TTIE HORNING OREGONTAX, TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1911. 16 TRIAL IS RIOTOUS Judge Tazwell Criticises Vie reek's Attorney. COURT WEARY OF "CIRCUS" Kmut penies ILaTinx; Acknowledced Itoed In AlU-fed rrmudulnt TranaactloB I fern D. rnMi and Glrard. One new link ta a chain of fraudu lent deeds yesterday cam to tha bands of xeputy District Attorney Pare, who hu Chars'. OX th. prMCTOB OI nmrrj Vlereck and Ms alleged assoclataa. ae- -nad of mnrlB( on ora-anlsed of coBylnT property to which th. kin no till. Until It la deter- mlead whether new arrests ar poaatbla. th. psoeecutor la withholding tba new evidence la hla poaaeaalon. Vlarack waa sTlven hla preliminary hoarlns in Municipal Court yesterday, tn ana of the nt rlotoua trial aver wiuiaeaed la that tribunal. Attorney W. C for tha defense, after a Ion se-rtes at objection, which were termed frivolous by tha court, waa sharply reprimanded. t'oMxntid Wramsto Develop. Til a trial la belnc made a clrcua anii tha court I renin tired 01 it. aald Juda-e TaxwelL Nevertheless, tha trial continued to lt end to ba three or four-cornered wranirla. in which at tlmee tha attarneya for both Idea, tha witness and tha court were t.lklnr all at once. A. C Glrard. who traded a diamond rtnar worth 15oa for three lota in Portamourh Addition and afterward found that ha had no title, told how ha mat Vlereck on tha atreet laat Sep tember and how Vlereck told him of a "nao" he had f.r trade. G'rard ex prasavd latere! and a few days later a straocer came to him. sarins; Vlereck had aent him. In tha end Glrard made tha eV-al and ha cited several Instance In which Vlereck had ahowa knowledge of the transaction. Notary ItenJc Afflxlnr Seal. 0 r. R Amadon. tha notary whoaa name and aeal ware affixed to tha dead, testified that ha had not taken tba acknowledgment and that Vlarack waa a frequent visitor to hla office and had access to hla aeal. County Clerk Fields and Detective Mah.r said that Vlereck had denied to them that ha knew anything of the transaction, or was acquainted with Grard. thouirh at tha trial ha admit ted that ha had some knowledge of tha affair and had talked with Glrard concerning- It. Ray Smith and C. R. Elton were called to establish Vlereck' connection with two other alleged fraud, to show the court that there waa a aarlea of almllar transactions. Effort to drerw forth evidence aa to the Identity of Nelson, tha granting party la the falsa deeds waa unavailing, except that De tective Mataer. while on tha witness stand, charged that Vlereck knew Nel son, a former baxger-on of hla office. The court held that sufficient evi dence had been adduced to warrant him tn holding tha defendant to tha grand. Jury and hla bond was fixed at I ISO. GILLNETER l DROWNED Blr Breaker Vpawta BoeU and Com panloa Una Narrow Eacape. ASTORIA. Or.. May II- (Special.) Jala Hyovala. a glUnetter employed by tba Union Fishermen's Co-uperatlva I'acklng Company, waa drowned near the mouth of the river thla morning and that hla boatpuller. Oscar Alatola. waa reeoued la little short of a miracle. About o'clock thla morning tha men. who had drifted down to tha end af tba Jetty, pulled In their net and after setting sail headed up the river. They had xuat but a short distance when the boat was struck by a bug breaker and capslxed. Bold men clung to the net for mora than an hour and a half, when Hyovala became exhausted and sank. Alatola. although completely chilled Bd almost Insensible aa a result of tha exposure, managed ta hang on until about 'clock, when be waa picked up by an otter fishing boat. Tha drowned man wa a native of Finland, unmarried and had no rela Uvea la this vicinity ao far aa known. BIG CONCERN IS