TIIE jroHXIXG' OREGOXIAX. WEDNESDAY, "MAY 17, 1D11. 21 HOPS CENT HIGHER Ywenty-Two Cents Bid in Ore gon and California. REFUSED BY THE GROWERS lUckward Crop In tfe-e Fa-cifU? Coat Stau Are a Bar to Contract- -Advance la Market The hnp ntrktt U a full cat filcher than ai the do of laat weelt. Offer of Tl and 22 cants bar beca mad on eon tract ta ia la state aad nfund. Tba lat ar Tsura waa bid yeaterdar -tor 10-a.OO-O-s-mac4 crpw Dealara hava also ebusht to saciure frptl'ma at 22 S cr.ra. Tba upward snv-rmr-i t of tba market appears ta ba de eJded:? httiihr and there ta aa avldene of any Inflated boom. In California, according ta wirea rcalv4 Teater-dar T2 eeata waa offered for aew cmp Soaoraa without taker. Richards afTvrad 21 cent to a Mendocino irawtr oa ea tract. Wolf a Natter hava contracted vfth WMUamaua A Walla, of Sacramento, for S3.0OO pevjide of tbla roar's crop. Tba ammo firm a-iuffM S bale of lbova from Boardalajr, af Sonoma, at 15 centa Crop coadltlona do not show chanre from laat week anywhere oa tba Coast. Ja thla atata tba uaevenBeee of tbo crop ta tba moat remarkable feature of Its rroatb to data and tha tunbtr of miaaina hills ta eom ectlotie alarm frovtri. A prominent 6Valr raatarday ma da a bat of fit) that tha Oro f aa crop would ant show orer So.ouO bales. Ca Uf wn ta ad vtree aa t tha e-o 14 weather coattnaaa and ta Sonoma tba hop ara sot dnsac watL Tha aama applies to the Meo doetno ee-rtton. In tha -Sacramento district aymdltiors ara nwniL Mark i WHEAT HOMir.Rfl ASK HIGH tVUere Apomr at Carrr-nt UwataJloaa. Tha wheat mark at waa qulat but steady yeat-rdar. Tbara was soma Inquiry from Califnmta and tha Sound and la tha north tho toot was firmer, but prlc-e on tbo local markM vera qontrd onchiniM. Holders aakd turner prte- here thaa buyers would pr. a I-al rarrtpta. to cars, wira rr ported by tha Merchants Fichanra aa follows; m Waat Barley Flour Oats Hay M-nJr 47 1 111 - !" Tarir M 3 7 - 9 ar o ft 1 4 4 7 P-a. to data..lM71 -M 1r aa-o .... im-a lii am Formica crp ntlt Ions ara summarised by tha LJrpooJ Cora Trada N as follows: I a.t-l KlQlm. Frane and Germany Tha grneral crop outlook shows ama Ira- propmn. Of ferlncs of native whaat ara r arr.-ilL Hun.ti.ry an-l Italy Tha crop outlook la f nri;)r f vrmbte. Uffer.nae Of native durkm. young. 2V": caeaa. nominal; turkeys, ;ir. rraaU. rhoica, 2-"c Erkiri Orocon ranch, rand lad. tla par dosra: caaa count. l'iive par dose a. BL'TTtrt City crtatat -.y ax era, 1 and Y pouad prmta. D boxaa. Z4C per pouad . leas tan box lota, cartoaa aad deMvary axua. CHttK uU craam, twtaa. la par lal Tovrtf Asnartca. lto. FORK Kaacy, tQit pr pound. VtAL Fancy. y lr pr pound- brie rraUa, Eta. DRIED FKLITS Appea HOH'i pouad. currants. 11 So: aprieota. i:4Tlo; data, pa-kaaa. ls par pouadi out a. abita or biaa. by aaca. Ici k-im. LSfJ LH; 13-1 J a. aa-la X.; ttmymaa. lc ttALaO.N Columbia Stvar. lpauad tails. $M pr doaa: J -pouad tails. II-; 1 pound Iata, 11.40; Aiuai poik, 1-pouad lata. Il.i. curi t-k, Roasted, la drums. 110 14 Pr pound. N L 13 Wa.nuts, ITS f) Ita par pound; Uraa:l aata. 14 14c; B.karta. lie; aiujode. 14tjla; pvacana. lc: coooaauts. 90dl par doaaa; chaatnuta. 12 Sa par pojnd; bkorjf auta, par pound. UO.e.T Cbolca. par caaa; strained. per pound. bALT Granulated. IIS per too; ba!f-croui-1. Xtva. par toe; 5Ca par ton. IttANd arr.aU waa. Sc; lafa wbita, Sv. L.u. nc; piuk, Cs; rod ilencaua. kttjruu. Sa. KICK .N. 1 Japaa. Ic; cheaper trades, 1 i B 4..i. bouttvera bead, ft S Jc; Im ported Imperial, i4o. Iap(tad ajtua No. 1, bUviAR Dry (ran u! a tad. fruit aid berry. $1 40. yeUow D. !.;; powdered. . Terms oa ramtttaaraa wtthia 1 daya. da duct a par pound; If later tnaa 11 daji and wuhia IS day, deduce Ha par pouad. atapie ugtr. isaiao pr pound. RON OF STOCK MAKKF.T QTITE STK.IY AT XOUTII PORTXAXD YARDS. STOCK PRICES SOUR Heavy Demand Follows Su preme Court. Decision. TRUST SHARES STRONGEST i-atn. melL rth Africa and Aa a Minor Tha C"P out k la (Arab!. K-umnt Te crp outlook i favorable. A rri v '. t r""n the tn cert- r p r lrtr than tip. trl There bse bH-n !