TITE MOKXIXG OREGOXIAX. TIIURSDAT, MAY 18, 1911. It, CITY NEWS IN BRIEF oiccoMix Trixriiovrs. C'y c!r.-u:mTta . !": K1 t.r . . ftjL bu..d:&f ... . .Vain 7""e .v.. a ..Vtn A Wim Shit Orr Tomioht. The 14 Inch mala uDDlylng; that portion of East Portland ea.it of East Fifty-third street. Rose City park. Irrlngton. Hla-h land. Woodlawn. Piedmont, the Penln sula and all other districts supplied from It will be shut down tonight from A j 11 'cloc't to i A. M. It Is necessary A ' A Mi AHVCMEIi- HEI-J.T THEATTR ""o Jmr?T NarMsal ru:.lS( touraamant. TonInt at is. BAKTU TTTrATTB irmnlS ana Mir-r.oor.-T.n H..ir! !a A country HrL" ToLic.t a: 9-13. ORPHSrx THATCR "rr1l. .- 3d aiai nidnl : TJ :i'nooa at 2 13 and tonint l "Ii. CRNO THtATEH Pr and tar. v .j v:.. TVs afroooa at 1.13: tr r..a-.1t a: 7 0 a. fMAi;i: THiAT::ii-iPwrn aol "ar Yau'!rt' Tn.l tnvftMt at 3I. rrcrit at 30 aa! A n.liv TMF:TF:"t 'Tw-tfta sod l?-rtna) Lrr.e Mjaical Cftratdf Com tr tn Tl K!ran-tr." Tala af'.raoon a: 13 aR4 torurit at 7 30 an4 . ItCt. A': ytC t!l JOT. ClEOV. TI-Vv;.!-t.n! lua iiicturcs. It A. it. P V fS'NiTrnM P4RIC fTntr-foorth ar vii. a-a... ao&ar.e vs. I'ortland. TRia a.'trBMa as a. to so shut off the water In order that connection may be made with the new Bull Run pipe. Exhibit ox Todat. The annual ex blbltlon of work by the domestic art and science students of tbe Washing ton HlKh School will be held today from f.iO to 4 P. JL Parents and others Interested In the work of these classes are cordially Invited. Similar exhlbl tlona will be held In the Lincoln HI School. May !. and in the Jefferson Hish School May :5. lusai Win to Thuk or Jews. Rabbi Jonah B. Wire, of Temple Beth Israel. In a sermon at the Immanuel BapUst Church. Second and Meade streets, next Sunday, will tell of present-day perse' cutlona of Jews In Russia. P.abbl Wise has made A careful study of these con dltlons and says they are revolting;. The public is Invited to hear the lec tu Oahao AJfRorniATTO Cr. There will be a nubile health meetlnr Thura 'day at 1:10 P. M. In tbe Interest of ' the ITS. 04 appropriation for the muni . cltAl collection of ararbaa-e. The pudii la Invited to be present. Mr. Maher. 0lj I'noa, Bit Iktrovtocxt. A lre deiCAtlon of property owners 1 vice In what Is officially known aaa ....i..j.i f the ararbaze crema tory, will be present to iriva ine piau '.-iiimor and otter e-rrets" district, ort ift Norm East Side, called on ll4yr Slmonj yesterd-ty morning ariil ura-ed hlm.te t'ta an ordinance, whlea waa r-.j' 1 ty tie City Council at the last tneettne. The improvement Is to re hard surf-ac and not only Includes . . . . . .. 1 men ptidinort street, out IS othQrs. The . , mwtA . nleaaan la detail and answer questions. Roiau AnCAXCM La rie Niorrr. Crecon council will entertain Arcanum and friends, and their ladles. Friday venlnr. May 1. at 1:16 o'clock, at Wo of Woodcraft Hall. Tentn ana Mayor is cneraily opposed to an ordi nance embractna- such large territory, lie promised to inveatlcate the subject eio-ieiy. however, berore taklns action. It a. Coxcasjo Brre Horn. T. J. Coneannon has bouaht the lot 15x100 feet and tn elsrht-room houe of Mrs. Jlaitia E. Handler on Thurman street. , tasar Twenty-fourth, for 5ut. It ad join the present store of Mr. Con cannon and was bought for a home. The sale was made through E. P. Mall. Mr. Mall alio sold for S. E. Itowrnaa a lot on East Twentieth and etantoa treets. trvlnajton. to IL E- Jacor for t:"4. Vr. Jaccor will at once beln bulldlna; a modern home. P.xsorEo Girls to Tn.i Fxytmigtcr.-i. A women's meeting In Interests of the Loti.se Home will be held tomorrow afternoon at S:J) o'clock, at the Church ef the Strangers. Grand avenue and W'asco street. Prominent sneakers will be present, and a b&nd of converted rerUrd girls from the Louise Home will give their experiences. There will be good singing. All women are In vited to be present to learn what has been accomplished la the way of helping girls. Woatc o.