THE aiORyiXG OREGONTAN. TUESDAY, 3IAY 23, 1911. - " 1 - . . " 1 I FOR SALE. I FOB SALE. V - aAn. . w w r r war in. i ir.L fktite. - i 19th Street FOR PROPERTIES IX THE APARTMENT DISTRICT AROUND KEARNEY. PEE ME. HAVE A WHOLE ELOCK AND SEVERAL QUARTER BLOCKS FOR SALE. P. HALL. 101 Zai St, Lamter ErchiBge Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS 5 ' wiiiiam" o.. 1U Failing bldg. tr,btkr Benedict. MS McKay bids H 4-4. rtevtM A Horle-w. Chamber resrek CNk. B- Cw Crb-t bids. Jew.laa Ce. Vela l4 tf Orttit. rALMCft.JON'RS COl. H. F 1L1 Cnmmif Tbo Orc Real -- Ord M-tllMraib at. iHUflir Addltio. M. K- TUOMPVOI CO.. cor. t ad Oa .MAX., ?T4T "re Lta TWO EXCEPTIONAL BUT. toxioo. locatad m avir street, between 4 a and 2it r at rta. Nona front fcard-vurfar street .and :l other Ira provetnen! In nd pld nr; th tst la Tb th r'ty cor.i-irin te location; prlc for a few da?a n'.y. 35X 8-loA Situated a Overton atret V Imq 24th n4 2ittt streets; prtc $4i-0 unni twe.ttg at at ovr KCaSEY. HIMAiOS JEF-'REY Chamber ot Co co in re a. NEAR .NEW Kf. TABOR PARK. lutxlOO. tout ML Tbor. oar Rvawrrotr. Pur'-fted fo- hom. but owtr ft tt- and lh lo dip-aa f hi ,B" trt bore; ptantad In barrio, frull troe and gar4a l-wck; price below nJtrki; 4' cash. lanc a term I ul pur TRACTION At LOT. lh and lirji fa. A bargain f r cash ar $!te-X Fine y;w of ci:y and mountain. Chamber or Commerce. LOTS. !- fARUNF. FETONI 'ITT I ARK. WTH ANH V TAMHIt.L A. Nw alditiun. tn n-.inm-a fr'm boal- a cnlr : on b w Waahtrg tn -t. rar Itna . lota jot oma larr. t- ay rTminn. ih- lta ara beautiful h"'u Natiooal B':tr A Trust Co.. 36 ahtfftun tt.. room SI. . WC-TMOKTLAVn LOT. !.o ST. il'Hi, ""; Tt biotfc 15. !. lot i. b"cii . r-mr. 8-tx !-. IUJ4: 1 Iftta. lot 11 and 13. cornr. 11'X, 1 17. A. ThtM a.' all Ana lot and balow lha market, can b d on lartu. f.Kl'H.-! A 7.ALHW. STT p"ard f Tra ! b J . 'h nd Oak. WAVrRI.ri.iK HEI'.HTj snap. To baut if-ii lota, oat n Ttft'a, ba twaaa JLUi and ch. th- thr on Hroo ln. ir 3wth. tth fcir oth. tin-pr-TmnH In an4 pIi fur: prr and 4'. invanriCAtw thta. II will pa jroa. . F PKl.t iKK A CO . Putt 12 Vu'k-r ir ! . :.l and Morrlaoa. i:rAPi.Hiir iv ' rtl-TON PAI'.K KNAP. 1K1'. on 44 at.. 2 tl.Kk from FuN Ina Park 8ta ai lha bai:it t and about Ti f-t frm tha P.. which ta to pa lr:rif!el thla .sumnr. Pru-a T50 ' h. lrin eir onr. room 12 Mulkay bil. 2d and Mrrria"P. WAlJCIN'i 'ttar.-a. Oraoo at. I will a-!t a dandy -.l" f..P $10 or i-ll'O l"t f r half can; a. to a lot fT IT. wtth itn'tt ouat lmpr mrnta Inrludad: B't ci to car. Take Ra rity car to E. S-'nd. Call T4I rr(ton t. B K.ST bargain In Lauralhumt; aqultr In two flia lota boqent Fb.. 1 to ; now 11tod at t'-t atil! tlu. will taka I vt cah for aqulty: all tmprovinonta In; boutM n mmch aid aw 14 Lfjratta blda;. Maia RIGHT OX CAKLINE. CLOSE IV. $2 TO. 9100 raax nar -th and povalL Lot ilopti bark baiow arrada. but la a aura bar rain. Frd A. Oarman. Buroatdo. M:n or A 27?, IRVTNGTOV PARK. 10i?iv coniif. ."H ra.h. no tarma. 9 ownar. K. C. fiakar. 203 BurnaMa. SIX 3"t I OO Wait lda uneticumbnrd lota, toevtbar or r!y. f-r ai chfip; 10 miPota rtda from rounhom; aaay t rnn. Addrvaa Owntr. Widlr at., eitr- A OOOD vita for flata, fUOO. I alll lot thla ftno corner. ar !. go at that prico aa I nod tba mnoy ; located near iih ardandy Road. C!l 70 Qrtgon at. LOT& Wf al loa on ax pavmanta, J. P. PKRTRAND A CO.. 49 Ohamhar of C'rnmrca. VEKN 6 X L t T. a OR I VIC F. $5SO bua flna lot fn go.-Hi Io-tln. aaay tarma: owoar. 1 wt'nnd bldf. HOWARD UM) COM PAN T. TWO Hlllaboro lma. oach Ui1 ft., writ located, fftcf B. P. track. fVO. T. H. iardaor. i64 . Aak at.. J'ortlaad. P&ona Eiat 271. XRVINvJTON Ftaa raaidonca !M 5hiw. E fti a at., batwovn Triomaon and Tii amook. rhMp If takrn now. i rovi trnt inreaTmont A Truato Co.. il-2u3 Paxd of TraUa bide Mar ha, I 47J. A 1-2. $1 CA H CAR LINK. dtlA Vta city wator ptpod to aarh. tauaoal Raalty A Truat Co.. ajfi WtiH. FIGHT OX CARtJNB. CLOSE IN. fTO. IOO caan. n-ar 'JCt b and PowalL Lot a'.opaa back balow crada. but lo a aura bargain. frad A. Oarmaa Iiuma;da. Ata.a or A STTj, SNAP. I ha to a largo tot nar Rot Cly Park, a!: cam oat improvomrttta and wator in; $so; will maa.o vary aaay tarns a. AP aX Ortgmla. Lot oa Jladtona ar.. 49x143. lxnprorad trata: tnako your own tcrma. Phona fc;'.wooj szX tAROl t aaar oa Ctty Park, ramaal waika, rradad atraata. Rail Rtuk watar, do aanta; eo rommiaaloaa Osatr. tOl'TC- Poard f TtJe " PRC1T TBCCA " Lat winutaa from rar. 10 natur fn:: baanng arpia tra. pttaattbrva. aaay tnr . AS bS. Qrag-jnjaa. TRIASCOVLAR LOT. FIRLAND. $o7a, 10 do ww, $ mootbty. frr. :'rg oa two atrta. four bio-ka to car. Fred W. Car nan. 3 rurnida M. or A -77A. LOT SOalOO la lrvtnatoa, oa rartlna. poar btaatoa. Faeaa oaat. A aaap ba $l4.i. VAUiacar A LvaiUaaaa. :l Clavuno b.d. rOH aALC BaauUXuI raa il new eoraar. M 3-Mk oa cantaa. Glaatono a a. chw tarnto; by war. C XiX orafoataa H A 'T H O KM C A RLI N C A atiy W kiock. aariookln j t atty; pr.-a f275o. by ttaif. Tabor 15A WILL SELL acuity la baat!fjl cor r.r lot ta Ruao Oitr Park for A Ad draaa D lX Oraaoniaa. FROST aw lot at Goaxbart Park. Juat Brth of bow botal. for aaa cbaap by awoar; tarrna. AP lit. Orgon:aa- IRVINGTON RARviAlX Lot ll0. fin raaMaaco aita. C. irh at., aaar StaAtoa. H ; Qwnor. AD 114. Orgop!ao. LAl"RELHtRST onatty in fw l?a liJOL aai banraia ja tba additloo. B 17T. BARGAIN la Laoralh-jrat. lot rv. b'.oca 4. Laura, burat aa. phow Sail wood 9CX. T V ON TH LT ' b ay aco m IrTitiLoa pBrk. aaat froat. dwatland b;da. iTiS FT'LL lot IrViaat 'a Parkl aacrtval act awatiand bida. Howard Laad Co. For ala H s f-rorw bouoo aa Tlvtoo lot. la Olad atona. 2 biok from Orxa City carUaa. Cli. Oraarrtoia. 24 MONTHLT. Inoludir.a lataraat, for wd 4-rvm ar car. in, aolblcs 4oik Ca t SJO T ortr oat orb lock. fclLL furnish pi an a and pwciflcatloaa f patmaata. r.daara, ate. at rwaaooab.o rc. AC 117. .r;oatan. aCP7 Ib fruit. S-rooni krtua. at Ana-. LwociAxd rva SlT Cbambar of Coauurca I TorM9 niN T" " I . Tor Ml-Hoo . j HUHU OS CA1T PAYMENT. ttx-roam bowaw. two atorloa alt modarw. aaat front. bout:ftil lot. many enada block from car; atrwat impro3int pa'o; aaw. rt1y for ocupanc. J40 caah. bal aac OM&thr pajraa&ta. FT"VO ALOW. S rom a larwo attic flra P'ao. fu!