-- l i. ralna H umI Oo'xl rem a arr i-.rfn mrl trt tba. it h w iMod errtkia et ih ports ara etprtd ah'ti.t -a The mrk"t at a la firm The recn i naln ta 1 eu t rt not henvy end t.Me wthr l now fine and eettled. Mote rain ta badly Bea-ed. Innt llarvettnc Is prorrraatnff slowtr. b-tr etlll h m Jrrd by th plasuo. Tka seaihtr cuBMlitioaa ax favorable. ATK.WBCBUtV VARkET 14 TA RAKCK. Heavy R atpla aa4 I'ajaettleel Weather Th a straw berry m aret w as t opheav y yeatarday. with receipts larva and the de mand curtailed by tha anaattled weather. California Jeaeiea an Id for tha moat part at tX but Bme of tba daalera who bsd stork oa band lata ta tba day war wilita to cJeaa op for lea. Ootlar berrira anld aa bear a S3 and did not f oar Taaea vara mora Aowtbera Oraawa bai i tea thaa any day thta saann They started oat la tba forenoon at ts. but at tha cloea of tba day wra nffred as low aa 14 a rmta. Many of the Oreca shtpmants vers la rather pe-r con lttion. lmR th veretable errlvala was a car of rarfomia cahhac. whtch was bald fl-m at Si cents Th prk-o urfll bo ad ran red to t enta this mnmlnr Taa Heana and ether aaw Ta?etabtea ara (radually dactta taa; ta prtra. a"paracus htls stealy. Tba market ta overatorked with bot house lot- HEX a ARK ftriJJXfl AT ta TEXTS Ibjht Roreipta aad a Grew lac tteenand. Cc Varkot H Flrm. Ifena are the etreaa frature of tha cran try produce mark-t. P-iyera re.tIlT paM 34) rente yeterday fir aood offrrinca and a much larrr stock could bava been lapoaed of. Other poultry ttnes were unchancel. Zroaaed moat receipt are m oil era r a scd for mer prtcea ware quoted. Tha market was trm. There was sa acttvo demand for eommoi Oreon ranch at 31 tenia. Seattle buyora ara bid.tinc btsrhar ta tba ooantry thaa tba Fortl&od trade, and cooao,uently local receipts are Tbara wera aa chassaa la tha butter or cheeeo markets. Bamk Cemrtara. Paak clartncs of the Xorthwestera cttlea ywoterday wero as follows: Oartnca. Fs'na. Foi-t:a4 i .ii;: i;j Ftt.a a 7t -S U om T 14. toe) 4.: i7 Pp'kan tiu' To.t"l fOtTLaSD MAKKrrm I-argf flunch of frood Sierra Sella at $6.90 Former Quotation on Sheep Prevail. The livestock market was without special feature yretrrday. Thare was aa avcrag run and with a normal demand, prlcas. th main, wern quite steady. One b'r bunch of itrt, numharlnc 2'- head and averartna ll'VS pound. ald and thre- .th-r lott!s brought $i Srt. Withers found buyers at 4. M and H vl. Iami bmusht $5.;, and IGi and a load ni:v'd eherp oUl at f 4 2-V receipts y-t-rljy were 316 cat t tat 070 tip and h era. Mili.pera w.re C II. Vehro aV Son. Ih. ion. 1 c.ir of cattle and hot; A. 1C Ford, M' Xinnvtite. 1 cr of ne-p. Georir Kraus, Oakland. 3 cars of aheep; A. K. Hunt, Ourkfe. 9 cars of cattie; T. n. Fmlth. Our ke. 9 cars of rattle; K. . rtsnr.cid. Htan fid. 1 car of sheep, and K. B. McCulIoufh. Joe ph. 1 far of sheap. The day's sales wera aa fo!!ow Wclsht. Trice. ST steer 1149 30 14 iambi ti-H S.t w-thers 1"1 11 w-thrs l(fc 2" s'eers ......ll'vt 1"4 atre .114 1 It mixed sheep VT w-th-Tt Vm2 3 lamb Frtcea current on the various claaaes of stock at tho Portland Unloa Stockyards wer aa follows: Prime rram-fed steers pilce hav-(-d ateer Choice iter ;4oi tj choice at'-rs -aj Fair to g-od steers lortimon I'MM ............ Prima coi lod to i rioice coera Fair to s"od cowa 1'oor coai C twice beifers I'boue bui.s rnud to choice bulls. ....... b-.tc lit fit calra t;Md to cho.ee Hht calvea. . I bole heavy calvea r. l o h lce bvy calvea. i-hoi-e stac ;.' 1 to choice atasa ......... M . 4 " 4". 6 .10 4 -' 4.K U.60 .17 OOfr 17.1'5 . &.s:d 7-t'd. . a ' j a J . tM(,y 6 34) . 6. : tS 3. a ft. 7j if O . 4St 6 . 4 .V' 4 7-1 . ft. y i7J . 4.iirf 5 . 4.2.-. J 4 . 7.7:. $ R.lv . 7 .-0 j I. 6 d Cid a. to t. a.L j 6 .n t a: ftwj a. os a.V0 7-2a Choi. ;.d to l u-if hoes Choice baay Common . b;o- k boss hp Choice prlr.r lamb t to r'l-Vfa ttprlnc Uinta. . Choice yer:tne llo.-d to rh-l-- yarllnca ..... Fair to medium jrar inn .... Choice ew-e C.d to ch-iVf ewra I air to tr !um fH tlMd to chKe hay Wether ('d Krvy wethers lud lot Tbe following quotation represent prters sn ta:s market for the different ca of rore I'rarTete. rxrra baavt. Jwtf-0. drafter. 14H to 1 7o lha.. Sl.")t; draft era. 1 J"0 to 14' M'-. S1im 4 .:); chunks. -tflO. rlufa. !Otf4i: drl..nc hor, 4,J aud up; a-idu. bore-. s ana up. . 77 7 V) , W J B & -3 t ft ft ix) F ft 4.73 41 ftou 4.5" 4 4.LM' i 4 S.7. j 4 4 3" ft 4 t 4 4-VUtf ft.vO -blraa;a l lveetock Market, CKICA:. M-iy 1ft. Catti Catiraated r'lpta. Ma-k"t alow. p; ady. Ilev. r Tse - r. 9 I t ft Wtrn a:- ra. w1: etockr and f-,lra. el 90 tS Tii. rowi and he.f'ra, 9 J. U caJ v a. 4 4.73. Hoc fcetlmatrd r"--.p!. It-OrtO. Market w-k to loacr. I.iarht. $t4-S : mfae-l. f'tff a js; heavy. .". , ti..