irnT?YTn nnrnnvTAV. irnvnAV. "STAY 15. 1911. ' 13 THE V roB KtT. A part mn t a. LOWEST RATES I TUB C1TT. MOST LPO ANTLY r URXISHKO. -NOB HILL APARTMENTS. llh mad Marshall Th ar th ot elegantly fnrnlalld ..riTn.r'. In PorM-ind. hTing a.l mxJ- i convenience up-to-dt la vrr re elect Each apartment ta Iurlni4 l t K a nw elar-orat manner. wn !a Asm tnatwr raroet. lalV tn4 mahogany furnitur In newest d s.cna. s-,..-ia; itunUKt i dirotd la Ui extreme: low rat. No rach price for th rvte to b fouoj .:.-wh.r. in th city. Investigate ml you 11 b convinced. Strictly modm and op to Oat. Telephone Marshall 101X ' NOT 0?SX. THE LOVEJOT. COS. 171 H AND LOVEJOT. ( .V ILK. PROM 8 CAM A.NU 16TH-ST. CAR. TRUES: 1-roo fu!t l-T ,V0 to 132.501 l-nom euttei. 10 to 143. Nw. modern, corner brick. beauttrally furnished, all ready for Immediate boof. keeptng; nit larg recaption ball, bath, :eetrle dumb lvator to eh kitchen. Independent phone each apartment, beat JANlTOa rvl- In tba city: plenty of beat and HOT WATER ALL TH S TIM! nie large laundry, plenty of atorag room, ve room aa outaid room ana th price aro SO par cent tower tbaa any In th alty. If you want to aav money ana got im cum to in juotjoj. TEB JTXIAlf A- HIOH-CT.A AASTMWITS AT MOST REASONABLE RATES. ElexanrlT ftrralahad a and S-roora apart' xnente. atrictly up to date; larg. well Ilght4 rooms, roomy el.iaeta. rich furniture- vry cosy and homelike, near th boatnean caster. Trinity place, bet. Washington and SYarotg ata. THB WTT EELDON. Cor. Park and Taylor St TH3 WHEELDON ANNEX. Cor. Ten to and Salmon Sta Walking Distance. Furnished complete. 3. and 4-room apartmentas buildings new and- uiot:y ruodera. aerrlca flrat-olaea. "OHMXT APARTMENTS, aVkb, and Washington. Coxy, homelike, comfortable. 3 and a -room apartment, elegantly furnlebed: low rate; walking dlataoce. He ths before you locate. CiKMEUTA APAKTMENTa. Carn'r of 11th and JefTerson ta. foor and n-room apartments, onf urntshed. wlta reeepttoo bell, autotnatlo elevator. Pactfc etat.e Telephone In every apart ment and the moat modern convenience found in th city. Pbone Main 3SXW and Miea Atlen. the manarer. wlU abow you through tl.e apartxneata. or call u mala office. Mala 674. THE BtRKER Comer Jlst and Irving ate. This new 4-story brick, opened January L, Ivil: furnished and unfurnished In two. three and four-room eultJ wltb reception hill: laclnc rhou la eacb apartment: e e:trtc elevator. Tolmea disappearing t-ua bullt-ln buffet and writing deek. go; rangea Icebox, plenty of cioeet room. II tu aant aomething extra Bae. com t te kiriir. Mareliall -! VEINZ APAKTUENTST"-4lb and Columbia, block aoutb Irom Morrton atreet; new fcrt.-k bull.m. cornplitely firat-claaa. fur. nleMed In -J. a ard 4-ro.m family apart ntente. private bath. re-ptlou ball, iteeia heat, hot water, elevator, fre phone, com. preeaed air caryei cl-on'ng. Janitor rv 1': rent per month j in. tx and p; be aeen to be apyreclelei. KEELEK APARTMENTS. Comer leia. and Clay aueeta. Strictly higb-clasa. g-roora suite, unlumlaned. with Trt vat veaUbule. baitt and faone, eleotrlo aiavaior. llata. FLATS rOR RENT. uiotly modern In every re peat; el owe in oa two carlln. 'Waet Sid. Six-room flat. In new building, newly tinted walla: large airy rooma. wnll light, d ton on a coruert; tare closet In th rooms; bullt-ln wardrobe, bullt-ln pantry cupaoams; ftttei with steol ranges with aa plate; porcelain batha and orclala tatlonary washtuba. and iectrlcltyi window ebade. speaking tube and eloctrto door openers. Exceptionally large rooms, burrounded by good nelsbbora; rant SU per nioato. Apply for key at drug store, .corner a'ront and Ulbb iUmsUv Tak "r'ul ton or "a" car; about Li minute from &d and TVaahlngton. IN Irrlngtoo. mo.!ern lower ft-room flat. 403 E. lutb at. north, t block Broadway car. Inquire 314x Eugn at. KEW. atrictly modern. 5-room upper data. East Wta and Citii rent .11. Key 6o7 E. Clay, THREE-ROOM unfurnished flat, all con venience, luuulr Market, i'bon Mala ila. LOWER flat with hardwood floors: A-l aalgbborbood. Nob Hill; to responsible par l le only. P bun e l a l n g'Jiu. MODERN 4-room flat on Johnson at-. In h!gh-cl-i9 residence dtstrl.-t. beautiful yard. Weatern 6ec Co.. 4it Spalding bitlg. tl2 COLLEiiS ST. Next to com. r of iTbT lower modern a room, rent rusonabtc. Mala SJaa or A :7S. IIS lekum. XEW modern i-rooro upper or lower flat. ) atov and water heater; rent f2e0, lnoibttlLDa' 1 r r. E 4J1I. FOR RENT o-room flat, heat and water. Corner li:b and East Main. Key dd East Ma' a. NEWLY fumnhed 6-room n.t. mo-l-m; walking d. stance on 7ih St.. rtne nelgntor hood. Call 4.Q Swetljnd bldj. Main iZ32. fXRNISHEU 5-room Cat. new. raodzrnl walking distance.West PIde.MalaS-3i S-RuOM lower flat. 4"9 K. Murnsld at. R us ee.! as B.yth. Conunonwealta bldg. a-room f'e'j corner Esst Ninth North and S..huler. Llroadaay ctr. FVRNISHED 8-rvm flat, plena. West Side, ery central. Pbon A T1S7. and tss.-rr.ent. 2 carlines: f t. I'hone East NICE "furnieTcd lower flat very reasonable; cioe in. ::.'. cige St.. near Park. pi. AT for rert. 6-room and batit. lie. aJd augbn. Main .'1. Pl'KTLA ND He chts. 561 Davenport St.. 4- r h m nl. -! Am. I'hone A 1 7V. S-Hof net for rent; new and modern. I'hor.e Tasor 11'.. Ilouerkrwvenei Reeicna. lite. Hl'AVLIl. lib and Marshall, fur nl.iel for houeerteplng. gas rims, elec i-lc Itchta hot water, tath. laundry, free. S I rer ancn:h up: a clean p a.-e. beet la th vity lor m'ney; eiort d.taur from I n'on LepoL. Taae "S" or Idtb-et. rara It ti Min!n;iii.Ni,4 jjx f ! 30 TO WEEK; aleaa furatshed toucekecptr -ootra free lundry. bstb. phone. ,a.i !lnn. heat. 4ud Veaeoaver s . anl-'J.I tantoa.Jake u car Ni'w two an l thrre-rnom apartments, fur msbed or ur furntsue'l. ten minutes' waik , fr..n I'oa'offlce. price fr"-n 1 to t.e per moatn. pnone East 41 EAST MORRISON, comer :h; com. pvt-iv fcrniehd houaekeeplna; guitea talking distance. OLOfFT-IN ROOMS, rural bed housekeeping and slngl ro-ms. rent. l'J Park list. UOl rnlshed housekeeping room. 1 Puat at., room 1L Hnaeikreplng Binmi la rr1vatfamlly Ton RENT Cm tumlahed frort houa keeplcg room with m is elet-lc IKht. te. phon and batx 31 Williams iv S NU ELY furniehej h v:sckeep!n room, lower Boor, modern. E. Utirnelde. Two hoosakeepiag rooms for rent, inquir lid E. Levi et.. near led. OV3 room, fumlehed for hooaekreplrg. 40J Jd St.. cor. of Harrtsa. i H'BXt'HEI) honeek .ertng rotr.s. Irvlng toa. -l klaat lgbta ih MrU East 2 die. FOR ItENT. lieneek coping Boom la prtvat ramlly. TWO furnish houekeplng rooms, modern, centrally local, d, 2wj Urand av Norlb. Phon East ijX TWO-ROOM ault. heat. bath, phone, gaa nnge. hot water, clean, refined houi. reasonable. 