TOO. UNI. Ilo.. .r "lu-nl 1 ornltttf for A JVAP. flat: lw In. e-io-p r.m. .r t-a crli-a Tin. I rtaadr V.ium v ? " rwdr t. mo. ln:.v V-j wri t-s ..a. Ca.l t.l.v .t :. or il-afiay- 34. -JX siwwtri b.S. V.U.I. i r7-V"V.asIv. f " ! ;r.h"nT fnr-!T.r. brm Hs-ia. r.v-is. u!k'!l"u ni.tlr.. .. Y'rr of ...ryUim. n. cn m.-h . r TTTa -Al E sTirt'-l o. bwft-- wad mi, in ,.,...! .-r . ,.-1 oak .-tl.m; boo.-a. .. b. at a ry w prK. cU -l L11 t.. sat r. vr prl. ur I I- iic ilt..a. , VfPES rrT !' cl.n rrya7" ,r-i-. !. urr "'-- ""; tar f mi-n T-rom hou. t r-rm . gd r-s'-l-r. t;a. d .-.rlct. i 5th ft V'v 1 1-'- oo lv i; U rn--fit er d n yard, fon- arMr-'t ta i- r. ail rwifl; J" er J' " M w 35. rock". s.x rooms, ba.-g-i. Va ancou- TT . rt KN iWiN'4 of ro ro. new furnf.ure. od wihfthiKv!; r'n-r u. roa t!. 12:r c.-ri.r Mrkt. per X rr-i. J --- v " Va -:-T. -r.:-:sv Xr"brr:-. ir-1'. f irn' ff flr-r.fn r-V- I-..) ' uony woroi T-U M-yu Wn .i. com? f im p. i lor 1T 4-1 llr: -r . r..moo. rR !AT.- -Wt P;1nc. Pir'M from to f .r t AU- hiH .i4M ior. f-i : b-mot. 4 f fc-. -k r .."r t v n r. -.. "m-i f ft 1 . . t crr.-r Uu'-il J nj .Vfld T-ut xrr rtuwniMr Bpni-t-y Io f.r bt Hr of biiirw r,ur lro-. Kt H-jmiid inj t iit.'O TH kVnT r ! K"'' rr. o.iT p"or- - t Mi'tJon '- . T-..n t. rt-t. A ii. - r " . Job " K?"T tr en -ow!n bu!n lrMI p n:y "f cutomen to irw from. Kfton Xm -4A - JT"vr H"itor l rt Vt'i oa-l-brui f -t to -. ---'rdin to . la q t" ;T fwth rn riB Hri- k rr. r..r. F't tl:h n4 H--th-.r Ari'.y i: ;t lith. cr. Tamhl.I. i urt-. irhl bn'ir.-r.:, n- t-' fTor.K fr r-ni; 1'hPnt lv- o r r i ' - f - s ro r n n t. Sit to 'U . t.: ii. n A.N i Ct.M HAN V. riXE lr-tlon fT d"nt!t or phT!rln OB fct Mi." rh-p r-t ! to pro; r t rti mcah-ak. hat;-;-- mn to -r-r- ult- nf ---m in Y-.,a b. l- : rr?-c.'uc cIinK--- A 1 j I. orx :. n. f-0lSAl.K Kurnt'ur of ot $'. r"t iv-rTtMni r.r- niut id i en. 4-T l.u:ttbr cfin lt. jf itK KNT ra-m" In nl- rrni&M offlc. of t'100"- b.-i. 1 ifi"c n --- !--. In th rltr f r i-.lir' or g-n- r--!a niioriri, rw r-nt. r 'j;;r jr. t V 'nf VOt'R - -M off. o4 Hht ntl vo-Lt'ati-o. at 4t r Biol. la. i is M-rrt- .m - yy RFNT ruf-tl. or r.f irnlhi1 ror--r of t-. rx In fr nt j-rl ot OST NnlrtHf !'vt4 c(T.c- -;nr inir. i t-t.n or - :jr. Sin oili'--klnt- . FOR RrN-TOno-b-iTf offlr. r!uIn pbo&o ll Pf month. uj Cooca blU. frtRAr.i f: im v vvnivsTrs T K K. lf-V. .S RAaW A EXt-HAN'iS rXD TO I.rMf. TrrT i r.. i itrucmr to jronr r'iu!r-jnt . f r-'-k i f nvf. b't .lr-iinf l-"i'l.n in ttv; B-i !r.irm:v- .('.. ntr,; bui .:!!. th rrjrir- r-ttva if Di-Ui H Hi. Orontnw ; ?y m -1T. f- :-.a nt .-mrr -jvl-I i mntri'ft -U n-r th WhrtlO r t- I- " f Jf DJ OT tll-O. Mr r J. hNnvi:3 ro.. AM) rOVNO. I'OI'NP- Wfct r Wa'.tn b-f IQttro- f ill mi vh -i !-.. p'tfrl. ro-t mt:r-- ai rmra n day. ri'-o fth-'r- l'vr.ij ' r.rtd tt tP rr H. W.trc-r. i- F on:. " Vtn 4": A 1-74. '. : XTKij fr:n own r At 4 T i-.rr -r f u.. X.O.'h IT M f-Ain .tn r In N V "'.t't r r r Fori.-rid Amd- - r V im r V -7 :?KT, pr. K;--irn M -n Hrrrt'. Mi...nrj. Kfl M-ritirv, nto V. :". r.; n -in. HI ixr OPrORTVMTllA Vs ::; a -.n r : -i 1 j t s tnr- ir. .id rr-3- r.t f ft nri r m pr p - ".n is r-jri. .v 41. r. Jik:i!, ort-ry Coaurw i Cu-, T -t, or-f n- a n r ; - a r r w : n j : .- t J n mo la b r-: irv;i:.-i !n 1 1 ka w'.l m i-t ."', hi C mn(h if yti i : r - 00-o ur xd n.I: . A V Tl Or- ,. r- .V of Prt j-i'T l rrt- 1 to 'ra flvr to t . in b n p jr.. r .a on rf t a fr'tft fof". tow : a tn Syt--B r-tva; It w I tk m - .t $ I .p.:.. ma: bo a food C::or. 1' l.A to- Tv. . r . i trj c.ol nMU ft a . -r ":ut at- 1 . at'!, 1 ! r1 m- n .E!r A t r V. W. Tf-mf ro-o O"1"- ct .; iiak . i.t l-iko .tf. I TOR ? KlJC b- rw -i - -rtr - t-naU p ar. 1- : ; r-r as 1 t - r.w ; -.n:a a an .-f .-7p----.ur.rr f.r ft :;o n-oxw ."'. to .'--. fc.r. Wr::o a app'y - y N . ('.. City. or. iOVE roa j-rit. s-rft' r.-r ar) Hoch. Ownor. ltvti.r ro "n.a. JL.'i Kujwnr.r ftt. Xa-v" "OH cr cru:c M 1 -.ea tZr rr.r or bc'rt .rc,'t. t'rr..! or. CC N roc-ry f .o by owar. ci r foil SM. H If tr'or la jo4 caodk auarrr . Oo.l UT .N. : o. J ps p-fchiir br"-r a-r Is i a -tTl-or-o ft. . Lf tkn at onvo. "H roftfttor. xl locft;!c, boatOa, f-- r HI. Or-on 'a a. i a f rs r s hop ' MT.i' Tbif"-? rof ft-. imh.w i if a: TRTASt RT oi la tow Tilto pftuoo. g vo-t inTmnt. A V Or nln. ta -d- Kooo City rna:-ry. IV - Third. gToSAt r .r asl frrurrttT rtaad t ri-oriaj kool J, 'j '-n. ! Jv Il.U -:t ? r lo. so ra b R mU. mcaj WLum Aoi r. i, rcoa roNT but r?iL toc seb c CTOAR ftnd COXKKCTIONKRT STORKS. l:F.TAtRAXT nd I'-UATK.KN, M AT ARKKTS ftMd ROO-IL.N'-- In th rtty nd r-ayo,:M!!y lent yo i to ci:l ftn-1 mrtiet iii-cl Koodty to, 3 1 AtJr r-t. COVNTRY li'T-l- TO LA?. Nawly furntob- hot tncily raoa ora, acani brot. but eoM r11 'n roraa a n. butiful brlrk bulM ln. furntsbxi Hh axtra Ono fumltttr. 1 to-atd in -no of tr-. b--t town in tio t. ntt far frm nrt;n4 ftn! a ran oa:.'v cir l-iw mnthiy. H b---r iao. Pri- f--J- Tako ro. .- for ualf. bl. ca-u. So owner t S 200. rar Srarlc WANTEI Man or woman who can Inwt Jir'U. aa portn-r In to manuf artur of nful patntl art:olo pt on tho mmr kt; eaxi bo manuf-aturr.' fr 4C whto- t ? ad rotate at : t. S- market, roady , o opposition; thift to a. p-. t:v I--mi and asurod i lnoa- b-Jl Y.mwt oai il. c?r. l-h. " Oi.W-KSTAHLISU;t. cion lkOOO f-nrai n.r f.and-so to rapidly rnD-irriii"1 frui; ft:iry on CoiumM I'tr-r. turnM 3S timet; rtellirhlful cll-ma.i-. ham.ful o -enary. "allir ft cint t-l hra::;v. A-l opn!r.c for outorpruuKS n.'rfint. A V" !". Prccnian. MAN to with roo through country with re. t;-c P3"ticrmpr-.a; hava a trl outfit; S ln:ar: to rtglit man. radical n-traaarr. Apply T. J. Richmond, pfi-tno Mrhil 3T1. or cU Ml KvrU t-.on t ar.l 11 a. M. n'shcHANTA IWKSTKiATB. Whan yoa Iool for a -ood country at or, all dapoa.a on tho l-ation. Wa hava in on oj -mtkn fn a f"SQ9 op to li.c-oc. which will stand your cloaoat tn ToaVia' atlri. K. "X Vrriaon St. XVt.'l.L, Tts:!hVOIn" tore. -ol coun ts at town Eastern Orrcon ; good ma of T;--jlr work; ap let lid opening fr p con hr; t;9t ctO will ha 1 pt of raa'Tij for sailing. W. i. V.-rUn'!. Kali. T. Inm'co r louO. will aall ftt 40 PT wH'ti.r?At.B GRoccnT. Ttr( 1) a 1aj llii"0. II ALL (il'.iTIN. ll Lumbermanft bid. Cr TN' "and 'waVi hwuaproiot:lon cirarlr.c -r; h;a la pit-iy one of tho b.-at. Mft mnr.y-mau b!naaea that w- l-va handled f-r a-.m liu. prlco $;0.(-f. opa for Ir.r-a;i;lon. UAKL.A.NO BAHNiP. IVl 4thJt. I I K - r- "I. ASSrntncan;ila buainaaa. eatrb lr:Hl two yrara. bt location and l't r-nt in mwn. r""d wiii and contrarta iln worth 2vV For B-tl at lnvolw; b-t of rarna for aatttn-: will atard ctoat tn-t',.