Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 16, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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MwViT A -XT HT A V If.
, M-. J--' T .aaasaSSnsasnssansansaamssaamsansssBa -
XT..- - - -
Insurrecto Leader Expects
,Diaz Government to Make
Reply Today.
Provisional President Clrr Im
p region That if Federal Coimi
mcnt lioe Sot Accede, War
Will Be rrwwnleil to Fnd.
JCARKZ. Mex.. May 1 Provisional
President Francisco I. Madero. Jr.. at
the conclusion of a conference with
Judge Carbajal. the Federal peace en
Tor, at :JO o'clock tonight enounol
that there waa a strong probability that
peace would be restored In Mexico with
in a short Itme.
'Judge Carbajal brought some pro-"posttlons.-
said Senor Madero, "and I
made some modifications In our original
propositions. These oonoesslons. alight
though they may be. were made to show
our willingness to meet the government
ha'f way." .
Krgnr Madero declared that he would
have another conference with Judge
Carbajal tomorrow night by which time
the latter will have received a reply
from Mexico City to the proposition
GfSCUBSea Willi oruui ' " " J
t.nur Madero admitted that the next
move was up to the government uui
talked as If tomorrow would bring a
reply from the government that would
tr 1 the revolution.
There was evident, on the other hand.
should the government refuse to accede.
He gave the Impression m ie ui,w
m -i a Mini nf an ultimatum
and that the die would be cast tomor
Cananea Holds Celebration and
" Rebel Leader Make Promise.
CANANEA. Sonora. Meg- May 13:
Epes Randolph, manager si
lean lines of the Southern Pacific. l
h anar Cabrek
given mui' ,
the rebel leader, at a conference la Del
. - ii -a i tn would not
RIO mai m ""77 . . ,,,,,
be molested further, provided they did
aot transport i run .
.. .i - - th. lines were re
paired he wo,nld have them patresled
A great celebration waa held today
.... ..t.l, In the nil IS- A
Ouargo. the new Judge of the first
Instance, urged them to give support
If they don't do their duty, tlrts
revolutionary army will replace there
with others who will."
--u it rh man Would
appoint himself a special officer to see
that there were no disorders, the crowd
answered wt!t an affirmative yelL
Cabral himself Issued a signed "-
festo. declaring tnat me
tended to show the world by their con
. .-. nnthlnr iMlt HIS
flUCX ml - a 17 l.
He sent a set of officials to Sara today
to reopen the rustoms-houae and
. . . . ---- vnvarnmrBL' fjK ni.
" nVrn.teln. of Cananea. will be collector
cf the port.
Ktar nation 1-earrs Garrison at No-
tales Hopelessly Cut Off.
. . . . v, .... -rav i s Tiar-
moaille. the capital of the "late of
i.ora. was evacuated today by the
federal troop.
Oeneral Luis Torre, military goy-
. a M-mr-1mA n M. SOOClal
ernor or nt v - A
troop train with the garrison of 00
men for uuaymas.
. . . w.....!.. .ah.l Taouls and sev-
. ... Kanfia from Fnxacarbo
and districts to the south and west are
utlri the city. Tneee are
t. enter the abandoned capital before
,, rebels advancing on Hermoslllo
evluently were not expecting the fed-
. i . . . i iLimnp Torres
rrm Tac " 1 u "
and his treps reached Corral, beyond
the scene of rebel activity la this
. v. n .. . havlnv lkMn attacked.
The evacuation of Hermoslllo leaves a
federal garrison marooned In Nogalea
and hopeiessiy cut, un. "
i . i i .... in all sonora. from
Vaviul Ktver north to the American line.
Orosco Pledges Lojaltj.