2yJ llta at. FOR RENT Thr clean, furnished houe keeping rooms, down atalra. 61 Tnur- man at. Inqulr 129. T H k K E furnished hooaekeeplnif rooma.1 wa ter, electric light, bath and pbon fre. $4.50 th week. 104 4th. 1 StTITE of 1 large airy housekeeping rooma. gas range, free pbon and bath. 1U1 per month. 713 Washington; TWO or three furnished houeekeeplng room oa three carl. nee: gas. bath, caa range. r an t reason b I e. 8T1 N. 2-d. Msi n4 11 i LARGE completely furnished front suite, gee ran-e. free bath and phone: s24 par month. Ill Columbia sc. near dth. LAROU, clean front furnished housekeeping room; , phone; no children. 4tf Ever ett. TUREB furnished housekeeping rooma, gas range, walking distance. Peterson. 4S0 11th st. TWO housekeeping room, wood and ga range, bath, lis per month ; walking dis tance. Inqulr 125 N. leth. STEAM -HEATED houeekeeplng rooms. Phone, batn, laundry, best locality, ood til lean u H6l'SEKEEPINO rooms, neat and clean. hot and cold water, yard. Phone C SU22. 411 Broadway. CLEAN, airy housekeeping rooms, walking distance. 407 Holladay av; both pbone. H HOl'SSs and flats for rent. om furnished. MERCHANTS 8AVINOS at TRUST COMPANY. Fte map of city for Stranger. -ROOM unfurnished house with balh. newly painted and papered throughout. 127 14th t.. between. Washington and Alder. Rant 145 a mont to family. Apply 129 14th at. t-ROOM modern house, ae'ect nlyhborbood. 10 mlnutea from Poatotric, t?0w0 cash, balaac terma Provident Investment A I Trust Co.. 201-203 Board of Trad. l-ROOM modem house, carpeta gaa and wood rang, E 14th and Morrison. Very desirable. Inqulr owner, 812 Rothchlld bldg. FOR RENT 3-room bungalow In Waverly. ail modern Improvement, fireplace anil furnace, 1 block from Wavrlv-ltirhraond car; rent t2 Phone Marshall 1171. T-ItOOM houso. grounda 75x100. N" B. cor ner lth and E. Madlaon; rent 120. Own er. 4u3 Corbett bldg. MODERN 6-room house. Just off car Una. Inquire at Rogers-Hart-Glbaon Co, lilO Cb amber of Commerce. MC)LERN 4-room hous near carMne; rent ronabl; Inqur at Rodger Hart (ilb aon Co 910 Chamber of Commerce. 17.10 MODERN 6-room reeldence, furnace, gaa. electricity, attic and basement, do In. East Bide. Inqulr 110 3d su a-ROOM house, suitable for two families; rent I4.V Phone Mala 14GS during week and East 141 Sundaya. FOR RENT Modern d-roora house. (US MlT sisslppl ave.. corner Monro, inqulr 10 tSd N. Main Boa, A 314. alODERN t-room cottage hi Ideal View, high and sightly. 16 per month. Weatern Sec Co.. 414 Spalding bldg. t-ROOM modern house. If N. 17th. rent lis. Inquire H. Trenkman, 414 Market t. Phone Main 214 MODERN 4-roem house, attic Phona A 74H.V Key Ed E. 17th. S-ROOM furnished hous for rout. Phon Woodlawn --'4t. . FOR RENT 6-room furnished cottage; modern. Phon Woodlawn 1071 forenoons, HOl'SE. barn. 1 acre, frull trees. East 8td. Apply. SOS Taylor st. NEW six-room house, must sell Immediate ly. Phona owner. Tabor 11133, FOR REN T Modern ft -room houae, larg yard and garage. 308 Sacramento sL itpOOM cot tax-e. 141 E. 15th and Belmont, Phone Esst Ills. 4-ROOM bouse, thoroughly modern. Call II to ; or after 4 1'. M. lot Clay st. ' Furnished, Houeee, SjCELY furnished d-room house, with piano, fireplace and furnace, lawn and roeee: splendid locstlon. near Hawthorne; mod ern: to adult only. ISi. 2U4 . 34th at. B IPSO. FURNISHED hous In Irvingtoa for rent for about Id months. Pbon East 4"U7. FOR RENT To responsible people, a well furntshed home of 7 rooms, desirable nrixhborhood. West Sid. Phon Main n7do. A 4 :,. FOR RENT -Furnished modern C-room hous to August 1. at 3oth and E. M.iln sts.; owner going' Esst. Phone Main h -!. -ROOM furnished house for rent: tak Hunnysld or ait. Tabor car. sVm Belmont u 11-vsoeei for Rene rarwltar for !4l. t ROOM, gas. bath, furnar. on 15th at.: Soed furniture complete. Iron beda. good eddlng. Brussels carpets, gaa and steol ranges, big supply of dishes and cooking utensils, picture and everything for HvO, on esy terms; rent of hous only 130. Her I a fin chano for a lady to keep roomers or boardera on email capital. 2a will a tart you. ELLIS. SMITH CO., Iinuj Washington St.. Rooma 201 -101. I ROOMS, modern bungalow, new and up to dat In every respect; built for a home; Is now for rent. $). and furnishing cost ing 1i0 for sale for lisiu. This Is not a rooming-house proposition, but aa a home within 10 mlnutea' walk of the p. O. It haa no equal; lesse. and. If desired, three rooma can b rented to cover hous rent. ELLIS. SMITH As CO.. S ; v W as ill n g ton St- Rooma 201-211. ELEOANTLT furnlshd. modern 5-room flat. V sry close in. rent only gl'U. A anap at 1430. Might giv sou. term to rlgut party. Call E. 414B. FURNISHINGS of modem 7-rom house; furnace, electricity, gaa; rent J.": three rooms rented paying all expenses; very desirable. 408 lh St. A llWs. FRESH air, sunshine, fruit, berrlea. garden, rhlckena and 4 coatly furnlabed ruomi; prlc l-.o. terms. Rent llo. Woodstock ca r to ivanho. S block Eaa t. No 4S.0. FT."RNlSHINt33 of 8 rooma. new furnltur. good neighborhood, corner h- use. reason a pie ISa 13 1 h St.. corner Stark et- FOR SALE Plat of I room, furnished, cen tral location. Inquire. 141 11th. cur. Alder. JT.-RNITIRE of T-room hous f.-r sal, cheap for cash. Maranan iwi Bummer Ueeorta. SEASIDE CompUt furnished cottage, good lotation. Cheap If rented now. Phon B 17 Us. St FOR RENT Part of SoxlOO loft In center of wholesale district: light, beat and pow er free. Wosiern Manufacturing 'Jo.. o3 Urth st., 3d floor. FOR KENT- Slor on growing business street; plenty of customer to draw from. Phon Main 824, SEVEKAL atorra at eaat end Madiaon-st. bridge. to 1 1). a -cording to aixe. In quire 271 Hawthorn av. FINE lrxe corner storo for rent, cheap. Phone Main 4oa for particular. STOKE for rent In Princess Hotel bldg. In- qulre at hotel. r.aet Id jand BurnsMle. FINE brick cor. store. Esst 11th and Haw thorne App.y 1 1 j taet jitn, cor. i arunui. STORE for rent. Phon East 12. OfflceaT DNS location for dentist or physician on East bide; cheap rent to proper parti, MCAUOAK. PATES as LIVELY. VI X VH DIUE- FOR RENT Several stores and shops at east end MadUoo-at. brldg; rent 140 to IrO. according to aiae. Apply V. O. binlta Kul Co.. ;.o Hawthorne av. DLsIRAllpE OFFICEH. MANCHES. ER 1,1 an;., am ii. iia,a.i iiaaa aau UAa. FOl'R good-ataed office, good light and veo- ti.atioa, at too par ntuia, at iu aurn aon su m DESIRABLE front or back office to let. Willi gooo rv:ce. very rasonaoie Apply 4oi Buchanan DKig., : W asalngtonst. MCdT centrally located office, atl-augbt ele vator aervic. a.