11 Nemo, Royal Worcester, Bon Ton, Mme. Helene, Mariette, Marquise, Howd, La Beau, Reng'o Belt Corsets and Others Principal Portland Agents for "Vxidor" Porch Shades and HammocKs Sole Agts. Richardson's Linens Libbey Cut Glass $1 Box of Fine Stationery 59c In the Stationery Store, main floor, Hard's Damask Linen Correspondence Paper, put op in 2-pound boxes; 120 sheets' to the box; regular f LOO values, 5J ; or envelopes to match, 125 to the" box, very highfjQ grade; $1.00 quality; special box at) $1.35 Corset Covers at 79c "Star Sale" of Women's fine quality Corset Covers, made of Longcloth or Nainsook, trimmed with Valencien nes and Torchon Lace, Insertion, Em broidery and Medallions. Our "TQ regular $1.35 values; special Star Bargain Sale Boys' 15c Hose 9c Tclay "Sttr Be-rain" Day, a preat tale of "Bronco Baxter" Hose for Boys. Strong, elastic Sale Men's Hats $2.5Q Values $1.55 "Star Sale" today of the season's best styles in Men 's Soft Hats. Every block and shape is here in black and all new shades. Golden opportunity to get what you want for the coming season. J "1 CC Our entire stock of $2.50 Soft Hats at ribs; 8 Lies from 6 to 10; oar regular 15c Q i values;, special Star Bargain sals price ocljr C pt SS$mW, k rt Star Bargain Sale Boys' $1 Pants 69c Today ''Star Sale" of reliable values in Boys Knee Pants, made of good quality wool or corduroy catena!, in light or dark colors; sizes 5 to 17 years. Our regular stock values at 81.00 a CQ pair. Very special for today's sale at only"'' New Style Sulkies For the Children $1.75 to $3.00 Each A Complete Stock of Window Screens On Sale Third Fl'r ffiSale Men's Shirts $2.QO Values 95c "Star Sale" of new arrivals in Men's Shirts that were purchased at a very advantageous price, with a view of selling them all during Star Sale. Value are so exceptional that all will surely go. Q C White, colored patterns. $1.50, $2 values at tar Bargains amdl c&Otihi Ainm iversary Sal B aby Show Thursd a y 2:3Q to 5 P. M. Bank Accounts Opened for the Prize Winners Our First Annual "Baby Show" promises to be a gTeat success. En thusiasm is running high and the list of entries has grown far beyond our expectations. The people of Portland will be proud indeed of the 6plendid display of dear little ones, whose rosy cheeks and happy. healthy looks will delight all who see them. It will be a great ad for Portland, for no country in the world can boast of a better crop of children. All parents should become interested and bring their child to boost the cause. Phone to Our Advertising Dept. E.x. 12 A 6231 to MlTke Entry Star Sale of Men's 25c Sox for 11c Pair Today "Star Sale" of men's hose in fancr twitterns or plain black and tan colors; absolutely fast dve, good wearers. ! -'1 - L..t 1 . 1. I . ir'" ' on ur wsi rr-fcuiar biuck iin 10 oc a pair; care fully selected with a view of pleasing particular 1 "1 fellows. Special Star Sale at the low price of t 1 C Women's Sillt Dresses rr3i I ipff' To $45 Values Star Sale Women's Silk Dresses A line which will meet with the full approval of all women who see them, for no other store would make such substantial price concessions on dresses of this kind The materials are foulards, taffetas and Pongees in polkadots, figures, hair-line stripes, etc. Black and white, brown and white, navy and white and bordered effects, neatly trimmed with lace, yokes and sleeves with bands of satin in contrasting colors, with piping of satin and buttons of same material. It's the best lot we could possibly assemble. We selected them with unusual care. The values to $45.00 are sensational bargains for today a ! $17.95 Jtfeytt mw Expert Corset Fitting; By Linda Ross Wade From 2 to 5 P. M. Today A. Star Event JS This demonstration of all kinds of high-grade Cor sets, by a woman whose abil ity as a fitter has been rec ognized by the leading au thorities of the country, of fers the women of Portland and vicinity an unusual op portunity to learn their cor set ails and have them ad justed. Mrs. "Wade will give expert advice on the proper model to be worn by each particular figure. This ad