; experienced In fruit culture. G lis, Or- ronian. POSITION wanted as fireman or Janitor or porter; exprlenc In all. Apply at 420 Everett st. Phon Main 3o37. CHAUFFEUR wishes position, private or sings Una preferred; references. AM 180. Oregonlan. GERMAN, young, honest man. wants situa tion In a ator of any kind. AK L. Ore gon ian GERMAN" farmer, ar 26 years, wants steady position; wages $40 to $43 and board. Ad dress M. Nlklas, Sherwood. Qr. WANTED Position in private family by young Grecian hoy. Address George Mel las. 33 N. nth. GOOD honst young man d '-sires position driving, experlencinsoIiciting.East f34L LICENSED chauffeur, position with private family or truck; refe rences. Ca U A 13aX CARPENTER wU design your house free, build It cheap. A 123. Oregonlan. CA RP ENTER, good workman, seeks work; $3 day. AN 131. Oregonlan. TOUNG man. wants good position; speaks Enitllsh and Swede. 21 W. 1'aric Japanese Employment Co. will furnish all kind help. Main 46St. A 4073. 2tS Everett. EXPERIENCED Japanese cook wsnts work A. M. and P. M. A J 123. Oregonlan. JAPANESE boy wants to work ln th sn en- Inc. 8 to 8- AG 121. Oregonlan- FIRST-CLASS Japanese cook at hotel or boarding nouse, jiain oox. 11 . iin. POSITION aa night cook and do pastry work by first -class cook. AT 133, Oregonlan. trrCATTOX WATrKDwFEMALE. tUaok keepers and Mrftegnip b era. POSITION as stenographer, capable, expe rienced, good refers nee. accept reasons u I aaJary. AT 123. Oregonlan. BT experienced offlo girl as filar, mailer, sorter or assistant bookkeeper. CathoUe Women's Leasjue. Main 345 L LADY stenographer, with laej desires position; accural; Main 2031. experience, references. DRESSMAKER wishes engagements by th day; tailored sKiria ana suits a specialty phon East o'U MRS. TAV1S. Dre st. Main 3297. amaklng, 1& West Park NURSE, sxperiecced. massaging, matern'ty, elderly invalids; can leave city; reason as!. Main aU-sA, EX PERIENCE D nurse solicits day nursing; ma?sgLng, maternity. Invalid. Main aovy, A 41 :3. TRAlNttD nnrae will take confinement cases at hr home. Phone Wood la wn 77 Hooatekeepera. RELIABJE woman would take position as no us-k ee per. Phona East 275. trnnaewllc. WANTED By 3 girls. 14 years old. places to woik for room, board and smsll wage wfatie attending sf-hooL Catholic Women's League. Mam 241. SWEDISH-girTwlshes position to assist with housework; do not ipaJt EngMsri. 070 VaueThn St.. near 21st N. Main CS. GIRL wlsrie second work or light hou- YolNO woman wishes housework by the day. or waiting table. Main P14V H lrt 1 uaneoaa. BTTUATfoN w suited by mlddle-aaTcd woman, good cock, in small place, rights prw-rrTwd-Call or address 3104 loth st. WOMAN wants work fr Thursday and Friday: 2c an hour and car car far a. Call Mam 3.33. evenings SWEDISH lady would like two or three offices to ciesn evenings. Phona, Marshall 03. W ANTED Genera! housework: adulta; no laundry; $oO. Phone Sell wood 833 after 10. TOUNG WOMAN WloHEd dajc work. East :. Csdl Miscellaneous. WANTED By a refined couple, a furnished home or apartment-house to take chars: of for the Summer months, or longer; ref erences. V 122, Oregonlan. REFINED Swedlah gtr! desires plac with family; general housework; cannot speak Er. g i i sh. E 125. Ore goni an. m WANTED Work by day or hour washing, ironing or clt-anlng house. Ii2 V Raise 11 st. Mrs. Clyde gimon. COOKP. housekeepers. chambermaids; nurses, wa it resst-e. laundress. St. Lou is Agency. 3o3S Wash. Main 2030. A 4775. WANTED Laundry work or eooklnr by day ln private family. Marshall lie 2 1. TWO COLORED GIRLS want chamber work . .. t. Jrtl Mar ha 11 RELIABLE colored woman, chamber work K.;e sm-w-m m-ork- Phnna Main 8713. WOMAN wants work by day, references. rauua jiiu i . LACE CURTAINS laundered. Tabor 2445, C LACE curtains hand-lnundered. Phon Main 14S3. . WANTED Day work. Phone East 4200. room 10- GOOD laundress wishes work at homo or by day Marshall 1003. mornings. GERMAN woensn wants washing and iron ing for Thursday. Main 4032. WOMAN wants work Thursday, references; no na.:z aa ys. voouia iuii. CURTAIN'S laundered. 