T9 TITE afOItXIXG OltEGOXIAX. TUESDAY, MAY 16. 1911. i RE GIVEN TO SEATTLE Reduction in Drydock Rates Here Fails to Draw . Business. STRONG BID IS FRUITLESS Though Low Fgan Is Mde Ownrr 1 No Attracted Sole Bulnr 'Secured 1 That Whlrh Would Naturally Come. Hope of the Tort of Portland Com mlulon and private f:rm of breaking down the inactive period that has fol lowed a reduction of drydock rates to one-half the former tariff, haa gone so far as the prospects pertain to the damaged steamer Tu.atan. for she will nt com here for r-ialr. The lleffer- nan drydrnk Interests of Seattle have contracts,! both to lift and repair the vessel, an. I she la to be ready for serv ice June 2i. . r. Ih I alleged to be the pur rhaser of the Tm-atan. and It ii re ported at the time she was disposed of In her damage,! mate that the pur- rhane nrlre was 944.000. The matter of dryrto-kln her wu called to the at tention of the Port of Portland Com mission throuich a rnramunlritloo. While It la not presumed that the Tom mtMtonrri were swayed by any Intl matlnn that she would be brought here. the fart that It was sought to secure lower rates for llftirr her was talked of In advance of the tariffs being cut. law Rate Made. I.ater negotiations were entered Into with the towage and pllotaice depart ment for a tug to brine the disabled steamer here, and a figure, said to be a bed-rock" rate, was named as an at traction to the owner, so that a Port land firm might secure the work. Hut for the last week the llerfernan force tiaa been at work on the Yucatan removing her decks, which were dam aged by Ice when she was wrecked. and until she Is docked It will not be known what labor Is to be performed on the hull. The company haa a con tract for convert ln the steamer Into a fre'rhter. and she will be operated tinder charter to the Western Alaska Steamship Company to run between Uet Sound. .Nome and ft. Michael. Repair fwl Cut. When bids were filed with the under writers last year for repairing the Yucatan, the lowest figure, that of the Willamette Iron at Steel Works, was about tto.dOO. and others were as high as $1 jn.om). Now It la proposed not to rebuild her house, and other construc tion will be eliminated, as she Is not to rarry pasasenrers. It Is estimated that not to exceed Ili.OOu will be spent on ner. .Meanwhile It has not been shown that vesaels have been drydocked be cause rates are lower here than any where on the Coaat. The only business gained has been that received In the natural course of events. With the ex ception of a river vessel, the public drydock has received none, the Oregon drydock having lowered Its schedule to meet that of the Port of Portland, and Iaa raised ail deepwater vessels. rnrnox cut roi: chaxmx A --tori Would Have Tongue Point Cro-oliir. Chanced. Astoria's Chamber of Commerce, pilots snd d H-koarners there are concerned lr a petition received by M.ijor Mclndoe. "orp of Unirlneers, t". !. A., asking t'iat extensive work be undertaken In the way of constructing a new channel lor the western end of the Tongue Point rroseirg. bringing the marine road along Astoria s front Instead of the present location toward mt.lalream. It Is assert ed tnat such a change would prove bene ficial Inasmuch as the diversion of the current would tend to scour along the dock property and eliminate the need ef annual dredclng. also that a more direct route f.u- snipe would be avail able. An Inspection of the grounj and In vestigation of the matter generally will re ordered, and If found practical will no doubt be carried out. but Ita adop tion immediately would mean the disre gard of expensive work that bas been conducted on Taylor Sands In improv ing the Tongue Point crossing. Had the inatier been broached In advance of Its Taylor Sands undertaking It might have been ordered this season, but time will be spent In golrg over the proposed route, as It Is said there Is a lump In one place that Is shallow at low aster, and on the amount of dredging required will depend what answer a ill be made. MRTUMl IX XKW SCHKDVLK California t Atlantic Line Officially Announces) Service. In the last p iMlshed schedule of the California Atlantic Steamship Com pany rnrtUnd is included In the New lor. Philadelphia and New Orleans service. In the New York service card the stesmer HIv. r.l.le is due June . the G. W. Fenwlck July S. the Stanley Lv'.lar August a-d ti e t. W. Fenwlck Sep-t-ebber 1. The Kiverslde sails June I, tie Fenwlck Ju'y U. and the Stanley lvllr August 17. In t.lo Philadelphia ervt.