- . touch. u ftt5; od !' ce hravy. i 3 f H v ; pica. $3 G e 7-V bulk of aalaa. Sd.lt; d d t. tiFi.pl-ttmated recripia. i&.chm. la ark "t a'ow. Natla. 1 J 4 V.;rn. i.3 i 4 13; year'.lnv. SttWuftfU): tambe. aatixa. S4.VU( ai. Weatrn. -3 f 3. voolIisg is heavy TRIANGI.K CLIPS TAKES AT TO IT CENTS. 1 Crate. IW. FmI FtA. WHEAT tr-k fru-tl: IlU'-m. M! i.i.-Ti r . Hr. pr to: R.':K -!ia: II ! rr b.rr.1: tr..ht. 13 . .tports. fi V.H.r. I4.S4; I'OHN .T. cri.k.J. .! (tt toa. UA 1 1 N 1 .h.i.. - pr I. a. It 1 lirrioir., H.!.'u l'i.-n. ... L m4 Fr.ll. TBOPKAL FKl ITS Otlr.rt J. . 2:ii p.r bos: Ci:!foru sitp-frutt. ,9pl. 4:c p-r p..al. liouoa SJ.l4i; lar.r:na. 91 71 (r bx. rKr:rt fkl I r itr.brri' orron. 94 VS. i s.if rr:.A. 9 (9 - Pr ttI. y-.r-r-... lu.!2"c p P-'uJ; .rt. Ia:;jr. I - V. cjdk.. 4ltl-,. eonuuuo, :-tt4l a.r ot vt.KHBLt'" AipntM. $Bi-i pr tmn: ... ;33K-; cab.4 4.' "0 fr IntkArmlw -icht. cu-uaib.r. 91.Aa. rr M.n; t(j ant. 1A peun4. V.:c. 10 9 t2 Ka.-lrrn Markrt Tor Old Prod art SlKin Only a I.ittlr llottrr In quiry VU! Vnlur-9 Steady. FOSTOS. Ir 16. A alifbt lrcra.. In touring- ao4 . bttar Inquiry tor certain Una. U rrp.rtr4 In tha wool market with values holding alu. Report, from th. wnl, .her. In. n,w etlp la charting hand. Ihowi Interest ceo- lerln( In Uie trl.n.ia. acd htAry tranaac aa. av.raclng 14 to 17 cnla. ara aalu to hav. b-en Put through reventljr. Tho bur .ra hava nt reaehad Montana, whlla ther. Ittti. artuiry as et in tha r.m. wo.I section. Reports from Itan snow mat nan th. kLD has bevn mM at irura lo to lu. rents, .itt aa estimated scoured coat In tha bla.t of 411 cent.. The bet Inquiry In tho old product Is In tlrhlf;aa f:ee.rs. while as usual tha Roxc-ni.-nt m trrrttory continues fairly steady. fulled wool Is reasonably quiet, wblis tha foreign pro-lu.'t ts dull. Isolations, scoured basis: Teiss f.re. 1J months. 4ifi 3Tc; fins slg to etght months. 4sv44c; fine Fall. 41U4X California ortu.rn. sv: rr.i.tais county. 4o4Tc; aouthern. 4oc: Fall free. 4c. trrecon EMlrra No. 1 asrla. MlrSoc; rs.tern clotlilng. 4Sgioc; Vsi.rj No. 1. 4 Tarrltorr stsp'e fin. BtOSTr; firs me dium starts. H-3": fm- c'.cthlng. 4Uioc; f.ne medium rltthtrg. SSv'c; half blood ft-mbltl. J 5 -.: . three-eighths blood rnmb icg. sHiAOe: qusu-t.r-b'ood runblnr. An44c Palled extra. IIJUc; r.na, ootfMc; A svpera. Wc. Ulibs Wool Sale Rcllrf (Yom the Tncertalntj- That Ilaa Rtr.tr Ictc-d Bolnesa Shown In the? Large Volume of Trading;. Europe Also a Bayer. NEW TO UK. May 1. Wsll streets 1m mediats responsa to tho decision of tha Bn. pr.ni. Court In tha Standard Oil caaa waa a atrong and insistent dsmand for securities. such as had not been witnessed sines tn dissolution of tha Praraoa-Furquhar syndi cate last July. Ths decision wag Intsrprsted ss a most lmportsnt bullish factor and stocks wera sdvanced with a rush, ths Important issues gaining from X to 4 points Tb. nays to tal sales wers 1.002.641 shares. . Among th Important gains war union Pacific and General Klsctrtr. 4; Reading. SS: Southern Hscine. United States fcteel. Westmebouia Electric and Ltah Copkor. S. and At nlson. I.ehlsh Vallsy. Now York Can trsl. Amaigamatsd Copper. American Smalt- lng and a number of other actlva atocka 3 or mors. Standard Oil fluctuated back and forth on tha "curb." selling at ona time 6 points abov. yesterday's clos-, but losing thtin 13 points oa ths day. Amsrlcan Tobacco was similarly upaet. elo4m .Ith a 5-ooint sain. Th. demand for atocka waa mora thaa local. Is began last night In ths many orders sent from this centur to London and waa supplemented at ths latter ptac. by horns and Continental purchases. Operstlona for th. European scconnta ar eatiniated at 70.000 shares, ins domestic ae msnd. sslii. from locsl buying, cams main ly from Doston. 1'hlladelphla. Pittsburg and Chicago. Kelicf that ths uncertainty which baa re stricted business for so long waa ended was. perhaps, ss much of a market factor as the nature of the decision Itself. Wall street vlswrd ths decision aa un mistakably faTorabls to corporations thst fall Into the clsss of ths so-called trust. Tha ertect of this view la seen In the fact that many of the larg.