-n,-o. b-ok caaaa. b-jffot. Dutch k'tohon. hardwood fora. aaat front, all rt l7.promanta pakl ; ba.f block from r. down. baa.c aoatbly pay room a. fw-atory. aquar tiouao, Jut balsa omploto-I; oak floor, flropla-, Lwtch kitrhoa. buffot. all otnar modra coavoniccoa; 304 rt from car tin; caah, baiaaca moatbiy pa y moat. bar aTm1 othar boaao and bnn ralowa which will bo ro-r.ptad oo; lot aa mow taoa to yoa baforo you buy. PROVIDENT TWFTMFVT A TRCSTER COM PA N'T. fOL m Prd cf Trada BldC- JaT-:a:i 471. A 102L bargain: irtngton home. At S?4 Faot ISth t. North, on th Trving tu car!!no. a b1k and a half from tha Proadway Una; modern in rMm bouao; fumaco. firoptaro. bathroom. and olactnc f;aturo. miihtuU. co mant collar floor, wootfiift. wall built. d-ub-borrfod houao; fin roaldanr looa tion for Irvtncton: prlr boiow anythtn: In that aoftion. phon Laat 92 or B 13A aroninca Fast A B'ULADAr NAP. HOfK-Hf.VTKRH. LOOK HERB. Baut.Iul '. S-tory 7 -room atrlctlr mofl m houar. full comont baaomanl. fumac. poiithod floor, lot 1sIin with boautlful lawn nd all kinda of ahruberT and Bmall fruit; prlra for tha houaa and quart r block la 47000. away torir.a. or will aoll ona lot and hog at t:-fO, aay trm. Har alnlo lot ro aoilm at 'J"0 In thia hicn-rtait d!trlct. Hma alona coat .V0 t., biii.d For mor particular call on C. F. I'flusor A Co.. ault 12 Mulkay bldr.. 2 ! and M-'rrl-n. HrsE rt'TER: KKAI THIS. IT TAKES CASH. Th very b't buy In Portland; my party rnuat hava $.) for an Fatrn trip be ta ob.irod to m-iko ncht ay. ha oxpcta to mk crinco; h la prop r'.y la raaily worth $vv. h muat h S.vo caah and th biiunrt (4--"H may run on, two and thro year. You can t beat thla. ri U Unlay. A. X. ftrio. Taka W car. sot off E. Ttb onth corn or BlNXTIDC HOME Hwfl. on ay trma; b'aufif-il S-roont houaa on Caat 87th at.; modorn In avary particular; Juat com pitod: larca lirtna-rKm. dlninc-rom. rooptlon hall. Dutch kltchan. 3 aioopina rovma and aloopin porch, full baacmnt and fiirnc. birdacy mapl floor. Into rior fin!n very har.laom. bt car r ic In ctty lnvootiato thla. M-Alltiar A l.uH-Umsnn. WJl Kioctrlc bin. FREC! FREE! nana and p-!flcalion If w bnlld for you. Mony on hand for conatruc- tiro work. Tou can pay for It aa rnC H-k b!d.. 7Th and Oak a TWO MCK IH'MM. a. room nd bath. moiom houa on ear lln. noar Kllltngsworth av.; 0K; H cai- -roo m and bath. mod"n hnu. on Cook tvf . nar lnlon avo. ; .;Um: lSO caah. Thaao ar two nic houao and wall wo-th th prfca akod. HLOCil REALTT CO.. Aldr Bt. KAW1MORNB A V K SNAP. Nic ft-rMin b"i. ntarlr bow. I"t lX on i:t UJ t.. noar Hawthorn, pn. nn!t SsnAO; will tak as llitl aa ah n-i $-5 pr mntn; cwaor lw n cit and muat a 11; not mar? snap Ilk thia ona. ORCSSI A ZADOW. SIT Poard of Trado bid;.. 4th and Oak. FIVE-ROOM Bt'N! A LOW. Wlfh whit onamold bath, and othar itovvttf- and con vonlencea not common, at f.'V'"; on forma that a rontor ran moot. You U b ploaod with th territory It la In. th boauty of It all. Brna to car and pr1-o. Com toiy. OS ROUS BROS." OFFICE. Cor Albarta and East Joth mu N. ROfc; CITY PARK. !B MONTHLY. T rmmi, lot SwiliH): tmproTomont fa and paid . all th built-in convanianeoa; f u.I bsomnt. ftrep:--. ore. National Roalty A Truat Co.. - S Whlnton au. room ftld. Phon Main 3l?y. RINO B 5374. OWNER, poclal bargain in avon-room hotia. walking dlvtanc. Et Side, all modern lmpromonta. lot .Vixlt; Interior yrry attractiv; ownor would rant for 1 year or mor on 9 por cent basis and apply tlrat yoar rent on pur-he prlc or wUl tak two lota Ro City Park. A HN AP. $?5A down. baL 13 per month, a nic B-room bungalow; prlc H S block from lot soiling for 10 each. Call Mr. Anderaon. MIn Jk.V or A 11M. COLCMIUA TKl'PT COMPANY. Board of Trad bldg . S4 4th at. IRVINGTON H'"ME A modern. 6-room r lilonc on East lTth. wtth tara tlvlng room. dining-room. Dutch kitchen. 8 sloop Ing rooms and sleeping porch. Hardwood fhor and two firopiaros; full borant and furnac. Prtc. ltWO, easy term. lcAlItr A Lueddemann. V-l Electric bldg. AiNIKI"KNT hom. worth f0.0tM. for much leas, 9 largo rooms, beautiful finish ok floors, most molorn poaslhlo; In Kng l!h red oak. aelert doors, perfect location. Holladay Addition; will tak a good small hou part paymont; IrvlngTon East 273, C No agent. W. II. Herdman. 0 S0 LAD P TO V E AND E A P T8 fT I C. Mr four-room house, lot &4x143. W-W enr paaao4 door, lmproromonta In and paid for: ownor need money; prtc flt"0, eaay tcrma; price Include om of the fur niture. C. F. PKLHIER A Cw, ulta 12 blulkoy bldg.. 2d and Morr:soD. WHY PAT RENT. W will sll you a hom and yon can Emy for it on ay monthly paymonta; our ue Include furnace, ftxturea. hardwood Loots tlnticg. ahadea. tc. proTldant la witmic: A Trust Co 201-2viJ Board of Trade. Owner. . 50H Ol ? eTW E T HIDEr2VX Fin modern new 0-rootn houae. walk Ing distanc. on GtMs su. strt-work all Mid: prlie $.170, $j.0 cash. GRL SSI A IAUOW. SIT Board of Trad b'.J.. 4th ar.d Oak. SHE L5 NOIR A CO. for Went 81d home. Ground floor. Chamber of Commarc. FOR BALE A fl to-room furnished modern bungalow and a iix-room hous, also fur filsbod; thee properties can b purchased on dowa and smail monthly pay. xnar.t wtth balane at pr ceau Atra. L. E. Hamilton. Calumet HoteL BVILDTO SVIT'YOVR-PURPeT ' If you hv lot and ltttl caah. will build and loan ba.anca. AC. FCRLONO. CONTRACTOR. Chamber of Commerce. Main 2061. TVILLAMETTE Height house to b aacrl ficod under forced sale. Lot &o10 over look:ng ttirn river. Large, modern, 6-roont b oua at 1 4.uO. Sa attorney at 4 14 PpaMlng bldg. 4t and Hawihoxne, I4O00. with, flae d rvora bunga.ow; buine property; Im provement paid. David Lewis, room 2, Lumbrmons b.g T-HOOM house, 4vi ltK-ftxt lot. on Market, aear 13lh st. See us for particular. PAKRISH. WATbllNa A CO. 3iU Aider SU NICE ntr e-rotn bou. clo In. In Irv Irgton, furnac. nr?.ac and all Improv. mnt In nd paid fur. Owner going Fast. Apply e5 E- 'h N.. after 3 P. M. A fcNAP. 4 -room houe and lot IWYfjv,; oa nth and Failing; prtc i:iO; $io cas. bi- MODERN Vroom cottag on term to suit and will take small p:c of acre- as part payment. Weal era bee Co., 414 Spalding bMg. Hi) CASH, balane ror month. bu my l-rQ mouera buagaiow, beautiful beme. 2 t- x-k to car. Trie tMO. own or. Aa UA. Oregortan. riNEiT corner burgalow. Rose City Park. mlvi bhade tra. will consider f'-nt n-st parmecL Tartly furniahed. Tabor l-. AuROOM ano-if-c-n bungalow, beam callings; panlod furnac. stationary tat pr.