Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 23, 1911, Page 12, Image 12

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    nmivpfiM PT mMP
'Attorneys for Indicted Police
Chief File List of Disor
derly Places Closed.
Capiat a Bly. Summoned by Procr
eation, Sat Accused Official
Ordered CImd - Vp of City.
Srryratiis Also Trstlfy.
Evldane submitted In th Etat Cir
cuit Court yesterday In th trial of Chief
of Folic Cox. under ludlrtmenl for mal
feasance In ortl?e. showed that while it
ftsii difficult to obtain direct vldnre
calnst proprietors of disorderly houses,
numerous arrests bav been made In th
last six months reju!ttn In convictions
In th Mantrlpal Court. feature of
th rasa wm brought out lata in the
afternoon. when I-puty District Attor
ney Coliler was exMtMtlnc to the jury
Indictments that liad ben returned
asralnsf proprietors of disorderly houses
by the xrand Jury at various times atnc
lat November. .
Attorneys Unna and Moody, repre
senting Chief Cox. Introduced a list of
12 tvpesrrltten paxes showtnc the arrests
and convictions of persons connected
oith houses of Ill-fame. This lint mat
a--'pled as avldenc by Ju.lge Karan-
Captain K. E. T.aty. of the day relief,
mi sutpenal by the state to tell of
Chief fox's position in recard to moral
conditions of tha city. Cross-examined
by Attorney Ix-n. Captain Maty said
tint instructions had been received from
Chief Cox from tlma to tlma to clean
up tiia city, to suppress aramhElnfr and
to run out paraaltea and disorderly
Iollc Task Hard.
"With tha few omcars that w hara
In tha poll -a department. It is difficult
t obtain evt !nce and to stop tha Illicit
business." said Captain Fatr. "It takes
several days and sometimes week to
collect stronsr enough avldrnca to con
vict these peopie. Wa ara constantly
protiillnr our men to arrest all offenders
of tha law."
Serreant Cola and ftersyant Riley, al
though summoned to testify for tile state,
sal at they had been acting under
Instruction from uprlor officer and
Chief Cox to do evarythlnc In their
!rr to improve the moral condition
of tha city. Riley said that efforta had
been dlre ted to the outlying districts.
It being tha desire, of tha Chief to ciean
up those places Brut, then to glva closer
attention to tha North End.
'a he larger part of tha day was taken
up by arguments on tha question raised
by Attorneys Ian and Moody that
tiiera was no statute In Oregon by which
a public omi-er cO'ild ba froaecule.1 for
nis feasance In ov unless guilty of
corrupt prartlre. They declared that
tha Chief could not ba held responsible
for conditions of which ha was Ignorant
and that ha had not shown a disposition
t. -Mr his duties. Deputy District At
torney Collier Insisted that the opera
tion of disorderly houses was Illegal and
a crime, and contended that tha Chief
felled to surpresa these, places, ha was
-st rplnc tha wheals of public Justice."
Woman Tborers to Chief.
Tha argument waa precipitated whan
3fr. Fred llvrle. tha tirst wllnesa. testi
fied that sua had tflphonei to tiia
police atatlon to complain of tha resort
at T wl I'ark street. She al, that
he had asked to speak to Chief Cox In
person, and that after a few mlnutea
tha Chief talked to her over the tele
phone and had promised to clean up tha
p ar complained ahout. Slia said that
b-tter condtt'ons obtained at the place
atr the conversation, but that tha re
sort had not t-en cl-sed.
Attorneys Ionian and .Moc-ly asked that
the testimony of Mrs. Hyde be stricken
from tha records because it could not
b proved that sha had been taiklns di
rectly to tha Chief, declaring also tllat
aftenipta bad been made by sut-ordlnate
fflcera to remedy tha evtl complatned of
bj Mrs. Hyde. She waa permitted, bos
e.ver. to complete her testimony. She
testlrte-l that sne had been subpenaed by
the IHstrtcl Attorney to appear against
the Chief.
Judge Kavanaugh. earlier In tha day.
ruled that only testimony would ba ad
mitted for the state that related to con
ditions covering the period outlined In
the Indictment, from November li to
April 4.
Charcra Aealnst Alleged Had Chovk
l'assrr Arc lro.i-d.
