21 TOT! 3rORXJXCr OREGOXIAX. TnOSDAT,. 3IAY 18, mil. V CHARTER HEW CROP f Brmi!l I 14w l Forward Business UndS Way in Wheat Market. FOUR FIXTURES TO. DATE Crop f"roMvi p I, 3o Ilr Hrilrr In Hi Taclfic Nortlirl Cnrrrnt Trading of Small Proportions. -!Vo Advance la floor. Nw crop ruirtna ! now undr lijr. dt for Portland loadiay at as lem TAt aal fcttr. ami ccertUn tm cMm. tha blfiM t wU tftstrtbucM tnonc tba local export f. Crop pmcct ara acourartnf l all paru af fio NortJiwMt. Tha iarg aarvac ba rvcviwl abaaJ&Bt moist arv aed thr ara omptai&ta from a&j tl- Tha .( market was alow ywtrt3ar. vtth a aso4rmta dmnd and very few meU ra. Tha offnoc tat ra pat on 1h anarmat war gmaonlty at prtcaa oat of roach of bvrara. LocaJ tfaaJara qaot4 chanr4 pti'a Tradraa la roaraa earoaJa wu alao without faitir. A nfTlelaat quaatltr of oata aocaiBa forward for curnat aaeda. bat hold, rs la tna country oa tha whole ara aol ! ao4 to mako Miftwlini fh yrtc. Too bar!r aiaxkat I a nominal affair. Some tat haa bo brarad of aa early adttnr to patnt floor, but unUa thar la a ditd4 optura Id tha whaat nutrkrt It la et llk;y to materialist. Tba minora on tha Hour, J omtq to bo tha oetjr on who ara anxloiM to t tn market np at thla tiraa, Uo-a receipt. In rara. war reported by tha ttarcbaats Excbaxto aa follow: W4t Barl Flour Oats Hay I auta, 14 0 lie: tlbarta. 1: a: moo da tc: Mtciaa. Ike: aocoaauta Melt I WONCT .hotc. aar caae; etraUed, We crme DoaniL ALT Orantiiatad. Ili aer tea: baif-tro-rnd. f i par toa: aoa, $ per lom- BUM BmtU wait, Hc; Jaxtfo waua. ac; Lima, Sc; e n a. ; ro HICK Na, 1 Japan. c cheaper tradoa aoura had. lt?.-3. Kortad imperial c. lx&Krta4 eaira Na .i:l.ar r- rn-rk!d rrnit aod borry. li 4a: Uib ft 14.:: aowdarad. $! Irmj oa resltiaacaa withia H daya de duct wc oar ooucd. If Uier than li dart asd wuiwa St d. daduct We a aiapio euar. 13 3 lie per pouad. r: broiler. ?c "3iinal. turkrjra. rolry and Coaaf duck. ) ub. - . k'iV- ir?on ran candled, ile per !x-n rasa cojcL I-.&J'X per dosen. bl TTt.il Ctl craAatary tiirt. 1 and 1- pnut.0 rr'itts. in t-e. ; ic pr pund; I icin box Iota, rrtaa and d'ivery extra. CHLiWuU crvam. twtaa, lea par J iuct AiXiarlca. 14c. f'f'KK renry. I'i0 1 per pound. VLAL Fbt:. b's luc pvr poauO. Wool. HI p. oom.n. , tie. . f.M-J crvp. liv". O.C4. 1UC. "boice. iio pr pauad. HOuL kU-rn wraa in. ftommn, lU'W par pund. accord! na to aartaaae; alley, I'EUTa Ury. salted, eoontry pelta icwtl pbr pound; lamb peHa. 2&a H i I.ES-Sa.td blU-a. Te prr pound sauad rait, lc; aalted kip.- salted iKi. e: rn hides, le la; dry met 17t; dry fi. KUlV; dry ataas. HJ11 CA&CAKA HaKK Per pound, bo. OKAl.N liAUa Hht, lci oat a. o. VmT ... Ttilar . . . W.lu'ley Tear aro . KMaa-a to di Tear aro .. 4r 1 . DIM 1 T I 4 lw 9 3 ft X 111 13 10 90.14 MOIIAIS ht.W) AT AX r.D. Only Small Now Caanlns: Yorwi Coeldliloaa to tha Kat. ftoae email lots of mohair are still ewn tnc sad bein taken at the qtwtxtlona that hava prevailad for tha past two weeks, but th mmb im reardd by dealers as prae- t(ra!y c'.oecil. 'or. iitlons la lha Eat are rPt'd by the To'" rommn-tJ Ilultvtln as follows; "In ti Hana market thar has bean only a ru"-Klrat trad a In hair thla week lrt.- hain beca Tnalntntned on the basis r-r-rc-.t a ek n. ralera state that tK.c fulk of the domratle hair has tean bourht dlrw-t by the miUa thta year, both roniinmrnt and purrhaara to Boetoa deal- - amount being llmltad. r-:cf ic quotations: Tfeet rotnblnc. ST 9 : w.l comb! nr. 92?'-; ordinary comb Ine. cardtne. T ft Foreljrn IK Xt. 44 1? c; Turkey, fair ararae, 63 oi.i.ik or Tms IKKRRT M.RKJTT to Tttaebla a Wat Wtar Caaae Prtrra Uat RmlpU. Th a'rxwrMtrTy market col la par d yest dar. Only alvowt 110O cretea arrived fmm Californta. but th waatber was daefdadly asainat tr!a. Trtcea were stabbed serarely. but th acd of tha day saw aexmt aa many arnta aa band aa war ree 1 rad. J aa!re cld b had at $l-50 end DoUara at Keoatpta of Oreoa barrtaa. fortunately. vera rary Ucht. Tba market ea aieo slow In oth apaota. ne cant of bananaa ara da this morals a TTRM. yrTT XO lTJGrT Cat ad for neae putter price Ara Steady. Tha g mark at la very firm, but th erlea doea not aeem abl to set abor Si coat aera. thoaxh a hlirber market la quot ad aa th fkmnd. Raceipta bava materially Ila&a ara still the sirens; feat or of tb poultry market, with th daily arrtrale run- ntng under riulrmanta Country d meat mold fairly steady. Tha butter trade ta of tha recuiar voluma aad etty creamery Is