- Parks PaooitEs-nca A con siderable force la at work with IS teams In'the Kenilworth Park. Streets are being graded and the ground leveled, preparatory to putting In the apparatus, swings and benchea Good proarress has been made In the Im provement of the Brooklyn playground on Powell and Mllwaukle streets. The grading there has been completed. Ap paratus, swings and benchea are ready for this park. SrtvrtAl. Ecwxat I.'nVtrmi VT axtxtx Ke.ld-nts of the Waverly-Rlchmond and Kenilworth districts have asked that L. rl Rice be appointed a special Inspector of sewer construction. It Is asserted that some bad work has been done and that sewera that should be down eevea feet are down only four feet. This has been found to be the case en at least one street. It having been discovered when gas mains were laid. To save the cost of storage on two ino-horsepower return tubular boilers which we are now taking out. we will sell them at a bargain If taken at once. These boiler are of the Kewane type and la good condition. Complete with all fitting and feed ater equipment, ready for Immediate Installation. For further particular call at room SOI Oregonlan bids. Mra Mamoaket R. CncnxaHAH Die. Mrs. Margaret P.lc Cunningham died at her home Sis Bortnwlck street. Monday at the age of 69 years. She waa the mother of J. 1e Carrol, of West Son-ervilie, MassL. and Mrs. tleorge P. Miller, of this city. The fu n. rl will te held today from St. Mary's Church, and Interment will be la St. Miry' Cemetery. Rev. P. a. Thohtsox Wnj. Res-ae. Rev. r. A. Thompson wtll remain a rtor of the Spokane-Avenue Presby terian Church, as result of vote to de cline to accept his resignation Tuesday nitfht. He decllnrd to make any com r-ients on tbe rrrult of the vote, other man to express the hope that the work of the church would go forward. Scarot s Operatios I'xrEitno.xE Otto Manaol'l. credit man for Mason. Ehrman and a prominent German-Amerl can. Is damrerou-!y ill at S( Vincent' ilo-ipital. where a serious surgical op era. ion was perrortnea ly Lr. Corrcy. The operation was succe.aful and It is believed that he will recover. I 'a- F. E. VoAKr-a. of Los Anrelea. tttl.. rounder or I'isgah Home, will be In Portland to hold a series of meet ings May 27 to SI. at tbe Second Haptlat Church, corner of East Seventh and East Ankeny streets, teaching the lull goepei ami prajrlns for the sick. All will be welcome. Oi anl after May It, 111. the Tort lir.d Heights and Council Crest cars wiU operate south on Nineteenth fron Washington to Morrison, east on Mor rison to Fifth, north on Fifth to Wssn Ington and weet on Washington as heretofore. TortlAnd Railway. Light Ac Power company. I-CvTr a or "HroDBA" to P Orrtx rr. S jren L Bose. of Calcutta. India, will deliver a lecture on the "Life and Teachings of liuddha." tonight at o'clock in the children' room of the uMlo Library. Those) Interested are Invited. There will be 00 admission fee. I'lTrHntiXJt ClA-B TO Maa-T ToDAT. The Psychology dub will meet today In the Public Library artroom. Mrs. Alice Wets'.er will give the lesson to new members, at l:M o'clock. There will be a practical leason on "Concen tration, followed by experiments, at 4 o'clock. Rais Halts Pavi-j Paving opera tions throughout the city have been halted by i.ie rains that have been falling recently. A great many Job were started, but yesterday It was too wet to make headway and many crew were taken off the work. MoTHBlt TO liEA FOOD LgCTTatt Woodstock Mother and Teachers Cir cle will hold Us meeting tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. Dr. George F. Koehlor will deliver an addreaa on Food Values and Digestion.'" W. A. roi-g hereby announce that he has given up bis bachelor apart ments at T'7 Krarney at. and from now on wtll make his home at the Hotel Bowers. F. P. Tormii Laoix-s" IT ABrj-riAnirn, ha moved from the Corbett bldg. to Mcrrlson street. Marquam bide, and Is now showing sew good In a.l lines. Patto- H-ki to Grva Tea The Patton Home Mayday tea will be held this afternoon at the residence of Mr. 1L L Cbapln, :j Wco street. SroR No. ISO Washington street for rent from July L Apply room 701 Selling building. Si Shoe for SI CO. principally