FORMED S3.ftw0.www Vancouver Company to Sell Light and Power. VANCOUVER. Wash.. May S3 pa tLsL -A corroratloa with a capltallsa ion of SJ.S40.OOu. to operate all kinds of plants to distribute llrht and power, wa Incorporated hero tuday by New York capitalists, and two Vancouver at torneys. Tha corporatloci will be known aa tha Waahansrtoa Engineering at Hecufitie Cmni'osijr. and tha principal place of bus n naa will ba Vancouver. There are .ive aharea la tba cntnpeny at SIM a share at par value. Tba Ufa of tha cor poration ta SO years. Ths Inoorporainre are: a. at. scan ion and Jeasea P. Ftapleton. attorneys of this city; aV P. Summenson. 1 W. Oe bornw. G. J Anderson, and O. K. McMa hoa. 91 of New Tork City. Thewa di rector wt J handle tha affair of tba ismi-sunr until September a, 1911. wbea aa .lection wUl be held. MILUON PERCH EGGS DUE Bis; Shipment to Be Batrbed al Clack iron Station- ORIOON CTTT, Or. May !J. On rnl.Uon pike pereb egg have Just been shipped from NorthvUle. M1wi. to the falted Starea Bureau of JTtaherlea at Clackamas Station. I'son being batched at thla station the fish will ba shipped ta Tajcema and liberated ta Oravelly Isvka. near Tacetna. snder tha direction of VT. F. Sheard. This la tba first time that agga of tha parch bar been sent tn quantities to th-e Pacific Coast The pike perch la a fine food fish and la gamey. It Is tha auu case, a tha pickerel and Is cult, common around the lakes of the allddle Weal. MINES FOUND WORTHLESS Claims Controlling Waterpower Ob ject of Seattle Salt. BTCATTXE. Wash-. Mar Ji Henry Ixo des, of the University of TTaahrngtoa. start Geoioeirt. testified today that the mining claims by the ownership of which tha Btone aV Webster Company controls tha upper portion of tba Nooksack Falls waterpower. are "positively worthless." The United States is suing Albert Lav en eon and wife and the W hatcom County Railway Power Light Company to re cover title to six mineral claims filed along the Naoksark River In Whatcom County. Testimony la being taken be fore Master In Chancery Rorer a Green. If the Government Is able to obtain cancellation of these six patents It will then ba In a position to sue the com pany for the value of tha big power site lower down tha river, which waa ob tained by filing mining claims, and which la worth several million doMara Tba defendant company, owned by Stone Webster, of Boston, furnishes light and power for Belltnrham and other eitlee. and operates tha Belllngham street railroads. Charlea Zurn. who directed tha assess nent work don by the owners of ths claims, admitted on cross-examination today that while the company performed yearly tha required 1100 worth of work on every claim, tha work was done in a u i v MnnfiAFT and with In difference aa to what It might uncover In tba way oi minerals. s SCIO GRANGE MAY REVIVE Meeting lleld to Take Seeps to Re organise Body. SCIO. Or.. May 22. (Special.) By a majority of one vote It waa decided by the ScIo Grange Saturday to revive the organisation. Tha Kclo Graaae was one of tba larg est In tha state a few years ago, having a charter membership or mora tnan toa Naartv all the business men were member and Grange day waa always a big day In town. In the past year the attendance dwindled until too few took Interest to make tha meetings successful. It Is now planned to hold tha meet ings during the busy season at night. that townspeople and farmere may attend. A canvass for new members Is being made and prominent spongers will ba engaged to address tha grange. NAMING OF TAFJ FORESEEN Wood row Wilson Predicts ictory for ProsraVJlre) Democrat. SPOKANE. Wash.. May 11 "It seems to be admitted that Tart will ba the nominee of the RepubUcana