13 ttie srrmsryQ oreoon-iax. Tuesday, may 23, 1911. - I ZZT., ' . RFT. f 0 fcDCT, I ; FOR KENT. ?t.rwTII-AlX MiloT- " lushed Bo-- INCIDENT. n'e. -r!ary tas:yet Depart .rit. V. M. C. A. V.ur.g ro.ri. runiir. out of work if?" h . t-.l ts .... a . If I par '" ;.::., wrr p BJtntl m. rnJ-Tft ! P I l'l ha. .oIy !. l.f o;..a m. aad ,:a "a- t-. r.-.-rr rr tf too t ffr S5-tat .m- ?'ovm'il m.-r.-r.:.:p y.u III h t1 . X. '. A.. ita i iE r.eourcea. tx:w.a you and 'ifi r. What happ.a-.ir ... . maa .-ok mmbr"i!p In.W. r t hour t. found salfactory etnpoy- "l"rl April. T)tl. ID calT, m- 1.2 p...irwn n::i. 1 r. -w mmir. . rmjhrm'ii r rfua4 ,f meme.ranta r .-."'cr.tary E.-npoTrc.nt D.p.rtm.nt, T. . .. A. W AT l M.a with a. .-int. w r pu-'iO ll. mr-t ! ;ar'.' r2 m...t . f.: r .:.! r-rtr;.-:.d .!.;... . r o- tm-1 ia ,-rt an I. aoJ at pr.c f : II want rr.n .r-m h-.r..,-T. ' ! "I J".,-, -r. If u hw flua ' an 1 ere .- f-.r .tra:gt.-r..r-erl P"P ..loo frin tcwr. Cm n:.Va car. of "U ...1 - CB" .LT, J ...rr la.la.rm.n- f..r .-. a m! T. Comp-ar. To:ra D r.VTHV-S.. n -If. to In I. r..i.s:rr hum. ro:n n.J b'r.l. Ti Vumtr purr. --- PA. iriC tMl t-OTMEVT "0 i VLK.-VA.V. W. r-toir. ... ..'.' "f "IJ."i J...l rr. f hlrn. lOt rP- ":' ;., con...l-r T-ur.-'f . nr.:-.-" '-r-i:- App.y i-Mr4 o! Trl. ..... c rh.n.. fur dAn:ran. A3 rcnlu. A TKN-i.rH:il n.l.r;n ! - ,..,, r, o iTtyrunl m . of t I. .-..rlr.L AR I-.lr-i"n'n- Vrr..vi.r- iirt'fcT . t.ATtl n.I t .., l,. ..... mv..-r.tw.: ...rm. r4Jira. .tcaur ork- -l I NhiK St. . HfM-E.TAIU.E.il. ' d .-i.n. to h.:o -.'a ..n.r.l lirm " foun-J. l .ni.n. t K Tk k . 1 1 T i r. I fr rui. In South tr. r..m -X IT'C.'nUn. TV:-:i A ..rrl.r In t!. lr -' .1 .trl t App.y circuUtl-n J.pt.. tv.n I T..trn. iiri.r v. tjXTr.i m htok rrit. IIKBRT rl'-KKRS. U.l.nrln .tout )l 13. - "' . nu r--r of ir4-bry pi- n4 r. .-. .1 '. ' rr"' r Whit, salmon !'y rul!ro.rf I nl .n. Wtl'.t. sl.lm.is. W,B; . tjT" Tf"t T.o--lr- tti.n and ...ni.-a. - a t .n '!. 311 M.r.-h.iit. Tru.t I."' HEir TIO-IXaHI.. NTKt 'Wvjrn.o-tV.lo ....rl h "i"-ork f r B.t f or li nl.. II n..l lam llv mt K.nlrl Kii: "n'1 r:l-o..1 r.r po..l. n.a't h .:. c.r.n ii.l ..k1 .so. A.l'lrr.. nJ n.l rf.i--.o.. lo P b 'A. K n.ath K!l. "r. V A.N r t;i:u. for .-n.ral fc-....-'k iJ t.. mil. t .-. h""- ." r'.-' in. riht UJv; Im.t'.l I" .uh-irb. ' I.n I . l II to I - on. :Ul Bomrd or T- :. Oic. ' "Jk Arp'r nudiH r.ctorp k UAFtlllc:i I..1. tho ch.l.lr.n. ... b.. lnr. InrsunM IW!o..kpin room, for f-r ff. rv In rr.riilnc b'I L,r ..tonM -j;r I...n to y.i !t. tl.- nort n. TA A VTKD At Kin ..pr1.n.-.d flnltfi.r OB ,-t.t .-a p.ni: l. !r p. ntl -n md -- to oc. '.l"""" " i.mrit.-o. r'ra 4- A i'.'.ii t n an r K I A pr'-.r; on. -ho r.n J.. km.: of I..I... nd .nt- r-p..r-In n oii.r .ppli.. IS.noB. r..r. ; K tMIU A n prln-..l hnu"p.r to n. g.n.ral rhar. -f h .io for Tin.. I roi.p .. mu- know ..wkln. I- ' txr m -nlPt. I'hop- Tator IIWI- . tJwTSn ilrl for ir.n.ral hou.ork . mu.t b- .t co-.k. flr.t-.-Ia -act- in. n.ot party. .-Tiall farmij. Api-1 I nlrtt .N or piior. I'..t 21 or C l:j. Cm. f -r '.-o..kIn"n'1 h-.ti-o-k. I.', ma.'l fr .bl'.lr.n nl ""O'l work. .. tO fvls, r-.r.-n 21. t and ' Pin; X firm ....! . om.n or -ho M tru ..-1ST f.4 -nh'ti .u. .ip.rt.nc. nirn..-...aii1 . Vl I i-.;or.l.n. r..-tl I. f.mlly rook. t..-n4 irlrl n. p:a,-.. r..i r.t. l.itt. Ac.acy. S1 ...'nx-.-n r. V.in la. 7asrr.i K-n-.a. c t . r. fa. r POD.!-) . paouioa. lt C ! m.J at . t:h o Jlolltllcu. WANTrtt l:p-rtl..-1 compt.B . orph.r rit l-lti :arT .jr-t-:: I . r-f.r.n. . A r 13Ji u.-.:ia. VA.NTI P Ilirl for boo- ork 1 co-inrry. 4 in rami,,, no cbll-ir.n. bo washing. -hor V. .t .' r:f.ItU n.t .pp..rln .1. all or prt lm.. c. to ..m. lo o.k.ra, A p-p-y Vr. A ... 41 al..-.a k M-lc. V lr;i .aiM your. rm.n to .nt.r Ira'.nin .iio-l fo. rura.. for parflculmr. .o ilain .nrl !...plrL MA.NkC.V UAMlll-r Ut.M'l. 43. VHn r.r t.. CO. TtCW kp.tk ch . .. aa.ta -iia: Pboa. M.ia HANTCP-.Ep.rlnc irlrl vn. Hon rs l.ArlE.v acf.nct. S.u Wa.h.r-r-oa .t.. Room ll Mla 4 or A S.-l. AN .ap.rt.r.-..J ar'. for fo..klr. an. I a.r.--ral h..u..'rk. (mu.r of 1. jooj a.. t.at ! . : 7 7 fc- ?a:mor. WANTI'D -om;-.t.nt itirl for c-oklrc and d --n.r.tr ork; ao clu.dr.n. g M -aa.-a. an. M.rk.t COM VF. rt":N r" alrif.r- .n.rl b.u...rk. la mall f.mlly; o.l -a..-. Apply niont liif. Tl ortoa .- "an "KL rfprlncd girl to do co-.klr.ff a -..ft h iihm4, good 4fm Apftlx TJ r'n.!.r. " N'TS.r -tirl for g.n.ral hon.work and r.-h..trg. family of four. Ca:i m-.r-alaga. 311 2.1 N r!h. T.:phun. M.ID -a-'.. X 1 1 K L." o -at :u g.n.ral houa.work: 5.M..t homa. ? Aw- lta at. N. t'bua .at :-:u w.TKP A girl for g.n.ral hoa. o.k; X In faaii.y: muat g .d co--k. liv Tb.ur rr. a.-.. r.'n. Mar-. .-.:! "TTi. A l.w. CTKf. for g.a.r1 bo.. .'rk family of 5. T.k. "M V" car. grt cff at lut. Pal c flandrrm. . WASTtl- :;;atra-... .ir.s.r. A.-: a:.r. .-A'l .t...n t an.i Z V. M. W 4 NTrn- Irl for g-ovraj bu ork. V4 E..r.tt. V anXKU vpr'..n.-d ..--or..! ro..k. wag.a 94o r- -m aa,! b-ard TJj lloir CIHt. r"'K Hi.l'SKnVllK. a4 rTo.u.qy. HANTEli O'rr for Th n. E. g.n.ral boua.w or a. N:"K r worrn-i to wrk part of time; -r . : i ws -, V K-a:i st. laAt-a-IKIKNCKD restauract cook. lit Mr- r'"n 9'" ANTr'l sitrl t- asa'Sl hu-w..ri. w isa -.en Mr.-.r m 777 Irving st V.ANTEI A waltr-. Cs 1 at Starr Rest a u r a'n t. 4 "4-V a r.f. oa s WANTEl T tailor-esses on coats and --s J lrts. : S .'.th W.iMA.n or tr ng grl. r"t 2'. f t ro'. trg and g-n-r. bou-wrk. Msin v bO laiV lTv.iH. mar. r aJT.-a. I- 0 .!v. Ho tel "',-r-, r-v.m :M. lop and tar. OIKf.r grN'rl hoj.ework, govxl wages. S In Mm:'. V an a v.a.::l- K f-u 3 t W 5 P. M.. Is. a-l t-i -y. 3 WashlTigtoa St. vTVnI Et A r-t-c.ass Cvvat alterall.a ws- tn. e-fV.d Cx. 4r and Morrison. W AN fEi A girl to s:st .a housework and c.Hk ng App.y 31 l"th u Ci H CtiT ork. n in fa-.t:y. no c-U-air-n. wA.-h.r-g ata;n A: Olilt- wante.1. for 3 ned'.s t"n.n fT"'! rr.a. urt H-o.l r'a,-;rv. 1M1 CoqrX fir houewnek. s'tvav.! fami.y aduit. S:.5 E ''-u.-!.. cor. ?fi. WANTED tl" for in. i..!r, 77 har j- k, housework; a I -.