-e the only charge in arrival here Is tha steamer Leelanaw. due September J and the New Orleans service Is taken care of on the same arrangement. It Is the second schedule issued by the company, the first including only Call- lrnia harbors. The Kiverslde will sail with a foil cargo from the Northwest, and while a considerable portion of it will be sup plied on Grays Harbor, space haa been taken with the option vf being filled locm. ly. For the July steamer, business Is being received. Regardless of the manner In which outward cargoes are 1-iaded. whether here or In t.ie north. Portland will receive the benefit of all Inbound business, and as that grows irore tonnage will be added, which will pave the way for greater trade wltn the iastem market In the movement of Oregon products. r-ETTER-MILXTS ARK PUNNKD Iock. Fill and Oilier Work to Be Isnne at Mooring. Increasing values on waterfront prop erty and the generally accepted susmlse that decreasing space in the harbor will attract vessels to points further down stream for moorings and probably In spire the erection of docks on the Penin sula and west bank of the Wlilau.Xlte In that vicinity, has prompted t.'ie Gov ernment to P'a the improvement ef mm s moorings controlled by the Department of Engineers opposite St- Johns- Major Mclndoe. who haa charge of the site, has been authorised to proceed with the betterments, and a start may be made during the coming Winter. - The project will Include the construc tion of a dyke on the 'south line of the I property to extend to deep water, and the same character of work may be cameo qui on lot norm sine, imv between being filled with material dredged from the rtver. The bank will be sloped and may be protected with some sort of pavement to prevent it be ing washed away. A dock Is to be con structed. Marine Xotca. Wrerkera yesterday began rsilng the Old Seamen's Institute building, at Front and Flanders streets. California cement was yesterday dis charged at Columhia dock No. 1 from the steamer General Hubbard. Loading cargo on. tba Oriental liner Hercules Is expected to end Saturday and she will sail for the Kir East Sunday. To discharge additional cargo the steamer St. George yesterday shifted from the North Bank to the Centen nlal dock. Workmen who have been engaged In mLAJtEK LXTELLIGaVNCaV Due te Arrive. Kama Fretn. Preakwater. . . .Cooi Hay. . . Herr-ules . ..... .ltonskong . . Nome CUy. .... Kslauia. . Sue 11. Ktmers 1 HisoiooS. . Peer Fas Idre. . ftoanoke.......'an Illefo. Ailun ... . . ..Kursk a. . . . . FoeeCtty......Saa Pedrw.. Orlrrlc. ....... H'inKkotig. . Antl!. Jiandon Oku W. Cider. in Iirio.. Heaver. ....Alan pedre. . 1.1 v.r.id. . . .Balboa Data . .In port ..In port .. In port ..in port In port ..In port . May 17 ..May is ..Mar IS IS :i S3 . . Msy ...Msy .. May ..June acfeedaW to Depart, Nam Nome City. .. For. T",,, Pan Francisco May 1 .f.H-s Hay Me 1 lireaaaater. K.i. II rimnr. I in. Mar Is rusok. Fan I'lrc-o. ... May IT Xiear Van Pdre....Msy IS Kiverslde Halhoa May IS Aoua.-e Kt.i. ka May 1 Anvil Kenrton May -" Hervulee liur.sknng....Mav -1 Rose City...... t.n Pedro.... Msy ? Ceo. TV. Elder. .San Plrfft. ... May - frterle H nrknn. . . . May -" Beaver Baa Pedre.... May - repairs to the fog signal plant at De struction Island, have been taken ashore aboard the tender Heather. Arrsngements have been made to tow the steamer Shaver, damagd by fire, to the yards of the Portland Shlp hulldlng Company today and haul her out for repairs. Commander Klllcott. Inspector of the Feventeentli Ughthouse District, will Journey to Astoria tonight and Join the tender Heather for an Inspection of the Willamette Klver pogtltzhts. To lrlad" supplies for Alsska and undergo minor repairs the lighthouse tender Armerla Is due at Seattle May Is. It has not been dea ided whether she will call at Astoria before return ing; North. In tow of the tug Melville the barge Amy Turner left up from Astoria yes terday and the steamer Ocklahama vii ordered to meet her snd complete the towing to Columbia dock No. 1. where she will discharge cement. Krlnglng a number of passengers and 400 rases of cheese, the steamer Golden Gate arrived yesterday from Til lamook. Captain F.rrlrkson reports that weather conditions outside were favorable and the ocean smooth. Having finished discharging. oil Farge No. l. of the Standard Oil Com. panvs fleet, was towed to Astoria yes terday by the