23c and up, work guaranteed. Woodlawn2&4. WOMAN wishes day work. Phone Main 7t50. WANTED AGENTS. RELIABLE aalesman can make big money ellicg our well-known line of hardy non Irrigated trees, shrubs, roses, etc; out fit furnished; cash weekly. Address Ora gon Nursery Company. Orenco. Or. WANTED Agents to sell our fin line of nursery stock; compiets outfit supplied; weekly cash advance; can make good mon-y. Cnrlton Nursery Co.. Carlton. Or. PKOTO coupon agents. 323 Washington st. WANTED TO RENT. LET us tsks care of your house while you are away this Summer; our rental dept. Is ons of the largest ln the city. F. J. RcaENBERG A CO., CI 8 Lumbermen Bldg. Marc hall ftAtL A 4277. Mouses. WANTED By man and wife, no children, small cot las? w ith garden, near carllne. atout UO minutes from busine ccuter; references; give full particulars. B 120. Oregonlan. . I WANT a good 6 or 7-room house fur nished or unfurnished, will rent or lesne; must be In good neighborhood; from own er. R 115. Orcgonian. WANTED By responsible party to rent or Kase 5 or 6-room modern house in the neighborhood of Larrabee St.. or L car. Address H 125. Oregonlan. Call East 3"3. IF you hav a house of ten or 12 rooms, I will take It on lease or rent, from own er only; must have at one. AG 74, Ore gonlan. WANTED To rent 5 or tj-room bungalow In good neighborhood; rent r.ot to exceed $20; will take good cate of property; references given. Y 121. Oresonlan. Room. WANTED More rooms for Rose Festival week In homes and rooming houses. What h., Tort lu nd Rooming Bureau. 2?0H Wash. St. Marshall Hl?9. A S243. WANTED- Room and sleeping porch with board, or with housekeili.g privileges;, references. AO 1311. Oregonian. Koms Wttb ttourd. WANTED Single room and board by busi ness Ken tie man with private family on F.:tt Side, clos to car line. AH 122. Ore gojiian. FOB RENT. Rooms. PORTLAND ROOMING BUREAU. Rooms, apartments, flats and houses; rooms during the Rose Festival. 2&uVa Wssh. st. Marshall 21h. A 5243. Furolaned Rooms. NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! Thos Uuva beautifully furnished hotels. HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL MI NOOK PARSONS ROWLAND Zl8ki 4th st. 211 W 4th st, t07H 4th St. On Fourth sL, running from Taylor t Pr.imon su Brand new brick, elegantly fumlsned; steam heat, private bat lis. hot ana cold water in all rooms; strictly np-to-Iat ln all respects, and at popular prices. If you want something out of th ordinary In the heart of th city at reasonabl prices, give us a call as w know you will Ilk it. Rooms by th day. woaat ar month. Tourut trad solicited. HOTEL CAPLEfl, ReajfdenttaL 350 Taylor. Transient Bet. Tth and park ata. Opposite new Helllg Tboatcr, on block from Portland Hotel; brick building. Just completed; handsomely furnished; every modern convenience, - elevator service steam heat, telephone and hot and cold water In every room; single rooms and suits with or without private bat as, etc ; centrally located. ner postofflce; just off all car lines; very quiet; low rates by day. w eek or month, phone Marshall 2200. THE WEAVER. ?10 Washington St., near King; a perfect modern home; private bath, steam heat, hot and cold water, and telephone in every room; finest part of th city; th maximum of convenience, tne minimum of expense; w make you feel at home; dining-room ln connection! best ln the city for th money. " HOTEL SAVON. 129 Eleventh 8U New, modern, brick building, steam seated, privat baths, hot and cold water tn rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy and comfortable. Rents very reasonable. Call aid see us. Regular and transient trau sollc'ted. SARGENT HOTEL. Grand av. and Haw thorne, beautifully furnished rooms, sin gle or en suite, with private bath, hot and cold water, steam heat and telephone in every room; special bummer rates by week or month to permanent guests. First class grill In connection. Transients so licited. C, R AN D UN ION HOTEL. - ISIS EAST BURNSIDE. In th heart of the East Side business district; modern throughout; rooms sin gle or en suite; rooms with private bath; rates $2 to $3 per week; transient, 7oo to $1.