- I MTTlTinv tTAXTED-MAlA I I WA.NTEr TOfNO LADIES TOR TEUE rHONE OPE RATI NO. WITH OR WITH OCT EXPEKIENCZ. APPLT THE PA CIFIC TELEPHONE TELE3RAPH CO EAST ITU AND ANK.ENT BTi. WK3T PAHIC AND ALDER. EAST aJTH AND BELMONT. OR KIIXNGSn'ORTH AND HICIKQAX AVE. Z PA.TRT cooka ln kttaurlrl c-ok. IO --a-I'amp cok. Ho. li rr..n 1 a i r. r.ort. ti. i hair.lHerma.d. tout of el'tr . tr.ix. (out of cllyl ... o l'p-.tir. girl. l-'tA. Ntm girl. $- "a:rwjr r.-k. f-X. HA.vsK.N.-t indies- AOENrr. ija IVun. I . . r.na 7. O V P KT r. N T woman for i.neral bouow-ork. J In family: no chlMr-a. Tak. Ha -th-vrr car. apply Elliot Ladd Ad l.non. .I af-.rnoor... Ml J 3J-NEOl. AVI VTttT.' AVATEt K!" AMATKIKS! THE liuliEIlTsxN B. H.OL OF DICA il ATI'? A IIT. fl.IFFOUD 11' ir.KKTs. N OF LONDON AM) .N::vv TOIIK. I'iKK'TOK. ACrl AM) UA''il. VV. prcpar. yo-j f..r th. drama, muriral com.dv and vaud.vll... w--.-..t r.luriM m .l.nrutlon. vole, cult'ir. u,. dancing. dramatic art. practical j I4(r iri:.ll-4 mi,i . . b. - -. . - VAll-hVIU.K A'T- U-HITTKN. Rr. HKUlffit) ANU HKKKl) ON COAt TIis J-'t-.i ttenii.JD riven 1 !- I"ir pprIorn.nr, rtc. pl" :ti.tt: whn ri-?"i. TH FT I.AK,.t:sT AM- M.Y I.K-UTIMATK SCHOOL. Kn I'KAan'Al. MA''.B TKAIMN'J IN THfcl CI I V. i'pn tu'D.r.n Sunday . U- S iitri 31 al ' Jklrqjm bulla. n. 15t.rLarypCirt. WANTtT You to t-ujr on of our tJar-la Arr Tracts or city lot at llil!boro- Th county Kdi of AhtnjCt'o Couaiy. Only it. t n t: I rtf. from I'nrx EanJ. ntl pay part f -irn la work. r;irin land. Uy ln iwa.li. tc. I'un' I df'ay. Hut cm at one to our offu In H.ittoro or call t city !?.cf. 4V Uir.i,rraeM bUlx. t r furt!er prUcuinra. Taa Orf.oo l.i--trit: car. front and J-Tfraoo ata.. to it;;bvro. Waabiucton County .Land Cora- r -i y - . VAl'DKViLl.E acta wanted; C-xxl oppor tunity. Can yu do anythlnr? I' n. can ta-h ou and book you on rod tim; pr-'fiionaJ dnnclnc. m.aging and atat, tra:n:ntr. any lir. tern-. pa-" d -. bl-an-- w h?n b-okd. S Prof. Wheel". f nrfi:-n Mail. :n floor Marquam bid. M.tn OJJ. WANTED Mo and wrwi boya: no i ci. to lra a irai 3. tudruii. -".- a ct Dtract Joa; half orK. e:i-Jy half th t:me; auu mobtt. c.ricliy. tumb ln. orl-ktaT:u: fr cata'.ogu. Lnltd Trad aWnooi CuntiActlnc Co-, l-o Aog- l.txi J'OXITIONS tor urnduaies last yar; man aad women lra barber trad la weks help to srur position; arndn- ta ern from 913 to 12 kiy: prt Ipstructors; loo .a fr; writ for caia loua. Moh'.tr Ftm of OolUrW Kotta 4tb - Portland. Or. HBLMONT At'TO SCHOOL Wanted, enercsttc man to taka conra In auto repair work and drivms;: best tSiipM S' htMl on iar.ac Coast. Hp us t- Tori cc.'olI.DC e.aewhere. Ta S& Cf. tt oft at ItL JU and M mson. WANTKL- Morm scholars In millinery school; tak leMons now; pre pars for Kail -a. lottioni and positions secured; latest methods tau-ht. old bats mads over. ha:s trimmed to order; brin tbem ilako o.er hhop. iiT5 Alder. 34 1 rah all KA IlTw A T M A IU P. " 0cl-rks, eUrk-car-rter. eustomht-use. Internal rTnu amlnatloas sverywher Krs book oq cmir-ta I'acifc btataa cbvxl, McKay bn:.. rort'and. Or. s JST FN RAI '11 f. ri to Join day and nleht r;naa,a for special wnrk In modern bust nrss co.l-se. 4th and WaJhloc'.oa. poslUuOS w hen Coir. patent- i Mil V TE Te--Ar I-'KKEKI'I. SHORT HM) TW'r'ttlilTIN'i. I KRsoNAL AT TfNTlN. 31 tteimont. cor. IJth. K. 1 44. t.ii r.rna'E Intern atl'ina. enc 5-hofs. :u Alder St.. pn Ull t. Snd fr fre catal"a" LK K R v automblto ! rl rt n T and repajrln; ac:ual practlrl ep-no.f; day or va-Ina-- SJrt't, Washlcstun St roum41S. WAKKn-.oneywrIt?rc hort stories or for ,.;,.n' bta par: fre booklet tells how. t cited Tr Hyndtcat. taa Franc isco. FrIVA. R'Uvor jilloKTH AKDand TTTI. WRITI.NO. $1 mo. !M- Utb al. Main 3fiiX HaK CI HTAlNS Uuad'-rrd. Tsbor :4j. O z:t 1JK tK C'ie;K-- AiV-rVClATIU.S. US.t4. land r.MF JillTATlOXS JTAMFO MALE- ZlAPokkeepera auid I tort. EXrKltlKXrFP real -.ta,is sal manarr wants cnr-.-tlon with fO-l Arm; pr-tr a.-r-as prxixxiitoa; now a-IUr. orchard tracts, referenrea. C lfT. reg on tfitu vTiLL At u";t'Ex7Tt.oj(5 OK WRITS tjv b-oka prerar t!n' aad sfatemois, Insta.l systsms. OttliDR nam. auditor, all luew.s b.J.. Marsuail Til. EXrKHIKNCKt) dry foods salesman. 13 yers in retail and who;ea. wishes posi tion in c::y.Cll3.Crrs,nlaa. CO. OREI- MAN vint. or 4 orflra to i raa; f.rat -class rctenoceS. I Hon A -;i Jt.M'KMIfcN 'KU lumber bookheepr In or out of city; rrroc. AO J-i Ors;o- YOl'N'l man aienograpSer wnuld Hk ? hoars' work after 7 P. M. each to- tng. AR l-".-X cregvinian. I J re 11 LllAl Kltlii desire poa.tloa w!th private I family In city or ro-an. .-,v- una. n. bad habits, cartrful driver. V 1. . Oreg-.ntan. iHlTloVWANTr.Dbr a Oeimaa marrfed man experienced gardener In flowers, lawn and vegetable. w Ita good rfr en.es. o 11&. jUregonlan. m bZIit H. competent man wants block work or management of meat market. R. F. liowarta. E- Morrison at. Phon B n z. BOI.KTToRi. something - to sell. huU Urs wanted: bisr money to aame. Apply Mr Ake. 413 Mohawk bldg. FiKf T-i'l.ASS Japanese cok in family. $5 u? hotel. rp; city, country. Main I. 121 N. 15th st. TfT'pTioNE rnitrT any or t!l parts of the work, married, s- ber; te-trt-.aa and huse- w !r!n. A M l Ore gon tan. WA.NTEP position in prtvat family by ?ourc Orac'an boy. Ad tires Georg Mel as. S JS. Stn- ri.l'MRER (experienced, wanta work; re -innAMf wsr-s for steady employment. D I . Oregon i an. JAPANESE boy wanted wrrk In th morn Inir and evening as - experienced cook. Addrvs) J l-. 4.res;onlan. IOSlTl'N war.ted by young German aa r'evtricuut helper or power-hrus oper- ator; ref-ren'-es. AR 131. Oregon tan. CARPENTER, first -elaxa frarner and fin Ifher. seek work; !a- or Job; reason she. A lJ 3 3. .urrg n:ax Hl'STI.INO clothtr g salesman. 