THE 3IORXING OHEGOXIAN. FRIDAY, MAT 19, 1911. WOMEN WORK FOR CABBAGE PLANT H. N. Napier Explains Details of Operation and What It Costs. AUTO CARTS RECOMMENDED f-ommcr !(rfu Muh Heavier Tliau .That of Winter and :prne Coold 1 Cut by Morinjf Mm rMnn During Ughf Season. b- t vinLI.:ry of hcri'llng th rttv f'T fTS! for lh nutnlripl ro!ki-l;or nf rarbacn may- be p :o n lo vofm. a fur-tin of thr committee reprenentaitve of the mrn' ormnliut pf th ci:y trok p'.fm yefri iy afrnoon tn i'lltnnum rf t'i Y. W. t a. under the riirr.-r.-m f lt rhtirnuo. Mr. 5ilte Jinbr. Ti.r certral commute mrurh duii-vr cf t; t rn:p4u'n l cu: r4 of M ra h A. srj. Mm. W :tr r'itiar. Mm. f M. (:-:nia i"r. Ir. At ken. It. Mary Mi. Ijirh' in an I Mr. T. H.- .J nt. lirprr rnttnr th -:r whi h hivt pM'Ig-e.l their upjrt ' T th mctir irr : Woman s 4'lnh. Mr. A. C Nl.l. Mr. Iaron: Ta'h nd MtheV i'lwt. of Hrokivn. Mr. M?r,t..t. M"i. Wn'fn; r.mstimrrV liru. Mr. A. K. It.Kk.v. Mr. MML "W .. r lurfi:t:n. Mr. Henry It T!cf: Council of J.-th Women, Mn. J-mrt llirs. rKiirm.n rf rt vtc romnilt te; In'inj W urnn irjt(i.i.n A !a t'oru M n Carrie IIo!:rfk ; W onen' rrtwtno Tr:nrrn. Ln.'in. Mrs. A-!t ' 'nrui: ; ftt rierIion nf W'omen Cliih. Mrs. Srah A. Evanw, Mr. tS.Tile lumbar. Kurjurr i luh. Mr. A H. Tirevman. ,?tal rrs 1'1-U, Mr. M. U T. I n. If. .. a pier Speak. ct pln on m-hti-h t their n1eavur f.r trt prumotion of the mea ur th wmnen a.kti If. N. Napier, of 1 i Tti4r.J Crematory, to them nl tell ornithine of th artuat rx fre and t.v;e ncri of a municipal Bar Mi: p. nt. Mr. Napier mud a p'int cf the t t tiiat for a uccjf -4! piart rmne but the tt of Tntnacemnt and equipment ttot;UJ be ottalne4. and henc a boml l.vue of nu h a turn I not too Tt tn nrw of th demand. In t'n. Ner York. Cleveland and letrolt. 1 !. trie :iio-:nt of ctrbaire per rapt 1 i from tu u hur treUth of pound. It uKet that t :r.-e-jur;cr of a p-kund tt a prn would b a liberal e tin!t for l'ortInd. Tera are abMt S3 tor of refu-e a t y to be ha ii'! it d. nnd t c" lev t Hill fr..fii ri tin of the rttjr. Mr. Nupter , tl. A wun. aiitotimtlc or lrn by riuls. a j im'd b mot or.otnl? for t te Ptjburba of th rity ahre thrr Is r pavement. roi;!d b nt'"ary. Wttn nu-e tra:n. irxni'i would be as fol Joan: Twentv-nv wcon at each. $ v: mu at each. J 23 l of harnea at f e'-h. tv; lnri clental exp-'e)i. JtV, and for th cn- trurtton of hed nd irI ni.vk r a total of $i,3l Tnre f:uri ar f.r th Mih-jit cl e.;ulp:nnt, ll watfn if f-rl and sanitary and tiie niu-es tha tery b-t Miurt too is. A a to Inmp-'art labored. Th auto durnp-vart would do aaar ith a prtin f t!.' e-julpmert. It I nor et'nnttnilMl. Summ r rhaa I J av ler tdan tntrr r-fu. and thus. toi'Kn nmi" or bora wuid b ratir. t )lr hrad off tlurirc on season of the artr. a'itnu'bit n-nrUt b tored n at Itttie epen3e. ir. Natter f tlmat runnlrc exrnjlr ,,lr month fr driver. 