Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 24, 1911, Page 11, Image 11

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Matai-Kn. Main i T?,l
Vaoasln. Elltoe V..e rO 1
ruiT tailor T'. J'1
r nw. tUUl .fMIB U . . . ."
e-uli.lag Ku "w '
HrnJO THEATTR S.-r.nth ar Tsri
Till aitarnooa at :1S aa.1 tooiol at 1
Baker thf.aTEH (tiereais a
tnoa-J .na s.npi.e in f ,au:
I" ai-..moo
" 1 .,,0. b,ta
FZ,fB?A7Z?Z?Z"i' Tb
a.rnoa at I u 4 toaiattt at S:l
cravd THEATER (Para and Washing-
vi,4.v!La This elteraooa at l l'I,
taaisBt ai T:M aad a.
FANTAOKi THIATIH Fnrth aa star
v ! it mi
mt . . 1-u and B.
Bt ,.,LU THEATER (Twelfth and
llorwu Lint Musical Cameo t Cora
t.tAy u -The Nytnptia- This afterneua
at ana injgni a i.jw w
VOL! Hrl i
' lJctu'- u
rrCKEATIOX PAJk CMth and vauihn)
rtc?.".?x... ti...J r--td.
Saa Kranc-.o vs.
Tbla allaraoea al a o due.
Kehbt-Etkxet Eite.viio Desireo.
Petitions ar being circulated among
tb property owners on Kerby atreet
In Albloa for the extension of lta
street tnrougn ine
Letwaen Kussell and Boas streets, iu
glvl a direct rout, to Broadway and
tn. Broadway briilfc-e. Samuel Connell
and other owners uf th. ilontgomery
tract r. opposing th. .xtenaion as
ther aay thej rdeair to grade out th.
tract for manufacturing purpose, and
will cut down Kerby street to 4w feet
below grad VY. . J::
Will praSU I
nrmuiiol Broadway brMs'e to Co
lurabia boulevard, near Kenton, and
thus provide a connection wltb th.
bridge for that diatrict. Tb com
mute, and property ownera at a con
ference yesterday decided to send a
delegation to th. CouncU to urga th.
atreet opening.
Gkoidd Clxakes roH Hotel. Tb.
building, on the quarter block on th.
northwest corner of East Sixth and
East Morrison streets are being
wrecked preparatory to starting work
on the foundation of a four-story build
ing for general business and hotel
purposes. Nearly all tb. occupanta
of th. frame buildings have moved and
others will get out by June 1. It la
probable that th. East Sid. Business
Mens Club may secure quarters In
. tbla new building. A siecial com
mute from tb. club will negotiate
with tb. ownera frits the view to se
curing quarters. It la announced that
work on the foundation of tb. new
building will b. begun as soon as tb.
ground baa been cleared.
;rr. Mr. Torao to SrnaE. Th
progresalv business mens weekly
luncheon which takes place Thursday
at noon In Richards' cafe mill carry
th. nam. of "Auditorium day." Marshall
N. Dana, an .ntbuaiastle member of
tb. club and a strong supporter of
th. Auditorium project has been se
lected aa chairman. tr. Benjamin
Young of tb. Taylor-Street Methodist
t'hurcb will be th. principal speaker
and b. baa tak.n for bla them. th.
"Auditorium and How It Affects th.
Church." lr. Voucg Is stronitly In
favor of th. bond Isaue and will give
his reasona for bla position during hla
Mas. A. SIabvkck' Fuxeral IlBUk
Th. funeral of Mrs. A. Maenner. who
dle1 at in. horn, of her oiuh-hl-r. Mrs.
William Wanner. May XI. was held yes
terday afternoon, final service, being
held at tb. rortland Crematorium. Mra.
Maenner waa T year. old. tn. waa
th widow of the late Professor J. H.
Maenner. of Baltimore, and mother of
Mra. William Wanner, of Portland;
Mr. 8. Bernstein, of Klncston. N. V,
and Mrs. William X. I.ynn. of Ella
worth. Wash. Her grandchildren were
W illiam Wanner. J r, . Bvrnstetn and
Marguerite lorcher.
