M . - WIFE BARES MATE Mrs. J. P. Britt Says Husband Is Advertising Swindler. ' TRAIL OF SPOUSE LOST Roman Tells Grand Jury of Altered Scheme 6r Helpmeet and Gang Here Before Elopement. Police Hold Warrant. Tns police) are looking for J. P. Britt. who Is said by his wtfs to be a member of a cane of alleged fake adrertljlng promoters. XI re. Britt also accuses her husband of deMrtlna- ber and eloping wltn Mabel Miller, of Silt Lake City. Mr. Britt appeared berore the grand Jury last week and laid bare secrets of alleged swindles which Britt and bis associates are said to bare operated Id J'aciflo Coast cities. A warrant is in the bands of tb District Attorney for the arrest of Britt on a statutory charge. Mrs Britt declares that bar bus band was connected formerly with tho ad vertising departments of Omaha, Kan sas City and Lwtrolt newspapers and that In later years be became associat ed wltb a gang of promoters wbo used labor and Industrial unions as their medium of operations. Up to a short time ago. she said, her husband bad treated her kindly and bad always sup ported ber well. Arriving at Salt Lake City, she complained, he consorted with lLbJ Miller and from that time at tempted to escape with the Utah woman, going from Portland to Seattle, then back to Portland, then to San Francisco. Oakland and Los Angeles. Mrs- Britt was on the trail of ber hus band until 19 days ago wben be eluded ber la California. Britt Here Recently. Britt worked here two years ago and was In Portland recently, being asso ciated with William K. Woods, also known as Henckle. Albert A. Scbeg. C IV. Cample and J. W. Stewart from time to time. Under the name of the Coast Publishing Company. Ucheg. Sample and Britt maintained offices In tb WeJls-Farro building. Britt was at ons time associated with Woods and Sam ple la the Industrial Publishing Com pany. They Issued directories for unions, making profits by selling ad vertising space. Mra Britt declares that ber husband and associates occa sionally collected money for advertising (pace In advance and did not issue their directories according to contract. -This gang was run out of the East and came to the Parlfle Coast." said Mrs. Britt. "They said that the Coast was 'easy picking and that they bad enough schemes to keep there ber for two or three years. They have been working Bremen's and switch men's onions In Seattle and Portland lately. To make themselves solid wltb those wltb whom they did busi ness, they always obtained space from as many banking Institutions as pos sible. Tbey cultivate the beads of the police departments and detectives to make their cases stronger. Other Witness Tells. The crowd Is now broken up: soma being still In Portland and some In etber cities on the Coast. They used my busband as a tool and on account ef their mode of living, they caused blm to desert me. They bare been trying to suppress the facts that they msy go ahead with their schemes.' S. M. Venard. with offices la the McKay building, said last night that be bad made Investigation of the op erations of the promoters In Portland, lie was summoned before the grand )ury and told what he bad learned of Britt and associates. As a result of bis testimony and that of Mrs. Britt. the warrant was Issued against Britt. District Atorney Cameron says be bss evidence sufficient to Justify war rants for the arrest of Britt and as sociates on other charges. ACTRESSES ARE TO .FLY Aviator Wafeh to Take Orpheum Players Aloft Thursday. Thirsting for a taste of real aviation after years en the stage In close as sociation with "wings." Tly galleries." etc. Misses Vlda l'errln and Isabella P'Armond. o the Orpheum Theater, have persuaded Blrdman Walsh, of the Manning Company, to taks them aloft on Thursday morning, at the Country Club. Saturday and Sunday ths Mannings will give public exhibitions at the Country Club, and If Thursday's passenger-carrying flight are successful the theeplans have promised to ascend again tor ths benefit of the crowds. Thursday's flights will be free. Aviator A. aish established the first passenger - carrying achievement for Portland on Monday, but Thursday's experiment. If successful, will mark the first flight ever attempted by a woman in the Northwest. Miss Isabelle D'Armond Is a relative of