Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 18, 1911, Page 18, Image 18

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CfT.c .Liatary CaplDTmnt DDrt
Toubc snaa. 'stressor, ! of warli t l'J4
ki A-.t if i nav -row is r-i
pwrtAl en-. 2 ; y -n a i anaaibarehl: I WH
biT aij 414 Ut aae and atarva-
tirtIf ow etf M for SDoelal
w!T.nt matt Srh!- TO! will fcae the
V M. C. A . t:h a4 lu ranrvM.
yen end ranttioa.
T ue sua to mtnliWi iBBide ee
two bourn he Ioum sausiaciory
Iurtng AprtL rail, it oalle for meav
1-3 pltlna filled.
gjrntwL .
Hrtv7 XmplarymeBt Department.
T- M- C. A.
W A XT ED SnV f l!v an 7"
f.rms- must b capable of handling
large r-tall tra-le and gatuag reeJita from
men; star xrr1ac ud previous w .
E 111 Orrf jcun.
WANTED PVileitora fT the only poettive
cur far pliM. Cma In arm e
MmrU It will convince oo. $21 Mo-
tv v -r t- ft MMlvncd bt-eake men
here, sot apply. Biamara Buffet.
U1S 'T
-r r r..nntkr railroad oineo;
iruat gtv reference. AdAreee l tOT. orw-
g' man.
rrTVrw-:if!tnF f-r eabilshed ta.
mnA ,r.ff- f.rm : tMi1 advancement tO
na-ht man. Cal Boy4 Tea Co, 20 Sal
mon au
OFFICE boy to land ofnv and answer tele-
phonea Apply w
BoTSwntil 2 with tiM. good l
CITY oiicii'T f c family ltqaor store Lib
eral comntlttloa. 14 14.
H'TcIL VAN. ripertmced. f J.:- -room
h "j U.l 1 i-niT-' TU4I unn wue
t xToti nittl ethical work In city. AX
Tofs-) men to run a patrard atuUio. Call
3 1 S w J -1 ! n rQH. 9 A. M
WASTKD Tounr man fr xnTlnr-Ptctttr
WANTED A ln or woman of oo dcharo
tr tor nrl botufwork nd tt lo
rar of c."iUlra inot p;id: nic. nw
bom. oo-l room f.r a neat proa; pr-
mant p'Miitton. practicaily no bard wvrlt.
At th m time, no p.aca lur a apoBar.
t or liroauway.
CfTri- Mok 140 : ram a waltraa and holpar
?S: ranett cook M ma J: 2 waltrva
no k and hripT waitraa ilunca eoun-
t.n XA w-ta: dUfiwahr tramp) 13.
Ifansaaa Empu.ymaat oraca, SH wa
tnton at., room ?. , -
A P F.FIED woma or airl to work imoni
tmportd !r materia. and trim mint a.
i:n.t:y Men -rlaa Karrancaa raqulr!.
ACKOr eon laa.
WAMCH rTrat-claaa ladr cook at Clacka
m Tavra and ham: to raort: call In
raraoa; taka Oron t'lty rr. t off at
i.ialatoaa Htat'.oa, phooa Mua to&ii i
tnt at nation.
amIt Stsadard Factory K A. Oraa4
. a4 Kaat TWlor aa
VaRRICT) la! w!thmt chlldran ran bar
ir.ra) furnth4 houaakpu; roMg fT
rmrtr.a for fw rooral Hoap. Apr'T
North Sth. W car waat on tornoo to
2th. blrk aorta.
If ANTKt Owmp:ant w man for fnrai
houMwork. I tn family, itftrai wa.
Apply at i EUiott aa . llawiaorna aa
vi vtriVAL m EmDloTwtont Pumi aa-
tada atfary com rt y to gir'.a and
tn atxk of tmpmtRL Lady aaalataat.
No Caaa cftarsao. . aaaiwo
OIRt. r middla-aca wumaa for Baral
E. Mr:aua at cor. ad. Taia Ml Taor
CAT acpaarla ladta who want a
poaltloct ua a n.iMntm urn. ........
to work r Apply Mr Aaa,
4I Mobaak
bMc. cor. S4 aod atorrtaoo. '
VantKP Aa aiJr!y ladr for company
-i 4 Mitl with lit huwork fr D-im
an.t bwani. LunaUala I'booa Iaia
AI.IIJ Cirl wanted for patcard and aoTTO-
a:r atnl: mu bo fprtDto aaa
rrarvni-i: uth'ra n1 nt
Call from I lo morniuga at M N- tb at.
KTAN'TtlD taidv bookkap for tnral
mrrh4ndi atoro in country towa; mut
tk or J y-ara of ajC' : atat U and
Mlsry vBDctaxl. O 113. Uroolan.
IfAXTEr Jlr! for buKork tn 3-room
aat. gew4 waa. 531 .Nor'.Orup at, Main
4 4.
WA VTKP A Ci aoouo
houtork"oa. C
or paaa Eaat ---.
to d anra!
ail 4t-4 llay
W AN TF.t lira btMn of ro and SO,
.r ah otlr riiery Apply 2 N. id au.
Ma 11 aad It A. M.
Ta VTE tCEiprlnc4 ilrl for aoral
kouMork. famtlr "f two; muat bo cood
c)k. Apply F iandra at.
aUlERIF:Ni''rD irU vaaaral work, rook
Ina liU: Mcord fflrl. fl t. Lou!
nrT. 33 V aVi. Mala SCSt. A
WANTrit-tount a'-rl to aaaiat with baby
-oa4 wora Mallnda ara. had of
Johnaon. and 3ith a:a .
ATRT rok f'T boardinar-houa. t room
aad board. iluat havt aaparlaaco 7iJ
Hoyt at-
0;KL to aaatat la cooking and nraj
houpvrk. 341 CornaU road, bad of
Maranall at.
COMVETENT irirt or woman fr -r.ral
h naork in fun!!? of two adulta Wwa
li Ai'P'Tcomti:nitini bom w. I;:aa -r.
i:!'KKIKN"EDa-:rrf 'r s-nral houwork.
no cnii.'-rvru Apply il lvtn iL, comar of
k MOTHEBLT wnmaa to tako rara ff llttla
br. oum that haa a (ood Loma AX 11 A
iXf"ERIKN'CE i.rl for cara of two chil
dren and a-oond work T94 Irvtrc U
for. lth. I'liou A l'.s;. Mala
iv'oiT'Krv 'intriltcvnt cirla to lrn flowr
nJ f-athar branching. Apply Lownart
A Co. .
W ANTIl iunn4. capateia woman for ro-
pooaiMa poaitioa. Vial Co.. ao Hata
eatidbM:han4H aahiactoa,
jl5I?TANT bookkrar. rxparianed aad ae
eurmta. Apply adhama A Karr Broa.
th ftj-.d Koi ata
Ii)k MiD ni:)i at., cor Tta, upatatra
Fhosa ltala
"WANTED Tounc irl to aaslat b houaa
work. achool l prefarrad. 60 Rarao-
vm ortoa or A 12 ,
XXPFR1ENCFD aood flrl to do aecond
work ta prtta family. 40 Clay at.
NINOROOlTlrl waatadL Bauman 1 total.
413 n. ma at.
TV ANT ED Otrl for rnaral honaaworlt. ttlraa
la famyjaofti crn. appiy a-w r im a.
J"1RT-C1-A?S drapara haipar aad arraad
rL 3i 4 Colum t A I
V ANTE D i irt for fanaral neoMwork.
r hona E. a .
