iC"Nr. orpoRTTNmia r rtv i-i i "t i. i v -- P v v the ciai.. run r! n ho.lt.-hewii M-re.. but a real rrodel eda f"ur.;.n rit: irstallet -t of thond d Uar. Nlcr c.eun, ferirst tv-k of cndt eiaera. i am unlMon. i--hwl s-.:Pp:.a. sporting goods, ituwry. hflki. fanta!n su; t.itc et. Ctnlee the lam manatfeTrei; fir A Ytin d true la tre firt ttm . - - tn m Meltable CMTTT re r eve fr-e tr: of t.-.e biuih". V t.l e-:i at inventory an i accent fcalf eaa, t Vance on ay :roi to trustworth Tarty- Ppr ml laundry acncr m ron re--Un. W.U stand in fui-t invest: tior Rest f rer'ns fr s: In. I t : - tram la a owner. 10 4 Si. Rainier, Ore on. eK"RNITLRi an4 time furatehSng bus e fir a. thu-n 1 t ar made Xrof!t of f" : eeteb.lahed year: In - erorita -& xear: cood .ooetl Jir.a :aee. tow rnt. low tnar-; br'.rk t-ii.'Ilcg. 2 feet of fiir apare. f aori; co e?ir:r.kae-, no d--.y. ro char.: a profit oa ery aa!. Wul Invoice $! ' rum Its own waon and tam, N eom m:e:on. no onu. onf must ! l:f or wnole rntereet tte m or. c h ; sr-oat thorguc!) !r.rit'iUon invited. Cal 1 r ow-ar or phone Maa a 30 or writ a -Own-r."" SS :oa ftta; $4cv cash do wiil hand: this. l.S'.nflPORATKD go!d znlr.lcg MT.ptnr, own in ene of the vary bet quart mines in (ifon wt rive io -J inftr or I treasury stock for e-jff! -lent cah to buy an 4 tr.ataii mill and will re-fund tre en t!ra a- 'ini from firat pre-e of p-ar.t. Fine wa:ar rwr eiredv lrjteMM, l Df ta rrt atiUDdente. ra tutyi f-om $10 to t-r ton. Ad ireae o G. M- Con. roi:u;;t to a Oraata I'aaa. partner la ron'-rn la or of TQ rf ti;hi-l an and mlilioiry, tlra Utra f-i tnfi: blf ra wnra hwaV h apy .y li 1 n lha fM'.owin tt t arrar.r'i. la f-tilir.s. Fi" Information Vancouver. H- COM8 TO THE TACinC WITH WARD." wmntl In Tartrte North w-at, I'aciftc ii ttiiai I.tfr. 4J rara o d. 2J rr:i;! r. aw'M. W lnn.n moitf. U. IL V- ar d. Jtfar T12 bya,dln bid. fARMfR r da'rTnn will v yo ha!f lntrt In a in d dAfrr and toa ranch your mtr.m in int-d In mr atok. f ra;-rlaa cMnina; t.j f r ltW cowa and 7i h ad of h.ik-p . aiatrt -ad.: jJ lnt in !?rt Irtt-r. A'Mf'M T J. Brad a. !. H" 1'. nrr-nt'in. Or. WANTKtJ Party wIir rrwrn f?JO ta H0 to taka tctort in g-i patoa bwal3a wii mand lrM(.ct'ot; wa naa c pas In 4 ta i auf.ra a- T"i Aai UrcantTa Airf. if atn s M Ahtr.a-oa bide. XtR SALE: I'omriVlr'r 'irrHi laundry. tot town 'n:ri V.hiajt jo. $ t j pr w -ic b'a!oj , ail cM. piar.t Invoi I .- i4i r ill ard ! ai! for $r'-j0. $i'-K cn. baazMra l-O pr month. A.V s. HiR VERT FfSEN'F.-i? ll!ch-crad Irvtnr ton nw ri'B- prp-r; y to cbaria t 'T a I'orCand Mr: aa ir r na Inyot'-ir rrn $y"j to I'aX Owdti or. -r- O rret oadaca cwafidantlai. K lit. Oraomaa. BOVR vry dalraM :! mln. slttiatal ta rthm Ol.forn.a and In tiouthorn Of g-ttk. fr aui at prl. n and Urmi to oult I ha moat via'-tir Invttor. Addn L. iar.r'im, iirta'i Faa. r. 5v R S aT-K I "ratAUra V. t. ho7 Id iTrTi" sod 6ijina. tat l.- atlun m cit i w pl ; b-t.-tain tf ian at on- . pr1 fi. WockI. Ln4 Corny any. Kataca T. llfKATFR lrat In fat. aata 3TO. do!n ji.'u D--r w?-k rrof-': 'pJMi rM!rn, evr: t'iln t-o-Uit; JV. - ch. t-L t n. n if'a health r--aaoo f r aiilu4C AV nr. rra n an. tVANTKD An tu't partner wlih rn to act aa traa jrr fur fmaty iulpi4 try4r4 moving; rl-tur aw. t'.jj ir- n v nL.r. Mm'. Lav nl-nncfa 0-0 Wa.i:i near 1 7tn. IT yon really want rinihinc a;iol ta a tc;it!mat bn'irt'ii ni today; no DoDr Duimrsi tnxt pay nomouj on imail niuiint. aNut $:) r1' 4i.' liuciumn &''. TOt'NO MAN. uTRANGSfV, llik rarvful lnwiitun at f a.lr batur foa tavat mnny ta aa Prap jautloa Aaviaurr it yavr in a i . la. WANTED AT ONCK. and apart-nntt from u;. Mint ba r-vau-prod ucina; and 11 lca:vL &J oo fcM. Va vtf rv-rartnr ! :T 7iT io "inrVt la a buainoaa th! la n- c artna; .t.,0 p-r t onto- In tf. r-a mon:h lu.r It to $.. or mr pr mnth- llaferanca liAHKHT for anl'-: a f.iw hundrot di;ra wl.l bur a i-vl bakary, and wat-n, in a ana or .jo town. CaU at Coi-J-aat..Apt. 3, KltAL ESTATE man wanta abr. tnditr!"Tia fjrtnr to htp htm In hie h-i dm; will ruaraat you pot If tr.an f I M month iy. li.t;n 3.1 Lumber Lirhanfa A HOME, wltk rortarlonr-y and a;ro-rT a'r. l'ttlo mony rwjuirwt; two biocka f "-tn aad it road way car. ci Aw 2Vta at. N.rth fa At r Ir - t la pvin WfT hu!nri o una $ j a tr.nth. aa of th b-t proooat nuna ta rrtl.ind. W-:ro la . t:n'ntv .vr41? lizard of Tra.de. air- T a.d. ni-t marht wlfh atrM-lt d 8x:ura. w 1 liMcd. dtna; rood fn-a. pr'.-a f- cV tlaruAaa-A:ur- in I an i ."o,. vr.-rff. r. u Fv H ? A! K Auto rapatr a p a pa Inc b.ia'. wi.l ad la tnan tnlca. 'arHa lavirc a t. Tad or add;a il. a. Oa brc. 4.9 Iltim nt at V'1,1: MN; and pr.-;ry bu-. Wants p.rtr.r to drJvr ..1 py i. a. j weekly to 'art fn Ia4Ucu-ars r-Km .i I.qmtwf Kichan. VOK "jAUK or tra 1. l-i '-a -ja rItiTquUT nnt. a o a--ra a; p; lind. partia:y lmf-ro . !iT a. Aldr aa It ox - Hf.At. KTArkT lU'SI.NKSit Fartnr wn'd f-r ftmt-cui propvtattln t-at pera f i pr n.oa: n or more, ail ard f Tra.! llAl.r lntrt In r-'table ral aftata b-et ft r( a f.r --Mr.-. f r mori't a-"Turd. rr r-ea cta and rtquul J'arttculara alS lu. rd of Tra-l. vH SALK a;tab:ld aoul p'T n-.Ljnt; f ir ma and w;r f' r a d opportunity 9ik ti t lii; t. 4th at. Si i-V ln;-rt tn an l-iar d bual na. d'nc a a""-d b u-i ". '.-r full pr ti u ara ra.l K uny A ."'imi 'i.r, Lttmbt It'i-i Ml, rwmi US ."-Ji J A RTN y. K wn: -1 f.-r moy'.rc picTcra thA a'-T -irtr.s t'-i Pr dv; rrr r-4.--nao.c. V -:.Ta l:ir:ci:nt Ctk, 417 iiaxd of Tra. JTFL and ranfr b-uln f.r aa!a; a bartraia If tkan At o K!rrh:i A K cv at tocher a. li J Cttmtr wf Com m r . . U'M tkry and d,n-,.-ar.. l!!n? T 'ta: 2-t rvaaunaMe cfT-r. owner, ZJS l-Jti at. Narta. ICAT ttarkt tr am:a In thrttnf town, .!". nc '' b'-atc;a nmih.r. or wul trad for property. i 111, crcnnlaa. low rnt. !-. ..-; rlc piano; tT-r a. Call ti'd IUifJ of Tra.U. COH rk'NEHY. lc-cram. clcara. ate: -..- a. or of tv.a ki- d In jrvwtr c country t. :&. fj-d tra. la. Call C4- otrk at. X'H fAt.K nt-al ll.trl, rn W aldport. ir : fum tura lacl-.d.-t. rita to prv pnetra. l- lid. W aid port. or. ""aTxT: . a N L I N I'fTKU lTsTOCKaI Ta.ac a ad otaar biffM and ao d. t .t. hr In. Co . I-i AM;.toa JOK CKKAM. mr f.-t I na r. e!rar it-rt. f!na "-atua. a;-. :. w rriL I'r.ca t-5 A tL-ip. ourr Oi- Wl Inst in at. 11'tA U!. Oi-.riltie i a.'l d bi:''r,m, will i urnt .'-;ri' mn $ ! rr. Jtith; tnny arour-d. l .-t! -u ara, Ftark iu Wo R K O T r x. -n. alt T .m !. ad. In ro4 wuc:r t w o l'arUs:aIara room -J Xutn- br :ca:'-. JZ'vO WHX fit In a bua.na that" w t; jay J04, J 3 w-a fr ni atsrt. Partl- cu.ara 4' ?.;.". b:.ia.. ti n and A;der at. fo.t?Tl' NKKY "and r. ir. "Wat"s:-7 d.'trc Hd bu- naa. pre VSOo. Cai 614 Hoard of Trad". AiOV 1NG-1 U'TT li E b.Uf. Good reaao&a tr a-.ug. f-"T en-j:ppL O llO. OtrgO- man. iv ST a it my tar:!jd Uut tana end K rn e t o e v . Iwll. O lo.. Orgon:aa. A N T f I P-rt n ra ! t:i J 1 00 f,r mo inc" picture at s..;rr.iff raort. b.g money-maaa r. I A o r - r 1 n n. ItAMN'.) m'.tl . want irtorctd h'p; pre fer crri.e nan. wul pay r ' hi ssuju-j ; tuo yri-f.'