&0 per day; special Summer rates. East b40. B 12 75. ROOMS. ROOMS. ROOMS. MODERATE prices: weekly rates $3. S3.5U u. including public phon and bath, steam heat. THE OCKLET. 890 H Morrison St.. Corner 10th St. CALUMET HOTEL. Park at. between Morrison and Aider. Heart Of th city; quiet and modern; free 'bus or W car at depot; rates $1 aingl. $L4 deuAle; also family fooms with privai haUA etc Rates per week. ST NICHOLAS HOTEL Over St. Nicholas cafeteria, 125 6th, near Washington st. Modern, furnished Toomm, steam heated, hot suid cold rua nlng water, with or without privat batn. HOTEL REN WICK An Ideal home for busi ness people; centrally located. elegant rooms, all modern conveniences; 7th snd Taylor sts.. 1 block from Port.and Hotel, opposite Heilig Theater. Msin Wld. HOTEL BURNS Br 1 c k building, phones in rooms, free baths, hot and cold water; rents reasonable; nothing as good for the money in the city. loi 12th St., near Washington Marshall 2 7 IK). BUfHMAKK HOTEL, 17tB and Washington Neaiy furnished rooms, single or a salts; private baths, steam heat, hot and cold water and phon In all rooms; rates reasonable; transients solicited. AUDITORIUM HOTEL, Third street, between Taylor and Salmon sts.; hot and cola water, steam beat, elevator; rates ta b0 and up, 60c day and up. Main 2474, A 267. LARGE, cicely-furnished front room, lower floor, suitable for two. 35 N. 13th. corner Couch, ons block off Washington. Mar shall 12 HOTEL BURTON. Yamhill and 2d sts. btrlctly modern, reasonable rates by the day week or month. B. W. Fisher, Man ager LIGHT airy rooms, modern, suites or sln gt. $2 and 43 a week; five minutes walk to theaters and stores, free phone. Lin dell Hotel. -tn TO GENTLEMEN. June L West Side, walk ing i 1st a nee. hot water, heat, hot and cold wster service; 8 adults In family, no other roomers, ruou a RoOMS for rent, also on- housekeeping suite. 123 I tub su North, near Giuan. I' hone A 7310. f S ROOMS, private bath. sleeping porch, closet 10x10. telephone; fine location. 501 bast Yamhill. Phone East 1710. NICE clean" newly furnished front room; kitchen privileges; $4 per week. 65 F. sneers tx NICE front rooms. 12 to $5 week. Phon and bath free. 271 Morrison. t THE LARRABEE 227 Larrabe st, nicely furnished rooms, modern, low rates. TH E HAZEL Nicely furnished rooms at moderate prlcesw Cor. 84, and AAooLsomexy. FiiriHhel Kwta in Private Family. LARGE, very well furnished room, pleasant surrcundlnga. electric littht, bath, steam heat, both phones; walking distance; sull sbie for 1 or 2. 470 Columbia su Mam 46i4. . LARGE, well furnished front room for two persons; walking distance. 262 Stout st. (2t'th), bet. Jefferson and Madison. Main 7207. HAVE a cozy S-room apartment; would share with one or two people; kitchen privilege, etc. Call evenings. Mrs. Winnie, Apt. 2J. 105 King St., cor. Washington. GENTLEMEN who can appreciate the com forts of well-kept, nicely furnished rooms, electricity, gas. furnace heat. bath. call at 94 N. 16th St.. 2 blocks fromJWash. LARGE front room in private house; run ning water In room, steam heat, walking distance. lo3 17th st,, cor. Morrison. Phone Marshall 12 LARGE handsomely furnished front room, modern, rtreplac. sleeping porch, walk ing distance, suitable for two men. Phon Marshall 6i2. LARGE pretty room with fireplace and 5 windows. Call 67 Xorfh JOth, between 9 U 12. or afternoon pet ween a anu o. NOB HILL front room, second floor, guitabls for I or 2; phone, electric light, bath; reasonable, own r ii.ur. NEWLY furnished front room, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen, bath and shower, eloo- tric llgEL. OP LARGE front parlor. $5 week, single sleep ing rooms $12 to $ per month; also sleeping tent. C"5 Couch. FP ONT and back parlor, single or en suite; aleo .tingle room; modern conveniences, centrally located. 