Steamer M. F. Hender son, to Join the steamer Maverick, which will tow the barge to the Golden Gate. In ballast from British Columbia, the British steamer St. Konald arrived last evening and berthed at St. Johns te load lumber for the Far East under en gagement to the China Import Et- rort Lumber Company. She will take a part of her load at Unnton. M. J Roche, one of the best-known railroad and steamship passenger men In the Northwest, has Joined life staff of the Pacific Cosst Stesmshlp Com pany here as psssenger solicitor. Mr. Roche Is lining up considerable new business, particularly for Alaska, and he savs prospects for heavy tourist travel to that territory are of the best. There entered yesterday at the Cus torn-House the new tank steamer Oleum, from Philadelphia; the steamer Breakwater, from Coos Bay. and Barge No. 1. with the steamers Besr. Miasta and General Hubbard from San t ran- rlxco. The Shasta cleared tor the re turn with MO.000 feet of lumber, barge No 1 in ballast for San t rancisco and the Breakwater for Coos Bay. To test the steaming qualities of South Prairie. ash., coal, the light house tender Manxanita yesterday started from Seattle with 48 tons or the fuel In her bunkers and bad orders to steam to Blnlne. thence to Neah Bay and return to Blaine, proceeding from there to Tscoma. She will loau uaie Creek coal Friday and go over the same course. Later she may test Wellington coal. Local railroad men affiliated under the American Hallway Lmployes in vestors" Association yesterday com Dleted arrangements with the O.-W". R St N. system whereby the steamer T. J. Potter has been chartered for an ex cursion May !1. The vessel will leave early In the morning and head tor either Rainier or St'1- here the day will be spent, she can accommodate bout 700 persons. Movements of Vcecl. PORTLAND Xii IS. Arrived Steamer RuMen tiate. from Tillamook : British steam er ill. Ranald, from Vancouver, r. v.. sieam- from nan inezo ana war ports. Hailed steamer Maverick and barge No. l tor s'an Francisco. Astoria. Slav la. op 3 teamrr Koan'tke rrora Mn rrancis.o. Ar rived at and l-ft up at 10 A. at.. British steamer t. KonaM from Vancouver. Left up at lo A. rar. .ms an r r.n. ... ... ...... IS. Arrived at M steamers Tehowstone. tleaer, Jvnan l'oulsen and pespatch. from prtland. Ar- ... .t n P M . steamer Koie i ity. irora Saa Pedro. Sailed, steamer ieepaica ior lid. Arrived at 1 . ss.. steamer Northland, trotn Portlanit. Co.i Bay, May li. Arrived Steamer Al liance from Portland. &U Helens, slay lo. r asseo at t . -v v. M steamer Roanoke. Passed at S:H'i A. M.. steamer i'sk". Psssed at 4:11 P. at.. Brit ish steamer St. Ronald. Brisbane. lay 10. Arrived Makura. Van- ""liVmburg. stay la Sailed Salatla. Vsn- CiTascow. May It Sailed Prince John. Vancouver. B. C. sen Francisco, May 15. Arrived Steam--e Nann smith. l"ooe Pay: Telloastona Johae Powlseu. Astoria: LH-spatch. Columbia Kivsr: Beaver. Portland: capastrano. t.;rays Harbor- Aurslla. Heiulim. sailed Steam ers Bowdoin. Oravs Harb-r; Haywood. Victoria- Northland. Portland; schooner Oak lard." Sluelaw Klver. Tscoma. May IS Balled Blr Ponar.xa. tia-se. for iipsum. A'.arka; Antllochua, Brt'i.h susmer. for Seattle. seaaiav May IS- Arrlve.l a-heener M. F. Tcrner from Oallao. steamer Wa!a from Tacotna' stsamer Presld-nt. rt dn San Fran el. barse pig B-wiasxa. from Tacoma; steamer Welding Brothers. from tshtng cruise, sttamer Antllochua, from Tacoroa. Sailed oteamer Montara. for san Francisco- L". S. S Marsanlta for Sound tern; steamer Teerher. for Victoria; stsamer City of Sesttle. for Sksgway. Singapore. May 13. Sailed Bellerophon, from Svalt'e. etc.. for Liverpool. Kobe. Msy 14. Sailed Suvsric. from HonsaoBf- for Tacoma. Los Ar.ysle.. May IS. Arrived Oeo, W. Elder, tr.nn Port'and: J. H. ttlfton. from i.ravs Harbor; Kacetslor. from Coos Bav; ansnard, frv-m Kursaa: Ukai, from Hil r.c. Sailed V.afuarO. for Llurvka; ban Jaoato, tor tirajs Harbor. , WHEAT GENT LOWER Enormous Shipments From Russia Block the Market. PRICES WEAK FROM STAR Plentiful Kalns In This Country Where? They Are Most Needed, Add to 'tlie Depression In the Chicago Pit. CHICAGO. May IS Heavy rains and mammoth world shipments weakened wheat today from the start. At the close, prices w-eca S to 1c net lower. Low rat trading showed corn H to w down, oais off ww 4e to He and bog products varying from luc decline to a nickel advance. Nearly six million bushets from Russia swelled the world's shipments