'ittrrtntf r.t!'ti t. barn foreman e-n and f-t ml or X a year. Added t t!il J.X- will be a W rer cent ink'nff fund and p-r rent Irtert on Pal lea. was amor.r thoM who reffls lered yenterday at the Lenox. ! I- Cohen, of 5eattl. Wh man aaer of a amettlnf rompany. was reg istered yesterday at the Portland. R K. Ahren. head of th Plnkerton detective office to Seattle. Wash., was rrariatered yesterday at the Portland. Mrs. Mary A Gilbert, formerly the owner of a leadlnar lifted Klver hotel. U reicistered from that city at the rerJcina. - ller.ry R Hazard, of Fattle. Wash., an inimlir ration acent (n th empliy of the I ntted States Govern me a l. la at the Bower. C. J. Curtis. I C. Hocers and O. M. TTarkard. Implement dealer, are In th city from Astoria. They are registered at the Oregon. II. 1L Sweeney, a business man f Seattle. Wash., who contemplate locating- In Portland, and Mrs. riweeney ar at theregon. J. K. Harn. of CentraMa. secretary of the Southwest Washington leveNp ment league, is registered at tiie Cor nelius. J. It. McCoah and F. W. Martin nr Chlcaco. who are looking over the livestock situation In the Northwest for a Chicago commission house, were in the city yesterday. They registered at the Lenox. C. M. Fowler, contracting freight agent f ir tt:e North Bark road, is seriously 111 ' at hi horne in Portland. He has been i traveling much recently, and on one of I hi trip contracted an ailment of the I BOWERSOX AT HEAD Albany Man Heads Grand Lodge of Oddfellows. PENDLETON GETS SESSION t Merlins to Rc Hold In Fstcrn Orrjton Cliy Slay IS. 1I2. Rchckalis KiKrrtala Iat I. rand Drlrgntiim. Pmlieton wna chnson a the con T.ntlon city for 1913 at the conclud inK .snlona yst?rday of the prranil l(Mlc of Oddf.'ll'ws of Orriron and the Rfbekah ansemtily. FeFiiiona In Tendle ton will bRln May 1. The most Important buMlnrs trana MEN SELECTED AS GRAND MASTER AND GRAND REPRE SENTATIVE BY ODDFELLOWS OF OEEGON. 3 a! T r '7- i 1 . Rrniii Albaay. Selected as Uraad Maater. Taona. F. R;aa. aalem. Represeata. Hit to aterelxa Graad Lodae. atomaih which baa been airing bim mu-a trouhir. II. A. Voift. rahler of t!ie Flrt Na tional Bank, of The Dalle, m aa at the lnut yesterday. air. Vojrt win in the city to met a cousin. B. Voat. who reiently arrived from Germany and wt.o iil be hti Kueet for a tew month at The 4.a!lea before return Inic Jo Europe. James II. Onafllo. eon of M. J. Coa- tllo. a.iii.tant general manager of the Creat .Northern Kailway at Seattle, and Ma bride, who was Mis Lucy ilopkln. of Seattle, er. vpeni'.lna; their honey moon In Portland. They are ataylnar at the SewanU Mr. Coatella la ruperln t.nii.nt of a liirge sawmill at Van couver. It. , and will tiike Mr. Cos tollo of that city, where they will live. CHICAGO. May H. (Special.) rnri;e T. Atchley. of Portland. Or, Is registered at the 1j balle Mutel. EPWORTH LEAGUERS MEET I'ortland IMtrlrt lonvrntloo Oxoa - at C'cnlral 3IotJKtIl.t Imn h. Th K'puorth Teau convention fr t'ie Port. and ditrul of t!.e Methodist ChurcJ. rened at Central Methodist Church. Vancouver avenue and Fargo street. lnt ntght. with a reception. The t N'p-U. making In a'.l ajot il of HVl2 j cnvertlon will cloe neit Sunday. Itc. frr rirr' ea.-h year, while the tons . o. H.imlltoti gave the address of wel f carbas ciic.-t,-d wotiid be ab-ut I rmo last nmhi. the reP'n- being by . or ' i a ton. Am t::l etiniatins: Wynt lit ben ri n by Mr. Njt't on ao e trrrne:y Xit-ral sale. I'eder eitlng icnd.tlon the cly is supprttng I'M 11 k rased Svava-nr r. BONEYAP.D HAS FOOF FIRE llitl line VIII t lie- Akrd for Parnate by Ilarrlman Tct. At tm"'tv between t' M:II and Mr Tt'tiin lr:-ret is not so bitter that C-.e former will b held responsible i-r )ni-ae res'iltli 'g yesterlay from a tire at the O-VV. IC. N. bonevard. when a spark from a Northern Pacific1 !oco mottve loriKe.l on th roof of the Har rmn crt-n!