15 years exp--ien In the East, des.res sitlon in nr -ut of to J 1. Ore gon t TRANSIT man. levlman or tupocrapher; b.st refsrsncea. E. E, Martin. WenU.ing. WANTED T. management of aa orchard; eip--r:enced in fruit culture, a lit, Or- -.". an WANTEI lfion bv rellaM youar Jap re in store; speaks Eng.. an. X 1.7. , ifrgonixn. KXPERl-CNCED genraJ store clerk would like good, permanent position; will go out of City, references: l-4 Oregonian. POSITION wanted aa flre-.aa or Janitor or P-irter. experinr In ail. App;y at 4-5 Evere:t St. Phone Main U37. Cil ';FFTr.R wishes position, pr.vat or :as Un preferred; re reran re a. AM 130. GERMAN, young, honest man. wants situa tion in a stor of any kind. AK 134. Ors g-'rvatv AM KHICAN-S V ElE- either lar.ruage. wanta grv. ,j. r.s:tton. Inquire S?l West Park UT'nEDI position wi:h private ram::y or truck, referen'''. Ca:i A liisA, V.ii'Nu Jarn wanta poaitioa in studio; na s 7-a k E a I Isn. AH l-t. Ore g on l an. Jai-anese Emplotniert Co. will furniih s.l k.nd helpaMam 4.11. A - Everett. tvt'N' tnsi-rled man w-Vh a teans iuu a t:cuT Job. Takbor :i WANTED A poaltL with a nr-claa. real ..:at. r loan company, or In an abri- oS.cc. by a mxn-H yara o:d who ba had ov.r .a yr- .t.rl-rc- In th. ab'tract bcarn.r. ar.d a lane .ip.n.nc. In .xamln ln tltl.. and c.oaing oral.: am wining la pro,, ability by actual work p-'"T, V " S-J.a-.lon of aalary. Addrww AV 113. Orago nian. t . FltlNTER Fp-cially good on Job and ad compo-nlon; city and country n.ri.nc.. almoiut.ly r.Iiab!; to:al.r: union; lo cation Immaterial: would not aak for tra.i.portallon or consider you under obli gation to keep ma unle work provd at.ita.tjry In .Tery rept; .tat. wagea. Arl-lrem P. O box San hranclaco. . IS THiRK not .omeon. In lhl large city of Portland that ha. or will hav. a .Ituatton o Oder man -ho haa endeavored for 3 wka to aecur. poaitlcm? Experienced o(!i.. work, but willing to accept any hon.it employment. AO 134. Oregonmn. WANTED by a truatworthy mlddl.-ag.d man position aa watchman, capabl. of rlll Ir.g reinibl. poiitlon. ha. 4 year' expe rlcnc. beat tlov.rnment and other ref.r nc a. bond If reoulred. X liS. JJregonlan. Tul.N'5-married man-lutpmobll. mechanic. iv.rtcUn. aoher. wtahe. poaitlon with larg. concern or driving for private farn llv: corre.p-.nd.nc will do no harm. AH 1.14. orrf'T.I4fi. AK' HITEi'Tl'KAL draft.man. A-l man. la year. ejperlen.-e. AE 't-Or'!0".'. hittation wixrr.n-femaik. iikpm and Mgnographera. JMTDDl.KnKDarrtedmnn. who !. bn in riton more t.'ian 1 year, and thomutthiy rxprincd In department tor work, except to r.y irxxl ihuemin. experi enced in buym. and a Eod f-ilpinan. competent t. take chare of any a.io partment. wuhN a position either as aal- maa or ruanaicr out of city; best, of rf rrecre. J 1 J-'. Jrcg n'.an. A-l ASSI.T.VNT bookk-pT. also thoroi.ch. ly experienced In icrtl offl.-, t pe wrltlnc. rashier'nc. statement clerk work, tie, dentrrs position whew arvles wlil appreciated; A-l reference. T 1-4. Oro C or lan. Sl'h ,N' KJRAri. F.R desires position In sm Kood. reMsM firm: accurst both In mJrt lisnd and tTpewrlttni; wlllln to work at moderate salary; no experienc. Phon Seliwood 171. TOl'NO lady wishes position In office, rrnl estate or mercantile house; will mak sa'talsrtory srrtncemenn rccardlnc t-al- ary. CslL.-M!- J11"-?1" CAPABLE bookk-per. en who can tak chare of an otCtce and also do th stn osjraphlc work. tocllvrood 3S. EXrEKIEN.'KD bookkeier and stenojrra pher wishes poaitlon. references. Main ST E N - U A TH ER. exprlnced. w ants per manent paisition; city references. AO ..;.. urcsor.ian. bTKNOO R A I'll RH wlshe position: commer cial and mngaslne experience; ref runcts. AS 1S1. Oreisonian,or phon A 44. LAlT stenorrapher w Ith leja! e-tpertenr-e deatrea position; accurate, references, M YOt NT lady wishes, position as telephone eirhonce arlrl, experienced. Call E. lrttW. cTMrKTKNT stenojtrapher desires position; c.ty r?fiTencrs. Wood. awn UJB. LAPIK5 tn i Inline and fancy dressmaktnjr : la tea at vies and Orst-claas work. W7 Montgomery st.. cor. 17th. Main loi. VHS. PAVIH. I trcasraaialng. 1SD West Tark st. Mnln --07. DRESSMAKINO vcrj cheap for three.weeka only. Tabor PI.ATV sswlnaT by dy or weckr"Phone East aua. EXPCKIKNCRI Bursa solicits day nurs lt.tr; imwUHiclcc. maiernlty, invalid. Main - MM. A ,4 4 Tv.. WANTED far of Invalid by capable, prao .tlcaJ nurse. E lln. Orea-onlan. TRAIN 5T nor will take confinement caaea at her home. Phone Woodlawn 717. IlitttseketefirSk, A I:EK1NEI woman would Ilka a situation as housekeeper for bachelor or widower; ncne but reieMable parties need answer. f 1 -7. frefonian. POSITION as housekeeper. .wklower'B fam ily, by competent, rsllabl woman. AO Il'Jt Qreifunlan. Domestlca, A REFINED woman wants a noma with nico people, wher sh can assist for room and board: small wages ; no children. AK 1 i'i. Oren'inlan. Mlareliai TOT'NO QIRU are 20. Just cam from Fnit Unr! wuid lika nlace tn kind family, tc help with llsht housework and have car of. rnnu. A I'Py .war. 3.o, - . 2 Milwatiklc. nr. .U"Ni L.A r Y. nuii- appearance, wlshos Po sition, office or telephone work. B lV. t regnlan. RE FIN EI hwedish air! deairee piara with fimiiy; general hounework; c&nnot speak I r.clisi. E I--.. Oregonlan. MIttI.E- AiIED WOMAN, flrst-elass cook, wanta position. htcl. restaurant or caxup. Km 1 . 3 " 7 1st st.. city. telTI ATION wanted by tnddl-as;-d woman, good cook, in small pta.-e, nirhta pre- f e r r e d . i" a ! lo ra d d re ssji in lJ nh st. WANTFI O-neral housework ; adults; no laundry ;$-o. Phon o 11 wood after 10. COt"Ki. housekeepers, rhajnoermalds, nursea. waitresses, laondress. St. Uouts Ancy. 3ojSVMhMain-'031. A4774- TWO COLORED CilRLS want ehambetr work t . . t h r. y b on A 4 ! a rshal i 1 Wi GKRalAN woman wanta waahlns; at horn. Mrs. Koiassa. .3. Irrabe st. YuVaN'O woman would like day s work clan. 1 n g or 1 ro n 'nc- Marshall LA'E curtains hand launIe-ed: called for and delivered. 5QC pair, aiain --J s. WANTMi Work by day or hour. Marshall IMS, WOMAN wanta day work. Phon Seliwood SWEDISH girl wants work In private fam ily, newcomer Sjo E. Oregon st. EaXf'ERIENCKD WOMEN want day work. Phone Marshall IT-7. MIIII.E-A)ET woman wanta day work, any kind Kartjyni RElIAtM.E colored woman, chamber work or half days work. phone Mln S71.1. lA T work. hour. Iirown. Main i6-!l. Mrs. LAI NUR ESS by -' or whole day. C-Ul after 1 1 I. M. Main 4"4. WANTED Day work by good woman. Main WOMAN wants work by th day; reference. Phone Main Ct' RT A INS laundered. 