(.t!un. A NJ."AUregonln. S!.ID bua;naa man wan's partner: with a' fiw hundr- t do.Ura lnat.-d ou can toake i7i to $'0 per mnn:h from tlio a:art; h'-a-a-y ait 1 jd w or-er required. 1'ar ti ulara Kvatrra Inreatmcnt Co., 417 Board of Trade. H A R l W A R K. tmplemont. paint atock. In--! jl,-". ca-h. ba inco t-rma. New Nyrthm California tow a with S aawmllui tr.butary. ! lartorv. Mg ranch t-a le. Arfdrea .V Z .rgontan. ' WaMKI Ir:ner In c.uti bn.i, own.-r r. ttireo piari and can't depend on hlrd h:p. yu mult bv aatir:ad with $24 week ly to start in with. particulars room aJJ Lumber Autt A Lt ii ataurant, hotel, doing good bu!:ara. fc-t lo.-aila In city ; well iutvid: ba-raiB if taken at on. prira, j . W oU land C ompany. Lvatacada. fl'TIT.B THEATKR On account of poor he;::. I wi;i s.i rr y naw. we;i.;octted 1nt theater at a bargain' or m'ht trad 1 -r aointhlng 'kI. C. 4tti4 .Tth at. K T-l r tM. 14-Ki.w board 1 1 g bouse In a Ana location. wo:d tak a tr-i-n of hrsa or property at;d am r-h if suitable; irviat ae;i on a -count nf o'.l.rr bust&eaa by Crat of Juno. A bargain. A 3Vtl. TOLNC, MAN. fTtUNGEH. M-k mx-ful in ves: '.gallon at axpanaa of sei!r baXiro y-o lov-st mooy la any prop-sute. Advisory Iepaxtnietit. Y. aC C- A. H A V K guamnte-d Inrito body emigrant wish money, have litr.d fr them; need to cr. ;;leto who; trtnw'lon; abora un Inve-t- will r.-1-trn In flva iti"ahi 9 li.OOM. rull particular H 21T. OreKor.ian. Iini.XKR wants partner with $TV or ran fr 1 uildlna t-urpoa. a; r.ionoy fuilv a.-rrd, d"-e your moaay In tft d i v. ACl.L.'recfr Jan. ; RKAU E.iTAT K HlSINKSj FvJR SALE. Oid-e;Mtii"d rul ea:ato bujinaaa. on a paying baaia: owners wish to ratlro. o4it.ID bu.a'f wants partner to keep p!ala a-:cottnta and :t aa tr-aaurer; salary n:rthiy and profits guarantel. 1'artlc u:ra, room t2i Lumber Exchange. Du -jU want to a-li your Dullness? Lh you want a partner? Call aad sea. or wr:t rr.e. w. Lawrence. Ill Lum ber txchar go blUg. Itulh phones. HALF Ir.teriat In an :1-euU ihd buei r'M. doing a god bu:r.eaa For full par ftfu'ara call Kinney at H.ampher. Luiuoer 'l x'l.inia btia-. rooms 431 -Wi. COt VTRThof e!.besf hot" 1 ln t own.atric fir rn ulern. 6-yoar lease: can smsy clear .t'K m-v. SJ.Vki; tike half in real aatata. baL rh. owner at s loth St.. near Stark, l;fc.T.M"ilA.NT a-xl lanuh counter partner w rui. will p.ty you weekly and board; $3 rauired. Room aS Lumber f TO INVKT In lecttimate bualneaa, ftir , rihinf praUii'n fT energetic younj mar ried man; beat refsreacca, D ur- M;V storo In fina district. 20 mlnuTea rldo f rem enter of town. tocd upper rnomi. 'm chaaca fr grocery and getn-ral at or. l.w rent, K'm'l 414 .paMirg bMg A r'iNt paying restaurant w 1th ldg mg hou tvr i0 a main th-roushfara nr d-t'ot. f-r sa! at a sacrifice; cneap rent. Y 13. r-c jp-an. X'R f A LK S Intereat In rod-paying rrin; and d-ine eatabliw'mirnt. on Nrta loth ftod Otertoa :s, i'hont Mam hr-'TAlIIANT that w::i scat tiO peop'a. Iv!a !-k a; ion. good l-ase. low rent. d' In ; per day. t's taka It. Call 270 b:ar at. ilOVIXtl plrtura theftte- that rou can, try fc-'or t put In a Crt, this r'aca III r iar $;. wookly. Trlco ltWO. 404 !;..:h .-htt.l th'.e. NKWSJ" AfK'R , man wants reliable printer w. n t- w butilr-d capital for A-4 D' tH'i p r pro,et in ti. w toan. Address U l.y. vr- f. KVH ti.VL.IrT Small tr;nafer buinee. S - aft;. 5 . J.arr., etr. . doing g" l buine. AR l-t'. or- rfonfurj. TA I f N r.U t inlr-V us-d to farm pruducw? i I py we-k s-'ary and snara of pr-iVt I'artu, u.a'S P:rk at. 'Nr t:-"TKNS, Ice-cr.-am. et.-.. rtna lo a tr n. - r -t avarytuing Brat-Cuas. Call r: S;ark at. liAKt'KK ilinp for sate. In nrat-claaa hotel; f; ! a and r 'Od btrsin'ss; owner lear lr r;t. Ii Hi. -r-nIao. 3&y f n-.a - X -t f r aa: In th firing tow n. rg $o l-j!rte monthly, ot alll trode f r prperty. t 111. Cregonlaa. n 12 r ! I k i p -r "w : ; I ren tr I -e 1 y f ur r.K.'4 r-fra houaa la gd loctuvo, kt yr::; :d at. KvTt y A I.f lyo works wit h deilrery war on. .. .-c ft 1 Niir.'H; foo reaaoa i it a ... ... L a. 1 h t; rand a . HI YTtlAN yti 1 t tun on Last FId f r aa - price f offico f-rnltur Phoao Cast liAtL ORPFR btatne dtng per n.Mtth. .- br.k--it future. 9v lake It i all r CA-ll grocery with nice livir.g rooms. lo cated tn b et dirt t . will invoice f 0. I axtloa.ars -5 S !-.ark at. WAN TF D Tocng to " laara " barf-er trade. I'cloa shop, t chalra. Cail M l :a:;;l iv " al t AT V ARK T Oood lcatlcn; t years tah!lhtl trade; raut turn at once; cash cr tra-t AU 132. Oregon lan CMMI AND IMFV'STMAU gTCH K.S. Telethons and other bor. "s bourht aa4 so A. r;t.-har Inr.CJ. 221 Ablngto. IIOVK bakery ard dell a-ease n. living-r-m: c:t raaaocAbla offer. oar a ' 1 i at. "Sort n. THR ON4.T s'rlct'y cvh gnxrerr in Port Urd d wag t.W rr .jr tow rent, no 4. ertnc, a:; -r,t- WIIJ. rtt "-( hi a has to ess that will pay TvtL I-'". w f-oni start. Parti culars 4 r'lng bids-. 6 a and Alder rt W A N Tr art jw h I foTr.rst:aistn Testtncr t c rr cent, oa soma. Address H A IH . l'a trmore Hotel, city. i'v L RiXl ."en;m;. cN ars to $4 Hion'.h. coa Py f'" down and sa'aaca ---.-Th'y. Ci. trark at. ti K !ALM. sai-rt. ra account of slcknea A?r:y t" oaaer. IjiO Ad au No agsata. . a. "A d. Tc:R '!lAN1DlE buaineaa f r sate; can da. pen J on c.artr.g leO m.-nth: srandg C.oaest L-'r! :g t to O.'0 -lI S PLANINd MILL Want nter-a:d he.p; pr- r-r .Tice r.n; w! 1 pay good salary, also Y -oftra C o-.l S4" ytark at. Ci'UR iiTANU. vh.i4 location, a bargain -f iaan at utc. Sd a'- North- 6MC ."HOP tr saie. Wi.l atand ir.epectton. v Olisaa at- betaeea lath axd ltav CANADA'? larret and richest province 1 JHritr-h Columbia larger than the states of Washington. Orecon and If aho om blnet. Millions of acres of the finest agri cultural land for pre-emption Fortunes to be made In timber, coal and mineral lan da. Fort Oeorr is tho sj-onraphlcal nd srrateeic commercial enter of this vaJ empire and on the lltte of tho Grand Trunk Pacific trarscontirerttal and 11 o-her railroads chartered or building. Fort Oeorae ta at the Junction of T10 miles of navlarable waterways. All railroads mat run to Fort Oeorca In orler to -et north, suth. east r west through Central or Nrt-thern British Columbia. I loi.000.00 will bo spent in next five years In rall-road-ulIding alone, tVe are Joint owners and sole agents of this town si to. Writ quickly for all Information. Natural Resources Security Company. II ra ited. 54.1 Granville street, Vncouver, B. C I'ortland sales solicitor. Richard Obb. Chamber of Commerce b!dc TTOHB TO THE PACIFIC WITH WARD." Agents wanted In Pacific Northwest. I- aclflc Mutual Life. 4- years old. U'2 millions assets. Vo loan money. U. H. Ward. olr 713 b paid in g bldg. A 0. 