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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1911)
Tim 3rORXTXG OREGOXIAN". TUESDAY, MAY 23. 1911. near KOSeDrOOK S nemg i peater urcuesira nay mun; ri um xue laimgc m m vm imv iuw ivcaiam am, num w avjmujt Special Demonstration This Week of Gossard Front-Lace Corsets, Factory Expert Wedding Announcements, Etc., at Lowest Prices News of the Great Contest DID YOU notice how the leaders stood in the list pub lished in Sunday's papers? ' ' Several were among them who only entered a few days ago. Undoubtedly there will : be among the -inners, teachers who up till now have hardly a vote or have not entered yet. Three trips to Europe, one to New York, a month at any Oregon beach and S prizes of two weeks' vacation at Bayocean, Gearhart, Long Beach and Seaside. t Votes with all purchases of 25c and above. Retain your duplicate sales-checks and present them at booth, first floor, within 5 days, for votes. Our Mail Order Service SUCH service' as we render today to the out-of-town customer would have been thought an impossibility only a few years ago. The country resident now Kas his rural mail route, telephone and receives a daily paper. Instead of waiting a week, or- once a month to visit the town and make his purchases from small, limited stocks He has a Meier & Frank big, complete catalog and watches the advertisements. He orders over the long-distance telephone at our expense The purchase is shipped by us the same day and often arrives by the rural carrier (if sent by mail) the following day. Through all our advertisements appears the line "Order by Mail." This is to let you know quantities are sufficient to fill orders by mail. Through this modern mail order service, out-of-town patrons are offered all the shopping privileges that Portland people enjoy in person. 22 Attention if .-m, 1 " The Shirts and Underw'r of a Gen- Mani- This 'Is tlem an. "Gotham Wee See the Great Demonstration in Morrison-St. Windows k " THE MEIER & FRANK MEN'S WEAR STORE-JUST INSIDE MORRISON-STREET ENTRANCE ROM Coast to Coast, the name Gotham" has been impressively stamped upon the minds of men as the hall mark of quality in Shirts, Underwear and Summer Negligee wear! . . n mi r-i, . f . 1 ID' Tl C-1 ' f 1 ' 1 ' 1 fUotham ahirts are truly lne anirts or a oenuemam ine laoncs are as nne, me patterns as exclusive, auu the workmanship as essentially perfect, as if made to order by the highest-priced shirtmaker NewYork boasts of. In Gotham Underwear is found all the comfort and luxury men demand for Summer wear. Gotham athletic -2 style Union Suits and separate garments are the ideal Underwear for warm weather. The same is true of Gotham o . . a i . . ii t t i j . o "TV 1 J A 11 . 1 " 1 aA TV If ihe celebrated ootnam line is sola exclusively in ronmna at ivieier x rranK s. jii tms wees, me ivxen Wear otore will teature ootnam anirts, oomam unuenvear, uoiuam pajamas, uoumm voiiars. uuu i uns it, an TTe Gotham Shirts Gotham Xeglipee and Semi-Dress Shirts come iii hundreds of beautiful, distinctive .patterns and colorings. Plain and plaited bosoms with at tached cuffs, also with the smart French turn-back cuffs.'' Splendid showincs ' at ?1, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3, and $3.50 Handsome Gotham Pure Silk Shirts at $4, $3 and $6, are made in the most exclusive designs in new shades and color combinations. Attached soft collars, de tached soft collars and plain neckband. Plain or French turnback cuffs. Gotham Tennis Shirts, made with short sleeves and attached soft collars. Priced at $1.50 to $2. Gotham Pajamas Gotham Pajamas are up to the same high quality standard as other Gotham lines a bit finer