-T s'p and st.rt-d a h j i'it mad thing l!v!y for a tiTi. It was et:r.-T'.l ted wit iotit ln Jirv to te f-rc of "w ood butchers" Tut th II rriman f.niKy will rot a't en th Hit! contingent to rrpttr ?" o-s. preferring t ave t n work l i n e t It own etpens and there will t e r lnter hanir of formal and rd t pd i-onriu:" t a t! mi bear In g on th amount of urn it happened, num ber of the niiii' and ot:ir detail. I'nrr fr"n sparks along the water-fr-rt la been Irseped to u Pi h ex lent tnv general adoption of oil m f iel in ! o not i es that tire ar In -ffe jurnt and lJ Northern Pactrto Is ti p!t lire rta.nlng some of lis lc-wotlve In the coal-bumini? c!as. Tv AaH!ted Oil Company la to de Mver oil at Kverett for tna nwe of tha ii . ' f lln t is season and th i;r.-at Nethrn wi:i etjuip nil It locomotive tf h hnrn-. 11 1 ex-pcte l that t' Nortr.erri P' 11 wt:i f liow s-Ut. II. Patterson, president of th district. Krv. Mr. Hamilton, who la pas tor of Central Church, spok of the re lation of the hp worth League to the church. H said tlie lea true la to the church what the pchllc school and acad emy axe to the -col leg-. Th programme today follows: 10 A. M.. drvotior.s. Wollawn l-eacue: lr- A. M . pier. "The Prr pnration and leading of L'votittnal Meet trigs." Mis lol.t Map-". Astoria: 11 A. M.. "Pacitlc acted yesterday by the grand lodge was the election of officer, aa follows: Grand master, A. W. Bowersox. of Albany: deputy grand master, W. A. Wheeler, of Iortland; grand warden. II. J. Taylor, of Pendleton: grand sec retary. E. E. Sharon, of Portland; grand treasurer, O. D. Donne, of The lalles: grand representative to the sovereign grand lodge, to convene at IndtanapolU September 16, Thomas F. Kyan. of ulem; grand marshal. John W. Williams, of Eugene: grand-conductor. SS. A. Barnes, of Weston: grand guardian. J. C. McKern. of Yamhill: grand herald. D. 8. Young, of Newport; grand chaplain. S. A. Starr, of Port land. They wera lntalled In the after noon by Thomaa P. Ityan, of Salem, retiring grand master. The Rrbekahs occupied the greater part of the morning hours In entertain ing a delegation of five pat grands sent by the grand lodne of oddfellows across the street from the Woodmen of the World hall to visit them In the hall of Orient Lodge, The visitors feli citated the women on th excellent showing made throughout the state by their organization. The Kobckahs consumed tihe after noon hours In Installing tiro officer selected Wednesday. This work was In charge of Mrs. Adule M. Grout, past president. Resolutions were adopted yesterday by both branches of the order, but none of them make radical or even Important changes In the constitutiona or methods of procedure. Retiring Grand Master Ryan was presented In the afternoon with a 25 year Jewel In token of the fact that he had been a member of the order for that length of time and In apprecia tion tf his labors on behalf of Odd fcllowcthip. One of the most pleasant features of the Oddfellow and Uebekah gathering was the conferring of the degree of Chivalry on 1 members; of the lut-ti-r orsanizatlon. especially selected bv their lodges for the honor. ThVy were: .-hn.lUn Uvn.