Mrs. Harry Palmer, of Portland, and is well known socially. M!ss Perrln Is appearing in "Tommy Tucker" wltb Master Gabriel. She is rated as the most beautiful woman of Canada, bav ing been awarded a 410.600 prize con test at ons time. TAXPAYERS HOLD MEETING Leacoe Meet to Consider Various I-asrarea to Go on Ballot. There was beld In ths convention ball tt the Portland Commercial Club yee tsrday a meeting of the Taxpayers' Uuu for the purpose of considering the various measures up for action upon the ballot at the coming city election. The report of the committee was read In Its entirety but no final action was taken owing to the fact that the subject matter of ths report was unknown to a large. a-Ttnber of the members or the as sociation. To have the report be repre- sestative of the sentiment of the league It was decided to bold another session at a later date, at which the whole mat- tar will be outlined again. The seeeloa of yesterday seemed to be harmonious and the recommendations of the committee were all approved. The address to tho pubilo which the league tseued previous to the election will ba made publle nest week, tn all proba bility. POSTMASTERS TO MEET Third and Foe nh -Class Officials Also to Meet la Portland. Coincidental:? with the annual meet ing of the Presidential postmasters, who o d their office bv virtue of sppolnt- mnt bv the President, poetmssters of ' tae third and fourth, class, coosUluling , the membership of the Oregon legue. a branch of the National League of Post masters, will hold their annual session In the assembly hall of the Portland Commercial Club on June T. and i. dur ing Hose Festival week. These servants of the United States will have leave of absence of five days and also will have special excursion rates In attending ths meeting. Among interesting addresses touching on the postal business that are expected will be one by a representative of the Postofflce Department at Washington. The' stats officers of this organisation are: President. William A Morand. of Boring: vice-president. J- B. Schaefer. of t innin. .Minr secretary-treasurer. R. Q. Henderson, of Chemawa. These offi cers, together with A. o. Adams, of Cas cade Locks, comprise ths executive com mittee of the league. MARAUDING DOG IS SHOT Lawyer's Chickens Decimated While Family Sleeps. .Mlrna dwelt In a COOO at the residence of M. O. Wilklns. an attorney -i ei-V i J. P. Britt. Wbesa Wife Ckarstea With Betas Associated Wltb Fake " Advertising lressetera. living at MS Multnomah street, but today there are only Id. Two dogs, one of which died suddenly yesterday morning, were accused of .being responsible for the reduction of ths number. Patrolmen Stahl and Butler met near Wilklns bouse at e o'clock yesterday morning and proceeded to investigate a frantic cackling which bad not disturbed the sleepers. They found the two dogs busily at work slaughtering Wilklns' fowls. One dog. bearing no license tag. . Th. miter, which mas tagged. .they tied to a tree, and Wilklns will seek tne owner to eut . . v.. Springfield Sidewalks Blamed. cDDTvr.rrrT.ri Or.. Mar 23. (Spe cial. ) Because his wife fell and was severely Injured a couple or wrens sku on a bad sidewalk on Second street. Charles Rlvett. a member of the Springfield City Council, and chairman of the street committee, win a claim to the city for 1100 damages. He says he will file suit if necessary. . i i, - 'i .n old resident of the city, also 111 damage claim for 1200 as a result or tailing inru .t-. t l. AM B...nrh street. Two other accidents have occurred within the last month. Mrs. Wlthrow feu a snort lime ago and Mrs. Jack I.lttell stepped through a sidewalk recently. Wealthy Rooebura; Man Convicted. ROPEBURG. Or- May 13. (Special.) After a trial lasting two days. Max Weiss, proprietor of a Roseburg cold storage plant and one of the wealthiest citizens of Douglas County, was con victed by a Jury tonight on a charge of selling Intoxicating liquors contrary to law. Weiss was convicted of a simi lar offense last October and sentenced to a term of 10 days In Jail. Weiss Is the third man to e convicted of vio lating the local otftlon laws in Doug las County during the present term of court. F. H. Tristram Visits Portland. Fred II. Thlstrsm. general Eastern sgent for the