in de sign and more cleverly fashioned than generally considered necessary in slumber garments. Fabfics include light-weight mercerized cloths, plain and with silk and catin stripes silks and linens and pure silks. Prices $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3 and up to $12.00. Gotham Soft Collars "Gotham" is the original Soft Collar. Made of fine quality silk-finished soisette in white, cream, tan, blue and gray, 25 K Gotham pure Jap Silk Soft Collars in blue, tan and white, 50. Gotham Soft Collars in blue, white, gray, tan and cream at 15; 2 for 25. Gotham Underwear Gotham Athletic Union Suits are made cooL sheer nainsooks plain, cross-barred checked silk-finished fabrics, pure white Irish linens and pure silks. Gotham Union Suits cut large and roomy with improved patent seat. so that waistline may be loosened or tightened at will. Prices $1, $1.50, $2, $3, $4 and $5. Gotham Athletic Shirts and Drawers are made of sheer white nainsooks plain, cross barred or checked light weight mercerized cloths in white, blue, tan and helio. Also of Gotham cloth, a special weave mesh, cool and absorbent. Finer grades are of pure white Irish linens and silk-and-linens. Gotham Ath lete Drawers are made with the improved ad justable waistband. Prices, a garment, 50S $1, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3.50 and $4.00 are w- 75, HlPjS1 . mi B- - B These $38-$48 Suits At $27.50 Caused a Stir Yesterday! MEIER Jt KHl K-. SIXOID JXOOR. SCORES of women were delighted to fin.l in thos. -7;0 Suits the hisrh v t cj . V J class, exclusive models, the fine tailor- p.;' abnes winch always?; 7f .$40, .f 45 f: ing and beautiful fab characterize garments at ilUU q- '?.W. i Made of rich Serges. Worsteds, llome- i; spuns, 1 weeds, and liasKet eaves in lovelv blades of tan, gray, liavj-, lavender, black and white checks, stripes and smart mixtures. Short, jaunty coats with plain, notched or sail or collars, some with large rt 09 C reveres and side-fastenings. g M.J Vour choice now at only Marquisette Dresses V Less Until tomorrow nicht you may ehoose any of the beautiful Marqiusette Dresses in our entire stock and pay one-fonrth less than the marked price. J-.xquisite Deaaea ana rtuigarian cmoroiu ered desigus, with garnitures of deep bands, bead, antinue and Cluny laces and if. f chiffon. Regularly $40 to i:0. Spl tmr - Big Exhibit and Sale of Elyria Val. Laces MEIER Jt FRANK'S, FIRST FLOOR. ORDER BY MAIL. IT'S OXLY been a few short years since the Elyria Lace Company first began making Valenciennes Laces in their immense mills at Elyria, Ohio. At once it was demonstrated that Elyria Laces, at the -prices asked were far superior to the imported grades, with duty added.. This week we are making a special display of -Elyria VaL Laces, in a wide array of beautiful round and square mesh patterns, for the ming of all sorts of Summer finery. See the big window display on 5th street. Elyria VaL Laces, equal to 86-10c foreign grades, yard 5S dozen at Elyria VaL Laces, equal to the 12Va-15c foreign, yard 55c toT, $1.10 fc T,V-'' 5 tmm iitri..i fc "Tlf 1 1 it Eppo" Petticoats Are Best YOUR Summer dresses and skirts will become you better if you wear an "Eppo" the Petticoat without draw strings! Eppo Petticoats fit your waist like a corset, because they're made with an in visible elastic waistband and fasten on the side not with hooks and SysQ eyes or drawstring, but with invis-p- i fc . ible glove clasps, insuring a perfect f iS W ; fit not obtainable in any other Pet- ticoats. Eppo Petticoats are made in a wide range of materials and styles. Hundreds of pleased and satisfied Portland women praise the "Eppo" because of its splendid fitting qual