-st sdvances wers made by stoOis of corporations which are or hava been Involved In proceeduiga Instituted by ths Ooernm.nt. Cnlon J'aclOc. which Is Involved In tha H-fcrrlrnan merger suit, now pending In ths courts, made-the largsst gala of any of the actlva stocks. General Electric, which la chiefly con cerned In ths suit brought by th Govern ment against various electrical companies, w-s one of tho strongest stocks, ss was fnlted States Rteel. AlthouKh a resolu tion far the appointment of a commute, to Invcstigats the Steel Corporation was psssed hv the lower branch of Congress today. bankers, brokers snd speculators war dis posed to view tho result ot thla ana eimnsx is-s with e-iuunlmlty. tither developments wer subordinated to consideration of the Standard OH cas and ba! virtually no sSect on ths market. Th fortnightly statistics or European stocks of copper disclosed a moderate de crease In the supply, which ts now much b-low that of ths corresponding period of last year. The increase In activity in stocks resunea In heavier demands for funda and ths money msrket was nrmsr. Th bond msrket wss active ana strong. Total sales, par value. 9.''.'-07.OOO. United States bonds wers unchsnged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Sales High. 4"0 IS ix,0 1.TU0 AIMS Chril pf Amal Copper Am Agricuit A tn lie iiigar lo."' 1. 1 , 2.000 1.1 IK " 'i.i"0 ." tut) ll.lfU Jtlii 5 l.o 2.100, 2.-.H) -00 l.'.i-O l"tl. V" aoo P Ml ' 6 0041 l.S"0 OUV "e'.ino noi) 1.100 l.Ot'O 1 IHO Tsui 24. 100 SI I 9UO American C.n Am Car a- Fly. Am Cotton oil. Am lid A I.t pf Ara Ice M-'tUr!.. Am Linseed . . . Am l.ncomotlvs. Am fcmel 4i It-f do preferred.. Am Steel F!r.. Am SUKar Ftef. Am T.I at Tel.. Am Tobacco pf Am Woolen . . . An.ironda M Co Atchison do preferred.. All Coast Utit.. Halt A tho . . . Iuthlehem Steel Itro.ik R Tran.. Mnadlan l'uc .. Central leather do preferred., ntral of N J. 'h-s at Ohio .. Chtcsso A Alton Chi tit West .. do prsferred .. Chicago St -N CM. c. c I Fuel A Iron. 1 a Southern. 'onsol Cas . . .. PToilurts. A flu.tsoii.. UAH lirsnde. do preferrcil. . istlllsra Secur trie do 1st pr . do 2d rf General Elee ,. North pf ... North Ore . . lllnois Central, nterbor Met .. do preferred.. nter Harvester Inter Marin pf. Int Taper nt pump Iowa Central .. K C Southern.. do preferred.. ..cl-de :. ... uls A Nash .. Minn A St I... M. S P 8 S M Mo, Kan A Tex do prur.rrcu.. Vo Psrinc Nst Iliecutt ... National Load.. Mej , Fr 1 H N' V Central . . . N" T. tint A Wes Norfolk A West North Am North rn rac V.ctflr Mall . enr.eyTvsnla ... so.'e'U eople'a U.a .. I C C St L. I"0 tstburg coal . sou ressed S Car.. 2"0 Pnll l al Car . . lly Steel spring nu lling MS. Henubilc Steet - 4.fto0 do preferred.. 200 Rock l,.ind Co. do pnferred.. St 1. A H F 2 pf St L Southwest, do preferred.. S!os shetTluld Southern l'nc Southern Hv do preferre. Tenn Copper . Teiaa A i'se . . Tol. SI L A Wes do preferred.. I. rlon f'ae . . . do pr, terreo. in- CM 4n 12 M A34 ns s'. TTS HT.S 4.1 list. !" KWS .14 a:-. 112s 103 12Hi loo 82"4 Knit 21 ' luo "si"" 30 . 21V 44 147 122'. Low. 2T ill '4 (.7 47 ll- rj 62 '4 11 T 74 lnl 41 11 14K4 VSS He's 37 4 11 I"!-, 12a lor. v, 32 t 79 .H 27 9 '4 "wil. so 21 4.1 14.". 121 -a 91 "4 0 .I0 d. ioo "0 S'-O 400 1 le") 4.:f0 S.1"d 1.2.-0 .e0 ..-) M"0 -oO 400 B.400 e. i" 2UO 40O 0 1.2"0 lOU l' 1.4O0 2"0 .T-0 2.a) " . "S00 2.0iK :.') S.tuO l.soo 2 D 7l H 19. ! 400 5 0.10 l.otio 2O0 1-ViXifl 111 "0 4,roO . OHO 11.S' o rem soo .ISO.'kjO l.:i"0 14l4 ir.a 171--. 2- 6.1 .t.-. u- 61 40 v lno 12.1. 2 1.174 1 52 H 1-1 V 17 l-a s.-.- OH 10.1. H71 So 1.14 14 it "so" 1.17 r-4 1 32 ' K'-i-Ss. 4.1 17H 7SV 127 . 24 S 1221 1 ps 2"S 53. mi SUH l-sa nt i4 144 HV 171V 21 M S4 S2 40 V r.pi. I.17 . 127 U S 13- II E2 127 17 "si III-, Si's us IMS 14! SO 137H 33 V "49" 13t SS S2S 107 42t, 1071, 72 , 15 104 i w-s 20 V s:l lni S.1i 3. 3111 Bi O 111 per bos. peas. 7 J Tse pot 1 -1 b -e per taaaa. IV- per la-n rl.r-, teuDd: tom.t.s. ll75aJ 1, Hi'K lL.l.tin.t--.i. carrots. iJ M,-k t-.rasp. Saw. Itt 9. 2. P-VATOr. r.goii snd F.eteri-. 114 f-se "n.'r3. new potatoes 7.4c per p-ted. ONI.iNS 4 i.tr.: sa IllJul per hun dred. tiarmuOa. 91-924 per crate. Pa'll as-el C 1 ter rsealsM-. IOUL.TKX Usas, !, :; treuar. Swa, 1iSDOX, May la. A lection of 12, '- bales . wo.il auction sa.es today. cept America, bid mlscellsneous S. -as of.'ered st the All sectlors. es- and th offerings r.'llly ar.orbd at steady prices. Mer. tao. attracted ths most atter.tl m aad wer taken prlactpally by ths contlnsnt. Cff. aad) Susrar. NEW TORS. Mar 14 Coffe. future elf-...! itMly at a net advan-. of 4MI7 po rta Salea, T Ml bags: S'av, I0 4.; June. lOiic. J-.iI. iSe. AuattJt, 100.