JI AHCZ. Mexico. May IS. In a letter
eloquent In Ite expression of loyalty to
Provisional President Madero and the
revolutionary cause. General Paacual
Oroico today denounced the reports of
his en.-ounter with the Provisional
President last Saturday as greatly ex
siricerated and the work of -our po.
luu-al adversaries." General Oroxco
assured Senor Madero of the continue
fvaity of himself and his men.
iCenttnaed Te KtrstPe.)
tlon of the convention. Accordingly, at
the time selected. Mrs. Waters ad
vanced to the front of the platform and.
facing an auditorium In which there
was not even standing room, announced
she had decided upon Its absolute con
stitutionality. The wild applause from the suffrage
contingency Indicated that they regard
It as V flfst victory. The troubled
waters were thus temporarily smoothed,
but what the real storm tomorrow will
bring forth no one can telL It may
even meaa the disruption of the great
organisation of women.
lit :
1 1 - u: f J
a va .- ; off i -f" 4'-- ,'- ?r ' -
fsi -
M ' "BBUBjml . ..aVsmaaaB exIVae s4
- "I-A. VSM V 7K'I LsaS- r
1 ; J ftisgggga
If you wait for the long and
tedious process of accumulating
an estate by saving a little at a
time you may not last long enough.
You can get the result quickly by
depositing a small amount today with
COLUMBIA LIFE. When you do
that you instantly increase tie value of your
estate by from $1000 lo $10,000, according to
the amount of your initial deposit.
v i a Pres. T. B. Wilcox, Vlce-Pres.1
lS.k-rvPre.., M. M. J---. See.
"S P. L0CKW00D, VrPres. and Gen. Mgr.
Home Office, Spaldlaf Bldg, Portland. Or.
IIoo ' lilvcr Man Prefers to Let
Former .Wife Do Talking
: v .About It, Ho 6aya.
mr- n mtt1iD I- MftV 15. ( Spe-
daD Albert Sutton, whose former
wife, from whom he was divorced in
1908. has' alnoe been married to a Ban
Francisco real estate man. admits tnat
he has receivea o'
nerlor Court ef California to produce
perior t" -hiidren
In me courw w. , ... i k
c-f his former marriage, who are with
him here. ,.... ,. to make
any atatemint as to his domestic trou
bles or relative w ni v - 7---,,
He merely said: "I prefer toilet all
of the talking come ftn the ban
Francisco end of the Une. h,t.t
Mr. Button was a priui' ----In
San Francisco and a member of the
firm of Sutton & Week, one of the
most prominent 01 mi w,"v. vT,V
'h. large wareh-s. T
fnd fSr a number oi years had charge
of the construction 01 v" - x ------
of the Southern Paclflc Railroad Com-
P"v ,n..?al"rn,B:e . the Hood
R,v.ralleywhich Mr Sutton recednttly
he did not buna on it " .
Jeond-marriag.. when he move here.
part of tne rant" " "
set to orchard. . - .
Mr. Sutton nas K. ... .
bunes. circle; since h. .
i, TnerMty 'crub- and a" director
of the con-roer ---
nnened an arcnuei
?Pj?.- .l.ted to the board of di
rector, of th, Annie Grower.- Union.
Peace Negotiations Forgotten
in Thirst for Battle.
Troop May Set Out From Juarea
Today, Firs to Capture Chihua
hua and Then to Storm Mexi
co City Federals Alarmed.
(Continued Trom Vint rn.)
Three Towns Represented at Ahar.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. May 8pe
ctal ) Judge McMaster. of the Superior
Court, today performed a double wed
Jlng. the principals being from Chl-
rajto. pan ITanelsco ana i-omeuo. to
ward MoCarron. of Portland, married
Miss Alma Bergener. of Chicago; Ernest
leghold. wltneea. being from San
rrudiea. Ernest C. Meghold. the wlt
nsss. then married atlss Anna Marks,
of aaa Francisco.
Dynaunkts) Wreck Hat Building.
CHICAGO. May II. An explosion
partially wrecked a three-story flat
bollding at Til Bunker street early
'today, and drove 11 families Into the
atreet. Windows were shattered for
blocks around, and a large section,
tkukly populated by Italians, was ter-rer-strtekea.
!bnr difficulties are be
lieved to have bees at the bottom ei the
tain howitzers will be taken to the
front, with a plentiful supply of am
munition. An adequate garrison will
be left In Jnarex, but the field of activ
ity so far as the war Itself Is concerned
will shift away from this part of the
Rebel Army of S000 Approaches and
Rabago Is Cat Oft.
