TITE MORNING OREGOXIAN. TUESDAY. MAY 16, 1911. it TH OHr.ATFJt VK'ER FRANK ORB KF VTAL AN INFORMATION R V HSZ 4 J. H jm-hu!i'r vu.; oar u(-t-! ''a tei 4B4 lr'orm:la departm.e-t. 4th floor. m:a ou. i.na. aui a- me vacan-tca wa have !:a-e.i Os.r.b.e houses and Tea'; Mvf tirr- ta g '.tica proprijr end eefortao. p 1 .Haled. We keep tnui wtt l acaat fata " "; tonu in ih Ci-y. We also ken Ut 47 i bu:. 1 r. r la curM f toast ruction. Te combiifj lie. a of ! reel -ate d-a era. This njr-;u:.oa I e eo.ute y fr 1hd roc w Nl to fcr A HOUI ?;?; is.- m TH8JI HT t K FRA X K CO MF A?TT1- WPrx yea mo yo a II nd NSW T NTTVTtK. l ay It n-io-e.y toe t.Te E .! c4 tr saire wiU excwed ur mcitf jcrje. Our Lo.v jHirr, which la $ veera mad ue one nf Portland larseet furot Vira bnji. wr m . po.!. be-awae w- fcMa oa the k. aat eta. ibereby ;! $H 0-i a -a- r-r.l. ki'HuN-A rcw let ftt v-ttr co. ft ;t Qrr:deve.c 'r. K.aet S'.ar SC t'WFK AND rFPER lLAT Ptp rrt. firnl-.-re fr at J irt and irTjn; t rKrr.a erli, refit 1-2 iO f -r !wr asd $:o f-r uppar. Iao.-ure 41s" .- -r. b-r of o.-rirr.er-e. liUL'St-b and fTa's for r-nt. ion f umced. mf: t HANT IAVIN i A TKUST COMPANY. F traps of c.:y f or 8tra-g-re. R'Vm ttr.fum t.-.fd hot wtth beih. new y painted ar4 pp-r.I through-iuc 1-7 l.t sr.. between W aahlrgtoo and AMer. Kent a mott to faml.y. A?;:y 14tat. T-I' mm iolni ou a- -t a-!rhiiri'V'. l' tn oul' from t'oat' i- r.i, tac t-r-r.. Prv irit Ir-.:nini A 1rw-t Ca,, Svi-2-A li-r-J of Tnfc-. f 'R HEM V'i'n ft-room furntstit 44 Clark w at., carrar no tnLlran. Ca.i b-- -n A- M. an4 V. or phr. C 14 a rn tim. a( ' DfelK.N f,-rocnrortr i l!nC Ky at "V. tw b o-k rr m h,at .!ikr.f rarlln-. Jj'j. Omtr, Aili U It f. 447 lit OM iri' -lvm hu-.w, c-rpw. kaj nl o-i 1 k r4 il r-i'it V-.-y tf'airas.a. i4utra giur, Jl. jLotnrai.4 Ir.qulr at K araiirtoiBaua Co.. Wl' c nambor of i. or.unrv, iiUL-Ii. ro.itu huu nf carllr. roo:iAbln: tr.iur- at ft ,.fr H r a !0 ihimliT f Conrmrr f-e two fimtll rn j 41 I'd r. at4 E-t 11 So a d.rioa w a f'R RKST-MKl-rn fo -m hu-e- "o Ml. .pa.i av-.. rrtrr.tr Jl -nro. Inquire l. m' ! rn hwu'. 1. N, 17t. rent Ir-jul. H. 1 r.aktr.Aa. 424 Market :. P.or.4 Main rw. M-'OKKN 4-roorn hou with f Ll lot. frtm t nar i car. in-a, near Owriooic. ;.;N fiflm b"-:. a;Mc i'hoaa A M bi'4l Wit a fXTAA. J'boo arfTr FOR KENT i-f"r f urn'.she I cttm-e; modern. I'hone W.'oilawra JTl forenoona. li a . barn. 1 a cro. fruit Ueaa. East Side. App:y Tri'r a 1H KK N T - V tiro -room hoe. Lirsa ard aad trat. 3" hurmnio at. FaxaUbei II 5I'LTurl-'ied -rrw hoiue, with pi.no, arvpic and furnace, lawn and r ee . a.aUd tC4 t Ion. aear hocne: anxl- rn, to a4ui: -.y. t:.X .k E, th Bi ll t4. . FVRNIflf Fii hotiM In Irrinaton for rat for aoeul moatlia. I'boaa aat rt P.FNT To reaitn;be peo.;. a ' furnish e.t burnt of 7 room. dlrst:e n; h torhe- d. West tide. l'hno Alaan il "' A 4S. 4 ItwM comer r-Mnce. ttIt fiimth'T i l-M to aj"Mn:in at.. t h -le. will rent for month at $!' per moata; priv lies of butn Ukter. I'hone Maxa.iall ' 4pRrKM furnished " house forr-n:. take uaAstdo or Alt. TUr car. Belmuat c -htxM eutta. laundry, nice yarj. be dutiful nei t.t-r fiotd. 7 nnnutrt p. f . 1 ;7 l;h. Jti'R RENT 4 room boLi well furnished; nira yard. 1S : Jl at. ,or:h. ft ici'OAl furnixeU tu&4.o for rant. Tabor M4. Kl KMSHKD hnit. fr-lt and yard. 2A2 aiwaroa sc Alain J1I7. Uuea i foe tnr rnmllaro f r saaa Xt.VGANTLT furnished, modern r-rJora (lat. ery c.u" irv. rank only 'i4t at fik, !if nt xi-o oota nant py- Ca.l E- 414J r a teniia to 'l IU I.HINGj of mod-rw. 1-ron house; faraacew elctrlrtty. gas. rent three r :u ranted pal ing ail nrnira; ery d i r ai: a. 40 $. a a U A 1 . - K:H air. sunahtna. fruit, herrie. grde rhlcaena aad 4 coMv .furniehwl riint, pru-e terna, K.nt WooO;ok cra toIan.'ioe. 8 biocka fciaat. No 4MX ALL w fumitur. 8-room fiat, worth $, f r $ no travh; mutt sail this w rk. oaa 1U am a lacma. AU Utn- g 'man. BARGAIN IiMutlful new fumltur. A-rom upper nnnr f'-at. sleeping r'1 h and lar a;: c nur Park Mo ; roius pay n-DU ' - ."7 Mill St. Main ajl. 'l HMMtlNOS of 1 rnon-j. a -od r.r:ntrhod. n rncr f rnur. a') . S--S l.i:h at.. cor:.rr Mar't NEW f-jrn:ure of 4-m.im. new. pw'"n fist. rot S M. wul saorU.:e at (lij, Cm t'.xl Mrrton St. U.j or a part of furniture for aal-. ft for reni, r - ( lay. T-f:tMf houaev Mala part furniture for s-iia. rt!:NlTlRK tf 7-room houae fvr s-vie. cheap fr cash. Marsha. 1 Snauner Rcurta. KOOV.. m -d r n bungalow, tl.: In vr y rea; e. t : bu. U on for r-nt. and f ing $.iUT for au: for l new and up to t fr a home ; irmh tea cjt '. it.iM u rat a t ut aa a hosi wtth. a lo m nu.ea' w a of the I1 fcaa a eua ; ae. aui, If d:r.l. three ruoma Ca be r-r"- l i rovr houae not. 1.1.14. hMITil aa.ac?ca M-. Ri n.a 2"l-2'a. al AlPf--onaptete Turn:sie 1 cittace. good 1 . at Ion. Ciiaap U rx.td now. 1 hot i 17-V E UE He-,utfful R.-s a-. 'h.-n t jti mar hocne cLeap. ra Morea. vFl F.KT Tart of 3t:oo Inft la center vf wholesa.e :trut. i!c:-.t. heat ani pow er fr. Ucatrrn Man uiactur u '.'o J Fifth st, 5d r.ovr. Jv'K R - NT Loft, cer '.rV.ly !-a:d. suit aula Iur Ugh? manui-. turlr g or mpi.m r-'om. Wt rnt. Mirk s;.. nvar l"OK RENT t a'raet; p.eaty I'oae Maun rn friw:n; bu:n-jia customers to draw Uom EKAL !orr at eaat end M1soa-ar bri'a--. $2" to a-c--dtug to s:za In quire ?7t Hawthoiae f r rer.l au.tavt f r ix:; m lniu.ra in -l n r store fr rent, cl -3 f r parccuara rant. Ft N B lar curr Phjfi' .tin M. ft O Z t r t -t tn r:.M Hot.d bide qj.ra at h ' Ej.: 3 1 FINE brti h cor. r-. Kut tlth and Hi, tbrr.e A;?.j 1 T5 Ln: lih, car. taaiUM. FT'JltE f T teat. I'hoce East 1"2- tHfh-ra. a f r d:;tat r phyalcl-a OJ i"f p rer.t tj pro;' e parlies. AK. P. A 4 EH A LIa.4Y. vl Teua B.lg. East ): M CAKv FT1 RiiNr-."": a:r- and ahofi at east e:.d W ad;.n -at. b..t. rent 2'J IS . a.-'-l ;r g to ie. A,p.' V. IX omita r u-l i'o.. ltwr-cma e. rV." ; ;Ta b : k u fi:'i:. v a n ; 1 1 .-: s .Tr 11-: - il S I., lit AtEN e TAKiv anu uak. fori! g-od-aia..l offices, t: atloB. at 4K pr m good l ght aud en- .-ia. a; lij Men- HOST e-ntrl!y Ua:e oT oea, aa-cught ete va:or sr ice, i at.aj biag,. wr Jaa- u?r. 3'h aad W aa.ilt.s :jo. SI' S liht troot m'tc wltu uaa of raees-i:a-r'm. 6:7 I wl of Trade, N rta weaj Kea-'y C-a.. gr J. T. lljin, c. F 1 ?t KENT Ground t :or c?mer effi.-e; r.ent arei-u- rja if lr.rd. Ca.1 -r. Hfrn 7raaVr X! an we:i-fu:nthd off tee. 613 rft-:t .dg. Fcti! r!T l'-k ru"rn w.tn u of tpe wTitar if H 1 I S t . a;: H..g. UA1.F of iomil,.'y furnished l' !it wfTice; r-'R RKN r Public ad irn n. ha:ia. A.iaay tldg S4 Fl H RENT Ieg rvom !a rf;ce. Very reaa or. :'-. ? 1. tirraf'n'n. xr ra'.N r Frr-i & It . w and il Allsky $ij r'-rt 12i Kali r in w.-lighld offlra. bans bi lg Y.xc at.-K ru-T-n I-. tT.te w.tn "si-n-.grapta.