THE MORNING OREGOXIAN. THTBSDAT, MAY 18, 1911. 1G DOCTORS TO BUILD Medical Society Quickly Re sponds to Suggestion. $14,950 IS SUBSCRIBED Fund of $100,000 Desired nd trocnire of 14 or 1 5 Stories Mar Itnalt Wonm for First Time Attend Banquet. A monmnl that has tor Ita object tfca purchase of a quarter block down town and ths eo attraction of a 11 or IS-storr bul'.tftn for tha naa of the Ctty and County Medical Society waa launched at tho annual mestlnr and buquei of that organisation at the Commercial Clufe last ntcht. The project mat with quick approral. tra A. E. Rocker. Andrew C Smith svnd R. C. Coffay daelarad that thay would aubacrlba lioao each on tha snot, before tha meeting andad 14.te bad keen snibecTlbed and much mora had teen premised. Dm. William House. Marie EquU Oeorsje Farrlso and J. C. O Day alao subscribed 11000 each. Fourteen aubacrlptlona of lo each were recetred frrmi tha following phjsl c'sns: A. W. Moor. E. A. Bommer. X. A. Pteroe. E. DeWltt Council R. J. Marks. W. F. Amos. N. W. Jonea. A. Tlliw. L. W. Hyda. Louie Buck J. D. Fternberir. CalTln 8. White. F. M. Brooks and Paul Rocker. A. H. Johnaoa eubeerlbed I15e and Chester C Moore and Ralph C Walker 100 earn. A. C. Smith. Oeorke Parrlsh and Wil liam Houaa were appointed a eubecrtp tlon committee to handle the fund dur ing the racatlon period. It la expected that $100,000 can be secured from physl rtana of tho city and county In the Hummer montha The membership of the society la about tSS. Plana for the buUdln are neoeaamrlly tentatlre. but tha physicians declare that they will find waya and mesne of maklnir It a 13 or lS-story structure. Ko site Is as yet In prospect. I-ast nlkht'a banquet waa unique In that It waa attended for tha first time la the history of the medical society by women physicians. Dr. A. E. Rockey Bus-rested that they be Invited and Dr. X W. Hyde assumed the responsibility of escorting them to the banquet balL Officer, elected were: President. Dr. William House; vlre-preeldent. Dr. N. W. Jonea; secretary. Dr. Georao 8. Whiteside: treasurer. Dr. Katharine C. lanlon. Addresses ursine unity amona; mem bers of tha medical profession were made by Drs. Smith. Rockey. House and others. NATAL DAY REMEMBERED fVandlnaTLaue of Portland Listen to Speaker at Masonic Temple. Scandinavians of Portland celebrated Norway s natal day at the Masonic Temple last nteht. Tbs speakers were Rer. C. Uyman Hansen, pastor of the Morwealan-Danlsh Methodist Church, of Seattle and until lately presiding- el der of tha Norwesian Danish Methodist Churrh on tha Paclflc Coast, and Charles W. Fulton. Vice-Consul Cederbers;!) delivered the address of welcome. Rer. Mr. Hansen arse a brief history of Norway. Sweden. Denmark and Iceland. He said Iceland waa passed as a gift to Denmark upon a merrlarebf the royal tamlllea Since May 17. 1914. when a constitution waa adopted, the day haa been celebrated y Norweclaaa throughout tha world. Mr. Fulton said he believed Nor weclana are better cltlxena because of their lore for tha fatherland, and that In eelebraUnsT the birthday of Norway they are none the less loyal to tha Vnlted States Norwegians, ha said, never received the credit tbey should hare received for tha discovery ot .America years before Columbus found Dan Salvador, because the colony they established did not prosper. He aid class barriers are belns broken down, so that cltlxensblp means mora (oday than ever before In the history of she world. No monument, he as Id. can as endutlnsj aa the monument of a noble life. Thoe taking part In the musical pra jrrarame were: Tha Norwegian Ulnsrln aiuclstr. Arthur Von Jessea, Frits Hsn leko. Miss Rose Robinson. Harry Uerd aer. a mixed chorus, and Nelson's Or chestra. Tha number by the slnln society wer especially well received. IPARL0R MATCH IS SCORED Credit Man Blames Them for Great Losses la rnltrd State. K!imtnaUon of parlor matches entirely -from