ities. Eppo Petticoats are being demonstrated on the second floor by an expert direct from factory. Prices Range From $1.22 to $8.50 $2.50 Silk Crepe Meteor, Special $ 1 .69 MEIER KRAXK'S, FIRST FLOOR. ORDER BT MAIL. A SUGGESTION of the loveliest of afternoorl and evening gowns in the rich, shimmering folds of these elegant Silk Crepe Meteors! Just an even 700 yards at this splendid saving an importer's over- Q Q lot. Tomes 44 inches wide, in all the favored shades Helen pink, Alice I Kin Tin w nM rnsp cnhIin. brown, skv. cream, black. $2.50 oualitv. vard " " , - - - C5 " ' ' ' ' - $1.00 Silk Auto Veils, 50c MEIER A FRANK'S, FIRST FLOOR. ORDER BT MAIL. SPECIAL for Tuesday only, beautiful Silk Chiffon Auto Veils, finished with satin striped borders. White, Helen pink, blues, grays, browns, etc. They're splendid $1.00 Veils, for today only at exactly half, or only 0C 25c and 35c Mesh Veilings All - staple colors and meshes. Made special for today's selling at the very low price, the yard, at only 1 OC Other New Veilings Keady in in every wanted mesh and shade, including new importations from Paris. Now on sale, the yard,- 35 to $2.00 Big Specials in the Grocery MEIER A FRANK, BASEMENT ORDER BY MAIL. THE Pure Food Grocery is a market where quality and service are always paramount.. Remember, you save here on practically every item, whether advertised or not. Beechnut or Butternut Creamery But ter 2 pounds, 506. Hotel Mushrooms Special a can, only 1S. Victor Catsup 25c bottles, 18c; 12Vc bottles, 9J. Queen Tomatoes Large whole, dozen cans, 89c; 2 for X5. Butchers' Lard Te Olde Fashioned, 10-lb. pail, $1.17- Kaola A pure lard substitute; 10 lb. can, $1.40; 5-lb. can, 71c; 3 pound can, 41 S Shredded Wheat Biscuits, pkgs., 10. Alpresco Loganberry Jams All fla vors, 21. Yeloban or Holly Milk Dozen, 93c; can, 8. Wisconsin Cream Cheese, lb., 17.- ' Imported Swiss Cheese, lb., 33. Natural Pongee Silks Genuine hand, loomed Chinese Pongees. $1.75 grade, $1.39; $1.50 grade, $1.29; $1.2o grade, 9Sc; $1.00 grade reduced 79c $2.00 Smart Scotch Suitings For hand some tailored suits and skirts. Full 56-inch, in new grays, tans, brqwns. d 1 C On sale at special price, yard tj) X 0 J Real Irish Neckwear at 1 -4 Less MEIER A FRANK'S. FIRST FLOOR. ORDER Y MAIL. f""i WHAT woman can resist the exquisite design and quality . of this real . hand-made Irish Neckwear T Such pieces as would be handed down as heirlooms lovely collars, tabs, jabots, rabs, etc Our own direct importation from the Belfast makers. Marked regularly $2.50 j ... to $40. Tour choice today the special selling price of wCoo ' 25c Nerw jreckrear Thous ands of charming styles in Rabats, Jabots, Dutch Collars, Cascades, etc. All fresh 1C. and new. Today's price 20c New Collars Plain and the Lord Byron effects, so much the rage; . in handsome embroidered designs. 1 O. 75c Hand-Embroidered Col lars Hand-embroidered Trou ville and Byron Collars, so popular this season. To-CO-day's selling price isJC Up to $5 Scarfs Great pur chase of Auto and Evenings Scarfs dn Dresden,, two-tone and gilt eplangled fljl 7Q effects. Price today P Z 75c Irish Crochet, Cluny Eabats 53 $1.25 Point de Venise Yokes, 9S Niagara S JSilkGloves Are Style Favorites MEIER A FRANK'S, FIRST FLOOR. ORDER BY MAIL. ALL over the country "Niagara Maid" Silk Gloves are becoming the favorite with women who appreciate the difference in style and quality from ordinary makes. -9 T-k lit 1 3 As principal i'ortiana agents, we re showing "Niagara Maid" Silk-Gloves in every imaginable shade for Summer year. Every pair with the famous Niagara double finger-tips. Plain and embroidered. Niagara Short SilkXiloves, 50c to $1 Niagara Long Silk Gloves, $1 to $2 1