Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 16, 1911, Page 16, Image 16

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rHALHtH-ll-U. & pass. o K. r
fu:. red. HH
I'LCKLUd lao T put. fnl-T
maxwflx a cw pas. or qui
"uBIiLAr-HI I pas, fully sulpped.
a real tutlla. 1 io-0. .
R i.O 3 rL. a pasa: top. '.
C'A&lI.LAr la.. i pu. H. r"
tat t q -:ippd; r.alntd. :"ax
l.l'ICJt 2 cL. A paja-. fu.: .quippa.
,4IER-E erU 1 H. P- P:
Al condition. iwa
BLl 'K Mod.i li. 4 cyl. rttOAboot with
'""TH '.J.r. eif ... ear. liars lf thm
wv.a ua for Ml. tb.y having rur?nae.l
Ivtl Ht--Arrow or Cedilla.? car Our
Hat of b-1 car la com Bui IT Uioittl.
It will ray T"u tJ lml.ii:i.
rrvri wotoh CAR iiyPANT.
Vila UT. a 4'7. ;it U'l V. ehlr.ra
Tteaotrul 6-r-rlind-r. ir.10 auto, run 4w
ral.ea Ct th. lady b wo It J.v.".
romp... David L.W1. room i Lomiar- Bici
. -T- .- vr.B I ) Ait. i
110 eta.iuer. 4' H.-Jr, coat eornnlet.
a.l.;.i X am leaving th. cly. Main 7ol.
b;wOT T and A. M.. ml . and 1'. M.
rvKN-i,AStt:-:N,JKR Pere.. good er..n-
ii-mi Prl--e -""k. riy urrai t- reapon
at tajer M. 1 H-iloraok at Itercoante
Na:. -.a. Hr!
CO."I HAiTIS'l rainier will i--h"ii work
mm pavro--nt f"r us I aotumobll. trun
ajoa:. W l-1. rre-rn?aa.
7. ; - io.i s.rtEN'.KR electric car, or
l.l tra!.. fb re II !JK .
Blew. lNt and rt sta.
;xr;i.ifiH faai'l t rrTa a month
Tai-or ;'' t "fore a ft'i-Iock
old. CaU
:ra lrppird alud 'I.addls
a.Mii Kenne's. Lslaeed. Or.
THB TTIA. ClW't STORE ha for :
at a b.ra:n th r.t:o win. :
ru . ' l.t'tla msni" Ic. cma machlna,
wit n ehaf'irar and b!llrur.
vrii rram na. aara.
'n Lira irui'i-r.
ra He-cub-ni ma-ulna.
on a ui on.
ga.vAnl4 dishwashing
or. r.-!rmlk,r'i aa '.trra
Two ainc-top diaa tabtra.
On t hnifc'T.
lira in d.ah warmr.
" in cr?r urn.
on IV ft. a-jilvanlx-d lrn canopjr and
ar"-ut a rt vvntliaun, fua.
I'tan aaa.vlcic. tc
KA X. & Kv. orcsonian.
THE poKTI.ANn pip ahon alll al. nc
and avin')-hinJ. all aiza from H Inch
wit: all ktnda of fittlnaa: hav SO-ton
boir tuLina from 2 lncha up: could ba
tmd f..r wtr: V-lou S caM; mak
all hln-Ia of ralllna. Phon Main oXii.
37 lrtnt. near riaimon.
ffia SALE
At a ranaw prU-a If takan at one,
two lOo-horaepowAr rvturn tubular bollera.
In flrat-clAaa condition: Juat Ih eo.nlpmnt
for mill trk: complta with fltnnca and
a'l a.iulpmrnt to Inatall rn v--ur planu Par
tlcuiara at 201 OnionlaD bldff.
CHEAP 1 N& b f luntfTanl b!owr: t 2t
h. p. rAlanka-frB aaaoiln vnaln; 1
11 h. p. fooa gaaIlni nin. 1 2-h- P
n'abr ao:ln n!ni-: 1 Parcna horaa
niw'Df ato-ka: J MIvr" hub boalrr ma
ch n. A Itlraaa Patara Hac&ln Works.
Kaa. Wash.
fTi.LT ulpp'd fur-cyllndr runabout aa aa gjld: will mak an n
i-hinc f-T unlr.-utnbrl rl aalata or
$.- ca-h: orlslral coat Phona
onr. Marahall li".
Un: Nw and Zd-baad: low prtoaa: aar
trma: aaXva openad. rpalrd and palatvd.
PCKeKl-L ftAie CO. and PORTLA.VO
AFK CO.. 4 at. Mala SU. A 411a.
10 IKi!Sf:i'dXvEHr alatlonarr raao
ln anatn In drt-c-:aaa conlltlun. bn
naed but a anort ttm. coat $'2W: lor aai
at b:abirca- Aaplr 8 Giiaan at.
BARGAINS for n fw day only: Rmlncla
So T JJ.: roa. No. 3 IA: llllek. No. 6.
:: so: liiick. No I. t:x Th NortBwt
-j La rltar Co.. PO Bth mt. .
KOR SALE Chaan. Ileal? lea machln la
llrat-claaa condition, d-ton rrf narrator;
machlna now In operation and will demon
etrat at any lima U v Orekonlan.
Ui CAfll.
Worth mor. but hav no tiara to kp
her. Phon taat 1011.
XIS'Tn1 laM an.l chalra. q uarter-aawad
nn:h : S-bumer bio ftama oil alova and
lr.'.i' il!3n'ui arrlt'lea. p3 Eaat Couch at.
'OR PALE tea. on Tennawaaa cam p ranaa.
aut.bta for rastaarant. lnaira Hi Sac
oni at.
XArNil. -Id-foot. ll-Il. P.. Palmer tacina,
nil In fiood condition; 4t0. paon lualn
H SALE, cheap. l'--quart power fraeaer.
1 LI't.e Olar.t h r.d or power crusher. Ad-Tre-a
11. L. Wtnkley. . o-iallla.
yon SALE Kin 3i-foot motorboat; owner
l-avlra rttv. wilt a-1 ceAp er tak acuity
la property. P 1"1. Oras-mJan.
VOR SALE Showcaaaa. watlcaa-ia. conntara
Oenral flaturaa In atock and made t
ardor at luweat pr.oaa 2.1 Orand ava. aV
foitVAl7lior renC loaalnir and bolatins
enstnea luilwiy Eqii i'tiunt Caw, i lat
at. foo&ej A Mun -
CEDAR pva-s foe aj!
In Carload lota, la-
J. .
K.xKa ll wlnt. Or.
fcA r Fd. 1 Ij.rci'. 1 me:. urn. at a barsala.
AJ 75. Orejonlan.
a- ixTtn tiirnj..vNC(i.
wre hit ctxTMiN3, ivriirTHina
Mlrheat prtc paid for tnrn'a caat.oft
slot.Mna ihuH. we alao boa ladlear ololB.
trf Call up th Uloca. Aiaxa Suaa 2vt
a .-t. t.r .'olutT:a
anleaa yon call I' e Fori Aartloa Ca. and
set thetr price on what )ou Aaia la aau.
Mala a.'JU A 2A1S.
gt;. -OND-II AND aaiilra. to I-H. P. Boiler
2 to A-i 11- P. slta pru-e. lov U-n. AC
1 "C. Orronlan.
W E pay
. bar.d 1
t.ia .liaaaat ra.-n erla for aaeond-
band furniture. rleater a Martin, raoal
.t tilt.
344 Haainoma Ha
It Totl hava hotraeb Jld f .mltnra ta aaiL
call up v.e.T e l aewr A Co.. 152 park at.
a:o at reaiuanrea a aplalty.
"W N TE r About r-0 H. P. Iraotln bo;te
a-.d aua.u. will pay caah. Wrlta ial
t r.-o-. at a. north.
lonR!: rocker. O-ik. wn4 or weathered:
van new. $: to l"-v i loei irriftun.
fit I P WAJlTln M.MJE.