In IS." said Wood row Wilson. Governor of New Jersey, who passed throaKh Spo kane thla morning en route Eaat. "I am sore tha rank and flle of tba Pamo cratle party la ao much progressiva that a nrosrraaslva will ba nominated: and I bellevw a Democratic progressiva can defeat a regular Republican I might almost say any Republican. -I haliava Colonel Roosevelt Is sin cere la saying ha will. not be a candi date In 11X." South Bend to Honor Dead. etrtT TTX WOTTfc TKTaaH XTav IS. fSo- ciaD Commander C E. Huson. of Joha C. Fremont Post. No. . O. A. baa lasued orders tor .-aomona i i rh TnKn r Fremont Post and all patriotic orders which care to take part ta exercises ox tne uay win assemble at the Huson V Dever build- - tn tha Oddfellow 1UR w ' ' " " cemetery where the graves of veterans will ba decorated. 1 no monument pur chased by Fremont post and erected In memory of all soldiers burled there, will be uaveiled and aa address will bo delivered by E. II. wngnt oi tnis city. Union services will be held this year . u.tkjulla Pnlarnnal Church. Rev. R- V. Dunlap. pastor, will preach tne atemsria sermon. Receiver's Loo; Sale Postponed. Judge Eakln. of' tha Circuit Court, haa made an order directing tne n-ninr to posapone the sale of logs and logging i MMa atMinllnnl In the case of Frank 8. GedfTey. Receiver of the Bank of Seaside. Otto Olson and others against the Seaside Lumber Manu facturing Company, until June 20. The sale of thla property bad been set for his Week. bUt Sums OI ine-oepuauvia In ths Seaside Bank objected, aa tney thought the sale of the logs and log- ling machinery should ba held after tbe aale of the mill and timber tana under the foreclosure of the bondhold ers' mortgage. Goldendale Krai linen Form. OOIJSEVDALE. Wash.. May 12. KnclL The Galdendale Fruit Produce Association haa boon organised here for the purpose of filling tha place of tha Development League ana tne Fruits-rower Union. The territory covered will Include Ooldendala. Cen- tervllle. Maryblll. Blockhouse and ma Ooodnoe Hills. YjAXLI METCOBOLOCICAI. S.WOB.T. rOBTLXXP. stay 1 J Maximum tampee- atarv. tl d-gre-s; mlntmsra. At a-sreea. Rlvar rsadins. s a. a . i.s i hMn at fool rtsa. Total rainfall. t P M ta I P. bans: total rainfall since Septsmbar 1. 111. I tnchea; norm si. I l men as: .rwincT. T.TS lacbee. Total suaenuia. beurs 1 mtnot-e; poaalbla. It boun it mlnut-a. Barometar traduced ta saa iw-slt at P. t.. 11 mcaee. TUB WKATREB. Triad 1 tat IVwAtA in n ja I a f BOLM. . . . jH-stOD) . ........ C SI esc a&wwr , Mota-r Imluth Eur-k. ....... Ill.n Jftck-Boatnn..., Kainaaa Citr. .. . .U .vr..-. fV.14 Mostrrtl. ...... NwT Oriaaa. N Tork North lit-ajj.... 'orta Tavkizn. . P Nor rax pcx-atAilo. ... , cOrtlsaBd. . ... a. ltNvVff. ..... r-tcmneate. . . ft. Laa!. ...... PL ral ftaTklt IJa-X 8a Dtr Sa rrmAclar. . F-ik!ou (9akaa. Taooma TtosJt Xilasd. Wai.MpftAO. . 'In-Blpttf 4 w lot-ar 2 .' C W ht cJotuJy .! it .b K'lo-r Tl G CiMf ft. .HI SW it cIcKJdr 4t l NE t'lovrt!- tt .t 14 XW.I't cloudy .., rxB n'loodr T- fK Wioudy IS SW C1P .4 Zl NW ClMf l.Iw. 4 W tt cJudr H0.1I 4 V Pt cloudy -.oo 10 svr 'cica :t Nv;i;iudjr 4 10 NWlCra-vr 4 t..i 4 NW Clear s t.M 4 vw'cioady : oo u N'WiClovdy 4 4.0- 1- V Oia It t.i ic H ciar 12 ; irioudy ? ." jW fRaia Tl o i ? in cioody . i nar 4- it w T.-tciondy ..I IV B, TI ciquoj J w i.flU NW rt cioody , 14: T. It) W 1 Cloudy -. 15E PT f'aliirla ,J Tj ) 4 E iCVondy WtAIHtK CONDmOaVa. ZUcrp ta tha Obl and Lrr XlaslaKlpa. Tailya taa Ht. Uwr. nr. Vllr. fakatoa- wraa. and xirm South vaatvra California. rbra Utara liaa fcsn a altht Incrvaaa of prwmm -ara. a qutta -nraJ asd markMi . emata af prvMur fcaa orrrTwd or tha eoantrr. Tt Norta Pacifta hih-pre ura araa u Mia aantrai off tha Oraroa Coajt. and ralatlvwlr low praaaara evaruaa tha txtwriar portion aC tha vaola United Statoa. I.