venerea use waa advocatsd In an siren by Chester Deertnc at the snonthly meeting of tbe Portland Asso ciation of Credit Men held st the Bowers lintel last night. Mr. Deerlng spake on -Ktr, Waste In the United dtates and .Means of Prevention." By the caxelesa use of the parlor rt-a mora area are caused In this coun try than from any othar causa.' aald Mr. Deerlng "The loss caused by Ores amounts to for every man, woman and child. In Germany thay use nothing but safety matches, and tha Br loss there doe not axoeed 10 cant per capita. An other Important matter should be done that la to teach the school children to destroy rubbish and waste matter at their boats Such precaution wlil also prevent many costly crea" Over 100 member were present at the meeting. Other who made short ad dresses wer M. Billings and C. B. Smith, secretary ef the association. B, M. Towns, nd. president, and C B. Smith, secretary, were sleeted delegate to the National convention, which will b bald at Minneapolis next month. A dinner waa served at 10 s clock, followed by tha addresaea VOTING FOR QUEEN BEGINS Mono Scott Baa 1 Candidates for IVstJval Honor. Voting for tha queen ef th Roe Festival to be held in tbs Mount Scott district bens at noon today at the varloua booths established at store la th entire district. With th 1 candi date a!rady In th field and ethers, whs are expected t enter before th battle of votee le fully Inaugurated, the " conteet promisee to be one ef the moot Interesting la the city. The young woman receiving th greatest somber of ballot will b de clared queen and tha four receiving the nest laxgeet number will be maids of . honor. The contest will rlos at 1 I o'clock on the morning of June 1. giv ing the successful candidate and her a I maid sufficient time In which to pre pare of tha presentation. BERRIES LATE, BUT GOOD Hood River Product Promises to Be of Excellent Quality. HOOD RIVER. Or. May 17. (Spe cial.) A year ago today the Hood River Fruitgrowers Union ahlpped the first carload of atrawberrlea for the season. The cool weather of the past two weeks this rear, however, haa held tha crop back, and It la probable that no extensive shipments win no maue nntll June 1. Despite this (act Perry pickers are beginning to arrive and pitch their tents on tne river iiai Be low the cltv. Ths Hood River crop this seaaon will be of fine quality. Estimates of ths croo run from (0.000 to 75.OU0 crates The Upper Valley district, from which s great proportion of the crop came last year, will have aa Incrsasec, out put this year. DAH.T METCOROLOCICAI, REPORT. iviwtt. A V n w -w it Uulmim temoer. ature. B4 decrees: minimum temperature. 4 dsres Rlrer reed:os. S A. 1U.S re, thutia In last 5 hours, I I foot rIL Total rmlnfall 4 3 P. V to S P. If. . .42 Inch: toted rauifall slnr September 1. 1010. S3 X4 lacbee. aormsl ..!- Ieplember 1. 41.-0 lucres; dericl.sry. 7 S3 Inches. Total sun shine, none: poeelbie eunehlne. 1ft houra Kroa treduced to sea level at S P 39.JS Inchea If 1 Will r?? e 1 tats el Wemtaea STATIONS, s P otee .......... Boetea. ........ .. 1 CO .. 'oo ..I .J KO ..1 ..I -o .1 4 SB .rt 14 8W oo 12 aw .00 !l sw on, 8 S OH 1 NB .40 ZO IjW .00 lO FE .1 10 SW . io: an oo 12 . 7 52 sW .00 13 N .oij S SB . lOI 8 8 .04 40 1 .00, ( H Oil' 4 X . I" OK .42 20 3 J 0 SW .no 14 W ." 12 8 :i 14 s .ooi a .vw e-vw Rain Pt cloudy 'Clear Pt dandy Ictoudy Cleer 'Rein Cleer rioedy Oloudr Pt cloudy Rein Cloudy Clear Cloudy Rain Rein rClourfy Cloudy 'Rala 'Rain (Cloudy pt oloudy Clear Clear 'P alAudv Chtcase Ieaer Iee Melaee. .... roiuth. ........ Fnreks. ........ .J JIO oalveetoa. . . . . Ri) O H.tena . 0- 0 Jackeeavllle. ... Ksnaee vlt.... . o yo o ft. o TI 54 0 6 0 fto 1 (10, 55 0 (14 0 64 0 eoo en o M o t o 4 0 S4 0 1 0 44 0 e e-io 4. e ee 0 jterenneia , Montreal New Orleans... New York North need. ... Nerth Taklma.. Phoenix. ....... Pocsteilo. ...... Portland Roeeburg. ...... Facrajnento. . .. . St. Louis St. Paul Salt Lake rea Dlese Sas Fraaclsco. . 