H ANTEl Two aaleamen to aell coaa-ln
arrauca on electric aod Ton-er-.lea.
good term. Call ".v-1 Corbctt pid.
fftlVTEIv Have openinc for youn man
with aom aapertcne In aettlnc typa; 1 7
per week to a:ar AL Pn. uresjn'.an.
WANTED On. -torn ci:ttar: aood warea: ona
that can cut ladles' csxiaar.LS praferrad.
O Iwe. ilresonlan
triVTEtwl aood. cl-an yean i-
r 1 a ha.f or two year aapartanca.
taaninston at.
TWiVrMtmi'iin a ant. 4- Apply Crown Tail
or at op, 4.1 and ctark. b.-ajy work (uar-
COI LE'TOR. with blcyrl: iprta-.c4
.-,jr work. Hr-eral commlaaions. 4- 4
i -J; re- cr Com rr area
tt7 -T.i-! .s;il buabalman wanted: only rood
man reed app-y. lie! Handy road. F.'wa
( ,iy Park.
rHuroi'HAI'U coupon and portrait aseola.
aew att-r. A'utberth ato-tio. itl.n a.u.
lil.-.H-C.RArB saearren have an aasurad
a ar taitn.a JU ? .' ids;.
tB-rCK warned, stoical work la ctty. Aal
II. iTegoman.
iv ante.:
A rr.aa to repair llabcard o.ea.
4 Tl r re an at.
NTF.1 Baker' be! par.
! at
CaU ! Fall
'ANrEP SbUniara
'H 1J .
ax smew. Pboc raaU-
O'.'T'IPI! salaamaa t-r wtr-tiw shade, x-
perteeced man prarerrau- .i- aj-
-Bl siItl.MANi wanted al sac. Ir-i: Tai.
era. 1 ; j :-Ul at. N.
VAXTE1 Tou-t B'n fnr mo4lnc-irl-rtues
oterallr.f. I'ak ax.
perEM man eaa ha-a room In baaetnlal
for i:tt aeraice. in -aar-nai.
T tvr g -neral r.ouearrk. ill famt
OtTea ftacratary Imploymant Dspa-rV
toent. T. M. C. A. - ,v (na
Toun man. strsnasr. ont of ' "
Bis total caah aaaata) If I PA-r,,0IaJm
special smploymant memberan.p ' "
only kaa ia laft betwaea ass and atal-ra-
U8.-atary ff ton pay S mv?l
Ploynent msmbarahlp yaw w,iL -Twaaa
. M. C A wtta all Its raaoarcaa. -'"
pon snd starrat-o-.
What happanad t . . ... -
Tsun man took ltoberl-!. I""" "
two hours a found aatlaXactor amp.ay-
"5urtn April, loll. 1 ea-I-" tor mmM
15. positions filled.
1 'a new mam bars.
, Kmploymat ar rataas. of fmambssafn
fs suarantaecL . -
So aecratary staploymaatl aapart-aaaau
T. M. C. A,
have ready lor tn mare. -
siahtty reitrlctd subdlvi.lon over oScred
in this city: ths West Side, within tho
S-mil ndlua. 15-mlno.t car-rtde. inr
1-W) lota In ths on tract " ,"-
pl-nty mors to plat. Ths pop! ax n
k'.ven u opportunity to own weal Ooie
j.roperty. ela In. and ths aama can m
bousht at rlaht pi-lee. ther la ahaolul--tr
nothlnc in Portland to compar. witn
thla sub.nvlalon. Now. if yon deaira a po
sition with a arm lara taouih to taa
cara of yoo; will help to build up oar or
ganisation. In which thara la arplendia
chances for sdrancement; ar oPiibl'
to inatructlon. y which you will I'arn
system of aellln. property thst la a proven
sui-ceas. with pnaatrllltle onllmlted. wo
want too and will keep you buev. But
do rot call unices y"u are oiim '
stralktvtforwsrd rro;ition and wll''" to
wurk. Call not Uter than 11 A- at.
VidKon Hlda.. TNatd and '"" .
ABLE-bodle. men wanted for tn r. S. M-
rm corpa tn a "
Muat h nstlr born or hav nrat Paper.
Sonth.y Jay 1J to loa Additional
panaallon poaaible. Food. e'h", ,,'.?,Jtt
lira and medical attention fraa. Aflar u
years' aarvlc. can retira with . oar caut
of pay and allowances. p't-vlc. on ard
ahlti and aahora In all parte of the iwo'ld
Apply at U S. Marina Corpa '""
Office. Breeden bld, ad and Washing
ton ata. Portland. Or. . .
Ona of the beat-known rea.ty flrrnj I on
th. Pacific Coast Is olltrlni .iwtMl
opportunity for gain and ,;)m'"I.
our a-Uesmen earn from jsp ?'.
month. Th.s is a splendid eb.n for
men of Intelllc-ncs who ar not afraid to
work. W offer very saalatanc In tn
way of obtalnin and cloalng proapecta to
our na- men. Writ. us. stating pravloua
occupation, etc. AH Hi. Oregonlan.
SALESMAN WAXTi . man w..u a a-
; r."-aT'wLhT.V would prefer . man
mechanically Incllne.1: muat bwme "'''
sated In th. huaineas to a i ama.1 tent.
In order to taka tho position. AM 1UO.
Oregon lan-
WANTED Oood atesdy. rellabls man ns
r.irtner In an nM-niwiini ......
iifacturlng bu.lneea: thla will pay you 3
we-kly as your part: eiperiencs not .ne
cessary a owner will t-ch you th. buai
nam. lnqulr. at MthL.ootnAiT.
EA"ll"GEST-real-.y firm In tho c ty ha open-
Inaa lor inreea -'i'" - - -
men. Liberal commlaaions offered " '
man who can get resulta. A J.lreas
Oregonlan. giving full particulars conenrn-
1ns previous experience.
WANTED (sleamn for eaciuaiv. ismior-.
big opportunmea. n""' " ;-- -
p;?t. llna T.klma V.ll.y
shad, and ornamental stock: cash weekly.
"tilt free. Toppanlsb Nuraary Company.
Top pen la n. w asn-
MEN with r.f.rnces to sollcn ana couen.
experlancea man - ,
teach you ths buslne- -"o. Can mak.
money from tho atari. 403 Behnk
Walker bldg.. 1 Fourth.
i . .-v; . . l n.ii aDoearanco to no-
""'lu -"r" ..l.rv
licit for a large roriww. -
If suited. App.y r a- --.
21 Ysoa
W ANTE faAn oqual ,. Vou
irin7mon-nak.r .Ton will be plaascd
and aurprlaed. AD 100. Oregoolan.
nTgHTWATCHMAN wanted: young man.
1-0 Mil" O- -
SALESMEN who ar. ho. tiers. A. r-o" e"
I.1T Mr. Aka. 41s Mohawk bldg-. 4 and
CJTT . W ka.
WB WANT ubtUVM.on Mi-nnr-, -"
me butnt; blir wir to wor-in Ap-
ll.lWeO.000 WORTH ina w m-.i. ..-a..-
mt. fWI 1M""-.- "" r . a- "
lariflc Coul; lnvertimt
tL AJ HO, Or-
w a VTED PUterr and pian-ri-
Or?r-. CI n'- V e.n.ii.r
1 LOO bialS-. V sKUVW.. --a
P C-
MAN to mk hlm'.f T
round nouM, mnm'wm "
IrTd board. Apply 101-Jol Kallway tk-
changs bldg-
BALESMEN wantaa to aeu our no.
-- . w. . . a-aiaa r-w mt Cmrlt ' a-aaTrl DaJd
weekly. Psciao Kuraary Co, SOU
WANTED Wlr fence btlllders. .xperlenred
.i National Fence Co, --3
Lumber Eachange. m
TELE I HONK girl fjr oSlce; hours A.
to 4.30 P. M. No noon hour: must k
. r.r' r-m receive callers snd ba gener-
alle uaefnl: muat b at lesat 17 year
. . . ..nrani, and most ImV
oia: ne .u . .