Quoted steady. Ch la still scarra. Ptaoussinc; the x outlook for tha almond r"op ta California, aa authority ta thla line aays: "Accortltns to mall adrlcra Just reeelred fram California th outlook for th 1911 crop I aot so bad as earlier rsport would radicate. It ta true that tha prospects are for laid coaKlarably loaa thaa last year, but the 1910 cmp was one of tb larreet a-atherrd. and as tha preant reports ara to th affect that th praeent crvp will be about 40 fr cent short of last year's yield, wa wttl still ha to look forward to the marketta of a normal crop. prom Spain we ftrat reports of str.what lowar prices pravaiUnc thare on Tarraconaa. whlcb are w araKaMt at la to "a bJow prices which bav ben ruling racntir." Baak Cleakrujta. Ttanh cle.r:ne f ta Northwestern cities yesterday war aa ol.o' Oarinca. Pi!nnri r-rttsid $!.:( '4 iiu.f.ia 9ti;a l.'H.li Itil T T-ma iw,; s.4 4'V.V'.' tpwkaii t:.4vi 6-57 pi-: rO HTtA D MARK ETaV Rte. II T AT l' rack pr'. r: HU-ateni, HARLEY Chvloa Teed. I Ji SO. atIl-lrrVr Fran, fl p-r ton; nUi J.: rut. I-'-l. snorts, l.ij.ii. r..ad bar Ut - ' i-- - J'L. t.--t ii'i n. 14 23 rr barret; trs chte 1: vtrta IS ; VaiTry. 14 ; s;rs". 1 "-. r ! w-at. $4 7 CORN w hoTa. f r; rrt krd. ii pr ton. CAT Nk 1 ah te. -,. pr tia, H A t : -T.t t. t t 1. Na. U :i.:otJ.'. ;i it n.td $141-11; heavy ar.txffd. i:; tf i;i: alr.ra. cia r. lS5aU.iu; (riia hay. IXiu 4 14.34k Taa-etaMaa aad Fro It a TROPICAL Kl ITi Orargra javeta, 12ZvS-'-5 Ir b-ix. ra'iforma rspfrwiU i6 Jit). i- 3Ar.i. iaisr rr poacd. ;:n appiea. ',r p-'unU. ;nijiia. 4.iOwi; lar. cTin. ' Tl pr x. rRE!l FKT'IT tr 1 b-r-1ra Or r"n. I.- era. fri!a, ! ,r ; par cr;; ?.atc-- - I 1 ;. -1 - 1 :r U . aip. ta. t. -ti1. chk'.v, II g 1 ). c.iu:uoo. Ti J M o-'. VfciitT AUL- Atpara; t ! a ? pr tot, im. l-'i 'i!vc. i-r hr. Irai-'ht. tjmbri 41-'- -J p-r ilaa: e5jiArf. lio pun!. ur ic. 1 A 1 ,'c p-r pou'l. tHi-. -" l"r d-'i'n. b-'t Uttut-. 11 :i 1 Ti 1 r t'-s. re ;is pr pounl. p- r" ''" fr i- unl. r( lna IX- p-r tloira . r". .: 1 1 u c P"T p.unl taiio lil'-u J : 'K V K-'.KT AHi.K Nw ra-ta, ; ?3 p-r a-k. trn.p J -j. t-t. F' T A T'"t" rsn rd t :rr, $' pr hua.?ral. r.w p-tat.. , 1 S per in. Ci(A-.v-u'.r! i. -i T3 4 hwa drad. BaraauaA. - - pr cral. ft rata tea. Drtew rrwita. Et. or: KD rP.l'IT A PC ia l!0i:4l aee p"od; turranta, 11 -a. arlrota I'OWct dat. pa-kaae. 14aa pvr poaad: ku k. wb!t r e.a.. by a. I c V-ii. Li T. li-t;a Aid. 2i-12a US; 1-1 ic; tiarnu la. rot am Ma pmar. 1 -puad tails, a. j-pun tails. $Is: 1 1.44; Alaska ptak. l-peuad I&LXO.N 2 14 par , eonnd f a -a t. la. I Mi. COr ai-ftoas:d. la truax t3St par pwuad CT9 Wainata n 11 par HAWS 19 to 2 pound. ltl40t 19 t 14 bounds. UVttltVe. 14 to l Dounaa lV 0 l"c: akin&ad. 19c; plcaica, lc; B'auKED M EATS Beef toaguea, 99o; dr:ad beat sou. bob; utald, aoaa; ia ada. lie; knuck;. 20c BACu.v Fancy. t7c; standard. 34c Cbica. 21c: EnClili. 14 SC. VHX SALT CLKtD itrguiar short cWn, dry sale 12 -c; smoked. ldc: backs, light. salt. 11c; amokfj. 14 c; backs, baavy, sa.t, HS: arookad. 14c; axpurta, aait. 2 'c; smoked. IbC. LARI Kettle rendered. ttercas. 12c tube. lZc; standard pure, Uercea, 11c, tuba. 11 j; cbolca. tlerrra lie; tubs. aawrtrnlng. tierces. 9 e. Oils. UN'SKED OfL Pure raw. la barrels. 91-02. bolted. Ib barrai. 1-(V; raw. ia cas- 9: 07- btlad. la cam, 91 09l TL'RFENTIN kl raaea. 6c; wood barrels, 92 e; Iron barrela, c; 10-cae lots. 93c UAi'JLI N klator ganl:ne, iron barreis. 13c; caaea. -'c; SB gasoline. Iron bar raia. 1:. cxaca, 33 Sc. COAL. OIL. Ordinary tat, casaa. tCOlH bulk, la tanks. 4c; hlcl tat. !lc LAST EASTERN BERRIES NO .MOKE WILL BE BROCGHT TO THE NOItTlIAYEST. Owlny to the arne? of the Ixcal Crop Florins Scarce on the Seattle Market. SEATTLE. Wash., afay IT. 8pclaL A rtraijrht carload of new Lxa Angeles sacked vacatablea arnred this morninic. This Is th first carload of th season. Carrot wer quoted at l: :i a sack, whit and yellow turnips at beats at tl 23. owing to a a?urtax of cabbage. W'lnnlngstadt ad vanced to 2 V canta Four hundrad crate of Florin strawberries we-a all that war available today, in ad dltlon. a small quantity of Tenneaee berr wr left over ami sold at i-& to f. o mora Kaatem barrle will b brought th Northwest, owing to th aearnaas of tha natlva croa California n-w potatoes hav dropped to 4 rents In order to meet th competition of Floiia atv-k. which is offered at 9 cent. Wail Wiiit aiyaratua was scarce and sold at 91 to II. 7. A carload of Mex ican tomate reached th street today aad off-rad at t2 a era: of four baaketa There tm a scarcity of large brotlara small brotlars ara la ovarvupply. liana ara also nihar acarc. tregon eggs war offered at 24 rents and locals at 2. VeaJ rece;pts wer tb largest la many weak a prices held at 11 to 12 cenra. Hutter waa steady at 25 cent a The wheat market was easier today, with 94 cents the maximum oa blueatem. To demand for other varieties Is prac tie ally at staAdtlIL No new Jxpxnea buainea is baing booked, but old orders caanot filled an til wsll Into June. rtUeakg Pradarw Xarked. CHtCAOO. May 17. Mutter Steady. Creamariea 18 Jlr; dalfiac. 