Ra-r. J. F. RnoniatT to Apritri
Trrtuxi Sumner Post. So. -1.
Grand Army. and Bumner'a Wo
men's Relief Corpa No. 12 hav ac
cepted Invitation to attend patriotic
ervlrea In the Central Christian
Church. East Twentieth and East
Salmon streets, next 8unlay morning
at 11 A. M Kv. J. F. Ghormlry. the
pastor, wlil deliver tb address. All
members of th post and relief corps
are Invited to assemble at the corner
of East Morrison and East Twentieth
streets Sunday at 10 A. M. and march
In a body to the church.
To save th cost of atomic on two
100. horsepower return tubular boilers
which we ar now taklr.K our, w will
sell them at bargain if taken at once.
These botlera are of th Kewane type
and In good condition. Complete wltb
all fittings and feed ater equipment,
ready for Immediate Installation. For
further particular call at room lul
Creironlan bldg.
MoTTAVTtXA to FvnxTsn Site. Peti
tions largely slKned asking for fir pro
tection In Montavtlla will b presented!
this week to the Mayor. Secretary
r-'rl, of the Montavtlla Board of
Trade, said yesterday that the people
of Montavitl would five a site If an
engine-house and cnlu company war
Mcxu tor today at th. Tonne Wo
men's Christian Association. Seventh
and Taylor streets. In the green tea
room, from ll:3i A. M. to 1 P. M. :
Barley soup, roast beef, mutton. ties,
creamed salmon, green peas, beets, corn
bread, chicken salad, fruit aalad. com
bination aalad. peach bavarian, straw
berry shortcake, pineapple eherbet.
Toxiobt at lAi, Armory. Tenth and
roui:h. British Associated Societies,
Emilr. day conc.rt; flr.t-class musical
programme, dances In costum. Na
tional songs: fund for bed In St. Vin
cent s Hospital. Tickets, fl. ioc. :5c
.Vtis I'rarl C Ijindler. assistant to
Mrs. l.ola 1 Baldmln. will speak on
trie "Twentieth Century Girl." at
Thompson school. Thursday. May 25.
t S 1. M. All mothers are Invited.
Mas. L. oka C Little. Fad fie Coast
representative of Health Culture, says
triat mattustne has secured an able
man to succeed the late editor. Ir.
Lsiioq, true version of whose death
wid appear In June Issu.
Work ox East Sirn Lisraj-.t Etcrx.
The Advance Construction Company
has begun work on the new East Sid
library buildlnc at th southeast cor
rtr of East Eievectb and East Alder
Hrstricxrsjf Srrr-tAt, p,wn
round-trip rates: Hood Klver and Whit.
Salmon; steamers Bailey Gatzert and
I'a.lles City; dally from Alder-street
dork. Phones: Main 14. A Sill
frtAItl TO AorooaTl UasnAix Bivts.
Marshall N. Pans will speak
tonight at the Mount Tabor Improve
ment Club la advocacy of tb. Isau. of
municipal garbage bonds.
F. 1". TOIXO. Lanes' HAKCKDASItr.
has moved to 2?3 Morrison street, Mar
quam bdg, and la now showing new
goods la all lines.
MmrjuK, Richard aV Co, agents
Royal Insurance Company. lutl Yeon
ti.:. I hone Marshall
15 .id Si Fhoes at and f : 31.
principally narrow widths. 291 Morri
Btn street.
Flock or slabwood. M. l::J. A liii.'
Dr. CixmiT, S27 Marquara bldg.