vice is absolutely free to alL Mrs. Wade Will Give Personal Attention to Fittings, 2 to 5 P. M. Women's Dresses $3.25 Values for 31.69 House Dresses of good quality Percale, Gingham and Cham bray, styled with high or Dutch necks and long sleeves in checks, stripes and figured; trimmed in embroidery and tucks. Skirts are plain. An attractive, serviceable lot ttl CQ of wash Dresses; $3.25 values; special at only pl.UV American Cut Glass $4 Sugar and Cream $2.65 31.65 Olive Dish for $1.Q5 In the Glassware Store, 3d floor, sale Cut Glass ffo Sucar and Creams, good sizes, well cut; $4 values VMtOj - ery neat patterns, well cut olive dishes, fijf fC size: our resrular Sl.fio values; special at vlUO Olivei 6-inch Q$2 Jardinier. $1.15 $7 Dinner Sets $4.65 In the Brass Goods Section. 3d floor, a sale of 10- C 1 1C inch Brass Jardinier with feet; $2.00 values at PX.10 Dinner Sets in the Semiporcelain China ware; white and gold decoration. Very desirable shapes, well selected A. (iCZ pieces; 50 pieces to the set; regular $7 values for VTsUiJ vSr$l Rid Gloves 43c 50c Merode Vests 21c Today. Star Bargain Sale of Women's "Merode" Vests, nice medium weight for S KTT) GLOVES for childre good assortment colors; regular $1.00 styled with high or low neck, 'long or short sleeves, O 1 Summer; duo values at oniy KID GLOVES for children; 1 and 2 clasp styles, in A" values at only -- if Fine SilK Petticoats $5 Values Now $3.49 In the big Garment Store, 2d floor, a Star Sale of Women's Taffeta Silk Petticoats in the soft quality, styled with deep flounces, tucked and plaited, with dust ruffles. Draw strings to fasten. An attractive lot of values to CQ A Q $5.00 in black and all colors; special at, each P" ALASKA POLICY HIT Valdez Resident Scores Long Distance Government SECESSION IS MOT LIKELY IV. 31. Wilson Says Country Is Burt by Action of Federal Author ltlc In "Carpet Bag" Rule. An-ttraJlea Coal Card. Although Alaska t paying ttt a tna for Imported soft coal at Veldes. with in 19 mliea of tt. own undeveloped coal fleM. her cttluri will sot secede from th. United fftates. despite th. recent action of rwldtiu of Cordova, Thla Is t pinion of W. M. Wilton, who arrived from Alaska a few weeks aro. -Mr. Win on cam. to Portland from tola i.a:srn Creron farm last night. Mr. Wilson is .noted la th. m er rant!: buiinni at Yaldes. am he na bora UTina; for th. pat nlno yar. if. has Interests In th. oil fields i09 tr.i:e north and also In a number of auarta ralninc propoalclons near Th T:irT. H. axpecta to aall for Valdas oa Star i -Alaskans bali.ra they are belns til treated by th. Government.'' said Mr. Wilson, laat ntf ht. "Ham lone- wa can :asd f"r th. carnetbac rale we are now suffering- from Is mere than man can forsee especially the areratr. Alaskan. W. bare coal at our doors In Valdea. In th. Ferine; Rlrer fields, ar.d up at Mataauska. Tet we are com pelled to burn such fuel as la shipped In from Australia. (004 miles away, or from th Island of Vancouver. Alaskan Is Loral. Th. avarasra Alaskan la pretty loyal clttsen aad I doubt If he cren contemplates seceding-, thoafa ha will make a pretty bold stand la his flfht. "A syndicate of Kafllsnmaa la Investing- very heavily la th. oil Selda to th. north of oa They are building tanks and a pipeline aad I praaum. that by Summer we shall be exporting- oil and using considerable ourselvea The railroad may conclude to ua. It In tea enrtnea T.i. Coppr Rlr Railway la -"rr.pl.ted for 13 miles. There are tioo men at work upon this road try ing to put th. track on grade. It was built on th. 1c. and put through to to. copper mines In a hurry and th. wora or levelling the track and plac ing It upon solid roadway has boon la pregresa tor several months. Road's Expense Great. "Th. Guggenhelms have expended 13.000.000 on this railroad and they ex pect to get their returns out of the copper mines, which are aald to b. richest la th. world. Valdea la re cetvlng a great Impetus by th. dls covery of gold-bearing quarts. Soma of th. mlnea are especially rich and aom. of th. men Interested hav. made fortunes. Th. town Is growing