13;flSo. Fgs Stea'lr. K-etp. i'-1 caaaa. At mark, raws nclcdei. l.wic; nrata, 14 lr; prim rrsta. l&c. Chaw Weak. Da: ilea. 22 9 13 Ho; twtna. 11 Se- Tounc Americas, llito; loaa boras. 12JU.C Grata Market a. LTTRPCK)U bHay 17. cioan: Wheat, Mae. 9 lod; Julv. 6a 104d; October, a Td Wealbvr oJuudy. LvrOX. May 17. Walla Watla eargoea dy at 3d ahtillnsa, English country mar. kets. quiet; French country markets, firm. Loci dew ork Exohaeg. tX)NrON. May 17. American securities ara rreulr during the early trading to dav. Flrwt pricra were genarally lower, but later the market Irnprovrd on covering, a&d p-n waa steady ina irom a nor to beiow yesterday Near Tork closing. M'aol at 9t, Lrnla. FT. l.OFIS, Unr 17. Woor unchanced; Territory and Veern mel'urr. 10 tS lc; Una medluma. 13 tf 13c; On a, 11 lc PARSON HIGH SCHOOL HEAD Kc. C. A. Kexroad. "Vnucher Ath- Irte, Selected at Weston. WESTON. Or, May 17. (Special.) nr. i A. Kexroad. Milton's "preacher athlete." Is to be principal of th. local htKh school for the ensuing year. 11a has resigned the pastorate of th. Southern Methodist Church, tn Milton, and has been chosen by th. local School Hoard to till the vacancy caused by th. election of Principal J. V.. Keef. as paid secretary of th. 1'endleton Commercial Association. B.-f"re comlnff to Milton, where he has been preaching for th. last two years, Kt. Mr. Ilexroad was principal of the Koseburir HlR-a School for sev eral years. He Is a star baseball and basketball player and wherever he has been located, either as pastor or teach er, he has taken a. prominent part In the athletics of his town. One other vacancy remains unniiei tn he hltrh si-hool teaching force. Miss palsy Waddlngham and Mies LJorotny BullHnrh were elected to nil positions In th. prude school. I tnatilla Murder Cnsolved Yet. rEXPLKTO.W Or.. May IT. (Spe cials Though a week has elapsed since the murder at Umatilla was com mitted. t. police are no nearer a solu tion of th. mystery than they wer. on the dav of th. crime. Further than to establish th. fact that the victim was notajohn Casey, of Brockton. Jiwi.. their efforts hav. been futile. Belief in-esM'd here thst the murd.r com mitted near Th. Palles. almost a dupll- e of the I matilla crime, may have been committed by th. same person or persona. Billboard Crovade at Pendleton. rEXDI.ETOS. Or May 17. Sp- rl.l. The world-wid. billboard cru sade agalrwt the spread of th. whit, plesue has reached Tendleton. Every Ml. hoard .In th. city will be covered next week with elht-sheet poster, set- inr forth In r'arina- type the ara-u- mecta of th. Antl-Tuberculosls Socl.ty. BEST OF THE YEAR Prices of All Stocks Climbing. Are TOBACCO COMMON UP 26 Markrt Is Still InHucnced by the Standard Oil Decision Steel the Most Active Feature of the Id.- Bonds Also Strong. NEW TOKK. May IT. Th. advance In storks, which chanced the character of th. secuiitl.a market yesterday, continued to day aad rains wer. as (eneral. although smaller. Confidence In th. outlook was da. pri marily to the infloenc of the standard Oil decision. United slates Steel was the most actlv. stock n th. list and touched SO 4. Its hlshest price since early tn the year. Standard Oil .how ad further streactit oa th. curb today. American. Tobacco was con splcnoualy strong. The common stock ad vanced 2. points on the curb to oOO, the hlshrat prlc. .Lar. isoa. L.hlgh Valley was exception. lly rronf. The railway equipment stocks and Bourn era roads also were buoyant. Almost a score of Issues made new hlsh records for th year. The. Included Atcbl.on. Brooklyn Kapld Tranalt. Dflaein A Hudson. Erie. Southern Hallway preferred. Union Pacific. Ueneral Electric, American Beet Sugar, American Asrtrultural. Chemical. Utah Cop. per. Com l'roduets. American Tobacco pre ferred. Wcstinshouse Kleclrtc. American Telephone a