10. 13 AND 25-c-nt store Is the beat b islr.ess "ton earth. Investment considered. Too can atart with leas money than re quired in other llnea. returna are larger and yoo conid soon be Independent. Write foT list of loratlons and loo-rags book. A1(!resa Mr. George As- Shaw. Sir 8 let so a bldg.. Seattle. Wain. BAU" .V buaineaa. partner wanted with 11. ''.o cash to buy interest, good lo cation, long U rvae, reasonable rent: s, sober, honest man. wiping to ao hla shftre f work; Cierman preferred; acferencc. Address AB 1-T. Oregon in. WANTED Partner la an established aaw mil! bnainras m a thriving port town. Ad reaa L XVi. Orvgonian. BOOMING-HOrSTES. TWO HA RO A INS TWO. MO!tRN UOTKr, FOR bAl.h UK KXCUANOR. W.rAom hotel, busln-'ci center: P.T5 8PE' TA ItLK place. EVERT MODK KN Ai'PolNTMKN T ; other business calls own er out of the city; will take good real estaie, but must be sold that wee If sold at the price ankcd. APART .wENT-HOI-PK. THIS Is a beaumful llniahed. elegantly furnrahed p. ace. oNK Til AT RKA1XV PA Yd when others full ; your money la saf ur In this th-n rt-al etate and psys !: returns on the Investment; Ir VuU WANT A FIRT-CLASS PLACE, come In, I HAVE IT; will give you the het h.vr-r-'n in town this we.. . bt-t; THId WC1CK. ' ALMOST CIVTS AWAY. 0 UuiM-. ON ONE FlAOR f TEAM lie; AT; n-w bMirding, 8 -year lease at a month; furniture new, all Iron bda. VKUY CLEAN; thla la a plftc to buy and siU araln. part ; PRICE J.'". on.y cash. MARY E. LKXT, 2? PalMng Ii .lg.. 3d aud Wash Pta. PARTLY rURNTSHrn APARTMENT ' HOL'SE. Thla Is one of the best constructed ho.ias In the city; cnmlnt WO apart ments; finest West "Ida district; strictly mo.iJrn In every way; private baths and telephones In every spartmnt and the prlte Is ONLY $Ut0. Iid you sn er hear f such a bars a. o ; Just think of It; we can aell you this house with only 1 1 2o0 CASH down; this Is an opportunity seldom offered and wo would advise you to so this at one. R. H. OOODKTND CO 52-4 Hoard tf Trade Bids;. TeL Marahall w, A lOotf. LEASE AND FT RN ITT R E OF APARTMKNT-HOUSE FCR HAIJ5. New corner brKk buliilinc. located about blocks south of Kth and Morrison eta., containing ISA rooms mostly in 3-room suites private bath and reception tall; lease f T years nt Jo.-o per room. T his house hss cleared mo over 1(.0'0 In past years; I am going to give some one else a chance to make so mo money, as I going to fcuropc and am going to sell for lens than furniture coat me. as I can show by bilis; my books will show a CLEAR ntOFIT of y-'VHj pr mo.; my price is ll2.w. with terms of ST'K'O caah d -wn; hvre Is a rare clunci to r-t a U) per cent tn-e etai'-nt. For further par ticulars see my agt.nts at room ol Yeon bldg. ' BELL OR T"R ADTS. 89 rooms. ew modern brick, close In, 4. year lease, rent -.0. private baths, ht and cold water sll rooms, all brass pMs. lrWt springs, extra good mattresses and Unen, solid oak furnltur lltgelow Axmlnstor corpeta An Ideal place. Nev er has vacancy, but dn t like the busi ness. Cull fr particular. DIFTZ-MIT-LLKR CO.. 314 Ablngtoa bMg. EXTRA GOOD HorSE. Bl rooms, right In center of city; nsw Tprick eleitar.t.y furnished. trlvats hatha, hot ftnd cold wfttr all rooms; never has a vacant room: clears above all expenses s.vxj per month; can be hsndled for iWU cash- get bJ-r if you wnnt it. IIhTZ-M EI.LEK CO.. li Aingtun bldg. NOTHINO AS OOOD- 4 room, the most modern apartment house tn the rltv. The furnishings r certainly en.nllte: 4S-yr "ease; rent ery reasonal'ic; walkli.g distance; net profits .' per-month. D1K17.-M! KM ER CO.. Live aires, 14 Abitigtoa bMg. WANT TO PUT room'ng-houie from 12 to BO rewims. some caan and gilt-edae stock for the bslance; w hat have you to ofrr? no dead propo Wlil te Citnflered. II STZ-AIl' EL1.KR CO. Uvs wirva. l Ablngtoo bldg. MONDAY PlfK-rP. r.O rorns. bri k bldg.. hot snd cold water, all rooms steam bent, elevator, pri vate bath, rine furnishings; do you want it 7 4-ear lase; very l w rent, 40O per month, profit pri'-e. JiO" Icnxis. It', K rZ-MT" ELLtii CO.. L4 -uiu. Abii gion bldg. miE GOOD HOOMNO-liOrsia 7U rooms. Alder street. t"ni". "s cash. 4.'. rooms, M'ssiaaippl it,, 4T0u; I-vuD "xi'rooms. aforrlsoa tt $3200; $2200 C"!!oroomi L'nlon ftva $2!0A; $14O0 cash. IS rev mm. C. rand a vs.. !ToO; $ Iu0 cioUX. TO roonve. Alder sc. ti'H; fs.H cesh. rooms, salmon nd W. Park. S12&0. PLOCH REALTY CO.. Alder 1hK) saVEU If Pu oY h- newiy-fur-nished 67 room house now. New hrtck all outside roxna. Close in on East fcilde. lrf-lMfA low rent if taken at onco for caaU $;vO by owner. No agsntA, no com m;aIon. H tl. oreconlan. LARUE roomlnrhom on Waah at . CT, rooms, hot and coid water. st.atn Ii-nt. up to date threwchoul. hjg psylt.g i.u-.-s; owner must leave city, must sacrcico; oq will hsndlo this buinness if taken r.ow. Writs or call on U. A. Cowles, Wai Was h. at. . itOC MLNG-HOCE. 18 rooms; rent only 8?0: leas. Tina location. West Side; ciears $75 mo.; s, for dt-O; hava other OAKLAND BAWNES. 191 4th L le-KoOM roomlng-houae. rent will clear $125 per m. best wcntion. i( -. mA. I'aDtaces incaier. vwi.n. -v b sold at, aicknesa. Prlc $30. T 11... i -reg or iaru RPaTi . E KurnI t u re and lease of 40-room hotel In best town In tho Wiil&mett Val ley good reasons for seeing. For par ticulars inquire at aOS aanlngton at- Portland. Cr. 4 ROOMr1. mt'v fcousekeeplng. rent F73. lease; prtco SldvA; will take smallT house f'.rt payment, balance terms, Batoa Sid Henry bldr. Main 7214. lft Rt"OM. on Morrison; a splendid place, elegant furniture; party will exchange for house and lc on East Side: rent $. In quire cr 1J. Justea. S22 Falling bldg. B. ROOM, running water In all rooms, steam beat: will sell at a sacrifice; owner leaving c-ty; hav other In teres ta. Sea) Ovnera. 146 Tth St, ROOMS, basement room, lawn and flow era, on Couch; ea-h article of furnltur la good; largi aupplr of dishes; furnace; very easy terms Marshall lt. jTRO'M n-i.'.-rn tat. besides large attic; pewiv fuxnrnred; br'.ng good U."ome; beat kcaXU&; $3; tarma. 