Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 23, 1911, Page 13, Image 13

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nawaa sawswaaaaaaaaasi
Meia's WeeRM at 'Olds
$5.00 Off on All Men's S
3 Great Specials
Men's $1.25 Shirts at 55c
Men's $1.5Q Shirts at 89c
taits Sold at $2Q.QQ and Up
Order i
Mail vT
Xow men! We want you with us this
week especially. You aw getting ready
for the big Rose show and "just like the
women" yon want to appear at your best.
Hrtre's a line of shirts made of fine qual
ity percales, fast colors and neat pat
terns, cut full iff the body, perfectly
sized, with cuffs .-4 ached and unusually
good assortment to choose from. C C
n... t.. tn SI 55 for
In the men's corner today we will
feature a lot of Shirts which any store
would be proud to own as $1.50 values.
They are the popular coat styles with
cuffs attaohed. The materials axe im
ported ginghams and percales, woven
madras, etc The patterns are all new,
and have been carefully chosen. They
were made by one of America's leading
manufacturers and are regular OQ.
S1.50 shirts. specialized nttJjy'
Fine One of Coat-Style Shirts
Regular $2.5Q Values Special at $1.35
This lot taKen from oar regular stocK is the best line we have shown at sach an exceptional
low price They are the coat style, golf shirts with enffs attached, percales, woven madras,
Rassian cords, etc, in a very select lot of patterns Such maKes as "Savoy," "Eagle" and
others also some French cuff styles in the lot TaKe advantage of this sale .. q
,r, . cTcn cat npHal fnr Men's Week at the low nrice of. each pl0J
loiuri up ivj ywvf "r
$1.5Q Cooper Under w'r 98c
Odd Lots $1.50 Underw'r 69c
"Men's Week" A gala of "Cooper's" Spring needle Underwear. Very high-class merchan
dise, sold all over the cotmtry at $1.50.Oneof "the most popular and best wearing lines on the
market always gives satisfaction; all fit perfectly. Fellows who like good nnder- Q Q
wear and who know a bargain when they see it, will buy a supply of these garments
"Men's Week" a lot of odds and ends and short lines of Underwear, Union Suits, Shirts and
Drawers, all sizes and most every wanted style; plain white and colors. Our regular nesgQC
up to $1.50. Placed on special sale this week at the exceptionally low price per garment at-'"-
Men's $3.5Q Pajamas Now $1.65
Men's Pajamas. Lot 1 comprises those made of
madras and percale materials. They are well
made correctly sized and neat fitting; nicely
trimmed with silk loops. Our regular (CI CC
$3.50 values. Special this week at J?ltJ
LOT 2 A big assortment of fine-grade silk and
linen materials, in bines, pink, tan, lavender, white
and cream: all sixes in this lot, and very remark
able $450 values ; we place them m
Men's $4 Sweaters at $1.95
50c Suspenders 3 Pr. $1
Now's the time when all thoughts are of
outdoor sports. Sweaters are indispensa
ble. Here is a lot of samples bought way
under price. Coat styles for men or wo
men, solid colors or two-color combina
tions with or without pockets. Made or
good wool yarns, actually worth $3.50 and
$4.00. We price them for C" QC
"Men's Week." Special at P
SUSPENDEES Wide or narrow, with
leather ends, 50e values, three djl QQ
pairs at the very low, price of r A v' w
Men's 25c Socks at Pair 11c
Men's $1 SocKs at Pair 27c
0011011 SOX Very exceptional quality cot
ton hose in black, tan and fancy colors, abso
lutely fast; sizes from 9y2 to 11; 1 1 fi
splendid values to 25c pair, at only
Here's where yon come in strong, for your fine
hosiery to wear with low shoes. Fine lisle and
silk Socks in plain or fancy colors, bought as a
