THE MOHXTXG OREGOXIAN. SATtiDAT, 3IAY 20. 1911. 19 'WHEAT FOR MEXICO Inquiry on Local Market for Steamer Cargo. ORDER HARD TO FILL Owing to Scarcity of Supplies Ixm.3 injc May He at I'ortlantl and Poffrt Sound Foint Add to MarLrt's rtrmncM. TVm wam bijuiry n th market yMtr dr fr ruDstArM qtmntltr of rht for &rly ihipmtat. prrtamably to Mexico, feomt wu rtportid o;d tv." it ndr tfood th, rJr wr ok ha4 In addition far ft fall mmub cnra. Th latter rdM cftild for to tOi)- tons, accordln to th rvport. nl th staanvr for lrntort Inc It wm ftTon&b:. TT. ctrn will bo ihmir It can bo bourht. boro or on th Sound. As vtiitl U a .-arc arttclo Joj-t now tt la probAblo thm loading wtll bo at botn FortlaJid and Pur Bound ports. T&io dw busiTMoa naturailr bad ft atraehntcff 3ct on t!i local wboat marhot. Too bids tor too Mexican trado bad to bo at ft fa!., fear, fts holders of vbat In thu soruoa cos only lad ucd to mil by iTrs of ft premium. Wooklr for if n shipment as ported by tbo Merchants KHchanco ro: Thl w. t,at wis. I-t tt. Jkrwt!r. .....I.T:.9" l.;s.e u.u-ai:a . ii'&.ooo .ooo Local rclpts in car wars roportod by tbo Merchants' Eicbtoti as fallows: Wheat barley rl-mr Oati Hay Monday 47 T itltf M , W .jr.!ay ... 1 Th urmlajr ... . . IT Vrtrtay 21 T .r a9 ..... Haioi to dato.ll: Tar 1J 1 7 1 S 3 1143 Terms oa ramJttaaros vltbtn SI darft doct fee per pound; If later than 11 a ad withta I day. Aedoct nor pound Mpio ousar. Ulo per poftd -ALL LINES BETTER Dairy a ad1 Count rr POtXTRT Hna. ll20c: broilers. tTH trre. rc. drvaeed. h1ro. 23-e. K Oron ranch, candtod, 31 din; eao count 1S SIM per doses. BLTTtK City eruir)f ostra. 1 and 1- p"uad prints, la bos. Sic per pound: 1 Utn Lux lots, cartons and d.ixrr asixa. CHLi.-K Fail croom, tninft la per lfti Towns America, llo. PoKK Fanry. H (f 1C PT pound. VkAL t'anc. S lue per pound. HOI'S 111 contract. Xic per pound; 1010 CTt7 comtnal. .lev crop. 14;; oUi, IOC ilOU AiR Choice. ter pound. ViCMjL AaJ'.ern ortoa. aomtnai. J91I la Pr pound, accordlns to hriuaae; n:er, Uulc D f bound. i'LI.TS Dry. iv?; salted, country pelts lU II tr Dtund: lamb celts. Zo. lUI'Li aa.tu hiOa. I per pound a. led n:r. lc; l-i.iej kip. 7 ftalted tact. &c; sreea bides, lc less; dry btuea, lie; cry n.t, it viae; dry atasa. iijAc CAriCAhA HaKiC Per pound, fro. GKAI.X HJLUA Wheat. c; oats. , HAM ! to :t pounds. Il914e: 11 tn 14 pounds. l.4Tlc; 14 to 1 pouods. lv. m l ikmued. 16c; picnics. lie Ck,t:a. r--:L IS WC fcVuKKb M k. ATS Boof ton sues, to; dried beef aeta. none; outsldea, nono; la aide. S.'ci knuckles. 20c BACON Fancy. 2Tc; standard. S4e; Choice. 22c: !U& DKT SALT ClHtD Rerular short clears, dry aal llc. amoked. 14: backs. Ubt. aalt. lie; amoked. 14 Sc; backs, heavy, aa.t. use; imokd, 14c; axports salt. li Wc; amoked. 1 we LARD Kettle rendered. tierces. lie; tuba. 134c; standard pure, tierces. 11c; tuba, 11 e: choice. tierces. 11c; tuba, HWc; ahortsoicr. tierces. a. Oils. X-IVSKED Oil Pure raw. la barn!. Sl.v?. toi:d. In barrels. ll.H: raw. in Caf. il-'.. boi:ed. In casts. 1L0W. TL'RI'KXTINB Ct.i. ak-: d barrel a. W c; lrn barrels. iUr; l-cae lots. c. OASOL1NE M-tor faoline. Iron barreiS. ISc; cae. -'ir; sd (aoltna. Iron barrels, -: raaea. 25 '-w r. i OAL oIL ordlnarv test. eaeo lfTlc: ou.a. m tnks. min teat, .aa. rnxrxm cot.ict ix class cooty rnckere tHTerinc 4V Teals lla PaU Ono soJo aft 4S eaita. trackers aro ountracttn for prunes m Clark County. Wahtncton. pajrinc 4V cents, bos? baLa Ono aula of three carload t was male at 4V cents. This to about 1 coat mors than was paid Wt year, tn fact tho spent prleo axe hier than they bao been fr many yearn Tho cmp tn tho cuatry krtk w?i. but tt Is (do early to meko a d-riatte prediction as to tho out luru. WU'-h a til depend oa at her on dicions In the Immediate future. la California mo business Is bfTi; done h new crop prunes nt 4 cents, bag basis. but growers generally ask S cent. ants Clara pa-'ker writes to a local broker iw;n to tho rept of a heavy drop h e beo, rtjaiDolird to wtthJraw tempo r arl.y. but w think the drop baa been ac""arJ. Another packer quotes 4 coats bu k (MX;! I cat premium for 2o and S cent premium tr 4'. A bis parkrr oiotea t. o. b- 4a J S cent bulk and S cent premium twr 40o to 14. TKxi nrniMi rta vrit- HEKRir. Iteeep4t I'rvea raJlfornla Clemft t p Farly aft t'lrasi w ii sew W It hi the tmprowm-nt In the weather yes teria' eupt1'! of aErao berries proved en llrw.jr In .lr4uat. l;-ce.pts from California wre Urr but