- nwet-aaa bldg.. or jaa Itor. th aad Waanmgton. NICE light front office with use of re p-tion-ioom. !? Board of Trade, Kortn west Realty Co-, per J. T. Morrow. ec. roll RENT Ground floor comer office; plenty warehouse room If desired. Call Via Horn Transfer Co.. 40 3i st. FOR RENT Dek room with no of typo- rlt er If uelrea. 1 ls wetik?db'dg. HALF of completely furnished light office; reasonable, ' i6 norteji bldg. FOR KENT Public balls. Allaky bldg.. 8d and Mornaoa. FOR RENT Dean room In offlc. Very roaa. onxl:e. S vl. oreaonlan. FOR RENT Front otTIo room. Allaky bidg.. d and atorriaoa. 110 FOR desk room In w.ll-llghted offlc. x.o i.aiiwsy r.xcnanga oidg. IillsK room in suit wiLh ataaographar. Ill atoara as i g ' ' " . f . . I nrciKa niRprrrtRT- OR RENT. Offks. OFFICE FOR RENT, f 11.00 to I-17.S0. MERCHANTS SAVINOS TRUST COMPANY. S. V. Cgmer 0th and Washington Sta. PART of offlc with us of table, chairs, phone, maps., etc.. H.0 per month. --7 Lumbar Kxcnaag bldg. Phon Marshall 101S. OFFICE to rent, fin front offlc room with lara-e double or alngle deak, for 1 or 3 peraoca; use of puon and privat of flc. Call 3 IT Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE Fumltur and leas of offio In Teon bldg. L O0. Oregonlan. TO LEASE. FOR LEASE: Oood corner 10x100 lot, right In the best business section. J. H. Tipton Co. 1104 Spalding bldg. See Mr. Haas, BAPEMENT for rant for storage; very cheapi cement floor. H72 Taylor at., near 14th. BrStNXSS OPPORTTNITIE."- PLANINQ MltX, FOR SALE. In town of I0s). near Portland; haa a good trad with adjacent town beside the town trade; all machinery necessary, but no dead stock; supplies on hand will b aold to purchaser at Inventory: best of ressons for aelllng; bualneaa . laat year NEAL FROWN. 701 Bwetland Bldg., Portland. "COME TO THE PACIFIC WITH WARD." Agenta wanted In PactBc Northweet. Pacific Mutual Life. 43 year old. 22 mllliona aasets. We losn money. H. H. Ward. Mgr., 712 Spalding bldg. FARMER or dairyman will glv yon half Internet In a good dairy and stock ranch; your money to b Inveeted In more atock, flrat-claaa opening; feed for 100 cowl and 7.'. head of hogs; atate capital you can Invest In first letter. Addrea T. J. Braden, R. F. D. Box . War nton. Or. CLIENTS needing money offer three lots. Fort George. L, 1439; lot B. , 7. block 20, section c. ll'OO; also lot 23. block 7. sec tion B. 1400. Spot cash. Splendid loca tlona. Much below list prlc. Richard Obee. 47 Well Fargo bldg.. Marshall 232. FOR SALE Cigar, confectionery and light grocery store: rent for store with 0 liv ing rooma. 123. Part cash and bnlnnco on time, or would trad lor lov and port cash. Must be sold on account of Prlc II 000; no agenta Aj . Orego nlan. DRY OOODS STORE. A choice 110.000 atock of ladlee" de at a aacrlrlce by owner on account of fall ing health. ORUSSI V ZADOW, IT Board of TrdBIdg.lth and Oak. LARGIiST realtyflrrnrin th ciy'hA open ing for thre experienced land ! ineo. Liberal commission ofTored to the men who cn g-t resulta Address AO 7. Oregonlan. giving full particular concern- Ing previoua experience. CHOICE GROCERY. Well located, on I nlon ave.: good traaej can b icreatiy Increased by adding deliv ery wagon; Invoice IJ0OO. GRUSSl & ZADTOW, 81T Board of Trade and Oak. WAtTED Party with rrvm 12300 to 8130I to tak Interest in good paying bualness; will stand Investigation; w taav good paing in fllfornla. The Ames Mercanttl Arency. Main Bttfk. 418 AMngton bldg. FOR SALE Well-established general mer chandise busmvas In best town In county; stock all new and clean; sales I.10.0O0 a year; cash or securities. B. Horer 4c Sons, Investments, Salem, Or., agents. WANTED An Invention-that haa merit and would b a houaehold necessity: can fur nish capital to manufacture and market; must have full details In first letter. W 101, Oregonlan. IOUNG MAN. STRANGER. Make careful Inveatlgatlon at expense of aeller before you Inveat money ta any proposition. Advisory Department. T. M. C. A. - . . REMBRANDT Photograph Ptodlo. .Will ell entirely or In part. Address or se th owner. Rowena M. Hogan, b25 Ablngton bldg.,Portland,Oi FOR SALE Fully equipped steam laundry, doing good business, cheap If taken at once. Castle Rock Steam Laundry Co., Castl Rock. Wash. WANTED Partner In repair shop, good opening for man handy, with very little rtir.ltal required. Inqulr 43 Grand ave., near Oak. YVANTED Honeat. aober man to help man age my renl eatat bualneaa. Am alou and tired of hired help. Little money re quired. 243 Fifth at. LNTENdTng to move my bualneaa, will aell leaa. Location, Russell, near WUlain av. Cheap rent, long laaao. T 104. Or- gonlan. 110AA cash A wood-working plant that turned away order last sesson and Is do ing so now; balance asy term. AJ 104. O re g onlan. MUST be sold, meat market with stock and flxtnres; well located: doing good business: prlc SX cash. German -American Land Co.. Newberg. Or. FOR SALE Auto repair shop on paying basis; will sell less than Invoice. Partlca leaving ate. Call or addreaa E. 8. Oa borne, 4::9 Belmont at. HALF Interest In so old-established bnsi ness, doing a good bualness. For full par ticular cll Kinney at Siampher. Lumber Kxcbance bldg.. rooma bOl-A.lx PATKN'I for aale, or to bav It manufac tured on royalty bnala; for full Inlorma tlon Inquire between 1 and 2 P. M.. or addra Daniel Nlemand, Medford HoteL I HAVE a good, growing, paying business, enough for two, can't handle alon, need a partner. A 7oOl. Fott SALE 28 shares of stock In Haxel wood Co.. Spokane, at 1120 per share; this la lea than book valu Jan. 1, lull. M. M wtepsen. Ames. Iowa. LIKE to go In any good, paying business, worth about 1 1 OOO , bualneaa experience. W 00, Oregonlan. WANTED from owner, motton-plctnra ahow. West Side, glv particulars. X 18. Orego nlan. BLACKSMITH wanted; onfjr ahop within miles; rent very low. good cash trad. In qulr V. S. Stables. 214 Kront at. FOR SALE Smoked meats, butter eggs and cheeae: have flno location; good lease. 2'S Washington st. DANDY llttlo 1 ft-room boardlng-hoosp; must roll; reasonsbl on account of Ill-health. Phone A soiii. ailiwiv. A 1 it lautsiniAL eitniaa. Telephone and other bonds bought and sod. Fletcher Inv. Co., 223 Ablngton. PLVMBINfJ business In town of 8O00: on other ahop In town; Involc about 18oa AV 41. Oregonlan. RESTAURANT. A good one: good leas; good trade: for aale cheap. 