-cht raiaa Hat t:n la Montaaa. la tha Miaaourt. LIpTar Mlaaia-ippl and Ohio VrUlaya and LaAa A-rcloo. and la tha Kaat Oulf Ptataa and tha 6. Isawratioa VaUa. Thua-darrTi-ka arara rapor-tad from Momut, I've nay I-eaala. Mlhtcan and tha Canadian praviaca of Q.bc Briak north - t rijr viada bava or-currod akr-.f tha W-ubia-rtoa and Orocoa aoaata Vvb warniar weathor aotalaa la tha r'taioa. 9outham Rocky Moua ta!a and Eociand Hata vhiia tn tha rdB NwUiWwSt tha araathar im 00 aald r nh'T aaolor. CVndittcna ara faw-orabln tr r-rally fair vaathwr Ta--day in th:a diatrict. axcapt in Jloutharu I'laho, br. abowara ara ax portd ta accttr. Na Impartaat taaparatura PORTLAND HOTEL FIFTH ANNUAL ROSE FESTIVAL PORTLAND, ORJSGOV, JTXE S TO 10, INCLUSIVE. The NEW PERKINS HOTEL C.raer af Flftk aad Waahlmgtea Streets. MOST CEXTIULLy LOCATED. ALL PARADES PASS OCR DOORS. Tl a re now booking reservations and urge all who Intend to ba with us during tha week of the Carnival of Flowera to WRITE ITS ROW FOR THE ACCOMMODATIONS DESIRED. Descriptive booklet of hotel and programme of event mailed to you for tba asking. PERKINS HOTEL COMPANY u iJKS" The Imperial Oregon! Greatest Hotel 350 Booms, 204 Suites, With Private Bath. HEW nBEPSOOF BUILDING Mswerate Rates. PM Metschan 4 Sons, Prop. rooms; our I '"MJJ'-iJ ssf o. w. ooEinxrus, Proprietor. Jl3JLsaaiir'fai' tssnT " '' PRTTATB HOTEL LENOX K. D. aad V. H. WRGEXSEX, Pisa. aad Mgra. CORNER 3d AND MAIN Rat aad CIS Walar. RATES .aa SwaHVw mumm $!.OOand Oj la stvery H..ssa. ' a a a ,! !" Sams I. Hotel Donnelly TACOMA. WASH. Mast CastraUy Looatsxl Hocal m tW City Raoatatty Modernixed RATES 75c TO $3.00 Earopwaa Plan Frsa) 'Bus ehanrea ar. tndtratad. aad ganarally west ariy winds will prermil. FOR9CASTS. Portland and vicinity Fair: northwesterly winds. Orecm fair: northwesterly winds. Washtiurton Fair; wind mostly westerly. Iilsha I's'r north, showers south portion. THtO DOR K r. DRAKE. Observer. Compasses. Hold-glasses, barometers. hydrometer". microscopes. sclentino rrri"i HWtr1. Clnrk Co. There's No Risk If This. Medicine Does Not Benefit, You Pay Nothing A physician who made a specialty of stomach troubles, particularly dyspep sia, after years of study perfected the formula from which lie x all Dyspepsia Tablets art made. Our experience with Kexail yspep sla Tablets leads us to believe them to ba tha greatest remedy known for tha relief of acute Indigestion and cbronlo dyspepsia. Their ingredient are sooth ing and healing to tha Inflamed mem branes of the stomach. They are rich In papain. nna of the greatest digestive alda known to medicine. Tha relief they afford la almost Immediate. Their oae with persistency and regularity for a short time brings about a cessation of the pains caused by stomach dis orders. Rcxall Dyspepsia Tablets will Insure healthy appetite, aid digestion and pro mcts nutrition. As evidence of our sincere faith n Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets, we ask you to try them at oar risk. . If they do not give you entire satisfaction, wa will return yon ths money you paid ns for them, without question or formality. They come In three sis as, pfloea IS cents, to cents and 11.00. Remember, you can obtain them only at tba Owl Drug Co. Inc. Car. 7th and VTashlturtiSn ata. ESiHiayadiTI KJo tn tj 1 V2.T, ZLA Laxative Water pfpa ' Sure fci'i Gentle IgjZ QukJtfy Relieves V J CONSTIPATION The largest and most ma-nLCcent hotel in Portland ; nnBurpased in elegance of accommodations or excellence of cuisine. European plan $1.50 per day and upward. O. t- BlATjrMAXW, xaaages. .vEti-BSaa a ..