-. $:$ ijari ef Trace, TOH RE.VT. Offkw. orrtfKs rR rent. $11 to $.T V. Vr'.Ri.'HANTS SAVING. TRUST CUM PAN T. PART f nfflca vlth a of labia, chalra. -hon-s naps, ic.. pr month. .-7 I. am br ivxchaxaa bide. Vhona MarabaU OFFICE to rnt, fta front offtca room with lanra doubt or aincia dt. fr-l or 2 rnoa. ua of aiiona ard prtrata oi- B--. cIl 217 Abtoctoa btl(. TO Y R UA.-'K. Own r t!l bui.d orar or apt. hoti t ailt tr ant vO H.ia lwal'") lot. clnaa In .aat St(!; lonj !'tM. cbap rani, no oa nuour : urt vy aki . b ulok- 1'ACiK;.- ItKALTT CCX MAHlf t LENT. Falilcy t.4.. Third ar..l WaiMnrtovA, Vatn M A S4T1 Bt'sixr.ss oppoRrrrriES. PARTNER WANTED FOR A SOLID r.r labia mn-rtMna. handling (roo'iiaa. hirlinr and fd and dninc a buainosa of I ".'-- a m-tntij; will a.l 4 Int'raat to a rood r-!t: maa. Particular 417. !f ard of Trala. TOMB TO THE PACIFIC WITH WARD." r'fTa wanted tn Paclfle Northweat. I'Acifir Xmiul Lif. 43 yara o:d- inlll-.na aaa:a. Wt loan mony. iL II. Uard. ii.r.. 712 tpaldt&c b:dc. PARMER or or dairy an will alva yoa halt iiu-rt la a xl dairy and torn rancn, your money to b Inverted in mora ato-k. f t-cii "prninr: t for to cowa and 7 h.l of h k. itnta capital you caa lnrr-t la flm ltt-r. A-ldr-aa T. J. lira den. IC I". Hx W. arranion. Or WANTED Party wit frvm f 2-0 to 1504) t taaa Interest la food payina baaiaaaa- III staadJtireiiticatioa; wo bavo Paula in California. Th A.-na i4rcarr'la A ranry. WitB S 414 AMlUM b,tf Poor. ROOM for sale. tables, fine loca i:-n. Uearlr fr.-m J-" to I40 per trnuth; owner has other buein-ss anrt w:.l sU oa easy teriua, price l.-iMk. Call 101 4rh at-, etentns. IiLOH KKALTV CO.. 2v A d r St. Kcal Ett and A.I Kinta of Lertttmate lluslneas opportunltlea. WANTED1 tomott to buy 'alf Intereat In I . . pateutej artl- ie. Very Veeful fr hotels aii-1 r-etaurar-Ja, WiU cover et of mjuiuf act urine ea-h- PTicea rea- sonable. A II 1 Ortortn. TOINO MAN. r-T RANGE Ik, V aha cirinl Invest I eatloa at orponaa of ailer before you iaet money la any propaJtloa, Adrmory XJeiiaxmeat, T. M. C A. WANTED AT ONCE. Flailneifl property inot roomlng-houaea and aptrtmT.ti) from uj. Must be r o ue - prod ud n g aad w e i I local tod. &o3 Teoa bMf. It jlAl-E iliMlnery store. d lnf tod bus-tn-. id leaee rea ouaMe rJit . am UAvtrf .ky and will ejl cheap. AB loa, ret rlan. $l?i CAN t-"ur $o worth of a quirk sellfr.c courao tn nius: eery homo wanta one; will retail f.r atrknoaa reason for aelilnx- PjOa,jL)reonlan. HALF Inter-at In one of beet rrocry stores In c!ty; M per cent rasn traae, nne ' calln. low rent; will Invoice, Call 27 Mark. REI,IPt.E partner f.r a substantial buat nes pror-e (ion that will n-t you IK) a tTT.nth ; I . o reqiitre'1 ; bank reference Klven. Inquire 17 Hard of Trade. A HOME, with confectionery and a.ocerr store, little money required : t wo blocks from and Broadway car. Nrth. Vol K. 29th et. REAL ESTATE man wants partner to ahow customers property; wiu pay ee.ary. as nm can't depend oi men woratr.- on coniml lion. lUvom &23 Iurober Exchange. TCK CIt RAM. confectionery and cigar atore. rr aa cnerp. uooa ioeauon. ow a. id gxd dai y a a Lvk into this at once. . Wa:;!nf tun gt.Xj agentg. WANTED Honeat. sober man to hetp man. ac me real estate husin-?a. A'n aione and tired of hired help. Little money re quired. 242 Fifth at. Rembrandt phtrgraph studio, win aeil entirely or In part. Ad urea or ae tne owner. Rwena M. I lug an. 625 Ablngton bldg.. Tort land. Or. SOLID bustnese kaa opening for energetic m-n ; w HI p.v montn sa;ary ana sMi-e of the proil'.s. mutiny fuliy eecored. I'Artlcuiara 24S Maris. St. iu cash A wod-working plant that turned away order lat season and It do ing ao now; balance easy terms. AJ 104. pregonlaa. MV?T be sod. meat market with Block and .ntur-. w.-:i lo-tod: doing good bmiBfM. price - rash. tiernaaa-Amer-lc.n I-fcnd Co.. Newbcrg. Or. , PLANING MILL Owner wants Interested he: p. prefers office man; will guarantee fond s-t ary. also prongs: money rj uircd u : : y s c u r ed. C a : 1 2 4 etar k at. FOR JAl.E Auto repair show oa paying b ia; will ee;l leas tr.aa Invoice. Parties leMiia sste- Call or add rase E. b. Oe borne. 4: Belmont st. O'NCH counter warns par:nr: owner does is -fwikinf and ran't depend on hired h :p. very lltt e mony required. Room 323 l-utnber Ev change. rT.P Interest In an oid-eslaMlahed bual t,a doing a god buaine-a. Fur full par 1 ru.ara ra'l Kinney A S'smrhox. Lumber Exchange bldg.. rooms Ulw-ti. SUA 1 7tTg rore ry Vn i confectionery; rent $20; living rooms; juat the p:ace fnr rr.ajt and wife to c:ar $5 per day. Call 274 Mark street. Fl K SALE 28 shares of stoefc In Haiel- wood Co.. F;Mikaxe. at fl2t) per share; thla Is fas tnan book value Jan. 1. 1U1L M. M rlnen.Ama. Iowa. Ft i:xiTl RE of 2 5-rm flnp for sate or tradaw cheap rent. Call at 7WH Williams ave. 1 HAVE a go-M. gr-owmg. paying business, enough for two. can't hand aione, need a partner. A 7201. BLAOKiMITH wanted; only shop within mia; rei.t verv low. good cash trade, in quire V. S. S:as. !M Front SC tNTHI.T distrKiutlng money, mak ing fmiulaa and t icks h mail. 4 w.Ll start jut"vlay. rhone Maha, 1M15. $1 BUYS good shoe repair business In busy district: caa make $5 per day. Cai aTtf t:xk st. iANDTlittle Tj-roam boardftig-house; muat r;i : reasonable on account of 111-bealtn, I'hooe A iwl MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCK. Telephone and etaer bonis bought aad so d- FUthajr Inv. Co , 22 i A b .li gtoa. PH'M 1H NG bui.nrw In town of 0: one other ahp lit town; lnvoue about $ltou, AV 41. cregonlaa. , - RESTAVRANT3 and cafe;er!aa, all parta of city, from $:T." to 27fO. big nioocy mKtra, Call 2T Stark, st. Ml .-iT fcetl m v established laundry rout, team cJ harness befute May 22. JttlL O !-?. Orcnian. RESTAURANT. A good cut. gud ie.ae. good trade; for aaie tlirap. Sl5 L'avs St.. corner tt:h. HARDER shop f-r sale. I -chair: good bual ness. rhui.-e luxation, retire from bualneaa. V M4. v'regnian. STRICTLY legitimate baslaese that will net .vj $25 pr w. - k; rut much money re- cuirvtl. Call 27d Stark sc WANTED Partner with $) .or movlrg plrture show at Summer resort. Tr."cey-Bikfr. DVI. L'ragon tan. REAL EATATS Owner wants a partner he an d.fM.nd on t show lantl. etc., profits lrge. particuTra ;isH f;ark st. F4 S LE We.l-eatablUhed cleaning and d einat business. r particulars aadreas 1 'htcga ('leaning Works. t,rants Pass, cr. CIG R--5. conferTionery. Ice creanu etc7.rlrM un rwn, doing 25 per day; low rant, pro-is :jor. I; lr.rroom, bM VI. L money will put energetic man er wmn in spaying business. 3.3 Lumber Ktcbanrt. FOR SALE Halflntert waMeetVbil-hed real et-te buaineae paying larica prof ita; laeaigata Inquire 417 Fenton building. TlitS-oo:y atrtwUy Ci.sh grocery In thWity": r.ne luatiun. low rat, ao delivering. Cii ;d Stark at. L'-o" I'UT.'' comp-.e restaurant oa Second lajutre at 7 C uch sr. $C0 BUtJINKSit cards. $l-UO; you must bring thia ad, hoM Cl'.y rnatery. 