rlranrd up ear 4 tn th day at Drrar prtees trtaa nae preat:el for rv I Jrwg s;d at $t.ioi. n t fui;ar brought $2 a crt:o. Only a few rte nf i)rc-i berries came tn and they a-M at $ i There a Is!re hir-w-nt of Califarn pMit. whk-h declined t C iJ t S c-r'.a. Bears wro al bwer at I ? S centa. Tho aspara Sua market bas an4 ap and l"e nnt receipts will s-il at Ormer prlcv Hr- mu'la salons. btn yetww and white, are aao eJeanins npw A shipment of i'Sitfornia red ootcus was put on sale at I per bos. bUsn Buys 19 Hs, II l !l:am came down from Ha tem yes terday aal bought llD bales of hoe at 14 S cents. This ts tho only transaction that naa boon reported tills week. A Bum bee of tho dealers have orders for hops of various kinds, b-it cannot find seiTers nt Ihetr prices Te contract market is em plotely blocked. Chirk. rmceo ss Tho demand fr puitry conttaaea artlvs and as receipt of her.s and prlnr wero i:ht buyers paid the frmer hlr prices... Tho ess market was firm at the quota tions that baeo prevailed for sererai daa. There was no chsng In tho butter or cheso tnsrkets. Rank ('tonrinsr. Pank clesrinj of t X'-rth wsatera cities Prrt!and Ta orua sposane were as : i.; h.3v. iit.; 1 :i t i 6;u.-'T4 7V.ST4 rolIUND MAXEETa nrahs. nowr. rood. Ft a. WH1: AT Track prices: fllu-stem. tV-. v-.u.v Stk. Kumu, Sac. a.ey, OV fold. HAi.LKt Choieo feed. 5X Mll.U-Vl KK-Hra, --" t .! per ton; M: shorts. "-i.rfV -a. ro..d bar- Kt- A K l atent. 44.1 per barrel; fJ.ti. exLKtrts. II Vailey. 44. M; ri ! -1 I :-. wr-le wheat. 4 ;a fOKN Whole. 4-; crv.ked. J per ton. I CA1 N 1 White, f OO prr too. t- ti t- 1 i m d. $ . : J . O ; heoT T mised. I ; 9 K; aira.'a. $ : 4 IS; clo ver. !2e0 w;i; sraia bay. LX;oal4-A4w Yearerabtew and Fmlta, TBOPtAL TKlirS Oranges. navTa, 42 ffi;: per boa. California grapefruit. 4-'fi-0: Ananas, 3 J3 Pr pount. ptno apples. 4 C : Ier pound, lemuaa, e; t-il-ea. J per bos. IREMI rui'iT :rawberT1ea, Orocon. 94 :r.e. k .', r-is, 11 jm i pr frii'. g ose!rrea. v lou per pound, appee. $1 ? rr hot. V KOrr V HLK- Aparasu. II $ 2 per b . tu. I-'1;--, ca;'Cuife. I -" p"r h; n JreU ht . cu -uir.Nr. 1 1. i. J A per d 'irn; tit T '. pound; lJl.c r -r pound. " f '-. per dsn. fcotlt -u Ur i $Lj(l'. Tj i r a. pea. o -j t r pou'-i. ptpri, ti'.- v r pur.l. r't t:ia l.-c r-'f .--i-'i'.. r'- j-a -t. 1 Jc Pr P' uc.! t'n it', i. ' j J .V AClC .. - Aiw.r - .w carrota, Z& -r aa.-k: iun..; s: i . per n new : n i. a "-i per lb. M.s-A'fri liTiw t -r bun-'-'.. rtermaUa. I- 2-Z pr cra;e; rod. IJ.:i per b- a. Dried rrwlta. Fto. rRTt ritrtT Apples. u9i:hi rr ported. curraatSb 11 Sc. aprtoota. i;-4jlrt te-ee. pa 4 we. 1 per pvuad; Cga vik. writs or b.a-a. by sack, (vie 5- i. ILe4f l:.; u-l: se. U ia 41.; l-la sic. .ti re lc r ALko. 'o'umbia Rresr. l-ui tails. 12 IS per doses. S-pound ial a. 1 puid t-a?a 11-40; Ala a puaa, 1-pound la.: a li.Ji- i O r . . Roosted, la drwsms. 2J S4o par pOU3d MT WaJoats. 1TSla Hf p-mad; m l suta, i4 9ic; e-awt. 14o: alTuada l4jitc; poewaaa. lc; cocoasata. at 41 per -ea. cbostnuta 11 we per paand; hkory ua sW per pound. hOMI-H K. ,; per snoot sumtaod, IV Per pouad. L T aa u latod. 114 rr ton : sf -fwioJ. 14-. i pr tea: Ma. 4 per test bCANJ Omall wfa.ts. e; lax go wkue. . Lisa s-i puik, 4 c; raft Mesicaaa 4; batfs, to K ir k: n i jspaa. 4c: ekeaswr trades. ! Si. Sout.Mtra bead. IS J. taa P" LnpoTkal, k. BBSHMtad ea;. a No. a. If at iAR rvy g -an i a ted. frs't ad berry, e ywilow D. 44.71 powdered. 44.44. SHEEP TRADE IS ACTIVE IOST OF ltlM.VKS AT YARDS IX 3ILTTO.V LI A E. cShlpment of Contract Cattle Rc- cflvod lYotu Nrbraski Hogs Coiue um tlie Saoio State. The bulk of the business In tho livestock market terday was la th mutton lino. A few aaia of hots a er re orted. but there wss prsctlcniijr nottalug dulos In cat tle. Among tn arrivals nt ftvs carloads of cattl from Nebraska for contract deliv ery, aiso 11 loads of bogs from tho sums Stats. Tn sheep market ruled steady under ths liberal srrtal. the omand was active. Wether M from 44. tJ to 1 lambs brought 'i. JO and 4 i and mlaed sheep went at IV (.MHnd bni held at fd.TS and a few Cblna fat brous hi 4T. Kevietaing market conditions at ths yards the I.fvsi.M-k llepxirasr save: "Ubile all Fuitrn markets report ft do cllno on hetn-k. i'ortiand lll bolds her os and the h'gn prices that havs prevailed on th is market for the pt month do not mange aay. Call le market remains firm i tit tho shipment of California beeves bring ;ng high prices. Ths sheep market conttuue ateady and big, while th tie clir.o was a dime, still bring a grl deal b.gtier prlco. Th only Utvialoo In tho )arls this period that ihowi s Stump Is burses: not In prut, but rovelpta. Ite:pts yeaterday we.