Wabash Railroad, ar rived In Portland Monday, in com pany with William D. Stubbs. general agent hero for the same road, who Is returning from a vacation trip In the East. Mr. Tristram is In the West to study crop conditions, and reports that he finds the situation in Oregon and Washington highly favorable for a bountiful, harvest and prosperous sea son. He will remain in Portland for several days as the guest of Mr. Stubbs. a nephew of J. C. Stubbs. traffic direc tor of ths Harrlman system. Beach Hotels Prepare. BEASTDE. Or.. May a Speclal. Ths Hotel Moore lobby Is being enlarged and tho building Is to bo-retimed throughout In preparation for the bummer ru.in. The Colonial Hotel has added a few additions and win be open ror business soon. Elx Indictments Returned. TENDLETON. Or.. May IS. (Special.) Plx true bills were returned by the Umatilla County grand Jury today, three being drawn by one man. Living ston, the taan who passed 11 worth less checks on Pendleton merchants wltVIn two r-oir vdr Inrt'rtert on Three CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Twr Use. lie te Owe ttsse ttve time. fcemte ed tare Sesse ed .is er tlve lln re cneii lltie ti e areMpjr set-ot-lewa Sis werde rewat es eee line ee rash ad- sniswiiiels sad art coasted fee Ires laae twe Usee. Wbee ee eevertleeceeol Is sn ml t eoe MrmlM l sw re Uie wMlae rale applies. Oa coarse et beak edverlleesseale Ike rbarce will be tin ee the acteal aassbee ai " aseearise la the papei si the siisshtr ef weeds la sera Use la New Today all adiertleesseate caarsed by aseaeare eely. 14 Usee te tae The aSsee rasas apply te advertlseaieals ..il,! Teeay" aad all eta.ee clanlllra- Use esceptlag tae foUewlags elteatlsaa Heated. Hale. wUeetteaa Wealed, t-imels Bset. Beesss. rrlvate l amilles. r , i si aad Beard, rrlvste eaeslUes. H saiesialaj snai, rrlvate tsmlllss. The rate ee the aaeve elasslflcatiea le I eeats a Use eac lasinloa. rse tae n i ssilia et ssltsas. The Que. alee wUI aeree elseefled seirllil ante ever tae HI peevMlac tae ed- esrtlser le a ealisrrlbee te eitaer skew Me prices wUI be iiihI ever tae ebeee, bet ball will be tsade red tae fellewlag day. V) aether seaeeaaees advertareasexns will be entad ever Ike pbeae. erpeade apse tae (iiamwi ef the aarsseel ef Hhpkei ad .snuseisals Hteulss Wsased sad rer. seal advert Is eauets srUl set be accepted vee tae Srlepaeae. Creere t-r eae laeerUee eely will be accepted fer -Ueesee fee steal, lmraltar fee sele,- -Balaees Opeerteal. tiee.- -aleeailaa aeatss" aad -VaaUd la 3IORXING OTOCONIAS. WEDNESDAY, AwCSEWFNTS. HEILIG THEATER 1th and Taylor Fheaes: Mala I aad A 111. Two performances I Special Price Matinee Z:1S Lest Tine Tonight :1S BLANCHE RING In Musical om J 7 THK TA.VKEE G1HL." Harry Otlfoli 0O players SO. evenings: Lower door 12.00. LM: bsl conVt rows rows !. rows i.e. "rows toe. Gallery. 60e. This mm ba art nA- Vi e lrynv a FOwl uu noor. ; c. ,,mw I $1.00, rows 7Se. last 11 rows SOc: galleryl He :sc I SKAT SALE OPENS TOMORROW. 10A.M. frm in TUEATEB 8 V3S$52li?ca MONDAY, MAY 29 E. B. SOTHERN & RIARLOWE Arraas.ment of plays for this ensasement: Monday Bight. May IS MACBETH Tuesday night. Msy sriREW Wednesday atln. WjySI. iVilXT W?f K?fr. "'.'.IV. .f "bOMKO A.V6' JULIET Thursday night. Jnne J-VsvT or viwiCl! Frioay 3 - -???t Saturday maunee. J".. . T,t Prices, both evanlnrs ni.'nti.E.n,tD7 lower floor. I; bslcony. Brst 5 rows S1.60. next rows 11. following rows Tic. lasts rows JOc Entire sallery. 60c Curtain rises Pa A Y R Mata'Vaou A 63S. JJTL AV &J IV Gro. u. Baker. Mgr Tonight all week Mat. Wed. and Sat. The eminent actor supported by the llaksr Theater Company in his srealest surcei THE ilWnl.E.MAX. A great rr. remsrkshly plsyed. Specla Summer stock prices. 2ic. OUc. Mats, a.l seats JSC. Next week 8tronnesxi- BUNGALOW ISJIPiUker.Ma;. Mala 117 aad A 2Z4. ' ML'SirAL COM EOT CO. In "TUB NYMPH." Nothlne but laushtsr snd music. ehoru.es. costumes. All th. fa vert t. : and Vsck. Jen. Fletcher and I be eth'rs. Prices. ISc. :c. Mats.. 20c. rhorus Girls Contest Friday Mtht. stAtx s. a toes MATUfXX blSAT DAT 1W5-50 NIGHTS THXATEE 15-25-50-75 yrrrK MV TZ Mairtev tiabriel and mi T.m IVdwards. The Namtoa Jsp.. Austin Moore aad Cordelia Haer. Brona- laa aad Lrwla. oerard aad Hut-ell. AHTA0ES raeawalled Tendevtue AIX TITM HWK-Special en r cement ;eorge l'rlmre W.rld-lamoos Mlnetrels, Hehrode aod i bappelle. Three lints. Tallmaa. Orlff. the KogUl lllinic, l'"- 'lyn-srprlres: mstlnee dally. iliSO. 