12 Third. t'lA IT. near ar.d ice--rean?i stand for saTe. ba-clnif taken qul-'li, 2 'j Furnsida s.. LUNCH count-r, good location, lease and for al: bualiaa : Half Interest Call 17 N. fith RKST AT RANT for aal. good location. 4U . iu sc . H''tE rit i.ran:, c-i-1 e t ;crery and lunch. Owner, Ucg rworua RuaeeU su IO. SitvK repairing atore for aale. Apply at 57 J Crun st. in good cash t. FVRM7TRB and bom a fum-ihinf bum inooa for aai. whtrh last yemr mad a, nat profit of S.YMXI: aatabllnhad M vrara; crd profit aarfa yar: rood location. luoa irmme. low rn(. iw tnauraaca; oru a DUU'linf. 2" V'O fret of f oor IDICC. ! floort: no ahrinkaaa. no dfray. no chanra; : a oront on -Try aal. Will Invnira iHMJ, run ita own wajcon and team. No commlaalon. no bonw: ownr must aell haif or irhol. Intere-r thia month: lh moat thoroush tn vet:tton lnvltad. Call fr owner or phona Min or wrlta to "Ownar. - 5 i3 Glana ava.; $4U00 cash down EXTRA GOOD BL'TB. CONTKCTION'ERT. Rant 92f; Wim; trada t- a day Hara ta a una moDoy-maiur, fliuu. OHOTERT. Corner. Waahtnjrton u, all cash trada; aaiaa pne fiou. GENERAL PTORE. Ooaa to Portland; flGoO. MOViNO-PICTURE THEATER Fir. a location. mnnrr-miUrr : 1750. HALL A GUSTIN, ll Lumbermen! bids;. MERCHANDISE SNAP. orked and must aeil my store- clean stock rrn. mdao.. well twrted, fine traae; sales JiyooU; maktu money, crow ln country town, richest farm tnar com munity tributary to Portlani; invoice about ISO-xv win teaao or soil bldga. g ft its i r a y- a now. 3 1 TJB o a rd of Trade B 1 d . ,4 1 ha n d Oak. MCST leera for Eumpo, will sell rd-pay- ma nusinaas on food corner location ir meaiura-ciaae trnoe in f'ortinna; stoca conaisla of elothinr. ihori. furniahlnas and ladl-r wearlns; apparel and Invaire about "w; alii ronaid'-r part real estate ana terms. Aaureae r. xsox u. J" OR SALE Splendid roaiaurant opportunl- I ty; complete new equipment, connect ea with new hotel: beet location In Aber deen. Wash.: can be bou-ht Tory cheap. aa it muat be sold promptly to aatufy creditor. Address F. W. Loom la. True- tea. Aberdeen. Wash. D Rf Q S TORE. WeU-eatabllabed buarne-s. located In 'one of the beat diet tic ta in this city; will sell at in voire ; c hea p rent, loo g lease. aoout s..u. HAWTHORNE REALTT CO.. Eaat 34ib and Hawthorne Ave. WANTED Partner In lartre. modern room lnc-bous. one experienced and capable of manaflnr same; owner has other bnal neaa; price XM; ana p. AT Oreo- nian. G ROC FRIES, produce." etc owner win'j a Steady partner: tired of hired help: re quires vry little mun-y. can dvp-nd on ft-ood aninry and ahvra of protlia. Paxtlcu- i im i Marx t. 0!'ENIN3 for a good man to get a half Interest In a business that will (ay $"" -nrie. email amount ot capital rtnireit. K.t fall particulars call at HO Spalding m-a. TV EL and transfer busineea for aale; barraln If taken at once. Kimball Kinato. attorneys, 103d Chamber of Com merce. BUT, ID manufacturing bues wanta part- I ner to aeep pain accounts: owner win guarantee buainese will pay you S2r0 monthly. Haoid Lumber Exchansa. Pt'fiL hall, soda fountain, candy, cfgar and fruit stand corrhtned. Wi:i a -11 half Inter- eat or ti. Must do aometflng at once, I am leaving city. AC 109. Oregon tan. REHTALK ANT Ixir.g leaae. awell place; worm -kh; trailed for it, mat use I:; $'. tke the plare, lr quire 6a 10th. near Ptark. FOR HALE tafeterla. SS th St.; beet offer taxes n iona ; win give lermg or on op- i tl.-n. Come early; a splendid chance for j rlht party. PARTNER wanted for a clean bualne.ee anico win net you Z to 3u per week; 3.( required. Western InvaLmcnt Co.. 417 Board of Trade. MOV1NO-PICT1RB theater tn rtty fnr sal : cnep. icjac rum io., aoa rtoincniia 1 bidg. j LO'rQrTD-OFF land wanted. State number or acrea, pnee ana beet terms. AD lue. ure gnnian. WAXTED Partrer to open un bl'llard tr- lora; have good loat'on; about $12tx cash FOR fALE Half or whole Interest In r.av- Ing Jot prlrting plant; snap to right parly. mi. wrrgoiuan. CENTRAL rub store for $1Oo0: no detfr ery; energetic man wis: clear $200 month. miiLu.an j fiara au A $75 PER month job and Interest In a le gitimate n.ig. company to trade or aeil. v aii i ji t;n. REPAIR 8 Hop Opening for sfendy man; requires auu. call .IKH Stark, at. BOOfTNG.norEej. PELL OR TRADE. 89 rooms, new modern brie, rloae In. 4-year leee. rent $2"0, private baths. nt ana com water all rooms, all hrasa beds, iron springs, extra good mattresses and linen, solid oak furniture, Blgnlow AJminiur carveia. An ineai place. Nev er naa a vacancy, out cion t like the bual neaa. tan ior pariicniara. DIET1C-M CELLElt CO.. tlO Ablngton lildg. BRICK APARTMENT-HOTJBB. SO rooms : ren t S4.i0 : 6 va:m' Imm very nicely furnished and clearing1 above expenses $2M per month: will seii on easv teruia or trade for good city property or acreago: If you want a good moncv-ruaker i av uiFin, nere u jl - rr:c aiiOO. DIKTZ-MUELLER CO., SI Ablngton DIdg. EXTRA GOOn 13 ROOMS, nice dwelling, near Park ! anu Miiuiion sia. ; lurnuure all hardwood, Hruaaeis and velvet carpet a, large Vnrd. all larae. light rooma; gus and electric lights, furnace, etc.; receipts from rooms si.t.. total expense-, including rent. $75, leaving a ga room tor your own ue; prl.-e oniy $1100.' cash required $700; oon t ae.av. , If you want a 12-room house, come see as; Besides the above w have 7 others. aut uiiiTM, ELLIS. SMITH A CO.. 5264 Washington St. Rooma 201-201. EXTRA GOOD HOUSE. 51 rooma. right lu center of city: new brlok. elegantly furnished, private bnthe. hot and cold water all rooms; never has a vacact room: c.ears above all expmss $.VH) per month; can be handled for $40v0 vauaai gm puiy 11 ynu want IC DIETZ-MLELLER Ca,. Ablngton Uldg. H F RE m A WIWFP S3 ROOMS, good coaster brick, located xor ootn permanent and trunaient busi ness, large. light rooms, furniture and carpets much above average: rent oniy n wiid jeaae years: reo-ipie suu. ex penses on'r $1-V. tnriudlng rent. thus clearing s.-.-.u month: you win hunt some to get a better preposition than this cor esvnr. na.i caan. ELLIH. M ITH A CO.. 82H Washington St.. Rooms fG-202. WS hava all the beet bargains In rooming 1 ana ftrunracanuiri iroin s-nv rooma, 57 ro-ms near Morrlsnn St.: steam heat: clears 2Sft month: good lease; $lb00 haA- a.ea, Daianca as you make It. 4 modern bricks, from 3.