1-4 a X'ilik U HOTEL. ROOMING-HOISES. AFAStT M EN T-HOUSES, , REAL ESTATE AND LXCHAXOM Phone Main SSuO. A 3-iTi. 823-24 Falling bldg.. Sd and Wash. MAKY K. LENT. Portlar;as "LEADING HOTEL BROKER "Special noticfs. M lace llan coaa. IN THE Justice's Court for Portisnd res trict. Multnomah County. State ot regen. First State Bank, a corporaliou. plalntin. vs. K. Lchlvma. defendant, summons. To K. Uchlvma. defendant In th name of the State of Oregon Toj are hereby required o a;.pcar and answer the M-mplalnt filed asalnt you in tha above efgl'd action within six week from th i-io of the first publication of this notice, to-wit: the loth day of May. lull, and If you fall to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff win apply to the court for the relief prayed for in the com plaint, to-wit: for a judgment for the sum of eighty (SS0) dollars. with Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per mum from th 14th day of February, ltfll. wntu paid, and for further sum of fifteen ($10) dollars as attorneys' fees In this action and lor Its coats and L b u rr- men t s therein. This action Is brought to recover upon a certain promissory not executed by you on the 19th day of August, lit UK payable at th banking bouse of plaintiff above named. . This summons Is served upon you by publi-atioa thereof once a week for six successive weeks In Tho Mornir.ff Orego Diao, a newspaper of genera, circulation printed and published at Portland, Mult nomah County. Oregon, by virtu of an order of the Honorable J. W. Bell, Juatlc f th abov entitled court, dated th lath day of May. 1!1L JAMES O. WILSON. B. F. RITER. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Dsta of first publication. May 10. 11)11. p3a ot last publication, Jon 27, 1V1L prvposala Invited. MULTNOMAH COUNTY COVRTHOrSE ctealed proposals will b received at the office of W hidden A Lewis, architects, 701 Corbett building. Portland Oregon, until 12 o'clock noon, of Saturday. June 24th, lilL for the following work In the weat wing of new Courthouse, for th County of Multnomah, Stat of Oregon. Th wrecking, excavation and founda tion, structural steel and Iron work, gran ite, terra cotta, brick and concrete, Bed ford atone work, roofing and sheet motal work, metal frames, grilles and sashes, tile partitions, lathing osl plastering, marble work, scagliola and floorC carpen try and cabinet work, painting and finish ing, glass and glazing, ornamental Iron, together with all such other work as may be railed for In the specifications In con nection therewith. Plans and specifications may obtained at the offic of the architects. No proposal w ill be considered unless accompanied by a check payable to the order of the -County Court of Multnomah County, certified by reevonstbl bank, for an amount equal to IV per cent Of the aggregate proposal, and this check is to be forfeited as fixed and liquidated dam ages In case the bidder neglects or refuses to enter Into contract and to furnish a suitable bond for the faithful performance of the said work. In th event the contract Is awarded to him. The right Is expressly reserved to reject any and all bids receivsd. 1. J. Cleeton. County Judge; W- L. Lightner. County Commissioner; D. V. llart. County Com missioner. BIDS FOR LOCKER EflPMENT FOR LINCOLN HlOH SCHOOL. Sealed, bids will bo received at the of fice, of R. H. Thomas. Clerk School Dis trict No. 1. Multnomah County, Oregon, room 4"2. Tllford building, Portland. Ore gon, until 5 I. M., Thursday, June la, l'Jll. for furnlnhtng steel lockers for the new Lincoln High School, now being ervcted on block. 202. City of Portland. Oregon. All to be in accordance with plana and specifications, copies of which may b obtained nt the office of the ar chitects, Whitehoua Foullhoux. 622 Lumbermen's building. A certified check equal to five per cent of th amount of th proposal, pavable to the order of P.. H. Thomas, School Clerk, to be held as damages in csso th bidder. If awarded tlu contracts, fails to execut contract and furnish bond equal to sixty (GO) per cent of the amount bid. must accompany each proposal. Bids will not be consid ered unless written on forms furnished by the architect a Envelopes containing pro posals must bo marked with th name of the bidder and "Proposal for Locker Lqutpiuont, Lincoln High School." Th Board of Directors reserve th right to reject any or all bids. R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk. Dated May 20, lull. IN THE District Court of Ahe United States for the District of Oregon In the matter of P. E. Ch ase, ban kru p t : The under s:gned will receive sealed bids at his of ace No. 7 First St., room s. Portland, Oregon, up to 11 o'clock noon of Wednes day, Msy 31. for th following prop erty bciunglnc to said estate; a stock of merchandise of the Inventory value ot :'9S8.7L consisting of the following lines: Jewelry. 1421.b3; furniture, 63,a3j paints, oils and gla, $o77.05; also a lof of store fixtures of the Inventory value of $13.20, all of said property being lo cated in the store of said bankrupt at Monmouth, Polk County, Oregon; also 4 snares of stock In tho Monmouth Creamery Company of the par value of $10 por share. An inventory of tho above property is on file at the office of the undersigned and the property may be inspected on appli cation to th Western Keaity Company at Monmouth. Bids may be made for the a.M stock as a whol or for each separate Una f merchandise. Cash or a certified check for 10 per cent Of tho amount offered must accompany each bid and the right Is reserved to reject sny and all bids, said sale being made subject to confirmation bv the court. Dated at Portland, ore sou. May 29. 1911. K. L. .Sabln. Trustee. IN THE District Court of th United States for th District of Oregon: In tho matter of H. C. Fertig, bankrupt The under signed will receive sealed bid at his of fice. No, 7 First street, room 8, Portland, Oregon, up to 12 o'clock noon of Monday, May -u, 191 1. for stock of merchandiio belonging to Oils estate and located at 271 Front airett. Portland, Oregon. Stock con sifts of gents' furnlshlnr goods, cloth ing, shoes, etc, of the Inventory value of $M 37.27; also stor fixtures of the In ventory value of 8447. Terms, cash and deposit of 10 per cent of amount offered ni iiit accompany earn bid and the right Is -.reserved to reject any and all bids, said sal being mad subject to confirma tion by the court. Inventory and In spection of stock may be had on applica tion. R- L. SAJJ1N, Trustee. Dated Portland. Oregon. May 20. 