Good, old-faahloncd strawberry sbort
esnJt, Tb Uajalwood, 3Y.AA. at,
1 lliatf ana Kt Ol 1 1 Hal
th. p.titln. to th. Council today and ried by nines. In hla family, several
or. that step, be taKen to open th. of bis children hav. been aick with
street. If It can b opened to Broad- scarlet fever, but all are better now.
wav Kerby street will then extend from Mr. Barbur hopea to b. back at work
Grm. Iat Rati Duvxhl M1M
Altna Baker, of US itrMt. bu
ImB missing from ber bom sine
Tuesday. May 14. and ber friends who
hivt bn searching, for ber aloe that
tlma now believe aba baa drowned
herself. Miss Baker baa lived In Port
land for tb past flva years and baa
conducted a roomlngr-houso on Everett
street, ror some time past abe baa
been studying spiritualism. Her fiienda
declare ber mind baa become dp ran led
through ber excessive Interest la
psychic mattera. Any Information con
rernina; ber should be sent to P. P.
Hall. ftlS Everett street. to Visit J. P. 0-Bar!. E.
T. Calvin, vtca-presldent and general
manager of the Southern Pacific at San
Francisco. Is In l-ortland for
a few
days for a visit wltb J. P. O'Brien, vlce-
president and general manaB.r of tb.
o.-V. R. N. Co. Mr. Calvin paya
periodical visits to Portland, to renew
his acquaintances ber. He was e-en-
erai manager of tb Harrtman lines
htr9 aDOut ei"ht years ago, Mr. O'Brien.
.t th.t time, being; general superinten
dent. Mr. Calvin report that condi
tions In California ax quit encouras-
J. T.
Hahot Is Promoted. J. T.
Haroy" cnlef drn tn the North Bank
I office at Astoria, baa been made travel-
! freight and passenger agent of tha
' aarae road with headquarters In tbla
city and will begin bis new duties at
once. In bis new position, be will suc
ceed C F. Hardin;, who baa resigned
to return to bis former bom In tb
East. He will also represent tb Ore
gon Trunk, the Oregon Electric and the
United Railways. A. J. McClosky,
., Lv,lh'F.,i.. w.h will b-
-- -
j com. chief clerk at Astoria,
Cm Acditob Bahbib NBEua Rest.
City Auditor Barbui- was unabl. to
eonUnu. hla work yesterday and waa
obliged to retlr. to bis horn, for rest,
Tb. duties of b.a off.c. hav been v.ry
heavy of late, owing to th. primaries
I " '
-a-fcawas. aa a -
Caxdidath to Be Tried BEroRH
Rival Millard Price, who waa th
Socialist candidate for Municipal Judge
In th recent primaries, will appear
before his successful rival as a de
fendant, having been brought back
from Sacramento, Cai-. by Detectlv
Price, to answer to a charge of am
bcxxlement. It la alleged tbat Price,
whon employed by th Portland Poultry
I Company, received a check for Ills,
wblcb be converted to bla own us.
Rarr. W. F. Maxtin MiasioriAJtr So
PEKJMTESDE.XT. Kev. W. F. Martin,
who was formerly pastor of th First
Church of th Seventh-Lray Adventlsta
of t'ortland and secretary of reltgtoua
liberty of the Western Oregon con
ference. Is now missionary superin
tendent. H. baa just returned from
California where b. visited th. general
camp meeting and conference, and will
leave thl week for Walla Wail to
attend conference.
Hocsa Ft.T Pest to Ba Tone. Dr.
Calvin 8. White will deliver a lecture
tonight at I o'clock. In th assembly
room of th Jefferson High School, on
"The House Fly and the Measures to
Be Adopted to Exterminate It." Tb
lecture mill be repeated tomorrow
night at the earn, hour In th. Wash
ington High School and again on Fri
day night In th. Lincoln High 6cbooL
Th. public la Invited.
DCArrxRsa Al-xiuart Meets. On
Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock tb.
Deaconess Association Auxiliary of th.
First Methodist Church (Taylor-Street)
will meet In the church parlors. Th.
speaker of th. afternoon will be Mra.
Blumauer who will talk of her work
In connection wltb the "Neighborhood
House" In South Portland. Ail who ar
Interested In th deaconess work ar
cordially Invited.
Wtrs aid BRcrrsm Accvibd a
ELorcHS. Seeking bla brother and
bis wife. who. b said, bad sloped.