Telegraph and Great Northern ore certificates. Closing prices represented gains of 1 to S points, witn a number of larger advances. The bond market continued strong and sctire. Total sales, oar valua i3.SS0.OCO. United States Government bonds uncusnged oa call. CleDSINO STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing AIMS Chal pf .. Am. I Oopp-r .. Am Agrlcult Am beet husar. American Can .. Am cr a Kdy. Am cotton Oil.. Am lid Lt pt. Am 1 ' . i-ecurl Am Lln.eed Am Locomotive. Am Smel a Kof. do preferred.. Am Steel Kdy.. Am Sugar Kef.. Am T.l A Tel.. Atn Tohacco pf. Am Woolen . . .. Annconda M Co Atchison do preferred.. Atl Coast L.ln.. Halt a Ohio . .. Ttethlchem Steel 11 rook H Canadian Fee Central leather do Dreferred.. Central of N J. Ches a Ohio ... Chicago Alton Chi lit West . . . do preferred.. Chicago a N' W c. M a St I'aul. c. c. c a st i. Col Fuet a Iron Col a Southern. Consol ties Cora Broducts Del a Hudson.. D R lirande .. do preferred.. Distillers' recur trie do let Pf .... do Sd of .... General Sale.. 41 III ai.WKI a.n 4i S.tloO l.on 4tnl 11.0 S'O 1J."0 T"0 BOO "0 S.T00 e.uo ' V.4i'x lM.l'K) 1.2O0 l.btM 1. ?uo 2. tH0 Tran l-t.tK'O 2.u0 lo) 1.4'WI IS.SuO High. no i !!. 4S l!l 54 S iH 22 S im II 14UU, JU1 "io'i" 112t lidlk i:iu lixli 34 81 2.13 S 21' S 11 1 t"0 K2 31 22". 123 . lec PI Ot North Ore . . IMInols Central, loteronr Met .. do preferred.. Inter Harvester. Inter Marine pf Int Paper ..... Int Pump Iowa Central .. K C Southern do preferred.. Laclede lias ... Louts a Nash .. Minn a St L. .. M. 8 P a S ft M Mo. Msa a Tex. do preferred.. Mo rvcitlc Nat Ht.rult National Lead . Mex N Rr 3 pf N T Central . . . N T. Ont a Wes Norfolk a West North Am Northern Pac .. Pacific Mall .... Pennsylvania ... Peoples u&i .. c c a st l. Plttaburg Coal . Pr.seed S Car.. Pull Pal Car... Kr Steel Spring. Reading Keoubile Rteel . do prererrea. . Rock Ialand Co do preterred.. Bt I. 8 F t pf St 1, Sonthwe.it. do nref-rred.. Slora-Sheffl-ld South.rn Pae -Southern Ry . do prererrea.. Tonn Copper .. Texas a Pac . . Tol. St L a We. do prererrea.. Union racine ., do prererrea.. TJ s Realty ... n 8 Rubber l."0 82 H 154 17.114 HO l 37 tty, 'ini. 101 l.'9 3 137 11'4 B.1S 129 w 1!) n Id's SRS OSi. 10 14KV. 30 12'S 34", 7i HI. BS 324 1 43 14 ins 75 12 2.1 122 i 21T, 34 a im) 2. 0 l.1 Z"t) Sort 8.2".) 27.COO ""too s.K'Mt ln.i'KJ 1.0. H) l.oo l.eoo l.S'.l 2.OO0 a.s"o &o "0 S.w l.Boo 1"0 l."0 4.7IK) l'J goo 4.&--0 AO0 17.01 1.0"0 1.200 7rtrt 3 2o 2.400 4.HO0 2O0 It 4"0 1 .'- J.oort w0 Bi0 4O0 Low. 21ti r!. "Ts r4 S3 23 22 H U " sss 77S 1"3H 4.1 HKVi !- eat. 'ik" m 103 n iw1, io 33 SO '4 .2.14 28 V. loo4 278 Mis 31 21 Vi 44 147 123 'giii Mi 14". 1 172 2H4 S31. "io'vl isi 137 t, 1 128 17Vi 10 40 8.1 I'M 148 :.o l.is 34 7 41. i l.ia r.4 32 los 43 107 73 ' 127 24H 1214 l.H'i P4 4 2'S S3 131.300 7.0'i0 IS' 8.20 R0 1.8O0 'joO ltelO 14.000 S.20 L4O0 LSOO l.iod 1.1O0 8L0OO SOO IOO 5.0O0 V S Steel 21."0 do prererrea.. Utah Copper ... caro Chem .. Wabash do prererrea.. Weetem Md ... We.tlng E:ee .. Western Union. Wheel ALE.. Lehigh Valley 8 o S.1"0 ntK) t.4-0 l.o 12 4iO 4.4"V 2O0 IWO Total sales for the day. 93: BONDS. jncir YORK. V" IT. Closing quotations: TJ. S. ref. 2s reg.l'Hiii- I - m Bite, r-j do coupon ... i"V I i " T""".AAI" C. 8. Se reg.-...1oi4 o. raciiio .... . S. new 4. reg.llSSJWls. Central 4a. MS IBS. SI V.1 siv 0.1 48 "T- l V 88. 2H 22 ROVi 1-3 P.1i 77 41H A 12" 47 V 81 H 1 as 89 Ti 84 17! 188 31 f3 80i 82 42 "88 82 117 28 87 37 27 JO 4i 181 OS 78 41 T US 81 1S 37 58 72 ' 1764 4uo sn Bid. 2U AS. 30 4 111 nr. 53 2.1 22 11 3! 78 108 44 118 J 4 loo. 8:1 3 112S 18 1 -!' ion 3.1 RO 234 2 101 2 'J 82 30 22 44 14 12:t 64 82 54 143 i 178 34 34 36 33 51 40 lno 12- 82 1374 l"i 6-' 12HS 17 10 40 18 35 68 1(19 149 28 1.19 84 87 M 137 i ' 82 108 4.1 10S 244 122 lo.l 944 20 S4 I'll 35 138 i SO 4 81 fl.1 42 SI f-1 51 111 29 . 68 7i 27 SO 494 1S8 83 76 41 80 120 47 61 JSt S7-J 58 74 75 4 178. do coupon ...114. Japaness D. a K. O. 4S. 24BI s .... 88 Stacks at Beatoa. POSTOX. Msy IT. Closing quotations: SI I Ylonm wa ........ 634 1 Nevada Con, ... 19 24 iNlpleslng Vines.. 10S 17IN"orth Butte..... SI 64.iNorth Lake..... 7 lS:01d Dominion... 4.1 In losceola 102 r.2 IParrott (8, g O 11X 47S IQulncy 7" bn.lness todsy the condition of th. United State. Treasury was: Working balance la Treasury offices. 171 812. In banks and Philippine Treasury. 133. 