Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 23, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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    - . TlIE MORNING OREGOX1AX. TUESDAY, 3L.KX 23, mil. '
House Will Decide Whether
Ex-Customs Official Accuses
Him of Granting Favors
to Railroads.
New States Shall Vote
Second Time.
Admlton of fHwole as Creoo
Oil lUUroada flora SO
Per Cent Dat; "D TlKy
Cannot Afford It."
WASHDfOTOS. May II. Testtf7lti
fcfnra the Hons committee, on expendi
tures In tha Treasury Department to
day. J. H. Stuart, ex-Collector of Cus
tom at .Nfwporl .News. Mid Bwrfta-T
of tfia Treasurr MacVeaxh bl to!d him
' tha department rrsed a rn!'.n for
collection of a 29 per rent duty on creo
oia lxicsuss tha railroads could not af
ford to pay the duty.
Another witneis testlfWd that Mr.
JIacVeash'a brother bad Interested him
self In the matter.
Mr. Stuart. .h iffrJ an InTestisja.
tlnn Into cr"ol Imports at New Or
leans last Fall, chsrilr.a; the ijowramfot
is millions In revenue becausa
creosote. ilntlaWe at : per cent.
!-m a.imlttu creosote oil free of
duty, km summoned before the commit
tej as the result of testimony iclven pre
vtou.y In ttautivt session by Allan L.
Ktuart relate.! how he found that no
duty was belnr collected trom forelen
ship ahose muiilf-sts showed their car
jroea to be creosote, the cirt'K belnlt
r-elved as cresosote oil. which Is on
tr-.e free llt.
He tol.l how last September Assistant
Fe-ret.ry of the Treasury Andrew hitj
ordered that duty be cniwtrd on sucl
tmiorts and that suhse-juenrly Assistant
i-e r-tiry of trie Treasury Curtis had
reercd the ortlcr, saylna that the (ootla
w.-re not sutjeit to revenue because
they d''1 nt contain as much as S rr
crm chlorine as and couid not be
ilim as refined creeote. lie said he
had called on ilr. Curtis and was in
formed 'f ti e decision nd then bad
vlned MacYeash. who explained the
ru ins.
irevlou!Y. Allan I. person had told
Iho committee. In executive session that
Stuart had told blm of the remark W-c-V"tsFi
Is alleged to have made.
Curtis M present at the hearlnc and
turned over correspondence relating to
ti e controversy, lie wtil be called as a
mines, later In the week, awnaa
Cox suit the Inquiry would continue for
acme time.
nrldonoe of S. F. Kellrj, Mrs.
Henry 'a I'omort. Derdrd to Wife.
DKATTUl Wash.. May S4 Mrs. Sara
K. Kelley. wife of 'oater Jveiley. trie
banker, whose relations with Mrs. Ivy
buy Henry In San Francisco hare riven
him notoriety and caused him Imprison
ment, today obtained title to the Kelley
family ret.1-nce by a decree of court.
The bouse Is worth X
In her i.f.j.ivlt Sin. Kelley alleced
that K-ly before his right to Califor
nia with Mrs. Henry, the wife of one of
hts ban clerk, eoneertrd Into money
approximately r'o which be removed
from the jurisdiction of the state, and
Is cow spending; It on Mrs. llrnry and
her two children In Ca.lfornla. Mrs.
Kelley te sum for dirorce.
The deserted wife says that Kelley
has been consorting; with a woman
known as Mrs. Henry, and that he has
ben spending tarre luml of money In
t.i- State of Ca.iforma and ipnlR
community properly and tne estate of
the p;.tnnff upn his said consort and
her riilMren. and that ha has failed, re
fused end nexlected to make any pro
vision for tne support or maintenance
of the plaintiff and the tnree minor
Jlnl.lcr of "1t In Card Game Kills
Three) Other l'lajcr.
KITTANNIXO. ra.. May SJ The dl
eoeery of fixe aces In a deck of cards,
with which a roup of minora were
rUyin poker last niRht oar here, led
t. a quarrel In which three of the men
were killed and one was fatally snot
l'l.a fen.lrlo. who was sustected of
manipulating the cards. Is aliened to
have shot and killed his brother.