2ic and up. work guaranteed. noodiawn -o4. WANTED AGEXT9L RE1.IABLE aalesmaa can make big moaey selling our well-known line of hardy aoa Irrigated tress, shrub, rose, eta; out fit furnished; cash weekly. Addreaa Ore gon ursery vopu7 vreaco. vr. CAPABLE ma na iter to handl our Prearo natantansoua Electric Heater and 10 other r.ewly patented alectrtc specialties. Presto I av-inr. life i'A . K '3 Lirv at-. Man Frmn- clsco. WANTED Agents to sell our fine line of nursery stock; complete outfit supplied: weekly csV) advance; can make good money, v-mton rsursery to,, tar. ion, ur. fHOTO coupon agenuk -Vs Washington st. WAVTF.n TO RENT. tET na tak car of your nous while you ar away this Summer: our rental dept. is one or. tne larsc-at in in city. -F. J. ROfeEXBEKO CO 619 Luiiiberrnens B:dg. Marshall Rod. A 4227. ' WANTEI To rent 5 or 6-roora bungalow In good neighborhood; rent cot to exceed S?0; will take good care of property; reference g t v e a. x 1. vresoniin. WANTED Furnished cottage for S or 4 1.4 on . OS. D T r:ini"i muyw, icichjuii. a en. AO 1-tt. t-rrt-gonlan. WANTED TO RENT ft-room house, with prtvl.Te Duyiiig. aji iai, ureionnn. t iTED Room and sleeping torch wit board, or with housekeeping privilege; reference. AO I.J. 'regonian. HOI'S E KEEPING rooms for two: must b wa.kmg c.Jiincr. rwavasois, six.c-.y cirati. T 13'. Urfv niata. Rosmi With Bosu-d. WANTED Boaj-d in private family for . gintlemen. wttnln 6 minntes walk c! French b.k.. St. Johns. B 1-5. Oregonlan WANTED- Two rooir.a and board In private family for Strmmer. near Irvtngton Club, Vhone Main a FOR RENT. PORTLAND Ui)OMlNO BUREAU. Rooms apartS-.ents. flats and hou (h-ti durinsr the Rs Festival. Si SCOW OPEXI NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! Th"o tnre Dcauiiiuiiy iiarnuu-eo oowif. HOT CI. HOTEL. HOTEL. V tvnoaT PARSONS ROWLA.MJ IUH 4th at. 21li 4th st. 07H mt Oa Fourth su. running from Taylor to Fairaoa at, israna now orKiv. eiiun furnished; steam heat, private hatha, hot ana cold water in all rooms; strictly un-to-date In all respects, and at popular prices. U you want something -Mt of tne ordlaary In the heart of thr city at reason a d1 prices, give u a call aa wa know you will lika 1U Rooms by the day. we, or baoau. Tuurut urada aoUca-sd, HOTEL. CAPL.ES, ResIdSDtlaL 850 Taylor. Trarosieot. Ret. Ttb and Park sta. Opposite cew Hetllg Theater, en block from Portland Hotel; brick building. Just completed; aandocnly furclshed; every scodern convenience. elevator service, team. beat, teiephon and hot and co'd water In rery room; single rooms and suite wl'h or without ptivats batns. tc-; centrally located, near posiorftee; Just off ai! caxilnes; very quiet; lew rates by day. W " av M KJU1HO. lin.i' M""f" THE WEAVER. TlO Washington st-. near v . Mfua.M ririm nrlvat bath, steam heat, hot and cold water, and telephone in every room ; finest part of th city; th maximum of convenience, th minimum of expense; w make you feel at home; dining-room In connection; best in the city for th money. HOTEL. SAVON. 129 Klventb Bt. Kew. modern, brick building, ateam ceat,fd. private baths, hot and cold water la rooms, beautifully furnlahed. cosy and comfortable. Renis vry reasonable. Cail a: d so us. Regular and uiuitni trad so He 'ted. , SARGENT HOTEL, Grand ava. and Haw thorne, beautlluliy xuraisnea rooms, aiu g.e or en suite, with private bath, hot and cold water, steam heat and telephone in very room; spoctal bummer ratea by week or month to permanent guests. First class griil In connection, Tranaienia so il cited. ' GRAND UNION HOTEL., a7 EAiiT BURNSIDE. In the heart of the East Sid business district ; modern throughout; rooms sin gle, or en. suite; rooms with private bath; rates I to S per week; transient. 7ic to 1. per dav; special Summer ratea. East 5H40. B 17S. ROOMS. ROOMS. ROOM13. MODERATE prices: weekly rates 3.5r un. including public phon and bath. ateam ueau THE OCKLET, 390 MorrU o n St.. Corner 10th St. CALUMET HOTEL. Park st., bet nen Morrison and Alder. Heart of th city; quiet and modern; free bus or W car at depot; rates $1 single. $l.4 doulle: also family rooms with prlvat bat, etc. Rates per week. BT NICHOLAS HOTEL. Over St. Nicholas cafeteria, 125 6th. near Washington st. Modern, furnished rooms, stuam heated, hot and cold run ning water, with or without private bath. HOTEL KENWiCrW An Ideal home for busi ness people; centrally located, elegant rooms, ail modern conveniences; 7th and Taytor sis., 1 block from Portland Hotel, opposite Meliig Theater. Main -ld. t HOTEL BURNS Brick building, phone In rooms, free baths, hot and cold water; ren:a reasonable; nothing as good for th mony in in city. lu&4 12th U. near Washington. Marshall 2 7 HO. Bl'EHMAKK HOTEL. 17th and Washington Nsaly furnished rooms, sin si or n suit; private baths, ateam heat, hot and cold water and phon In all roonsa; ratss reasonable ; transient solicited. AUDITORIUM HOTEL, 20aH Third street bet ween Tylor and Salmon sis.; hot and cold water, ateam heat, elevator; rates $2 0 and up, $Jc day and up. Mala 274, A --.. HOTEL BURTON. Yamhill and 2d sts. IStrlctly modern, reasonable rates by the day, week or month. H. W. Flauer, Man ager. LIGHT, airy rooms, modern, suite or sin gle, $2 and $3 a week; flv minutes' walk to theaters and stores, fre phone. LJndell Hotel. 3-S 4th. TO GENTLEMEN, June 1. West Sido. walk ing distance, hoi water, heat, hot and cold water service; 3 adults in family, no lie r roomer. iiui. THE COLONIAL, pleasant doubl outside rooms, lid floor; bath and phone, .M) to also some n on let floor, loo loth st. Hoi-ilS fr rent, also on- housekeeping suit. 125 10th sL North, near Gtuan. phon A T31U. . NICELY furnished rooms, good location; also 1 housekeeping. 471 Morrison. NICE front rooms. 12 to $5 week. Phon and bain free. 271 S Morrison. THE LARRABEE 2274 Larrabee at., nicely furnished rooms. moaern.iow rate. NICELY aarnlshed Inside bedroom, $1.75 pe r w eK. 7 n ei a ano. ayj o tnu THE HAZEL Nicely furnished rooms at moderate prices. Cor. 31 and Mo-tgomery. f-nrntahrd Rownis in tr-Tat Family. LARGE, very well furnished room, pleasant surroundings, electric ligirt, bath, steam heat, both phones; walking distance; suit able for 1 or i 470 Columbia at. Main 4014. PLEASANT front room, facing park, on Park street, between Madison and Jef ferson, for on or two people; rent rea sonable; references required. Phon Main 04. yOK R K N T Cm large furnished room; men preferred; terms reasonable; 10 minutes walk from business center. 