so THE MOHXTXG CREGOIfTAN. SATlTKDAT, MAY 20, 1911. Store.Open Tonight Until 9:30 Our Delicious $1.00 Saturday Night Dinner From 5:30 to 8 P. M Music by Rosebrook's Orchestra "The Grain of Dust," David Graham Phillips' New Novel, $ 1 .30 Women's Shoes Shined in BasementSoda Fountain in Basement Eastman Brownie Cameras, $3 MEIER FRAXK'S. FIRST FLOOR, ORDER BT MAIL. IT'S wonderful what splendidly good pictures are taken with these Xo. 2A Brownie Cameras' Exactly as illustrated. It takes pictures size 214. The ff Trice of this camera is now only boUvl Other Brownie Cameras, $1 to $12 Special Prices on Photo Enlarging. Keduced prices today on all negatives that are brought in for enlargement.. Size 8x10, 23. 10x12, 30S 12x14, 49. 32 Distinct Shapes in Men's Hats at $3.00! Meier A Frmk'i Jnt Inside Morr In on-Street Kmtranre- WE'VE searched America over for the best Hats to sell at $3. Thirty-two distinctly new shapes Derbies in the smart low crown effects. Soft Hats in medium and broad brim telescopes, fedoras, alpines. tf O ff Black, grays, browns, tans. Today at pOvJU Stetson's "Wrinkle," latest in Soft Hats, $4.00 "The Alfonso," a new Roeloff "Smile" Hat, $4 9 New ADLERrROCHESim 1 A2rlSG.- 1 RTCR I2L J3L "TO- TAILORED . BY A-B.KIRSCHBAUM 3 CO. world's best TAILORS 4 Great Purchases From Best-Known Makers in m America on Sale Today! Blue Serges Included! Meier & Frank's Third Floor.. Seven Direct Elevators ambridqe Qlotfkb r r -j 'jjm.v, ,u w-l" i-jf.f Market and Jackson Boulevard CLOTHCS.rOR.YOUNS MEN XflE have no hestitancy in pronouncing this the most powerful Clothing sale in Portland for years! The whole story in a nutshell is ' j - Our Clothing "chief" left three weeks ago on a buying trip to the East. He stopped in Chicago to buy 300 Young Men's and Men's Suits from Alfred Decker & Cohn the celebrated, widely-advertised "Society Brand." 150 Men's and Young Men's new Blue Serge Suits from Liebman, Philipson & Sniff the famous "Cambridge Brand." And in Philadelphia he secured from A. B. Kirchbum, the world's largest Clothing maker, 2lo more splendid Suits. , The "Twentieth Century Lim ited" whirled him up to Roches er, overnight, where he found L. Adler & Brothers, makers of the world-famous" Adler-Rochester" Clothes, with 235 model and surplus Suits, which he bought at about cost to make. Think of it! Nine hundred brand, spanking new Spring and Summer Hand tailored Suits from the world's most famous makers Clothing that other stores throughout the couDtry are selling regularly at $20. $22, $25 and $30. Plain, fade less blue serges, browns, tans .gray, in every possible new shade and pattern. Your unrestricted choice today only $lo. ' i COPYRIGHT H I 1 j gt ADCER ROCHESTER J J Mens 50c and 75c Neckwear Today 28c MEIFR FRA.K'St Jl'ST INSIDE MORRISON-STRF.ET KMTRAXCR. TWO GREAT special purchases of Men s beautiful Silk eck Avcar! Four-iu-I lands, Flowing Ends, Bat "Wings, French Folds, in every imaginable new color stripes, figures, self-woven effects. Choose from over 5000 regular 50c and 75c Ties for Saturday only, main aisle, first floor 28c Men's New Shirts In n e k 1 i p e e styles, made with soft turndown col lars. All plain colors, self stripes. Usual $l.f0 Shirts, now. Men's 50c Fine Lisle Elastic Suspenders, on sale now 35 Men's 50c and 75c Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, 35 Men's Silk Socks liHJ dozen just received All new colors. All silk thread. Extra special to day at this sale at the low price of 25c 95c Underwear Sale .Con tinned The big reduc tions on Men's and Boys' Underwear in force again today. Practically all famous makes, cut prices. Entire Stock Women's and Children's 25c Hosiery, 9:30 to 1 1:30 A.M., 18c METER FRAME'S, FIRST FLOOR. ORDER BY MAIL. FOR JUST 2 hours this morning, we offer this amazing reduction of 18c on every single pair of Women's, In fants' and Children's 25c Hosiery in our entire, immense stock J Every possible grade in black and colors: Women's fine, full fashioned Lisle Hosiery. Boys' and girls' fine, medium and heavy ribbed Black School Hose. Infants' Seamless Silk Lisle Q Hose. Think of it I positively from 9:30 to 11:30 only, all fC 25c Hosiery in our entire stock on sale for the low price of Children's and Misses' 20c Hose Fine ribbed seamless, in 115 black and tan. Today at Women's 50c to 75c Hose Fine im ported silk lisle in black and all new shades. Some with dainty lace OQ and embroidered boots. Today Infant's 50c Silk Plaited Hose Blacks and colors. Special OC. for today only, the pair at C Women's 85c Silk Plaited Hose With 4-inch garter-proof tops, dou ble heels and toes. Black and CT colors. Special for today at Boys' $5 Two-Pant Suits at Only $2.98! SiriRR A FRANK'S, THIRD FLOOR. JUt OTHERS wiU come from far ' and wide for this marvelous savintr on Boys' Suits today! Our best $5 Knickerbocker Suits, made with 2 pair of pants, which practically double the service. Cheviots and Cassi nicres in