141 2X3. Total balance In general fund was IX2.074.604. Ordinary receipts yesterday. S2.2S8.234. with ordinary disbursements of $1.361. WA. The surplus to data this fiscal year Is 896.-97. as against a deficit of 117.7-0.OO1 at thla urn. last year. These figures exclude Psnama Canal and pubUe debt transactions. Metal Markets. NEW TORK. May 17. Standard copper Quiet: spot. 11.80. 11.75c: May, June and July. 11.020 11.75c; August. 11.67 U 11 72c London dull; spot. 34 Is Id: fu tures. C54 13s vd. Custom-House returns show exports of 14.119 tone ao far this month. Laks copper. 12-2, 12.37 c; elec trolytic. 12012 23c: cssllnc. 11.73 11.87 c Tin. quirt; spot and May. 42.H5 3 43. June. 42.73w43.20c: July. 42.5o43c: guaL 41.30(j42c. London, dull; spot. 10s; futures il-9 3a Lead quiet. 4.40 4.30c; New York. 4.209 4.2.0 East St. Louia. London. 13 Is Sd. Spelter, quiet. 5.839 5.450 New York; 5.20 47 3.25c East St. Loula Londoa spot, 24 Ts d. Antimony, dull; Cooknon's. 899.30c. Iron. Cievelsnd wsrrants. 46c In London. Locslly Iron mas quiet; No. 1 foundry North ern, No. 1 foundry Southern and No. 1 foun dry Southern soft. 813.2.1 13.75; No. 2 foundry northern. $15413.50. ;."c ; Au Il 1)7 STEERS AT GOOD PRICES PRIME CALIFORNIA SELLS AT 97. STOCK ..1165 ....12.'.d 12.13 ....11HM) . ...14TKJ . ...1.1UO ....1210 .... 110 .... 65 r.4 .... 277 22S Large Bunch of Montana Hay-Fed Cattle Bring; Within a Nickel of This Figure. The cattle market showed a firm front yesterday The $7 mark was again touched In the steer division, with the sale of a load ot prime California stock. The festure of the day was the sals ot 14 loads of hay-fed Montana steers at S6.&5. There were 322 head in the bunch. Lamb sales were made at $0.75 and $5.50 and a load of mixed sheep brought .4.6. Two loads of hogs were disposed of 88.50 and SO. 63. Receipts yesterday were S7S cattle, T94 sheep and 169 hogs. Shippers were L. R. Hough. Beatty, 1 car of boss: J. C. Morehead. Goldcndle. Wash., 1 car of cattle and hogs; C. C. Clark & Son. Roosevelt. Wash.. 1 car of hogs; J. W. Moran, Anaconda, Mont.. 14 cars of cattle; A. D. Uoodale, Gazelle, Cel.. 2 cars of cattle: J. W. Hunt, Koecburg. 2 cars of sheep; C H. Farmer,- McCoy. 2 cars of sheep, and James Mace, Corvallis, 2 cars of sheep. The day's sales were as follows: Weight. Price. 822 steers 24 steers 23 steers ' 1 cow 1 bull 1 bull 1 bull 150 mixed sheep 117 lambs 23 lambs SO hoga . .......... 67 hotrs 3 drafters 4 drafters 5 ehunlc. prices current on th. various classes of .tocjt at th Portland Union Stockyards were aa follows: Prim grain-fed steers . Price hay-rea steers Choice steers Good to choice steers.......... yslr to good steers Common steers ............... prime cows Good to choice cows Kalr to good cows Poor cows i...... ...... Choice heifers Choice bulls Good to cholcs bulls. ........ .. Cholcs light calves Good to cholcs light calve. . . . Cbolce heavy calves Good to cbolce heavy calves... Choice stags Good to cbolce stags Hogs Choice hogs Good to choice hogs Choice heavy Common ....... Stock hogs - tihe.fw-. Choice Spring lambs .......... Good to choice bpring umoi... Choice yearlings Good to choice yearlings ...... fair to medium yearunss Cholcs ewes Good to choice ewes .......... Fslr to medium ewes Good to choice heavy wethers. Old heavy wethers Mixed lota The following quotations represent prises sn this market for tne different classes of horaes: Drafters, extra heavy. 100 0 600; drafters. 1400 to 17U0 lbs. 1150 1 300; drsft ora, 1200 to 1400 lbs. 11004250; chunks. SlOSlOO; plugs. $10140: driving horses. $$ and up; saddle horses. $00 and up. $6.93 i.l'O 6.93 5. 4.75 4.7.1 4.75 4.6S 6.75 s.r.o 6..V 6.U3 2OU.00 4.10.00 175.00 ..$7,005 $7.23 . . o.S.Vff 7.00 .. a.M'0 6.85 . . 6.U0W 6.30 .. 5.73 0 tf.00 . . 5.50 V 5.7 J .. 0.75 0 6.23 . .T..u)' 5.2.1 .. 4.751T t.tXl .. 4.;." 4.75 .. 5.004, 3.71 .. 4.75t 104 .. 4.23 0 4.73 .. 7.75 S.0U .. T.50S, 7.73 .. 3 50i 6.00 .. 5.009 5.30 , . 6.73't. 6.23 .. 5.23 V 6.75 .. 8.70 T.00 , . 60u 6.70 . . 6.UO -0 6.50 . 5.000 &.0 .. T.UOw T.25 . S.75-9 T.OO .. 6 if) a 6 73 . 3.25 is 5..10 . 5.u0t? 6.25 . 4.731 5.00 , . 4.50'iy 4.73 4.1H)'? .OU S.73W 4.01) 4..V)&y 6.00 4.00': 4.50 4.00 w 6.00 Allouea Amalg. Copper.. A. z. L. at Km.. Artsona Com. .. Atlantic B a o C a a i. Putts Coalition. CaL a Artionn. Cal. A Hecla Centennial ... 12ST.-hannoa Cop. Ran. C. Co. di Superior .... K. Bu:te CP. M. ' p .'" rmnklln .. 10N'up a I'lts t-op. Iroux t on s.n 11 82 H 3 14-, marack 37A O ran or Con. ... S3;!., s. . k. a ja. . - Greene Cananea. tj do pretererd .. 