$JeLijafUkw THE CORNELIUS The House of Welcome, corner Park and Alder; European plan. new. modern and strictly up to date; fins aample rooms; rates $1 per day and up: rooms with bath, fl per day up; all outside omniDns meets an iraina. E. E. FLETCHER, ltfl.mTa HOTEL RAMAPO Cor. Fourteenth antTW aahington Hew Hat el. Elaaraatly rtuniahaaV Rates $1 and Up FECIAL RATES FOR PKRMAJtEJITI. Bwrapaaa Plan. Baa Maets ATI Tralaasj kf. E. FOLET. PR OrBJ ETO B. BATHS. STS. The Bowers Hotel Eleventk. Hear Waahlagt.a Street. Larest Cafe in the City Serrice Unsorpasseti 5 Rowaaa Sl.OO Per Day M Rooms 9US Per Day fS With Batk SXew Per Day - R. Iw Caansaretal Trarclcra. R. C BOWERS, Pres. aad Mgr. PaisMirly Maaager af the Portlaad Hotel. T,r :;?IStVfJ&j KunxG xoncii. A. AND A. S. RITE Mult nomah Council of Kadosh. .-.. i R.cuisr maetlna' at Uemorla Hall, Scottish Rita Cathedral, this evening at T:5 o'clock, followed by work in 21st and 28tb drreee. By or der EM. COMMANDER. CORINTHIAN CHAPTER. NO. M. O. K 8. Stated communication this (Tuesday) evening, S o'clock harp. Social. Order W. M. BUROE1XA HOLT, Secy. ELLISON ENCAMPMENT. No. 1. I. O. O. T. Hcailar meatlns this tTuesday) ivn tug at s o'clock. Patriarchal dexrea Visit ers always welcome. R. OSVOLD, Scribe. D1KD. SMALL In this city. May Jl, at St. Vin cent's Hospital. Mrs Ella L. Small, aged 01 years months 22 days. Remalna at Holmaa's chapaL Announcement of funeral later. FOERAL KOTICE8. MAENNER In this city. May 21. at the horn, ot her dauxhter. Mrs. Wllllsm Wan ner. Mrs. A. Maennsr. aged 76 years. 1 month, th. widow of th. lata Professor J. H. Maenner. of Paltlmora, Tdd., mother of Mrs. Willi an Warmer. Mrs. 8. Bern stela, of Ktniston. N. Y. : Mn. William N. Lynn, of Ellsworth, Wash.; srandrnotbar of William Wanner. Jr.. 8. Bernstein and Marruartte Porcher. Friends Invited to atisnd funeral service tomorrow ( Tues day). Vay 23. 1 19 P. M . at Dunnlnir A McEntea'a chapL Remains will ba taken to Crematorium. Baltimore. Md., papers pleas, copy. SMITH In this city. May 2:, J. Fteln Smith, axed 1 ear 7 month and 22 day, son of Mr. and Mrs. Shirley M. Smith, of 150 Lane sr. Funeral service will be held from th. bov. reslder-c. at 2 P. M. to day (Tuesday); May 227 Friend respect fully Invited. Interment Rlvervlew Cem etery. RITCHET William E. Rltehey. member of Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, died at Umatilla, Or. Friend invited to at tend funeral services, which will be held at Holjnan's Chapel. Third and Salmon ta., at 2 P. M- tomorrow (Wednesday). Interment in Multnomah Cemetery. KULLIX The funeral services of the lata John O. Mulltn will b. held at Holman's Chapel at 2:l 'P. M. today (Tuesday). Friends invited. Interment In Klvervlew Cmetsry. XONSETH FLORAL CO, MAJMsl'AM BUMl iwnu iKios. Pbetaw: slaia SlOXi A list. Dunning A McEatee, Funeral Ulreetara, Ttb aad Ptne. 1'bon Mala 4SO. Lady ae- atataau "Jrnce fwawflsy usmht. J. p. F1MUI a tM, Sd aad Madlaaa. "Lady attaadaaU Pboa. Mala S. A loss. KOWARO HOLMAX CO., -Fimeral Dlraet era. xt d St- Lady asalataat. 1-haae M. sal. CAT SIDE Faneral Inrector. sucas t F. B. Duaaiag. lae. K- St, B XIX. IELI FB-BTRNES CO., B04 Williams ave. a loss, C Iftss. Lady atteadaat, LtKCH. Cndertak. cor. East Alder and aixta. 7IL lass. AMTSEMXITTS. HEILiIO Jnd THEATER Taylor Phone.: Main 1 and A 11-2. Tonight, 8:13; Tomorrow NlxhC Special Price Matinee Tomorrow Lew yields and Fred McKay present Famous Charming Comedienna, Blanche Ring In Musical Comedy Success. THJE YANKKE GIKL. Harry Ollfoil SO Players SO Special Orchestra. Evenlsrs Lower floor, $LS0; Bal eony, 6 rows XI. 50. rows 11.00. S row 75o, row S0c; Gallery, M)c. Tomorrows Mat inee: Lower floor, X1.50. 