-. -- - 0d memory for rsmes and
-. ' . n-r week. Ac'drvaa N liaTi,
Oreaonlan. Otvs phons number If poaslDle.
WA-NTF.D Toung lady slenorrapner: moaa
t. ..-.nanMi ana na. awu . . . -. . . . -
,, v, hud real estate expertencs
pieferrsd: no bookkeeping; ealary $71 per
month: atat. experience.
A M 1C8. oraror.lan.
reference, artc.
a r. r.r j.- ..... ... - ) .
Imported draa maiarlala and txlmnilnaa.
Etrv-tly blgh-claaa. Kaforencw reiulrd.
AC liloreganian.
wivri-n rlrat-class lac r cook at uarxa
qI Tavern ana Bantu m...
perion: tauia Oregon City car. get oft at
Oladaton. ptatlon; phono Mala SiWi will
meet at atatlon.
NEAT anpearlng Udleo who wart gootl
poattlon witn a reneoi. o. a .--
VTworkers Apply Mr. Aka. 41 Mohawk
fcidg.. cor. sa ana aoniein.
aivTvn A alrl for rensral housework:
muat ts good wot: in .
k.m irtv: sma.l family. Apr y
Vmni ava N. Phones Eaat tl. C 12H4.
WANTED Olrl for general, fnm-
llv of -: must o. gva cwm.
re.iulred. CaU sft.r 10 A. M.. t i-
Al.kcnr. East tii2.
rpcHlKfKT) alrl for cooking and gen
era! houeework. gooa waw. a.. i.m
N . brvaUaay car.
v-AVTtn i.ooJ at 1 r 1 to ass'st wtlh house-
worga, small ramuy ana ri -ii-d. nwine ur
nice fflrL CaU at once. i:S lu. YxmhiU t.
WOMAN wantd 1 day eacb week to wash cioan, rererencea reomriu atppiy
W hite a.e.. off Patttn Rd.. Vortiand Hta.
WANTED M.'It'.le-d woman to ke-fp
bouse for wiaower ana ton-.
V IVK I ENV I1-D gtrl for general housework,
high wag-' to competent cook; amall fsn.-l.y-
T6'eic::er st.
WASTKD ; Iris between are of JO and SO.
for shooting gai.ry Apply ZDm & d t-
twen 11 and HAM.
WANTED Touxg rrl to assist with baby
su'd iwooa worn, tv- xtuous ni-a vi
J oh r-so aa ".d -t h t a.
WANTED Otvd girl for g-enermi bous
Korft : DO CniiUrrn, WBfafa, W I abatavawt.
;d street North.
S COATMAKERS wanted. Apply Crown
Tailor tshop. gth and stark; steady work
a; uavTavn tased.
OIR1- to aaaw
alarsrsail st.
c-toklngr and veneral
Corneii roau. bead t
. C.1RU for
tl. rail 1
grueral housework, g In fam
i momlnxs. Apartatnent g, e0
GIRU -or r-nri hwsework. App.y 93
M-:inAx s.e, or phon Marsh aai 167 6.
OOOP. strong girl to assist fn reneral bonis,
work, prlt a'.e It,- luta.
liul ft OKK girl -a Xoaaiiiy. $2i C
li.s: Weodlawn
WA NT CDGirl ger.erai houMwoi-k. bo laua-
dry- 774 HaAOCOck S-
F.IETCaS drapers, helper and erraxd
g!t-L N 1 Cl.iMj
WANTED Women to work la Uondry. Ap
ply I cifle Laundry Co.. t31 Arthur et.
COMPETENT-i:ri1for reneral-honsework;
mwl f-l- 7l Owrt" et.
UIHI, fr reneral housework, small family.
no r
hiMrea. -5 Est Couch.
u iVTri TutA-br for rni--Jn mcnocu
P.V :- t-e-ronJ st-. T o clock P. M.
WAN'Trr-i.t" " " 2 1 0 : h . a woman.
r a iTSLLS. ftboa n-at... 774 X v-eit
COOK nd helper. fv. ....
S pastry cook. Mt ana eo.
Chambsrmald. lli; waKreaa. I2S (out
of city.
Second girls. S25 and 3o0.
5 Isundry girls. t'2'.
Hiusek-ep.r. 2 men. ffHo.
I'.oat cook. .".. men.
Waitress lout of cltyl. 171".
Family cook. So7: se.-ond girl. e-o.
lunch eoik. 3 peop'e. $r.f.
347) Waah. bt.. Room 7.
NI.RSE girl, not under 17. for child of 4
y-ara and baby IS months Apply 10
Tillamook. Taka Itoae City Para cr. get
ll o. K. A N. tra.-ka. Inqul iredlractloa
at grocery storey or phono C '42.
Apply Ftandsrd Factory Na t Oral
as, and Eaat Taylor at. f
WANTED An honeat. Induatrlou woman
for general housework; good, plain cook;
good wagfa and good bom. to rlslit party;
4 In family; references required. O lul.
MI'NICIPAL Free Employment Buresu ex
tends every courtesy to glrla snd woman
In aesreb of empioym ent. Lady assistanu
No fees charged, i'l kladUon St.
WANTED ET-tesch.r. high rhool or nnl-
- varsity grsdust. or other cunurea i.uj
for speclul claaaicsi worii. i- irrr otw
Sttat. If employed. Y 107. Oregonlan.
WANTED Girl to assist with nouaeaora.
small houa and car. oi a riinui-u. -waahln.
good home; aalary Ws. 6JS Main
a t rec ub l ween N art! l laan dt t o ui
WANTED Girl for general houaework' on
fruit rsnchi w nit baimon, was u- ja.w
dreas W. A Stevens.
WANTED Off les girl who can oporat. typo-a-rltar.
abort hand not required. Beaux Art
Uljg. Co.. 2U Lumbcrmcna blng.
WANTED Woman for general housework,
snail family, go homo nights. Phono
Tabor 17:7.
EXPERIENCED girl for gcnoral housework,
no children. Apply SSI loth, corner of
WANTED An experienced girl for general
housework, laundresa kept; best wage
psld. Apply 7'li Irving at-, near rjo.
EXPERIENCED girl for care of two chil
dren snd second work. 794 Irving St,
cor. 4lh. Phone A lis:. Main I23&.
W'ANT a lady to work In boarding-house
for her snd husband's room and board.
1-1 u Ruaaell St. Phono East 3S78.
WANTED Woman or girl to wait on table
In smstl country hotel. Address Box 8i.
(Stella. Wash.
BENSll'-LEv. practical woman for permanent
position with reliable bualness firm: ex
perience nnneceaaary. T Oregonlan.
LADY demonstrator wanted. Cnil today be
tween 4 and P. M. chore Opt. Co, -X
Washington su .
WANTED Rsnned. capable womsn for re
sponsible position. Vlavl Co.. 00 Roth-
child bldg.. 4th and Washington, .
8201 WashlnKton St.. Room 814,
Main rM3tJ or A 8 J 'HI. fc
4841 Washington at-, cor 7th. upatalra.
Phone Mala :!
WANTED Experience .,?,OT'',t.,'I'
apartmont and live home- Call Main J61.
COMPETENT-rlri-for general housework;
must b. good cook. 213 N. -5th.
WANTED A comvetent girl for general
housework. I in family. .11 Irving.
WANTED Chambermaid: must
about work. 2tl4S Fifth it.
rllCE girl or woman to help part time; maU
Wagea. iBl Jiarauaii. aa
WANTED Girl to assist In general houae
work. 375 Eaat 11th, North. Broadway car.
mm. for aeneral housowork. 2 In family.
' 704 Northrup at.
SOLICITORS, men or women. JijU a day.
Room 2UO. Hotel Clara, ion "a
rpv.RlENCED rlrl for housework ana
aealst at cooking. S74 Hoyt at-
WANTED Girl for general housewoiK. s in
family. Marshall Qit.
vi-ax eirl to wait on table and assist with
housework. 47.2 Morrison
WANTED Waitress. 93 Ruaaell St.
GIRlTto do housework. 702 Northrup St.
n rr Tt v rTr,Ia"S MR.