- l.T CAttla. S CSUes, lt'15 Sheep ar.d 1J 7 bngn pnippcrt were, n in linger. .e- brsnk. 9 cars of hoi, frtnttb llrv.. .S- 3 rare of bc and A of rattle: t. T l-r. Ilaleey. 1 car of sneep and hoga; A uams. J i i rso u. l car ic cattle. heet and hcs. J. t. Ivl. nedd. 2 cars of atiorp and bogs; tieorgo Kohlhagea. It"e- car t snerp. iisnan m I'eltoa. ;burg. 2 cars of .ieep. J. N. Mlscbler. JiuM-ard. I car of sliep and bog, f. H. 1 a,rr. filuerion. 1 car of sheep mwi hog. and I;. A. ampbe.l. bbenuan. fi.-ep and hcsa The day sales wars as roiim 1 wether ethers ........... 14' we hers . 114 wrthers ........... 1.-: eihrs la-nbe ............. loO lambs hge .............. 47 bogs i cow a :t mixed sheep 31 wethers 1 ehrvp ............. 44 lamhs Z 1 lambs T hs 13 hog 14 hog. Chins fsts Prices current on th stock at ths Portland wvra as follows: iTtn.s grain-fed steers ... I'ru-e b)'rd steers...... Choice steers d to rft--tce steers... Fir to good ters 1'rlme co -wk! tO Cl.oic CoS K.r to god cows ........ vMr cos ............... Choice heifer inoic buitj of tel-ht. Trtc. . . . . u7 j oo ....ill a w .... M ft oo .... hi fto .... f'l 4 Ti .. .. CU Ti . ... H I 6,7. .... IU IH .... I'-'l tU ,...loio ft .... l.T . , . . . tJ 4. T.t ... Pl 475 . ... ftt a k . . . o j a : ... W AT-. ... 14 Ti ... lo Too Reports From Trade Centers More Encouraging. FIRST TIME IN WIEKS Woo Ion, Cotton Goods and Footwear IarkcU Amd me a More Active Tone Hides Strong at Recent Advances. NEW TORE. May 10. Irun s weekly rn- Tlew tomorrow will say: For the first time In many week, iwports from I at! In a- trad canters are more buoy ant, though It would not appear, that lite actual grns has been much. This appears In th reDorts from the Iron and steal trad. It also appear in ft limited degree In n textile markets, which report soma Im provement. Th export movement of cotton good continues weil ahesd of last year. Factors of strength have developed in th woolen good market. A better feeling pervades ths entire foot wear situation. Shoo manufacturers placing larger contracts for leather. Ths movement is DiinclDSllv for aoeclaltle. Larger Individual lots of leather are moved and prices show a firmer trend on soma varieties, owlns to scant sudd lies. Domeillo hid markets do not snow tn ac tivity of a week ago. but price continue trong at advance for both packer and country take-off. Foreign hides and skins ha received more attention, as there 1 not th disparity formerly existing between Curopo and the domestic market, the latter having advanced appreciably in th two weeks. GOOD CROP REPORTS "E-TCRE WEEK. More Confidence la Shawm la WholeeaU Trade. NEW TORK, May 10. Bradstrl's to morrow will say: fivents of the week havs apparently been favorable- Good crop reports aro features making for bottsr business. Actual traa results are naroiy up co sanguine exportation. Retail trade has eat- psnded. but th improvement is late, jod bers business has been Improved mainly for with goods and light underwear. Mor confidence has been engendered In whole- sl trade, and In some Unea of cotton, goods, converters and manufacturers have taken hold more freely for Kail and even as far ahead as Best Spring. In general Industry. Improvement. ail from tone. Is almost aeg I igible. Iron and steel a arc not s en- eraiiy changed. business failure In th xTnltcd States Tor th week ending May 1ft were 2.1 i, against 243 last week. 223 In ths like week of 1110, 21 In ltMv. 2M In 1Mb and 165 in 117. Business failures In Canada for tho week number 2T. which compares with 24 last week and 19 In th llks week of last year. w neat, including Hour exports from th United Stats and Canada for the week end ing May la. were S.iao.Coo bushels, against J. ill. I til last week and 2.lS.loi this week last year. Corn exports for the week wero ftMt.234 bushels, asalnst SxWlTSo last week and e2.- 6j9 la 1P1U. Baak Clraringa. NEW TORK. May !. Hra4streef bank learlngs report for ths week ending May shows an aggregate of $1.070.414. 000. as asalnet i:.41.7 ; i.aoo last week and IZ.tTj.- JI.044 In the corresponding; week Inst year. P. C Inc w Tork ....... hicaco Ii"ton rhilalelphla .... IUlB ias Cttv I'lttsburg an Francisco .... alt imor ........ nrtnnatl ....... M:nnt-atlls ....... lerlami w orteans ...... troit various class of Union 6lockards .$7.00) ST. . 7. I'd . 'iy s.s . uu iy - . o ;:y . ft.iuj ft. . ft.7-.tjt 4'Ji . 4 :-0 0 .7ft ................. ft ft 4.7iy ft 23 Uvh,.i to cl-olc bulla 4. 2-t hoif U'lt CSlveS T.73 J LOI Hood to .nolce Ucht calves. .... 7 5Us 7. (bolca heavy calces ft fto a CVS lioo-i o wholes bavj caiff.... .dw liatc stags b to j a. 2ft Uood ta choice stags ........... ft.2Ji 6.7ft lloss Cho..- hog $.70 9 4.7S o.d to ruic hog ........... a. hole he a:.o Common B-V0 1 4.VS iok hogs .uui 7.2ft atheeo Choive fprlng lamb 75 tf T.00 ;-ol to rft.u- Spring lamoa.... .uus a hole yearlings ft 2ft ty ft.O tiood to choice yearling l uvil ft '2ft a:r to medium yearting ...... 4. j j 6 iV nolr cw.s 4-ftu 4.7ft ;ood to choice ewe 4-UO-oi 4 fttf jlr to liieOlum ewes 3. .. 4.U ;od o choice heavy wether.. 4.0oy id heavy wether 4-Ou t 4 atLAed lots 4.004 ft,M) Th following Quotations represent prtasa n t--:! market for to d.rrereat c.s 04 fcortn Lira rt era extra heavT. IMAtiM 4W drafters. I4i0 to 170) Its,. H0 63io. draft era. l.oO to 140U lbs. $1002: chunks. Iffio- plug. $iO40: driving horses, ft7ft atid up; saud. boras, too ana up. Cbbragw Uvestock Market. CIIlOAilO. Msy Cattle Receipts ee niaie,! ; :k Market strong. lieoTe. u lv.i4 4.': Texns sicvra $4.ou-ftoO; West- n '-.'. $4. sv r " . sto. kera atid feed . S.L v V 73. ivi and heifers. $2.4uy ;; calves. $.! T.2&. ll -ga Kec:p's estimate gt IT.oro; mar- t s -ad lower. Light. $3 " 017; mixed, vn ,ai2j; heavy, $j.s4f .ift; ro.ign. u 3 . t"! to choice nt a ) . Ij z j pig. 3.a3ya.lO; bu.k of aalra. $.hKy a 10. t..10.p Receipts estimated at market Tom t l"c n.gnrr. .-sail e. 9.. j Wea;ern. fJ-Hr4.3; Teariinsa. 4.eVr3oU Is mia. natita. $4.73 d ft VV estern. $3-23 3 Id. Metal Markets. NEW TORK. May IP. Standard copper, du.. p-t. UT and June. ILToJ 1 Lfaitr; July. 11-73W M.!ftc; August. lL73itLV(V. Lot) don. dui; spot. 134 los; future. 13ft Is 3d. Customkouss returns show a ports of Id. 702 ton so far this month. Lake cop per. 1 1-25 a 12 3; c: electro. rtlc, 12 12.23c; casting. 11.73w tl.s7Sc Tin. du.i; apot. May and Juna, 43.009 414; Ju.y. 42-42) 94i-47c; August. 4l..'u 41 -V. London, culot; Spot. llVS Ida; futures. fli0 lo. I-a!. duil. 4 404T4.4V New T-rk; 4-209 4 2-- lint t. Lout. Loenlon. 4 IX .-p:tr. a:eatr 3.33 49 ft 40c Nsw York, ft-lft ft 23 I--a t K. Lout- Londoat. f? 7 04. Antimony, dull; I'ookton t, Pt-lvV. Iron Cleveland warrant 44 3d In Lon don. Lra!.y Iron w a quiet. N-v 1 foun dry Northern. io l foundry and Na, t foun dry a,qthem soft. $lftrlft.75; No. 2 foundry Northern. $3vlft- CaftTrw aaad Sugar. K rw TO RJ Ma y 1 8k Coffee f u t urea c ;! steady, net oachsnged to IS points nigg er. ia.a. 4 oou bag. May and Juna 10 v; J-jIr. lfttUc; August. 10 5c; fep temher. ltkftlc; October and Novamber. lac; Deeern&er and January. lu,67c: Keb- raary. l;v; March. llSOc; April. lO.Slc. p-f coff-e. ateo'ly; NA I Kiu 12c; No. 4 sutfn, 1; v.-. Mild eoffea. qui ex; Cordova. 13 if 13c. aominaX Raw sugar, nominal : muscovado, .sw tost. 1; ceninfugsl. .- test. &4c; molar suar. .u tost. ft. lie Refined, steady. Angeiv I-uleviile- Xilnsukeo ........... Part t sad. Or S.-atii- tit. l aul Atlanta Hurlalo lenvr Intllanapolla ......... iTot idetics ........... Klchniond .... aaf'.ir.gton, D. C. ... Ht. Jos-ph Fort Worth ilmphls SUt Ik City Cniumbu Albany Tscnma . ............. Savannah Hpokan. Wash !uliith Sacramento. CaL ...... HouaToo ...... i Ualveston . ..........a ft.l 1 . t 1.4 IS 1.4 -1 .2 5 t.S 4.4 10.7 4. a 2:, 4 9.0 l. 11.4 1.3 IS. 4 S 4 .. tl.tlt.4-,7.000 24B.744.000 0'1 141. 81-3. 000 ?.75.OO0 .. 49.JlS.tfP4 .. 4t.lMt.0)0 47.(,0iO .. J:.4r.u-t :3.3.i.oo$ .. 17.7i4.0O0 19.721.000 Zl.f.00.000 i.:o.eoo .. 12.24. 000 13.ftS.0rt0 1 1.1? 6.000 12.01.uuv .. S.774.0H0 Z3.1 11.324. OuO 11.7 1O.437.0O4 1.1 4.43.000 IO.S S.4--i.0ft 'U S , 9. 39.009 C S.417.U04 9.1 1.O44.0O0 1.4 .;3.-.uio .$ $.777,004 M1.0 a fi.7&3.000 l.T i.: 000 33.3 6.K90.OOO 7.7 ft 921. 000 3.4 8 971.000 15. . 4. ISS.000 10. S . 4.24S.0"0 9.7 3.231.010 1.0 1.S39.000 4 SS.S.iS.OO lfl.l 14.111.000 13. ft Central of N J Cne dt Ohio... 4.(K-0 Chicago A Alton loo Chi Gt West do preferred.. ...... Chicago N W 300 C. M A St Paul I8.60O C. C. C a Pt U Col Fuel A Iron. ' 000 Col St Pout her a Piim tn.1 if . Iel A Hudson A R 4 Iran or.. 2-H) do preferred.. li nisaiUra' Secur 4o0 trie do lat pf do 2d pf General Elee. . Gt North pt... Ot North Ore.. Illinois Central. Ihterbor Met... do preferred.. Inter Harvester. Inter Marine pf Int Pap.