1-00- Balcony. S rows 1.00. e rows TSc, 11 rows 50c; Gallery, 85c, SSo. BEAT SALB OFEXS NEXT THURSDAY KETLIG THEATER. 8 SSSSStf"" MONDAY, MAY 29 T- H, JCLIA S0THERN& MARLOWE Arruiimcnt of plKT for this tnsctncpt'. MondAT uix.t. May 2t MACBETH .'M.A&uOFTuiliRE,T r7. .m."m.": .iiEo" axt- irin-T W!?f "." "'KOM0 AND" iijilKT Thursday nlsht. June 1 . .V..T ...... . .MEBCHANT OF VENICE Friday night, June 2 TWELFTH MCHT Saturday matin.. June 8. .AS YOU LIKE IT Saturday night. June S HAMLET Pricea, both evenings and matinees: Entire lower floor 2; balcony, first 5 rows l-50. next 6 rows SI. following 6 rows 75c. laat 5 rows 50c Entire xsllery 60c. Curtain rises at 8 and 2 o'clock. TX A tT T? MablVand A 6300. AJ.TA- XV X-d A V Gm- j Bake,, Mbt Tonlxht all week Mat. Wed. and Sat. The eminent actor JOHN 8ALWOLIS. supported by the Baker Theater Company in bis sreateat success THE MIDDLEMAN. A great play, remarkably played. 8peclaJ Eummer stock prices, 25c. 50c. Mats., s-1 eats 25c Next week "Stronghcart." BUNGALOW Geof'lTSker, Xrr. Main 117 and A 4x24. Matinee every day. 2:45. Two evening per formances. 7:45, 0:15. The popular LYRIC MUSICAL COMEDY CO. In "THE KYMFH." Nothing but laughter and music New soTirs, choruses, costumes All the favorites: west and Vack, Jean Fletcher and the others, prices, 15c 20c Mats.. 20c. Chorus ulrur Contest Friday Night. MA1TX S. A lfriO MATXNXB KVaSY DAT 15-25-50 MIGHTS THEATER 15-25-50-75. WEEK MAY XX Master Gabriel and hi Company, Isnbelle D'ArinontL, tirorge Moore, Tom Edwards, The 'amba Japs, George Austin Moore and Cordelia Kaager, Brown Ins and Lewi. Gerard and Hut-ell. GRAND Week of May 22 FRED KAKVO'S ORIGINAL LON DON PANTOMIME COMPANY In "A Night In an Lolue Stirling badle sberman Jack Goldle Barrows-Lancaster ComlMuiy English Music Mall." Grandaeoope- Matlnee everv day. i:S0 any seat, 15c Evening performances at 7:30 and 9:15; balcony. 15c: lower floor. li5c: box seats. 50c 'WAGES TTnMnalliHl Vaudeville, ALL THIS WEEK Special rngacrement Ceorre Frlmrose World-famous Minstrels, Pchrode and Chappelle, Three lturns Bisters, Tallmaa, Griff, the English Mimic, Pan tagescope. Popular prices; matinee dally. 2:30. T:30. 9. BASEBALL RECREATION PARK, Cor. Vauichn and Tsreaty-foartb Sta. SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND May S3, 54. 25, 24, ST, 28. Games Bealn Weekday at 8 KH P. M. studaya 2i3U P. M. INDIES' DAT FRIDAY Boy a Under 12 Free to Bleachers Wednesday. AUCTION SALE TODAY. At Baker auction house. 153 Park St.. furniture, etc. sale at 10 o'clock. Baker A Croweli. auctioneers. AUCTION sale today at 309Vs Bast First St., N.. cor. Hautey. Sale at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES XaUr r Sandar. Tex Llatx. Oa time U (Mate ad two eoaec-utlTe dmtw. ....... Srj bmint md tbree eoapecutire tliuea ..IMM bame ad tlx or evea coaieeatlre time. .& KemlLtaacca mtiat accuupuay oat-W-towa rdcra. m wArda tyrant mm one line en cash ed- TtrtiMeaicBi aad no ad counted c bom titan tee uow. tlica an adTert Ufimnt Is not run In con- aecuiivs Ihoci tne ene-iune rate appucn. Oa coarse e( book advertisemcata i chnrc will be bnscd en tne actual a amber mt lince ppearins; in tne paper, resvdieae f Uae atunber of werda In eacn liab la hew Xoda-r nil adrerttsrnMnta are ebaraed tot Bteaeore onijr. 