fancy tans, grays, browns and neat dark mixtures. All well made with reinforced seams. . All sizes, 7 to 17 years. They're $5 Two Pant Suits. Priced for todnv's sellin cat only Boys' Straw Hats all new shapes in Milans. Panamas and Java 6traws "0c. 75c, $1. $1.50, $2 and S2.50. Boys' New Underwear 35c. 50c 75. Ty Boys' Blue Serge Caps 50. . V - Boys' $1.50 Wool Sweater Coats white, V "r re.!, blue, gray, VHC. $2.98 Wbm'n's$ 3.50 Long Kid Gloves at $2.49 MEIER FRANK'S, FIRST FLOOR. A DOLLAR saved Saturday on our fin est $3.50 quality of-real French Kid 16-button Long Gloves in white, black, champagne and a tew odd. cO y Q shades. Sizes 5V2 to 7. Pair Women's $1.50 Kid Gloves incomplete- lines of 2-clasp real French kid, cape and chamois. Good assortment of sizes and colors, rf 1 "? Q Priced for today's selling at only p 1 1 2 Women's $1.25 Chamois Gloves 1 and 2-clasp styles in white and natural. Sizes QQ 5V2to7. Priced today at only, pair iOC Girls' $2.50 to $4.00 Wash Dresses at $1.58 MEIER FRANK'S, SECOND FLOOR. fVEll 600. splendid "Washable' Dresses of Ginghams, Percales and Chambrays, in jaunty one-piece sailor and jumper styles. Blue, pink, tan and other shades in solid colors, plaids, checks. All sizes, 6 to' 14 years. Splendid $2.50, $3, $3.50 and fijl CO $4 Dresses, specially priced today at V,"0 Children's $1.50 Middy Blouses Of white Galatea with blue collars and cuffs, O Q trimmed in white braid. Sizes 6 to 18 years O IC Children's $1 to $1.50 Hats, 68c stnnvn x V UiTT MEIER FRANK'S, SECOND FLOOR. JUST a lucky little purchase of 150 Chil dren's Straw Hats in the jaunty mushroom shapes, trimmed with gayly-colored ribbon sashes and bands. You'd T Q pay $1 to $1.50 for them regularly. (QQ Specially priced for today at only Children's $5 to $15 Hats, Off scores of lovely little creations of . Milan, Leghorn and fancy braids. Also exquisite Lace O-ff Lingerie Hats. Just for Saturday I ' Women's Neckwear, Ribbons, Handkerchiefs, Underwear Embroidered Byron and Turnover Collars With new silk crochet tie to match in any wanted shade. Collar and tie complete, For Sat- fc urday's great Neckwear 9 f sale we are offering them at 35c All-Silk Eibbons Moire and Taf feta in full line of staple shades for Sashes, hairbows and millinery pur poses. These are regular 35c Ribbons, ; are placed on sale today at only, the yard, Women's New "Lissue" Handker chiefs Over 50 different color-combinations, also plain white. Very sheer guaranteed abso- lutely fast in color ; they g are priced at each only OTvmfT,'o TTTiit. Underwear A great assortment of new Vests, Pants - T-r ' f f 3 ana union suits oi xme mercenzeu lisle. Low neck, no sleeves or high neck and the long sleeves. Each now at only mercerized 4?c Save on Best Sporting Goods $2.50-$3 Baseball Shoes $1.99 MEIER FRANK'S. FIFTH FLOOR. ORDER BT MAIL. w rE KNOW of no other store hereabouts carrying such a complete stock of Baseball, Tennis and all kinds of sporting goods at our low department store prices! For Saturday, odd lines of Men s and Boys' Baseball QQ Shoes, regularly $2.50 and $3. Special price, the pair $4 Single-Tube Bicycle Tires Selling Today Only at $2.49 Special lot of CS-isch guaranteed Sinple-Tube Bicycle Tire. neer sold repularly for less than $4. J oj-t far Saturday only, buy them C-1Q at low price of only, V $r.00 Complete Fishing Oat fits Including License for $5 ETerything needed for Fishinjr nickel-plated reel, jointed pole, hooks, tinkers, floats, flies, basket, etc Set worth $7.00, including $1 CC ff Season's Fishing license, JtJJ Men's to $4LowShoes $2.89 I fKTJFSJ ft sfii-rino- hio- RatnrHnv Fmmk. 8d Floor 1 sale of Men's high grade $3.50 and $4 Footwear in all best styles and leathers! Oxfords and High Cut Shoes in patent colt, tan Russia calf and vici kid leathers. Button, plain lace and blucher styles. All have genuine Goodyear-welt soles with high or broad freak toes. They come in all the sizes - and are on sale today at Save on Misses and Children's Low Shoes A. big lot of broken lines of Misses' and Children's 2-etrap, 3-strap and Colonial Slippers in chocolate or black vici kid and patent leathers. Sizes 2 to 8, 79; 8y2 to 11, 80; to 2, 99. 11 cas. IVCB. x Air $2.89 30c Fresh R'sfd Coffee, 20c HERE'S the lowest price we 've quoted in a long time on our splendid 30c Coffee. Boasted fresh every hour. Spe cial Saturday only, not over 10 lbs. to a customer at the O ff low price of, the pound, "5VC 35c Early Dawn Coffee, pound, 29. 60c Royal Banquet Coffee Genuine Mocha . and Java, pound, 45 Shredded Cocoannt, bulk, per pound, 15d. Copenhagen Creamery Butter, 2 pounds, 49J. Beechnut Creamery Butter, 2 pounds, 50. On the Basement Bargain Square Women's to $3 "Saiiors" at 98c SPECIAL purchase of 125 Women's and Misses' Jaunty Straw Sailors in large assortment of new shapes. Three similar to illustration. Black, white, burnt and a few colors. Regular $1.50, $2," $2.50 and up to $3 Hats. Today 'e price only 1