Har row widths, at 31 Morrison street. m Goop, old-fashioned strawberry short cake. The liaselwood. Is! Wash. st. 1 W. Moor, te artist, for oil por trait or piotographA Seventh and Slark. nts. w. O Cot. a, si 1 Oregonioa tldg. Phone Marshall Hot. , evening. Souvenir to ladlea. Pn. rrnpicosD moved to n7 Swetland bldg. Phone Marshall 43a. Nakkow Widtk In I and ti hoe for IL 171 Third street Blocs or slabwood. M. 1115. A 15J5. ESTATE MANAGER BLAMED Fdwlrv rp Ax-nxyl Frank Capen of Bad Admlnlstratioo. Acttrg on a complaint filed In tha County Court by Edwin Cs pen. Judge Cleeton Issued an order yesterday for Frank Cacen to file with the court wtthln ten day a statement of the es tate of B. Capen A Company, for which Frank Capen Is administrator. The complaint charge Frank Capen with malfeasance and maladministration of hi of .Ice a administrator. It Is recited In the complaint that Frank Capen waa appointed adminis trator of the estate August 14. 1S9L Later lie Bled a report In which h placed the value of the estate at 110. :J.44. and reported paying out I19S6.11 It la charged that Capen. In the last It years of administration, has failed to submit an accounting and has not com plied with a recent order of the court to make an accounting of the e,stala. Specific charges of misconduct are made. among them being to the effect that Capen had reported several year ago the sale of some machinery of the es tate at publlo auction for only SlOOtf. It Is alleged that the sal was a pri vate one. and in addition to the 11000 received tor the machinery were liuoo worth of stock in the Capen Shoe Com pany, which the administrator I charged with withholding for himself. Although the case ha been pending from the first In this county, the prop erty Involved Is at Oregon City, where the defendant Uvea. "NERO AND ROME" SHOWN Great Spectacle Arouse Knthaslasm of Arcade Crowd. A notable historical event waa feat ured at the Arcade theater yesterday and despite the rain, drew large crowd of people. Th picture wer furnished tn two reel of 1600 feet each, and dealt with two episode la the life of Nero. Rome's cruel emperor. The films showed care and were proffered on a scale of magni tude rarely excelled tn motion pictures. Th Star theater for Its midweek pro gramme change presented It usual standard entertainment. The distin guishing feature was "In the Baggage Coach Ahead." a famous poem trans formed Into a pathetic and veil acted photo-play marked by photographic nov elty and splendid acting. The Oh Jot's programme contained five dstlnct and well blended picture. -The Angol of the Slums" perhaps th best. "Wild Animals In Captivity" waa tha blr thing at the E-i.-t Side Tlvoll. though "The Bankrupt" shared the honors of a fine show. Sur.dny the Star theater will offer "The last Incidents of the life of Count TulMol." t.tken only three week prior to bis death. At the Arcade and Tlvoll for Sunday. "A Close Call" will bo shown. . REGION GROWS FAS T Southern Oregon Prospering as Never Before. CITY FEELS INFLUENCE Grants) Pas Dele-rate to Mining- Con (Tress Tells of Development of Varied Industries Mining Is Pro raising. That Southern wreg-on. with it varied resource. I making greater strides -than any other section of th tate. I the belief of H. L. Herzlnger. a member of the City Council of Grant Pas, who 1 attending the State Min lng Congress. Frult-rala'.ng. stock raising, alfalfa growing and mining are some of the chief resources, which are being developed raDidlr. With large amount of foreign capital being attracted to th district, the City Grant Pass la feeling the effect of th aevelopment of th surrounding coun try and a large municipal Improve ment programme 1 being contemplat ed, declared Mr. Uerxlnger. Mr. Uerxlnger was connected with The Oregonlan more than 21 year ago and since leaving Portland has been engaged In newspaper work and de velopment activities In Oregon and Idaho. He has been In Grant Pas more than four year an d in that tin-. haa seen Joaephlne County grow from a sparsely settled district Into a pros perous