8leklyea r'poksae. ....... Taooma Tatooeh Island. Welle Wells... Washington. . . W M SW 10 in SW .01 1 SW .V 1 -SW 82 24 E O. 12 S on E Cloudy I Rain 'Cloudy 'Rala iRaln ICloutly KTIouOt WEATHER COSDITION8. A aeeere etorm le central this evening over Vancouver Ielaad. Bouthwe.t etorm wemtnra fer thla disturbance were orderea at all atatlons In this district st T:10 A. M. Purine the afternoon a maximum wind v.iOol : J of 70 mllee from the eouthweet oo eurred at North Head and at 3 P. M. the wind waa blowtns 2 mliea from the eouth weet at Marehn.ld. Or. The full forre of the etorm has sot ret reached Puget Sound porta but they will feel Ita effeota tonlht. and ellpplne In that aertlon haa been ad vlaed to remain tn port. Inuring the last -4 houra moderately heavy raid haa fallen In Washington. Oregon. Idsho snd In Califor nia aa tsr south as Red H'.utf. The tem peratures on the Pacific Slope are below normal end In the Eastern ststes It Is wsrruer then ueuaL In tha upper Muuae atpei Valley the temperatures are from 20 to 25 decrees above the sverage. Toe condlilone are favorable for rain with Mm aoutnweaterly winds In this district Thursday. FORECASTS. "Portland and vicinity Rain. Blgh south westerly wtada Orevoa and Washington Rain. Hi sn eoulhweaterly winds. reaching rale force along the Weahlnrlon eoset tonight. Idaho Rain with hlsh southerly winds KlrWARU A. BEAU. District Forecaster. Compasses, field-glasses, barometers, hydrometers. microscopes. sclentlflo apparatus. TVoodard. Clarke St Ct. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Daily ee Saaday. rer Use. Its Xse One tlsse SaaM aU twe censsnitlve tlsnee h,m mA three eee.rullve tin ir we e mmmm Six wares isimt Be eae Use ea rash as ttnaeaasls aad Be ad eeaated fe leee taaa lae Usee. Maes aa advert lainat la aa ran la cea secwUve leeaea tne eae-ltase rale applies, On charge ef seek advertieeeaeale the charge wUI be baaed ea tne aeSeal e ember ef bare as Sparta, is tue paeer. mi Ut aaaili -- e wards la earn Uae. efcerged by The above rates apply ts sdvertli in eats Me ew Teaay" aad all ether SI isslflra mm exreolag Ibe feUewbagl e4laveiiosM naaud, Male, eltaeltuae V eated. ttaula See Heal. H.nias, ri I e ( e ramlllaa Hi sis aad tftoerd. Private ieaiUMi lh. rate ea tae aaeve rleMiflreliee ss 7 Lttas ef aatrewa. The aerate eve tae teiepaeae. prsviatae' tee aa I 1 1 1 1 nr e a eeeecrtbec le etlaes pneea e aneae wUI be e"d ever tiae pamm, bat bsll will be reedered tae foUowtaa SW. Vaetwer ewneeqeeet adverttsewseata wtU be aecepled ever toe pbeae. erpeade apes tae preaiptaeee ed the eejeaeat ef teiepaeae ad rerueeaieela. aitaatlesi Waoles mmm ler aeeal eSvertieeeeeals will set ee a espied ever tae teaeein.e.. ordere for ewe le.erties ealy will be ecerpeed fer -H isne fer bleat. em 11 ere fee mmlm,- -Mai In HI Oveerlani- ATCTIOX BALX TODAY. At Baker's Auction Boose, lit Park et rnrattare. eta Seie at 10 ereleck. liaaar Creweil. auctioneer. stiKTia xrmcxa. cot-rBiA Lorxir. HO. 11A A. A T. AND A. M. Special communlca e'sv tlon Uns tTburadr evening at Tw'yV o-ciock, Maeoole Templa t ork la ' the W. C. degree. Viaiuag brethren welcome, air order W. iL. iKIO L. OUOS. Secretaiy. ASTRA CIRCLE NO. It WtU give a bas ket soeiaU aad eaaoe at the W. C W. tern pea. Ill lllh st, ea Mar la COM M ITT E a BORW. OrRPKt -Way la te the wife ot Rev. iAerdes. of tfeghers. a eon. tbe parents ef whom are tbe beet pleeeed oouple la the land brasses It Is a bey. Dr. C A Large attending. STLAiiin LH May IT. be the wife of Oeorge F. Slikaittar. a girl. IPS S. Sua ex. .V DIET. COTTRELL m this ctty. May IT. at her late residue. t4 Lovelor atreet. Mra Mery MetlMa Cottreli. asd T years 1 months 14 days Announcement ef funeral later. WILLS In this elty. May IT. at the reV deoce of Mra John Weet. Twenty-olrhtb end East llarrtsoa streets Luclnda