KCaT airl to wait on tabla and aaaiat with
ZZ Morr-.aun.
OIRL to aaatat with houtwrrlL S;p at
homi. Appiy morn:nca.Si Johnan.
W VNTkll' 0-xl xirl for aaneral houawwora.
Xuat ba f-od cch1 k. Tl 1 JoLnan.
WAN'TEO 'Ilrl fr aaaaral houawork.
n-ft.I rami:y. fod waara.Ca:i Rf-t lloyt at.
ti'ANTKlv A irl for Hord work and din
ing rovrn work at ltt U;h aJJorriat
CVI KTENT drrTnakr to work by day
-i i"r-'ct I'nw. Fhsna A T4m.i.
to aaaiat In houaawork
ar.d car of bpy
.131 .N.
iiOlEnRC a-l i amaii family. C
1 c-w. WoodLn 17
V A N 1 iTl - ' r la rai houaawork. na laua
drT. T 4 Mancix-k at.
TT aXTKI-Womaa to work !n laundry. Ap
p y l'a-iflo Laundry Co.. 2ol Arthur it.
Tlf:L wautrd Portland Ialcataao. ' 1M
Th lrd.
GIRL for houawork. alx In faln!!y;
n cM:lrn. no unin. hn Mala 6mA
WA1TRK$5 wan lad. ataln'a
14th U
atauraat. 13
WAMTKD Cco:pnnl girl f "r ganaral
houaawork la family af two. I4 Couch at.
"W a.N'TLU Toucc girl to aa:at tn h.-uaa-ork.
a Call T4 Kar&y at.
VaNTFO Comi(tai g!rl to do co--k:ng a&d
ilwftl:a ork. App-y 141 N" 34 at.
CAIAI'LE girl to co-k and do
ho work. AfplySlJ'-k at.
KXPKpU'N'T:! r'rl for gwaaral houaawork.
i'n-'O Ta&r IT13.
W ANTKJ t &jiat In gonaral bouo-
ork tt llth Norlh, 1 roadway car.
t.:HL to do houaawork la amaJl family. U
E. Co a h.
1 1 KI- f garaih ?uaaw orlu
CIRL for gasaral aauaawvrk.
7T I-aaJoy.
T2 Boy. "
East th and a.vxext te. west
pa-rjc a.d alder. east ssth and
bclmoxt, or killing worth axd
WOMAN waata-i to car fr yoar-o:4 ehlld.
Uuat ba oornpatant. nat. Tn-tmparrd
and axrrtaacML Thla la daairab! an4
parraanant plaro for eosnpatant para on :
a no otrt ar aal apply. Kaf aranera ra-
qutra4. V(fi ISO morth, App.y b-
twn t 3v ard 'i W o'clock at rvom bOO
Oragonlan bulidlr.g.
a2d Wutiincroa at Room ala
Main bM4 or A tJoa.
Brglnntng about May 12. wa will nard
a la.-ca ram bar of atrawbary plckraa and
pacarraa at ood . Apply at offica
of WbKa Sa.mon v alley a'ruitgrowara
L'nlnn. Whlta Salmon. VVaab.
IS PICKERS for atrawbarry aaaoa, alo
thraa or four comr atent pacaara. o
capping altaa A. aU McUrtn. Uoo4 RKr.
Wft p rp ire yeu for tha tirama, musical
comady and raudovliie; tluoutMO. Tolca
culture. ura CaaicinK. drmmatic Inatruc
t.ou. akatcaaa vrlllan. rvnearard and
bxkad: th only I cittmat hoot for
practical al-iga trminlng in lh city. Oia
-vrr.:ni ouitra 314 aad UJO Marquam
Ambltloua man to qualify- for poaltlon In
PROFESSION' created by rr cut
Intoratata Comtnrixo Commluln r-quirw-monta
Wa wu b glad io anow how yon
can qualify without Interfering with pnra
ant poaitlon. 4a:ary 15'n to 3vO0 par
yar. Oatton at Kafa. -u Marquam blug.
WANTED Man and atrong boy: no ag-
pataa to laara a iraaa; atx ituatnn,
contract Joha; half work, atudy half
tha tiraa; autc rnootlaa, alaotrlclty. plumb
ing. brir)ayiiig: fraa caialcgua Vnltad
Trad a ScAuei conUacUng Cos, Loa Aagt
W ANTED Moring-piCtura o pa rat ora in all
citlaa throughout taa worm; no cnarga u
rvgatar your name.
Oparmtora aarn 1-1 to $35 waakly. mo-
tlun- p.ciur opvratora
o Waah.. naar 17th be
Io.onw i'UMiTio.NS for graduatra laat yaar:
anao aad woman laam par bar traua ta
warka. baip to aacura DvSitloa: gradu
al aa htb from $li to 134 waakU: ax part
laatruoiors: tooia froa: writ a for cata
loguaa. aftonlar Syatam of Ooliagaa, a4)
Korta 4tb C PartlanX Or.
Wanted, aarrgaua mm to take eouraa
la auto repair work and driving; beat
equipped achool 00 Pacino Coot, tea ua
hiiM3 enroiUng ;iticrt. Taka aa car.
get off at E. -J4 and Morrlaoa.
KAlLWAt MAIL. P. O. clarka, clerk-car-
rier. cuatombouae. internal revenue ax
amtnatioaa ovrrjwbmr. Kraa book on
couraea Pacif.o Staiaa bchooL atcKay
bldg.. Portland. Or.
aTFNfXJRArHKIW to Join day and ntrht
c wm for epe:lal wora m moaern 0-11-naa
:(. ath and Waehlngtoa; poalUona
when competent.
MfotiTUAM' ana i r. ki u.u. r-E.-b
NAL ATTENTION. 641 Belmont, cor.
lith. Eaat 14h4-
Bit ESS MA KJN' 5 Cut and Bl guaranteed.
Ona w ork. a"w jeaereoa .a.
phona M- 14..
cia for nt ee,r; teacnara tor an aepa
wanted. 1 Chamber of Commerce.
LOCAL OFFICE International Correspond -enca
8ch-ola M4 Alder at., ope a till S
p. M! Ser.drorrrecataij-guea:
LEARN automnbMa drlTinc and repairing;
aluaJ praclic! aaperientw, uy r iu
tnse. 3-6 Weahluatoa at-, room 415.
MAKE money writing abort atorlea or for
fatera big r- rrea r 00 irt 11 is oui.
alted Preaa byndlcate, San FrancUco.
pp'rVAlR Pclool FHOr.TH AND and TTPE-
WKIT1NO. mo. .aw lam mv. m m
riSX. TKACULUj AasOUAIlUX ail wet
land bWg-
Bookkerprra aad Clark a
YOUNG practicing attorney, betng enraged
in tne general practice in ' - -moat
f'-ur yeara. who hae made a apaclalty
of examining tltlea. deairea poaltlon with
ropniih:t ccn'-ern on aalary haaia to at
tend to all their lgal work and contrarie,
and to act ?nerai.y In advlaory capacity,
or to rep rrar at Eaetern corporation. Klrat
claaa refcrencea. and aecuriiy. if daalrad.
At 107. Oregonlan.
tip boka. prepare baiancea ana iinraDii.
tnata.l eyatama. Gllllocr-am. . auditor. 411
L.e bi .. Marehail 71
BOOKKEEPER and caahltT, your.g man 2
vara ovr i yara ax pen- nc wua
w ho;aali houee, beat of r ferencea, da
a:rra poaltlon. F 109. Oregonlan.