111L CITY OF" PAir.VTEW. Bid wanted for the im-rWrmant of First and Second Streets. Sealed bid -a ill be received for the cut ting nml filling by the yard, and the graveling by the yard. f First and Sec ond st reeta. respectively. In the city of "alrvtew. Oregon. Bids must be made separately for each street, and a certified check f-r ten per cent of the amount of each bid must accompany same. Bids will be opened th first day of June, l'.ti L fba Council reserve the right to reject any or all blda. Ksflmstes, etc. can be seen, and full particulars obtained rela tive to th work, either from the mem bers of th street commltte or th Re corder. O. O. DOLPn. Recorder, City of Fair view. SEALED bids will le received at the of;!ce of R. H. Thomas. School Clerk. 404 Til ford building. Portland, Oregon, until 5 P. M.. June 1. 1V1L for mater'.sis and labor necessary for Installing and com pleting necessary plumbing for additional fixture In th lavatories of the Montavilta ohool bollding. All to be done tn ac cordance with plana and specifications of A rent tec t T. J. Joaea. copiea of which mar be obtained at his ofHce, 40O TUford building. Certified check for li per cent ot the amount of th bid, payaMe to R. H. Thorr.aa. School Clerk, mast accompany each proposal. Board of Directors reserves tbe right to reject any and all bids, p.. II. Thorn ss, b-chool Clerk. Dated May 1. 1311. I WILL receive sealed bids at my off Ira, No. 7 First street, room a, Portland, Ore gon, for a certsin stock of merchandise, consisting principally of paints. ells, crerkery. hardware, tinware, graateware, - aasi, doors and glass, lumber and feed, ' amounting to 13781.40. together with fix tures amounting to $1147.75; all located at Falls City, Polk County. Oregon, up to 12 o'clock, noon, ot Wednesday, May 24. IfflL Terms cash. Certified check for 10 per cerlt of th amount offered must accompany each bid and th right la reserved to reject any and all bids. An Inventory of stock may be seen at my o trice and Inspection thereof may b had at Falls City. Oregon. , Dated; Portland., Oregon, May 13. 1911. v R. L. 8 A BIN. PROPOSAL for beef, motion and lea. Van courer P.arracks, Wash.. April 22. 111 L 6-aled proposals in triplicate for f am 1 sh ir, g and delivering fresh beef and mutton for six months beg-funing- July 1. 1P1L win be received until 11 A. M., Msy 24. 191L smd then opened, at offices of commis saries at Port 6 1 evens. Or., Boise Barracks. Idaho, Forts Casey, Columbia, Flagler, Lawton, Vancouver. Ward, Worden and George Wright. Wash., si 4 fur ic for above posts for on year. Proposals will be considered for delivery ot ice at other points than at post. Envelopes containing proposals -must be Indorsed. "Propoaa.s for fresh beef and mutton (or Ice) to b opened May 14. lvll." and ftddressed to commissary of post to be supplied. Edward E Dravo. Colo., A. c. G..C hlc4 Com'y. SEALED proposals wlli be received by the State Board of Control. Olympla, until 19 o'clock A M-. May 23. iril. for floor aad wall tiling delivered and set at State penitentiary. Walla Walla. Specification Will be furnished in appMcaiiun. STATE BOARD OV CUNTKOI, 'Proposals Invited. OFFICE CONSTRUCTING. QUARTERMAS TER, 4SJ Arcade Annex. Seattle. W ash May 22. 1911. Sealed proposals In tripli cate for the construction of an electrlo lighting system at Fort Flagler. Washing ton, will be received In this office until 11 A- M-, June IS. lifll. and then pub i ny opened. A deposit of $3 wlil be required for r-turn of plar.i Information, pians. specifications and pTopcsals in blank wlil t.e furnished upon application to Captain t- c. Uong. constructing vtu; ' NOTICE OF SALE OF SEIZED GOODS. Notice is hereby given that on the sec end day of June, 1911. at 2 o'clock P. M-, there will be sold at public Auction at the V. S. Appraiser's store, corner of 6:h and Davis sts., Portland. Or., to the higbet bidder for gold coin: 1 trunk, 1 grip, l cigarettes. boxes cipars. S pieces silk cloth, 1 piece wool cloth. P. S. Malcolm, Collector of Customs. . TTNANCIAJT-, r. A. SWINGLE & CO.. arclaitecta and su perlntendents, structural engineers. Se us about the planning of that new horns All of our desi rn.s are originni, modern and up-to-date. Call aa 302 Mckay bldg. BUILDING company now organizing, has opening for experienced contractor; good opportunity for right man; give refer ences and phone number. Address A J litj. Oregonlan. $100 INVESTED 15 years ago earned to dat Over S15.00i. Writ for booklet. San Fran cisco Home Builders. 871 Phelan bldg.. San Francisco, California. WILL sell 50 shares of stock in local insur ance company a 'sacrifice; atock now sell Ing $2f0 a share. AJ 12t, Oregonlan. WHO wants a $:?50 8 per cent S-year mortgage on a 6G0 farm near Portland? Good as wheat. AE 14. Oregon lan. ( WANTED Installment mortgage, $1750. for my choice apartment alte. "ilO Lumber Exchange. MORTGAGE LOANS, E ASTON, 2U2 Board of Trade bldg. M oney to" Loan Keal Estate, WE ar building for others, we will build your home better and for less money; no charge for plana. II money Is needed, w will furnish it. Talk to us about it. OKEGON CONSTRUCTION CO., 303 McKay Bldg. ON IMPROVED city property cr for bulld lcg purposes; 8 to 6 years time; liberal repayment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. The Kquitaui Sav ings ft Loan Association. 240 otark St. PLENTY of money to loan at 0 and 7 per cent on real estate security. tUW. P. M ALL 104 Second at. $500,000 ON Improved city or farm property: building or small loans at lowest prices; larg loans a specially. J. H. McK.enz:e Co.. SH-OlC-SiO Grliner bldg. FIRST and sscona mortgages and contracts purchased on farm and city property any where In Oregon or Wasniumon. E. L . I'evereaux, Feuton bldg.. b4 Cth at. I HAVE the following amounts on hand to loan at 6 per cent Interest: $0"0, $l'0o, ti'uoo. 440VO. Call 414 Spalding bldg. Western siec. Co.. Loan Dept MORTGAGE LOANS Exclusl e y. EDWARD E. GOUDET, Lewis Building. WE HAVE plenty of money to lean on Portland property in sums from $lo00 to ,000 at lowest current ratea Morgan, - Flitdner ft Boyce, 5u-0O6 Ablngton blUg. LOANS. MORTGAGE LOANS. m to e per cent. J. FRANK PORTER. 904 Chamber of Commerce. $20,000 TC LOAN on improved city real es tate, first mortgage, at 6 per cent. Reas onable brokerage Parrlsh, Watklns A Co.. 250 Alder st. TO LOAN. We can loan you $4oo0 at 7 per cent; $3H0 at per cent on city realty security. BLOCH REALTY CO.. 200 Alder SU LOWE5T RATES $100 to $10,000 to loan on real estate. C. S. NtckUn, 35 Lafayett bldg.. olh and Washington sts.. Main 65-9. $10Uv TOSoOCTTo LOAN at 7 per cent for 1 year on Portland improved property. Good pell Brothers. 