-e reasonable. East SSQL Owner. iv i RVINGTON For a:, modern reu room raatdaac. For parUcuar tlpbo& C :A- lit. WfbT aeil S-roone bona, bath, good location. ar Can it ; good car arv- t. down Tabor Zt't. 11JOO 4 ROOM bouse and 4 lot In Nw brg: half cash, ba.acca per cwnt. Phon V. ooUlaw n 1712. FOR PAt.F. Houaa and T"t : pleasantly aifu rd. 4h at.. N. Munt Tabor; term Tcesorabl . V H HKKDMaN baa vorythlng In houao and lot want. Ail price. G lSAO. East PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME. onor or.'er for aa e gplondld now Hotgats strictly modem. l1' airy and woM-HgMod Mroom: aLao 2 a oopir.g porh" with ir--tig-ro-'ms. mir ror do ra, liTing-room " nt .14. wtth larg flrepiar; dlnlug-room 2x2X beautiful. F paneiod, larg firepiace and buffet; larg kitchen, pa pantry. tlld sink, cool cup board etc: paoelad billiard-room and den, cathodral bearnod and rustic fireplace; wine cellar and fruit room ; lovely acreaned dining p-rch and larg porch off from living. room ; 2 complete bathroom. 9 lol lts. 5 laxatorie. hardwood floors, 2 wood lift, wood, coal and clothes eMite; roomy closet. J lot, driveway, garage, lovajy natix tree, everything that makea for at tract tvonoa and couxtort. A -oisdd location, beautiful aurTOundlng. Price on'y 114.00. rn arrange i-rma. HE.NRT C. PRt'DHOMME. Ownr. WHI ypaldir.g bldg. SEVEN-ROOM reaidonce: modern plumbing, attic, basement, large ornamental treos, concrat walks, half block to rarlln and hard urf rd s:reet. ML. Hood -wator. atroot graded, corner lot. aixll fet; alley IS foot; at University Park; prlc fJStw: 10 per cant caab ; balance monthly to suit; Interest 7 per cent,. While thes term ar th easiest posslbl th prlc cannot be duplicated any plac ls for cash. This ts an opportunity to get a bom In a rapidly growing district for what you ar pavl-g In rent- Co A. McKenna A Co.. 7'7 chamber of Com merce; Main 4621: A JliL IRVINGTON HOME. Attractiv o-roora house, bath. s!eep!n Rorch and sun room adjoining living-room; irg flreplac In llvir.g-room: elegant fix ture, shades. screen. garage, cement driveway, lawns and shrubbery; Sfxloo lot In th heart of Irvtngton' be-t residence. This pl'-e Is a bargain; terms If d sired. Price $70cu. Phon Main &47; realdenc East 'OSS. GOODSKLL BROTHERS. - 4.13WO r c eater tldg. llee UNDER VALUE. S-room house on Broadway: good loca tion; paved streets: tnoroughly modern; laree porch and conservatory; only $4MK. $L.-n raah; would be cheap at SoOO. bea It today. I-room house on S 2d snd Hawthorn: atrtrtly Drat-class; will sell for cash or trade for Ltrm. IlKJD A TAYLOR. 17 Board of Trade. Main 4dT5. THAT VACANT LOI . WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME PROPER! T? IF T"L" OWN A LOT. WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY AND BUILD RESIDENCE OR FLATS. PLANS FREE IF WE Itl'II-D. OUR REP UTATION YOUR PROTECTION. IT WILL FAY TO SEE US. L. R BAILEY CO.. INC.. CONTRACT ING ARCHITECTS. 324 APINGTON BLD. DO 1 CU AM T t UL IL.U T I UlkF. A SPECIALTY Of" DFPION- ING AND BUILDING UP-TO-DATB NISH Yii; WITH PART OF THli MONEY WITH WHICH TO BL1LD. 2. K. LOCKE. d-.T HENP.V BLDG. JUST completed, an up-to-date 8-room 2-story-and-attto bona. sleeping porch, glassed conservatory, cedar closet, beam coiling, hardwood fl ora. veneered panel wainscoting, solid brass hardware: corner lot facini. the east, sightly elevation. In Roo i'tty Park. Kaat 47th and Siskiyou. This was built for a home. Terms ta mil. Call owner. Tabor -1M2. BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE. Corner. 10 minutes from Postofflce. Haw thorn car. T rooms, furnsc. Drop lac, ae loct neighborhood. t:iO. :004 cash, balane- 7 per cent; must sell. PROVIDENT INVESTMENT TRUSTEE COMPANY. S01-2C2 Board of Trade Bldg. Marshall 47J. A 103L IRVINGT'N A good 7 -room honso on 14th, near Thompson; on block from car; full lot with fruit trees. fcard-urar street In and paid; fu!I prlc only $37:0; smalt cash payment, halanf $-.' per month If you mm this you wtii never hav another such ufler In Irving ton. phon Main 8- or East JS-'"X ofKRy"-room hom and S lot fr ale: furnished or unfurnished; 1 Mock west of Arieta school: also one $My ran hogs ny piano, been used on year, for $2 -'5 cuh; will sell cash, balance to outt pur chaser. So owner. J. E Wilson. 62d st and 2d ave. BARGAIN Now modern bungalow. I rooms and bath, n re plac. bookcases, linen closet. Dutch kitchen, wood elevator, laun.lry trays, attic, cement basement, good loca tion, 2 blocks Rose City Park car. clos In. Owner. Tabor SI" 1. NEW & -room, modern finish. M2 Ladd av.. 2k fot to ft carllne. comer ll'lh and Hawthorne. A most dotrable rosldenc locality, with future business alue; t'..VK. terms. Phon Kaat A176. R. AL Wldne, owner. HAWTHORNE AVE. 12950. $i00 down, balance Ilk rent; five-room Tndorn bungalow ; 1 1 block uth of ' Hawthorn. phon Main 57AS. forenoons. Raeture Iroperty . FOUR GOOD INVESTMENTS. Apartment-hou, Income Mtu0 a year; $4c 0W, H cash. stor building. In com 11440 a year; llT.oof). H cash. Htor building, lncom $1020 a year; Ill.uoO. H cash. 4 8-room house, close tn. West Sid. Income l?oo a yo,r: $21.Aao. H cash. BLOCH REALTT CO.. 2o Alder Su NO MONEY required for business quarter block. If purcher will Improve. Will sell at present market value and tak mortgag for S or 5 year at T per cer.L Address Owner. 212 Weldler St.. city. TixlOO LOT. all Improvements, good S-room houaa. buslnesa district. East Fid, walking distance; will sell for prlc of vacant tot. easy tarma, part trad. AT 123, Orego ntan. lid 000 FINE business property on promi nent street. West Side, cloae In; new build ing, stores and apartment, wall ranted. Owner. V !-.". Orcgonlan. HALF block on East 6th St., ctoe In. with good Improvements, has Income of f-OQ por month. Call 414 Spalding bldg. Acremge. WHY PAY 30O TO $SOO PER ACRE When w can sail you &u acres near Bea verton at $-00 per acre. 24 acres under cultivation, 6 acres In orchard, fair house, new barn, etc ; finest of soil, with th plac also goo 2 cows. 2 horse, and har ness. S waons. larg number of chlck ena. all farming implement and toola; also some hy and potato. H-re 1 an opportunity to get a clo-ln farm at a snap. Term. If this does not interest you and you ar In the market, come in and look over our large list with us, whether you buy or not. C. F. I'FLUGER A CO.. Suit IX Mulltcy Bldg., 2d and Morrison. KbTABLIKHED Ism). 014 ACRES. 7 ACRES CULT Se von -room house, good barn, carriage house, mllkhoua, etc., fin garden, cher ries, fruit, half mil to O. E. Ry.. 32 mile to Portland on county mad; a bar gain at fliWO (no agnts. F L33. Or gonlan. BASK LINE ROAD. 10 BEAUTIFUL ACRES. Clos to Montavill and Mt Hood Elec tric line, for quick sale only 7o0; very Inviting terms. This will more than double In valu In on year. L 12T. Oregon 1 an. OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS. LAND CLOSE TO PORTLAND. From $50 per acre up. easy terms. PACIFIC N-W. DEVELOPMENT CO.. 405 Couch Bldg.. 4th. near Wash. St. Office open evenings. 