4'h.arlea, and Andrew and Kocco Leo
pold !. liraltls, brothers, and also fa
tall wounded Waller opilcsh. Pick
lisd ben Elven a beatina. He rerensed
himself bv f.rirg Into the crowd, after
which be fled.
VNIONTOWN. rav. May it A quar
rel ovrr a poker Katue resu.te.j iu one
man b'ln killed and another wounded
at t ie tiunsa'.ne Coke Works No. 1 last
nitflit. Three brothers named Loswa
baoa were p a)ir.s; with Frank lecan
and Frank K'.rlle. The latter charged
one of tne brothers with liold.aa out
f lufaoea. and It la alleced. lb.'
lrew a revolver ant kl.led l'e-an and
a-iot llinire to the rtglit le. Tlie three
trotters escaped.
O'lUre and ( lore Clearer of Ogdra
Holdup and Murders.
COOKS. I'laa. May :S. Commltllna
Maaistrate Mur; by this momma or
dered Hryan u'llirt aisl Vl-tor Clore.
who have been hell In the county Jail
on the char.e of rohb'.n the ooutr.ern
I ajif ic overland limited train, cn Janu
ary - last, durttarsed. "there being; no
aufflclent cause to bel.eve tne men
guilty of the efense."
la the hold-up of the train last Janu
ary. William S. Iavis. a porter, was
allied, and another porter. A. N. Taylor.
1U wounded, dytnc from bis wound
in i" a few daya sev
A man known a "lei" Hamilton.
Ihrouch an Intermediary, confessed to
y that he planned the robbery,
vatich w as executed by two other rata.
Anlolot Snrrrndr for Trial.
fAN ntAXCIHCO. May IS J- W".
W hiiehead. accused of reeoonsibllltr
f T t.-e deatl of ll-year-old Jeanette
llei'butn. w!. waa run down by an
automobile on the ooean boulevard last
Friday mx'.t, surrendered himself to
day and was booked on the charse of
mar.s.a-:SMer. Several spectators of the
arot.!ot have Ment tied vbit"ead s ear
as the ere whl-a struck toe a-irl. .
Ida.. a ceal:i of tie dead girl, who
was struck at the saru time, will prvb-mt-T
recover from her Injuries.
4j House election resolution-
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faraater Willi a a J. Lertsaer.
Senate Will Make Searching
Probe of Lorimer Case.
Insurgent 1-cader Demand Thor
ocjh Inqnlrr, Bcns of Nw
i:ldcm-o 8a) Lorimer Moat
, Hare Known of Rriberj.
(Oopt'nued From First Psas.
rat and demanded an Inquiry T' be
For three weeks. La Follett de
clared, the lillnola Senator bad aat ab
solulcly silent. the only member of
the body wbo apparently had not
wrltbed nnder the public criticism."
La Follette axpraaaed confidence that
Lorimer bad been prompted to apeak
In his own defense by bis colleague,
Cullom. to whom La Folletta paid a
hla-b tribute.
Lorlmrr Mnt Ilaxe Known.
La FtUso said the votes of CTTea
Democratic oenators for Lorimer would
stick in the minds of the people wben
It waa remembered that the Demo
cratic yotrs were under the leadership
of Lee O'Nell Browne, who bad SJO.
oua strapped on bla person.
He said he understood the Senate
committee bad permitted in attorney
to divert it from an Inquiry Into Lor
imer a knowledge of the case. Pace
upon page of the testimony, he de
clared, showed the closest associations
between Lorimer. Speaker 8hurtleff and
Lee O'Nell lirowne. the Lemocratto
So I say I waa convinced that Lori
mer had personal knowledge." asserted
La Folletse. "It is Inconceivable that
he could have been there without ha
Irir personal knowledaa. It could not
have been otherwise."
Vote for LorlmtT Declared to Unfit
Senator for Leadership.
BOSTON. May SS. The first of the
regular meetings of the I'nitarlana and
affiliated liberal religious societies'
celvbratlnir anniversary week tnat or
the Ministerial I'nlon today waa full
of excitement throuah the aUack on
I'nlted plates Senator Fletcher, of
a'lorlda. vice-president of the Ameri
can Unitarian Association, because of
his vote on the Lorimer resolution,
by the Key. John Hayne Holms, pastor
of the Church of the Messiah. New
York City.