of whest to extraordinary proportions, msklng the p skeptical of damaee reports from - th lent!. Mailing liilnss worse from a bu standpoint, the Amerlcsn Srirlne crop coun Irv and the drr sections of the Wlnler wheat t-it ware beine- supplied with moisture Plenty. Bulls appe.irea to le loacsd wit wheat and were walttnr for an up-start. N substantial reaction occurred, though th nnal tone was firm. During the session, July ranged from Wke'it to 8 OS c clos- lt:a V u lc down St SVfiT4r. Fine west her for the completion of plant ing made the corn market easv. July tluctu ated between 52c and S.e. wltn tn close at szac. a net loss of c. Cash grades were weaa; ivo. x yellow nnisnea at M. 4e. Larre rural transfers of cssh oats bad depressing effect on futures. July readied as top and bottom limits Slllac and Sllkw use, closing "ic on at w4c in provisions there w-aa eonalderabl vwlnsina bv stockvard lons-s. especially the July produce Short covering acted as a rountert aianra. however, so that In tn end the chances neither way were in ex cess of a dime. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. Hlsh. I . .7 I XI sr. 1 .S5V, .471, .3- .e0 .:- .23 Jlv Close. .4J May... July. .. Sept. . . bee. .. May... . .S .s .Mla .M9s .! CORN. .CJ .SIS .:.- .tZ ..ViV .sals ii1. OATJ. .1S ..J'1 .33", .33:s .33k .31 S .US .JlS MUSS PORK. .s .13 July. .. S-pt... UK.... May. .. .33 14 .33 July. .. Sept. .. .33 IM.... .34 , JulT. .. Sept. . . May... July. . . 1500 i;.i:, 14.4s H i LARD. Its, s-lTS s..-:e s::H 14 .ST 1.4 14 4 I 13'4 .l-- 15 05 11.60 17 Sept. .. July... .S74 short nin. 771 .0i 7i as Sept . . . . J.H7H quotations were ss follows: Flour Steady. Rs No. 2. Il.nmll7. Barley Feed or mixing, .if 40c; fair to choice mailing. Ijc4 11.i. Flaxseed No. 1 Southwestern, nominal No. 1 Northwestern, nominal. Timothy see.l $13. t'lover $ll.iS. purk Mess, per barrel. 1 1(1 :i I4.S0. Lard Per 104 pounds, tn.l?!.. Short ribs tildes d-sei. !7&g.i:ti. Sides Short, clear (boxed). Q-12S. flraln statlstirs: Total clea-ances of Wheat snd flour were tual lo rso.oeo bushela Primary receipts were S47.O0. bushela compared with 1 1 n bushels the corresponding day a yei tin. The visible supply of wheat In the t nlted States decreased Z6.Y0PO bushels for the week. The amount of breadstuff on ocean passaae Increased 1.OIS.Q0S bu.hela. F.stlmated receipts fur tomorrow: Wheat, Hi cars: corn. It: cars: oats. S34 cars; hogs, lt.SOV bead. Receipt. Shipments. Flour, barrels :i.40 Wheat, bushels Corn, bushels .. Oats, bushels .. ..i;4.oo . .23.;o . .:s:.4on .. 4.009 1 s.&o siS.00 391. too " Vt.joi Rye. bushels . . . Barley, bushels r.rala at Sao Francisco. SAX FRANCISCO. May IS. Wheat and barley Firm. Spot quotetlons Wheat Shipping. (I.471401.SO per can tal llarlejr Feed. fl.45tHTH per brewing. tl.&flS? per cental. cental Oats Red. fl.i:f 1.IJ per cental: whits. nominal. Call board sales Wheal No trading. Barley December, tl.34. bid per cental; May. $1.44 bid U !' asked per cental. VMhle Sappiy ef Grain. NEW TORK. May 15 The visible sup ply of grain In the United States Saturday. May 13. as compiled by the New York Pro duce Exchange, was as follows: . Bushels. Decrease. Corn S.Mii.OO l.:31.0u Oats S.snt.OfO &;'0.P0 hya 37. MOO ri.00 Barley . SSI. OvO Sns.ooo The vtslble supply of .wheal In Canada last Saturday was t.STO.OOft. a decrease of 7.S0 bushels. Graia Markets ef the Northwest. SEATTLE. May IS Wheat Blurstem. P4e; fortvfold. bSVic; club. 6Tc: nre. STr; red Kcr.lan. SO So. Oats, t.'l 00 per ten. Barley. $-4.00 per ton. Kicclpta Wheat. 3S cars; csxts. T cars; bay, 14 cars; barley, 1 car. TACOMA. May 15. Wlieat Bluestem. 94 eoc: fortyfold. Sc; club, 7c; red Russian, S4c. Receipts Wheat. 1:1 cars; com. 1 car; barley. S cars: hay J cars, Earopeasi Graia Markets. LONDON. May 15. Cargoes, quiet but steady. Walla Walla for shipment. Sd low er st 36. Enxlish country markets, firm. French country markets, firm. LIVERPOOL. May Is. Wheat May 6s Ilio: July. 4s 14i3; October, ss I Via. Weather, cloudy. Mlnarw polls vPbeat Market. minn KArvbls, May 13. Wheat May. vu-vc: July. w.e: September, 81 14 tiUfic: Iecemher 0o,c: No. 1 hard, ll.oo-a: So 1 Northern. sc; No. i Northern, SW?VBaC; No. S wheat. 