-aif." R II Uu-he- I I ""ra Ji.unes. icilltt M. i . ai.. aevotion. .MrrKi:in uaniau Char-tr: parnr. r,prtnnitle Neg le ttd." M:a sittsan K Kuter; mission ary ad-lres. it-v. ti!iani M. hry. p ipT. "Th IMstrict t ahm't. and hat Is Expected of the nt!icrs." Carl Young: paper. "The hpuorth Herald." Ylda V'at n and: T:Ci P. M . devotion. l-nurelood i aapter; solo. hrl AhNott: business ss s;on. reports of ci-iiiniltteea. PERSONAL MENTION. of Lebanon, Is at the a hant of raitas. railroad of M A MtUer. per kira J L. Brow ti. a !s at the Perkins. lald Kraaer. of V.1ra, i contra tor. Is at the I'trkln. E T Johnson, a lumber dealer llood Kl er. la at ti e Lenox. 1. E. l.vf. a bu!ne? man f llo. qu'am. ah.. is at the Powers. Peter Kern ler. a mine operator of A ilia . I 'jho. la at t.:e Perkms. R. W. an Astoria merchant, was an.or.g etcrda a ar.Ua.s at the lamer. ai. II. Kl-fd . a flour manufa. ti:rer of 'tand City, registered jesterday at t1 lerkin. M ;ormru a )dlnr business man of Cc'.amt, Ttsrtcre4 yesterday at tr: Imperial. lilhert Hunt. farstinc machinery p-.inufi ta-r of at. a W aila. Wim., l at th Imperial. W. J. Tatterson. a mining and real r.te man of registered je ier!ay at the t'.jrnr hu. W. I. sWhren. cf !!!. a deji'er In bu inc n:tertis. and Mrs. .Soch ren are at th Corne lua. E. J 4.wt'jn, a fralt rancher cf The i : i i IRLMVOOD fOTET KOR Knvi. ot r.y. kr. HOW 9 TO TUHKK. . X J ! ! i I i i A MIm R. Catkerlae Berg. Mi K. Catherine Berg In tha content fr queen of the Soil ood Ko-e Kcftival maintained her lead etrday over the other two contestants, althouuh they w ere near her in the count. Tha vote y.-sterday stood: Krankie rm-n-U. Mis Here. 8$;: Mi Mabel Judd, ;l: Mis Mildred Emmon. IT. The race seem to be between tha tbree leading; can didate. There are two more dya for Toting-, the la't eount to be made tomorrow night at t o'oto, k. The friends of the three candl dato are preparing for a big ef fort and C vote will be largely lncreaed Saturday. ears. Albany : Gertrude Barnes, Haines; Nancy lHp. Portland; Addle 8. Kimble, Portland: Adda M. Brown. Portland; Ida V. High. Portland: Eva Rudolf. Moro; Sue K. How. Portland; Grace Miull. Kent: Mabel Miller. The Hallos; Maude Coburn. Portland ; Augusta H ui-kin, Masco; Ieonia A. Golt. The I alle: Stiphla Severance, Tillamook ; Anna Temideton, Forest Grove. Similar darce were conferred on H. M. Heck with, of Portland, and Otto Poets, of Moro. Brigadier-General P. A. Hants, commanding the Department of Oregon, had charge of the cere monies, which took place In the Odd fellow Tempi. First and Alder streets, Wineday ntght. 4 THAN' SSI 11' (23 The special "sale price" 'of New York's largest drugstore, as advertised in the New York World of April 27, is in nearly every instance higher than The Owl Drug Company's regular price. Even though we pay the freight on many goods made in New York, we sell them for LESS ON THE PACIFIC COAST than they can be purchased in their home city. "Owl" customers get the benefit of THE LOWEST DRUG PRICES IN THE WORLD. Note the following comparisons: Household Drugs Sold for Less S3 Toilet Articles and ZJl Patent Medicines prjc.e. 25e size Kubifoani 17c "5c size C'uticura Soap 18c 23o size Woodbury Facial Soap 17c 50c size Stillman's Freckle Cream..... 3!)! 2."c" size Arnica Tooth Soap....". 