factory clean-up, at our own price. Values O "7f
to $1.00 a pair, are specialized at only
Special Demonstration and Fitting of the "Howd" rout Lace Lorsets By uur miss mnuguc, a .17"
perienceWhom We Hav7mpIoydtoJdanag'egur Corset Store-And to Give Personal Attention to All Corset Fittings
llli , Men's $2.5Q
AM-A. I -SFsa. . ; I mmm -m.T- W w II II
a. mr im r rK m- . T- s . r- i
Sale Men's
S5.00 Shoes $3.85
In the Shoe Store, main floor, a sale of Men's Shoes
and Oxfords in the Willow and Russian calf, pun
metal and shades of tan; also patent calf and kid
stock. Our ntrular $5.00 values special ffO OC
this Tuesday Star Sale, pair, now only
Soft Hats $LM
In the hat store, main floor, a sale of the
very latest and most popular styles in
Men's Soft Ilats; all the blocks which will
be worn by the stylish young fellows this
season. It's an opportunity for P 1
unusual saving; reg. $2.50 vals. fXeVw
No man can well afford to let this
opportunity pass. Here's a lot of fine
Derby Ribbed Union Suits in Ecru or
Cream colors, fine cotton or lisle
Lewis and other famons makes. All
sizes in the lot. Our regular values
to $2.00. Special for to- C"l "JS
QSale of Women's
$5.00 Pumps $339
Star bargains in women's brown calf, pumps made
of Willow calf on short stage lasts, toe with beau
tiful Gros-Grain ribbon bow. A very attractive
shoe for street or drees wear. Beg. stock CO OQ
val at $5.00 pair. Bargains for tnis sale V'''
Shoe SHining Par
lors Are Now Open
in the Basement
iVirfKiiif -insu?. VKTNANJ fk da v. the suit, at only
About 1000 dozen to go for "Men's Week," open
end and narrow, reversible silk four-in-hands, in
plain or fancy patterns. Knitted Ties in many neat
effects, and a splendid assortment of wasn"2?C
able reversible ties worth reg. 50c; special -'
Special 25c Dairy
Lunch Served Daily
in Basement Store
Sale Men's Pants O
$6 Values for $3.85
Three hundred pairs of Men 's Trousers picked up by
our clothing buyer, who is now in the East, at a very
advantageous price. Ca6simers, worsteds and serges
in plain and neat patterns. Actual $7 QC
$5.00 and $6.00 values. Special price
igtar Barg'aiinis and Char 6Qtfa. Anniversary
Sale of Spotless Omens
Shower for June Brides
S2.QO Table Damask $1.69
S5.5Q Table Cloths $S.38
Nothing appeals mcrertrongly to a womaa's sense of refinement than rich linens. We
areagnt In all the great Northwest for Richardson Linens. Here is our splen
didofferini to the sweet, beautiful June bride. Look at our great price concessions.
500 PATTERN CLOTHS will be featured in this sale, as they
are always very acceptable and make neat gifts at any season.
PATTERN CLOTHS, size 2i2 yards, very at- flC AC
tractive patterns, offered special at this price V
PATTERN CLOTHS, size 24x2 yards. Ex- Cfi 7CJ
cellent quality for gifts- On special sale, only
PATTERN CLOTHS, size ZVix2Vi yards. AffO in
for vw v
to choose,
NAPKINS, full dinner size, in many select C7 CC
f w m W
$2.75 Towels at $1,75
S1.25 Towels at 98c
Ki,harJ.on"s finet quality hand-embroidored and
.. allopcd lluck Towels, with space for C 1 "7C
monogram; our rg. i- uur
RICHARDSON'S hand-hemstitched sndscalloped
T.oU: huckaback weave. Our resr. $1.2o Q Q
vaL. ot'iVred special during this sale, each
S8jTeajJapKins $6.75
Very t'u;e l ive o 'Clock Tea Xapkms, hem-mtch.-d
and in desirable size and pattern. Our
rf;. I2.'.0 valuos for $H.0O and our Tf?
splendid assortment from which
natterna. On special sale at only, tne dozen
150 PATTERN CLOTHS will go in this lot, and the assortment
will appeal to all women of refined taste. Easy choosing.
TABLE CLOTHS, size 2x3 yards, our choicest CO Of!
