Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 18, 1911, Page 22, Image 22

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Executive Committee of West
ern Development League
Plans Big Advertisement.
I.i-Orrrxnor nradj, of Idaho. Would
i:dwmt Et About Wrt
Railroad Men FTomle Their
rnlk-tt Co-operation.
To, unit the Wnt ta on compact n-
duetrtal promotion organisation, cor.r-
Inic 1 itatee. with lO.O'W.OOO people t-Mn-1
!t an.l plenty of capital to sprrad form ft puMloltr that will
t.ll tl.e atory of lta land cpportunltlea.
la tbe primary object of the eiecutlre
committee of the Weatern Ieelopment
licut whli h met In the ureen room
f t.le Tortland Commercial Club yee
teraay afternoon. Idaho. Waahlnirtoa.
N.TBla. l'ta.1. Colorado, Wyoming. Ne-
braaka. Montana. irrn and Callfor
rla ere In the leaaiue.
Jirim If. Hndr, rt-Cortrnor of I!a
h preatnrnt of the licuf. who. noma
la In FiKilrilo. raltril tha tn.tln to
order. It will remain In eejuton to4ay,
when It will com-lude Its labor and
annoum-a Its plana. In consultation
with tha cjmmltt.a were r.prrarnt
tl of tha llarrlman an.l Iliil trana
contlrental ayatrma ant varloua
phaaea of railroad work were dlecusaed.
Committee Krporla Today.
A romrolttea of .five wa appointed
to prepart aoma plan of action and re
port tomorrow at 14 :S o'clock. Tha
commit tea wm compoaed of l:.llley At
klneon. of l"iae. I !ho; J. K. Harare, of
Centra! la. Waah.; J. E. Call'., of Salt
1-aaa. I tub: IJ- N. Lynch, of Sn Fran
rlnoo. and C. C. Chapman, of Portland.
A banquet waa aerved at tha Commer
cial Club at I 1') o'rlork at which mem
bars of tha promotion committee were
present. In tha day rlattinar members
of tha learu took luncheon with th
Portland Ad Club and eeveral made ad
dressee. At th oprnlna; of tha conference of
the commit! with tha railroad offl
rlala In tha Commercial Club. Mr. Brady
aal.1 In part:
Toe asd I know p.rfectlr w.ll that the
BTat.t end rno-t falae prejudice that our
:a.t.rn aaifhbors carry aaeiast W.m.rn Ufa
la that r ere without th. aocial. edur-e-tlnal
and tnttlctuai advantaa of tha
oM.r atai.a. la much evldsaxe to
disprove It.
Ederete Oataldera. la Flea.
la know car reourcea. to Improve them ara lnilel Important, but we must
snake ot hr know our rtwurte, ladustrtal
ana h tiro a. and avt th.m to b.Ip u Im
prove th.m. That la the third problem that
I. b.rre thla v i rn iev.lopm.ot Aae
To aot a f.w. the vm la atllt wild, or
wad.Tlop.d. It la ear purp. te et the
true eonditlone bfr the world, and thla
mar Pa done ta tee was. la the first
place, let u. cf the pH'le to come and
aee ea aa prospective arttlcre. aa travre.
aa eoaventloa d.l.cate. It matt.ra aot bow.
Jost ae Ihy e-t a tunc at ua. la the
'.eeead plac.. l-t ua take ourselves out Into
an. world, ao that the atl-e of the Middle
H'Mt and the estremo iul may are and
knew ear reaourvve.
weweeeaera la Be Reward.
It a .nd a train with a car from
.T.ry etat that will .how the world what
we are dlnc to aupply the neans of the
world, tvtthout an ere ef land, or a .male
ahar. of stove te "t. through the acvary
of that traia. ao that our niotlvM .h.l be
cl.r. I.t u. brtBf Ifc aahlnjEtoa. tt.ton.
'altfornla. l1aho SeU'la. irtab. Montana.
H rmln(. N.hrajka and Colorado te tha
pcopl. who have n.vr a.t f"t upoa thm.
The r t urn. will com. la ppl. who would
find btir honi.a and livelihood thaa thoee
th.y bow know. The will sala ty
tlwn. It matter, little whta.r th. lars.r
roup im to &.eltl. Tacoma. epokana. Kan
yrar!cL Anr'l'l loi.. l'o-at.uo.
p-alt Lake City. Ile'.na. twrnver or
maha. The (llatrlhutln will be aa It eefht
to be. tt'l ..ry lwality will p.t lta due
ah. re er cttlaett to balld the greet Teeters,
Car Thnnph Eat Adrocatrd.