17c 25c size Euthymol Paste 17c 50c size La Blaehe Powder 36c 50c size Malrina Cream 30c 50; size Poslam 4."e 50c Milkweed Cream 3!)c 50c size Oniyoline !Wc $l.()(Viize Herpicide 75c 50p sizes Antiphlopistine 37c $1.00 Ayer's Hair Vigor ,73c 50e size Dioxoppn 35c f0; size Pinaud's Eau de Quinine 40c $1.00 size Peruna 75e 25c size Bromo Quinine 17c 50o size Murine 30c $1.00 size Delatona 80c 50c size Pape's Diapcpsin 30c 50c size Bromo Seltzer ' 30c $1.00 size D. D. D 80c 50c size Pape's Diuretic -45c jc size Zymole Troches 10c i Rubber Gloves -. 80c Silk Elastic Ankles $2.50 Silk Elastic Leggins $2.50 Silk Elastic Kose .'.$3.50 Silk Elastic Knee Caps.. $2.50 Ruber Bath Caps 50c is ' Rubber Goods for Less . "Owl" ' Regular Price. 15C 15c 15C 33C 15c 15C 33C 33C 40C 35C 35C ."7o 35C 66C 33c 35C 68 C 15c 30C 85 - 35C 33C 80C 39C 13C S5C S2.25 2.25 S3.00 82.25 ,50c 50C New Tork Price. 1 pound Powdered Alum 25c 1 pound Rock Candy 25c 1 pound Chloride of Lime...t 15e 1 ounce True Oil of Wintergreen 50c 1 pint-Dobell's Solution 50c 1 pound Sugar of Milk . 35c 1 pound Powdered Borax. 25c 1 pint Witch Hazel . '. 35c 100-bottle Aspirin Tablet, 5-grain. .$1.00 V-2 pound Comp. Licorice Powder...... 35c 1 pound Flaxseed . . . . ...... 15c 4 ounces Green Soap , 25c 1 pound Paraffine (cake)......' 25c . J4 pound Senna Leaves 25c 1 pound French Chalk 25c 1 pound Cocoanut Oil 50c 4 ounces Sweet Spirits of Nitre... 35c 1 pound Boric Acid 50c 1 pound Rochelle Salts 50c 1 pound Glauber Salts , 15c 1 pound Powdered Orris Root...,....,. 60c 1 ounce Quinine Sulphate 75c 1 pound Dalmatian Insect Powder. . 50c , 4 ounces Zinc Ointment, jar included.. 35c 1 pound Senna Leaves 60c 1 pint Lime Water 15c 4 ounces Tincture Rhubarb 35c 4 ounces Syrup White Pine 35c 1 pound Powdered Sulphur 15c 1 pound Bicarbonate of Soda 15c 1 pound Glycerine 60c 1 pound Hemp' Seed , 25o ( "Owl" Regular Price. IOC 20e IOC 40C 25C 22c IOC 25c 90C 25C IOC 150 lie 15C 10c 40C 25C 25C 35C IOC 40C 50C 35C 25C SOC IOC 25c 25C IOC IOC 50C 10c y- t-vt A T -T 1TTT ATP 1riTTrriTomn h Tth. and WASHINGTON STS. PORTLAND, ORE- ROSE FESTIVAL will soon be here. Tou will want a Kodak then. Buy it now and learn how. Then you'll be reay to take Festival pictures. We do finishing at cut-rate prices. The best work for the least money. waa walking; ahead wim two otner men. and the Allen party was behind. These people had been at a camp known as Huckleberry City, picking hacKie berries. Klrre aas the charge was trumped up to get even for fancied wrongs. AUDITORIUM IS FAVORED 1.05 Angrlos lecturer and Traveler Tells Advantages. Portland can do nthin- that will add more to tlte permanent benefit of the city tan build an auditorium that will provide for large axathcringrs of every kind, believes Adam DLxon War- , of Los Angeles, traveler ana lec- urer: I know of nothing; In Los Angeles of more worth in attracting conven- ions and large meetings than its au- itorium." said he. "This building fur nishes a splendid home that the people of the city have for their use at any line for any purpose. There Is notn- ng Portland could nave insi wouin do more benefit than such a building. 