404 Clay, near 10th st. A FEW newly furnhjhed rooms In private house; bath, hot water, electric lights; walking distance, 00 N. I9th or M. 6018. NICE L T f urn ish e d room, private family; breakfast if desired; very reasonable. 106 J. iOtn St., near i LARGE, modern sunny room, walking dis tance, reasonaoie. luuue jubiu v. - Flanders. PLEASANT, nicely furnished front room; pnone, bain, eve. uw PLEASANT front room; heat, bath, phone. 2u4 12.h. near Main. ci f.av modern rooms, in private home; ," . - 1 r.mhlll Tt SftftO- tC'l nemcii. c -- -NEWLY furnished rooms with hot and cold water. Marshall nauu3. NEATLY furnished bedroom; suitable- tor f.v j. 429 Gth st. 212 11TH ST. Front room, neatly furnished; gentlemen oni. LARGE front room and alcove for 2; with or without tjlano. MainS2o7- 2ZSJj 10th. ALCOVE si)te, closet, cooking gas, phone; very pleasant; $18. 38 N. 21st. FURN I SHED rooms, price reasonable. 505 E. UaK, cor, um. x .uu. , VERT pleasant front room, walking dis tance. Main 9Ji oi ivm. TWO fropt rooms, housekeeping, $1L 270 Market sL $.4.00 NICELY furnished room, suitable for li. y inn st, Vofurnisbed Rooms. BUILDING. 5th and Stark; apply 2S9 Wash. Rooms With Board, PORTLAND Women s Union. 23d year: rooms with board, use of sewing-room. U irary. IIP Flanders. F. N. Heath, supt. THE MANITOU. 2fll 13th, new management; thoroughly renovated ; lnvjtlngrooms, cholce board. ELEGANT room facing the pork. Including . j .. . V. 1 , 1T1 Varlr Room With Board In Private Family. WELL-FCRNISHED room and board In strictly private family on West Side; good home for one or two refined gentlemen. ROOM and board, private family, good home cooking. West Bide, walking dls tan ce. M a la 3007. LARGE front room with the best borne cooking for 2 or 3. walking distance. 3b3 bth NICE large room, suitable for two people, with good board. 705 Everett at., bet. 21st and 22d. Phone A 7276. BOARD, room; 3 single rooms for gentle men or ladles; $25 per month; good horn. 7S7 Glisan. NEW elegantly furnished front room, also sitting-room, with board; large porch and yarcU 739 Qliaap. ' COZT room, congenial home, piano, choice board, excellent neighborhood. 761 Mar- snail. WANTED Roomers, with or without board; private family, good location. Phon Last 2331. S31 hrouoway. BEAUTIFULLY furnished alcove room with board; $6 per week. Phon Main 662L 4.5 jClay at. . ROOMS with board, single $7. double- $ per week each. 10 minutes walk from P. O- 291 11th st ROOM with board for two gentlemen, mod ern conveniences. A home in private fam ily. 443 union ave., j NICELY furnished rooms, board if desired; reawnapie 1 1 r cue A.ARGE pleasant room, suitable to t. ortaaiMi " v... . NICELY fumlshed room with, board. 429 E. LARGE room with board, June 1. 453 Mor rison, bet, 12th BJid 13th sts. w LARGE rooms, excellent board. suitable for two or four; 204 2 2d St. N. A 72J0. FURNISHED rooms with board. 5&3 E. Oak. cor. 15th. B SOltf. , ROOM ana uoara. 552 Morrison. Apartments. THE LILLIAN. Cor. 6th and Montgomery Sts. -New brick buildings, new furniture, all outside 2 and S-room eultes, disappearing beds, sanitary couches, private (Pacific) phones, every modern convenience, no car fare to pay. We challenge any one in the city to duplicate the suites at our price. THE EVERETT. 644 Everett SU New and elegantly furnished apart ments; 3 rooms, reception hall and sleep ing porch; automatic electric elevator and private Pacific telephone; located ln on of the choicest residence districts sur rounded by elegant homes; walking dis tance. . PENINSULA Apartments One of Portland's finest apartment-houses; 4-minute car sen-ice, beautiful part city to live. 1135 A Albina ave., cor. Kiillngsworth; take Mis sissippi, L or Kenton car at Third and Wash, iu., 15 mln. ride; 2. 