Mr. Holms followed his remarks
with the presentation of a resolution,
which was adopted, statins; that the
union did not regard Fletcher as eligi
ble to the leadership In th association
because of his vote on the Lorimer
Colorado Wife Maddened by Threats
of Desertion Wields Ax.
LKADVILLK. Colo, May IS Made
furioua by threats to desert her and
her email children and- go back to
Italy. Mrs. Frank Capral early-today
murdered bar husband while b waa
aaieep by twice striking him on the
head with an ax. sue waa arrest ea.
r.orai came home last night In an
Intoxicated condition. It Is said, and a
quarrel followed. In wnicn ne raaae
t. reata to leave his wife and children.
Capral s father waa murdered five years
ago In the same bouse la which this
morning a tragedy ovsiurrea.
- i
No Sabpenw Needed for Him, De
clare Steel Magnate.
WASHINGTON. Mar t: Andrew
Carnegie has uotifted-the House "atsel
trust" investigating committee that he
Is willing to appear be for It. and
tnaa aw T ir or legal doenmesnt la
. ...v.T.
a . - 'Vee-V v
f .a ' '-
Heaator William P. TMIttachaaa.
necessary to Insure hla presence In
Washington when deeilred. The com
mittee hag not yet fixed a data for
the. hearing.
The special committee will meet
Thursday n executive session to con
tiler olans for the Inquiry, and Secre
tary Na pel and Attorney-General
Wickershara are expected to attend
the meeting. The committee wants
the report of Herbert Knox smnn.
commissioner of corporationa ot tne
I'nlted States Fteel Corporation and
the records of the Department of Jus
tics In Its tnvestlastlon.
Draft Offered I Vance and Britain
Open to Any Nation Deal With
Japan Considered.
man government has been made aware
by the Vnlted States that the same
general arbitral proposition submitted
to Great Britain and France is open to
Germany if that country la fnterested.
This was learned today at the State
Department: where It waa reiterated
that the tentative draft now In the
bands of Great Britain and France con-
atttutea a basia on which this country
Is prepared to enter Into negotiation!
with any power desiring to do so.
The draft. It waa added.was sent to
Great Britain and France simply be
cause those government bad Indicated
their desire to discuss the question
of negotiating a broad convention along
the lines laid down by President Taft
In his speech laat December. . '
There have been Informal discussions
between the I'nlted States and Japan on
tha new arbitration proposal, but Japaa
has not yet definitely made known her
Intention In the matter.
Library and Teachers' Organizations
Are Mutual, Is Explanation.
PASADENA, CaU May strong
plea for merging the American Library
and the National Education Associa
tions Into one body waa the feature of
the aesslon of the former body here to
day. It was the subject of an address
by Arthur Chamberlain, of the eduea-
i ...mI.IIiiii le tha tlnlnB of the
uuas -- - -
two bodlea could not be effected, he
suggested aa the next best step that
tRe two organlsatlona hereafter bold
thalr annual meetings in im same
mA una Mr. Chamberlain took
the position that the wortt of teacher
and librarians was practically IdentlcaL
g-. F. Hopper, librarian of Tacoma.
Wash, aald that the progress of the
- . ...rfr. movement Is la the
inteeeat ot libraries, because women
were much more liberal In approprla
KKrarlas than teen. The eleo
.i .rrti-ra Is tha first order of
business for tomorrow. Opposition te
holding t;e next convention wiaw.
lanaaa, tsi
Insurgent Supports Democrat In
Proposing- Resubmission of Con
stitutions New Mexico Dele
gate Makes Protest.
wasirrvrjTON'. May 11. -The resolu
tion admitting Axixona and New Mex
ico to Immediate statehood, but requir
ing a referendum In each state on cer
tain features of their respective con
stitutions, will be taken up tomorrow
afternoon for final discussion nnder
tHa -ni nermlttina amendments. It la
the hope of Democratic leaders to bring
about a final vote on the resolution be
fore adjournment.
m i a .. i rf ffanrsl jfehnre on
A tie laal lun i
the proposition ' brought out strong
speeches, rs orris or ieursaa, '"i-" "
lican. supported the Democratic ma
jority on the resolution. He said the
. ittto. to adont the initia
tive and referendum would have results
more important than any other one
feature or tne' constitution
v.-rt-i. ..ia that since doubts have been
raised both as to the amending feature
of the New Mexico constitution ana .u
n i.ij.n in the Arizona consti-
....i ihmffht it would be wise for
both states tb be given the opportunity
to vote on the proposals again.