433 Worcester bldg. MONEY to loan on improved real estate or xor building purposes. Columbia LdXe o Trust Company, tfio Spalding bldg. MONEY loaned without brokerage If we build, currout rates. I B. Bailey Co., S -4 Ablngton bldg. FROM $o0 tc $1000, short-term loan on chattel security. BLOCH REALTY CO.. 208 Alder St. IMPROVED or unimproved property; small building, loans, contracts and mortgage bought. W. H. Nunn, 448 Sherlock bidg. $GCiu " TO loan on city property either Im proved or good vacant. Ellis, 'Smith tk Co., Wasnlngton St., rooms 201-202. LOANS. MORTGAGE. LOANS, to 8 per cent. J. FRANK PORTER. 304 Chamber Corn. $-00,000 TO LOAN, large loana a specialty, building loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck, bl2 PaiUngbIdg: MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates. A. H. BtrreU Co., .202 McKay bldg.. 2d aod dtark. LOANS, MORTGAGE, LOANS. 5Vs to 8 per cent. J. FRANK POKIER, 904 Chamber Corn. 6 MALL and LARGE amounts to LOAN on REALTY. Ask Mr. EAST ON, 202 Board of Trade bldg. TO LOAN $1000. $2300. $:5V0, $5000. First realty mortgaRe; 7 and 8 per cent, J. H. Tipton Co., 1108-10 Spalding bldg. "tKlVATB funds to loan og approved realty security. Vanduyn ft Walton 015 Cham- bcr Commerce, -yyn loan $SiXK or ices, real estate secur ity. 4it4 chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOAN 3 ATR E AS O N A5L3I BATESF. H. LEWIS. 8 LEWIS BLDG. gtat funds loaned, 6 per cent, W. B. Thom as state agent. Multnomah Co., 400 C. of C. Will Tioan$10.000 or less, real estate security. Farrtngton, 41o Conimerclai Club bldg. MONEY, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. Good! Eoughftjgelte. S10 Spalding bldg. MOItTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LEWIS SALOMON. 2o3 STARK ST. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collat eral security. C. W. Pallett, Si)S-9 Fen ton. RESIDENCES financed and built! aI C Furlon C GC 3 C o f C. b Id g.M a In iO 5 1. LOANS on all kinds of security. W. A Hathaway, roqjn 10, Washington bldg. MONEY for good Inside loans, 8, 7, 8f.. Carlock ft Muellhaupt, IOC. Cham, ot Com. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort Kagus. A. H. Mi ley. U. 04, Gerlinger bldg. pflONH TINDOLPH MAIN 630L 813 BOARD OF TRADE. PKIVATB MONEY $0000 to loan on Irvlng ton j-eajstate. East 2053. MONEY to loan on inside Portland proper ty. AT 32. Qregonian $"0 AT 0. per cent, from 3 to 5 years; no commission. U 110; Oregoniauf $ $ $. $ $ DO YOU .tis-U 1U. taX J W will furnish you. strictly oonfldentlal and without deiay. a loan in any amount on your auto, piano, furniture, livestock, storage receipt and all kinds of securities; on t'jrms to suit; aUu weekly or monthly payment. WE BUT AND LOAN On first and second real estate mortgages and contracts. U. S. REAL ESTATE ft BROKERAGE CO Sll Hamilton Bldg. 131 iid. Main 2084. 8 8 $ $ 8 $ $ $ I I WE HAVE MONET TO LOAN On salaries only. In amounts of from $5 to 810O, at th lowest possible rate, ' Business strictly confidentiaL AH w require la that you be employed on salary and you get the money quickly, without mortgage, indorser or other se curity. STATE SECURITY CO 8oo Failinc bide. Cor. Thlrd and Waahljigton Sta. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Women keeping house and others fur nished without scuriiy; cheapest ratea easiest payment. C me and get money when you -want it, and pay as you can. Offices in all principal D. H. Tol lman. 817 Lumter Exchange. MONEY loaned In amounts from $10 up on all kinds of securities, furnltur, pianos or any personal property. Easy weekly or monthly payments; low rates, confidential. Gray A Cunningham. 201 Rothchlld biog., northwest corner 4th and Wshlngton. MONEY A DV AN C E D. On -furniture, pianos, storage receipts, ta. Lowest rates. HUT TON CREDIT Ca, . 807 Spalding bldg. LOWEST RATES Loans on all kinds of se curity, chattels or real estate; Union Loan Co.. ;i5 Lafayette bldg.. -0th and Wash. sts. EQUITIES of contract or mortgage bought or exchanged for city or acreage of any kind. Boggeas. 221 Morrison, room &, MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewelry, strictly confidential. 141V 8d. near Alder. A LOAN for the-asking, salary-or chattel! The Loan Co.. 414 L'ekum bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, EASTON, b27 Board of Trade bidg. MORTGAGE LOANS, SAJ9TON. 2MX Board, ol Trad blue Money to-4an on Chart! and Balarle. LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds and Jewelry. Marx A Bloch, 74 3d. LOAN- on diamonds and otln-r securities. Wm. Hoil. room 9. Washington bldg Loana Wantco. HAVE client wanting $1000 for six months on txco well protected second mortgspe s on residence property: mortgage val-jo $-0vK; party will pay 1 per c nt. C, W. Davis, 60$ Commercial block. Portland. Or. WE can Invest your money at good rate of ... .... u..h va .-nrltesL-4rrst mort- ! ras-es: 'long-term Investment. Provident Investment A Trust Co. -0L J Board of Trade bldg. WE can rIac several loans on Irvinton and Holiaday property from $2300 up o F. E. BOWMAN ft CO.. 22d and B razee. E. $3300 WANTED "on beautiful hlch -class resi dence property; now, S rooms, completed and occupied by owner; will pay S per cent Interest for immediate loan; value fduOO. AL 134. Qregonian. $30X) ON fine home, finished. In best part of Laurelhurst; cost $6oO; 3 years. . per cent quarterly; no atf-rats. W 115. ore- gonian. WILL sell chattel mortgage 2.z. one $-95. pavablo monthly Interest and Installments, all' within one year; will discount to make Interest 15 per cent. M 12 J Oregon lan. WANTEl5S3000from private party for 4 vears: will pay S per cent interest; A-l security. AK 181. Qregonian. , $2250 THRF.B years at 6 per cent Quar terly; full Insurance; value $3000. AK li. Qregonian. $3000 on Central Oregon townslte PrPe.f.t.y: Money to be used for Improvements. W iu jivn lVJje. av g. j 1 $6000. 8 per cent. 3 years, Irvington dis trict; Insurance $3"O0: Jroperty value. S 15.000. AO 119, Qregonian. $2o THREE yeafs, 7 per cent, property valued $4500, near Union avenue. AO 11, Oregonian. jio" WAKTED at 7 per cent on corner 50 xlOO, Improved, value $U0u0. See attor- 11 .I'a'U'm umt,- JIOOU WANTED FROM PRIVATE PABTT. On line home, good neighborhood: will pay 7 per cent. AO 131. Oregjnlj1 WANTED liOan of 5000. 5 year,, at 7 par cent, lirst mort(?aSe, 600 acre. Irult land. AK 115, Qregonian. WANTJ-DLoanilOOO. 