-; S-pteml-er. il2te. October. IO. Ivc : Novem ber. 100 c. I-fv-nhr. January and Feb-rua-vr -: Msrrk and April, loc Spot eoffe. etesdv; It to No. 7. ItVc; Sautos N.v 4. I2VC. VIM coffee, quiet. Cor dova. 13915c. cnrclaAai. ?t.w .Trsr. stea.lv : muscovado. 11 tv. I vmt. r.ntr-tftiga!. .eg te.t. .1 Stc; Bsolaaae. laa. .a4. gsAad. aiaadi. 31H Si ii-rn ii-ivi 21, 27 t, 67 S B.-.V 37 ts 37 27 V 2S M 1 4H 41 1I 17 S V ' 7a 74 41 40 78 77 11 11 47 4.1 02H K1 li. V 1 SOI. s 72'-, el-S 75 74 V 4H 4- 1774 173 V 111, I. 2SH "V ' Set, 4.SV 11 Ml. 22 . 22 V 11 V 3N 77V ll'.l 42 V 1 iw 14H11 Vt' V sav. 37 t. III' lo.1V 12.1V It. IV 32 V MV !3'V -" lil 271 1H 30 21 43 147 122S .". SI V 82 V 14V 1.-. a 171 2 H MV S..V S.1V SI 4n4 l-.t'V 12. V 1 V 1.17 1V 82 V 128 17 Kl 30 S lrt S 48 It '.Hi 147 21 1374 34 7 4n, l.m'i .-.34 32V 1"S 42 1I'7V 734 12V 121V 104 V l4- 20 V ssv lo V S3 1.-.SV 3"V ws 3o V 62 414. 81V 68 Vs SO 117 2S4 67 V 87V 27 V 1V 4n l-l i s 70'4 40 V 78V 11! V 41 V 61 l'l V r.i rent; SO days. 2S pr cant; s4x months, S C? s V per cent Prim morcantil papr, SH04 pr cnt. Strilng aschasgs easy with actual busi ness In bankers' bill at 94.S440 for 60-day bills, and at 94.8033 t 4-88.10 for demand. Commercial hills, 14 83V. "har silver, S3Vc Msxlcsn dollsrs. 43c Government bonds, saeady; railroad bonda, strong. CHICAQO. Msy lfXExchang. oa New York. ISO pramlum. Cbajurra ta Available snppllra, NEW TORK. May 18. Special riMd and tAlevraphio communications received by Bradstret'a show th following changaa In avallabl supplies compared with prsvlous accounts: Tlashel Tcressed. Wne.t. United Ststes. .set Rockies sn.ooo Canada l.l.to.000 Total United state aad Canada.. 1.741. 000 Afloat for and In Europ 4,100.000 Total American ana European supply S.44.OO0 Corn. United Ststes and Canad ... 1.3S1. nod Oats, United Stat, and Canada .. L01-7.V04 Chacs-sT. Produc Market. TTTICAOO, May 16. Butter Steady. Creameries. 16Ilc: nsines. u-rjisr. Esgs W e. It. Receipts. 82.02-j cases. msrk. cssss Included. 12VG13o; firsts, 14 Vc ChesH Steady. Toung America, 13 13 Vo. SELL WHEAT AT LOSS SPKCCIiATORS IX CHICAGO AKE OVERLOADED. PIT B-arlslj Eiprtsion as to Crop Pros pects Starts Prices oa the Down Grade. CHICAGO, May 16. Wheat prices sank under frea aelllnir la tha last half of th aaasloa todar. Tbe decllna waa coincident Ith talk br a prominent ooarator thai crop proapacta in thla country could hardly ha batter and that a fall of 10 cent bushel from present values mljcht easily tak place. Accordtns to th bear anrument. If tha praaent whaat prospects war harvested decided fail In quotationa could hardly ba escaped. Tbe Idea waa advanced that If tha crowlDC crop In Franos shoult prove average yield, tha result aould he 10s, OOO.OOO bush Is less demand on other coun tiiea D urine tha early part of the day, however, news In tha main had pointed In tha opposite direction, moisture In Russia being Insufficient and Kuropeaa stocks reaching- a total much less than expected. Local speculators overload ad themselves on this Information and wera forced to let go at a losa. Prices for July ranged from lleiHc with the close steady. off at St He Increasing country sales gave an easy tone to corn. J uly fluctuated between 12 'a it , closing exactly the same as last night at 62 fee. lry weather In lows and Illinois led to a -bulge In oats. High and low figures for July were 11 -fySSHc and 3-Sc. with the ct-oee SI fee, no difference from 24 hours previous. stockyard dealera trying to unload con slderable holdings received tha credit for cheap provisions. In tha end pork was 20c lower and other products 10 to 12 fee cheaper. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. T : Rrii.tr t, U s Rubber . . . -' U 8 titf-el 341.0.1A prTfrrro. . l .""u t'tah Copper .. 9 9JO V..-i:.r Chtm.. io..vo W:.hAh r.Ni do prcfrrd. . 1.7--0 W..lntr Ee. lu.m0 Western I'nlon. " 73 74 V .4 WhH a L K. . l.r-oO 4 4 4H LehlBh Valley .. 2v.r4j0 177 173a 17tt Total sale tor tha day. l.OOeuo enaraa BONXS. NSTW TORK. May 1. Closing quota tions: U. . rf. 2a reg.nVi T. C m 84s MH do coupon . . 