Etrtnnlnc -out Muy 12. we will need
a Urge number or trwbry plckre ona.
of Vhlt Saimon ilry riilti-owrr
Union. White b.mon. Wuh.
PRINTER Somo xprUnce In aettlne card,
lettvr hed. etc.; T per week to t.-rt. 6U
Iluchajian bid. .---
w-x . sr. T--. r-a-i r AD COACH.
V9 preparo you for the drama, musical
comedy nd vaudeville; elocution, to.?
culture, staff danclnjc. dramatic inatcuc
tlon eltctchve miitten. rfhared aud
iva...if th. only legitimate -ohool for
-r.nrul at at co triUnlnc In the city. On
evrnlnca. bultea ill and -.30 arqaiun
WANTtD MEN PW-' ATISFIED with pretw tun and future nrosrct. ain-
fc.Uou. willing- to dovote part ot their time
In preparing- for place in new prfirr-.
of Interstate commerce at little expen-e;
..a-, La If UDtTabltS tO CA dUl
iiig- dy. will be clad lo meot you durlnff
v nil. ana .- rw ." .v ,
for noBatlon while holdlnr prf.nt pc
;tion. On: ton . and Keefe, iw. Marquam
VAVPSVILLB -cU wanted; pood oppoi
tunlty; can you do u thine? If nt, I
can trach you and book you n good time;
prvfvaWional dnnclnff. -inginr and stage
trainings any line; terms, part down, b--
.-.r wtitn booked. t?e 1'rof. Wteeinn,
Koreet-ra ila.l, bth floor. Marquam b.ilg
WANTtCD-Men and strong boys; no fx
.a, tn iArn tv trade: SoO student a. I'-iU,
Ouo contract Joha; l.aif work, study half
the time; auicmobla. elecirlclty, ylurab-Ins-, free catalogue. United
Trade fic&oul Cuntr actings Cj-, LuO Ange-
tt- a v T-TT i-4 f nrlno-.nlrtilri rn.ratnrl In a II
cities throuRhuut the world; no cnaxg-e to
rttr ister your nam1.
operator earn 15 to 133 woekly. xno-
llon-plcture operators.
Cae waslu. near 1. th 8L
lothMi for rraduates last year;
nati ami wumen learn barber trade la
g weeks. he:p to secure position; grail u
tea earn from 1H to 111 weekly; expert
losiruciors; tools free; write for cata
logue, stohler System e( ODllerea, -
ISurtn 4th st.. Portland. Or.
Tantcd. i n rr etio man -to take eonrse
In auto repAtvlr work and driving-; best
cnu.pp-d s hool on Pa.-1 He Coauiu iSee us
befure enro..lnc elsewhere. Take Sb car,
gt off at E. UJd and Marrlson.
RAILWAY MAIL P. O. clerks, clerk-car-fier.
customhouse. Internal revaoue ex
amination tvrfwhrs Free book on
courses. Paclfio State ncnooL MCaKajr
bldg-. Portland, Or.
BTENOORXPHERS to Join day and night
c.aAMt for spclal work In modern busi
ness collefs. rtth jid Washinrton; posluuna
wben conipetent,
(tend postal for Portland. Or., examination
schedule. Prankl n Institute, Depu 24
p. Rochester. I.
si.Nal. ATTENTION. Ml Belmont, tor.
lath. Eaat 144.
DRESSMAKING Cut and nt guaranteed.
line oj. Z Jefferson st, Casa aha.
phoneMl ,
c.e for neat year; teachers for all dcpl.
wanted, aid Chamber of Commerce.
LOCAL OFFICE lnt-rnattonal Correpond
nce School. 233 Alder St.. open till
p m Snd for free catalogue.
LEARN automobile driving and repairing;
actual pncUral esprtenoe; day or even
lnga 3-6- Wavahtnrton t-. room 416.
MAKE-money-wrltlnr abort etorle of for
raprs- biff pay; free booklet tells how.
cited Prea IS indicate, Saa Francisco.
Ftu V A TB"cliooM HORTHAX D and" T T P B -WRITING.
mo. I-; 14lh st. Main 3A
rif-K T FT A " H iZHS' aaiaaOOCLAIiO.N. gll SvU
BoolnAeogpera and Clerka,
YOUNO uractlcing attorn7, being- nred.
In the general practice in jrrvu i
most four years, who has made a specialty
of faamlnlnr title, desire poaltluo with
responsible concern on salary haas to at
tend to all their legal work and contract,
and to act generally in advisory capacity,
or to represent Eastern corporation. Ftr";"
class references, and security. It desired.
AE 107, Oreronlan.
fbUNO man. several years practice as a
leral tenorTapner. 2 years m
clerk and V year actual practice of law,
desires to correspond with some lawyer or
firm of lawyers with view of learning th
Sraotlc In Oregon and locating there,
no. B. Dllworth. Lo&k Box lit. Phillppi,
West Virplnl
1HS IB 11 B .aiUS. ajll lllaA ..""a -
Letris blag.. Marshall 717.
SITUATION" wn ted, young man. C3. book-
. i 1 J ..-aa1 nfT I aa f O rTI 1 ' laf WiLU
lmpituieata; reference. AX 105, Orego-
ii lan.
WANTED Position as billing clerk or ren
eral office work; two year experlencej
WANTED Position a aleman. IS Tr
..... U s.r.r-n--a. AB 1.9.
EXPERIENCED lumber bookkeeper want
I .... C 1 1 Cirfmrn-
,11 1 L1UU all VI vy. I ww- w -
TOT man recently from Denmark, wish
rituntloa a all-arouna nana in WU1
tore: talks German and some EngAisn.
. A .'.Ar... (aA E- 7th at. N.
P ho ne Woodlawn 1.12.
JAPANESE, flrst-class cook, wait on table;
. . . . . v. 1 . r.."i v nor
anoiner oo . cnanmei I ,
tar and genera; housework: any kind or
work; Crom California 8!!i Couch. Phone
A 4.MS. Omoto. Oklta tr OkazakL
STATIONARY engineer, strsnger In elty:
i i . -i .1 mwtJt hnlalln. WOTK I
am married man. S?. steady snd artrlcuy
temperate. Addreaa M. L. Lamont. G.
Kt. .lohna Or. Phone Columbia 203.
PRINTER All-around, non-union Job eom-
aituatlon. Address Printer. Cascad. Locka,
i - i .. r.ll . r. .1 .... of Jer-
aeya: wife will 'board hired help; refer
ences. Address AV 09. Oregonlan.
BARBER Klrst-class mechanic 20 year-"
. . . . . ii.. C..K an. -4
experience, speaas ciikhb". -
5DU2. 1310 V4 Williams ava
WANTED By two good cook, man and
i.i. i i . a wwi Kae sit mtnlnat
Wlie, a poaiiiui ia iB-uin.. ai
camp In Oregon at once. Roy E- Alex-
r r y Knt All Cndover. IT tab.
A MIDDLE-AGED man of rood habit used
suburban home to make himself generally
useful. B 8l. Orcgonian.
MAN and wife wish aituatlon on dairy or
. okidUom - rmm PatiL B64
North' "tt;h st. Main 93'.0.
WANTED Position driving- car. private, or
truck; can positively do all repair work.
An 107. Ore-jonlaru , .
GOOD young baker; must have work; relia
ble, steady and sober. Randolph Hotel, 3d
and Columbia sta. Both phones.
CHAUFFEUR 3 year experience, would
like position driving- private car. No bad
habits. Reference. Phono East 8530.
BR I D-C. E BEACH cook slove. gaa range. New
Home machine and 2 tent; all in good
condition. Call 304 E. Clay.
MAN and wife want to work on a farm,
wife for cooklnc and man for work all
around farm. B 90, Oregonlan.
WAN T F. D Hon as t"w o rk of any kind by well
educate- young married man. Address AJI
1 0 -!yrc ft on injj
6TATION ART engrtneer wants work ot any
kind; good mechanic; A 1 reference; will
go anywhere, T 17. Oreronlan.