WANTED At nnct. poaltlon by axparienced
ciarar aalesman. tan give ow 01 rir
xcea; In or out of town, C l'7. Orrronlan.
EXPERIENCED lumbe bookkeeper wanta
poaltlon In or out or city, c au-. vrago-
gl va Al raf erencea.
Prvone Eaat 4 Z 'J2.
31 1 err 1 lafiawaa.
POSITION wantM aa Janitor or porter, ex
perience tn both: eituer apt- or privsie
p ace. Got 9 yeara" refarenra from prt
vete placa In Eaat. C Johanaen. 434
Everett at. Phona Main ?o37.
JAPANESE. flrat-c;aaa cook, wait on tabla;
anot.ler boy; cnamoer worm. Dei.007-.
tr and geoeral houaawork: any kind of
work; from California 8'.3 Couch- Phona
A 4' Qmoto, Oklta 4 OkaxakL
BAKBFR nm-claea mechanic. 20 yeara
eiprirnca. a peak a irrenra ana
ii-rmao. wanta ataady work. Phona C
. 33. 134" Wl! llama ara -
WANTED By two good cook a, man and
wire, a poaitlon in lumaer or mining
eemn in Oreron at onca Roy E. Alex-
ander. ox 44, WandovarJCtah-
WANTED Poaitlon by flrat-claea buahelmaa
16 yaara experience, IO yaaxa with laat
firm. Steady employment deal red. Artdraaa
Buahalmaa, 8 111. Oragonlan.
A JAPANESE boy wmti half-day work.
morninc. except eunoay. a jva, trago
lilaa. ELDERLY man. bandy around houe, or-
caard ana garoan. iteiarcncea u ivo, ure
Ol R carpr.trrtne. bulldlna. Jobblnr. re-
? airing wanted by expmrlvacea workmen,
noca Si-wod Kii
iANDSCAPE gardener wanta contract grad
ing. L paimcr. o4 imeuiia ave. pnone
8 11 wood 7:4.
COLLECTOR with 10 yeara n pert "nee
wanta atea'iv poeit:on. r ;nn rexerence ano
bond. O l'.'d. Oregonlan. '
BITUATIOX In grocrry: experienced and
comtent to ua earn oi tiuut,
4i VamhltL
EXPERIENCED houseman, colored, would
like anv kind ox worn aa porter. 1 ail Main
Sl4 Room &4. Golden WestHotcl.
RELIABLE young man wanta position. Bx-
prtencei witn nor vui 04 town pre
ferred. AS K oregonlan.
JAPANESE cook wants situation In small
family I or cook auia BDuwaarK. j 111.
TOUNO N'rPn 4ealree poaltlon aa por
ter or a ' vTTiDia,
COLORED man would like work by day or
hoiU. r R Q Be J are.. iu;j.
CHAUFFEUR, absolutely temperate would
lae poatuon. 1 iw. vrtionun, .
T I" AT loN aa Janitor porter, bouaemaa or
h a n m c L loJ. Ore g oman.
APANKsS wanta a poaiUoo aa housework.
AN 111. "rtJn
APANE--K. flrat-z'laea cook, wanta
tton. H IOV. eiregonian.
UCF.NSED chaaTTar wexte rxit:oo
rivaterxmiiy- y iw.urTtonnn.
Cv K wanta poeuion in res'aurant ar hot aL
bore A za or atain ovhh.
OUNG man wants work; do most
nrythirg;. Adreaa . t.. J. ramiiat sr.
Jrareae Employment Co. will f urn lea ail
kmd aeon, asam , jl. ee.a. gas a vera it.
ttc ATTo? axtto roiALE
BwfckxyTi and HaMtjraphara.
WANTED A position by axparlancrd ycun
ny axebanga o para i or in oaoia
nou: can aaaiat with offlca
D 114, Oregon Jan.
STENrwiRAPHER. i yaaro axprlanca.
wiaha MrmiAtDl coal t Ion. Can aaaiat with
booka and haa ganaral knowrdga af offloa
wor.Krargaca. k ti. urag jamn.
STENOGRAPHER Touni lady who
ra Did Aiv-urat and rliabla daalraa roat
t!on aa trnrerapharj boat rafaranoaa. P
BRIGHT rtrL rmA 1 want a w-rk la bnal
naa oCica ood pan man. Pfcona Haln
EXPERIENCED, capab!a bookkaapar wanta
pfrmin-nt poaiuon: aiao a piar.oirrmpavr,
or.y raiaranca, Fhona Main ..&,
STENOGRAPHER with knowladga af book-
.kaopir.g aaaka poaltlon. I'hona A paa
BOOKKEEPER and atanograpbar wanta
parmaaant poatuoa. B 10T, Oragonlan.
Tol'NO girl with axprlanca aa caablar
wacta poaition. Faona Mam
WANTED Ladla of Portiacd to know that
1 haro Jut opaad a hich claaa draaa
raaktna a:abllaamaau Ladtaa till or ad
autta mnd avanlng gown a apactalty. Tn
Xaal Dressmaking Variora. ltfO Waat Park.
i tflTlELD SISTERS, from tna East, for
ladirr tailoring and fancy drcaaaa. &
Mam at. pLont a.
ALL klnda of ah Irt waiata made, work rallad
fcr and de'.lvarad; flttinga at your bom a.
i'hona A
BR ESSM AK1NO for children; price a
atla &3 E- Oak.
BRES6MAKER from tha Eaat will take
da y aagagementa, Marahall I4OS.
II ooar k rr prra.
POSITION aa houaakeeorr tn botal or room
Jnc houaa. or aa clerk In grocery or dry
gooca atore. fcajt ai . j.
CAPABLE woman. 3 arlrla. . t. deal:
houaekecplng. St. Loufa Agency, 202
l aau. Main AJITTa.
RELIABLE buttnaaa woman olaca aa houaa
kaepar in a par tin ata or hoial; rarerancua.
Alain 4p31-
L PRACTICAL nurse would Ilka poaltlon
with nlca family in country bom a to taka
cara or infant. Main o433.
EXPERIENCED nurae. cara inralld. elder
ly, lady, gentleman; can leava city. Main
TRAINED ntir will take ccnflnement caaea
at tome. Phona oodlawn 0.
BT comoetent rounar ladv aa cook and man
aaer of camo board tn a houee. Heat of rf.
ervnea. Only reliable pmrtia na-ad apply.
Mouae o. 30 Eaat Ptn ortn.
PIANIST, young lady, alght reader, wanta
pouuori in or oat 01 city; moving pictum
or danca mualc. AM 10, Oregonlan.
E.XFER1ENCED aecond girl winti poaltlon
at private family. Phona Main o
LAL'NDL'KPD at ho ma, laca our tain a Tabor
-43, C ---..
SITUATION wanted, houaekeeper. nurae. to
cara fora!ck or maternlty.Woodlawa 2144.
COM PFTE7NT woman wanta day work. Ta
bor (Ul.
S OIRLS wtah houaework. ona expariaooad
cook. oaS Savter at..NorthFor:iana.
WANTED Work by day. 20o hour. Phona
43:'S. 273 Columbia at.
WOMAN would like work for Thursday and
Saturday. oodlawn ion.
RELIABLE aaleernaa can maka Mr money
aeiling our waUknowa Una of tardy son
Irrigated treea, eh rube, roaca etc.; out-
nt lurnianeo; caan weekly. Aaareaa we-
gon Nuraery com pan y. urenco, or.