Roberts of Nevada contended that,
. 4n.t n tha nponle of both ter
ritories had approved the new consti
tution, they should not oe cuiupeucu
to vote again.
Crunipacker of Indiana approved the
... liA.iM.n nnnfltlriitlon. but dS-
nounced the Judiciary recall plan by
. j - A tha Yunr f P T I fn n COn
urirusc v - - . w
stitutlon, as ratified, was made by dele
gate Andrews, of that territory. An
drews said that the people of New Mex
ico had approved xneir i-uiiouiuiiii j
i . is n n n anri that he" waa
convinced It would be a simple matter
to amend it in tne mime
Nelson Object to Taft's Opposition
to Reciprocity Amendment.
XCABHTVOTON. May If. Senator Nel
ton. of Minnesota, attacked President
Taft today before the Senate committee
for eceklng to prevent the Senate from
amending the Canadian reciprocity bill.
He declared that the Constitution made
the Senate part of the treaty-making
power of the country, ana oriereu aev-
ro! amenrtmenia to ml uieasuiv .
Nelson's amendments would reauce
about one-half the existing tariff rates
on most farm products. To put fsrm
nrnducts on the free list, he declared,
was leglelatlng directly against the
President Taft Is evading tne uon
stltution of the United States," he as
serted, "when he tries to force the Sen
ate to this agreement as It
was presented. He is trifling with the
Senate ol tne Lnnea aiaies.
after A. J. Knollin, a Wyoming sneep
raiser, had appeared In opposition to
the bill, the committee adjourned until
tomorrow morning, when John Norrls,
Tintlnr the American Newspaper
Publishers' Association, will be beard.
Senate Committee Dodge Main
Question of Direct Election.
micuivr.TOV May 52. No popular
demand exists for a change l"n the con
stitution so ss to deprive Contfresa of
the right to supervise the election of
United States Senators. So asserted a
minority of the members oi me oeu-
... .Ammlttaa An tha IlldlciSO". in a
report filed today. The report opposed
the withdrawal or sucn ngjii
vision from Congress aa Is contem-
i..a In .tha nlnn for the selection of
Senatora by direct vote of the people.
It waa sigmed by Senatora Clark
wyo.), Kelson, uunngnam, ouimi
land. Brandegee and Root, all Repub
licans. '
The report Ignores tne question i
direct elections and deals entirely with
. . ....r..Bun which Is declared
to be the more Important feature of
the House election resolution,
Caucus to Vote on San Diego Fair.
r i earVniVlV Xfnw 9 The nneS-
Y AUll,uvi, -
tion of authorizing the President to
. ... Hr.MnlaflrH nf Central
and 8outh America to participate In the
Calliornia r -'"'JJ l
Diego, Cal.. in 1918, Is to be passed on
by the Democratic caucuaato be called
soon to consider tne wwi.inm. in
-..rdutlon. it is said, probably will be
acted on favorably.
AT , " . . b --a A" I T. t
Q4sk ih&
Secretary of Treasury Thinks
Price Too High.
Department Is Impressed With De
, airablUty of location, bat
Will Not Stand for
High Cost.
ington. May 22. The Secretary of the
Treasury will probably appeal from the
recent condemnation of block S, which
the Government desires to acquire for
a Postofflce site at Portland, for. care
ful examination of records in the case
leads the department to conclude hat
the price fixed by the Jury. 340,000. s
excessive and more than the property
is worth. No decision has been an
nounced, but from official sources it
la learned that this stte wll not be
bought "at the price named, at least at
this time.
While the Treasury Department is
impressed with desirability of block S
and would like to acquire that parti
cular site, officials believe that an
appeal may bring down. the price, and
if so delay will be Justified. There Is
no occasion for making immediate pur
chase, anyway, as there is no money
available to begin construction of the
building, and will not be for a year or
more. This property was originally
offered for t2B.OOO. but the Govern
ment waived its right to buy at that
figure when it ordered condemnation
In event the price Is not lower on the
appeal, it Is quite possible that the
"The UNINSURED are in no
more danger than the INSURED,
but their families are." Doesn't JLt
naturally follow that if you are in
sufficiently .insured you show in
sufficient care for your family?