315 Davis St.. corner uth. BARBER shop for sale, 8-chalr; good busl. news, choice location, retlr from businesa. P 104. Oreeonian. FOR SALE A nicely equipped meat mar ket, a good stand: tuoo takes It. AT 103, Oregonlan. WANTED Partner with" 1400 for moving, picture ahow at Summer reaort, big money-maker. P etf. Oregonlan. PARTNER wanted .OHO to I20.0OO. In sawmill business; Boxorth-Will Co., 702 apaunng Plug. FIRST-CLASS bar for aale; don't answer unless you man business: no agent need RETIRINO from business. I will sell my dye worts verythtng complete. long lease. T lOS. Oregonlan FOR SALE Well-established cleaning and dvelng bualneaa For particulars address Chicago Cleaning Worka, Urania Pass, Or. WANTEIW-Partner-lnnn up-to-date two chair barber shop; rent 120 per month; goo d business: corner I d a nd M arket. BARBERS. 8-chalr ahop for sale, good lease, cheap rent. Addreaa Box 700, Rout No. 1. Portland. Or. SMALL money win put energetic man or woman In paying; bualneea. 833 Lumber axoasnts. FOR SALE Half Intareat 'well-established real eatat business paying large profits: tnvstlgat. Inqulr 417 Fntou building, fTbtt C A fill buys compiete restaurant on Msdlson si Inquire 284 1st u WANTED To buy a bakery In country, or location for one. J tod. Oregonlan. TJT YitYS complete restaurant oa Eacond u Inqulr at 207 Couch su 00 BUSINESS cards. l.o6Tyou must bring thl ad. Koe City Primary, lull, Third. LL'NXH oounter, good loUorileae and bustnasa. looo. AT SO, Oregonlan. irfOE repairing"-itor-foral."Apply at 8d7 Jefferson t- FOR SALE Half Intereet In good cash business. Call 167 N. flth at. WANTED A partner with email capital for vaudeville ahow. 8 105, Oregonlan. REST A I'R ANT for aale. good location. 84 Uj N. 8th at. . FREE lino AND A GOLD WATCH. Be our offer under NEW TODAY. RESTAURANT, very cheap, big trade. Ion: lease, well located; terms zit lslat. CLE A Nl VI and dyeing wotsu aaa location. Mala S4C2 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. . TAKE TOUR CHOICE. CONFECTIONERY. Money-maker; sales over 130 a day; expenses low; lease: 12000. GENERAL STORE. Close to Portland; trad 133 a day; no competition; 14u0. CIGARS AND CONFECTIONERY. Rent IIS; lease; trade 812; all new and (ood ; 530. FIXTURES FOR CONFECTIONERY. All mission; counters, ahelvlng. tci I loo, terma. PICTURE THEATER. Center of Eaat Side; everything com plete ; 750. HOME BAKERY. Mor business than they can do; losr sx peases; best buy In Portland; 1050. CIGAR STAND. On Washington St.; On trade lease! 11000. ' Many mor to ehoos from. Call and us. , HALL & GUSTIN. 611 LUMBERMEN'S BLDG. FURNITURE and horn furnishing businesa for aale. which last year made a net profit of IV100; established 8 years: in creased proiUe each year: good location, long leaae, low rent, low Insurance; brick building. 20,000 feet of floor apace, four floors; no shrinkage, no decay, no chance; a profit on every aale, will Invoice 110,000; runs Ita own wagon and team. No commission, no bonua; owner must sell half or whole Interest this month: the moat thorough lnvea-liratlon Invited. Call for owner on phone Main 30 or write to Owner." 2155 Glenn .ave.; 14000 cash down will handle this. 11800 CASH buy a good paying picture ahow. I am a builder and took contract for bulldlngi In Eastern Oregon. Must leave at once. Theater clearing 125 to 135 weekly. No opposition. 50 people In XMighbodhood. New building, long lease, moderate rent. Theater crowded nightly. A good square proposition. Owner Tabor 2145; night phone Tabor 324. ; NOTHING DOW-and 'balance paid from proceed of the place: this remarkable offer to anyone who will start ana main tain a chicken ranch at Moaier. Oregon. For further information addrusa or gee I). V. HAIU MOSIER. Or. Ko trouble to answer questions. FOR SALE Splendid restaurant opportunl- .... i . oonneoted with new hotel; beat location in Aber deen. Wash.; can be bought very cheap, as it must be sold promptly to satisfy creditors. Address F. W. Loomls, Trus tee. Aberdeen, Wash; W A NT ED Partner In large, modern rooming-house, one experienced and capabre of managing same; owner has other busi ness; price 13000; snap. AT 09, Orego niun. ROOMTNG-HOUSF-a. THE PACIFIC REALTY CO.. HOTELS FOOMING-HOUSES. APART. MENT-HOUSES, REAL ESTATE AND EXCHANGES Phone Main 8580. A 3175. ' 821-24 Failing bldg.. 3d and Wash. MARY E. LENT. Portland' "LEADING HOTEL BROKER" 18 ROOMS, on 13th: elegantly furnished, well carpeted throughout, basement, larae lawn furnace heat; also 8 fireplaces, larse. light, clean rooms; only 11700, on term. Marshall 383. 800 COUCH 12 rooms, neatly furnished on Couch, near 5th, good locality at your own firlce, must be sold oa account of death nfamlly; party must leave. PARTNER wanted for a clean business which will net you l-5 to ISO per week: IS50 required. Western Investment Co.. 417 Board of Trada. t PRETTIEST place In city, ten large, clean rooms, furniture new and good; no agents, must sell. East 80O5. C 137. 1500 CASH, balance terms, buy 11-room roomlng-hou; One furniture, good loca tloni rooma full. 2S4 12th at. FOR SALE lb-room transient house, cheap. Call afternoons. 20114 3rd su 1S-ROOM apartment, nowly furnished, new building for sale byowner. A3.)l. FREE 1100 AND A GOLD WATCH. See our offer under NEW TODAY. WANTED Good rooming-house, about 25 rooms; give particulars. X 88. Oregonlan. LOST AND FOUND. LOST May 8. black and tan dog. female; weight about 10 lbs.: brown spots over eyes, white strip extending half wav round neok on right side; answers to name Anna lep; reward paid for Information leading to recovery; notify 606 Marquam bldg. Main 135 or Tabor 2S02. FOUND Where you can buy genuine halt mattresses retail at wholesale prices; we renovate mattresses and return same day: we also renovate feathers. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metxgor. 226-228 Front. Pboae Main 474: A 1374. LOST At Oregon Electrio Depot or In Ore gon Electric car, lady- black purse, con taining 114: reward. Notify F. S. Goodwin, Hlllsboro. Oregon, route 4. LOST Gold watch. Saturday night, between Meier A Frank's. 3d and Mornaon; valued aa keepsake: reward. Theo Ball. 28 E. 8th. North. Phone East 6Q18. LOST In City Park, Sunday afternoon, small lady's open-face gold Swiss watch. Reward, 6&0 Lovejoy. LOST One roan cayuse pony. mare. .100 pounds. 1 white hind hoof. G. K. Collins. 21st and Carter. Main 5123. LOST On Friday evening. May 12. a gold locket and chain; reward If left at 327 Stark st. LOST White bull terrier, black right eye; reward. Finder please return to 403 4tli street. a LOST Gold necklace, keepsake; monogram "C G." on pendant. lieturn to 533 Mor rison. Reward. FKEE 1100 AND A GOLD WATCH. See our offer under NEW TODAY. LOST One hoop ear-ring, reward If re turned to 404 Multnomah. Phone Ecst 216. LOST-OId-fashloned gold pltT small ring attachment; reward. Phone East 47S7. SPECIAL NOTICKS. Proposals Invited. WILL reclve sealed bids at his office. No. 7 First street, room 8, Portland, Ore gon, for a certain stock of merchandise, consisting principally of paints, oils, crockery, hardware, tinware, graniteware, auah, doora and class, lumber and feed, amounting to 13781.40. together with fix tures amounting to 11147.75; all located at Falls City. Polk County, Oregon, up to 12 o'clock, noon, of Wednesday. May 24. 