Frank Collins, a Xufur rancher, cam
to Portland last Sunday, and found
race of th pair. He reported bla
dlsc.wery to the police and yesterday
secured a warrant for th arreat of
Fred Collins and Mary Collins. Th
complainant and bla wlf bav three
Eljca to E.s i us. i act- HrrtRMAW. Garry
Herrmann, grand axaited rulr of tb
Elka Lodge, will arrive In Portland
tomorrow on tb Shasta Limited. H
will b ber upon special Invitation
of the Portland lodge to speak at the
meeting tomorrow night. Mr. Harr
mann and party will be domiciled, at
tb Hotel Portland while In the city,
having telegraphed to Manager Kauf
man for reservations yesterday.
lav En force si e nt Is Topic. Th
subject before the Central Women's
Christian Temperance t'nlon this after
noon at 2:3a o'clock will torn "Law En
forcement" Miss F. Gotshall will
speak and Mra. F. W. McKlnney, for
merly of this city but now of Seattle,
will talk of the enforcement of law
there. They are both Interesting
Mrs. Xr.ixit M. Baker Iikb. Mrs.
Nellie M. Baker, wife of Professor C. C
Baker, formerly a teacher of th
schools of Multnomah County and prin
cipal of the Greabam school, died at
th. bom. of ber parents In Lebanon
last week. She bad been la failing
health for aeveral yeara.
Ito-B Citt Park to Coxsmrm Garb
aur B'.Mis. Rev. James I. Corby will
speak tonight before th. Rose City
I'ark Improvement Association, advo
cating tbe Issu. of municipal garbage
collection bonds. T. T. Geer, president
of the association. ur,ea a large at
atendance. Fikst concert In the New Central
Christian Church, at East Twentletb
and Salmon streets, tonight, given by
the Chorus Choir. A superior musical
treat Is in store for all attendants. Ad
mission, fa cents.
The office of th. Child Labor Com
mission has removed from Iv& Jefferson
street to 2iUt Third street, room 1.
Hsan Dr. F. E. Yoakum, at Second
Baptist Church. East Seventh and
Ankeny streets. May 27 to It.
Elevator Covers a speciality. Phon.
Walker. Main sii. Address 430 Mont
gomery street.
Frank L. Smith's Norway butter. 60c
Frank L, Smith's fresb eggs, 20c
FRA.XK L Smith's litl'. hams, 15c
Frank L Smith's half hams, J 5c L, Smith's breakfast bacon. 20a
. FRA.NK L. Smith's medium bacon, 17Hc
Smiths lard In any aix. pall, 11c
Can Be Secured by Sending Mail Or
dcr lo Lois Strers-Wjnn Coman.
Seits for the on. appearanc. here
ef Mary Garden and her assisting ar
tuta al the Armory. Saturday evening.
June S. may be obtained by sending
orders with check and self-addressed
stan.ped envelope to Lots Steers-Wynn
Coman. Columbia building. Prices ar.
X C ti. both floor and balcony.
K it' seat sai opena at Sherman.
! Clay A Co ' Wednesday. May II. at Id
i a. M. Mary Garden la on of th world's
greatest sopranos and most notea in
terpreter of Salome. Melisand. Louis
and Teals.
We dVstre to extend oar thanks and
appreciation to our many friends who
grave us words or sympathy and klnd
r.ess. and atso for the beautiful floral
piecea wuich were cor.r r I bi; tt-il.
Women Protest Suggested
Feature of Festival. .
Committee Enters Objection Before
President Hoyt Effect Ha Been
Demoralising tn Other Cities,
I Contention of Women.
Mra. Helen Ladd Mrs. James
Lsidlaw. Mrs. Julius Llppltt and Miss
Valentine Prichard formed a commit
tee which entered protest yesterday
befor President Hoyt. of the Portland
Rose Festival Association, and George
L. Hutchin, business manager of tb
festival, against th. mask feature of
tb show which baa been proposed aa
on of tb events of this year's activi
ties. These women represented th
Social Servlc Committee, an organiza
tion of 25 women from as many promin
ent women'a organizations of the city.