W. M. Ladd. Pres.t T. B. Wilcox, Vlce-Pres-1
K. CooklBgaam, Vlre-Pres.s H. M. Johnson, Sec-
S. P. LOCKWOOD, V.-Pre8.' and Gen. Mgr.
Home Office, Spaldlag Bldg, Portland, Or.
We Have' Sold
37 Per Cent of Our
Allotment of 1912
Packard Gars
Before the Arrival
of Our Demonstrator
, Our first 1912 Packard "30" has just been
received and is on exhibition in our salesroom.
Deliveries are on a. schedule and early orders
are the only safe way to malse sure of a desir
able date of delivery.
We have a few early dates still unsold.
'Three sizes: The Packard "Six," Packard
"30" and Packard "18." A dozen styles of
open and enclosed bodies.
"We -will be glad to arrange for a demonstra
tion. Catalogue of complete line on request.
. Frank C. Riggs
Packard Service Bldg.
Corneli Road 23d and "Washington Streets.
77V ct who
department will take up some other
piece, not quite so favorably located.
Judiciary Committee Wants to Know
His Objections to Colwell. ' (
ington, May 22. Senator Bourne suc
ceeded today in having the Senate
again reject the nomination of Elmer B.
Colwell as United States Marshal for
Oregon, but only after a very uncom
fortable 15 minutes before the Judi
ciary committee. Bourne, who has been
playing golf at Virginia Hot Springs
for two weeks, returned to Washing
ton and this morning in answer to a
summons of the Judiciary committee
to appear and explain wherein Colwejl
Is "personally obnoxious" to him.
When the committee met. Bourne,
arraved in a linen suit, appeared and
asked the committee to make adverse
report, reiterating his statement that
Colwell was "personally obnoxious.
Asked to explain wherein Colwell was
obnoxious. Bourne, according to a
member of the committee, stated that
Colwell had distributed circulars inimi
cal to the interests of progressive Re
publican cause in Oregon and had also
circulated reports defaming his
(Bourne's) character.
The two Senatora call Colwell ob
noxious because of his expressed
opinion that, the members of the Leg
islature of Oregon were" not obliged
to vote for George E. Chamberlain for
the United States Senate, although they
had been so Instructed by the people.
Klamatb Waterpower Desired for
People, Ho TTrges.
ington. May 22. Representative Haw
ley Is urging the Interior Department
to sell the Klamath Water Users' Asso
ciation a tract of 9 acres on the Kla
math project, on which is located a
valuable power site. This land was or
dered sold at public auction, but set
tlers protested, and the Water Users
Association Offered to buy it back at
the price at which it was originally
sold to the Government with interest.
The Government has no use for this
dower, but the settlers believe that in
time it may be essential tor pumping
water to high lands, and. if sold now
to some private party, may not be
available for such use hereafter. The
oxvns orves
Department is strongly inclined to sell
the land to the highest bidder. On rec
ommendation of Representative Haw
ley, the star mail service from Klamath
Falls to Swan, which was discontinued
recently, will be resumed.
When Freedom from
her mountain height '
Unfurled her banner
to the air.
She chose that laW
An emblem of tha
finest fare."
For the real home
For your informal
family dinner you want
the soup both as an
appetizer and for its
own satisfying quality.
And nothing else
seems to meet the case
so exactly as
Its tasty flavor and smooth
creamy richness create an ap
petite and then go a long way
toward satisfying it.
In fact this wholesome soup
is one of the most tempting
features of the whole dinner.
21 kind 10c a can
Just add hot water,
bring to a boil,
and serve.
Com pant
Csmdea N J
Look for the
"Just Say".
It Means
Original and Genuine
The Food-drink for AH Ages.
More healthful than Tea or Coffee.
Agrees with the weakest digestion.
Delicious, invigorating and nutritious.
Rich milk, malted grain, powder form,
A quick lunch prepared in a minute.
Take co substitute. AskforHORLICK'S.
Others are imitations.
Portland Printing House Cot
1. 1 Wright. Pres. and G.a. Maoatss,
Book, Catalogue sad Commercial
Kalllia Binding and Blank Book Maktaai
jhone: Main 6201. A 228U
I.nth ana Taylor Streets,
Portland., Oregon.