community. Development Tet in Infancy. "Th Rogue River Valley. In which Grant Pas I the center, haa become famous for Its pears, grape and ap ple." said Mr. Herslnger. "Develop' ment along this line I Just In It In fancy. Th people of Grant Pass and vicinity have raised funds for the con tructton of a concret dam across th Rogue River three mile above th city. Water will be stored by this dam to supply water to Irrigate 60,000 acres of fertll fruit land on either side of the river above and belosr Grant Pass. This large area will be utilized for the growing of fruit. "The people of the community dem onstrated that they were wide-awake hen they subscribed In two hours 0.000 for th construction of th rail road from Grants Pass to the famous marble caves. This group of caves forms one of the natural wonders of Oregon. The railroad will tap one of he finest timber belts in the state and will supply transportation to th al falfa district along th Apfllegate and Williams rivers. .Mining Forges Ahead. "In addition to the horticultural res ources of Josephine County, mining development I going ahead on a large rale. Th Hlggln and Anderson trlkes in th old Kirby district on Illinois River ar causing much ex ilement. These propertle seem to be alive with th preclou metal. I believe that it they were remote from transportation and difficult of access, we would have a stampede to th camp. But. it seem, they are too near horn cause a rush. Mining experts be lieve that aoms of the newly-discovered claims bear tin or In paying uantltles. 'Grant Pass completed Ova mile of paved street last year and plans ar under way for making similar im- rovements this year. The city I grow- ng rapidly and many fin business structures are being built. We are to have two large hotels and a new city hall this year. Hundreds of newcom- have com to Grants Pass this Spring." OINT BRIDGE REFUSED Baker County Court Refuses Share In Cost of Building. to THE SAFE WAY to loan money n real estate is to require a CERTIFICATE OF TITLE It thoroughly covers the title end of your investment. TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY Paid-up capital $250,000.00 Lewis Bldg., 4th & Oak Sts. statements made. Deputy District At torney Evans, representing the Gov ernment, said the evidence will show Klrre and Alice Allen, on of th party, had had a dispute that morning a to who should pay a bill for a livery horse, and that Klrre set tha fir on the side of a steep mountain while this woman and several other members of th party were on the trail above. The fire was discovered before it had made much headway, he said, and waa ex tinguished. The attorney for Klrre aid th fir was set by others, because two Government Are warden passed th spot soon after Klrre did, and there waa no fire there then. He declared th charge was trumped up by the woman out of spite against Klrre. and that there was a conspiracy between one Myers, here former husband, an Indian and herself to injure Klrre. PUMPS TO RECLAIM LAND "Vewr Irrigation Project Begun Be tween Cnlon and La Grande. BAKER. Or.. May 17. (Special.) Th Eastern Oregon Realty Company has been organized In this city to en gage in reclamation work. The prin cipal are F. A. Harmon, manager of the Eastern Oregon Lleht A Power Company; Ray Nye, president of the company, and their Eastern business associates. The company, by a deal completed yesterday, acquired 1600 acres In Union County, between Union and La Grande, and by means of a pumping plant will raise the waters of Catherine Creek and reclaim what has always been a waste and semi-arid tract. Work will be begun Immediately. This 1 the first project to bo an nounced by the company, but many moro in this vicinity are under consld eration. Tbe company has a large quantity of power available to carry out its plans, the principal Idea In which la that inducements can be of' fered by reclaiming this land that wiU result In bringing In many settlers. Mr. Nye is In the city from his home at Fremont. Neb., for a few day. He la greatly Impressed with the outlook. coastV valine service y To Paget Sound and British Columbia Kalama, Kelso, C h h a 1 1 s. Centralis, Tacoma, Seattle, Everett, Belllngham. New Westminster and Vancouver, B C. 3 TRAINS DAILY 3 X International Limited The daylight train. 