Liberty after more than a week In Jail
Is near the Kraj-p of Uod Light, said by
Hms-lf to ba a magaxine writer, and
who la a-cued of bad check operations
In three Pacific Cbat cities- Attorney
Max Cohen busted himself In tha case
yesterday anJ proteaied la Judge Ta
well against the treatment the man had
received In be;r. held a week wlttaout a
heart n.
Jills; Taxwell railed tha attorney' at-1-r.tioo
to Ilia tact that this waa the first
ttnia any appearance had been made f-r
the prisoner, and Cohen rejoined that
another attorney had taken the case and
T ad drot ped It when ba found that I
Light' frlen la t: a Last would not
com t his assistance.
It waa ordered that Light be released
en hla recognisance until Wednesday,
when the s'ata said It wcuid ba ready
for trial. Wl.ea Acting Chief of Vol Ice
Jl.wa beard of this order, he refused to
release I Uht. saving that It did not
arply to te telegrap: Ic warrant for hlrn
from Los Angel.-a. Moore was not In
firm ed of the determination of tha Call-fo-n.a
author-tie to drop tha case.
Light wa first arre-sted upon re.iuest
f l.;e rWattle authorities, who wanted
Mnj en a charge of passing a bad check.
Tm the treg.-n Hotel mansgement
placed a charge against Mra of d-fraud-t:-g
an Innkeeepr. and tie Una Angeles
authorities te.egraphed that Be was
wanted there. Now both foreign chars-ee
ha,., been abandoned and Llg-t remains
to be triad upon the Oregon Hotel csia
W. M. Prr. of Ontario. U In the city.
r. r Man hester. f LI. I registered
at the Imperial.
Pr V. Day. of Eugene, waa a visitor
to IVrt.anJ during the day.
j . ijce and wife, of Putherlln. are
In the city for a brief atay.
A. R. Wood, of Cottage Grova. la slay
Ir.g at the Portland Hotel.
C. W. Ivnv. of White Salmon, owner
f extensive real estate tuterestSL IS at
the Imperial.
r l Ta'mt. president of the Talent
a.rsnt Packing; Comian;. of Astoria, la
;n ti e city.
JC. li. J. sult, at ilasva City, lav.
la reentered at the Imperial and la on
her way to California.
P. B Arneke. wife and daughter Mary,
and Mrs. M. Lawltxky. ail of Ouluth.
Minn., are at the Imperial.
Mrs. Israel Lando. of Marshfleld. prom
inent In Rebekah. circles of the state,
la In the city the guest of friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Tbomaa. of Se
attle, are at the Imperial. Mra. Thomas
Is one of tha prominent aociety leadera
of Seattle.
A. C. Dixon, of Eugene, lumberman,
waa a caller at the headquarters of tha
Oregon-Washington Lumbermen- Asso
ciation room yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hon re Palmer, of Chl
cago. accompanied by their two children
and four servants, passed through Port
land last night on their way to Meciora.
wnere the Palmer family ha a 110-acr
pear orchard.
Mrs. L C. Cartrlght Is here from
Berkeley, CaL. to visit her son and
other relatives, and attend tha pioneers'
reunion. At present she is at the home
of her brother. Colonel William lielm.
at Hi Park- t-
R. C. Merryman and wife, and Mrs.
r. C. Hathaway, of Exeter. Cal.. Mra. K.
W. Merryman. of Marinette. Wis, and
Mrs. R. B. Burns, of Lo Angeles. Cal,
lorm a party visiting In tha city and are
registered at the Imperial.
Mrs. Dudley Bersey. maid and chauf
feur. arrived In the city yesterday from
Denver by way of California In her mo
torcar. the will return to her home in
Minneapolis from this point by aid of
her motorcar, providing; the roada will
SAN' FRANCISCO. May li (Special.)
Portland arrivals at the Palace Hotel
here are: Gordon V oorhles, and Mrs. r .
CH1CAOO. May E. (Special) Mrs.
J. A. Burns, of Portland. Or., Is reaj
Istered at the Wellington.
CHICAGO. May 2-. (Special.) Port
land arrival at hotel today were: Mr,
ll.l.ti v Rari. Mlsa Helen K- Reads.
at the Wellington; W. B. Wilson, at the
NEW TORK. May 31. Speclal.