0 ACRES. Close to Portland and electric station, running wter. barirg fruit trees, all In clover; near school; 150 an acre chowpar than adjoining property. AT 1J7, Orego cian. ACKE, near Oregon City, csrlln. 7c far; He fine, view of Port lend; good soil, no st on, running watar; 4 acres nearly closr. Price 9 1750. $oo cah. bal. 10 years. 6 per cent. Owner, -Vl Gerwnger bldg. jCo ACRES Fruit. grazing and timber iands; 3 mile from Williams P. O., Jose. ph!n County. Oregon, 20 per acr. or will trade for Portland residenc. AN 13o. Orefntsn. FOR SALE 40 acres. S acres cleared; bal ane In timber: small orchard, nous, barn: 2 miles Butler sta. : best buy in bkamsnla County: pne 30O0: terms. Ad dress M. Reynolds. Butler, Wash. ACREAGE ON ELECTRIC LINES.- W hav some fin bargains In 5. 10 and lo-acr tracts alona Ml Hood and O. W. P. electric linos. If yon want small arrears, se McAllister A Luddexnann, PCI Electric bldg. CHOICE acreage tracts at Multnomah ela tion, on tb Oregon Electric Ry., at low est price. ar headquarters for this class of pro party. Western Securities Co.. 414 Fpaldir.g bldg. 1. 2. 3. 3 AND 10-acr tracts, clos In. good e-ectrlc car service. (lOO to "J50 nor cre; big vlua. easy tor ma J. W. Hefferlia Roalty co , 2J3 Qorbott bldg . . bo lhp h o no. A 91b.oio property for Just Tfl"A: o Ideal 8 acrea. highly cultivated, maple shade, running stream, springs, fin neighbor hood. Owner, lock boa 73 Milwaukl, Or. FOR SALE On acr. hou. fruit trea. borrte. quick. cheap. Jnn Station. Ore ham cax. D- Regal ACREAGE and fari&a. from $12.30 par acr up. larg nd email tract. Call Kl&na A Stampher MM Lumber Exchange bldg. OREGON ranch and timber land near po rt land. H. T. J-slln. 213 Couch b Id g. 1 ACRE In fruit, fl-roorn house, at An.beL Leonard Bros., 317 Chamber of Commerca, ACREAGE. Any e'.-ed tract you may doir from en-half acr op to 2 acres, located In the beautiful valley just west of Council Croat, on.'y 40 minute' rid from center of th city, and th moat fertile soil in Oregon. W hav 43 people that have bought from two to four time each oa thl prop erty: let oa refer you to them. Com, lt us show you. Fin. 5-year-old orchards, slso berry patches and gant-n that demonatrate the soil. Go look. $2y per acre and up. with small cash payment and monthly install ments. THE SHAW-FEAR CO MP ANT, 102 Fourth St. Main Z A 8300 BEAD THIS. , , An Ideal suburban home on Powell Val ley road three milee from city limits; 3 acre all In cultivation, crops In and cow Ing. Fine new seven-room nous, with -ull cement basement, good barn and tool house. Family orchard, good variety. In cluding finest English walnut trees in stste. This plac 1 In A 1 condition tn every rospect. Just the place for a fine hom for m business man on one of the best auto roads In Multnomah Co. and only one mil from lctrlc car. 13.S-. acre. Including buildings, 1. 00 per acr. balance of plac Including grow ing crop 3430 per acr. If you ar looking for omethlng good both as an Investment and Ideal home, don't fall to Investigate this, feeing Is believing. Lt us show you. Industrial Co . 4-4 Hamilton bldg. ACR E AG K $23 to $70 per acre; 2400 acre, ubd'vlded Into 130 tracts of 3. 5. 10. 2. $o to 1O0 acrea each; beat fruit and gar dan land. dep soli, fin water, no rooki en hour's rid from Portland, rail and rir transportation; town and school la center of tract ; good roads In front t very tract. Your chance to get an Ideal money-making hom. These traots sell oa eight to practical people. Call and au an early selection, atcFARLAND INVESTMENT CO- HQ Corbet t Bldg. FOR SALE FARMS. 474 acre, 100 acres in grain, good build ings, plenty of water, balance of land fine pasture and fruit land; price $25 per acre, one-fourth cash. 445 acres, 400 acres good level land. 45 acres rough land, but good for pasture, about 60 acres cleared land and ready for plow; place all fenced, running water; price $-5 per acre; $3o00 cash, balance time. 6 per cent. NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY, ' 'HO Stark Street. ACRE tracts, splendidly located and hlgh ciass residence property si a low price on easy terms; Juat 15 minutes out by car. If you want anywhere from S acr up to & acres, don't fall to see us. We have It. 0 acres on Tillamook carllne for only $l.'n. This Is a bargain. $."kM equity In Westmoreland lot for fltik See us for bargains. REID A TAYLOR. 617 Board of Trad. Main ''75. IF TOU ar locking for a nic. tract of land of from 1 to 5 acres tn the suburb of Portland at very low prir and on most convenient term of paymont. call or send your address to me for explanatory litera ture. J. O. ELROD. OWNER. 3 lis Corbsit Building. OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS. LOOK WEST From Portland view points and you will know why real estate buyers prefer Tual atin Valley land to any other. It is close to Portland, has splendid transportation facMltie. and a fine black soli that will grow anything. We offer small tract at lowest price and ensy terms. PACIFIC N. W. DEVELOPMENT CO., 405 Couch bldg., 4th, near Wash. st. Office open evenings. $373 IO ACRES $375 10 acres of th best "redshot" soil, fro from rock and all tillable, southern ex posure: running water, abundant wood, near school ana county road; malt and telephone line; only two hours from Port land; soil, elevation and drainage right for fruit; nothing better or cheaper on the marKt; only .w..-jQ an acre. Kt; only .w..-jQ an acre. It, 512 Cou-h bldg., 19 4th at. PALME OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS. FROM COUNCIL CREST And all hlrh view points you see th Tua latin Vallev, the richest valley In Oregon. A small tract from 2 to 10 acres In thla valley Is within your means. Low price, easy term. PACIFIC N-W. DEVELOPMENT CO.. 403 Couch Bldg.. 4th. near Wash. fit. Office open evening. CHICKEN and Trull ranches near Portland, walking distance to good town; runnnicg water, neat soil, free wood, splendid fruit district; view of Columbia, Klver and snow peaks; 2 acres $-50; 3 acres $300, 1$ acrea $5v0, 20 acres $X; 10 per oaat cash, eay payments. FRANK M' FA BLAND REALTT CO. 109 Y eon Bldg.. Port lap d FOR SALE Ona acr of fin gardan land adjoining HUlsboro, th county seat of Washington County. Only 50 minutes' ride from Portland on Oregon Electric line. $3o0. $50 caah. $10 per month. Cleared, ready for planting. Take car at front and Jefferson ta. to Hilisboro, or call at city office. 