7:30. 0. GRAND Week of May 22 rvrn kauxo-s UKII.INAL IjON 1N PANTOMIME (ollrA.M I la -A Msbt la aa Lnslloh MiulcUalL" I lebse Stirling redle bhermaa dark tieldle Barrows-Learaster Compaay Cranriaerwpe. 30 any seat, l.-Vs. Evenlnc performanees EventnC periorm.m:-. - " . ' rslrony. l.c: lower Boor. 2Se: box .ta. Sue. 7:3d and V 10: Mid-Week Changes Picture Programmes PEOPLES AMUSEMENT COMPANY CTAD The Crootted Read, drama: The 01 All Accomplice, Madallne's Rebel llea. and The Gambler's Last Cbaace. 1 DP A nt Heart ef aa lodlaa Maid, la AKbAJJC meesem Time. Almost a Hero, and ShoetlasT the Jtaplda. nil inV Carrier Plgeea, Great Western Un JUI Film, The Atonement, very dramatic; Stability ve. Ability. Tiuni I Eaeerars Belers, very lm lllULI preKslve; A Itcad Maa'e Honor. Western: Billy la Trooble, Sports ot l.serrse. BASEBALL RECltEATIOX PARK, Cor. Tanaba aad Tweaty-fourth 8ta. SAN FRANCISCO vs. PORTLAND May 23, 24, SS. 3d, 37, S. Games Beala tVeekdays at SiOO P. M. Sundays 2i30 P. SI. ZA DIES' DAT FRIDAY Boys Under 13 Free to Blekchers Wednesday. counts. Weber, another "bad-check artist," was Indicted on one count, while Howard Clark was Indicted for horse-stealing. It Is believed all three will eftter pleas of guilty. James Fla herty, accused of being Pilot Rock's flrt snd onlv burirlar. was tried toilay. AICTION SALES TODAY. At Wilson's Auction House, corner Id and TamfUlL bale at 10 A. M. J. L Wilson, auc tioneer. BOR. CLARICGB May 23. to the wife of F. O. Clarices. 134 East Fifty-third strset, a DIED. EMM ITT At Good Samaritan Hospital on Tuesday. Msy 22. Eunice ltnmitt. dstis-h-ter of Jacob Holg-al.. formerly of Lulg.ra. Or. Notloe of tuners! laterJ FUNERAL NOTICES. BECK May 13. st Si W.ldler street. V. ts Caroline Tieck, beloved sistw of Mrs. Rachel Wslck. affed 70 years. Ths fuosrsl services will be held at Holy Ros ary Church, corner Clackamas snd East Third. Thursday afternoon. May 2 at 2 I. M. Interment Mt. Calvary cemetery. Friends respectfully lnlted to attend. Freeport. 111. papers please copy. BITCH ET William E. Ritchey. member ot Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, died at Cmstllla. Or. Friends Invited to at tend funeral services, which will b. held st Holmaa'a Chap.1. Third and tlalmon st reels, at 2 P. M- today (Wednesday). Interment la Multnomah Cemetery. ECGTT At MS Michigan avenue. May 23. Mrs. Mstllda Scott. Remains at Zcller Byrnes Company's parlors. b Williams avenue. Interment 1'endJ.toa. Or. TONETH FXOKAL CO, M.ArUlCA.H I1L1K1., ILUSU. UiU,.S. Mala sieit A lies. Daanlag e MrEatee. Fuaerai IHrectere, Ttb aad Hne. Fbeae Main 434. Aedy as autaou Ufllee e Ceaaty Ceceeer. J. p. J iS lJIY HON. Sd aad MadlseX Lady alteedaat. I'boee Mala S. A 1SSS. "lUUAlU) UOI.HAX (O.. Faneral Dlrect- Srs. rtS S. M- aoy mDui. i mm JS. frw. E.VBT MI'g r-uneral IHrecters. in u ta . a. Ueaelas. toe- K- B ZSZs. "" XEl.I.r.B-BYBVE9 fO.. St WillUms are. Eat loss. C lose, lady atteadaat. f r.Kt'll.-Cndertaaer, eor. K.t Alder and Last 31. st w ay xa av m. wfTOWWtt s To I I mr 1 NEW TOO AY. JCOT1CK. Portland Lodge. No. 2al. Loral Order or Voo. meets on the fourth floor of ths Ola Old. -Wormian a Kins bids., sth and W asa- in.inB mtm. o'clock. W. 1. FOLMTR, Secretary. W. N. OATE.NS, Dictator. WILLAMETTE LODGE. NO. 2. A F. AND A at. Special com munication this (Wednesday! evening at T:0 o'clock. Work In M. M. derree. Visiting brethren welcome. . W. 8. WEEKS, secretary. e WASHINOTOJf COCNCIL. No. . A R. snd 8. M. Stated assembly this t (WednesoaT) evenlnr. TS0. East 1 Nr.V Elshth. Burnslde. Deitrees. lsltors welcome. J. H. RICHMOXP. Bee. SAMARITAN- LODGE. No. S. I. O. O. F. Resular meeting this (Wednesdsy) evening st S o'clock. Second degree. yisltors al ways welcome. R. 08VOLP.BeCy1 OREGON HUMANE SOCIEH OFFICE C1TT HAIL Mala IBS. A WSS. HTJMANB OFFICER. Sergeant Crate, Residence 24 E. Itth. N. East 47 J. R. A. Unaaslre, Kes. S W asco bt. W. G. Esios. Kes. 7 H. lth. Last 1!. Horse Ambulsnce. A 6101: Pr. S- t Msbta, Sundays and UoUdaya A 61061 Fa Cx. 4: Trunk 7. KEff TODAY. AVe are glad to note the excel lent judgment of the