10 V THE OWL , For busy business men. r p. m. Tickets. Sleeping at lor-Car Reservations J Ticket Office, 121 I Street, and at Depot. H. DICKSON, CP. AT. A. . 1 SHORE LINE EXPRESS A The night train. 10:30. 7 All trains from North Bank W Ci.Ha. 11th mnA Hoirt Rtt.' a and Par- at City i 2 Third NPfPr here, Monday, returned at t o'clock this morning, wet and hungry. Aa she cannot speak English, no one outside the family haa learned the cause of her puzzling departure. The world's production of tobacco for tha year 10B, is given as 1. 161. 41. pounds, while the consumption for the fiscal year waa 1.SS3.8M1.S4! pounfls. WHERE JTO DINE. All the delicacies of the season at the Portland Restaurant. Fine private apart ments for ladlea 306 Wash, near tin at. Grants Pass Depot to Move. MARY GARDEN SEATS. Can Be Seen red Djr Sending Mail Or ders to Lois f-tcers-H inn Coman. Seats for the on appearance her of Mary Garden and her assisting ar tists at the. Armory. Saturday evening. June I. may be obtained by sending order with meek and self-addressed stamped envelop to Lois Steers-Wynn Comau. Columbia building. Prlcea are 11. 11. tl.s. II. both floor and balcony Mary Garden Is one of th world greatest sopranos and most noted In terpreter of Salome. Mellsand. Louis and Thais. THE BOWERS. Ttva Beautiful Ladlea Te Room Will Be Thrown Open to the Pub lic Saturday, May SO. The Bowers Grill continue to be th popular place to dine. Excellent music during dinner hours and after th the. ater. June 1 a celebrated soprsno and b-iritone singer will be added to the attractions of Th Bower Grill dining- room and after th theater. FC RESALE. That very desirable rarcel of land 100 by 13 feet, southwest corner of East Tenth and GUsan streets, particu larly suited for Industrial purposes. Address W. F. Woodward. Fourth and Washing-ton streets. . Recall Applies to City Officials. City Attorney Grant yesterday ren dered to City Auditor Barbur an opinion that the recall applies to city officials In Portland and that It can be invoked on Councilman Ellis, of the Tenth Ward. Acting on this statement, Mr. Barbur will proceed to declare an election for the purpose of th vote on EUla He 111 advertise it In the official news paper and wtll post notices throughout the ward. This will be dune tomorrow or th next day. In case air. Ellis does not resign. He may re5lgn up to mid night tonight, according to the law. After that he Is subject to the vote. He ha said he will not resign and that he la confident of vindication. BAKER. Or, May 17. (Special.. It was announced by County Judge BascheTtoday that th County Court of Laker County would not make the ap propriation' of tlO.COO for tbe Oregon Idaho bridge across the Snake River Brownlee. This means that the bridge will not be built, aa the appro priation of $10,000 each by th Legis latures of Oregon and Idaho was pro visional upon a Ilk appropriation by this county. Th County Court arrived at this con clusion after a careful Investigation. The original petition led all signers to believe that the bridge waa to be built entirely by the two states. This was also the opinion when It was announced that the bill had passed the Oregon Legislature, and the prevailing feeling is that th bill underwent some change tn the process of legislation. In tha Oregon bill. It was stipulated that th bridge waa to be built "at or near Brownlee. but the Idaho bill read "within 30 rods of Brownie station. Th court decided that th brtds t that point would be of too little good and serve too few people to warrant the expenditure of such, a sum by th county. GRANTS P.SS. Or.. May 17. (See clal.) It has been announced that the Southern Pacific Company will soon re move the old depot from its position at Sixth and Railroad avenue to place further west along the line, that the yard switching will not interfere with traffic