-r Int Pump. ..... Iowa Central . . . kv C Southern . . . do preferred. . Laclede Gs. ... Louis A Nash.. M. S P A 8 S M Ho. Kan A Tex do preferred.. Mo Pacific Nat Biscuit. ... National Lend. . MfX N Ry 2 pf N Y Central N Y.Ont A West Norfolk A West North Am Northern Pac... Pacific Mail.... Pennsylvania People Gas. .. . P. C C A St L. Pittsburg- Coal. . Rr eased S Car.. Pull Pal Car Ry Steel Spring. Reading Republic Steel.. do Dreferred. . Rock Island Co. rt L. F 2 Df St L Southwest. do preferred.. ST oss Shsf field. . Southern Pacific 10.j0 Southern Ry.... 3,0O ao Drcxorrea.. onj Tenn Copper... l,.'i' Texas A Pac. .. 100 Tol, St L A Wes 20 ao nref erred.. 21 J Union pne .... 42,'.O0 do nrer err a. . 1.300 U S Realty U 8 Rubber.... J.0O U 8 Steel do nreforred.. l.tiOO ftah Copper. . . 4.3o0 Va-Caro Chem.. ll.S'K) Wabash 3X do preferred.. 3,k0 West Maryland. 4k) Wostlng Elec... lH'O Western Union. S.ftoO Wheel ALE Lehigh Valley 1.1O0 l.S-O 1.K 8 H UN) 4"0 it. 11 l.!K '"Hid ll'O l.eoo "68C6 itt 1.200 l.itH) 4.ri"0 71K) U.TOO 4X !( 100 Yiii'16 l.S'10 1.21 H) 4ml i'10 21 H) 100 40 1! 1291. S-li. liJ 111 Mli liri im 4"S ioii 148 18X-4 r.:t lo 43 7rti 2rt 123 5 2"1 S3 147V 1-4 i. 334 iij 7 sei 'ini 4T) 1 lit B.1 i: .52". 11 40i 17 as in us 138 S4 "ii re 'i :ns 43 Iiih - --K 127 20 122S ss"" 20 33 100H 32 MS 64H 421. 81 C7 6214. 11V14 07 s- 21. BO 164 U3tt "iin 12iv 47 l 17 3S "lli 74 78 I.V114 -11 M 11 83 41V 81V B7 B2H 11?. 2S' 7ij 87 V 27 V 21V r.o : 40H 7!- 120 4!V 1V 37 V MV 74 7 17il4 178 "4 275 2i SOW 21V 44 147 V 324 V 611 K3S 64 144 V 13 172 RO 6-V SX't. ?t 6-114 4oV 169 12S V B2V l- 1SH 62 V 127 17S 11 V 40 17V 34 tw ins V 147 S 138 V 34 60 V 60 V 13ST. 64 31V los v 43 104 127 V 2 122V 105 92 20 H 34 V 11 34 V 139'i 31 V y esv 41V S1V 67 62 V 11SV 28 V 67 V 37V 27 V .20 V 4 1S-.H 4 V 78 4IV 80 11!V 40 V 68 V lit V S7 V r. 73 V 77 V 4 V 178V BUY FOR EARLY USE Activity in the Western Wool Markets. CONSIGNMENTS ARE HEAVY Orrr 10 Per Cent of the Nw Clip II aa Changed Hands to Date. Business Is Slack at East ern Points. BOSTON. Mar 19. The Commercial Bul letin will say of tho wool market tomorrow: In tho West activity has apparently In creased In wool buyln g. whUe the exaot contrary fa tru In Bocton. Soma llttl fleece wool ha sold, principally at prac tically unchanged prices, and in addition woolen mills have com into tha market for more Kast Indian wool than has been tha case recently, but tho market, as a whole, has been dull. Buying In th West has been confined to dealers and a great deal of tha pur chased wool is for immediate use. It la estimated that slightly more than 10 per cent of the entire clip has bsen purchased, a- hllo considerable wool has been con signed. About 400 hales of Sooth American wools .tilnnul 4V. 1 . .ulr frnm RflHT on r to England, th market there favoring such a course. Decrease'. DEMAND IS SATISFIED STOCK TK.tDIXO CHECKED AF- TKR THREE DAYS' RCSH. With the Decline In Activity Prices Weaker, bnt 'Xet Ixwes Are Small. NTTW TORK. Mar 1. TTrndlnj In mtockt fU eS lwelr today aft.r tbr days of bemvr' dealing, and tha InerMaed burlnff noremnt appoard to hart a-pent Itaolf for th. Umav. Stocka mored vlthln . narrow raaa. and closing piica ahowad aroall loaa.a for tha market leadera. Tna waa attrlbtuabla larraly to tha toesen.d demand from the ahort Interaat. which bad covered axtenalvely earlier th. wa.k, and to tha fact that tha higher pnrM had tha effect of dlmlnlahlng th. out aide demand. The moat extenalra movement, of tha day. among the active stock., were In Reading and Amalgamated Copper, both of which roe) a point, only to fall back again. Amal gamated Copper attracted . large following, by uf the continued r. porta of a substantial Improvement In tha copper metal traJe .nil th. belief that there atlll .listed largo ahort tntereet la thla atock which sa attempting to cover. Th. fertiliser stocke wer axeepttonally heavy. Virginia-Carolina Chemical, Ameri can Agricultural Chemical fell on tho be lief that the terms of settlement of tha potash dispute with German tntereata wer. favorable. It became known that th. first financing project of the MUeourl Paclflo In connec tion with rehabilitation would ba announced soon and would probably take the form of a thre-yeer note. lssu. ot .o,e0 or 2S.