14 as., aakaj-aarem PsarMal innlT tan w-aarti asatrir. aaaa tSilfjr -ew Tedaj and all etber ctosstfixen Uoa axecptinc tbe foUowinf s bUnadona Wanted. Male. feituations Wanted, cmale f ar Bent. Rooms, .Private Famlllea. p-airmt and ioard. JrrtTate Iraaliies. KoBseskeeplnc Keo-me. Ittvate xMnUlea. Tbe rate an tbe above Hssstftcatiwa la 1 centa a line eacb lnaertton. for tne nccenunodatlon of patrons, Tbe Oreconian wiU uecept classified adverUsetj menta erer tb telepbone, proTldlnr th nd' vertlaer 1 n subscilber to eitner pbona. Urn prices will be quoted erer the phone, bat bill will be rendered tbe foUowlns da Whether aubeeqnent adrertiaomenta will be accepted ever the phone, depends upon ths promptaese ot the pajment of telephone ad vet-tlsemcnta. Situation Wanted and Per oaal adreitlsetnente will net be aceepteti aver the telephone. Crdera for one Insertion enly will be accepted for "Houses for Bent, rvrnltore for Sale, "Business Opportanlv Xmw aBoomins-MiieeaM and "Wanted ta Ren-' OREGON HUMANE SOCIEH OFFICE CITY HALL Mala fDS. A 1M. BTJMANK OFFICII R. Sergsast Crate. Residence 24 E. 24th. N. East 477. r, a. Uosmlrc, Kes. tzt Wasco 8u XV. a. Eatoa, Res. It . 16th. Kaat 17i, Horse Ambulaaea. A 6101; Pr. Ex. . tilxbta. Sunday and Holiday. A 106t PS, Ex. 4: Trunk t. NEW TODAY. SNAP Six acres on Heights; beautiful view. Will sell all or part. Otl'iVER, O 122, Oregonlan. 5 MORTGAGE LOAN0 EDWARD E. GOL'DEY, "w-wla Bull din a. 'EW TODAY. LISTEN I HAVE A QUARTER BLOCK FOR SALE IN THE RETAIL DIS TRICT, AND TENANT WHO OFFERS- BONDED LEASE AT 8 PER CENT NET. THIS REPRESENTS AN INVESTMENT OF ABOUT $110,000 TO $120,000. THINK I CAN SWING THE DEAL WITH $40,000 OR $50,000 CASH. CAN SHOW TOU ABOUT 9 PER CENT NET. EDW. P. MALL. 104 2nd St., Lumber Exchange Bldg. You can never know the true condition of the title to your property without investigating OUR ABSTRACTS Tell It All. 9200.000 PAID-UP capital behind every abstract we prepare. Alembere Oregon 'on of Title Hen. Irvington 9-room bungalow in the most desir able part of this exclusive borne dis trict; living-room, library, dining room, two bedrooms and bath on first floor; billiard-room, shower bath and two bedrooms on second floor; hard wood floors, artistically decorated and arranged throughout. Reduced to $8500 for quick sale. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY In the Wholesale District 100x100 ON THE S. E. COR. 13TH AXD FLAXDERS. VERY LITTLE TRACKAGE; SUITABLE ALSO FOR WHOLESALE TRADE AND CLOSE IN, FOR SALE; PRICE IS RIGHT $15,000 CASH WILL HAN DLE. EDW. P. MALL. 104 2nd St, Lumber Exchange Bldg. INVESTMENT 12 Net on $16,500 BRICK APARTMENT Just Finished Leased 5 Years WEST SIDE See Owner H 124 Oregonian Grand Avenue I HAVE SEVERAL PROPER TIES ON THIS STREET AT PRICES THAT ARE RIGHT. NO BETTER PLACE TO PUT YOUR MONEY. EDW. P. MALL. 104 2nd St., Lumber Exchange Bldg. 11th Street 50x100 AND DOUBLE FLAT AND COTTAGE ON THE EAST SIDE OF 11TH STREET, NEAR COTTAGE STREET; PRICE $10,500; INCOME $62.50; THIS IS CHEAP. EDW. P. MALL. Ifii 2nd St., Lumber Exchange Bldg. Brick Veneer Reatdeaoa by Owner. IRVINGTON Hot water heat, nine rooms, tllad bath, two lavatories, strictly modern. 18600: new. Terms to responsible buyer It desired. Improvements paid. Address t, 121. Oregonian. SUNNYSIDE A (-room house, well built, on Bel mont st-, near the new Postoffice. This is a home and business property com bined. Price. 1000; cash required, 1500. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY BARGAIN FOR SALE Model Theater 69 If. Third Street. $30,000 I have decided to sell my 100x100 on Twenty-first street, near "Washington- no better close-in apartment site. Small cash payment down, bal ance can run to. suit. Bf. C. DAVIS. Tabor 2675. $250 BUNGALOW $250 Swell 7-room bungalow; fireplace, 3 bedrooms, den and all other latest im provements; on corner lot, on Grand ave. north. Price, HO00; J250 cash and monthly payments. Grussi & Zadow SIT Board of Trade Bide, 4th and Oak BASE LINE ROAD TEN BEAUTIFUL ACRES close to Montavtlla and Mount Hood Electric Line. For quick eale only $5750. Very inviting: terms. This will more