patterns in $4.50 values, specially priced, each V V
TABLE CLOTHS, size 2x3 yards, our best pat- I0 OO
terns in $o.50 values, specially priced at, each
NAPKINS 200 dozen dinner size in new pleasing Qf
r-ular $o.50 values: dozen, only V
Linen Bedsnreads. hand-embroidered, in many beau
tiful designs. All grades sad prices sie now reduced
Table DamasKand Reception Cloths
Richardson's fine double Damask, 3 yards wide, in an elegant
assortment of patUrns, suitable for wedding gifts; (1 flQ
our best reg. $1.83 grade for $1.58 and $2.00 quality V A
A splendid assortment of Lace Reception Cloths, Tea Cloths,
Fancy Scarfs and Centerpiece; very fine quality, U (")ff
..,;tV.U f.i, -moAMnr pifts. showers etc. at just wl
Star Sale
$3 FisHiig
Outfit $1.95
In the sporting goods store,
fourth floor, a sale of Boys'
Fishing Outfits, comprising 1
$1.25 fishing rod, 3 jointed,
with extra tip, nickel mount
ing, cork grip in cloth sack; 1
willow fish basket 75c; 1
double multiplying reel 50c; 1
extra quality, electrie braided
trout line and half dozen fly
books worth 25c A fine com
plete outfit worth (tl QC
$3.00, now for only P
$5.5Q Hm'ocK 93.95
A Star Sale of close-woven
twill and basket weave ham
mocks with broad valance and
concealed spreader at head,
lay back pillow with button
nd tassel, double stringing
With, rope and cord wood bar
at head and foot. The pattern
design represents a Hindoo
study from covers of Adjunta.
Our regular $50 CO QK
values now at
92 Croquet Set
8-ball set, long handle mallets,
nicely finished, hard wood.
O Tuesday Star Sale of
Women's Hose
5Qc Values at 29c
Star Bargains prevail in the Hosiery Store for today.
Women's black gauze lisle Stockings with wide
double tops and extra reinforced heels and toes, also
black silk lisles with beautiful luster and good ng
wearing quality. 50c values, on sale, the pair
sft$3.5Q SilK Hose at $1.29
ClarKe Make Hose 18c Pair
Women's Silk Stockings, the well-known "Onyx
Brand," made with the very handsome silk embroid
ered insteps, extra spliced heels and foot. d q
Regular values to $3.50, special the pairP
"Clark Make" Hosiery for children. 5000 pairs, guar
anteed fast black cotton, with seamless foot and leg
and reinforced soles and knees, in the medium
weight for boys. Regular 25c values, for only
Star Sale
Suit Cases
S8.5Q Val. $6.98
S3.5Q Val. $2.48
Genuine cowhide suit eases, 8 inches
deep with 2 straps all around, fitted
with brass locks and catches, two
handles, steel frames, ' linen lined,
extra deep cover with partitions and
inside straps. A regular QQ
$8.50 vaL special at only P
Keratol Suit Case, S inches deep, two
straps all around, leather corners, fit
ted with good, bandless brass lock
and catches, steel frame,
linen lined. $3.50 value
2000 Dozen Bed Sheets 1 70QO Dozen Pillow Cases
Hotels and Boomlng-honses may now prepare for the tremendous rush of business that will be on during the Rose Festival Carnival-June 6-11
Splendid quality pillow eases, representing s great
purchase we made of 7000 dozen, size 45x36 in.
Lot 1 Medium weight, will be on sale at 10c
Lot 2 Heavy weight, will be on sale at 12V2c
Lot 3 Extra weight, will be on sale at 15c
2000 doxen heavy bleached sheets for hotel nse,
hand torn and ironed and ready for use. You save.
Extra large 75c Sheets, will be on sale at 66c
Double Bed, 70c Sheets, will be on sale at 53c
SimrlA lied. 60c Sheets, will be on sale at 45c
15c Bath Towels -r
on Sale Today iv
1000 dozen, bleached hemstitched bath- 1 fl
towels, regular 15o values. Special at
I llil V i W cniWlBI. &n QUATU ll mw ? r m
i "TTl I 'iir""i mjv-li rv iuou t i
Portland General Association Mem
brr PrslM Incumbent Pastor
Cl! Cbarlty of Official.
Mmhn of th. Portland Gonerml
VlnltrlJ Aocltlon b.ld an In
f.rml r.t m.tln- t U Touns
il.n Chrl.tlan AMocl.tlon yet.rdj
to dl th. political situation. Th.
BiMtinf wa eUl b Rmr. W. F.
it.or. predol X th. auuaUoa. to
Indur. ttii olntst.ra to Indora. Goorit.
11. Thomaa. th. Inocrallo candidal,
for Mayor, but It turned out that many
of th. mlalat.ra ar. In favor of th.
ro'Clpction of Mayor Blroon. bolt.vlne
h. baa clvoa Portland aa efficient ad
tnlntatraUoa In .v.ry way. Th. ro.ult
waa that no rMolutloa Indorsing- .Ith.r
candidal waa eaUcd for bjr K.V.- Mr.