419 Lumbermen bldg. Wash ington County Land Company. " BEAUTIFUL SANDY RIV E R VALLEY. Northeastern Clackamas County; one of th beat fruit, dairy, garden and farming sections In Oregon; 5. IO, 20-acr and larger tracts for sal on reasonable tarma. Call on or write to THE SANDY RIVER VALLEY LAND CO., E. F. Burns. Sec-, Sandy. Oregon. FOR RENT. llfc acres of ground In suburbs of City of Portland. 5-cent carfare; boxhouse, two chicken-houses and pens, good well. Will let responsible party have this for one year for plowing and leveling ground and putting same tn good state of cultivation. Call 270 Stark St. HomcatemOa. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON 100-page book gives amount of Government land open t o me lead. In each county In the State of Oregon and Washington, and descrlptloa f same; give bomo&tead, deaert. timber, ton, coal and mineral law; two maps f Oregon la colors, 21x28. showing R. H. In operation, one showing all proposed R. R. and electric lines, including Laetern and Central Oregon. 20o each, or thro 50a Map of Washington In colore. 21x2s. 20a. Mmmo. Runey Jk Co.. Hamilton bldg. HOMESTEADS. Can locate ten people on good, tillable land In Summer Lake Valley. Lake County, Or. Artesian water, 250 feet; good well water, 20 feet. W. O- JOHNSON. 1T92 Haven St. Phone Woodlawn 3025. WANTED Desirable homestead or relln quishment claim In Northwest; pay liberal reward to party advising location of avail abia claim; give, run -particular, av iiv, Oregonlan. CAN locate flv good homestead and thre timber claim, closl to R. R. ; reasonable fee. Address P 119, Oregonlan. For 6a h -Fruit Lands. HOOD RIVER SNAP. S4& per acr will buy on of th best 10-acr orchard in the well-known Hood River Vallev if taken AT ONCE: NEARLY ALL In standard varieties 4t apples; a good psrt tn full bearing; also small iara- 11 v orchard; good nuuse. Darn, ouiouaa Ing. team. Implements and tools; fin spring water In th house; biggest bar gain ever offered ; produced almost 1SO0 boxes of apples season IB 10. and mora In sight this year. If you really want a plac m the woo a Kiver vaiiey. wnere you can hav a beautiful home and be come Independent raising apple, investi gate this without delay; $3&u0 cash, bal ane easy terms. DEVLIN A FIREBATJOH. 07 Yeon Bldg. HOOD RIVER SNAP. 20 acres, all good apple land. 10 acrea cleared. Dart in orchard. large creek ana spring, fair buildings, on main county road, only 2 S mile from town : biggest snap ever offered; prtc only $250 per acre; $1000 caah will hand I It, bee us t once. DEVLTN A FIREBAUGH. 07 Yeon Bldg. REGAIN your heslth and accumulate wealth growing apple In th famous Hood Rivr-M osier ditrict, on our new plan, A small cash payment will at art you right. Call or writ for beautiful free booklet. HOOD RIVER ORCHARD LAND COMPANY. 907 Yeon bldg. 100-AC RE orchard. 2 mile from on of test town in stat. win exenange or an for Portland property, or will sell with very small cash payment and balance to suit. I K. Moor, suit 617, Board of Trade. For Sale -Farm. FINE lvl Morrow Co. WHEAT FARM, all In Fall wheat; 4 m'.le to railroad; with crop, only $3 per acre; very easy terms. T. H. Llttleh , Forest Grove. Or. A FARM, 50 acrea. well improved, as mort gsge, $SO0 agatnat It, $0O take It; worth $20,000. Room 7, Murphy block. Salem. Oregon. COME to th Coast nil: for cheap wild lands or Improved farm. O. G. Daiaba, Elk City. Or. FOR bargains in ali-purpose farm lands sit uated In Linn and Benton Counties, cafl on or writ J. V. Pip. Albany. Oregon. FOR SALE Stock ranch. TOO acres meadow n.m ..rix..iini hainr crazins. ana 4 OOO.ovO feet lumber; cuts 800 tons of hay, may be lncreasd to 10-X; barns. 200x-E0. stock shed 300 feet long, carpenter and blacksmith shop, flv mowers, thre rake, four wagons, modem ten-room house: carries 1M sheep. 3t0 cattle, lOOhorses; sn ideal Summer home; only 300 miles from Portland; $22.50 per acre. P. O. Box 125. Prtnevllle. Or , A SMALL FARM. All Improved, good 6-room house, barn, hot and cold water. windmllL porcciatn bathtub; family orchard, over 13 acres all In cultivation. Near Beaverton. oH0. $ JOOO down, balance term. So Mr. Har tog or Mr. Bishop, at Hartman A Thomp son. Bankers, Chamber of Commerce blag. orouna iioor. FINE WHEAT FARM In Gilliam Co. of Hm acre; tov crea m iiuv'h acres of wheat; good buildings and fine water; only 4 miles to railroad; $25 per acre. Including crop: on very easy tarma. T. . imienates, torai w.. SNAP A fine farm 1 mile from depot, tool. Improvement, atock, crop, etc Leu Quick. KINNEY A BTAMFHFR. aSl-sl. Lxnnr. a.x, r m- ' IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. Good hom at reasonable prices; for In formation, writ th Farmers' Union, Amity. Yamhill County, Oregon; R. L Boa 100. RANCH. 60 acres, with buildings, 18 nlle from Portland, near electric line; bargain for all cash, by owner. 1VJ Morrison st. Ml accuse eon. CONGENIAL nelghbora wanted; fruit land, beautiful acenic surroundings, rivers, mountains, boating, fishing, near electric line, one hour's ride from Portland; am lm p ro v in g 40 acres for my o w n home, want congenial neighbors on remaining acreage; will sell in 1 to 10-acre tracts. If you want an ideal location for perma nent or Summer home, this is your op portunity. No better land in Oregon. or further particulars, address owner, AL 134, Oregonlan. $5 CASH and $5 per month, nic level lot near Mount Scott, 5c car. city water, graded street. HIGLEY & BISHOP. 132 Sd st. WISH to place townsite In Central Oregon In some good real estate company's hands to sell. v rue A ,". yrcgonin. GOOD two-story frame building. - contain ing two stores. 50x60. Main 4152. TO tXCHANGB. $15,000 WEST SIDE residence property, large new home with every modern con vanii himnma larfee Dorchefl. $ fireplaces, all largo rooms. 2 lots, beauti ful location; I ara the owner and. would consider some weii-iocatea acreo change. AM 132. Oreeontan. . BEAUTIFUL 10-ACRE TRACT. $5000. k. bptai in i.voar Knitzenbera tree and 5 acres in Italian prunes; 2 blocks to i-ifrrif. ar n.i fi stores: want home in city. David Lewis, room 2, Lumbermen bldg. iTRPJ! TO TRADE Near Lylo, Wast; good fruit land and well located; will trade for Portland lota or house and lot. vaiue --o w. W. OKMb'BY. 41st and Holsate. Phone Sellwood 822. BEAUTIFUL 14 4 -acre tract on cwrlina, close to Portland; all the buildings new, fireplace In house, etc: elegant outbuild ings; will sen or exenange ior nwus, f David Lewis, room 2. Lumbermen bldg. WHAT have you for exchange? If you have anything that Is good and really want to eschange. see us. We Jnay hav just what you want. GARLAND A BARSNES. 