2a Grand ava N. phone East 59 GENTLEMEN who can appreciate the com forts of well-kept, nicely furnished rooms electricity, gas. furnace heal, bath, cail at IH North 16th st.. 2 blocks from Wash. FRONT room In quiet, refined neighbor- h ood ; ve r y reajonab 1 e ; hoard If d s 1 red ; no other roomers 0 E. TamhUL Main b.jL LAR(E. handsomely furnished front room, modern, fireplace, sleeping porch, walk ing distance, suitable for two men. Phon Marshall 653. LARGE prettv room with fireplace and ft windows. Call 7 North Sutb, between 5 12. or afternoon between ana a. NOH H ILL front room, aecond floor, suitable for 1 or 2; phone, electric light, bath; rrBfUD-llir. Wi'tf f aa-4IV4 o. FRONT room; beautiful neighborhood; 7 minutes P. O. ; very reasonable to gentle man. 367 10th at, NEWLY furnished front room, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen, bath and shower, elec tric light, 302 12th st. FRONT and back parlor, single or em suite; alo single room; modern convenience, ce n t r 1 1 y located. 404 Clay, near 10th st. LARGE front parlor, 5 week, single sleep ing rooms 512 to 54 per month; also sleeping tent. &i& coucn. A FEW newly furnished rooms in prlvat house: bath, hot water, electric lights; walking distance. m 66 N. HHh or M. 6618. NlC ELY f urn lsh ed room, prlvat family; breakfast if desired; very reasonable. 16 E. 16th at., near Morrison. PLEASANT front room; heat, bath, phone. I2xh. n?ar Main. vrwLT furnished rooms with hot and cold - -. MfirahQ.ll 2747. 564 F landers. CLEAN, small rooms. 56 and $7 month; larg housekeeping; room. 6'-3 Flanders. NICE clean, comfortably furnished room; ....AnK 7si Kearney. NICELY furnished sleeping room, 420 Jef- SOS 12TH ST! Desirable location. clean . e i tk rter week and un. VERY pleasant front room, walking dia- NICELY furnished room; modem; walking distance. S34 Hall. TWO front room, housekeeping, LL 70 V,'L-I ait. WELL-FURNISHED room: running water; all conveniences. 225 West Park, NICELY furnished room, heat, bath, phone. 420 jeneraon. lo .1CELY lurnisnea ironi room, oesir- able; walklngdjtance. 398 11th. A 773. 54.00 NICELY fumlahed room, suitable for ... LA KG E front room and alcove for 2; with or without JDiarL-.3JaJ? 20L 228 4. loth. Unfurnished Rooms. BUILDING. 8th and Stark; apply 2S9 Wash, or S00 Columbia bldg. ' Rooms With Board. MRTLANI)- Women s Co loo, 13 d year: reom with board, use of aewlng-room. U brary. ll Flandera. F. N. Haatb, sopL " THE MANITOU. 6l iSth, new management: thoroughly TnQa-atedJnvlng rooms, choice board ELEGANT room facing the park. Including board, reasonable. 374 Park. Rooma With Board In private Family. ROOM with board for two gentlemen, mod ern convenience. A home in private fa-m-lly. 44 Union av-. N. NHTLT furnished rooms, board if deslrtd; rea'-nnaMe rates. ITS Ella aU, near Wash, 1 p. tj t pleaaant rootu suitable foe two. breakfaat and dinner. Mala 2071. pm. with Bowxd In private Family. TOUNG "couple have nice room cottage. phone. breakf. and dinner week, i-ntiemen only. Phone A 5340. home for one or two refined gentlemen. .Ull V..T larre room, suitable for two people, with good board. 703 Everett st-. bet. Mit and J-'o- rnon .o.v,, ROOM and board, prlvat family, rood Kyuja , . vver Side, waikina diS- nome -'"'"i.-, - rVoiiB tront room with th. Kent L- L .... a walkln. distance. JbJ cooaiua . - . K.h at. B-.h at. f-nzT room, concenlal home, piano, cholc. C Kolrd .xcellent neighborhood. 741 Mar- -V. - 11 otr ArTIFVLLY furnished alcove room with "jtAl . ... Vhnn. Wain oS2L 45 boara; so p Clay t. FINE big room with prlvat bath, modern F convenience and horn cooking. 617 Kearney. ROOMS with board, single $7. double S6 per week each. 10 minutes walk from P. O. 291 11 th gt. ROOM and board. Morrison. ; Apartment. THE JULIANA." HIGH-CLASS APARTMENTS AT MOST REASONABLE RATES. Elegantly furnished 2 and 3-room apart ments, strictly up to date; large, wei lighted rooms, roomy closets, rich furn)e ture; very coxy and homelike, near th business center. 43 Trinity Place, bet. Washington and Everett its. EAST SIDE APARTMENTS. 6 brand-new 8-room apartments at Russell st. and Union ave.; strictly mod ern all up-to-date conveniences, fur nished or unfurnished: rates, furnished. 535 per month; unfurnished, 525. Each apartment has porcelain bath, toilets, etc Close in to business center. Best car service in city. Apply to Gevurtx Bros., corner East Buxnside and Union ave. "OLANDO" "APARTMENTS. 20th and Washington. Cory, homelike, comfortable. 2 and S-room apartments. elegantly furnished; low rents; walking distance bee these before you locate. THE LILLIAN. Pa, At v. a n A Unnt rnmATT StS. New prick buildings, new furniture, all outside 2 and 3-room suites, disappearing beds, sanitary couches, private iracmc; nhnnea aoverv mortem ffinvenieDCe. nO CaT- fare to pay. We challenge any one In the city to duplicate tue suites a-. THE EVERETT. 44 Everett St. New and elegantly furnished apart- . -ra . - snm reeetitinn hall an A sleeo- ing porch; automatic electric elevator and private Pacific telephone; located in one or tne cnoicesi resiuence uisinti u. rounded by elegant homes; walking dis tance. PENINSULA Apartments One of Portland's finest apartmeut-housei; 4-mlnute car service, boautiful part city o live, 1135 H Alblna ave., cor. K.H lings worth ; take Mis sissippi, L or Kenton car at Third and Wash, sta., 10 min. riae; . o au-i iwun. completely zurnisnea; bllsu 10 ou mo. also unfurnished apt. Woodlawn 225tf. Corner KOSS ana uacn-mu; new a.nu beautifully furnished and unfurnished sleeping porches; desirable location; walk ing OUiaucn iu -- Call personally or phone ifrivata La- 4, Rental dept. . THE PRICK.STON. xix nth uter is eautif till y furnished apt, with 2 room and bath, desiratle location, modern in every respect, rents 25 to 35. Call Pri vate Excnange 4. rental department, or Marshall Sm. LOIS Apartments. 