-T2 rooms: fine wear Mde location: from 9200 cash will handle. Eureka Realty Co., r2T-&2s Chamber 01 commerce. Marshall V3. THE PACIFIC RFAt.TT CO.. HOTELS. ROOMING-HOUSES. APART MKNT-HOLSES, REAL ESTATE AND EXCHANGES Phfne Main JJ0. A 3473. $22-24 Fatllrg bld.. $d and Wash. MART E. LENT. Poniard's "LEADING HOTEL BROKER" FOR SALE- A rooms, fn the bart of the city: long lease an-i rejiaonaaie rent; a money-maaer. Will take $5h-0l u. cash. Come and ace. J- D. betrand A o., 43$ Chamber of t emmerce. ROOMING-HOUSE. IO rooms, located close In. West tilde: nice murtern houee, all ele gantly furntsbed and clean; cleir yoa $50 mo. am nave your own living rooms rree; price 97 terms; have other good buy a , UAruJl.M S LU., 1B 4tn DC 1$ ROOMS on ISrh. elegantly furnished. basement, nire lawn and tre, furnace neat, nrepiacea. wen rarpted tbrouch- ouC rooms always rented, range, dishes. etc.; oniy iw oa verms, aaarsnau SEV ENTEEN" e 1 -f u rn 1 s hed room m. rt nT $ tT. rood Uase. in h.art of the city nnd best buy in town, xor a-OA $oo cash, l4m St"' iullh 1 rooma neatly furnished on Ceucav, near 5th. good locality at your own price, muat be sold on account of death ln ramny ,pny must 1 cava TRANSIENT house. 2 good one; 12 and 1 rooms, pop Tumiture and big money-mak- er. Karticuia rs 4 w B-ard of Trad e. 11-HOOM rooming-house, beat of furniture, j co-d I" nation, r-oma full; cash or terms. ! Z . - r. near Main. l-HtHM apartment, newsy furnta.K.ed. new I 4-uaiaa xor saue by oiacr. A 3v9L BOOMIXO-HOltKS. TTIGH-rLAKa TRANSIENT. Srt rooms, mrxlom brick, beautifully fur- 1 alahed. hot and cold water all . rooms i (Inaeta with all rooma. ood laaaa at mod erate rent and tha moat esaential thlnff of all. It makes cooa money: aoH) per montn nat over an expenses. jo yoa widi i The price Is rljcht. DIKTZ-UUELLER COH 310 Ablnrton Bid. PRETTIEST place tn city, ten larye. clean j rooms, rurnitura new ana rHa; no ou. must aelt Eaat iUt. C 147. . LOST AND FOO'D. LOST Mar 8. bfliek and tan do. female: weisht about 10 lbs.: brown spots evea. white atrln extend Ina? half war rouna reck oa right side; answers to came Anna ; Leap; rowara paia iur inionnanou i'i'"a to recovery: notny aiarquam uiu. Main isa or Tabor -VJ- rot'ND Where tou can bur a engine half ma (tree sea retail at wnoiesaie prices; w- Nnaii mttiraufi ana return name day; we also renovate feathers. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metifrer, 2- 22i Front. Phore Main 4.4 AJ 34. LOST-aturda- nlftht, Morrison st... near orpheum. lonr thin foia cnt'.n, n -Teen stones, attached to small black fan; suitable rewmrd for lta return. Phono 1 ljodyso. LADY loalnff diamond and pearl brooch on Washington st. net ween ja ana otn 8 or 10 months ago call at Ores;oman bus. on ice and receive iniormation. IsLMl In Troutdale, Or., Sunday, watch and pin: monogram "O : 'reward. Ke- turn to H. iSundber-. Troutdale. or owner Geor RlsEllot t. 144 5 Sacrament o St. LOST Gold eratrh. Saturday niirht. between Meier A Frank's. Sd and Morrison.; vaiuea as keepaake; reward. Theo Bali. 2S E th. N or thPhon e Eaat bois. LOST One man cayuso pony, mare. 500 pounds, l white nind noor. u. re vouina. 21st and Carter. Main Sl. LOFT On Friday evening. May 12. a gold locket and chain; re wax a it leu at nt Htaric sc LO.T Gold necklace, keepsake; monogram c. u." on nenaant. itetura to Do Mor rison, rtewara. Ri:WAKD for return of Crescent bicycle, j Jl 7424. taken from front qi i. m. u. a. bid. Phone Eaat 1900. LOST Bunch keys. Hollartay between TJnloo and tl third, Gllaaa. Return 4U!S Mohawk iidf. LOST Key rln with 4 keya; reward If re- t urnd to ur'gonian orrice. LOST One hoop ear-ring, raw ard if re- j turned to 414 Multnomah. Phone East Z10. SPECIAL N OTIC FA propoMls laritedL MULTNOMAH COUNTY COITRTHOUSS. Sealed propoaala wiil be received at the OhTlce of WhldUen a Lewis, arcUitects. jui Corbet t hidg., 1 Portland, Or., until 12 o clock noon of Saturday. May 27, 1911, for the office counters, and also for the nxea furniture of court rooma. as caiieu Xr in the specifications for the east wing of the new Ccurthouse for tha County i Multnomah. State of Orecon. Plana and tpectf icatlous may be ob tained at the on ice of tne architect. No propoaal will be considered un1 accompanied by a check payable to the oraer or the county court or aiuitnaman County, certified by a resporsible bank, for an amount eoual to lO rcr rent of tne ag gregate propoaal. to be forfeited as fixed and liquidated uemagea in case the bid- dor n.Miects or refuses to enter Into con tract and to provide a suitable bond fur the faithful perfcrm-nre of said work. in tne event tne contract is awaraea him. - The right to reject any and, all bids la nereby expressly reservea. T. J. CL -:EToN, County Judre. W. L. LIGHTNER. Couhty Con.rr l-rloner. D.. II AK T. Co u ut yCoaiai ia t on r. """mT'LTNOMAH COCNTY COURTHOUSE. Hea Jed vroP0' will be received at the on ice or vniauen et Leia. arcaitecta. an Corbett blug., Portland. Or., unul 12 o'clock noon of Tuesday. May n. 191 1. lor the steel cells and othor work for ta ('ounty Jail, as calied for In the specifica tions for the New Courthouse t-t the County tf Multnomah. State of Oregon. I'ians and ipeciicatlona may be ob- talnod at the office of the architect a. No propoaal will be considered unless to compauiled by a check payable to the or der of the County Court of Multnomah 1 ounty. certified bv a resDonaible bank. for an amount equal to 10 per cent of tne aggregate proposal to be forfaited aa fixed idu iitiuidatea d amages in case the bia- oit neglects or re I uses to enter into con tract aud to provide a suitable bond for the faithful performance of said work. In the event the contract is awarded to Mm. The right to reject any and all bids la hereby expressly reserved. T. J. CLEKTON. County Judge. W. Ia LIGHTNER, -County Com miss loner. !. V. HAitf, county Commissioner. I vll LL receive sealed bids at m y office, o. 1 First street, room a, Portland. Ore gon, for a certain stock of merchandise, constating principally of paints, oils, crockery, hardware, tinware, gran I tew a re, sash, doors and glass, lumber and feed, amounting to $3781. 