Phullpa , Wet:a aged reere, wife ot Dr. O. M, Weila Announcement of funeral later. rClcKRAX XOTK-ES. JOHSSOW The funeral ef Mra Maiie D. jebneea beloved wtfe of John Johaeon end motber ef Carl and Christian Jobneoe ot thla etty. Henry Jeaneon end Mrs. L. Andereoa of Ir. Neb. and Anker Jahneoa ef l.lnceis, Keb.. wUI leave Zeller IirrDee Company's parlors. t4 William a.ue. rrtday. May IS at 1:4 P. M, 1hnce te Betaole Darner: Latberea ChOTcb, comer ef I nl on avenue aad Mor ta ,;rvet. where aealcee will be b.:d st J T M- Interment st Rlvervlew Cemetery, meads Invited. Uncela, h'ebv. papers please copy. WETTER STEtTS The funeral services of Wslter Wetteretein will be held st Fln l.v. parlors at 2 P M. Prlder. May 1A ynends Invited. Interment leu Fir Cam- FIFTH ANNUAL ROSE FESTIVAL rORTLASD, OREGON, JtE B TO IS, INCLCSnrE. The NEW PERKINS HOTEL eerier sf Fifth and YVashlsxrtoa Streets. MOST CE.XTRALI.Y LOCATED. ALL PARADES PASS OUR DOORS. We srs now booking; reservations and urge all who intend to be with u during the week of the Carnival of Flowers to WRITE1'S KOW FOR TUB ACCOMMODATIONS DESIRED. Descriptive booklet of notol and programme of event mailed to you for the asking;. PERKINS HOTEL The Imperial Oregon's Greatest Hotel S50 Rooms, 104 Suites, With Private Baths. hew rniEPsoor btuxdlkq jyioaersis nates. Phil Metechaa h Sons, Props. PORTLAND HOTEL .ACrfl v' - v . pj.e J i 3rvl."!;hij ii rTrC?" -fl r3aci3 :'.r 1 1 P SUV ED ICPT. ISO, PRTVATSI fife .-i-Vr.:--.;i HOTEL LENOX E. B. nad V. H. JORGKSSBlf, iTope, sad Mara. CORNER 3d AND MAIN STS. Pet and Cold Weter. RATES JrrfrMTJ l-OO and On l. ana - s 1 lasrit.R.S-i' , :! I A linfla Hotel Donnelly TACOMA, WASH. Most Centrally Located Hotel in tbs City Recantly Modernized RATES 75c TO $3.00 Enropsan Plan Free "Bus k4mM)y A;o I J, yiV i:J alMi'Wi -a - - a, Ail "Ji'f. B I I Ml Kw. modem, fireproof and - W RflTH rTrvrm rnjmrrnTT. n. tut? nmnPFiv pi in pv ei:r "f sn 'M UVllsisW VVltVVVtsae Vil a AAjai HVIIVIIhUI Wall gJ A ttSS,,,... CMAfa. rCXERAX XOTZCX8. TOKU1C30N In this city. Mar 14. Anni M.7 Tomunwn. m iut iw-tncsj vi iir paVTwaita, Mr. and sVCra. Frder,ck Tomlln los, 4.1 Savlmoo trt. Funtrtl rvlc wlll b bald from Erlcaon's chapal. 40t Aldar St.. txlay iThursUar). Way It. at 1 l M. rrlt-nda r.ictfuUy lnvitd to at twOd. Intfrmcnt arttnwood Crmtry. Caicary. aftibartav Canada papars plaaM copy. BOPnlNO At rvaldeiioa, R459 Ea-t Ninth gtrl. AIIC JlUUUIUf. SStiaru T 7 a mop Li., dautfltar O. B. and M Uinta Bod Sins. sTuaaraJ wfll taka plaa from raat dao at 2 P. M. today. Intomicnt aA itoao City Camatary. FTlnda InvUad. TO-.avTH KLO KA L CO. MAlUll'sftJtt BLJKi., IrvMliif M lattoa, Tttmorml IMr7tra, ik .gaai rt( Pbona Main 4-0, Laday a- ftant Qilicm of 4-oonty armn er. j I1M.ET A (40V. Sd aad Mavdiaaav -t-ty atttaodmnt. Fbooa Mala p. A 1 &.. riin iKl) HOUUAN' CO.. rraffti r4ra-rf ra, tS -4- t-dy aaaUtant. 1 ' M. ! s. at kllltL' K'nnsverssI I H rasr4srsi y. . iHianlnc. inc. I.. (VS. B AXV TrTrfiB-BTBVM CO ar4 wn V mmtj gs LEECH. Cndt', rtr. Faa Alder st-aVM .ai O aCOO. sVssBSU BSS.aai COMPANY L. t. Sweflaad. Maaaarr. ISS The' largest and most magTiificent cote! in xuruauu; uuBui(iaascu aie elegance of accommodations or excellence of cnisLne. European nlnn g:1 fi -new risv nnrl nnvnrd. f f " r J -r O. J. KAtTFMAjnr, nTsaager. (.J'vSsa a a a afFtf3 atsaSr rK e3J,i'.la'l q JE. i.ts3a a a a tiLi i u u m dgJe jij.;jiiAaal . THE CORNELIUS The Hons of Welcome, corner Psrlt and Alder; European plan, new, modern and strictly up to ante; fine sample rooms: rate If per day and up; room with bath. $1 per dsy up: all outside rooms; our omnibus meets all trains. o. w. coRmxrus, h. e. fletchee. Proprietor. Managei. HOTEL RAMAPO Cor. Fourteenth antTWashing-toa New Betel, Kleaenttr Fsnmiabed. Rates $1 and Up SPECIAL RATES FOR FERUAjrBXTSU Bsrepeas Plan. 