YOUNG married man wishes position a watchman or oiler on bldg-. F
1U4. Oregon I aa.
RELIABLE young man want position. Ex
perienced with horses. Out of town pre
f erred. AE I'd. Oregonlan.
A RELIABLE colored man desires a Job as
mortar mixer and plasterer tendering. CaU
Main 37. 107 N. Hth st.
FTRST-CLAS.S engineer want position in
city maohJnlat, reference. p 103, Ore
gonlan. - -
AN experienced bartender wihe position,
city or country. Y 110. Oregonlan.
YOUNG mnn wnnt work as second cook In
city. J. Kino. 545 Bavier st.
GERMAN wishes position i third cook;
experience. P 102. Oregonlan.
Japanese Employment Co, will furnish all
kind help. Main 46. . A 4073. 168 Everett.
b ITU AT IONa Janitor, porter, houseman or
handy man. L 109, Oregonlan.
Bookkc-epcrs and 8tcnugTaphera.
WANTED A position a office help by
young lady of lb; good tjplst. letter writ
er; experienced, reference. AX 103. Ore
BOOKKEEPER wi-hea permanent position:
can a. o take care ot stenographic and
general office work; 6 year experlen3e.
Main ..i
YOUNG lady wUhe position as cashier;
A-1 reference, phone Woodlawn
EUFFIELD SISTERS, from the East, for
ladles tailoring and fancy dresses. 643
E. Main sU Phon E. 47-i.V
ALL kind of shirt waists made, work called
f. r and delivered; fittings at your home.
Phone A ' -'
WANTED Plain eewlng and children'
clothes, very reasonable. CaU at 738 Mon
tana ave.
DRESSMAKING for children; price re
able. W0 E. Oak.
TWO Finnish rlrl want work In fam 1 lie,
hav worked in famlllee before and know
tow to pea it Kngmn. .w Miinjun
WOMAN would like a place cooking and
i.n.i...kaanln An a fflrtri. WW lth AV fhUrl '2h
years old. " -'4 Guild ave. N.
MIDDLE-AGED woman want light house-
work in small family. 642 Vancouver fcve.
EXPERIENCED nursa desire situation, car
ln a;.u. sgsa, mm.ivi imj.
TRAINED nurse will take confinement case
MIDDLE-AGED woman desire position In
family as companion or nurse; would a
tit In Iteht household duties, Cathollo
Women' League, in, -mi.
rOOKS housekeeper. chambermaid,
nurses, waitresses, laundress. St, Louis
iganrv. 3034i Wash. Main 20S9. A 4. tZ.
.- b -.ntiwi Taesdav and Wednesday
rood laundress; whole day preferred.
Main -taP 2 after 8:15 A. M.
PIANIST, young lady, alrbt reader, want
position In or out of city: moving picture
. i - r lis? i-iho- inliin
or flance muaic. ai. w
WANTED Laundry work or clcantnr by
dav in private families. Phon Marsnail
YOUNG German woman wlshe day work;
any kind of houeswork. AK lud. Orego-
KKAT young woman wants Ironing an
cleaning, no nin u-i am "
WANTED Work by the day waahlng. Iron
ing. Cleaning. a-u i w . . aoi-
t . Tt - una dAv woric tor v. ecnesaay.
ri-' 7 a."' . TJ TaAT fo l wUQ
1 hursaay. rnon. amc. v - -"a- v -
WOMAN wishes work by day; no half day
wanteo. a a---jj
WANTED- -Work by day,
273 Columbia St.
20o hour. Phon
WOMAN wants work by th hour. 34 B.
6th st. .ortn. i.ose my r-.'-
WOMAN wants work by thj hour. Eaat Sid
prefe rred. ynone a -
w,i t a to i tr iwaTTin can mak blr money
eiiing -r well-known line of hardy non
Irrlrated tree, shrubs, roses, etc.; out
fit ZLirnisnea; cmh w --v . T . auai. v.-
gon Nursery Company. Orenoo. Uf.
. as - .aeuowTa. .s- T3 naaa aTwkast lVAal
week in homes and rooming-houses. What
. t-. U Rltfaaaall
n n t' al VOU f rl vasm.iu .w - ia. aaga
-'tS'.i Wash, st. Marshall 219, A 5243.
WANTED By couple. 5 or 6-room modern
furnished house In Irvincton district; ref
erence, rawn w""-"
WANTED To rent an unfurnished 7 -room
house or us.. vtM -1U-.
ahal l-4ti.
WANT 5-4JOOTI cottage. 313 per month or
furnished Main
TWO or threo unfurnished rooms for hoiise
keeplng by couple, near car line; atat
nrli-a AB l-0. Oregonian.
Boom With Boarq.
Bf'VESS msn and wife deslr by June 1
Dcrmar.ent room and board in strictly pri
vate modern home within walking dis
tance of business center. Phone Main 50. B
teiwsea 9 A. M. and 4 P. M. xept bun-
Tinnmrn aaTasvrf rn n t ta flftta snd bOUSe;
room during the Rose Festival -Stf1
Wash. St. Marshall 21S9. A 5243-
Fnrniahcd Boom.
Thoatf, thre beautifullv furnished hotel.
I13H 4th at. 211 to 4th t. StOTii 4th' t.
On Fourth t., running- front Tylor t
Ctalmon at- Brand new brick. elegantly
furnlahed; steam beat, privet baths, hot
and cold water In all rooms; strictly
tap -to-date In all respect, and at popular
prists. It you want something out of th
ordinary in tho heart of th city at
reasonable prices, give us a csU as we
know yoo will like It. Room by the day.
weak or month. Tourist trade aolioltad.
Residential. SAO Taylor. Transient.
Bt- Tth and park st.
Opposite new Hellig- Theater, on block
from Portland Hotel; brick building. Just
eompletod; handsomely furnished; erery
xnodern convenience. elevator servlc.
steam beat, telepnon and hot and col
t water In every room; single rooms and
suite with or without private baths, etc.;
centrally located, near postofflce; Just off
all car lines; very quiet; low rates by day.
week or month. Phone Marshall iKOO.
867 East Burnside st.
Fifteen minutes' walk to business center
of city, best location on East Side; 120
xnodern rooms, slngl or en suite; room
with private bath, rates J2 to JS per
week; transient, 73o to $L50 per day.
Eaat 6&40. B 1-.5-
THE WEAVER. 710 Washington at., near
King; a perfect modern home; private
bath, steam beat, hot and cold water, and
telephone in every room; finest part of
ih. ollr. rha rnswlmiim nt i-nn V AIT it? DC.
the minimum of expense; w make you
feel at home; dining-room In connection;
best In the city for the money.
119 Eleventh &U
Hew, modern, brick building, steam
neatd. private baths, hot and cold water
In rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy and
com for tab la. Rents very reasonable. Call
ard see us. Regular and transAent trad
SARGENT HOTEL, Grand ave. and Haw
thorne, beautlluliy lurnisnea rooms, sin
gle or en suite, with private bath, hot and
cold water, steam heat and telephone in
very room; special bummer rates by week
or month to permanent guests. First
class grill In connection. Transient so
licited. .
Park St.. between Morrison and Alder.
Heart of th city; quiet and modern; free
hi., a-. w estr At da-not- rate tl ainrle. L5l
doutle; aJso family foom with private bth,
to. Rates per week. : t
HOTEL REN WICK -An Ideal home for busi
ness ptopie; centrally locatea, ieKti.a.
rooms, all modern conveniences; Tth and
Taylor sts., 1 block from Portland Hotel.
Opposite -tieillg x neater, axiaiu oau.
LLfcHMAliK. HOTSU 17tn ano Washington
V .... 1 . m I as l-i ara A Mnrna ta 1 n f I aa n an
suit,; private baths, steam heat, hot and
cold water and phone in all rooms; rate
reaaonaoie; xiauoicn . um.ucu.
AUDITORIUM HOTEL, 208i Third atreet.
between lay .or ana saimun bls., u kaau
cold water, steam heat, elevator ; rate
$3.60 and up, OOo day and. up. Main 2.74,
A 82C7.