1 year 10 P'r cent Interest, cood chattel ascurlty Aaaresa tl 11.1. un-Kuiii.u. WANTED J.1800. $2250. $7500; at once. First realty mongage; per cent. J. H- WANT LOAN OF .0CO ON CLOSE-IN property; 7 per cent to private pjj.y. AX 1.-.3, Qregonian. wo THREE year, at 8 per cent, on two acres In Milwauklo. three h:ocks from na tion; valued at tmijeeomau. S4000 ON 6 acres, flne suburban home site, valued at ,15.000; want for three years; will pay per cent. O 119. Qregonian. WANTED SU.0O for '"IJL''nU on iarm worm - " LET us place your money, good mott15.fei reierencea r . -n- - $13oO 8 per cent from private party, on new noiiie. lov, w - EEE PR UP HOMME. 90o Spaidlnt; bldc PERSONAL, WE HAVE the finest equipped Private of . flees on the Paclno Co-st, furnished Ith every therapeutic appliance used by tn most advanced men in Europe and Amer lea. We use no drugs, we never operate We have something better. We use every form of massage and adjustment and me chanical body treatments, vibration, radia tion and heat. Bake ovens. X-Rays. static, coils, violet lights and ultra violet ras-High-frequency, ozone, slnusoldaL helios, solar, Kiant and King lights. ne ' the only physicians on tho PacI Coast using radium to treat patients. Come and be examined free and see our offices, we have been In Portland over Ave ears and treated thousands of patient ana never had a death. ' . We take no contagious or infectious dis eases, neither do we go out of the onice trt trpat natiMiis. We can CURE, do cure and have cured thousands of so-called "Incurables" and nor-vou wrecks. in vestigate for yourself. We occupy the entire north half ot the third floor of the Rothchilds bldg. Dr. W. E. Mallory. Naturopath. TO FRANK HERMANN, a son of Frederick Hermann and Dora Hermann, deceased, of LeKay. Dodge County. Wisconsin: It is for your interest to at onco correspond with your unoie. George EngeL Kekoskee, Wis. P. O.. Mayville, Wis.. K. 3. or any one knowing of his whereabouts would nr.fA- a favnr Y,tr nntlcA to ftbOVO addTCSS. HAIR. HAIR. Largest stock In the city to be closed out at cost, convent, German and pure hair cut from one head nfy; good switches for 05c and up; all fix tures for B.ile, large mirrors and wax fig ures, building torn down for Llpman Wolfe site. Grand LeaderCth and Alder. DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and children, sur pery; chronic and nervous diseases treated according to the latest methods; conflas xnent cared for; consultation free. 815 4 Washington st. Main 39-8. A 6007. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helsinpfors graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailmeats. under physician's direc tions: baths, masseuse. No. 7 East lit t., second door south from East Ankny carllne. Phone East 2C0, B 1S03. . SWEDISH medical gymnast and masseur, C. Holmstrom. digestive, nerve, sexual and chronic disorders a specialty only aXn' tlfic masseur in this city. Otllcea i0--J Qregonian blds - FEBVET ft HANEBUT. Leading wig and toupee makers; finest stock of human hair goods; halrdressing. manicuring, face and scalp treatments. V47 7th St.. near Morrison. Phone Main 546. HELEN SORNSand J. E. Perry, magnetic healers, treat ail chronic diseases. 20 1 V Russell St., Portland, Or. Phone C 212 ; hours from 7A. M. to 6 P. M. DR. A. A. AUSPLUND. Diseases of women and surgery. Exam Iration tree. 302 Merchant Trust bldg., 6th and .Washington. Phone Main 4047. DRESS suits for rent, $L30 month; .keep your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips repaired. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co., S0 Stark. MRS. St ovens. 16 years Portland's lead ing palmtst and clairvoyant, has her late book. "Palmistry Made Easy." on sal at 843 to Yamhill, corner Seventh St. DR. WALKER, specialist for men, quickly cures blood and skin ailments, kidney and "bladder troubles ana piles. Consultation free. 181 1st st. Portland. LADIES Lorenz antiseptic cones are sooth ing, rafe. and sure. Stipe Taylor Drug Co., 2bJ Morrison at. . DR. KETCHUli'S OFFICE WOODLAWN. PHONE, MOVE D TO WOODLAWN OUT OF COMBINGS. Switch, W3c; curls and puffs, 75c Sani tary BeautyPariorg; 400 Dckum bldg. MRsISOPHIA B- 8EIP. mental scientist. Suite 21-22 3S6 Washington st. ; pubiio meeting Wednesday. 8 P. M. M ain 68 24. WE do everything in ladies' tailorimj; siiita to your measure from $35 up, J. E hrlichCo.. Phoenix bldg., tth and Oak. LORENZ NERVE TONIC TABLETS restore lost 'Vitality. 25o box; 6 boxes, $L25. Stipe Taylor Drug Co.. 2b9 Morrison st. MME. Courtright. feature and skin speclal s u squ Swetland bldg. Main S042. BALM OF FIGS Remedies for dlscaaea ol women, 632 Davis St. Main 9215. SCALP treatments, rooms 0 and 7, .846 MOI.ES. wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. HilL Flledner bldg. M HJH. BUSINESS D I RECTO BY. Accountants. MACKENZIE, BAIRD & CO., PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, 2X4 Worcester Block. Main A 144. Counsel and expert In all matters per taining to municipal, commercial, factory cost and Industrial accounting. COLLIS, BETtKlDGE ft THOMPSON, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. AUDITORS. Commercial, County and Municipal. Auditing, Investigating and Systematizing. 8.4 Worcester biock. Phone Main 0507. Architects. M- A- CARPENTER, architect and designer, removed to 163'J Chamber of Commerce. Assayer and Analyst. ft ProebsteL, xxuning engineers, chem ists and assayers. 2d4V Washington. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-teatlng work. 180 Morrison st. Attorneys. A- E- COOFER. attorney-at-law. General practice, aostracts examinea. neraovea tu 14-4 to 142S Yeonbld g. M. 873. A 207L Bath and Swimming. Portland Swimming baths, 167 4th Elegant plunge; steam, tuw iuw wa-ma -oa. HILLS SANITARIUM Rheumatic treat ment, elegant piunge. 5 Front. M 4oL CoUecUons. FOR TLA ND Collection Agency al7 Allsky bld. A II debts collecte d. A 7317. M. A-ZZ. Bras and Machine Work. EaR PER' 3 BRASS WORKS Brass casting ajid. niaMne vara. Ivd fitii, aJala Zijl WILLIAM EsteLe -and Flossie Devenv, th only sclent ifio chiropodists In the city. Parlors 302 Gerlinger bldg., S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1SOL CHIROPODY and pedicuring'. Mrs. M. D Hill, room 40 Fhedner bldg. Main 3473. Chlrop radio I'hyslclan. "CHI-rO-PRAC-TIC TICK-NKR"; Say U fat and remember Columbia bldg. 12 t 6:30. DR. EVA MARSH, first lady chlro, r. In Oregon. 2J3 Fhedner bins- Hours P to d. Contractor. CARPENTER and contractor; Jobbing and remodeling a specialty; sign work. O. P. Bliss. 