CH1HU.U1UA, Mexico, May 13. via El
Paso. Tex, May IS. This city now is
in fear of Immediate attack and many
citizens feel that resistance is nope
1MS. The S000 Insurrcctos' approach
ing from the south today reached Ea
calon, a tew miles below Jimtnes, tear
ing up the railroad to prevent pursuit.
The federal troops south of here all
Are retreating to this city, having
found it Impossible to stem the onward
march of the lnsurrectos.
An armored train filled with federal
troops, which went south to open the
railroad, returned with the report that
the enemy were in overwhelming num
bers and to attack from the train
would have meant annihilation.
It Is believed the Insurrecto. will at
tack the elty In conjunction with part
or Jltotro --
. Td. i&ritl 1mA r. 1 . hnr. are
retarded as being effectively botUed
. , 1 t.. .lift man Whfl
up. oeperai -v.
started to Juares. a.-c rut elf from re
turn here by an insurrecto band which
oame la behind him. The only way
federal reinforcements might be
brought In Is from Monterey, ar ter ten
days' march.
The situation In the city Is becoming:
more desperate daily. 8uppllee are
scarce. All train and telegraph com
munication baa been cut oft for two
weeka. The Associated Press corre
spondent was able to open up com
munication to El Paso by a series of
relays connecting with Casas Grandes.
Governor Ahumada today Issued an
erder forbidding the removal from the
city of any provisions, despite the ap
peals of many suroundlng mining
CMaay Inhabitants. Inoluding 700 or
100 American residents, used up an
Uieir reserve supplies, thinking peace
was In prospect. A number of Amer
icana have attempted to return to the
United States, but It Is Impossible for
women and children to go. Convey
ances are so tew that prices ranging
from li0 to $7S0 are asked for a sin
gle automobile trip to El Paso.
. anil llimnanf
some oi in dim ""
lntrt threat!, to nhut down b-
ev, mnAgialhllltT Of CettlDgT
food supplies from Chihuahua. More
. . . - annUVMl 1,1 tlli
than zu.vvv men r t ... .
mines affected. ,
The editor of one newspaper, who
blamed the government officials for
not keeping tne iiu"n- -.- -
the true state of the war. was put In
Colonel Dins Leaves and Small Force
Remntns In Port.
Or ATM A3. Mex.. May 15. The Mexl.
. I - shanilnnlnr all SO-
nora to the rebels nnd concentrating its
troops in ilexioo i-itr k'7' , V,,V
an attack on the capital. Colonel Dial,
commanding the garrison that evacu
ated Agua Prleta last week, arrived
here laat night and today began era
barking hls force of 600 men on a
steamship In the harbor. He will pro
ceed to Manaanlllo, thence over the Te
huantepec road to Mexico City.
. . . ' . r j.iI.p.1 trnnnl remain In
Guaymas. not counting the 600 brought
In by Governor lorrea. v -
d'-ns a few days ago. armed aU the
jlty employes, even to w.
sprinkling carts. It was learned today
hat a battle Is In progress at Navaloa,
100 miles to the south.
a. VI ..inn', Tirlncinal tort
on the coast of the Gulf pf California.
American mining coinpne
Sopxeine Court Says Tbey Must Ba
Produced in Evidence.
...Tw.-iriv XT a v 1 &. The 6u
oreroo Court ot th United State, todey
. w -un' untAnre for oon-
tempt imposed In the New .ork courts
. . ll'IraUil TtntinirrAiDh Com-
o&nfe tweause of the refusal to permit
' - ..r.iirhtnaf lenl battle.
In that official? of corporation cannot
refuee to fivo up po?-rBciwn ii
...... ...mlnttinn bv vrand
Hon DvQRl w-- .
Inrles. le-t tn,X tuii'ciB -
riaVlttCX III VI WUJ- ,
dr.saed to the United Wireless Tele-
.. .-j nt tn n v Individ-
graph wuiw "
ual. as is usually the case, was served
oa an official or tne company, ointi
lng that certain books of the company
be produced for examination by the
arand lury. which was investigating
"an alleged violation of the statutes of
the United States by Christopher, C.
VS llson.