NEWLY furnished rooms Including hot and
cold water, electric ugnts, nam, aii-nign.
elevator service, $1 a day. 34 a week. Ho
tel Burton, Yamhill ana ts.
UnHT, airy rooms, modern, suites or sin
gle, ana ys a wee.; nvt- ininuiu w.Af.
to theater and stores, free phone. Llndell
HoteL 33 4th.
THE DAVENPORT Nicely furnished room;
OOl KUU .i.r.i, a.u g.uu Kt4i T
. - , K gAK loHaeeon Xf a In Fa-lt".
THE PALMER Furnished roooms, S3 per
weea mm ui. v-i
THE HAZEL Nicely furnished room at
moderate prices, or. jq anu mo- ibwh" J.
NICELY furnished single and housekeeping
rooms; very central. &4S h Washington.
TWO nlcly furnished rooms, close In. prlco
reasonable. 474 Salmon at.
THE LARRABEB 227 H Larrabeo st,, nicely
lUrni.nca ruuiua, auuuoi a. wn
NICELY furnished rooms, $3 up; transient.
00c up. 3S1 Yamhill t.
Furnished RtmpiB ' in Private Family.
LARGE furnished alcove room, with hot
and cold water, in private iamuy; no
other roomers; best residence district;
gentleman only. oS7 Irving t.
LARGE front room, well furnished, walking
t:. stance, iteasonaoie. u-nuemcn prmcucu.
201! btout 20th) bet. Jefferson and Madi
son. LARGE front room with alcove. In modern
flat and 5 minuter wane irom p. u., witn
or without piano. 10th at. Phone
Main 82).
ONE largo furnished room for rent, sult-
nr tu.-n loaiisaa Ar csan t lemeTfi. 170
2tnh Bt. South.
NlCELY-furnished front room, suitable a
persona, $4.50 week. 192 13th,- near Mor
rison. i.iRr.K. modem, nicely furrlahed room-
reasonable, w a; King aiatanc. o- i lan
ders. Main 7bio.
NEATLY furnished alcova room with piano,
also front porch, suitable lor or mora;
ba th, phone, heat. 22$ 12th. near Salmon.
NICE room, suitable for 2 young men, close
in: all conveniences. 22S 10th sc. near
i.ARfiE well-fumlshed room with running
water and modern convenience. 223 West
446 TAYLOR, near 12th, pleasant comfort
able room for gentleman; central; modern;
kfwi.y furnished modern room, flno loca
tion to renned person for $10 month. 4-01
12th St. ;
LIGHT rooms, gas, electrlo lights, rent rea
sonable; close in, anon Atain 48t.
North 9th st.
TCirxirT.v furnished room, bath and phone.
reasonable, gentlemen preferred, 275 Mo
A FEW newly furnished rooms in privat
house; batn, not water, eieu-ic ugai.
w a-1 kin r distance. 66 X. 19th or M. 0018.
NICELY furnished room In very desirable
location, o i earn neat ana mouern uouve
nlencea Phone A 4O70. ,
BRIGHT, well-furnished room, phone, bath,
electrlo light. 370 Weldler, cor. Union ave.
K-o ,i hill Rooms neatly furnlahed. with
electric light, bath, heat, phone; on room
for 110. Qt Jrlanuer.
LEAUTIFCLLY furnished room in good
horn zor one or iwo ,euiiea.eiii rexer-
nee. 39 J o a n son.
ONE furnished front housekeeping room for
rent with gas, electric light, telephone
.1 v.aih RTA TV! I li.-ims a. v
NEWLY furnished front room, suitable for
two; llgnt ana Data svuu iiuuuc ifcc o.
Ijth iU. corner Market.
FOR RENT Front room, bath, phone, very
reasonable to permanent party; 7 min
ute to postollice. 3o lutn
$10 AND $12 month, 2 nice rooms, fine lo-
CwllUU, aaalJaA. S.W -- - "
LARGE, pretty room, live windows, flre
p lace, modern. 67 North 20th.
PORTLAND Heights room with or without
board. ..inn el
ROOMS with or without hoard. 595 Eaat
Oak t., cor. loth. Phone B 2-519.
NICELY furnished room, 52 23d and
Washington, .nam o-.a,
WILL gentlepian who answsred ad Sunday
lor room on jnomouu, caui bu (
PARLOR and sleeping porch, piano, bath,
304 Columbia. am
NEWLY furnished modern sleeping room.
beautiful view oi en.. nun s.,
W EIL rumisnea iruui oune, .msie una
tlOUSeKeePatflK ruwu.. iweniu'.ca. o.t a a
FURNISHED room, private family, walking
dltnce.g2Eraa st. A 47o9. (
ATTRACTIVE homelike bedroom; on clean
it - w, T H-'U Vlamlor.
FURNISHED room for rent. Phon Mar
shall lb-o.
NICELY furnished room with bath, walking
distance. 414 -Q st.
Room With Board.
W1 13th. under new management: thor
oughly renovated ; inviting rooms, choice
THE VVtiliaAAiaU AauiitAjr uuici, rovmu
with private bath and excellent table
Doara; iuur , u. c k.i v a. a . ah
Place" that 1 not "for sale." 2t3 $th st.
Bt)Rl,aj WW DA -W U AliUU. awaBIA J CaU .
rooms with board, us of sewing-room, il-
rary. r a..
LAMBERSON, B5-4 Couch Deslrabl rooms.
Single wr uw-u'p. "'
FURNISHED room with board, near Post
-a-. 1 J" 1 1 .U
ELEGANT room facing the park. Including
BOARD and room, 800 Jefferson. Th Caa
" pvimi With Board In Private Family.
ROOM and board for 3 adult; phon Main
BasM.! WSW-Aw&lg, mm-m .
Rooms With Board in Private Family.
ROOM and board for two gentlemen. In pri
vate family, strictly home cooking, modern,
both phones. A a.6g. Main S506.
LARGE airy room with board; 10 minutes'
walk to P. O-; man and wife or two or
F..1-. lloln Ittrt
mree young utcu, vm
FOR one or two men, good home cooking,
free bath and telephone. ,24 each for two
or $6.50 per week for one. Phone A 6340.
LARGE pleasant room suitable for two.
breakfast and dinner. Main 2071.
FIRSTCLAS3 board and room In private
family. .MO Tamniu si.
BEAUTIFUL furnished rom. board for two
gentlemen, walking distance. 649 Taylor.
THE BARKER Corner illst and Irving sts.
Thl new 4 -story onca, openeu ju- .
1911; furnished and unfurnished in two,
thre nd four-room suites Vith reception
hall; Paciflo phon In each apartment:
electric elevator. Tolmes disappearing
beds built-in buffet and writing deslt, gas
ranges, icebox, plenty of closet room, it
you want something extra fine, com to
the Barker. Phone Marshall 296 L
HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia.
4 blocks south from Morrison street; new
brick building, completely nrs-c in-..
nished In 2. 3 and 4-room family apart
ments; private bath, reception hall, steam
heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, com
pressed air carpet cleaning. Janitor serv
ice; rent per month $20. 30 and up; must
be seen to be appreciated.
Cocner 14th and Clay street.
Strictly high-class.
8 -room suites, unfurnished, with pri
vate vestibule, bath and phone, eiectxio
644 Everett St.
New and elegantly furnished apart
ments: 3 rooms, reception hall and sleep
ing porch; automatic electric elevator and
private Paciric telephone; located in one
of the choicest residence district sur
rounded by elegant homes; walking dis
tance. ,
PENINSULA Apartment One of Portland"
nnest apartment-nouses; -
service, beautiful part city to live. 1135
Alblna ave., cor. Killingsworth; take Mis
sissippi. L or Kenton car at Third and
Wash. sta.. 1& mln. ride: 2, 3 and 4 rooms,
completely furnished; $17.50 to $30 mo.;
also unfurnished apt. Woodlawn
Cor. 6th and Montgomery Sta.