1 ' No. Pacific 3a.. 71 C. S 3 rrg U No. Paclrto 4a...lX do coupon ..101V t'nloa pacific ..loii IT. S. n-w 4 reg-lUS Wis. Central .. t3 do roupoii . .114V Japan 4a ...IS1.B I. 4. R. U- 4 . . . as si Mowey Fvrhaagey Et. LONDON. May l. Bar sUver sfteady; 3 1 1-44 p-r ounra . Monr ivtris par cent. Tt-.m rat of dtucount In th apaa saarket for nrt b'li la :w3 3-16 par cant; three moa-tiia- bill. Xil a-14, HAS rRANCISiO. Mir 1 Sterling oa Lon.lon. $4 S4; slKbt. M VS. DraXta-r-igbt par; telegraph 40- Open. H 1 h. Low. Close. Msy .97 S .97 $ .oS SiV July .894 . ,SHk Sept 8$ ,Hhn . V -c-7-1 Dec. SO .U .- .Syfe CORN". May 534 .S3 .52 .52 July a .52V '.S2V .52- Hept.s 53- .CJW .S.' .53 ! &1- .51V4 .0V &0Ti OATS. May 33 4 -3H .33 '4 Julv J4 .33-4 .33S .334 Sept..-... -31V .33 S .33 W .12 MESS PORK. July 15. 05 IS.IO 14.S5 14 95 bept 14.56 14.55 14.S0 1430 LARD. July 1-20 . 8.20 8.10 10- Sept 3,27 W 8-274 1.174 -l?4 SHORT RIBS. July. 7.974 t-00 7.K74 7.874 ipt LOO 0 7.S5 7.35 Grain otatistlcs: Total clrarancea of wheat snd flour were equal to 3 u 4.000 bushels. Primary receipts were 447. 000 (susheia. compared wlta bOl.wg butheia the corresponding day a year ago, Tba world'e vinibl supply, as shown by Bradatreet a. decreased 54,800 buihelB. Est. mated recelpta for tomorrow: Wheat, 123 can; com. 114 S9.000 head. FTour. barrels . Wheat, buihela Corn, bushels . OaiS. buahels Ry. bushels . . Barley, bushels cars; oata, lit cara; hogs. Receipts. Shipment. ...20.160 34.100 ..137.400 ..229.100 ..363.S0O .. 10.500 .. 81.100 21.0O0 4S.S40 354.600 "ii.Yoo Grain at Saa Itaarliiea. PAN FRANCISCO, May 1. Wheat firm : barter. caa v. 8pot quotationa Wh-at "hipping. l.r?4 to 1 1.35 per rental ; oariey teea, 1.4.-. to i.7w rer cental: brewfne. tt.J3 to $1,67 4 per rental ;oata red. 31.E24 to -fl.4o per cental; white. nominal; black, 1.15 gi.r.2. rer centaL Call board sales Wheat No trading: barley. D-e-ccmber $1.34 per cental; July 11.40 per cental asaca. Grain Markets of tha North w eat. BATTTeK. Msy 16. Wheat Blnestem, t3c: fort-fold. asr; Ruaslan. 93 4c -S ter ton. Receipts Wheat, bar, H cars; corn. club. fcTc flf a. 87c : red oata. $-0 per ton; barley. 23 cars; 1 car. oats, 3 cars; TACOMA. May 10. Wheat Bluestem. 04 .Mjc: fortyfoi. btic; club. S7o; red Rua slan. 94 c. Raceipta Wheat. 54 cars; barley. 1 car; corn, 3 oara; oata. 1 car; hay, 6 care, Mlnneapolla Wheat Market. MINNKAJOIIS, My 1- Wheat. May, P7c; July. 7Tc; September. 1 4 tl 4c; Ieceraber. 914c Cash No. 1 bard. $14; No. 1 Northern. PSV '?0"c: No. 3 North ern. 934 -b us 4c; N. S Spring. ua-H Wire. BUTTER PRICES ARE GUT MARKET AT SEATTLE HAS COME UNSETTLED. BE- NPW TORK. May !. iVney on rail SieAJr. ? U - per fn(; nivt rate. 2-4 I r cent; r!.iir.g bid, 1 per ce ITereA at 5. t-er cer.L T J-e. Luna ffiriar, f Aa.a lai-av sr First Kenneat-lck Strawberries Bring $8 Crate Australian Onions Shipped to Alaska. SEATTLE. Wash.. May 16. The first Washington strawberries reached the street today. Eight cratea arrived from Kenne- wlck. Tha barrles wera in excellent conai tioa and eold at $. Rrgulor shipments are expected to commence next week. The re cent wet weather has practically assured a bumper berry crop In the Puget souna aie trict, but ha set the crop back ten days to two weeka Florin berries sold at 1 1.50 ...A Asparagus was much rirmer. me d. long green wss held aa high as fl. .5. tv- .1 larc shlDments ot Australian oniona will ba mad to Alaska on the boats leaving for the north this week. Mexican yams hava made their appearance at a cents per sound. Tha butter market was unsettled. Price cutting In the city and at same country points has caused considerable uncertainty and demoralisation. Veal receipts were larga. While top stock old - high as 13 cents, more sold at 12 and below. The egg market was dull. Poultry receipts were light. Tha predu-tton waa mad today that Red Alaska salmon will open at not leas than 11.43 and possibly at f 1 50. regardless of the six of th pack. The grain committee of the Merchants Exchanre this morning saw fit to advance th pric ot bluetm what to 5 cents, al though, as a matter of fact, dealers have be paying that price In th country all the week. The market was nominally un changed. Re-rat pta wn nvy again today, aggregating 9 carload a The hay market Is easier on larger arrivai. Bonds Investments TimberLands McGRATHiNECHAUSHiCO. 701-2-3-4-5 Lawia Bldg. Portland Oregon quiet: spot. May. June. July and Auguat. 11 63 ej. il.rtoc: London, firm; epot, 53 13a; futures, f.vi 7 d- Arrivals reported at Now York today. 275 tons. Custom-hous. re turns show exports ot 13.539 tons so far thla month. Lake coppsr. 