AHOL'T 6-rooro bunaalow. within re aeon
abio distance huaineae acctlon and located
naar ear una. Write paxticulara. with rant
10 j una 1. r 11a, uniioaian..
WANTED To rent, by raaponalbla party,
or 6 -room fumlehed houae or flat. Ad
dreaa TH Selling bldg. Phone Marahall
44V. A 3440.
A STRICTLY modern S or room bungalow
or cottage In dcafrabla neighborhood; long
time t-nanta if aatlafactory. Call morn-
Irx. Euat 223s.
WANTED Ey man and wife. 6 or 4-room
modern houae, walking distance, or on
good car aervice. j 111. oregonian.
WANTEl Iy coupla S or 6-mom modern
furnished houaa In ln'lnaton dlatzict; raf-
tnnoe. Phona W oodlaw n 45.
X WANT to rent on Portland Hetghta. 6 to T
room house: no children; beat of rexer
encea It 110, Oregonlan.
WANTED To leaee for one yaar. modern 4
room house in a restricted district. Glva
exact location. M 114, Oregonlan.
I WANT lo rent unfurnished bungalow of
ft or a rooms In good nflghoorhood for
920 a month; reference r ill, oregonlan.
tOL'XO msuTied coupla dealra two modern
housekeeping room. State prlca K 114.
- Bawma Wltn boara.
WANTED Strictly A No. 1 placa, private
family, to board and room girl lo yeara
old; muat have nrat-ciaaa aernca. J
oj; Oregonlan.
BY young man. congenial homelike placa,
modern conveniences, walking distance.
West Side: private family preferred. R
113, Oregonlan
WANTED, by thre adulta room a with
board, for Summer; Waat Side only. Phona
Main 63:3 between V and 12 A. M.
write care E 104, Oragonlan.
GENTLEMAN a Ishea room and board. East
Side, 21 mtnutea walk from city; state
terms, u in. wregonian.
Boaineaw plarra.
Itoonis. apartments, flats ard houses;
rooms d urine the Ka KeMtvaL tl
eah. at. Marshall 2S'J. A B24X
lamUhed Boo ma.
RaaldenttaL Sod Taylor. TraaalaaL
Bat. Tth and Park ata,
Opposite saw HeiUg Theater, ona block
from Portland Hotel; brick building. Just
completed; baadsomaly furnished; every
modern convenience, elevator service,
eteam beat, telephone and hot and eold
water In every room; elngle rooms aad
euitee with or without private hatha eta;
centrally located, near poatofflce; juat off
all earlmae; rary quiet; low rataa by 4ay.
weak or month. Phone Marahall Xi9
THE WEAVER. T10 Waehlngton at., near
King; a perfect modern home; private
bath, steam beat, hot and cold water, and
telephone in every room; fin eat part of
tha city; the maximum of convenience,
the minimum of expense; we make you
feel at home; dining-room In connection;
teat In the city for the money.
12V aliaventb Bt.
New; modern, brick building, steam
beattfdl. private batca, hot and 00 Id water
In rooms, beautifully furnUhed. cosy and
comfortable. Ken La very reasonable. Call
at d see ua. Keguiar and Ueuaeat trade
MUcKed. .
SARGENT HOTEU Grand ave, and Haw
thorna beeutif uiiy furnished rooms, ain
a a or en auite. with private bath, hot and
cold water, ateaiu het and telephone In
eery room; special bummer rates by week
vr month to permanent gueata Flret
ciaaa srtil In connection. Transients so
Park at., between Morrison and Aider.
Heart of th city; quiet and modern; free
'bus or W car at depot; raiee 91 alngle tLeS
doutte; aiao family loo ma with private beta,
etc. Ratwe pra eea.
HOTtL REN WICK An Ideal home for busl
ceas people; centrally located, elegant
rooma a.i modern conveniences; Tth aad
Tmy.or ais., 1 b.ock from Poruand Hoiei.
- eppoalte lieiilg Tneater. Main Via.
A LbhkAKa. ia O "1 t-L, J7tn and Waaai&gtaa
ewly furniabea rooma. elngle or ea
suite; private bam a ateam beat, not aad
co.d water and phone ia ail rooms; rates
reasonable; tranaienta ao II cited.
LJGHT.alry rooma modern, suites or aln
Sle. 2 and 14 a wait; tl minutes' walk
to theaters and stores, free phona Lin deli
Hotel. 13b 4th.
BOOMS for rent, also one housekeeping
suite. 133 loth St. North, near Gliean.
phone A 7.11U.
THE HAZEL Nicely Tatrlahed rooma at
mod era 1 a prices. Cor. 31 and Mo-igomery.
41 T.WSMALU modem, front room, yard
and flowera t(34 Flaadera. Main TMj.
IH ELA K RABE-27 Larrabee at., nlcaiy
f urntabed rooma. modern, low rates.
THE Alcove, cloae In, rooms at low price a
2o4 Park. ear. Morrison,
Fnmtahed Boon
Trtoe three oeautiruiiy xuxnianeo noteia,
MiNOox parsons Rowland
ruu 4th at Zllw ath at. S074 4tn at.
On Fourth at., running from Taylor to
Salmon at. Brand new brick, elegantly
furnished; steam heat, private baths, hot
aad cold water in all rooma; atrlctly
ap-to-date In all reepecte, and at popular
prices, if you want something out of the
orainarv ua me oean ex mi tnj
NAionahU nrlor. viva 11a a call as W'
know vau will like It. Rooms b the day
week ar month. Tourist trade solicited.
1S7W Eaat Burnaide st.
Fifteen minutes' walk to business center
of city, beat location on Eaat Side: ISO
modern rooms, single or cn suiter rooms
with private bath, rates f '- to S per
week; transient. 75o to $LoO per day.
Eaat &W0. B 15-
Al'niTnkiru HOT P I. ?i)H u. Third street.
between Taylor and Salmon sta; bot and
cold water, ateam heat, elevator: raree
11 and up, 50o day and up. Main IS "4.
A soT.
HOTEL BURTON. Yamhill and 24" sta
strlctlv modern, reasonable rates br ttv
day. wsek or month. B. W. y la bar. Man
1 urnUhed Kouina in private t amity.
COZY, elegant furnished room, private fam
ily wn!Lin iintnnrA neac r ar 1 Ine. Suit
able for t reotlemen; board If desired.
Call 7b East Main at.
LARGE front room with alcovea. In modern
flat and 5 minutes walk from P. O.. with
or without piano. lUatt 10th at, phone
NICE room, suitable for 2 young men. close
In; all convenience 12 luih ar near
EXTRA large, light room, suitable for two.
Bath, phone. 12- Call after 5 evenings.
429 Third st. South. Main bPJ.
LARGE well-furnished room with mnnlng
water and modern conraalencea, 223 West
M FAST 11TH ST. NORTH, a pleaaan
front room, suitable for one or two gentle
men. Phone K. -'U17 or a na.
NEWLY furnished modern room, fine loca
tlon to re lined person for 110 month. 0ltt
12th st.
rf.aiitipcllt furnished room in ne
modern home, for 1 or : gentleman, mnor
KF.WIT furnished rooma. bath and phone,
reasonable, gentlemen preferred. 9 mo
FRONT and back parlor, elngle or en suite.
also single room; moaera cuuvcnuutci,
centrally located. 404 Clay near lot h st.