5224 siaTK. rnon Mam woti W. I- BUCKNER. contractor, ibbblng, of fice and store setting. S N. Sth sl. Main 5SS3. A TOiii. Woodlawn 662. LATHINGcontractor. wood or metal; guar anteed. E. A. I to well. Phono Woodlawn 1177. . ROBERT WAKEFIELD, general contractor. 414 Wells-Fargo bldg. Main oSO. Wood and Coal. CENTRAL WOOD YARD Wood and oaL Maln 1000; A 110O. NATIONAL FUEL CO.. coal and wood. Marsh all 900. 313 Water it. COAI. ALBINA FUL- CO. BLOCK . WOOD BRANCH E. 33 D ST WOO D WOOD Dry 4-ft. sawed to order. M 45i8. COAL A 4547. Prompt d ellv. Neer & frarr. Wood and Coai. DRY BLOCK WOOD, tmxed with -smaller wood, $.'!.i0 per load delivered any plac in the city. Portland Wrecking Co.. 105 10711th st. North. Main 87. A 3730. B?RXSIPE FUEL CO. Wholesale an d re- " tan". 4-Ct sawed fir and hardwood. Office and yards at 125 EL Tth st, Phon East 724. B 2777. SEGHERS WOOD CO. Sawed 4-ft. cord wood and slabwood. 9th and Giisan. M. 6.i.9. M. 8351. A 2413. Dancing. LESSONS 25c; 4 lessons for $1; waits, two step, three-step. stage dancing. etc; every morning, afternoon and eve.. Prof. Wal Wtllson's Fchool : oldest and only rec e?nlzed -academy for correct dancing. SSO-ri Wash, st., bet. W. Park and 10th sts. Dentists. ALVEOLAR TEETH where bridge work la Impossible; does away entirely with plates, brldcework; we cure pyorrhea (ioose teeth) absolutely: terms to reliable people. Alveolar Dental Co., Ablngton bldg. 103 3d THE old reliable Union Painless -Dentist. 1st, and Morrison sts. Dos; and Horse HospltaL Dr. Brown. D. V. S.. office 129 N- Htb sL Mala 40S6: res. E. 5440. Hospital SO 12th. Klectrlc M c tor HospUaL WALKER-MACKENZIE Electric Works, East 117. Motors sold, rented, repaired. ngines Gai and Steam. . ROBER Machinery Co., Coast agts. Seabury steam engines and boilers, gasoline en cine, 2S1-2S3 E. Morrison st. Pbone E. 515. Fans and Blower. NORTHWEST BLOWPIPE CO.. 600 Lorin st. Dust collecting and ventilating sys tems. Phones C 1116. E. 32SJ. lecd Store. 2K3LER ft MISNER. hay. grain, feed, ce ment, ajifcgles. 2U4. Grand ave. B. 4S2. Landscape Ciardeners. G. H. SIEBELS, landscape gardener and nursery man. baa moved to 6b6 E. 6th. Sellwood 1107. , Leather and Finding. CHAS. L. MASTIC K ft CO.. 74 Front. Leather of every description, taps, infra, finding. J. A. STROWBIUDGE LEATHER CO. Es tahllshed lboS. lbl Front su K. K. SCOTT, 022 Sellln ' bllr. Diseases of the Rectum. AluslcaL Emil Thlelhorn, violin teacher, pupil Sevclk, 900 Marquam. A 4160. Marshall 1620. Osteopathic Pli3'siclans ' DRZ LEROY "i SMITLL graduate Kirkvllle, Mo., class of lSiiS ; post-grad hate, 190 7, ii ndr tic. A. T Still, founder of th sci ence, 1122 Selling bldg. M. 1937. A 1985. Dr. R. B. Northrup, 415-10-17 Dekum bldg.. Phone oitlce M. 340. Res.. East or B 1028. Paperin g and Tinting. TINTING, painting, paper hanging; neat. Paints, Oils and Glass. COAST-MADE paint and varnish la best adapted to the Coast climate. BASS HUETER PAINT CO.. 191 Second st. RASMUSSEN ft CO.. Jobbers, paints, oils, glass, sash aud doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor, Patent Attorneys. PATEN1S procured by J. K. Mock, attorney at law, lae of U. S. Patent Office. Book let free. 719 Board of Trade bid g. U. S. AND FOREIGN PATENTS procured by O. Q. MARTIN, 400 Chamber of Commerce bldg. R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ents. lnrrlngement caes. 6C4 Dekum bldg. Paving. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company, 60a 6ot: EleCTric bldg. Oscar Huber. Portland. WARREN Construction Co. Street paving, sidewalks and cro ss walks. 317 Beckbid. Pawnbrokers. UNCLE MYERS Collateral Bank. 40 years la Portland. 71 6th st. Main 910. Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sts. M. 34S9. ' Plumbers. FOX ft CO., PLUMBERS. 200 2d St. Main 2001. A 200L COFFEY PLUMBING CO., saniLaxy plumb era, 493 Glisan. Main 8487. Kubber Stamps. ALSO seals, stencils, choice stationery, etc, Cunningham's, 21 Stark. Main 1407. " " Kug Weavers. NORTHWEST KUG WORKS Rugs froa old carpets, colonial raif rugs. East 35&0. B 12ao. 153 Union ave,. nr. E. Morrison, PACIFIC COAST SAFE AND VAULT WORKS. Home products, factory prices, ' easy terms; second-hand safes cheap. 6 3iesroomBj0 Third su Factory Kenton. THE'MOSLERAFi2 CO.. 1US 2d st. Safe a t factory prl cus; second-haad safes. Second-Hand Goods. WE Duy tne nifcneL prices for second-hand cicihincaudshoes. A 3100. '.3 N. etii. " show-ca9eSjgaJik and Show Fixfore. TPE LU'IKE Mjj'G. CO., branch Grand Rap fa 3 Showcase Co., th and Hoyt. it. Lutk. manager. R. H BIRDS ALL, 203 HAMILTON BLDG.. showcases in stock; prompt delivery, bales agent. M. Wl nter Lumbar C o. MARSHAL MFG. CO., 4th and Couch; new and aecond-hand. Main 2703. Cabinet work. steamships. ALLEN LIN'E Jflctuisquo SL Lawronce Houte. Weekly Sailings From MONTREAL to LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW, LONDON and HAVRii, FRANCS. Splendid Scouary, shortest passage, low rates. Any local acont or AX.LEX ft CO.. 17 . Dsarborn St., Chicago. btorago, Ltc C O- PICK Transfer ft Storage Co., of fices and -commodious 4-story brick ware house, with separate iron rooms and fire prouf vaults for valuables. N. W. ccr. 2id - and Pine fits, pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping. Special i,ates made on goods in our through ca.r to all domestic and foreign poinis. Main Sd, A lfti. (storage and Transfer. FREE STORAGE FREE. All household goods go into brick warehouse free for the first So days and at the lowest rates thereafter; moving and packing done by experia. Van Horn Irana ler Co. Both phones. OLSON-ROE TKANbJrsSR CO. General trausterring and storage, safes, pianos and furniture moved ana packed lor shipment. b7-SU Front SL Xelcaon Main 6i or a OKbOU.N TKANSFER CO., established 1870. Transier and forwarding agents Storage 4iuc 310 Hoyt su, between Cth and ata, phones Main 09. A llou. " ' Taxidermist. MOOSE; elk heads, fur work. F. B. Flnley, 240 Columbia. A 1S43. Typewriters. we" are the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this .Coast; investigates all makes, all prices, the Typewriter x change, 28? hk Wasfa'ngton sr, TYPEWRITEI'.S, all makes, VJX) to $(JU. fully -uaxanteed, easy payments, rentals, 43 raf tLontn. pacino Stationery ft printing c.a 2Q3 2d sU vvv rebuilt, second-hand rentals, at cut rates. P. D. C. Co.. 21 Stark. M. 107. Vacuum Cleaning. CARPETS cleaned on floor Jl per hour; rates to large houses. B 165o, East lloo. Well Drilling. tRlLLING wells a specialty; priced reason able. Call Main 1346 or write mii a "ft t-4 lb- Aioxriavn. gU. PorLaxid,