'Bss Meets ATI Trains, M. E. FOLEY. PROPRIETOR BATHS. The Bowers Hotel Eleventh. Km Waablnstea Street. Largest Cafe in the City Service Unsurpassed BO Roossa SI AO Per Day 60 Rooma flJM Per Day TS With Rath $2J0 Per Dsy R' fer Csmsaerelal Traveler. H. C. BOWERS, Prea. aad Mgr Pwrsaeriy Manacer sf tbe Portland Hotel. riTMiTSTtM ewt.e ee eioNsaa eewAea. Ths interior of this hotel has' been completely refitted, and every appoint ment now meets the approval of the most discriminating;. $400,000.00 re cently expended on its interior. Every thing: new and modern. .'. .. .. .-. .. The Hotel Oregon PORTLAND, ORE. Ths leading hotel of Portland. Inew, modem, nreproof centrally located. .. .'. . WRIGHT 8c DICKINSON WS.IINT, M. Ce DtCNtNtwfl, OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFF7CK CTTT HI.t, Mala SRS. A ISSS. BTsAXI OITICER. Serneaat Crate, Kesldence 14 E. Ivth. N. East 477s. K. a. Usasalre, Kes. til Wasco St. W. c bates. Kes. II E. litb. Kaat liSS. Horse Ambolanee. A S101; PT. Ba. A Nlrhta. Banders and UoUdsra. A S100! Fa K.Z. 4: Trunk T. VKYT TODAT. IRVINGTON Thoronshlr modern BnngaJow on B. tOth Pt north of Broadway. This Is an exceedingly pretty home with every modem Improvement; 9 rooma Price and terms by Interview only. MERCHANTS AVI.NG3 ex TRUST COMPANY. MORTGAGE LOANS CC JOHN E. CRONAN, HOI J JO soa Spaldlag- Bids. C Airr SKM E NTS. BEAT SAL15 OPEN'S TODAT HEILIG THEATER 7th aad Taylor Phooaa Mala 1 or A 1122 SATIRDAT, MAT JO. PAUL G1LMORE At Special Prlca Matlnea, Clyde Fltch'a Comedy THE BACHELOR. Saturday Xlsht THE MCMMY u4 Uxe HI MMIXO BIRD." KTeninpi: Lower floor $1. 50, $1.00: bal cony. 5 rowa Jl, 6 rowa 73c 11 row- -Oc; rallry. CAc. 25c. Saturday afternoon, lowar floor S1.O0. "Re: balcony. 6 rows 75c. rer of flrat 6 rowa 50c: gallery 35c. 2ZC Seat Sale Tomorrow f HEILIG Isw Flalda and Frd McKay present " " " ,t ' Famous Char mine Comadlenna BLANCHE RING Harry Gil foil SO players .0. In Ttha Mualcal Comedy Kit "THE YANKEE GI11L-- Evnlnrs : .Lower floor $2.00. $1.50 : bal cony, S rows. 4 rowa II. 4 rows 7Sc ( rowa 50c; esUra fallery 50c. Wednesday xnjLUnaa, lower floor $1.50. ,1.00; balcony. 11. 7.C, 40o; sailery, 85c. 2 Sc. R A TC K R i2VSd a 6360. AV A-' A V Or. Is. Baker. Hgt UTIchtl. and last week of Tri-Star aeason. Florsncs Theodore Tbarlow ROBERTS ROBERTS BERGEN rast Performance Ton It lit of .The Country Girl" Tomorrow, Saturday Matineo and Kvenmff. By Immense popular demand, "JIM THE PENMAN" Prices 23c 00c, 75c 11; Mate. 35o. BOc Kext week starting SI XDAY MATIXEE, John Sslnpolls In "The Mlddlemsn. Prices. 25c. 60c Matinees. 25c Bests now selling. S) MAIN e. A loto t atAIXNEB IVEBT trAT THEATER 15-25-50-75 WEEK MAT 15 WIU H. MsCart t Eth Ivsne Bradford In "A Legitimate Hold-op," Tho Muaikal Girls, Ed Hjnn, r. o'Malloy Jennlnga. Henry Clive and Miss Mat bturgls Walker. The Great Crottoa Bros., Kate Fowler. Lightning Hopper. BUNGALOW llTaer. M. Mala 117 and A 4214. LYRIC MT.SICAL COMEDY Company Bummer season, with those two funny comedians, nest at Vack, with Jennie Fletcber. Prima Donna, and the Famous Iayrio Chorus, augmented, presenting that screaming travesty. "THE lXNAXCLERS. Matinees every day, two evening perform ances, 7:45 and 9: 15. Some prices, 15c-25c r-nenellel Vsndevllle. AIX THIS WEEK SpeHal engagement. Kills' Nine Musical Haaallans, Ssmsell and Blley, SalvaRsl tlstera, Charles Kenca. Mr. and Mrs. William Morris. Pantngeacope. Popular prices. Matinee dally. 2.30, i :3. v. GRAND Week of May 1 5 ALBKK8' POIaAR BABS Big, Busy Bruins. Ready for Fight lUn.ll.wr .ft- Mnell Mile. Anl H1U Charles I. Webber Carita Day Tsitrise or Frouc. Grandascopv Matinee every day, 2:S0 any seat. 15& Evening performances at 7:30 and 9:15; balcony. 16c: lower floor. 25c; box -eats. BOc. BASEBALL RECREATIOS PARK, Cor. Vaoghs and Twenty-fourth St. SPOKANE portLand Mar 1S 18. IT, 18, 10, 20, 21. Game. Begin Weekdara at SrOO P. M. Sandara 2i30 P. M. LADIES' VAT FRIDAY Boy Under 12 Free to Bleachers Wednesday. EW TODAY. (Half Acres) Hartman & Thompson s Offering and recommendation. L Just outside of the city limits. 