30 OLDEST UUNCH BOUGHT Edward Mannlnir Buys "Tlio Ray," Which Is 2 8 Years Old. Captain Ernie" Kellogg has disposed of the Ray. the oldest launch in the Vnl ted States, to Kdvsurd Manning, who will use it for pleasure purposes. The craft was built SS years ago in New Tork by the Morris Heights Gas At Power Company, and Is said to be al most as goad as new today. Material used in the craft la white oak and East ern cedar. The Ray made her appearance in Port land SI years ago as a naptha launch. but after being purchased by Captain Kellogg a seven-horsepower gasoline en gine w as Installed. She Is 2i feet long nd has a beam of 5.5 feet. Recently the craft was overhauled and repainted In anticipation of celebrating her next birthday as a member of the Kellogg fleet. She haa been the source of deep Interest among powerboat operators, be cause of her staunchness and wearing qualities, though she haa been in the water almost continuously and Is not Boused In Inter. MillnK-n After Dig Panama Order. Loral mlllmen and lumber exporters are Interested In new specincatlons Is sued by the Isthmian Canal Commission calling for the delivery of approximately .iw.oi.t feet of lumber and S") creosoted plies in the canal sone. . Bidders are ta provide transportation and tender THE DR. GREE. METHOD OF- CURING MEN NOT A CENT CHARGED aaleaa eared A certain cure is what you want. This we win give you beyond doubt if your case Is curable. There Is absolutelv no patch work about our treat ment, for soon after beginning it disagreeable symptoms disappear and the trouble never returns. Our best reference is our former patients, whom we lisve cured and made happy. If discouraged because you have failed with others, cmII ami see us. A confidential chat, to gether with a thorough personal examination, will cost you nothing. If you take our treatment, you may pay for it a hen satisfied, or when cured. T T ' Weak. Swollen. ' Sagging. Varicose Veins Kated. wsmj-iiu iss, Clotted Staa-aaat Poo la of Im pure Blood, SAeaa Nervous, Low Vitality, Mesial Depression. We demonstrate that VARICOSE VKiXS can be cured without severe surgical operation. Beneficial effects are immediate. Pain quickly ceases., enlarged veins rapidly re duce, healthy circulation speedily returns, and strength, soundness and robust health srs-soon restored. Ul 11 1 V'l The complicated ailments of these organs Bladder and lvlUneV ire rapidly overcome. There is no guess J work about It. Wo remove every.obstruc tion. stop every waste, allay all irritation and Inflammation, revitaiize the weakened organs, and soon accomplish a safe, thorough and per manent cure. Blood Poison and "606 blood poison. The Wassermann not you have the ailment. never docs. The test is yours at ment for this aliment driveB the poison out of the system and not into It. If you prefer the new German remedy of Lr. Ehrlich, known as 06." we have It. The quacks want you to believe It cures in a few minutes or a few days. It does not do anything of the kind. It should only be used under hospital conditions with the patient In bed for at least three days, and then under constant observation. In complications affecting certain organs, especially the heart, it should not be used at all. and In many cases results have been very serious through carelessness. When we treat you there is absolutely no danger and when we dis charge you as cured the Wassermann hlood test will tell you your blood Is absolutely pure and free from the ailment. Nervo-Vital Debility The snea. The symptoms seed sn he enumerated. We want all ailing men to know that our ANIMAL, EXTRACT treat ment is the Ideal remedy for NERVO-V1TAL DEBILITY. It does not stimulate temporarily, but restores permanently. All disagreeable symptoms soon disappear, nerve energy is regained, self-respect, self confidence and self-control return, and the patient Is prepared for a new period of life. P;l -. J Pil Pllew. blind, 1 OUU lVCV-lOx Ustola V Our proven methods make hospital opera tions unnecessary. In most cases no pain or detention from business. e guarantee quick relief and positive. permanent cures. A frjC-x - J . T What you want is a core. Come to us and get It. AHllCieu I'lcn Once under our treatment, you will quickly realize how simple a thing It is to get well In the hands of a specialist who knows his business. Our cures add not only years to life, but life to years. Office hours, daily 9 tiT 5. Evenings 7 to 8. Sundays 10 to 1 only. v DR. GREEN will be opened at Washington at 10:30 o'clock May .11. ODDFELLOWS WILL MEET ;r.xd kxcampiext bf.gixs at TEMPLE THIS MORXIXG. Kebrkah Assembly Gathers at Woodman's Hall and Lodges Will Contest ' Tonight. The annual sessions of the Grand En campment and