.a. C.i ' 2 5t.'',.trrfcJ- T.K si vLK We:i-eeMbU.?5-d c:ear:ir:g an 4 4!ng bimii. f".r pr-i-u r .idre C-i-ago Citng Works, Grants I'aaa. ir, for: "ALE -Prtr.ceae' Hotel KatauraaC 3d art lijni::. CASK a:! for Ptark. than In- 5"i n K S" V 7 -One - ha. f phot!, per mo. 33 r.ee. Ir-tud;: vo c h bd(. "JA I V7INd nrd d -j-a . :r ; sr -?d aeaa far :... Call - Staia a PKRSARD A- CRANDEU.B HI' ! I N K.-1 S l.V f. s i M r--N TOl YK"N lil.r.. aTVi AM Al.DFR LAKJ EASTERN CON N SCTlOa. PHONE MAIN s6- , Egantiy furnianrd. all tie: rry rood location, iteam haat; te.ephonaJl connect n all raomi: lanltor aarvica; brand new .Tiirttn- rJ..rraE:ad auU: tiiera a". id mora to thia. ltter It. B. A- rttted to mahogany and blrdaaya mapi. r l n.irnci - - ,. placa catera only to boat cla of fcrtnea lo a montii; only v.rvlhlnr the TrT Olid Wtil d rem il a s.. i nr i?-?,u. Thla ta a HAH- CAIN. B. A. rranilKilf. TOl Toa bld. Kirbt ow town; carrylna; Una of 4J K,.itp end a ics a bt of aajiok! maata. hlffh-claaa luncb I1"?- fAaf? r.rtea, ye4tab;ea and erarythln pertain tnr to this kind of a baaineaa. Tou can do ;ik a day aaally; prlre la only Ion leat and rcaaor.abla rant for tha lo- rt nn. I n la ta lmji- . 7l Yton b'.dr- . ,,t. for tha baat propoaitJor.a open in Portland In the way of a buaineaa tr.Teatment wa kt the meat ua-to-oai ui Ij. a. Crar.di:a. T"l Tn bide . u y STARE On th Hida, njht In buaine t-trt. do;na a day: stock ni run $r.5oO ard will aall at larotca. J2tA0 wl.I Tit tou In. ill a balance to rcii- x. ja. Crar.d-l!. Tn biar r.A is mnmi nn in Cirrasalaa walnnt. tha other to Mrtlaey rr.ale; Urfe braaa bla- dinlac room fitted in Ear.y 1.-. K-t n i(ftrf!and rhlna ftiahaa and lioeVa allyarwara; a $n5 doma in tha .' r P mo-n- -mi ever 1T0 to furniah; a?-. ta tha "ortca. one-half raah. baian-.-a n:n aa vkuU B. A. Crandalia, 1 ri:!it 'STAND AND rONFXCTIONERT The on;y Ur in tha city tiiat ara rTuiva baxceJna, Wa hava tnm from .tto t It a uaIa to waik youraalf to deata looking around. Coma to tn:a or.ic ard a can put you wise. I. A. Crandei 7ul Y"n t'.dr. WASiUNOlON FT. RKSTATRANT. rwuipmer.t to take car of COO pepla a day; prnt partnart dlaaar ardwlll aacrlfl a their Intereat to set out. 7o0 la th prlca I-'mio will handle It. This u FN A I. P. A. Crandalia. 701 T.n b.dg. Ll'MH-HOOa ANIJ 1EL!CATKjJEN I erga atam tab!; beautiful ihowcaf. tabira, chaira: ttj aood location; irood l-ae; rl-:tt dwn town; ISO rent; doing w r day. SMv r-t it quick- H. A Craad:. 71 Yo.a bMf. CEXEKAL MERCHAVPISE Wk!k!r.f dlatance. J !g a nice bawlneaa; r-nt la only THIS IS A SNAP AT $ U00. H. A. Crandfl.e. 7M Teon bidf. ' GENTS KL'RNISIUNiS. TTaTa a number of d barp;ain from to $mh: all xd locatlona. B. A. rmri:a T'tl V.. h'tr. SALOON WITH INDEPENDENT 1IENSE. A ifMMS laaae, raaouabia rnt; -O ara aatabl!d bualnaaa. ry t-t location; oyer $."00 atork n hand. IK)tnr better tnan Sl a day. lJ.0o taka very thin -B. A. Crandl.e. 701 Yron bliC- Aid PRO,OLTIONa TTiat thla offlra ofr. ra for a. a ara Invea tiEa?d thon.uchly bf"r th"y ara placd on tha market. Our title ara all auaran t"ed avrd we know we can aatlafy you. I. A. Crandelte. 7I Yeon b'dff. MAM'FACTl'hlNO BC6INESS. An ceUnt opportunity to ift into on of the moot prof l tab .a bua'neeiws known. Nthlnr like It on aba Pacific Ciaat. Prea ent party haa not aufficlent capital to meet the demand for tha output. It la a ld In every sro ry a to re tn Portland. Thi win pay you 7 on your investment. S oO to $10 004 u noadad. B. A. Crandelia. 71 Yon bids. CAPETKRIA. EAfT SIDI5 I-OCATION. Tha bat place over there: dole a; $ H to M a day ; 1 s-hola at earn table ; kitchen la comp.nt. Thla la a aplrndld place; rtmt la only t-.T tO; can ct a lone laa and to a thia meane to buy. 0O0l B. A. Crand:is, 701 Yeon bide. GltOTERT ANl CONFECnONEUT Wth frulta. 1- e cream and ada fo'intaln. fl'.nrA, ciicarettea and candUa. If oU a r to lavoica thla stork it would run 414-kX Wa can at a rood Icaaa and tha rnt la mora than taken out In arrvcrl a. TN It-.iae caIIi fr z: a month now. $ino. will taka ila loL B. A. Cran dalle, 7vl Yeon bid. BAJCERT. Carria llfht stock of crocarles and aom deltraci; a food lorailua; a o"d lonae; larce portable ovena computing aa.. larxa ice box. aowraa". Lome; a rice businma and think of It, (HK. li. A. Crand. i . 701 Yeon bide. INVKSTOIW OPPOKTTXlTTEa. Wa have a number of exca'lent prop aitiona in apecfaity lines that ara A NO. 1. lou may be in threat atl In one or tha otrir. l et ua tula U ovas. li. A. Crandelie. 7ul Yeoa b.lc- . IN THE r A EEK Wa have cJoi out quite a number of p.acea and If your place Is fr aala It won't take lone; for ua to move It. Wa ara tha only office in Portland who coma li tourh with Eaatam buyer previous to their arrival tn Portland and now wa do It that la our UI S1M--S. rOK THE WflCKKST RESULTS Idat your bualnaa with ua. Call us up or writs and wa wld send out reprantatlva to In v at i irate. B. A. Craoidetle, 7ul 'aeon bids PKUNARn A. CRAXDKIXB 1 1 1 S l N V S I NV EsTM K .S T H. TOl TE"N HLDO.; tTH AND AI.PER. LJUiOa; RASTERS t'OX N KCfiONi PtioNK MAIN bod. HERE ARC SOME GOOD ONES TtOME BAKCRT Mtra ordra than they can fill; low rent; fine location; CONFECTI0XERT rTORfi Rant lio. Icaaa; food trade. 1550. MEAT MARKET. Eaat Side, ft years' lu CIGAR STAND. Wt "Me; good trade; ottter at $:ooa as- OEVRRAX STORE, to Portland; $lrt"0 i County aad one la Invoice. One tn Willamette ey. MOVrNQ PICTTRE THEATER. Two g - d oaee; I10O0 and .2ou Call ana see ua OustIn. Cll Lumbermen bids;. A GOOD PROPOPlTtON For the right party. A grocery and meat market doing over I'm a any; rent, including all fixturea, horve and wag-on. barn. o. All you buy ta the etM-k. wh!-h la aw and clean, at invoice. etKtut SlatXl lUoch Kealty Col. 904 Alder at. FOR fALK Very chaap. one sawmill and outrit i-om plate; capacity 13. feet per day; -t up ready f r buslneaa: situated s i TnU--s Crorn atktpping point by rail or watrr. Together w::h aae on aO ax a of ftr.e fir t:.-T-.br lurroucjinr mill. Call on or pho-e T. M Morris. 43 CorbeCt bldg. Phone Main a-1 or A 31.'.'. CIG AR COVFE-rTlOVERTAND ICE CREAM l'AKLOK. Ftne location. t.-Anafr point. clean stock and fine fixtures; rent indadlns; 2 rooms. I . ; I 4. Hloch r.raity Co.. Alder at. WANTED Party with $.00 to Join ma In in.j:io a ii-inown matt of acro ji.ane ovr the Northwest; good chance to d'-uMe money In H) da;a F 110, ora gonian. Ct'NTKACTuR and builder wanta a reliable man as partner, will give flrst-elaaa ref erence and guarantee Ut) par month; very l.ltl-. mon-y r-julred. Caii room Sift Lu:nbr L'xc.