191 4th St. MY 7-room house and lot. 75x105, near Williams ave.. will rent at per mo-. for farm of equal value, having no incum brance, price $j(MM. 31 1J6. Oregonian. TO TRADE FOR LOT. Stock and fixtures of small store; a money-maker for the price; vaiue tuv rent $30 ; lease. ak uv, uregoman 13 ACRES, 15 miles from Portland, all In potatoes, wire fenced, near Southern Pa cific: will exenange for city property. Bates A Bates. 316 Henry bldg. 640 ACRES in Southern California, cloae to Santa Fe R- R-, to exchange for close-to-Portland property. David Lewis, room 2. Lumbermen Diag. 40 ACRES irrigated land for a good S to 7 passenger automobile; will trade this land at tne npnt vaiue. HIGLEY A BISHOP, 132 Third St. $40 ACRES. Clackamas County, near ML vrna R. R - will trade for city property or a good business; will pay difference if any. r-Q Jiail. SSi. front bu nmo .v EQUITY In Portland lot to exchange for anything of value. B- W. Wood, 201 Couch st. iwrnr atkartment-house for sale or will exchange for Improved real estate. By owner. A 3591. TO exchange, improved acreage, nicely lo cated for rooming-bouse. Am ad on, 216 Lewis bldg. CORNER lot, 9-room house; East 10th St.; for close-in acreage or larm; ybiud uw. mortgage $1100. mon j.aoer z. .-Tr-iri.v irvfttAd imoroved or untroorove' Portland lot, for desirable California farm, not too large, aj, i-o. uirsuuiau. 80 ACRES In Clackamas County, and som casn, ior nous tuu iwt, Ore go I an. I HAVE 100 acres of logged-off land (some cleared) that I will trade on- a nous and lot. Marshall 715. a do. wAKTpn Team of draft horses In ex change for acreage or town lota. Amadon Bros., xio lewis oiag. WANTED RBAL EXT ATE. WANTED To buy from owner modem 6 or 7-room house tn.gooa cioee-in location on East Side, from party who will take first class orchard aa payment. State price and description. AO 122. Oregonlan, 6-ROOM house, comparatively new. on East Fide, inside of E, 10th st., Hawthorne and itimseii st. Must be goo neighborhood. Will pay $2000 cash. Musi buy right away. N 111. Oregonlan. WANTED S-room bungalow, Rose City park preferred; will make first payment In good West side int or iota. B, F BRYAN Main 1963. 650 Cham. Com. A 1227. c a VTirn 5 or 8-room modern bungalow rive location, carllne, price, dimensions of lot; must have gas and electricity. Will pay $000 cash. AG 115. Oregonlan. 60 TO v00 acres suitable for platting. Clack n o rnnntv m-efrrd a-)ve full n&rticu lars first letter; price and terms must oa rignt. aij iJf, jicBuuiu. WANTED 110.000 to $20,000 In an ost.ib Ushed manufacturing business. Short of working capital, write a iv, oregonian. LOT not over $300 on very easy terms. irom owner; una vw gonlan. LOGGED-OFF land wanted. Stat number of acres, price ana pes. term, ali iuo. oregonian. FOR SALE TIMBER LAND. "pABfiATK. TIMBER LAND. 160 acres timber land; fine soil; 8 miles from Oregon City canine; gooa roaa; js, iktA Mriii first erowth fir. 6000 cords ec ond growth fir ; $100 per a ore. GREAT SNAP. Adjoining farm land selling for $120 to suu per acre; oiuai mnn nuuin 10 days. Addrea L. A. Read, K. F. O, No. 1, Mllwaukle, Or. TIMBER LAND tirnniuT a un lutT TV C . M'CRACKKN. 304 McKtt Bldg. 12-r nvnc. ifln iutm timber In Dousla Co., Oregon; certified cruise 4.437.000; SOo pr 3d. F. X. pasent, fernwoou. laano. tttt fn lwitta vou on timber claims. 2.000, 000 to 5.000,000. Amadon Bros., 216 Lewis bldg. FOR RENT FARMS, 10-ACRE tract, new land, 2 miles from Beaverton; a acres piow-u, urrvr, ready ror seeo.; new uai u .uu moui wel' ; $5 per year. Call in morning. Matn 5476; in evening, Marshall 2805. WANTED TIMBER 1AXPS. TIMBER lands wanted. 204 McKay bldg. C J. McCracken, FOB SALE. Horse, Vehicle and Harne FINE fat pony, gentle and fond of children; new Shetland pony buggy and ingle har ness, $00 take the outfit. Call 414 Spald ing bldg. CASH or tlm on horses, weight 2800 lbs., sound and true, harne and wagon. Phone Eellwooa 17 55. DELIVERY wagon, in good repair, ha been used but very little: a bargain. Address Brown. 295 Da via st. FOR SALE, or will trade, good rubber tired buggy for express or delivery wagon. Phone t 4S04. , FOR SALE: One team delivery horses weigh ing 2250 lbs. 226 Russell St. PASTURE for horse a near Portland. Apply 139 Sherlock bldg. Phone Main 1410. GOOD young horse, new buggy, bargain, 101 Washington st.. Vanyuver. Wash. GOOD work mules for sale, 1$ head, call on or address A. E Mcetx. Grass Valley. Or. FOR SALE A heavy camel-back, spring wagon. 231 Madison st. Horse. Vehicle and Harness. NOTICE We have as good a car of . o -v- VaV 17. a ever been her this Spring for rrlees; In all w have 36 head to pick from. Phillip Suetter. cor. Fifth and Montgomery. FOR SALE One team of S-year-old black Percheron coits, mare ana geiamg. oioce.y built, weigh now about 2700 pounds: both broke; a tine team for some farmer. J D Koning. E. 6th and Schuyler sts., Irving ton Stables. FOR SALE Cheap, good driving horse and almost new rtioDer-tirea runaooui harness. 2S15 5Sth st. S. E. end of Haw thorne carllne; walk 1 block west and 2 blocks south. I HAVE $350 equity In a good corner lot near Country liud, Daiance ui v? -able $10 monthly; will trade for a good team of horse and wagon and pay dif ference in caah. AS 126. Oregonlan. GOOD driving horse for sale very cheap: $5 takes it; worth twice tne sum. -a.n t Ladd's Canyon road farm, ask for Walker s horec. ' FOR HIRE Horses, wagons and business rigs, by aay, weeK or mom a; i" North. Phon Main 120. Lawless barn, Ask for Mr. Evans. TEAM mares, weight 2400, with new harness ana iarm wagon, -horses; ISO. span of ponies, wtth harness. 247 E. 12th st. I HAVE a lot In Oregon City and some cash to trade for a gooa team wi or horse and buggy. AN 125. Oregonlan. Piano, Organs and Music! instrument a. riAu neap ior casu vr L, f IUUUUS ; Will UUL reiueo m.ij ier. AL St. Cjinau. PIANO bargain, well-known make, will sell cheap for cash or large payment. 374 Williams av. . NEW Wtllard piano, cost $400; sell for $200" 403 Couch bldg. A 2-S41. . Automobiles. SECOND-HAND CAR3. CHALMERS 191030. 5 pass., 80 tt fully equipped. $1150. PEERLESS 1909. 7 pass., fully equipped; good buy. $2500. MAXWELL 2 cyl., 5 pass.; for quick gale. $423. CADILLAC 1910. 5 pass, fully equipped, a real bargain, $1300. REO 3 cyl.. 5 pass.; top. $400. CADILLAC 1909. 