The belief waa expressed that a masked
fete would lower th. dignity of a here
tofore beautiful and refined display
worthy of Portland as a conservatlv.
city. Among those who have expressed
themaelvea concerning this was Mrs.
Corbett, who maintained that masks
should by oo means be adopted. "I do
not approve of it at all. though I am
not ready to give definitely my full
Ideas until after the meeting of the
social service committee Thursday
morning." she said last night. "Con
cerning th. proposed fancy dress par
ade which was discussed at our meet
ing yesterday, that is merely under
consideration, and I bav. nothing to
Women Shrink From Parade.
Mrs. A. C. Panton, president of the
Rose Society, said that though shs
took n definite stand, she did not In-
, dors. tb. mask theory of making th
, festival a succesa "I would, however.
. Instead of suggesting a fancy-dress
parade rather favor a large fancy dress
i ball aa a more dignified means of fur
I therlng enthusiasm over Portland's fa
! moos festival." ah. said. "I feel that
I women in general shrink from street
parading and that the better class
would more heartily support a dance.
Mra Llppltt. who holds the leader
ship of Portland's Council of Jewish
women, also entertained much the
Sam views, saying that tbe ton and
character of th. festival would be low
ered by th. Introduction of masking,
and that rowdyism probably would run
riot, ar' thing to guard against. "It
. would be a sbame to have our .to.
Shows which are always spoken of with
enthusiasm, and that most hlsh. sub
ject to any criticism," she declared.
"I do not approve of masking at
all." said Mrs. William C Alvord. "Th
Rose Festival Is a thing of beauty and
ahould not be spoiled. On may say
what he will about keeping a masked
mob under control, but It Is neverthe
less Impossible. W don't want our
Ros Show to resemble a New Tear's
Ev. celebration and that la what It
will. If masking Is allowed."
Night Masking Worst.
Mrs. Adolpb A. Dekum disapproved
most strongly th. night masking.
"If masking could b. conducted as
I hav. seen It In Denver." she said,
"when It I confined to th afternoon
hour, with i o'clock as the hour for
unmasking. I would have no objections.
But out on the streets later than that,
with th fac covered and a feeling of
security from recognition, young peo
ple ar apt to throw restraint to th
winds and resort to foolishness of many
"After experiences at two Fiestas In
I -os Angeles." said Mra R. R, Hoge.
"I feel qualified .to say that should
Portland allow Its Festival to be
come an occasion of masked hilarity
the beginning of the end for success
ful Ros. Festivals is here. Masking Is
th. direct cause of the loss of popu
larity of th. Los Angeles Fiesta and
will always, wherever It be resorted
to among the general public, be a
menace. At times like this the carni
val spirit Is present enough without
resorting to the domino. I don't want
to be a 'kill yy,' but I feel that I know
about what I am talking. I want our
visitors to hav a good time, but I
don't want them to go away with any
bad Impressions of our city and its
management." Mrs. Hoge Is a repre
sentative of th Travelers' Aid So
ciety. Mra Sarah A. Evans said that on th
face of It she did not approve masking.
"When I attended th Corn Festival
at Sioux City a year or so ago." she
said. "I considered the activities of
the masked) public extremely repug
nant. I thojght them harmful and de
Seat Sale Tomorrow.
Tomorrow morning th box office of
th Hellig theater opens for the sale
of seats for th engagement of E. H.
Sothern and Julia Marlowe In their
elaborat Shakespearean productions.
Their repertoire la: Monday, Macbeth;
Tuesday, Taming of th. Shrew: Wed
nesday matinee and night. Romeo and
Juliet; Thursday, Merchant of Venice;
Friday. Twelfth Night: Saturday mat
inee. As You Like It: and Saturday
night, Hamlet. Th. prices will popu
larize the engagement with all classes.