People from the Pacific Northwest
registered at New Tork hotels today as
Prom Portland O. B. Cold well, at the
From Seattle C B. Cooper, at the
Empire: Mrs. O. Boole, at the fet. An
drews: H. K Kobblna. at tne caaiilac
A. R. Fenwld. at the New Amsterdam.
From fpokane L. L. Loo mis, K- A.
Sliadle. at the Seville; Mrs E. Dempseja
at the I'ark Avenue.
From Scappoose. Or. H. West. C E.
Lainir. at the York.
Portland Hotel Astor, Mrs A. H.
IV vers.
Seattle Latham. Mr. and Mrs W. A.
Major. Albany. E. R. Jordan.
Realty Board to Hold Weekly
Plan Are to Decorate Steamer With
Itosce and Have Her Head
Parade Kx-ortine; Klnc.
George H." Hutch! a. of the Rota Fes
tival committee. I planning to secure
the teaaner Rose City, of the Seat Fran
cisco V Portland Steamship Company'
fleet, as the flagship for Monday, June
k when the Festival will ba formally
opened with the arrival of Rex Oreconua
from a point down the river. The royal
barge wUI be conveyed by a fleet of varl
oua craft. The Rose City, which was
named after the flrst Festival, sail this
morning for Ban Francisco and San
Pedro- but will, arrive on her next voy
age June S and remain until the morn
ing of June T.
It 1 proposed to wait on Captain
Mason, of the vessel, and J. W. Ransom,
general agent of the Hartimaa ocean
lines, to ascertain If the eteamer can be
secured. Provision will be made to dec
orate her with roses and lie will prob
ably bend tha parade that escort the
Kin. With an abundance of water In
the river there 1 no reason why the
Rose Cltv cannot pass the bridge, at
lat as far a Stark street, where the
King actually lands. Beside, the decor
attoi.a would be maintained until she
reaches San Francisco June . as a fur
ther advertisement of Oreajon rose culture.
nfleen New Photoplaya Open
Week on People' Circuit.
Fifteen new and original photoplay
were provided Sunday by the People-
Amusement Company for exhibition at
the Star. Adcade. Oh Joy and Tlvolt
Theaters The subject varied a wide
ly a the human disposition, from philo
sophic contemplation, a waa evidenced
In the "Last Incident In the Life of
Count Leo Tolstoi." st the Star, to "A
Close Call" at the Arcade, the latter
being; a harmless melodramatlo thriller
Intended to Impress the eternal triumph
of right and the overthrow of wrong, or
history, as hown at the Oh Joy In "A
Case of High Treason." wherein Amer
ican patriotism defeat forelain Intrigue
and conspiracy.
The ToUtol picture was antcorlxed by
the great writer, as no camera man
could have secured uch peronal de
tail and such close Insight Into Tol
atol'a Inner life without personal per
mission. Th pictures were taken only
three weeks prior to the death of Tol
stoi, and thla fact adds deeply to the
real Interest Inspired by thla genuine
Resident Manager Metzger ld yes
terday: "The film factorle under 11
cenae of the Motion Picture Patents
Company are turning out uch a mul
titude of feature at present that th
situation Is rather confusing to the ex
hibitor. The public is already begin
ning to expect nothing but hlta at
every show and throughout the entire
"For Inatance. for next Sunday at the
Star we shall offer a auperbly mounted
production of Semlramts": at th Ar
cade. The Fires of Fate,' and on the
following Wednesday a double reel
treatment of the relations between la
bor and capital that will command
greater attention than any picture the
People's Company has ever been able
to secure. On Wednesday. June It. w
s-all offer 'Faust' In Jooo feet. A con
stant Improvement In motive, character
of eubject and photographic perfection
furnishes th reason for a contlnuou
Increase In public Interest."
The Canadlaa Pacific llnee make very
low round trip rates to Eastern points
Ticket Office HI Third treet.
VA aralas a Railroad Mew.