Hm(W. who faTora Mr. Thomaa. Th.
nam. of A. Q Ruahllsht. who la run
nlnc aaalnat Mayor Ulmoa, was not
R.v. J. E. Snyd-. paator Of Pil
mont proabytarlan Church, told th.
minister, h. had known Mayor Simon
for years, and that h. tnt.oda to vote
and to work for htm. It waa Mr.
Btmon. be aald. who waa laatrum.ntal
In breakln- up rambling- In Portland.
Mr. Simon alao aided In th. Mtabllah
ment of th. People'. Inatltute. a Pr.
byterlan denominational mlaalon In th.
North End. aald R.v. Mr. Snyd.r. H.
want An to aajr that Mayor. Sljpon, ewnod
building; which h. waa renting; for
$lii a month.
"I want to him and told him of th.
work I waa Interested In, and that w.
could not afford to pay more than 150 a
month for th. building-." ald the min
uter. " "Well. It's for a g-ood cause.'
waa Mr. Slmon'a anaw.r. TTou can hav.
It for (SO a month.' "
Rev. Charlea T. McPheraon. paator
of Epworth Methodist Church, alio
spoke In Mayor Slmon'a favor, saying
h. did not wish to modify anything
he had aald In an Interview laat week.
I think all th. Christian peopla of
th. city ought to unit, upon Mayor
Simon and assist in re-electing him. pa
eans, h. la th. best, most capable man
for th. plac. w. can get. and he knows
hta business,"
Rev. Mr. Reaa-or opposed Mr. Simon.
R.v. T. H- Walker, pastor of Calvary
Presbyterian Church, aald:
W bare paased th. tlm. when we
can do anything; effective, and ar. Just
on th. ev. of an election. we ar.
Just about to hit out Ilk. an angry man
who finds he has been worsted In th.
encounter. I don't propose to do any
thing: of th. kind. I think Jt 1 for
ua to get In and rlv. this city agood
oommisslon form of government."
Th. ministers passed resolutions In
dorsing John E. Hall and Broc. Wol
verton for Councllmen In placo of
George U Baker and Ralph C. Clyde.
Water Turned Into Canal.
WEST STATTON, Or, May 12. (Spe
cial.) Water was put Into the first
mil. of th. Wlllametto Valley Irrigat
d Land Company's canal today. Every
thing was satisfactory and while work
has been stopped temporarily on ac
count of the Inclemency of the weather,
only a few more weeks' work will com
plete tn canal to .Wt eujrton.
Advantage) of 6 tincture) and Eaae
With Which It May Bo
Financed. Discussed.
At a public meeting held last night
at the Kenllworth Presbyterian Church,
under th. auaplcea of th. Kenllworth
Improvement Club, at which 60 taxpay
ers wera present, th. auditorium proj
ect was heartily tndoraed. and. support
ed. J. S.
The resolution, which waa passed,'
pointed out the benefits to bo secured
from the construction of this audito
rium. There was no opposition to the
measure, although a number of ques
tions were asked and satisfactorily
answered. C. C Chapman was the
principal speaker. He told of senti
ment throughout the city in favor of as
large a hall as possible, with such ar
rangements as would permit of reduc
tion In size to meet the requirements of
the entertainment. By making the
hall large, he said. th. price of admis
sion would bo within reach of wage
earners. He said that In other cities
where auditoriums were located the
revenue derived more than paid the In
terest on the bonds and provided for a
sinking fund.
D. o. lively. In addressing the club
members of the Woodlawn Improve
ment Club, argued; tht H was better
for the, cltr to own the auditorium
than for the building to bo put in the
hands of private owners, subject to
their whims and will. If It wero in
the nands of th. city authorities It
could bo devoted to all publio purposes
and oo on. could be shut out from its
Tom Richardson will address the Sell
wood Commercial Club tonight In be
half of the auditorium. It Is Mr. Rich
ardson's opinion that 60 per cent of tho
prominent business pooplo coming t
tho Coast are brought out her. by
means of conventions.
It is a very serious task to start In
to got a man from th. East out to tho
Coast," said Mr. Richardson, "but when
you get bold of him and tell him his
church, society or business association
is going to hold its next convention out
on the Coast, ho pricks up his ear and
begins to inquire for rates and usually
makes the trip. It is his first journey,
and ha oltea returns." .