TWO nlcelv furnished rooma 1 parlor, gen
tlemen preferred, walking aisiance.
Clay st.
A FEW newly furnished rooms In privato
house; hatn, not water, etecinc iiKai,
walking dlstanca 66 af. 19ih or M. uolS.
NICELY furnished room In rery desirable
location. Steam heat and modern conve
niences. Phono A 4Q. O-
WEI J.- FU RN ISHED room, bath: low rate
breakfast if desired. .Near Alberta cariine.
D71 E. 19th at- N.
NEWLY furnished front room, suitable for
1 or 2 centlemen. bath and shower, eicc-
trie II ght. B02 iat h st.
KEWLY furnished front room, suitable for
two; light end bath and phone free. 013
at" at., corner 'uarKtu
LARGE front room, private home accom
modations rirst class, iss a, uio au
Phone B 3U00.
PORTLAND Heights room with or without
board. 0-1 H 20th at.
NICELY furnished rooms $3 and $4.50 week.
suitable 3, mora 192 utn.
2 LARGE rooms for rent In private fam
ily, pnone taa 1 4S07.
NICE large, furnished room, modern, with
or wltfteut board. &34 AiaiL
WELL furnished front suite, slnple and
housekeepUig rooms; referencea 2HI llth.
ATTRACTIVE homelike bedroom; one clean
email room o-a ri angers.
NICE front room ; first floor; two
men. 4 a week. -W lth st.
NICK front room; fine location; 7 minutes
to center, eoa atn.
NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooma
complete kitchen and two beda
109 4 luth.
NEAT room. $2.5 0 p er we ek. 26S
Booms With Board.
THE WHiTtHALU family hotel; rooms
with private baths and excellent table
board; lour squares aoutn 01 p. o. Th
Place" that U not "for aale. t6S th sr.
rOKTLAND Women a Cbtoa. 2Sd vaar:
rooma with ooara. use ot sewing-room, li
brary. IIO Flandera r. N. Heath, aupt.
161 18th. new management; thoroughly
renovateo; invmng rooms, cnoice board.
LAMBERSOX. S34 Couch Desirable rooma.
single or double, with board.
EXEGANT room facing the park, including
poaro. reasonaoia. J ''
BOARD and room, S00 Jefferson, Tha Caaa
Rooma With Board In Private Family.
NEW, slegantly furnished front room, pri
vate home, witn ooara; strictly modern
large porch and yard : walking distance.
789 Ulieaa. Marshall l&oe.
BOARD, room: S slnrle rooms for rentle-
men or ladies; per montn; good noma
T 01 uusan. '
NEWLY furnished room and board for one
or two men, with young couple; f S M .per
week; aaixing aiatance. pr.ono A. jj4U.
ROOM and board for two ren tlemen. In dH
vate family, strictly home cooking, modem.
both phonea A g&oo.Main sooa.
ROOM and board for two men In home on
W lllamette Helchta; aieeping-porch. phone
iiain 3tfi4.
NICELY furnished. light, airy rooiri; heat.
bath, phona, electric light. Nob Hill dis-
trlc t-ji ptf'j r lanaers.
NICELY furnished room v-ith board.
for 2
artnt emen. In private family. I2r
Thone Main Sf.2&. 464 Jefferson at.
LARGE airy room with board: 10 minutes
walk to p. u. : man ana wire or two or
three young men. &63 6th. Main 23 SO.
NICELY furnished room, board for two sen
iiemen, eavcu; waiaiug uutaaco, ov
633 WASHINGTON at., room and board for
gentlemen' rates reascnaoie.
LA RG E plea east room, suitable for t wa
braakiaat and dinner. Mam ZOTI.
BOOM and board In private family.
Ladd ave,, near Hawthorne,
BOOMS, with or without board. 595 East
Oak at., cor, istn. ypone a zoia.
FIRST-CLASS board and room in private
ramiiy. 00 xaznnin at. -
SINGLE room, gentleman, with or without
board, call m 11 th st., corner of Taylor.
A part ram ta
Elegantly furnished 3 and 8-room apart
menta strictly up to data; large, weil
llghted rooms, roomy close ta rich furni
ture: very cozy and homelike, near the
business center.
4i Trinity Place, bet. Washington and
Everett ata
Cor. Park and Taylor Sta,
Cor. Tenth and Salmon Sta.
Walking Distance,
Furnlshed complete, 2, S and 4 -room
apartments; buildings new and strictly
modern; serrlce first -claaa.
Corner of 13th and Jeff en on sta. four
and five-room apartments, unfurnished,
with reception ball, automatic elevator.
Pacific eta tea Telephone in every apart
ment and the moat modern conveniences
found In the city. Phona Main 89o and
atlaa Allen. the manager, will show
you through the apartments, or call Bp
mala office. Main 6704.
THE NORTHAMPTON. 407 Hall st-, near
lltn, waiaing oiaiaaca, v est. oiue. new
brick building, completely furnished 2 and
-room apartments, prlvste bath, phone,
hot water beat, rent IllO and up. Main
410 6th. furnished and unfurnished
strictly modern apartmeme, walking dis
tance, prices reasonable; no children.
S and 4-room unfurnished apartments,
all modem convenience, moat reasonable
rent In the city. Main till, A 7361.
THE ALTAMONT. S04 College at.; beautiful
fumianea a aum apanmenta, rent
Apart raeota.
730 Hoyt at.,
Between 2d and 13d sta
All modern convenience.
6 trie l ly up to data
Most Elegantly furnished Apartment-feM.-
in th Cltv of Portland, at Rates
Uiat are Considered Very Beaaonable,
Two and three -room apartments a few
Don't fall to see these new apartments
before you locate. References required.
20th and Washington.
Cozy, homelike, comfortable.
2 and 8-room apartment a elegantly
furnished; low rates; walking distance.
Se these Deiore you locate.
THB BARKER Corner 21 at and Irving sta
Thia new 4-atorv brick, opened January L
1911; furnished and unfurnished In two,
three and four-room suites with reception
ball: Pacific phone In each apartment;
electric elevator. To lines disappearing
bads, built-in buffet and writing desk, gas
rangea Icebox, plenty of closet room. If
you want something extra Ana, come ta
tbe Barker, phone Marshall 296L
HirXZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia,
4 blocks south from Morrison street; now
brick building, completely iim-ciass, iur
niahed in 1 3 and 4-room family a part-
men is; private bath, reception hall, ateam
beat, hot water, elevator, iree piiuue, wiu
preaaed air carpet cleaning, jaultor aerv
ice; rent per month S2rl, ftliO and up; muat
be seen to PS appreciates.
Corner 14th and Clay atreeta
Strictly high-class.
. iin'npniihNil vtih nrl
vate vestibule, bath and phone, elecirlo
444 EvereLt St.
New and elegantly furnished apart
ments; 3 rooms, reoeptlon hall and sleep
ing porch; automatic electric elevator and
private Pacific telephone! located In one
of the choicest residence districts sur
rounded by elegant homes; walking dis
PENINSULA Apartments One of Portland's
nnest apartment-nouses; -minute car
service, beautiful part city to live, 1135 1
Albina ave.. cor. KlUlngsworth; take Mis
sissippi, L or Kenton car at Third and
wash, sta, 10 min. riue: a anu rovius,
completely furnished; $17.50 to $30 mo,;
also unfurnished apt. w 00a 1 awn
Cor. Ath and MontaomerT Sta
New. modern, brick, elegantly furnished,
large outside 2 and 3-rooin sultta free
Wrifle nhona In each apartment, disap
pearing beds. Icebox, janitor; no carfare
to pay; only two aparuneuis .dvm
in city ior tne price.