Grand Lodge of Oddfel lows of Oregon and the Rebekah As sembly will be held In Portland begin ning thla morning at 9 o'clock. At that hour the Rebeknh sssembly will con vene In Oddfellows' Hall. East Sixth and Alder streets. An hour later the grand encampment will meet at Oddfellows Temple. First and Alder streets. The first degree teams ot orient lyvige. Xo. 17, and Woodlown Lodge. No. 171, will contest at 7:30 o'clock tonight for the Staples silver cup, now neia Dy Orient Lodge. At the same hour the degree staffs of Columbia Rebekah Lodge. No. 170. will exemplify the work at Woodman Hall. East Sixth and Alder streets. The Canton competition drill will occur In Woodman Hall tomorrow afternoon. Tomorrow night at 8 o ciock receutlon will be tendered there to members of the three branches of the Oddfellows. The annual report of E. E. Sharon. grand scribe of the grand encampment. shows 4642 members in Oregon, a gam of 3" during the year. The income waa S"32.1: amount paid for relief. .!ti23.S6. and the assets, 5:.4:6.19. There are 204 loagca wun a meinowrsmp ui 1S.9S9. an Increase of 1215 last year. The ncome was tH47.S10.52; amount paid tor relief. $70,140.18; current expenses, f.101.- 362.8, and assets, 11.410.839.84. The annual report of Mrs. Ora cosper. secretary of the Rebekah Assembly, shows 176 lodges. 6508 male members. 0.064 female members, an Income lor the vear of J21.431.73; $1758.65 paid for relief and asseta of $:!4.S31.6. - Orierlc Due Thursday. Latest Intelligence covering move ments of the British steamer Orterlc, a new carrier of the Bank Line fleet that is on her maiden voyage here, is that he will reach the haroor tnursasy. Nerves Gone- Hearf Weak Doctors teU as that a vast percentage of tke kreakdowas aad troubles today are from overworked, underaourlshed nerves. We Americans strain every nerve our body trying to make a success in life, and do not nourish and feed our nervous system so as to make it equal to the strain; the result la e are broken-down men and women before we are fortv years of age. The nerve tissues must be fed and strengthened the stomach must be assisted in doing the work of digesting the food, the blood must ba enriched and circulation Quickened, the body and brain must be Invigorated, so that we can withstand the strain and retain health, strength and youth. Here is the experience of Miss Kemp, of Summit. New Jersey, who had a complete nervous breakdown, so that er heart became very weak. Miss Kemp was In a serious condition and was advised to try Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. Not ,pprovlngr of taking whiskey or any alcoholic stimulant, she declined at first, but after reading what It had Sone for others, she tried It. and as she expressed it to a friend the other day: "I am Indeed thankful and glad that I did." as It has restored her health and made her strong so that she can again resume business. The young lady says that she re ceived good advice from our Medical Department, to which she wrote and stated her case. Daffy's Pure Malt Whiskey la the aly whiskey that was taxed by the overaaseat aa a medlclae elerfinc the . pa a ih - A merles a war. All druggtsts. grocers and dealers, or direct, tl.OO a large bottle. Refuse substitutes and Imitations, they are in jurious. I be imffy Malt Whiskey Co., BocbeMer, Si. Y.J LOWEST PRICES I of aay specialist. I QUICKEST cihes tkat star eared. Quacks reap" a harvest by pretend ing that every little rash, skin eruption or pimple is a sign of Mood test tens you wnetner or The doctor may lie. but the test our office for the asking. our treat- cause of N'ervo-Vltsl Debility, as well as Its evil effect upon the physical, mental and other port era, la familiar to all afflicted bleedluar. ' Itching or protruding leers,' etc. CO. 362 Washington St. PORTLAND, OR. The vessel will berth at Llnnton, at the Clark A Wilson mill, and the lumber to be dispatched will measure 2,500,000 feet. She will also take the last cereal shipments that are destined for the Orient during the present season. - What Foley Kldaey Pills will do for you Foley Kidney Pills are a true medi cine. They are healing, strengthening, antlseptlo and tonic. Foley Kidney Pills tako hold of your system and help you to rH yourself of your dragging back ache, dull headache, nervousness, im paired eyesight, and of all the miser able feelings that result from the Im paired action of your kidneys and blad der. Remember It is Foley Kidney Pills that do this for you. Sold by all drug gists. ss MEN CURED S5fi" Is Our Fee PECIAI. AILMENTS Newly con tracted and chronic cases cured. All burning. Itching and inflammation stepped in 24 hours. Cures effected in seven days. Consultation free. If un able to call, write for list of questions. Office Hours A, M. to 8 P. M. Sunday. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. Pacific Coast Medical Co. S244 WASHINGTON STREET, Corner First Portland, Or. filiation v rA wilt, efcmnle "POT over Bine vesi. : i -! i.i. tin. T hid tn take Constipation inu uhiiui . so Injection of warm water once every s hours . . . . . . uIIm An mv ttosrels- . Oeiore A couiu nsvv; J Bappily I tried Csscarets, snd today I am a well man. During the nine years before I nsed Cascarets I suffered untold misery with Internal piles. Thanks to you, I sm free from all that this morning. You can use this In behalf of suffering humanity. B. F. Fisher, Roanoke, ni. Pleasant. Palatsble. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good. Never Sicken.Weaken orCrripe. 10c 25c. 50c Never sold In bulk. The gen uine tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to curs or your money back. as Men and Women Cured The famous S. K. Chan Chi nes) Medicine Company, with their remedies, of herb and roots cure won sLss.tr derfully. It has J cured many ,atiW sufferers when .-el VT JV other remedies " aWst..ik esaa have tailed. Sure cure tor chronic, private ailment nervousness. blood poison. rheumatism, asthma, pneumonia, kidney, throat and lung troubles, consumption, stomach disorders snd otber diseases of all kinds. Ttcmedies harmless. NO OPERATION. Consultation free. Examination for ladles by Mrs s. K. Cham Call or write to The S. K. Chan. Chinese Medicine Co., -226 Morrison sc. Portland. Oregon. L. T. YEE & SONS Tst Old. Bellabl CMnom Doctor rroent lifetime study t ntrba ud reeoarch in Chins.; waa araatad diploma by ih Emperor; siaranteea cure all ailmente of men and wexaea when others falL If you uf far, call or write to KaSB s) RON'S MKmcrofB CO-. 14X1 fttrst. Cor. Aidr. atorUan. Oa S. H. WAI JING CO. Original Chinese herb and root medicines. REMOVED TO 211 ALDER ST. , Above 0. Y. P. Waiting -Station. Corner First and, Alder. Portland, Or. mm mi 'ass i MmSV 24 Hours;: V Bmean of emmterfeiu .i Cured in Dr. A. Q. Smlta. I am the only specialist in Port land who does not advertise a fic titious name or photograph. I publish my true photograph, correct name, personally. conduct my office. I am the most success ful and reliable, as medical cre dentials and press records prove. I make this statement so that yon will know yon consult a true spe cialist, who sees and treats pa tients personally. I possess skill and experience, acquired in such a way that no other can share, and ihould not be classed with medical companies. It Is Impossible for a medical company to attend col lege. Companies have no diplomas or license to practice medicine In Oregon or any other state. Medi cal companies usually are named after a doctor. A portrait, whose personality and identity are in definite, is selected and published as the legitimate specialist of the office. Hired substitutes, ordinary doctors with questionable ability, give consultation, examination and treatment. WRITTBX GrARAHTEB rr. Smith's written sruarantee means scorj or no pay for services. I guarantee to cure certain ailments or refund every dollar you have paid me for my services. My services coat you . nothing- unless I cure your Varicosw Veins, Hernia, Piles, Fistula, Blood Poison, or any aliment I guarantee to cure. My terms are reasonable and no more than you are able and wining to par for benefits. Office hoars A. M to I P. M. Bund ay a. H i, U, to 1 MC Dr. A. G. Smith M CURED IN Varicose Veins Piles, Fistula & Enlarged Glands Expert Examination Free " 27 Tears of Success in Treating Hen Cures Guaranteed or No Fay Many Case Permanently Cored la OTTE TREATMENT. Most Ttme eavfns;. Mosrt Natural. Most Safe. Bio Detention from Occupation, Fam ily or Homo. A Radical and Permanent Cue. I Will Clve 3o0 to Any Cbarlty as a Guarantee That Every Statement In This Announcement la I cure rapidly, painlessly and at email expense. I will demonstrate actual results in your case. I will fflve conclusive evidence of my merit which Is obtained and maintained by ability. I invite you to come to my office. I wlli explain my treatment for Hernia, Plies, Fistula, Varl eoste Veins, Pelvic, Nervous, Blood. KJdney and Bladder Diseases. I will s;lve you free a physical examination; if necessary, a microscopical and chemical analysis of secretions to determine existing; pathological and bacteriological conditions. Every person should take advantage of this opportunity to learn their tru condition. Certainty of cure Is what you want. . A thorough investigation ehould be made by every ailing person as to the specialist he consults. Duty and destiny- to self and tnose who de pend upon you demand the best medical attention. I have the ability and can give you this service. 