than double In value in one year. L 1S7, Oretronian. $140,000 Three full lots In business center, 200 feet on Flanders, 100 feet on Fifth, 50 feet on Sixth street: 300 fet on car line. Some income. Easy terms. McGowan & Pennington Hoom 3 Healy Bids. Fkoae Kaat 282. $350-BUNGALOW-$350 Swell 6-room banralow, fireplace, book cases, panel dining-room, dea and all latest improvements; Division St.. near STth. one block to the W-R carllne. Price 3100; 1350 cash and monthly payments. Knrnopp at Kopf, 2S By Kxch. Bldg. WEST SIDE $4250 SO x 100 near Fourteenth and Harrison. KARNOPP A KOPF, 823 Railway Kickaoxe Bids;. NEW TODAY. Glisan Street V2 Acres QUESTIONS ANSWERED. Yes The property is within 20 minutes' ride of the center of the city. Yes The Mount Hood R. R. STA TION is within 1000 feet of these V2 acres. Yes The Mount Hood R. R, con struction work is farx advanced. Yes You can see it. Yes We personally believe that it is the best -acre tract offering near Portland. Yea If you pick out a $700 -acr and pay $70 down you get im mediate possession and can build at once. Yes We will take you out to see it, Yes It is a good place for a home. Investigate. Phones Ex. 20; A 2050. T -1 Hartman & Thompson Real Estate Dept. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. HOLLADAVS EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN 10-room house on corner lot, walking distance. House is well built and modern in every way, has living-room, library, dining-room, kitchen, full cement basement and hot-water heat, four bedrooms, dressing-room, bath and sleeping poreh; seeond floor, maid 's room, two storerooms, attic Owner values lot at $6000, house cost $7000. Will sacrifice several thou sand for immediate sale. Merchants Savings & Trust Company F A R M S HAVE YOTT LOOKED TILL, YOU ARB TlHEDt Yon won't have long to look, if you will spend a day with me. We have only the best bargains within the 80 mile circle of Portland, and we won't recommend anything; we have not seen ourselves. A SAMPLE. Over 0 acres level sandy loam bot tom land, no Summer overflow, 40 acres In hieh state of cultivation, fenced and cross-fenced; new four-room cottage, large barn, spring water at house and barn, right beside pretty river; soil can't be beat In the United States; In good neighborhood; It. F. TX. cream route, phone line. 3 miles town and shipping point, 26 miles from Port land. .Price $67.B0 per acre, and this is genuine and absolutely nothing wrong. The place adjoining soLd for 1 130 per acre and Is not as good. Owner does not live here and has quoted me the above figures without knowing that it Is ridiculously cheap. Keasey, Humason& Jeffery S32 Chamber of Commerce. ! Your Choice 100x100, Douglas Place), Ardmore 8230 square ft. head of Lovejoy st Nob Hill Terrace 100x150, 21st and Hancock streets, Irvington All high-class homesitea, and you are protected by building restric tions. GEO.D.SCHALK 228 6Uxk Street. WEST PARK Fine 50x100, 'just south of Morrison. Best buy on the street. Only $33,000 f KEASEY flUHASDHgJEfFERYl 0 232 Chamber of Com. C HOMESITE I will sell one of the finest buUdine: sites in the city, located at the head of Lovejoy St., unobstructed view; lot contains S230 square feet, 93 feet front age on hard-surface street; water, gas and sewer laid to Inside curb. Price J8000, is below market. Geo. D. Schalk Mala 3D2, A 2302. 28 Stark St. MORTGAGE LOANS Lowest rates and terms to salt: special rates end favorable terms oa largo loons oa busiaesa properties. Funds loaned for FT! vera Investors. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 205 McKay Bldg.. d md Stark. FOR LEASE on long term, one-quarter block on lltn MU, nr. Morrison. V 118' Greonla.n,