Prices both evening and matinee: En
tire lower floor $2.00. Balcony, first
i rows $1.60; next 6 rows $1.00; fol- ,
lowing s rows Toe; last d rows 50c
Gallery, reserve 60c Admission, 60c
Mor popular than ever, acknowledged
to be the very best grill, most popular
prices, service and cuisine. Commenc
ing June L change In orchestra. Engage
ment of celebrated soprano and baritone
formerly of Boston Symphony Company,
during dinner hour and evenings 10:30
until 12:30. H. C. Bowers. "
AM tb delicacies of tb season at t
Portland Restaurant. Fin private apart
man La for ladlaa $06 Wash, near U ex,
R. . O. Transfer. Park and Davis
streets. Phones Main 6930. A 2821.
Fiction Tbat Hits tbe Fancy.
Tbe Smart Set for Jane has a new
COTr a tait, which im m lure iu i
that the new inanaa-ement le taking
hold. "When Woman Propoies." by '
Anne Warner, has clever word-picture
of a smart woman who saw that she
bad to do mom of the woolnf? to Ret tbe
man who bit her taney. and the way
he doa It, --wlxa, BUIie'a BafcjV bj
The Absolute Security af
forded by th Portland Trust
Company and the liberal in
terest paid are two good rea
sons why you should have
funds to your credit here.
4 Fer Cent Interest Paid on
Savings Accounts
cf Oregon
Capital tSOO.000. Surplus and
Profits $70,000.
H. L. PITTOCK, President.
F. W. l.EADBETTEH,' Vlee
Prealdent. EMERY OLMSTBATJ, Vlce
Ikrrfldent and Manager.
B. LEE PAGET, Secretary.
Harold Susman, ertends to only one
page of print, but It Is a delicious bit
of amusing satire worthy of Dean
Mary Garden's Great Interpretation
Places Her on the Topmost
Heights of Emotional Song.
New York went wild over Mary Gar
den's great- Interpretation of "Thais,"
In which role she was pronounced by
leading orltlcs aa becoming "th. type
of all tb seductions of the earth, tak
ing her place beside Cleopatra and her
sister Immortals." The aria which she
will give at her Portland concert Sat
urday, June Id at th. Armory, is illus
trative of ber wonderful dramatic geni
us, rising as It does to the highest
peak of emotional art. It represents
her in th third act of Massenet'a
"Thais" aa sitting before a mlrrow, a
beautiful, and popular courtesan that
haa received practically all that human
adulation can give ber, the darling of
princes and the Idol of the people. But
th stern, truth telling monk Athanael
has dealt ber a soul-terrorizing blow
by bis words, and now for the first
time in her Ufa sh. asks her mirror
whether It Is true that all thla loveli
ness must fade and vanish In the grave.
It Is th crisis In her career which rep
resents her plunged In the abyss of
despair from which through the lov.
of th monk sh Is to emerge with Its
dross purged as by Or.
This powerfully dramatic conception
of "Thais" by Mary Garden la one of
the sensations of the hour In Paris,
New York and the other centers of art.
Portland la fortunat In having th
samo opportunity through tb enter
prise of Lois Steers-Wynn Coman. un
der wbose direction Mary Garden ap
pears. Mail orders are now being re
ceived, and It la expected there will b
an enormoua attendance at the Armory.
Th seat sal opens at Sherman-Clay ex
Co. on Wednesday, May SI, at 10 A,
M. "
Weinhard's Columbia! quarts, $1.35
per dozen: pints. 75c dozen. Bock,
quarts. $1.!S; Kelser Blue, quarts, tl.60:
Fort, Sherry. Angelica, Muscatel. $1.00
per gallon; Tonic Port, $1.25; Canadian
Club. $1.25: Straight genuine Moonshine
Whiskey. $1.00. D. Kellaher & Co. B
1694; East 41$. '
An electric searchllsht to be attached
to the barrel of a run to aid a hunter to
see asms at nlKht Is a German Invention.