2. At a station on the Mt. Hood R. R. 3. 20 minutes from center of city. 4. Finest internrban service ; only two stops. 6. Values bound to legitimately jump when cars are actually running this Summer. 6. See the property. Study the situa tion. 7. Be wise. Buy now. 8. Rep the financial rewards. 9. Only ?600 to $700. 10. Terms, 10 per cent cash, 2 per cent a month. Hartman & Thompson Chamber of Commerce Bldg. You can never know the true condition of the title to your property without in ves titrating OUR ABSTRACTS Tell It All. 9200400 PAIO-TJP capital behind every abstract we prepare. Members Oreajoa of Title M. S8500 Owner will soil business lot. BOxlOO, East Morrison street. A bargain at I.S5C0. Some Income, inquire oau iast Vashlngrton St. Phone East 4443. Ferdham JTEW TODAT. Home in Irvington District X W E. T Y I ' TTI AVD WEIDLER STREETS. Thoroughly modern, six rooms and sleeping-porch, fireplace, bullt-ln bookcases, furnace, gas and electricity; fine plumbing: high, sightly lot. One block from ne Broadway carllne. Deferred payments if desired. OWNER, P01 BOARD OF TRADE. Marshall 17ST. South Portland 100x100 feet on the northwest corner of Front and Meade sts. mefielb.Iries & CO. 85 Fourth St. High-Grade IrvingtonHomes $12,500, $15,000, $18,000, $20,000, $25,000. Every one of them cheap at the price. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 212-213 Commercial Club Building. Phones: Main 8699, A 2653. Fine Warehouse Site , 100x100 24th and York Win sell or lease. Will build building to suit tenant If property is leased for long term. Property Is within ter minal district. Tract on York, street. BARRETT BROS, SOS Board of Trade. ROBINSON COMPANY Apartment Houses, Hotels and RoominsT Housee Our Specialty. nornn Slllner Bnlldlnf 94 Rooms 44 years- lease: clearing $300 per month; 83600 Terms. 88 Rooms 6 years' lease; clearing T400 a month; 333UU uerms. 18 Roomed rooming-house; I jreara' lapse- (tim shoo down. II Roomed rooming-house; SIOOO 600 down. 8 Roomed rooming-house; splendid location; S700. . . 8 Roomed rooming-house; splendid location: S450. 8 Roomed rooming-house; on Cotich St: 8900 $600 down. Many large and small ones on our liet Give us a call. ROBINSON- CO, S33 Selllnfc Bnnfllna. Phone Main 1639. Business Property Russell Street Between Union and Williams ave.; lot EOxl'45: Improved with three dwellings in good condition; income $50 per month clear. This is a choice Invest ment. Price S8000. half cash. Chas. Ringler & Co. 211 I.evrls Bldg. Irvington Bargain Swell 8-room, new, modern house, on East 26th, near Brazee; doubly con strusted; hardwood floors; Erutch kitch en: furnace and fireplace; and all other latest Improvements; price only S7000 S2500 cash. GRTJSSI Z ADOYV. 33 T Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. $1000 Irvington Sacrifice Corner, 100x100. South of Brazee. In, the most desirable part; reduced from 4500. Terms. MERCHANTS SAVINGS A TRUST COMPANY. MORTGAGE LOANS Lowest rsttem and terms to suit, special rates nd favorabi terms on lars;o loans on baslneM properties. Fantls loaned for Pit-rate Inrestora. A. H. BIRRELL CO. XOt Mrha, Bide.. 3d and Stark. West Side Flats Four fine flats, paying 10 per cent in rentals; walking distance; South Front St.; lot 60x100; price SIO.SOO; half cash; a fine investment. GRTJSSI A ZADOW. S17 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oafc. TWO a250 30x100, ideal loca IllU Cll4r0 tlon for flats. 14th and Harrison. A5SOO a good 5-room house, small barn; lot BOxlOO. 24th and Reed. rCARNOPP A KOPF, 35 Br. ExchOJldg. HOC DCD uniiTU il'tAU Ttn II1UI1I II Salmon -st. corner. In 10 years the ground will be worth the present price. For sale at $50,000. or will exchange for an apartment site. KARNOPP A KOPF, 825 By. Each. Bldg. Qf MORTGAGE? LOAN0 EDWARD E. fiOlDEV, lwis BaUdlmg. BJEAX. ESTATE DtAIEm. Berk. WIUiuo o.. 12 Fslllnc bids. Erabsksr Benedict. 