3 and 4 rooms, completely furnished; $17.50 to 330 mo.; also unfurnished apt. Woodlawn 2259. THE AVALON. Corner Ross and Clackamas: new and beautifully furnished and unfurnished apaxtments of three and four rooms and Sleeping porches; desirable location; walk ing distance to West Side business center. Call personally or phone Private Ex. 4. Re n talde p t THE DRICKSTON. 448 11th Street. Beautifully furnished apts. with 2 rooms and bath, desirable location, modern in very respect, rents $25 to $35. Call Pri vate Exchange 4. rental department, or Marshall 67. r it r w. Rl.KIi'.II ADartments. cor. Grand ave. and F-aat Stark at. New. fireproof bilck building, beautifully furnished, two and three-room apartments, prlva bath, fro phone, hot and cold water, ice box, no car Iare, summer raiea. f mw. SHEFFIELD APTS.. 7th and Jefferson sts.; 4 rooms, unfurnished, with bath; all out t" do rooms ; modern ; every convenience ; 6-minute walk from postoffice; vary rea sonable rent. Main 2506. A 3149. RE-LKAX APTS, Marshall, bet. 19th and 20th; up-to-date, nicely furnished, t rooms, porcb, phone, bath ; a homelike place; something out of tne ordinary; no tire trspkesome. Main 6012. A 8191. $25 SUNLIGHT apartments, elegant 3 rooms lurnUhed; phone, lath, large closets, best car service, B 1634. Tabor 1703. THE WESTFAL. 410 3th, lurnlshed and unfurnished strictly modern apartments, walking dis tance, prices reasonable; no children. THE B E R YL On front and one back apartment for rent very reasonable. Ap piy to th Janitor, 69 Love joy su, naar 21st. . THE CECILIA, 22d and Glisan. on fur nished one unfurnished apartment; prl v ate phones and porches with a wnings. Marshall ieu4; A 2i3tf. VtvKi aoairable apartment, reasonable rent, be Janitor. Th Kearney, 21st and Eer nay or Morgan. FUednar as Boyce. Alain BRXISTREE APARTMENTS. vteeiutifuiiy furnished and unfurnished K-room apartments. 293 12th su Phon , Main THE JUAN IT A. 825 11th sU. nicely fur nished J-room apts; every convenience; rent reasonable. MORTON 697 Washington su, 3 and 4- BOZvNTA APARTMENTS and single rooms nearly furnished; strictly modern; rea sorable renu 19 23d su Marshall S82L BEAUTirUL front corner rooms, furnished or unfurnished. light housekeeping; corner 11th and Alurr. rnwiiB jiaiauati oej. thE King Da via. corner King and Davis streets; on A -room, furnished; reXexence. Apart men ta. LOWEST RATES IN THE CITY. MOST ELEGANTLY FURNISHED. NOB HILL- APARTMENTS. 19th and Marshall Sts. These are the most elegantly furnished apartments in Portland, having all mod ern conveniences up to date in every re spect. Each apartment is furnished In the most elaborate manner. with fine Bigelow Axminster carpets, massive oak and mahogany furniture in newest de signs. Special attention Is directed to the extremely low rates. No such prices for the service to be fouad elsewhere in the city. Investigate and you'll be convinced. Strictly modern and up to date. Telephone Marshall 1012. THE WHEELDON. Cor. Park and Taylor Sts. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Cor. Tenth, and Salmon Sts. Walking Distance. Furnished com p let e, 2, 8 and 4 -room apartments; buildings new and strictly modern; service first-class. NEW HOUSEMAN APARTMENTS. 730 Hoyt St. Between 22d and 23d Sts. ELECTRIC COOKERS. SLEEPING, PORCHES. AH modern conveniences. Strictly up to date. Most elegantly furnished apartment house In the City of Portland, at rates that ar considered very reasonable. Two and three-room apartments a few unfurnished. Don't fall to see thise new apartments before you locate. References required. "THE JULIANA" HIGH-CLASS APARTMENTS AT MOST REASONABLE RATES. Elegantlv furnished 2 and 3-room apart ments, strictly up to date; large, well lighted rooms, roomy closets, rich furni ture; very cozy and homelike, near the business center. 