people in buying GLISAN STREET t V2 It seems to be just what acre age "Longers" have been long inpr for. We have been extremely busy the past few days answering the demands for and selling GLISAN STREET 12 ACRES As an illustration of how these i-acre tracts are selling; we sold 6 tracts yesterday. Remember these tracts are ia acres. (Not 50x100). Think what so much ground means to vou for a home. Leocated only 20 minutes' ride from the business center of Port land. Closer in than most sub divisions. And the prices only $600 to $700 Per Tract $60 to $70 Cash Balance, $12 to $14 Per Month Today at 2 o'clock our autos will leave for the tract. We in vite all parties'interested to be on hand. Prone for reservation. MRTMAN& THOMPSON Realty Dept. Chamber of Commerce. I will sell one of the finest buHdins sites in the city, located at the head of Lovejoy St.. unobstructed view: lot contains 6230 square feet. 93 feet front age on hard-surface street; water, gas and sewer laid to Inside cur. Price SO00, is below market. Geo. D. Schalk Mala 302, A 2382. 22H Stark St. INVESTMENT . 12fo Net on $16,500 BRICK APARTMENT Jast Finished Leased 5 Years WEST S'.DE See Owner H 124 Oregonian Brick Veaeer Resldeace by Owaer. IRVINGTON Hot water heat, nine rooms, tiled bath, two lavatories, strictly modern, $8500; new. Terms to responsible buyer if desired. Improvements paid. Address L 121, Oregonian. BARGAIN FOR SALE Model Theater as N. Third Street. ' $30,000 I have decided to sell my 100x100 on Twenty-first street, near Vasn lnirton; no belter close-In apartment site. Small cash payment- down, bal ance can run to suit. M. C DAVIS. Tabor 2875. BASE LINE ROAD TEX BEAl'TIFEI. ACHES close to Montavllla and Mount Eood Electric Line. For quick eale only 15740. Very Inviting- terms. This will mors than double in value in one year. L 127, Oreconlaa. $140,000 Three full lots In business center. 100 feet on Flanders, 100 feet on Fifth, 60 feet on Sixth street; 300 fet on car line. Some Income. Eaey terras. McGowan & Pennington Hooaa 3 llealr Bids. Phoae ivaat 2S2. $350-BUNGALOW-$350 Bwell a. room bungalow, fireplace, book eaars. panel dlnlnc-room. dan and all latest Improvements; Division St.. near 87lh. one block to the TV-R carllne. Price 310U; tiio cash and monthly paymenta Karoopti a Kopf, 3IS Br Es.-h. Bids. FOR TEASE on Ions lrm. ono-quartr birx-k on lith 7- Mnrrisoa V lift, Oresonjsat HOMESITE 3IAY 24. 1911. The Abstracter A Necessity :BswjrisssSve'".. en n' .t -.tt-rt Tn th. transfer of real estate nnder" present day methods, the man -who means most w your peace of mind the one who gives you the most assur ance of the safety of your in vestment is the abstracter. H It is his part to furnish a cor rect history of the title or tne property. To do this he must have the standing and the equipment to secure the correct informa tion. The man with an abstract plant has the information ready. He has spent thousands of dollars in compiling this in formation. "When you're buying prop erty, you can't afford to ac cept an abstract from an ir responsible company a con cern without financial stand ing. Your own interest de mands one prepared by the concern with the plant that enables them to do the best work and financial standing to guarantee their work. Tou may need to know at any time, who the most reliable companies are. Be prepared. ' "Write today for a list of the responsible abstract c o m p a- rues of Oregon. -&nd for our folder. pupon. Oregon Asst elation of Tit Men 513 Board o Trado Bid. ntlemn: I am I. terested In good a; etln ana ut tn have tou sen me your booklet "HO V BBOWV NEARLY LOSi Name TkeOfconAssn ofTitleMen Fruit Ranch Wa'can sell all or half of a fine Eighty - acre toneh. located in the lamous wuiw t,o ir ington, and only one and one-half miles from nuiww uu ---'- '"This place will pay nice income and make beautiful home in ideal country a"3. cllmae- h.k i;r- Hvinr. room and fireplace, bathroonv hot and Acres cleared aXd in fruit, consisting of strawberries, appiea, yeaia, jt". 6 Immediate possession can be given and price is ngiiu For .further particulars, address IXXAD EMPIRE COMPACT, 211 . 