J. E. Barnes, secretary cf the South
west Waahlnaton DeTelopment Ao
rlatloru made a report of the meettr.a
at Salt Lake City, when trie orsanl
satlon wa formed. He said a train
of 1 exhibit cars, ihowlnt th resour
ra of te t'..t. tnk.n' through the
Kast would pay In publicity for this
section of th country.
Will Campbell, of Omaha, aeeretary
of th league, suggested stops of three
or four hours be mad la every plac
rlslted by th exhibit train and that
school children and th ectlr popula
tion b Interested In seelns; th cars.
Th elhlblta. ha said, should be In
charge of competent men to tell of th
states represented In a suitable
KelUy Atkinson, secretary of th
Bols Commercial Cub. and Jo Cain,
secretary of th Salt Lak City Com
mercial Club, favored th exhibit
train Idea, as against on plan that
had been suggested, that of obtaining
vacant storerooms In vatlous cities and
installing exhibits In those quarters.
California to Co-operate?.
Robert Newton Lynch, president of
th California rvtopmeot Board,
said California la much Interested In
th movement. Ha aald that exhibit
cars sent out by California bad been
failures as far aa belns; permanent In
stltutlons. Mr. Lynch, who la vice
president for California In th new
organisation. Invited thoae present to
co-operate to help the Panama-Pacific
Fxposltlon and said California will do
Its part to carry on th work of th
newly-formed league.
K. A. Noble, general advertising
ag.nt of th Great Northern at St. Pan I.
told of th experience of his company
In similar work. II said that th Mln-
neaota. Montana. Oregon and Washing
ton cars had been operated suceeeaful
ly and their experience proved that th
small towns were far ahead of th bis;
ones as exhibit places. He said that
his company Is now at work securing
14.000 feet of moving; picture films.
showing; th resources of th Wast.
Railroad Men Voile.
Oerrtt Fort, passenger traffic man
ager of the Harrlman llnea. at Omaha.
advocated taking th West to th East
by means of an exhibit train. H
pledged the support of th Harrlman
lines for th enterprise.
A. D. Charlton, aeslstant genera! pas
senger agent of the Northern Pacific,
anld the Northern Paciilc would "go
the limit In promoting the enterprise.
M. J. Costello. general traffic manager
of th Great Northern at St. Paul, also
believed that Individual car would
cover several time th territory and
accomplish more results.
Manager Chapman, of the Portland
Commercial Club, and Tom Richardson
said that the special train feature ap
peals to the Imagination and no doubt
the papers will b full of It-
Canv Publicist. Attend.
Thoae present at th meeting, from
out of town were:
J.mea II. Bredr. pT1dent. Peratcllo.
Idaho. I-OoYmor of Idaho; Wilbur Walker.
I'murtr. ft.t'mmlalit'r Alamrda Coun
ts. California, .-rrtary Oakland J4-rr-hant"r
rx'hanse. Oakland, ral.: Will A. Campbell.
secretary. Omaha. ..crviary Om.ha Comin.r-
cial Oub; J. K Uvtm. cnirelle. k an..
Mcrur7 Pouthwast Waahlncton Develop
ment Ano-lillD; R.llly Atkinson, Jo.
Maho. a-rtary League Southern Idaho
CnninnrlAl ubs: J. K. rain. talt IVe
rtty. ..cretary Halt Iike City Commercial
Club: Koh-rt Nwt.n I.yrwb, pecretary Cali
fornia L"el"pment Uoeni. Fan FrancUco.
Cal. : C. C fhapman. aretary OTgoa Ie
wlopmoil L.tu. manaa.r I'romotton and
FubUcltv Committee Portland Commercial
Club: Orru Port. Omaha, passenger traf
ri' manacr l'nloa I'a-lftc; al. J. Coatallo,
P-att!.. M4tstant traffic mannc.r Great
Northern ; A. 1- Charlton. port.'Snd. tlalsl
ant a.ncrml passenger .cent Northern Pa
cific; K. J. Nobie. advertising manager
Oreat Northern. Paul: Arrhlbald Grav.
aa.t.taat .Dral freight and paeaenger asent
lreat Northern. Portland; SamueJ J. Klch.
state Immigration Commleaioner of Idaho;
Pred w. iraham. gen.ral Weat.rn Immlgra
ttoo and InduaLrlal agent (Iran Northern;
I. W. Buckler. Omaha, mar.asins director Land Products Exhibit; C K.
Severance, secretary of the Iteno. Nov..