43 Trinity Place, bet. Washington and Everett sta. ARCADIA APARTMENTS, 7o6 EveretU LOW SUMMER RATES. Two, three and four-room apartments, completely furnished for housekeeping; everything new and strictly modern; steam heat, first-class service; also few single rooms, a. 7lo5; Main 6295. LUC RE TI A COURT. On Lucretia street, near Wash in frton street, between 22d and 23d streets. High class apartments for rent, unfurnished; all outside large rooms with most modern conveniences and first-class service; ref erences required. Apply to superintendent on the premises or phene Marshall 1501. CARMELITA APARTMENTS. Corner of 13th and Jefferson sts., fonr and five-room apartments, unfurnished, with reception hall, automatic elevator. Pacific States Telephone in every apart ment and the most modern conveniences found in the city. Phone Main 3968 and Miss Allen, the manager, wlll show you 'through the apartments, or call up main office. Main 6764. THE BARKER Corner 21t and Irving sts. This new 4-story brick, opened January L 1911; furnished and unfurnished in two, thr and four-room suites with reception ball; Pacific phone in each apartment; electric elevator, Tolmes disappearing beds, built-in buffet and writing desk, gas ranges, icebox, plenty of closet room. If you want something extra fine, com to tb Barker. 1'hone Marshall 296L - EAST SIDE APARTMENTS. 6 brand-new S-room apartments at Russell su and Union ave.; strictly mod ern, all up-to-date conveniences, fur nished or unfurnished ; rates, furnished, $;i5 per month; unfurnished, $2. Each apartment has porcelain bath. toilets, etc Close ln to business center. Best car service ln city. Apply to Gevurta Bros., corner East Burnside and Union ave. "0LANDO" APARTMENTS. 20th and Washington. Cozy, homelike, comfortable, 2 and 3-room apartments, elegantly furnished; low rents; walking distance. Sve these before you locate. HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia, 4 blocks south from Morrison street; new brick building, completely first-class, fur nished in 2, 3 and 4-room family apart ments; private bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, com pressed air carpet cleaning. Janitor serv ice; rent per month $20, $30 and up; must be seen to be appreciate CUMBERLAND APARTMENTS, West Park and Columbia sts. One choice 3-room un furnished aud one 2-room furnished apart ment, vacant June 1; private baths, large dressing closets, disappearing beds, built in buffets, private phones and all modern conveniences; best location in th city; overlooking the park. Apply to manager. THE CHETOPA ANNEX, iSth st near Flanders ; new 4-story concrete building ; 2. 3, 4-room apartments, new furniture, modern, electric elevator, hardwood floors, phones and all modern improvements; wall beds: will open May 25. Appiy to the Chetopa. 18 Flanders eU A lew unfux nisheq apartments. KEELER APARTMENTS. Corner 14th and Clay streets. Strictly high-class. 8-room suites, uuiumlshed, with pri vate vestibule, bath and phone, electric elevator. H ADDON HALL APARTMENTS. 414 11th SU, cor. HalL 8 and 4-room furnished or unfurnished apts., private bath, phone and balcony porches; newly furnished, strictly modern; Summer rates. Phone Marshall 117L THE NORTHAMPTON. 407 Hail su. near Hth, walking distance. West Side, new brick building, completely furnished 2 and 8-room apartments, private bath, phone, hot water .heat, rent $30 and up. Main 4299. HANTHORN APARTMENTS, 251 12th SU near Main. Elegant three-room apart ments with private balcony; large rooms, every modern convenience and each ar ranged with, two sleeping apartments; rents $32,50 to $37.50. LOVEJOY APARTMENTS Corner 17th and Lovejoy; finest furnished and best ar ranged apartments in the city; notice prices: 2 rooms, $27.50 to $32.50; 3 rooms. $35 to $40; take ltt,h or S. cars get off Lovejoy au ST. FRANCIS APARTMENTS. 