704 Hoyt, 1 3-room suite, beautifully furnlsaed. extra large sleep ing-porch; also a 4 -room sune, uuiiu .i.iuri varv inn-a rooms, private batns. phone. recepUon hall, electric and flreless cooaera. uum-iu wwa, - references reiuirea. and r ail cuis " ' , building, beautifully furnished, two and three-room apartments, private bath, fre phone, hot and cold water, ice oox, no car fare, bummer ratu. x-nuue xa-i H ADDON HALL APARTMENTS. til A a La UU, .a. a. . m 1 nm irnrniihrii nr un ftirn lansd apt., prlvat bath, phon and balcony parents; newiy iuruiu.ii, THE NORTHAMPTON. 407 Hall mu. near 11th. walking distance. West Side, new brick builaing. completely furnished 2 and S-room apaxtmenta, private bain, phone, hot water beau rent 5a0 and up. Main 4 lKi HANTKORN APARTMENTS, 251 12th sU near Main. Elegant three-room apart ment with private Daicuujf, nuec every modern convenience and each ar- raxged with two sleeping apartments; re me '. J LOVEJOY APARTMENTS Corner 17th and Lovejoy; finest furnished . and beat ar ranged apartment in the city; notic prices- 2 rooms. 527.50 to $32.50; 3 rooms, 45 to 540; take lota or S. cars get off i.o:jy"'. n n a a'UO A Ti A DTIL"VTfl i.t anrl Unvi at. now readv for Of. euDtncy; most modern 3 and 4-room apaxtmenta In city; each apartment haa large private balcony and every modern convenience : rents om jv m e.. a . lltl A T A CTU .-. T J KiegantiX luruiautu uuim uueu. comforts of home; private phone and Datns, ieaivra, v ' ' yiai.iwuu. iui cblidren. Ideal location. 228 N. 2Utn at. TO RENT Fine modern apartments of 2 and 4 rooms, with bath, for housekeeping, furnished or unfurnished; beautiful loca tion; walking distance. Apply at th Calumet riotei ior .arutuiarB. cuppriKLD APTS.. 7th and Jefferson sts. 4 rooms, unfurnished, with bath; all out side rooms; modern; every convenience; 5-mtnute walk from postofflce; very rea sonable renu jiu'ii a miv. RE-UKAN APTS., Marshall, bet, 19th and 20th; up-to-date, nicely furnished, 3 rooms, porch, phone, bath ; a homelike place; lOUlVUIlUI W J I 4IU atu w- trap. like some. Main 4032, A 519L ann. ty eo a . ... 410 5th, furnished and unfurnished a.i.i - Ar1-n inirlmiinli .- a l Lr I Hii. tance, prices reasonable; no children. JlAiVriia'O XV A, - aa OX. I ana 4-room uiuiar-isueu apvimenti, all modern conveniences, most reasonable h. eltv Main 5148. A 7fi2 THE BERYL One front and one back apartment for rent very reasonable. Ap ply to the Janitor. CM Lovejoy t near Jilt- THE CECILIA, 22d and Gllsan, one fur- nisnea, one - ." - .u 4. , -vate phones and porchea will, awninga. Marshall low; - BAN MARCO APARTMENTS, B. ith and Couch at.; new brick, steam hoat, mod ern s-room apartment, private bath, and . " ,-ia -ti fjiit 27S1 ypooe, VERY desirable apartment, reasonable rent, bee Janitor. The Kearney. 21st and Kear ny, or Morgan, FUedner A Boycjjr. ALaia xtn AIKTREE APARTMENTS. Beauulully furnished and unfurnished 5-room apartment. 2U5 12th su Phone Main MORTON 6U7 Washington t-. 3 and 4 room furnished and unfurnished apart ments, lJ-W""- 530 N. 19TH Elegantly furnished 2-room apartment, everything new, ateam heat. electricity a? 1 ttu OKEONTA apartment. 3 and 4- room apartment furnisned. steam heat- bat ns.reaonaie:i WANTED Married couple to taka 8 rooms and -alu - - avj-taieaxian. BOZANTA APARTMENTS and ainglo room ".iv furnished; strictly modern: rr-a- ocable rent-iaHd aMarahall 2aL THE STANLEY. vither furnished or unfurnished apart menta 701 Washington st. Zt CLAIR. Tl Wayne st. ; modern six Voom apartment, two porchea. thona Main 49-0. i-HE ELMS Two and three-room apart "ment. completely furnished, m Uih st. THE LEONtb-r-uraunea 3-room apart aent; private bath, phone. 186dafN. THE HARTFITiBe5 modern apt. In the THE DAYTON Fine 6-room apt; heat, hot water, etc Inquire 60S Flanders. TK E King Davla, corner King and Darts streets; one 4-room furnished, xeferencae. LOWEST RATES IN THE CITY. MOST ELEGANTLY FURNISHED. "NOB HILL" APARTMENTS, 19th and Marshall Sts. These are the most elegantly furnished apartments In Portland, having all mod ern conveniences up to date in every re spect. Each apartment is furnished in the most elaborate manner. with fine Bigelow Axminster carpets, massive oak and mahogany -furniture in newest de sign. Special attention is directed to the extremely low rates. No such prices for the service to be found elsewhere in the city. Investigate and you'll-be convinced. Strictly modern and up to data. Telepnone Marshall 1012- THE WHEELDON. Cor. Park and Taylor Sta. THE WHEEL DON ANNEX. Cor. Tenth and Salmon Sta. Walking Distance. Furnished complete, 2. 3 and 4-room apartments; buildings new and strictly modern; service hrst-clasa. NEW HOUSEMAN APARTMENJ. HTMENTS. Hoyt ST. 73t Hovt Between 22d and 23d Sta ELECTRIC COOKERS. " SLEEPING PORCHES. AH modern conveniences. , Strictly up to date. Most elegantly furnished apartment house In the City of Portland, at rates that are considered very reasonable. Two and three-room apartments a few unfurnished. Don't fail to see these new apartments before you locate. References requixeu. THE DEZENDORF, 20S 16th St.. Near Taylor. Then, eina-ant -room unfurnished apart ments which are now completed, are situ ated In the heart of the city, within 10 minutes' walk of the business center. They include large, light reception halls, built in bookcases and buffets, automatic elec fric. eini-afiae nnrt dumb waiters, disappear ing beds. Pacific telephones and large outside porcnes. Ret,rvatbn mnv be made from owner on premises or by phone. Main 4796, A DM-. ARCADIA APARTMENTS, 706 Everett, LOW SUMMER RATES. Two, three and four-room apartments, ffimnifPiv fiirnt-hed for housekeeping; everything new and strictly modern; steam heat, first-class service; also few single rooms. A 71U5; Main LTJCRETIA COURT. On Lucre tia street, near Washington street, between 22d and 23d streets. High class apartments for rent, unfurnished: J1 outside large rooms with most modern conveniences and first-class service ; ref erences required. Apply to superintendent on tne premises or piiune ji-ibu-ii CARMELITA APARTMENTS. Corner of 13th and Jefferson eta., four and Ove-room apartments, unfurnished, with reteption hall, automatic