4o. together with fix tures s mounting to $1147.75; all located at Falls City. Polk County. Oreron. un to 12 o'clock, noon, of Wednesday, May i z-t, 1K11. iercns casn. certinea check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accompany each bid and the right la reserved to reject any and all bids. An Inventory of stock may be seen at ray oitlre. ana inspection thereof may be had at raiis city, ureioa. Dated: Portland. Oregon, May 13, 101L c o AoLN. NOTICE TO BIDDERS. The Undersigned will receive sealed bids for the improvement of Maaon street in the town of Cam a, u ashiiigtun, between the north line of J- lrst street and the sou t h line ot Fifth a t reet, by fra ding same according to plana and gpeclfica tlona oa ttls In the office of the Clerk of said Town. Each bid to be accompanied by certuied check for 10 per cent of the amount of the bid. Blda to be In the hunda ot tns ciera oy a o'clock P. . May 2i lull. The estimated cost of said Improvement IS $1500. The Council reserves the right to reject any ana an oias. . FU ED B. BARNES. Town Clerk. NOTICE TO BIDDERS. The undersigned will receive scaled bids Tor the improvement or Clara street by grading same between the north line of Third street to the north line cf blocks 6S an if 61 In the Town of Camae, Washington, blda to be in the hands of the Clerk by S o clocK P. M., Maa. 23. ltfll. The estimated cost of said liiipVovement is $17oo. Wins to oe accompanied by cer tified check of 10 per cent of the amount ot the bid. Grading to be done accord ing to plana and specifications on Die In the office of the Clerk of aaid Town. Tha Council reservea the right to reject auy and aii oius. FHLU K. baraes. Town Clerk. NOTICE TO BIDDERS. The undersigned will receive bids far tNe grading of Burton street from the north line of Third street to the south line of ! Fifth street in the Town of Camas. Wash.. according to plans and specifications on file in tne onrice 01 tne Town c:ei ac T estimated coat of auch work la $1400. Km 01 bid must ne accompanied or a cer- tn.ed chek for 10 per cent of the amount of tha bid. Bids to be In the hands of ! the Clerk on or before 8 o clock P. J Mar 23. 1911. The council reservea tha right to re ject any and au bids. r nLu r. jsak.-xe.;?, 1 own ciexa. OFFICE DEPOT QUARTERMASTER. 1086 North Point street, fcan rrancisco. Lai., My l. 1H1L Sealed proposals tn tripli cate wM be received here untl. 10 o'clock A. M . June 15. 1911. for furnishing and delivering at the Quartermaster's depot Fan Francisco, CaL, lo4 pairs rubber boots. 920 fur caps. 700 mackinaw coats, loo oilskin coats. 3000 neere-llned drawers. 40 pea Jackets, l'3 pairs buckskin mit tens 120O rtalra fur mittens. TOO nalra mocraslns. ,750 pairs felt shoes, 1400 pairs German stockings. 1850 canvas trous ers, 1 raackinaw trousers, lw oilskin trourera and SMiO fleece-lined undemairis. Proposal biacks and full Information will I be (urnlshed upon applloaUon to H. P- I T ou n g. Ie po tQ uart erm as ter. OFFICE Construct irg Quart enr aster, 4S2 Arcade Annex. Seattle, W ash.. May lo. lulL Sealed propoaala. In triplicate, for the constraction of a 2.0H),OoO-gallon re Jnforred concrete reaervoir. with water malna. etc.. at Fort Word on. Washington, will he received In this office until 11 A M.. June 3, t911, and then publicly otened. A deposit of $10 will be required for return of plans. Information, plana specifications and proposal blanks will be furnished upon application to Captain E C. Long. Constructing Quartermaster. U. E- ENGINEER'S OFFICE. Portland. Or.. May i. ii'ii. eiea proposals tor iur- nishlng and Installing aboard the U. S. dredge "Clatsop" a complete fuel oil burn ing system, and for the necessary alter ations la the dredge to accoirunodate the w work wtu oe received at this orrice until 11 A. M-. June 14. 191L and then publicly opened. Information on applica tion. J. P. Mclndoe. Major. Engineers, NOTICE OF SALE OF 6EIZED GOODS. Notlcw Is hereby riven that on the see end dv of June, 1U1L at 2 o'clock P. M., there will be sold at public auctiun at the V. S. Appraisers store, corner of 8rh and Uavis sta.. Portland, Or., to the highert bidder for gld coin: 1 trunk, 1 grip. 14vi cigarettes. ia boxes cirara 3 nieces silk r'.oth. 1 plt-e wool cluth. P. 8. Malcolm, Ceiiecior of Cus tonus. SPErZAfj NOTICES. propoaala la-ited. ADVERTISEMENT EXTENSION OF WATER MAINS. Central Point. Oregon. May 11, I'1 Pealed proposals will be received by the City Recorder of Central Point. Oreg-on. until 5 o'clock P. M., June 5. lull. f extending water mains for the City of Cen tral Point. The work will consist of ex cavating and back-nlllng trenches, haul ing and laying steel pipe, haulins and placing valves, valvo boxea. hydrants. AH labor and material to bt furnished by the contractor. Plans and e peel rt cations may be seen at the oilico of City Recorder of Central Point. Oregon, or at the office of Osgood 4t Cummlngs. civil engineers. Medford. Oregon. All bids must be submitted on the printed rorma furnished by tau City Re corder of Central Point. Each bid shall be accompanied by & . certifled check In favor of the City Treasurer of Centtal Point for 5 per cent of the amount bid. A bond acceptable to fhe City of Central Point will be re quired for full amount of the contract vrlce. The right la reserved to reject any and all bids. jVw. Jacoba. City Re corder; w. C. Leever. Mayor. ( SEALED proposals will be received by the oiaie .Board ol Control, oiympia. until 10 o'clock A. Jl.. May 25. Ill 11, for floor and wall tiling delivered and act at State Penitentiary, Walla Walla. Epecitlcationa will be furnished on application. STATE BOARD OF CONTROL. Oiympia. M ay 10. 1911. . MAaceUancona. LN THE Justice's Court for Portland Dis trict. Multnomah County. Stnte of Oregon. First Slate Buuk, a corporation, plaintiff, ts. K. Uchiyma, defendant, summons? To K. Uchiyma, defendant In the name of the State of Oregon: Tou are hereby required tu appear and answer the eomplaint filed against you in tiie above entitled action within six weeks from th. date of the first publication of this notice, to-wit: the 10th day -of May, . 1111, and if you fail to answer, for want thereof, tha plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In the com plaint, to-wlt: for a judgment for the sura of eighty iSio) dollars. with interest thereon at the rate of 1ft per cent per arnum from the 14th day of Feuruury. 1911. until paid, and for a further sum of fifteen ($10) dollars as attorneys' fees in tuis action and lor ita costs and a is bursements therein. Th's action la brought to recover upon a certain promissory note executed by yoa on the 19th day of August. 1910, payable at ine oanKing nouse oc piajntin aoove named. Thi summons is served upon you by publication thereof once a wt-k for six successive weeks in The Morning Orego- nlan, a newspaper of genera; circulation printed and published at Portland, Mult nomah County. Oregon, bv virtue of an order of the' Honorable J. V. Bell, justice of the above entitled court, dated the 15th oay or May. iuil . . JAMES G. WILSON, B. F. R1TER. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Date of Brat publication. May 10. 1911. Date of last publication. June 27, l'Jll. FINANCIAL. $100 INVESTED 15 years ago earned to date vw io,vw. write tor booKiet. tan r rsn- cisco Home Bulidera, 871 Phelan bldg., tsan Francisco, California, Money to Loan Real Estate. 6 PER CENT MONEY. To build or purchase homes. Toil ara not required to own a lot. aa we lean IOii per cent valuation on property that has a mommy rvntai value, 'i bis is the salaried man's plan to own a home. Call or write for particulars. BTANDAitD REAL ESTATE LOAN CO-, J. H, DeJauey. State Agent. 