6 pass.. 30 H. P fully equipped; reralnted. $1000. BUICK 2 cyL, 5 pass,, fully equipped, $450. PIERCt: 1910. 9 cyL, 86 H. P.. 5 pasa; Al condition. $3000. BUICK Modal 10. 4 cyl. runabout with top. $500. Th owners of these cars hav left them with us for sale, they having purchased lflll Pierce-Arrow or Cadillac cars. Our list of used cars Is continually changing. It will Day you to investigate. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Main 6470, A 45S7. 21st and Washington. WE have the folllowing cars left with us by owners who have purchased new Packard. These are all useful cars well worth th price asked for them: Chalmers-Detroit "40." 7-passenger. Winton Six, 5-passenger. Maxwell runabout. White Model G, S-passenger. FRANK C. RIGOS. Packard Service Bldg: 23d and Washington Sts. PACKARD SNAPS. We have sold all the used Packards previously advertised and have just se cured two mora that we offer with out guarantee. 1 5-passenger. 1 7-passenger. FRAN KC, RIGGS. Packard Service Bldg.. 23d and Washington Sts. 1911 WHITE gas car, 15-passenger, fully equipped. This car is latest model and practically new, cost $3200; price $1850. 1910 Ford touring car. fully equipped, like new. run only 1900 miles; $483. 1910 Reo touring car, fully equipped, can not be told from new, cost $1500 ; price $975. Maxwell. Jr., fully equipped; $3i5. 1911 Flanders racy roadster; $575. 1910 Hudson roadster; $725. 1909 Cadillac touring car; $1050. CUSTOM-HOUSE AUTO CO., 331 Everett St. Main 1649. WE have the following especially good buys la Electric Cars. 1 Baker Victoria; latest model, shaft drive, nearly new, owner leaving town. 1 Rauch Lang coupe, used for demon strating. 1 Studebaker. very low price. FRANK C. RIGGS. Packard Service Bldg. 13d and Washington Sts. 7-PASSENGER, standard make, splendid nape, just overhauled, splendid for stage line, good power and will stand hard work. 5-passenger. standard make, splen did shape, mechanism aa good as new ; will take half cash, or trade In small car. 471 Yamhill st. Phone A 3115. AUTO WANTED". $9?0 equity In new 5-room bungalow, which 1 at present rented for $16 per month, to exchange for good, light auto, runabout, or 5-passenger. 131) Union ave,, room . 1 HAVE placed my order for a Packard Six and my 6-passenger Packard, latest type, fore door body, nearly new, Is for sale. AR 126. Oregonlan. WINTON, 6-cyllnder, 7-passenger, 1910 model, as good as new; coat originally S.tyUU. Ownrr leaving vn.?, "lino tasn ui- fer. D. Lewis, room 2. Lumbermen bldg. lain ATTTOMOBILE In splendid condition. used but little; will sell cheap or trade for unincumbered property. P 127, Orego nlan, 1910 METZ runabout: tires like new; fine condition: Just right for salesman; price very reasonable .for cash. AR 132, Oare gonian. NINE head of work horses and mares, broke single and double. Call at Hazelwood Cream Co. s Darn, mi inn st. im, A SNAP If sold quick, light delivery car, with touring body; $200. White Garage, 6th and Madison. Call for Johnson. CHALMERS. 40-H.-P. auto at a sacrifice; car cost $3200 complete; owner leaving AUTOMOBILES bought and sold. Call ot write for bargain list. Custom-House Ante Co.. 331 Everett st. Main 1649. . FOUR marcs, weighing from 1100 to 1400. broke single and double, must be sold at once. 101 11th st. N. WHITE steamer auto for sale, 5-passenger car In fine condition. Inquire 527 Corbett bldg. ! WILL trade Columbus electric for Portland lota. Woodlawn 1556, C 1777. SEVEN-PASSENGER Packard touring car, reasonable. Address AN 124, Oregonian, WANTED Acheap saddle horse suitable for lady. C. M. H.. 601 Everett st. WANTED Good 1910 runabout or 6-passen ger car; no age"is. it rcsummi. FOR SALE Cadillac '30" touring car. 264 4th st. A 1516. Main 8564. Bird. Ip nnd Pot Moct, FOR SALE Pedigree English bull pup, first prize winner at Portland bench show. Call Marshall 26S2. FOR SALE lOO Homer pigeons; all mated. 60c a pair. Call B 611L Mr. Kendall; avenln g 8- . DUCKLINGS 20, three weeks old; thorough bred Pekin; $5. 458 Vancouver ave. NICE barred rock chicks, 4 days old, for 15c each, at 605 6th st. Main 3304. Airedale Terriers Imported stud "Laddlx Monarch," Laddlx Kennels, Est cad a. Or. IRISH Setter dogs for sale. Tabor 2445. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE 1 time-recording clock; 1 comptometer; 1 neostyle; 2 typewriters. OREGON A WASHINGTON LUMBER CO Main 2163; BARGAINS for a few days only: Remington No. 7. $23: Fox. No. 3. $35- Blick. No. 6, $17.50; Blick. No. 7, $25. Th Northwest Typewriter Co.. 90 5th st. FOR SALE Showcases, wallcase. counter General fixtures In stock and made to order at lowest prices. Grand ava, a " CO MPTO METER. Practically new; cost $200: will sell lor $150. 707 Board of Trade bldg. FOR SALE dO H. P. traction engine, Tn good order, very cheap. Box 2C4, Kelso. Wash. WINDOW screen and doors mad to ordtx at lowest prices, z vp. SAFES. 1 large, 1 medium at' A bargain. AP 75, Oregonian. FOR SALE 121 S cash piano receipt on Eil- t-. o. uni!. AS rrpiront-i SMALL pig" and brood sows reasonable. Hall, S1 Water sL, cor. Montgomery. IDEAL tank heater and 100-gallon boiler in Al condition- at 125 11th at. POWERS No. 5 picture machine, good aa new, bargain. P. fiabo, 2 Giisaa st. Miscellaneous. BRASS GAS AND ELECTRIC FIXTURES being taken out of Arlington Club. CORRUGATED IRON ROOFING, second-hand, in perfect condition. $150 per square. . ONE MILLION CLEAN 2D-HAND BRICK. $5 per thousand: pressed and . common brick, now In Olds, Wortman King and in the Corbett buildings, ready for July delivery. LUMBER Second-hand flooring and di mension stock in perfect condition; $u per thousand. DOORS AND WINDOWS, new and seo-ond-hand. 40c up. . PLUMBING FIXTURES, taken out of the Arlington Club; very cheap. BEAUTIFUL FIREPLACES, with ga logs, from Arlington Club. PORTLAND WRECKING CO.. Main 57. 105 No, 11th U A S36. THE PORTLAND pipe snop will sell new and second-hand, all sizes from h men, up; all kinds of rittinss, have 50.-ln used for water; 25-ton cable; make, ail kinds of railing. Phone Maiu to-a. 2'7 Front, near Salmon. FOR SALE. At a reasonable price if taken at once, two 100-horsepower return tubular boilers. In first-class condition; Just the equipment for mill work; complete with fittings and all equipment to insiall in your planL Par ticulars at 201 Oregonian bldg. HOUSEBOAT. Leaving city, must sell; 5-room bunga low houseboat, built 1 year: electric lights, telephone, city water, located Oregon Yacht Club. Main 217L 512 Gerlinger bldg. FOR SALE. a t Two Mandylee incubators. 