21st and Hoyt sts.. now ready for oc cupancy ; most modern 8 and 4-room apartments in city; each apartment has large private balcony and -every modern convenience ; rents from $30 to $45. MAHR APARTMENTS. Elegantly furnished and unfurnished; comforts of home; private phone and baths, elevators, private playground for children, ideal location. 2tt N. ZUth SU Marshall 2U2S. TO RENT Fine modern apartments of 3 and 4 rooms, with bath, for housekeeping, furnished or unfurnished; beautiful loca tion; walking distance. Apply tat the Calumet Hotel for .particulars. HARRISON COURT, 394 5TH ST. 3 and 4-room unfurnished apartments, all modern conveniences, most reasonable rent in the city. Main 514S, A 7U03. 250 K. 19TH Elegantly furnished 2-room apartment, every thing new. steam heau electricity ana gas, onm , summer -ratea 187 17TH, ONEONTA apartment. 2 and 4- roora apartment, xurnianeu, steam neat. room spaiuucui, iu1Ui.liv.., . baths, reasonable. Main 4097. THE STANLEY, Either furnished or unfurnished apart ments. 7Q1 Washington su sf CLAIR. 715 Wayne su; modern six room apartment, two porches. Phone Main 4930. s JTjfE ELMS Two and three-room apart- ments. c-nnpic v xin su THE LEONCE Furnished 3-room apart- n. nrivntA bath, nhone. lh '-s .t xr THE HARTFORD Best modern apts. in th city. 21st and Flanders. THE DAYTON Fine 6-room apt; haat, hot water, etc. Inquire &5& F land era. 250 V 19TH Newly furnished 4-room lower flat" tiled hath, separate bedrooms, open--ing'oft halt; rent, including steam heat nd water, t-it-oo- $45 ELEGANT furnished 6 rooms; lct neighborhood. West Side; walking dis tance. Mai n a NICELY furnished" 5-room flat to rent, fur nature fr sale; nui be sold by June L phone Marshall THREE-ROOM unfurnished flat ; all conven iences. Inquire 225 Market, phone Mam 516. FOR RENT June 1. new 7-room flat. par'lV furnished. Call 532 E. Buriiflde. cor fa,. 12i.h st. . 6-ROOM flat, cheerful, every Jnlea"; rent reasonable. Apply lower flat. 30 East 9th. corner Schuyler. FINE 5-room flaU 2d3 E. 21st. near Haw thorne. $3.50. j-P.OOM lower flat. 46S Ea.t riurnsld. .U Kussell & Blyth. Commonwealth bldg. 6-ROOXI flat for rent, now ana mod&rn. Taoor ibno. ?2T Fine now modern upper flat. 3 "t" St.. near aiiu. i-nuue v LOVELY flat, nicely finished: convenient; VesjSide:oJyVorcesterbWB;Al-i CYi-room flat. P".d; reasoname. r.mi -... ... NICELY furnished 5-room lo er flat, larea yard, on Kast Side car. Malnho-j; FOR KENT Newly furnished Bat. E. IStH kn Aah. B auu6. . . FURNISHED upper 5-room flat, 5 minute.' walk from r. yj. 01 ... FURNISHED 5-room flat. new. modern; Valuing distance, WeatBlde. Main 32o- Housekeeping Room. TUTS BEAVER. 12th and Marshall, fnr T nfshed for bouaekeepln-. J trie light, hot water, batn. laundry, free, Si Pcmfo?thmoUnPe:yr sorf WELL-FURNISHED house,, f lata, roo'1?"- T room cottage. M month: another l..o0. ,uttms. 2 furnished housekeeping roomi it. $10. $12 month: 3. 15 -Apply 361 2th it North. "W car from depot. 5th. west on Morrison to 2th. block north. A-FLAT of 3 nicely furnished housekeeping rT; rent IOper month deluding water, electric light, and bath; no objec tion to tables. 8S5 Albina ave.. comer of Blandena. L car. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. yh' new close in, walking distance; , 7.50 to H P month; one large furnished .wl closet; these are all outside rooms, I , good community. Phone h.. 5.'i3. ... , 50 WEEK: clean, furnished housekeemng roomi fre. laundry, bath. Phone cfeaS linen, heat. 408 Vancouver ave- and 2U3K Stanton : take U car. ' CLOSE-IN ROOMS. Furnished housekeeping and slngl. rooms, reasonable rent. 13 Park st. FURNISHED housekeeping and leeplng- F wmi $1.50 to per wek. Desoto House. li'Jl 2d at. . rTtBRIDUE BLDO.. furnished housekeep- rfg rooms. Apply room 36. 