002 HciCay blds M 64 Sl Carpln A Herlow. S3 dumber Commerce. Cook. B. a a Co., SOS Coroett bids. Jvnnlnss A Co., Main ISA 2O0 Oresonlan. PALMER-JONES CO, H. P 2ia Commer- elal Club bids. Tbs Oreg-on Keel Estste Co.. Grand ava aad Xiltnomah St. (Holladsy AddlUon). If. E. THOMPSON CO.. cor. 4tn and Oak sta REAI, ESTATE. For Sale Lots. WILL, sell lot In Waverlelffh Heights $360 below adjoining- lota. F 110, Oresonlan. MOUNT TABOR East 57th near Hawthorns, choice buiidlns lota Phone B 2632. MY equity In Groveland lota, $50 lees than present value. Owner. Phone Tabor -427. LAURELHURST equity In 4 view lots; $500; beat bargain fa the addition. B 1077. REAL. ESTATE. For Sale Lots. rKB LAURKLHBR3T CORXES. "Will sen' one of the best double corners In Laurelhurst for 37S0: price Includes specl&l taxes for street Improvement; 130 feet frontage; small cash payment re auired. Phone Main 1951. 100x100. South lit. Tabor, near Reservoir. Purchased for home, but owner has left city snd wishes to dlsrose of his In terests here; planted In berries, fruit trees and garden truck; price below market; j0O cash, balance on terms to suit pur chaser. V Bo. Oresonlan. UUKELHURST. I have several choice lots In this beau tiful tract that can be bought at bar gain prices. Owners cannot hold ana are disposing of their equities at a dis count. CHAS. RIXGI.ER ft CO.. 211 Lewis bids. $750. New 5-room hmise. 1 block from Al berta carline, finely finished, full cement basement, stationery washtubs. with built in drawers for linen and silverware; two rooms could be finished in the sttlc; price $2750; $7sl first pavment. balance 1 years. SAVINGS A TRUST COMPANY. IRVINGTON LOTS. We offer a few extra choice rets foe S12B0 and $1351); beautiful corner, $1000 and S1A50: very easy terms, or discount for all cash; Improvements bonded; these lots are closs to Irvington carllne. SOT Railway Exchange Bldg.. or East IS tb i - .. ... t. . . f .. . -icmi V . , 1 TtWT $1450 TRVTNQTON Choice BOxlOO ft Tot J 'l&ta st. Improvements in and bonded. This price is below value. CHAS. RINGLER ft CO., , 211 Lewis bldg NEAR factory district on Peninsula, an ex cellent corner lot very much cheaper that anything near. Water, cement walka graded streets. Money put here will bring treat return and that soon. Contract whan 70 Is raid and $10 month. JOHNSON A DODSOIf. 622 Board ot Trade. Marshall 849. A T2'.4. SPECIAL PRICE. Corner East 81st and Brooklyn sts., BOvlOO ft., his-h and alEhtlv land, good surroundings, restricted district- Price reduced from (1100 to $900 for a qulo sala Easy terms. OODDARD ft WIEDRICK. 2-13 Stark St. 25 LC1T3 Or about two acres, close In, that aa estate must sell. Siskiyou and East SOUL Make a cash offer. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY. ACROSS FROM WALNUT PARK. Building lot at snap pries of $000; only three blocks from Union avenue, on new street between Alberta and Killlngsworta avenue. GODDARD ft WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. CLOSE TO UNION AVENUS Monroe street. Just east of Union, BOX 135. Price $1800. Only $200 down. Ex- eellent for flats. GODDARD ft WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS LOT. 3 lots 40x100 each, on Tlbbetts street near Slst street; street improvements paid. Price only SU50 each. GRUSSI ft ZADOW. 81T Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. CHEAP QUARTER BLOCK. 100x100, corner Rodney and Going; both streets bard surfaced, cement walks in. sewer and water connections m to lot. 