1 have always charged a very reasonable feesyso that my services may be obtained by any man who sincerely de sires to be cured. I make no mlaleadlna; statements or unbusinesslike 7roposltlons; neither do I desire to be particularly Independent, and I jvould like to have you for a patient. If you will come to me on a strictly professional basis, and the inducements that I offer, which are my ability and 30 years' successful experlemoe, time-saving treatment and guarantee of cure of certain diaeaaea. WS C Ultra BT NEW SCIENTIFIC METHODS -WHICH CA7TNOT FAIL BLOOD AND SKIN AUMENTS, NERVE WEAKNESS, VARICOSE OR KNOTTED VEINS, OBSTRUCTIONS, SORBS, ULCERS, SWOLLEN GLANDS, PILES, KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROUBLES AND ALA. DIS EASES COMMON TO MEN. We are permanently located. Incorporated and licensed under the laws of Oregon. MEN, IF IN TROT BLE, CONSULT Tjaj TODAY. If you cannot call, write for free book and self-examination blank. Many oaees cured at home. Hours A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays, 10 to 12. OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE 21)1 H MORRISON ST, BET. FOURTH AND FIFTH, PORTLAND, OR. VARICOSE VEINS CURED IN FIVE DAYS Cure Heart Disease, Diseases of the Lungs, Liver Disorders, Piles, Fistula and All Diseases of Men I Advertise What I Do, and Do "VfTiat I Advertise. $10 EXAMINATION GIVEN FREE BY A ; PHYSICIAN WHO HAS BEEN 30 YEARS A SPECIALIST. COME AND CONSULT US FREE OF ALL CHARGE. DR. LINDSAY THE OLD RELIABLE SPECIALIST. Corner Alder and Second streets. Entrance 128 H Second street. Portland. Or. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. Five Days Varicose Veins, Hernia, Blood Poison Xs Detention From Occupation, Family or Home p NO 8 B V B R B OPERATIONS, MAJST cases PERMANENTLY CURED rS ONE TREATMENT. MOST TIM IC -SAVING. MOST NAT URAL, MOST SAFE. A RADICAL AND PERMANENT CURE. I GIVE MY WORD AND WILL. CITE TOU TO OTHER MEDICAL. AU THORITIES THAT THIS IS A FACT. I AM CERTAINLY PRE PARED TO CURE BY EXPERI ENCE AND EQUIPMENT. WHICH ARE THE KEYSTONES TO SUC CESS. I HAVE THE BEST EQUIPPED MEDICAL OFFICE ON THE COAST. I WILI, GIVE $500 TO ANY CHARITY AS GUARAN TEE THAT EVERY STATEMENT I N TH I S ANNOUNCEMENT I 3 TRUE. I Inrite you to come to my of fice. I will explain to you my treatment for Varicose Veins, Hernia, Nervous Debility. Blood Poison, Piles. Fistula. Bladder. Kidney. Prostatic and all Men's Ailments, and give you FREE a physical examination; if necessary a microscopical and chemical analysis of aecretions. to determine- pathological and b a c t e rlo loglcal conditions. Every person should take advantage of this op portunity to learn their true con dition. A permanent cure is what you want. VARICOSE VEINS Impair vitality. I dally demon strata that vazioose veins can bo cured In nearly' all cases by one treatment. In such a satisfactory way that the vital parts are pre ss r t d and strengthened, pain ceases, swelling; subsldos, a healthy circulation is rapidly re established, instead of the depress ing oondltlons. I guarantee you a sure to stay cured or refund the money. HH1H.FI 1A (R I K'l'llRE) Disregard of existing; hernia hs cost many Uvea. The smallest hernias are the most dangerous to life, because of the Increased liability to stransrulatlon. I euro rupture in selected cases with per feot safety and entail no ouffer- . Ins;, and do not detain you from occupation, tinder guarantee. Many eases cured to stay cured In ono treatment. SOS FOR BLOOD POISOIT. I use Professor Ehrllch's won derful new discovery, " 60s," In eases of Epeoiflo Blood Poison, It cures In oao treatment, and la the greatest marvsl of medical science. This new remedy baa been successfully used in thou sands of cases. Let ma explain 1 to you. 234 Morrison Street Corner Second PORTLAND, OR. FIVE DAYS Nervous Debility, Blood and Skin Diseases, Rheumatism, 1 Tji at 1-jtssssrl