very fast. Saloons are charged 1 1000 a year license, which la paid to the I'nlted Statea court clerkwho In turn divides It between th. city and th. school treasurer. "Th. throwing over of th. coal In th. bay at Cordova Is something of a Jok. la on. way and In another It la a vary serious proposition. It waa dona to attract attention and to ahow th. world that peopl. living ta th. ice bound Alaska, where heat la .seentlal to life, are being deprived of th. on thing that God put Into Alaska to help develop It. Th. United Statea Govern ment la certainly acting th. part of a tyrant. Thla Idea of making laws by long distance" and only guessing what th. country need might be all right according to New England Ideas, but It does not work to the advantage of th. man who la trying to develop Alaska and make It hla home. DUNIWAY ATTACKS AWARD Morrison Street ravin f Contract Manipulated, Says tawjer. Ralph R- Ihintway. attorney for th. Cascade Paving Company, has Issued a atatemeat attacking th. legality of th. award to th. Carbollneum Wood Preserving Company of th. contract for paving East Morrison street. Accord ing to Mr. Dunlway. th. Cascade Com pany offered to do the work for 1-3.-090.0. while th. bid of th. Carbollneum Company waa f :..:. The action of th. ill ecu live Board In eliminating from th. contract a concrete retain ing wall, by which the offer of th. Carbollneum Company was mad. less than that of th. Cascade Company. Mr. Dunlway characterises as an "unjust aad Illegal manipulating of bids." Mr. Dunlway also declared that It had been Incorrectly announced that h. bad fought th. Carbollneum Com pany In aa .(fort to bold up th. pay ment for wood block pavement on Foarta street some years ago. "No en. ever contested th. payment for pavement laid en Fourth street," he declared- Over 1000 oottlea of "Coua-h Stone" sold by ua last year. WhyT Because! Plummer'a, Hi Ihird. BAKER CHIEF HERE Mayor Declares Commission Plan Great Success. RESPONSIBILITY IS FIXED Whil Present Form of Municipal Gownunent I Only Six Monti) Old. It Proves Satisfactory. "WM1. It doe. not beoom. me to pro- BOOnea an enenmtum m ah .m.i.i performances." said C It. Palmer. Mayor ..i t ine imperial, yesterday. a timu irutmujiy say LT.au al though Itl . 1 vnrln.An.-1 -. - 1 I " i -', U.I been In fore only six months, the com- .....uu loon 01 government a applied to mutllrlnal I 15 '. a ; ..I " ' r iTtu uniform satisfaction. On thing la car- wiv mi ie mat unaer to. com- mlnlitn nl.n 1. I. ..IVI. J f . iivwiti, 10 ua roftiiuu. slbllity for maladministration. Another ucuaucisi result is tna I act tr.a t with thla responsibility fixed, a batter and m nr. aatlafantA.- j ., . - j wiiuimauftUQD u t puhllo buslnesa has bean accomplished.' Baker Making- Experiment. Wier Is th only city In the stat operating under a commission form of government. Prior to December 1 last, th business of that thriving Eastern Oregon city waa transacted by a Mayor and eight Councllmen. Aa la other cltlea, thla plan of operation did not produc desired results, and tt waa due largely to the recommendation of Wil liam PoUman. ex-Mayor, that tha old system was supplanted by th. commis sion plan. Th. municipal affairs of Baker are now conducted by three commissioners a Mayor and two other commissioners," explained Mayor Palmer. "Tha Mayor has general oversight of tha dtye af faire. By virtu of his offlo he haa charge of tha finance of the city aa well as the polio, department. He ap points all municipal officers and em ploye, subject to th. approval of th other cora miss! oners, and la held per sonally responsible for their conduct. "One of th. two commissioners haa charg. of th etreets and th lighting of tha city. Ail contracts for either street improvements or tha lighting of th city must first meet with th ap proval of a majority of th thro, com mlsnlonere. "The third commissioner Is known as the Water Commissioner. Be haa charge of the water and fir departments, and I also charged with attending to th asxiitary condition of th city. Keal BeneriU of Plan. 