in the main part of town. No official announcement has been made about the Grants Pass 3c Western Railroad, but it is rumored that the Southern Pacific Is giving strong moral upport to the Grants Pass & Rogue River Valley Railroad. It is believed that the visit to this place by South ern Paclflo officials recently was for the purpose of ascertaining the amount of work that has been accomplished in the way of construction. lxntt Tillamook Woman Returns. TILLAMOOK. Or.. May 17. (Spe cial.) Lena Blser, the woman who dis appeared mysteriously from her brother's ranch, four miles south of &t Fountains & Elsewhere Ask for if 0 RLIGsfS' lj-tle Is "Court of Last Resort. Because there 1 considerable dispute, following Governor West' order quar antining cattle afflicted with scabies. In Lake, Klamath and other Southern Ore gon counties. Dr. W. H. Lytle. of Pen dleton. State Veterinarian, haa (Ton back to that section of th state to act aa a court of last resort In determining which cattl ar subject to quarantine. th state authorities ear determined. say Dr. Calvin B. White, secretary of the Ftate Board of Health, to be rid of the disease, and th cattle owners ar willing to assist but are unwilling to stand th expense and trouble of quar antining their cattle when ther Is doubt to their being affected with th dls- Th Original and Genuine MALTED rVlILK The Food-drink for All Ages. At restaurants, hotels, and fountains. Delicious, invigorating and sustaining. Keep it oo your sideboard at home. Don't travel without it. K quick lunch prepared in minute. Take no imitation. Just say-BORLKTS." to iVo Combines or Trust Fire-Setting I Charged. Frank Kirr will be tried today for the alleged setting of a fire at Horse shoe Spring.- near a camp known as Huckleberry City, at Crater Lake last September. The Jury waa Impaneled yesterday afternoon, and the opening Natural Laxative fcLTd Water P?--2rfl SB Sj Quickly Relieves- r.-g H Biliousness, p U Sick Headache, igKSafj K Stomach Disorders, j??r'f I and Va COLLINS HOT SPRINGS COLLINS Washington Cuisine and ae o o m m o datlona una x a elled. North Bank trains and I'pper Columbia Ktver boats all stop at Collins Springs. Hot Mineral Batbf recom mended by phy sicians for rheu matism, s to ma c fa, liver and kidney trouble. Steam Heat, electric lights; new. np-ttvdate bath-house, with private baths and experienced masseur and masseuse in constant attendance. Terms on application The Hamlin School A Boardia-r and Par School for GtrU. i ComprUlnr a French School for Xstttlc Children, Primary, Intermediate, High School and Post Graduate Departments, Household Economics, Draw ine. Pain tins and Elocution. Accredited by the Cnlveretty of Cali fornia, by Leland .Stanford Junior Vni Ters.it y and by Km tern College. Courses In Singing. Instrumental Music (piano, Tlolln, crgan. barp, flute, cello, etc.). Theory and composition. Harmony. Bight Readlnir. Musical Dictation, Choral and Orchestral Practice, etc, aro offered by the newly formed Music Department. For particulars In regard to tha School, please send for prospectus, and address. MISS RVRAH D. HAMXIV, A. M.. Pacific Avenue. San Francisco. MTLLS COLLEGE, Near Oakland. The only Woman'! College on the Pacific Coast. Char tered 1665. Entrance and graduation require ments equal to those of Stanford and Uni versity of California. President. Luella Clay Car on. A. Lltt. D-, LI D. For catalogue address Secretary. Mills College P. O., Cai. A Trial Costs You Nothing Try a sack of Super ior Bluestem Flour, making as many bak ings as you wish. If you are not satisfied that it Is better than any other flour you can buy. your money win te returned witn out arrument. SPECIAL NOTICE TO GKOCEltS. We will protect you fully In this susran- tee. If any Superior Bluest em earns are returned through dis- atisxaction witn tne flour, you ere author ized to refund the full purchase pries and we wll reimburse you tor uis same. FICN1ER FLOUhMi KILL CO. 6uprlor Blwstem Fancy ratent Flour. D. C BURNS CO. Distributors, 208.210 Third Btrsst i ., pbonss Main 61 & JL 182. Landscape