14 Railway Exchange Building, Portland, Oregon. " TWO CHEAP BUYS On Irving Street, 72x100. Income now $75 per month. Price only $15, 000, with easy terms AND 100x150, on corner, for $35,000. In come now $115 per month. Can you beat these? KEASEY, HUMASON & JEFFERY 232 Chamber of Commerce. Costs Nothing to learn how to eret a home. Wa have 39 000 acres of the most fertile land In the famous Musselshell Valley. Mon tana, for sale at from 8 to 2 per acre. Easy terms. Close to four mar kets. Good schools. Free from brush and rock. Ready for the plow. Plenty of water. Most of the sections fenced. Call and see us. PORTLAND INVESTMENT dc REALTT COMPAXY, 717 Yeoa Bldg. Irvington Bargain Bwell elht-room, new. modern house, on East J6th. near Brazee; doubly con structed, hardwood floors, Dutch kitch en furnace and fireplace, and all other latest improvements. Price only J7000 $2500 cash. GRCSSI ZADOW, giT Board ot Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. LADD'S ADDITION One of the choicest lots In this re stricted residence district. 65x90 feet. AH Improvements. Including asphalt pavement, are In and paid for. OWNER,' E 12 Oregwnlam. "COMB IN. LET US TELL. TOU ABOUT OEOVERLAKD ACRES. Best of soil, rood fruit Isnd. e fare to ranter of Portland. Buy now of I'HAPIS 4 HERLOW CB). iiuj'-.ri GbanUH? ot emmerca, - f i AY AW ELECTRIC LINE FOR ROCHESTER An electric line is to be built to Rochester. The greater part of the right of way has been secured. In ad dition to the streetcar service, it is the intention of the company to supply power and electric light to the farmers along the line. The project has caused a boom in property values along the route and in Rochester enthusiasm prevails. THIS IS ROCHESTER The new townsite at the Junction of three railroads already operating trains and an ELECTRIC LINE coming; the fastest grooving town in the state; the town with a future; the town that la making good and will make money for every owner of lots. PRICES TO ADVANCE $25 LEVEL, CLEARED LOTS $25 You kiust act quickly if you want any of "these level, cleared lots at the opening price of J25. These lots will be worth from $100 to $200 each as soon as the electric line Is finished. We have only a few of them left, and prices are to be raised. This is your opportunity. Call today. Easy terms, warranty deed and free abstract. Write for folder if you can't call. Office open evenings antil S. AMERICA HOME INVESTMENT CO., 1016 Chamber of Commerce, Ob Stark, Between Third and Fourth. Your Choice 100x100, Douglas Place, Ardmore 8230 square ft. head of Lovejoy st., Nob Hill Terrace 100x150, 21st and Hancock streets, Irvington All high-class homesites, and you are protected by building restric tions. GEO. D. SCHALK 228 Stark Street. . Choice 15-Acre Farm Close to Portland, adjoining splen did orchard comprising 2100 acres, which is now selling in tracts at $oUU per acre. Railroad within 500 yards 40 cent fare to Portland 3 acres rich "Red Shot" fruit land, under the plow i acres deep black loam, now in Vine Maple thicket with living stream 8 acres heavy old growth fir, 1000 cords. The farm is worth $500 per acre; total. $7500. Will sell for $2500. Pay us $250 in cash and ship us the cord- wood for the balance. Ve will pay you cash for all you ship us over $o0 per montn. FLEJLANDS TRUST COMPANY. 806-8 Spalding Bldg. 19th Street FOR PROPERTIES IN THE AP4RTMF.NT DISTRICT AROURD KEARNEY, SEE ME. HAVE A WHOLE BLOCK AND SEVERAL QUARTER BLOCKS FOR SALE. EDW. P. MALL. 104 2nd St, Lumber Exchange Bldg, MORTGAGE LOANS pf JOHN E. CRONAN, not J JO 902 Spalding Bldg. ' REAL ESTATB PFALEBA Beck. William u.. aiz r "":. Bru baker A Benedict, 602 McKay bids. If Chrp'ln Herlow. 832 Chamter Commerce. Cook. B. B. A CO.. oua .wdcw . - u.i mo. 206 Oresonlaa. E1T.MGK.JONG9 CO, H. P 213 Commer cial Club bids- . . The Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand ave. aaa 1 . . w . 'tJll.i4.w AddltlOB). M. E. THOMPSON CO.. cor, sth aod Oak sta REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lota TTTTTm .nn T will sell WAbKl.l ?A. VV Stflifl or R.1X10O ?ot lor U3O0. naif cash: also a SO?? f",,,-. VnelosTto car. Take Rose ritv rax to E. 22nd. Call T40 Oregon st. TWO GOOD lots In Berkeley Addition on Conklln st. -These lots are high and .IghUy. only $375, lor tho tract; J0 down. b&.tlce XO EUU Liu- i-u oo-.. s. j- " E32-33S Chamber of Commerce, SEVEN choice Laurelhurst lots, singly or together, at bargain prices. High and sightly: view of mountains; good car ser vile. McAlUster & Lueddemann, 921 Elec- trlo bldg. 100x200 corner. $2000 cash, no terms. Bee owner. It- caner. .jo a etTBl TTITH KNAP -J-J?01" - "r all III t1L sewer, cement walk., street Improvements . j u will aol 1 fnr SI MOO. an m ana n2 Ci T terms. iwas. n "B' r UK 1 L-A i xj nMiiio About 2Vs lO". 