- os.oou. Tha street dlaplayed no entnusl. asm over the project and Mlaeourl Paclflo shared t. the general heaviness of th. mar ket. Th. bond market was firm earl v. but later became Irregular. Total aaiea, par value. II. Otl.Soe. Inlted Slatea la cou pon, and 4a coupoa declinml V and 4a reg istered V oa oalL CUJSINO rroOK QCOTATIOXF. Cloelng A me Ohal pf.. Amal fopper .. Am Agrtcul li.vt Pugar Ani'rlk'nn Can.. Amer v'ar tt Kdy Am Cotton Oil. . Am HJ A Lt pf Am Ice tiecurl. . Am locomotive. Am fmfl . Hef do preferred . . Am MTeel Kily. Am Sugar Kef. Am Tel Tel. . Am Tobacc. pf Anaconda af C Atchison do pr.ferrl.. R..t A Ohio. . . ll.thlehem Pteel llrook H Trua.. Can.dlaa Fee. . Central foatneg do preferred.. Sales. !) l.JOO 1.2oO 1.1-K) i.SlKl 2.100 4O0 """O .It 10 i lno l.J-io 1.S00 700 1.7"0 T.HX) 2.4ii -1 2tm S.1.X) . 7.10 High. 2l 7V &it v 4V 12 ti o3 u "rv an v loo v 44 V 120 V 148 V 13 40 V 112V 1"4 V l'-i v S3 V W S34 2tlV lol. Lew. rlV 68 V V 11 V 6.-.V 61V 2iV "40 71. lo V 44 V 12..V 148 V 101 jV 112 V 1. K-.V liw V S3 Mil. 2. -3 V 2WV lol is Bui. si v an V 68 V 48 11H 66 V 'IV 23 22 4n V 7V llW V 44 V 11V 14-", lx V sav 112V los V loo v 3.1 Ml V 134 V ,2V 101 7.400 Total for the day. 617.000 shares. BONDS. NEW TOTtK. Mnv ID. Closing nnotatlnns: TJ. S. ref. 2s rcs.looVIN'. Y. C. itn 3VS- SSV do coupon 100V1N0. pacuic os... V. S. :im rcg 11V. No. Pacific 4s. . . :s flo couptin ...loiv l nlon t'aciiic es.101 U. tf. new 4a reg.114 Vlvis. central 4s. V do coupon 1 14 V 'Japanese 4s .. Bbt D. h. a. 4s... am, Btorka at Boetoav TtORTriV- Ma If). Cloalnr nuotatlona: AUoues 3 (Mohawk 41V Amalg. Copper.. OlViNevada Con. ... 19 y. 1 . :n. . x niiutine: Mm. iv Arizona Com. .. IS North Hutte 81 V Atlantlo 3 V North Iike 7V H A C C. A s If. 13 t. Old Dominion. Hutt. coalition. Ill V Usceola 1U A CaL 4k Arizona. MV Harrutt (8. k C.J 12V Cal. Hecla...470 jOuIncv TOV Cuntennlal 12 shannon ........ 1" Cop. Ran. C. C. 83V, Superior 32 V. Rutte Cn. If. 12V Puo A Hoe Mln.. . Franklin 10V Sup A Pitta Cop. 14V nirou. 4vtn 41 1- Tamarack J4 Granhy con. ... 34 lu. S. S. Jt. M. 3.'.S Orttene Cananea. 6 V do preferred . . 40 V Korale (Cop.) 14VI1 tan ion 1.1 v Kerr U.s v 'Winona Lake rrniDrr. ... art, wolverine ......iih I.a fane copper Miami copper... .u Miami Copper... 20 VI Money, Exchange, Ete. NEW YORK, alay 1. Money oa call, steady. 2V)2V per cent:, ruling rate, V per cent; closlnr bid. 2 V per cent; of fered at 2 V per cent. Time loans strong, but borrowers won' pay asking ratea aa vet: ao days, 2Vt2V per cent: 90 days. 2 t 3 per cent; six untna )VRm Dor cent. Price mercantile paper. SVf4 per cent. Pter nf Hihinet vasv. with actual ousl- ne-a In bankers' bills at S4.S4.15 for 00-day bli:a. and at 14.M13U for demand. Commercial bl Is. .4.1-3 liar silver. 63 Vc llfxlran dollara 43c. (iovernment bonda weak; railroad bonds Irregular. LONDON. May 18 Bar silver. Quiet, 24 Vd per ounce. Moner IV per cent The rate of discount In the open market or ahort bills Is 2 3-16ij2V per cent; do. three months bills. 2 J -1 o y per cent. SAN FRANCISCO. May 19. Sterling on London, no days, 14 84.: do. sltrht. 4.hV. Urarte-eight, par: do. telcgrapn tic CHICAGO. May 10. Exchange on. New Tork. uc premium. Daily Treewtury statement. WASHINGTON. May 1. At the begtn Inr of buslnesa today the condition of the 1 nlted rjtatr Treasury was: Working balance In Treasury of fices . 22.H.SS4 In banks and Philippine Treasury 33.043.1 VJ Total balance In general fund.... &2.3mi.tV2t Ordinary receipts yesterday 2.210.10:1 Ordinary disbursements 2.1041.121 The surplus to date thla fiscal year s:S.171 as against deficit of JU.41S.444 this time last year. These figures exclude Panama Canal and public debt transactions. PRODCCE AT SAX FRANCISCO. Qnotatloaa Corrent In the Bay City Mar kets. PAN FRANCTStrO. May 19. The follow ing produce prlcea were current today: Vegetables Cucumbers. 40&SOc: gsrlic. 10fil2Vc: green peas. S1.251T 1.7.1; string beana. o'tiRc: asparagus, tacirsi.&o; toma toes. H.50j 2 esrrplant. 16 n 20c 11 utter Fancy creamery, 23c Eggs Store. 20Vc; fancy ranch. 21 Vc Cheese Young Americas. 13V414Vc Onions Nominal. MlliatuSs Bran. 1262: middlings, (31 Fruit Apples, choice. 12.2a; common. S1.2S; alrxlrsn limes. 4.50 4jS; California lemons, choice, I3.t0; common, 91.60; or anges, navel. L2iJfl. Hay Wheat. Iildj 14.50 per ton; wheat, and oats. SI0912: alfalfa. XUiSll. Potatoea Ballnas Burbanka. $2.8603; Ore gon Buroanks. ii.)gu:.i, Receipts Flour. 