E. & Baron. 11 Bat fl Bath. Ms.
ends out tnl w am In c to railroader":
"A conductor on the railroad, my work
caused a chronic Inf .animation of the
kidneys and I was miserable and all
n laved cit. A friend advlaed Foley
Kidnev Pine and from the day I com
menced taking them I began to regain
my strength. The inflammation cleared
and I am far beater than I have been
f..r twentv years The weakness and
dlxsv sr-ella are a thing of the past and
J hlcfilv reron'mend Foley aiJdney
wold by aal uxugglais,
Organisation There by IVequent
fcestdons Increased Membership
to 401 Streetcar Ordi
nance Is Topic.
Twenty-two new members were elect
ed at yesterday' meet'ng of the Port
land Realty Board, which took the
form of a noon luncheon at Richards
restaurant, Tha board decided to try
tha experiment of holding weekly
luncheon Instead of monthly meeting
aa heretofore. The committee on re
organisation reported a new consti
tution and bylaws which will be dla
cussed In detail at th luncheon next
A report was made by V. Vincent
Jones on the methods of real estate
bodies In other cities and he showed
that weekly meetings were held by the
most successful ones. By changing
from monthly to weekly meetings the
Denver really board has increased its
membership In one year from 217 to
401, and la now the largest body of the
kind In the United States The weekly
luncheon are attended by 100 to 2U0,
and an Interesting feature Is a quia
viass on realty values
Streetcar Ordinance Discussed.
An address wss msde by Clarence J.
Franklin, general superintendent of
the Portland Railway, Light A Power
Company, on the Initiative ordinance
to be voted on at the municipal elec
tlon next month prohibiting the admis
sion to atreetcars during morning and
evening rush hours of persons for
whom there ara no seats.
"This Is not a 'no-seat-no-fare' propo
sition." said Mr. Franklin. "It means
no seat, no car.' 1 I easy to demon
strate that the people who use street-
cara would be greatly discommoded If
such an absurd proposal should be en
forced. It would mean that a person liv
ing, say in Woodlawn, would be obliged to
spend from 75 to SO minutes getting to
nd from the center of the city, in
stead of 30 minutes or less as now.
"It would be simply a physical Im
possibility to provide cars enough to
seat all the people who travel at the
rush hours The average load at these
periods I 75 to 80 paasengers and
there are aeata for about half. This
mean that to provide seat for all It
would b necessary to double th num
ber of cars.
75 Cars Are Limit. .
"If the track which constitute the
loop from th Burnslde bridge around
Fifth and Second street will hold 75
car at the utmost limit, where are you
going to put a few dosen morer
The board thanked Mr. Franklin and
declared Itself as favoring more car
and better service, but opposing the
"no-fare-no -car" measure.
A plan for a real estate exchange
to be started on a limited basis wa
presented by F. L. Puree, and waa put
over for future discussion.
The board Accepted an Invitation of
the Umbdenstock A Larson Company to
visit North Jonesmore next Saturday
to es what has been accomplished in
tha five week th tract ha been on
the market.
The following were elected to mem
bership: Famuel R- Norton, the Gllbert
Tllbury Company, the United Trust
Company. Cowing Ptjrcel, R. W.
Jones Empire Investment Company,
Monarch Investment Company. Jesse
IlaselL The Dalle Orchard Lands Com
pany, McAllister Luddemann. W. B.
McKlnney. K. L. Mills P. T. Klepper,
W. A. Coughlan. J. L. Kamopp. H. K.
Shellaby. Gerald Anthony. E. K. Lower.
John W. Jennings Frank McCrlllls,
Trowbridge Stephens H. D. fotory.
Holslngton-Comte Company.
Recent Sale of Bonds at Premium
Supplies Money So Council
Can Appropriate.
A combination of circumstance
served to save the day for the Rose
Festival. Insofar aa the city- appro
priation la concerned., when yeeterday
afternoon the waya and mean commit
tee sold a big batch or improvement
bonds and a large committee of prom
inent business men came to plead for
fund for Illumination purpose during
the rose celebration. It wa oratory
and premium on th bond which made
it possible for tne committee to rec
ommend that I1M0 be appropriated
for this purpose.
Led by C C. Chapman, of the Com
mercial Club, a Joint committee from
the club, the Retail Merchant' Asso
ciation, the East Side push clubs and
other organisations tne memoer
stormed the committee and pleaded for
financial assistance In regard to light
ing anparatua for the Rosa Festival.