125 feet frontage lies beautifully; fine east view; trees; J2500, easy terms; reduction for cash. Main - . TTtSTf OTO T A WiT. A TV. 355L A Brooxe. A GOOD site for flats. $100. I will let this line corner. 60x100, go st that price m 1 need the money: located near 2Btn and Sandy Road. Call 740 Oregon st. $550 buys One lot in good location, easy terms: see owner. 603 Swetland bldg. HOWARD LAND COMPANY. IRVINGTON Fine residence lot 50x100, E. 9th St., between Thompson and Tillamook. Cheap If taken now. Provident Investment A Trustee Co.. 201-203 Board ot Trade bldg. Marshall 473. A 1022. LADDAl5blTION LOTS CHEAP. 2 fine lots, east front on Locust St., either or both at $2250 each, easy terms. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. $0 CASH : WOODSTOCK CARLINE. 40x120 lots, city water piped to each. National Realty4 jrrustCo-. 320 Wash. - RIGHT 'ON CARLINE. CLOSE IN. $"7(1 $100 cash, near 26th and Powell. Lot'slopes back below grade, but is a sure bargain: Fred A. German. 329 Burnslde. Main or A 2776. , I have a large StotAnear Rose City Park, all cement Improvement, and water In, $550: will maks very easy terms AP 6L Oregonian LAURELHUBST equity In four lots $520. best bargain In the sddltlon. B 1077. bahoaix In Laurelhurst. lot 20. block 54. B LauVeihurst at" Phone Sellwood 965. fib "MONTHLY buys corner lot Irvington Park, east front. 603 Swetland bldg. $42- FULL lot, Irvington Park, sacrifice. 003 SwetUndbldg. Howard Landjjo. LOT&OX1CO, block carllne; price $750; worth SllOU, SV"! 0011. van Nar Stanton. $14O0 Marshall 732. lon Choice lot, Rossmere. 41st St.. n-sr Haacoci; a parsaLn. I 130. Oresonian, HEAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. IDEAL ACRB LOTS. Almost tn the small-lot area. Sure to be In de mand for further subdi vision ss the city grows. Under the market at $iSO and $SPO These acre lots are In Portland's new nigh class suburban home ad dition known as Amon s seres. They are near elec tric car. have graded streets snd have good, pure water piped directly to each acre lot water under pressure for house, lawn and garden. It Is splendid garden lana and is especially good for for strawberries, raspber ries and all amall fruits. Just the place for a suc cessful poultry yard. Home and Investment rolled In to one; just beyond city limits on the beautiful Powell Valley road, be tween the city and the country. There are lw acres In the addition every one a bargain at the price, tra are selling them to actual home-builders who will Improve and live on their acre lots.- Tou should go out to see this beautiful acreage addition at ones Telephone us for an appointment. We run automobiles for the con venience of prospective buvers. HOWARD 8. AMON- CO.. 625-6 Yeon Bldg. Main 1400. A 3213. TWO CHEAP BUYS. On Irving street. 72x100; Income now $75 per month; price only $15,000, with easy terms. AND 100x100. on comer, for $35,000-; lncom J now per mount. CAN YOU BEAT THESE T KEASEY. HUMASON JEFFERY. 232 Chamber of Commerce. Portland, Or. MOUNT TABOR in a few weeks will bavi a hard surtace streei 10 wy a a sewers, water and gas. We have 8 su perb building sites left, ranging from one to Ave lots In else, on and adjoining this Improved street; prive $1500. up. on your own terms of payment. Nothing on East or West Side higher class. Phone us. Marshall 1B85. for appointment to In spect. Hart Land Co.. 910 Chamber of Commerce. l.ALftjl't-Ill J..-i ...... A tiooo lot for $700. near 3iHh street boulevard, high and sightly: $.0 down, balance on second mortgage; will ar range building loan. 8 per cent. 8 years no commission; also build for you at ac tual cost plus 10 per cent, giving you benefit of builders' discount; cash re quired for house and lot about $20. Ad . . ....... , I T . - 1 - -T. CV.P dress A oregonian. NEAR NEW MT. TABOR PARK. 1UVX1UU. ' South ML Tabor, near Reservoir. Purchased for home, but owner has left city and wishes to dispose of his in terests here; planted in berries, fruit trees and garden truck; price below market, $.