4w Koyale Cop. 4.1 k.vu. Kerr Lake 6 winona ' Miami Copper... SO Yolvertn. JOS Money F.xchasura, Eta. NEW TORK. Msy 17. Money on cell. V.U- per cent; ruling rate, 2i: closing bid. 2'.; offered at IS. Time liana stronger, vo aays, per cent: 90 days. Itillt per ten; a months. 8 per cent. Prime mercantile paper. z.we per rent Sterling exchange steady, with actual busi ness In bankers' blils at $4.8440 for So-day bll:s and at S4n254.8Kio (or demand. Commercial Mils. $4.U. i'.sr .llv.r. 53 c Mexlcan dor.ars. 43c. . Government bonds, stead'; railroad bonds, stronger. LONDON. May 17. Bar silver quiet. 24 9-led per ounce. Money. 101 per oent. The rate of discount tn the open market for short bills is 2 11-1$ per cent; three months bllla 3 3-1$ per cent. SAX TRANCISCO. Msy IT. Sterling on London. 60 dsys. $4.85.; sterling oa Lon don, sight. $.! . Ch brags livestock Market. CHICAGO. May 17. Cattle Estimated re ceipts. 1S.O00. Market, sleaoy to lower. Beeves. $3.0u4r.40: Texaa steers. wi fa.voo- wealem steers, noun.., . mnA r.xiera. Ii.9oui.70: cows and hellers. $2,406 5.60; calves, $4.r."8 7.25 . . l ;n. - . , HI.ainii "r. CrOCt Market. weak. Light. J5.93eS.4o; mixed. $600t,6.J0; heavy, $i.806.2O; rough. t3.b080.VO; good t. .k.ir. he.w I.-. H.i vr 6.2i: nigs. $3.s0w 8.S0; bulk of sales $6,001 8.25. ... ..J I 8 T AflA af sslr as bneep MumBira rrcci.i.a, i i.v-s. ' " strong. Native, fii.ij i ia; weiwru, 4.-vy 4.7-; year-wifr". w.ov'tr.ow: .mmum, u-n.'. IfitCk'Oi Wutern, f 8.10. FBODUCB AT SAX rBACI3CO. QaUoAfl Cvnrent hi tbe Bay City liw akeca. 8AV FRANCISCO. May 17. The follow- Inr produtj prloes were current today: VrtaOiea cucuniiwrm, ivo i'c , m lOfrl'see; green peaa. f.W&S.s; uinng matoc'a. $L0VI; CKS plant. 15 1 20c. Hu tier Fancy cramry, &. Kkii Store. SO hi c ; fancy ranch. J la Ct !.) Younpr A merit: , 13sal4Hc Onion-r Nominal, MllUtufTe Bran, 2SQ29; mlddllngi. $31 I? rult Appiaa, cooice, wnuuuu, $1.25; Mexican limes, 14.50 $ o; caitiornia lenaona, choice, 13. &0; common. 1.60; or-ang-ea, navel. $1.25 ft I. Hay Wheat. iia per ion, uc., and oats, tiu.l.; alfalfa. Potato Palinaa uuroaniu. 4.b.. urv gon B urban na, vz..v2..v. Keeeipta r tour. a quriw Mt-nB. wheat, 740 cental; barley, IH centals; oata. 17A cent ale: oata. Oreron. 1380 centals; po tatoes, 6i0 sacks; bran. 35 sacks. Coffee and 6ugar. KEW TORK. May IT. Coffee futures closed steady at a decline or 8 points oa May. but from 8 to 9 points higher on later months. May. 10.57c; June, 10.59c; July, ltXilc; August, 10.45c; September. 10.S2c; October. 10.44c; November, 10.10c; Decem ber. January, 10.oc ; Kebruary. 10.0ttc; March. lo.Obc and April, lO.Otte. Spot cofe steady; Rio No. 7, llc; San tos No. 4. 12 Vc. Mild coffee, quiet; Cor dova, I3tfl5c; nominal. Raw sugar, quiet; Muscovado, 69 test, 3.3tk:; Centrifugal, t6 test. 38oc; molasses, fcU test. S llc; refined. quleL Iried Fruits at New York. NEW TORK. May IT. Evaporated apples, quiet; offerings small, prices firm. On spot fancy are quoted at 14 tfl5c; choice, 9 14c; prime. 13c Prunes offering very sparingly, firm; quo tations from 9tfl4Ho for California up to S0-4OS. and 11 3 4? 14c for Oregon from 80 tO Sa, Peaches firm, with small offerings; cholce, SHvVc; extra choice. le-c; fancy, OV 4 luc. New Tork Cottoa Market, NEW TORK. May 17. Cotton futures closed steady. May. IS-SSc: June, la.slc; July. lS Tc: August. 15 4c; .September, 1 S. 7Se ; October. 13. 1 tc ; Norember. 1 3. 13c ; December, ll.ltc; January. IS. 15c; March. U.ric, Spot cotton quiet. 10 points hirher. Mid dllnc upland. l.0a; do. Oulf. 16.39c No SCARE OATS SHORTS Dry Weather Reports Start Rush of Buying. CHICAGO. May Torn. 1 premium IT. Exchange on New c dittos. f a W4tUnctoa, May XT. At tba Ifreg-taotsg of Ufleta WmI 6sJea. LONDON. May IT. The offerings at the wool auction sales today amounted to 13.329 bales. The selection was In good condition and the -continent competed keenly for scoured merinos. Queensland merinos re U lsed s SVtd and T.imanlan greasy Is Ad. Cross-breds wre readily absorbed by the home trade. Faulty wools Irregular. Hopa at New Tork. NEW TORK. May lT.