Commercial Club; E. E. Severe, president of
th. port Angelee Commercial Club; John A.
P.ay. ef the Taoma Commercial Ctuh. and
l. C Koker. eerrvfarv of tbe Pocax.llo.
loabe. commer-ii ciun.
j Ask for the Big List of Houses and Apartments at Our Free Rental Bureau on the Fourth Floor
Big Mid-Month Sales of Furniture, Linoleums, Lace Curtains and Home Needs Continued Today
Rodent, However, Dead of Arsenic,
Not Bubonic IMacne.
A rat found dying on on of the streets
of Astoria a few day ro was th sub
ject of considerable agitation in Stat
Board of Health circles, until Dr. Calvin
8. White, secretary of th board, was
In a position, following a bacteriological
test, to Inform th Astoria authorities
that no germs of bubonle plague were
found In th rodent's body.
Ir. Alfred Kinney, a member of th
Ftate isoard of Health, sent th rat's
body In a carefully-sealed package to
Dr. " hit, who found that arsenic poi
soning bad been responsible for lta
Fear of bubrmlo plasm, which I now
raging In China and other Oriental
countries. Is so great that aeaport cities
ara on th alert for rat which may
reach their eltle on vessels from Orien
tal ports cf call.
When you hav rheumatism In your
foot or Instep apply cnemneriain s
l iniment and yon win gel quick relief.
It costs but a quarter. Why suffer!
For vale bv sll dealers. "
i Childr'n'sTea Party
! Today From 3 to 5 P.M.
I Souvenirs and Music
T' HE Iiff Store Las planned to make this a gala
tiny for the children,
j A delightful Ten Party will be held from 3 to 5
: o'clock in our benutiful Seventh Floor Tea Koom.
j Every little child, accompanied
j by adult, will be served with Tea
' or Ice Cream and Cake, free. They
; will also be given a useful souve-
nir. A splendid musical program
j has been provided.
j In the Tea Room Lobby there's plenty of big easy
I chairs and writing desks for the mothers. Of course,
j we can undertake to serve only the children.
Other amusements -will also be provided. Don't
I forpet the hours this afternoon, 3 to 5 o'clock in
1 our Seventh Floor Tea Room.
In the Restaurant Today
Music 12 to 2 by Rosebrook 's Heilig Theater Orches
tra. These special in addition to out regnlar menn:
Chicken a la King, en bordure, today only 40
New England Clam Chowder, very fine, 10
Manhattan Club Sandwich, very delicious 25c
Home-Made Apple Cake, special today 15
Willamette Sewing Ma
chines Guaranteed for 10
Years, Sold on Club Plan
$2 at Purchase, $1 Week
en! A ltousii-g Sale New Underwear
Practically Every Garment Reduced VfTTi XGTk
E.l.rv. mder-c.. BWW. tax M f.M MM, Ald-S. EMm.n, OH FMO. II W ilCTl t tXG 1 GCtClXCYS 1 1
VOU must know it's an extraordinary event -when right at JJ Jre n London "
7 1 the beginning of the season, we offer these splendid sav- 8 y wm m OTOrtml , 8
M I m A s 1 M la. P . t i T. wv "V ' t
ings on a brand new stock of Men's Spring and Summer Under-
! Such celebrated lines as Gotham, Vassar, Lewis, CJooper,
Stuttgart imported German Wool, Globe, "Wright's Health,
Porosknit and others. Boys' Underwear also reduced.
Read every item supply your needs for the coming season!
75c Underwear 38c
Over 5000 garments of Men's new
Fancy Balbriggan Shirts and Draw
ers in pink, blue or white stripes.
All sizes. Regular 75c O O
$1.00 Union Suits for 89c
An innovation in Men's Union
Suits. The shirt is of cool,
porous weave, the drawers of
fine nainsook all in one piece.
Ideal for warm weath- QQ
er. $1 Union Suits forOtC
50c Mesh Underwear, 39c
Over 200 dozen garments of
Men's Sanitary Mesh Shirts
and Drawers, sold everywhere
at 50c. Long or short sleeve
shirts ; knee or ankle- o Q
length Drawers. SplOiC
grade, sale price, each only
Union Suits $1.25
Men's famous Lewis Union Suits,
of fine quality Balbriggan in me
dium and light weights. Comes in
ecru color only. Regu- -m - j-i
lap $1.75 Union Suits D X .J and
Balbriggan Underwear 45c
Men's fine quality Balbrig
gan Shirts and Drawers in me
dium and light weights. Long
or short sleeves ; knee or ankle-
visit all the famous points
V interest.