Architected and Gardening Wa do all kind of -tardea And land scape work. Gradln-, fertilizing, seedlnir. arrana ins; and planting; trees, shrubs and flowers. . The la'test Ideas In la-rlns- out Diana for residences and parks. , w indow decorating; a specialty. SCHREIBER at LE.HKR Pkooea Mala 8831. A 38li. California Metal Plating Works A. aCetblTtar, prop. GOLD, iaVEB. BRASS aVlaD KXCKXi, rLAiuo, Metal Coloring- a Specialty. S4S SaCOJai STKBLZX. Mala 7X1 rwuau, Oragoa MaKe Your Collections Carry Your Business. Get the Money In. NETH a CO., Collector. Worcester Bid. Hals 1TS-S, A 1283 Foster & Kleiser High Grade Commercial and Electric SIGNS East 7th and East Everett St a. Phosie Ra.t 1111 B-2224. Main 622 A3136 I.IBF.RTT CIUL Jk ICS COaLPAHxVl MR. MANUFACTURER "We call tout attention to the EE LIABILITY of our twenty-four hour ELECTRIC SERVICE for both light and power and advance the following reasons: Because we have three hydro-electric generating stations in operation devel oping 30,000 H. P. Because we have ready for emer gencies SEVEN steam generating sta tions readv to produce on short notice - 24,000 H. P. Because we will have in operation October 1 another hydro-electric sta- tion which will develop 16,000 H. P. Because we are doing preliminary work on still another hydro-electric station which will develop 45,000 H. P. to take care of your future needs. Because our facilities for furnishing everything "ELECTRICAL" are un surpassed and our , organization in point of skill, experienceand familiar ity with electrical problems is second to none. Because our experts are at your service. Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. Phone Main 6688 or A 6131. SEVENTH AND ALDER STREETS Bridge an d Plate Work " V ; - - e -- - -., : - t - - v I ' Ta " " ; vdi -. a. - - - DR. W. A. WISE 24 Tear a Leader In Painless Dental Work In Portland. There are many kinds and forma of Dental Bridge Work, each of which has specialized merit. Bridge work to be right In every detail and posse the quality of permanence, must bo exact In Its mechanical construc tion. Most failures In bridge work are due to unsanitary construc tion, to actual "don't care" care lessness or to honest Ig-norance. MAKING ARTIFICIAL TEETH is a leading feature of our busi ness, and we believe it cannot be surpassed in the point of Its completeness. We operate our own laboratory, and as making artificial teeth Is a specialty in dentistry, we are in a position to make this offer and guaran tee satisfaction. Dr. Wise has .made this branch of dentistry a special, study for a great many years and is again in active practice and will wait on all who wish his services. Out-of-town people can have their plate and bridgework fin ished in one day if necessary. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS SPECIAL, OFFER. These prices are extremely low for the quality of work we offer: Good Robber Plate, each. .S5.00 Tbe Beat Red Rubber Plates, each, for 87. SO 22k: Gold and Poreclila Craws for S3.50 Up 22K Rrldsre Teetli, sraaran- teed, each S3.RO TJp Cold aad Enamel Fillings .. jjl 1 t p Painless Extracting; 50C Up silver Fillings, each 504 Up , EXAMINATION FREE. THE WISE DENTAL CO., Inc. Office Hours 8 A. IL to 8 P. N., Sunday to I. AH Work Guaranteed. Phone A and M 2029, FAILING BLDG, THIRD AND WASHINGTON STS. It's Kilham's that engrave for higheft society Most beautiful things in strictest propriety. s SUPERIOR COPPER-PLATE ENGRAVING Wedding Announcements, At Home, Invitations, Visiting Cards, Com mencement Programs, Diplomas, Etc. DISTINCTIVE STEEL-DIE EMBOSSING Society Monogram and Address Sta tionery, Banquet Programs, Menus, Office Stationery, Business Cards, Stock Certificates, Bonds, Etc. We employ our own artists, do our own copper-plate and steel-die engraving and can please'the most fastidious. , Come and See Our Samples fif T3v y AtatiakIcdx vMd piisljirJq Co. FIFTH AND OAK STREETS HARRIS TRUNK CO. TRUNKS BAGS Suitcases 132 6th st. j Opposite j A B-oarantee with every pair of f owneS KID FITTING " SILK GLOVES Double tips, of course.