Corner Boss and Clackamas; new and
beautifully furnished and unfurnished
apartments of three and four rooms and
sleeping porches; desiraoie location, wi.
inr riiitmrt to West tide buslnesa center.
Call personally or phone Private Ex, 4
ttentat aept, ,
AH 11th Street.
Beautifully furnished apta with 2 rooms
and bath, desirable location, modern in
very respect, rcaia w
vate Exchange 4, rental department, or
Marshall &?.
LOIS Apartments, 704 Hoyt, 1 J -room suite.
hitntifui v rurnunaa. extra large biccu-
ing-porch ; also 1 4-room suite, unfur
mh vrv inrea rooms, private baths.
phone, receptltm hall, el ec trio and tireless
cookers, ouia-in ice ,
reloreccea required-
aia 11th 8L. cor. Hall.
S and 4-room furnlehed or unfurnished
apts., private bath, phone and balcony
porches; newiy iurnisneo, uncu iuuumu
bummer ratea Phone Marshall 1171.
w ivrnflRV APARTMENTS. 251 12th St.,
near Main. liegani inroo-r"i "
ments w"h private balcony; large rwom
every modern convenience and each ar
raxged with two sleeping apartments;
rents jiiJ-ov to jji v.
. Lovejoy; finest xurnisnea ana owi r
rangd apartmenta in the city; noUce
prices: 2 rooms, 127.50 to $32.50; 8 rooma
4o3 to $40; take loth or b. cars get off
Lovejoy st.
21st and Hoyt sta. now ready for oc
cupancy; moat modern 8 and 4-room
apartments in city; each apartment haa
large private ba loony and every modern
convenience; rente from ftoO to $45.
Cor. Grand ave. and E. Stark at.
New fireproof brick building beautifully
furnished. Two and three-room apart
menta; private bath, hot and cold water,
ateam heat. Phone East 300.
Elegantly furnished and unfurnished:
comforts of home; private phone and
hatha elevators, private playground for
children. Ideal location. 28 N. 20th at.
Marshall 2028.
BHEFFIKLD APTS., 7th and Jefferson sta;
4 rooms, unfurnianeo, witn oatn; an oui
alde rooms; modern; every convenience;
-minute walk from poatofflce; very rea
sonable rent. Main 2M, A 8149.
FOR RENT One 2, also 3-room apartment.
furnished complete, new axiu moaernj
private oath and phone. Kentucky Apart -mem.
E. 2Sth and Gllsan. Call B 1432,
East 6387.
RE -U KAN APTS., Marahall, beL l&th and
Oth; up-to-date, niceiy iurnuuea, rooms,
porch, phone, bath; a homelike place;
something out of the ordinary; no tire-
trap. like soma Jiain buo. a ixai.
TO RENT Fine modern apartments of 8
and 4 rooms, Wltn oatn, xur aouaeaaepinc,
furnished or unfurnished; beautiful loca
tion ; walking distance. Apply at tha
Calumet Hotel for particulars.
WANTED 3 business gentlemen of profes
sion to room, Doara ir aeairea in a strictly
modern private home. For particulars
call East 5S54.
DON'T go to the second-hand store look
at new IUinn uj o vl nw-iuviu uiiiuiuicui
for sale at 2nd-hand prlcea Call Marshall
1513 for appointment.
Ona 3-room and bath, furnished apart
ment, all modern conveniences, reason
able rent. Phone Marshall 1325, A etiud.
"w and beautifully furnlehed apart
menta with bath; all modern conven
iences. 429 East Morrison st.
VEHif desirable apartment, reasonable rent.
. . t . 1 T)i. k'.nrnrr & nrf 1
ney. or Morgan, FUedner 4s Boyce. aiaia
2015, A 20 16.
very aeairaeia iwur-rvga
apartmenta, completely furnished, entirely
m od em. A 7501.
THB CECILIA, 22d and Gllsan, one fur
nished, one umuiuiBiicu uucui, pri
vate phonea and porches with awnlnga
Marshall lb04. A 2734.
IBIS APARTMENTS, 3d and Mill sta. 6-
TOOrn UUl UI UiOHCU bxucuk, ; UU1U
unfurnished apartment, 434, Modern im
provements; adults only.
THE 11EHIL One front and one back
apartment or m owjuiuiii, ap
ply to tha Janitor. 655 Lovejoy su, near
21st, .
room eparuueu k. . wm uu urtu-
rup su; janitor, mu mm
BOZANTA APARTMENTS and single rooms
newly furnished; strictly modern; rea
sonable reui-.j.oo 7i mu Bt.4tnuna ax.
27.M) Sunlight Apts., elegant three rooms.
furnished; nuue-.Udl"' lu,e". oest
car servlca B 1634, Tabor 176S.
THE CLIFTON. 7b0 Irving U A modern fi-
room apt., . aieep
lng porchea References.
ST. CLAIR. Ti vv ayne au ; modern aix-
room tpiuuuuil " uuue aaain
THE CHETOPA. 18th and Flandera Four
rooma moaern.
MORTON, 697 Washing-ton st., furnished and
2-&-4 ROOM furnlehed, eteam-beated apart
rnents; moderate rents; close In. Oneonta.
Ib7 17th su. near tamniil.
XHE Juan It a, 325 11th su, two-room fur-
nianeu . .UUj, price
Either furnished or unfurnished apart
menta CornermgandWashington sta
THE LLUMt ruronnea a-room apart
ment; private bath, phona lb6 22d au N.
THE HARTFORD Beat modern apta In the
THE King Davla comer King and Da via
streets; one wi tunutusu, reierences.
NEATLY furnished three-room apartmenta,
modern. 71 Grand ave. North.
19th and Marshall sta.
, These are the most elegantly furnished
apartmenta In Portland, having all mod
ern conveniences up to date In every re
spect. Each apartment la furnished In
.. -t. mnntr wllh fine
tne must -
Blgelow Axminster carpeta maalve oak
and mahogany furniture in newest oe
aigns. Special attention is directed to the
extremely low rates-
No such prices for the aervice to be
found elsewhere in the city. Inveetigate
and you'll be convinced.
Strictly modern and up to data
Telephone Marshall 1012.
(IMIT.1 Y- T L3 . T Jt Yl FM. mOTTl anSTt'
ments. completely furnished. 191 14th mU
."f 111 T T-w .,nf,mlllfl milfM of
rooma with bath, also single rooma
with bath, steam heat, gas range,
electric light; also one 6-room flat, unfur
nished, gas range, hot and cold water,
steam neat. ia c.
FOR RENT, 6-room flat. 16th and J eft ar
son, newly papered and painted, a27A0
per month. Karnopp AV Kopf, 825 By. Ea-
cnange duuuius.
V IT W airlptlv mndm K-rrtOITl UDDflf flat
East loth and Clay, rent 825. Key 607
E. Clav,
292 COLLEGE ST. Next to corner of 6th;
lower modern & rooms rent reasonable.
Main 8799 or A 82? a. 713 Dekum.
nn t? r v TCIIATrvCrt m flat" heat and water.
Corner " 16th and Eaat Main. Key 626
Eaat Ma'n,
NEWLY furnished 6-room flat, modern;
iiinir rf(.tanri on 7th St.. Cne neigncor-
hood. Ckll 420 Swetlandjds.a'n32a2.