190S models; capacity 20 eggs each and one brooder; all nearly new; will sell these at a bar gain. Call 70 Stark st. ' MEN'S TROUSERS. I save you money on pants; no big prof its tacked on for the landlord; my $J0 & month rent and system of buying does iL Jimmy Dunne, room 315 Oregonlan bldg. EAFES New and Sd-hanO: low prices; easy terms; sate opened, repaired and painted. PURCELL SAFE CO. and POKTLANO SAFE CO.. fe5 5th st. Main 6309. A 4UBL GASOLINE launch runabout, new boat, put in water this Spring; 2t feet, beam 4 feet; 12 miles per hour; $400. E. Fatsen, 70S Willamette Blvd., University park. 25-H.-P. vertical Fairbanks-Morse 9x12 en gine with governor, castiron, self-sustain ing sideboard bearings, flywheel pulley, cheap at $100. Ph one Columb la 16. 1 COMBINATION chandeliers. almoBt new; bargain. Room 401. Merchants Trust bldg. , . FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines. Railway Equipment Co., 74 1st Bt. Phones A 2363, Main 2363. FOR SALE Fine young cow; seven eighths Jersey, fresh In a few weeks. 5 E. 76th st.. Montavilla, . Contractors" equipment by United Engineer ing dfc Construction Co., 711 Lewis bldg. NEW 1911 City Directory. $d. M.'H. Tower, WANTED MI SC E LLANT: OUS, WE BUY CLOTHING. EVERYTHING. Highest price paid for men's cast-offl clothing, shoes; we also buy ladies cloth ing. Call up th Glob. Main 20S0, 290 First, near Cclumbia, MONEY LOST unless you call th Ford Auction Co. and get their prices on what you have to aell. Main S951. A 2445. WEpay the highest cash price for second hand furniture. Sealer & Martin, Phon Last 3134. 348 Hawthorne av. p CORDWOOD WANTED 100O to 2000 cords. State price delivered on cars at Portland. J 126. Qregonian. HAVE desirable unincumbered real estate to trade. What have you? 437 Chamber of Commerce. e WASTED Second-hand bowling ailey, double, must be In good condition. Mc cormick Bros., Eugene, Or. IK YOU have household f-rniture to seiL call up George Baker A Co.. 132 Park su Pale at residences a specialty. WANTED At once, good second-hand incu bator, reasonable. Call C 1655. WANTED Moving picture machine films. gas outnt, etc. AJ lit), uregoniaa. WANTED Second-hand folding chairs and op-ra chairs. M 78. Oregonian. 2-SEAT rubber-tire phaeton; light double harness. 437 Chamber of Commerce. WAN TED second- ban d bench pipe machine cutting from 4 to 6-inch. 407 Stanton at. SECTIONAL BOOK CASE. 437 Chamber of Commerce. HELP WANTED MAUt ABLE-bodied men wanted for tne TJ. S. Ma rine Corps, between the ages of 19 and 35. Must be native born or have first papers. Monthly pay $15 to $0. Additional com pensation possible. Food, clothing, uar ters and medical a.ttention free. After 30 years' service can retire with 75 per cent of pay and allowances. Service on board ship and ashore In all parts of the world: Apply at U. S. Marine Corps Recruiting Office. Breeden bldg., Sd and Washing ton sts.. Portland. Or. REALTY SALESMEN. W wish to get in touch with a few high-grade, subdivision salesmen, who can handle all clases and are good closers. Can get assistance of prospect makers on a basis that will guarantee a large in come. Don't reply unless you can prove qualifications by recent record. We have the opportunity for the right man, but are too busy to see the other kind. Ad dress L 117, Oregonlan. THE Superintendent of agencies of A prom inent Eastern concern is in the city to establish a local office for State of Oregon- a young man of neat appearance and energy, with $U00, who can qualify, will be paid a salary of $.15 to $."0 a week, or com mission, to start; give phone number. AK 133. Oregonian, WANTED Young, energetic men who are receiving an inadequate salary and are willing to work hard for more money. The largest realty firm In Portland will take on a few new salesmen and will de vote special attention to teaching them the business from the ground up. Address L 118, Oregonian. . WANTED Salesmen for exclusive territory, big opportunities, steady position, com plete line Yakima Valley grown fruit, shade and ornamental stock; cash weekly; outfit free. Toppenish Nursery Company, Toppenish. Wash. EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors; spot cash commission for reliable contracts; established religious magazine; 12.000 subscribers. Apply noon hour only. "Bene dlctine Press, 307 Journal bldg. WANTED Man of neat appearance to so licit for a large corporation; good salary If suited. Apply after 9 A. M., 721 Yeon bldg. WANTED Four solicitors; a good proposi tion for hustlers; salary and commission. Call today at Spokesman office, Vancou ver, Wash. WANTED at once, boys with wheels- to de liver telegrams: clean work and good wages. Western Union Telegraph Company, 76 3d st. WANTED Four solicitors; a good proposi tion for hustlers; salary and commission. Call today at Spokesman office, Vancou ver, Wash- WANTED At onoe, boys with wheels to de liver telegrams; clean work and good wiges. Western Union Telegraph Company, 76 3dst. . , SALESMEN wanted to sell our line of Pa-coast-grown nursery stock; cash pasd weekly. Pacific Nursery Co., 308 Corbett bldg. ROY over IS, fair education, to qualify for mall service, SupL, 152 Iowa ave.. Cedar Rapids, la. art eLass cutter and glaziers, 44 cents au hour. Pacific Art Glass Works. 151 Front st. WANTED Bushelman for men's clothing store. Apply Robinson A Co., 289 Wash ington st. : HANDY man to do painting and carpenter "work in hotel; state experience, age and Arirfre-s O 126. Oregonian. SIGN WRITER who knows something abcut merchandising. Apply at once to Elliott Bros.. 414 Marquam bldg. WANTED Baker helper, $8 per week, board and room. Kelso Bakery. Kelso,, Wash. . WANTED Boy, over 18 years, for work in, advertising dept. Apply after 9 A. M. room 15, Eilers Music House. WILL give basement rooms to decent man for light services, 761 Marshall. MOLDERS, floor and bench men. Apply 2-'2 Commercial uun mis. WANTED A carrier in Central Alblna. Ap-, ply. circulation dept.. Evening Telegram. ; WANTED Delivery boy; meat market. Cor, 16"th and Glisan sts. WANTED Bov about 17 years of age. MU, Hood Factory. 233 Couch- WANTED Elevator man for hotel, even- . EXPERIENCED mattress-makers wanted. FTRST-CLAS3 tailor or bushelman wanted at 13 3 a anuy r"u . mo umci nt-cu a-yyij. BLACKSMITH on logging supplies. Apply 2-'2 Commercial Club bldg. ' PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait rents-' new ofier. Cutberth studio. Dekum bljg. brrf.r wanted. 13$ Morrison V