-.ange b. ig. WANTED An boneat partner with f caab to act as treaaurer for flne-egnlpped traveling mov!r.g-putur show. b!g money maker; muat have reference-, t:' Wtso Ir-ajton, tfr 17th. WE HA VP! 3 splendid TELICA TtSSENS. both do ing? f:ne bus'neaa and must be aean to be appreciated. iilocO Kealty Co -o Alder at. ltOVINO-PZCTPRB theater. Portland, new, ravy to operate, 2ii opera chair, low rent, good Wcatlcn; erna. ili S wetland ! f ; you want to sell your business? IK you want a partner? Call and see or write me. v . Lawrence, ill Lum ber Exchange bMg. Both phonea. ONE-FIFTH Interest In gocd aawmlM, raii at. J tieeo water fact!Uiea. splendid site. Will traIe for Portland propTty Improved or unimproved. E Hi. Oregonlan. kjTAL'KAXT. g-od. rent 3 m.tker. cheap; bidg- Waahtngton sL. furnlahed ; lng U'ase : btx niciey tcrma Goduard, &v I eon FOR PALE OR RENT "-room Eaat ilde hotel, filled Stead v room -re and boarders. Hloch Realty Co.. U0 Aider gt. r.ETACRAVT SNAP. Can eaa;.y cr $25i; Vng leaae; cheap rer t . price S -o ; terms. Don' t overlook thia snap. Call SS 10th st I A 11 r : R shop fr sale. leav in g cfty ; 8 ; airs and bat ha a good paying; shop. S-, N. 6rh st. V V- L'RBAN grocery d-neg fine buslneaa, j:j j- r month; w i U tali a pax t la t rade. 1 : 4. Ore c J n! an. CHICKEN ranch, H aci. ML Poort Una, h-ue. bam. so cheap it will surprise you. ;o i.iard. Teon bldjr. SHOE fHOP for aala. Will stand Inspection. . ' I . i-y2i ' n aU. between 14th and13th FOR SALE Small Kakery In country town. P h one 5' abor SIX J. TRr 1RT stork In townslte corporation. good lnveetmenL. AV li-4. Oregonlan. BEST A t" R AN T f or sal e, g oodT loca tlo n4 .N. gtb at. CANADA'S larreat and richest nrovinc Britlah Columbia larger than the atataa of WanhlnEtoa. Oreiton and Idaho com btnad. Miliiona of icrei of tha finest aTi cultural land for tT-emptlon. Vortunea to be made In timber, coal and mineral lands. Fort Georae la the aeorraphlcal and vtrateajio commercial center of this empire and Is on the line of the Grand Trunk Paflftn trannntlnental and 11 other railroads chartered or bulldlna. Fort Geo r re la at the junction of H0O miles of navigable waterway a All railroads must run to Fort Qeorre In order to icet north, south, east or west through Central or Northern British Columbia. tlOO.000.000 will be epent in next five years In ran road bulldlna; alone. Wa are Joint owners and sole areata of thla towmsue. Wrtte quickly for all Information. Natm-ml RMnurri ftMrtirltv Comnany. 11m Ited. M3 Uranvilla street. Vancouver. B. C IfTTRT leave tar Ctrnne will aell rood-pay ln business on a;oo4 corner location for menium-ciasw tra a in fortinna; w; coraiata of clothing-, a hoes, furnishings and Iadis wearing apparel and invoicea about fStsOO; will consider part read estate and rlva easy terms. Address P. O. Box S7& SIX clad ma. near tha Hicclna strike, with water power. Umber and plenty of blab a-rade nuarta In h 1m : onJv S400u t prompt buyer; no money required till thoroughly lnvestlrated. Thla la a apectal bargain In a Oret-claaa rold mine. C XU M antrum. Grants Paas, or. WANTED A rustler with 1000 cash to loin me in beat ral aetata nroooaltlon thla state. You will make at least 47000 In 6 tnonthi If vou haven't the cash aave your time and mine. AV 7d Ore- fonian. t tl-ROOM HOTEU This la one of tha best business propo sition in the city; long- Iraae. low rent, full houae; will bear Investigation; $2000, part caab. balance on time. Call room 114 WANTED rartnar In lance, modern room Irc-houee. one experienced and capable of manajTine; same; owner naa oiner dubi neaa; price $3000; snap. AT , Oreo- ntan. WASTED- A ra.rtv with some money Join me In an tutero Oregon proposition. tirung-itao. ivz cnainnor or tommero OROCERT atore. Weat Side. 1 llvlna:-rooms. furnished. foo; snap, uoddara. 6UJ ison bide-: rent $16; old established, PA ItTXER ' wanted : rath atore: t!red hired help; aruarantee rood profits; $oOO required. Call ss ft ark at. WOI'I.D invest about $400 with services In pay inc. honest business. Beat references. M 11U. Oraronlan. SECOND-HAND furniture atore. tlon. rii Jefferson st. RKSTAl.'RANT Cheap; lone lsr; have two. must a 1 1 one. term a. 2;d First. ROOMrXG-nOlSES. tEt-T. OR TRADE, Sf roonis. new modern brlk. close In, 4 -year leaae. rent "-0, private baths, hot and cold water all rooms, all hraas beds. Iron springs, extra rood mattrases and linen, eolld oak furniture. Blgelow Axmlnater carpota An Ideal place. Nev er has a vacancy, but don't Ilka tha busi- nrM. Ca'l for partlculara UIET2-MUEI.LKR TOl. 314 AblAffton BldA A VALrAFIB LKAPIU. A PATER AND A BARGAIX. 70 ROOMS, corner BRICK, right In tho downtown section or tha citr: ras ana elfwirlo lights, completely furnished, and ta dolns; the business that clears $-."0 every tnontn: rne r-nt is o.o a room, wnn leaae S YKAlHK. This lease alone la worth the PKir, which la cut to $4000 for quick sa. KLI.TS, SMITH ft CO.. 2' Waahinto tit. Rooms -01-202. EXTRA GOOD. 13 noOMS. nlco dwelllnic. near Park and Madison eta; furniture all hnrdwood, BruFSrls and velvet carpets, larsre yard all large. Hunt rooms: ras and electric Hrhte, furnace, eta; receipts from roo:ns 1137. total expeu-a, inciudlnr rent, . o. ieavtnc food rooms tor your own use; prl co only $1100, cash reiired 700; don' t delay. If you want a 12-room house, coma see ns; beaidis the aoove we nave i othe; all first clasa. ELIJ.-i SMITH ft CO, 8"gvj Washington St.t Kooiia SOd-SOX EXTRA GOOD HOUSE, . SI rooms, rifrht In center of city: new brick, elegantly furnished, private baths. not and cot a water au rooms; never hi a vacant room; clears anove all expenses $sno prr month; can be handled for $4tsv0 ca n; get ni-y ir you want it. DIKTZ-MVELL-K CO., Aid Abington Bldg. BRICK APART MENT-HOT'PR. SO rooms: rent S-1.10: 5 years' lea very nicely furnished and clearing above expenses sjou per montn: win a i on eaav terms or trade for good city property or acreage; it you want a good mon- -m:Ut at a bar rln. here It la Price $'1 ''. AVIKTZ-MUELLXR Co., alo Abington Bldg. THE ONLY ONE OF ITS KIND. Here Is a So-room apartment-house ALL -ON ONE FLOOR and all 2-ronm suites but one ft-room ; very nlre.y furnished, ciean and new; baa eeveral baths, gas and elec tric Urhta. and is a corner Drick tuiluing. Thla brinra a nice Income; rent 0O. leaae 4 S yeara No work to run thla place. l'r toe i-w, naix caan. KU-Id. SMITH ft CO.. t2dSs Washington tit. Rooms 201-201. HKIta IS A WINNER. B3 ROOMS, good corner brick, located for both permanent and transient bual nesa; large, light rooms, furniture and carpets much above average- rent only 113. with lea-ao 4 yewxa; rvceipts $400. ex penses only elaO. Including rent, thus clearing l.'oO a month; you will bunt aome to get a better propoaition than this for 4400. half cash. ILL IS. SMITH ft CO.. S2H Washington HI.. Rooms 01-202. WE have all the best Bargains fn rooming and apart jneni-houaes from 6-loo room a. 67 rooms neat Morrison st.; steam hi-at; cTeara $5 month: good lease; 9ltM h au di ca. ba.ance aa you make It. 4 modern brluka. from uo-72 rooms; fine west bide location; from 2o00 cush will handle. Eureka RaJty Co.. f-n-OS Chamber of Commerce. Marshall U3. TUB PAOTFIC REALTY CO HOTKLd. ROoMlNG-HOTHES. APART. MENT-liOLtifclS, REAL ESTATE AND EXCHANGES Phone Main KotlO. A 34TX 122-3 4 Falling bldg.. 3d and Wash. MAHY F LENT. Portland"! "LEADING HoTKL BROKER" le-ROOM roomlng-houae. rent f.0; will clar f 123 per mo; best location. 