4U50 sacks: wheat. CM0 centals: oariey, oiio centals: oars, cen tals; potatoea, 8.120 sacks; bran. GO sacks; mlddllnga, 20 sacks:' hay. 423 tons. DERIS SELL CHEAPER SEATTLE 31 ARRET IS MORE .LraCTlAIXY SUPPLIED. Upward Chan pes In Several Line of Fresh Produce Egg Steady at 26 Cents.. SEATTLE. Wash.. Mar l. (Special.) Many chnngres were recorded this morning; In th price of produc on w estern ave nue. In the main the drift aas upward. Lemons, onions, grapefruit, tomatoes and cabbage were among ths commodities af fected. Fancy lemons were advanced ! centa per box to o. - Th best Texas Ber muda onion sold as high aa :.7S. an ad vance of fr centa Florida tomatne wer quoted at $4.50 d 4.75 and cab bag sold as hign ss 9 centa Mra wherries were choaner. About 1200 crates of Florins wer available for today's trade. Dollars sold at I? ft 2 . 5 and Jessie t 1.4 ti 1. .5. Approximately ir0O are due o arrfv tonight- About 20 crate arrived from Keanewtck. and war quoted at from & tO 14. A carload ot auouisiana new potatoes ar rived and wet quoted at 4 H S cents, the lowest quotation yet made oa new potatoes In this market, riorums rmjrni!t from a fresh car was held at K.r.y fa 4. A pronouncea scarcity or nv poultry was a, festur of th market. Receipts were so small ss to be almost negligible. Most deal sr had orders on their books which they wars unabl to lilt. Considerable frosen stock may b brought to this market In the near future. Egg were steady at 34 cents. Eastern ear wer quoted as low a 21 cent. Tha butter market ahows llttl sign of Improv-mnt- Veal receipts were heavy. Iaoadon Wool Sales. tySDOS, May 19. The offerings at th wool auction sales today amounted to 13, fitx baiea Good merlnoa and cross-bred a were In avnimaied demand and firm. Tas mania greasy combing realized la &d, but shabby merinos declined 5 per cent Wool at St. Touls. ST. LOUIS. May 10. Wool, unchanged: medium s-radea cumbtnc and clothing. 18w 18c; fine, Ifttfj 16c; heavy fine, 12Q14o; tub washed. lO-bc aLondon Stack Exchanxo. LONDON, May 19. American securities moved irregularly during th early trading today, trices opened lower, men lavmceu, but eased off again at the end of the first hour. At noon Canadian acinc was i y noints hicher. but tha rest of the Hat ranged from i above to below yesterday cloa lng. in the afternoon M.. K- A. T.. Rock Inland anrTAmalKamated Copper improved on New York buying, but the Irregular movements continued In tha other share. I he closing as steady. Dried Fruit at New Tork. EW YORK. May 10. Evaporated apples. firm, with a little offering, but demana aiow. On th spot, fancy are quoted at lia15c; choice. 13 14c; prime, 13QV3.c Prunes, ilrm. but advance has checked business: quotations rang from 9t?3Ho for CaHfornias up to Su-4os ana UAUiu zor Oretrons from tOs to SO. Peaches, firm with small offering, but demand quiet; choice, extra choice. WVic; fancy. yviuc. Chicago Produce Market. CHICAGO, May I'.'. Buttar Steady. Creamer.-. l1i 21c; dairies, lS'iPl&c h;L-a KeceiDt 10.700 cases: easy at mark. cases included. ISfec; firsts. 1314c; prim firnts. 14aisc- Cheese Dalslea, twins. imll4c; Young Americas. 12v12Uo; long horns, 12$ 12aic Dujuth Flax Market. Dl'LUTH. Minn., May 19. Flax on track and to arrive, $.50: May, $2.56, nominal; July. t2.Mt asked; September, $2.09; Octo ber. :i.oo. Xe-ar Tork Cotton Market. NEW YORK. May 19. Cotton closed steady at a net advancs of 7 points to a d-Hne of 14 plntn. Officers of ths LUMBERMEN IM AX.I.O.INaL4VI 13 A-1M.K On Fifth at Stark 0. K. WENTWOETH, ' President. JOHN A. KEATING, Vice-President, - , GEO. L. McPHERSON, Vice-President. F. A. FREEMAN. Cashier. GRAHAM DUKE HART, Assistant Cashier. A. L. TUCKER, Assistant Cashier. "WHY BITULITHIC" Pavement "I have had over eight years' experience bs enjji neer for cities in charge of pavement, and I know of no other pavement that will give, better results and cheaper in the end to the property owner than the BITULITHIC." tt-. R. W. Parsons, Head of Parsons Construction and Entrineering Co., Regina, Sask. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON Capital and Surplus, $1,850,000.00 TRAVELERS' CHEQUE S ' Issued in Denominations of $10,$20,$50,$109 whicli identify the holders and are accepted at full face value by banks and hotels throughout the United States and in all foreign countries. v These afford the best means for carrying funds while traveling. LADD & TILTON BANK Established 1859 Capital Surplus and Undivided Profits.. . . tw. . . .$1,000,000.00 . 