1911. Term cash. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accompany each bid and the right I reserved to reject any and all bids. An Inventory of stock may be seen at my office and Inspection thereof may bo had at Fall City, Oregon. Dated: Portland, Oregon, May 13. 191L R. L. SABLN. NOTICE TO BIDDERS. The undersigned wilt receiv sealed bids for the Improvement of Maxon etreet in the town of Camas, Washington, between the north line of First street and the south line of Fifth street, by grading same according to plan and specltlca tlon on Hi In th offlc of the Clerk of eald Town. Each bid to be accompanied by certified check for 10 per cent of the umount of the bid. Bid- to be in the band of th Clerk by 8 o'clock P. M May 23. 1011. The eatlmatad cost of aald Improvement la 1 Ooo. The Council reserve th right to reject any and al) bids. FRED B. BARNES, Town Clerk. NOTICE TO BIDDERS. The undersigned w-lll receive sealed bid for th Improvement of Clara street by grading sam between the north line of Third street to the north line cf blocks 58 end 50 In th Town of Camas, Washington, bids to b lu th hand of th Clerk by 8 o'clock P. M., May 23. 11)11. Th tlma.ted cost of ssld Improvement ta 11700. Blda to b accompanied by cer tified check of 10 per cent of Lhe amount of th bid. Grading to be done accord ing to plan and apeclflcatlona on tile in the office of the Clerk of aald Town. The Council reaerv th right to rJect any aad all bid. FRED B. BARNES. Town Clerk. NOTICE TO BIDDERS. The undersigned will receive bids for the grading of Burton street from the north line of Third street to the south line of Fifth street In th Town of Camaa, Wash., according to plan and specification on 111 In th offlc of the Town Clark. The estimated cost of auch work la 11400. Each bid muat be accompanied by a cer tified check for 10 per oent of the amount of the bid. Bids to be in the handa of the Clerk on or before o'clock P. M-. May 23. 1011. The Council reer -ea th right to re ject any and all blda FRED B. BAKNE3, Town Clark. TJ.E. ENGINEER'S OFFICE. Portland, Or.. May 16, 1011. Sealed proposal for fur nishing and Installing aboard the IT.- S. . dredge "Clatsop" a complete fuel oil burn ing system, and for the necessary alter ations In the dredge to accommodate the new work will be received at this office until 11 A. M.. June 14. 1011. and then pcbllcly opened. Information on applica tion. 4. s Mclndoe. Major, Engineers. Proposals l&vHedL ADVERTISEMENT EXTENSION OF WATER MAINS. CentraL Point. Oregon. May 11. 1011. ffpaled proposals will be received by the City Recorder of Central Point. Oregon, until o o'clock P. M.. June 5. 1911. Il extending water mains for the City of Cen tral Point. The work will consist of ex cavating and back-fllllng trenches, haul ing and laying steel pipe, hauling and f 'lacing valves, valve boxes, hydrants. All abor and material to be furnished by the contractor. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of City Recorder of Central Point. Oregon, or at the office of Osgood 4 Cummlngs, civil engineers. Medford, Oregon. All bids must be submitted on the printed forms furnished by the City R , oorder of Central Point. Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check In favor of the City Treasurer of Central Point for 5 Per cent of the amount bid. A bond acceptable to the City of Central Point will be re quired for full amount of the contract price. The right Is reserved to reject ny and all bids. J. W. Jacobs, City Re corder; W. C Leever, Mayor. OFFIChTTjEPOT- QUARTERMASTER, 1086 North Point street. San Francisco, Cal., May 15, lftll. Sealed proposal In tripli cate will be received here until 10 o'clock A. M.. June 1.1. lllll, for furnishing and delivering at the Quartermaster' depot, 43an Francisco, Cal., 10-H) pairs rubber boote, 920 fur caps. 7011 mackinaw coats. . 10 oilskin coats. 3O00 fleece-lined drawers, 640 pea jackets, 9118 pairs buckskin mit tens, 120O pairs fur mittens, 700 pairs moccasins, 27oO pairs felt shoes, 1400 pairs German stockings. 1330 canvas trous ers, ISoo mackinaw trousers. Kx 'oilskin trousers and 3S70 fleece-lined undershirts. Proposal blanks and full information will be furnished upon application to H. P. Young. Depot Quartermaster. OFF1CK Constructing Quarter aster, 4S2 Arcade Annex, Seattle, Wash.. May 15, 191L Sealed proposals, in triplicate, for the construction of a 2.000.000-gallon re inforced concrete reservoir, with water mains, etc.. at Fort Worden, Washington, will be reoelved In this office until 11 A. M., June 3, 1911. and then publicly opened. A deposit of 10 will be required for return of plana. Information, plans, apeclflcatlona and proposal blaaka will be furnished upon application to Captain B. C. Long, Constructing Quartermaster. SEALED proposals will be received by the State Board of Control, Olympia, until 10 o'clock A. M., May 25. 1911. for floor and wall tiling delivered and set at State Penitentiary. Walla Walla. Specifications will be furnished on application. STATE BOARD OF CONTROL. Olympia. May 10. 1911. ' FINANCIAL. 1100 INVESTED 15 years ago earned to date over 115,000. Write for booklet. San Fran cisco Home Builders. 871 Phelan bldg.. San Francisco, California. 13500 FIRST5 mortgage, 1 per cent, over 110,000 security; will discount 10 per cent for cash; this is 21 per cent net on your money. S 97, Oregonlan. FREE 1100 AND A GOLD WATCH. See our offer under NEW TODAY. Money to Loan Rett! Estate. 5 PER CENT MONEY. To build or purchase homes. Ton ars not required to own a lot, as we loan 100 per cent valuation on property that has a monthly rental value. This 1 the salaried man's plan to own a home. Call or write for particulars. STANDARD REAL ESTATE LOAN CO, i. H. Delaney, State Agent. 425 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 12000. 12200. 2500, 800, 1700, i000, 13000, on hand; we want to place thiB money on good mortgages at once; no delay; terms reasonable. Call at 906 Spalding bldg. Henry tA Prudhomme Co. loans! mortgage's! LOANS. AT 6 to & PER CENT. Large loans especially solicited. J. PRANK POUTER, 904 Chamber of Commerce. ON IMPROVED city property cr for build ing purposes; 3 to S years' time; liberal repayment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable Sav ings as Loan Association. 