107 V 4th, ne.-vr Pen tar ea Theater. By owner, muat te sold at onoa; aicatneaa. Price 50. T 113. Oregonlan. ROOMINO-HOUSB, 10 rooms, located close In. West bide; nice mouern nouaa, an ele gantly furnished and clvan; clear you 130 mo. and have your own living-rooms free; terras $3oo cnh; have other good buys OAKLAND ft CO.. lHi4th St. 1$ ROOMS, center of city, fine transient place or strictly roomers; owner sick ana forced to sell for most half value; price SlQvv, H ciah. Call a3 10th at. IX) you want a etrlctly cash grocery, no credit, no delivery, wltn low rent, wnere you can clear $6 per day? We have IL Call 27tl Stark St. HALF Interest In good grocery n prin cipal street, or can nave the whole; a lit sell at ln otco. Call i'7u Stark St.- ROOMING-HOUSE for lease, 40 unfurnished room a single and auttea, central, foooa 11 a rah all;i GOOD business doing shoe repair shop In busy district ; rent only s.:o tor re o m s; loQ takes It. Call 270 titark st. WANT a lodging house, J3'0 to $i0O caah. raiance time; must be a bargain, aa aa.a, Oregonlan. fRETTlEST place In city, ten large, clean rooms, r urn it are new and good; no aganta, must sell East 1003, C 1547. ALWAYS a full list of legitimate business chances of ad descriptions, both city ana country. K hie Realty Co., 276 Stark sL 31 ROOMS, well furnished, housekeeping. rent : newly tixed; SlJt: tt-rms God dtvrd. v3 Yeon bliJg. Clears $115 month. HALF Interest in brokerage buslneaa, large profits, besides canvassers" commissions; on 1 yJr 4 C0 required. Call 27 6 Stark at. 14 ROOMS two blocka from Hotel Portland. Kent . income also, Price i0O. rer ma. M 113j Or.;jnlan. 11-ROOM roomlng-houae. best of furniture. rood location, rooms full; cash or terms. i'i4 ll'iti. n.r Ma;n. FIN EST fumUhed 1 2 -mom roomlng-houae In Portland : rent 5 ; strict !y modern; e.ears $70. God d ard. SOS Teon bldg. rOK SALE l-room h5uae. with leaee. rent $Ae; terms or caan; by owner, S4C Ball at. PO R TTANT ROOMING-HOUFH CO. Motels, Apartment-no usee. 411 Henry Bldg. Phone Marshall - ELEGANT LITTLE HOThU 1 vwtma nmnlnr wfr. mO(iTO. beaU ttfully furnished, close In. long leaae at $100 a month; tola is a a an ay -ou $1509 puts you In possession. a LITTLE BEAUTY. IS rooms, rant $80. good lease, ateam heat, hot and cold water; elegant new furniture and carpets; clears over liw above expenses: special price this wee. a nnnuj HOr'SFIfEEPlXO. A completely furnished house, very close tn. rent tW. always full, clears $40 per month; everything is good and the house Is clean. A good ouy ror eaauu. Rousekeepmg. rent $40, nice yard, house well furnished; will pay all expenseg and give tidy income: price $.&u; erff TUia U rooms, steam beat. Nob Hill district, rent only $40; nice bulldlna; and yard, completely furnished for light housekeep ing; Income $135 per month; $6o0 casa handles. Hurry. 15 rooma 2-year leaae at $S0, completely furnished tor nouse-eeping . "J- will rive you b.g tocome; AoOO caatt bPORTIND ROOMINO-HOUSB CO, 315 Henry Bldg. -.A fir co iPDiVOTFVT 80 rooms. mod.Vn brick! b.utlfullT fur hot and co'.d water all rooma. cloaeta with all rooma. good "l .rate rent ana in. wv.i ,7. - , . all. It mikn rood monay; -00 per month . . ,, . i , 1 , , ..ant it rot over .11 r.jww - . Tha price 1. right. P1KTZ-MCEI.LER CO.. 31 Ablo.ton Bldg. THIS LEAfE VT tOCATlOSJ SO room, near fmnion "j"" . cm Bac. h.au KINN1NO HOT and COUD water In ROOMS, ra. tid electric H.hta. plenty or it; nceiyim v". r' Iticludlnir rent. tnu. t""'r7V . mntli: lae S yeara. Price ONLT ELMS. SMITH CO.. 82i -Waahluston St. Room! 201-201 GROCERY, clgara and confectionery with living; room.; rin location, low rent. Just the place Jor man and wile to ciear .cr gay, t an -m p.... " THE furniture of 10-room roomlng-hou.e - . , . In... h. owner: Nob Hill. KJ 1 .-. vnnpiu. i.osT and rocyp. roi'ND Where you can buy lenulne hair maitrewe. rciMi .. . jtmw renovate miiiraKi uw - .iM renovate feathera. Portland rorled Hair Factory. H. Metlier. Uit-iM Fronw Phone Main 4.4: A IJ.4. LOST Saturday nlirht, Morrl.on t.. near green sione. h i l-liu . .nitahi reward for 1U return. Phono Be II wood wau. LOST Scotch collie dog, sable and white. oiacK iaco ; tuiinor i Keward it returned. Call Main Slt60 or A I oOVf. LOST Monday night, red cow; white flakea on back ana xroni. anwrv menu net urn m nu Hazel gt. Alain lo. REWARD for return of Crescent bicycle, er.... . emTTi front of T. M. C. A. DiQg. rnuut OMa. A mrw. tnT TVeteh fob with Initial G. E. For row ara rciura w km. x.i ington sirer i umU quire .ommoi. auui.,.,u moutn. PECIAIOTIC ES. PropoMle Invited. ADVERTISEMENT EXTENSION OF WATER MAINS. . . t, , Mav 11. 1011. Sealed proposal, will be received by the t-ity itecoraer or cenirii rw" ' , , until 1 o'clock P. M., June 6, iHH. extendlns water main, for the City of Cen- tnr anS nvinr ateel DlDe. haullnz and r. k hvdimnta. AU ibor and material to to furnished by lh. t rat .r Plan end BDeclncallonB may be seen at the office of City Recorder of Central Point. Oregon, or at the office of Osgood A Cuinmiugs, civil All bids must be submitted on the printed forms furnished by the City Re cord ar of central point. tro.h hlT Hall he reom na.nle d by certified check In favor of the City Treasurer of Central Point for 5 per cent of the amount bid. A bond acceptable to the City of Central Point will be re quired for full amount of the contract Vrica. The right is reserved to reject ny and all bids. J. W. Jacobs. City .Re corder; W. C Leever. Mayor. Mi-iTv.i'uiu fSft v"tt for" rtti OX'S E. Sealed proposaia will be received at the ftffire of Whidden fc Lewis, architects, 01 Corbett bldg., Portland. Or., until 1-i 'Aln..lr tnon of KatUrdaV. MaV 27. 