425 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. ON IMPROVED city property cr for build ing purposes; a to a yearr tune; noerai repayment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. Tha Equitable Sav lnga 4c Loan Association. 24u Stark st. HAVE $22uu to loan on good residence l.roperiy In Portland; will take 7 per cent aud expense IX in that class; other wise 1 want S per cent and expense. AL ll5, Oregon lan. PLENTY of money to loan at and 7 per ceni on real estate security. ED W. P. MALL, 104 Second tu $500,000 ON improved city or farm property: ouuuing or amaii loans at lowest prices: large loans a specially. J. H. ilcKonzie Co., 514-515-510 Gerlintfer bldg. FIRST and second mortgages and contracts purcnaaca on farm and ciiy property any where In Oregon or Washing tou. E. L. Devereaux. Fen tun bldg., b4 Gib. sc $ioool $T5oo, $2000, $25ooT $ooo. To loan at 7 per cont on improved Port land real estate. Good sen Bros., 433 Worcester bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS Exclusively. EDWARD E. GOL'DET, Lewla Building. WE HAVE plenty of money to loan on runujiu prupriy tu buhls I rum, i ( $.rt,tKH at lowest current rates. Morgan. Fliedner A Boyce, 6o6-jt6 Ablngton bldg. MONEY to loan on improved real estate or xcr buiidina purposes. Columbia ulia At Trust Company, Mitt Spalding bldg. $3000. $4OO0, $10,000 to loan ob good first realty mortgagee. 7 and 8 per cent. J. H. Tl ptou Co.. 1108 Spalding bldg. LOWEST RATES $100 to $10,000 to loan on real estate. c &. Kicauin. caiavette bldg., oth and Washington sts.. Main 8523. IMPROVED or unimproved property: small Duiiuing, loans, contracts una mortgages bought. W. H. Nunn. 44S Sherlock bldg. fcMALLi and LARGE amounts to LOAN on REALTY. ASK MR. E ASTON, 827 Board of Trade Bldg. $4CU0 6h PER CENT, 4 or 5 years, farm loan preierreu. aiis. r. r . jonea, bu wood 247 or Main Gu0. $200,000 TO LOAN, lare loans a specialty. buiiainir loans, lowest rates, w. li. Hgck. bl 2 F ai lj n g bl dg. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rate. A. rl- iiirreu co.. ti2 Mcivay biag.. ;a ana a tarn. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE HATta. F. H. LJaVVlK. 8 1-th, W I a BLDG. State funds loaned, 6 per cent. W. E. Thom as state agent, Multnomah Co., 4UO C of C Will loan $10,000 or less, real estate security. Farrington, 410 commercial Club bldg. WILL loan $1000 on house and lot. Ap. ply 433 Worcester bldg. SEVERAL amounts to loan on real estate. Smlui-W agoner co.. 311-312- Lewis bldg. MONEY, any amount, 0 to 8 per cent. Good- nougn at fa eitz. duopaiaing piay. MORTGAGE LOANS, 0 AND T PER CENT. LEWIS 5Ai,U Z.ia 5TAKK. ST LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collat eral security, c. w. j-aiieic duo-u en ton, $450O, $2G0a. $1000, $K0O. $000 at once, M. K. Tnompaon o., icnrytiiag. RESIDENCES financed and built. A. C Furlong, ttja tj. 01 c. oiag. jaain .U3L LOANS on all kinds of security. W. riatnaway, room au, vvasmngion oidg. $12,000 AND $15,000 TO LOAN. 6. EASTQN. a27 Boardof Trade. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort- gaces. JL. ti.. Jliiey, 2 v. w-, ueriiner bldg. MONEY for good Inside loans. 6, 7. 8. Car 10c a se aiaeiinaupc. juoi tnam. com. PRIVATE MONEY $6tO0 to loan on Irving- ton real estate, aan ujj.'. MONEY to loan on inside Portland p roper - ty. Af aa. cregonian. 1 1 700, $ 1 500, $ 1000, slight ex pensc. Ward , BEE PRUDHOMMB, 906 Spalding bldg. M ppcy to Loaa on C hatrels an d 8a larlee. . J , An& 1 uu iwuiviJ r un nu..i 1 it vou know how easy our terms ara you would not be short of money. Dou't be bothered with a lot of smail debts; let us furnish money to settle tnem, WE LOAN ON Furniture and pianos, storage receipts. livestock, rooming-nouses and ail kinds of securities: terms to suit: also easv weeklv or monthly installments. W e buy and loan en first and aeoona mortgagee and equity In contracts. Xj. S. REAL ESTATE BROKER AGS CO. 312 Hamilton Bldg., 131 3d. Main 0o4. WE HAVE MONET TO LOAN On salaries only, In amounts of front $5 to $iuv. at tne lowest possible rates. Bualne strictly confidential. All we require Is that you be employed on aauary and you get the money quickly, -without mortgage, indoryr or other se curity. STATE SECURITY CCV. -H Fall I he bldr.. Cor- Thirdand Washlitongta. MONEY loaned In amounts from $10 up oa all kinds of securities, furniture, pianos or any personal property. Easy weekly or monthly payments; low rates, conf fdential. Gray A Cunningham, 201 Rothchild bldg., northwet corner 4tn and Waehlngtoiy, MONEY ApDVANCED, On furniture, pianos, storage receipts, etc. Lowest rates. HTTTON CREDIT CO, 307 St aiding bldg. LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds and Jewelry. Marx A Blocu, 74 3d. LOANS on diamonds and other securities. Win. Holl, room 9, Washington bldg. - MONlii loaned on diamonds and Jewelry, strictly confidential. 141 Sd, near Alder. LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel! The Loan Co., 414 Lkum bldg. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan on ChatteU and Sadavrtca. MONET FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Women keeping house end others fur nished without aacurity; cheapest rates, easiest payments. Cme and get money when you wan It. and pay as you can. on iocs in ail principal cities, u. n. moi- min. 317 Lumler Exchauge. LOWEST RATES Loans on all kinds of se curity, chattels or real estate; Union Loan Co., 35 Lafayette bldg.. ttth and Wash, a is. Loans Wanted. - WE can Invest your money at good rates of Interest; gilt-edged securities; first mort gages ; long-term Investment. Provident Investment Sc Trustee Co.. 20L till Board or Trada bldg. I WANT one or two $2rto0 building loans, on the East Side of Mist street, between c-iskivou and Klirkitat: will oay commis sion. Tony G. Anderson. 401 Lewis bldg. none, .Marshall 1925. WANTED 1200 loan on fine resldenco property. Will pay 8 per cent and 2 per cent bonus to private party. AD li( ore- gunian. WANTED I1B0O. $1800, 25O0 $3)00, $4000 at once on good residence property. 