240 atark su PLENTY of money to loan at 6 and 7 per cent on real estate security. ED W. P. MALL. 104 Second st. I5O0.0O0 ON Improved city or farm property: building or small loans at lowest prices; large loans a specialty. J. H. McKenxis Co.. ;i4-515-51li Gerilnger bldg. FIRST and secona mortgages and contracts purchased on farm and city property any where In Oregon or Washington. JS. I Devereaux. Fenton bldg.. 84 tith at- 26 YEARS' experience We loan money for private Investors; Improved city proper ties only. M. E. Thompson Co, Henry Plug., ground floor. , MORTGAGE LOANS Kxclusiv eiy. EDWARD E. GOUDEY. Lewis building. WE HAVE plenty of money to lean on Portland property In sums from 11000 to fSo.Ooo at lowest current rates. Morgan, Pliedner & Boyce, 50b-oO6 Ablngton bldg. MONEY to loan on improved real estate or for building purposes. Columbia Life as Trust Company. 916 Spalding bldg. 1.1000. 14000, 110,000 to loan on good first realty mortgages. 7 and 8 per cent. J. H. Tipton Co., 1108 Spalding bldg. LOWEST RATES 1100 to 110,000 to loan on real estate. C. S. Nicklin, 35 Lafayette bldg., 6th and Washington st., Main 8529. IMPROVED or unimproved property: small bulhling, loans, contracts and mortgage bought, W. II. Nun n4 48 Sherlock bldg. LOANS made on Improved city property; io commission; funds Invested for Indi viduals J oh n Bain, 605 Spalding Mdg. SMALL and LARGE amounts to LOAN on REALTY. ASK MR. EASTON, 627 Board of Trade Bldg. 1200.000 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty, building loans, lowest ratea W. G. Beck, 812 Falling bldg. MORTGAGE loan on city property; lowest ratea A. II. Birrell Co, 262 McKay bldg, 2d and Stark. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASON ABL3 RATES. F. H. LEWIS. 8 LEWIS BLDG. State funds loaned, 6 per cent. W. E. Thom as state agent, Multnomah Co., 4oo C. of C Wlll loan $10,000 or less, real estate security. Farrlngton, 416 Commercial Club bldg. WILL loan 11000 on house and lot. ply 433 Worcester bldg. Ap- MONEY to loan, real estate. Smith-Wagoner Co.. 311-312 Lewis bldg. MONEY, any amount. 6 to 8 per cent. Good, noug h Seltx. S10 Spalding bid g. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LEWIS SALOMON. 2113 STARK ST. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collat eral security. C W. Pallet!, 30S-9 Fenton. MONEY to loan for Improvements; reason able ratea; easy payments. 302-3 McKay bldg RESIDENCES financed and built. A. C. Fu r Ion g. i3 C. of C. bid gMai ni05 L PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort gages. A. H. Miley. K. 204. Gerilnger bldg. MONEY for good Inside loans 6. 7, 8. Cariock & Muellhaupt. 10112 Cham. Com. PRIVATE-MONEY $1000 to loan on Irvlng- lon real estate. East 2053. MONEY to loan on real estate In amounts to suit borrower. Lawyers Abstract as Trust Co. MONEY to loan on Inside Portland proper ty. AT 32. Oregonlan. TO loan, 11500 at 8 per cent, first mort gage. Phone East 4481. SEE PRUDHOMME. J)08Spaldlng bldg. Money to Loan on Chattels and Salaries. g $81 $ 1 ARE YOU LOOKING FOR MONEY? If you know how easy our terms are you would not be abort of money. Dou't be bothered with a lot of small debts; let us furnlah money to settle ill em. i WE LOAN ON Furniture and pianos, storage receipts, livestock, rooming-houses and all kinds of securities; terms to suit; also easy weekly or monthly installments. We buy and loan on first and second mortgages and equity In contracts. U. S. REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE 'JO. 312 Hamilton Bldg., 131 3d. Main 108-1. ill i " WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN On salaries only. In amount of from 15 to loO, at the lowest possible rate. Business atrictly confidential. All w require is that you be employed on salary and you get the money quickly, without mortgage, lndoraer or other se curity. SATB 6HCUKITT cai 3os Failing bldg., Cor. Third an J "W hin x ton Sta MONEY loaned in amounts from 110 up on all kinds of securities, furniture, pianos or any personal property. Easy weekly or muntbly payments; low rates, confldenllal. Gray as Cunningham, 201 Rothchlld bldg, northwest corner4th and Washington. MONEY ADVANCED. On furnltur, piano, storsgs receipts, etc Lowest rates. HUTTON CREDIT CO, 807 Spalding bldg. LOW rates; we loan money on diamond and . Jewelry. Marx A Bloch, 74, 3d. LOANS on" diamonds and other securities. Wm. Holl. room 9. Washlncton bldg. MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewelry, strictly confidential. 141 u 8d. near Alder. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. XU Loan Co, 414 Lck.uA blug. Money to Loan on Chattels and Salaries MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Women keeping house and others fur nished without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments. Cyme and get money when you want it, and pay as you can. Offices in all principal cities. D. H. Tol man. 317 Lumler Exchange. LOWEST RATES Loans on all kinds of se- curity. chattels or real estate; Union Loan Co.. 35 Lafayette bldg.. 8th and Wash, sts. Loan Wanted. WE can Invest your money at good rates of Interest; gilt-edged securities; first roort- Jages; long-term Investment. Provident nvestment ft Trustee Co, 301. 301 Board of Trade bldg. ' I WANT one or two 2000 building loans, on the East Side of 61st atreet, between Siskiyou and Klickitat; will pay commis sion. Tony G. Anderson, 401 Lewis bldg. Phone. Marshall 1925. WANTED $1500. 11800. $2500, $3000, 14000 t once on good residence property, 8 per cent. J. H. Tipton Co.. 1108 Spalding bldg. ; $700 ON good cottage and lot near Killings worth ave.; thia la A-l security. 414 Spalding bldg. $4000 WANTED at 7 per cent on $9500 worth of improved property on East "i amhill st. See attorney, 414 Spalding bldg. - I WANT a loan of $1500 cn my house and lot from private party. Value $3000. T 90, Oregonlan. SEVERAL small sums, private funds for good realty security. vanauyn as v ai ton, 515 Chamber of Commerce. , WANTED $2000 loan on A-l West Side business property; will pay 6 per centi no agency. At? lira, regoiuaji. $1000 FOR S years at 8 per cent on highest grade Portland realty; no agents. S 18, Oregonlan. WANTED $1500. S years at 7 per cent on food residence property. Grussl 4 Zaaow, 17Board of Tradebldg. $10,000 WANTED for 5 years on real es tate worth $25.000. X 107. Oregonlan. $2000 wanted on flno residence, 8 per cent, o P-riY-ali Party. AT 102, Oregonlan. $4000 wanted on Irvington .home; will pay 8 per cent. AT 101, Oregonlan. PHONE TINDOLPH MAIN 8104. 813 BOARD OF TRADE. $0000 WANTED on city property valued at 135,000. 720 Chamber of Commerce. LET us place vour money, good mortgages; referencea F. H. Lewis. 