12.2512.37Ho: electrolytic, casting. - 11.759 Tin. firm, but quiet: spot. 42-63ff3e: May, 42.750430-. June. 2.75r48c; July, 4.59410: August, 41.506 41.75c London, arm; spot. il 7s lOd; futures, fid 10. Lead, quiet, 4.4004.50c. New Tork: 4.20-J 4.35c. East St- Louis. London. flS la 3d. Spelter, steady. 5.S5 5.40c. New Tork; f.2-0fcf 6.25c, East St- Louis London. 24 10a. Antimony, dull; Cooksona, n-(9.50o. Iron. Cleveland warrants, 45a tld In Lon don. Locally, quiet. No. 1 foundry North ern. No. 1 foundry Southern and No. 1 foundry Pouthm soft. 9 16.25 Q 15.75, No. 2 foundry Northern. 9154215.5V. PRODUCE AT SAX FHAXC19CO. Quotation, Current In tha Bar City Mar kets. SAN FRANCISCO. May 16. The follow ing produc piioas war current today: Vegetables Cucumbers. 40SSOc;- garHc, 10ei2Vc: green peas. I1.50Q 2.ZS. . string beans. fiffSc; asparagus. 75e tgl 9.150 matocs, 91.50 31; egg plant, lie 20a. Butter1 Fancy creamery, zso. Egga Store. 104c; fancy ranch. 21c Cheese Young Americas, 134 014toc Onlans .Nominal. Mlllsiafra Bran. 2.2zt; middlings. 3i. Fruit Apples, choice. $2.55; common. 91.25: Mexican limes. 94.60'o; cauromia lemons choice. 93-; common, t.ou. or anges, naval, 91.5ys. Hay Wheat. iiiiri4.''U per 100; wn.i. and oats. 91i)(i 18: alfalfa. 9:-all. Potatoes Salinas Burbanks, 91.8509; Ore gon Burbsnks, 1 2.50 to 3 . 0. Itecelpts irlour, 04 quarter ki--.b. heat ai2.t centals: barley, 310 centals; oats, S35 cental"; potatoes, 3425 sacks; bran. 20 sacks; middling, 4JU bscks; nay, .91. tons. to la. Condition of tbe Treasury. WASHINGTON. May 16. At tha beginning of business today ths condition of th. Uni ted States Treasury was: Working balances in Treasury oriices. tSlKO.r.i. In banks and Philippine Treas ury. 932.970.141. The total balance in general run a wa. $81. 000.817. Ordinary receipts were ai.u-i.'. win or dinary disbursements of $1. 729.550. The deficit to date tnis liscai year is 1977.389, as against $17,849,694 this time last year. . Thes. figures exciuae rusm. n public debt transactions. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK. May 16. Evaporated apples very firm, quiet. Ou spot, fancy quoted at 14 4tr 15c; cnoice, IJ4 u l.c; prime, 10& 1-runes. quiet, nrm on .m.iici- un.nu.., for Coast. Quotations from DOMc for California up to oUS to "e, ana iiiiiff 14c for Oregon from 80s to 30s. Peaches, flnn but buyers are not much worried regarding conditions on the Coast. Choice, nijviici extra cnoice, .4v.n1:. fancy, uttfivc New York Cotton Market, TORK. May 18. Cotton NEW closed barely steady. 6 higher. May. 15.6c: July. 15.81c: August, tember. 13.68c: October, vember. 13.03c: -December. futures to 17 points . June. 15.75c; 15.41c; Sep 13.41c: No- I 13.05c: Janu- ry. 13.05c: Mnrch. 13.11c. Cotton, spot closed oulet. 15 nolnts hlKher. Middling uplands. 15.1'.ric; do gulf. 16.J0C Sales, 100 bales. Dulutb Flag Market, Pt'LCTH. May 16. Flax on track and to rrtve. 92.53 S: May. 92.57; July. $2.5S -kerf: F.-pTemlier. 1 2 10. "WHY BITULITHIC Pavement "Our first BITULITHIC was laid 4Vfc years ago, and we have bad no re pairs to make to any of the work since then." M. P. Blair, City Engineer, St Boniface, Man. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Constructs Asphalt and other Bitu minous Pavements. 605-608 Electric Bldg, Portland, Or. Oakax Huber, Manager. TRAVKUJIS- GUIDE. LON DON PARIS H AMBURG tK. A.Vic. May 2S.9AM Cleveland June 1 1-ennsyivania, May "iilJ: r-atricia . juu. TKltx-Carlton a la Carle rcestauranu Calls at Plymouth and Cherbourg. fSecond cabin only. fWill call at Boulogne. GIBRALTAR. AIX.IER.S. NAHLKS. GENOA. K. H IMIH KU Muy Z4, X f. U MOLIKK TWO By round THEi WORLD ON AJ OlFAV LIMllt 60 Powell orthern Pit O.-W. P.. nd otber R. R. offleea. CRI 1SES ' 17,0UU-toa steamship "f LEV r". LAN TV The first to leavs New York Oct. 21, 1911. The second to leave San Fran cisco Feb. 6. 1912. H A M B U B G AMERICAN LINK St., San Francisco, Jane S Duration 110 DAYS COST ti50 Indadlns; All Necessary Expense. Aboard nel Ashore CaL, or A N., Burlington Portland, Oregcn. Metal Markers. XORiv. Mai 10. Staadar4 NEW YORK PORTLAND REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE?. Lor- Rates. Echedula Tim. AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN S. S. CO. 215 Railway Exchange Bldg. Portland. Or. -stain $171. A 121, COOS BAY LINE STEAMER BKEAkWATEB . Sella from Ainaworth Dock Portland, s A. M.. May 1. 6, 11. 16. 21. 26. 