-Hops te4. PRICE UP OVER A CENT Wheat- Strengthened by News of Paniage to Winter Crop In On tarlo Cloe Is Stronger May Premium on Corn Ixxrt. CHICAGO. Msy 17. Oats had flrst place today In a ssneral advance of the price of grain. Hot, dry weather started a rash of buylns- on the part of traders In this cereal and the effect spread to the neigh boring pita At the end of the dsy oats had a gain of .o to lHc, wheat varied from He higher to e off. and corn from c rise to o down. Hog products flnlshsd all the way from 12ttc up to 50c down. The close for oats was steady, within Ho of the top figures of the day. From Indi ana to Missouri the country appeared to be altogether too dry and hot for the shorts, who developed symptoms of a scare at the very outset, snd kept busy covering freely throughout the session. The only selling wss In the nature of profit taking, but of this there was considerable. July ranged from Sltoc to 34aO and olosed o net higher at the last mentioned level. The chief strengthening influence In wheat eame from newe of damage to Winter wheat In Ontario. July fluctuated between tsc and S.Mc closlns strong So up at $3 He In the corn trade, the feature was tha disappearance of the May premium. July touched as extreme limits SiHo and SZHc, with the close firm HtyHo up. at 52 9 S24C. Cash grades were steady. No. $ yellow finished at 63aiS414,c- For the moat part, provisions showed a little advance. A drop of 60o for the May option In pork seemed exceptional. The leading futures ranged aa follows: WHEAT. Open. High. $ .96H $ .5H .SSI. .9H .87 .S8 ,S .to CORN. .53 .53 .D2H -52H .53 .S3Vs .50 .51 OATS. .ISH .84 Vi .SS. .84 .53 5, .34 MESS PORK. .. 14. SO 15.05 .. 14.10 14.35 LARD. .. $.03 S.05H tO5 .. S.17H .2JH $-15 SHORT RIBS. .. .05 8.05 S.02H .. 7.87VJ 7.2H 7.87H .. 7.85 7.0 7.S5 quotations were as follows: Vlour Hteaay. Bye No. 3. 41.Oiei.0S. Karlev Feed or mixing, $5S0c choloe malting. 2caTl. Timothy seed $12 Clovei. $13.76. Pork Mess, per barrel. $lS.7BtI16. Lard Per 100 pounds. $8.05. Short ribs Sides (loose), 7.37H1I. Short ribs Sides (boxed), ISSS.ltH. Grain statistics: Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 181.000 bushels Primary receipts were 415.000 bushels, compared with 181. 00 bushels ths corresponding day a year ago. intimated receipts lor tomorrow: w uwi. May.. July. . Sept. . Dec. . May. . July. . Sc-pt. . Deo.. . May.... July. ... Sept July. :.. Sept July.... Sept. ... May July Sept... Cash Iow. Close. I .95 $ .95H .8SH .H .87 .88. .88 T .90 .521i .524 .62 i .RS .52 -63H .60 T4 .61 H .S3H .3H .33 H -3414 .33. -24H 14.85 14.30 14.S7H 14.32 H SIS' 8.20 S.03H 7.90 I.bS fair to 104 cars: corn. bogs, 20,000 head Flour, barrels . . . Wheat, bushels' . . Corn, bushels ... Oats, bushels Rye, bushels ... Barley, bushels . . 107 cars; oats, 147 cars: Receipts. Shipments. 3. 100 187.200 187.500 471.100 11.000 72.000 14.300 150. 400 JS6.900 128.600 6.000 20.800 Grain at San Francisco. SAX FRANCISCO. May IT. Wheat Steady. Barleys Steady. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping. $1,409 l.BO per cental. Barley Feed. $1.46Tl-47H per cental; brewing. $1.5.1 1.57 H. Oala Bed. $1.S2H w 1.40 per cental; whits, nomi nal; black. $1.15 6 1.3-H. . Call board sales: Wheat No trading. Barley December. $1.34 H bid. $1.86 asked per cental; May. $1.48 asked. Grain Markets of th. Northwest. SEATTLE. May 17. Wheat Bluestem 84Hc: forty-fold, 87Hc; club, S7c; flfe. 87c; red Russlsn. bee; oats, $ per ton: barley, $"S per ton. Today's receipts Wheat, 5 cars; hay. 12 cars; oats, 1 car; barley, 1 car. TACOMA. May IT. Wheat Bluestem. P4 e3c; forty-fold. 88o; club, 87c; red Rus sian. 84c. Receipts today Wheat. 11 ears; hay, 1 car; oats, 1 car. Dnlnth Flax Market. DTTT.UTH. May 17. Flax on track and to arrive. May and July, $2-58; September, $2.0: October, 32. OO. "WHY BITULITHIC" Pavement I "BI TULITHIC appears to give bet ter satisfaction here than any other pavement. We have had no trouble or expense with' it whatever." R. G. Burdett, Secretary Board of Trade, Eegina, Sask. THE BARBER ASPH.LT PAVING COMPANY Constructs Asphalt and other Bitu minous Pavements. 605-608 Electrlo Bids, Portland. Or. Oskar Huber, Manager. 1 TRAVELERS' GUIDE. g AN FRANCISCO PORTLAND SS. CO. From Alnsworth Dock. Portland. 8 A. M. 88 Bear Mar 18, Rose City 23, Bearer 28. From San Francisco, northbound, 12 M. SS Roe. City May IS. Beaver 21. Boar 28. From &an Pedro, northbound. 12 M. S3 Beaver May 1, Bear 84, Rose City 29. U. G. Smith. C. T. A, 142 Third St, j. W" Rans4Hn. Agent. Alnsworth Dock. Phonest. Main 402. 28: A 1402. NEW YORK PORTLAND REGT7LAB FREIGHT SERVICE. Low Rates. Schedule Time. AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN S. S. CO. $1$ Railway Exchange Bldg. Portland. Or. MaJn837s. A ItX COOS BAY LINE STEAMER BREAKWATER Sails from , Alnsworth Dock. Portland. A. M May . 