New, modern, brick, elegantly furnlahed.
large outside 2 and 3-room suite, free
Pacific phon in each apartment, disap
pearing beds. Icebox, janitor; no carfare
to pay ; only two apartment left. Best
In city for the price. .
Comer Ross and Clackamas: new and
beautifully furnlahed , and unfurnished
apartment of three and four rooms and
aieeping porches: desirable location; walk
ing distance to West Side business center.
Cull personally or phone Private Lx. 4.
TTTU V nnt Ka vnllt Own landlord? "We will
build you a nouse or D-uptnuw j
own design in Waverleigh Heights, accept
a small payment aown auu me- wt""-0
mnnmi-i rnvmrini. See Mr. Hunter.
Jdo. P. Sharkey Co., 216 Railway Ex-
chan ge bldg.
. i x nth St.. for. iiaii-
8 nd 4-room furnished or unfurnlahed
aptfl., privat bath, pnone ana uaivony
porches; newiy lumABinriA, ui-u. (
Summer rates. Phone Marshall 117L
LRICKSTON APTS. 448 11th St., brana
new 4-story Dries, oiug,, on "" -
up-to-date 2 and 3 rooms, nicely furnished,
automatic elevator, dumbwaiter, laundry
..arm Hrir Hnim ( disanDearlnt?
beds; take Mt. Tabor cax, get ol Hall
st. li biocxs aoutn. ,
near Main. ivieBaai- c-o-.
ment with private balcony; large rooms,
every modern convenience and each ar-
rai gea wuu io diccv11!
rents J.o-J to i oy-
Lovejoy; nnest iurnisneu utv -
ranged apartments in the city; notic
prices: 2 rooms. $27. 50 to $2.50; 3 rooms.
S6o to $40; take loth or - car get oil
Love Joy st-
Mat and Hovt sta. now ready for oc-
ri.nnnrv must modern 3 and 4-room
apartments in city; each apartment has
large private balcony and every modern
convenience; reuia aiuaaa --
Car. Grand ave. and E. Stark st.
New fireproof brick building beautifully
furnished. Two ana tnree-room apart
ments; private bath, hot and cold water,
steam heat. Phone East S0O.
Elegantly furnished and unfurnlahed
PAtnfnrt. nf home: Drivate Dhone anc
baths, elevators, private playground for
children, ideal location. 228 N. 2Uth U
Mar shall i-ub.
RE -U KAN APARTMENTS Marshall, bet.
lTh u-fl aiUtn: UD-to-aaie, niceiy lur-
nlshed, S rooms and bath. A homelike
dace: omething out of the ordinary; no
It . UUaa ! iTTl m TM B 1 Tl tVOS2 A 31B1.
vnvt pent One 2. also 3-room apartment,
furnisnea complete, new nuu muuer-,,
private bath and phone. Kentucky Apart
ment, E. 28th and GlUan. Call B 1432,
East 6387.
410 0th, furnished and unfurnished'
trictly modern apartment, warning auv-
s ni-fl, price rcivL-i.ta.iji-o. m-v iuu4"u.
wavtet) 3 business rentlemen of profes
sion tO room, ouaia ll uoaireu aaa a. oiiiuuj
modern private home. For particular
call East oao4.
THE CLIFTON 7S0 Irving St., modern C-r-..nTn
.tiaxtment. $155, all sunny rooms, i
aleeplng porches, references H. F. Daly.
Main 5.iS3.
SAN MARCO APTS., East 8th and Couch
New brick, modern, 3-room apata., with
bath, 1 apartment $23; 1 $23. Phone Eaat
One S-room and bath, furnished apart-mpnt-
all modern conveniences, reason
able rent. Phone Marshall 1623, A 4uUd.
vat- and beautifully furnished anart-
ment. with bath ; alt modern conven
iences. 429 East Morriaon t.
Vkk. desirable apartment, reasonable rent.
See Janitor. The Kearney, 21t and Kear
ney or Morgan, FUedner Jc iioyc-a, aUaoa
20 io, a
r..nTi APARTMENTS. 70S Everett st
very ceslrable two. three and four-room
apartment, completely fUafiilahed, ntireljr
THB CECILIA, 22d and GUsan, one fur
nlahed. one unfurnished apartment; prl
vuto phones and porches with awnings.
Coxy apartments, very desirable for
-bachelors; comfort of nome. Mar ah all
2U.8. 2S N- l-Otn at.
Tma APARTMENTS. 8d and Mill at.. 0
room unfurnlahed apartment, $43- 4-room
uniurnisnea aparxment, ju. juoaern lm
provements; aumn amy.
XHfi BERYL One front and one back
apartment for rent very reasonable. Ap
ply to the Janitor, fib. Lovejoy at., near
zlst. .
room apartment. W. car, 20th and North'
rup st, ; janitor, jaarsiuati i-tz.
t-: r.n Sunllcht Apts., elegant three roorna,
furnished; phone, bath, large closets, best
car service, B 1034, Tabor 176.
tii- n.AiR. 715 Wayne t, : modern six
room apartment, two porches. Pnone Main
THE CHETOPA, 18th and Flanders Four
rooms, lurnisnea or luiiurumiiou , moxiern.
A pply to J am tor.
THR ALTAMONT, 304 College St.; beautiful
furnished 3 and 4-room. apartment, rent
SICE 4-room, unfurnished apartment, hot
water. walking distance. Phon East
jiiture for sale. Hanover Apia., lbo Ling
street. ,
MORTON. 697 Washington t. furnished and
. : v. -J r-1 aj. m iinarlriif nl mnrlum
UDiurui.uc'A - - " aw --
2-8-4 KUUa IlAtUl-ut-, a.a.a-aa-x. -V
,,.. -mode Bate rents; close In. Oneonta,
167 17th st near Yamhill.
ROANTA APARTMENTS and single rooms
nnable rent- 189 ad iU Marshall 2WL
err -c T.T.-n-l fa. 325 11th St.. t WO-room f Hr-
nished apt.; evry convenience; price
n- T T T- Cf A VT TC-V
Eiher furnlahed or unfurnished apart
iLents. CornrKlng and Washin gton sta.
rrng laN DO RE for rent; 2 completely fur
nished apartment; sleeping porch. zaS
w.w "RKN'T S-room famished apartment
,:atm hath. 64S Thurman. A a.-.iii.
tHr LeonCE Furnished 3-room apart
ment; prijMyTSB2
THE HARTFORD Best modern apt. In th
. ..-i. anrl Via n d ArL
thE King Davis, corner King and Davis
A. i.mnm f urnishd : referpnf
vfaTLY furnished three-room apartments,
.; - -ri nranii ava North.
THE "ELMS Two and three-room apart
aiaaata. rrnnp' ''T. furnished. Oiil lalii st.
Cor. Park and Taylor St.
Cor. Tenth and Salmon St.
Walking Distance.
Furnished complete, 2. 3 and 4-room
apartments; buildings new and tnotiy
modern; aervice tirst-class-
Corner of 13th and Jefferson ta, four
nd live-room apartments, unfurnished,
with reception hall, automatic elevator.
Pacillc Statea Telephone in every apart
ment and th most modern convenience
found in th city. Phone Main a9bii and
Mis Allen. th manager. will a-'
you through the aparuueata, or call up
niiiin nffirA Main f.7 H-4.
THE NORTHAMPTON. 407 Hall it, near
brick buildup;, compltvely furnished 2 and
3-room apartments, private bath, phone,
hot water heat, rent $o0 and up. Main
11a ts.
Strictly modern in evory respect; clos
In, on two car lines. West Side.
Six-room flats, in new building, newly
tinted walls; large airy rooms, well light
ed (one oa a corner); large closets in the
rooms; built-in wardrobes, built-in pantry
cupboards; fitted with steel ranges with
gas plates; porcelain baths and porcelain
stationary wash tubs, gas and electricity ;
window shades, speakinw tubes and electric
dour openers. Exceptionally large rooms.
Surrounded by good neighbors; rent $-0
per month. Apply for key at druts atore,
corner Front and Glbbs streets. Take "Ful
ton' or "S" car; about 12 minutes from
3d and Wasnington.