8 per cent. J. U. Tipton Co.. 1108 Spalding bldg. I400t WAXTRn mt 1 e.ee eent on worth of Improved property on East Yamhill at. bee attorney, 414 bpaiaing oiag. I WANT X40fM at 1ft ner rent for one year. fiO.OOO property security. Address H 105, ijregonian. WANTED- A loan of $500 on well-located and Improved residence property. P 10S, ! Oregon lan. I WXNT a loan of $1500 cn my house and jot xrom private party, vaiue aowv. x . -regoniaji. SEVERAL small sums, private funds for K uuu realty security. v anuuya at. t - tun. 615 Chamber of Commerce, WANTED $2000 loan on A-l West Side imsineps property; will pay o per ceui, nu agency. AF 109, uregonian. WANTED $15,000, 6 per cent, 3 years, on jO.OW a Dart men t-house and sue; prin cipals only; no agents. O lu6, Oregonian. t8000 FOR 3 rpars at 8 nr cent on hiahest- grade Portland realty; no agents. S 93, Oregonian. WANTED $1500, 3 years at 7 per cfnt on good residence property, uruasi a ahuuw, 317 Board of TradeJblcg. $10,000 WANTED for 5 years on real es- tate worth $2u.Q00. X lu. oregonian. $2000 wanted on fine residence, 8 per cent. to private party, at 1U2, uregoman. $mno THREE years, 8 per cent; good city! rccurity,; no agents, inone 31am riag. $4000 wanted on Irving-ton home; will pay a per cent.AT 101, uregonian. PKONE TIXDOLPa MAIN 6304. BOARD OF TRADE LET us place your money, good mortgages; references. . li. Lewis. 3 iewis omg. 6EeTPRUDHOMME. BOG Spaidin bldg. PERSONAL WE HAVE the finest equipped private of- ficcs on the Pacilic Cos.st. furnished with every therapeutic appliance used by tha most advanced men in Europe and Amer ica. We use no drugs, we never operate. We have something better. We uso every form of massage and adjustment and me chanical body treatments, vibration, radia tion and heat. Bake ovens. X-Rays, static. coils, violet lights and ultra violet rays. High-frequency, ozone, sinusoidal, hellos. ola.r rlqnl and k'tnir lights. We are the only physicians on the Paclfle Coast using radium to treat patients. Come and be examined free and see our offices. We have been in Portland over five years and treated thousands of DaUenta ana never hai a denth. We take no contaaloua or Infectious dis eases, neither do we go out of the office to treat patients. We can CURE, do Cure ena have cured thousands or so-caneu "Inrurshlea" an.l -nrjnntt wrecks. In vestigate for yourself. We occupy the entire north half of the third floor of the -nomcniias bldg. AJr. w. Jb. Aiauurj', Naturopath. HAIR. HAIR. Largest stock In the city to do closed out at cost, convent, uerman and pure hair cut from one head only; good switches' for 5c and up; all fix tures for sale, large mirrors and wax fig ures, building torn down for Llpman Wolfe site. Grand Leader, 5th and Alder. DR. ALICE A GRIFF. Diseases of women and children, sur gery; chronic and nervous diseases treated according to the latest methods; connne- ancai cared lor; consultation Irea. aiSVi Washington st. Main S92S. A 5007. BWEDIrfH TRAINED NURSE Helslngfors graduate: rueumatism. nervous and stom ach ailme.it, under physician's dine- st, second door south- from East Ankany canine. Phong East 2G0. B 1803. fiWEDIPH wieritral rvn.nr nnri rnassetir. C xioimsixom, digestive, nerve, sexuai nnu chronic disorders a specialty: only scien tific masseur In this city. Offices 302-3 oregonian bldg. FEBVjCT A HANEBDT. Leading wig and toupee makers; finest sioca or numan hair goods: nairaressing, manicuring, face and scalp treatments. 147 tin, a-... near aiornson. rnona aiain o-ta. HELEN EORNS and J. E- Perry, magnetic healers, treat all chronic diseases. Russell ac. Portland, Or. Phone C 2127; hours from 7 A. M. to 6 P. M. DR. A. A AUSPLUND. Diseases of women and surgery. Exam- Ira lion free, 302 Merchant Trust Mag., 6th and Washington. Phone Main 4047. DRESS softs foi- rent. $L50 month"; keep your ciotnes cieanea. pressea, out 1.0ns sewed on, rips repaired. Prompt calls and deliveries, caique Tailoring co.. auv star. MRS. Stevens. Id years Portland's lead' ing palm lift and clairvoyant, naa ner late book. "Palmistry Made Easy,", on aale at 43 n Yamhill, corner teeventn au DR. WALKER, specialist for men, quickly cures blood and sain ailments. Kidney and bladder troubles and piles. Consultation free. 1S1 1st bc. Portland. OLD hats made to look like new at the Make-over Shop, 415 Alder; feathers wil- lowed. cleaned, curieq ana oyea LADIES Lorens antiseptic cones are sooth-' Ing, cafe and sure, btipe Tsyior Drug Co., S'J Morrison su , OT;T OF COMBINGS. Switch. 9-c; curls and puffs, 75c, Sani tary Beauty pariors!4uo ueitum bi og. MI38 N- JOHNSON, electrla facial treat ment. 422 Washington st, suite 19, first floor. WE do everything in ladies' tailoring; suits IO your liicaaum "uiu ui. a. a. I Ehrllch Co.. Phoenix bidg., Sth and Oak. M)PV7 VTTWVIT TOKIf" T A Ttl .ElTfl rmmtnm. lost vitality. 25c box; 6 boxea $1.25. Stipe I Taylor iTUg CO., jnurriiua ,ai- MISS WALLACE Practical nurse, electric, magnetic treatments, rncuraausm, iosi vi tality, meuuu science, iwiiia bu LADY physician can accommodate nervous and confinement cases; can employ your own physician. b-i nassaio sc KATHRYN MORRIS. 4224 Washington St.. room 15, manicuring, shampooing; no signs. MME. Courtright. feature and skirt speclal- 1st. 3U9 Sw fctianq DiQg. aiain ou-iZ. BALM OF FIGS Ramedies tor diseases of women. 63-' Davis sc. Mam Wlft. SCALP treatments, rooms $ and 7. Alder st.; Hotel ElwelL $46 MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill, 49 llodner bldg. M 3473. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. MACKENZIE. BAIRD St CO., PUBLiCg) ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS 224 Worcester Block. Main 73ti9. A 1449 Counsel and expert In all matters per taining to municipal, commercial, factory ccst ariq industrial accounting. COLLIS, BLKKIDGE & THOMPSON. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. AUDITORS. Commercial. County and Munitin-.L Auditing, Investigating and Systematizing. o vtorcvaier oioca. roona aiain bbf. Antique Furniture. BALTIMORE Antique Furniture Co., 471 vvasn- au. repair ana rennisn antiques and all fine furniture, also make same to or der; expert worn, low pricea .'none Mar shall iyu. Aaaayer and Anadyst. Wells A Proebstel, mining engineers, chem ists anaaasayera U4 w asnington. MONTANA ASSAY- OFFICE Laboratory ana ore-iraung worn. ibt Morrison su Attorneys. B- COOPER. attorney-at-Iaw. General practice, - abjcracts examined. Removed to 1424 to1 4vieon mag. ai. a?3. a 207L Buttta and Swimming. Portland Swimming baths, 167 4th Eiegant plunge; steam, tuo ana snow-r oatns. HILLS SANITARIUM Rheumatic treat ment, eiegant ptunge. vo r rone at 40L Brass aad Machine Work. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting and macniiie aui -ea uiu. Main 37u2 Collectiona. FOR TLA ND Collection Agency 17 Alisky D.O-g. All i-o t-ni t -c - v laii, ai. 4 . ContraictorB. W. L. BUCKNER. contractor. Jobbing, of- &bbl, A too-, .WooUwn 662, BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Chiropractic Physician. "CHX-EO-PRAC-TIC TICK-NER"; Say It fast and remember Columbia bldg. 12 to fi:H0. DR. EVA MARSH, first lady ciura. Dr. In Oregon. 2-3 FUedner b ldtf. Hours 9 to 6. Chiropody. WILLIAM Estelle and Flossie Deveny. the only sclent illc chiropodists in tha city. Parlors 3u2 Gerlinger bldg.. S. W. cor. 24 and Alder. Phono Main 1301. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 420 Fllcdaer bldg. Main 3473. Contractors. CARPENTER and contractor;' jobbing" and remodeling a specialty; sign work. O. P Bliss, 322 H Stark. Phone Main 9017. ROBERT WAKEFTELD. general contractor. 414 Wella-Fargo bldg. Ma in 3Sa Wood and Coal. DRY BLOCK WOOD. naxed with smaller wood, $o.i0 pr load delivered any place in tho city. Portland Wrecking: Co., 105- 107 11th st. North. Main S7. A 3730. BURNSIDE FUEL CO. Wholesale and re tail. 4-ft. Bawed nr ana narawooa. unrica and yards at 125 E. 7th st. Phone East 724. B 2777. . EEGHERS WOOD CO. Sawed 4-ft. cord- - wood aud slabwood. 9th ana Giisan. m. 63Sft. M. S331. A 2415. . - . CENTRAL WOOD YARD Wood and oaU Main 1004; A llOd. NATIONAL FUEL CO., coal and wood. Marsh all 960. 313 W ter st. COAL ALB IN A FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. h3P ST. WOOD WOOD Dry 4-ft, sawed to order. M 4398L t-UAL A 4o47. prompt 4leiiv. Neer 6c tarr. Con salt ine- Englneeta. f" XI TED Engineering & Construction Co.. fc.ng. ana contractors. 711 Lew:abing Dancing. LESSONS 25o; 4 lessons for $1; waltg, two- step, three-step. stage dancing, etc. , every morning, afternoon and eve.. Prof. Wal WilJson's School: oldest and only rec ognized academy for correct dancing. SSOti Wash, st., bet. W. Park and, 10th sts. LESSONS 25c Heath's Darctny School, 109 second sc. between Washington ana streets; stage dancing taught, waits and two-step guaranteed in 4 lessons; class Monday evening, 8 to 10: leagons dally. . Dentists. ALVEOLAR TEETH where bridge work U impossible; does away entirely witn piaw. brideework: we euro pyorrhea (loose teeth) absolutely terms to reliable people. Alveolar Dental Co., Ablngton bldg. 10Q d THE old reliable Union Painless Dentists. is ana Morrison sts. - Dog and Horse HuspltaL Dr. Brown. D. V. S., office 129 N. 11th - Main 40S8; rea E. 5440. Hospital o x-tu Electric Motor IIospltaL I WALKER -MACKENZIE Electric Works, rjaat 117. Motors sold, rented. rcpairea. Englnes--(iu7 and gteam. ROBER Machinery Co., Coast agts. Seabury steam enginea and bo 11 era, gasonno gine. 281-2S3 E. Morrison st. Pbono E. 515. Fans and B lowers. NORTHWEST BLOWPIPE CO.. 500 Lorlng st. uust collecting and ventnauns sys temi Phones C 1115. E. S280. Feed Store. ; ZIGLER & MISNER, hay. grain, feed, ce- meat, smngies. Cirana ave. tu. ta-. Landscape Gardeners. G. H. SIEBELS, landscape gardener and nursery man. has moved to obb tun. Sellwoodli t 7. Leather and Findings. CHAS. L. iiASTICK & CO., 74 Front. Leather of every description, taps. mxrs. findings. J. A. STROWBR1DGE LEATHER CO. Es- tablUhed 1S58. IbJ Front st. MedlcaL DR. K. SCOTT, 022 Selllns bldff. Diseases of tha Kectura. Movingr-l'lcture Information. LAEMMLE, 333 OAK. for all Information on 3iUViiNU-JiCiuJttiiJ tfualC'OBh uybiai ing taught. . Emll Thlelhom. violin teacher, pupil Sevcia Alarquam. A 4100 M ara n ai t io-. Osteopathlo Physlciaha. DR. LEROY SMITH, graduate Kirkville. MO., class or 16 si post-graauaie. iuj. under Dr. A. T. still, founder of the sci ence. 1123 Selling bldg. M. 1887, A lb Dr; R. B. Northrup, 415-16-17 Dekum blds Wervoua and enromo uisaaaea. Phona office M. 3 49. Res., East or B. 1028. paperiu g ,wnd Tinting. 1 XNTING. painting, paper hanging; neat. clean work, phone East 358. Paints, Oils and Class. COAST-MADE paint and varnish Is best auapted to tne coast cumaie. dam HUKTER PAINT CO.. 11 Second st. RASMUSSiCN & CO., Jobbers. " paints, oils, ' glass, sash and doors, cor, ana xayior Patent Attorneys. ' ' PATEN1S procured by J. K. Mock, attorney at law, ate ox u. -o. raieui uixiu-, sw letfreev719 Board ot Trade bldg. U. S, AND FOREIGN PATENTS procured by W. U, JUAXlllll, 409 Chamber ot Commerce bldg. R, C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pmt Paylnj ' THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company. GOa- 60S Eledtric bicig. Oscar Huber, Portland. i WARREN Construction Co. jStreet paving. sqewaias anu crosawataa. o- iaecit oma- Pa wnb rokera. . UNCLE MYERS Collateral Bank. 40 years) in r'oruaiia. ti om au Miiu. vv. Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and otXice near Z4in ana iura a., jkl. FOX & CO., 209 2d St, PLUMBERS. Main 2ool. A 200L !COFFEY PLUMBING CO., sanitary plumb- era. uiisuu. ,-iu.iu 0101. Kubber brampa. ALSO seals, stencils, choice stationery, eta. Cunmnficaiu a, xoi dl 1 jv. jioiu uui. Rus; Weavers. NORTHWEST R U G W ORKJS Rugs rroaa . , . . flnlnninl m tr riiira. U u mt vr.u.i OIU. tl" fw , 3S 12&0. 153 Union ave., nr. E. Morrison Safes, PACIFIC COAST SAFE AND VAULT VJtiiO. .w easy terms; second-hand safes cheap. Salesrooms OU J- mm r uw y n.eiimu. THE MOSLER SAFE CO., 108 2d st. Sales at lactory prices; second-hand safes. Second-Hand Goods. r pi nay. the highest prices for second-hand i Clptnmg awo, -- r j KhQwcagos, Bank and Show Vixtures. thw LU1K-E MFG, CO., branch Grand Rap 1 lUS SDUWW w w - ; manager. . . R. H. BIRDSALL, 20S HAMILTON BLDO-, j snowcaea i.-.f -- m a tent. M. Winter Lumbar Co. MARSHALL MFG. CO., ath and Couch; new and itcoau-u"" -u.-m wn..Mfc w t teauis hips. wnekiv Sailings From MONTREAL to LI V E KOOL, GLASGOW, T-ONDON and HAVRE, FRANCE. Splendid Scenery, shortest passage, low rsAea. AI-T-EN A CO., 127 N. D oar born St.. Chicago. Storage and Transfer. . ' FREESTOKAGS FREE, aii household Koods go into brick warehouse free for the nrat 3u days and at tha lowest rates thereafter; moving and packing done by expert. Van Horn Xrans tcr Co. Both phones. C. O. PICK Iransfer e Storage Co., of aces and COnxmouiuuB nai-uuusa, separate iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts, pianos and furniture moved and packed Xor shipping' Main 590. A 1006. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. cnral tranferriiiK and storage, safes. -M-nr. a.nn- furniture moved and packed vfor shipment. 7-bu Front sU Telepnona Main bl r a --tt. tK-JGON Tit AN S F B K CO., established 187-. ra vsier au muiaii elhce 310 Hoyt su, between 5ih and sth. fnones juain aiiu. 7 - Taxidermists. MOOSE, elk heaaa, full woric F. B. Flnley. ton"""- A. Typewriters. WE are tha exenarttffi for the largest type writer cocern ou v. ii v cauKm; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex change. - vV asnington su TYPEWRITERS, ail makes, $20 to $tju, fully eu&raaieeo. ra yj o jar moatb, Pacino Siaticnary & Printing cam 2o3 2d sC NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals, at cut rates, r. v. c. qx dw- aa. i4ur. Vacuum C leaning. 1 CARPETS cleaned on floor $1 per hour; rates to large nuua--. xwv. a.asi W ' eUJDr 11 Un g. DRILLING wells a specialty; priced reason able, can -am or wriL muims m yisU lb- Morr-tfm sc. Portland