1911, for the office counters, and also for the fixed furniture of court rooms, as called for In the specifications for the east wing of the new Courthouse for the County of Multnomah, state or uregon. Plans and jpecificatlons may be ob f.in.ri ttt the office of the architects. No proposal will be considered unless accompanied by a check payable to the A.. nf ih. Count v Court nf Vultnutnah County, certified by a resporsible bank, for an amount equal to iu per cent. 01 w i gregate proposal, to be forfeited as fixed and liquidated damages In case the bld dar neglects or refuaes to enter Into con tract and to provide a suitable bond for the faithful ptrfcrmanco of, said work. In tha event tha contract Is awarded to him. The right to reject any and all bids la heroby expreaaly reserved. T. J. CL .-ETON. County Judge. W. L. LIGHTNER. County Commissioner. I, y. HAKT,County Cjnnilsioner. "MULTNOMAH COUNTY COURTHOUHB. trealed propoaais will be received at tha office of Whidden A Lewis, architects, 7ul Coroett bldg,. Portland. Or., until 12 o'clock noon of Tuesday. May SO, 101 L for the steel cells and other work fir tha County Jail, as called for In the specifics. Hons for the New Courthouse frr the County cf Multnomah, State of Oregon. plana and specifications may be ob tained at the office of the architects. No proposal will be considered unless ac companied by a check payable to the or der of the County Court of Multnomah County, certified by a. responsible bank, for an amount equal to 10 per cent of tn aggregate proposal to be forfaited aa fixed end liquidated damages In casa the bld Ur neglects or refuses to enter Into con tract and to provide a suitable bond for the faithful performance of said work, in the event the contract la awarued to nlm. The raght to reject any and all bids is hereby expressly reserved. T. J. CLE ETON, County Judge, TV. L. LIGHTNKR. County Commissioner. p. V. H AH r. County Commissioner. X WILL receive sealed bids at my office. jso. i r irsL street, room a, ronnnu, urv son. for a certain acock of merchandise, consisting principally of paints, oils, crockery, hardware, tinware, g rani tew are, sash, doors and fl lumber and feed, amounting to I37&1.40, together with fix tures amounting; to $1147.75; all located at Falls City, Polk County. Oregon, up to 12 o'clock, noon, of Wednesday, May 24. 191L Terms cash. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accompany eaoh bid and the right la reserved to reject any and all bids. An inventory of stock may be seen at my olilce and inspection thereof may be had at Falls City. Oregon. Dated: Portland, Oregon, May 13. 1911. R. L. SABIN. OFFICE DEPOT QUARTERMASTER, 1086 North Point street, ban fTanciaco, usl, May 15. 111L Sealed proposals In tripli cate will be received here untl. 10 o'clock A- M-. June 13. lull, for furnishing' and delivering at the Quartermaster's depot, an Francisco, CaL, 1040 pairs rubber boots. Oi'O fur caps. TOO macklnaw coats, 100 oilskin coats, 3"O0 fleece-lined drawers, 6 40 pea Jackets, !9 pairs buckskin mit tens, 1200 pairs fur mittens, TOO pairs moccasins, 7o0 pairs felt shoes, 14O0 pairs German stockings. 1300 canvas trous ers, 1SA macklnaw trousers. 10O oilskin trousers and 3670 fleece-lined undershirts. Proposal b.anks and full information will be furnished upon application to H. P. Y oung. Depot Quartermaster. OFFICE Constructlrg Quartermaster. 482 Arcaae Annex, beat tie, w aso., May aa, lil L Seeled propoaais. In triplicate, for the construction of a J.OOO.Ooo-gallon re inforced concrete reservoir, with water mains, etc.. at Fort Worden, Washington, will be received in this office until 11 A. M., June 3, 1911. and then publicly opened. A deposit of $10 will be required for return of plana Information, plans, specifications and proposal blanks will be furnished upon application to Captain E. C. Long, Constructing Quartermaster. U. E. ENGINEER'S OFFICE. Portland, Or., A! ay io. lifia. eaaea proposals ror lur n.ahing and Inatalllng aboard the U. 3. dredge "Clatsop" a complete fuel oil burn Inir system, and for the necessary alter auons tn the dredge to accommodate tha new work will be received at this office until 11 A. M.. June 14. 111, and then publicly opened. Information on applica tion. J. F. Moladoe. Major. Enalneera. pTopoaala Invited SEALED proposals wtii be received by the State Board of Control. Olympia. until 10 o'clock A. M., May 25, 1911. for floor and wall tiling delivered and set at State Penitentiary. Walla Walla. Specifications Will be furnished on aPPitctlon.;, STATE BOARD OF CONTROL. Olympia, Mar 10. 191L n atcelumeoua. IN THE) COUNTY COURT of the State oil Oregon for Multnomah County In tne matter of the estate of Frank Herbert la throp, deceased. The undersigned, having been appointed by the County Court of the state ot Oregon for Multnomah County, adminis tratrix of the estate of Frank Herbert Lathrop deceased, notice is hereby given to the creditors and all persons having claims against said deceased to present them, verified as required by law. wn In six months after the first publication of this notice to Louise Jenkine Lathrop, at the office of James G. Wilson and B. F. Riter, attorneys at law, 1105 Weils-Fargo bldg., Portland. Or. Louise Jenkina La throp, Administratrix of the estate of Frank Herbert Lathrop. deceased. Dated May 17, 1D11. Date of first publication May 18, 1911; date of last publication June 8. ltflL PORTLAND, Or., May 16. 191L Notice 1 hereby given, to all concerned, that Gust lAdas and Peter Popovich. of 247 Couch sc, Portland, Or., have sold their place of buslneaa, and you are requested to present your claims against same within five dajs from date, at the above men tioned premises. Owners. FTNANCTAX.. HAVE $8200 private money to placa at one, on Improved Portland property in amounts of $3i00 and $200. respectively. Current rates. See Hiatt, 211 Lewis bldg. Mar shall 647. f 100 INVESTED 15 years ago earned to date over $15,000. Write for booklet. San Fran cisco Home Builders, 871 Phaian bid.. San Francisco, California. WANTED Experienced contractor to join building company; references required; In vestment unnecessary. Address O 11. Ore gonlan. WOULD buy notes, consider Installment; small amounts preferred. Main 7J67. - Money to Loan Real Lata to. 41000, $3000 and $6000 to loan for 5 years at b'. Cad today on HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Kfcu.1 Ratate Derit. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. rj i vi pRiivvn rttv nronrt v cr for build' leg purposes; 3 to 6 years time; liberal repayment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable Sav ings A Loan Association. i'4U atara bu PLENTY of money to loan at 6 and 7 p cent on real estate security. l-DYV. P. MALL, 104 Second st $500,000 ON improved city or farm property; faulldlne or amail loans at lowest pricea: large loans a specialty. J. H. Mclvenxie Co.. SM-515-5lo Gerlinger bldg. FIRST and aecona mortgages and contracts purchased on farm and city property any w here In Oregon or Washington. K. L. Devereaux. Fenton Mdg., b4 0th su -" eioub $1500. $i0odf $2oo." &6oo. To loan t T nr r.'int an lmnroved Port' land real estate. GoodseU Broa, 433 Worcester bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS Exclusively. EDWARD E. UOUDET, Lewis Building. WE HAVE plenty of money to loan on Portland property in sums irom iuw to iHJ.uuU at lowest current raiea. aiw uau, i-liedner ae Boyce, o08-oO Abington bldg, LOANS. MORTGAGE LOANS. 