'Price $8000: easy terms. GODDARD ft WIEDRICK, 248 Stark st- ONLT $850. TDxlOO ft- on comer East 29th near Alborta st. Street graded, cement walks In on both streets and bonded. Terms. GODDARD ft WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. CLOSE TO FIRIaAND STATXOK. Nice sightly lots near Powell t Wx 318 feet. Price 1-tOO. $10 down tud Ul per month at 6 per cent. J rAnn a d t a. txt"T it" 'PiTJ TCTT ' 4 243 Stark at. BXJNGAXsOW AND LOT ONLT $1250 For 160 cash. $15 month; will furnish lot and build for yon 4-room modern bun galow, close to Rose City Parle car; nice place to live. See J a. C. Logaa. SIS CHEAP LOT. CTsOSB IX Fast 2 2d st. near Frankfort st., one block to car; COxlSO feet; facing aat Price $730; terms. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark st. HAVE several beautiful lots for sale, fine location. $1300 each, Irvington; a number of 0 and 10-acre tracts of fine cleared farm land, cheap, close to city. C 1866, Kant 2 i. ino agents, w. a. n era man. IRVINGTON Fine residence lot 60x100, J. 9th st.. between Thompson and Tillamook. Cheap If taken now. Provident Investment St Trustee Co. 201-203 Board of Xrade bldg. Marshall 478, A 1022. WEST SIDE. $4230- 30x100, near 14th and Hsrrtaoa. KARNOPP A KOPF, 825 Railway Exchange Bldg. . . $3 CASH "WOODSTOCK CARLINE. 4Oil20 lets, city water slped to seh. National Realty & Trust Co.. 826H Wash. ' SNAP. I have ft large lot near Rose City Park, all cement improvements and water In; $050: will make very easy terms. AP 61 Oregonlan. LARGE ot near Rose City Park, cement walks, graded streets. Bull Run water $550; no agents; no commission. Owner 201-203 Board of Trade. FRUIT TREES. Lot five minutes from car. 30 mature full bearing apple trees, Spltxenbergs, easy terros. AS b5. Oregonlan. A FINE block In Irvington, NW. cor. 12th and Thompson sts. By T. Mulr, owner, 633 Chamber of Commerce. Office phones Main 2051; A 2609. FOR 8AL13 Two lota on Peninsula, 1H blocks from carllne, $500, and below first coat, as I need money. Owner, H 108, Oregonlan. POR SALE. Bargain In lota. Bull Run wa ter, gaa, electricity, concrete walka, curb ing, grading all paid for. Kasy term. Address J 113. Qregonian. $5.00 CASH buys a very pretty lot 44x100 rear Firland; city water, street graded. Price $4iH, bah $5 per month. Hlgley & Bishop, 132 Third St. "TRIANGULAR LOTTnTLAND, $375. $10 down, $3 monthly, fronting on two streets, four blocks to car. Fred W. Ger man. 329 Burnslde, M. or A 2776. $3500 FOR 40x50 LOT. For iot on Kearney near 22d. DavM. Lewis, room 2, Lumbermens bldg. I WILL sell this week a fine 50x100 on Rodney ave., piedmont, for 1125. Some terms. 1596 Hodge st. OWNER of lot on East 87th ot.. Beaumont dUtrlct; will sell or trade for equity In house. P 107, Oregonlan. MUST sell my lot on CouilcU Crest at onoe; will sell for $400 below price of adjoin lng lots. F 114. Oregonlan. BT OWNER, 2 lots, 57th, near Division, rea onable; desirable district. Call 176S Di vision st. or phone C 2712. HAWTHORNE CARLINH. A cigbtly 4 block, overlooking the city; price $2750. b y owner. Tabor 1500 FOR SALE Several fine lots near carllne. Improvements paid for. $500 to $S0O, easy terms. Act promptly. H 113. Oregonlan. MAKE me an offer for corner 50x100 at Lents. 1H block from station. Will trade. Owner. N 112. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Fifty-foot lots. Snap if taken now. Excellent for home. Easy term. Ad dress J 114, Oregonlan. WE have lots for sale cheap, with tarxna. 438 Chamber of Commerce. For Hale Honse. NEW", modern 6-room house; $1000 less than market price lor quica saie; j. oiocjc from car. Rose City Park. Phone owner after 6 P. M. Main 5038. I MUST SELL, fine house and lot on Falling St., $3500. $1000 cash. Phone Woodlawn 578. You ill be glad to Know nuuui. n. 45O0 MODERN 8-room bungalow. Uvlng nnr.ri Rx40. stone front, fire place. Bargain. Owner, 430 Worcester hMev Ualn 1140. FINEST corner bungalow. Rose City Pafk. d.-k.n t rew will Cfinslrtfr TftfHlif first pa-mont. Partly furnished. Tabor A9. asoO Modern seven-room house, complete ly furnished: fractional lot; East 8th, near 5urnsimr. A-n BUNGALOW, new, modern, 6 rooms, full lot, S. W. cor. E. 24th and Flanders, phone owner. B 2089. r