Our Removal Sale is in the last
throes of its remarkable life. You
can 6cour - the city with a fine
tooth comb and a pair of teles
copes and youH never beat this
money-saving event. Good Jew
elry of new and lovely designs
Sterling Silver wrought up in all
that is newest Watches, Cut
Glass, China, and the better
grades of standard silverware.
2S6 Morrison St
New Address Yeon Bldg.
rr. T. Felix Qouraud's Oriental Cream of
v Masical Beautlfier.
t J r-v. Rmar Tan. Ptepr
Bit, ukS i-tm DiMtae
ibq every eieca
on beauty, acd de
tt CeLectlcro. b
ha ItdOd L& tact
of years, tvod
& w t.rmleM w
tut t It lo be nr It
to properly msda.
A ccwpl no ooat,te
felt of nrcllar
ovmc. Dr. L. A
B:r kuvid to
iftviy of tr. h -otto
(ft ?ttfnt)t
A ytro ltd tea
will us tbeciv
I rfcummtsB
Vamhwss. mm fr) 1sUt hUTCfal Of all lt
.; pretssu-mJion'." F r mlt by all dnixr Kid Fancy
Goea Deaier 1& th raited fetaia. CauaU aad Europe.
FEUD. T. HOP'"-. Prop- 37 Btal Icmim St, N. T.
All lengths, sixes, skadas.
g Main 16 A1165 jffj,
Regular $20.00, $25.00 and $27.50
values; about one hundred and
fifty in the lot to choose from.
Regular $15.00 to $22.50 values.
All new, up-to-date Suits, includ
ing all latest fabrics.
245 Morrison SL, bet. 2nd and Sid.
Geary Street, above Union Square
Just opposite Hotel St. Francis
European Plan $1.60 a day up
American Plan $3.00 a day up
Heir steel soil brick structure. Furnished at
cost of $200,000. Every comfort and eon-
cirr. Omnibns meets trains snd steamers, w
Shorthand. typewriting, mtiltisrapMni.
bookkeeping. Day and night classes. Satis
faction guaranteed. No vacations. Modern
Buiineaa Colleire. Slat and Washington.
Phone Kaln 10Z2.
Foster & Kleiser
High Grade Commercial and Electria
Bast 7th aad East Everett Sta.
Phaaea East lllll B-2224.
HaKe Your Collections
Carry Your Business.
Get the Money In.
Worcester Bite Mala 17M, A 1383
Clothes with distinction
in fashion; that give bet
ter service than usual; a
variety enough to make
your selection a pleasure;
.with certainty of correct
fit these are the things
we offer you, and our
success in this respect is
what has made us grow
pre-eminent among cloth
ing stores.
Suits and Overcoats from $15 to $40
The one genuine sale of 1911 where you can be sure
of finding genuine bargains is at the Big Removal Sale
m l . '7 rlL'2 '
Firth and Alder.
June Brides and Graduates
Can take advantage of the im
mense reductions we are mak
ing on our entire stock of
Marquisette, Batiste and Silk
Dresses while the assortment
of styles, colors and sizes is at
its best.
Dresses i
Made of the finest of mate-
rials. All the new styles, with
round collarless yokes and ki
mono sleeves. The waists
and skirts are trimmed in fin
est Valenciennes laces and
real Cluny, embroidered with
heavy Bulgarian embroidery,
in white, coral and white,
king's blue and white, and
black and white. Dozens of
beautiful models to select
from, and at such price reduc
tions which mean a saving of
one-third to one-half.
$20 Values ... . . .?12.45
$25 Values ?14.95
$30 Values . . $18.75
$40 Values $24.75
One Special Lot
Of Silk Dresses and Marquisette Dresses grouped
together for Wednesday
only, $20.00 values at ,.
tt - Jh
A .
FOR SUMMER is in the box
. It will be out May 29th
15c each 2 tor 25c Cluett. Peabody & Company, Troy. N. Y.
Kjsolicits your patromace
Fifth and Alder.
Fifth and Alder.
Va3 i.UUpV.U
and Thursday
the Npiq
Main 622
mmy 1 1