8 Lewis bldg. SEE PRUDHOMME, 906 Spalding bldg. PERSONAL. WE HAVE the finest equipped private of fices on the Pacific Coast, furnished wltn every therapeutic appliance used by the most advanced men in Europe and Amer ica. We use no drugs, we never operate. We have something better. We uso every form of massage and adjustment and me chanical body treatments, -vibration, radia tion and heat. Bake ovens. X-Rays, static colls, violet lights and ultra violet rays. High-frequency, ozone, sinusoidal, helioa, solar, giant and King lights. We are the only physicians on the Pacific Coast using radium to treat patients. Come aud be examined free and see our offices. We have been in Portland over five years and treated thousands of patient and never had a death. We take no contagious or lnfectlou-j dis eases, neither do we go out of the office to treat patients. We can CURE, do cure and have cured thousands of so-called "Incurables" and nervous wrecks. In vestigate for yourself. We occupy the entire north haif of the third floor of the Rothehilds bldg. Dr. W. E. Mallory, Naturopath. HAIR. HAIR. Largest stock in the city to be closed out at cost, convent, German and pure hair cut from one head only; good switches for 95c and up; all fix tures for sale, large mirrors and wax fig ures, building torn down for Lipman Woife site. Grand Leader. 5th and Alder. DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and children, sur gery: chronlo and nervous diseases treated according to the latest methods: coniino mnt cared for; consultation free. 81SV4 Washington st. Main 3928. A SCOT. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE HelslngforS graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach allme.its, under physician's direc tions; baths, masseuse. No. 7 East 11th SU, second door south from East Ankeny oarllne. Phone East 200. B 1S03. , SWEDISH medical gymnast and masseur. C. Holmstrom. digestive, nerve, sexual and chronic disorders a specialty; only scien tific masseur la this city. Offices 3o2-3 Oregonian bldg. . FEBVET & HANEBUT. Leading wig and toupee makers: finest stock of human hair goods; hairdresslng. manicuring, face and scalp treatments 147 7th at., near Morrison. Phone Main 540. HELEN SORNS and J. E. Perry, magnetio healers, treat all chronic diseases. 2(574 Russell st, Portland, Or. Phone C 2127; hours from 7 A. M. to 0 P. M. DR. A. A. AUSPLUND. Diseases of women and surgery. Exam Iration free. 302 Merchant Trust bldg, 6th and Washington. Phons Main 404T. DRESS suits for rent, $1.50 month; keep your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on. rips repaired. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark. MRS. Stevens. 16 years Portland's lead ing palmist and clairvoyant, ha her- late book. "Palmistry Made Easy," on sale at 813 h Yamhill, corner Seventh st. MISS WALLACE Practical nurse, electric, magnetic treatments, rheumatism, lost vi tality, mental science. 190 11th st,; hours lO to 9. DR. WALKER, specialist for men. quickly cures blood and skin ailments, kidney and bladder troubles and piles. Consultation free 1SI 1st st,. Portland. Hrs" SOPHIA B. SEIP. mental scientist, Ofllce 22 Selling-Hlrsch bldg. Wash, st. Meetings Wednesday 8 P. M. Main 6S24. OLD hats made to look like new at the Make-over Shop, 415 Alder; feathers wil lowed. cleaned, curled and dyed. LADIES Lorenx antiseptic cones are sooth ing, rate and sure. Stipe Tsylor Drug Co, 2S9 Morrison st, WE do everything in ladles' tailoring; suits to your measure from $35 up. J. M. Ehrtich Co, Phoenix bldg, 5th and Oak. LORENZ NERVE TONIC TABLETS restore lost vitality. 25c box; 8 boxes. 11.25. Sups Taylor Drug Co, 289 Morrison St. LADY phvslclan can accommodate nervous and confinement cases; can employ your own physician. 340 Hassalo st, " OUT OF COMBINGS. Switch 95c; curls and pufl's, 75c Sani tary Parlors, 400 Dekum bldg. KATHRYN MORRIS, 422Vs Washington st, room 15, manicuring, shampooing; no signs. MME. Courtright. feature and skin special ist, 8U0 Swttland blug. Main 5042. BALM OF FIGS Remedies for disease of "1 - R'l, n.vl, et Main ftOi.V women. 532 Davis St. Main 9215. SCALP treatments, rooms 6 and 7. Alder at.; IIcitelElwell. 3i FREE $100 AND A GOLD WATCH. See ou offer under NEW TODAY. MOi.ES wrinkles, superfluous hair romoved. Mrs. M. D. Hill, 429 Flleduer bldg. M 8473. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. MACKENZIE. BAIRD 4 CO, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS,, AUDITORS. 224 Worcester Block. Main 7309. A 1449. Counsel and expert in all matters per taining to municipal, commercial, factory cost and Industrial accounting. COLLIS, BERKIDGE & THOMPSON. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. AUDITORS. Commercial, County and Municipal. Auditing. Investigating and Systematizing. 824 Worcester block. Phone Main 0567. Antique Furniture. BALTIMORE Antique Furniture Co, 471 Wash, st, repair and reflnlsh antiques and ail tine furniture, also make same, to or der; expert work, low prices. Phona Mar shall 1997. Assuyer and Analyst. W'ella as Proebatel. mining engineers, chem ists and assayers. 204 Washington. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. 168 Morrison st. Atton leys. A. E. COOPER, attorney-at-law. General practice, abstracts examined. Removed tovluKfclGON TRANSFER CO, established 1S7U. 1424 to 1423 Yeon bidg. M. Bi3. A ZOiL Bath and Swimming. Portlai-d Swimming baths, 167 4ii Elegant plunge; steam, tub and shower baths. 25a. HILLS SANITARIUM Rheumatic treat ment, elegant plunge. l9o Pront. M 45L Bras and Machine Work. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting and machine work. 106 N. 5th. Main 27o2 Collections. PORTLAND Collection Agel-cy al7 Allsky bldg. All debts collected. A 7317. M. 4222. Contractor. W L. BUCKNER. contractor. Jobbing, of fice and store aetting. 8 N. 8ta st. Main 68S1. A J802. Woodlawn 562. Chiropody. WILLIAM Estelle and Flossie Devony, the only sclentihc chiropodists In the city. Parlors 302 Gerilnger bldg, S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 130L CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Mill, room M Flledner bldg. Main 3473. I . , , Chiropractic Physician. -CHI-RO-PRAC-TIC TICK-NEll"; Say it fast and remember Columbia bldg. 12 to 5:3u. DR. EVA MARSH, first lady chlro. Dr. In Oregon. 223 Flledner bldg. Hours 9 to tf. Contractors. CARPENTER and contractor; Jobbing and remodeling a specialty; sign work, O. P. Bliss, 322 Stark. Phone Main 9017. ROBERT WAKEFIELD, general contractor. 414 Wells-Fargo blug. Main 5S0. Wood and Coal. DRY BLOCK WOOD, n.ixed with smaller wood $3.90 per load delivered any place In- the city. Portland Wrecking Co, 105- 107 11th St. North. Main 37. A 3738. BURNSIDE FUEL CO. Wholesale and re tail, 4-ft. sawed fir and hardwood. Office and yards at 125 E. 7th t Phone Katt ?24. B 2777. 