elevator, T-ifle Ptatea Telcnhone in every apart- meat and the most modern conveniences found in the city. Phone Main 390 and Miss Allen. the manager, will show you through the apartmentJ. or call up main onice, juaui. ov. THE BARKER Corner 21st and Irving sta. This new 4-story brick, opened January , lu.i . riirni.hArl and unfurnished In two. three and four-room suites with reception hall; Pacific phon in each apartment; electric elevator, Tolmes disappearing beds built-in buffet and writing desk, gas ranges, icebox, plenty of closet room, ir vou want something extra fine, com to tbe Barker, phone Marshall 296L HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia. . Kinir. -mi r h from Morrison street; new brick building, completely first-class, fur tr..r,ArT in o a n n rt i-rooiti family apart- ments; private bath, reception hall, ateam neat, not water, levator, rw r-- air -i-T-.P eieanlne. ianitor serv Ice; rent per month 526. 0 and up; muat be seen to De appreciate-. CUMBERLAND APARTMENTS. West Park aad Columbia sts. une cuui-e fnrtifchfii and nn 5-room furnished apart- m.n. to rant iiinn i: Ttrivate baths, large dressing closets, disappearing beds, built in buffets, private phones and ail modern convenia-ce, uesi ii.ai - . overlooking the Park. Apply to manager. THE CHETOPA ANNEX, 18th sL, near Flanders; new 4-story concrete building, 2, 3 4-room apartments, new furniture, modern, electric elevator, hardwood floors, .k,...- -a oil mmlcrn imnrovements: wall beds; will open May 25. Apply to the Cnetopa. lo r lanaer aw xew waa- niened apariments. KEELER APARTMENTS. Corner 14th and Clay street. Strictly high-class. ft-rnnm suites, unfurnished, with pit Tate ' vestibule, bath and phone, electric elevator. i a Rn'KH APARTMENTS. Corner loth and East Ash; furnisned large 3-room wltn porch; tnis is nrst ciasa, adults; pnone r-a-i o.x. 220 N. 19TH Newly furnished 4-room lower flat, tiled bath, separate bedrooms, open ing oft hall rent, including steam heat nJl uat-r l:?7.50. THBEE.Rnnf unfurnished flat: all conven iences. Inquire 225 Market; phone Main &16. NICELY furnished 6-room flat, modern conveniences; walking distance. West Side: Q. pnone Jiain -oia. aRnnf fiat, cheerful. every convenience. rent reasonable. Apply lower flat, 3.0 East 9th. corner Schuyler. FINE 5-roora flaL 293 E. 21st, near Haw thorne, S32.5U- 5-ROOM lower flat, 468 East Burns Ida at. K us sell dk Blyth, Commonweaitn biag. o-ROOM flat for rent, new and modern. Tabor looe. NICE corner. 5 room, close in. Apply 230 Hall r.- . FOR RENT Newly furnished flat. E-18th. and An, --"tj. NICE new upper flat; East lOth and Clay rent aat j..tu. FURNLSHED upper 5-room flat, 6 minutes' walk from P. O. 848 Clay at. FURNISHED 6-room flat, new, modern; walking distance. West Sid. Main 8233. Housekeeping Room. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall, fur nished for housekeeping, gas range, elec tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, free; 515 per month up; a clean place, best in the. city for money; short distance- from Union Depot. Take S" or 16th-st. cars north,get off at Marshall st. No doga, WELL-FURNISHED houses, flats, rooms; 4 room cottage, 520 month; another 517.50-; suites, 2 furnished housekeeping rooms, 58. 510. $12 month; 3, $15. Apply 364 26th st. North. "W" car from depot, 6th, west on Morrison to 26tn, block norm. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, everything new, close in, walking distance; $7.50 to $15 per month ; one large furnished room with closet; these are all outside rooms. In mnrxA mmiinltv. PnOHft E. S27k 51.50 TO 52.50 WEEK; clean, furnished housekeeping rooms, free laundry, bath, phone, clean linen, heat. 406 Vancouver ave. and 2.36 Stanton: take U car. SUITES of 8 and 4 rooms, furnished or un furnished rooms, modern, reasonable rent. S71 Cable st-. near M 11L CLOSE-IN ROOMS. Fuils hed housekeeping and single rooms, reasonable rent. 163 Park st. FURNISHED housekeeping and aleeping roo'ms. $1.50 to $2 per week. Desoto House.2Ul 2d St. CAMBRIDGE BLDG., furnished housekeep ing rooms. Apply room. 36, ad and Mor rison eta. THE GAYOSA, modern housekeeping rooms, very reasonable. Grand ave. and East Stark. " HOTEL EDGERTON. Houscekeeplng and furnished room for rent. 3 U7j4Knott at., Alblna, 461 EAST MORRISON, cor. Sth, completely furnished housekeeping suites, walking distance. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 149 13th at., near Morrison. Honsekeeiiing Rooms In Private Family. LARGE front room, first floor, wlttf buffet kitchen. 447 Montgomery at. HOUSEKEEPING rooms in very pleasant surrounaings, or single i v'-ii- -. erate terms; references. 76Ji Qulmby st,. near 23d st. car. C flIt a. C1U rv l a, . v av . If you want nice clean rooms In a select neighborhood at very reasonable j-T- i iTni.."L't-PDrvn T? i"N il I Q HOtTPEKEEPING. first and second floor suit-s anu mucin. '".'Vi ant and completely furnished. 847 Hall BL-reei.. A THREE-ROOM suite, completely furnished 1 -lr.se in 21 4 ltn wi 11 --v c-- c v 1 - S . .... u, cor. aa-iiioi. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, 512 . WC-O D.,..rr.nva T Phlill'. Pr III Oil I LL. UOO r tvajft. a. LARGE clean front furnished housekeeping . .Kiirt-AT. ; Lver- ruum, saa, piiuue, w v"- etu NEAT 2-room housekeeping suite; comfort - -v,i . ! -ir,. ciela or COUOlei 10 FRONT Housekeeping rooms. ei. -suite. 51S; 'well furnished; use of phono ail u d.hi, J- TWO furnished rooms for housekeeping; ., . i .. . ii - mnnth. No ligui. puuuc unu u .tn. iu v-" cnuaren. i too naw uwiuc a. TWO or three bright well-furnished house- "Ofaalrll-e at . e.oe. l'ninn ir C 2905. TWO furnished housek.eping rooms, free K--. lhr In InfntiAfl T'fl.ll 496 Clay st. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. 1 block from Washington, oatn ana pnone. Everett st- TWO neat housekeeping rooms; light, heat. phone, batn. -.-. per ween. - 14tn. 1 DlOCi- OK r.a-n. -.1 m t iouu. FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping and sleeping rooms. !U2y Grand av. 8 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. lower floor, modern, tto su- xuiai-t--. 