'A capacious place of this character gives the onimim people a chance to ee ani hear the host. It has a dis- inct educational and civilizing value. As a business proposition, there Is no nstitutlon that would pay better Inter est on the Investment, orchestra wall. n Chicago, is an instance of this phase the cose. Carnegie Hall, New York ity. Is always occupied, and the same true of the IMttsourg auditorium. uch buildings are centrally located and always available for large and mall gatherings. The 1 .os Angeles auditorium paid good Interest on the investment the rst year, to say nothing of the benent to realty and Its value to the people." KEEPING IN TOUCH WITH HOME 7 I kt!i!i!M1ii.iHBfc3 c-. WOOLEN COMPANY SUED Matn C.urKratlon Said . to Be Hankrnpt fur Several Thousand. The Starton Woolen Mills Company, of Ftayton. Or.. Is bankrupt, according to tha allegations of Gardner A Ptayton, the Stnvlon Water Power Company. A. T. Gardner. 1 -ee Brnwn & Sons. ii. L. lir" n and Charles gtreff. all of eftayton. 'They have filed a petition In the Fed eral t'onrtasking that the court declnre the company Insolvent. It is act out In tbe petition that on May 8 P. '. Kreres, as trustee, commenced suit In the Marlon County State Circuit Court f.r the recovery of t'H0 on a promissory note from the Woolen Mills Company nd that a writ of attachment has been srved. The largest claims lUted are lho:e of the water power company, for l!iw.7S, and of Lee Broun & Sons for $M-. IX1RKST KI II K SUSPECT TH1KD Man Aroused of Starting Iilaze Ic nies Charge. Frank-Klrre was placed on trial be fore a Jury in Judge Bean's department of the Federal Court yesterday for the alleged wilful setting of a forest Are at Horseshoe Spring, near Crater Lake, last Summer. Klrre himself took the witness stand yesterday afternoon In self-defense, but the case was not fin ished last -night. Klrre was charged by Alice Allen, or Mrs. Alice Coburn as she Is now known, with having set Are out of spite against her. because of a wrangle In which they had engaged at ramp that morning. Klrre denied he set the fire, but ad mitted that on the way down the moun tain ce was smoking a cigarette lie EKUM PROPERTY UNSOLD Deal Pending, but Holder of Con tract Withholds Details. r.umora In circulation yesterday that the rekum homestead ' block, bounded by Morrison. Yamhill. Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets, had been sold by Charles Sweeny, of Spokane, the owner, proved untrue. The reputed price was $350,000. Charles K. Henry holds a contract for sale of the property. He denied positively last night that the block had been sold, but Intimated that aome deal concerning It was pending. He re fused, however, to tell the particulars. Mr. Sweeny has been In Portland the last few days, staying at the Arlington Club. He left for Spokane early last night. KOW TO BEAUTIFY YOUR COMPLEXION IT IS wonderful how much satisfaction can be obtained from a talk ever the Bell Tele phone. A letter carries words, but the Belf Service has been brought up to such a point of perfection that the modula tions of the voice are clearly heard. The cheery tones show that the talker is well and in pood spirits. The call may come from a suburban village or a distant city, but within the limits of the carrying power of the voice the Bell Service carries the tone as well. You pet a personal interview with a friend hun dreds of miles awav. The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. EVERY BELL TELEPHONE IS TUB CEMER OP THE SYSTEM. "Adding permanent