6EGHER3 WOOD CO. Sawed 4-ft. cord wood and slabwood. 9th and Gllsan. M. 6359, M. 8351. A 2415. CENTRAL WOOD YARD Wood and coal. Main 1806 A 1106. NATIONAL FUEL CO, coal Marshall 900. 313 Water at. and wood. COAL ALBINA FUEL CO, BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. S3D ST. WOOD WOOD Dry 4-ft, sawed to order. M 4r.i. COAL, A 4547. Prompt dellv. Neer & Parr. Consulting Engineer. UNITED Engineering & Construction Co . Eng. and contractors. 711 Lewis bldg. Dancing. LESSONS 25c: 4 lessons for $1: wait two step, three-Btep, stage dancins, etc! every morning, afternoon and eve, Pror. Wal Willson'a School: oldest and only rec ognized academy for correct dancing. 8SQ Wash, st, bet. W. Park andgjjj1-' LESSONS 25c. Heath's Dai cing School, 109 6econd st-, between Washinmon and otarij streets; stage dancing taught, waits, ana two-step guaranteed in 4 lessons; class Monday eveulr.g. 8 to 10: lessons dally. . Dentists. ALVEOLAR TEETH where bridge work 1 Impossible: does away entirely with plates, brldgework; we cure pyorrhea vlo",a teeth) absolutelyt terms to reliable PuP'a: Alveolar Dental Co, Abington bldg. 1QO a THE old reliable Union Painless Dentists. 1st and Morrison sts Dog and Horse Hospital. Dr. Brown. D. V. S, office 129 N- .H'?.,,, Main 4086; res. E. 5440. Hospital 30 !- Llectrlo Motor Hospital WALKER-MACKENZIE Electric Worka, East 117. Motorssold,reuted. repalre Engines Gas and Steam. KOliER Machinery Co, Coast agta. Seabury steam engines and boilers, gasoline eu ginu. 2Sl-2b3 E. Morrison St. Pbone E. 1 Fans and Blower. NORTHWEST BLOWPIPE CO, 500 Lorlng st. Dust collecting and ventilating sys tems. Phones C 1115, E. S29. Iced Store. ZIGLER & MISN'ER, hay, grain, feed, ce munt, shingles. 294 Grand ave. 1k. 4s Landscape Oordeners. FIRST-CLASS gardener will take contract for looking after gurden .and lawns, or will work by day or hour; new work layeu, out; no gardcu too small; good work; prompt attention. A. D. Hennian, 3bo N. 22d St. Phone A 7440. G. H. SIEBELS. landscape gardener and nursery man, b.aa moved to ubii ! Otn. Seliwood 1 107; Leather and Findings. CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO, 74 Front. Leather of every description, taps, mfra. fiudings- J. A. STROVViiKlDGE-LEATHER CO. es tablished ISoS. 150 Frullt SU Medical. K. SCOTT, 923 Selling Diseases of the Kectuni. bldg. Moving-Picture Information. LAEMMLET333" OAK for-ail information on BUSINESS. Opcrat in g ta u ght. Muslcul. Emll Thielhorn. violin teacher, pupil Sevcik, OUO Marquam. A 4100. Marshall 109. Osteopathic Physicians DR. LEROY SMITH, graduate Klrkrvllle. Mo, class of los; post-giaduale. llu.. under Dr. A. T. Still, founder of the sc enes. 11U2 Selling bldg. M. 1387. A lDao. Dr. H. B. Northrup. 415-10-17 Dekum bldg. Nervous and Chrome Diseases. Phone office M. 349. Kes, East or B 1028. JaperingRndl'inting. TINTING, painting, paper hanging: neat, clean work. Phone East 358. , Paints, Oils and Glass COAST-MADE paint and varnish Is beat adapted to the Coast climate. BASS HUETER PAINT CO, 191 Second su KASMUSSEN & CO.. Jobbers, paint, oils, slass. sash and doors. Cur. 2d and Taylor. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured by J. K Mock, attorney at law, late of U. S. Patent Office. Book let free. 719Board of Trade bidg. U. S. AND FOREIGN PATENTS procured by O. O. MARTIN, 409 Chamber of Commerce bldg. R C WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat 'ents. in-'ilngemeut ca-ses. 64 Dakum bldg. Puvln. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company, 605 603 Electric blug. Oscar Huber, Portland. WARRK.N Construction Co. Street paving, a.iiewalksaudcrusswalks. 317 Been. blu. Pawnbroker. UNCLE MYERS Collateral Bank, 40 year in Portland. 71 Bth SU Maln910. Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and otfice near 24th and York sts. M. 8489. FOX & CO., 209 2d St. PLUMBERS. Main 2wl, A 200L COFFEY PLUMBING CO, sanitary plumb ers. 493 Glisan. Main 8487. " Kubber Stamps. ALSO seals, stencils, choice stationery, ato, Cunninghams. 2JI Stark. Mala 1407. " Bug Weavers. NORTHWEST. UUU W O SKB Ruga frcl old carpets, colonial rag rugs. East 35oJ. B 1-lbO 153 Union ave. nr. g. Morrlaun. Safes. PACIFIC COAST SAFE AND VAULT WORKS. Home products, factory prices, eaey terms; second-hand safea cheap. S!iiooms60Thlrd BU Factory Kenton. THE MOSLER SAFE CO, 108 2d SU Safe at factory pies.Jecoad-haadsale. Socond-Haud Goods. vsTF" nay the highest prices for second-hand frjhTngand shoes. A 3190. 5o Vl N. OIU, rjhnwi-aBcs. Bauk and Show fixture. T H F. LU IKK MFG. CO, branch Grand Rap lus showcase CO, 6th and Hoyu Jet. Lutke, manager . r HBIHDSALL, 208 HAMILTON BLDG, showcases in stockt; prompt delively. sale agent, MVjutr Lumber Co. MARSHALL MFG. CO, 4th and Couch; new and second-hand. Main 2703. Cabinet wurl. - bteamships. AL1 NLlNLue St. Lawrence Bouts. Weekly Sailings From vtoMTREAL to LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW, LONDON and HAVRE. FRANCE. Snlendld Scenery, shortest passage, low rates. By Any local agent or ALLEN & CO, 127 N. Dearborn St., Chicago. 7" Storage and Transfer. "FREE STOKAGJi FREE. All houaehold goods go Into brick warehouse free for the hist 30 tiaj's and at the lowest rates thereafter; moving aud packing done by experts. Van lioru iraus fer Co. Both phones. PICK Iransfer os Storaso Co, offices 'and commodious 4-story brick warenouaa. separate iron rooms and fireproof vault tor valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine nix. pianos and furniture moved and pacaed for shipping. Main 590, A 1990. ' OLboN-KOli TKANoFER CO. General transferring aad storage, safes, pianos and furniture moved and pacitad lor shipment, 87-09 Front at, Telepnou Main 57 or A 2247. aranafer Transfer and forwarding agents Storage oflice 310 Huyt sU,f between 5th and ota, pnoues Main p9, A 1109. Taxidermist a. MOOSE, elk heads, full work. F. B. pinley. 249 Columbia. A 1843. Typewriters. WE are the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast; Investigate: all makes, all prices. The Typewriter alx. change. 2S7t, Wasnington su TYPEWRITERS, all makes. 20 to $00, fully suaranteed, easy payments, rentals, $3 var nionth. pacilio stationery it Printing CA, 203 2d sU NEW rebuilt, second-hand rentals, at cue ratea P. D. C. Co, 231 Stark. M. 1407. Vacuum Cleaning. CARPETS cleaned on floor $1 per hour; rates to large houses. B I60O, East 4i97. Well Drilling. DRILLING wells a specialty; priced reason able. Call Main 1340 or write Miller Weat. 182 Morrison su. Portland. i