'The real benefits resulting from tha commission plan in our city consist of placing In th hands of a few men th. transaction of tha clty'a buslnesa and at tha aama time affording a direct oppor tunity for fixing th responsibility for service. The Mayor receives aa annual salary of (40. while the two commis sioners are paid tloOO annually. "Aside from being required to give all of their tlma to th city's business, th commissioner are also under heavy bond. Th Mayor la required to furnish a bond for tdu, 000. while th. two com missioners are bonded In th. euro, of UsO each. 'Tha Mayor and tna two commission era maintain offices in th. City Hall and hav. recular office houxa Thay are available at all times during those hours to Interested cltlaens and taxpayers who may hav Dullness to transact In con nection with th. city and Its affairs. "While th. commission plan, as I have said, has been in operation only alx months, ther. Is no general demand on tha part of th. citizens of my city to return to th old order of thlnga. Wa feel that further experience will produce even mot aatisfaotory results than hav attended th Introduction of th new plan of municipal government." Mayor Palmer la accompanied by hla wife. Together they will attend th. aes slons of the Independent Order of Odd fellows' grand lodge, which opens Its sessions tomorrow, as delegates from tha Baker lodge DECORATION CONTRACT LET East Side Streets to. Be Elaborately Adorned for Festival. . Th contract for decorating Grand j avenue and other East Eldo streets for th Rose Festival has been let. and th. work will be don promptly. An attrac tive design for th decorations has been Sdopted, constating of flags and stream ers, depending from the electric, poles and wires along tha streets. C a. Blgelow, member of th. com mittee, said yesterday that Grand ave nue probably will b decorated from East Clay street to Sullivan's Gulch. East Morrison street between East Sixth and th. Morrison brldg ap proach, and East Burnaida between East Elgbtn and to juurnsiaa onag approach. If funds can be secured Hawthorns avenue will also be dec orated between Grand avenue and Haw thorne bridge- Letters have been sent to business men on Hawthorn avenue asking for their co-operation In dec orating tha street. Th. fraternal parade will extend from East Lincoln street on Grand avenue to Broadway street, 40 blocks, and besides will take In some of the eld blocks. The extent of the line of march will b. settled when It is known how many, will be in th parade. Mr. Blgelow also reports that arrangements for the children's parade are going- forward. HIGH MASONS TO MEET Royal Arch Members to Visit East Side Temple Tonight. Special arrangements hav. been mad. by th. officers of Washington Chapter of Royal Arch Maaona to entertain the large number of Royal Arch Masons who will visit Washing-ton chapter to night to witness th. ceremonies of th. Royal Arch degree that will be con ferred In its full form. Th. lecture of this degree will b. given tonight for th benefit of all high Masons who hav. taken th. Royal Arch degree in th. last six months, and for tb. In terest of visiting; Masons. This lecture in its fullest form is seldom delivered In the Portland Chapters of Koyal Arch Masons. ARE YOU FREE FROM Headaches, Colds, Indigestion, Pains, Constipation) Sour Stomach, Dizziness? If you are not, the most effective, prompt and pleasant method of getting rid of them is to take, now and men,, a desertspoon ful of the ever refreshing and truly beneficial laxative remedy- Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna. It is well known throughout the world as the best of family laxative reme dies, because it acts so gently and strengthens naturally without irri tating the system in any way. To get its beneficial effects it is always necessary to buy the genu ine, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co, bearing the name of the Company, plainly printed on the front of every package. rj-tw k tke: favorite beverage. eSTT"" r-$Sr for men and women in every elslrl 2 walk in life. D. GHIRARDELH CO. Cost less than SNsw SAN FRANCISCO