-00 cash, balance on terms to suit pur- vnaser. v no. vicbv"1"- THIS UKiAl ur mri.Miiw.'- ijeauurui corner lot uu uui --.- end of Schuyler, Broadway car passes door, and onijr oiock h-uiu - - Hood line, lot Is 50x100; all Improvements in and paid for and Included In Price; this is absolutely the cheapest lot In this . . a-iKwi hami.. hnl terms. Kor particulars' call on C. F. PFLUGER ... .1.1. V.I BnH Unr. ,0., suite u Aiuiaey uiu., rison. " LOTS. $100. RIGHT ON WEST SIDE CARUNE. BEYOND CITY PARK. New addition, ten minutes from busi ness center: on new Washlngton-st. car line; lots 50x100. some larger. $250. easy payments: these lots are beautiful home sites. National Realty & Trust Co., oJOVs wasnins'ton st.. room tui wliSlMUftriiinn ' -Lots ot good lots In Westmoreland at very reasoiiible prices; $575 and up. per cent. TVe can give you choice loca tions, cement sidewalks, improved streets, splendid water; these lots are bargains and won't be on the market long. Buy now of CHAPIN ft HEP.LOW (R). 332-S38 Chamber of Commerce. .... ti' n'trlL' WAPIT SCENIC HOME SITES. Pure air and sunshine, good water, large or small tracts; good car service; restricted district. 25 minutes from cen ter of Portland; reasonable prices and easy terms. Buy now. CH-iPIN A HERLOW CR). 832-38 Chamber of Commerce. An Meal restricted residence district We are Just opening this tract up and you can have your choice if you come early. Terms, small payment down, $-m per month. Buy now of CHAPIN A HERLOW (R). 832-338 Chamber of Commerce. "xnntTTTTFITL IRVINGTON LOT. Must sell at once. Must sell at once. Must sell at once. Located in tho heart of Irvington: only $1400 if sold at once. Terms. W 129, Oregonian. LARGE -ot near Rose City Park, cemen walks, traded streets. Bull Run water. 1350; no agents; no commissions. Owner, 201-203 Board of Trade. FRUIT TREES. Lot nve minutes from car. 10 mature full bearing apple trees. Spltzenbergs. easy terms, aa qj. v.-- . . .. t rT- nTQT.lvn S37K. $10 down. $5 monthly, fronting on twe K strVets. four block, to car. Fred W. Oer- man. 329 Burnslde. M. or A 2778. for SALE By owner, lot 4. block 100. FRo.e6 CilTpark; 2 lotaorner Paclflt and 30th st- j. r.. j-. - " PORTLAND Heights. walking distance, be-autliu. site for on. or two bungalow.. Sliou. main oom. fi:k East Side apartment site, 50x100, on V1-.zr 3 . 13500: terms. McAUis- fi. , ..iH'i.Vnann. 921 Electric bldg. 4 . re-it mv equity in beautiful cor nVr lit li Ros City Park for $400. Ad- dress D 126. Oregonian. IRVINGTON BARGAIN Lot 60x100. line residence site. E. 19th su, near Stanton. S14UU. UWM". " ' FRONT view lot at Gearhart Fark. Just north of new hotel, for sale- cheap by gwner; terms. AP 118. Oregonian. For Bale Houses. " 5-ROOM COTTAGE. On large lot. streets graded, in p:en- did locality, 25 minutes out. good car- . line, house wen uunw -, rood cistern, in fact everything In good Jondition and exceptional buy at L50. Terms can be had. Buy now of CHAPIN HERLOW R-D). 832-338 Chamber of Commerce. .,-r-r . -.-. . T fTWT Very swell 5-room bungalow, fine fire place doubly-constructed and all latest Improvements, on a corner lot 60x102, on East 18th, handy to Alberta car; price S3250: $S00 cash and $20 per month. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 817 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. iOOilOO. EASfMTH AND STARIC 6-room house and 2 lots on E. 20th. between Pino and Stark sts.. good lrAa tion and close in; price $4250; $1000 cash and $25 per month. GKUSSI & ZADOW. 817 Woardof Trade Blog.. -th and Oak. (JV.VW Down buys 6-room modern bungalow. 5c "aSpiRS- REALTY TRUST CO ol veon bidg. Marshall 849 100x100 SUMMER home for $25 cash and $10 month. W. B. McKInney. 310 Railway Ex- i - Ki. nr ntaone A tOoo. isiO MUST sell 5-room house, bath, good ' location, near Union ave.; good car serv- lv:o. jv- V 6-ruom house on 75x100 lot, In Glad stone; 2 blocks from Oregon City carllne. C 119 Oregonlani , nr vf HERDMAN baa everything In bouses and lots wanted. All prices. C 1866; East down. iwi 2,3. WILL furnish plans and specifications for ioartments. residences, etc.. at reasonable i prices., ma -' ' - -