8 Among them Is Hampton Coort. th
largest royal palace In Oreat Britain.
It Is an Immense collection of building
and courts, containing many valuable
art works and historical relics. It has
ibeen associated with many stirring In
cidents In English history from the
time It was built by Cardinal Wolsey
to the time It ceased to be a royal resi
dence subsequent to th reign of
ueorge lu 4,
iOver 800 of its thousand rooms ara n
now ocoupled by aristocratic pension- if
ers of the crown. A thousand rooms I
think of it! And the buildings are W
surrounded by a beautiful park or gar- V
den. laid out In the French style.
But Hampton Court Is only one of the A
aces of Interest to be visited by 1 1
.nv nr .11 -he m nnhllo inhnnl I I
For this Sale, we include our en- W teachers, if they choose to take th U
tire line of the famous Schlistan "T 3..nt. . T . .
. . . r Jiany contestants who, up to a day r
Ramie Fiber Oriental Linen Under- M or o ago. were at the bottom of th if
wear. In inn Nnits unrl Nhirts and ""r1 "8 '"""s ?' ?
Drawers in all weights
Gotham Underwear
Our best 75c grade of the famous
Gotham athletic style nainsook
. Shirts and Drawers, sleeveless and
knee length. All sizes. For
this big 3 days' sale, eachOiC
Linen Underwear A rS:
I I anv or i
20 Less
terday. By all means It Isn't too lata
to enter. 1
leno-th. All sizes: orice A I"
today, the garment
i , i
siyies ai exacuyv' avw
$1.50 Underwear for $1.15
Shirts and drawers of highly
mercerized lisle, long or short
sleeve and ankle-length styles.
Blue, white, tan or salmon.
Splendid $1.50 gar- (J "9
ment, all sizes, at D X 1 O
$1.00 Underwear for 79 c
Splendid special on Men's
Lisle Shirts and Drawers in
white only. Plain and fancy
weaves, in medium and light
weights. Also super- "JQt
weight wool. $1 grade I jQ,
David Graham Phillips'
Latest Book
"The Grain of Dust"
THE story that has been
read and talked of all
over the United States. Ran se
rially in the Saturday Evening
Post, the last chapter of which
was given only a week or so ago.
Two hundred copies just received
by express, price J Q
this salj. a copy only J) J. 0 J
Robert W.Chambers' latest book,
"The Adventures of a Modest
Man," just published in book
form. Get this thrilling life
breathing story in our Fifth
Floor Book Store t Q f
At this low price )xa3LI
To Have and to Cherish Hall $1.00
A Comedy Circumstance Oarf, $1.00
Thnrley Enxton Mighels, for $1.20
The Root of Evil Dixon, for $1.20
How Leslie Loved Warner $1.25
The Moving- Finger Oppenheim $1.25
Tha Golden Silence Williamson $1.35
The Cabin Stewart White, for $1.50
Newest White
Dress Goods
IT'S the Meier & Frank way
to offer these splendid sav
ings on beautiful VThite "Wool
Dress Goods, right at the height of
their popularity for handsome
tailored suits, coats, dresses and
$1.25 All-Wool Cream Serges, 44-
in , special 03?.
$1.50 . All-Wool Cream Serges, 50
and 54-inch, yard, 5?1.Z1.
$2 AH-Wool Heavy Cream Tailor
Serge, o4-inch, J1.7i.
$2.25 AH-Wool Cream Cheviot
Tailor Serges, 56-inch, 5l.y..
$2.80 All-Wool Wide Wale Cream
Coating Cheviots, 56-in. 5i;.iy.
Lovely Undermuslins in
May Sale
EVERY garment in this May Sale is sure to be the best in quality
and finish that you could possibly get at regular prices! Lovely
fresh, new, Muslinwear and at such price savings that, though you may seem
sufficiently supplied, it will pay to take part in this Great Muslinwear Sale.
Combination Suits
Neatly made, splendidly finished,
fine fitting suits, that women so de
light in. Either style Corset Cover
and Drawers, Corset Cover and Skirt.