The vsioe "f the oetpot of tnesti from
the IT rbll.hTT,r.ts Is Queeusiaaa aarlog
liu swa omiw
Oregon Senators Must Give
Objections to Colwell.
Mere Fact That Confirmation of
United State Marshal I "Ob
noxious" Is Not" Enough
. for Senate Committee.
omiiw ii. increased last
xne duvwm
w.. .h. of a baby, dur
ing Whlch time the girls of the former
marriage attended the city spools.
However, at the beginning of Spring
the latter removed to the ranch.
- s
ear-War Secretary Ask More Time
Before Taking Office.
NEW YORK, May 15. The Prosldent
had spent the night with his wife, who
was taken 1U here Saturday night. Sec
retary HUles end Major Butts, the
President's military aid. accompanied
him to Washington. During the morn-
lng the President talked briefly with
two callers. Henry L. Stlmson and
Postmaster-General Hitchoock. Mr.
Stlmson came to ask for more "me be
fore he quallfled as Secretary of War
He was to have taken the oath of office
today or Tuesday, but It was arranged
that he should be sworn In next Hon-
dMr. Hitchoock spent only five minutes
with the President. The former will go
back to Washington tomorrow
morning. mmmm
I Am Stranded
My house failed. I am stranded here
. . i.ti t Mia sin i T.nt- tun-
without a QOimr. - - ,n
tent, of my .10 big sample trunk, to
raise money to pay my ""
get back to New York. My house, which
was on. of the finest on Broadway,
mad. nothing but men . high-class
clothing to seu '-'Viallored
are zoo .ntir.
suits ana m ,.; .
ample outfit, and In order to raise .uf
ttclent cash with which to defray my
lUen... to New York I will se these
Earmenu a. -
actual cost of production a true con-
to merchants, but as they knew of the
predicament I was In. the advantage
Si"?.- SnS o'nUVhidor. ComU only
to lOOK. IOU will lii" ' i T
Followln U .the prc Bead It care
suit e advertised: f IS suits and over-
?Sr .10: W ujts " overcoat, for 117.
Rale teina iuar, t
day night. Sal. takes place in sample
room. . next xo .,Vi-t.
Seventh. v-"';: .i.;,.
A 1. 1. J " I -v."
normvilV VFTWS RTRKAU. Wash
i . ira. ic TVi senate Judiciary
U1C . " . '. - - "
..mmitt,, irisv nvs consideration to
.i . - rt fianktani Bourne and
Chamberlain against tne connrmauon m.
... n riHlA11 - - TTn4tA fttntes Mar-
Bmliuvr f
shal for Oregon, and decided, before
maxlng a report, to request uvm
. - . . . V.,UW mnimilfl AD
lore to mv wm .- " ' " ' ' .
which tbey base their objections to Col
Bourne and Chamberlain are en recoru
a. declaring Colwell Is "personally ob
noxious" to them, and on that bare as
sertion t"y " -----
be rejected. Information has been laid
. . ,w- whlrh has led sev-
oeiur .... . ;
eral members to conclude. that the ob
jections of Bourne and Chamberlain Is
not personal, but political, and If this
be true, their opposition is not such as
to Justify an adverse report
knowledge. The committee decided It
WOU1Q DB wen vu " -
Chamberlain explain wherein Colwell Is
"personally obnoxious, u uu
. i - .hnthpp nr not onDosltlon IS
oiuuu, . ,
really personal or political.
Notvunii&otiiDK mi v-v
mtttee Is saUsfled that the objection to
..!- .ntiAi. it is s-ener-
L-Oiweil m 1' " ' -'l ' " - . .
ally beUeved that Bourne will submit a
statement wnicn wm m J"-,
... . . i. o . - viila AVAn thill! IT h that
witnin - - Im
statement depart, from facta, and It is
presumed tnat uicimaio.y -
inatlon will be rejected. But before It
. ... j .v.. anmrnitt will inelvt
IS rejecxttu vs" y
upon having .d.tamen rem
Bourne ana tnanwn
tity an adverse report.
' Postal Bank Bettering.
ington. May IS. Postal savings banks
in the West continue to grow in popu
larity The bank at Klamath Falls has
moved up Into 7th place and now has
total deposits aggregating $177.2s. In
dividual accounts sveraglng 168.11 each.