At It previous meeting, tha committee
had declined to recommend any appro
priation, owing to th condition of the
general fund, but the business men
were anxious that something be done
and so they left their affair awhile and
went before the committee.
Mr. Chapman. O. F. Johnson. Dan
Kellaher. W. P. Old and other earn
estly asked the committee member to
work out ome plan whereby they could
recommend 1:500. Councilman Cellars
chairman of the committee, explained
Charm and Elegance
of True Beauty
(Stlllwell In Fashion.)
-Every woman delights In a velvety
kta and fins complexion, but few
realise th harm dona th skin's sur
face by smothering It with powder
o- cosmetics" writes Mms Stlllwell In
"A msyaton lotion give gralid re
sult and Is quickly prepared by dis
solving a small original package of
mayatone In eight eaaace of wltch
haxel. Missus thla freely Into the
kin every day and you will be sur
prised bow soon It 1 cleared and
beautified, while th complexion take
on th charm and elegance of true
"Nothlyig equale mayatone to pro
tect the akin from changeable weather,
tan or freckles. It I easier to use
and more satisfactory than powder, la
a: resides and will not grow hairs."
that all of the members were favorable
to the appropriation, but that there
were no funds for it available.
However, Mr. Cellars and his asso
ciates Messrs Burgsrd snd Wallace,
upon reflection, decided that they could
base a recommendation for a smaller
sum on the fact that they had Just
old a large amount of bonds at good
premiums so they voted accordingly.
They were warmly thanked for their
The bonds were 10-year, t per cent
Improvement series and commanded as
high aa par. accrued Interest and 2H
per cent premium. They were sold as
follows: To the Security Savings 4
Trust Company. $173,000 at 1 premi
um: to the Davls-Struve Co., of Seattle.
$109,000 at 2 premium; to tho United
Statea National Bank. $15,000 at Z
premium: to G. W. G oar hart. $12,000 at
34 premium.
At a meeting of the general committee
of arrangements for the East Side fra
ternal and children's parade during the
Rose Festival, yesterday. Assistant Sec
retary C. C. Hall reported that $2006. had
been subscribed toward the expenses, be
sides promises for about $2j0 more.
H. E. Walter, chairman of the com
mittee on decoration, reported that a
contract had been made to decorate the
streets to be covered by the two parades
This will cost $360. Additional expenses
will be $&0. On motion the sum of $400
was appropriated out of the Festival
fund for decoration purpose.
For the children's parade 50 was ap
propriated, a considerable portion of
which will be used for streetcar tickets.
C. A. Bigelow, chairman of. this com
mittee, announced that there will be a
large number of children from the
schools of the West Side, and that It
will be necessary to furnish car tickets
to these and others coming from a long
distance. On former occasions children
of the East Side schools formed the
parade, but this year children will come
from all schools of the city. Also prizes
will be bought out of the money appro
priated. For prizes for the military and fra
ternal parade $150 was appropriated. This
may be Increased.
C. A. Bigelow announced that the
cadets of the Oregon Agricultural Col
lege and the band will enter the fra
ternal and military parade. It was an
nounced that the Spanish War veterans
who will come from Washington to enter
the parade, will number 400.
George Dllworth reported that two lo
cations for grandstands on Grand avenue
had been selected, one at the southeast
corner of Grand avenue and East An
keny streets and also on Grand avenue
and East Salmon streets.
Question of the probable length of the
fraternal parade wa considered. Mr.
Hall reported that he had asked all the
orders to report on May 2S approximately
how many they expect to turn out. The
Una of parade canot be decided until
thla Information Is had. It 1 etlmated
there will be lO.OuO In line. It was re
ported that Robert Krohn had been se
cured to handle the children parade.
May be promoted by those who
gently cleanse the system, now and
then, when in need of a laxative
remedy, by taking a deseitspoonful
of the ever refreshing, wholesome
and truly beneficial Syrup of Figs
and Elixir of Senna, which is the
only family laxative generally ap
proved by the most eminent phy
sicians, because it acts in a natural,
strengthening way and warms and
tones up the internal organs without
weakening them. It is equally benefi
ficial for the very young and the mid
dle aged, as it is always efficient and
free from all harmful ingredients. To
get its beneficial effects it is always
necessary to buy the genuine, bear
ing the name of the Company
California Fig Syrup Co. plainly
printed on the front of every package.