$1.75 Combinations, special price 98
$2 and $2.50 Combinations at $1.43
$2.50 and $3.50 Combinations, 1.93
$4 and $4.50 Combinations at S2.9S
$6 and $6.50 Combinations at $3.75
The Gowns Reduced
The daintiest of Gowns in Slipover,
Bishop and Empire styles, prettily
trimmed in fine laces and clusters of
$1.10 Night Gowns priced at only 73
$1.35 to $1.50 Night Gowns at 93d
$2.25 Night Gowns priced at $1.39
$2.75 Night Gowns priced at $1.73
$5.50 to $6.50 Night Gowns at $3.57
Corset Cover Specials
40c Corset Covers specially priced at 25
50c Corset Covers, specially priced at 33
85c to $1 Corset Cover priced at only, ea. 63
$1.25 to $1.35 Corset Covers priced only 83
$2 to $2.25 Corset Covers priced only $1.27
The Drawers Specials
75c White Drawers, specially priced at 53
$1 White Drawers, specially priced at 69
$1.25 White Drawers, specially priced at 89
$1.65-$1.75 White Drawers priced at $1.29
$2.50-$2.75 White Drawers priced at $1.73
100 Wedding Invitations,
Announcements, $4.98
AUE Engraving and Printing Shop is pre-
pared to execute orders for Wedding Invi
tations, Announcements and cards of all sorts at Port
land's lowest prices!
For this week only, 100 Wedding Invitations or An
nouncements printed on fine quality paper ft m ge
in plain Bcript or Old English, for only b4ey O
Specials on Engraving
100 Cards and Plate, plain script, at low price $1.49
100 Cards and Plate, Old English or French, for $1.98
100 Cards and Plate, shaded Old English, at only $2.89
100 Cards, printed from your own plate, special 69
Two-Initial Monogram, quire paper (paper extra), 19
Card Printing 100 Calling Cards, 39c; Linen Cards 49
Grocery Specials
Fresh Eggs, 22c Dozen
IVI O NEED to pay more for Eggs when you
ran get Fresh Oregon Ranch Eggs in the
Meier & Frank's Pure Food Grocery
at only 22c!. For today only, the dozen tCtQ,
Meier & Frank's 40c Superior Blend Coffee only 36
Early Dawn Coffee, regular 35c pound, for only 31
Formosa Oolong Tea, regular 50c pound, at only 43?
Huntley & Palmer's 25c Cakes and Crackers at 21 1
Export Corn (limit of ten to customer), at 2 for 15c
5-lb. Pail Lard, special at 63c; 10-lb. pail at $1.22
Choice Alaska Salmon, 10c; 12 cans for only $1.15
Wisconsin Brick Cheese, special price the pound 15c
Domino Sugar, 5-pound boxes, special at only 49c
Japan Style Bice, specially priced at 5 pounds 21c
Head Rice, selected, 5 pounds today for only 32c
Halo Sliced Pineapple, priced today at, each 20c
"Thelma" Succotash, the dozen, $1.33; the can 12c
HAVE you seen the latest cre
ation in Women's "Waists'?
It's the new "Slip-o" made without
buttons, hooks or fasteners. Slip over
the head and it's ready to wear. Fits
smoothly and neatly at the jaunty
Dutch neck and peasant shoulder and
Every "Slip-o" a ehie and novel style.
Some exquisite in their simplicity, others
attractively smart and dashing. A style to
suit any need or fancy. Made on lovely
Silk Crepe, Meteor Satins, Messalines, Taf
fetas, Voiles and Linens, embellished with
fine laces, nets, embroideries and bands,
made in light and dark colors.
You'll be delighted with their chic and
charming style. See them !
$7.50, $8, $10 to $16.50
Our Entire Stock of Real Laces lk Off
WITH every woman planning Summer finery, this announcement today will surely
cause a furore! Absolutely nothing restricted our entire stock of exquisite real
Cluny, Torchon and Irish Laces, including Edges and Insertion, to 4 inches wide, at 4
less regular prices.
Eeal Cluny Laces Edges and
Insertions, reiularly 25c to $2.50,
today, yd. 19 to $1.90.
Real Irish Laces -Edges and
Insertions, regular 40c to $8, to
day, yard 30? to $6.
Linen Torchon Laces Edges
and Insertions, regularly 15c to
$1, today, yard lls4 to 75.
osoTrunks,Today $7.90 Because
These Best
$ I 1
there were just 45 left from a line which the manufacturer was
discontinuing, and closed out to us at a concession.
Strong 32-inch Canvas Covered Cloth-faced Trunks, exactly f-k
as illustrated, with two large cloth-faced trays. Brassed trim- II
znings and two leather straps. Splendid $11 Trunks, today at
$2.50 Keratol Suitcases 24-inch
brown walrus pattern with brass lock
and bolts ; straps all (t - Q C
around. Priced today at 4 A eiO
$5.50 genuine Cowhide Suitcases
24-inch size, linen-lined, with shirtfold ;
brass locks and bolts. d A C C
Priced for today's selling 0"Tr0O