313 14TH Large, clean, convenient house- Keep i ng5uiie1njnninsj FRONT alcove, furnished for housekeeping. gas, batn ana pnone. J"""-" TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. reasonable. iun s. ism. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, a . 1 I mnnth TT rtTlt St. FRONT housekeeping room, close in; small 1 . T !, .!' I (StYt Sleeping r'joni. -.--j w NICELY furnished single and housekeeping . .--i wiz.iL. TV h i n c tA"i n . lOUllia , tcuh at. " ra THREE clean housekeeping rooms. 627 ONE furnished room for light housekeeping; FURNISHED and housekeeping rooms, place has changed hands. 271 Montgomery st. NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms, bath ana pnone. cm x.vei -.. House THE GREATER MEIER ft FRANK TTSTORfil KrJ.N TAL AiMJ lar I4.AX AA- Jjwaw----.. Home-hunters, visit our up-to-date ren tal and information department, 4th floor, main building, and see the vacancies we have listed of desirable houses and flats. You'll save time In getting properly and comfortably located. We keep in touch with all vacant bouses, flats and apart ment in the city. We also keep a new building In course of conatructlon. The combined lists of all real estate deal ers. This Information Is absolutely tree. -WHEN YOU WANT TO RENT A HOUSB SEE US." THE MEIER & FRANK. COMPANY. WHEN you move you'll need NEW FUR NITURE. Buy it judiciously (on the East Side) and the savings will exceed your moving expenses. Our LOW PRICES, which in f 7 made us one of Portland's Orgeat furni ture houses, were made possible because we built on the East Side, thereby saving $2.000 a year rent. MORGAN-ATCHLEY FURNITURE CO.. 69-75 nt'g"'1 HVft gQr- East Stark ml 9-ROOM house with bath. large basement, brand new furnace, window shades, gas and electric lights. P elly st. bet. Gibbs and Grover. rent $40. Phone Main 146S. Sundays call EaBt 141. p HOUSES and fiattTfor rent, some furnished. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY. Free maps of city for Strangers. TD.rtVf.TDV Fine large-9-room house; large corner lot. on Broadway car; rent $7o. p. E. BOWMAN & CO.. n nrf Rrazee. E. 93. MODERN 6-room home on East Yamhill stT- line corner lot in choice residence - district, for rent, partly furnished, per month. Western toecurities Co., 4i Spaiam z D'sv 691 E. WASHINGTON, near 10th; 7-room practically new modern residence. C. ' Bamberger, room 2, Lumbermens bldg. ia.rsna.ii i j.-. WF- have a complete list of houses, flats and business ' locations, for rent or lease. Visit our rental dept. F. J. Rosenberg & Co., 618 Lumbermen's bldg. Marshall aitt. A 42 TO LEASE A modern 10-room partially furnished house, large grounds (for which owner cares); 2-story garage; choice neighborhood. Tabor ai-SJ- 7-ROOM modern house, select neighborhood. 10 minutes from Postoffice, $2000 cash, balance terms. Provident Investment A aruBtCo.,013ardof Trade. HOUSB of $ rooms and bath. IS0 23d and 24th. Apply 132 6th at. Main 6273. . . ONE modern 6-room house, 653 Mississippi ave. and Monroe. Inquire 120 N. -.id. Phone Main 502 or A 51S4. FOR RENT House, 6 large rooms, good location, walking ditajace, modern con ieucesnIi30. 349 JIUaAayav? $30 CENTRALLY LOcItED, 7 rooma and bath, electricity. thndfVAEvJ,TetU ln" quire ponaiq woaum". - MODERN Five-room house for rent. $18; year's lease; furniture for sale; garden. cor. 4-4 tn aim ZZL 16 5-room modern cottage; bath, pantry. gas. etc walking distance. 436 Ross. Main 514. Owner, 309 Stark. . jmlljw clean 7-room house on Haw thorne carllne, close In; modern ; furnace ; rooa peigirumtwu. . - 27 50 MODERN 6-room residence. East SldeTwtth furnace, gaa, electricity, attic Inqnire 110 3d at. m FOR RENT Six-room house, lulu Garfield, block from Union ave. 116. Key next door. i-rnam houae and orchard. 64 E 634. Tabor 1508. . MODERN Five-room house for rent, 118; vear's lease; furniture for eaJ e; garden. Call Monday, cor. th and E. YamhllL 5JIOOM house ln Fulton Park. Inquire Main 7506. TOr RENT Modern 6-room house, furnace, eaa. Key 86 E. 17th, afternoons. A T485. 1 ROOMS, modern convon'e?,ce?l. t7iiFtUr Bt., West aide, rw. - FIVE-ROOM taoua. for rent. Inquire at 1082 Qlgaa. au FOR RENT A good modern five-room hooae. 6U ATTont it. 6-ROOM cottage on RusseU, near Union. .15. call ol-a ioap"3r . NEW modern T-roomed houae. daalrabl. loc-Uon. nice yard. 722 EastMatn. fTROOM modern bungalow, Hawthorn. district, rent 120. 618 Board of Trade. FomlsheA Hot ea. WELIr-FURNISHED cottages, 4 rooms 12 month; another, U7.50; also housekeep ing suites, 2 rooms. 110 and $12 month: 3. W Apply 364 Nortii 26th. W oar, from depot, 5h. west on Morrison to 26t block north. FOR RENT Furnished cottage, five rooms, not modern, but comfortable, can be seen Friday or Saturday, vacant Sunday; very cheap. 866 Mallory ave. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE FURNISHED . COMPLETE, 74 Clackamas St.. cor. 2-id. Call or phone between. 9 A. M. and 5 P. . M. No small children, phone C 1776. A. MODERN 6-room house, walking distance to center of city, one block from East Ankeny car, choice roses, also kitchen garden. aa . Asa. x j.vv, aw. - HANDSOME furnished home for rent; best residence district, West Side. Marshall 2015. GOING East for the Summer; will rent our 2-room apartment, completely furnishea. to desirable party. Phone Marshall lyW- 8-ROOM modern house, handsomely fur nished, near Hawthorne; swell location, big yard; rent $50. Inquire 286 12th. A 4782. FOR RENT Beautifully furnished 8-room home. West Side. Phone A 703a. . SIX-ROOM furnished house. 850 East Sth St. Is., cor. Uhaver. inquire on yiBiuiaa. 8-ROOM furnishod house for rent; talcs Sunns-side or Mt. Tabor car. 8S0 Belmont. FURNISHED 8-room house, Irvlngton, for rent for 16 months. Phone East 4837. IRVINX5TON Completely furnished 6-room cottage, large yard, on carllne. East 3981. Houae. lor Kepr-rurntture tor aala. NICE furniture, 12-room house, must sell at once, lowest rent ln city, big income; terms. 2o7 13th st. SEVEN-ROOM flat and attic for rent: fur- nitUTe TOT Stlr. reawu. m. vi ..m .w FURNITURE 6-room flat, $290; good aa new, 401 ii 3d. A 4323. A A , A t .! vi.r 1 tor i sbt bii.MwjriL ii itX