Incendiary Sent to Jail.
Frank Klrre. convicted of setting a
fire In the Crater Lake National For
est near Horseshoe Spring last Sep-
tember, wa sentenced by Federal
Judge Bean yesterday morning to 60
days In the County Jail. Deputy Uni
ted State District Attorney Evans
called attention to the seriousness of
the offense, and also to the fact that
the Jury had recommended leniency. He
also remarked that Klrre has been In
Jail seven weeks already. Klrre de
clared he was innocent. The maximum
penalty Is a year In Jail and $1000 fine.
Canada Will Build Own Navy.
OTTAWA. Ont. May 22. Tha offi
cial announcement that Canada's navy
Is to be home-built eliminates all possi
bility of American steel or machinery
being used. The names of the success
ful bidders for the four cruisers will be
announced In a few days.
Do Gkoata Hannt gwampsf
No Never. If foolish to fear a
fancied evil, when there are real and
deadly perils to guard against In
swamps and marshes, bayous, and
lowlands. These are the malaria germ
that causo ague, chills and fever, weak
ness aches in the bones and muscles
and may Induue deadly typhoid. But
Electric Bittern destroys and casts out
these vicious germs from the blood.
"Three bottles drove all the malaria
from mv system," wrote Wm. Fretwell,
of Lucama. N. C, "and I've had fine
health ever since." Use this safe, eure
remedy only. 60c at all druggists.
Hawaii Is' th pineapple farm of tha
world. The largest pineapple cannery In tha
world is near Honolulu.
The primary cause of Rheumatism results from weak kidneys, constipa
tion, indigestion, etc., forming impure accumulations in the system. These
sour and ferment, causing uric acid, which is absorbed from the stomach and
intestines into the blood. This changes the circulation from a thick, rich
fluid to a thin, acrid stream, depositing inflammatory matter into themus
cles, nerves, and joints. The longer the blood is allowed to remain in this
impure condition the more severe will Rheumatism become. Gradually the
muscles harden and lose their elasticity, the joints begin to stiffen, and fre
quently calculous deposits form knots at the finger joints. There is just one
way to CURE Rheumatism, and that is to cleanse the blood of the uric acid
poison. S. S. S., by removing every particle of the cause and PURIFYING
the blood, cures Rheumatism permanently. S. S. S. eliminates the uric acid
because it is the greatest of all blood purifiers. It filters out every trace of the
sour, inflammatory matter, cools the acid-heated blood, furnishes the mate
rial for multiplying the rich, nutritious corpuscles of the circulation, and
by its fine tonic effects assists the system to rapidly overcome the effects of
the disease. Special book on Rheumatism and medical advice free. S. S. S.
is for sale at drug stores. JHE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, ATLANTA, CA.
The Fountain Head of Life
Is The Stomach
A men who has a weak and impaired stonaoB and who does not
properly digest hi food will soon find tht hi blood ha become
wesk snd impoverished, sad that hi whole body i improperly sod
- inauficaently smsriahed.
maatss the sfsnsei aavoava. promota fa tow ot
dlimuttru Imlemm. -esfore tha loat mpotttm, ana Ires
..ifrfo sarfecf. arMarefea fit liver mad
p art f leu mod mmHemem tarn blood. It tm tho aire arc mlood-matnr,
ttoah-mulldor mmd remtormtlTO merwm tomle. It navies
stroafl In body, scan n ntlmd mmd coo Im Imdfmont.
Thi " Discovery " i pare, lyoerio extrac of American medical roots,
absolotely tree from alcohol and sll injurious, habit-form inf drags. All its
mcredtent are printed on its wrapper. It ba no raaatioashrp with secret
nostrums. It avery mjredient n Moaned by th leader ia aH tha schools of
medicine. Don't accept s secret astrom a a sabstitata for thi time-proven
remedy o gtaovw composition. Ask Totya nnomM, They mast know of
many care made by it daring pest 40 year, right in yoar awn neighborhood.
World Dispenssry Medical Associsnoa, jjv. bl. v . runa, aananao, iv. a .