5 ?t to fi per cent. J. FRANK PORTER, 904 Chamber of Commerce. $1000 TO $5000 to loan at 8 per cent on nrst-ciasa real estate security , give par ti culars; no agents. A 113, Qregoalan. MONEY to loan on improved real estate or for building purposes. Columbia lui Trust Company, Via Spalding bldg. LOWEST RATES $100 to $10,000 to loan on real estate, C 3. iNicvuin, 30 iayecte bldg.. tith and Washington sta.. Main SSy. IMPROVED or unimproved property; small building, loans, contracts anu mortgages bought, w. u. aNunn, 49 DneriocK oiag. LOANS. MORTGAGE, LOANS. 5 Vs to 8 per cent. J. FRANK PORTER, a 04 Chamber Com, X2OO.00O TO LOAN, large loans a specialty. DUllQing toaua, iowboi tnm. . u. aeve. 8i2 Failing bldg. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates, jl. Xi. asiwau '--'-, Jii-ttJ' utu. 2d and Stark. LOANS, MORTGAGE, LOANS. C to S per cent. J. FRANK POUTER, 104 Chamber Com. $2000 to loan for 3 years on East Side real- oencta, & security; uiuji do luree tur outs. io agents. Address o loo, uregonian. MON E Y loaned without brokerage if we build, current rates. a as. iauey t;o 32 Abington bitig. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASON ABLH RATES. f Ai. i- vv ia, a LtWIS aSJUaJjl. $2000 PRIVATE money on city property. j. rt. Otipe. t Valium uci ui vtiLiimt:i co. State funds loaned, 6 per cent. W- E. Thorn- m state agent, jmnuumaa u., tuv w. oi Will loan $19,000 or less, real e&tate security. f-arrtngton, eio vuuimvrui.1 uiud oiMg. MONEY, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. Good. nougn c oeitz, oau ppmuipg omg. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENT. L E W loBALUJl U.i, Z.3 blAljH a A. i n i v i on real, narsonal. chattel or collat eral security. vv. a-aaiett, ava-v u en ton. RESIDENCES financed and built. A- C Furlong, wo u- ot K.m piuk- am-iii wi. LOAN 3 on all kinds of ' security. W. . rt itinttway, uu lu A. v, tt uuui( u.ug. $12,H0 AND $15,000 TO LOAN, tf(. BARTON, aT Board of Trade. MONEY for good inside loans, 6, 7, Cslock at aUueunaupt,auaAi juiaam. ot tjom. PRIVATE, money loaned on real estate mort- gaaea. A. xx. JXiiej1, xv. vaeruuger DlUg. PHONE TINDOLPH MAIN 6304. 313 jiij Aitl Uf a tuiv PRIVATE MONEY $6000 to loan on Irving- ton real estate. r.at -uqq. MONEY to loan on inside Portland proper ty. ai . o"!1""- $ 17O0, $1500, $ 14)00, slight expense. Ward, 2L0 Allskybidg.Main 732d. SEVERAL amounts to loan on real estate. $1000 TO LOAN on city property. Garland BEEXRii:MS'-?06-SpsUdm , Moneyto Loam on Cbatttela and Balartea. $$ ARB YOU LOOKING FOR MONEY T If you know how easy our terms are you would not be short of money. Dou't be botiutred wltn a lot of small debts; let us furnish money to settle them. WE LOAN ON Furniture and pianos, storage receipts, livestock, rooming-houses and all kinds of securities; terms to suit; also easy weekly or monthly installments. W e buy and loan on first and second mortgages and equity in contracts. U. a. REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE CO. 12 Hamilton Bldg., 181 Sd. Main S0S4. $ $ " W'E HAVE MONEY TO LOAN On salaries only, in amounts of from $6 to gluO, at tha lowest possible rates. 3usrhe4 t strictly confidential. All we require Is that yon be employed on salary and you get the money quickly, without mortgage, indorser or otner se curity. STATE SECURITY CO., 308 Failing bldg.. Cor. Third and ashangton Sta MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Women keeping house and others fur nished without security; cheapest rates, eaaieat payments. Ome and get money when you want it, and pay as you can. Offices in all principal cities. D. H. Tol man, 817 LumLer Exchange. MONEY loaned tn amounts from $10 up on all kanus or securities, iurnitura, pianos or assy personal property. Easy weekly or ruonthiy payments; low rates, confidential. Gray & Cunninglaam, 201 Rothchlld bldg., northwest corner 4th and Washington. moneyTadvanced. On furniture, pianos, storage receipts, etc. Lowest rates. BUTTON CREDIT CO-, 3 OT Spaldin g bid g LOWEST RATES Loans on all kinds of se curity, chattels or real estate; Union Loan Co., 35 Lafayette bldg.. p;h and Wash, a is. LosuaWanted. $15 CO WANTED ON FINE HOME. From private party. N 110, Oregonlan. LOW rates; we loan money on .diamonds and jewelry. Marx &. Bioch, 74 3d. LOANS on diamonds and other securities. Win. Hoii, room 9, Washington bldg. MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewelry, strictly confidential. 141V 3d. near Alder. A LOAN for the asking, aala f or chattel, Tba Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. Loans Wan tea. POSITIVELY we must make the tonorns loans: $1500; lour $25UU amounts; $3500; $400u; $5000, on good residences, vabi- a r.pr rent Inter-eat: these are ab- aointniv first-class nroDertles: you who have money, see us. J. H. Tipton Co, 1108 Spalding bldg. WS can Invest your money at good rates of Interest; gilt-edged fcurltles; first mort-e&xea- long-term Investment. Provident Investment & Trustee Co.. 201. 103 Board of Trade bldg. I WANT one or two $2000 building loans, on the East Side of Cist street, between Siskiyou and Klickitat; win pay com. alon. Tony G. Anderson. 401 Lewis bldg. i'hone, Marshall ii-o. $4000 loan from private party. 8 to 5 years at 8 per cent. Security improved loO-acra larm on U. w . f. wurm - Address A 10". Qregonian. HAVE $550 sales contract. $200 hae been V.,. :anr nHVuMfi $12 monthly. S per- cent Interest. Will sell for $2o0 cash. M 118. Qregonian. $1500 WANTED on improved property near eteel bridge. 450 Worcester bldg.. Main ii4v. WANTED A loan of $500 on well -located and irn Droved residence property. P 10b, uregonian. WANT $2000 loan on home In city worth $4500: will nav 7 per cent. E 10S. Ore gonlan. tmrt u'.VTrn -.n mnrl TTTTvrovrd house and lot; will pay 8 per cent for 3 years. See attorney. 414 Spalding bldg. SEVERAL small sum, private 'udsfr good realty security. v anouj u o- " ton. 515 Chamber ot Commerce. WILL discount $500 first mortgage 15 per cent; act quick; house ana lot, rviuauu. property worm i2uu. ova iwu $3000 on Central Oregon townslte P"": iioney to ne usea h-t . - give 1U. AV Wl. uregouittu WANTED $700 on modem 5:room bung. low in iiawtnonie-ave, uibuivi, $2r00. G 113. Qregonian. WANTED, $1500. three years at on g?g residence property. Grussi tfc iaaow, on Board of Trade bldg. $8000 FOR 3 years at 6 per cent on hlghest- arraae Portland realty; no uuou Oregonlan. $10,000 WANTED for 5 years on real es tate worth $25.000. X 107. Oregonlan. WANTED $800. 