31. Jun 9 and every Ave days. Freight received st Alnsworth Dock dslly up to S P. M. Pss senger fare. Arst-ciass. $10: second -clasa. 9". including meal and berth. Ticket of fle. Alnsworth Dock. Phone Mala 269 Mala 170. A 1234. LUIVIBERMENS NATIONAL QANK stockholders and customers alike typifies action activity both individually, and collect ively, in the forces most ener getically at work in developing the state. CORNER OF FIFTH AND STARK STREET THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON Capital and Surplus, $1,850,000.00 TRAVELERS' CHEQUES Issued in Denominations of $10,$20,$50,$10a which identify the holders and are accepted at full face value by banks and hotels throughout the United States and in all foreign countries. These afford the best means for carrying funds while traveling. First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 750,000' Oldest National Bank West of the Rocky Mountains Bank Notice Security Savings and Trust Company Corbett Building, Fifth and Morrison Streets Capital and Surplus $950,000 Invites Accounts of Merchants, Individuals and Savings The Canadian Bank of Commerce Incorporated 1S67. Read Office Toronto, Canada. vr York, 16 Exchang-a Place. London, 2 Lombard Street. Over two hundred other branches In Canada and the TTnlted Statea, Everv care taken of collections. Drafts on all forelim countries ana principal cities In United States and Canada bought and sold. Interest allowed on time deposits, and a g-tneral banking business transacted. savings Department PORTLAND BRAJVCH, SECOND AND STARK STREET.. T. C. MALPAS, Manager. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. HONOLULU $110 FIRST CLASS BOUND TRIP TH moat delightful spot on cntlra -world inur fnr vour vacation. Dttllshtful tea ba th ine at tbe ftmoui beach of WaiklkL Th splendid SS. Sierra (10.000 tona displace ment) makes tha tund trip In 10 days, and ona can visit on a side trip tbe living; vol cano of KJlauea which li tremendously ac tive, and sea for himself -tba process of world creation. No other .rip compares with this for the marvelous and wonderful In nature. Visit the Islands now, while you can do It so easily and quickly and while the volcano la active. Prompt attention to telegrams for berths. Bai lines; May 20, June 10. July 1. July 22. etc OCEANIC S. S. CO. 71 Market Street. Baa FranctsCo. TRAVELERS' GUIDfc. CANADiAM PABiHB - STEAWOSMDIPS Th Tourist Hlfhway and 8cnlo Rout to urop via Tbe Bt- L-rno TUv.r. -s ths Shortest Ocean Fassas. . Less thaa Four Day at Sea by the -EsfPREBSEB OF THS ATLANTIC" Weekly sailings Montreal. Quebec, to LItox pocL First cabin. 90: second cabin. 931-25: one-elaas csbin cIled secund cabin), 9.7.&0; third cahln. 9.10 and 931.23. Auk local stents, F. R. Johnson. O. A., 142 Third St, or J. J. Forstar. T. P. A- 60s First At. Seattle. BAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND SS. CO. From Ainrworth Dock. Portland. 9 A. 5. SS Bear May IS. Kow City XS. Bearer 28. Frem San Francisco, northbound, it af. 8S Rose City May 18. Beaser 21, Bear M. From San Pedro, northbound. 12 M. S3 Bearer May 1, Bear 24. Rose City . H. i. asnith. C. T. A., 13 Third St. st. VT. Ransoro. Aseeit. Alue.oeth Deek. Fhttnes:. Mala tut, 26SJ A M02. OPEX RIVER TRANSPORTATION Ca Freight recelred dally at Oak-st. docK tor The Dalles, Hood River, "Whit Salmon, Umatilla, Ker.nelck. Pasco. Richland, Hanford. White Bluffs. I.ewls ton. Idaho, and in termediate points. FIRHT-CLASS PASSKNGKR SKRVICt - FARE SO CENTS TO HOOD RIVER. WHITE SALMON, THS DALLES. Steamer leaves Portland Sun.. Tueiu. thurs.. T A. M. Returning leaves The Dalles Mod.. Wed . Frt., T A. it . arrlvlns; At Port land about 5 P. M. same day. W S; Buchanan, Sunt-j W. 8. Smallaood. lul afcr. Phones slain 2K60. A v O.-W. R. N. Astoria Route. STEAMER HARVEST QUEEN Leaves Portland dslly except Saturday at S:00 P. M. from Aab Street Dock. Makes all way landings. Arrives at Astoria st 6 00 A. M. Leaves Astoria daily, except Sunday, at 7:00 A. M. Arrives Portland at 6-00 P M Makes direct conrectlon wit, steamer Naheotta for Meler Ilwaco, Lone Beads and all points oa tbe Ilwaco Division. San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Pedro Direct. North Pacific S. B. Co.' 8. B. Roaaoka and 8. S. Eldsr aall every Wdnaday alter nately at S P. M. Slckat aSlo U3 Thlral st nar Aldsr. MARTIN J- BIOLET, Paassnr.r As;eat. . W. D. SLC8SEB. Fralabt As-eaa. CbeBC at. Ula. A Ula. J