3d and Mor rison sts . HOTEL EDGERTON. Houscekeeplng and furnished room for rentjlji noii"ti; IbTeAST MORRISON, cor. 6th, completely furnished housekeeping suites, walking distance- . HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 14K 13th at., near Morrison. ..k,.nliieRDom to rrivate Family. rrRISHED room. J2.50 per week, or $3 F for tw?: can be arranged for light house keeping: UBht, water, phone and bath free. 306 4th. SELECT HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS. If you want nice clean rooms In a elect neighborhood at very reasonable rates, call at 656 j3Hsant. KIrpi v furnished housekeeping rooms. V, ash. TTOTISSKEEPINO, first and second floor H?utte. and basement rooms: all very pleas ant and completely furnished. 347 Han street. j 7t. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms 1. per month. 688 Peltygrove St. Phone. Main 3423. . LARGE clean front 'lsFcd houkee&in room; gas. phone; no children. 4S8 ett. . ... e.,,,nv two pleasant rooms, grouna floor furshed; Partly furnished house- ncty,".. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms ; wa 1 k lng distance; reasonable rent. Call Last 5 144. llSTerrlsnXUof3. and 4D5 Montgomery. . 3vePdsi.coinlonave C2U0 TYmfUrwangW Everett st. . kecpins. rison. zotn su iTl unlock oil East Morrison. . 14th. 5 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, corner Morris st. and Vancouver ave. Call 60S Vancouver ave. S FURNISHED housekeeping rooms In new,, modern home; reasonable. 781 tast lam hill. : . . a HOUSEKEEPING rooms furnished, wa'.k- NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms; modern conveniences. 14 Grand ave. JN. 11 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 8 tower tloor. modern90EBurMld. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, front? gas, 14 month. 61)2 Front at. 3-RCOM housekeeping suit.. J10 a month. 74s tavier nt. r LOVELY sunny rooms, near Grand ave. Phone B 7o. 2 LIGHT housekeeping rooms: gas and phone. 502 East Pine. East 63i8. ; TWO nicely furnished- housekeeping rooms. iBtta'Ju.u," . . . THREE neatly lshed nd complete housekeeping rooms. 16SH 10th t LAJIGE front room, first floor, with bullet reasonapie. w -'- kitchen, wci mum.... 1 gas, oat" f rpVTRALLY located, large, convenient; . , t n, vf.IT, at. ano uy. " LARGE, clean 2-room housekeeping sii'te: tffl,g ater. 313 14th St.. comer Clay. ONE 'arge housekeeping room; free phon. and ' light. 194 North15thjit. o T OVELY furnished housekeeping rooms, ,IcVaterandbath,686 Pettygrov. St. CICELY furnished single and housekeeping roSms; very central. 546 Washington. tTsooM modem house, select nelghborbood. Vo minutes from Postollice. J2000 cash. balance terms, provident Investment ft Trust Co., 20 l-203Boardof Trade. MODERN 6-room house; attic and base- mentTcloVe in. Phon. C 103T or call at 1st and Halsey. FOR RENT 5-room cottage: gas and gas range. 93 East 10th, cor. Washington. B 2645. E 342. 5-P.OOM house. 390 Morris St.. near Union ivV: large lot, 15. Inquire 233 fetark. near 2nd. . FOR RENT Modern six-room house; one block from carllne. 912 Cleveland ve.; rent 20. Main 2131 or A 2131. HOUSE of 6 rooms and bath. 7T5 Irving, bet. 2:;d and 24th. Apply 132 6th at. Main 6278. . ONE modem 6-room house, 653 Mississippi "ave. and Monroe. Inquire 120 N. 23d. Phone Main 502 or A 3184. FOR RENT House, 6 large rooms, good location, walking distance, modern con veniences :rent30. 349 Holladaave J30 CENTRALLY LOCATED. 7 rooms and bath, electricity. 14th and Everett. In- qulre Donald Woodward. 104 2d. MODERN Five-room house for rent, ilS; year's lease; furniture for sale; garden, cor. 44th and E. Yamhill. $30 New, clean 7-room house on Haw thorne carllne, close In: modern; furnace; good neighborhood. Phone Tabor 22.0. $27.30 MODERN 6-rooro residence. East Side, with furnace, gas, electricity, attic inquire iiv 5-ROOM house In Fulton Park. Inqulra Main T-ioo. LARGE, modern 5-room bungalow; $20. Marshall 1526. FOR RENT Modern 6-room house, furnace, gas. Key 86 E. 17th, afternoons. A 748.. 7 ROOMS modern conveniences. S71 Kelly St., West Side, phone Sellwood 164a FOR RENT A good modem flv.-roanv- house. 609 Front SU A A