8 per cent building loan. For particulars pnone i aoor iqj. $1500 THREE years, 8 per cent; good oily security.; no agents, a-nuno jara ' LET us place your money, good mortgages; references. F. H. Lewis. 3 Lewis bldg. BEE PRUDHOMME, 906 Spalding bldg. PERSONAL. - til " 4ha ffnaaf ort ! l i T n H nrlvatS 0f- flces on the Pacific Coast, furnished with every therapeutic appliance used by tne most advanced men in Europe lea- We use no drugs, we never operate. We have something better. We use every form of massage and adjustment and me-Ahantr-ai hnriv irwrmonti. vibration, radia tion and heat. Bake ovens. X-Rays. static coils, violet lights and ultra violet rays. Miirh-frenucnnv. ozone, sinusoidal, heuos. solar, giant and King lights. We are the only physicians on tha Pacific? Coast using radium to treat patients. Come and be examined free and see our offices, we have been In Portland over five years and treated thousands of patients anu nev-r had a death. We f uL-a no mntn 0-1niia or Infectious dIS- eases, neither do we go out of the office to treat patients, we can c;uu. o tui and have cured thousands of so-called "Incurables" and nervous wrecks. In vestigate for yourself. We occupa the entire north haif of the third floor of the Kothchiids bldg. Ar. v. . n. ao.-vi.wj. isaturopatn. smTwrr r vir .,..r.nw .hmiTnatt.m Helen tlfically treated; the limbering of stiff Joints guaranteed and dislocated limbs put In working order. Treatments given at- your noma or at corner E. 13th and Madison sta. Phone East 360L E ball mela. HAIR. HAIR. Largest stock In the city to oe ciosea out at cost, convent, uei - ana pure nair cut irom one aeau wmj ranrl wi rr-hpi for URn and UDI all f Ix tures for sale, large mirrors and wax fig ures, building torn down for Lipman Wolfe site. Grand Leader, 5th and Aider. rH ALICE A GRIFF. nitMM of wom An and children, sur gery . chronic and nervous diseases treated according to the latest metnoas; coniw-e- ment cared lor; consultation irea. SIS i Washington St. Main &U8. A 6607. BWEDIdH TRAINED NURSE HelslngforS graduate; rheumatism, nervous and atom- . acn ailments, under pnysician .ao tions; baths, masseuse. No. 7 East 11th St., second door south from East Ankeny cariiue. Phone East 2tiO.aJtwo; . A LICENSED physician with small means should correspond with an expert specialist of chronic diseases regarding opening a sanitarium in Poruano. j-.ioerai w"u tions and success guaranteed. E -118, Oro- goman. fiwrntctl mAr1lal .vn.nxt a n H mUSflUT. Holmstrora, digestive, nerve, sexual and chronic disorders a specialty; only scien tific masseur In this city. Oflioea a0a-3 Qregonian bldg. FKRVKT A HANEBUT. . Leading wig and toupee makers; finest stock of human hair goods; hair dressing, manicuring, face and scalp treatments. 147 7th at., near Morrison. A1 no no again oau. HELEN SORNS and J. E. Perry, maene tic- healers, treat all chronic diseases. xo y Russell sL. Portland, Or. Phone C 2127; hours from 7 A. M. to 6 P. M. DR. A. A. AUSPLUND. Diseases of women and surgery. Exam ination free. 302 Merchant Trust bldg., 6th and Washington. Phone Main 4047. DRESS suits for rent, $L50 month; keep your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips repaired. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark. mrs. Stevens. Id years Portland's lead tng pal mint and clairvoyant, haa her late book. "Palmistry Made Easy," on sale at 813 Yamhill, corner Seventh at. DR. WALKER, specialist for men, quickly cures blood and skin ailments, kidney and bladder troubles and piles. Consultation free. 1S1 1st St.. Portland. XRNEST." My address Is general delivery. Pendleton; come If possible, want to see you. Let me know when; write; letters all O. K. Frank. OLD hats made to look like new at the Make-over Shop. 415 Alder; feathers wil low ed, cleaned, curled and dyed. LADIES Loreng antiseptic cones are sooth ing, cafe and sure. Stipe Taylor Drug Co., Zb'J Morrison at. OCT OF COMBINGS. Switch, l5c; curj; and puffs, 75c Sani tary BeautyPariors,4oO Dokumbldg. WE do everything in ladles' tailoring; suits to your measure from $35 up. J. M. Efarlich Co.. Phoenix bldg.. 0th and Oak. LORENZ NERVE TONIC TABLETS restore lost vitalit. 26c box; 6 boxes, $L25. Stipe Taylor Drug Co., 29 Morrison st. LADY physician can accommodate nervous and confinement cases; can employ your own physician. 340 Hasaalo st. VMS. Courtright, feature and skin special- i OOO t-,. .t la nr) Klflff Utlin KV1' BALM OF FIGS Remedies for diseasee al women. 00a j-ei w aa .iu, MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. aarSe ax. a-. aaaia. e iwuuw . m- a ana, BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accomnt ta. MACKENZIE, BAIRD & CO., PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. AUDITORS. 2Z4 Worcester Block. Main 7309. A 1449. Counsel and expert in all matters per tslntpg to municipal, commercial, factory ccst and industrial accounting. COLL1S, BEKKIDGE & THOMPSON, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. AUDITOR, Commercial, County and Municipal. Auditing, Investigating and Systematizing. 8-4 Worcester block. Phone Main 0007. Antique Farnitnra. BALTIMORE Antique Furniture Co., 471 Wash, at., repair and rennisn antiques and all nne furniture, also make same to or der; expert work, low prices. Phone Mar- euall Assay er and Analyst. Wells at proebstel, mining engineers, chem ists ana asayers. -uaa w aaxungton. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory anu ore-testing wurx. aoo wva su Attorneys. A, E. COOPER, attorn ey-at-law. General practice, aDStracts exaxxunea. neuiovea to 1424 to 1428 Yeon bldg. M. 873. A 207L Baths and Swimming. Portlatd Swimming baths, 167 4th Elegant plunge; steam, tuo ana mower patns. ac. HILLS SANITARIUM Rheumatic treat ment, eiegant piucge. ago mm. a& tUL Brass and Machine Work. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Braaa casting and mac tame wur. iw a. out, jaain -tua Chlropr-ctio physician. "CHI-RO-PRAC-TIC TICK-NER"; Say U fasi DR. EVA MARSH, first lady chlro. Er. In nronn. FUedner bide. Hours 9 a. Contractors, W. L. BUCKNER. contractor. Jobbing, of fice and store setting, a a. ul at. .Main fibSL A 7eG2. Wood lawn 66-. CoIIectlona PORTLAND Collection Agency $17 AHsky bldg. All debts col lecte d. A 7S17. M. 42 Chlropody. WILLIAM Estelle and Flossie Devcnv. the only scientific chiropodists tn the city. Parlors 302 Gerlin&er bldg.. S. W. cor. 2d and AideY. Phone Main 1501. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 420 FUedner bldg. Main 3473. Contractors. CARPENTER and contractor; jobbing and remodeling a specialty; s:gn work. O. P Bliss. 323 Stark. Phone Main 9017- LATHING contractor, wood or metal; ftuar anteed. E. A. Koweli. Phone Woodlawn 1177. . ROBERT WAKEFIELD, general contractor. 414 Wells-Fargo bldg- Ma in 5S0. Consulting Engineer a UNITED Engineering & Construction Co.. Eng. and contractors. 711 Lewis bldg. Wood and Coal. DRY BLOCK WOOD, n.lxed with smaller wood. $.v.0 per load-delivered any place -In the city. Portland Wrecking Co.. 105 107 11th st. North. Main 87. A 8733. BURXSIDE FUEL CO.--'holesale and re tail, 4-ft. sawed fir and hardwood. Office and yards at 125 E. 7th st. Phone East 724. B 2777. BEGHERS WOOD CO. Sawed 4-ft. cord wood and slabwood. 9th and Gils an. M. 63.0. M- 8351. A 2415. CENTRAL WOOD YARD Wood and coat Main 1606; A 1106. NATIONAL FUEL CO., coal Marshall 860. S13 Water at. and wood. COAL ALBINA FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. S3D ST- WOOP WOOD Dry 4-ft, sawed to order. M 4016. -COAL A 4547. Prompt dellv. Near & Farr. Dancing. LESSONS 25c; 4 lessons for $1: waltg. two step, three-step, stage dancing, etc.; every morning, afternoon and eve. Prof. Wal Willson's School; oldest and only rec ognized academy for correct dancing. 8S0 Wash, st.. bet. W. Park and 10th sts. LESSONS 25c Heath's Dai clng School, 103 Second St., between Washington and Stark streets; stage dancing taught, waits aud two-step guaranteed in 4- U-ssons: class . Monday evening, s to 10; lessons dally. . Dentists. ALVEOLAR TEETH where bridge work 1 Impossible; does away entirely with plates, bridge work; we cure pyorrhea (loose teeth) absolutely- terms to reliable people. Alveolar Dental Co., Abingtcn bldg. 103 3d THE old reliable Union Painless Dentists. 1st and Morrison sta Doe; and Horse Hospital. Dr. Brown, D. V. S-, office 129 N. Uth U Main 4088; res. E. 5440. Hospital 80 12tu. illectrlc Motor HospltaL WALKER-MACKENZIE Electric Works, East 117. Motors sold, rented, repaired. Engines Uas ana Steam. ROBER Machinery Co., Coast agts. Seabury steam engines and boilers, gasoline u gine. 281-263 E. orrison st. Pi: one E. 615. Pans and Blowers. NORTHWEST BLOWPIPE CO., 500 Loring st. Dust collecting and ventilating sya tema. Phones C 1115, . 32ov. Peed store. ZIGLER & MISNER, hay. grain, feed, ce ment, shin g lea. 204 Grand a v e. E. 4bX Landscape Gardeners. G. H. SIEBKLS, landscape gardener and nursery man. has moved to 650 E. 6th, Sell wood 1167; , Leather and Pindiitgs. CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO., 74 Front. Leather of every description, taps, infra, findings. J. A. STROWB RIDGE LEAT CO- Es tablished lbJb. lbtt Front su m Jdedicai. E. K. SCOTT. 922 Selling bldg. Diseases of the is.ee turn. Moving-Picture luforuiation. LAEMMLX2, 333 OAK. for all information on AIUVIaNG-PICTUR BUai-Naaa. upera. lng taught. . MuslcaL Emil Thlelhorn, violin teacher, pupil Sevclk, ttOO Maxquam. A 4160. Marshall 1640. Osteopathic Phyalclans. DRi LEROY SMITH, gra"duate Kirkville, Mo., class of liitii ; pust-graduate, ilo i. under Dr. A. T. Still, founder of the sci ence. 1122 Selling bldg. M. 1987. A lUSi, Dr. B- B. Northrup. 415-10-17 Dekuxn bidg.. Phono office M. 34j. Res., Kast or B 1028. Papering wnd A in t mg. TINTING, painting, paper hanging; neat, clean w.or phone ailaait 308. paints, Uus undQ . COAST-MADE paint and varnish is best adapted to the Coast climate. BAaS H DETER PAINT Cu, 11 Second st. RASMUSSEN & CO., jobbers, paints, oils, glass, suh and doors. Cur. 2d and Taylor. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, attorney at law, late ot U. S. Patent OHice. Book let Xree7ltf Board of Trade bldg. V C. S. AND FOREIGN PATENTS procured by 409 Chamber 01 Commerce bldg. : R, C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat- ents. in.Ainetnent ca-aa. uwt cu. mue. Paving. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company, 60a 60S Ele ctrigblug. Oscar Huber, Portland. WARREN Construction Co. Street paving, sidewalks and crosswalks. 317 Becit bld. Pawnbrokers. UNCLE MYERS- Collateral Bank, 40 years n wnptiani. 71 Kth s Main U10. Pipa PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and -.vi..- --or- M V. nnH V .irlr Ktl. M K4HU I'l umbers. FOX & CO., PLUMBERS. 209 2d St. Main 200L A 200L ;OFFEY PLUMBING CO.. sanitary plumb era. 493 Glisan. Main Rubber btampa. ALSO seals, stencils, choice stationery, eta, Cunningi-am a, 01 owia. a hvi. Rug Weavers. NORTHWEST KLG WORKS Rugs rrcai olu c-rpets. colonial rag rugs. ,ast 35ou. H lbU. 153 Union avc, nr. JS. iorriaoa Safes. PACIFIC COAST S'B AND VAULT easy terms; second-hand safes cneap. Knipsrooms GO Third su Factory Kenton. THE MOSLER SAFE CO.. 108 2d st. Safes ,i i act or j pii-c, puuM-m u becoad-llsod Goods. wtt nav the nignest prices for second-hand " . .nna A rilUII KA. i M Hn, cictning "u " im "- hhowcaeca. Bank and bhow ! ixturca. THE LUTKE MFG. ' CO., branch Grand Rap- las biiowu" w' - manager. , , B, H. BIRDS ALL, 20S HAMILTON BLDG., showcases " awii. pm agent. M. Winter Lumper Co. JlARSHALL MJj'G. CO., 4th and Couch; new titeambhips. N LINE io tures que 6L Lawrence Routs. Weekly Sailings From VONTREAL to LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW, tiNUUN and HAVRE. FRANCaS. Splendid bcenery, snortest passago, low rates. A t.t.EN CO.. 127 N. Dearborn St., Chicago. Storage and Transfer. "FREE STORAGE FREE. AU household goods go into brick warehouse free for tne first 30 days and at the lowest rates thereatter; moving and packing done by experts. Van Horn Araus j er Co. Both phone C O. PICK lranater torus e to., or. aces and coniiiiw iua -.wa j. n i uuta, separate iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d ana Pine te. pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping. Main 590, A 1U&&. OLSON-ROE TRAN-FER CO. General transferring aud storage, safes, pianos and turniture moved ana packed Jor shipmenL b7-btf Front sU Telcpnone Main 54 or A 2247. OREGON TRANSFER CO., established 1870. Iraiisier anu aw i a efnea 310 Hoyt at., between 5th and eta, paonea Main 69, A 11 00. Taxidermists. MOOSE, elk heads, full work. F- B. Flniey. 49 Coiumoi. a i(. Typewriters. WE are the exenange ivr ljio .ie type writer concern vu. !., all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex cnange. ii7H vVashlngton su TYPEWRITERS, all makes. 0 to $00, fully . iianteed, easy payments, rentals, $3 j?r month, paciao SLaUonery & Printing t..a 203 2d aU KEW rebuilt, second-band rentals, at cut rates. P. D. C. Co.. 21 Stark. M. 1 4 u .'. Vacuum Cleaning. CARPETS cleaned on floor $1 pr hour; rates to iare j awv, mi WeU Drilling. DRILLING wells a specialty; priced reason - V mU lb- Morrison su. .Portland.