beauty to the face, neck and arma is by no means a diffi cult matter." says Mae Martyn in the Philadelphia Call. "But the greatest mia toke which thousand of women make daily Is the practice of smearing their rtaces with powder. This stops up the pores in the skin, causing pimples, en larged pores and other facial blem ishes that are difficult to overcome. "The best akin whltener and com plexion beautifier known to beauty specialists Is made by dissolving four ounces spurmax in one-half pint hot water with two teaspoonfula glycerine added. Thla inexpensive lotion is very fine for clearing up a rough, oily or sallow skin. It quickly corrects a shiny, lifeless condition giving the skin a smooth, satiny tone. After once you try It, you will have no further use for lace powder as it doesn't show or rub off so easily." Adv. The Next Is he to be Governor of Worked Three Weeks in Last 10 .Months S. F. Robb, of Poplar Bluff, Mo., writes: "I am a farmer of the Iron Mountains. I have had rheumatism for the last ten months. I purchased a pair of electropodes and have had great results from them. I have worked but three weeks In the last ten months and now I am working1 on my farm every day and think I am getting well." John McArthur, of Bowlus, Minn., writes: "Enclosed please find $3 for which please send me three pairs of Electropodes. I. have used two pair of your Electropodes now. When I began their use I was not able to make a step without the aid of crutches, now I am able to get around nicely with a cane and believe another pair will com pletely cure me." " Bheumatism, nervousness, neuralgia, backache, liver and kidney complaints . are caused by excess uric acid. Medi cine can only temporarily counteract the effect, while electropodes remove the excess uric acid, and all other poi sons and impurities, from the system. The result is prompt relief and a per manent cure. What Electropodes have done for others, they can do for you. Nothing is so convincing as the actual test. Elec tropodes will convince you. Wear a pair 30 days absolutely at our risk. Booklet upon request. At druggists or by mail, postpaid. If your druggist cannot furnish Electro podes, send us $1 and we will see that you are supplied Immediately. State whether for man or woman. Western Electropoie Company, 241 Los Angeles Street. Los Angeles, CaL President? the Fighting: New Jersey WoodrowWiison Read the graphic study of this big leader of the new radicalism by William Bayard Hale World's Work : 4 H I For May All New Stand fp Plumpness Makes Health " Tbln People Heed Tbis. , If tou are too thin; if you are pale and sallow; If what you eat seems not to strengthen you: if your lips and cheeks are colorless, it is because your hldorl is deficient ig red corpuscles and disease can easily overcome you. as you have no reserve strength or nourish ment to uphold yo'J. A pharmaceutical product, called 3 grain hypo-nuclane tablets, is much prescribed for these conditions, and if taken for several months, rapidly in creases weig-ht and improves the color. Buy In sealed package of any well sto-keH iTntheeary shoo. Pain-A way-Pills do not depress the heart. For headache, neuralgia, etc All drugstores. SAVES TIME and ENERGY Lightens All Housework SAPOLIO Cleans, Scours, Polishes from cellar to garret WORKS WITHOUT WASTE