8. 11. 18 21. !, 31. June B and every Bve dsya Freight received at Alnsworth Dock dally up to 5 P. M. Pss- s.nser fars. Crat-class. l: secona-cu $7. including meals and berth. , . . . rwwV fhnnw Mala 17U. A 1284. Phones Ticket of Mala 268 Officers of LUMBERMERS NAT.I.O.NAL E3A.1M.K On Fifth at i Stark G. K. WENTW0RTH, President. JOHN A. KEATING. Vice-President. GEO. L. McPHEESON, Vice-President. F. A. FEEEMAN, Cashier. GEAHAM DXJKEHAET, Assistant Cashier. A. L. TUCKER, Assistant Cashier. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. Merchants National Bank Established 188S. Second aad AVashlngrtoa Street.. PORTI.AITIJ, OREGON. Capital and Surplus $350,000.00 . The Merchants National Bank solicits th. business ffnd cordially 'n vltes the accounts of Individuals. Firms and Corporations, feeling assured that the unexcelled facilities and thorough knowledge ot local conditions acquired during our twenty-five years of banking experience will render relations, ones established, permanently agreeable and mu tually beneficial. R. I DTJRHAM. President. M. u HOLBROOK. Vice-President. CO. W. HOTT. Cashier. S. C CATCHING. Asst. Cashier. C. DETERTNQ. Asst. Cashier. LADD k TILTON BANK Established 1859 i Capital -. $1,000,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 700,000.00 Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued, avail able on all parts of the world. Corner Washington and Third Streets. First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Bank West of the Rocky Mountains STEAMSHIPS "Prince Rupert" and "Prince George" for- Victoria, Vancouver, Prince Rupert, Stewart and Queen Charlotte Island Points - . Ian T.v R.-ttle. Wash.. Sundavs. at midnight. EFFECTIVE APRIL 19, 1811 Leave Seattle, Wash.. Sundays and Wednesdays at midnight. . ..... KOTICB Vednedaya Bailing' to Prince Rupert only vjntll Jan. 11. Connecting with S. S. Prince Albert from Prince Rupert every Saturday at 1:00 P. M. for Queen Charlotte Islands, and for local points at 1:00 P. M. Wednesdays. Rates Include meals and berth north of Vancouver. For tickets and reservations apply to Local Railway Ticket Agents or J. H. Burgis. General Agent, First Avenue and Yesler Way, Seattle, Washington. TRATTXERS' GUIDE. ti;MMV.Il'HMM.a AMERICAN WHITE STAR RED STAR ATLANTIC TRANSPORT WHITE STAR DOMINION Canadian Service Co.'a Office, 819 Xd Ave., Seattle; or O. W Stlnrer. 234 Wash.; A- 1. ChaWl ton. !55 Mor.t F. K. Johnson, 145 Sd: E. F. Balrd. 100 Sd; Vaid. Lldell, t N 8th: H. Dickson. 118 d. TRAVELERS' ClTTDBk GAHADIAH PABiFIB STEAliHilflre Tbs Tourist Hlebwar and Scenic Route to Europe via Tne St. Lawrence Rlv.r. tbe Shortest Ocean Passscs. Iess thaa Four Cays at ba by the -EMPRESSES OF THE ATLANTIC." Weekly sailings Montreal. Quebe. to Liver pool. First cabin. J90; second cabin, fl-25, one-class cabin (called second cabin), .!; third cabin. 830 and 881-28. Ask local ae-enla, F. R. Johnson. O. A.. 142 Third 8t or J. J. Forster. T. P. A. 809 First Avsv. Seattla NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA (t'nion Line of N. Z- VIA TAHITI ASD WEIJJ;OTO! rrirect til rough steamers, saillnc from Ssa Francisco, May 81. snd every 2 dsya Well ington and back. 1st clsss. IJ04. Other rates also low. Th. line to Isles of tbe South Seas. For reservations aee Coupon Railroad Agent, or address Oceania 8. b. Csw San Francisco. OPEX RIVER TRANSPORTATION CO. SlrCJ.IN.lLAL, Freight received dally at Oak-st. dock for The Dalles. Hood River. White Salmon. Umatilla, Kennevi lck. Pasco. Richland. Hanford. White Bluffs. Lewis ton. Idaho, snd in termediate points. FIRST-CLASS PAS SENG EB SKRVICK. FARE SO CENTS TO HOOD BIVEK, WHITB SALMON, XHB DALLES. Steamer leaves Portland Sun.. Tu.. Thura, 7 A. M. Returning leaves Tbe Dalles Mon., Wed , FrL. 1 A- M . arrlvins at Port land about 8 P. M. same day. W Buchanan, Supt.: W. S. BmaUwood. On I Mgr. Phones Main 2980. A 8027. WW JAPAN Cooks Summer Vacation Tours Fifty-eight Days $450. All Expenses Included. Send for Free Booklet. Tickets to ALASKA. T0SEMITE and YELLOWSTONE. TH0S. COOK & SON 689 Market Street, San Francisco. San Francisco, Los .Angeles and San Pedro Direct. Korth Faclfl. 8. at C's ft 8. Roanoke and 8. 8. BIdar sail every Wednesday altee utely at 8 P. M. Ilcket oaic lai Tolrd au nssr Aldsr. XABTTjr J. HIGLET, rassenser Agemt. W. B. 8LLSSEK. Freight Agent. , . jeh.ens JM. 1814. A 1814.