700,000.00 Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued, avail, able on all parts of the world. 'Corner Washington and Third Streets. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Constructs Asphalt and other Bitu minous Pavements. 605-608 Electrlo Bids. Portland. Or. Oskar Huber, Manager. TIAVEI-ERS' GUIDE. firry RIVKK TRANSPORTATION CO. 5TK-J.N.IliAL s-relcht received dally at, Oak-st. dock tor Ib Dalles. Hood Rlrer. White Salmon. Umatilla. Ker.nea Ick. Pasco, Richland. Hanford, Wblte P.lnfta. Lewis ton. Idaho, and In termediate points. rntST-ClASS PASSEXGEB KKRVICK. FARE SO CENTS TO HOOD RIVKK. WHITE SALMON, TUB 1 Pnrll.nil Bd9.. TOeS.. Thurs.. 7 A. II. Returning leaves The Dalles Hon., Wed , FrL. I A. M.. arrlvlne at Port land about 5 P. M. same day. .W". ISuchaaan. Snpt.; V. 8. Smauwooo, on a alsr. l-honea Main 2a30. A 3i.ll. SAU FRAXCISCO A PORTLAND 88. CO. From Ainsworth Dock. Portland. $ A M. SS Koe. City May tS, Braver I, Besw June I. From San Francisco, northbound. 12 M. 88 Beaver May 21, Bear 28. Koae City SI. tt. cn Parn tinrthhonni. 12 If. 8S Bear May 14. Bee. City t. Braver, June S. 11. o. Smith. C. T. A., 14 Third St. J. W. Ransom, Aftent, Ainsworth Dock. rhonre: Main 402. a; A HOT. COOS BAY LINE PTE AMER BREAK. WATER 8a is from Al as wort b 1oclc Portland. M., May 1, . 11. 16. 2U 28, SI. Jun and every flv daya. Freight received at Ainsworth Dack daiiy up to ft P. M. Pas tencer (are. Orst-clasa, flO; second-class. 7. inciucinr tceais aaa oenn. j ickoi ui e Ainsworth Dock. phone attain 26S Main 170. A 1234. Hop tat 'ew York. .KW TOlUk. .ajr ml H ops Steeply, Steamer Anvil Mils from Albers Dock. No. 3, Satur day, May 20. at 7 P. SI., for Garibaldi. Bay City, Tillamook, Newport. Florence and Bandon. City ticket office 128 Third st- Phones Mala 828 and A 4596. First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 7.50,000 Oldest National Bank West of the Rocky Mountains . STEAMSHIPS "Prince Rupert" and "Prince George" for Victoria, Vancouver, Prince Rupert, Stewart and Queen Charlotte Island Points EFFECTIVE APRJI, 3, 1911 lieave Seattle, Wash., Sundays, at midnight. Effective ATRlti 19, lll Leave Seattle, Wash, Sundays and Wednesday at midnight. KOTICE Vedneadays' salllns; to Prince Rupert only until Jane 11. Connecting- with S. 8. Prince Albert from Prince Rupert every Saturday at 1:00 P. M. for Queen Charlotte Islands, and for local points at 1:00 P. M. Wednesdays. Rate. Indads meal, and berth north of Vancouver. For tickets and reservations apply to Local Railway Ticket Agents or J. H. Surgis. General Agent, First Avenue and Tesler Way, Seattle, Washing-ton, TRAVELERS' GUIDE. DANADIAH MBIF1B STEM1SK The Tourist Highway i and Scenio Roots to Europe via - The St. Lawrence R1v.r. the Shortest Ocean Paasacs. Less than Four &aya at Sea by the -EMPRESSES OF THE ATLANTIC. Weekly aalllnrs Montreal. Quebec, to Liver pocL Flrat cabin. 190; second cabin, $31.25; one-clasa cabin (called secund cabin). $47.00; third cabin. $30 and 131.2S. Ask local agents. F. R- Johnson. G. A.. 142 Third Bu. or J. J. rorster. T. P. A, 00 First Ave Seattle. TRAVELERS' GCIDIl. San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Pedro Direct. North Faclfte S. 0. Co-'a a. 8. Roaneka and 6. B. Eldsr sail every WedMeday ait.r nately at P. M- Ticket eaic lax laird at., near Ald.r. MARTIN J. HIOI.ET, Paasencer Acaat. ' . Ml. Bl.lySut, iTelam Ac -fhsawe M. 1.1a. A 1AU. NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA l nloa Line of N. Z.) VIA TAHITI AND WELUNGTOX Direct throuch steamers, salllns from Ban Franilaco. May 31. and every 28 daya Well ington and back. 1st class. $264. Other rites also low. The line to Isles ef the South Beae. For reservations see Coupon Railroad Agents, or address Oceania 8. 8. Caw Ban Fraaclaoa, NEW YORK PORTLAND REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE. . Lor Rates. Schedule Time. AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN S. S. CO. 21S Railway Exchange Bids;. Portland, Or. ataintSZa. AMU, AMERICAN "WHITE STAS , EED STAB ATLANTIC TEANSP0ET WHITE STAR DOMINION Canadian Service Co. 'a Office, eia 2d Ave., Seattle; or O. W. Stinger, to Wash.; A. U. Cbarl ton. tin Mor.; F. K. Johnson, 142 3d; E. F. Balrd. 10 8d; Vald. LldeU, 2 N. etb: H. Dlckaoa. 122 d. JAPAN Cook's Snmmer Vacation Tours Fifty-eight Days $450. AH Expenses Included. Send for Free Booklet. Tickets to ALASKA. YOSEMITE and YELLOWSTONE. TH0S. COOK & SON "1 689. Market Street, Su Francisco, 4