NICELY furnished flat, 7 rooms, all light
and sunny, rent reasonaoie. inquire ou .
2Jd st., after 10j3o. 2
FURNISHED 8-room flat, new, modern;
walking istance.vestejdeainaSS.
8-ROOM lower flat. 468 E- Burnside st. us-
se 11 & p ly t n. C o mmo n wea 1 1 u diu a-
6-ROOM flat, corner East Ninth North and
Schuyler, uroaaway car.
modrrn fi-room lower flat. yard and
basement, 2 carilnes; 818. Phone East 5134,
PORTLAND Heights, 561 Davenport at.. 4-
room niceiy rurnnafu unu j uwqi j. jx
COZY upper corner fl-room flat, 714 H Kear
ney at. ; key at 1 1-
Uoasekeeplnr Booms.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall, fur
nished for housekeeping, gas range, elec
tric Hffhte. hot water, bath, laundry, free;
815 per month up; A clean place, best in
the city for money; short distance from
Union Depot. Take "S" or 16th-st, cars
n orth;get opt at Marsnau st. io aoga
WELL-FURNISHED houses, flats, rooms; 4-
room VUIU1, e-V muuiu, mtuhiift T,.wva
suites, 2 furnished housekeeping rooms,
$3. $10, $12 month; 8, 815. Apply 364 2ith
st- North. WW- car from depot, 6th, west
on Morrison to ztitn, block nortn.
SL60 -TO 12.50 WEEK; clean, furnished
housekeeping rooma, free laundry, bath,
phone, clean linen, beat. 406 Vancouver
ave. anu wn pu .uu . u v.
NEW two and three-room apartments, fur
nished or unfurnished, ten minutes' walk
from Postofflce, prices from 16 to $25
per month, pnene baat d:i.
THE GAYOSA. modern housekeeping rooms.
. very reasonable. Grand ave. and East
Stark, .
4fti EAST MORRISON, cor. 8th. Complete
ly furnished housekeeping suites; walking
THREE large housekeeping rooms furnished.
2 double beds. 381 xamnui bu
NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms; rea
sonable. 91 1st st. near stark.
Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family.
8 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, furnished, $14 a
month: walking distance; plenty or rojea.
Take Jefferson car and get off at Stout.
bio Madison.
TO LET 8 furnished hourekeping rooma,
bath. Bras, telephone: upstairs, very a
sirable location. 675 E. Main, corner 10th.
816. -
TWO furnished housekeeping-rooms and
kitchenette. In walking distance. 75 East
'.tth st. North.
2 OR 8 furnished housekeeping rooms, on
three carilnes; gas, bath, gas range; rent
reasonable. Main 4112. 7-6 Thurman St.
3 LOVELY, sunny rooms, completely fur
nished for nouae Keeping, blocks irom
Grand avenue. 46b East Mill.
2 LARGE, nicely furnished housekeeping-
rooms; gas, iree pnone, electric lights;
$4.5U week. 651 East Morrison.
ONE newly furnished room with big closet
ana aitcnen, iz diocxs to sr. u. oso Aim
st., near West Park st.
THREE nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms, first floor, walking distance. Call
609 Everett. Phone Main 5968.
2 NICE sunny housekeeping- rooma gas
range, furnace beau 63 North 14th. Phona
Main 2607.
TWO neat housekeeping rooms; light, heat.
phone, bath. per week. l9 Eaat
14th. IH blocks off East Morrison.
SUITE of furnished housekeeping rooms. Z
on rry su fnone i. bou.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, an aulta
and single. 4W layior su
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms $15. 70
sta su orin. $
2 OR 3 nicely furnished connecting house
keeping rooms; corner house, laa E. 23d.
8-ROOM housekeeping suite, $10 a month.
4Z bavier su
HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 149 13th st, near
ju o rris on. ;
3 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms.
lower poor; moaern. e. nurnslde.
ALL-MODERN housekeeping rooms for rent.
walking distance, oy t ash.
TWO front furnished housekeeping rooma
on cariine, warning aistance. 4ou nail su
NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms. 550
couch, l block on Washington.
CENTRALLY located, convenient, $11 and
up. -j jaain at.
LIGHT housekeeping rooms for rent. 410
Home-hunters, visit our up-to-date ren
tal and Information department, 4th floor,
main building, and see the vacancies wa
have listed of desirable houses and flats.
You'll save time in getting properly and
comfortably located. We keep in touch
with all vacant houses, flats and apart
ment; in the city. We also keep a list of
new buildings In course of construction,
Tha combined lists of all real estate deal
era Thla Information la absolutely frea
WHEN you move you'll need NEW FUR-
xniiuh tuy it juaiciousiy ton tne iaat
Side) and the savinss will exceed your
moving expensea
Our LOW" PRICES, which In 8 yeara
made us ona of Portland'! largest furni
ture houses, were made possible because
we built on tha East Side, thereby saving
$25,000 a year rent.
69-75 Grand ave., cor. East Stark sU
Eight 4-room new modern apartment
house; $150 a month.
One 8-room modern house; $50 a mo.
One 5-room modern house; $12 a mo.
Two 4-room modern flats; $21 and $23
a month.
One 9-room furnished house; $65 a mo.
Bloch Realty Co.. 206 Alder sU
HOUSES and fiats for renu soma furnished.
Free maps af city for Strangers.
7-ROOM modern house, select neighborhood,
10 minutes from Postofflce, $uO0 cash,
balance terms. Provident Investment 4t
Trust Co.. 201-20S Board of Trade.
MODERN five-room cottage. 845 E. Pine.
Key at S43. two blocks from East Ankeny
cariine. $30. Owner. 631 E. Ash sU B 1650,
. 4497.
7-ROOM new, modern house; shades in, fur
nace, fireplace, wash trays and bath; large
rooms; no small children. 1009 E. 24th
au N.
HOUSE of 6 rooma and bath, 775 Irving, beU
23d and 24th. Apply 132 6th au Main
MODERN fi-room house with full lot, fruit
trees, near two carilnes, near Overlook,
$20. S07 Montana.
NICE, modern 6-room house, 1137 East
Yamhill, best car service In city; rent
$2U; take Sunnyalde car.
MODERN 6-room house, attic. Phona A
74S5. Key 86 E. 17th. .
FOR RENT 5-room furnished cottage;
modern. Phone Woodlawn 3071 forenoons.
UNFURNISHED house, 12 rooma Inquire
7 4 6 E. Burpglde. Phona B 2566 or A 7666.
4-ROOM cottage. 148 E, 15th and BelmonU
Phone East 1619.
h ii a a. 608 Frozu sV-
modcrn, five -room
$19 6-room cottage on Russell.
Union. Call 619 Rodney ave.
Furnished Houses,
WELL-FURNISHED cottages, 4 rooms, $20
month; another, $17. 50; aiso housekeep
ing suites, 2 rooma $10 and $12 month;
8. $15. Apply 864 North 26th. W car, from
depot, 6th, west on Morrison to 24th,
block north.
FOUR-ROOM furnished houae. on East 14th
St.. IS blocks from car; $18.
Seven-room furnished house, 1 H blocks
from car, $20.
133 hi First Su
Five-room, completely furnished modern
house for rent to October L Referenoaa
required. For particulars sea Parrlso,
Watklna St Co. 250 AJder st.
FOR RENT To responsible peopla a weU-
neighborhood. West Side. Phone
OIOO. A. 4 two.