Bridge and Plate Work
y 2- -r
is na iianiasi in IIs- A '(- Tinis-i
M Years a Leader la Fwrale-aa Deal
Werk ta Partlsad.
There are manv kinds and
form of Dental Bridge Work,
each of which ha specialized
Bridge work to be right In
every detail and possess the
quality of permanence, must be
exact In it mechanical construc
tion. Most failures In bridge wrk
are due to unsanitary construc
tion, to actual "don't care" csre
leseness or to honest Ignorance.
Is a leading feature of our busi
ness, and we believe It cannot b
surpassed In the point of Its
completeness We operate pur
own laboratory, and a making
artificial teeth la a specialty In
dentistry, we are In s position
to make this offer snd guaran
tee satisfaction.
Dr. Wise ha made this branch
of dentlatry a special study for a
great many year and Is again In
active practice and will wait oa
all who wish his services
Out-of-town people can have
their plate and bridge work fin
ished In one day It necessary.
These prices are extremely low for th quality of work w offer:
C;. Rabker Plates. eaefe..SS.OO
-e - www
Plate, esra, for ST.50
Elk Oald aad Pereelals
Crawa for S3.SO TJn
32k Brldae TeefJh, aroaraa-
teea, each S3.50 To
Cold SS4 Eaasael FlUlmssa. . 1 I
Palaleee Extractla-. fOa Vp
Silver rtlUags, each 60 1'B
Office Boars 8 A. M. ts B P. V. Saadays L Phaaea A aad M aosa.
All Werk GasrssteeS
Wjk mm
&t&m sy-a,
Nothing so mUr Nothing so
Delightful Refreshing
Ghirairdelli Cocoa a
Sa And it costs less than a cent a cup
pared ezvressly for tu a book I awi"! Xir Jf
f " Dun Deaxirt Dish X. 1 CaWSf V
nared exDresshr for ua a book
f " Daintv Deaaert Diah ."
which we will be pleased to
aead to anyone in-"
Not Every Day, but on Many Days During the Summer,
May 16 to September 7
Eastbound Summer Excursion Tickets
Are on Sale by All Agents of
Northern Pacific Railway
You can take advantage of these LOW FARES to any point in
the East, in Eastern Canada, in the Middle West Here are a few
of the fares:
Minneapolis ,....$60.00
St. PaoL 60.00
Chicago 72.50
St. Louis 70.00
Omaha 60.00
Indianapolis 79.90
Detroit 82.50
New York J08.50
Syracuse . ..$99.50
Philadelphia 108.50
Pittsburg 91.50
Boston 110.00
Portland, Me 110.00
Ottawa, Ont 103.00
Montreal, P. Q 105.00
Quebec, P. Q 111.50
June 15 to September 15.
Portland Rose Festival
June 5 to 10.
Seattle Golden Potlatch '97
July 17 to 22.
Low Fares From All StatiAsr.
Don't hesitate to ask any passenger representative of the Northern
Pacific Railway for full information.
255 Morrison St, Corner Third, Portland.
Have your. ticket read "Burlington"
When You Go East
Your one-way or round-trip ticket to-principal Eastern destinations
can include the Burlington's high -class service, whether you go
Via St. Paul, Scenic Mississippi, Chicago.
Via St. Paul, Scenic Mississippi, St. Louis.
Via Billings, Kansas City, St. Louis.
Via Billings, Omaha, Chicago.
Via Billings and Denver.
Via Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis.
Via Denver, Omaha, Chicago.
Via Kansas City and St. Louis.
Via Kansas City and Chicago.
Via Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis.
BnrUnajtoa train their eqnipmeat, electric lighting; system, dlning
ear aervtce, efficient employe, the "tone of service," their "On Time '
operation -will confirm your Jodarment If In makllnar np your route
you see that the Burlington forma part of your Eastern journey.
Very Low Excursion Fares to the East
In Effect Frequently Each Month
Ask initial line agents or the undersigned for rates via the Burlington.
A. C. SHELDON, General Agent
C, B. & Q. R. B.
100 Third St., Portland, Or.
The Auto Truck that put Portland oa
the Commercial Motor Car Map-'White"
Sixth and Madison, Portland, Or.