The Olympia. bank. In Washington, has
r? on deposit, being 10S accounts,
averaging 7i.S4 each, while at Coeur
d-Aleue. Waho. there are 7i deposits ag
irerating 5521. The Klamath Fall, bank
uTway behind others In the Northwert
and progressing less rapidly Uiaa thoi.
la WashlnglAB
i Natural
I Laxative Water
B Speedy jesi
i Sure tegl
A Gentle Lt.
9 Quickly Relieves ?yffifc'gi
B coNsTpATi.?.rf,,.8
Portland Printing House Co.
J. I wosnt, rrea, aoa v. '"-.
Beak. Catalogue and Commercial
r Stadias- end Blank Book HtkUf.
1nth aad laylor StrMy.
PortlanC. Orron-
... tv- r" gift--'' ' '
n. . A. .mum niinv rimes in letters from
nek women, "I was completely discouraged." And there
is .Iwsys good reason for the discouragement. Yesrs of
pain sod suffering. Doctor after doctor tried m
Medioines doing no lasting good. U is no wonder that
the woman feels diioou raged. ... . .
Thousands of these wesk and sick women hare round
health and courage regained as the result of the use of
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
It establishes regularity, Heals inflammation and ulcera
tion, and cures weakness.
Refuse substitutes offered by unscrupulous druggists
lor ims reunuw ii' .
Sick women are invited to consult by letter, fre. All crrepoodence
strictly Tn"". snd sacredly "n Y
fee to World's Dispensary, V. Pieroe, M. D., Pros t, Buffalo, N. Y,
Dr? Pierce's Pant Pellet, regalate snd invigorste stomsch, liver snd
bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules, wr
Rock Island
' Tickets on sale certain dates in May, June, July,
August and September,return limit October 31,1911.
We Operate'the Famous "Rocky
Mountain" and "Golden State"
Limited; Most Up-to-Date Trains
in the World
By purchasing your tickets at our office we give
you the choice of .using any line out of Portland. Our
representative will be pleased to call and help plan
your trip. Special attention shown Women and
Children traveling alone. ?
For full particulars call or telephone ROCK
. ISLAND office, 140 Third Street. .
MARTIN J. GEARY, Gen'l Agt., Pass. Dept.
Phones A- 2666, Main 334.
Over Five Million Owners of
Hyomei Inhalers for Catarrh
This Shows the Popularity of the
World's Greatest Catarrh Remedy,
It you own a little hard rubber
pockei Hyomei Inhaler, always bear
In mind that you can Fet a bottle c-t
Hyomei to use in the inhaler tor only
'"oVcourse you know that Hyomei
(pronounce It High-o-me) Is guaran
teed to abolish every symptom of ca
tarrh or money back.
A Hyomei Inhaler and a bottle of
Hyomei (U-00 for both) are- good
tblnirs to have around the house, tor
without dosing the stomach colds,
coughs, acute catarrh, sore throat,
croup (every mother ought to know
about Hyomei tor croup), asthma and
catarrhal deafness can all be success
fully treated at a trifling cost.
Hyomei is made from Australian
Eucalyptus and some of the IJsterlan
Antiseptics. Its hlsrhly antiseptic prop
erties kill catarrh and other germs,
while Its soothing healing action on
the sore and raw membrane Quickly
reduces the Inflammation and drives .
out all distress and misery.
Pour a few drops of HYOMEI Into
the' little Inhaler, breathe It. and now
you have started to exterminate ca
tarrh germs; to heal the soreness and
to cure catarrh.
To break up a cold In head or chest
over toight. try this just before retir
ing Into a bowl three-quarters full of
boiling water, pour a scant P?0"f"
o' HYOMEI, cover head and bowl witn
towel and breathe for five minutes the
antiseptic. neann i.. - - .
Complete HYOMEI outftt which in-J
inhaler, which will last a life- 1
time U0. Extra bottles 60 cents at ,
druggists everywhere. Booklet that .
tells all about HYOMEI and its uses
free from Booth's Hyomei Ce, Buffalo.
N. Y. t