FURNISHED or unfurnished suite of 3
k a V. .-.It?,- clnirU r-.."TTl 1J
rOOIIlS WU.1 vnu, ax r
with bath. stam heat, gas range,
electric light; also one 5-room nut, unfur
nished, gus range, hot and cold water.
steam nt-au uoi i.
FOR RENT, 6-room flat. 16th and Jcer
son, newiy paprnw a"'-
pwr month. Karnopp &. K.opf, 3-5 Ry. Lx-
CXlUaage UUIH-lll'-
TJiREE-ROOM unfurnished flat for rent.
$14 per month; water, e.ectnc lignc ana
bath furnished. US5 Alblna ave., corner .
Bland eaa. Take L car.
IN Irving ton, modern lower 5-room flat. 405
E. 10th st, nortn, z oiocit uruAuwiajr
Inquire 33.4- fc.ugene au
NEW. Btrlctly modern, B-room upper flats.
-r-.a la..-. - w. -1 a. V fssnt 40J.. K V ."WlT
E. Clay, .
THRE E-ROOM unfurnished flat, all con
veniences. iUaUim alAtaA . k. A AAV4AV -aa.u
LOWER flat with hardwood floors; Aa
i i i i .1 x K I1 1 1 - tn r.itn. itlll hi
IlClgllDUA I1UUVA, i'U" AA... , w a
-..iriir-s onlv. Phone Main 0249.
MODERN 6-room flat on Johnson at., in
yard. Western Sec. Co.. 414 Spalding bldg.
.... . nt-. t rni- -T VutT tra rnmer of Rth
at W VUiaUUU w... -- -
lower mouera u iw""" V. , -
xiaiin RTfta or A 3278. 71.3 Dekum,
FOR RENT 5-room flat, heat and watrtf(:
tjorner ioia sviau ia.o.
East Ma-n.
NEWLY furnished 5-room fiat, modern;
.. . . . Til. .1 Una n. k'llhor.
hood. Call 4-0 Bwetlaargnjg.
FURNISHED S-room flat. new. modern
ivalaung utan1.VeBtS!deMaln3U3U
6-KOOM lower flat, 4U8 B. BurnsMe at. Bus
au ec aiyi,i-uiiiivi.-i-"t"o..
t,ROOM tlat, corner East Ninth "Sortll and
o c auyiar. cruiuf
MODERN B-room lower flat, yard and
basement, 2 csrllnes; tl8. Phone 1-ast 01311.
PORTLAND Heights. 501 Davenport St.. 4
r.mjalcelYfurnIslied flat. Phono A I7btt
iTrOOM flat lor rent; new uid modern.
fnoaa laum aw-
COZY upper corner 6-room list, 714 U Kear.
ney at-; key at 712.
EJtOOM upper fiat 20. 30G College t.
llooaekecplng Rooms.
THB BEAVER. 12th and Marshall, fur
nished lor noiiaeftccviuB. a" .
trie lights, hot water, bath. Iaunury. Iree;
115 per month up: a clean p.acs, beat in
the city for money; short distance Irom
Union Depot. Take "S or 18th-t. cars
VTnrih -et oft at Marshall st. No doga
FIRST floor of cottage, three large, well-
, . . - . . i a. V. a A .nltaViiii TftP X
lijrntea ruoina, iiuuii-, . - -
adults; bath. gas. phone, good yard, cen
tral location; references. 20 11th st. IS.,
2Va blocks from Washington. Phone A
or Aiarenaii i-yju.
tl.SO TO 32.50 WEEK; clean, furnished
bouse Keep inf. ruu.Ar, n iauanu
phone, clean linen, heat. 406 Vancouver
nnri U Stanton: take U car.
NEW two and three-room apartment, fur-
i i - nftipnlEhsvii t An -mlnutea walk
from Postofflce, prices from ijld to 25
per month. Phone East 5279.
4C1 EAST MORRISON, corner 6th; com
pletely lurnisnea nouse-teepiuij uiaw.
walking aistancg
.-it ncc-jTK nnnus
Furnished housekeepinK and single
rooms, reasonable rent, lbd Farn gst.
GOOD furnished housekeeping rooms. Bl-Ji
First u. room 11.
NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms; rea-
1-l t.i -1 -a- mt- T-iaiaf tirlc
SUIIUUIO. 47 J. y ash.
j'.TOsekelJi Private Fauilly.
kTcEL-Y -furnished housekeeping room, with
kitchen, running water, bath, phone, elec
tric light, S3.50 weekly. 66 -N". .21st., near
ONE or two young ladies to share house
keeping rooms, West Side, restricted dis
trict; reference required and given. AL
TWO housekeeping rooms on ground floor,
n ih Bin. itirht- nhnne and furnace
heatfor So per week; also two for 34.20.
1-69 East 14th at-, 1- block oft East Mor
rison earn uo.
TWO furnisher housekeeping rooms, modern,
i c. n i r r .1 n ri ftve. North.
ceniraiiy jtT. v ---a, jm
tnone x.a-. 00
TWO furnished housekeeping-rooms and
kitchenette. In walking distance. 75 East
flth st. North. m
THREE completely furnished housekeeping
rooms, good neighborhood. 40S Last Mill
i OR 3 furnished housekeeping .rooms on J
carl iocs; gas. bath; rent reasonable. Main
41 li. Oil IN . at-SU l.
FRONT room with alcove, kitchen fur
nished for housekeeping; phono and batn.
ICS N. 16th. .
GOOD baaement room furnished complete
for housekeeping, suitable for wonting
man, Ola jnorna-uu pl.
TWO first-floor front housekeeping rooms,
new and clean furnishings; walking dis
tance : modern, ri-tnuuoun.. .
2 LIGHT" housekeeping rooms for rent reas
onabia, gas, phone and all conveniences.
Pnone as. 0.....
BLOCK south of Baker Theater 2 fur
nished housekeepinjr rooms in basement
this I wortn iiAua-.B''"'-
S NEATLY-furnlshed bousexeeping rooms,
other room with or without boaxd. 16SVs
10th st.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent; electric
lights and gas; the RoseRooming-house,
laST aiU S-e P.; AtqVA Mt-'l
DESIRABLE housekeeping suite, running
waterTga. bath, central. 1ST Chapman.
near .aaorrioon.
FOR RENT Three clean, furnished houe
keeplng rooms, down tairs. 627 Thur
man st. Inquire 6'2'J, .
iTsUITE of 2 large airy housekeeping rooma
gas range, free phone and bath. $21 par
month. 715 Washington,
ELEG NT furnished single housekeeping
rooms- all conveniences; Summer rates;
also sleeping porch. 221 10th st.
XWO large front housekeeping rooms.
rantry. gma. rai ....
t -o it rnnnu for rent in nrlvate fam
ily, j-'none av-u. -,0..
S13 14th. comer of Clay, cl-an, any one or
two-room housekeeping suite.
a NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms,
lower floor, modern. 6!0 E- Bumslde.
TWO housekeeping rooms for renu Inquire
755 E I a vis St., near21M.
mpiv airy housekeeping rooms, walking
CL??r,,cer7Holladay ave; boih-phon.n.
TWO neatly furnished housekeeping rooms
In rront nJiJil,i1Ji-l,'
- 1.1,.1 hnii.ilt.injnir rooms.
ualk I ng nisrance. ....
rnwr. frnnt housekeeping room, clos In,
r.n .1111 for two. -CI2 Tenth.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, $2.50
ncr week. 01 E. 11th t- South.
HOUSEKEEPlNa-ROOMS, West Side, well
urnisnea. on
MOW ready, pleasant, light housekeeplng
rooma; center of business. 32 Uth North.
ground floor.' walking distance. 411 4th.
TWO eleeant furnished housekeeping rooms,
"ath" phftegtrlc lights. 4'S Hall st.
TWO front furnished housekeeping rooms,
on carllne. walking distance. 400 Hall st.
tCROOM cottage. Ill E. lota and Belmont,
flioia. aat. lt)13