FOR RENT Furnished cottage, five rooma
not modern, but comfortable, can be seen
Friday or Saturday, vacant Sundays vary
cheap. S66 Mallory ave.
COMPLETELY furnished 6-room flat, close
In, on ast Side, including piano. Phono
cast tv or -T
8-ROOM suite, laundry, nice yard, beautiful
neighborhood, 7 minutes P. O. 867 loth.
N E WX.Y -FU R X ISHED 5 -room bungalow tot
4 or 5 months. Ph one Wo o d 1 a w n3 1 96.
FOR RENT 6-room house, well furnished;
WELL-FURNISHED 5-room house, modern.
A 411UIUUU k. It UUU1KWI1,
8-ROOM furnished cottage for rent. Inquire
2S7 Morris su
6-ROOM furnished house for rent ; take
Sunnyalde or MU Tabor car. 0S0 Belmont
4-ROOM furnished house. North Portland;
no children. Phone Main 7031.
Hocsew for Kent Fur:iitare for Sal,
FINE furniture of a 5-room house. In
cluding upright piano; rent $16. $450.
Fine furniture of a 6-room house, West
Side; rent $40. $000, cash.
Fine furniture of a 5-room house; rent
$18. J35.
Bloch Realty Co., 206 Alder sU
BARGAIN Beautiful new furniture. 6-room,
upper sunny flat, sleeping porch and large
attic near Park blocks; 3 rooms pay renu
327 Mill st. Main 3S91.
FRESH air, sunshine, fruit, berries, garden,
chickens and 4 cosily furnished rooms;
price $165, terms. Kent $10. Woodstock
cars to I van hoe. 5 blocks easU No. 4320.
COMPLETELY furnished 6-roora flat, very
close in ; rent only $20; beautifully fur
nished; a snap at $450. Might give some
terms to right party. Call East 4149.
FURNITURE of 9-room house; good furni
ture, bath, gas, flowers, nice garden; rent
$25. Call 513 Clay su
LARGE 5-room lower flat, 12 blocks to P. O.,
furniture for sale. Rent $35. Choicest
neighborhood. 85 Mill su
FURNISHINGS Cf g rooms, new furniture,
gtod neighborhood, corner h-.use, reason
able. 33 13th St., corner MarkcU
6-ROOM modern house for rent, furniture
for sale; Irvington district; rent $30; fur
ntture $275; must sell. Phone East 2220.
NEW furniture of 4-room. new, modern flat,
cost $400; will sacrifice at (175. 690
East Morrison sU
NICE furniture of 12-roora house; must sell
at once; lowest rent in city; terms. 2ST
13th st.
TWO newly furnished housekeeping rooma
modern, reasonable. 662 Williams ave.
5-ROOM bungalow for rent, $25; furniture
for sale. Room 8 Washington bldg.
FURNITUDB for sale. $250, modern 6-room
flat for rent, $25. Call 844 Grant st.
COTTAGE to let; some furniture for sale.
366 6th SU A 4728.
Summer Beeorta.
FOR RENT Seaside 9-room house, over
looking ocean; bath, patent toilet, hot
and cold water, electric lights; $230 sea
son. Also 5-room cottage, $125 season,
AddreBs Box 494, Seaside, Or.
SOME fine lots for sale away below the mar
ket price. Alexander Gilbert 4s Son, Sea
Bide, Or.
SOME very fine modem cottagee for rent
from $154 to $400 for the season. Alex
ander Gilbert & Son, Seaside, Or.
SEASIDE Beautiful Summer home cheap,
380 Ross su Phone East 1824.
AT a sacrifice, two ocean front lota at Can
non Beacru K 112, Oregonlan.
TO RENT Space In a large, roomy, llg-ht
loft; good for light manufacturing or
sample rooms; located one block from
Washington st. Apply 233 Stark su East
ern Novelty Co.
FOR RENT Part of 50x100 loft In center
of wholesale district; light, heat and pow
er free. . Western Manufacturing Co., 63
Fifth sU, 3d floor.
FOR RENT Several stores and shops at
east end Madlson-sU bridge; rent $20 to
$40, according to size. Apply V. D. Smith
Fuel Co., 283 Hawthorne ave.
SMALL store, 205 1st sU, beU Taylor and
Salmon, large plate glass window, suit
able for Jewelry or shoe store. Inquire of
J. V. Larkln.
FOR RENT Store, 477-479 Williams ave.,
near Russell sU J. Watson, Columbian
FOR RENTj Store on growing business
street; plenty or customers to draw from.
Phone Main 6249.
SEVERAL stores at east end Madlson-st.
bridge. $20 to $40, according to size. In
quire 271 Hawthorne ave.
FURNISHED outside office with use of re-
ceouon room and phone, $i&.o0 per montn.
Main 1940. .
FINE large corner store for rent, cheap.
A'none Main moo xor particulars.
FINE brick cor. store. East 11th and Haw-
thorne. Appl y lib K ast 15th, cor. Yam h i I L
FINE, large light basement, electric light.
water, ior business or storage. 848 Hail.
W. H. WEBB, Sll Lewis bldg. Marshall 1S70
STORE for renu Phone East 182
$11 to $67.50.
OFFICE to rent, fine front office room with
large double or single desk, lor l or 2
persons ; use of phone and private of
fice. Call 217Abmgton bldg.
FINE location for dentist or physician on
.feast biue; cheap rent to proper parties.
801 Yeon Bldg.
FOR RENT Well lighted front office, mod
ern building, no per month. Apply 60b
Blake McFall bldg
FOUR good-sized offices, good light and ven
tilation, at sou per montn, at ibz Morri
son sU '
FURNISHED outside office and use of re
ception roonr and phone, $17.50 monthly.
E. E. Miller, 430 Worcester bldg.
MOST centrally located offices, all-night ele
vator service, 803 8 wetland bldg., or Jan
ltor, 8th and Washington.
NICE light front office with use of reception-room.
6 17 Board of Trade, North
west Realty Co., per J. T. Morrow. Sec
FOR RENT Ground floor corner office;
plenty warehouse room if desired. Call
van Horn Transfer Co., 40 2d su
WILL sell my office furniture is tha Cham
ber of Commerce, rent only $ 1 7, includ
ing both phonea B 105. Oregonlan.
OFFICE furniture for rent; ru desk, S
chairs and table $10 per month. Main 5934
Corbett bldg.
well-furnished offica. 613
DESK room in suite with stenographer.
Board of Trade.
Bloch Realty Co., 206 Alder su
Owner will build garage or apt. house to
suit tenant on fine 100x100 lot, close In on
Fast Side; long lease, cheap rent, no un
reasonable security asked; be quick.
822 Falling bldg.. Third and Washington.
Main S5G0. A 3475.
ENTIRE second and third floors of Wemme
bldg., at southeast corner 7th and Oak
sts., 100x100 ft.; third story haa maple
. dancing floor without posts.
212-213 Commercial Club Bldg.
Phones Main 8ti99. A 26o3.
MOVING-PICTURE theater, near Portland,
clearing $200 monthly; price $1000. 404
Rothcfaild bldg. .
HORSE-SHOEING shop for sale.
N. 4th et-
Call 49
600 BUSINESS cards. $1.00; you must bring
thia ad. Roae City Printery, 1924 Third.
FOR SALE Cigar and confectior ery stand,
livine rooms, good location. 195 4th su
LUNCH counter, good location, tease ana
business, $800. AT 96, Oregonlan.
FOR SALE Half Interest in good
business. Call 167 N. 0th at.